Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 18, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. R'W. M«ao> Jfc Cos. Pjprsnrross. Samuel w. MaMK , T...BniTom. savannah. Monday, JULvSfriass. FOR LOCAL TIATTEKS SEE THIRD PACE. TO ADVERT]SCfiH. Our advertising patrons are reminded that adver tisements inserted in the Morning Edition of the Herald will appear in the Evening without extra charge. Advertisements should be handed in aa early as possible, bat will lie received as late »s 1- o'clock at night. We adhere to our advertised rates exi'ept for long advertisements, ortho.,, inserted a long time, on which a reasonable diseoant will he made. HOW TO OBTAIN TUB HERALD REG tILARt We often have complaints from residents of Savan nah and Hilton Head that they are not able always to obtain the H The demand is sometimes so great us to ei an edition very soon afer its issue, and those who tvi-h tc have the llebald regularly, eh old for ii. We have faithful carriers in Sa> arrnah nd at Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular subscribers first. FllOil SOUTHEASTERN GEORGIA. General Washburn’s Command—Eighteen Judges Appointed, At., Ac. Iu another column we publish an account ol' u grand celebration of the Fourth by the people of Southeastern Georgia, at Black shear, in Pierce county. All accounts re present the people of that section, under the lead of Col. C. H. Hopkins, as becoming ear nest-in Union sentiments and action. Col. Hopkins goes North by the Arago, to repre sent the views and interests of the people of that section at Washington. Brevet Brigadier Gen. Washburn, who was so popular in Savannah, has command of a territory embracing forty-live counties, with headquarters at Blackshear, Pierce county, Georgia, forty miles up the Gills Railroad from the coast. Gen. Washburn is vei;y much liked by the people of that section generally, and the greatest harmony exists The General has commenced organizing civil courts, and has made appointment of judges in six counties, as follows : Mclntosh Count*. James Pringle, Theodore Pease, William Parker. Libkbty County. William Jones, B. Harrington, Sr., John B. Mallard. Glynn County. Col. Henry Dubignon, Richard Berry, J. H. Robinson. Tatnall County. Cha.les Fletcher, Shelton Smith,! Mr. Hodge. Montgomery County. John McCrea, Who will appoint two others. • Caaidbn County, Robert Stafford, Who will appoint the other two. Judges will be soon appointed in the other counties of the forty-live. They have the jurisdiction of the old Superior Courts. About five thousaud people have already taken the amnesty oath, but Gen. Washburn’s order, under instructions, excludes firpin the privilege all who have ever hfcld any confed erate otfice, even that of tithe collector. Such are all required to apply at Washington. It is earnestly hoped that the President will delegate the power of acting in such to Generals commanding Districts, who must be poor Generals if they are not competent to decide whether a tithe collector shall be al lowed to take au oath of amnesty. Gen. Washburn has about C,OOO tioops; it is very hot there; communication between Darien, Doetortowu,’ and other prominent points, with Hilton Head, is very regular; the Herald is a welcome visitor in that sec tion when it cau be procured ; the negroes don't work well on the Gulf railroad, and Gen- Washburu has had to put soldiers on ; and these are the leading items we are fur nished with. That Interview Between President John son and Mb. Sumxkb.—We printed a day or two since an account which has been going the rounds of the press, of an interview al leged to Have taken place between the Presi dent and Senator Sumner. It has transpired that the whole thing is a baseless fabrication, having been made up out of whole cloth by a Western paper. The Boston Transcript says it not only bears internal evidence of its falsity, the relations between the President and Mr. Sumner having always been of the friendly character, but that Mr. Sumner has never visited Washington since Mr. Johnson was inaugurated. —The emigration from Ireland has turned loose hundreds of thousands oi dogs to be come wild. These vagrant dogs worry sheep, and cattle and cattle and pigs com municate vermin to them, spoil their health and their Repose, and kill off' the sheep by thousands in a year- -The telegraph lines of Texas are to be worked by the companies, subject to the supervmion of Mr L. B. Spellman, of the United States Military Telegraph. Govern ment despatches are to go on The line from Vicksburg to Shreveport is now beiuc renewed. . b —Among tlie latest additions to the Muse um of Agriculture at Washington, is a beau tifnlly shaped dolphin, caught on the coast of North Carolina, and presented by Col Livingston, of New York. Its dimensions are unusually large. cfeXBUKATIOX OrVIIE 4tb O f JI LT IN 80UTH-KASTKKN GKOH OiA. Blacuhkar, Pihuuk County. Ga.,) July 4tb, 1865. j To the TditOr of the Savannah Herald : The anniversary of American independence was celebrated at Blackshear, ou the Savan nah, Atlantic & Gult Bailroad, by a large number of citizens from Pierre and the ad joining counties, who attended for the pur pose of taking the oath of allegiance, and greeting Gen. Washburn, the popular com mander of the United States forces stationed at this place. The meeting was organized by calling Col. C. H. Hopkins to the chair, and appointing Col. G. M. T. Ware and Dr. Barber, Secreta ries. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. C. Jones, of Thomasville, and the Declaration of Independence having been read by Col. Ware, the Chairman intro duced General Washburn to the audience. The General proceeded to address them ably and eloquently for more than an hour, clear ly defining his duty, calling upon the people to return to their allegiance to the United States, and claim at once the protection which is granted to them by the President, in his late Amnesty Proclamation. He said some five thousand citizens iu the district had al ready taken the oath, and hoped that in a short time the State would be reorganized in conformity with the wishes of the govern ment. At the conclusion of the General’s remarks the hands played the Star Spangled Banner, and on motion of the Chairman, three cheers were givcu for the old Flag, our President Johnson, and Gen. Washburn. The celebra tion closed amid the cheering.of the people, and a salute of guns. C. H. Hopkins, Chairman. G. M. T. Ware, > t i R. T. Barber, j secretaries. The following verbatim report of Colonel Hopkins' Address, on taking the chair, has been forwarded to us: Fellow Citizens :—lt is jijst five years to-day since the anniversary of American in dependence was celebrated in this State. On the 14th of April, 1861, the old flag was be dewed with fraternal blood at Fort Sumter, and it disappeared trom our sight. It now reappears in our midst, unscathed, with ad ditional stars in its galaxy. So far from losing one or many of the States, several were added to the Union during the war.— The Stars and Stripes now float over this broad land, unmolested and respected from its centre to its circumfcreuce. Peace has been restored among us, we are again one people; and I hope, my friends, in a little while we will prove to the government by our loyalty that we are a patriotic and united people. You are all familiar with the events of the war. Within the last four years one million oi' our countrymen have been slain or died of camp diseases; a large portion of our territory bas been desolated, and we incurred a debt qf many millions. You must remember that I warned you against this trouble. I told you secession was war, and that war would end iu the min and sub jugation of the South. 1 told you that the lamented President who fell recently by (lie hand of* an execrable assassin had promised us more than any of his predecessors had ever done, and that up to thirty days before the fall of Richmond he ottered us four thousand millions ol dollars for our slaves — and six years to settle the question of eman cipation, and that the overture for peace was eoutemptously rejected by the organ of the South* In addition to this the House of Representatives, with but one vote in the negative, guaranteed to us perpetual shivery iu the States where jn conformity with the wishes ol the President elect. But uothing would satisfy our ambitions and de luded leaders but secession and revolution, and now my countrymen, you are here to re new your allegiance, under the solemnity of an oath to the Government from whicn you withdrew in 1861. General Washburn, Commannder of the United States Troops in south-eastern Georgia, is present to admin ister the oath, and to grant you all the priv ileges which are not incompatible with the Constitution, the laws, and the dignity of the Union—which you, and I, and most of us loved and defended so well, until treason trampled it in the dust. Where are our lead ers now? I do not see any of them standing between the sword wliicliHhey unsheathed, and us, iu this our hour of affliction. They have abandoned us in our misfortunes, are seeking shelter for them under the protec tection of the flag they spit upon in 1861, or fleeing pauic-strickeu from the conflagration which they have kindled. When I speak of leaders, I allude to the very, few seditious bad men, who deceived the generous and confiding masses, and made them unwilling instruments to destroy their country, and enslave us. They may have been -deceived themselves; but as they were in the front themselves they should not abandon us now. The General does not come with sword to spill more fraternal blood, but with the olive branch of peace, to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore its way ward children in Southern Georgia to their loyalty. When this is done, his work will be finished, the army will be disbanded, and peace will reign supreme iu the country. Permit me to in troduce him to you. He will speak for him self. Gov. Johnson in Augusta.— GoY. Johnson while in Augusta held a reception at the Planters’ Hotel. Iu the course of conversa tion, he expressed the opinion that both in terest and patriotism required the people to accept the abolition of slavery as an accom plished fact. And, continued he, if the rice planters of the coast can thrive under the new system, there is no reason why the planters of the interior may not do the same thing. lu response to inquiries by several gentle men, he stated that jt was to qualifications for office and for the elective franchise, that citizens not excluded by the President's Amnesty Proclamation 9hould take the oath as prescribed by that Proclama tion. The Chronicle says: “Every one seemed pleased with his bear ing and went away with the conviction that lie was a gentleman and a statesman.” Thanks.— We are indebted to Mr. Peter Reilly, Mr. H, A. Richmond, Adams Express Cos., and others, for late files of interior ua pers. LETTER FROM NEW YORK [Special Correspondence of the Ssvauuuh Herald ] New Yoke, July 12, 1865. So Mali) Regiments Are passing through the city just now, day after day, and New Yoijt is so busy looking after her cent, per cent., that our returning braves are not welcomed with that warmth which 1 know every citizen would like to wit ness. This being the case, perhaps, was the occasion of a pleasing incident wliicli hap pened the other day. A regiment was march ing up Broadway, eliciting only an occasion al cheer, when another regiment, which had stacked arms and been dismissed, was stroll ing down the street. The dismissed soldiers catching sight of their comrades, quickly fell in line along the curb stone, and 89 the others came up burst out in three such cheers as are only heard ju9t after a foe breaks and flies, or when a charge is being made. Those on the march, however, under their discipline, marched on, the only observable effect upon them being, each man seemed to straighten his back and raise his chin an inch or two. Depeudent Families. Statistics just published show that twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty-three fami lies of our volunteers are dependent upon this city for support. Something like $58,000 was distributed among them in"a fortnight.— Much more is needed, but our citizens have to a great degree filled the gap between these poor people and starvation. Decidedly Unique Were the dresses worn by three ludian ladies who promenaded Broadway the other day. To outward appearance it Consisted of merely a petticoat of cloth neatly and very prettily embroidered some ten inches up from the bottom, over which was a short calico slip reaching to the knees, or jugt above the em broidery on the petticoat, which was drawn iu at the waist with strings. The petticoat just touched the ankles, and they wore no crinoline. For comfort and convenience this dress appeared to be just the thing for ladies. Os course the material could he of any de scription taste might dictate. The shortness of the outside dress, slip, or covering com pensates for the lanknens which attends the appearance of a lady s dress without crino line, and imparts a youthful appearance which no manner of dress for ladies yet de vised possesses. For indoor wear this style certainly is just the thing for those who want to imitate Indians. Central Park Is now iu its full glory. There is more court ing and flirting done there summer after noons and evenings than in all the back seats of the vestries in our whole pious land. Some of the private turn-outs are unrivalled in elegance, and luxury by any in the Old World, and we all know that our ladies would think it a very poor compliment indeed to them to 8?y their beauty was ever equalled by those of any other land. After the trees attain some sizeableness (that’s a handy word) there will be more shade in the Park—aud the more shade, why—then—the better. High Price* Ol all essentials hereabouts occasion a great deal of growling by housekeepers. Meats, by some sort ot hocus-pocus, are kept up in ordinately, and groceries generally are near ly as high as when gold was at 230. Butch ers aud grocery men are the most deaf peo ple in qur community, they not yet having heard of the fall iu gold. However, Fruit is beginning to arrive quite plentifully, and it enters largely into the consumption of our community. Strawberries have gone—rasp berries are lusciously plentiful—thimbleber ries have arrived—blackberries have just made their appearance—so have also pears and peaches, the two latter having an emi nently suffjestive look of cholera in their unripe compositiou-ipine apples and bananas are at every corner; so also is three cent griping soda water, root beer, and other cheap Summer beverages. A Hot Sun and New York Whiskey, raise the deuce with some of the best sol diers in the world, when they have to lay over here lor a night at the Battery. When the Irish Brigade arrived, a few days since, they were quartered at the Buttery, and the guard were prevailed on to allow several civilian frieuds to enter. Civilian friends were 100 civil,by half,for they carried in large quantities of whiskey. Result—continuous fighting, two men killed, and a series of the most insubordinate aud disgraceful scenes ever witnessed iu this town. The only pleas ing thing connected with the affair was a laid all through the First Ward by about two,, hundred soldiers, upon all the rum shops, which they most thoroughly cleaned out. Indignant Veterans. The Brooklyn authorities invited all veter ans to parade on the 4th; whereupon the Vets responded in a card, to the effect that, as that city had not kept faith with them in taking care of their wives and children while they were absent lighting, they did not feel disposed to parade in honor of a faithless municipality, and they did not parade, much to the chagrin of some of the politicians, who wanted to “sling speeches” at them Our soldiers are not to be caught with chaff. On* of th* Host Rtmarkablc robberies ever perpetrated in this city oc curred a few days since. It appears a young lady named Miss Amelia Rice and a lady friend, being overtaken in the street by a rain storm, stepped into a sal-ion for shelter. While standing there several men entered, Jolm Cragau and John McGoldich, managed to speak to the ladies and proposed procuring a hack to take them to their residence. Miss Rice declined the offei, which was, however pressed, and at the suggestion ot Miss Rice’s companion, it was finally accepted. The carriage was brought, all four got in' and, instaad of dri ving to the young lady’s residence, the dri ver took ihem to Btrykers Bay, where they stopped at & hotel. Here they took refresh ments. Miss Rice says she had in a chamois bag, suspended from her neck, inside her dress, jewelry worth over two thousand dol lars ; that it Wa9 slid on her person when they re-entered the carriage at Stryker? Bay that after getting in the carriage she was overcome by a stupor and has no recollec tion ot what happened'-until she found her self iu the carriage still in Central Park, that then they were invited to get in another car nage, when the males left, and after being driven about the Park a short time, the dri ver stopped, requested them to get out as the carriage needed repairs, and drove off, leaving them there alone. She then discov ered that she had been robbed, and on giv ing a description of the men, they were ar rested and committed iu default ot bail. Tbs MSB who inverted torpedoes, or the one who broneht them into use for the celebratioivpf our Independence Day, came nearer the mark of appropriatc*ne?s than any of all the Inventors or “sich like insterments.” A man inves ts ten cents in a package of them, opens the end, and, as he walks along, proceeds at onco, in the most independent manner, to operate them. And as he operates he speaks somewhat in this manner: This is Indepen dence (snap, as he throws one) Day. This is (snap) our glorious (snap) Fourth of July (snap). Let’s celebrate (snap). D—n the expense (snap). Let ’er rip (snap). High old (spap>eountry this (snap). Have a (snap) rebellion, eh? (snap). Two countries,,eh? (snap). Don’t see it (snap). Don’t (snap) see (snap) it (snap). Old Jeff ("snap) ha! ha! (suap). Petticoat (snag). Jeff (snap). Amer ica (snap). Land of tne free (snap). United (snap) States (snap). Something (snap) of a town (snap). Don’t care a—(snap), and so on, thronging to the right and left, straight down, with force and emphasis, upward, perpendicular, and oblique, utterly regard less of expense, and entirely harmless. A Flood of Horrors. The chapter of crime to which every day’s news adds some horrible affair, is continued by a fearful outrage committedFby a father and sou iu Albany, N. Y. f on the 7th. and followed up by an attempt to lynch the pris oners while on trial. The accounts of the affair state that on the afternoon of the 7th inst. two girls, named Ann and Bridget Burns, went to the woods a short distance from home to pick berries. While thus en gaged they were seized by four men, who outraged them. Soon After the crime be came publicly known, Lewis Major, aged 40 years, and his son, were arrested and recog nized by the girls as two of their assailants. While the examination was in progress, the prisoners, Major and his son, sitting be side each other, near the Justice; Patrick Burns, a brother of the girls, appeared at the door. He was armed with a revolver and knife* and had come with the determination of taking summary vengeance upon the de stroyers of his two sisters. He fired at the prisoners, wounding the elder Major. The mother soon appeared in the court room, armed with a hatchet, with which she suc ceeded in wounding Major upon the head,, while young Burns firing again, shot the old man through the thigh. j< The crowd had now largely increased, all deeply sympathizing with the mother and son. A rush was made for the prisoners, with the intention of lynching them on the spot. The cry for vengeance front the fren zied mother and infuriated brother was taken up, and it was with the utmost difficulty that the officers removed the prisoners to a place of safety. Seeing that the force there was insufficient to guard the lives of the prisoners, word was sent to Captain Hagadorn, who immediately proceeded to the scene with three officers, and speedily restored order. The younger prisoner had fled for safety, and now sent to the police to say where they could find him. He was arrested, as also was Mrs. Burns, the mother of the unfortunate girls, and her son and the two Majors were taken to Troy at 7 o'clock. The mother of the girls was in so crazed a state that it was deemed necessary to 1 andcutf her, and even then she had to be placed in a cart and held by three men. The investigation of what is called the Cy prees Hill Road outrage is going on in a New ork Court. Seven young men are charged with a diabolical outrage on the person of Mrs. Rosa Allen, a woman sixty-eight years of age. The testimony of the injured wo man wa9 to the effect that when she was first attacked she wag walking up the road, and that they lifted her over the fence. When in the field, the prisoner Frank struck her vio lently with a bottle, which blow caused her to fall to the ground; he then kicked her, and tore out her pocket, containing about one dollar in postal currency. Officer Reed, who arrested the accused, deposed to their presence at the scene of outrage. The arrest of the supposed murderer of the Joyce children whose bodies were found ter ribly mutilated, in a piece of woods at Rox bury, Mass., a short lime since, has again thrown the public mind into contemplation of the details of crime. The particulate of this dreadful tragedy are still fresh in memo ry and need not be recalled. A discharged soldier, named Stewart, ha3 been arrested, suspected of the murder. It was found that he had re-enlisted in the Regular Army, was traced to Fort Independence, and recognized on a parade. . Stewart is described as being “of Irish descent, and about twenty-four years of age. He is stout built, of medium height, has a short thick neck, full face, datk brown hair, and cold blue eyes, with very heavy, shaggy eyebrows. He has a mother living at Pittsburg, Pa. Stewart was natu rally much troubled upon being arrested. He deniea positively all knowledge of the crime, and, when spoken to about it, said, with much feeling, “I am bad enough, God knows, but 1 wa9 never bad enough to com mit a murder.” He declares that he basam pie evidence to prove where he was at the time of the murdeu, and to establish his in nocence. The prisoner will probably be ta ken to Dedham jail to-day, as the crime was committed in Norfolk county.” Night Passes Required in Augusta.— An order from Gen. Molineaux appears in the Augusta papers announcing that hereafter any persons except General and Staff Officers of the U. 3. A., found in the streets after 10 P. M., without proper passes, jvill be arrest ed by the Provost Guard. The State Convention.— The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel says that the Stnte GonventionriMll be called at the earliest prac ticable period, probably by October or No vember. * Governor Johnson will occupy the Execu tive Mansion at Millcdgeville. V&b ertisements. t * Bv a csreful Tenant, a FURNISHED HOUSE, in a £x*l locality URDoeseriaion either in September, Octo sr or November Apply at 111 and 113 Congress Street, jylS-tf jTreanor's Old Stafld. JJOARD WANTED, By a young married couple, in a private family, where there are no other boarders. In the neighbor hood of Bui! street preferred. Address A. Z., jylS-3t • Herald Office. UNDERWRITER’S SALE. OCTAVUS COHEN WILL SELL ON WEDNESDAY, IS»ih INST. At 10 O’ Clock, in Front of ais Stork, 22 bales COTTON. 4 do do. Damaged on board of Young’s Flat and Kienzle's flat on the voyage from Augusta. Sold under sur vey for account of the underwriters and all concerned, Terms cash. , jy J ~ J. GUILMARTIN * CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPHNG MERCHANTS, NO. 148 BAY STREET, (Oppoaite the City Hotel.) SAVANNAH, GA, Particular attention given to procuring Freights, and filling orders for Hard Pine Timber and Lumber, Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac. L. J. QUILMABTIN, JOHN FLANNERY. E. W. DBUM.MOND. Jyl* lm QADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— , j- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, «fcc„ Corner of Bay and Barnard Stbebts, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York House. jyis LUMBER, LUMBER. ' We offer for sale, at Old Iron Steamboat Company’s Wharf, HARD PINE AND SPRUCE BOARDS AND SCANTLING, In lots to suit purchasers. L. J. GUILMARTIN Si CO., Jyi® 8 No. 14S Bay street. QOTTON ’ * We have put up a Press for the Re packing of Cot ton and Wool at our Store No. 148 Bay street, oppo site City Hotel, ■iyte-5 L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO. BALDWIN 110 Duaue Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover Street, Baltimore, DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yarns. jyjg T>ROSPECTUS OF THE MERCANTILE MIRROR.. A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, * WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Irntued on or about the \bth of July, 181*5, Bi J. W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, GA. This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many ot the leading merchants of the country, as a Whn2 and “ advertising their business— While we will publish the advertisements of all who w i th their Patronage; the paper will also C D , Cum “V?‘ the Markets in all the princi ,% teß Exchange, Brokerage, &c., and Commercial News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIKKOIt ’’ be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will De sufficiently large ar m l , ,or «. Editorials. Correspondence. Select Reading Matter, &c. It will be a family, as L AB . A VF ,IN £? S rAI>EK ' «nd we intend that it shall visit every City, Town und Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a ?iRKwii th w deßCription - ° l ' R TERMS WILL BE 'm-nUn bo il T Ul t able to P ubli *h them in this Circulai, not knowing what number of our friends will waat thtdr Business Cards, Notices, &e„ brought be fore the Public througii this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to oceu py, directions, <ftc. We have a large Stock of Fancy ly Pf’ Luts and material for displaying them, and feel a < ii ,I tln e - lt ° f )J leritin £ the patronage und approval of all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at the amount ot matter and size of paper required, we will make au estimate and publish the rates for advertis ng, in the hrot number. They w,..l be as low as Possum™ to allow us TO POBIIBU the paper. Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling ns sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. BURKE Sc CO., Agent in Savannah: Macon, Ga. Geo. N. Nichols, Bay Street. Jyl9-tf J)AILY JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AND EVENING, lH'-» MACON, GEORGIA BY S. ROSE AND S. B. BURR, PROPRIETORS. !5n r Kf l “ ,l 1 w “ kl »ctalEuih. «K SHSHSI __ jyß lw Macon’ Ga. Q.ROCERLE'i 1 SU "Ru’o CrUShed ’ Reflned A B and c > andPort » Syrup and Molasses, Sugar Mouse and Porto Rico < uflee. Old Gotei ument Java, Hio And Jamaii a Tea s , Hall Chest and Caddys, Black sun Green' Horn-, barrels and ball'barrels, Extji Family ’ Riti«ins, half and quarter boxes. La^er, Candles, half boxes, Adamantine, “ Mall-', 100 kegs assorted sixes, Cement, 10 barrels. Butter, Cheese and Lard. Soap, Starch and Mustard, Ground Pepper and Ginger, Calsup and OIL Buckets, Brooms and Measures, Flour Pails, Market Baskets, Axe Helves. 1 Washboards, Clothes Lines, Clothes Plus \ Wrapping Paper Matches, Segars, Corn. Brail, Hav aisl Fodder, Bagging, Rope. Oakum, Twine, Ac. Just received and lor saL- by . a *M. H. STARK, Jylß-3 corner By and Lincoln street. TO CONSIGNEES Consignees per Enterprise loats Nos. 1 and S, from Augusta Hunter & Oamaell, C. S. Colby, W H Stark, J. A. Villalonga, Jno, K. Wilder, E. E. Hertys, W. C. O’Drlscoll. ‘ Consignees will call at the Charleston Wharf and re ceive their goods. j y j 8