Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 15, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. 5 W. Mason & Cos *'«■ »“*"**■ Sum W. Mason SAVANNAH, TUESDAY. ATOCsT FOB LOCAL MT*T«S SEE THIRD PISE. to' « rtisejss. i »re reminded that adver tisements inserted in the Montltts Ed’tioc of th> Herat-p will appear in the Events without ext.a charge Advertisement* should be banded in as Sony as poeeibie, bnt will be received as late *s IS o’ooeW at night. We adhere to onr advertised rates Wep* for long sdvertioemetua, or those tasertcd f't a long time, on which a reasonable discount "til be made. HOW TO OBTAIN THE HERALD REG ULARLY. We often have complains* from resident* of Savan nah and Hilton Head th«t they arc uot able always t.. obtain the Fer vi k. The demand is sometimes sc great as to exhaust sc Edition very sodn after its issue, and thoee who wish to have the Hesacp regularly, should subscribe for it. We have faithful carriers in Savannah and at Hilton Dead, and through them wt always serve regular subscribers first. BI SI.VKSS DIRKCTOUY OF w.Vi'ANNAII. Ve are now publishing a column aud mos'eofbriei hnsiness annoußcements, carefully claasified, under the general head of ••cavauna,, Buvi,.- .v Directory.'' Jt includes some forty leading business men and firm* of Savannah. We propose to retain this as a regular feature of the Hes-aid. Tne expanse of in serting cards in this department of the paper is very small, sad we believe the adrcrUa rs will reosivt more than a proportionate benefit. Pardos wishing to have their cards included in this Directory, etta dv •o i'T sending them to our counting room, or hand mg them to Mr. M. 3. Divine. who Is authorised to receive them prepayment will be invariably ro •joined. THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH ELEC TIONS. Nothing can afford a greater contrast than the progress of the recent elections on the opposite sides of the British channel. In Eng’and their elections have been cbaracter- Ued by the usual spirit of outrage and dis order—in France they have been orderly and tranquil. Both have resulted in the triumph ot the Government. A liberty loving people have marched to the polls as the exercise of the suffrage had been “ like angels' visits, few and far between,” while a nation ex citable and prone to political licentiousness have shown no sign that betokened the pre sence of intemperance. The English elec tions are under the control of a restricted suffrage. The French elections are con ducted under the law of universal suffrage. The first is part of a mixed system, com pounded of Monarchy, Aristocracy and Dem ocracy ; the last is part of a Military Des potism. Among the curious political phenomena of our times is the existence of two such contrasted forms of Government in the neighborhood of each other. The solution of the apparent mystery may be sought, perhaps, in the very fact of this contrariety, l. e-—that the French from temperament art submissive to military rule that ensures quiet at their elections, while their neighbors, the English, from their more stubborn attach ment to liberty, are inclined to those occa sional excesses at their hustings which, with the greater freedom of their press aud Par liamentary debates, isoue otthe national ac companiments of their political system. THE STATISTICS us e.UMK. "War and the duorganizatiou of society arc convertible terms. All history shows that at the close of every conflict at arms by which large numbers of idle men are thrown out ol employment, and “hang loose on the blurt of society,” crimt jundo in all it» forms. Civil war i« even c prolific of these results 1"... moraliZutionUmure than complete, tbe passions are more rampant, tbe provocatives to crime more operative on large numbers of idle men. Tbe discipline of war being removed, betore timu bus been allowed idle men to be reinstated in tbe babits of peaceful life, tbe transition is too sudden and full of peril to social order. The best remedy for this social distemperu ture is colonization. Tbe most effectual preventive against private crime in such cir cumstances is removal to those countries which will afford an outlet to the energy that threatens tbe rupture of society. We have abundance of fertile territory. The formation of societies for purposes of coloni zation would be a patriotic duty. Let our influential citizens combine to form associa tions for purposes of etnigrrtion, by which the impurities engendered by war may be eliminated, and society,purified by draining off these impurities and restoring health to the body-politic. CANADIAN POLITICS. The inauguration of the new Canadian ministry, which took place ou the —tn was accompanied by an expose of the Hon. John A. MacDonald, the senior member of the late Canadian deputation to England in re.atiou to the contemplated scheme of confedera tion, and the kind and degree of military de fence th 2 Canada may expect from Eng land in case she should require the aid of the British government. The deputation was received in the most flattering manner, and the mission entirely successful. The Hon. John A. McDonald stated in his report that— wero 'reatefl there as delegates from a devoted himself u> tlie subject, and the cabinet selected four ol their tuo-t eminent men-fourot Canada and four of Englauu sat around the boanl—Mr. Cardwell, Mr. Gladstone, Earl tie Grey, secretary of state for war and the Duke of Somerset, on behalf or the admiralty Thee met us day alter day and in the most fnendlv tmli-if all actuated by the same object-, „m '.I ZuTtUt coat on such a ground that there could be no hereafter. At aU their meetings tue Canadian '<’“li gates never failed to Impress on those of Eutrlaurt that Canada was always ready and iletermiliyri ~. adhere to British connection and British u,ip . , spend her last man and las, shilling in defense oi he? determination. [Loud cheers.] We requested to i informed plainly if Canada could, in tueir opinion Be defended or not, urging at tlio same time that Canada was capable 01 defense, and that what we wanted was an ettlcient defense, so that we mtato hold our ownln the event of the country being m vaded ; but that we did not expert them to defend every loot of Canada, which was just us Impossible as to defend every foot of England. 'flic main condition in regard nbexpense was that what Canada could not pay, England would pay—in effect that after we had done all we could afford to do, England would do the rest; and that we should be thoroughly defended by laud and sea, ou fresh wafer and on salt. [Cheers. J In regard to the reci procity treaty, England had done In this matter what was never done before. The dispatch savs that an- J\ Bruce, the British ambassador to the United .States, is ,o act lu concert with the Canadian government, Toheers.] and It was for the purpose of co-operating wdll Sir F. Bruce, that Mr. Howland is now at Waaii- Be would take occasion to speak ol other matters. The annexationists, be said, like other foumiliDgs, have been Anally placed under ground In the Potter’s Cold. fLoud and continued cheering.] If there ure any left, If any more such animals sml exist, [a luugh] they will have to fight for it, lor England nil' not give up the ship. Any English goveruuicui tlia’ would not prevent the absorption ol Cuuada by the United States would be turned out by the peopie hi twenty lour hours The only feeling in Eugianu is u favor of the returning of Canada, and to uo this she is w thing to put at onr disposal and to spend ad the resources of the empire. **»*»***• The great doubt in the minds of the members of the government ol England was in regard to our proper defense. The American war and our over wttue of insecurity In consequence of K had passed away and it remained for ns to be true to ourselves, end England would ivith her strength and her money on Canada— jey to Improve tue country, tot lor somebody el but for ourselves, money at (.sgWh, erd not r* ...itulma rates. Let us thru tie woe to our »wn iqterct, :ro* to ear allegiance ; let wistaria at tliegounn.v. by tugl»#il. au-l England a ill as stand by a* to the end or the ebaptet From these indications we infer, Ist, that the -onfederatinn of the British provinces of North America will take place; 2d that Eng land w ill defend Canada to the utmost of her power from all attacks from without ; and 3d, that there is no party of any influence in Canada in favor of annexation to the United States. The Florida Railroad*. Contributed by a Floridian. * i The iDtimate association of the commercial and social interests of Florida and Georgia, so happily effected by the recent conneciion oi the railroad systems of the two Suites, is an event so frnught with interesting couse quencep to the communities interested, that we deem it entitled to something more than a mere passing notice. The Peninsula Slate, in the components of its soil, the character of its productions, the topography of its surface, and, it may be, its geological phenomena, is bui an exten ,-i n, physically and otherwise of Soutneru Georgia. And as the identity of the great interests of the two sections is now fuiiy recognised and established in the maune-r slated, a brief sketch of the roads that traversed the domain of our sister State may uot prove uuinleresling. Not having at command the reports of the different railroad directories, from which to collate the most accurate inlormation, we have, necessarily to rely upon our memory lor whatever tacts we may be able to embody in this article. The uniat important branch of the Florida system of roads is the one extend ing from St. Marks, on the Gulf, to Jackson ville, situated on the St. Johns river, mak ing a distance of about one hundred aud seventy-five miles, and passing through the counties ot Leon, Jefferson, Madison, Suwan nee, Columbia, New River and Duval. That section of it, twenty-two miles in length, connecting Tallahassee with St. Marks, was constructed bong anterior to the admis sion of Florida as a State into the Union, which latter event occurred in the year 1845. The Pensacola and Georgia Road, running from Tallahassee to Lake City, ninety-three miles in length, was com menced In 1854 and completed in 1800. The Central road from Lake City to Jack sonville, a distance of sixty miles, was com menced in 1856 and finished in 1861. The promptitude and efficiency displayed by the constructing managers of the enterprises enumerated, is in the highest degree credita ble to them. The sectiftp of the State penetrated by tbe Central Road, extending from the Suwannee river to the Atlantic coast, presents a differ ent face, with a description of soil radically different, also. Its surface is generally level and covered with a continuous growth of the majestic yellow pine, which, wheu converted into lumber, meets with ready sale in do mestic and foreign markets. The staple pro duction is the Sea Island Cotton, which, owing to the very limited area of country adapted to its growth, will ever command the most remunerative price in the markets of the world. It is likewise adapted to the growth of corn, sugar cane and all those numerous classes of vegetables and fruits that spring from the vine. The climate is both delightful and healthy, and such is the uniformity of temperature that characterizes it through all seasons of the year, and freedom from malarial influ ences, that diseases of a virulent type are of rure occurrence. The rapidly increasing no toriety of the climatic advantages of East Florida had attracted to it before the war thousands of consumptive invalids from the Northern and Western States, who have acknowledged in grateful terms the remedial effects expetienced from that healthful aud exhilarating atmosphere. It had been predicted by the opponents of the system of improvements in the State that the amount of transportation would be iusuf ticieLt to defray the current expanses of the respective roads, but these predictions were signally falsified, and the expectations of Its triends and projectors, on this score, more than realized. Tbe resemblance, in all respects, of the country embraced between the Gulf coast and the Suwannee river, known as Middle Florida and South-western Georgia, Is sin gularly perfect, and a description of oue would be accurately dcscHptive of the topo graphy and productions of the other. It possesses all the natural elements of wealth aud prosperity, and the light and generous soil is suitable for the production of corn, cotton, sugar, rice and fruits. Portions of its climate is more genial than more northerly latitudes, which isowing to its high eleva tion above the level of the sea and its prox imity to the Gulf. Prior to the war it was settled mostly by wealthy and Intelligent planters, nearly all of whom made their for tunes by the cultivation of cotton and raising of stock. The Florida and Gulf Rail Road, reaching from Fcrnaudina, on the Atlantic, to Cedar Keys, on the Gulf, was completed in the year 1858, and runs diagonally across the State through the counties of Nas sau, New River, Alachua, Marion and Levy. The topographical features as well as tbe soil of the country through which It passes are similar to the region traversed by tbe road from the Savannah riyer to the Atlantic, aud the productions are the same, with the nddi tion of some of the tropical fruits. The uieuds of this road claim for it much im portance from the alleged fact that it con stitutes a link in the shortest chain of steam communication between New York and New Orleans. As confirmatory of this, President rulee announced just at the outbreak of the "ar, that the Post Office Department had wntracted for the transmission of the great Northern and Gulf Mail over this road.- e contemplated connection of the Sa vannah and Gulf road with the Tallahassee and Pensacola road, at a point in West Flor ida, when effected, will deprive it of this ad vantage, as was demonstrated in your col umns a few days since. . We have been thus particular in present ingthe railroad advantages and agricultural resources of Florida, because her interest, resulting from the connection of the Sa vannah and Brunswick toads.with the main road spanning tbe peninsula of Florida, have become inseparably connected with the in terests of Georgia. The two Slates now forming one commercial community, we are proud to say, are possessed of alLthe ele ments of greatness, wealth and power. In [ eluded la their vast are* we fertile plains, suitable for the production ot everything no ' eel-ary for the acquirement of wealth, com i f>rt and happiness. They poseeas both tbe so 11 and labor in abundance to make them ( the great exporting community. The in- I habitants of both will soon be taught to Ite comc self supporting, irrespective of. the la | hot ot the freedmen; and wc feel assured their recuperative powers will not succumb | to the temporary ditfinlties of the crisis that is upon them. ItIEXIOO. Fartkulari of the Discovery of a Buried City in Mexico—The Enchanted Region, of Indian Mythology—Dreadful Piracy and Murder — The Segroes and Creoles in Havana, Ac. [Correspondence of the N. Y. World.] Havana, August 5. By letters and papers last received from Mexico, it apiH.ars that the ruins of aa ancient city have been discovered buried in l au iinuii-n-e uud almost impenetrable forest [ in the vicinity of “Hco” and the direction of | “Huaucitiuaugo." The particulars, very j imperfectly given, I take from the ‘ Dario de la Marina,' purporting to be extracts front! Tulancingo dates, July 5. The authorities of Hu.mchinangn, accom panied by various neighbors, went to give judicial possession of a rancho, or farm, to the last purelkiser, nud during the investiga tion attention was drawn to the bounds mid limits of the aucient deed, “limits on the North and East the city II,” where the party were in accord, that there was a dense for est in which none of them had ever entered, for the leaS'.n that it was closed up by in finite obstructions. The accumulations are wild forest growth aud decomposition ot ages, and, in the progress of the investigation, it was determined to institute a search of the forest, which seems to make the North ern and Eastern liounds. They lorced an entrance with much labor, and discovered Vestiges of streets, which were followed uutll the discovery of two houses of rather singu lar cousiruction, covered with triangular vaulted, cr arched, roots, oue of which was entered, when they discovered an extensive court, aud in it many stone idols, which were carried to Huanchinaugo. They found passages crossing in every direction; but many of the doors or entrances were stopped up with stones, tapia, and mud-mortar, so that when they wished to leave the various parts which they had separated in the course of the investigation it was necessary to’fire pistols and to shout in loud voice, in order to get together again. Some of the parties report having found the ruins of stone col umns, and stone stairs, leadiug to hielijplaces, which, when struck, gave evidence” ot vaults below. The prefect of Mauchinango lias ordered a more extensive examination with men prop erly provided with the implements necessary for the work, and he has also reported to the emperor the vaiious incidents of the discov ery. The Indians in the vicinity, who have concealed their knowledge ot the ruins and the history, if they have it, say “they ought not to say anything of them and much less to penetrate into mysteries of the torest, for it had been proved that all who had entered there had become enchanted. Those who had lost cattle or sheep, in searching for them in these woods had become lost in the intricate labyrinth, and had perished. In La Sociodad, City of Mexico, issue of 22d ot July,-the facts are reported of one of the most horrid acts ol piiacy and murder on record in the annuls ol sea-crime, perpetrated o i board of a Mexican coast-trader bound trom Mazatlan to Lower California. Fif teen persons, men, women, and children, were murdered on the sth and 6th of May, by three fiends who took passage on the vessel called t ie Salvavldar for that purpose. Their names are Francisco Gaudulf, (FrCneh,) Carlos Mugue, (Italian,) and Alejandro plunder. The incidents of tlieir crimes upon women and children may be imagined, not described. The meu were killed on the sth while sleeping on deck, mostly ; the women were reserved for more barbarous treatment. The two first of tne named murderers have been captured. The Greek is still at large, and may get to the isthmus to embark tor the United States. Urrat Built of Einigruut* to Ancrira. FIFTEEN THOUSAND BOLES, ON THE WAV. [Baris Correspondence of the Loudon Globe, July UO.] Emigrai ion en masse to North America is contemplated by tbe fifteen thousund Polish retugees now dispersed nmong the Swiss cantons, aud they are in active communica tion with Washington, through their delegate, Kownikolski, about the terms on which they would bej.eceived as agricultural laboreds in the Status. The Helvetic Diet has already voted a subsidy to each emigrant of one hun dred and eight lruucs, and it its expected that tbe French government will place some ot its transport ships at their place of destiny. TitVINO TO STEM TUB CUHRENT. [Stockholm correspondence ot London Post, July 2?.] In Norway they continue to deprecate the extent to which emigration from that country to America is slid curried on. The departure of her stulwart sons hour a couutry so thiuly populated is naturally regarded as a great calamity; but though this expatriation ot her people hud been going on for some time, it was not until 1849, Unit it hud assumed such proportions as to excite alarm, uud yet since that time it has been steadily ou the Increase, having in 1853 reached C.OGO persons, in 18.17 Uie number having risen to 6,800 uud having in 1861 attained its maximum of 8,850. It may be satisfactory to Eugli.ihmen to know that of these at least two-thirds embarked for Canada, while only oue-thiru went to the United Suites. tnough there is reason to fear that many of those who intended to go to the liriiLh provinces hud their destination alter wartls changed, and that consequently lnauy have fallen victims in Hie late wtu. In Sweeden uo correct returns of those who have emigrated can be obtained. There is good leuson to believe that the average number who have embarked from Stveedish 'for transatlantic port has not annually ex ceeded fifteen hundred, which when compared with the number {of those who ure known to have sailed from the populous kingdom of Norway, afiords convincing proof of the greater degree of coutentmeut which prevails in this than in that poition of this Uuited Kingdom. Pari* Fashion* far August. Arnoug the host of bonnets invented by the inexhaustible ingenuity of the .Parisian mo distes, tbe chapeaux empire, for ceremonial purposes, are the adopted luvoriles. They are simply ornamented with a swallow, a colibri, or a bird's wing placed upou corn or upou a little verdure ; as for gold and steel ornaments find spangles, they arc uo longer patronized. Iu tbe way of fancy hats, round black chapeaux with white or blue feathers, aud yellow straw with black feathers, are the most distinguishable. An agreeable innovation is the general adoption ot white, blue or green gaze veils for all descriptions of bonnets. They should be very long, aud thrown on one side, so as drape gmcetully, and not be turned over the bonnet, when desireu to be removed in con versation, or for greater freedom of respira tion. Even with fancy hats we have sceu many ot these graceful veils, a yard long, worn with much advantage, particularly by youthful ladies. Walking Dress.—Plain slate colored fou lard robe. Bluo silk casque open at the sides aud trimmed round the edge and on the corsage with black passementerie. The small aud simple bonnet is in blue crape. Touched, but without any other ornament. Morning Dress Nankeen colored jaHeta robe, ornamented over the seams and Bound the bottom of the skirt with black silk pinked ruebiug; the corsage a basques is trimmed over the seams iu a corresponding manner. Rice chip bonnet, ornamented with block lace and ears ot Indian corn Dress for the Seaside.—The whole of this touct is in very light gray mOslin, The skirt is drawn up, and ornamented on each width Sr blue *l!k curding, finishing srlth ia**el*, De lower jnbe, as well as the ample capnrin scarf, is also trimmed with blue silk cording. Pale rose colored parasol, with carved wooden handle •Dress for a Little Boy.—All this costume is in gray jean, the long vest and the trowsers being ornamented with stripes of red worsted. The double pointed waistcost is fastened with coral buttons. The cravat and the band found the black straw Derby hat are both in scarlet silk. CHARLESTON ITERS. We learn from the Charleston Courier of Saturday, that the 54th and 55th Massa chusetts Volunteers (colored), and the Ist Ohio Veteran Cavalry, are to be mustered out of service immediately. The 54th are in Charleston, and the 55th at Orangebnrg, S C. Gen. nartweil wide on the passage from Hilton Head to Charleston, on the steamer Ann Maria, was robbed of his va lice, containing, besides his personal effects, a large number ot official documents, orders and other valuable official papers. The Gen. discovercfl his loss lie fore the steamer reach ed the wharf, and had the vessel thoroughly overhauled and searched, but no truce of the missing properly was obtained. Mr. T. D Waguer, a prominent merchant aud popular eiiizcn of' Charleston, has re ceived from Ptesideut Johnson a full and unconditional pardon. The Evening Star Troupe gave their last entertainment in Charleston, previous to making a tour through Georgia, on Saturday evening. The Courier regrets that they have not met with the patronage and encourage ment in Charleston that the company de serve. The Charleston Daily News was announced to make its appearance yesterday rnorn iug. T. Tupper & Son, a firm nearly half a century old, lias resumed business at 163 Meeting street. Views of General Grant on tkt ibcxlcan (Question. The Toronto (C. W.) Globe, of August Ist says that Gen. Grant, while there, spoke without reserve to several persons on the Mexican question. He said that he had placed oue hundred thousand men on the Rio Grande as an army of observation, gud that the French would have to leave Mexico peaceably if they chose, but forcibly if they refused. The situation of Mexico he looked upon a9 one which had been created by the rebellion, and the rebellion would not be overcome iiLtU Maxim lan was compelled to depart and the Mexican people allowed to organize a government without foreign interference. With regard to the relations between the United States and England, he did not think the present friendly state would be disturbed, unless complications ensued fry reason of England's mixing herself up with Fiance in tbe Mexican question. A Washington despatch says the Com missary-General of Prisoners is busily en gaged in setiling the accounts of released aud paroled prisoners preparatory to their final discharge, nnd is also making out the statistics of the number of prisoners confined on botli sides, the number of deaths, etc., during the late contest. The number of pris oners held by the Rebels during the war was very large, as will be shown by Gen. Hoff man's report. There are only about eight or ten prisoners of wnr yet In confinement by the Government, nud It is understood that they will shortly be released. Texas. —The New York Times says; Not the slightest apprehension is felt here of any further national difficulties in Texas, and the speculations concerning military inter ference with the French beyond the Rio Grande have ceased altogether. Official and private correspondence received here from that section indicate that very few of the troops will immigrate to Mexico. Tuk Ti.kf.—Tue first race, at Saratoga on Wednesday last, for three year olds, 11-2 mile dash, was won by the Revenue colt Balti more, Time, 2 minutes and 41 1-2 seconds. Tbe second race, for two year olds, 1 mile dash, was won by Mr. Hunter's colt. Time, 1 minute and 51 1-4 seconds. The third race, for all ages, 1 1-4 miles, was won by Areola. Time, 2 minutes and 13 seconds. Aid for Mrs. Jeff Davis.— lt is reported, on good authority, that the frieuds of Jeff. Davis in Washington are collecting subscrip tions tor his wife, now living, it is said, In Alabama, In a state of destitution. It is also reported that Mrs. Davis recently made a written application to the President for per mission to see her husband, which was not granted. Tut TrkaScrtv Funds. —A Washington dis patch says: The Treasury has a sufficient amount of funds in the vaults to pay every dollar of indebtedness to the army. With the receipts of internal revenue aud certifi cates of indebtedness, the Secretary will be enabled to meet all claims upon the Treasury until the next session of Congress. Great Reduction of the Army—Over Seven Hundred Thousand Men Discharged in Three Months. —A Washington despatch of the 3th inst says: We have ascertained from official sources that ou the Ist day of May there were one million and fifty thousand men enrolled in the army and on the pay rolls. Since that date there have been discharged a little over seven hundred thousand, leaving in round numbers about three hundred and thirty thousand still in the army and on the pay rolls. Os the number discharged alwut three hundred tbou-and are now en route and at their several rendezvous, to be paid off and mustered out. Tbe funds sufficient to meet this demand are in the hands of the pay masters, and are being paid out as fast ns possible. The others who have been dis charged, or over four hundred thousand, have been fully paid off and mustered out. The rapidity with which this part of the work is performed may be inferred from tbe fact that the official figures in the depart ments at Washington show that there has been paid off and. mustered out in the last thirty days over two hundred and sixty thou sand men. The Secretary of the Treasury has promptly furnished the lunds necessary lor this enormous expenditure, and there has been no delay on that account. It seems that N. P. Stone, Collector of In ternal Revenue, who died so suddenly in Cleveland a few days since, committed sui cide. It appears that he a defaulter to the amount of from $90,000 to $140,000. A gentleman who hag traveled through lowa lately says that there are at least 20,000 returned soldiers at work in that State helping to save the harvests. He saw hardly an idle soldier in the Slate. The deaths in the city of New York dur ing the past week were 632—men, 113; wo men, 88: boys, 287, and girls, 194. SorTHenNEB* in New Yoek.—A New York paper says : 'Or streets are thronged with Southerners The theatre* are full of them, the hotel steps are occupied by them. They seem to enjoy- being here.” Tut Skjnal Goars.—Capt. Jessee Merrill, Chief Signal Officer, Department of South Carolina, has received a general order from the War Department, discontinuing the Corps east ot the Mississippi. Mosby, the guerrilla leader, was arrested on Wednesday last at Alexandria, and is held in custody by Gen. Auger, command ing in Washington. THE KENTUCKY ELECTION Estimated Majorities by Districts—Four Car ried for the Amendment — Three Pro-Slavery— Tico Doubtful. Louisville, Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1865. The Union Press makes the following esti mated of Congressional majorities : Ist District—Trimble, Democrat, 3,000 ma jority. lld District.—Yearn an, Uuion, is probably elected. Hid District.—This District i* also close. The chances are even between Lowry and Grider. 1 IVth District.—Harding, pro-81aveiy, 8,- 500 majority. Vtb District—Rousseau, pro-Amendment, 1,500 majority. - Ylth District.—Smith, pro-Amendment, 800 majority. VUtti District.— Shanklin, pro-Slavery, 3,000 majority. VUlth District.—Randall, pro-Amend ment, 4,000 majority. IXth District.—McKee, pro-Amendment, 4,00 Q majority. Louisville, Wednesday, August 9, 1865. Gallatin countv, official. For Congress, Ward 857, Smith, 253. Paducah, Wednesday, August 9, 1863. The Democratic ticket is elected through out the entire district, and Mr. Trimble gets 5,000 majority tor Congress. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . * WANTED. A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN, who has lost her Infant lately, would like a situation aa Wet Nurse, and Is willing to travel with a family. Can give reference. Addreas “W, ” Herald Office, ant 6-2 MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. THE At Schooner W. B. MANN. Capt. Gp.oeoe B. W eavsr, uow discharging, will be ready to re ceive cargo In a few diya for the above port at low rates. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L COLBY * CO., ts Cor. Day and Abercorn ste. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels. THE One Clipper Barkß. B. WALKER, Capt. L. P. Lath am. will be ready to recolve cargo for New York on FRIDAY, the ISth Inst, and will nave quick dispatch. lias accommodation for a few first-class passengers. Apply to criAS. l. cjlby a cq. aufo ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received at onr Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at any time du ilog the week. ERWIN A HARDEE ants lmo NOTICE. THg undersigned have resumed the practice of Law at their former Office, over tbe Merchanta' and Planters' Bank, on Bryan street. a . .... LAW A LOVELL. August 14th, ISII3. 6 ants DENTISTRY. DR. F. Y. CLARKE, Dentist, would inform his friends and the public tuat he has returned to the city and resumed the practice of hla profession au!B a P I C .‘N I C AND CHOWDER PARTY AT THE Isle of XXope, Hr. CHAS. E- FLANDERS respectfully Informs his friend* and the cltGensof Savannah that he will give a PIC NIC AND CHOWDER PARTY at his place, on WEDNESDAY, tbe 16th Inst. A BAUD OF MUSIC will be In attendance. SS~ Tickets to be had at Messrs Stssrt A Co.’s Store, Masonic. Hall; at the Hilton Head House, at Molina’s Segar Store, and at tbe Savannah Herald Sta tionery More. j ail i s UNDERWRITERS 9 SALE, OCTAYUS COHEN will sell THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, at his Store, 8s bales GONNT CLOTH. Damaged on hoard bark ‘ R. B. Walker, •’ on her voyage from Boston to this port, aud sold by order of Survey ors for account of the Underwriters aud all concerned Terms Cash. l BB ig CLOSING OUT SALE.- Messrs. Kein & Comp’ny OPPOSITE THE PULASKI HOUSE, Will offer at A notion on THURSDAY, August 17tb, at 10 o’clock, through BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, Their entire Stock, to close consignment, consisting in part of “ Ii» bbls FLOUR, 188 boxes CLARET, 100 csees CORDIALS, assorted, 80 sacks COFFEE. 5 quarter casks old WINES, SS bbls. WHISKEY. With a general stock of GROCERIES. well w orth the' attention of the Trade. au jj HENRY BRYAN, Bar an Smart, hett to Mkboiunts’ and Planish*’ Bans UriLpmu, Broker and Commission Agent roa SAL a AND FUBCBASE or BTOCKB, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac-, And for Forwarding Cotton. -■ • suit 3tno /* Bagging, Rope, Twftie. 1 bale Dundee BAGGING, 86 bales Quuny do 60 colls Richardson’s Hemp ROPE, 880 lbs. Bagging TWINE, la store and for tale by L. J. OUILMARTIN ft CO., ’ aulS-J No. 14$ Bay street. HBftDQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OOEECHEE,I Savannah, Oa„ Aug. 14, 1865. / Genesal Osdzb, 1 Surgeon j. K Bigelow, 6th Indiana Infantry, Where by relieved from duty ns Cblef Medical Officer, Sub- District of Ogeechee, and will report to Commending Officer of his Regiment for doty. Sunraon N. A. Baldwin, 17Jd N. Y. Vols., Is hereby Announced ns Chief Medical Officer of the Sab-District of th* Ogeechee, By Command of , Brevet Brig. General E. P. DAVIS Wit H. Folo, ft. A. ft. Q. 7 anil T£CX> SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening [ SUNDAYS EXCEPTED ] AT Wo. 11l BJMT SVBJQBV, M S, W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERS hi TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great Importance aa enterprise In procuring information. The Hebald Staff embraces a LAR6E CORPS OF EDITORS ISO REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known as connscted with the Soulhers Press, It also has Special Correspondents at AJLI Prominent Points, Who are Instructed to spare no expense In procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mall, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention la paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AIfD TO Shipping Intelligence? Hotel Arrival;, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, As oat of Its province at present, the Heea.-.t> strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journai, And to support the true Interest* of the re-nnltcd na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the pabllahers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have but llttl. weight THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Sclectlfllc and Commercial sub jects, so that la all respects It Is a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM- RELIABLE CARRIERS ATD Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Qsbald will be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY *J 6c ONE WEEK joc ONE MONTH $ I 00 ONE YEAR 10 00 PER HUNDRED s 60 EXTRAS Axe Issued whenever intelligence Is received of suffi cient importance to warrant It. ADVERTISING TERMS > Two Dollar* per square, (occupying a space of Jan lines nonpareil] for the first Insertion, and $1 per square for etch subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, Or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. Tbe Hkiai>z> In UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I Having a large circulation In the city; and tbe State, In Florida, South Carellna. tbe South Atlantic Squadron and tbe Mortb, circulating more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisement? may be sent by mall or express to 8, W. MASON & 00., PUBLISHERS, No. IU Bay Strset, Savnnnab, Gs. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE IVo. ill Bay Wtueot. SAVANNAH, « GEORQi A We respectfully call the attention of the „„v„ the facilities which we hsve for doing all clO JOB PRINTING, We have THE BEST PRESSED For doing all kinds of work, aid we keen , good repair. Wc employ only P U “® 11 FIRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABlLfTr. We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to which we constancy making additions. We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBttL9, PROGRAMMES, PLAY Bn.r a CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARp s SVEDDINQ CARDS ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARD 6 TICKETS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFJS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, LABELS, CONSTITUTION'^ by-laws, PAMPHLETS, BALLAD”, CALENDARS, > LEGAL BLANKS. SHIPPING BLANKi Or any other kind of PRINTING—In *nv (TIU We have a Fine Assortment of Inkg FOB PRINTING IN COLORS ORDERS BY Mill OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and enrefh] attention, ardti. work wiil be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION We endeavor to do all our work well, and to civ, complete satlafaction to onr customers. 8 °XT*t. ¥»RXOBS Pre “ nt Co »* 0f «<**. >“tc rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below th, increased rates which rnle to other lines of bnslne* 8. W. MASON & CO,, THE NEW ORLEINS~TIME^ The Leading Journal of the Sooth, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General Newp—The Disr-. sloa of State and National Topics-— l The w«) Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern State* The Proprietors of the N*w Om.ean 3 Daht a* Wkrkly Tuies. encouraged by the liberal unriNv* given to their journal, have made ample arrangement, reject,“ Pr ° Vem,;1 ‘'' WlUla ' iew 10 “»kS£ FIRST-CLASS SOUTBERN FAMILY AND NEW! PAPER Terms of the Dally, sl6 per annum; half yesrlr it quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the disensdon or topics of vital taDV.- auce to the Interests of the Gulf S-ates: contSsi carefully prepared compendium of the news oTesdi week, original and selected literary and mlscelmieoo matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from »i P"*» °fi he cou r u .V7 and abroad, letters from the pe. pie, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc Terms of the Weekly, per annum TO OLITBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, wheal® to one address: 2 copies $ 8 60 I 6 copies « 3 . 14 80|7 •• »». * “ IS 001 3•• 33' 5 “ 88 50 I 9 “ ST fc l 10 copies S4O. An extra copy will bo given to any one getting af i Club of Ten. “ Terms Invariably In ndvSn. c, Addrean WM. H. C. KING ft CO.. aul4-tr Proprietor* N. O. Time?, No. 70 Camp « f HKADQ'RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, jj Ist Division. Hefabt.yent or Geokuia, V Savannah, On,. Aug. 14,18CJ \ , Gexsbal Obdess.) No. 13. f All Commissioned Officers and enlisted men beioti tag to tbe 14th Maine, 6th Indiana aud 18th Indian Volunteers, now on detached Service within this Dir trfet, will-join their command* at once for master on By Command of „ Brev«t Major General J. M. BRANNON Will A, CoCLTts, A. A. Gen, ant 6-2 Notice. mHB undersigned have associated with them *> A John K. Johnson, nutter the firm ofCrane, Jot son and GraybllU fur the purpose of transacting General Commission, Shipping and Forwarding but* ness, to date from the Ist lost. i aul 1-0 CRANE ft GPAYBIUI FOB MALE, f •A. FINH FLAT, J CAPACITY, 400 BALE j. Has Just made a successful trip from Augusts an4-tf N. A. HARDEE ft Jg. Notice* r s tHE lease of the PULASKI tiOUSE to Bartti»* A Riddell, having been cancelled be order o’ * military authorities, and thePaWnki Uouseprcpsfl having been, by the same authority, turned o*a - ; . ,tb f r H? r> th * owner thereof; the firm or TELS A RIDDELL, late prilfrteton* of the Pv£ House, Is dissolved from this date. All person- By ing claims against the firm of Bartels ft Hlddc 1 please preseut the same for settlement to „ • JOHN O. BARTS* Savannah, Angnst 12th, 1646. , an"- 6 J Hay and Cow Peas. 84 bales best Northern HAY» 26 sacks COW PEAS, In store and Lr sale QtnLMARTIN ft CO., anl4 8 No. 148Bayntlte Notice. THE business of the PULASKI HOUSE will Is cot X tlnued and managed by tbe undersigned, unde the firm and name of W. H. Wli TBERGBB ftCO. - W.H WILTdEiIGEK ■T. O. BARTELS. Savannah. Angnst 12th. 1941. *ul24