Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 31, 1865, Image 4
The Savannah Daily Herald. MONDAY, JULY 31, 1805. FBOJI OUR EVENING EDITION OF SATURDAY. ISTELUOEKCK FROM THE COUNTRY. AGRICULTURAL LABOR —STOCK —EDUCATION. We are indebted to a gentleman who has recently traversed p irtions of the counties of S riven, Burke, and' some of those in Middle Georgia contiguous to Macon, for intor[na tion of which we give a condensed summary. The crop* have suffered much from the prev alent drought and the intensity of the lieat, which have been general in our various sec tions this season, and almost wholly unpar allelled. AS we learn, the insubordination complained of among the frcedmen, employed in tillage in our neignboring counties is but lit tle known in those adjacent to Macon. Many, however have left their old homes, ib conse quence of which much fine arable laud is left open and uncultivated. The stock, in sec tious that were not visited by the army, is in Very good condition 5 and he thiuks that lour years, at the farthest limits, will bring our stock raisers to their old status all over those counties where the army did pass. Education, he reports, in a bad state. The difficulty of securing the services of compe tent teachers isTbe whole cause of this. Time, we are persuaded, will remedy this evil Georgia Items. —Henry D. Ames a worthy and estimable citizen of Hancock county, was shot through the body aud instantly killed on the night of the 4th icst-, while in bed unconscious of danger. Some of his own negroes, who had misbehaved and perhaps been ordered off his premises, are suspicloned of the act. —The Reporter states that notwithstanding the depression of monetary affairs in that section of country, the spirit of business is reviving in the beautiful little city of La- Grange; and it is added: All wbo have b* tu able to do so have engaged in some sort oi business; but still there are many who Cauuot get employment for the want of cur rency among us su thcleat for the revival o. business of all kinds. —The LaQ range Reporter announces the re moval of a portion of the troops from that place to South western Georgia. One or two co upturns remained as a garrison. vlr Diaiel Johnson, who had for twelve years tided the office of tax collector of Troup county, died on tne 9th in>t. —Tue eommandor of the post at Columbus gives notice that merchants, traders and shop keepers, aud ail other persons will be requir ed to recive ‘’greenbacks” at par. No one will lie allowed to make any difference in the price of aay articles, between specie and greenbacks, O'* in anywise depreciate the na tional currency. ‘‘Toe Columbus Enquirer says : • Wa hiv glad 10 »ee and hear all around W3 the i vidcucefc of returning activity in both <>ur industrial and eouuuercial pursuits. There has as yet been little pr nothing done towards rebuilding the burnt business hoU'es ; our once flourishing tactories are utterly destroyed, and no workmen has as yet commenced clearing their ruins lor new buildings. But wa note the resumption of work, on 1} limit' and scale it is true, in iwu or turee of tue uiacuine shops that lately eoirributed so uiuou to our pop ulation and prosperity, and we hear and see everywhere the meenanics who work on their own account actively eugHgei.” —A. negro going from Macon to Fort Val ley, when about sis aides from the city, was attacked by six ruffians who demanded his greenbacks, and Anally shot him. He wa? taken to the Ocmuigee Hospital. —About ttlty guns formerly belonging to the Contedeiate government and used by the provost guard, were stored in the Brown Hou>e at Macon until they could be regular ly turned over to the United States authori ties. Wnen application wa9 made at the hotel for the gun3. It was found that they bad disappeared. An i instigation is being made. —lt twenty-seven inches of snow gives.three inches of water, how much milk will sicow give when ted upon turnip ? Multiply the flakes of the hair on the cow’s tail, then di vide the product by a turnip, add a pound of chalk, and the sum will be the answer. * —The Transcript says “that the ladies of Augusta are going it b eavy on the subject of Water-fails. A lady's ‘back hair* is rolled np into a ball about the size and shape of a boiled flour pudding *, this is put into a kind ot bag made oat of a net work, and When propeny ffushi mably) arranged, gives the lady the appearance of a femalo Atlas carry ing the gloue on her shoulder." —A gentleman who has a contract for fur nishing cross-ties for a certain Railroad, visi ted Macon the other day to procure laborers. He accosted a crowd of healthy looking ne groes, louDg'ng near the South-western De pot. Strange to say, he could not Induce a single one to accompany him down the Brunswick road, some ten miles, although he offered them one dollar per day and board and lodging. * —The Maoon Journal advises the people to make private arrangements among them selves tor the transmission of mail matter, in view of the doubtful prospect of improve ment in mail facilities. It suggests “that the members of such combinations might each in turn agree to receive a mail at thl nearest railroad station and deliver its contents to the others. For instance, twelve men com b niug, one of the twelve would only be re quired to Incur the expease aod trouble of going after a daily mail once in two weeks ; and if the number be doubled, once in four weeks would be all the service required. —A large force of laborers Is engaged upon the Montgomery and West Point Rail road. It is expected that the repairs will be completed about the middle of August —Maj. Gen. Steedman and a portion of his staff have been making a tour of inspection through the cities ot Georgia. —The steamer Gen. Shepley broke her rudder on her last trip’ from this city to Au gusta, and was towed up by the Augusta.— The water in the river is too low for boats of their class to get above Sand Bar Ferry. The Health of Newbern, N. C.—The Board of Health at Newbern, N. C., have certified that no malignant disease prevails in that town. Remarkable Effect of Vapor Batti)—A Mew Cure for Hydrophobia. Dr. Buisson, ot Paris, was lately called in to treat a woman wbo had been seized with hydrophobia, aud in whom the disease had reached its final crisis. Having bled the pa tient, lie wiped his hands with a cloth mois tem-d by the saliva of the dying person. On the'forefinger of the leit hand he had a trif ling wound with the skin broken. He at once perceived his imprudence, but trusting to the method of cure lately discovered by him, he was satisfied with washing in water. •‘Thinking,” says M. Buisson, “‘that the malady would not declare itself before the fortieth day, aud having many patients to visit, I put'off taking my remedy of vapor baths from one day to another. On the ninth day, being in my"clo9et, I felt all at once a pain in my throat, and one yet more keen in my eyes; my body felt so light that I thought, if i jumped I could rise to a prodigious height, or that if I threw myself, from the window I should be able to float iu the air; the hairs of my head were so sensitive that it seemed to me as if without seeing them I could have count ed saliva rose continually in my mouth; contact with the external air caused me frightful pain, and I shunned looking at anyth.; g bright; I had an incessant longing to run lifter and bite, not men, but animals and even objects about me. 1 drank with difficulty, and may mention that the sight of water tried me more than the pain in my throat; 1 believe that by shutting tho eyes everv one with hydrophobia may always driufc. An attack came on every five min utes, and I observed that the pain began in the forefingers and extended along the nerves of the shoulder. Thinking that my system wa9 only preservative, not curative, iu its nature, I took a vapor bath, with the inten tion, not of healing, but of suffocating myself. When tlie bath was at a heat of 52 centigrade, all the symptoms disappeared a6 if by enchant ment; I'have felt none since. I have treated more than eighty persons who have been bit ten by animals in a state of madness, and all have been saved by this method.” When a person has been bitten by a mad dog, he should be made to take seven of tile so-called Russian vapor baths, from 57 to 63 deg. cen tigrade hot, one every day,- by way of pre ventive. In case of tile malady having dis tinctly shown itself, the vapor bath should he Leaked rapidly to 63 deg. The patient should strictly confine himself to liis room until he is qulte*well. Dr. Buisson mentions some other curious facts., A man in Ameri ca was bitten by a rattlesnake, about sixteen miles from home. Wishing to die in the bosom of his'family, he ran home, went to bed, perspired plentifully, and the wound healed like any simple sore. The bite of the tarantula is cured by dancing, the virus being dissipated by perspiration. If an infant who has been vaccinated is made to take a vapoi bath, the vaccination is of effect.— L' Interna tional. Sensational Eloquence. —A sensational clergyman out in Wisconsin told his hearers that he should divide his discourse into three parts: The fiist should be terrible, the sec ond horrible, and third should be terrible horrible. Assuming a dramatic tragic atti tude, be exclaimed in a startling agonizing tone. “What is it that I see there?" Here a little old woman in black, cried out with a shrill treble, “Its nothing but my little black dog; be won’t hurt bobody.” The thread of the discourse was so badly broken by this sudden interruption tuat the terrible horrible head was never reached. Provincial Wesley ah. Gross Corruption of Officials. —London, with a population of two aud a half millions, is admirably governed for about $12,000,000 a year. Paris, with a population of a million and a half, is kept in perfect order for about $10,000,000 per annum. But New York, which has a population of only eight hundred thousand, pays about $17,000,000 a year, and is miserably misgoverned and in the vilest of disorder, Who are to blame for this ? Why our corrupt officials and the corrupt press which deceives the people about them.— New York Herald. Novel Inventions. —Patents have been obtained in France for an instrument to in dicate the existence of minerals or springs of water in land for raising a ship into the air, and steering it there : for applying steam to children’s toys : for beating and lighting ap partments with the same apparatus : tor a mode of lining letter envelopes with silk ; and for a cane which you can put in your pocket and transform into a seat at will. A doctor was summoned to a cottage at Harwood, in England, and found a boy in need of his services. “Show your tongue," said the doctor The boy stared like an owir “My good boy, let me see your tongue," repeated the doctor. “Talk English, doctor," said the mother; and then turning to her son, said “Hopen thy gobbler, aud push out thy lollker." The mouth flew open and the doctor was terribly “taken in.” The Canadians are growing intolerant. Morse’s “American Geography” has been ex eluded by authority from the public schools ot Upper Canadas, because it is “calculated to impress on the youtbiul mind the idea that the United States ot America is the only country in the world meriting particular de scription, aud that other lauds are merely pe..didea and appurtenances of that great nauon, while the pictorial illustrations make evident the bravery of American troops aud Uti cowardice of their opponents.” [From the Macon Journal t Messenger, j How Can We Control-Our DoaJ«»Uei 1 This is a question that perplexes every house-wife in our vicinity. And it is one that U very difficult to answer. The negro vacillating and unstable, as he is, renders a solution of the subject still more difficult. Inflated with erroneous ideas of freedom, he is bard to control. He thinks freedom con sists in making contracts w’hen he pleases and with whom he pleases, and the right to break these contracts, regardless of the inconveni ence accruing to otheis when he pleases. Hence, there are many who are constantly in dread of waking up in the morning and finding “their servants all gone. We know of some families who have had at least a dozen cooks in the last three months, since the ne groes have been free. They leave, not from any disagreement between parties, but mere ly for the love of change, aud to exercise the right of freemen. Such vacillation upon the part of the negro, has created a mistrust up on the part of the whites, and the negro will be ruled out of market entirely as soon as white labor can be substituted. They have an excellent system North, con doling white laborers, and one that ought to be adopted iu the South among the negroes. That is, that their employment by the whites depend upon their character aud deposition. No servant can obtain employment North without a written recommendation from their former employer. No one, therefore, with out & good character can get a situation. It makes the servants better, shows ltitjt the ne cessity of honesty and faithfulness, aud re lieves the employer from all fear and mis trust. Now if we could instil it into the ne gro that his success in life depended upon his moral character, and his faithfulness iu dis charge of duty, we would, in a great degree, relieve ourselves from the perplexities that now surrounds us. Such a course- must be pursued if we ever have a settled condition of our domestic affairs. Our Intelligence offices can render the citizens valuable* ser vices by recommending only those whom they are assured will honestly discharge their duties. We hope that some system will be adopted to relieve our from the em barrassment under which they now labor, in reference to these matters. Selma Rising from hkr Ashes. —The Selma Daily Times, after adverting of the ruin and desolation of the city, thus hopeful ly speaks: «> The blow given Selma by Gen. Wilson’s raid was, indeed, a heavy one, but from this It will soon recover, as is evident by the daily revival of every species of trade,- which is being prosecuted with a vigor compelled to insure success. At present everything is high, if we take into consideration the scar city of money ; but this will not remain so long, as the opening of the Mobile port on Saturday last will have a strong tendency to lower prices. Each day money becomes more plentiful, and as a matter of course trade increases proportionately. The sound of the hammer and the scrapli'ng of the trow el can bp heard daily in the “destroyed por tions of she city, which unmistakauly indi cates that the spirit of improvement is not by any means dead among the citizens. Befoie a very great while many of the buildings de stroyed will be rebuilt and business greatly increased. We pray tbe hastening of the day. 1 Soda Wateh—lts History.— Soda water is siinpiy pure water impregnated with car bonic acid gas. It is known by its agreeable, pungent taste, by its slightly exhilarating qualities, and its bubbling and scintillation. The water to be impregnated with the gas is placed in a strong vessel, usually made of iron or copper, called a fountain. The gas, after being passed through to purify it, is conducted to the fountain, and after suffi dent agitation to contact with tbe gas, at a high pressure, the water becomes impreg nated, and is then what is known as soda water. The first experiments were made by Venal, in France, 1750,» and published in 1776; by Priestly, in 1798; and later by Bergman, Black, Van Helmont and others. The first manufactory in the world was es-' tablished at Geneva by Gosse, au apothecary ot that city, whose annual sales amounted to 40,000 bottles of “Eau de Belts.” In 1790, his partner, Mr Paul, founded an establish ment in Paris, where were compounded not only the principal mineral waters of France, but even those of foreign countries. From this time onward laboratories multiplied all over Europe, and the manufacture of simple agtated water is now conducted on so large a scale in all civilized countries that a very remarkable amount of inventive talent has been successfully employed in improving the necessary apparatus. Household Measures. —As all families are not provided with scales or weights, refer ring to ingredients in general use by-every housewife, Dr. Brown subjoins to his paper a list, as follows : WEIGHTS AND MEASURER. Wheat flour, 1 pound is l quart. Indjanuteal, 1 pound 2 ounces is l quart. Butter, when soft, 1 pound 1 ounce is 1 quart. • Loaf sugar, broken, 1 pound is 1 quart. White sugar, powdered, 1 pound 1 ounce Is .1 quart. Best brown sugar, 1 pound 2 ounces is J quart, j LIQUID MEASURE. v Sixteen tablespoonfuls are half a pint. Eight tablespoonfuls are 1-gill. Four tablespoons ate half a gill. A common sized tumbler holds Iblf a pint. A common sized wineglass holds half a gilL V The following is credited to the Western Christian Advocate: In a negro class-meeting in Richmond, Sam Johnson was called on to pray, and be fore he had closed his prayer the leader call ed out: “Sam Johnson, you may take your seat and let Brudder Sugden pray ; he is better acquainted with de Lord dan you.’’— Another was called to speak, and after speaking about tive minutes was called to order, and told it he could not speak more to de pint dan dat, he might take his seat. A Typographical Error—Perhaps.— The Mobile Tribune says that the negroes in Southern Alabama “generally exhibit subor dination and a willingness to pork." Perhaps “work” was what the editor intended to say; although most of the descendants ot Ham certainly have “a wililngyess to pork.’’— Avgusta Transcript.’ • —The Paris ladies are about through wear ing the crownless bonnets. Look out fox' s new style, more ridiculous than ever. —A curious fact has transpired with res pect to the University of Oxford. It appears that the celebrated printing establishment of that learned corporation employs a large number cf young persons from tep to six teen; that they are got rid of when they reach the latter age, and that no attempt is made to secure their education. These facts may well be considered to reflect upon a body with such pretensions. —An Irishman was once brought up be fore a magistrate, charged with marrying six wives. Tbe magistrate asked him how he could be so hardened a villain. ‘‘Please your worship,” says Paddy, “I was just try ing to get a good one." —Miss M. Davis, a beautiful young lady in Chesterfield, Va., daughter of a prominent citizen, was shot dead last week by a dis carded lover, named Sublett, who is under arrest. Alfred Tennyson; the poet laurete of Eng land, is failing very fast. He was just recov ing from a severe attack of throat disease, when, walking late one evening in his Isle of Wight garden, he took cold, and now it is stated symptoms of consumption are evident. A Washington correspondent of the News gives a rurnoi that the State Departmeent has advices that Maximilian will shortly abdicate the throne of Mexico; alsothat the President, sustained by a majority of the cabinet, has resolved to maintain the Monroe doctrine. —A Jew broker was standing on an oil tub at au auction, held the other day at Bir mingham, England, when in the excitement of “going, going, gone ! ” he stamped in the staves loose and disappeared in the oil. --The publication of the Montgomery Ad vertiser was resumed on the 18th inst., by Mr. S. G. Reid. The Post is merged into the Advertiser. LOCAL MATTERS. Arrival of Mlaj. Geu. Cart Scliurz and Hat. Gen. q. A. Gillniore. We announced some days since the arrival of Major Geu. Carl Schurz at Hilton Head, on a mission rela ting to the freedmon of the South. Geu. Schurz has visited Beaufort and Charleston,S. C., aud several other important points In tho Depart ment of South Carolina. This morning he arrived here, with Maj. Gen. Q. A. Gillmore, cojnmanding the Department of t South Carolina, In the steamer W. W. Cott. Gen. Schurz was accompanied by CapL Allman, of hla staff. Gen. Gillmore was accompanied by Capt. G. W. James, Capt. Leslie, and Capt H. M. Bragg of his staff. Gen. Schurz and Gen. Gillmore called on Gen. Brannan this morning, and Gen. Gillmore returned to Hilton Head at noon. Gen. Schurz will probably visit all Important points In Georgia. He will remain hertfuome days and then go to Augusta, and from thence to other cities. It is doubtful IX he goes to Florida. Arrival of a New Steamer for the Augusta Line. —The stern wheel steamer Gen. Berry, Captain F. Barden, from Baltimore, via Wilmington, 3 days, with passengers, arrived here this morning, con signed to Chas. L. Colby & Cos. * The Berry Is a light draught river steamer, 140 feet length, 21 >£ feet beam, 4 feet depth o* hold and was built in Portland, Maine, In 1664. She has the best accommodation for passengers and capacity for car rying three hundred bales of cotton. Some slight re pairs are necessary to her machinery, but she will be ready to start for Augusta by the first of the week. The public will be duly notified through her agents and owners, Chas. L. Colby A Cos.. Foreign Immicj ration. —Mr- Augustus P. Wetter, of Savannah, departed a few days since for Ger mauy, where he will establish agencies for the em igration of Germans to form colonies in, and till the soil of, Southwestern Georgia. Ms. Wetter will Introduce his first immigrants about the month of November. * Release of > Gen. IL R. Jackson.—A telegraph'c despatch announces the release of a number of Confed erate generals from Fort Warren In Boston Harbor. Among them was Major-General Heniy R. Jackson of this city, a prominent citizen of Savannah, aud formerly Minister to Austria from the United States. pipping |[ nttliigeittt. FORT OF SAVANNAH. Saturday, July 29,1555. Cleared Steamship Nevada, carpenter, New York, by Brie <t Baldwin. * Passengers —A Waldren, Mrs Waldron, 3 Misses Waldron, Master Waldron, C L Rldgety, ladv and 4 children, Mrs c Emery, 3 children and servant, Mrs Howell and 3 chUdren, Mrs WaUer and nurse, Mrs Lusford, Miss Lusford,, Mrs Fishman, Mrs Epps, Mrs Bellamy, Mrs T W Rlfhords, Mrs H T Blocker, Rev O G Smith, Mrs J Jenks, Miss F Jenks, Miss M E Gil lum, Mrs Gardner aud son, Miss Ameram, Miss Sallie Ameram, Mrs B Strauss and child, Mrs E G Weeks J Q A Gerry, M B Gerry, Rev E F Crane, R J Larcomb, L Cannon, H Rothschild, G Reinhart, M Newmark Reverend James Little, J Roseuband, E Zacluvrias & sou, Peterl Donlau, M Kempner, H A Richmond, Geo R Beard, L H Mattier, James Lynch, David Eek stlen, W u Gray, II W Webb, D Tannage, V N Tal mage, S W Bennett, C Ward, G W Stevens, C Van Horn, Artur Sliaaf, N Lusford, Henry Luhford, T. E. Buckmau, B. W. Bellamy, H. T. Block er, Muj- E. 0. Weeks, L A. Robinson, D. W, lugersoll, K. Hall, Joseph A. Wells, Maj. Felix Agnus, Jerry Dennis, Isaac Meinhard, and 13 in the steerage. Go to Ives* for your Sozodont. HOTELS. ~~ SEA ISLAND HOTEL, ■ OPEN.TO THE) PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 33th, 1803. . This new Hotel, situated on the most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, affords a fine view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and surrounding Islands. , The scenery is quite as pleasing and inter esting, in every respect, as the famous watering place of Newport, R. L, and to altogether as comfortable and healthful a place to spend the summer months.— It has a fine hard smooth Beach, seventeen miles long affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nahant, Mass,, and a* fine sea bathing as at that place Or Cape May. The House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and veramlahs on three sides of all the stories ; the furni ture is entirely new, and the tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effort will be maria to ren der the Hopd all that tho most fastidious can desire Billiard Rooms and sea Bathing houses will soon ’be In readiness for guests. ju23 ts PORT ROYAL HOUSE, Hilton Head, S. C. RIDDELL & HUGO, Proprietors. “• F# mCQO< jUd-tf PULASKI ROUSE, Savaxmaß, Georgia, BARTELSj & RIDDELL, Pbopbi ktob*. 4. O. BART MB. £, | ( BJDDBLL* fo3-f «• to Ives’ f«p yew .Night Blooming Cerws. _ GROCERIES, UqUORS, Ac. JU«T ARRIVEIj UY —• Schooner “Electric Spartt” A Complete Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. Three goods were bought very,low for cash, andean be said at a VERY LOW FIGURE,*! ▲X W. A. BEARD’S, jyiit ts 154 Congress street. STUART Sc CO., Family O-rooers, DEALERS IK TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corn kb Bell anb Broughton Streets. Special attention paid to country orders from Fami lies .and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all part 9 of the city free of charge. L. f. Stuart. . H. M. Kellogg. jyis . ts PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segara. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, - in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. * Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 .Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLE3, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS -IN GROCERIES, PRO ” VISIONS, Ac., Corker or Bay and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hide*, &c., and liberal cash advances made on abipme> ts to our New York House. jj is Geo. A. Hudson, Wholesale and Detail Dealer * -«*- Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segars, Liquors, &o. SOCII EAST COBNEB OF east BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, savannah, Georgia. Jyrc lm GENUINE CONGEESS WATEE * FOR SALE AT SOT Bay Street, SRTWXXN BARNARD & JEFFERSON. ISRAEL R. SKaLT & CO. CHEESE7' twenty-five boxes of cbee^is For sale by Jrigg HUNTE R & GAMMELL. kTrUn & KIENZLE, Wholesale and Xletall DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. o U It HOUSE, 105 BAY STREET. •< ts KIRLIN, BURKE &BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS? IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER .WHITAKER STREET A»*> BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. - j” 81 it ts VIRGINIA MIAMI AGKNtIf, George A. Crump & Cos., 20 D Broad Stb bi t , Aoqv $t a Qa , H a Y? °n hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. So, jcM Imported and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, A * Wholesale, for Family Hu, AT 207 BAY STREET. ■ „ ISRAEL R. SEALY & Cos. _ tnay24-ti Go to Ives’ for your PearFkats. STATIONERY, Am . stationery! TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. We offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY atjhe lowest prioos. Our stock in the above line la the largest In the De partment, and all our goods are of the first quality, fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. . 1 BAviLLE a Leach. Comer Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter's Bank, Savannah, Qa, 1 Afll) Merchants’ Ron, Hilton Head, 8. 0. Jyt ts Oho to Ives’ for your Derby Hats.