Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 03, 1865, Image 3

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I |0 CA L MATTERS# Collmtlom on the Perlt. I )ar?e uua iber of the friends of Capt. Delanoy, of B * Pioneer Line steamer Perit, and of the agents, B, , r - Hunter and Ganunell, assembled on board K- iteainer yesterday noon. An elegant collation B j seon prepared in the saloon, to which the guests B txi faemseives, Capt. Delanoy, presiding. Dr. j occupied the lower end of the table, which B - iinei with the leading business men of the K-j among whom we noticed Hon. Wylly Messrs Holcombe, Wight, Hardee, ■Cmn.agUam, Prentiss, CoL A. W. Stone, Capt. M. B -nedict, and many others. Capt. Delanoy, assisted jh*.' Ganunell, did the honors of the table, and full Kostice was done to the bountifully provided-viands. ■iTter the cloth had been removed, many short and B enjl speeches were indulged In. The Pioneer Line, Ba e commerce of Savannah, the City Government, the ;l ud numerous other toasts were given and res- Botiel to in happy style, and the party separated ■wla many congratulations to Mr. Ganunell and Bca?t. Delanoy upon the addition of the fine steamer ■perit to the Pioneer Line. The company were shown BtrougU the steamer by Capt. Delanoy, and all ex pressed themsyives highly pleased with the comfort ■ icd neatness of the vessel. I the Perlt sails for New York this afternoon, and Brill take a full height, and a large number of pas |ienger3. '' ■' Personal. ■ Brig- Gen. W. M. Dwight returned from Augusta Ilast evening, and has taken rooms at the Pulaski I House. I surg. W. Y. Provost, late of the 159th N. Y. Regt., I and formerly Chief Medical Officer of the District of ■ Savannah, arrived yesterday from Augusta, having I resigned his commission. He is on ills way to his home. Lt. Col. N. F. Marsh, Medical Director, and Maj. Lu geubeel, Judge Advocate of the staff of Gen. Steed mau, arrived from Augusta yesterday evening. Capture of Specie from Jeff. Davis’ Train. Capt. Carter, A. Q. M., arrived in this city last even ing, from Augusta, Georgia, In charge of $3,000 tn Oliver, and $2,000 In gold. This money-is said to have been scattered by Jeff Davis upon his flight, near the residence of Howell Cobb, late General C. S. A. Capt. Carter is en route for Charleston, S. C., from wlilcn point the coin Is to be shipped to the North. , aNew Firm.—The copartnership notice of Bel’, Wylly & Christian, will be found in another column. These gentlemen are prepared to carry on the auc tion and general commission business, and their well-established reputation in this line, cannot fail to Insure them the confidence of the business com munity. We have, received from Estill, comer of Bull street and Bay Lane, copies of Harper’s Weekly, Aug. 16th, Army and Navy Journal, Ac. Estill keeps on hand the latest Northern and other papers, and Magazines, Novels, Stationery, Ac. The Weather yesterday.—Yesterday was show ed again throughout the day. The thermometer Indicated at 7a. m., 83; Ip. m., 88; 7s. m., 86. Truth aT' the-Bottom of the Wel l, ob How Biel Williams Escaped from the Deserters. By THE ACTHOR OF MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, AC. Mr. Estill, (back of the Post Office), has placed on our desk a copy of this humorous story, from the facile pen of Major Jones. Those who have laughed at the Major’s “Adventure in Plneville, 1 ’ (and who has not laughed at them?) and bis other lnimitaije writings, will undoubtedly read “BUI Williams.” .The price suits the times, being only 10 cts. per copy. CEMETERY REPORTS. REPORT OF IJtTEBMEOTS IN LAUREL GROVE CEMETERY AND CEMETERY FOR COLORED PERSONS—FROM JULY IST, 1865, TO JULY 31ST, 1865. [Reported for the Savannah Daily Herald.] July I.—Theodore Duncan, 22 years, Intermittent fever, Company G, 163 U New York Vols. ; M. Slaes mau, congestive fever; Company G, 22d lowa. Juiv 2.—H. W, Ailuris, 32 years, pneumonia, Com pany D, 35tn Georgia. July s.—Win. Henry, 3 years, 2 months, intermit tent lever, savannah Georgia ; John Harrison, 17 years, sun stroke, (or cope de soliel), England, Com pany C, I6atn New York; John Van Etten, congestive lever, Company C, I2sth New York ; Robert Watson, So years, typhoid lever, Company C, UthNew Hamp shire ; ueorge Crabtree. 37 years, typhoid fever, Com pany H, i«u Maine ; Wilson Lindsay, 23 years, re mittent fever, Company G, 22d lowa ; J. P. Haddock, remittent fever. Company G, 3rd Florida. July 4tn.—B. H. Devine, remittent fever, paroled pris"ner. July 6th.—J. W. Smith, diarrhoea, paroled prisoner ; Florence A. M. Walsh, 1 year, 4 months, cholera Infantum, Savannah, Georgia ; John P. Farr, 1 year, 4 wonuis, intermittent fever, 'Savannah, Georgia. Jtny b.—Alex. Hogg, 45 years, drowned, Philadel phia; George Henry nankman, l year and 3 moot us, canerum ons, Savannah, Ga.; Alfred Moore, Cos. t, Naval fratt. July B.—James Shein, Savannah, Ga.; James Glt chell, 32 years, intermittent fever, Cos. D, 12th Conn.; Lyman siioouer, 42 years, typhoid fever, Cos. C, 14th New Hampshire. July u.—John Taylor, Cos. A, 128th New York; 0. P. Jactson, 36 years, chronic diarrhee, Cos. D, 14th Maine; Charles SUveruaU, 18 years, remittent fever, Cos. G, I2bth New York; J. R. Vickers, 43 years, con gestive fever, Georgia. July io.—William Hammon, 61st Georgia Volun teers: James Riley, irritative fever, Cos. B, 12th Con necticut Vois.; Geo. Allen waiuiaw, epileptic con vulsions, South Carolina; Elizabeth Schwary, 20 years, typhoid fever, Georgia. July a.—William Withers, 22 years, Cos. C, 75th New York; Mary jane Chenault, 4 months and 10 days, dysentery, Georgia. July 12—Jane Elizabeth Rushing, 6 years and 4 tnoimis, convulsions, Georgia. July 13.—James Flowers, remittent fever, paroled prisoner; John Carr, 45 years, dyspepsia. July 14—William w. Farr, G years, peritonal In llammation. July 20.—s. La Baron, 18 years, typhoid fever, Cos. A, yoth New York; Joseph Burns, no years, chronic thanhcea Cos. D, I3ist New York; J. H. Osborn, 19 years, remittent fever, Cos. E, 76th New York ; Merritt - Symons, 33 yews, chronic diarrhoea, Cos. I, 13th Connecticut. July 2i.—Joseph M. Clemeuts, 5 years, io months and 4 days, pneumonia, Savannah, Ga.; James Eadly, 5 years, 2 months and 2 days, ascites, South Carolina. July 23.—Simon Hirsch, 4 years, 6 months, typhoid fever. Savannah. July 24.—Julia E. Remshari, 50 years, l month, paralysis, Georgia. July 25.—August Viltler, 29 years, Intermittent fever, Cos. D, Ist Delaware, Artillery ; c. J. Rugen dale, no years, pneumouia, paroled prisoner, 1 Chero kee, Ala. Julv 27.—James Waith, 40 yearn, debility; Isaac Warren. Cos. G, 14th Maine. July 28.—Margaret Heruaaderz, 80 years, debility, Florida. July 29—Infant Estelle, still born, Savannah, Ga.; Fredrick s. J. Barbour, 2 years, dropsy and diar rhea, Georgia. Juiy 30—James Whitaker, 19 years, remittent fever, Cos. i_, 2sth lowa. , J uiy disc, Jonu A. Stuart, 4o years, ententes, Scot land, Cos. c, 23th lowa ; Samuel J. Webster, 32 years, delirium tremens, Government clerk; Mary King, 38 years, typhoid pueumouia, Virginia. Deaths in the City still boru infants, * brought dead to the City, 2 53 INTERMENTS OF BLACK AND COLO RE'd. July I—Pfisclla Bush, 75 years, consumption, Georgia ; Hiram Walker, 14 years, fever, Georgia ; Anna McCall, l year, 11 months, pneumonia, Ueor fla ; Ezekiel Simpson, 6 years, croup, Savannah ; bos. Jerkins, croup, 1 year, 6 months, Savannah ; colored woman from Post Hospital, Amy Berrien, 70 yV'ars, conjestion of the brain ; Jacob, 7 years, whooping cough, Savannah; Ellen Parsons, 44 years, Paralysis, Savannah ; Anna Melissa, Dropsy, 4 years, Savannah. July 2.— Marla Tolbert, 24 years, typhoid fever. July 3.—One man and one woman from Post Hos* pltal; Hulda Monroe, 2 years, Jaundice, Savannah. Jvuy Joseph tonwley, 7 year*, scarlet fever; Simon, 2 yean, diarrhoea ; one man from Poet Ho - July s.—Eliza Walton, 7 months, diarrhoea. -•■vS-^ Kj ? te „ Anßen - 2 - vearß . whooping cough; Edward Walls, 3 yean, diarrhoea ; David Ward, 26 years, convulsions. ’ July 7.—Samuel, 3 years, whooping cough ; Ellen Jackson, 2 years, 2 months, whooping cough. THE COURTS, DISTRICT PROVOBT COURT—BEFORE LIEUT. COL. BOBT. P- YORE, DISTRICT PROVOST MiitWii Savannah, Aug. 2d, 1865. Mrs. EUen Bryan vs. Wm. H. Bacon, action for re covery of land, lying in Liberty county, etc. In the above case it was ordered that the defendant deliver possession of the land In question with aU its appur tenances, crops, etc., to Mrs. Ellen Brvan, within the space of ten days. It was further ordered that the defendant be discharged from military custody and «£* plaintiff pay all costs ofcSSt. CoS&ifo? SSF 11 **! for defendant, Col. A. W. Stone. va - Jeremiah Kelly (colored)—recov ery of male. It appearing from the evidence ad duced that the mule In question is the property of Fjß was ordered that the dettm re turn him to plaintiff and nuke out his claim for the purchase money against whom he purchased him. ®i rr * s v ’ B - ®- Cronk—action for recovery of wages. After an examination of the evidence, lt was ordered that the case be dismissed, and plaintiff pa v w e Stone 0f the CoUrt ' Coun3el for plamtw; CoL A. vs ‘ i lrs - McKeon—Action to re cover $1625. It appearing that plaintiff has made case by proving the indebtedness of defendant, and defendant failing to appear, lt was ordered tbat Capt. James E. Smith, Provost Marshal, have the above named defendant, Mrs. McKeon, arrested, and keep her in arrest for thirty days, subject to the pay ment of sl6 25 principal, and $2 25 costs of court. After the expiration of the time above specified, or upon the payment of the above sum of monev, she Will be released from custody. Ramon Flowers vs. Mrs. Jane Beard and Mrs. Eliz abeth Driggers—Action to recover possession of a mule. It appearing from the evidence that the mule now in possession of the defendant, Mrs. Eliza beth Driggers, is the property of the plaintiff, it was ordered that said mule be returned to plaintiff, with out cost or charges. Counsel for plaintiff, Col, A. W. Stone; for defendant, M. Benedict. Sub-District of the Ogeechee—Capt. James E. Smith, Provost Marshal. „ „ Savannah, August 2nd, 1865. u. 8. vs. Rose Kennedy—larceny, from the house of Mrs. R. H. Tatem, on or before the 30th July, 1865 In the city of Savannah, Georgia. It was ordered that by request of Mrs. Tatem, the prisoner be dis charged from custody. U. S. vs. Tack Smith—charge, theft, stealing water melons, about the 31st day of July, 1865, the property of A. Holliday, at Savannah, Georgia. Plea guilty. It was ordered that the prisoner be confined in the county jail for fifteen days. U. ». vs. Susan Johnson—charged, stealing straw hats, on or about August Ist, 1865, plea not guilty.— It was ordered that the prisoner be discharged. U. S. vs. Anna Phoeba, charge, stealing straw hats, or or about August Ist, 1865, at Savannah, Georgia. Plea not guilty. It was ordered that the prisoner be confined in tue county Jail for fifteen days. Shipping- Intelligence. Minature Almanac This Day. Sun rises 6 l4|Moon seta i 44 Sun sets a 56|Hlgh water 3 48 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, August 2, 1886. Arrived. Steamer America, , New York. Passengers— Gen Buckingham, A S Welsh, M Mor gan, H Ghiselin, Mr and Mrs W C Riddell and child, w M Dupree, B Thompson, H B Holton, H BLatrobe, E Keln, H ReideL E Russell, Mr Lawrence, Smith ]£ Hughes, Emma E Griffith, D W Williams, G F Wil liams, Mr Briddell, O C Meyer, A H McCann, J M Mar vin, Lottie Sands, Capt D A Dolan, T Baldwin, J Wat kins, G Cooper, J Bernhard, H G Hall, A A Solomons. 2D Cabin— J Caseck, J Raycrofy, M Buyrue, T C Tebeau, W Lynch, J McGriffln, L H Smith, and 10 in steerage. Consignees— Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, s 4 J Gard ner, P Brown, S N Gregg 4 Cos, LUlienthal 4 Kohn, C M Hfilsman, M Fern 4 Cos, Crane 4 GrayblU, W H Stark, T Pepper, Presdee 4 Orff, J G Watts, J Doyle, J G Villalonga, Hess 4 Guttman, DeWitt 4 Morgan, H Meinhard 4 Cos, Goodwin 4 Brown, Blun 4 Meyer, C White, G M Heidt, A Leffler, J K Barnes, Mary Cum mings, Mrs Ward, A A Solomons 4 Cos. Weed 4 Cora well, H G Ruwe 4 Cos, W Woolf. J M Leaders, J 0 Schreiner 4 Cos, C F Gilbert, C L Colby 4 Cos, B G Tilden, F J Ruckert, J McMahon, H Logan, C Harri a Stewart 4 Cos, B F Einstine, Bell 4 Christian, J an, H W Pease, E J Purse, J R Norton, W H Fal low 4 Cos, D Duthiel, M H Myer, Hunter 4 Gammell, L K Smith, Lovell 4 Lattlmore, J T Nichols, M J Doyle, Adan\9 Express Company, Hilton 4 Randell, B H Hall, G A Hudson, E Ehrllck, Brady 4 Smith, G Gemenden, Schuster 4 H, Erwin 4 H, J N Moses, G Wellbrook, E D Smyth, T W Cornwell, J Lama, M A Cohen, Halsey, W 4 Cos, J Llppman, I D Laßoche, Rue, Whitney 4 Cos, W M Walsh, W W Lincoln, T M Turner, W Ebbes, Ames 4 Peabody, C Gray, J w Y’banes, W Parker. Steamer Helen, from Augusta. Passed Carter’s flat sunk on Bug’s Bar; also, one at Demery’s Ferry sunk; and three others bound down. Passengers— E Q Bell and two ladies, J W Apel, F L Cook, F S Finney, E G Burress, Mrs F S Finney, D 3 Scott, Miss Feroney, M Roe, O F Callahan, J B Car ter and lady, S Cherry, E F Lanier, A Numberger, J T Morris, E R Derry, C B Adams, G Deas, lady and 2 children, M U Meyer, M J Reilly and lady, T E Buc ther, C B Sibley, Dr R S Buster, W McClendon, MaJ M u Williams, c Crewns, J H Baldwin, W Barnett, L LilUenthaU, C W W Bruen, F T Beall, J W Horton, C Rawls, Miss L Chase, G w BramhalL S D Hauseman, Miss W Hauseman, J R Hugenion, M H Borroreger, J R King, lady and 4 children, J Prvor, B C Wright, G B Clark, J H Briscoe, Mr Cohen, Rev Dr Winkler, C Miller, J M Berrien, Gen R H Anderson, M Qulnnan, J Cohen, W P HUyer, P McQuade, Mrs Hart, M B Hassett, Miss J Cusack, W w Loring, T Frush, A H Jones, R P Spellman, Mrs F McFarland, Miss McFar land, H G Whittle, R D Martin, Mrs Cunningham, Lt G W Handy, Surg W Y Provost and 2 servants, Brig Gen Dwight, Brt Lt Col J G Steele, Brt MaJ G Dweeka, and 3 servants, Lt E Spencer Elma and one man, D Sayer, Esq, Capt R Carter and 4 enlisted men, F G Simmons, Esq, Maj P Lugenbeal, Lt D Wilson, Surg F H Marsh, Miss winters, Mrs Soper, and several in steerage. Steamers Augusta, Lawler, Augusta :| Emille, Ben der, Hilton Head; Oanohicus, Tilton, do ; schr Con stellation, Flllsuury, do; sloop James Grubbs, Bai ley, do. Cleared. Steamship United States, Share, New York ; Brig ham, Baldwin A Cos. Passengebs— Mrs A Wilbur, daughter and servant, J C McNulty, wife, 2 children and servant, Mrs Mary M Massey, Mrs E L Stone and 3 children, Miss Laura Miller and 2 children, A Geisiuan and wife, George T Turner and wife, U H Linvllle and soh, Mrs K Har per, M Tomlinson and lady, Mrs Righter, C Gray, A T Rodgers, Dr J T Patterson, J Benningham, E A Mon tardfer, J JonaflL R H Johnson, J G Cohen, Mrs J T Patterson, Mrsßrown, J Friedlander, J Washburn, Dr J S Sullivan and son, S Barnard, C P Hawley, C C Pick, H P Hill, Louis Cook, C F Stuart, E C Kemy, C F Baxter, Mrs C Flynn, C P Stuart, A M Swelt, S Coda, and steerage. Exports —lll bales upland cotton, 2 do Sea Island do, 121 casks rice, 65 bales yarn, 12 do domestics, 3 bbls beeswax, and sundry packages merchandize. Steamship Fairbanks, Hunter, Baltimore ; steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head ; schr Hattie Baker, Cheveral, New York, Charles L Colby A Cos. Exports —6so bales upland cotton, 225 do domes tics, 50 tons iron, 12 bbls spirits turpentine, and sun dries. Brig Titania, Stephens, Philadelphia, by Hunter A GammeU. Exports—l2o,ooo feet lumber. Steamer Gen Berrv, Henry, Augusta, by Charles L Colby A Cos. Passengers— H H Slack, J B Turner, H Hadden, T F Screven, J w Nevitt, W G Williams, Gen Wash burn, Mi's W H Phillips, W H Phillips, Mrs S M Green and 2 children, J Low, Mrs A Robinson, W A Robin son, O Butler, Mrs C Dayls, J G Gardner, F M John son, A M Leonard, H S Stiles, T Gleason, Maj Gen Schurz, R B Jones. J Dettrtller, M 8 Walker, A Puck ett, H Homes, E Teller, F M King, M Evans, R som erly, Mrs W Miller, W H McMillan, F W Collins, A W Crawford, J E Kelgan, and 40 on deck. PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. July 31—steamer S R Spaulding. Atkina, N York. Cleared. July 31—sloop Anna, Adams, Dobey Sound Aug. l—sours Martha Ann, Richardson, George town ; Robert. Palmer, Welton, NY j constellation, Kelsey, Savannah. Hotel Arrivals. PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. L H* Moore, chap ¥SA |S Frasey, New York GC McNulty, Charleston M Smith, do L\ Martin do Lt Silycrantey, do A E Klnme and family,. Miss L A Capron, Sav’h __ _ Charleston Miss M Coufman. do D J Runoff Orangeburg Miss Abby Chase, do Col Kendall, 12 Me Vote D C Jencks, do Capt Baawick, 173 NY J J Collins, do Lt Conwhy, do J Dzlyn9kl, do JMe Keene, Hilton Head T Crolich, do W H Shlrwood, do D Kilby, Esq, do SEA ISLAND HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. L W A Alston, Hilton Head i J T Rozell, sutler Capt W £ Morford, USA 12 Con Batt S Gordon, N York IR W Rosell, Paris, 111 A H Freeman, 6 U S I IB Ettelson, Savannah S Baker, do IJ H Miller, Ft Pulaski ="■ GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 4t, JTTBT AHRIVED BY Schooner “Electric Spark” A Complete Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, AND— LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. These goods were bongbt very low for cash, andean be sold AT A VERY LOW FIGURE.^ AT W. A. BEARD’S, jy29-lw 154 Congress street. STUART & CO., P a xui 1 y G- o cor a, DEALERS IN TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corner Bull and Beocghton Streets. Special attention paid to conntry orders from Fami lies and for the Trade. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. L. Y. Stuart. h. M. Kellogg. Jyi» ts PIERCE SKEHAN^ Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liqnors and Segara. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, In bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, 4c. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &o„ Corner or Bay and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, 4c., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to onr New York House. jylS Geo. A. Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN Groceries, Ales, Wines, Segars, Liquors, &c. SOUTH EAST CORNER OF EAST BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, savannah, Georgia. jyl9 lm KIRLIN & KIENZLE, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN ALESy WINES AND LAGER BIER. OXJR HOUSE, 165 BAY STREET, jysi ts KIRLIN, BURKE & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, mm AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROIIPTLY FILLED Jl DELIVERED. Jysi . . VIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Bio ad Stbbbt, Augusta, Ga, HAVE on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m ju2o Imported and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, At Wholesale, for Family Use, AT 207 BAY STREET. . ISRAEL R. BEALY A CO. may24-tf . FOR SALK. 1,000 bushels OATS, 1,000 do WHITE CORN, CdBAP TO close oomtOMncNT. Also— lso pounds Celebrated Zephyr Puff SMOKING TOBACCO. N. A. HARDEE A CO., jy3l-tf Bay street, 9 Stoddard’s Buildings. Muscovado Molasses. C A bbls. MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, Just landing OU per Schooner Vance, from Matancas, for sale by E. E. HERTZ, Jy3l North cor. Bay and WhUaker streets. Butter, Lard and Cheese. 10 kegs Choice Goshen BUTTER, 6 bbls. Prime kettle-rendered LARD, 4) boxes CHEESE, Jui t received and for sale by WM. H. STARK, Cor. Lincoln and Boy sue*. IHIPPHG. PIONEER LINE FOR NEM VORK gyWfc. -,5 Hie U. S. Mail Steamship PKRIT. t^'g£§|j£^^^ | port on her regular day, Thursday, August 3d, at 5 O’clock. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to BUNT KB 4 GAMMELL, jy29 » 4, M Bay street. FOR NEW YORK STAR Jat LINE. SEMI-WEEKLT. The first class U. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA, - - - - Capt. Carpenter. UNITED STATES, .. .. Capt. Share. AMERICA, - - -, - Capt Clift. CONSTITUTION, - - • Capt. Grxehan. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, IT Broadway, New York. THE CONSTITUTION Will leave Savannah for New York on Wednesday, Oth Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO., ‘ fy2B-tf Agents. Merchants’ Line SAILING VESSELS. Quick. Sisipatob. for NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper Schooner HATTIE BAKER, Capt. Burgess Will clear for the above port in a few days. Has superior accommodation for Pirst Class Cabin Passengers. Only Room fob Four left—Fare, S3O. As a large portion of her cargo is already engaged Shippers will need to make early application for freight room. Apply to CHA3. L. COLBY 4 CO. jy24 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Vessels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep np a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very best fa. ciilties for delivering freight in good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO., jylß cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. UNION STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Freight for Augusta. The new and Light Draft Steamer “UNION , H 8 Built at Augusts, expressly adapted for carrving Freight, Will Sail for Augusta. This Week, and will have quick despatch. For freight apply to the Office of tlnion Steamboat Company, STODDARD’S BUILDING, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST sth. JAMES T. PATERSON, au2-tf Agent. BOARD, ROOMS, <Btc. ROOMS TO LET 7 At Hilton Hoad, S. 0. f THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or bnsiuess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o'clock p.- m. Ju22 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I-rTsolomonsTM ro~ H outlet, Prom Charleston, S. C., offers bis services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.—Dr. Jaa. B Kiw Dr. JCHLEH ItASBIS, Hon. Sqlomor Cohen, W. N. Hahxkshxm Esq,, jyll ts A. A. Solomons 4 Cos., PT MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Flans lor and Superin tending Buildings, ail kinds Machinery, Ac. Office, Sorrel’s building, next to Gas Office. jy2l , lm DENTAL NOTICE. I would inform the pnbile that 1 have resumed the practice of Dentistry In this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Julian and Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph Oai lery,) where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON, P. D- S. I. C. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants' Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. J" 2B * m NOTICE. THE firm of O’MEARA A CO. having ud by a decree of the First Praff* nab, all persona having claims againstimM presemuhem forthwith to tbe undwgMdy w A VOLKB> GAHTHN, (Congressst., between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,; REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, av the Savannah «Orchestra, Prof. E. RtoHTER, Leader, f J Refreshments of the best quality and In every variety. lmo jyio wanted! STORE WANTED^ FOR A RETAIL BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS, IN the vicinity of Whitaker, St. Jolien. or Congress streets, or alocality adapted to said business. Reference to W. B. THOMPBON, or Box #l, Montl cello, Florida. #ul REAL ESTATE. BOUSE iSID LOT FOB SALeT nPHEaubecrihcr offers for sale his three story brick A dwelling house, situated on Montgomery street one door south of York street. There is gas fixtures through the house. To a person who desires a com* fortuble home now is their chance. A dwelling house and store is offerfft by this sale PETER STRAUS. STATIONERY, AcT (STATIONERY. TO MERCHANTS AND SUTLERS. Wc offer our large and varied Stock of STATION ERY’ at the lowest cash prices. Our stock in the above liue is the largest in the De partment, and all onr goods are of the first quality fresh and direct from Manufacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. SAVILLE & LEACH, Corner Bryan street and Market square. Timber Cutter’s Bank, Savannah, Oa., AND— Merchants* Row, Hilton Head, S. C. Jyi ts OFFICIAL— TENNESSEE. HEADQ’RS MIL. DIV. OF THBTENNESSEeT Office Peovost Mabhqai. Genkkai., Nashville, Tenu., June 25, 1865: Bibculsr: To secure uniformity throughout the Military Divis ion of the Tennessee, in administering the Amnesty Oath prescribed by the President in his Proclamation of May 9th 1965, and to preserve the records of such oaths, the Major General Commanding directs that such oaths be subscribed in triplicate ; two numbers on sheets or rolls, one of which is to be filed at De partment Headquarters, and one to be forwarded to the Department of State at Washington, and one con. venient copy to be given the party subscribing the oath. Blanks for the purpose will be furnished each De partment from this office. The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to sach persons as are excepted from the benefits of the Presi dent’s Proclamation, except for the purpose of ena bling them to apply to the President lor special par don, and in such cases but one copy of ibffoaih will be subscribed, which copy will, by the officer administer ing the oath, be attached to, and form a part oL the applicant’s petition for pardon. in all special applications for pardon, the applicant must state clearly and fully, under how many and which of the exceptions named in the President’s Proclamation his case conies; he must also state whether tha Govern, meut lias taken possession of any pari of his property, also who her any proceedings are pending against him in any of the United States Court* for treason, or for con spiracy against the Government of the United States, and the facts stated tn such application must be sworn to before they will be forwarded. The petition will then be forwarded by the officer ad ministering the oath to tho Department Commander, who will, before forwarding tbe same to the Department at Washington, refer tbe petition to the UuVfernorof tho State in which his Department is, to enable him to in vestigate the merits of tbe case, and to recommend to the President such action as to him seems just aud pro per. * Each Department Commander will designate suitable officers to be conveniently located for administering the Amnesty Oath, aud such officers will be governed by these instructions. The name and rank of such officers, with a statement of the points where stationed, will be reported Io this office. By Command ol' Maj. Gen. Thomas, J. O. PAItKHURST, Brvt. Brig. Gen. and Pro. Mar, Gen. Mil. Div. of the Offle al: Will A. Coulter, A. A. G. jy27 7t QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton Street, SECOND DOOB FBOM OOBNBB BULL ITBIIT. A large and elegant Stock of China, Queensware, Glass, he., Just received fiom the manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBERS AND DEALERB From all parts of the Country are Invited to examine my WHOLESALE STOCK, Which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put up expressly for COUNTRY TRADE. Assorted Crates of WHITE GRANITE WARE, “ •• COMMON WARE. « “ WHITE GRANITE and COMMON WARE. Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. aul-lm E. D. SMYTH. iWriver agricultural WORKS. GRIFFING, BROTHER A CO., Pbopbibtobs, 68 AHD 60 Cos CRT LAND STREET. new YORK. Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn "Mills, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field and Gardes Seeds. Also, Agents lor Brace’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Bend for circular. J n2 ° 3m NOTICE. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, ♦ Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1865. / Sealed proposals to furnish this post with six thou sand pounds of Freeh Beef per week, for three inontha. commencing September Ist, and endiDg December Ist, 1865, will be received at this Olflce until Tuesday, Au gust 15th, 1866, at 12 o’clock noon, when they will be opened in public. 4 . . The Beer to oe furnished on days to be designated by the Commissary, and to be of good and marketable duality—^dressed in equal proportion of fore and hind quarters, excluding neciw, shanks and kidney tallow. Persons submitting proposals will state the average net weight, quality, Ac., of the Beef they propose to furnish. Proposals will be subject to the approval of the Com missary General of Subsistence. HENRY R. SIBLEY, aul-tls Capt. and C. 8. U. Vols. „ NO^rIOB * OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, Sub District of Oobbchxb, Savannah, Ga., July 27, 1866, THE citizens of Savannah are hereby requested to report at this office all able-bodied persons, either white or colored, who are found loitering about the Streets. Market Houses, Wh rfes, or other places within the >imita of this Com maud, without visible means of support, in order that they may be prompt ly arrested and put upon Government or other work. CHARLES H. COX, Capt. and Provost Marshal, Sub District of Ogeecbee,