Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 11, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Uerald. FRIDAY. AVGIST 11, 1860. Fit On OI It FVE.MXO EDITION OF \ ESI £RDAY. . . . ■ , _p_ Gexkral Brri.i r.'s Movements. -r-The New York Commercial says General Butler was unable to obtain an interview with the Presi dent. He went to Washington to procure the acceptance of his resignation or else his assignment to active duty in the negro line, the only department now to ambition. He is now on hia way to Saratoga, where he will make a speecn and give his ideas of how things should be managed generally. Lysch Law is Oregon. —A letter from Walla Walla, Washington Territory, says: This valley and adjacent localities have been annoyed and outraged lor some time past by one of the most extensive bands of thieves and robbers and murderers that ever infested and preyed upon the interests of a community. They were thoroughly organ ized, and depredated extensively on the pro minent thoroughfares leading to the mines. Hundreds of cattle and horses were stolen from this valley in the short space of a lew months. Packers on the road often had theii entire stock driven oil in one night, ana were left with their goods in the mouu tains, without any means to transport it to a place of safety. A Vigilance Committee was formed to meet the exigencies ot the case, but it did not proceed opemy against the outlaws, bs the numerous character of the latter rendered il strictlv imprudent to do so. The existence of a Vigilance Committee was Only known by its mysterious and startling proceedings. "It was soon reported, anu truthfully too, that a man was found hanging on a tree a mile or two down the river, and search was made for ttej! place; and there, sure enough, was suspended by a small cord with blackened face and distorted features, one of “the gang.” How and when, and by whom, he was bung, no one knows. It was not gain, ior there was his horse grazing nea; by—aud there was liis saddle ancl bridle, overcoat, with his watch and some money, all care fully laid one side. It was startling to the members ot the clan who grouped about and swoie vengeance. But against whom should they make the blow. All was shrouded in mystery, and before they had fully recovered from their fright, another one of the gang was found suspended by a rope, and a core ner’s inquest was summoned; a third one had been discovered in the same fix, and so the ball was kept in motion until six were done for, and it is expected that each week will add to the list of suspensions until the country is entirely free from outrage at the hands of these desperadoes. A Terrible Prediction. —Professor Leo nidas, an Indianapolis astrologer, after look ing at the rings around the sun, makes the following horrible prophecy : “I observe by the planets that a dreadful plague will com mence in Russia, originating from silks brought over from Egypt, Cairo and Turkey. It will extend across the Baltic Sea, desolate Germany, cause immense mortality in Eng land, and then spread to the United States. This dreadful epidemic will spot the p%>p!c like a leopard, and turn the flesh to a purple black. The pestilence will carry off such an amount of mortals that there will not be enough left to bury the dead or give them Christian burial. The streets of our cities, towns and villages will be swarmed with tin dead and dying. The groans aud yells of horror will fill every breast with consterna tion. Confusion will abound on all sides. The death knell will Cease to toll as the malady rages in fury. The iotected will fall and die wherever they take it. The stench of the dead will become so common that the survivors will not heed it.” How the Mexican Littery Prize war fVon—The great Mexican loan lottery prize of five hundred ilv and trancs was not won by the Emperor M .kimiliao, as first reported, but by a poor ga: .oner in France named Gigre, whose case is another ins,mice of the fickleness of lortune. M. Gigre, at the time the loan was opened, came into Paris with the intention of subscribing for a few shares at the Comptoir and Escompte, which was the Paris subscribing office. Upon reactiing there, however, he found such a crowd about the door that he gave up the idea of sub -9 bribing, and started about some other busi ness. Going down the Boulevards lie hap pened to pass a well known excliauge office, and seeing a placard in the window stating that the loan could be subscribed for there, he went in and asked for some shares. A gentleman who had followed him in, being known to the clerks in the office, in sisted upon his beiug served first. M. Gigre not liking this, asserted that he had come into the office first. This remonstrance, however, was in vain, and while he was still grumbling the clerk handed ten shares to his rival. M. Gigre had nothing to do but to take the next ten, which he did, and the re suit of which was that he received from the Commissioners ot the Mexican loan the sum of five hundred thousand francs in good notes of the Bank of France. Everybody who can raise three hundred francs now con siders it his cr her duty to buy a Mexican bond and draw five hundred thousand francs. How Gen. Buckner Lost a Fortune. When he* cas a captain in tho regular army, Buckner married Miss Kingsbury, au heiress] who owned an immense landed estate in Chicago, valued at more than a million ol dollars. It was unimproved, and did not yield an income. Buckner fiually placed it under the supervision of Gen. Burnside, who, ■with judicious management, soon caused it to pay handsomely. When the war broke out it was uncertain on which side Buckner •would serve. He was offered a high posi tion by Mr. Lincoln and also by Jefferson Davis, and finally chose to cast Ins fortunes with the South. But before doing so, to preserve this great estate to his wife and children, it was made over to the brother oi Mrs. Buckner, in whom they had full coufi fidence. A little later, and Kingsbury, the brother entered the Federal army and was wounded in the battle pf Fredericksburg While lying on the field he spoke of bis property and his desire to arrange it so that his sister would have no trouble about it but delayed too long, and died without making his wishes Surther known, lie had been but a short time married, and some months after bis death his wile gave birth to a child. The child necessarily inherits that princely es tate, nor can Buckner or his wife receive a dollar horn it, excepting what the widow of Mr. Kingsbury shall choose to give them It is proper to say, to her honor, that she has been most liberal in that respect. Buck ner's property was long since confiscated, and thus the close of the war finds him, like most of the rebels, in a beggared condition. Power of the British Aristocracy.—A recent work, “The Great Governing Families of England,” says .- s‘England is ‘governed, in times of excite ment, by its people ; in quiet times, by its aristocracy, lrom whom a careful analysis shows that the thirty-one families at this mo ment supply one hundred and ten members, or a clear working fourth of the English House of Commons, who have, in fact, as great a direct power as the whole kingdom of Ireland, double that of Scotland, five limes that of London, as much as that of Loudon and the forty next greatest cities. When we have added the great Irish and great Scotch proprietors, itVill be found that sixty fami lies supply, and for generations have sup plied, one-third of the House of Commous, one-third of the ultimate governing powei tor an empire which includes a fourth of the human race." • * A “big Indian’ strayed away from bis camp, and got lost. Inquiring the way bade, was n?kea, “Indian lost V” “No,"said betlisdain.- ftillv. “lauia no . „t; wigwam toft, atrial na iti* y least; Indian here.” IMPORTANT TREATY. Alliance of the American States Against Europe. Treaty of Vninn and Alliance Btturen the stalla of Awertea, Parti** Thereto for Their Mutual Defence. In the name of God:—The States of Ame rica, which are hereinafter mentioned, desir ing to unite in order to provide for their ex terior stVurity, to strengthen their relations, to maintain peace mneng themselves and to promote other common interests, have de termined to secure these oojects by means of international compacts, of which the present is the first and fundamental one. To that effect they have conferred full powers, as follows: By Salvador, to Don Pedro Alcantara Herran ; by Bolivia, to Don Juan de la Cruz Benaveute ; by the United States of Colombia, toDou Justo Arosemena; by Chile, to Don Manuel Montt; by Equador, to Don Vicente Piedrahita; by Peru, to Don Jose Gregorio Paz Soldau, aud by the United States of Venezuela, to Don Antonio Leo cadio Guzman. And tbe Plenipotentiaries baviogexebang ed their pow ers, which they found sufficient and in due form, have agreed herein to the following stipulations : Article 1. The high contracting parties unite and bind themselvc* to each other for the objects above expressed, and guarantee io each other mutually their independence, their sovereignty and "the integrity of their respective territories, biudiug themselves in the terms of the present treaty, to defend each other agaiust any aggression which may have for its object the depriving any one of them of any of the rights herein expressed, whether the aggression shall come from a foreign Power, whether from any of tiiose leagued by this compact or from foreign forces which do not obey a recognized gov ernment. Art. 2. The alliance herein stipulated will produce its effects when there shall be a vio lation of the rights expressed in article 1, and especially in the cases of offences which shall consist— First —In acts directed to deprive any one of the contracting nations of a part of its territory, with the intention of appropriating its dominion or ot ceding it to another power. Second— In acts directed to annul or to al ter the form of government, the political con stitution, or the laws which any one of the contracting parties may give or may huve given itself in the exercise of its sovereignty, or which may have for their object to change forcibly its internal system, or to impose up on it authorities iu like manner. Third— In acts directed to compel any one of the high contra: ting parties to a protecto rate, sale or cession of territory, or to estab lish over it any superiority, right, or pre-em inence whatever, jvhicli may impair or offend the ample and complete exercise of its sov ereignty and independence. Aar. ti. The allied parties shall decide, ea. h one for itself, whether the offence which may have been given to any one of them is embraced among those enumerated iu the foregoing articles. Art. 4. The casus foederis being declared, the contracting parties compromit them selves to immediately suspend their relations with the aggressive Power, to give passports to its public ministers, to cancel the commis sions of its consular agents, to prohibit tbe importation of its natural and manufactured products, and to close their ports to its ves sels. Art. 5. Tbe same parties shall also ap point plenipotentiaries to conclude the argu- | ments necessary to determine the comm- | gents of the force, aud of the land and naval j supplies, or of any kind, which the allies must give to the nation which is attacked, ! the manner In which the forces must act, and the other auxiliary means be realized, and 1 everything else which may bo proper to the j best success ot the defence. The plcnipo i u ntiaries shall meet at the place designated - by the appended party. Art. G. The high contracting parties bind themselves to furnish to the one which may be attacked the ineaus of defence which each one of them may think ilselt able to dispose of, even though the stipulations to which the loregoiug article refers should not have pre ceded, provided the case should, in their judgment, beau urgent oue. Art. 7 Tbe casus foederis having been de clared, the party offended will not have au thority to conclude conventions for peace or for the cessation ot hostilities without includ ing in them the allies who may have taken part iu the war and should desire to accept them. Art. 8. If (which may God avert) oue of the coutracting parties should offend the rights of another oue of them, guaranteed by this alliance, the others will proceed iu the same manner as though the offence h;ul been committed by a foreign Power. Aht. 0. The high couliuctiug parties bind themselves not to concede to, nor to accept from, any nation or government a protec torate or pro-cmiueuce which impairs their independence and sovereignty; and they like wise compromit themselves not to transfer to another nation or government any part of their territory. These stipulations do not hinder, however, those parties which are conterminous to made the cessions of terri tory which they may deem proper for the better demarkution of their boundaries or frontiers. Akt. 10. The high contracting parties bind themselves to appoint plenipotentiaries, who dial! meet every three years, as nearly as possible, to adjust the conventions proper to strengthen and perfect the union established by the present treaty. A special provision and the present Congress shall determine the day and the place at which the first assembly of the plenipotentiaries, shall meet, which assembly shall likewise designate the follow ing one, and thus thereafter until the expira tion of the present treaty. Art. 11. The higli contracting parties will solicit, collectively or separately, that tbe other American States which have been invi ted to the present Congress shall enter into t he treaty; and fiom the moment the said States shall have made known their formal accept ance thereof, they shall have the rights aud obligations which emanate from it. Art. 12. This treaty shall coutinue in full torce for the period of fifteen years, to be reckoned trom the day of this date ; and at the end cf this period any one of the con tracting parties shall have authority to ter minate it on its part by announcing it to the others twelve months previously thereto. Art. 13. The exchange of the ratifications shall take place in the city of idma within tUe period of two years, or sooner if it be possible. In testimony whereof, we, the undersigned Ministers Plenipotentiary, sign the preseut md seal it with our respective seals, in Lima, this twenty-third day of Janary, in the year t our Lord one thousand eight hundred'aud sixty-five. p. A. Hkkran. Jt’As De I,a Cbuz Bsnavexte. Manuel Montt. Justo Arosemena. VICY.NYE PIEDBAHiTA. Jose G. Paz Soldas. Antonio L Guzman. injures* l , y-r.—The Ban Francisco Min ceive. n nlii ' UUe 17 , 8! *y s : “We have re- GeoreeV wm V’?. past week from Mr. Visits f Vi° f K 1 Dorttdo t'knou, who supplies \i y v wm * P ur l ,ose of procuring l)o l am M | WI tIC . brings favorable re ports irorn that regtou. Ho also brines "jriSS °i Vwk from the salt mourn tains, located some sixty miles above El dorado Canon, up the Colorado. The salt U !^r r , ge n beaU c! U J ly t . rans P areD t crystals, and is probably of the traest quality attain ible on this coast. Just previous to the time at which Mr. Willete left the Canon, a packed train arived from the salt mountain) with a load of salt from the mill. These moun tains are said to be a perfect mass of bemti iulty crystalized aafr, and are a great curios ity and wonder to all travellers who have visited them. One of them is within six miles of the river aud the fffl yr U about Wunty miles di*tant. Thn hackers rji M ■> ou* ot the mi Wtth w#r^ 4 9 ‘ NBW TOM MA&XBTS. NEW YORK'. An* 5—2 P. M. Flock, Ac.—Tbe Flour market w dull, and 10c. a lie, lower. Tne sales are 6,500 bbt?. at $5 70 a in 15 for Super fine State; 3.-. a *a 50 for Extra State: $6 55 a $1 60 tor choice do.; $5 75 a6 25 fgr Superfine Western; iO 40 alto 15 for common to medium Kxtra Westeru; T.Li a . gjfor common to good shipping Urauds Kx - tra Round Hoop Ohio, and ,*s 50 a r'r a;, for trade drilled-:. The market closing dull, Southern Flour Is dull and drooping. Sales 400 (this, at $7 70 a i 9 for Common, and $9 to a sl2 25 for Fancy and Evtra. The Coru market is heav> and 2c. lower. Oats are firmer, with some speculative Inquiry, at 58e. a 50c. for Western. 1 Cotton.—The market Is dull, heavy and lower. Sales 1,200 bales at 47c. lor Middling; with some salen j reported as low as 46c. | Kite—Ls quiet atul steady. ~ { Con la.— I, firmer with a good demand. Sales • | since our last 400 mats Java at 25c a 25‘jc., gold, and I 8,000 bags Rio iu bond, at 14 V- a 11 \c. gold. ! SidAit— Is firm with a moderate demand. Bales I since our last two hhd.s, at,lie. a 15sc. for Cuba, aud ! Me. a 15&c. for Porto Rico, and 4u boxes Havana 1 on private terms. ! Molasses— ls InTOir request, and prices rule firm | er. Sales since our last 500 Uhds. at 87 qo. for Porto Rico, aud Harba'does ou terms not made public. Tobacco—Sales 320 Idols. Kentucky at 7c. a 24k. Tea—ls quiet and firm. STlie Lard market Is dulfoml lower. Sales 750 bids, at lye. a 24)„(. | Bacon is dull. a Butter is iu demand at 23c. a 2ec. for Ohio and 30c. | a 35c. for State. Cheese is dull at 10c. a 15‘,0. tor common io prime. Whiskey—ls quiet. Sales 250 bbls. Westeru at $2 20, closing dull. Freights—'To Liverpool, 28,000 bushels Corn at 4d. a 4 *7l, p.r 561: s. To Glasgow, 7,C00 bushels Wheat at Oil., and 150 hints. Tobbacco at 375. od. Augusta Market. I Monday, August 7—2, p. m. Financial.—F. C. Barber A Son furnish us the fol lowing quotations ; Gold, buying, 45a50c. premium; sellmg 52c. premium ; Silver, buying, 40e. premium ; selling, iuc.; sterling, $4 4a. Bank notes—Georgia 11. R. Bank 50 per cent, discount; Central 5o perct.; Hank State of Georgta 85 peret.; Marine Bauk7o; Bank or Savannah 70 ; Bank of Athens Si; Batik of Middle Georgia 75 ; TTilon Bank of South Carolina 70; S. W. R. R. Bank Soulh Carolina SO; Planters’ and j Mechanics’ so ; People’s Bank 80 ; City Council 30 to 35 per cent.—all discount. Cotton. There is a moderate demand, with fair stock circling, general sales 33 a 35 in greenbacks, 22 a 42 in coin. Homestics are hr good demand, Wc quote 4-4 sheeting 27 a 29c.; 7-s<|<i. 22 a r4c.; osuubtiigs 22 a 2varus *2 75 a S3 per bunch, by the oitle. Flock.—The market is dull, w e quote at sl6 a $lB per barrel. Groceries, Provisions, Ac—Bacon .‘4O u 31 ft lb.; cotrco 43 a 45c. V- ft ; tea 175 a 250 11 lb ; sugar 25 a3O ts ft for brown, crushed 35c ; salt 4 a 5 V- !b ; rice to 'p ft ; lard 28 a 3i)c. y lb ; coru pal 25 bush ; corn meal >1 25 p bush ; new wheat $1 50 a 2 00, according to quality ; Colgate soap 22e. p, ft ; uiackarel $4 50 y kit, *5 P kit for No. 1 ; Gosheu cheese silc. t< ft ; do. butter 35c. V 1b ; oranges S7O V Box ; lemons $26 p box ; raisins st 2 P box ; felt hats $»5 p dozen ; tallow 12,qc. yft ; do. caudles 35c. it lb by the box ; Cow peas 76c. to sl, \i bush ; fodder $2 ewt ; codfish 20c. ? ft ; real Havana ci gars sioj y. thousand ; starch 25 a 30c. Covnthv Paoni'CE, Ac.—The following are the currant quotations at the Lower Market; Beer 4 a iqc. y lb. gross, 3 a 9c. y ft nett; pork 4 u 6c. y it. nett; mutton 15a 2oc. y ft; chickens 25 a 30c each; eggs 25c. per doz; butter 40 a 60c. y 1b; Irish pota toes $2 per bush; onions $3 per hush; peaches abun dant at $1 per bush;cabbages none ; pollards6 a 6c. per head; beets 5 a toe. per bush; tilted apples or. per lb; dried peaches BC. per lb. , Is O(JA Is MAT r r EII 8. From Charleston, etc.—Tbit morning the steam, er Fannie, consigned to C. C. Cambridge, arrived from Charleston, via Hilton Head, Beaufort and other points. About eleven o'clock, the l'. S. Transport Conti nental arrived from Charleston,* vla.Hllton Head, having been ordered to tills point to convey North the troops about to be mustered out of service. Hotel Arrivtils. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 9. A McKnight, Augusta jG Fanner, Hilton Uetui S Illckey, do H H Gore, do J Porgjs, do CF Smith, do T B Branch, Richmond it Willingham, Georgia M Friedman, Philadelphia JR Lawton, do O A Itoth, New York A W Leonard, Et Pulaski ]J C Vauilooten. Eufaula W s Easton, do K W Harriss, Savannah JW Hodges, Athens, Ga 1 J J Martin aud lady, ,G II Mattisou, Beaufort Charleston L H L'athan, New York : J C Martin, do jj L Whitaker, Sntg 1 Mi-s M 10 Martin, do | C S A, Beaufort ; Miss J Martin, do iLt II Wood, US A, ! J A Gray amt wife, I Hamburg, S C AugustaiL W Johnson, Georgia i Mm R J Rowe, aud 2 II) Ueltoyelie, Brooklyn children, Augusta! A Denham and lady, l'la Mrs Sullivan, 2 children A Kieliaidsoii, str Nevada and servant, Augusta capt Carpenter, do JII Mularkey, do |C A Barstow, do T McCord, do T A Goddard, Montgomery C A Hcisler, do G T Lambert, Savannah Gll Camp, Greensboro 'V Jonos, Washington T 1) Adams, Roswell IH U Robinson, Philadet T Supple, New York f A Kent, Witnilugton f l>el J Supple, do | if Almy, str Guide J Coyle, do ’S E Howard, Beaufort E Higgins, do |.l W Reynolds, do J J Bench, do 0 Norriss, str Nevada P D Whelan, do Air Morgan do 'M L Stephens, Savannah 'J Johnson, Baltimore Judge I) S Walker, Ha |F 1) Currv aud lad, lieanf T J Perkins do , lit Lt Coi A V Elliott, C p lutellljfftsuoo. PORT OF SAVANNAH Arrived. Tilt’ltrsiUY, August 10,1905. Steamer Fannie, Lewis; Charleston—by C. C. Cam bridge. Consignees.—C Cambridge, M A Cohen, Adams Express Company, ami order. Passengers.—Mu C Goodrich, Miss Mary Goodrich, Miss C Goodrich, Miss Roimilat, J Battle, J F Doug las, J J A O’Neil, T H Willingham, P W .McGee, W A Gibson, T Burton, W St I Mazyck, J H Williams, E L Honey, J Middleton, D LtMotte Canter, H llryau. U S Transport Continental, Summer, Charleston, to U S Q M. Passengers.--Lt J s Bergen, Lt Col M T Holbrook, 173d N Y, Mrs Harden, Miss Harden, Mrs Russell. Dougherty’s Mat, front Augusta, with lU4 bales Up land cotton, to Kein A Cos, aud W Battersby A Cos. Edmund Screven’s fiat, from up Savannah river, with 19 bales damaged cotton, to Adams Express Cos. Cleared. Steatqer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. NOTICE. The Rixbops of the Methodist Church tvili meet for cousulfatiou at Columbus, Georgia, August lflth. The several Auuual Conferences will meet at the regular times aud places this fall and winter; aud will elect Delegates lo the General Conference, to meet the Ist day of April; the place to be announced at an early <la>- This disastrous war, through which we have pars ed, has greatly disorganized us In oar operations ; but now that peace is restored, the Church will re organize and enter earnestly ou her appropriate work of spreading Scriptural holiness through these laud 9. James 0. Andrew. Summerfield, July 21, 1865. V A r XT A B L K Timber & Turpentine Lands FOR SALE. 20,000 Acres iu Piero*’ ami Ware Cncm ties, Georgia. —o— THE subscriber eff.-ra for talc 20,000 acrea of Supe rior Timber aud TurpeDtiue Lauda lying lu Pierce and W ire couutlee, lu this Mate. Theae lauds were selected with a special view to the timber aud turpentine business, and to a company contempla ting the prosecution of that business ou a large scale, offer the greatest possible advantages, a* the lands He In a body, on the line of the Albany and Unir Rail road, aud near the junotlon of that Koad with the Hues of Railroad leadtug from Brunswick to Albany. They are also watered by th* Satllla and AUapaha rivers, uavagabie streams for rafting to Brunswick and Darien. Ga. The timber to heavy, and of tbe first class of ranging timber, the trees yielding turpentine tn the greateat abundauce, while tbe land is of good quality for farming, yielding good crops of Corn, Cot ton, Sugar, Ac., Ac. The range is very fine for stock, the country being also well adapted to the racing of Sheep. The water hi good, aud the uelgbborbood oue of the most healthy seetluus of the State, being free from fevers aud the ordiuarv disease, of the low Southern coun try. Persons desiring to pnrehise, are refcriod for fu* thor particulars to Messrs. Erwiu A Hardee, Savan nah) or to the subscriber, at Blackshear, Pierce coun ty, Georgia. au4-tf E- Q. WADE. thos. w. bhookh MANUFACTURER OF furniture and ceneral Church Dirwtory. C ConpiW expressly for th« Savannah Daily ID-rald.] CATHOLIC CintCllt*. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist—northeast corner of Pern and Drayton streets.—Mass C 1-2 a. m , b 1-2 a. m. High Maps 10 1-2 a. m. Yespere 4 p. m. Sunday School 2 1-2 p. m.; Stations ol the Cross: concluding with the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Friday evening, I o'clock. Clergy—Kight Kev. Au gUfctua Verot, I). D., Bishop of Savannah ; J. F. U’Neil* Sr., Vicar General; Kev. Peter Dufau, Rev. Henry P. Clavreul. Bt. Patrick's Church -southeast corner of w#*t Broad and Liberty —Kev. Charles Prendergast, Kev Pet»r Whuiuu, -Mass !»1-2 u. m , High Maas at 10 1-2 a. m. l*KuliSl A.N 1 WISLOPIL < MUHOHEo Christ Church— aide of Johusou Square, earner Bull aud Congress street*-—Kev. Charles Coley, Ae aiatant Hector. Serv.ce at lo a. ui.; Evening Prayer, 5 1-2 p. lli .; >unday School 4p. m. St. John’s Church—weal *ide of Madisou Square, comer Bull aud Charlton streets—Rev. C. F. Mcßae, liecior. Service at 101 2 a. in., 4 p. m ; Sunday School 0 a. in; Wm S. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayera Wednesday* and Friday*. 6 p m. JfcETJlOl>l*r CUCKOHE*. Trinity Church—weft tide St. James Square, corner Baruara and York atreet.*—Kev. A. M. Winn, Pafetor. Service 10 a. tu ; Sunday School 3 1-2 p. ib.; Mr. Ma gi il. Service Tuesday at 4p. m. irTHKRAJi CUriiCUK J . Savannah Lutheran Church— fidv of Wright Square, corner Bu»l aud State streets—Rev. D. >l. Gilbert Paator. Service? at 10 1-2 a m;5 p. ra. Sun day School 9 m. m.; John T. Thomaa, Superintendent. Service Thursdays, b 1-2 p. m. FaCeiiY TKKJ AN CUCBCUtO. Independent Presbyterian Church—Southwest cor ner Bull and South Broad streets—Kev. 1. S. K. Axsou, Pat tor. services 10 1-2 a. ni., 6p. m. Sunday School 'j a. in ; John W. Anderson, Supcriutcudcn.. Service Thursday uflernooa. UAM lkT CHUB< ilLo. Bavawiuh Baptist Church—West side ol Chippewa Square, corner Bull and Hull streets—Kev. Sylvauus Landrum. Pas or. Service 10 1-2 a. m und ip. w. school 4 1-2 p. in.; George W. Davis, Super intendent. Service Ihuredays at 6p. m. UKBBEtV CONGREGATIONS. Mlckva Israel—Northeast c ruer of Whitaker and Liberty itreetu—Kev. A. Epstein, Reader. Service Friday, 6 o'clock p. m ; Saturday, 0 1-2 o'clock a. *n. Buui Benin JuCol>— Armory Hall building, West side Wright Square, corner Bull and State streets— Services Friday, 6 o’clock p. m.; Saturday, 9 o'clock a. m. COLO ELI* DUTCHES. First African Baptist Church—West side Franklin Square, corner Montgomery and Bryan streets—Kev. Mm. Campbell, Pastor. Service 10 l-g am., 3,1-2and 7p. in. Sunday School 2p. m.; James Sims, Super intendent: Charles L. De La.Molta, Assistant. Church service 'ihursuays, T p. in,; prayers, Mondays, 7 p. in. Second African Baptist Church—West side Oreeu Square, corner State and Houston stieeta—Kev. John Cox, Pastor. Service lo 1-2 a. in., 3 1-2 and 7p. in Suuduy School 2 1-2 p m.: Herman Eves, Superili loudeut; Min. Gorgau, Assistant. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p. in. 1 hlrd African Baptist Church—Bryan, near Fahrn street—ivev. K Houston, Pastor. Service lo »» m , 3 auu 7p. m. Prayers Mond yo aud Thuisdays, 7p. in. Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Mont gomery streets —Kev l*aac brown, Pastor; Kev. Henry T »ylor, Assistant Pastor. Service- 10 1-2 a. in., 212 and 7 p. m. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p. m. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church—West side Calhoun Squars—Kev. James Pur*er, Lay Reader. Service lu a. m., 7 p. in Uniou Methodist Episcopal— street, near Fahm street. North Central Kunroad Depot—Kev. Wdliam Be alley, Pushir. Service 10 a.m., 3 1-2 and 7 p.m. ?un»iay Bchool 12 I*2 p. m.; liepry Bates, superin tendent. OHCKCHty OLO3LD. German Lutheran Church—Corner Drayton and Gordou streets. Wesley Chapel—Northeast corner of Lincoln and South Broad streets. Pcirtield’s Mariners’ C!hur< h—Bay street, South side, between Ai*ercom and Lincoln %treets. First Presbyterian Church—East side of Monterey Square, cornet Bull aud Taylor street*. MASONIC. Solomon’s Loikib, No. 1, meets first Thursday lu each month. K. !. Turner, W. >l.; John Nicholson S. W.; Johu Folev, F. W.j J. Holbrook Estill. S. D.; 11. K. Schreiuer, J. D.; M. Jones, Secretary; Jjme» Latbllaou, Jr , Treasurer Zkhhvuaulk Lot ok. No. 15, meets second Thur-day iu each month. Wm. Greene, W r M.; David Thomp son, S M.; Thomas Ballarditie, J. W.; M. Reich, S. Haywood, Treasurer. Climon Lonui, No. 54, meets first and third Mon days lu each month. S. E. Uyck. W. M.: John Ruther ford, S. W ; Win. Gibbons, J. W.; P. lleilzicun, S. D.; M. DavUlsou, Treasurer. Anoismv Landmaks Loiige, No. 23 —No regular meetings during the summer months. Edward C. Hough, W. M-; Wm. F Holland, S. W.; J. U. Dd mund, J. W.; C. L. Hackett. S. D.; , J. D.' Ga koia Cuafive, No. 3.—Closed for the summer. K. T. Turner, U. P.: Win. Greene, K ; W. F Holland, 8.; David H. Galloway, M. C.; J. Ilolbiook Estill. P. g.; John Fuley, M. 3d V.; M. Reich, M. 2d V.; H. L. Schreiner, M. let V.; Thomas Balluntiue, C. 11. Gloksia Council No. I.—Closed until winter. 0 B PRINTS • -D 0 Oh r. h V <s* NO. 1 1 i HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, rtft RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of ou NEATLY AND PROMPTLY. We have the BEST PRESS IN THE WORLD For dolug a variety of work and doing it all well. We employ FIRST CLASS PRINTERS, Os long experience and tried ability. We have NEW PRINTING MATERIALS, From the best Northern foundries, to which we ar/ CONSTANTLY MAKING ADDITIONS. We arc prepared to execute orders for POST KItS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, TICKETS. BUSINESS CARDS, LETTER HEAD* ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS. CHECKS PASSES, LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS, BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS. BALLADS, LEGAL BLANKS, CALENDARS, Or any other kind of Printing, IN ANY STYLE. We have a FINK ASSORTMENT OF INKS FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, anti the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, aud to give complete aatlgfkctiou to nnr customers. OUR PRICES Are aa low as tbe present high coat of stock, mate ria), labor and living will admit of, aud ar. below the uercas«d rates which rule in other lines of business. S. W. MASON A CO„ 111 Bay street. Savannah, Georgia. REAL ESTATE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 'T'HK subscriber offers for sale his three story trick X. swelling house, situated on Montgomery street one door south of York street. There id g.ra fixtures through the house. To a permit) who desires a com fortable home uow hi tbelr chance. A dwelling home aud store la offered by this sale. PETER STRAUS. [ M | STATIONERY. Ac. HTATION KllY. TO MERCHANTS AND SITLEUM. We offer our large and varied Stock ot STATION ERY at th* lowest cash prices. Our stock iu tbe above lkie ia Abe largest In the De partment, and all our goods arUof the first quality fnah and direct from Manulacturers. We solicit the attention of purchasers to our goods and prices. SAVILLE A LEACH, Corner Bryan street and Market square, Timber Cutter's Bank. ftsvaunub, Ga., IjfrtNjhßJjtfi* fi»W, *iiilt*ni Ufhd, s. } C. GROCERIES, MfirOßS, dtc. STUART & CO., Fa m ily G rooors.' tiZXLES, IN TEAS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Corniw Bill am. Bsocgvton Streets. Special attention ;.»id to country orderr from Fami- Ue. and for the Trade. * Good, delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. L. Y. STfiST. H. M. Kellooo. jyl9 ts . PIERCE SKEHAN Wholfshle and Up tail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots* and Shoes, Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Sugars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEK, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Libsral deductions made to the trade. 170 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and C 2 Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE ard COMS’N MERCHANTS, CD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &c„ Cobb er or Bay and Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rate, paid for Cottoo, Wool, Hides, Ac., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York House. jylS Geo. A. Hudson, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer IN Groceries, Ales, Wiues, Segars, Liquors, &c. SOOTH EAST CORNER Or east BROAD AND BROUGHTON STREETS, savannah, Georgia. Jyl9 lm KIRLIN & KIENZLE, WLtolesalo nzicl notail DEALERS IN ALES, MINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR nous K, 105 DAY STREET. _ iy«i ts 3500 TONS OK - ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x5S per lineal yard. For sale L>y FOWLB & CO. juj.9 0m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y\ CHOICE BALTIMORE MllliN. For Bale, LANDING PER STEAMER PERIT, FROM NEW YORK, THIS DAY. I. D. LaROCHE, au2 Corner Bay and Barnard streets, KIRLIN, BURKE & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY I.ANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. Jyii ts FOR H zV I. W . 1,060 bushels OATS. 1,900 do WHITE CORN, OUKAT TO CLOSE OONSIOttfiEHT. Alsu—lso ponndx Celebrated Zephyr Puff SMOKING TOBACCO. N. A. HARDEE & CO., jySI-tf Bay street, 9 Stoddard’s Buildings. INSURANCE. MARINE INSURANCE , AT LOW RATES! COLUMBIAN INSURANCE COMFY OF NEW YORK. River Rinks ou Favorable Terms. CASH CAPITAL $3,600,000. r TBK undersigned are ready, through their open po -L licy with the utHive, lo eflect lnnuranee for Au ygueta. New York, and Jacksonville, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. Mdse, on flret-claaa Ocean Steamers SIOO,OOO “ 44 Sailing Ve«»e;8 76,000 44 “ “ River Steimtr or Flat.... 15,000 Shippers will find it to their interest to call before eflecting Insurance elsewhere. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO„ JylS-tf IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? THIS is ou important question for every man and Important also for every wife and nrether, eb it affects tfleir future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance” of New York will insure you at the ufuhl rates iu uuy rum from sloo They also issue the Lvonk TEN YEAR NON -FORFEITURE Foiicies, uuU will after two year* ptty metit j'lve a lull paid up l olicy lor Two Tenths the whole sum, ami Three Years Turee Tenths* olid so ou. Thua a Polity of SIO,OOO. Two l'reiniums paid upou it will be eutitluu to a paid up Policy of $2,000. aud five years five-tenths for every additional year. For further information apply lo A* WILBUR, Agent* At the office of the Home Insurance ju27 bay st.. Savannah, ua._ THK MOV ENGLAND MUTUAL LtPE INSURANCE COMPANY, O P BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. 'T'HIS to oue of the oldest und beat Companies iu A. .America. • Policies ou Lives for any amount up to $15,600 ate luken by them. The Policies of ’.heae Companies were not cancelled luriug Che war until heard Ir . -i- a fact which shuwa then dealing and delermiuuuuu to be just and honor able iu all cases. Apply lo juz7 A. WILBUR, Agent. i inw l n ars e k . KuirkerlxM’ker Life lusiirance Company or TNT 33 W YOB K. ASSETS NEARLY THREE yUARTBUS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Policies of all descriptions, including the favorite TEX YEAR NON-FORFEITURE POLICIES, Will be issued by this Company. ERAST US LYMAM, President, Gso. P. Sniffcn, Secretary. A. WILBUR. Agent, A t Home Insurauce CompauQr's Office, JyT-law4w 89 Bay street. Savannah, Ua. Commereial Mutual MARINE IHIRAIE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Comjiany, with over a Million DoUara as As ■E- sets, are takiug Marine Risk to and from New York on Steamers and bailing Vessels at usual rales. DANIEL DRAKE SMITH, PruideMt. ~ A. B. HOLMES, Vice Preeidcnt. Mxssv Kura, Secretary. v A. WILBUK, Agent, At t)ome Insojunc* Company'* office, > |yT-I»W*W »9 Bay |tre**-9avanaab, Ga. OFFICIAL—DISTRICT OF SAVANmH. J DISTRICT OF SAVANNM, >- ♦ Ibt Division, Department of Geoboia, ] > Savannah, July 20, 1&65. ) 1 Special Ordt.r, > No. 14. ( IBVTRACT.] I. Capt. John Martin Liusine, B*’hooner Illary Agnes,” having violated General Order No. 69,|Iea(i qnarters Depaitment of the South, Muy C, liSfjiug quarantine regulations for the Dist.icibf Sa vannah, Ga., in allowing communication wtti the shore, is hereby dned the sum of One Hundred pillars. He will be kept in confinement until the above jnmint is paid. I by Command of Brevet M*j. Gen. J. M. BBANIAN. Will A, Coulter, Capt. & A. A. G. jy4 HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAI, i , Ist Division, Dep't. ok Gkokoia, V Savannah, Ga., August Ist, 18U5. ) Gen era 1. Gamuts,) . No. 9. > The following Circular from Headquarters Depart ment of Georgia, is published for tbe mforinaion of all concerned, and will be carried into execuion at ° UCe HEADQ’RS DEFERMENT OF GEORGIA,> Augusta, Ga., July 31, ISOy / \ Circular, I No. 1. | Iu order to afford ample opportunity to the people of Georgia to take the oath 01 allegiance presetted 111 the President’s Amnesty Proclamation of lay 29, 1*65, it is ordered, first, District Commanders Will at once select, for the purpose of administering tie Oath of Allegiance, oue Assistant Provost Marshal every four counties in his district, reporting the mmes of such officers so selected to this office; these officers will, however, proceed at once to administer tie Oath of Allegiance. i Second. District Commanders will designate the four counties Assigned to each District Pro*oft Mar shal, aud the suuie will be numbered as a Subdivision of the District. j Third, The Assistant Provost Marshal so designated will visit the county seat of each county in h\« subdi vision as often as practicable, and reinaiu iu each county seat three or tour days; at such visit he first causing public notice to be given of the tune, in the . newspapers of the district or otherwise. Ail possible' despatch must be used by the Assistant Piovost M ar shal to complete udinimsteriug tbe oath to ciiiaena \ consistent with their duties aud the public interest, j Fourth. For information ou the subject ofthe duties of Assistant Provost Murshal h iu administering the oath, form of report to this office, Ac., attention is called Circular 5, Hcadqaartrs Military Division of the Ten nessee, June 25, in6s. By command of _ _ • Major General STEEDMAN (Sigfiedj C. H. GKOS YEN OK, Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost Marshal Gen, By couiuiuud ol Brevet M ij. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN, Will A. Coulter, A. A. G. au2-7 OFFICIAL— SCB-DIST. OF OGEECHEE. HEADQ’KS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, savaunahi Ga., August 9, 1565, General Oiu*f.r,\ No - *°. f Hereafter and until furthers, all Commissioned Os fleers of the United States Army visiting this city will be required to Register their names at these Head quarters, st ating authority and length of absence By command of Bvt. Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS Jno. Mules, A. A A. G. auiO HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., July 28, 1865. General Orders! No. 18. / - Captain Charles n. Cox. 75th New \ork Infantry, 13 hereby relieved fromdity as Provost Marshul, Sub- District of Ogeechee, as his Regiment is uow serving out of this District. Captain James E. Smith, 12th Connecticut Veteran Infantry, is hereby announced as Provost Marshal, Sub-District of Ogeechee, a lid will be obeywd and re spected accordingly. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. John Mullen, A. A. AJO. jy29-7 HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, ) Savannah, Ga., August 6, 1565. j General Order,) No. 19. f All Apothecaries and Druggists in the city are strictly prohibited from selling any poisonous drugs, such as opium or its preparations. Strychnine, CorruMvc* Subli mate, Jtc f without the prescription of a Physician of character and standing iu the profession, ora Medical officer of the United States, which prescription must be kept ou file by the Druggist for inspection. All suspected or acknowledged cases ol Small Pox, Varioloid, Yellow Fever, Measles, or Typhus Fever, must be promptly reported to the Health Officer, cor uer Broil.hton aud Bull streets, by the Physician at tending, or by any person cognizant of existence of such diseases. By Command of Brevet. Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. MrLLEN A. A. A. O. au7 HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE,) Savannah, Ga., August 5, 1305. ) Circular,) No. 14. f To insure a more thorough Inspection of the Salu tary condition of this city, it will be divided into six Ctij Wards, and each ward will be provided with une(Q inspector. U shall be the duty of each Inspector to examine their respective Wards, and report daily to the Health Officer any violation of the Sanitary Laws of this city heretofore published, which violation \yilt be punished by a flue of not less ihan Five (ssj Dollars, and not to exceed Fifty (S6O; Dollars. By Command ol Brevet Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Jno. Mullen, A. A. A. G. au7 \ ,a l m l mm ' pi l ■■■_■■ ■ OFFICIAL.—BUREAU OF FHKEDMEX. WAR DEPARTMENT, ) Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen aud Abaud’nd Lands, > Washington. July 12, .'305, ) Circular, ) No. 11. ( # Instructions to Assistant Commissioners and other Officers. Each Assistant Commissioner will be careful, in the establishment of sub-districts, to Lave the office cf his agent at some point easy of ucceaa for the people of the sub-district. He will have at least one agent, either a citizen, military officer, or enlisted man. in each sub-district. This agent must be thoroughly instructed in his du ties. lie will be furnished with the proper blanks for contracts, and will institute methods adequate to meet the wants of his district in accordance with the rules of this Bureau No fixed rates of wages will be pre scribed for a district, but in order to regulate fair wages in giv» 11 individual cases, the agent should have iu mind minimum rates for his own guidance By care ful iuqniry as to the hire of au able-bodied man when the pay went to the master, he will have au approxi mate test of the value of labor. He must of course consider the entire change of ciicumstunces, and be sure lAat tbe laborer has due protection against avarice and extortion. Wages hud better be secured by a lien on the crops or land. Employers are desired to enter Into written agreements with employees, setting forth stated wages, or securing an interest in the land or crop, or both. AH such agreements will be approved by the nearest agent, and u duplicate filed iu his office, lu case tht-re should be no agent within reach, the nearest postmaster will forward the duplicate of con tracts direct to the Assistant Commissioner for the State. Attention is spc-iaHy called to section 4 of the law establishing the burei.u, with regard to setting apart laud to “every male citizen, whether refugee or freed man,” Ac., and the same arrangement is recommend ed when it can be effected, between private parties. Already many farmers have, rented lands to freedmen and refugees This course is a recognition of the gen eral principal in the law. In order to enforce the fulfillment of contracts on both contracting parties, the Commissioner of the Bu reau lays down no general rule—the Assistant Com missioner must use the privileges and authority he already has. Provost courts, military commissions, local courts, when the freedmen and refugees have equal rights with other people, are open to his use. In the great majority ol his own arbitrament, or that of his agent, or the settlement by referees, wil be sufficient. t No Assistant Commissioner, or agent, is authorized to tolerute compulsory unpaid labor, except for the legal punishment of crime. Suffering may result to some extent, but suffering is preferred to slavery, and is to some degree the nece<r»ai y consequence of events. In all actions the officer should never forget that no substitute for slavery, like apprenticeship without proper consent, or peonage, (i. t\, either holding the people by debt, or coiiftuiug them, without consent, to the land by any system. ) will be tolerated. The Assistant Commissioner will designate one or more ot his agents to act as the general superinten dent of schools (one for each State; for refugees and J'reedmeu. This officer will work as much as possible in conjunction with State officers who may have school mate rs in churge. If a general system can be adopt ed for a State, it is well; but if not, he will at least take cognizance ol all that is being done to educate refugees and freedmen, secure proper protection to schools and teachers, promote method and efficiency, correspond with the nenevoUmt agencies which are supplying bis field, and aid the Assistant Commission er if; making ins required reports. Um&vuu C. W. llorner, Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau. will have the general supervision of medical maUers connected with refugees au.l lived men. The Assistant Commissioners will instruct their medical officers, as they have instructed other officers, to make ibe medical department self-supporting as far as possible. All public addresses of a character calculated to create discontent are reprehensible ; but the Assistant Commissioner and his agents must explain, by con* sunt recapitulation* the principle.-, laws, and regula tions of this .Bureau, to ail parties concerned. It is recommended to the Assistani Commissioners to draw up in writing a carelul summary to be publicly and privately read by agents throughout their respective districts. O. O. HOWARD, aul-Tt Mftfor General, Commissioner. mil TOBAtIO AGENCY, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Broad Strict, Acoosxa, Ga, HAVE on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured ami Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Jn2o NOTICE. THE firm of O’MEARA A (X). hsving been dissolv ed by a decree of the First Provost court of Savan nah, ail persons having claims against said firm will present them forthwith to the undersigned, . Jy2s-tf W. O’MEARA. NOTICE. ATR. u W. STEVEN Is my duly anthorissd Attar dß,lD*lo7 OFFICIAL—MIL. Dry. OF TEXTOSSEV HKADQ*R9 MIL. DTV. OF THE TENNESSEp" Office Provost Marshal Nashville, Tenn., June 2fi. iJ*. Blrctl ar : To secure uniformity throughout the Military Divia ion of tbe Tennessee', in administering the A'min**-- Oath prescribed by the President iu his ProclaniMti i of May 9th. 1365, and to preserve the records of Vn<£ oaths, the Major General Commanding directs th*i such oaths be subscribed in triplicate; two number on sheets or rolls, one of which is to be filed at Tu partment Headquarters, and one to be forwaMori . the Department of State at Washington, and one con venient copy to be giveu the party subscribing the Blanks for the purpose will be furnished each n* partment from this office. u^ The Amnesty Oath will not be administered to auf+ persons as are excepted from the benefits of the p", ? dent’s Proclamation, except for the Dur Dose il bling ftiein to apply to the President for special don, and in such case*, but oue copy of the oath u i/iT subscribed, which copy will, by the officer adminiJLr ing the oath, be attached to, and form a part of ih applicant’s petition for pardon. ’ we In all special applications for pardon, the applicant must state clearly aud fully, uuder how many aud whirl 1 of tbe exceptions named In the President’s Proclamation his case comes; he must also state whether the Govern rnent has takeu possession of any part of his proiH-rtv also who her any proceedings are pendiug against Liin in any of the United States Courts for treason, or forcon spiracy against the Government of the United StatM and the facts stated in such application must be aw-, before they will be forwarded. ' a ' The petitiou will theu be forwarded by the office ministering the oath to the Department who will, before forwarding the *amo to the Deport iue it at Washington, refer the petitiou to the Governor of t hi State iu which his Department is, to enable him to 1. vestignte the merits of the case, and to recommend u the President such action os to him seems just and nr per. v ‘ Each Department Commander will designate suitable officers to be conveniently located for administering th Amnesty Oath, aud such officers will be govsrutVl 1 » these instructions. Tho name and rank of suck oflicora. with a stateia-nt r of tlw points where utatloued, will be reported to LLi office. By Command of Mat. Gon. Thomas, i „ „ . „ . _ „ J. G. PAKKHURBT ! Brvt. Brig. Gen. and Pro. Mar, Gen. MIL Dir. Tennessee. Official: Will A. Oocliir, A. A. O. jy27 7t RESTAURANTS, OAK LODGE, THUNDERBOLT. TUniXIAM T. DANIELS respectfully Informs hie r T triends aud the citizens of Savannah that i „ has taken this old and ““ 110 Favorite Summer Retreat, where he le pre-ared to accommodate Boarders to furnish PIC-NICS and PARTIES. There is an £ cellent BATH HOUSE upon the premises. Boats and Fishing Tackle Always on Hand. au2 EMANCIPATION SEEMS TO BE THE End of our Natioual Troubles, THE HILTON HEAD HOUSE, Car. Johnson Square and Bryau Sts. IS NOW in good running order—a place where the weary can find rest, and whore tbe waiters ban no rest. BURTON’S EAST INDIA PALE ALE. TOOL LAGER, UN ICE. LUNCH AT II O’CLOCK A. M No crippled Jaws wanfed in this establishment it business hours. Old acquaintances ne’er forgot. “For particulars aee small bills." BILL WILLIAMS, Jyl9-tf Proprietor Hilton Head Hoose CLAIMS ! CLAMS ! ! X HAVE the bestClame at Hilton Head, and the besi Cooks, tu proof of which statement I adduce the following testimony from Mr. BenJ. Honey's ad yertisemeut in the Savannaa Daily Hraatn, of the last 01 two: “There is no man in Port Royal that can serve up Clams In every style better than Mr. Fitzgerald, ot the Kagle Saloon, in rear oi tbe Post Office. ■ These is Where the LatoH Cosies Ik." My dear lien we wish yon a long life and a me,tv one. In addition to the above luxury, we furnish as eooc a meal us cau be obtained at Hilton Head, or anj other place in this Department. GIVE US A CALL, And we feel confident that you will leave our estat lisiimeut satisfied that whatever we advertise yea will find lo be correct. Do not forget our old established house, In the rear ofPoKt Office. PETtR FITZGERALD, Jn3o Proprietor, PHOFKSMONAL“CARDS. J. Ft. SOLOMONS, M. Dq X> ontisty Krom Charleston, 8. C., offers bis services to the Citizens of Savannah. Rooms at Dr. Clark's office. Congress street. References.—Dr. Jab. B Read, Dr. Jukiah 1 la aere, Hon. Solomon Cohen, W. N. Uarerboam Esq„ jyll ts A. A. Solomons & Cos., "~mTp. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for tbe Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans for and Superlu tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, &c. Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office. jy2l lm “DENTAL NOTICE. 2 I would Inform the public that I have resumed tbe practice of t 3D e ul t i » try In this city, at my old stand, comer of St. Julian anj Barnard streets, (entrance Brown’s Photograph ( lery, j where I am prepared to perform all operations pertaining to my profession. Jyll-lmo W. JOHNSON. D. D. 8. —■ ■,! njEgjgeg*’ LUMBER- To Timber Cutters, TUE ITNPKRSIrtNED WILL PURCHASE IN LOT 9 A* They Akbive, Hard Pine Timber, AND Hewn Shipping' Timber W. A BEARD, jyls eodlm 154 Cou«ross atffot- PIONEER SAW MILL. WE most mpectfuliy announce to the citizens »| Savannah and others requiring LUMBER, our new Saw Mill at the foot of Zubly street, neat Savannah aud Ojtcceheß Canal, is compleied. weii l now prepared to raw und furnish Lumber In larze “ small quantities to suit purchasers, und" solicit n share of public patron aee. We will also 1“ chase TIMBER aa It arrives in this market. Jy3l-tf ROSE & ARKWRIGU4 WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. SAMUEL P. ILIMIIToS (Successor to Wilukot A Ricbmoudn DEAISB IH WATCHES, SILVERWARE, J.-WELRY, CANES, J CUTLERY, *• Cobnr Whitaksb, Bt. JcUAH SHO CohOSSSS St* SAVANNAH. UA. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chroßomete# rated by transit. Cash paid for old Gold and «!vw. v IyTI-tf Bagging and Rope. OK bales GUNNY BAGGING. )ju coU * * or. .