Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 07, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. MONDAY, AVGUST 7, 186S moil ©UK EVEJHXG EDITION OF SATURDAY. Canada Politics.— The death of Sir E. P Tacbe, Prime Minister of Canada, took place on Sunday. The decreased gentleman has twice been Premier of the province, and has held office in different governments lor the last twenty-five years. The death of Sir E. P. Tacbe at this juncture is of more than local interest, as it necessitates the forma tion of anew government for the province ; aud, besides, may possibly disturb the exist ing party coalition, on whose influence the British Government have mainly relied to carry through the scheme of a confederation of the provinces. Nearly all the Governors of the British American colonies are ordered home —some lor consultation at the Colonial Office, others to make room lot agents of the Central Government more favorable to the proposed Union. Gen. Grant Visit s Boston. —Lieut. Gen. Grant, lady and family arrived in Boston in a special train over tbe Western and Boston and Worcester Railroad on Saturday. The General's progress through the couutry was one continued ovation, and though hi* arri val took the Bostonians almost by surprise he met a most brilliant and enthusiastic re ception. The General made his acknowl edgments for the honors conferred upon him but made no speech. He goes from Boston to Portland, and pro ceeds thence to Halifax to pay a visit to Gen. Doyle, commander of the Queen's forces in the British Provinces, in compliance with an invitation from that officer. Destructive Fins in Boston. —About nine o’clock on Monday evening, 31st ult., a lire broke out in a five story brick building, cor ner of Commercial and Richmond streets, Boston, owned by Silas Pierce, and occupied by F. W. Lincoln, Jr., & Cos., dealers in charts and nautical instruments, the Marine society, port wardens and other parties. The building was nearly burned out. The loss will amount to 920,000 or $30,000. The loss of Lincoln >5: Cos. is $5,000 or SO,OOO. The tire is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. Two firemen, members of steam engine No. 4, one of them named John Mahoney, were badly burned by the bursting of a barrel of oil. More Ri-.iiei. Prisoners. —Lieutenant Qlee ton, Post Adjutant, Key West, Florida, has just arrived in New York, from the above place with another batch of rebel prisoners. Among them are Liautenant Colonel T. P. Anderson, Confederate States Army ; Lieut. J. A. Pratt, Confede rate States Navy, and others. They were turned over to the Pro vost Marshall of New York district, and sent to Fort Lafayette. These men are a por tion of the same party captured with Gen. Harris and Professor McCullough, at Cape Sale.-, Fla., in April last. Internal Revenue Receii-ts for Jult.— The receipts of the internal revenue for July approximate to $22,000,000. Now that the income tax is beginning to be paid, it is esti mated that the receipts will be at least a million per day for the next *wo or three months. CNNIRADICtION OP A FOOLISH RUMOR.— Gen. Howard has authorized the denial of the rumor that he had threatened to ap propriate certain lands iu Maryland to tbe use of superanuated negroes, in case their former masters refused to care for them. • Riot in Cum mixgsvili.e, Ohio. — A riot oc curred in Cummingsville, Ohio, on the 30th July, in which three men were shot, aud a large amount of property destroyed. —A large and important council of the In dian tribes is to be held next month at Fort Gibson, to decide upon their future lelations to the government. Some thirty tribes, numbering about seventy thousand Indians, will be present. —A defalcation has been discovered in the Custom House at Memphis, and the Com mercial Bank of the same city has been seiz ed by the government authorities under the belief that the stolen money was in its vaults. —The May of Portsmouth has been arrest ed by General Mann, commanding the dis trict, for some interference in the business of the military courts. —The wheat crop in Wisconsin is the best seen there for six years. Oats are falling and will not command forty cents a bushel. New York Markets. Monday, July 31. Cotton lias been iu fair demand at uniform prices. Middlings cents V lb. prom l Ire New York Times, Ist instant. 1 The general markets exhibited less activity yester day. m eadsturts were lower, i-TO visions also closed m lavor of buyers. Groceries were less inquired for. \\ foskey was dearer, the Height engagements were limited. The stock market was very unsettled on the Hall ways yesterday, the ltuctuauons being wide and trfc queut on Erie aud other shales. Government d-20s rose to 107 at the early Hoard, but fell back to Satur day’s quotation, me, alter some European orders were supplied. Money iu demand at V V cent, (fold 101 l to l-*3, rose again to H 5, and then returned to I+l, me price iate on Saturday altemooti. At the Live Stock Markets yesterday the receipts of be el cattle were larger ihaii during any week for months past, and prices ranged from >ic.@lMe. ¥ lt>., dressed weight, belmv our quotations last week. The decline Is principally la common ami fair cattle, prime animals noi being plenty, bales range from ioc-fgille. yi H>. for poor to extra cattle, the majority of sales being mude at ligures runuing Ironi Idc.fcii loc. Live hogs are a time higher, other annuals are not as muclqchaiiged so prices. xulvxbt rofcsxoar m w«. The English Parliament Elections. The Cholera la England. By the arrival of the Steamship Hibernia at New York, we have Liverpool and London derry dates to the 20th and 21st ult. The British election returns to the even ing of the liith show five hundred and sev enty-nine members returned, of whom three hundred and thirty-four are liberals and two hundred and forty-four conservatives. The net liberal gain is twenty. Gladstone is elect ed in South Lancaster. D’lsrael.had been making a speech in which he expressed the conviclion that the result of the elections would not diminish confidence in the conservative party. He asserted that the conservatives in Parliament would not be inferior to those elected in 1859, and the House falls into its true shape and is weeded of these liberal members, against whom corrupt practices: can be proved, he believed the political position would lie iden tical with what it was two moDths ago. Considering the power and strength of the government, he contended that the return of so lurge an opposition party was fully as much as could have been expected. One ot the most remarkable election speech es has been that by Mr. Henley, the tory member for Oxfordshire, on his ra-electiou. The right honorable gentleman, wuo left the last Derby government because he could not make up his mind to assist the Derby Reform bill, now announces himself in favor of nouse hold suffrage. A despatch relative to the recognition of Italy, lett Madrid on the 15th, and is said to contain no conditions nor restrictions of an essential character. A progressionist meeting was soon to be held at Madrid, to determine the course to be pursued at tbe next election. There was an earthquake on the 18th in the Catina district, Italy. Several lives were lost, and there was great damage to property. A frightful raiirmid accident had occurred at Buchana, Prussia. A passenger train col lided with a goods train, by which thirteen persons were killed and a large number wounded. Progress of the Cholera.— The cholera had broken out in Birmingham. Large numbers of paupers are said to have been attacked. Advices from Alexandria to the 14th show a gratifying daily diminution in the cholera. On that day only two died of cholera. At Cairo there was also a decrease, although the mortality continued high. There were one hundred and fitty-six deaths on the 14th. The cholera was spreading in Constanti nople. Strict sanitary measures were ad opted. The United States steamer Kearsage, from Lisbon, arrived at Brest on the 19lh, and fired a salute of twenty-one guns, which the fort returned. The Great Eastern is in Bantry bay, await ing the laying of the ahore end of the cable, which, it is expected, will be accomplished by the 21st or 22d inst. Commercial Intelligence. LONDON MONEY MARKET. London, July 21, 1865. Consols closed at 90@90>£ for money. Illinois Central shares 90, Erie shares s+, United States live-twenties 71>i@71Jl. Tne million in the Hank oi Kuglund has decreased £471,604. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool July 21, iB6O. Cotton.—The Brokers’ Circular reports the sales ol cotton for the week at ss.ouo bales, including 22,500 to speculators and 17,500 to exporters. The nfarket opened buoyant and with a considerable advance on all descriptions, which was afterwards partially lost, me closing rates being >id.@%d. higher for Amer ican, aud )i± higher lor Egyptian on the week. The authorized quotations are; Fair, Middling. Orleans Nominal 2nd. Uplands Nominal 19J£d. Texas Nominal \9%d. . The sales w-day (Friday) are estimated at 10,000 lailes, the market closing nru at the above rates.— The stock in port is estimated at 432,500 bales, of which 27,000 are American. Breadstutm have a downward tendency, ami prices are easier. Provisions dull and the tendency downward, ex cept for corn, which is firmer, and holders demand an advance. The produce market is quiet and steady. • AMERICAN SECURITIES. Mattelthwait’s Circular says:—Transactions In Americaif securities are scarcely up to the average of the past few weeks. Five twenties, after reaching 72 s 4 ,havc receded to 71 ‘.purtl L. In R. R. stocks there have been some large transactions during the week. Illinois central shares have advanced three dollars, closing at Erics at one time were as high us sa, buj on sale s to realize profits, have given away, closing at an.,Oi 63’i. THE RICHMOND ELECTION. Gen. Turner fit Null and Void. SPECIAL ORDERS — NO. 72. [Extract.] Headqr’s, District of Henrico, ) Richmond, Va., July 28, 1865.) V. Whereas satisfactory evidence has been furnished at these headquarters that, at the election held iu the city ot Richmond, on the 25th instant, for municipal olficeis, voters were excluded on the ground of having lost their reiidence by reason ot their absence as soldiers iu the United States army during the rebellion, when no such ground was taken as against soldiers absent in the rebel army ; and wbtsreas, with but few exceptions, all of the officers elected at said municipal election have bem prominent and conspicuous in in augurating and sustaining the rebellion ; and wbereai the issue was distinctly made and openly ivowed at said election ai between those men who bad aided and abetted in the war against the United States authority aud those who had with their lives detended the flag of our country ; T herefore, justice to the thousands who have fallen on the battle-field or by disease in their efforts to put down this rebellion, and to those who are now returning to their homes in this district, after four years of sut fering, toil, privations aud dangers incurred in fighting treason, demands that these per sons who were so lately contributing all their efforts to sustain treason and overthrow this government should not be installed into office aud entrusted with power. Henoe it is hereby declared that tbe United States military authorities of this city will re gard tbe said municipal elections held in this city 011 the 25th instant as null and void, ex.- cepting only the election of the Clerk of the Hustings Court ; and each aud every person elected to office, excepting said Clerk of the Hustings Court, is prohibited from exercis ing the duties appertaining thereto. By command of Brevet Major General Turner. E. Lewis Moore, Assistant Adjutant Gen. The election of secession officers In Rich mond is earnestly condemned by the R;ch mond Republic, as calculated to retard the reorganization of civil government in Vir ginia. The Times, on the contrary, attaches no importance to the election, which it claims only indicates the choice of men for muni cipal offices by the people, irrespective of their political antecedents. Tbe New A ork Times of'the Ist inst. commenting upon Gen. Turner’s 'order setting aside tbe election, says:— We are impelled, with regret, to believe that what Gen. Turner describes as the feel ing, the sympathy, and the antecedent histo ry of the class that carried the Richmond election, only too truly depicts the actual condition of opinion iu Richmond. But we can only lawfully assail, or curb that opinion by further military force in the manner point ed out in the Executive proclamations. The appeal must be to the law and the testimony. If the Council elect of Richmond was ot the character described, that character would have shortly been developed in overt ac*s, which it would have been legitimately with in the province of the military authorities to take cognizance of and punish. In stepping iorward to prevent the organization oi the body, either more directly conclusive rea sons were required, or the military authori ties have run the 3erious risk of having their action misinterpreted. No such risk, we think, should have been run. These Rich mond madmen, who seek further to embar rass and set at naught the supreme authority of the government, are sealing their own dam nation. Fearful and terrible as tiieir exper ience of the national power may have been heretofore, they know nothing of the conse quences of further defying it. Reposted Arrest of Young Surratt. — A dispatch from Cairo to the Chicago Tri bune, says: Officers and a squad of men arrived last night on the steamer Cit* of Alion, with a prisoner heavily ironed. That excited much curiosity among the people. The prisoner was a good-looking, well-dressed young man, apparently 23 or 24 years olds. He was heavily ironed, aud also chained to one of the guard. Those having him in charge refused to answer all questions as to who he was or what he was arrested for. Among the passengers who came up on the boat it was reported he was young Surratt, and that he had been captured in Mexico, and was now on his way to Whashinglon.” More Indian Outbreaks on the Plains.— A despatch dated Julesburg, Colorado, July 31st, says— A party of thirty Indians attacked an em igrant train forty miles west of here on Sat urday. Killed two men and captured one wagon. On the same day a large party of Indians surprised a camp of twenty-six soldiers a tew miles north of Valley station, captured their stock and drove the men to the sta tion. War parties of Indians have appeared at several places on the South Platte route lately, and there is no doubt that there is a considerable force of Indians in tbat vi cinity. More troops are on their way here from the East. LOCAL MATTERS. BOLD ROBBERY OF A STORE. Over Two Thousand Dollars Worth of Goods Taken. Last night a bold robbery occurred at the store 173 Congress street, formerly occupied by Cohen Brothers. The goods taken amount to between two and three thousand dollars, and belong to M. S. Meyers, of New York, M. Cohen, agent. They con sisted principally of clothing, but in part of hats, dry goods, and boots aud shoes. The robbery was Hist discovered through a girl In a neighboring house, Who Informed Mr. Cohen that she had seen six people in Ids store. Proceeding there at. once, he found a colored man locked iu the store, wearing some of the clothing from the stock. He was taken into custody. The (idler parties have not been ar rested, nor the goods recovered. Arrival of the Steamer Guide from Wash ington, D. C., vis Portress Monroe. The above named steamer, Capt. H. Almy, arrived at this port this morning, from Washington, D. C., via Fortress Monroe. We are indebted to Capt. Alma and Col. J Kozlay, 54tli New York Veteran Volunteers, for late New York and Baltimore papers. The Guide has a full freight of Government Stores, aud also brought to Savannah eleven released Confederates, the majority of whom are residents of Montgomery, Alabama. Heavy Receipts of Cotton, Domestics and Yakns.—This morning McAlpm A- Co's. Uats Nos. 4,6 and 6 arrived from Augusta having on board 933 bales Upland Cotton and 16 liales Domestics. The flats are in charge of Capt. Charles O’Davis, assisted by Capts. A. Webster and J. M. Conroy. Messrs. Me. Alpin A Cos. have met with great success in their enterprise and have not lost a flat or had any cargo damaged. The,’flats are consigned to Mr. T. L. Hen ry, Agent of McAlpin & Cos. Stolen House Recovered.—Yesterday afternoon Mr. John 1L Hover, the successful U. S. Policeman, recovered a valuable grey pony, stolen from Capt. Fisher, A. q. M., Post of Augusta. The property was stolen in Augusta, and sold in Savanliah by Richard Silt, who has left for New York. A telegram was seat to New York to have Silt arrested, and sent to Savanliah. From Doitortown, Ga.— I The Steamer Comet, Capt. Horne, from tlie above point, arrived this morning for repairs. Shipping Intelligence, PORT OF SAVANNAH. Saturday, August 5, 1865. Arrived. U S Transport Guide, Almy, Washington, D C, vta. Fortress Monroe, with Government Stores and u released Confederate prisoners. • • , Steames Comet, Horne, Doctortown—ln ballast. J W McAlpin A Co’s flat boats No 4; Capt J N Con roy, No 6 ; Capt C O Davis, No 6 ; Capt A Webster, from Augusta, with 933 bales Upland cotton and 16 bales domestics, to T N Henry. Consignees—N A Hardee * Cos, William Battersby A Cos. ' Goodricn’s flai boat No 2, from Augusta—l 2. bales Upland cotton, 30 do yarns, 6 do domestics, to N A Hardee A Cos. Consignees—Hunter A Gammel), 0 L Colby A Cos, A Low A Cos. Cleared, Steamer Emilte, Bender, HUton Head. Steamer Fountain, Castuer, Pilatka, etc., with U S mulls, passengers and freights, by M A Cohen. OFFICIAL-JMgTRICT OF IAVAMWAH. HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SA VANN AIL 1 Ist Division. Deuktment or Gnobgla, > Savannah, July 29, 1865. J Special Order, 1 No. 14. f [ EXTRACT. 1 L Capt. John Martin Lussine. Schooner "Mary Agues," biiviug violated Geueral Order No. 69, Heau qnarters Dep&i iment of the South, May 6, 186f>, estab lishing Quarantine regulation* for the District oi St vaniiah, Ga., iu allowing communication with the fchore, is hereby fined the sum of One Hundred Hollars, He will be kept in confinement until the above amount i is paid. By Command GeIL j M BRANNAN. Will A. Coulter, Capt. «fc A. A. G. jj3l HEAINJUAKTKRB, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, 1 Ist Division, Dicp’Jt or Georgia, J- Savannah, Ga., AuguAlst, 1666. ) General Orders t No. 9. / The following Circular from Headquarters Depart ment of Georgia, is published for the information of all concerned, and will be carried into execution at once : HEADQ’RS DEPARMENT OF GEORGIA, > Augusta, Ga., July 31,18t5. / Circular, 1 No. 1. f In order to afford ample opportunity to the people of Georgia to take the oath oi allegiance prescribed in the President’s Amnesty Proclamation of May *-’9, 1065, it is ordered, first. District Commanders will at once select, for the purpose of administering the Oath of Allegiance, one Assistant Provost Marshal for every four counties in his district, reporting the names of such officers so selected to this office; these officers will, however, proceed at once to administer the Oath of Allegiance. Second. District Commanders will designate the four counties assigned to each District Provost Mar shal, and the same will be numbered as a Subdivision of the District. Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal so designated will visit the county seat pf each county in his subJi vision’as often as practicable, and remain in each county seat three or four days; at such visit he first causing public notice to be given of the time, in the newspapers of the district or otherwise. All possible despatch must be used by the Assistant Provost Mar shal to complete administering the oath to citizens consistent with their duties and the public interest. Fourth, For information on the subject of the duties of Assistant Provost Marshals in administering the oath, form of repoi tto this office, &c., attention is called Circular 5, Headquartrs Military Division of the Ten nessee, June 1:6, iB6O. By command of Major General STEKDMAN. (Signed) C. H. GitOSVfiNOK, Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost Marshal Gen. By commando! Brevet Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN, Will A. Coulter, A. A. G. au‘2-7 OFFICIAL—SUU-DIST. OP SgEECHEE. HEADOKS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., July 28, 1865. General Orders) No. 18. J Captain Charles H. Cox, '7sth New York Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty as Prpvost Marshal, Suu- District of Ogeechee, as his Regiment is now serving out of this District. Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran Infantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal. Sab-District of Ogeechee, and wid be obeyed and re spected accordingly. Bv command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. John Mullen, A. A. A. G. jy29-7 H EADQ’KS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., July 28lh, 1805, General Order,) No. 17. j All cltixers in this Sub-District who are engag ed in Legal, Medical, Mercantile, or aqy business, who come under the provisions of the Amnesty Oath, prescribed by President Johnson's Proclamation, dated Washington, D, C., May 21llh, ■ 1866, and have not taken said Oath, will be required to do so, or discontinue their business at once. To this end all persons in business who have not taken the Amnesty Oath will report to the Provost Marshal Sub-District of Ogeechee forthwith. Any violation of this order will be summarily dealt with. By command of . „ .Bvt. Brig. Gen. E. Y>. DAVIS OFFICIAL—BUREAU OF FREEDME6. WaK DEPARTMENT, 7 Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Aband'nd Lands,} Washington. July 12, 1566, ) Circular,) No. 11. 1 Instructions to Assistant Commissioners and other Officers. Each Assistant Commissioner will be careful, in the establishment of sub-districts, to have the office of his agent at some point easy of access for the people of tne sub-district. He will have at least one agent, either a citizen, military officer, or enlisted man, in each sub-district. This agent must be thoroughly instructed in his du ties. He will lie Inrnji-hed with the proper blanks for contracts, and will institute methods adequate to meet the wants of his district in accordance with the rules of this Bureau. No fixed rates of wages will be pre scribed for a district hut in order to regulate fair wages in givt n individual cases, the agent should have in mind minimum rates for his own guidance By care ful inquiry as to the hire of an able-bodied man when the pay went to the master, he will have an approxi mate test of the value of labor. He must of comae consider the entire change of circumstances, and be sure that the laborer has due protection against avarice and extortion. Wages had better be secured by a lien on the crops or land. Employers are desired to enter into written agreements with employees, setting forth stated wages, or securing an interest in the land or crop, or both. All such agreements will be approved by the nearest agent, and a duplicate filed in his office. Iu case there should he no agent within reach, the nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of con tracts direct to the Assistant Commissioner for the State. Attention is specially called to Bection 4 of the law establishing the Bureau, with regard to setting apart land to "every male citizen, whether refugee or freed man," Ac., aud the same arrangement is recommend ed when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have rented lands to freedmen and refugees This course is a recognition of the gen eral principal in the law. Iu order to enforce the fulfillment of contracts on both contracting parties, the Commissioner of the Bu reau lays down no general rule—the Assistant Com missioner must use the privileges and authority he already has. Provost courts, military commissions, local courts, when the freedmen and refugees have equal rights with other people, are open to his use. In the great majority ot cases his owu arbitrament, or that of his agent, or the settlement by referees, wil be sufficient. No Assistant Commissioner, or agent, is anthorized to tolerate compulsory unpuid labor, except lor the legal punishment of crime. Suffering may result to some extent, but suffering is preferred to slavery, and is to some degree the necessaiy consequence of events. In all actions tbe officer should never forget that no snbstitute for slavery, like apprenticeship withont proper consent, or peonage, (i. e., either holding the people by debt, or confining them, without consent, to the laud by any system,) will be tolerated. The Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more ot his agents to act as the general superinten dent of schools (one for each State) for refugees aud freedmen. This officer will work as much as possible in conjunction with State officers who may have school matters in charge. If a general system can be adopt ed for a State, it is well; but if not, he will at least take cognizance of all that is being done to educate refugees aud freedmen, secure proper protection to schools and teachers, promote method and efficiency, correspond with the benevolent agencies which are supplying bis field, and aid the Assistant Commission er m making his required reports. Burgeon C. W. Horner, Chief Medical Officer of the Bnrcau, will have the general supervision of medical matters connected with refugees and freedmen. Tbe Assistant Commissioners will iustruct their medical officers, as they have instructed other officers, to make the medical department self-supporting as far as possible. All public addresses of a character calculated to create discouteut are reprehensible ; but the Assistuui Commissioner aud his agents must explain, by con stant recapitulation, the principles, laws, and regula tions of this Bureau, to ail parließ concerned. It is recommended to tbe Assistum Commissioners to draw up in writing a carelul summary to be publicly aud privately read by agents throughout their respective districts. O. O. HOWARD, aul-7t Major General, Commissioner. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 224 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mali at tended to. ilsl-tl RESTAURANTS, die. OAK LODGE, THUN DERBOLT. TY7H-I.IAM T. DANIELS respectfully informs his TV friends and tbe citizens oi Savannah that he has taken this old aud Favorite Summer Retreat, where he is preeared to accommodate Boarders and to lumisli PICNICS and PARTIES. There is an er cellent BATH HOUSE upon the premises. Boats and Fishing D*clde Always an Hand. tf EMANCIPjkTIOIV SEEMS TO BE THE End of onr National Troubles. THE HILTON HEAD HOUSE, Cor. Johnson Square and Bryan Sts., IS NOW in good running order—a place where the weary can find rest, and where the waiters have no rest. BURTON’S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, COOL LAGER, OIK ICR, LUNCH AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M. No crippled jaws wanted in this establishment in business hours. Old acquaintances ne’er forgot. “ For particulars see small bills.” BILL WILLIAMS, jyl9-tf Proprietor Hilton Head House. CLAMS ! CLAMS ! ! JHAVE the best Clams at Hilton Head, and the best Cooks, in proof of which statement I adduce the following testimony from Mr. Benj. Honey's ad vertisement in the Savannah Daily H trams of the last oi two: "There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams iu every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, at the Eagle Saloon, in rear of the Post Office. ■•There is Whrke the Laugh Comes In." . My dear Ben we wish you a long life and a merry one. In addition to the above luxury, wo furnish as good a meal as can be obtained at Hilton Head, or any other place in this Department. CIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estab lishment satisfied thut whatever we advertise you will fiDd to be correct. Do not forget our old established house, in the rear of Post Office. PETER FITZGERALD, ju3o Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. R. SOLOMONS, M. D., 33 entist, From Charleston, S. C., offers his services to the citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark’s office, Congress street. References.— Dr. Jab. B Read, Dr. Joriah Harris, Hon: Solomon Cohen, W. ,N. Habersham Esq,, |y 11 ts A. A. Solomons & Cos., M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans lor and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, 4c. Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office. jy2l Idi DENTAL NOTICE. I would Inform the public that I have resumed the practice of • 33 ontiatry In this city, at my old stand, corner of St. Juliennnd Barnard streets, (entrance Brown's Photograph <W lery.j where I am prepared to perform all operations pei taming to my profession. jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON, D. D. S. LUMBER- . To Timber Cutters, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE IN LOTS, As They Arrive, Hard Pine Timber, AND Hewn Shipping Timber. W. A. BEARD, jylS eodlm 154 Congress street PIONEER SAW MILL. H7E most respectfully announce to the citizens of TT Savannah and others requiring LUMPER, tbat our new Saw Mill at the foot ol Znbly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, is completed. We are now prepared to saw aud furnish Lumber in large ur small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also put chase TIMBER as it arrives in this market. jy3l-tf HOSE & ARKWRIGHT. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &. SAMUEL P. HAjULTON (Successor to Wilmot & Richmond.) DEALER IN WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, CANES, CUTLERY, Corner Whitaker, St. Julian and Congress Sts , SAVANNAH, GA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. Jy2B-tf I. c. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD , S. C. jn29 ' 2m Refrigerators, Assorted HOBBY HOUSES. JUST RECEIVED BY STUART & CO., " au°-S Corner Bull and Broughton sts.