Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 24, 1865, Image 3

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fj/ 0 fA L ■ ATTERS, ■ ltur r of ttteamahlps and Bu»mm. V p * FOB K«W yoke. ■ ,jp chase, Thursday, at 10 o'clock. Nevada. Saturday morning, at 11* dated States, Wednesday, aotli Inst. FOR At’OrSTA. |H Volunteer, Thursday afternoon, at 5 Amazon, Saturday afternoon, 28th Inst. " for IiOCTOBTOWN. H (Vm . o. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning FOB FLORIfrA. 11 „er Helen Getty, this afternoon, at 4 o'clock Notice. Office Provost Marshal, i Savannah, Aug. 21, 1865. [ ■ . rUW „ wishing to take the Amnesty Oath wIU IK tue offlee on Bryan street between # and 12 lm Utiles wIU apply at the Custom House he- ■ a ud 4P m. each day. ' w. 8. Norton, Lieut, and Asst. Prov. Marshal. ■ lufrovemknts— Move in the Right Di ■L 1 ' ._ v gentleman of this city who Is owner of Krc valuable building lots in the vicinity of the ■muc and Gulf Rad Road Depot, has, we under- Ed ordere 1 a number of wooden houses, sttlta- Eor small families, to be constructed In Portland, ■ to be shippped to SavannalL The house* are Eected to arrive here In the course of the next two ■uhs when they will be ereated on the lou above Burned, and will soon be In readiness for the oc- Baucr of families. In the present scarcity and Bi prices ifcumber and all other building materl- Ejis wcUwabor, the plan adopted of having the Ingres built abroad is certainly a good expedient ■Acre B at present a pressing demand for dwel ■A o! this class, and should the scheme prove suf lEui. we hope soon to see the enterprise of the EEleuan alluded to imitated by others. In the ■M,.„ elU eig*ncy the fire resfr.ctlon might be tem (EErilv suspended, and the burnt district beyond im Broa j street covered with frame tenements B:a would yield a good Interest on the Investment Befford great relief to a large number of ourcitl who now flud it difficult to obtain houses. 'Be notlee with pleasure that Mr. A. J. Aylesworth, is repairing the property of the estate of X Dunning, southwest corner of Whitaker street Bbsv lane. This property during the war was destroyed by Are. Its roof will be of slate, 'B>ruierly. By the repairing of these premises two (Brfores, on good business stands, will be re-estab ■ all rt as the demand for business places Is very Bat. they "hi lie readily rented. Mr. Ayle3worth B>hi engaged in repairing for the estate of Mr. the Iron-front building on the north side of 'Bughtou street, third door cast of Whitaker street, partially destroyed by Are. ■ Visit to the Market.—Yesterday morning, one reporters visited the market, where he had pleasure oi meeting Mr. Emanuel Sheflall, the superintendent of that mstltntlon. Upon examination, the market was found to be In condition and wtU policed. A number of were engaged la whitewashing the bnlldlng. H h work Is done frequently. From reports made, appear that the rates established by General lor the sale of meats, etc., have not been uni- adopted. The evil can easily be remedied, who may be Imposed upon by venders re only to call upon Mr. Sheftali and notify him he fact, and he will promply regulate the dlfflei - e!. Tlat being a part of his duty, he Is faithful In discharge, having no friends to reward, but the file to protect against extortion. )ur market at the preseut time Is well supplied th all descriptions of salt water Ash, such as yel r tails, crockves, young sheep head, bounders, etc. he vegetable market Is supplied with green com abundance, water melons without number 'and a. toinatos and other vegetables of the season, he beef market Is well supplied with grass fed rs aud from the appearance of the meat offered we of the opluiou that great care is taken in pre rlug the animals for slaughter and sale. )£jth of Carr. James Joseph Lawler.—We re st to anuounce the death of this estimable gentle n and sV.tlful navigator, which occurred In New rk city on the sth Inst. Capt. Lawler arrived In N. rk from Savannah, in the ship Caravan, of which Ssel he was master, on the Arst lust. On the suo dlng day he was taken sick with Epileptic fever, i died on Saturday the sth. The deceased was 38 of age, aud a native of Liverpool, England. He many warm friends In this city, and a wife Hd two children In New York, to mourn Ills untluie ■dcith. intelligence of the death of Capt. Lawler, was yesterday by Ills brother Capt. L. Lawler, Htlie Augusta. By the announcement In another it will be seen that the Theatre will be open s■ on Friday evening, by a company of amateur lesaud gentlemen, under the direction of Mr. C. Brvdon, favorably known to our theatrical lc. The gentlemen comprising the company, have performed with credit on our boa rds, will Us occasion have the aid of two young ladlea of innali, who will make their Arst appearance on ibllc stage. The pieces selected are popular, the entertainment promises to be attractive. )R Florida.—By the advertlsemt in another min It will l>* seen that the steamer Helen Getty es this afternoon, at four o’clock, for Palatka, Ida, touching at all the lntetmediate ports. Th* y (previously the St. Johns) has recently been oughly repaired and reAted, and Is now in every ect a safe, comfortable and pleasant freight and lenger boat, well adapted to the coast navlga- Stf.ajieb amazon.—This light-draught up-river uner Is how undergoing a thorough overhauling er the supervision of Capt Richard Johnson. Mr les C. Blance, an experienced mechanic, la en ed in making the necessary improvements in tbe »1 work. Satnrd&y afternoon the Amazon will e for Augustta. son Florida.—The 3tearaer Fountain, Capt :ner, arrived last evening from Palatka and :r points South of Savannah. We are Indebted ’urser Wm. B. Jackson for favors. f.kital from ArousTA.—The U. S.Tranaport Au ta Capt. Lawler, from Augusta. We are In tel! to Mr. Jas. McLaughlyn, on* of her Officers late Augusta paper*. ‘e would direct attention of our reader*, tspecl of those having claims or other legal business he Departments at Washington, to th* card of lessrs. Browning A Ewing, Attorneys and Counsel irs at Law, which will be found In another column. Ir. Browning Is an ex-Senator of Illinois, and Mr. Iwing late a Brigadier General of United States Vol inteers. ", i Personal.—Among the passengers on board the teamer Nevada, arrived yesterday from New* York, s Mr. Hudson G. Wolfe, Agent of Adolpbo Wolfe, he famous Importer of Schedam Aromatic Scbapps, jrandles, Wines, Ac. We presume he visits Savan rnh on business connected with his house. Arrivlof another Nf.w.riTEAMER.—The steamer fulon, Capt. Moody, built In Augusta, arrived In our lort yesterday. She had a fair freight, but no pas enger*. Her extreme light draft fits her for the up frer trade, for which she U specially designed. f Mr. Alex. N. Wilson, Collector of Internal Revenue ethe Seventh Dtatrlct of Georgia, arrived In Sa inah yesterday. The attention of shippers Is di ced to hla Special Notice, In our advertising umns. • • rom New York.—The steamship Nevada, Capt. rpenter, arrived fyeaterday morning from New rk. We are Indebted to Purser Richardson for ora. . THF COURTS. ncE frovost marshal, scß-DrviaioN of the IBEECBEE—BEFORE CAFT. BAML. COWDREY, PRO ,VOIT MARSHAL. SA+ANIIAH, AUg. 23,1365. United States vs. W H. Bennett—Vi (Rating Sanitary Orders, and disobeying ordere of "rovost Marshal. It was ordered tbit defendant be c(Alined In the City Guard House until the fine of SSO be paid. Mary Leon (colored) vt. Peter iastlnge—throwing water on a woman and Infant. /It was ordered that the defendant be confined in tte City Guard House two week*, or pay a line of ten Hollars. United States vs. Alexander Hamilton (colored)— theft from lhe United States cSmmiaaary store- 1* was ordered that defendant be Rnfined In the Coun ty Jail one month. M- United States vs-. Mary May fklored)— petit larce ny. It waa ordered that the be coaled in tbe County jail one month. FT Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. AUGUST 23, 1866. J Davis, jr, Ohio W M Harrington. HK Uue, Bmuifort Montgomery, Ala 1G Horton, do J H Wagnony j u A N Wilson, Savannah A 8 Cherrv, N Carolina H L Schreiner. do A Spencer, Waehlnaton W H William*. do J Kenneth, MD, R Island J Slager, do U H Chapmen, do J A Read, Jr, New York R F Urguhart, Augusta C H Gordon, do J W Perkins, do LSyltnmar. do F Reich, Columbus Ga ? Sj < X ey L 'J 0 1 Ru-sseu, wife and 3 i ql B K *• ll ° children, New York D Skohan, do Mrs M J Hearns, Baltlm’e t do TGUeinegoetes po H G Wolfe A son, bo Capt Carpenter J J Rogers, do atr v« V a.i« Atlanta, Ga A Richardson. do 5 Col W IHiaulden, Geo T E Jacksonville c S Oorden, HUton Head . do GW Johnson, do W E tan Name, do J Gray, do J O llasa, do J Mitchell, Darien, Ga S . 110 B M Flelsham A Son. Fla T 8 Foster, *tr Augusta C Burghard ,i„ To \fS^lr PayVaA CamL|,bert P, 4*l K H y> R Pettis, lady A servt, c T Warthen, do - Dlll Tallahasse, Fla E Hale, Florida H mra° n ' |T W Allen, PhUadelplua 8 E Purdy. do |A Youug, E RDoane, do J E Rodman. KHorenrtetne. do Imh Ennis, W McCormick, Michigan P H Lee, J C Blanchard, do 1 PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 21. 1W LSCT R T Uazzard, New York 4* **?« L T S A C C Ellis, do " H lionelsou, MaJ L'SCT 1 p Slrns, A»at Eng U 9 V Capt M E Davis, 21 do H L Foster, Capt B G Rease, 21 do Daniel Cook, Capt H J Stone, 32 do Lt W R Elliot, AA Q M Col Oumesny, 26 do J B Duff, Ritcb, C S N George Watson, G P Lambert, St Helena J B Morrison, Michigan Lt M D Wells, Ft Pulaski J Heror, HUton Head B H McCruvy, Bt MaJ CSV T Wheeler, do L Scham&n, Savauuoh AUGUST 22. J F Partners, 8 Carolina A E Tavlor, 9AR O M TLCuthbert, do T A Salvo, GrahamvlUe.SC W H capon. Bay Point Capt O Lambert, StHelena J F Neville, do G 9 Cotton, Halifax, N 9 T W cardgo and wife, J DTousey, Florida C 8 O Leary, Savannah EJ Baker, do W H Root, do J McDaniel do L Struble, do J J Rogers, New York C 8 GoWon, do George H Cooper, Parry, Miss Monroe, Charleston F K Outs, Beaufort SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,) Aug. 21, Dr. J W Sparrow, H Head S L Moses and lady, TJ Saunders, do St Louis G Waterhouse, Beaulort L Moses, Cnarleston J 3Clark, do Capt w Laweler, I O VC W K Ramsey, USA Capt J Langhlln, do S L Harris, Post Chaplain, J L Moses, Augusta Beaufort AUOUST 22. J W Welch, USA CaptJ PCumminga. 0 S Larterman, do 104 D S C T J Herbert, Charleston Lt W H Warning, Beaus Mrs M A Brangan, do C E Mastui, do Capt F Goodwin. 56 Lt F K Onls, 21 U S 0 T Mass Vols ET Wright, Lexington C W Northrop, H Head Mrs C Esseltym, N Y Lt M D Wells, 103 U 8 C T Shipping Intelligence. Mlaature Almanac—This Day. Sun rise* 5 2»)Moon sets 8 56 Sun sets 6 34|Hlgh water lo 02 portoF savannah. , . k Arrived. WEDNESDAY, AUg. 23, 1860. Star Line Steamship Nevada, Carpenter, New York Brigham. Baldwin A Cos. g Rifohts. —August 21 —Passed Steamer America 25 mUe* south of Hattera*. . CoNiiuNEß*.—M Loenthal, MA S, J Simons A Cos, G H Bin«t», A A Solomons A Cos, M S Cohen, W E, Lovell A Lattlmore, J M Turner, E T Nixon, B F Lin stlne, W H WUtberger, J W Perkins, P Housber ger, Kedwane A Cochran, Jones A Catlltf, P In a dta rnoud, Keln A Cos, J Russell, Capt O W Castner, T Bateson, N L Smith, M S Meyer. J UUlUand A Cos, Jas King. Urey, Mullarky A Cos, OPhelbln, S In a diamond, w W Gordon, W Woodbrslge, Esq, Kln a diamond, W H Stark, J H Eckmau, M Newmark. T i Foster, U M Heldt, J R Sealy A Cos, A G Ybaues, E H Kerim A Go, W U Adams, W W Lincoln. J L vUlalougu, B Ues sett, C U Plateru, B Straus, N O Norwood, M Ferst A Cos, B aud B In a diamond, J H Zerhn A Cos, Brady A Smith, J C Schreiner A Sou, Erwin A Hardee, P Riley, J K Norton, Ives A Cos, H G Ruwe A Cos, G A Oates, John Nicholson, J Sullivan, George Oemeudcn, 1) O TUdeo, Brigham, B A Cos, C K Osgood, K H Tatem, 9 N Gray A Cos, K lu a diamond, M Lavlu, M Bey tagh. E U Smy the, George Wellbrook, Stuart A Cos, Ulltou A Randall, Thomas Mallory, J w Nlblo, James Doyle, J H Uerwy, 9 Farrclly, J E Hernandez, DeWltt A Morgan, James Leary, H Roberts, J Pepper, Hess A Uutuian, A M Scarbrough, K 9 Lurcomb, J C Maker A Cos, A Fawcett A Cos, Blun A Meyer, Sylvester A Corey, E Ehrlich, H Melnhard A Bio, E E Hertz, J W Perkins, Halsey, Watson A Cos, Bell, WyUy A Chris tian, Charles E Smith. U W Pease, E P Tunlson, W M Walsh, W M Davinson, Uaden A buckles, J Lama, Richardson A Barnard, P Hausbergcr A Cos, John MoMahon, Crane A Gray bill, W H Fuller A Cos, Tison A Uordon, 1 D LaHoche, L J Gllaiartln A Cos, H tiayne, Hunter A Uainmell, C L Gilbert, JAW Ruthenord, R E Grave* A Cos, H W Hollister, N B Knapp, M A Cohen, Weed A OoruweU, E Zacbarlas A Cos, J Schro der, H B Waught A Cos, C in a diamond, Seaborn A Uondall, LUlienthal A Kuhn, G A 9 E Koethcke A Cos, J U Mebrteus, Capt C E Smith. PassENUEKS.—H G Wolfe aud lady, O H Gordon, J r Burke, A N Wilson, Mrs W W Gordon, nurse aud 3 children, W M Davidson, L Cannon, T J Fester, Wm Kidd, M Lynch, M Leopold, M Haunlngtou, Mr Wag non. Mr* John Bohen, U Quthman, L Chapman, E W Uersej A Boa, J W Perkins, J Russell, wife and chil dren, H Rltch, R D Martin, L Sylvester. 9 Corey, J Davis, Jr, D B Camp, L C Norvell, E W Hanes, D sue han, c P Jones, B H Luke, T E Buckman, W A Reed, Jr, W W Gordon, A P Cherry, John Kenney, Mr Lane, J B Howell, Thomas E Benedict, A S Tlcberu, H L Schreiner, J Keneth, A Spencer, J M Case—22 In steerage. Steamer Union, Moody, Augusta, to J T Patterson, Agent, with 140 bales cetton to Brady, Smith 4 Cos, 50 bales cotton tu Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, 145 bales domestics to J L VUlalonga, and sundries to Agent. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Palatka, etc, to M A Cohen, PassSNGiRS.—G H Frost, J Watson, J Pickery, S H Wesson, W H Henderson, B Burghart, P W Flash man, D C Rodman and lady, M A Piles, E M McDon ald, W L Robinson, J W Stodmaker, E Russell, Dr C A Geiger, A Youug, E Uoustoun, E T Hayes, J T Mathews. Miss Bevllle, Misses Mathews, R H Sullivan F M Allen, E Haile, W Proctor, Misses Accosts, Mrs Summers, Mrs Brown, T Heywood, Mrs Heywood. Miss M Heywood, Miss Graudolpli, P H Lee, M H Euse, J Hilton, Mrs Wilkinson. Miss M E Davenport, U K Davenport, jr, J L VUlalonga. Freight.—4B bales cotton, 1 bale wool, and mdze te Erwin 4 Hardee. J L VUlalonga. 3 Dzyallnskl, and order. Steamer Augusta, Lawler, Augusta, with 46 bales domestics and 56 boxes merchandize to 3 S Starr, Capt and Q M. PassKMORRS.—Mrs Hay and 4 children, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Stoddard, Miss E Welsh, Mrs Harley and son. Cl.ared. Steamship Constitution, Greenmsn, New York— Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. PassKNQEits.—Mrs William Elliott and servant, Mr* A Kern, Mrs A 0 Refily, Miss D Ahem, Rev Peter Whelan, Rev William HamUton, 0 H Emerson. Mr* Mary E Danner, Miss T T. Prendergast, 9 B Shrop shire, S Wright, Mias W Korner, John W Qebblns and lady, WUUainKing, W R Tolies, two Slstersof Mercy, Mrs Teesfleld aud two chUdren, WUlet Rowe, F S Prendergast, Charles Baker, lady, child and servant, WUliam WUcox, Theodore Sounelkalb, A Ettlburn, W A Robinson, M J Levi, B Kohu, and 2in steerage. Extorts.—s*2 bales Upland cotton. 14 bales Sea Island cotton, 166 bales domestics. Steamer st Hslena, Cercopley, Beaufort. Steamer Samson, Denette, Darien. Ga. PORT OF PORT ROYAL, Arrlred. Aug. le—Sloop Fleet, Berry, Savannah. Aug 20—Scbrs Swan, Perkins, Beaufort; Elk, Allen, New Y’ork ; steamer Vicksburg, WUliam*, do. Cleared. Aug 21—schr* Yotktown, Woglorn, Baltimore; Swan, Perkins, Savannah ; Oramoneta, Ryan, do ; steamer McClellan, Samuels, N Y. PORT OF FERXANDINA FLA. Arrived. Aug 17—9chr N S Rue, Wright, N Y. Aug 30—Steamer Fountain, Caatner, Savannah. Aug 21—Schr Annie E Glover, Dascy, Port Goyal. Aug 22—C 3 Steamer Luulsburg, Dale, JacksonvUle. Cleared. Aug 4—Schr John LenthaU, Tuthlll, Jacksonville. Aug 18—Schr 8 W Smith, DUI. New York—ro*ln Bad spirits of turpentine. Aug 20—Schr N 9 Rue, Wright, St Augustine. STUART & CO., grocers, CORNER BULL and BROUGHTON STS. Havejuat received from New York, per steamship Chase, > large lot of CRACKERB AND BISCUITS, TWELVE DIFFERENT VARIETIES. For eale either by the Barrel or single Pound. PARAFINE (Coal Oil) CANDLES, GERMAN PARLOR MATCHES, i EXTRA GOLDEN SYRDP. sag‘23 3 Tobias, Hendricks & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND 136 PEARL STS., STow Yorß. Refer (o Octavos Cohen. au23 3m SAVANNAH THEATRE. GRAND DRAMATIC FESTIVAL, AUD Debut ot* two Bavan nah Ladies. THE Amateurs of SaraDnah would respectfully au nounce to tbeir friends and tbe public that'they will give a Dramatic Entertainment at Lhe Savannah Theatre on FRIDAY F.VEVING, AUGUST T.TH. The Performance conalsting of tbe Romantic Drama The Minerali, or The Dying Gift. And the Amusing Afterpiece of THE MIDNIGHT ROBBER, WITH OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Ail tinder the direction of thfapopular actor, MR. GEORGE C. BRYDEN, Whose performances during the past season have given such general satisfaction. For full particulars see Herald of Friday morning and programme of the night. ' aug24 VOXiltS’ GA.RTEM-, (Congress st., between Jefferson and Montgomery sts., j REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BT THI Savannah Orchestra, Prof. E. Ricuter, Leader, Refreshment* of the best quality aud in every variety. lmo aulO DRY GOODS A\D CLOT HI Mil. H. A. TOPHAM, 1.38 Congress Street, Savannah, Georgia. NO. T MKKCiIANTS' HOW, HU.TON HEAP. CALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to his superior Stock of MILITARY, NAVAL and CITIZENS' CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, REGULATION HATS, CAPS, and GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, For sale at the Lowest Market price. Additions to the Stock received by every Steamer from New York. Jn2l-tt Carliart, Whitford & Cos., manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 anp 333 Ueoapway. ooa. Worth Stbeet, 1 NEW YORK. T F. Caruart, I Henry Shafer, Wm. H. Whitford, j A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Wauenkn. Offlee of Payan A Carhart in liquidation. Jy6 3m RIDDELL & i MURDOCK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* In SUTLERS' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen** Furnuhino Goods. <to„ No. 5 Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, 8. C., W. O. RIDDELL. fjul3-tf| H. 4. MURDOCH. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Sow, Hilton Head. So. Ca. CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Bwords, Sashee, Bette. Kmbroiderie*, Boots, Caps Field UlaSßes, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1866. A WONDERFUL Invention for ladles. Unquestion- XV ably superior to all others. Don't fail to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing lull particulars every Saturday morning. jy« staw3m University of Virginia. THE next Session of this Institution (which was never discontinued during the war; will com mence, as usual. October 1. ISU, r >, and end July 4. 1800. The Institution Is organized into eleven distinct Schools, wdth as many Professors. Six of the Schools are Academic (besides that of Chemistry, which is also Medicinal;, four belong to the Medical and one to the Law Department. The College expenses, for the session of nine months, will be from $320 to $350, exclusive of text books; of which sum abont $2lO will be reqalrad on admission, and the balance between that time and the Ist ot April. For further information address the subscriber. H3T Po*t Offlee, “University of Virginia.” S. MAUPIN, aug23-eod2w Chairman of Faculty. WESLEYAN Female College. THE Twenty-eighth Annual Session opens OCTO BER 2d. 1865. The Faculty is complete. The rates tor the First Term, which ends December 31st, are as follows: .4 5 Regular Tuition in College Classes S3O 00 Regular Tuition in Preparatory Class 22 50 French, (optional) 15 00 Mnelc, (optional), with use of instrument 33 00 Board, including Wattling, Lights, and Fnel 90 00 To be paid in advance. In currency or Its equivalent. J. M. BONNELL. President. Miooh, Ga. au23-lawt6oct Fresh Lager Bier AT H. G. RUWES & CO., Every W o o lx.. ang'23 3 Building Lots for Sale. NOS. 37 and 38 Calhoun Ward, at corner Lincoln and Gordon street* near St. Paul’s Church; fee sim ple ; 67x100 feet. Price $3,000 cash, if sold together. Also, City Coupons, Railroad Stock, and Mule*. *Ug26-2 HENRY BRYAN. NEW GOODS. PER STEAMER AMERICA. Fancy and black cassimekes One case Fancy and Black Calicos Brown Canton Flannels Colored Belt Ribbons 100 dozLsdies’ White Cotton Hose, good quality H uck Towels and Damask Table Linen One case yard wide English Prints, 4c. For sale by aulO-6 DrWITT 4 MORGAN. SADDLERY, HARMS, &(’. WM. H. MAY, Sign of the Golden Saddle, CORKER BREAK AKD WHITAKER STS. DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And all klnde of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BEATING, PACKING, * AND— Stretched Leather Belting. -4100, - A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, inch ** MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS Urge end small; with or without Rocker* DRUMS, DOtlS, MARBLES CftMUkOEe, Ac.. Afi.togetKi with * full and complete selection of every article known In thU line of burinem. Thankful for poet favors, th* advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance «f the same. ang» 1 ts SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Rue Whitney A Cos., General Comminion Merchant*, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. »u 24 Brady, Smith 6i Cos., Commission and For warding Merchants and Manufacturer* Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bor. nard street. ang24 James heavy, COMMISSION MERCHANT Sole Agent for James Wallace's Celebrated Whiskies, Oms, Alcohol, Cologne Spirits, and New England Rum. No. 6 Stod dard'i- Building. Bay street. Savannah. au!9 N'. A. Hardee A Cos., COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS Estaui.isukd in 1836. Office No. 9 Stoddard's Row, aul6 Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchant*' aud Planters' Bank. Building. suit! MA. Cohen, a FOR MARLING and COMMISS'N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos , 89 Bay st. Bell, WyUy At Christian, AUCTION, GEN KRAC COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM. Scarbrough 4k Cos., Gaouzav lm> Com e mission Mfriomnt*. 140 Congress and 57 St. Jtuian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, &c. Erwin <k Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah, Go. \\ r in. H. Stark, Wholesale Grocer and Com v v mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coin and Bay street. ang-12 WINES, LIQUORS? &c. HG. Ruwe & Cos., * WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. SL Julian street aud Johnson square. Israel R. Sealy <k Cos., SOLK AOENT9 AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. FARRK CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Georgia. 207 Bay st., between Barxord and Jeffeiaon, au9 Savannah, Ga. Israel R. Sealy & Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, t ORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay at., between Barnard and Jefferson JLama, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Span • urn Seoabs. Fbenou Brandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tobacoo of all kinds. 191 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker At Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, 4c. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, W uolksa le and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dey Goods, at Cfipraw acnttcl Lou• Ju ices. ONE PRICE ONLY. P reader At Orff. DRY GOODS— Wholesale and Retail. John McConaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, 4c. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goons. Boots and Shoe*. Clotuino, Hats, 4c. 146 Congress street. GROCERIES, &c. t*. Si. Gragg At Cos., 102 Bryan street, Deal- O ers In Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS— Agents for Allen's WAIIOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer in WINES and LIQUORS. au!9 SS. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Flour, sug ir, syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats, Coin, Cow P. as, Finders, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. au9 M Ferst At Cos., w l o-eeale Dealer In Wines, Li • quo**, Seoabs, lam y Groceries, Candies. 4c. if,, Copgrees sheet. AF. Mira, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in a GROCERIES, FRUITS, 4c. Cor. Whitaker and Congress at. Lane Congdon At Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. R, Symons. HUton At Randell, WHOLESALE UROCERS, 193 Bay Street, arc constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete aisortment of GROCERIES In thin city EP. Deyo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, • Wines. Liquop.s, &o. 133 Broughton street. Robert Balfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 161 Broughton street. DRUGGISTS? WM. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGOIST, »ul4 Sourheast cor. Barnard and Broughton sis. New Drug House, Corner Congress and Barnard sts. _ J ACOB LIPPMAN, late Kino 4 Waring. Thomas M. Turner, DRUGGIST, Sonthwes' cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. A A, Solomons At Cos., * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. IF* Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BILLIARDS, &c. • flthe “Dive Oak,” corner of Drayton street and 1 Bay Lune. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SEGARb at Retail. DnnnA McMahon, Proprietors. qnl9 Toole 6k Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. Ao. Bronghtou st., third dour from Ball. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Trekkce Nuornt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, *c. 66 Bull st., opposite Pulaski House. §t. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,; by A. Stamm. Wholesale and Retail. None but OICE WINKS and LIQUOR3 aerved, FreeLnncU. CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER— WhoIrsaIi ami> Retail. MANUEACTCRER OT SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY or ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. \f Fitter.ld, aU. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIALER IS CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANDIES, etc., Ao., EW In any quantities, to suit Purchaser*. *l WHITAKER STREET. GAS FITTING, Ac. plumbing and Ga* Fitting, A . - Bt JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st., one door We.t of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gas Fitter and Pldmdeo, a and Dealer in Tin Ware, Uocen Furnishing Goods, Ac. 146 Broughton street. Weed 6k Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin Ware No. 169 and 161 Broughton street. 77 Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. 91 Bryan st., next io cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO. &c. Jacob Langsdorf 6k Cos., Wholesale Dealer* in fine Havana and Domestic Segars, Chewing aud Smoking Tobacco, Snuff) 4c. 171 Bay street, be tween Wnltaker and Barnard streets. aut4 FKolb. • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CH. I.opcz, Sesass, Tobacco, Snuft, Pi***, • " Fanut Articles, Stationery, 4c. Cor. Ball and Broughton eta In Constant, Importek or Domestic and Havana • Swabs, Meerschaum Fifes, Ao. Also, Wink*, Champagnes and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. ARCHITECTURE, &c. James C. Blance, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will strand to an call* on bus iness In the above branches. OT Office No. 124 Bay street, next to StoddordVßonge. and PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Saville di Leach, I BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cot, Bryan efreet aud Market Sqpare. Marking I ah, Man irr actcird and tor sole by DAVID U. GALLOWAY, - 36 Dtayton street. Att. Jf. N'tehoU. 7 U BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay et., between Aberoorn and Drayton. K 3 -B ,^si L Jo a M?^ i ic OTATION “ i _ No. 6 Whitaker street. IS. H*HALD*«>RHmNO OFFICE. Ho. 11l Bay street DIRECTORY -- CONTINUED. CLOTHING, H. A. Topham, 138 Congress street. Savan nah, and 7 Merchants’ How, Port Royal, 8. C., Dealer in Fine Ready Mode Clothing, Gents' Famish ing Goods, Hats and Caps, 4c. au?l PROFESSIONAL Dr. 31. Ri. Hnevd, DENTIST. .. Successor to Dr. E. Parsons, tork s’reet, near Court House, Savannah, Go. auto WATCHES. JEWELRY, Ac. U B* Jordan, Dealer in Watcues ami Jewelry, •* * A\ U VI “ »“d Plated Wake Fancy Goods, 4c. W atehes and Jewelrr Repairsd. 129 Congress st„ opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DRESSING, &e. _ pnlaski House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and A Bryau st. j Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shsmpoolng, M hlakers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soups, Cologne. Neck Ties Boa other Faucjt Aiticlen lor pale. _ FURNITURE. TYennis Fa Ivey, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. A-r New Work Mali, to Order. Repairing. Bell Panging, Ac., at short notice. 138 Broughton st. BOOTS AND SHOES. In Men'sTwomen 'a, vet d r Cl s, ?-®A 8 C,U ' Ser k l * “Ub Kid BOOTS and onOJiih, of all kinds and qualities. 152 CongreKssL, 4th door North or the Market. CV eo. T. Nichols, " RETAH. boot and shoe stork 111) Broughton st., 2d door from Bull. scrivenery: t * rr ' John J. Pnrtllle, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court) wUI attend to all Writings and business entrusted to his care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent. Jr., opposite Pulaski House. PHOTOGRAPHS. _ JT. Heading At Cos., • PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cor. Whitakur and St. Julian sts. Wilson’s Photographic Gallery, SOCTU-RAST CORNER BroVOIITON AND WIIITKEK 9t» ALL kinds OF PICTURKS KNOWN TO THE ART _sulß Kydtth in the Vkry Bret Manner, PAINTS, OILS, &c. John Oliver, House and Sign Painter. Dealer in Paints, Oils. Glass, 4c. No. 11 Whitaker street. q U g22 rphomas \V. Shea, * HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER: Dealer in Palnu, Oils. 4c. St. Julian street, old stand of Jno. G, Falligant. a ul9 CHINA WARE, &c. ED. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale and Retell. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, 40. Cor. Bay and West Broad street*. __ WANTED. TA6LE BOARDERS WANTED SUPERIOR lhducements are offered for * few Table Boarders. Gentlemen wishing for the above, will please apply at tbe corner of St. Julian and Lincoln streets, arst door on Casselßow. 6 aul4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIFTEEN CARPENTERS, to whom steady em ployment will be given. Apply to Jamas C. Blance, 124 Bav street, or on board steamer Amazon, at foot of East Bru-d street. auzi-2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY., FIFTY TONS ol Rags and Waste Paper. Th* HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool. Hides. Tallow, Grease, Metal*. Bottles, 4c., at the FOREST CITY MILLS. au4-tf Savannah. _ TO RENT. Offices to Bent. ONE Single and two Doable Offices In the second story, conveniently located on Bay street. Suita ble for Merchants and Lawyers, or for batchelora’ apanmeuta. Apply to »ug22 ts HENRY BRYAN. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE Apply st the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At Hilton Head, 8. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly FJtted Up* now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or business purpose*. For terms anply to W. 8. Sampson, Jr., Box No. 26, Hilton Head Post Offloc. or on the premises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 0 o'clock p. m. jo 22 COTTON, AC* COTTON GINS. THE EMERY PATENT GIN, VYHIOM FOM v Compactness, Eoonomy of Time, Space and Labor, Far Surpasses any other Gin ever before offered to the Public. rtpHS undersigned are prepared to furnish them at A regular rates, being the sule Agent* for Horace L. Emery, Patentee and Manufacturer Messrs. AMEB, PEABODY 4 CC... No. 162 Congress street, have the above Gin on exhibition. Sampka can also be seen at the warehouse of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., an26-tf corner Bay and Abercom streets. TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Alojtanclor Hardoo, COTTON SHIPPER, 19 PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rates, and —has opened, ON THE CORNER OF JKFFKRfiON A BAY STB. For the purpose of WEIGHING, ~ REPAIRING, , REPACKING, SAMPLING; CLASSING, "F- AMD -W A* 9 ■ • Shipping Cotton for the Public —AT THI ZjOWBBT RATOS, Furnishing Ink, &o. anl im BUTTER, BUTTER. CHOICE TABLE BUTTER at 36 cents per pound Cooking Butter, at 80 cents per pound. A large lot just received by steamer, aud for sale by E. EHRLICH, 3« Whitaker street. A liberal dirconnt made to the Trade. aul*-Iw HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, 1 I*2Division, Dbpahtmsxt o» Gsooeu, y -' Savannah, Aug. 22, 1866. J Ginfeai Osdixal No. 17. f , , Lieutenant Colonel R. P' York, 7ttli New York Vola., having been relieved rfrorn dnty aa Provost Marshal. District of Savannah. In order to be mastered ont with hi* regiment. Lieut. Col. M. T. Holbrook. 178d New Yoric Vote., 1* hereby announced as Provost Marshal. Dis trict of Savannah, Ist Division Departmsai of fitear gta, and will be obeyed and raepected accordingly. nr * „ Brevet MfJ Oen. JM. BRANNAN, Wan A. CouiTßt, A- A. G. AUCTION SALES. |Beil, Wylly & Christian. Bacon, Bacon, Will .ell at Private Sole, in lot* to suit purchasers, Prime Smoked Sides, Prime Smoked Shoulders. Canvassed Sugar Cored Hama ao'-'J-i By Bell, Wylly A. Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE, Avery fine new YACHT, 21 feet long, 7 feet beam, it half decked, and hat Masts, Sails, Anchor, 4c., complete. May be ten by calling on Mr. Carter at Thunderbolt. An early applicant will be able to purebaae at a bar. gala. ang23-2 Notice. PARTIES purchasing Goods at Auction muse re move them on d*y of sale, otherwise storage, 4c., will be charged. an23-W49 BELL, WYLLY 4 CHRISTIAN. jsifflWr SALE OF 0. S. FESSELS. WILL BI SOLD AT BAf POINT, PORT ROYAL, S. C., -A-t Publio Auotion f OH Saturday, Sept. 2, at 10 a.m. The following named 17. 9, Vessels, vt*.: Steamers CHATHAM and O. M. PETTIT, aide wheel, light draught, wall adapted for shallow rivers. Schooner* MAIL and SWIFT. Barit VALPARAISO. Sloop PERCY DRAYTON. Hall Os Ferry Boat ELLEN, and three Newport Sail Boats. TERMS—Oath in Government fund*; onc-eixth of the purchase money on the day of sale; and the re mainder In six days. The vessels to be removed Im mediately after the frill payment Is made. Tugs will be at Hilton Head, at » o'clock a. m„ of Sept. 2d, to transport to Bay Point persons who wiah to purchase these vessels. aul9-3 PIONEEE LINE FOR NEW YORK, Agta The u ' B - M *' l Steamship CHASE, M. L. Roe ers, will sail for the port on her regular day, Thursday, Aug. 94th, at 10 O’clock. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to BUNTEB 4 GAMMELL, •091 4 84 Bay street. Atlantic; Const Mail Steam Bliip Company. FOR NEW YORK, , The Firat Claas Steamship VERU- Tv,- NA, will positively sail on THURS iq-DAY, the 24th lust., at 10 o'clock, a For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to »ul» JOHN R. WILDER. FOR NEW YORK STAR mt LINE. BBMI-WBHKIjT. The first dies U. 8. Mall Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. Caimstbr. UNITED STATES, - Capt. Shark. AMERICA, .... capt. Cura CONSTITUTION, . . . Capt. .J The above ships compote the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO, Agents, t' Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, 17 Broadway, New York. TBE United States Will leave Savanqah for New York on Wednesday, 30th Instant. For Freight or Faeeage apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO., ggg Agsnto. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing* Vessels For Philadelphia. The splendid fast sailing Schooner 1 B. Williams, Oapt. rooks, Will have quick despatch for the above port. For Freight or Passage apply to CBAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., aug23-tf cor. Bay and Abercom eta. MERCHANTS’ LINE SAILING VESSELS FOR NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Barque Pawnee, Capt. Williams, Having a large part of her cargo engaged, will htve quick despatch for the above port. For Freight and Paaaage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., aug, ' a ' U cor. Bay and Abercom sts. MERCHANTS’ LINE Vessels. Regular Weekly Line or CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. 'I'UK undersigned Intend to koep np a regular week J. ly line of first class Sailing VeasdaplytiS bl tween Savannah and the above port, with snrarirar accommodations for and the verv hrSTf?* clHtle. for delivering¥SSht to g^ortSryitX^atm with promptueM and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding gooda from New York “ “ CHARMS L. COLBY A CO.. a ° lß cor. Bay and Abercom street* MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels For JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Cspt. Otoac B. reive cargo to a «°lw For freight or passage apply to .mo caS *- L OOLBY A CO., “ car. Bay and Aberrorn ate. For Augusta, ViiHE Light Draught Steamer VOLUNTEER win THDR3DAT AFTER tU* »etu 4 O'clock on day ESWBI A HARDEE, Agents. •n*® 8 * 2 Agent on Wharf. _ IHIPPM6L MERCHANTS’ line of Sailing Vessels. THEflne Clipper Barkß. B. WALKER Capt. L. B. ,v^l T s£?K'T i i 1 •* re ® d Y w reeffive cargo for New PiUDAV ' th ® lslh iaßt < “and will have quick Has accommodation for a few first-class passenger*. A W o to .. CHAB. L. COLBY 4 <». aulil » _ Cor. Bay and Abercom sU For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. T’HE LJghtDraught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS. X Capt. Phllpot. will leave Diflon's Whart, TMeaday morntag. 22d Inst., at 9 o'clock, and wifi ply regularly between Savannah and DoctortownTln connection with the Road, leaving as foilowB: SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. . DOCIGRTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Freight receipted for through to any Doint on Raft road between Doctortown and Thomiiuto Freights payable here. *• ERWIN 4 HARTffi* JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. augTt lm Agent on Wharf. 4 FREIGHT FOR MfiisTL RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. Joossow. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Enwoan Hillkb, Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf we are prepared to receive freight as above. Due uotice will be givon of the days of departure of each steamer. F ERWIN * HARDEE. * , JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. »“■» Im Agent on Wharf. FOR imm, TO LEAVE ON SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26th, The steamer AMAZON, Capt Richard Johnson, wm leave DtUon'e \\ harf, on Saturday evening, 26th Freight received at Warehouse every day ERWIN 4 HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. ftn ' l Agent on Wharf. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received et our Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at any time du ring the week. ERWIN 4 HARDEE ants lmo For Freight or Charter. T' H B fine Sohooner GEO. HENRY, 90 tone. V B JL Curtis, Master. Prefers chartering by the month de down the ooast or to the West Indies. Will carry 660 barrels, or 116 tons _ j weight. For inrther particular* Inquire of O. L. COLBY 4 CO.. aug!9-tf Corner Bay and Abercom sts. RAILROADS. Atlantic & Gulf Railroad XTOTICE Is hereby given that ah arrangement bet foJ tha° l>etwe ® n * STEAMER WM. C. GIBBONS and U>l* Company, by which Passengers and Freight will be transported to and from ‘ntomaaville and9a vannah and all Intermediate polfita. Goods will be received at any time during the week at the steamer's Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Acting President Atlantic 4 Golf Railroad. .nnOi GASPEBJT. FULTON. _. Huperlntendent, HERALD JOB FBINTIKG OFFICE, No, ill Bay Street. SAVANNAH, . GEORGIA. W* reapectftilly call the attention of the public to tbe facilities which we have for duing all Mi*, o, JOB PRINTING. We have THE best presses For doing aU kind* of work, and we keep them in good repair. We employ only FIRST CLABS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY, We have New Printing Materials From the Beat Northern Foundries, to which we an conetanrly making additions. We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, • .* , PLACARDS. HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAYBILLS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARR VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS^ BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS, BALLADS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANK SHI NQ BLANKS, Or any other kind of PRINTING—tn anv rrvLi. We have a Fine Assortment of Ink* ROB PRINTING IN COLORS. OBSESS BV BIIL OB EXPBESS Will receive prompt and carefhl attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all our work well, and to givw complete satisfaction to oar ciutomeie. OtJR PRICES Are se low as the present high cost of stock, mete, riel, labor and living will admit of, and are below * u - Increased rates which rule in other lines of bnsineea. 8. W. MASON A CO., Ui Bsj Street, Savannah, G«*r|t%