Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 14, 1865, Image 3

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L 0 CAL MATTERS. THE SHOWER YESTERDAY. Heavy Thunder and Vivid Lightning The S<tlp Caravan and the Marine Bank Struck by Lightning—Soldier of the 4Sth lowa killed. After nearly a week of most intense heat, which, a portion of' the time, was almost melting by day and suffocating by night, oiy city was yesterday visited by a most refresh ing shower, which cooled the air most agree ably, laid the dust, moistened the gardens in the suburbs, and was in all respects most welcome. The shower had been expected for some days by all who rely on barom etrical indications, but all symptoms of any thing like a satisfactory fall of rain have heretofore proved deceptive. It commenced sprinkling at about noon, and after fitful seasons of moisture the descent of rain com menced in earnest between three and four o’clock. The shower was accompanied by very vi vid lightning and heavy peals of thunder. We give below an account of the accidents which occurred, gleaned by our local re porter. At the time the Marine Bank, whifch is very near the Herald office, was struck, it had ceased raining, and the snnwas shining brightly. The flash came apparently, to those who could not see the heavy black cloud which immediately overhung the build ing, out of the clear sky, and to such it was tor a time a most startliug phenomena. It is thought the shower extended over a large section of the country surrounding Sa vannah, where rain was much needed. THE MARINE BANK STRUCK. The lightning rod on the Northwest angle of the Marine Bank, corner Bryan and Con gress streets was struck, about half past one o’clock. The fluid passed down the rod and the only injury sustained to the building was the knocking off of a few inches of the water tablff of the brick work. The rods on the Marine Bank, four in number, are of Spratt’s patent, and the rod struck has a point of sil vered steel with three needles of silver, the whole fitted into a brass cap. From exami nations made, it appears that the hook which holds the glass insulator was lost, the rod touched the water table and the fluid there fore came in contact with the building. Within one foot of the rod is a large iron railing, but the electricity seems not to have communicated with it. ACCIDENT TO THE SHIP CARAVAN. About half past three o’clock, this vessel lying at the Central Cotton Press, was struck by the lightning. The Bolt struck the main royal mast head, carrying away the ball and splintering the' mast. No further damage was done. THE CAMPS—-SOLDIER KILLED. , A soldier of the 48th lowa Regiment, sta tioned on the suburbs of the city, was killed about four o’clock, by the lightning. De ceased was sitting in his tent when struck. The lightning struck in the vicinity of several oth|r camps, but no one else was injured. FIRE. Last evening about eight o’clock a quantity of lime, stored in Harding's Press, Eastern Wharves, by the rain coming in contact with it, w'as discovered to have caught fire. By the prompt arrival of the Washington Fire Company No. 9, the flames were extin guished. SECOND ALARM OF FIRE. About fifteen minutes before ten o’clock, after the firemen had retired from Har ding’s Press, having as it was thought, extinguished the fire which was in the Eastern shed, it again burst out. When our reporter reached the Press the southern half of the lot of lime, about 1200 barrels, was burning in many places, threat ening a destructive tire. Lieut. Knowlton. A* A.Q. M. and Mr. Thos. Gleason, with the laborers of Lieut- Kno wlton’s departments, were working industriously to save the pro perty. They were assisted by Mr. Paul Bulger, Foreman of the Machine shops, and : its mechanics and laborers, the officers and crews of the Trade, Emily Myers and the Titania, vessels lying at the Eastern wharves. The lime is the property of Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin & Go. and is not insured. Captain Latham, who had also stored in the shed, over 100,000 cane reeds, will also be a se vere loser, his goods being badly damaged by removal, the engines and hose carriages passing over - them. When our reporter left the scene of the conflagration the firemen audflieir assistants had full control over the fire, and the lime not injured was being re moved from the shed and the flames well confined to the interior of the shed in which it originated, and which itself has not sus tained any injury. OTHER DAMAGE. One large itres on Johnson Square was considerably damaged by the wind during the sfeower, and several were blown down in other Squares. A few blinds were also blown off buildings, and there were some other slight instances of damage. Anneal Exhibition of the Pupils of the Sisters of Mercy. -r-This very interesting ex hibition takes place this afternoon at three o'clock at St. Andrew’s Hall. Thei|worthi ness of the object of the exhibition —the bene fit of the Orphans under the charge of the Sistes, —and the interesting character of the exercises should attract a full audience. Wash*gton Fire 00.. No. 9.—This Com pany, who had their engine and hose cart working for a long time at the first fire last evening, prior to assistance being rendered them, and who bad the flames under control, are deserving ot thauks. We regret to learn thatAheir engine, “ Live Oak, ” sustained a grelr injury by having one of the plungers of the pumps smashed. The necessary re pairs will be immediately made to the en gine. In the meantime, the Washingtonians will keep ready for all emergencies their hose carriage. Vagrancy.— The recent order issued for the suppression of vagrancy is working ad mirably. No loafiDg is permitted either in the market or on the wharves. Every one caught loitering or idling is escorted to the calaboose and is accomodated with quarters, and when introduced to Judge Smith, he rids the community of their further presence. Mr. James Leavy’s Card, in another col umn, deserves attention. He is a courteous obliging gentleman, and has a large stock of ales, wines, and liquors from a good market, at No. 6, Stoddard’s Building. His prices have onlv the freight added to New York rates. - / Robbery.— On Tuesday night last the store of Messrs. R. Habersham & Sons, Bay street, was entered and robbed of goods to the value ot several hundred noil ars. , Pilo ts for the Altamaba will find an ad vertisement interesting them in another column. THE COURTS. Post Provost Court—Capt. Jas. E. Smith, Judge .Presiding.— Savannah. July 14, 1865. United States vs. Thos. C. Ford, continu ed from 13th inst. Judgment—guilty on charges of drunkeness, abusing his family, loading a gun and threatening to shoot any one who acme near him, and using abusive language to a United States policeman. Or dered that the prisoner be fined in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; hi default of payment of said fine, to be imprisoned in the County jail for a period of five months. United States vs. Catherine Moore—Dis brderly conduct iu Price street on the 13th inst. Plea guilty. Ordered that from the mitigating circumstances attending the case, the prisoner be discharged from custody. United States vs. Philip Boots—charged with stealing one pair of wheels, the proper ly of the United States, on the night of the 13th in9t, at 9 o’clock A. M. Plea not guilty. Verdict guilty. Ordered that the prisoner be confined in* the County jail for a period of four months. John R. Hover and D. L. Sum mers, prosecutors for United States. United States vs. Tho 9. Maguire, John Fallon and Patrick McCluskey, wearing the uniform of a United States soldier, plea of first, defendant not guilty ; second and third guilty. Ordered that the defendant in the Ist case be dismissed, that the defendants in the second and third cases be turned over to the Post Provost Marshall, with instructions to have them police the streets of the city for 15 days. Sami. Wood prosecutor for the U. States. Isham Stevens vs. Cha9. Watts, both col ored, using threatening language to plaintiff; amicably settled. Counsel for plaintiff, Levi S. Russell, Esq. United States vs. A. Druramon (colored), charged with interfering with the Street De partment on the 13th inst., fined five dollars, fine paid. Prosecutor for the United States, John Harrison. United Stites vs. Joun Wilson, Henry Davis, Robt. Johnson, Zach, Andrew Stew art, Sami. Mitchell, Joe Dryer, all colored, wearing United States uniform, contrary to General Orders, No. C, plea not guilty. Or dered that Stewart Johnson and Davis be discharged iu consequence of their ignorance of the Order, that Jack Wilson and Mitchell, be turned over to the Post Provost Marshal,« .with instructions to have them police the streets of the city for 10 days ; that Joe Dryer be fined in the sum of ten dollars. District Provost Court —Hon. Eben Par sons Jr., Judge, Presiding. Savannah, July 13ih, 1865. Daniel Smith vs. Cha9. Farrelly—recovery of premises; it appearing to the court that defendant has had ample and legal notice to vacate the premises now occupied by him, and that said notice has been disregarded by him, it is now ordered that the defendant va cate the house now occupied by him, at once, or otherwise be forcibly ejected.. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. W. S. Chisholm and Hon. P. M. Russell. Wm. Swell, Agent, vs. L. M. Winkler— action of ejectment; it appearing to the court that the defendant had notice served upon him, to deliver peaceable possession of the premises occupied by him, which said notice ha 9 been disregarded, it is now order ed that he vacate the premises by 12 o’clock to-morrow, the 14th inst. Counsel for plain tiff, Hon. P. M. Russell. Win. Swoll, agent, vs. Baker (colored)— Action for ejectment. It appearing to the Court that the defendant has haa notice sserved upon him to deliver peaceable pos session of the premises occupied by him, which said notice bas been disregarded, it is now ordered that he evacuate the premises by twelve o’clock to-morrow, 12th iust. It appearing to the Court, upon the appli cation of Mary Jane Braceil, f. w. c., that she iJhesirous of hiring herself to Mr. P. M- Russell at the rate of $6 per month; and it also appeariug to the Court that the said P. M. Russell is desirous of obtaining the ser vices of the said Mary Jane at the compen sation above specified, for the purpose of doing general housework in his family: Or dered that the contract above entered iuto between the parties named is hereby ratified, and that the said P. M. Russell is hereby empowered to take the said Mary Jane for the purpose above set forth, until the con tract thus entered into shall be dissolved by mutual content; and it is further ordered that the said P. M. Russell shall have ample authority to protect the said Mary Jane from any improper interference from any person whatsoever. Triphinia Buttice vs. Judah Solomons, re covery of wages $4. It appealing to the Court that the defendant has failed to appear in obedience to the summons issued. Order ed that plaintiff have judgment by default for $4, with costs of suit, which said amount will be paid by to-morrow 14th inst. Hannah Roberts vs. Mrs. Daniel Lee—in dictment for $lO. It appearing to the Court that plaintiff recovered against defendant | judgment for the sum of ten dollars, princi pal. and two dollars and twenty-five cents, co6ts of suit, which said amount Remains still unpaid. Ordered that defendant pay the amount of the judgment and costs, this day, and upon failure to do so h sufficient amount of her effects will be seized and sold to liquidate the claim. John Foley vs. Patrick Carroll—recovery of rent, to the amount of $l5O. Judgment for defendant. Counsel for plaintiff, M. J. Ford Esqr; for defendant, J. R. Sausey, Esq. Wm. Swoll, Agt., vs. Mrs. Cummings— recovery of rent to the amount of $36,00, set tled by-consent of court. Counsel for plaintiff Hon. P. M. Russell, for defendant, 9. Y. Levy, Esqr. T- R. Stone vs. Leah Jones (colored) —re- covery of rent, claim $lO. Judgment for plainliffin the sum of $10 l with costs of suit. Ordered that the amount of judgment and costs be paid by the 12th day of August. Geo. T. Turner counsel for plaintiff. J. R. Stone vs. Berry Lafette—recovery of rent to amount of $10; judgment for plaintiff with costs of suit. Ordered that the amount be paid by the Ist day of August. Counsel for plaintiff, Geo. J. Tprner. Mrs. Theresa Neve vs. Sarah Ann Sharp (colored)—recovery of SSO rent; it appearing to the court that the defendant has failed to appear in obedience to the summons issued. Ordered that judgment be rendered up agaiust defendant by default, and that defendant va cate the premises upon a written notice be ing served on her personally to that effect, at the expiration of fourteen days from the date of 9aid notice. A>petition of J. C. Morel, a citizen of Ef fingham County, shows that on the sth day of July, 1865, this Court passed judgment in the case of Claiborne Berill vs. J. G. Morel, ordering the latter to turn over to Berill a certain larra in Effingham County, and to ac count to him for all crops growing upon the same. The petitioner further claims that he was unrepresented in said case, and that said farm was legally rented from said Berill &c., and that the facts set forth in the petition of said Berill are false. Upon motion of Hon. Thos. E. Lloyd and Julian Hartridge, it was ordered that the judgment of the above specified date be set aside, and the case be re-instated on the docket, that the petitioner, J, G. Morell, be beard in his own behalf. Jlrribiils. PULASKI HOUSE, JULY 13. 0 W Ballard, USA, Frank Geitte, Hilton Head, A W Ballard, do. Capt R A Logan, 14th Me V, Jpo B Butler, Hilton Head. J B Wiswell, do N S Crowell, Augusta, Ga, Lt Wm W Gray, do Capt C Wolthamp & lady, Lt H G B <lkau. do Augusta,*Ua, Wm H Newman, do J Mortimer Crawe, Surgeon Dr P C Davis, USA, 128th N Y Vols, H A Hunt, Sparta, Ga, J M Van Den Bergh, 162d NW H Clark, do Y Vols E V Stevens, U 8 Mil Tel, SEA ISLAND HOTEL. CHILTON HEAD,) JULY 12. S S Harris, Post ChaplaiD, | Col Rulphely, Michigan, Beaufort, E Waltyen, Charleston, J O Nichols, Ladies Island, I Maj P E Dye, USA, Capt J D Cox, Hilton Head, rG Pinsberry, A A C T B, G Kobie, Beaufort, I Charleston, R Tomlinson, Beaufort, ICupt Moore, A Q M, do. PORT ROYAL HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) JULY 12. Capt 8 S Marseiles, 3dUSCT|Surg E C Fox, 26th U S C T Mrs Webb, Hilton Head, Lt R W Bourne, IS7tkNYV, RColbrook, do, IF E Bryant, Hiltton Head, B F Coburn, Washington, I I Conley, do Lt T A Hills, 3d USC T. W D Graves, do Lt J J Stuart, 34th U S C T.l A Anderson, do S L Wyley A lady. Savan’h, JLt C APaddock, 167thNYV, Col Costley, 64th N Y Vols, D McDonnell, Hilton Head, Col Caunicboe, 167th do, Lt M Palmer. 167th NY V, Capt J J Cox, 56th do, Lt J H Wright, do, E J Robinson, Savannah, Capt F L Briggs, L Lorenzo, do | W Foley, Savannah, Capt B W Tilton, Charleston | pipping PORT OF SAVANNAH, JULY 13. Arrived. Steamer Gen Shepley, Morse, Hilton Head. Steamer Eruelie, Hand, Hilton Head. Steamer Loyalist, Huffman, Hilton Head. Steamer Canonicus, Burne, Hilton Head. Cleared. Steamer Gen Shepley, Morse, Hilton Head. Pioneer Line steamship Chase, Rodgers, New York. Exports—Per Steamer Chase for New York.—4s2 bales cotton; 22 bales Sea Island cotton; 68 bales domestics; 3 bbls- metals; 5 boxes candles ; 28 pkgs merchandise. Plssenolr*—Per Steamer Chase.—Wm Kelly; John Curtin; M 0 Douaugb ; G P Screven; II 8 Brown; W H May; A N Robinson; A P Wotter; F A Motlsy; F W Ste vens ; J McCune: Mrs Ynlee, 3 children A servant; S W Barnard; H M Davenport, lady, 2 children & servant; L L C Norvell, lady, 4 children & 2 servants; J M Nash; F C Barrett, 0 W Yulee, Miss Wescott, Mrs E K Smith ; B Straus, Capt K 0 Houghton; S B Goodwin; John Screv en ;S C Cblt; A Reppard; D McDonald; A H Powell; W H Gray GB Fuller; Coburn; Hunter; and others in steerage PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. July 10—Schr Anna C Leverett, Booth, NY; schr Pilot’s Bride, Blatchford, N Y. Cleared. Jnly 11—Sloop Rebecca Hertz, Smith,' Darien; steam ship Fulton, Wotten, New York. —i—l— J^OTICE OFFICE POST COMMISSARY, > Savannah, Ga., July 10, 1860, I Sealed Proposals to furnish this Post with eight thousand pounds.of Fresh Beef per week for three months, commencing Aug. Ist, and ending Nov. Ist, 1865, will be received at this office until July 20. 1865. The Beef to be furnished tri-weekly, and of good quality, dressed, excluding necks and shanks. Persons making proposals will state the average net weight, quality, etc., of the Beef. Proposals to be opened in public .July 20th, and subject to the ap proval of the Commissary General. N. H. OGLESBEE, jylO _lot Capt. and Post Commissary. TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers iaige.aud airy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments onbusiuess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o’clock p. m. ju22 J R. SOLOMONS, M. D. ‘dentist,. From Charleston, S. C., offers bis services to the citijens.of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.— Dr. Jas. B Read, Dr. Jdhiau Habbib, • Hon. Soi.omon Cohen, W. N. Hauebsua.v Esq„ •ull ts A. A. Solomons A Cos., rjqjE NEW SKIRT FOR 1806. “BRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC.” A wonderful invention for ladies. Unquestionably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement in the Savannah Herald containing full particulars' every Saturday morning. jy« 6taw3m TO MECHANICS. Proposals will be received, separate or together, for the raising of the steamer SWAN, where she now lies, near Screven’s Ferry, and delivery at the whaf in this city And for the rebuilding the wood work, and pat ting up the engines. Particulars will be made known on application to M. A. COHEN, Agent jyT-.T A t Home Insurance Company Office. lapping. OTAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. The U, S. Mall Steamship NEVADA, Capt Carpen ter, having new and superior accommodations, will leave for the above port on SATURDAY. 16th in»L, at half-pasti o’clock. p. m For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., jyl2-4 Agent*. J7IRF.IGHT FOR AUGUSTA^ Steamer Amazon will receive freight lor Augusta on SATURDAY, July 15, and leave with despatch. 3 — ■ —I ■" *!■ ■ ■' ' jyjERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. COTTON FOR NEW YDRK The fine Ship CARAVAN, Capt. Jas. Lawler, la now receiving Freight for New York, and will clear on THURSDAY, July 20th. Steerage Passage sls Parties wishing to forward merchandise must apply soon, as a large part of her cargo is already engaged. CHAS. L. COLBY. jyl2 Cor. Bay and Abercom sts. AND PASSAGE FOR NEW YORK. MERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. ~ The fast sailing A1 Clipper Brig LEONARD MYERS, Capt. Wm. Smith, will commence loading for the above port on THURSDAY, July 13th, and Will clear on MONDAY, 17tb. Has superior accommodations for passengers. , First Cabin ~. .S3O. Steerage ; 16. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., jyll-0t Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. jy£ERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER BCHOON. ERS FOR NEW YORK., The undersigned intend to keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vaagah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, wtth promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., JulS cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. STEAMER FOR SALE. An Iron SIDE-WHEEL, HIGH PRESSURE RIVER STEAMER, Drawing 22 inches of water. Hall 166 feet long; 26 feet Beam; 6 leet 6 inches depth of hold.- bas two In clined Engines. 20 Inches diameter of cylinder, C feet stroke. Also, a Donkey Steam Pump. The lower deck is clear for freight, and the passenger accommo dation is above. She is well adapted for trad eon a shoal water river. Is entirely new, well and siibstan tially built, and will be sold at a bargain. Apply to PUSKY, JONES A CO., Iron Steamboat Building, Wilmington, Delaware. julT lm rpO 'COTTON SHIPPERS. ALEXANDER HARDEE, COTTON SHIPPER, —BAS OPENED, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON A BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AND— SHIPPING COTTON FOR THE PUBLIC. - AX THE—‘ / L OWEST RATES, FURNISHING INK, *O. Jyi Uu_ L. JONES,. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 17 Broadway, New York. Liberal advances on Shipments to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER A GAMMELL, Agents Pioneer Line Steamships. • 84 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference in New York— . Meters. Spofford, Tu-eston A Cos. may 26 3mo Q S. BUNDY, v GENERAL AGENT ' ANIJ ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between 13th and 14th Sixes ts. (Near Pay Department! WASHINGTON, D. C. ju3o • ts J£IRLIN, BURKE, A BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS if m ALBS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Cornee Whitakxh Street and Bat Lane, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED _ ju2l ts ! SUTLERS AND MERCHANTS. The subscribers offer for sale at No. 4 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head. S. C., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK. At prices which defy competition, consisting of Crackers, Butter, Cheese, Hams, Canned Fruit* snd Meats, Tripoli Emery Paper, Segars, Tokscoo, Ales, Wines, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Paper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Stationary in variety, Army Ranges, Yankee Notions, Hardware, These goods will be sold without regard to cost. Why send your orders to New York when you can bay cheaper at home. ju23 ts C. W. DENNIS A CO. Unmsemttits. £ AVANNAH THEATRE. SWEATNAM HAS REMOVED W. P. BWB ATM AM Sole Lessee and M. nnjer Mb Phil Milton IStaoil MaHa hi M. Fmjiimthyaee. . Musical Director FRIDAY EVENINQ, JULY 14, 18S6. Songs To-Night 1 Dances To-Night I Irish Jig To-Night 1 Essences To-Night! Music To-Night 1 Ethiopian Delineations To-Night! And Roaring Farce To-Night. Milton, Brydon, • Sweatnam, Blance, Stanwood, Wallace, La Belle Louise, Lotty Howland, Mrs. Berrell. IN FAVORITE CHARACTERS. Dress Circle and Parquette $1 00 Second Tier and Balcony 76 Amphitheatre 60 Private Boxes $6, $8 and $lO 00 Box in Colored Gallery 16 Colored Gallery #) Doors open at 1%. Overture begins at B*. Special Notice. —Ales, Wines, Tobacco, Ac., may be obtained at the Refreshment Saloon, adjoining the Hall, day and night. jyll-1 LECTURE. POSTPONEMENT. When tlie appointment was made for Doesticka to deliver his Lecture on Saturday Evening, July Bth, the fact had not yet been made public that this evening had been selected for the Benefit at the Theatre of Miss Florence La Fond. Courtesy to that lady has in duced a postponement of DOESTICKS’ VERSIFIED LECTURE ON PLUCK, Until SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 16, 1886. AT TUE SOLDIERS’ ‘CHAPEL, HILTON HEAD. Jyio fi UAKTEN, * (Congress st, between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,) REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BT TUI SAVANNAH ORCHESTRA, Prof. E. Richter, Leader, EV Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety. lmo JylO iJ- ' .I' l-1 n. gY ISAAC D. LaROCHE. AT PRIVATE SALE, 26 bbis. extra PRIME PORK, 20 bbls. MESS BEEF, 20 boxes SOAP, 10 bbls. SYRUP, 200 sacks OATS, 100 sacks CORN, 100 bbls. WHISKEY, various brands, 36,000 SEGARS, do do 26 bbls. GIN; ,20bbli. GRIST, 20 bbls. MEAL, Jyl2-6 QLAMSI CLAMS! I have the best Clams at Hilton Head, and tbe best Cooks, in proof of which statement I. adduce tbe fol lowing testimony from Mr. Beni. Honey's advertise ment m the Savannah Dailv Heraj.d, of tbe last or two: “There is no man In Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at tbe Eagle Saloon, In rear of the Post Office. “Thebe is Where the Lacoh Comes In." My dear Ben we wish you a long life and a merry one. In addition to tbe above luxury, we furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, or any other place In this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied that whatever we advertise you will find to be correct. Do not forget our old established house, in the rear of Post Office. PETER FITZGERALD, ju3o „ Proprietor. JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINESAND LIQUORS, AT WBOtIIALI, FOB FAMILY D S 1,1 AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL B. SEALY A CO. may24-tf £EUAL NOflcfc. • The undersigned having resumed the practice of his profession, may be found at bis old office, next door to the Central Railroad Bank. Jyß-lw • THOS. E. LLOYD. UKIT'FJN A CO. ~~ W s ß?Gbiffb«, J. C. Millnxh, F. Plumb. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AtJGUSTA, GA. Will give prompt attention to all consignments and make liberal advances when desired. Juß6-lm rpb"SiirPl’£Rs Of 1 COTJ ON AND OTHfiH 1 SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vksey Strut, Yob*. And Memphis, Tenn. Tuomjji Penwkjb, H*»Bt D. W. Bowmah. JyQ £2 SIXTY BALES HAY, Landing from Steamship America. For sale by BRIGHHM, BALDWIN A CO, WHITFOKD A ecu ' MANUFACTURERS amp WHOLESALE DEALERS IK READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 amd 333 BaoADWAT. oor. Worth Strut, NEW YORK. T. F. Cabhabt, I Hbmky Shafer, Wm H. Wbitfobd, I A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Wabbmbm. Office of Payan k Carhart in liquidation. jy« 3m TKKLE A BURBANK, • ii Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Call the attention of Wholesale and Retail purchasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, _ Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries,Boots, Cape Field Glasses, Gauntlets loves. Ac., Ac., Ac. S ALT. \ 100 Sacks Liverpool SALT in store and for mle by JAS. DOY Lb* Jyl2»Sw Cor. Bay and Whitaker sts,