Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 28, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. Resignation of Col. Thos. H. Hubbard, 30th Maine Vet. Vol.— This officer recently forwarded to the War Department his resig nation as Colonel of his command. By a telegram received on Wednesday eve ning, from Washington, his resignation was accepted. Col. Hubbard, at tbe beginning of the war, left a lucrative practice ofldaw in New York for the position of Adjutant of tbe 25th Maine, nine months volunteers. His Regiment was stationed at Washington. At the expiration of its term of service, Col. Hubbard was appointed by ths General com manding, Lieut. Colonel of 30th Maine Vet eran Volunteers. After the Regiment was mustered into service, Jan. 9th, 1864, they were immediate ly ordered to New Orleans and reported to Gen. N. P. Banks. ’ ♦ The Regiment wa9 ordered to Franklin, Western Louisiana, and took part in the cel ebrated Banks’ Red River Expedition. The SQih Maine was subsequently ordered to Morganzia Bend, then to New Orleans, James River and the s Shenandoah Valley, where they served under Gen. Phil. Sheridan Af ter the grand review at Washington, the regiment was ordered to Savannah. Col. Hubbard is the son of cx-Governorn Hub bard, of Maine. Col. Hubbard will become a resident of"New York city. The officers and men of the 30th Maine regret the resignation of Col Hubbard. For justice, and a lotty tone of character, and «s regards charity aud feeling, and the care of those subordinate to him, Col. Hubbard wa3 an example to all you4fc officers. The Mails Fowarded from Savannah on Yesterday.— Mr. W. E. Warren, one of Col Harriss’ Assistants in the Savannah Post Of fice, yesterday forwarded to Augusta, five bags containing mall matter for the interior of .Georgia and South Carolina. By the Steamship Chase, were sent three bags for New York, and four for Washington, togeth er with one mail bag for Hilton Head, Charles ton, etc. The mailfe received at the Savannah Po3t Office yesterday were nine bags from New York and Washington, one from Hilton Head, and one from Florida. The mail forwarded to the interior of Georgia, and to the distribution office at Augusta, contains letters and papers for Middle, Northern and Southwestern Georgia, and points in South Carolina lying west and north of Hamburg, South Carolina. A large mail will, on Saturday, be forward ed by the steamer Fountain for Southern Georgia and Florida,; also mails for New York and Augusta, Ga. The New Police of Savannah.— By or der of Gen. Davis, the United States Military Police force of Savannah wa9 disbanded re cently, and in its stead, an organization of armed patrols was substituted. This change has been followed by good re sults, as shown in the registry of the Provost Guard bouse, which contains a greatly di minished list of arrests. The city is divided into two Districts. Its Eastern portion is guarded by the patrol de tachment of the 12th Conn. Volunteers, and the Western by that of the 30th Maine Vol unteers, who also guard all the Police Pris ons. To this efficient organization is added a special police, but its members, and who they are Unknown only to those in authority. Mr. Newman’s Concert.— St. Andrew’s Hall was filled to repletion last evening on the occasion of Mr. NeWman’s Concert with his class of eighty children. The programme was pleasing and well-selected, and the sing ing was very fine, as also was the orchestral accompaniment. The correctness of time and tune in the chorusses'by so large a num ber of children displayed well the efficient training of their instructor. Some of the solos, too, were given in a manner that would have reflected credit on more expe rienced vocalists. The whole affair w&s ex ceedingly pleasant,and we think thatarcpu titionot the concert would meet the univer sally expressed desire of those present and those who were unable to attend last even ing. A Relic fob Babnom b New Museum.— A walking cane, presented Tby Gen. Washing ton to James Duffy, a native of County Ar maugk, Ireland, and an Orderly of “The Fa ther of his country” during the Revolution ary wtr, has recently come to light in this city. The cane is an interesting relic of the good old days. It is of ferruled reed, with an ivory head, set with silver, upon which is an inscription, much obliterated. The cane was bequeathed to Patrick Duffy, a well known citizen of Savannah, and subsequent ly to Mr. Win, Burke. This old Revolutionary relic can be seen at the Hebald office to-day. Tffe Administration of Justice. —The Provost Courts having been abolished by or der of the Post Commandant, Lieut. Col. R. P. York,District Provost Marshal, discharges the functions ot District Judge with the jurisdiction in certaiq cases formerly held by Judge Parsons, Capt. Cox, Post Provost Marshal, of the city, tries all criminal cases occurring within the limits of Savannah, and is successor of Judge James E. Smith. This morning several important cases will he tried before C&L York, also several in Capt. Cox’s Cpurt. Mails fob the Nobth, by the Nevada, will close at 11 o’clock to-morrow (Saturday) morning. Music at the Park.— The band of the 30th Maine \ ols., E. M. Gammon, leader, is to play for a promenade concert at the Park on Saturday evening at six o’clock. The programme is to be announced to-day. The band of the 30th Maine RegL is well known here as one of the finest which has ever appeared in this city, and we congrat ulate our citizens on the prospect of some excellent afternoon concerts of the best music. Minstrel Performance.— The Belton Min strels advertise in another column that their third performance will be given at Marshall Hall this evening, they not being able to pro cure St. Andrews Hall. They have had two full houses, and promise a bill worthy of another one to-night. Auction Sale of a West India Cargo.— Tbe cargo of the schooner John Vance, Capt. C. E. Smith, direct from Matanzas, Cuba, is to be sold to-day at 11 o’clock, a. m., by Messrs. Bell & Christian. The cargo con sists of sugar, molasses and segars. Mails fob Charleston.— The steamer Fan nie will leave for Charleston on Saturday morning at 9 o’clock, mails for that city will close at eight o’clock, to-morrow morning. Before Lt. Col. Robert P. York, Provost Marshal. Savannah, July 27. 1865, Daniel Oliver vs. Daniel Matthews—peti tion fi*r recovery of property. It was order ed that Daniel Oliver take psssession of the building known as the “Forest City Mills,” situate in the city of Savannah, on the south east corner of Montgomery and Jefferson streets; and be permitted to retain the said premises, until he is notified that the same have been surrendered by the United States Government to its owners. Louisa Frank vs. Daniel Mann. Case dis missed. 1 COMMERCIAL. Savannah Cotton Market. Savannah, July 27th, 1865. The market to-day is very quiet, with sales of two lots of Middlings amounting to 12 bales at 42 cents. The receipts to-day were by; flat from Augttsta, and by wagons from Washington county, of 195 bales Upland coJt<&. By flat from Augusta 24 bales, of Yarns were received. Hrribals. PULABKI HOUSE, JULY 27, ’ Capt J P Low, Beaufort N A Megrath, Macon 1 J O Thompson,, do J Swaftlander, H Head R Tomlinson, do Q C Woodard, do C Ward, do E K Hogan, Asst Sur USA U W Stevens, do A V Elliot, Cf.DS Mrs Scovel, do J L Morgan, Str Nevada Col Fullerton, Washington H Bartlett, Goldsboro A K Mulligan, Ft Pulaski Col Kimball, 12 Me Vols, W B Gaulden, Georgia Thomasville J'Gilbert, Macon SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) JULY 26 G A Fossard, N Y ,Maj Gen C Shun, Waah’ton J O Browsor, Charleston Capt L U Silemnn, do * H N Sheparo, do | E Sarsone, jr, Savannah K Marshall. do . | S G Stussell, do T Towers, S Carolina | W T Reeve, do POUT ROYAL HOUSE, (HILTON HEAD) JULY 26. GC Me Neal ty, Charleston IA C McDonald, W Herald, do Capt 26 U S C T J W Lalb, do lw H Capes, U S S T J Harvey, do lu W Lluney, 128 UIS C T L V Martin, do J Callahan, U S S S L Langdon, do t Lt H R Cadey, Jacksonville G T Holmes, do W H Cronk, Lt and AQM W J Mescadly, do I Fort l’ulaski Mr Cape and lady, do jj Blake, U S Ship New E A Johnson, do Hampshire J O Gardner, do Capt Q Towns, A H Petch, do Str May Flower J Morarty, do J Pitts, Darien, Ua R F Moore, do ,W M Bexby, U S N, J Apple. do Bay Poin J N Murray, do 1C W Hanley, U S N, S W Wallace, do | Bay Point W F Brown, Savannah pipping Mi nature Almanac—This Day. Sunrises 5 UjMoonsets 10 21 Sun sets • 7 l|lligh water 11 20 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, July 27,1866. ArrLved. Ciiarit s L Colby ft Co’s flat boat from Augusta, with 187 bales cotton and 24 Dales yarns, to C L Colby ft Cos Steamer Canonicus, Tilton, Beaufort, S C. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Emilie. Bender, Hilton Head. Schr Julio, from Nassau, to I D Laßoche. Below* Schr Mary Agnes, from Nassau. Cleared* Steamer Nantasket, Springer, Whit marsh Island. Steamer Canonicus, Tilton, Beaufort Sehi Charlotte, Jones, Charleston—C C Cambridge. PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. July 25—Schr John Vance, Smith, Cuba. July 26—Brig A B Cook, Speed, New York. Cleared. July 25—Schr John Vance, Smith, Savannah. July 26—Schrs A Heatou, Ryan, Jacksonville; Joseph Wallen, Doain. NY; sloop James Grubbs, Dollion, Sa vannah; steamship Empire City, Barton, NY; bark .Vary Stetson, Harman, do. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH, 1 Ist Division, Department of Georgia, > Savannah, July 22d, 1866. ) General Order, ) No. 3. f In many cases Horses and Males bearing the brand of the U. S. Government, in possession of the inbabi t ants of the rural districts, having been abandoned by the Government or exchanged by the troops for more serviceable animals. It is hereby directed that Com manding Officers of troops within the boundaries of this District prohibit the further seizure of horses and males bearing the brand of the United Slates, found iu the possession of citizens, except in cases where the persons having such horses and moles bearing the Government brand, are known to have come into possession of them In an illegitimate mannei. By Command of Brevet Maj. Gen. J. M. BUANNAN. Will A. Coulter, Capt. & A. A. G. jy22 COMMERCIAL* MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. This Company, with over a Million Dollars as As sets, are taking Marine Risk to and from New York on Steamers and Sailing Vessels at usual rates. ‘ DANIEL DRAKE SMITH, President. A. B. HOLMES, Vice President. Henbt Kmo, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Agent, At Home Insurance Company’s Office, Jy>law4w 8# Bay street, Savannah, Ga. gTUART A COT FAMILY GROCERS, DKAI.FBB IN TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corner Bull and Bbocgutom Streets. Special attention paid to country orders from Fami lies and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of the rity free oi charge. L. Y. Stuart. H. M. Kellogg. jy!9 ts piERCE SKEHAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Ip Fine Groceries, Boots aid Shoes, Clothing Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. IT6 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, an<t 62 Liberty street. New York. jnADKN a lINCKLE&j GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, —and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &o„ Corner of Bat and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac., aud liberal cash advances made on shipments to onr New York House. jyis QEORGE A. HUDSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, ALES, WINES, LIQUORS,SEGARS, *o VTHE “SOJOURN.” “ As we Journey through Life, let us Live by the way." SOUTH EAST CORNER OF EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. jy!9 lm gTATIONERY. TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY at the lowest cosh prices. Our stock in the above line is the largest in tbe Do payment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. SAVILLE A LEACH. Comer Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter’s Bank, Savannah, Ga., —and— MERCHANTS’ ROW,. HILTON HEAD, S. C. —_____ gEA ISLAND HOTEL. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, TUESDAY, JUNE 20rn, 1665. This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. Tbe scenery is quite as pleasing and inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. 1., and is altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahaut, Mass., and as fine sea bathing as at that place or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will lie made to ren der tbe Hotel all thattho most fastidious can desire. Billiard Rooms and Sea Bathing houses will soon be in readiness for guests. ju23 ts jpO 1? T ROYAL HO US e7‘ HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUGG, Proprietors. E. 8. EtDDKLL, 11. F. BUGO. ju3-tf JpULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. BARTELS A RIDDELL, Proprietors. i. O. BARTELS. E. a. RIDDELL. ju3-tf *rs—.’l ju'Jt-jB-i." I "f. jyj P. MULLER. CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT.; Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans for and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, Ac. Office, Sorrel’s building, next to Gas Office. jy2l lm JJOUBE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his three story brick dwelling house, situated on Montgomery street one door south of York street. There is gas fixtures through the house. To a person who desires a com fortable home now is their chance. A dwelling house and store is offered by this sale. jy26-2w PETER STRAUS. jyjANNINU 4 DE FOREST. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Wall Street, New York. DEALERS IN GOLD, SILVER, FOREIGN EX CHANGE and GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Give special attention to the purchase and sale ol Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes, Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. Jyls-3m Fl MBER CUTTERS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As Thzt Arrive, HARD PINE LUMBER AND HEWN. SHIPPING TIMBER. W. A. BEARD, jy!6 eodlm 134 Congress street Jpoß PALATKA, FLORIDA. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, Si. MARY’S, FEE NANDINA JACKSONVILLE and PICOLATA. The New and Fast Steamer ‘‘FOUNTAIN,*’ Captain G. W. Cajbtn is. Will leave for the above places on SATURDAY MORNING, the 29th inst., at 9 o’clock. For Freight or Passage apply on board at Dillon M Wharf; opposite the Gas Works, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on wharf. jy*7-3 * LINE SAILING VESSELS. QUICK DISPATCH FOR NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper Schooner HATTIE BAKEft, Capt. Burgess Will clear for the above port in a few days. lias superior accommodation for First Class Cabin Passengers. Only Rook for Four left—Fare, S3O. Asa large portion of her cargo is already engaged Shippers will need to make early. application for freight room. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO. jy24 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. JjVOtt NEW YORK. The At fast sailing Clipper Schooner FRANCIS HATCH, Capt. Ohivkbel, Will have quick despatch for the above port. For Freight or Passage apply to Jy2o BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. jJ^ESCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS. REGULAR WEEKLY LINE OF CLIPPER SCHOON ERS FOR NEW YORK. The undersigned intend to keep up a ‘regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying between Sa vannah and the above port, with superior accommo dations for passengers and the very best facilities for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., jylß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. "RANTED. An improved place located on the Salts, with one or two residences on it and from 60 to 300 acres land at tached, not over 16 miles from the city. Address Key Box No. 60, P. 0., Savannah, stating location, im provement, distancefromtowns,_&c. 1 jygft-3 "yy ANTED, 4 *' At the Telegraph Office two Intelligent boys, to de liver messages. A. J. GUSTIN, jy2o Manager. ■yy ANTED. 260 able bodied Colored Laborers wanted immedi ately to work on the Central Railroad. None need apply except those who are willing to work. Apply at SPRATT & CALLAHAN’S Office, Son el’s Building, opp. Post Office. jy2s-3. igg-jggsg" JjMNSTEIN, ROSEN FELD A CO BANKERS, No. 8 BROAD STREET. }•, New York. rv ) We draw at sight, and at sixty days, on London, j Paris, Frankfobt, and ail other principal cities of ii Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the Cm Banes, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollabs, at the rate of fouh per cent, per annum, Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds and Gold, executed on Commission. je&-3taw3m *10,000,000 MAR,KE FIRE, rnd LIFE INSURANCE, » at J. T. THOMAS A CO’S Insurance Rooms, 117 Bsy street, Savannah, Ga. Marine Risks taken in first class Companies on lib eral terms. - Losses promptly paid In Sterling Gold or Currency according to agreement Jy2ti-eodß Q O TTO N GINS!! THE EMERY PATENT GIN, Which for COMPACTNESS, ECONOMY OF TIME, SPACE AND LABOR far surpasses any other Gin ever before offered to the public. The undersigned are prepared t* famish them at regular rates, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AMES, PEABODY * CG* No. 162 Congress street, have the above Gin on exhibition. Samples can also be seenat the warehouse of CHASu L. COLBY A CO., Jy2stf __ comer Bayand Abcroom streets- JQAILY JOURNAL AND "MESSENGER. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AND EVENING IN MACON, GEORGIA BY- S. ROSE AND S. B. BURR, PROPRIETORS. The.old Journal and Mesbe»6Kß. established in 1823, and regularly published since that time, hae now the largest Daily and Weekly circulation in the State of Georgia, and is a desirable Advertising medium for Northern and other Merchants, having goods to dis pose ot We will advertise on as liberal terms as auy. and parties seeding us their advertisements, with the money, will be insured entire satisfaction. Address S. ROSE A CO., jylS lw Macon. Ga._ JOOOM3 t TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, 9. C. The Palmetto Herald Bußding having been Nevrlv Fitted UP. now offers large and auy rooms, suitable for Sleeping Apartments or business purpwes. For terpS apply taW.B. Hilton Head Post Office, or on Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4oreloc* to 6 o’clock p. m. * yjARSHALL HALL! .W. H. Campbell, ... Manager Third appearance of tho BELTON MINSTRELS. Having been unable to pro-nre St Andrew’s Han for to-night the third perfornunce of Q»t« Company win be given at Marshall Hail this FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 98. A Good Bill will be offered, Price of Admission, 60 cento; Reserved Seats for Ladies, 76 cento jy*6-I yOLKS* GARTEN, (Congress st, between Jefferson and Montgomery sto.,) REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIQBT, BT THE SAVANNAH. ORCHESTRA. Prof. E. Richter, Leader, U Refreshments of the best quality and in every variety. lmo jylO .'g-."-T'TBLL_ I I jiinui__l_L.lL 'J'HE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK —IS MOW PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, AT THE BANKING'HOUSE, IN THE EXCHANQE. Deposits and Paper for Collection received. Bills on Northern Cities purchased. Checks on New York furnished. L. C. NORVELL, President. JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. diseotobb: L. C. Nobvell, I Francis Sobbxll, Noble ▲. Hardee, I J. *7. Latkbop, Roust Ebwui. HENRY S. FITCH, Notary and Solicitor. Savannah, 26th June, 1866. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, I Office or Comvtbolueb or tee Ocrfknqz, V Wnshingfon, June 10th, 1866, j Whereas, By satisfactory evidence presented to th undersigned, it has been made to appear that ‘‘Tot Savannah National Bank,” iu the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the re qulrements of the Act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,’’ approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act re quired to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said Act: Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Savannah National Bank,” in the City of Savannah, in the County of Chatham, and State of Georgia, is author toed to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of June, 1866. FREEMAN CLARKE. (A’o. 1266.] Comptroller of the Currency. jn26 2mos jy|-UTILATED AND TORN TREASURY NOTES REDEEMED AT THE SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, At Tueie Value. , Jy2o-2w J. SPIVEY, Cashier. r J'O THE PATRONS OF THE PACIFICATOR. The suspension of Tu* Pacifioatob, the only Cath olic Journal in the South, has been caused by circum stances arising mainly from want of means to defray thu expense of publication. Tills announcement is' made with extreme regret, but, relying upon the deep interest and the generous support heretofore extended both by the Clergy and Laity of the Church, as well as upon the liberal pa tronage received from the members of other denomi nations, we sincerely trust the suspension will only bo of a very brief duration. In the present condition of the country, it is of par amount importxnce that the Church should have an organ in the South for the dissemination of Catholic Doctrines, and the defence of Catholic 'teachings and Practices. The sudden, radical and unexpected changes which have taken place in the organization of Sonibern in stitutions, political, religions and social, make the support of a Catholic Journal in this section an im perative dnty on the part of each and every member of the Church. If then the Catholics of the South desire the publi oation of this Journal continued let them go to work without delay in its behalfi and so soon as a sufficient number of renewed subscriptions arc received it will again be regularly issued. The past tone of The Pacificator, Religious, Polit ical, and Literary, will be its best recommendation, and a guarantee of its future conduct, Mr. L. T. Blome having withdrawn from the con cern, the paper will hereafter be conducted solely by the subscriber, who earnestly appeals to the Cathodes of the south, and to all other* friendly to the cause, to sustain TnE Pacificator by a liberal patronage. The Catholic clergv throughout the South *ue au thorized to receive subscriptions. tar' Publication will be resumed as soon as the par ties whose names are now on the books renew their snbscrlptions. TERMS. One Year —s4 0® Six Months it to Patrick WalsH, Editor and Propriotor. Angnata, Qa., July Ist, 1866. Jy9*4*. • JM PORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, AT WHOLESALE, fO« TAMIL* Oil, AT 207 BAY STREET. ISRAEL H SEALY A OX may?4-tf A HARDEE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, bat street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Ebwln, Cuas. s. Haw** may3l-eod2m j c. FEATHER, M D. 'office, NO. 18>tf MERCHANTS’ .ROW, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. in2Q STOVES ! 1 o'ioVES Ii | Large and small, for Restaurants and Families. All kinds of HOLLOW WARE and Coosing Uten sils, Planters' HUBS, wholesale and ret ill, by JAMBS G. THOMPSON A 00., Jll-lmo ■* Beaufort. S. C OHKAP WATCHES AND GOLD PENS. We are now offering our stock of Watches and Gold Pens at reduced p-lces. Watches $7, $9, sl2, s•£, S2O, $26, $45, S6O, and upwaids. Gold Pens and cases from $8 to sl6 per dozen, bend stamp for cir cular saM’L £L BURBANK A CU,» jy2C-6 Box 4,2 W, 203 Bteadway, N. X.