Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 05, 1865, Image 3

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LOfAL MATTERS. Departure of the Helen.— This steamer, under the command of Capt. Reilly, departed yesterday for August*. having a large freight and a fair passenger list Mr3ic at the Park.— There will be a promenade concert at the Park this evening at six o’clock, weather permitting. The aoth Maine Regimental Band will perform the following PROGRAMME : Part First. 1. French Qalck Step .Kntuss 2. Terzetto Finale from “Attlla,” .Verdi i. "O’ would that my love,” Mendelsshon i. Capt. Adams'Quick Step 7 Part Second. l. Grand March “Red, White and Bine,”..Downing 2; Miserere from “II Trouvatore,” Verdi a. Polka, Mazourka, Cuckoo, . A Sounds from Horn,. Gungl Cargo Sale.— Mr. Isaac D. Laßoche, Mr. Thos. J. Walsh, Auctiooner, sold at Auctlonon yesterday, at the store north east corner of Bay and Whitaker streets, the cargo of the schr. Agnes from Nassau. The attendance was very large, but the bidding was cot spirited. We annex the following as parttcu lars of sales: 98 sacks Liverpool Salt at 77j$ cti* per bushel of 60 Us.; eo cases Baking Powders, 4 oz. each, at $1 $ case; l c ase men’s shoes, si cents each! two cases Stilton Cheese, n cents per lb ; 6 cases cotton card?. sl3 60 per esse,* *j cases Renault A Co’s brandy, In bond, at sio per case; U 5 cases Bowellec A Co’s brandy, la bond, at it> per case; 1 cask Otard, Dupuy A Co’s brandy, 1460, at $3 per gallon; 12 bags Rio coffee, cents per lb; 8, 500 Havana segars, various brands, $74 to sll per M; 25 boxes raisins, 26 tbs each, $5 26 per box; 13 caddies, 12 lbs each, Hyson tea, 97 >, cents per lb; 6 caddies Oolong tea, 6 lbs each, $1 p;rlb; n kegs copperas, 6>6 to 7« $ lb; 6kegs b. pepper, 28c. 18 tt; Currie Powders $3 dozen ; Nutmegs $1 fl lb. French Quinine $2 05 $ oz.; Metcalfs Monitor Soap 9% cents ; Prunes 25 lb. boxes $3 oo to 3 16 ; Beef :y, %S barrel; Baconlhoulders 22 cent* ; sides 21 M cents; Condensed Milk $2 87 $ dozen. As the whole cargo has not yet been close out, the sale will be re sumes this morning. The End of a Horse Thief. Vigorous Purs nit of Tom Wright by the IF. & Police. Desperate Resistance of the Culprit. The Officers Slioot Him in Self Defeuce. The Augusta papers, a few days since, contained a notice of the killing of oud Tom Davis, who wa3 at tne time In the act of escaping with a stolen hone. This was a mistake. The man killed was a some what notorious character of this city, by the of Thomas Wright. The circumstances of his pur suit, capture and death show the desparatlon of the man, and exhibit In a highly creditable light the per severing energy aud determined courage of Orderly Sergeant Hover and Pi-lvate Jones, of the U, a. Po lice, by whom it was accomplished. PREVIOUS CAREER OF WRIGHT. Wright was arrested in March last on suspicion of being the person who set Are to the city about that tune, and was confined in jail for three months. After the expuatlon of ins term of Imprisonment he was again arrested on a eUarge of assaulting, with intent to kill, Mr. Jas. Mcßride of this city, but short ly alter broke jail, from which time nothing was known of uim untill the 26th of July, wheu a guard was sent to arrest him as a Jail breaker. A was seen to leave the house In which he was thought to be concealed, and Sergt. Hover laid lu wait for him an night, but did not succeed. In catching him The next morning the robbery of Mr. O’Couner’a horses was reported. the PURSUIT. When the news of the robbery was brought to offi cer Hover, at the office of the U. 3. Police, he sprung from his bed with the words, “That is Tom Wright!” Bui a few moments were necessary to prepare for the pursuit—starting npon horseback with a single assistant, Joshua Jones, an enlisted man of the 30th klaiue Vols., Hover had made eightecu miles upon the Augusta Road before sundown. The next moralug he wa9 within a mile and a half ot Sisters’ Ferry. The thorough acquaintance of the U. S. Po lice with localities in and around Savannah and their habitues enabled the officers to calculate with a great degree of certainty upon finding some trace of the stol en property at Gay lot’s, nearsisteis’ Ferry. The event justified their suspicion. One of the stolen ani mals had been traded off by the thelves for a buggy and harness at Gaylor’s and had been left behind, the fugitives pushing on In the buggy with a single horse. Pausing only long enough to give the necessary directions for the return of the recovered horse to the city, the officers were off again, and that night sped eighteen or twenty miles, close upon the heels of the flying horse thieves. Thus It was throughout the chase. At every house along the road the pur suers heard of the thieves. They were told that they had passed some ten or twelve hours before “ A stem chase is a long chase,” thought Serg’t Hover, and with a readiness in expedients which stamps turn as possessing rare natural qualifications for Ills calling of detective officer, he stole a march upon the fugitives, In this manner: From Waynesboro’ to Augusta the railroad IS complete, and running a dally train. At this point, as before, the officers heard of their soon-to-be prizes, some ten hours ahead. The contest between steam and horseflesh Is not a doubtful one, and, without losing a moment, the policemen left their horses and put themselves aboard the cars for Augusta. They arrived at about three o’clock on the afternoon of the 29th of July.— So time was lost In finding a place where they could he in wait for the thieves as they entered the city, which it was Judged they must be rapidly approach ing. They left the town aud came out upon the Sa vannah road, a distance of one and a half miles, taking up a position near a farm house. They bad hot long to wait. the capture At about 6 o’clock In the afternoon, when Hover and Joues had sat by the roadside a short three quarters of an hour, the sound of wheels was heard, and a few moments afterward the long-hunted team appeared lu full sight ahd was at once recognized. As it approached the officers, the well-known figure of the Jail-breaker, Wright, was observed In ihe wag on, and with him another man. The culprits did hot recognize the detectives, however, they drove up unconcernedly. But the sharp “Haiti” of Sergeant Hover and the levelling of two revolvers, with un uilstakeably good aim at the heads of the occupants oi the buggy, brought the train to a sudden stop, bright discovering that he had been cornered drew a revolver and would have fired had It not been for the interposition of his companion In the buggy, who ■wrested the weapon Horn him, rot DEATH OF TOM WRIGHT. The prtooere were then commanded to dismount from the crrlage, which they did. Private Jonas having wested Wrights revolver from him, Sergt Hover ploed his revolver again in his belt, and taking a ope from the buggy was about to bind the arms of Jright. While he was arranging the noose Wright Hrtmg suddenly upon Jones who was stand ing by ©luting, his revolver, when Sergt. Hover again da wing his revolver struck the desperate man aWenti heavy Wows on the head with the larrel of the weapon. Wright stag gered back bleeding profusely and exclaim ed, I’m killedt I’m killed.” At this Juncture the hor» in the buggy took fright and started, when Somrs the companion of Wright, who had stood pasjvely by, went and secured the animal. While priAte Jones went after Somers, Wright again as su|»d a threatening attitude, when Sergt. Hover cqled upon a citizen who had come up, to assist In tying him. As they were about to tie him he sprang Ike a cat upon the officer and seized his re- »lver. Being pretty equally matched In grength, a fierce conflict ensued, each holding on to the weapon—Wright grasping it by the middle and Hover by both ends. Unable to recover the pistol, aid knowing his fate If Wright should succeed In Treating It from him, Sergeant Hover called to Jones, who came running up, to shoot him, which he promptly did, the first shot taking effect In the neck, and the second one entering the left temple, rang ing upwards through the brain, causing|death after a brief struggle. He never spoke after he was shot J Somers, who offered no resistance, was taken to Augusta and turned over to the Provost M*rah<d of the Post. The body of Wright was taken to the city in an ambulance and left in the Dead House, where the usual coroner’s inquest was held. The occurrence took place on the 29th nit, but created no great excitement in Augusta at the time, owing to the late hour when R become known. The officers started from this city on Saturday, the 26th, and returned here on Thursday evening, having been seven days absent. Sergeant Hover Is Orderly Sergeant of Cos. H, isth Indiana, and his companion, Private Joshna Jones, Is from Bangor, Me., and be longs to Cos. D, 30th Maine regiment. THE COURTS. DISTRICT PROVOST COURT—BEFORE LIEUT. COL. ROOT. T. TORS, DISTRICT PROVOST MARSHAL. „ tJ „ Savannah, Aug. 4th, 1865. Gold Hooks vs. JO9. Cloud—Unlawful holding pos session of a black mare mule. In the above case, u ,on the examination of the witnesses, It appears mat plaintiff has tailed to make out his case ; It was t lerefore ordered that the mule claimed by plaintiff remain In possession of the defendant. Counsel for plaintiff, Levi S. Russell; for defendant, Hon. D. A. O’Byrne. Frank Keaten vs. Richard Perry—Unlawful retain ing possession of a pony, the property of the plain tin. By the evidence submitted In the above case, It appears that the plaintiff has tailed to make out his case. It is therefore ordered that the possession of the horse in controversy remain with the defendant, and that the costs of Court be paid by him. Counsel for plaintiff, M. Benedict; for defendant, Hon. Thos. E. Lloyd. SUB-DISTRICT OF THE OGEECHEE—CAPTAIN JAMES 8. SMITH, PROVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, Aug. 4, 1866. United States vs. Jo3lah Harrison (colored), charged with assault with an axe on Joe Henderson (colored). Plea, guilty. It was ordered that the prisoner be confined In the county Jail two months. CEMETERY REPORTS. INTERMENTS IN CATHEDRAL CEMETERY DURING THE MONTH ENDING JULY 31ST, 1866. July 3.—John A. Deloge, I year, congestive chills, Savannah.' July 4.—Maiy Kelly, 4 years, congestive fever, Car penters Ward ; Agnes Schrick, l year, I month, Dys-- entery, Whitfield Ward. July 6.—Eliza Seantloa, 5 months, pneumonia, Green Ward. July 7—Mary Ann Breen, 2 years, 8 months. Heath cote Ward. July 9.—Vincent Pacetty, 67 years, dropsy, St. Au gustine, Florida. July 11—John Crlnon, 62 years, disease unknown, Ireland ; Mich. Reilly, 8 years, 4 mouths, disease un known, Savannah; Margaret Kennedy, 3 years, spasms, Savannah ; Jerc. Harrigan, 1 year, S' months, convulsions, Savannah. July 13.—Ann Daulphln, 7 years, whooping cough, Savannah. July 14.—Mlch’l. Collins, 63 years, Pericartls, Ire land ; Mary Ann Dolphia, spasms, Bulloch county, Georgia ; Mary Morgan, 82 years, diarrhoea, Ireland. July 18.—Ann Murphy, 60 years, tubercular con sumption, Ireland ; Louis A. Seigner, 11 mouths, teething. Savannah I Patrick Skinner, 70 years, dys entery, Ireland. July 19.—John Doyle, 40 years, disease unknown, Ireland. July 24.—Elizabeth Fitzgerald, 4 years, 11 months, dystuheritis, Savannah. July 25.—James Clary, 62 years, congestion of brain, Ireland. July 28.—Ann Brady, 3 years, whooping cough, Sa vannah. July 27th.—Margaret Kane, 7 years, fever, Savan nah. Total, 22. John McCrohan, Keeper Cathedral Cemetery. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Remarks. The Dry Goods market la steadily advancing, caused by the increased price of all stocks offering In the New York markets. Calicoes at present, as with other goods lu this line, are not quotable. We notice that holders of Sugars have not advanc ed their rates, and In many Instances decline to sell. This Is caused by the advance of gold In New York. It has been observed for several days that all goods Imported from foreign countries have been with drawn from market, holders 9eemlng to anticipate a continued rise in the precious metata, aa exports do not balance the imports. Very little Is doing in Cottons. Th» upland marke t has, we believe, an upward tendency. Os sea Islands there was none offering yesterday; all lots being either sold or withdrawn from the market. Meats are In fair request and the stock light. Pro visions, such as potatoes and onions, owing to the large quantity in the market, have declined. Commercial. Freights.—A rise having occurred in the Savannah River; freights for Augusta were active the past week at 4c. ¥ tb. for all goods by weight, and $1 $ foot for all goods by measurement. Freights to New York are unchanged. Cotton by steamer and sail vessel \c. V ft. Domestics $1 60 V bale. Bice $1 60 $ cask. Freights offering for the North are very light. - Insurance.— No change to notice. We quote at % to 2 cent, as according to circumstances. Financial. Exchange.—A limited business continges In all descriptions of paper, the enquiry being limited In consequence of light shipments North. Sight bills on Mew York, are selling at one per cent premium. Time drafts at one per cent, and interest. Specie.—A light inquiry has prevailed the past week to purchase at fair rates. There Is no decline In rates, the buying rate for gold being 46 per cent, premium and selling at 47. Silver 36. selling at 40. Stocks and Bonds —Our market continues un changed. Several capitalist have manifested a de sire to purchase Georgia Central Rail Road bonds and stocks, their figures not meeting the views of holders no sales are reported. Uncurrbnt Money.— For bills of old issue of Sa vannah Banks, a fair inquiry was made- Sales were made of Georgia Central Rail Road and Bank State of Georgia. The following are talr quotations. Bank State of Georgia, aoc- Marine Bank of Savannah....... 60c. Flantern’ Bank.of Savannah- 15c. Bank of Savannah, ..'.aoc. central R- R- * Ranking Company of Qa-, soo. All other banks that are located in Savannah 10 to 18. Cotton Markets. Since Saturday last a limited business was done In uplands. The stocks offering continue limited, we offer the fallowing &s fair quotations : Ordinary ?.. .30fe38c Middlings 36®40c Good Middling f£ 41<&42c The receipts since Ist Inst, were as follows ; From Augusta, 448 bales of Uplands. Sea Islands from Florida and by wagons, so. exports. To New York by steamer and sail vessels 1030 bales. Sea Islands—No stock offering,and the market has an advancing tendency. The exports of Sea Island to New York were 12 bales. General Markets. Rice.—The sales are exclusively confined to sales of Clean Rice, from City Store at 9c. V lb. The ex ports were 121 casks to New York. No sales of Rough Rice are reported. Domestics.— No sales reported. Exported to New York, 300 bales. Cabbages.—Stock large, sales conflnAl to the local trade at sl7 to S2O %) hundred. Lemons and Oranges. — a stock ample Is offering- Lemons we quote at sl6 to S2O base, a decline ou previous rates. Sicily Oranges S2O y box, Sardines.— Are In request at S3O y hundred quar ter boxes. Bacon. —The stock offering is only for city trade, Ribbed Sides we quote at 25c. y lb. Hams 25 to 40c. Biscuits—Are In demand for the localtrade, Soda and Butter Crackers are selling at 16 to 16 cents y lb. Fancy 16 to 18 cents. Beans.—Stock light; selling at $2 60 per bushel. Sugars.—Are in talr demand, but holders have no desire for operations. We quote Brown Sugars 18 to 20 cents. B. Sugar 20 to 21 cents. Crashed 20 to 26 cents. Powdered 23 to 25 cents. Starch. — Good Family starch is selling at 16 to 16 lb., demand light. Herrings.—The stack is ample at 66 to 76c. for x. Timber.—No sales reported ; Messrs. Hunter A amrnell cleared their second cargo of 120.000 feet to hiladelphia. Lumber— Yellow Pine Lumber is retailing from ■ lat $&o y M feet. Spruce Pine Lumber and Scant nag from wharf at $39 to S4O y M feet. Wool—Small lots are offered oa the market. We quote unwashed Fleece at 34 cents y lb. Beeswax—ln fair demand at 43 cents y St. Hides— Dry Hides are In request at 8 to 9 cents. Leather—We quote Fine Hamlock Tanned at 40c. y lb. Tobacco— Fine grades are held at 72 to 75 cents y lb. Medium Brands 42 cents. Wines and Liquor s—No change In prices. Im ported and genuine Heidsick Wines are selling at S4O to 60 y case, American Champaign $24 to 30 y case. Os Liquors, the stock is a tuple. j Wallace's impe' rial Nectar from store at $3 50 y gallon ; Colum bian Gin $3 50 ; Old Kentucky Whiskey, $3 y gal lon ; Genuine Old Kentucky Whiskey In cases sl4- Soap—ls in fair demand. For Family 14 to 14)4 cents is the selling rates In small lots. Bagging—ls without change, we quote Qonny at 26 cents. Rope.—Supply large, and holders very firm. De mand very light; we quote Manilla at 20 cents, and Kentucky at 17 cents. Hay.—A very frill stock offering. We have not learned of any large transaction- From store, North ern Is selling at $l6O per cwt. Bran.—Sales at retail have been made since last report at $2 60 per cwt. Flour.—We quote from $7 to $lO according to quality. The stock is exceedingly large and all trans actions are of a local character. Corn.—The market Is without change. Stock ade quate. We quote White , from store at $126, and Yellow at sll6 to $l2O. Oats—Are selling from store in small lots at $1 per bushel for white. Potatoes and Onions.— ln consequence of heavy receipts, good Mercer Potatoes have declined, and are selling at $5 per bbl., and Onions at $6. Salt.—The stock offering of Liverpool Is quite light, and is held at $4 per sack. Coast Salt is sel ling at 76 cents per bushel. Butter continues In fair demand at 88 to 40 cent 9. Cheese— No change ;we quote at 17®20 cents. Coffee—Their Is no change and the Inquiry Is very fair, we quote San Domingo 32 cents per lb. Rio 32@34c; Java 39®42 cents. Candles— No change; Adamantine we quote at 26 cents. Paraflne, 46® 50c. per lb by the box. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 4. M Polllteyer, Beaufort, S C James AlcKate, do Lt W H Kalor, Fort Pu- F E Wildes, do laski Y C Wardward, do W H Darliugton, do M Vlnsent, do Jdrs T Scheller, City iN C Fay, Charleston M M Hall, Hilton Head Antonio Louverlns, City Dr Jon W Sparrow, do 1 „ SEA ISLAND HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 8. D R Reelpath, Malden R Carter, Capt A A Q M D C Whitton, Trinidad, C B Westen, Savannah B WI W A Parke, H Head A T Morse and lady, Chas. W Cantwell, do do Capt F K Field, 12b USC T J McCane, do do Capt H McDonald, 26 U S P Cody, Savannah C T JR Sealy, do Lt C S Beary, 47 Penn vols MaJ R Smith, paymaster CoIH H Wilson, 104 U SC T USA E Ivers, Savannah Surg Radzlnsky and lady J Wells, Capt A A D C 104USCT E Blrchey, do W P Sweatnam, H Head R B Gravn, Cakvaln J B Rifle, U 8 V C H Cox, Savannah Lt J E Jacobs, 31 U SOT PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 2. M Thompson, Charleston Miss M J Armstrong, Beau- Capt C C Neil, do fort Lt C S Beard, 47 Penn vols R B Stanley, Charleston Lt C A Clark, 35 US C T F Wells, Capt AA D C Lt P Iriquart, 25 Ohio vols C Blschoff, Lt A A D C Mia« s J Wilson, Charles- H P Rugg, Charleston ton T H Calcock, S C D B Gelbland, do D W Williams, St Helena J Harris, do G F Williams, do S F Wetmore, do F W Horton, do N C Clarke, Orangeburg J W Ward, New York C Hamburger, Charleston E A Peck, 9 Conn Vols B A Man, New York lA Frary, New York Shipping Intellifrence* Mlnature Almanac—Thia Day. Sun rises 6 151 Moon 5et5........... 2 38 Sun sets 6 65)High water... 4 48 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday, August 4,1865. Arrived. Steamer Emille, Bender, Hilton Head. Hatcher’s flat, from Augusta, with 138 bales up land cotton to Kein A Cos., and C. L. Colby A 00. Cleared. gchr Charlotte, Jones, Charleston—by CC Cam bridge. t Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta, J. Kein A Cos. Passengers— J W Horton, Mrs Davis, sister and servt S Palmer, S E Hughes, Geo Cooper, Walter Lynch, L Y Gibbs, lady aud servt, B F KlrdeU, J Wat kins, H Ghlselin, Mr Butler, H Allen, E R Derry, D B Darnell. J W Appel, J W Cusick, J W Lathrop, Mr Bryan Col M J Ford, and 11 Steerage. Steamer Canonlcus, Dale, St. Catherines. Steamer Fannie, Lewis, Charleston—by C. C. Cam bridge. Steamer U 8 Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. porTofportroyak Aug. 2—Schooner Albert Thomas, Vanhnrst, N. Y. Aug 2— Schooner Aron, Baker, New York. Cleared. Ang. 4-Brig John Freeman, Loving. Charleston. SHIPPING. * ’ ma line for lewTorl Steamship AMERICA, Capt. will aail positively for the above Satnrday, August 6th, at 4 1-S P. M. For Freight or Passage, having splendid accommo dations/ apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO., *.u3-3 Agents. For New York. the First Class Steamship VARI will positively sail on THURS. IT ilT'iVf r‘” 10th Inst. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to SS4 JOHN R. WILDER FOB NEW YORK STAB JSE LINE. BBMI-WBBKI.Y. The first class U. S. Mail Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. Carpentr. UNITED STATES, - - - • Capt. Sham. AMERICA, ..... Capt Clift. CONSTITUTION, - - - Capt. Cbeznan. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Satarday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOO KIN A DICKINSON, Agenta, 17 Broadway, New York. THE CONSTITUTION WIU leave Savannah for New York on Wednesday, 9th Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., Jy2B-tf Agents. Merchants’ Line SAILING VESSELS. Qulok Dispatoli for NEW YORK. The splendid A1 Clipper'Schooner HATTIE BAKER, Capt. Burgess Will clear for the above port In a few days. Has superior accommodation for First Claaa Cabin Passengers. Onlt Room fob Four lbft—Fare, S3O. Asa large portion of her cargo Is already engaged Shippers will need to make early application for freight room’. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY k CO. Jy24 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick, fit. Mary’s, Fer nand in a, Jacksonville andJPlcolata. r |*HE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. ■A_G. W. Cabtneb, will leave as above on SATUR DAY, the 6th Inst., at 9 o’clock a. m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, at Dillon’s Wharf, opposite the Gas Works, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on Wharf. Shipper* will furnish weights and measurement of goods. au 4-2 UPON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Freight for Augusta. The new and Light Draft Steamer “UNION,*' Built at Augusta, expressly adapted for carrying Freight, Will Sail for August* This Week, and will have quick despatch. For freight apply to the Office of Union Steamboat Company, STODDARD’S BUIIDING, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, OS SATURDAY, AUGUST sth. JAMES T. PATERSON, au2-tf Agent.- For Augusta, The Steamer “ HELEN, ” Capt. Riley, (CARRYING THE U. S. MAIL,; Will leave"her Wharf on FRIDAY, AUGUST 4th, AT 7 A. M. For Freight or Paasage apply to the office of KEIN A CO., *u3 Opposite the Post Office. NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS. GRIPPING, BROTHER St CO., Pbofbictobs, 68 ahd 60 Couhiamo Stuxt. NEW YORK, Manufacturers of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers m Field and Garden Seeds. Also, Agenta for Brace’s Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for circular. Ju2o 3m NOTICE. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE,) Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 1865. / Sealed proposals to furnish this post with six thou sand pounds of Fresh Beef per week, for three months, commencing September Ist, and ending December Ist, 1846, will be received at this Office until Tuesday, Au gust 16th, 1860, at 12 o'cloc* noon, when they will be opened in public. The Beef to do famished on days to be designated by the Commissary, and to be of good and marketable quality—dresaed in equal proportion of fore and hind quarters, excluding necks, shanks aud kidney tallow. Persona aubmitting proposals will state the average net weight, quality, Ac., of the Beef they propose to famish. Proposals will be subject to the approval of the Com missary General of Subsistence. HENRY R. SIBLEY, aul-tl6 Capt. and C. S. U. Vols. Bagging and Rope. OK bslee GUNNY BAGGING. AD 860 colit ROPE, In store for sale by Jy24 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. ___ AMIBEMEBTB. VOIjKS’ gartbiu, (Congress st., between Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,/ REGULAR BUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, n Tax Savannah Orohestra, r Prof. E. Ri< utu, Leader, y Refreshments of the heat quality and in everr Vlric ty. lmo jyjo WANTED, STORE WANTED, FOR A RETAIL BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS, IN the vicinity of Whitaker, *t. Jullen. or Oonrrwe streets, or alocaliiy adapted to aald business JgSSST w - B - <*»>«■«. m™. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste' Patter The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAUJ i]£. G?t Bottieaf a? aTthe' Tallow, Grease, Metals, „ FOREST CITY MILLS, * a *' tr Savannah. $1,200 Wanted, Apply at once to A B. C„ Herald office. au4-2 TO REMTi TO RENT, 5; an3.S v, STODDARD, No. 10 Bryan street, up-stairs. HOUSE AND ROOMS TO LET. HOTTBE on oor ner of New Houston and Drayton streets. Also, a Kitchen and two Rooms. Apply to „ WALTER O'MEARA, >n3 ~ tf Over Express Office. UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. Bell, Wylly & Christian WILD SELL,TO-MORROW, AT 10 O’CUC IN FRONT OF STORE, ONE CASE CABSIMERE9, 700 YARDS, ONE CASE TINWARE. Damaged on board brig Monticello, on her voyage from Boston, and sold uuder survey for account of the underwriters and all concerned. au4-2 for sale, A FINE FZjAT, CAPACITY, 400 BAXES. Has just made a successful trip from Augusta. *u4-tf N. A HARDEE & 00. Store for Sale, IN THE MOST BUSINESS PARI’ OF THE CITY. Apply at this office. au4-4 KTOTIOB. OFFICE BELIEF COMMISSION, DISTBIOT or &AT ANNAS, Savannah, Ga., July 27th, 1866. In obedience t-> Instructions from the Secretary of War, received this day, no further relief to destitute people will be furnished from this office. . JOHN 8. COOKE, jy2T-ti Capt. and Relief (JomuiUgionut. VALUABLE Timber & Turpentine Lands FOR SALE* —— o- 20,000 Acres in Fierce and Ware Coon* ties, Georgia. THE subscriber offers for sale 26,660 acres of Supe rior Timber and Turpentine Lands lying in Pierce and Ware counties, in this State. These lu ads were selected with a special view to the timber and turpentine business, and to a Company contempla ting the prosecution of that business on a large scale, offer the greatest possible advantages, as the lands lie In a body, on the line of the Albany and Gulf Kail road, and near the junction of that Road with the lines of Railroad leading from Brunswick to Albany. They are also watered by the Satllla and Allapaha rivers, navagable streams for rafting to Brunswick and Darien. Ua. The timber Is heavy, and of the first class of ranging timber, the trees yielding turpentine in the greatest abundance, while the land is of good quality for farming, yielding good crops of Corn, Cot ton, Sugar, Ac., Ac. The range Is very fine for stock, the country being also well adapted to the rai-ing of Sheep. Ihe water la good, ana the neighborhood one of the most healthy sections of the State, being free from fevers and the ordinary diseases of the low Southern coun try. persons desiring to purchase, are refen od for fur ther particulars to Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, Savan nah, or to the subscriber, at BJackshear, Pierce coun ty, Georgia. au4-tf E. C. WADE. QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton Street, SECOND 8008 FROM OOB.NIB ECU STEBZT. A large and elegant Stock of China, Queens ware, Class, Ac., Just received fiom Ihe manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBERS AND DEALERS From all parts of the Country are invited to examine my WHOXKSAXE STOCK,. Which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put up expressly for COUNTRY TRADE. Assorted Crates of WHITE GRANITE WARE. “ “ COMMON WARE. ' WARS. WHITE GRANITE and COMMON Goods re-packed to suit purchasers aul-lm E. and. SMYTII. HOLDERS OF MERCHANDISE WII?. to realize Immediately, will consult their interest by consigning the same to Maude a weight, General Commission Merchants, Refer to—-Messrs. Charles L. Colby Marcy, Day A Cos., William fiatcersby « Cos. - Jy*6-*vd6