Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 15, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1805. s I'ltO.H OCU EVCKIKG EDITION UF YESTERDAY. Tub Sunken Steamer Gen. Lee. — This steamer, which now lies sunk in the river a short distance above the city, is ordered to be sold forthwith. It will be remembeied that she was some time ago offered for sale at auction by Lt. Knowltou, but withdrawu from sale by orders from Gen. Uillmore. Orders have now been received from Gen. Gillmore to put up the Lee lor positive sale. The General Lee is but little damaged, her machinery being entire and in good order.— She was run on a snag by the pilot in charge of her at the time, oue George Bell, who has not since been heard of. The Captain im mediately put the boat ashore and made her fast to the bank of the river by means of lines at bow and stern. During the night the cross-trees to which tae cables were attach ed drew out, aud the steamer slipped down into deep water, where she now lies. It is believed the steamer Gen. Lee would be a fine investment for enterprising capitalists. Bay Stkeet. —This morning a large force of street-sweepers were placed on Bay street. The rain yesterday afternoon perforiued the office of sprinkler admirably ; it proving tar superior to fire hydrants or sprinkling carts. All the sewers in the city are now cleansed out, and the pools lying on the suburbs which were becoming stagnant have received a bountiful supply of pure water and will not require any further attention for 3ome weeks* After the Shower of yesterday the air is fresh and bracing, the streets are agaia clean and free from dust, and eveiy thing about town appears brighter and animated with new life. The drays seems to travel more briskly, business-men pass with faster wal it, trade is lively, and Bay street wears the look of a business thoroughfore of New York City. Mb. Hudson G. Wolfe, Agent for the far famed Udolpbo Wolfe, whose medicinal Schiedam Schnapps is a standard article eve rywhere, called on us this morning. He is to leave Savannah to-morrow. He considers the prospect good for a flourish ing season this tall in all kinds of business, aud believes Savannah will soon reach a higher condition of prosperity than she ever before attained. Albert Pike has written a letter to the N. Y r . Express denying that he ever per mitted the ludians of his command to com mit the atrocities charged upon them. He points to the use of Indians in the wars with England and Spain as justification of em ploying them in the late war. New York Banking and Brokers House. —We call attention to the card of Messrs. Manning & DeForest, bankers and brokers, ID Wall street, New York. They attend to the purchase aud sale of Southern State aud Railroad Bonds and Coupons. They have the best of references in this city. The Savannah River Frontage. —Mr. Phil ip M. Box, with his corps of assistants, who have been improving, with wash and brush, the warehouses and counting rooms fronting the river, will, in a few days, complete their work. Heavy Robbery on Board the Steamer Leesbuko. — Sir. L. Greenfield of Charleston, S. G’., was robbed ol a large amoiiut of mo ney and valuable papers, on the steamer Leesburg, while en route to Jacksonville, Fla., from this city a few week 9 since. The particulars as we gieau them from Mr. Green field, are a9 follows : A valise coutainiug $(1,000 in bank notes, mortgages, and State stock, with about SSO in specie, was placed in the bold of the steamer at Hilton Head, and upon arriving at Jacksonville it was uou est, to the great astonishment ot Mr. Green field, who immediately instituted a thorough search of the steamer, but all to no purpose. Au account book which was in the valise was shortly afterwards found on the steamer near the pilot bouse, where the roblier had evidently thrown it to prevent detection in case ot a search being made before be could manage to escape, as well a9 to disarm sus picion from him, and to east au imputation upon the officers of the steamer. All persons are cautioned against purchasing bonds of the North Eastern Railroad of South Caro lina, as payment has been stopped.—Repub lican. Lord Palmerston. —A London letter-wri ter says: Lord Palmerston continues in vigorous health —sometimes taking long rides on horseback —while as regards his parlia mentary attendance, early and late, there is no relaxation of his customary punctuality or in the terseness or appropriateness of his an swers whenever any point calls for explana planation or any attack requires to be re pelled. This is a great help to the prospects of his friends and followers in the election proceedings which are now preliminarily go ing on in all parts of the country. It has been announced semi officially that Palia ment will be dissolved on some day between the 9th and IL'th of July. A despatch states that the emigration across the Plaius this season far exceeds that of any previous year. During the month of May 4,000 wagons passed Fort Kearney, and trains continued to pass that post in large numbers. The emigrants are bound for Idaho, Montana, Salt Lake, California, and other places. Indians had not molested the emi grants to any noticeable extent, and all the routes are considered safe. Troops are sta- Itioned at various posts, and afford ample f protection to trains. f' —General Halleck left for the North on Wednesday night. He sails on the first of August to assume command on the Pacific Coast. A (Taira in Texas. The latest advices from Galveston repre sent that city in no flattering aspect. Pover ty prevails among the people, and canines, lierelt ot their masters, go about the streets in uncounted uumliers, and regardless of the baleful influences of the dog star. There is a sound of loyalty among the pimple, but there is a more vehement talk of Stale inde pendence and of the other wild doctrines whereby Texas was led into secession. Curs es deed and loud are leveled at the boastful generals who swore to defend Texas to the last drop of blood, and surrendered to the Federal authorities the next week with out a blow. From the interior come dread ful reports of massacre aud violence, the disbanded soldiers meting out swift ven geance upon officers w ho lorded it over them under strict military discipline, and upon contractors who cared more for their gains than for the good of the army. Traitors deck the foregts of the midland counties, and “trees-on” has anew meaning. The slaves in Texas are very numerous. They are largely increased during the war by coffles sent lorward from the other slave States, to make broader base of indepen dence for the new nation that was to rise on the liorders of the Sabine. General Goidou Granger, in command of the United Stales forces at Galveston, has issued an order in regard to the slaves. He says : The people ot Texas are iuformed that, in accordance with the proclamation from the Executive of the United States, “all slaves are free.” This involves ail absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property be tween former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired laborer. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts, and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere. He also declares void all acts ot the Legis lature of Texas since the ordinance of seces sion was passed ; summons all civil and military officers and agents of the late Con federacy, or of rebel Texas, to report for f»arole; and demands the delivery of all pub ic property to the Federal authorities. Those who fail to comply with this order will be arrested and sent North. A New Orleans paper says that a body of trained and warlike troops, estimated at ten thousand or twelve thousand, mostly Mis sourians, who have been rendered homeless by the destructive effects of the war in their own State, are marching toward the Mexican frontier, to enter the service of the Emperor Maximilian. They are commanded by Gen eral Shelby, also a Missourian. It is said that this force is already beyond the reach of successful pursuit. Love anti Suicide—•• Truth Stranger than Fiction.” We mentioned some weeks ago the circumstances of the suicide of a young woman who crossed over by one of the ferry-boats and drowned herself within lull view of the crowd of passengers who were returning by the same boat. It was also mentioned that the unfortunate young woman was supposed to have been disap pointed in love by a man named Antoine Funkbouser. A strange sequel tp that ovt-ut occurred yesterday morning in the sui cide of her lover. It is said the two were engaged to be married, but that some differ ence gtew r up between them as to when the marriage should take place, the girl insisting ou its early consummation, aud Funkbouser desiring to postpone it for some time. The supposition that he was trifling with her af fections, is believed by many to have been the cause of her committing suicide. Sub sequent to her burial he purchased the lot in cemetery in which she had bt«n interred, and also one immediately adjoiniug, having the deed to both made in his own name, and giv ing directions to have himself buried by the side of his deceased love after his own de cease. On Saturday last, he crossed the river at the upper ferry in company with two friends, and called in at the saloon of Abbot and Robinson, in Venice. After remaining there a few moments, Funkbouser stepped out of the saloon, requesting bis friends to remain until his return. From the saloon he went to the river, some distance below, and seated himself on the very log on which his affi anced sat before throwing herself into the water. While there he was observed to take something from his bosom upon which he appeared to look for some time. After wait ing in the saloon a considerable time, his companions started in search of him. On coming to the log alluded to, they were as tonished to find his dead body. By its siae lay the likeness of his deceased affianced. From appearances it would seem that Funk houser had gone to the log alluded to, then took out the likeness, and having taken a farewell of all that remained to him of her whom he had loved, opened his shirt bosom and deliberately shot himself through the heart! This is one of the most remarkable love tragedies ou record, whether of fact or fiction.— St. Louis Republican, July 4. Exodus in Texas. A Galveston paper briefly sketches the re cent career of several ot the secession wor thies. It says: Ex-Governor Edward Clark, who as Lieut. Governor rose iuto office upon the tail of Gen. Houston’s gown, and then made haste to take the chair from which Houston was thrust by the Secession Convention, has fled the State. Murrah, after one abortive fail ure, in which he was overtaken and sh&m*- fully treated by John Barleycorn, fled with General Shelby. George AL Flournoy, who made the first out-and-out secession speech in Texas, and who glorified the horrible as sassination ot Lincoln, has also gone. Butts is gone. A. M. Terrell, who, as District Judge, charged about “moral treason," Las gone. Handsome Simms, of everybody’s staff; Elliott, one of Devine’s commission ers, who found treason in words,; Roberts, wtio kept the Penitentiary, aud other couuty jails; Sueed, the fat Provost Marshal; Syu uert Mussett, his son-in-law, aud many of the rauk and tile who did the biddings of provost marshals during the reign of terror about Austin—all the above-named, and others of less note, have tied from Austin, aud what is worse, the treasury was robbed and the money is gone. —All the rebel prisoners held by the Gov ernment have been discharged, with the ex ception of about one hundred and fifty offi cers above the rank of Captain. The various prisoner depots in the North and West are being broken up, and will at once be put to other uses. Th« Reward for and PunUbuient of . . . The last Londos S|>ectator, m al luding to the to the lard for the arrest ot Davis and others, a : ‘The suppressed evideuce, even tliougtll prejured, it be lieved to be honest bae Government, not only warranted but wired President John son's proclamation aoffeied reward.’ Ihe American correspond of the Spectator, in alluding to the ofous volunteering of advice to us by certaiEnglishnien, writes : Let me add one wc to those who are giving us the advice and admonition upon this subject to which live before referred. It is this —that if they afly do not desire to see Jefferson Davt Aid General Lee hanged, they will do wA \ cease their en deavors to teach our Q.v\u nent and our people what it becomes tA to do in this matter. Only the other lady in whom I am somewhat interesteq and who, al though she looks very like entor or Min erva, sometimes deems he-ls responsible for the daily revolution olbe earth upon its axis, undertook to repro'a strange little boy who was by, one in win also I am supposed (but quite roneously, I assure you) to be interred, began to fidget and to hop u and down like a ben on a hot griddle, and when the lady turned fromher tads he said, dropping out his wor< with a shy saucinessjthat relieved them all disrespect fulness, “Ma—ma, ma—niawhy—don’t — you—mind—your—own—buuess ? You’re not that little boy’s raammaand he’ll only go and do it more?’ Now toe tempted by impertinent admonition to , r o and do it more” may be a proof of gut degeneracy, but still I confess to you thi although we should pot yield, advice sucks that vve are now receiving does offer us atemptation or provocation. You may think,wwever, that you are this little boy’s manna. Aud the term “mother country” applii to England may seem to give some supprt to such an assumption. A moment’s rffection is not that of parent and child, butof children of the same parent. You are alii think, even those who are most considers, apt to for get that although as an indepndent politi cal body this republic is young as a people we are exactly as old as you as, and with a wider diffusion among us of tb very civili zation of which you are justljriroud. And 1 would say briefly to those gutlemen who are now endeavoring to teaebus liumauity and what is for our interest, tat we do not regard them as at all in a propr position to assume the office of mentor to his people.— We think that the events of the last four years have showu that we ruderstand our affairs and our interests sonewhat better than the gentlemen in ques ipn ; anti as to humanity showu in tenderness to rebels, our memories are not so short but that we know whare to turn for some conspicuous exam amples, to which they straugtjy refrain from pointing. A Tragic Play.— ln the course of an article called “The Drama under Canvass,” occurs this fine dramatic description : By half-past twelve we had succeeded in getting a “house.” (A curious superstition prevailed among this savage tribe. It was deemed unlucky to take “first money” from a man who squinted or had red hair. A 3 roman was reckoned almost as bad. A ark man was thougnt a lucky first custo mer and a chimney sweeper doubly so.) Our tragedy, the Sanguinary Demon of the Haunted Dell, had neither head nor tail, being originally a long-winded, three-act blood-aud-thunder melo-drama, converted for “the nonce" into a sketchy piece. There was much energetic bawling, a good deal of shrieking and fainting on the part of the he roine, a combat between the virtuous juvenile hero and his rival, the “tber-r-rice ac-curs-ed hoary villain,” who expiated an unparalleled heap ot crimes by dashing himself headlong from his castle turret into the raging tor rent beneath. His myrmidons (three less deeply dyed ruffians) fought a curious combat of four wilh the lovely and gen tle (though strong armed) lady of the Dell, who quickly overcame them, and bestowed her hand and vast domains upon her youth ful knight, in response to his persuasive, “Come’ my Hisabllcr—come to linen’s Hal ter.” The phantom of some female ancestor, enveloped in voluminous folds of white mus lin, and holding on high the butter boat lamp and bloody dagger, without which no melo dramatic ghost is genuine, blessed the nup tials ; the actors rushed on, a grand tableau of happiness was formed, and plenty of red fire threw its expensive radiance on the im posing scene. Hardly had the act-drop touched the floor when billy Billy in hot haste, ran on and sang a stupid song. Uncle Sam’s Colored Defenders in Luck. Seventy-five thousand dollars in gold was Sunday last from a cellar in Union City, Ky., by a squad of negro troops from Columbus. The boys returned to Columbus in tine spirits, anticipating a glorious Fourth, but were too lavish with the precious metal, and, finding it inconvenient to carry, offered it at a ruinous discount in exchange for greenbacks. When they were required to give an explanation for the sudden decline in coin which but so receutly commanded a high premium, they were arrested by their commander and some five hundred dollars of the gold recovered. It is said they were then tied up by the thumbs and otherwise punished, but so far as learned, refused to give satisfactory information as to the de posit ion made of the remaining portion. Southern Personals. —Ex-Governor Vance was released from the Old Capitol Prison on parole yesterday, and is to return to North Carolina. General Bragg has gone to New Orleans. The Picayune, in alluding to his arrival there says: “Like all the Generals of Confederate Army, he renognizesithe march of events, and is only ambitious now to re tire, as before the war, and fulfill the duties of an American citizen.” Lieutenant Mau ry has turned up in the City of Mexico, where he is reported as living in quiet. Pierre Soule likewise migrated with liis family to the same place some time since, and has now opened a law office.—./V. Y. Commercial Advertiser. —The Secretary of the Treasury has pro duced reliable estimates of the quantity of cotton West of the Mississippi. The figures submitted to him add up about a million Partial returns of the quantity of cot ton East of the Mississippi have been receiv- - ed, from which an estimate somewhat e x ceeding a million bales has been made. The Secretary is reported to be confident that the effect from exchanges of the vast value re presented by this cotton will aid his efforts to restore the currency to a sound basis. —Thiee ex-members of the rebel Con- Sres are among the recent applicants for par on. . Fore ten uoe»»p- From the torelgn correspondence of the New York Herald we take the following in teresting items; The Princess of Wales is almost quite re covered, and the young Prince is strong and lusty. The Prince of Wales, it is reported, in suite of the addition to his allowance giv en to him by the Queen from her Majesty s privy purse, has found that, owing to the immense extra expenses thrown on him by his having all the representation to do tor the Oueen, his income is much too small tor his want 9. His Royal Highness will thus have to apply for an increase to the new Parlia ment: He has already about one hundred and silty thousand pounds sterling a year. I perceive that the Owl is often quoted in America. It is not a paper of any weight. It is the property of a few dandies, is quoted by the Times from a spirit of flunkeyism, but is not read or believed in byany one. How can it lie otherwise with the Hon. Mrs. Norton for its acting editress and the Hon. Evelyn Ashley, who, though Lord Palmer ston’s private secretary, is so only because he is Lady Palmerston’s grandson, for its great contributor. W r ith the exception of Viscount Strangford, who is a man of great talent, there is not one writer in the Owl who can claim more than smartness and the insolence which position too often gives to mediocrity. The Parisian public i9 at length brought to a “realizing sense” ol the fact that Pati9 is on “a strike.” Yesterday not a solitary “ voiture de jilave" was seen in the streets, the drivers having all struck for an increase of wages from three francs to five. All the car riages in Paris which ply for lure, and o which there arc about six thousand, Delong to a company, which has a monopoly of this mode of conveyance. The carriages are di vided into two classes—the “ventures de place ” and the “ voitnres de remise.” The tor mer stand upon the streets, at stations ap propriated to them, while t.he latter, which are of a little better class, stand under cover and in the court yards of the hotels, charg ing a little higher price than the others You cau imagine the effect ot taking oft the streets all these popular conveyances. At the railway stations particularly the hardship was felt, and many a burly islauder arriving in Paris by the “ Shemang de fare du Nor ” cursed the country as he shouldered his own valise and made his way to a hotel near by. To-morrow, it is said, the “ remises” will strike unless the company increase the wages lof the drivers, and then there will be left only the omnibuses. But the omnibus drivers also threaten a strike, and it is by no means improbable that on Sunday next all Paris will be left on foot. Abd-el-Kader, with bis three wives, a num ber of his children and a suite of thirty per sons, is to arrive in Paris on the 25th. Apart ments are being prepared for the party in the right wing of the Elysee, on the Faubourg St. Houore. A chapel in which the Mussul man rites will be performed is being fitted up. The Emir will remain here about three months, and will undoubtedly be the lion of the season. At the ball given by the Empress Regent at the Tuilleries on evening last, about twenty American ladies and gentle men mingled in the gay throng which sur rounded her Majesty. The invitation of foreigners to these balls ot the Empress is very unusual, and on the evening in ques tion none of any other nation than the Uni ted States were present. This i9 considered here a very high compliment to your minis ter aud the nation which he represents. Mr. Bigelow was, I understand, requested to seud in a list of ladies and gentlemen whom he could endorse, and upou doing so, very much to his surprise, he received invitations ter all whose names were forwarded. The only gentleman from seeessia present was Air. Eustis, Secretary of the defunct “Con federate legation.” The palm of beauty was born off by oue of your fair countrywomen, Alr9. W. H. A—u—ll, of New York. Alter the presentation of this lady to the Empress, she conversed with her for some time. Her Alajesty expressed her thanks to Mr. Bige low for presenting her “such a beautiful woman." It is now said that the Emperor will be back in Paris in the early part of next week. His “cher cousin ,” the Prince Napoleon, will, it is said, meet him at Toulon. The Prince is said to have received two long letters re cently from his royal father-in-law, recom mending him to acknowledge his error and “make up” with his Alajesty, and this ad vice the Prince has undoubtedly received from many of bis friends in Paris. The Em peror and Empress, after the return of- the former, will go to Fontainbleau, and follow this up by tbeir regular summer trip. A newspaper, to he published in the Eng lish language, is shortly to be started in Flor ence, under the name ot The Times. Black hair for ladies is now out of fash ion iu Paris, and red hair is in fashion ; there fore, Ist Mode Jl/ustree well says that this is the hour of vengeance for women with red hair, who have so long been considered “the disinherited children of nature.” It is their turn to be triumphant, and to watch dark haired women imploring the chemist to take the black out ot their locks, and to make them like their once despised sisters. —lt is proposed to erect a magnificent bridge over the Potomac at W asliington, a9 a monument to the late President. It will be called the “Lincoln Bridge,” and a col lossal statue of our martyred magistrate will lie placed either in the centre or at one end ol the structure. Bus reliefs of events in Abra ham Lincoln's life will adorn the parapet of the bridge. —Passing along the street a few days ago, we observed in the window of a partially va cant house, the following notice: ‘*The up per part of this house to let, containing three rooms, a cellar, kitchen, and backyard.” —Of all the Governments in the world, there is only one which has entered info a direct correspondence witii the rebel Con federacy, and which has given to Jefferson Davis the title of “most illustrious President.” This only Government is that of the Pope. “Hottentottissimest” is a pleasant word by which a country exchange describes the weather. L. JONES, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 17 Broadway, Nm York. Liberal advance# on Shipment* to above Consign ment, made by HUNTER & GAMMELL, Aleuts Pioneer Line Steamships, S4 Bay Street, Savannah. Reference In New York— Messrs, SeorroßU, Tileston & Cos. may2o amo rjtEK SAVANNAH NATIONAL HANK l* NOW prepared for business, AT THE banking house, in the exchange. Deposits and Paper for Collection received Bills on Northern Citiee purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. DIIIOTOBSI L. C. Nobvkll, I Sorrell, Noble A. Habdee, I j. N. Latusop, Robert Ebwin. HENRY 8. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th Jane, 1860. treasury department, j Office op Comptroller op the Currency, V Washington, Jane 10th, 1865. ) Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has Deen duly organised under and according to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled •* An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ’’ approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, L Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author ized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE. [.Vo. 1255.] Comptroller of the Currency. ju-26 2mos jyRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES • and TRUSSES, JUST LANDED PROM NEW YORK. Apothecaries, Planters, aud traders from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article aa being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AT APOTHECARIES’ HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.— Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, Jal6-3m Proprietor. J£EIN A COMPANY, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Having leased the large and commodious Warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Dana & Washliui ne, 114 Bay street, Savannah, Go., we are prepared to Store aud Forward all kinds of Merchandize. Liberal ad vances will be made on COTTON Consigned to our friends in New York, or Liverpool, England. . KEIN & COMPANY. References.— Messrs. Smith & Dunning, New York; C. C. & 11. M. Fabor, New York ; W. A. Smith, Esq., Mobile, Ala.; Cabot & Senter, St. Louis. julS lmo RENTAL NOTICE. I would Inform the public that I have resumed the practice of 3 DENTISTRY In this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Julien and Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photogrupb Gal lery, j where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON. D. D. S. * ■yiRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY. GEORGE R. CRUMP & CO , 209 Bboad Street, Auuusta, Ga. Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m ju2o HKADQ’US POST OP SAVANNAH, Savannah, Ga., July 6, 1866. General Orders,) No. 7. / I. It is ordered that on and after this date, no per son be buried at this Post unless the Keeper of the Graveyard or Cemetery receive a certificate fr< m the attending Physician, or from the Health Oflicer of the Post, stating the name, age and cause of death of the deceased in full. This order does not apply to officers and soldiers ot the U. S. Army. Blank forms may be had by Physicians on application to the Health Offi cer, and no others can be used, The Keepers of the Graveyards and Cemeteries will, on the last day of each mouth, make a full report to the propier city official of all interments made during the mouth at the grounds under their charge. This report will be made on the form used under the city government prior to the occupation of Savannah by the National Military Forces, in December last. 11. All persons who die aud whose relations or friends are unable to give them decent burial will be buried at the expense of the Government. For all such Cases application will be made to the Health Of ficer of the Post, who will make requisitions upon the Post quartermaster for coffins, vehicles to remove the bodies, and for necessary labor. The Post Quarter master is hereby instructed to comply with such re quests of thi! Health Officer promptly aud efficiently, and he is authorized to employ such labor as may be necessary to accomplish this result. By command of Bvt. Brig. Gen. DAVIS. _Jno. Mui.lin, A. A. A. G. jyß 10 hkadquarters'post of savannah,! - Savannah, Ga., July 10, 1865. j Gkner.R. Order,) No. 10. / Capt. Charles H. Cox, Provost Marshal Post of Sa vannah, is hereby relieved from the duties of aHmints- / tering the Amnesty Oath prescribed by the President'll Proclamation of May 29, 1865. Subject to the approval of the District Commander Ist Lieut F. 11. Coffin, 30th Maine Infantry, is hereby announced and empowered to administer the said Oath aud will be governed in his duties by existing orders. By C ommand of Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. General, JyH 7 HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANNAH, i Savannah, Ga., July 10,1865. / General Orders,) No. 9. / Hereafter all white or colored persons found loiter ing or idling about the streets, market houses, wharves, or any other place within the limits of this command, will be arrested as vagrants, and if found to be with" out any visible means of Bupport,»they will be placed at Government work. ‘ By Command of Brevet Brig. Gtn. DAVIS, Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. G. jylo-7