Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 18, 1865, Image 3

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local matters, j>t purturt of Bteanuhlpv and Steamers. KIR NEW YORK. Steamship Ariadne, Friday afternoon, 4 Vciock. ricaim-hip America. Friday afternoon, 6 o’clock. FOR RI G KBTA. steamer Helen, Satttrday afternoon. o’clock. Steamer Laura, Saturday morning; o.clock. Ki ntBERY.—A moat daring roiiery was committed on the store of Charles K. Osgood, north-west cor ii, i of ltarnard and Broughton street lane on Wed nesday night last. The thieves reinofed troui the j.jn-,1 ~| Douglas'* Tin-Shop on Hrougliton street lutie,!! ladilerby the aid of which they reached the see uml Siory of Osgood’s store, opeuing one of the win dows. they defended tile stairs and roblied the store of eoods and cash in the till to the amount ol two hundred dollsfc. The thieves, who it is presumed from circum stances are negroes, have not been arrested nor the goods recovered. r prior to the above robbery the same thieves, as is supiiosed, made an attempt to rob the Jewelry es lubt'i-timeut Schwaizcnbach, southeast corner of St. Andrew’s Hail. MutivAi. ok j'ue Helen from Aigcsta—'The steamer Helen, Capt. Keily arrived at her wharf yes terday evening at five o'clock, having left Augusta on Wednesday morning. She brlugs a full freight and large list ol passengers. The Helen passed the Steamer Gen. Shipley at ling’s Barr, on Wednesday l 2 „, M tied up. The river being very low, the Gen. Shipley could not proceed further. Faased the new Steamer It, H. May. tied up, near the wreck of the jA-esbiirg. at 2 I’- M. same day. Conldjiot ascertain v. hy she was tied up. She left Augusta Tuesday at ic o’clock. Passed tlie Steamer Berry at Prescott's Brach. at o>» A. M. same day, hound up. Passed the Steamer Augusta at Mathew’s .Bills’ 6}f A. M. oil Thursday, bound up. iMr. P. ItieUy, the gentlemanly and obliging clerk o flhe Helen, has our thanks for ffles of the Augusta papers. .\uiWithstanding the low liver and the rough weather the Helen had a quick and pleasant pas sage down. The lady passengers speak in especial praise ol the excellent accommodations and the kind attentions ot Capt. ReiHj and his officers. lie t )ie advertisement in another column, it will be seen that the Heleu will leave for Augusta to-mor row afternoon, at two o’clock. More Rais.—About two o'clock yesterday, the clouds assumed a threatening appearance, causing apprehensions of a repetition of the storm of the previous day. , But the rain which com menced fulling heavily about half-past two o’clock and continued for some two hours, was unaccom panied by wind or thunder, if the rains extend into the country, they will probably interpose seriously with fodder curing enterprise of our farmers. AnOther Arrival.—The light draft steamer Laura, Capt. Hiller, arrived at this port yesterday, making a very successful ruu from New York where she was Laura is au associate of the Am azon and takes her position immediately on the line. See Erwin A Hardee’s notice in another col umn. ■ From Florida.—Yesterday morning the steame r Fountain, Capt. Cashier, consigned to M. A. Cohen, mrived from Palatka, via Jacksonville, Fcrnandina, etc. We are indebted to Filler Win. U. Jackson, for favors. From cuarlkston -The steamer Fannie, Capt. Lew is, from Charleston) arrived yesterday morning. We return thanks to Purser Robertson for late Charleston pdpers. THE COURTS, capt. Cowdrey’s Cocrt. Savannau, Aug. 17, 1860. Mary Hardee (colored) vs. Mrs. S. J. Williams—Re covery of wages, it was ordered that defendant pay plaintiif the sum of sls, one month’s wages. Mrs. Neve vs. Sarah Powers.—Claim for rent and possession of house. It was ordered that defendant pay the sum of SB, one mouth's rent, and costs of suit; and it is further ordered that defendant vacate the premises by 3 o’clock p. m., Aug. 18, 1865, or be forcibly ejected, United Slates vs. William C. Bennett—Violating Circular No. 5, Instructions Street Department, al lowing waste water 10 ruu iuio street, and neglect to repair water pipes. It was ordered that defendant have the water pipes repaired by lg o'clock in., Ang. 19, lans, or be lined SSO. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, AUGUST 17. 1 G W BruruEkuU, H C’uidny, Louisiana Jacksonville HGrosvenor, Brig Gen <; 11 Morton, do USA 1. U amuck, do U W Rrayten, U S A C P Buckingham, N York J Watkins, New York W C Vaukel’bilt, do IS W Arnold, do 1/piisefNoi'tlionso do I £ Burnett, do It Hrodnax, do |MJLeoi), Bo A S Welch, Michigan ,I> U Mattison, Adjr 30 T S Granger, lady, child j U S (Juls, Beaufort and ser, ’l’acksonvillelE W Wiitis, do 1, A Horelie, Florida | l O Deevey, U S A A L Eieliulborger, do .Lt H Lawrence, Gen SWMoodv, do . .Molineaux’s staff .1 C Key, * do 'J A Simple, Virginia Mrs Williams and3 ehild'n|i G Tomlinson, Augusta Thus Kllary, iMrs May and daughter,. M Gregg, S Carolina Augusta -11 W Lilieuecratif, Capt G B Gravy, Ariadne Ft Pulaski IE A Williams, do G Smuger, sir Conlinelitali W J Gray, Hilton Head, L W Hayes, ’ E Dennison, Conn U T Hirers, Hilton Head X llodgcrs, New Jersey llASlatts, do IA Robinson, FT Pulaski Ma jor Hays, do iMrs 10 B Goodrich and 1. N Marsh, do ■ child, Augasta Maj Meßtirucy, 1 O Gav ’ Miss E Couuclly, do T A1 McCoikle, Lyiichluug|D C Smull, do T A Goodrich, wife and Mrs Tillettc, etilld and 2 chilnreu, Augustai nurse, Augusta G W Casteu, do J M Berrien, do SEA ISLAND HOTF.L (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 10. F H Coffin, A A (j M iW B Guerney, Beaufort F E Dwtuel, 30 Me Vols Col H McLaughlin, Sav p llee, Charleston |J H Gould, do B Brown, tlo ill W Smith, do SS Clark, Beaufort I PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 16. E A Moe, Hiltou Head .1 Apple, Beaufort Dll Rice,, lnd Capt W A Graham do J Masson, Charleston D D Tamilian, Asst Stir Profit Grant, do Ls Bonn, Savannah ,1 L Savage, do S W Mason, Sav Herald Airs Hutchins, do A Clor, Savannah c J Rice, do T R Riddell, do Dr I) S Setten, do Ira Wuraus, 26 IT SC T I, Sherieser, do L T Tall, do, F) Moriy, do A P VanSitnfred, 26 USCT E Thompson, do B F Randolph, do C W Frost, H F Allen, U S N ~1 O Frost and ladv, Ileauf W Geesetin, do I. Hall. Lt 128 U SOT D It Dillon, Savannah Lt J 11 Hannan do OtiptßFruex, Capt Davenport and lady, str Blanch rage 20 USCT D VanCleef, do Lt H A Searjeant, .1 Fritex, do 26 U S C T A lEiHUBLE Recoup.—The trial of ClmiDP Fcigu son, tin 1 guerrilla, before a military commission ut Nashville. Teim., reached the twenty-tint day, Atigi «, anil is still In progress. Tile prisoner is eharpted with the inuriler of fifty-four men, and it is believed that the liunitier Ls more than one hundred. J. W. Duval tcstltied lu'forc the commission. Aug. 7th, that his brother and Joint Hirst were slmt by Ferguson, in Clinton eonntv, Ky,, May L Ferguson came np with fourteen men and demanded the surrenderor lmval, his brishcr, ami Hirst. Duval got away, but his brother and Hirst, were shot. The witness says: • Ferguson’s command came from the direction of .somerset Kv Ido not think that any of them were dressed as soldiers. After the eommand.lmd departed 1 brought in the dead bodies of Hirst and my brother. Hirst was shot in the left of the backbone, the ball routing out lust below Hie right iyil>I»)«- He also bad a Shot ill the back of the head. M> brother was shot ill the lock of his jaw, the hall coming out of his fore head. All tlds occurred on the last day of April or the of May, ism, after 1 had read of the fall of Itieluuoud and the surrender of Dee," SK/Thc subject of wage* at tlie present tii»p is one of uuusual importance to the laboring classes, for it is a kind of abnormal state and requires a carclul and impartial examination in the light of circumstances. The compen sation of labor was never so unsettled as during the last four years. While wage* were advancing no laborer would bind him scll to work for a specific sum any consider able length of time, for he knew not how ‘•the prices” of consumable articles would rulp. Wages rolled up like the flow of the tide, and now that the war ia over and “the prices” declining, it naturally follows that the ebb of wages must begin. In this situation it is greatly to the interest of all working-- men to look at the subject intelligently and without that bias against capital which is so apt to cloud the understanding ol well-mean ing met}. _______________ The city debt of New York is over $30,- 000.000. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund report their Investments at nearly - 001),<100, and say they will be ready to mee- Utc indebtedness as fast as it falls due, Mkippiue luiclliMcucc, All nature Almanac—Tftis Day. Snn rises 5 2fl;Mimn sets 25« Sun sets 6 4i|!ligh water j 23 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, Aug. 17, isos. Arrived. Sehr John M Williams, , Baltimore—to Hess A Gutman. Cons ion ebs—C White, Hess Sc Gutman, Claghom A Cunningham, W M Davidson, Dr J II Bead, Lovell A Lattiuiore, E O'Byrnc, J Carson A Cos, Brigham Baldwin A Cos. Scbr Em=a D Finnoy, Hcathc, from Philadelphia to Hunter A Ganuuell. Consiunees—X CrailstoiL A Bernard, C L GiHwrt, Humor Sc Gammell, Lovell A Litiimore Sackcv Hpgg Sc Cos, A Mover * I’o, J I! Ktie, Jr, John Rvaib .1 G Thompson, A Cos, Rue, Wharton Atv Weed Cornwell A Cos. Sciir Addie, Barnes, from New Voi*k. Consulsees—Weed A Corumell. Brigham, Baldwin A.Co, J C Schreiner A Son, Brady A- smith, BG Til den, J M (vein A Cos, n J Bogardtis, C I’ Lopez A Cos. L 11 Smith, J Doyle, Erwin Sc llardcc. Steamer P S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Jacksonville, etc.—to M A Cohen. Consigners.—M A Cohen, Agent, Erwin A Hardee, Guihuaitiu A Cos, Stuart A Cos. and order—»s bales Colton, and merchandise. PasseXiErs,—c W Briunhiill, C 11 Uttckiuglmiu, A S Weleli, W c Vanderbilt, U Granger, wife and ser vant, 1. Northoiise, G B Morion, P Cuppin, P Funte nay, S W Moody, A L Eiehelberger, L A Hardee, J Triay, L Warraek, A Strobar and wife, J L Stuart, R A Sallard, W M Bring wood, 11 Hurm-, Miss Annie and Stevens, l> A Heed, T Host wick, Capt .1 J Quiuby, Lt Townsed, C EUclSou, and 9 deck. Steamer Fannie, Lewis, Charles urn—by C. C. Cam bridge. Consignees.—C Cambridge, M A Cohen, Adams Express Company, and order. Passengers,—C C Cambridge, W T Bennett, I. W Hays, Chas Scmuidt, T Gregg, Mrs S A Connell,-Mrs J P Germaine, Miss M O'Connell, Mrs M H Schloboin. Steamer Helen,- Reilly, Augusta, with 150 bales jot ton, to J. Kern A Cos. Consignees—Rein Si Cos, W I! Adams, Matey, Day A Cos, A Low A Cos, O Cohen, Capt S S Starr, J L Mo pASSENdEim—Dr 4 C LeHardy, Dr M.l Leon, E W Arnold, J Kahn, Capt M I! Grant, Mrs Wni Pavne, F Burial, Mrs Meiiry May, Mies Emma May, Miss Eliz abeth O'Connell, Mi's L G Fillette, A Vetsburg, Mrs M E Davis, Mrs 11 KalUluscli, D Kalltlusch, CMellia- Uo, O Butler, .1 L Moses, Capt J M Berrian, W H Do.v tator, F Cable, A B Cummings, Brig Geu c It Grosve nor, Maj L O Dewey, Maj Vi Meßurruev, Maj J B Hughes, Maj Fleii(lng and clerk, L B Millesti, Surg N F Marsh, capt G M Brayton, Capt C K Smith, Capt W W Noyes, Lt H Lawrence, Lt c H Maltisoif, D C Suiuli, J A Semple, H F Emory, T A Goodrich, two ladies and three children, T M MeCorkle, A C Waltc-rmeyer, 11 W Reynolds, J Tomlinson, W J Farr, 11 Guedroe, J Rnser, G Dannu. R p llarrisson, -Finuk Leslie Henry Thompson, Mrs W T Thompson, Master Wall Thompson, Miss Mothe Tnoinpsoii—il in steerage. Cleared. Steamship Peril, Delnnoy, for New York—Hunter A Gammell. Exroirrs—2s7 bales Cplaud cotton, 2do Sea Island do, 33 do domestics, ldo bagging, 24 pkgs mdze, $2,132 in currency. Steamer Sampson, Dcnuette, Hilton Head. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. Aug 13, Brig Mil McLeod, Cook, Philadelphia ; selir Jeremiah M Yeomans, Latclnun, New York. Aug 16—Sciir A T Kingsby, Yianllu, New York. An Interesting Incident ok the War—A Lesson Taught. —Many instances have been given by travelers of the affection shown by the Arabian horses towards their masters ; and so much, also, has been written to prove their sagacity, as to make one believe, at times, lliat they must be endowed witii an instinct which approaches nearly, if not quite, to the reasoning faculty of a human being. Be this, however, as it may, we very much doubt if among the feats nurrated ot the the East any can be found that exceeds in affectionate devotion the follow ing incident, which was told us a few days since at Saratoga by tbe soldier to whom it occurred. Tbe narrator is a young Irishman, and like many others of bis nation, joined, shortly after his arrival in America,Sheridan's brigade. It was in one of those forced marches when they had driven back tbe enemy and had been in the saddle for several consecutive days and nights, that this trooper avail ed himself of a temporary halt to slip from his saddle and stretch himself upon tlie tprf, his horse, meanwhile, browsing in the im mediate vicinity. He had slept ior some lit tle time, when he was suddenly awakened by the frantic pawing of his'horse at his side. Fatigued by bis long ride, he did not rouse at once, but lay in that partially conscious state which so frequently attends great phy sical prostration. Soon, however, the faith ful animal perceiving that its efforts had fail ed to accomplish thcir.object, licked bis face, and placiug its mouth close to his ear uttered a loud snort. Now thoroughly awake, he sprang up, and as the horse turned tor him to mount lie saw for the first time that his comrades had all disappeared,, and limit I* enemy were coming down upon him at full gallop. Once mounted, the faithful beast bore him with the speed of the wind safely from the danger and soon placed him among his companions- “Thus,” he added with emotion, “the noble fellow saved me from captivity and perhaps from death,” Can there be found on record a more beau tiful example of affectionate devotion ou tbe part of a dumb brute to bis master Ilian this ? Undoubtedly similar examples have occurred during the recent wardwhich will forever lie buried in oblivion. Would that they might be brought to light, if their narration could in any degree mitigate the cruelty to which the,horse is constantly subjected, especially in our large cities where many of the drivers are more brulal than the beasts they have in Charge.—-V. Y. Kvenimj Post. Effect of Polygamy. —Mr. Bowles, of the Springfield Republican, who accompa nies Mr. Colfax in his Western trip, - writes from Utah tbe following account of tbe Mormon women : How do the Mormon women like and bear polygamy 't is. the question most people ask as 10 the institution. The universal leptimo ny of all but their husbands is that it is a grevions sorrow and burden ; only cheerful ly submilted to and embraced under a re ligious fanaticism and self-abnegation rare to behold and possible only to ivoinen. They are taught to believe, and many of them do believe that through aad by it they secure a higher and more glorious reward in the future world. “Lord Jesus has laid a heavy trial upon me,” said one poor, sweet, woman, “but 1 mean to bear it tor his sake, and tor tlie glory he will grant me in his kiugdom.” This is the common wail, the common solace. Such are the teachings of the church ; and I hayn no bqubt both husbands and wives aifke ofteii honestly " accept this view of the odious practice, and seek and submit to polygamy as really God’s holy service, calculated to make saints of them selves and all associated with them in tlie future world, Still a good deal of human nature is visible, both among the men in embracing polygamy and in their wives in submitting tp if. The Corj.KCTfo.v or SoufliKitx Deists —A Case in Court.— ln the Supreme Court Chambers, on. Wednesday, before Justice Barnard, the costs of Alexander T. Stewart and other, against John It- Hull, J,evi jj. Duck and pitver Wetmore catne up. This is an action brought by Stewart & Cos., to recover for merchandise sold in 1860 to the dctciidants, a lirm then doing liusiqee* ip Columbus, (Georgia, \VetniQre, ope of the ffrni, then and since a resident of this city, answered, denying sufficient information to form a belief that goods to the amount of specified weir sold by the plaintiffs to the defendants, ■or that such goods were delivered to the defendants, giving as a reason for such want of know ledge the interruption of all communication during the last tour yeara with the South. Ms H. 11. Kice, on behalf of the plaintiff's, moved to strike out this answer as trivolous, on tlm ground that thp sale tyas completed in 18611, • a year before the war commenced, and that one partner was bound to know of the act* of his capartners, unless such knowledge was actually impossible. The motiou was granted striking out the answer, and giving judgment on the com plaint, with costs of the motion.-—i\w York The engines for the United States vessels Franklin andPuinsigamond, which are being built at Bostou, will cost respectively #450,- 000 and #580,000. Turrets for vessel* of the Dictator class arc also being built In Boston »t» COSt Os $700,000. P ***** THE PLAOI’K OF LOCUSTS. Singular Scenes in Jaffa. A Tetter dated at Jaffa (Palestine, j Jijpe 30, describes a visitation of locusts as follow J: “In thkhnoatii of April lust we observed twice large dark clouds, tesembliug smoke, moving to and fro as if swayed by me wind. One morning these clouds came down and proved to be locusts, s<vgreat in number that the whole laud was covered with them. The grain at that time was full in ear and nearly ripe, but the locusts did not touch it or nnv other vegetation. Soon after, however, it was observed that they buiied themselves in tbe soil, and there deposited their innumera ble eggs. The Arabs and peasants saw the approaching mischief, and went through the laud in thousands digging for Uiese eggs; they succeeded to a cert (Tin degree, and dcstroed inerediltle numbers with water and lire, but all their efforts had very Bute effect. “About tbe middle of May small black creatures, at a distance resembling large ants, were observed accumulating in large heaps throughout the country, and a few days alter they had been thus seen they began to leap, and manifested the coming calamity and in vasion ot tlie fearful army, as described so emphatically ia Joel ii. The people now began to sweep them together and bury or bum them in ditches dug for the purpose. But all to little or no effect, and as they grew a little larger the extent of their multitude began to be seen, and the coming catastrophe could not be mistaken. The roads were covered with them, all marching in regular lines, like aruiies'of soldiers, with their lead ers in front, and all the opposition of man to arrest their progress was in vain. “This first consumed the plantations around Ramlcli, Lydda and all the smaller villages near them, and then entering the towns and villages consumed the victuals, &c., in the market and streets, by degrees forcing themselves into the houses and covering the walls outside as well as inside, lt seems that everything which is moistened by their saliva is poisoned, for the cattle that feed on the remnants which are left all die. I myself saw fifty oxen dead in the villages of Delta, Daggon and Zaffarish that had fed on the remnant of durrah (Indian corn) left by the locusts, and the night before last twenty more died from the same cause. ' “About two weeks ago they were seen to a fearful extent all round Jaffa, but still with out wings. The town for several days ap peared forsaken—all shops were shut, ail business suspended. Almost ail the inhabit ants had gone out to destroy and drive away the invading army; they made tremendous ditches, and buried and burned countless myriads, but, as before, all iu vain, for tbe more they destroyed, the more seeffied to arise from hiding-places, and as they grew iu size so they seemed to grow in multitude, and towards the east from here they covered the ground for miles and miles to a height of several inches. As their wings are still too small to enable them to fly and to visit the several hundred gardens within the cultivated part ol the district q 1 Jaffa, they have hi therto confiued their destructions to the outer gardens, ol which about fifty have been completely laid waste, every green leaf, vegetable, tree, and even the bark of young trees, devoured, and these beautiful gardens look like a birch tree forest in winter. , “Our garden Was one of the first attacked. For several days we saw the destructive hoßt advancing ; all our farm servants, as well as hired laliotcrs, were employed*to keep them off, to drive them away, or burry them, but we found them as Joel describes them, chap, ii., ver. 7, ‘They shall not break their ranks.’ Who can doubt the Word of God when we have these evidences before onr eyes? True, our men broke their ranks for a moment; but no sooner had they passed the men than they closed again, iiut.l inarched forward tu rough hedges and ditches, as if united by some mysterious power, causiug them to open belore man and so close again as soon as they had passed him. On the 14th in stant they forced ..their way into the garden, defying all human efforts to prevent them, and in less than a day the whole garden to the exteut of eight acres was covered with them, and the trees, to the number ot three thousand, as well as every other green Ileal, with the exception of the palm trees and the prickly pear hedges, were stripped. “ Whether eating or drinking, reading or writing, or lying awake iu bed, (for it is im possible to sleep,; one hears their noise from without, like the noise of armed hosts or of the running of many waters, and within they keep dropping on or about you. At meals I am kept busy driving them away; while I drive half a dozen away from tue bread, as many 4 will jump into the sugar-basin, or even into my cup of tea, etc., and when undress ing they leap out of our very clothes with out our having known that they were there. “ News has just reached us from Nablous; the olive trees iu those mountains have all been stripped; and near the liver Oudge the soil is so thickly cpvered with these creatures that many of the animals led there to drink refuse to pass on.” # Another letter of a later date says that “They are In nowise decreasing, rallier the opposite. Every native inhabitant lias been ordered by government to bring fifteen pound weight Os locusts daily, and those who do not are fined A1 sterling eack lime.” Beactifui. Sentiment.— The beautiful ex tract below is from the pen of Hon. Geo. 8. Hillard: I confess that increasing years bring with them an increasing respect for men who do uot succeed in life, as those words are com monly used, Ileayen is said to be a place for those wiio have uot succeeded upon earth ( and it is surely true celestial graces do not best thrive and bloom in tlie hot blaze of worldly prosperity. 11l success sometimes arises from a superabundance of (qualities in themselves good—from a conscience t</o sensitive, ft taste tog fastidious, a self-for getfulness too romautic, a modesty too re tiring. I will not go so far as to say, with a living poet, that “the world knows nothing of its greatest men," but there are forms of irreatness, or at least excellence, whioli “die aud make no sign there are martyrs that miss the palm but not the stake ; heroes witbeut the laurel, and conquerors without the triumph. Sensation liEPOim it.ij.m the South.— A letter written by a close observer ftom Nash ville •• A great deal of the exciting news transmitted over the country about the vio lent and factious opposition to the State Go vernment, is purely sensational. A portion of these Reports gre np doubt got off' by disappointed office seekers and baffled cotton speculators. The contradictory re ports of loyalty and disloyalty, trouble and quietness which come to us from North Caro lina, arc accounted fpr by the fact that there are two loyal rafiical- papers at Italeigh, pae conducted' by the ins and the other by the outs. ■ Browni.ow's Knoxville Whig contains the address of Hon. J 1 (trace Afaypavd, the Union Kepublieau candidate in that Congressional Disti ict of East Tennessee, who has been elected by an overwhelming majority. The concluding sentences of the address are as follows: “It is supposed by some that I am in fa vor ot negro suffrage. This is not true. At the Nashyillc Convention of January last the subject was brought up. 1 have not since changed my views. 1 was opposed to ji then--I am opposed to it iidw.” ’ ' George N. Sanders, the unabducted, now goes armed by permission of the authorities of Montreal,' and wears a belt or girdle in which arc slung his revolvers and his bowie knife, while in bis side pockets he carries l>,is smalt revolvers, making bis persons quite an arsenal, _ - ~ - —The Petersburg, Va., Index says white labor is rapidly taking the place of black labor. “Formerly a white draytnau or cart man, or hack driver was a sight unknown to oOr streets, now they share these employ ments with the Uadkk, and eventually will monopoUte theta.” SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRUGGISTS. WH. Watlwh. . VVIIOLIvN.iJaE AND RtCTAH. DRI COIST, nitl4 Nfiirlu our. B.t. uard anti Bronyhion ms. New Druft Houttr, t’firucr Contrre?** ami Barnard *Uu jJACOB LIPPMAN. late Kin«* & W vi»n«. r PhouiH<( 111. T«rnei-. 1 DfttVrGlST, South we* for. Barnard and Broughton gtf. A A, Solomons C'd., • WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DRr<»GIBTS. Order* executed accurately »ud with despatch. BILLIARDS, 60r O’Toole Cos., BILLIARDS, I.Hjl UItS, WINES. *O. Ht.. third door from Ball. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O’MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. Ray street, over Express Office. Union Slindea, Tkkknoi Nuornt, Proprietor. ALES, WINE?, LIQUORS, SEGA)#!, *c. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Poet Oflice.j by A. Stamm. Wholtanle mid ttstiiil. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS Bervcd. Free Lunch. WINES, LIQUORS, Aa HU. Howe «fc Cos., • WHOLESALE dealers in LIQUORS, ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian street and Johnson square. Israel II- Sraly «*£ Cos., SOLE agents xnu importers of a H. FARItE CHAMPAGNES, Iu the State of Georgia. 207 Bay st., between Barnard aud Jefferson, au9 Savannah, Ga, Israel JR. Sealy Jit Cos., YVUOI.KS.YLE healers in IMPORTED MINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEOARS. an!) 207 Bay st., between Barnard and Jefferson J Laura, Importer and Wholesale Dealer iu Siyys • isu Sugars, French Brandies, Wines, Wiiibkry and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinda. 191 Bay street, Savannah, Qa. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker At Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dkai.kk in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac , Ac. Cor. (VjugD-sa and Whitaker sts. rphumas Pepper, Wholesale and Retall Uralkk X in Staple and Fancy Ury Goods, at I’npmr • in,ted Low 1-riots. ONE PRICE ONLY. lit Congress street. P reader ,Y Orff, DRY’ GOODS— .Wholesale and Retail. John DleConaghr, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Santo*! M. I.ederer, Jobber aiu} Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goouh, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Ac. 110 Congress street GROCEIUKB, &c. • SS. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap, Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons. Hay, Oats, Com, Cow Peas, Ptuders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. uq9 M Feral A Cos., vy ).o.esale Dealer in Wines, Li • qtOKs, Skgaks, Fa miy Groceries, Candies, At. IMi Congress street. AF. Mira, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in • GROCERIES, F’KUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane (Vongdon A Symons, V WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL GROCERS. * Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts„ Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton At Haudc.ll, WHOLESALE OROCERS, 193 Bay Street, are coustauUy receiving pcV steamers from N. Y'ork, the largest and most complete assortment ol GROCERIES in this city. EP. Deyo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, • Wines, Liulors, Ac. Robert Bnlfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER 151 Broughton street. confeutionkhy. JE. Hn nuiukz. • CO^iFKUTlONislß— Wihm.khai.e ami Retail. MAN UFAOTUKKK OK SYRUPS, CORDIALS ANI) FKnUCONFECTIONERY OK ALL KIN 1 Hi. * MFiti^vralil, • AN I* BET An. DKALKB IN UUKRS, LEMON, STRAW REKKY ami RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANOIES, Ac., A«;., In any quunytietJ, to mill Pmchauera. W HITAKLU BTBU£I'. PHOTOGHAITJS. JT. Rending A Cos., • PixOTUiiK aFCI KltS, Cvr. Wliitakor and Bt. Julian ste. Wilium’* Pilotogruphic Gallery, Souru-ix 8T corn km Buuuuh ton and Wuitakr St». ALL KINDS OF FIUTURKB KNOWN TO THE ARi’ an!B KXfiOUTD iN thb Vkby Heht Mxhnxk. niiMVit'k Photograph Gallery, A3 C’audwDi: Visit*; FiioTfK.BVPiiH, ■Njrtfkul hkiuure. G.ViS. FITTING, Ac. plumbing anil Gas Fitting, X By JOHN M. CULLEN, Broughton wc., one dour Wet us itarnard, WM. Williams, Gab Fittkk anu I'Mrvurs, • and Deaivr in Tin Waku, ilois,: Fv'itSMipso Go-me, Ac. 145 Brougham street, Wetd 4 Cpruwt'll, Wholesale Dealers iu H viiii a ame aiulTia Wakb. No. 159 ami 161 Brotightou sti-eet. TT Cranston, U ♦ FLU AIDER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st„ next to cor. Whitaker. - BEGAIIS, TOBACCO, &v, 17i Kolb. - • SUGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Danuril e(ieet, one Poor South of the Alafket. CV P. Lepra, Seoaiik, Tohaoco, Baurr, Plfw, If Fasoy AaiKi-na, Syatiosuiy, Ac. Cur. Dull anil Urouglitou eta 13 Constant, IsuouiUi OK I*' CC.I !' 4xll Havana , StaiAits, AUkksoiiai m Pifxa, Jko. Aleo, W ises, onAai'AoaKs aufi other LiquorsT Buil street, opiwsitc the Pout Office. XT. A. Harder A Cos., lY COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS EsTAULISUtdI IN 1836. office No. 9 Stoddard's Row, _ aul6 Bsvauuah, Oa • ifvnry Bryan, A BUOKAH AN D COM MISSION AOKNT. yiui etreet, next 10 Merehame' and Piautere' Bank. - Building. aul6 MA. Cohen, • FoKW AKUIN’G and COMSIISS'N MERCHANT, Office Gome Ins. Cos ., i>;< Ba,y st t Bell, Wylly <V ChrUtiun, AUel'MiN, OKX- Ell Al. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING .uaiiCilAN’l'S. Bay etleei, Savaiinali, Ga. AM. Scurb rough Cos., (iutnu.KY ami C’om • MibMio.N Mi-Kcnvnlb, 140 CoiigrcatJ uud it 7 e>L ouiidn t>U. Hij'lieat m.TiKct prices paid for Cotton, Wool, iioeswax. etc. Literal Adrancedon Cotton, Ac. L'nviii tv iiuidcc, Hd CUMMIfcSIUN MKftCjUNTS, Bay street, savannah, Oa. CHINA WAIIE, &C. i? U,-Sni} tli, QUEENHWARg, (ii,ASB AND 4, CDLSA, at tVnoivsnie H»iq Rcuqt. lNf Brougiituli oirect, 2d Uuor from cor. ol Bull SODA WATER. ' John K> hii, Hottler of HO DA WATER, POSTER aud AlJt, OOKDIALS, SYRUPS, Ac.. Cor. Bay aud Wuet Broad streets. ■■■■■JgJ ARCHITECTURE, &c. J nines C. Illume, Master Carpenter, Architect aud DraugliUuiau, sill atloud to a'J calls ut< bus mess iu til. above brandies, iff " oitlco No. let Bay street, next to Stoddard's gauge. aus PRINTING, STATIONERY, Ac. __ "Tl * Suvllle A Uracil, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cur. Bryau sfreet aud Market Square. Vs arklng Ink, Mamvacituko aud forsale by •> IU DAVID H. GALLOWAY. ilu Drayton street /lco. ts. Ktehola, VA BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, between A tier on, aud Drayton, IT J. Purse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONKH 4V BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. ' _ No. 8 Whitaker street. SW. Mamn SB Cos., • •• HERALD JOB WONTING OFFICE Ho. XU hajf *tno(i DIRECTORY - CONTINUED. ■PHOFESBION AL. Dr. JC. M. Sucrd, OKNTIST. __ . #1 OGESKOiTo D*. E. Parsons. ork tret-t, mar Cvurt Rouse, Savannah, Ga. aiUO WATCHES, JEWELRY, & c. 14* n ’ Jordan, Dealer in Watches and Jrwklkt, s Silver and Putid Ware Fancy Goons, Ac. rsr* Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 12.1 Cougresast., opinsflie the Pulaski House. [_■' . ' 1 HAIR DRESSING, Ac. |>hlm ,ki House Umber shop, icor. Bull aud A Iffyaß sts.J Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing. » hisktgs Dyed. Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Nock Ties and other Fancy Articles for sale. furniture. Dennis Fnlvry, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. Nzw Work Mad! to Order. Repairing. Hell uanging. Ac., at short notice. 13S Broughton st. BOOTS AND SHOES. A me * f*' «bodya Jobbers iu Men's, Woiueii'7, , ? ren > Ca 't and Kid BOOT’S and of all Lind* and qualities. 152 Congress st., 4m door North of the Market., T. Nichols, J RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. SCRIVENERY. John .1. Ph rtf lie, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court,; will attend to all Writings and liustness entrusted to his citre, at Saloon ot Terence Nugeut, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. WANTED. * table boarders wanted SUPEItIOR inducements are offered for a few Table Boarders. • Gentlemen wishing for the above, will please apply at the corner of St. Julian and Lincoln streets, first door ou Cased Row. 6 amt MATED IMEDIITEIA. TjAIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper. The X 1 UIGIIEoT CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles, Jtc., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, au4-tf j Savannah. WASTED. ~ A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN, who has lost her infant lately, would like u situation aa Wet Nurse, aud is willing to travel with a family. Can give reference. Address “W," Herald Office. au!s-2 Wanted. A NICELY furnished room, without board, where the people are not too inquisitive. Address. "Grimes,” Herald office. augS-lw Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the , HERALD OFFICE. Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf ROOMS TO LET, -A-t Hilton Head, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having l>een Newly Pitted Up, now offers and airy room*, writa ble lor Sleeping Apartments in- bnsiue** imriioses. For terms apply to \V. 8. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 25, Tlilten Henri Post Office, o,r ou the premises, corner of Merchants’ Kow and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 0 o’clock p. m. jmw AUCTIONS. Horses Mules & Wagons AT AUCTION. BY ISAAC D. XtaROCBS. THOS. J. WALSH. Alotionkbb, Will be sold on SATURDAY, 19th, in front of Store, No. 166 Bay street, at 10 o'clock, 3 Horses 4 Mules, in good condition 1 Buggy, with Pole and Double Harness, complete 4 Horse Wagon Harness complete. The above can be treated for at Private Sale. In quire at Countjng Room. aul7-3 BY ISAAC D. LaROCHE, SOUTH-EAST CORN EH BAY AND BARNARD STS. At Private Sale, Several Desirable Dwellhiys pleasantly situated.— Stores. Wharves, aud other property, lying adjacent to tile ('.tty. Parties desiring to make an investment will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewiiero. auli-I wMirMTollcto at auction. rniIERE Will lx; a Sale at Auction of 11 barrels 1 VVHIKKEY find U casts TOBACC O, ,it tnt; Warehouw; of the Depot Coinmissury of Butaist once, HILTON HEAD, 8. 0.. on Monday, ’Aw*. SI, ’63. 3Ai,E TO COMMENCE AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. 2V Terms Cash, iu Government Funds. C. S. LANGDON, aull-d Captain aud C. S. Volunteers. COTTON, SfcC. COTTON GINS, PtW»Y PATENT GIN, WHICH FOR Compactness, Economy of Time, Space and Labor, Far Surpass itjiy other Oin ever bcfhre offered to the Public. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish them at rcjjulur rate**, being the sole Agents for Horace L. Lniury, Patentee and Manufacturer Mwwr*. AAIK*, I’EABODY & 00., No. !62CongreM street, have the above Gin ou exhibition. Samples can also be seen at tlie warehouse- of CHAS, L. COLBY A CO., jy2S-tf comer Bay aud Abercorn street*. Bagging, Rope, Twifce. 1 bale Dundee BAGGING, 25 bales Gunny do w coils Richardson’. Hemp ROPE. 25(1 lbs. Basking TWINK, In store aud for sale by „ L. J. GfTILMARTIN A 00., an ’ s - 3 No. Hs Bay street. GUNNY CLOTH FOK WALK HY anl OctiivuH Colien. TO COTTON SHIPPER^. Alexander Hardoe COTTON IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storaire. at Hie lowest rate* and c —HAS OI'KNKD, ON THE CORNER OP JEFFERSON * BAY STi for “>(' imrpoae of WEIGHING, „ REPAIRING, RE-PACKING, ' ‘ 'MnML xki> CLASSING, Shi|)|>ing ( tHtmv fiw the Public —AT TUB— XiOWMo- Ml TAraishiug ink, &c. * AMrSKItrtEBTTB. VOZjHJB' OARTOKT, fUougres».t., between Jefferaon and Montgomery sts„j REGULAR .summer season. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BY TBX Savannah Orchestra, Prof. E. Rrcarza, Leader, OT Refreshments of the beet quality and in every variety. luo auln COPARTNERSHIPS. Notice. TIHE undersigned have associated with them Mr. * John R. Johnson, under the firm of Crane. John son and Graybill for the. purpose of transacting a General Commission, Shipping and Forwarding busi ness, to date from the Ist lDst. Ml 1-6 CRANE Jb GRAYBILL. Notice. r lease of the PULASKI HOUSE to Bartels A A RkldclL haring bceu excelled by order of the military authorities, and the Pulaski House property b y the fraroe authority, turned over to JJ-M’" iitberter. the owner thereof; the firm of BAH TELB Jk HIDOBLL, late proprietors of the Pulaski House, is dissolved from this date. All persons hav ing claims against the firm of Bartels & Riddell will please present the same for settlement to JOHN O. BARTELS. Savannah, August 12th, ISCft. aolv-6 Notice. THE business of th« PULAHKI HOUSE will be oon tinned and managed by the undersigned, under tbe-firm aud name of W. H. WII.TBEUGER A CO W. 11 WILTBBHGER J. O. BARTELS. Savannah, August -12th, 1565. aul2-6 GUERARD & FERRILL, THE undersigned having entered Into Copartnership as Factors, Broker, and Commission Merchants, will sell and purchase on CornmiMton Colton, Ttmber, Produce aud Merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited. EDG AR L. GUERARD, BENJAMIN B. FERRILL. Rzfxkk.ncys Robt. Habersham & Sons, Geo. W. Anderson, Anthony Porter, Hunter 4 Gammell, Jno. L Villalonga. « aul'2 notice. ~ r pnK undersigned have formed a Partnership for th* X purpose of carrying on a GENERAL AUCTION ana COMMISSION BUSINESS In the City of Savan nah, under the firm name of 8011, Wylfy A Christian The lilieral patronage formerly extended to Bell 4 Christian and G. W? VVylly, is respectfully solicited for tbe uew fym. SAMUEL P. HELL. GEORGE W. WYLLY. MS 1" HENRY IU CHRISTIAN. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No, ill Hay Htrect, SAVANNAH, . GEORGIA. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kiudaof JOB PRINTING. We have . TIIE XSluX’r Um-XSKH For doing all kinds of work, and we keep tiem in good repair. We employ only FIRST CLASS PRINTERB OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY. We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to wbieh wc are constanrty making additions. Wc are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAY HILLS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, 1 VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS, LETTER HEADS, ' BILL HKMIS, DRAFTS, KECEUTS. CHECKS. FASSk>, LABELS, CONSTITUTIONat BY-LAWS balla'ns, PAMTULKTS, CAIJSNDAKS LEGAL BLANKS SHIPPING BLANKS, Or any other kind of PRINTING—hi *» V ’ stvu. We have a Pin© Assortment of Inks mintiNlGSliN colors. 0 * ORDERS BY SISK, OR EXPRESS Wffl receive prompt and carelbi attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all onr work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers. OTJR PRICES Arc as low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the increased rates wbk-h rule in other lines of business. s. W. MASON A CO., „ 111 B “y Street, Havannah, Georgia. Iron, Iron, Iron. WANTEDimmediately, Fifty Tons of wrought and' Muiiufacturcra onio n OLIVRR ft CO., Pores t Lily Mills,.Savannah. INK. • ‘)fi 6RCSS INK, In stands at tin W n*- lx am* ts cor, Bryan strejt'und Ma^kct^iiare. N"O'tlO®, ' _—, —__ ——— W. I>*M KARA. U. SL Court of Claims. »'fefk and a conunisatoner to take Have made arrangements i„ Washington to have all cases promptly attended to which may be entrusted to a**- _ v _ K. M. OARNETI’. hicbmoud, Va. . Office on Thirteenth street, near Cary, m stairs HrfsrMO-Qimaa 4 Johuston. Savannah: Major ■ .... '=ca ypFiio. ' STAB’ 1,1 NE, FOR NEW YORK.- . Pft. a. 1 ? tS Saturday, Aug. liith, at 3 o’clock V US. (wiSfe” I"*■* 1 "*■* b *'“« j... FOR NEW YORK STAR jigg lue. sbmi-weeklt The first das* U. S. Mail Steamship. NEVADA. . . _ . „ * UNITED STATES, . . AMERICA* - - *■“*• CONSTITUTION, . * * ( r fK - ° Llrr - Capt. eiuau. The above ships composite Line, and win sail TOrk “ and •*» BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, Agents, WAKEMAN, GOOKIN * MCKL^g^ THE Constitntfam Will leave Savannah for New York on .iWednesday, !l;id ln»taa(. For Freight or Passage apply to BIUGHAM ’ BALD VIN t co„ —— - ■ , Agents. MERCHANTS’ LEfE Vessels. Regular Weekly Une of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NJESW YORK. T n fyr e^fi n St'S d * regular week tween Savannah Sd the aU)w K pLT®l®Uh |rf i^P e * accommodations for nErai wtturam^ ,IVCTIUe F« h *M p;^ jv „ COLBY** 00„ . _ sor - ®*Y a hd Abercoru streets. MERCHANTS’ ' Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Bchoon «r W. B. MANN, Cant. n For freight or passage apply to nn is .. caSS X COLBY k CO, * ? - . U Merchants’ Line of Sailing Vessels. FTIHE fine Clipper Bark R. B. WALKER, Caul L. B r®~ - and Abcrcora «ts. Cotton uixci otlior* Ij’i'oljfht FOR NEW YORK. Merchants Line Sailing Vessels T H hSJ 1 OVOCA, Captain Watiirdqy-, the 12th hjt. Um flW A p *™ nK,:ra ln “*• oJST ' PP ' y 10 C S AS - U «ikBY * CO., —-v - " toy sud Abe r corn streets. FOR PHILADELPHIA. T H L A i’ J 8 i; Uooller ’ PILOT'S BRIDE, now loading plewSg ca.^I’™ 1 ’™ P ' ,rt - waal “ Beck freight coS? A W l J - « OTL MARTIN * CQ. Agts., No. 14* Boy st. SHIPPLRS TO AUOI^TA AND POINTS BEYOND, A RK notified that Goods will be received Ajg pr - t » For Freight or Charter’ **»**’»>*** a. b. m ° n * h 10 wekfhL amrkS-H n C. L. COLBY A CO., nngiv tt Comer Bay and Abercorn st*. FO It HADE, ■A FUNTZi TT»T . A rys CAPACITY, 400 BAUBS, * 1 Haa just made a sneceasfttl trip tma AugusU. —22^ U , N. A. HARDEE * CO. THE Christian Index. BY' the first of October, or as soon as the mails »re re-e-tahlisbcd. I will renew the the “CHRISTIAN INDEX" aud of the ‘VrniLß-Hv DKX"I have been publishing. xmiLDtj IN- Price of “Index," per annum no Price of “Child's Index,".... (A deduction made for ClUbe j' * - Money may be remfttedTatonce, as mv is positive. My desire is to secure tlon list With which to begin, and I iune pectus, that subscribers may Siva time to their remittances. y t,me to forward It is my intention to issue first clave oaoer,. ~,,1 „„ lwlns or expense will be to secure ?h« The best writers notcorre»DOUde»tT-«t Tj and the highest religions aud literary talent giv«u to Uu: The “ K”rewi£ l ''“""' 2K ' s r K TRE CHILD’S DELIGHT. * JS on the resumption of mai facilities 1 “ * enl *». 01J - W B «rke ieCo ia establish an offley in “ > ™ mu "" l Lous may be addredsuk ttl ~ W SAMUEL BOtKIN. 31illstones, iiuiTstuues and Bolting Cloths. ROGER FILS &. CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1802. 1 near the Produce Exchange, NEW YORK RCWEH h f * larKP trade 6>e South. HUlifaK FILS A CO. have juwt WF'jived and will con Pimel^iSd I, Mili^ avy of first flase Blocks,' p-aLculurry suitable lor the a t’ oo ' l sssortment of Hand MHlsor t - Boltin* Cloths of the be« qnali al, jowerit nites. auli-2 Bacon, Bacon, HAMS AND SHOULDERS, landing from Steamer America. For sale in lots to suit purchasers. «ul7-5 BELL, WTLLY A CHRISTIAN. NEW GOODS. TT’ST RECEIVED, a large and IJeautiftß amortmm.. a or FANCY GOODS, selected express tyfo/fSTt market. Call aud see them. „ C. M. HILLSMAN. anl4-0 Cor. Bull and Broughton W HEAIXI'RS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH “7~ Isi Division. Ditae cuent or UKwo,, -f Savannah, Ga„ Aug ( Gxnkkat. OaiiKES,) 1 No. 13. f All Commissioned Officers and enksa-d Ing to tke ltth Maine, S»k * this^” " , ” nm,u,dß «»• •RMS:. w»A»ss , isr(sr"‘’'’ ,t *s£3»s-