Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 21, 1865, Image 3

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nu new ro*K. ...tuii-iup Oluwf. Thunftlay. at o'clock. .rtui-l'M* i'< Hint mu kin, H ouiowU). »% o'clock. nw ii uim. (l 1H »r uuazou, Saturday afternoon. BMb inst. POB OOCTOBTOWX. lllPl \vm. 0. Gllrboaa, erery Tuesday morning Muck. - t .i srriON or Civil, authority—'Today many ~»ii oitlcers «f CUbUlub count) will resume , ivil functions lu tecnMuM with the , inauon of tils Excellency Junes Johnson, v . ,nal Governor *f Georgia. I \v a aliex tlie following as the list of county 0 f cnailiain county. ’ , i( ,, ~i uit superior Court. Eastern ctrcurt of Hon- Wm. B. Fleming. f blowing counties comprise tbs Kssirtß Circuit, 'Chatham. Effingham, Bryan, Liberty. Mclntosh, latnal, Montgomery and Charlton. “ ol the Inferior Court of Chatliam county— j, , uyler. John Wlttlunson, Noah B. Knapp, ,paul liarriwm, Sen'r., Jshn Screven, i ir.iuiaiy—Hon. 1). A. (I'Byrne. k ~ iperior anil Inferior Courts— Wm. H.Hul "-aeriif—Benjamin L. (ole. Keener of fax Returns—Barnard B. Bee. i,, collector— Seaborn uoMdL inronci—fliomas Eden. Caiiniv .surveyor—John K. Tebeau. cm court “l savannah— Judge Walter 8. Cuts holm. derk -Willi' M- Kus.-ell. hi—Charles J. Whit*. ,araie» of Chatham Conniy—lst Uistrlct, , connell, ainl Levi S. Bussell. i District, Philip M. Russel, and vacancy ouea .l "ucd by death of G. E. Be vans. , p,,irici, John A. Staley and M. s. Verderey. inrima. Michael Moms and vacancy occa ,i .u iili of John Vaughn. w ,,„, iiiiiii iHarriet —tievi H. Hart, mnliir- of Chatham County—Allen Kussel, Wm. w ct. Jones,M. Sinquefleld, J. W. Coats, S. Bar , „ li. iny H. Kdeu, J. T. Buckner. i ii sMso or rut MxoxotiA.—This new relfeshmeui s-loou. corner of Draytou street aud Bay Lane, was ;„.,i to me public on ?atnrdav evening, iu a style h , v creditable to the liberality of its proprietors . . .ratifying to I heir numerous guests. Early in the / a brimming bowl of most exhillrating punch 4h. paueh not uullke the fumed beverage of the Cluiitmui Anil, ry, and the bowl large enough to bar. sc. oinimKlated the three,wise men of Gotham, whine sea voyage Mother Goose, or some other cumtily verliable author give* us a brief account— „. placed uism the counter Hanked with choice inpiui's and nines, and with a heavy reserve of apark n idsick, while upon the tables were spread a auinptuuus lunch. The direct attack was sustained b> die punch bowl, which, as often as Its contents sere exhausted was promptly replenished. After sev ,, „i i-saultsand reinforcements, the punch finally „avr w ay and the lighter armament was brought into acin i., and an animated skirmish w«s kept up for w in. nine, during which the juice of the grape flowed tcii . n being an engagement in which there was no r,i„i cc. Hie attacking party comprising the veteran • i ruls ami confederates, shoulder to shoulder to moulder, came freely to ths onset ; but the Mag li ras forces nobly held their ground, and though we ,a« mac reeling from lue eacouuter, we believe all retired m good spirits, and perfectly satisfied that i hey had ihel loeinen worthy of thetr steel. The vi sum-, liquors, wines and cigars were of the first ipiuhiy *ud bountifully supplied, giving the most sap ii.ic'ory and convincing evidence to all present that hi, proprietors know how to keep, if not a hotel, at ii-ii-i a popular Refreshment,Saloon. I IOP AT thiGkokuia Central Kailbaao Dkpot— -I’Hi STATIONARY ENUINB Hol'Sk PARTIALLY Dus ts, (Kb—Loss about s3,ooo—About half past one .rVioch. Saturday afternoon last, the bell of the Pres i.vii-I iaii Church sounded the alarm of Are, striking <1 Imei vals for the tilth district. 11 was soouascer ■ allied that the lire was at the Central Railroad De pot. The Bremen were promptly on the ground and omm need to battle with the flames, which were ~-uing from tin- brick building on the south side of m- Depot yard, containing the Stationary Engine uni iiuilers that furnish the power for running the iiijchiuery of the Machine Shop, Blacksmith and Carpenters shops. The tire was confined to the build ing in which it orignated, hut the roof and celling over the engine and boilers were burned. The en gine was one of great power and superior work inadstilp and linish, and was manutactured by Mr. vlviii x. Miller of this city. From what we can learn there is no insurance on the building, and the loss vv ill lie about three thousand dollars, which sum will is-required to repair the damage. From the sit ua- Uurt of the fire when discovered, It is thought that it originated by sparks lodging iu the celling of the western half of the building occupied by the lioller. Recovery of Stolen Property.— Sergt. Mini kin, of the U. S. Police, having been Informed that a gentleman had stolen from him on Monday last at Augusia Georgia, two mules and a large wagon, and That the thieves had brought the same to Sa vannah foi sale, took prompt measures to reoover me p roperty and if possible to catch the tble. on Saturday afteruoou,he discovered the mules In a ioi in this city and the wagon close by in the street. Having secured the property, he next en deavured to civicn the thie, who, having taken -“-inn, will no doubt keep secreted until he thinks the matter has blown over. arrival of the New steamlr r. h. May—This new steamer, which yve noticed a few weeks since a* Having been launched at Augusta, arrived ou Satur* day last, having on board a fine freight. The R. H. May vs iu charge of Capt. Jones, and her Agent in this city Is Mr. F. M. Myrrell, well known for his en terprise and business capacity. The It. 11. May having been built expressly for the navigation of the Savannah river, is admirably adapted to that service and will be able to make her trips at the lowest stages of the water. From DocTORTOW.N.-The steamer Wm. G. Gib bous, Capt. Philpot, returned on Saturday mor ning from her first trip to Doctortown, hav ing accomplished the run from this city to Doctor lown station on the Savannah and Gulf Railroad via Darien, with perfect success, aud greatly to the -ailsfaction of the passengers and all parties inter ested. The Gibbons brings a full freight,. We refer our reaihlrs to the compUmeutary card of her pas sengers in another column. Metropolitan Fire Company— This body, com posed entirely of young men, were on Saturday, for th» first time, present at a lire. When the flames were subdued at the Central Road, Chief Fireman, Christopher C. Casey, paid the company a high com pliment for their efficiency. The President of the Metropolitans, Dr. James Stewart, also thanked the company in a neat and happy style. w« are indebted to Purser Moore, of 7be steamer *0O|«to tor Sipers to the I#m tait, reached her wharf. We are indebted to Purser Crockeran for full file* of late New York paper,. Emm Avgusta.—'Ths steamer Amazon, Captain Richard Johnson, with a full freight, arrived on Sa turday night hut from Augusta. We are indebted to Copt. Johnson, and Purser* Farr and Gibbons for favors. Arrival op anotbzs Rivsk Stramba.—Saturday the steamer Volunteer. Capt. Andrews, consigned to Messrs. ()'Fallon A Cos., arrived tn this city from Nor folk. Va. The Volunteer Is Intended for the Up River trade. CAKPENTkas Wanted —Attention is called to the advertisement “Wanted Immediately'’ iu our ad vertisement column. Steady employment is offered for fifteen carpenters. Oglrthokpr Firr Cos. No. l.—An adjourned meet ing of this Company will be held at the Ball of Wash Ington Fire Cos., No. s, at« o'clock this evening. Sue notice. Another Firr. —The alarm on Saturday evening, was caused by the burning ol a bed curtain in a private residence near the Marshall House. No other damage. THE COURTS. district provost court—before lieut. col. rout. P. YORE, DISTRICT PROVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, Aug. Ift, 1866. Upon the application ot the Hon. Thomas E. Lloyd, attorney for Mr. J. F. Waring, to occupy and control certain property located in the City of Savannah, viz: a brick house on Slate street, opposite the Armory Hall; a store on St. Julien street, near the market, in the brick range of buildings commonly known as “Waring's Range," and a third interest Ui a dwelling house, corner of South Broad and Barnard streets, the follow ing endorsement was entered : Permission is hereby granted to J. F. Waring to occupy and con trol the within descrilied property, provided the same is not in use of the military authorities. OPFICK rKOYOS'r MARSHAL, SI ft-DIVISION OF THE OUEMCHKR—HKFI'kK CAPT. SAM L. COWDREY, PRO VOST MARSHAL. SAVANNAH, Aug. Ift, 1866. United Slates v». Henry C. Birch—drunkenness. Fined $5. THE STEAUEK WM. G. GIBBONS. A Card of Thank*. Doctortown, Aug. 16, 1*66. Southern and Southwestern Georgia may be con gratulated upon Iteiug once more brought into com munication with the outside world. The beautiful and fast sailing steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, has made her trial trip on the route from Savannah to Doctortown, aud suceess has crowned the energy and enterprise of her owners aud offi cers. On Tuesday morning, the 15th inst., she lea her moorings at Savannah, remained ai Darien during the night, and in twenty running hours arrived al Doctortown at half-past twelve o’clock p. m., on mis Wednesday, the 16th. As an humble tribute to the projectors of this enterprise and the efficient offleera who have in control the steamer and her destiny upon her present line, we, the passengers, on tills her first trip, unite in a cheerful expression or our gratitude to Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, the owners, for the prompt aud successful mauuer in which they have demonstrated the recuperative energies of the South, the enterprise of our ow n immediate seaport, and the determination of our people not lo *iuk under adverse fortune*. The Gibirans is all that could he expected or desired for speed aud comfort, while she is so admirably of ficered as to make a trip in her saloon an absolute luxury. Capt. Philpot, her able aud efficient com mander lias no superior for skill, courtesy, or kind ness lo passengers, while her experienced, urbane and accommodating clerk, Mr. Wm. B. Farr, is as Indefatigable iu his effort* to render comfortable his gnests, and his familiarity with his duties and promptness lu their execution challenge admiration and approval. The engineer, Mr. Geo. A. Nicol, a son ot Savannah, aud his Iwo efficient assistants, deserve our thanks for their skillful and perfect management of the engines, and the Steward is es pecially entitled to our notice for his courteous aud unceaniug effort* to make us comfortable and hap py- It is with high confidence jmd sincere pleasure tbat we commend the Uibbonlßui her officers to the traveliug public, and bid them God speed in the noble work of reuniting our peoipe with the seaboard aud the commercial world. C. H. Hopkins, Cnainnan. Andrew M. Ross, Sec’ry. Carey W. Styles, C. B. King, G. J. Fulton, James M. Cooper, B. T. McDonald, M. Rosenfeld. T. A. Hall, Tboe. J. Neylor, J. P. Sanderson, W. P. Brevard, X. Leopold, Tillman Ingram, L. C. Tebean, Wm. U. Davis, Henry H. Sanford, fk McGlasham. 8. T. Hart, L. J. Lcavy, Chas. Center. Hotel ArrivulN. * PULASKI HOUSE. AUGUST SO, 16*6. J L Ledinan, Fort Pulaskl.J E Drayton, S Carolina J B Strohbar. Effingham C W Brown, Port Royal W J Hayes, Hilton Head I PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 16. R M Becbta and wife, Capt W A Graham, Charleston 26 C S C T Mrs J Woods, do Lt J Reed, do W T Simpson, do J C Rnndlett, Capt Lt W H Bartholomew, and A A (j M, Beaufort Charleston N B Heath, Charleston J A Smythe, do J S Watson, do D B Gilliland, do P Hickey, do Col H H Wilson, 104 USCT G Gilbert, New York Lt J H Roe, do H J Garre, Lt J P Hamon, do J W Counts, Savannah H C West, iq M, Beaufort W Cross, do Lt L Hall, 126 USCT |Lt W Ulycrautz, Charlesn Lt J L Cohen, signal corps E .Vlorty, do G W Benton, Beaufort C Arthei do H J Stone, do | AUGUST 19. Lt J P Hainan, 10i C 8 C T G A Wright, N Y Lt Memiug, 126 do J B Norris, H Head Capt W W Tracy, 126 po W R Way, AS,U S V J F Fllun, Savannah M J Howard, Savannah J J McDonnell NY J Connelly, do Maj E Smith, 66 X Y M Kelshan, Dublin, Irel'd J 8 Bradner, U S V W S Palmer, U S S, N H F M Montell, C S N W H Marcy, do P F Randolph, 26 US C T W Villacott, do G Gilbert, Savannah J M Braestie, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 16. M Ripley, Charleston iLt Col Carling, USA J E Smith, Savannah J B Hayes, do A G Dingers, do IG M Bravtou, do J Beckett, do IM B Derrick, Augusta C K Leby, Jacksonville Brig Gene H Grosvenor, C F Dan, Hilton Head U S V Maj Mcßumey, CO C C I AUGUST 18. Capt A C McDonald. C S Montague and lady, 26USCT 102 USCT Col W B Guemley, do C W Northrop. H Head Adjt C H Mattison, do Capt G T Batch, USA W Carroll, AastSurUSV S Baker, do A E Paine, do LtC Simons, do C Darby, U SN JRBrinckle, do Col W V Osborn, U 8 A Tbe export*, exclusive of specie, from tb* port of New York to foreign porta for the week ending Aagnat If, amounted Is value * •MOM*# « 3s'iltgh water PORT OF SAVANNAH Arrived. Saturday, Aug. l», 1666. Bark Pawnee, Williams, Hilton Head. Schr Ruth H Baker. New York—geueral cargo to C L Colby A Cos. Steamer U 8 Grant. Briggs. Hilton Heart. Steamer Mayflower, Yonge, Hilton Head. Steamer William Oiblwu.-,. Philpot, Daetortown—- 642 bales Upland cotton, to Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Amazon, Johnson. Augusia, to Erwin A Hardee—lß3 hales Upland cotton, Tdo Sea island do, 432 rto domestics, 46 boxes tobacco, and sundry pack- Consionees— Erwin A Hardee, J McDonough, C C Leavy, Hnnier A GamtneU. PL Langdon, M J stem, O Cohen. Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, J Loftis. Express Company, and order. Sl«au)C-r R H May. Jones. Augusta, to F M Myrrell— loo bales cotton. 2uo do domestics, 100 bundles paper to older. CONNiONERS—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, John L Vil lalonga. Sieamer Volunteer, Andrews, Norfolk, in ballast to O Fallon A Cos. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Hilton Head, with Brig Gen Grosvenor and stair. Tug C T Shephard. Bliss, Hilton Head, via Tybee Roads. Johnson A Co's flat from Augusia— 2a! bales Cp land cotton, to Adams Express Company. McAlplu A Co's flat No 8, Fraser, Augusta, with 402 bales cotton, to T L Henry and c L Colby 4 co. Cleared. steamship America, LL-di, for New York, Brigham Baldwin 4 Cos. ’ Exports—2l» bales Upland cotton, cdo Sea Island do, 1 bale wool, 12 do domestics. 136 empty barrels and sundry packages merchandize, r R Symons, lady aud 2 children. D R W adlv and lady, Mrs C W Rodgers, Mrs J West aud servant, Mrs F Dowd, Miss M Dowd, W Holf J N Moses, W Rosenhall, Mrs E Parkins, Mrs M Clark and son, Miss St Van Horn, Mrs Pellettv, child and servant, Mrs Hutchings, Mrs T A Goodwin and daugii ter, W H May, TB K Wyify, L Lillienthal and son, J Kahn, E W Dowd, L Colien, E J Purse, F Homan, and steerage. ’ US Transport Karuak, , Portland. Me, with the 30th Maine Regiment. Schr Pilots Bride, for Philadelphia—»2u bales cot ton, by L E Giliuartin 4 Cos, Brig Geo Amos, Stinson, New York—C L Colby 4Co Sloop Fleet, Berry, Hilton Head. Steamer Laura, Helen, Augusta, by Erwin 4 Har dee. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—J. Keln 4 Cos. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Darien, Ga. Sieamer Fountain, Castner, Palatka, Fla, etc—to M A Cohen. Steamer Samson, Dennette, Hilton Head. C S Transport Ashland, Bartow, Charleston. AUGUST 20. Steamship Constitution, , from New York. CoNSlONkKs—Adams Express Company. W B Ad ams, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, D Bing, T'Batesou, A O Brady, R T Burch, M A Cohen, C L Colby 4 Cos, P Donalen, J Doyle. S H Eckrnan, 1 Meyer 4 Cos, B F Einstein, E Ehrllck, Gurkeuheiuier 4 seiig, C Goerty, J Gilliland 4Co, J H Hersey, Hunter 4 Gammell, A b Ives 4 Cos, Hess 4 Gutman, Keln 4 Cos, Lovell 4 Lat tbnore, M Lttviu, B Levy, J McMahon, J O Matthew son, M 8 Meyer, LMUeutal 4 Kotin, T Matey, Presdei Orff, J Roseuband, Rue, Whitney 4 Cos, M Reilly, J t Schreiner 4 son, Sylvester 4 Corey, W H Stark 4 Cos, W H Teller 4 Cos, weed 4 Cornwell, M 4 D Wadley, E ZaehariUH, Senior (quartermaster, Savannah, A r. Jaliaus, 11 Newmark, J E Marshall, MiliedgevUk Manufacturing Company, J K Neely 4 Cos, A A Solo moil* 4 Cos, Dr W Walsh. R McCleunau, S Farrell), U M Geary, Halsev, Watson 4 Cos, O Cohen, JohneoL 4 GraybiU, E 1) Smythe, J Kearav, H G lluwe, I Reilly, W G Gray, Gray, Mullack 4 Cos, M McDermott, H O'Hyrne, W lu a diamond, Sin a diamond. Bins diamond s. Lin a diamond. H G in a diamond, G m a diamond, E in a diamond. Passengers. — lst class F Gradot, c W Getty, Capt R O Houghjon, J F Torrent, Maj C H McCrecrv, F K Welsh, J W Ntblo, G W Miller, S J Joseph. 2d Class.—G R Knapp. A T Smith, B Levy. Steerage.—J McMullen. J Pertiusky, M D Foster, P Riley, R West, Mary Wells and 2 children, Mr Wells, (quartermaster's Certificate, 11G Baar, (quartermas ter's CertlOcate, G Watson, J Duff, W Hill, (quarter master's Certificate. C S Transport Chas Thomas, Falreloth, Charleston. Schr Werionah, Tall, New York. Steamer Mayflower, Y onge, Hilton Head. Tug C T Shephard, Bliss, Tybee Roads, to serve as a pilot boat. Prom (liuraallnc. Br sebr Julia, Newman. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrived. Steamship McClellan. , New York. Passengers— Maj CS Montague. Asst Surg A K Paine, Mrs C S Montague, Act Mast F M Montell, L Baker, Capt Black, Maj E Smith, Br Col F W Osborn AsatSurg J S Bradner. D Lynch, Asst Sur CEO Dai by, Surg W Balser, Sscty W Paree, Lt H B Rainsev, G W hanto, G F Hell, F D Furguson. O W Gullck, L. J R Brincley, CSimons, Mrs M McLaughlin, Mrs Par. ton, W T Munday, 1) B Robinson, A V Aughtofl. Cleared, Aug It—Steamer Louisburg, Dale, Jacksonville. Aug 18—Schr Albert Thomas, Van Brenet, N York ; steamer Hudson, Van Kelt, New York. Aug 19—Bark Pawnee, Williams, Savannah. SALE OF 11. S. VESSELS. WILL B£ BOLD AT BA¥ POINT, PORT ROYAL, S. C„ At Public Auction, ON Saturday, Sept. 2, at 10 a.m. The folliuvtßg named U. 8, Vessels, via. i Steamers CHATHAM and O M. PETTIT, aide wheel, light draught, well adapted for shallow riven Schooners MAIL and BWIFT. Bark VALPARAISO. Sloop PERCY DRAYTON. Hull of Ferry Boat ELLEN, and three Newport Sail Boats. V ' TERMS—Cash in Government funds; one-sixth of the purchase money on tbe day of tale; and tbe re mainder In aix days. The vessels to be removed im mediately after the fall payment is made. Tngn will be at Hilton Head, at 9 o'clock a. m., of Sept. 2d, to transport to Bay Point persons who with to purchase these vessels. anl9-3 Wanted, BY a good tenant, a Dwelling House. Also, a Store. Address Tenant, Herald office. anl9-3 TABLE BOARDERS WANTED SUPERIOR ihdneaments are offered for a few Table Boardera. Gentlemen wishing for tba above, will please apply Jttba fit. Julian and Uneoln Streets,first "T. The First Cl a*. St araship V 'BC 'fi' / i . NA will positively rail on I'HURS- aJLL WAY, the *4th ium.,l,t- o'clock, p. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to eul9 JOHN R. WILDER. POE NEW YORK STAR LINE. aß The first class U. S. Mall Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. Caanwran. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Share. AMEH'I A, Capt Curt. constitution, . capt. The above ahlpe compose the Lina and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, II Broadway, New York. THE Nevada Will leave Savannah for New York on Saturday, SGth Instant. For Freight or Passage apply to BKiUHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO., Agents. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing J||j Vessels. Regular Weakly Line or CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned Intend to keep np a ragnlar week ly line of first class Sailing Veosela plying be tween savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passenger* and the very best fa cilities for delivering freight iu good order, at low rat**, with promptness and despatch. Parti .olar attention „iven to forwarding gooes from New York CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO., aulß cor. Bay and Abercoin atreets. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. THE Al Schooner W. B. MANN, Capt. Groko* B. Mkavkk, how discharging will be ready to re ceive cargo in a few and ya for the above port at low rates. For freight or passage apply to chas L COLBY * CO.. au “' ts cor. Hay and AOercorn sts. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels. THE fine Clipper Bark R. B. WALKER, Capt. I„ B. LaTHAM will be ready to receive cargo for New York dh FRIDAY, tbe 18th inst, and will have quick dispatch. Has accommodation for a few first-class passengers Apply to CHAS. 1,. C LbY A CO? (tut® ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. FREIGIIT FOR JIIGCSTJ, RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly* Per STE AMER AMAZON, Capt. R. Jo.ivbon. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Htu.tß Having a commodloua Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight us above. Dne will be given of the day, ot departure of each steamer. ERWIN 4 HARDEE. JOHN L KOUMIXAAT. aniß 1m Agent on Wharf. For Philadelphia. THE Packet Sch oner E. D. FINNEY, Capt Heathers will metwitb despatch tor the allow port. For freight apply to »ul6 3 HUNT) R & GAMMELL. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Good* will be received At onr W'A vhouee, on Diuoii'e Wn.tif. at a a time uu .iug the week. ERWIN uaKDEB. utus lmo For Freight or Charter. r PdE fine aSNioouer GEO. HEXRV, 90 tons, A. B. X Cu ti«. Master. Prefer* chartering by tbe month to trade down the ouHrit or t • the Weot indies Mill cury .6u o .rreU or 116 tons dead weight. For rnrther particaiAra iuq lire of C. A*. COLBY A CO., augl9-tf Corner Bay and *bercoru sts. WANTED IMITELY, FIFTY ol Raga ani Waste Paper. The UiGHa T CASH PRICES PajD. als k Cot ton Piraiugs, Wool, Hides Tallow, Grease, Metals, dottles, jtc., al tut FORttbT CITY MILLS, au4-tf bavunnah. BY ISAAC D. LaROCHE, SOCTH-KAhT CORNER BAY AND BARNARD STS. At Private 8 tie. Several Deeir tble Dwellings pleasantly situated. Store*. Wharves, and other pr >perry, lying adjacent to the city. Parties desiring to make an invest mmt will do well to call aud examine before purchasing elsewhere. aiu7-4 mThiskev and tobacco AT AUCTION. THEBE will be a Sale at Auction of U barrels WHISKEY and It* case* TOBACCO, at tne Warehouse of tbe Dep >t Commissary of Subsist ence, HiLToN HEAD, 8. (J.. on SCouday, Aug. SI, ’BO. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M jar Term* Cash, In Government Funds. C. «. LaNODON. |fil44 w OfifWlfi and C. 8- VoIWIWf