Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 28, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. MONDAY. AUGUST *«, 1805. Prospcrtlve Ktw Slat*-.. Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska and New Mexico, five out of the ten territories, may be expected to candidate before the next j Congress for admission to full sisterhood, it is only lately that the public attention has been sufficiently withdrawn from more ab sorbing objects, to take in the fact that during all me waste of war there has been a surprising process of growth going on in tliu remote West: a fact which has the most im portant political as well as commercial bear ings. Colorado has now only to torm a proper State Constitution to secure its ad mission : its population is variously estima ted some say sixty, others eighty thousand; even at the first estimates having almost doubled since the census of 1860. This pop ulation has mainly bean drawn to Colorado iiv the gold mining, which differs from that oi California in the comparative absence ot placer diggings;" quart;-mining is the busi ness of Colorado, requiring heavy invest ments of capital in machinery, and tending apparently to produce permanent improve ments and comparatively stable communi ties. The field there for quart7-minmg seem to be abundant; only the Pacific ranroad is needed to lessen the present great expense of transporting the heavy macbineiy trom the East Agriculture offers to emigrants the attractions of a productive soil in the valleys, and a high range of price l ''. Idaho and Montana, a vast expanse, are noth drawing population fast with the miner’s loadstone, and will each, it is thought, num ber near one hundred thousand inhabitants before the year ends. Nebraska is nearer, has been before the public longer, and is thought to have over fifty thousand inhabitants, gathered in a more steady way of growth ; a good climate and soil. New Mexico is old enough to come in as regards date of settlement, which was made by the Spanish in the sixteenth century. It has about one hundred thousand ■if population, about one third Indians. The next Congress will probably have on its hands, in addition to the serious problems which are already under discussion among ihe people, the question of admitting to our fellowship five new States; and States, more over, consecrated by nature to free labor. In the influence which these to-be-States may exercise upon our national councils, may be found, perhaps, one of the means by which our deliverence is to be effected from the po litical perils which threaten us.— Hartford (Conn.) Press. I .xtraordtnary Crime—A Man Waylaid, Robbed, and Thrown Over a Ledge of Rock*. About 9 o’clock on Saturday night, as a young man named Frank Halstead, residing in the vicinity of the Five Corners, Hudson City, was parsing down the long line of steps leading from the public grounds on Mount Pleasant, Berglu Hill, to the plank walk across the meadow in the rear of Jersey City, he was set upon by two highwaymen, who knocked him insensible with a club, robbed him, and then threw him over a ledge of rocks, where the poor man lay for several hours in an unconscious state, in a terribly bruised and lacerated condition, caused by tailing upon a pile of sharp and jagged stones, the refuse from a quarry. The facts of the case are as follows: ' About 6 o’clock on Saturday afternoon young Halstead, who is a nephew of “Uncle Tommy Weldon," who was the owner ofMount Pleasant, until it was recently purchased and fitted up for a public resort, and who had resided on the place with his uncle for a number of years, called upon liis friend Micky Free, the pedestrian, whom he invited to accompany him up to the old homestead to see how it looked since it had been fitted up for a public resort Micky accepted the invitatiou and the two spent a couple of hours at the grounds, du ring which young Halstead treated those present liberally with lager, getting a couple of five dollar bills changed to pay for it, and talking somewhat in a boasting manner of being worth a considerable amouut of money. At the time, a stranger sat near the company, but took no part ia their soi iable chat About 8 o’clock, Micky Free returned home and retired for the ni"ht, Halstead concluded to go home o the lie Corners by a sho er route. About 9 o'clock, the citizens along Newark-ave., at the oatskirtsof Jersey City, were startled by piercing and repeate'd cries of murder in the direction of the foot of the stairs leading to Mount Pleasant, and search was instituted but no person could be found who knew anything of the matter. On Sunday' morning, Micky Free, fearing thal harm had befallen his triend, proceeded to Mount Pleasant to make inquiries, but could team nothing further than that a bun dle and hat had been picked up on the steps, and upon their being shown to him he at once identified them as the property ot Halstead. Among other articles, the bundle had con tained a pair of new pantaloons, which were missing. Micky Free then proceeded to Halstead’s residence, and found him lying there in a terribiy bruised and mangled state, his head badly swolen and bruised, and his bodily injuries ot a serious nature, being blackened and lacerated, and causing him to raise considerable quantities of blood.— Halstead states that he started for home down tt e long stairway, when some person approached him from behind and knocked him down with a club. He quickly regained his feet, and ran down the steps with all pos sible speed, crying “Murder!" but the ruf flans again overtook and struck him a second blow across the side of the face, when he tell and became insensible. The ruffians then rifled his pockets of about $8 in money, and when he returned to consciousness about 2 o’clock in the morning, he found himself ly ing upon a heap of stones at the foot of a ledge of rocks some 25 feet high, where the robbers had thrown him. Being unable to stand from the injuries sustained, he crawled on bis bauds and a spring of water about thirty rods distant, across the New Jersey Railroad track, and, after bathing Ids Head and drinking the cool water, revived somewhat, when with great difficulty he made hia way home, arriving there about 5 o’clock in the morning ; and a physician be ing called in, and after being properly cared for, appeared much better 'during the day, but yesterday was much worse, and it is feared that the Injuries may terminate fatally No clue as to the whereabout of the robbers has yet been obtained, but every effort will be made to bring them to justice. ab Extraordinary Story. The London (C. W.) Frea Press tells the following extraordinary story about a man who was without food for three weeks, and who became a “living skeleton •" An American named James Ruth employed by our townsman, Mr. Hunt, at the Sells Mill in Southwold, left his work last iym Jul» for the purpose of returning to bis home m the States. On the same day he arrived at and dined in Fort Stanley, but finding no vessel there which answered his purpose he took the lake shore road westward, intending to spend a few days harvesting among the miners in the neighborhood Before climb ing the bank, he, being hot, resolved to re fresh himself by a bath in the ripling waves of Lake Erie. He lelt a little sick in the water, and the next thing he remembers is finding himself naked on the sandy shore, with a consciousness of having drank raven ously of water to assuage his great thirst.— He was a day or two getting on bis clothes; his skin was cracked on his face and other places, and filed with sand, and he was so weak that he failed many times in the arduous labor. of climbing the bank. This he at last accomplished °aly cu Saturday, the * 6th of August, when ha, unable to climb' a fence, made signs to two men in the field, who, un -ortu&teiy for him, bad come to make a bar bo?.t^omo Bbee P- The two peraons hn”?®* ™ cPher * on > farmer, and Mr. Blake, At first thev took the sol- X* . g / or ' oDle wandering luditn, but . doubts decided, as they saw him i be drunk or Injured, and 1 “ ?a fWolved to see what be was. tVhen they came to him, imagine their horror and surprise at the sight of a living skeleton— a veritable live shadow of death I This extraordinary case is to be accounted for by the supposition that Mr. Rush, who was a stout, hearty man, had had s sunstroke and an aitack of typhoid fever, during wbicli he in some way bad obtained water trom the lake, the only support except bis own flesh P» the demands of a consuming fever for seventeen days ? His legs are now, as Mr. Hunt has remarked, ‘like pipe-stems’: but he Is now carefully tended and cared for by Mr. McPherson, whose kindness will, we hope, soon restore this unfortunate mnn to health and friends and usetulne9s. Reported Oltkagk bv a New Exo lasd | Officer. —The Newbern correspondent »f the New York Tribuue writes as follows : In the town of Newbern lives a wor thy old black woman, who years ago receiv ed, from some friendly while family moving from the town, the present of an old sash ioned bat a large and fine mirror. A Major of a New England regiment, whose quat - : ters were in the neighborhood, had noticed J this showy piece of furniture, and, as hi® wife was about to make him a visit, begged ! its loan for the adornment of his room, with j the promise of its careful return upon the departure of his wife. Months passed, and no return of the looking-glass, until the old colored woman, learning that the regiment wa9 about to move, ventured to caU on the Major and bring his promise to his attention. Nov, mark how this Yankee Major honored bis uniform. He assured the old Auntie that he had not the most distant thought of returning the glass; that no nigger could have such an article of furniture unless she had stolen it; and, at any rate, the glass suited his purpose, and be intended to keep it. Upon lror pleading his promise, and' telling _ him of bis attachment to the article ns a present from a family to whom ahe was long attached, the honorable Major grew vexed and angry, and taking the splendid mirror from the wall placed It upon the floor, stamping upon it with his brute heels uutil it was a thousand fragments, mockingly told the old woman she might tako her glass home. She goes to the Provost Marshal witli her atory, only to be answered by the derisive laugh of that functionary and all bis clerks. A North Carolina Place.— A correspondent of the Cincinuati Gazette, writing from Danbury, N. 0., says: Danbury is In a hilly, almost mountainous region, extending a considerable distanoe eastward, and traversed by the railroad from Danville. It abounds in clear stream®, whose fringesof willow and alder, and mossy banks ovei hanging deep pools, are wonder fully suggestive of brook trout. In the edge of the town it a cemetery so old that none know Its origin, and the names and dates have become illegible. It It no longer used except as a browsing place for sheep. Two miles from the place are the Pied mont Springs, an i, as at the North, the sea son here is more lively than since the war began. It is a noted place for the State, and is crowded. But let no one suppose that any of the fashions or follies of Newport or Saratoga have penetrated this wild district. Going to “ the Springs ” means something very dif ferent here. It involves the use of an ox cart or a wagon to haul such articles as your fancy raav suggest, or you may be able to furnish from vonr home' down in the State, to one of the little ten bv twelve log cabins which you can hire here' and keep house in through the season, provided you can bring corn and bacon enough over the rough roads to last as long. There Is no hotel, and all are thrown upon their own resources. Chaplain Trumbull writes to the Spriug fleld Republican as follows about Jeff. Davis "For an hour each day Davis walks out on the brick pavement before the rows of prisonere’ casemates, or on the parapet above. He comes from his room attended by the iffleerof the day and followed Immedia ely by two soldiers of the guard with their rifles. Gen. Miles is usually present when he takes this Walk, sometimes accompanying him, at others sitting where he can watch film Davi9 has allowed bis moustache and lull beard to grow, they with bis hair being quite gray. He wears green goggles with wire gauze frames. His dress ts a loose yet well tilting suit of rebel grey, with a’ bioad briuimed, soft- felt hat. His step is firm and his bearing erect. There is nothing in his appearance to Indicate exhaustion of body, nor yet severe mental anguish. His answers to casual remarks of the officer accompany ing him are in a prompt and cheerful tone." North Carolih?— Newbern, N. C., Aug. 20.—Tue health of Newborn coniiDue9 good. There i9 no possible danger of the reappear ance of the yellow fever which visited this city lo3t season. Ordinary lumber is selling here for lorty dollars a thousand, notwithstanding heavy timber land can be purchased for five and and ten dollars per acre on the river bank?, a few miles below the city. The demand for bouse* is great, and the rents are so high that ordinary houses ou business streets pay lor themselves nearly twelve times a year. A French paper tells a story of a duel be tween two gentleman, who were so equally matched with the sword and pistol that they decided to tight with cigars, two ot which were prepared externally alike, but one was to be loaded so as to explode and prove mor tal to the smoker Lota were drawn and the weeds were lighted. After a few pufls, an explosion took place, and the duellist fell on his back. He was presently picked np, and with tbe exception of a blackened eye wa9 found to be unhurt. Thife seeondVbari only pnt in a little piece of gun cotton, and the effair ended as it had begun—in smoke. DrATH of Jesprr Harbiko. —Philadelphia, Aug. 21.—Jesper Harding, collector of in ternal revenue of the First Congressional district, and formerly publisher of the Penn sylvania Inquirer, died this moraine, at the residence of bis son, W. W, Hardtop. Chest nut Hill, aged G 5 Years. Mr. flarfling was the oldest newspaper publisher in this country. “Want to see Grant mighty bad, do you ?" said a blue coated veteran to the peo ple crowding aboard the cars the other morning, on their way to the capital to get aeouintatour famous general general.— “W-a-a-11, why In thunder didn't you come down to the front, when he wanted to see you, hey WattrvilU, Me., Mail. Eastern Virginia is overrun by horse thieves, who steal from farmers without res pect to their political sentiments. These gangs are composed of returned rebels, who have a well arranged system for running off stolen horses, and convening them at once into cash. The military authorities bare taken the matter in hand, and will probable restore order to that section. * A Scotch paper speaks of a fox having been seen trying a steel trap by means of a stick which he carried in bU mouth We knew a fox once that took a well-pole from the well and pushed a turkey off from the lower limb of a tree with it, and put the pole bacx in its place. At least he got the turkey and the pole was found all light in the morn ing. A note from Boston Corbett, who shot the assassin Booth, states that be is sick in the hospital in W'&shington, and has received no pay from the Government for five months and is in much need of it. Several chlrens here have contributed for his benefit. He 55? n< rt received the reward, or any portion of It, offered by the Government for Booth H ® o#t , on Kj® V®*® P* ace ® where intoxicating liquor is sold, but the State constables are thinning them out. Eight prosecutions were made on Friday, and a fine of $35 and costs imposed in each case. One man p*id but the rest appealed. Charcta Directory. rxfVAl’i/or the Intohunh B&tty CATaoue< hi: a, ii jo* Cathedra! of 8: John the Bnptlst-oortbeaat corner of Perry end Drayton streets.—Mass 0 1-* n. m., s 1-2 a Bi. dish Muss 111 1-2 a. to, Vespers Ap. m. Sunday School ! 1-2 p ni.: Stations oi the Cross: concluding with the Benediction «f the Most Biweed Sacrameut. Friday evening. T o'clock. Clergy—Right Kev. Au ,-n-tn's Verot, D. 11., Bishop of Savannah : J. F. (TNrU, Nr . Vicar General; Rev. Peter Dnfsn, Rev. Henry P. cinvreul. bt Patrick’s Church - southeast corner of West Broad and Liberty streets.—Rev. Charles Prendergast. Rev Prt. r Whelan.—Mass 8 1-2 a. m , High Ms— at lb l-C a. in. eco resTANT efiucopal curaruEs. Chr;«t Church- east side of Johnson Square, comer Bull and Congress streets—Rev. Charles Coley, As sistant Rector. Service at lbs. in.: Evening Prayer. t-2 p. m.: trimday rictiool4 p. m. St. John’s Church—west side of Madioou Square, comer Butt and Charlton streets— Rev. <\ K. Me Has. Rector. Service at in 1-2 «. m , 4 p. m ; Sunday School 9 a. m; Win. S. Bogart, Superintendent. Prayeis Wednesdays and Friday*, i p - m. METHODIST CIICBCHFS, Triniiv Church—west ode St. James Square, corner Barnard and York streets - Kc- A. M. Winn. Par tot. Servic luv a. in. and 6p. m, Sunday: Prayer meet jug, Tuesday Afternoon »t sp. m. Sunday school, at f. p rn. Sunday Aiternoon, Mr. C. t>. Huger*, sup’t. icruthAV curacut*. i Savannah I.nthereti Church—JSaai side of W right Square, eumr Bu.l and State rimer* Rev. 9 At. Gilbeit Pastor, service* at 10 1 t <i. m.; f. p. m. Sun day School 9 a. m.: JohuT. Tuomae, Superintend.*!. IkwvtreTbrrsdsye. 3 1-7 p. m. escseviEßiv* our scuba. Independent Presbyterian Church - Southwest cor nor Bad and South Broad street*-Kev. 1. s. K Aison, Pastor services 10 1-2 a. m.. S p.m. Sunday School oa. m.; John W Anderson. Superintendent. Seirhv Thursday aiternoon. nail let cutaiira*. Savannah baptist Church -West side of Chippewa. Square, eerier Ball and Hull streehe-Rev. flylvunn? landrum. Paa or, Seivtee 1» I t a. m and hp. re. Sunday School 4 1 2p. m.: George W. DavK Super intendent. Service 1 hnxsdays at p. in. HVtIBFW CONOaIIiATIONS. Miekva Israel—Northeast c rner of Whitaker and Utterly streets—Hcv. A. Epstein, Kepler. Service I'rldav, 0 o’clock p. m : Saturday, fit o’clock a. m. Boat Bertth Jucol 1 - Armory Hall building, Wcet side Wright Square, curlier Bull and State streela- Hervicea Friday. 6 o’clock j>. m.; Saturday, 9 o'clock a. ra. eoroßEii CHtcuna. First Afrlran Raptlat Church-Waat side Franktl* Square, corner Montgomery and Bryan street*-Rev \\ m ( ampbeil. Pastor Service 101-2« rtf., ' 1-2 and ■j p m Sunday School 2p. m.: Jamea Sim*, Super intendent: Charles L l>e LaMotta, Assistant Church Dundee Thursdays, 7 p. tn,; prayers Monday*. 7 p. in. Second African Baptist Chcrch-West aide Green Pquare, corner State and Houston streets—Kev. John Cox, Pastor. Scrvtc* to 1-* a. «n. f S 1-2 nnd 7p. m. Suuday School 2 1-2 P in.: Herman Eves, Superm toudeut: «tn. Gorgon, Assistant. Prayer* Tuesday* and Thursdays, 7 p. m. Third African Baptist Chnrch-Bryan, near Fahru street—Rev. E. Houston, Pastor. Service 10 a. m, U and 7p. my Prayers Mond,.y* and Thursdays,. p. m Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Mom gomery streets- Rev Isaac Brown, Pastor: Rev. Usury Taylor, Assistant Pastor. Service to 1-2 a. in., 3 1 2 and 7 p. tn. Prayer* Tuesdays and Thursdays. . pm. ni. Stephen’s Episcopal Church -West side Caihoun , Squat’—ltev. James Lay Reader. Service V* a. m., * p. m. . L’nlou Methodist Episcopal -New street, near Falim street. North Central Railroad Depot—Rev. William Bentley, Pasror. .Service loam., 5 »-k and 7p. m. Stinday School 12 1 2 p. m. ; Henry Bates, superin tendent. CUtIRCUES CLOSED. German Lutheran Church—Corner Drayton anil Gordon streets. Wealev chapel Northeast corner of Lincoln and South Broad sheet*. Peufleld'a Mariuers’ Chnreh—Bay street. South (tide, between Abcrcoru and Lincoln streets. First Presbyterian Church—East side of Monterey Square, corner Bull and Taylor streets. MASONIC. Solomon’s Low*. No. 1, meets first Thursday In. each mouth. R. T. Turner. \V M.; John .Nicholson, S. \V.; John Foley, F. W\; J. Holbrook Estllt. S. D.. H. L. Schreiner, J. IF.; James M. Jones, Secretary : Jame. Lachllson. Jr , Treasurer y.raiuu vm r Louie. No. 15, meets second Thursday In *arb month. Win. Gretno, W M.; David Thouip son, S \v.; Thomas Ballamine, J. W.i M. Retch. S u.; —— Stein, J. D.; John Houato , Secretary : Alfred j Havwood. Treasurer. Clinton Loose, No. 54, meets first and thirdMon dsvs in each month. 8 E. Bvck. W. M.; John Rattaer l,,fd, 8. W., Wm. Gibbons,vi. W.; P Hellaieun. ri.D.t si. Davidson, Treasurer. Arton-v* Lanovlvuk Lorsia. No S3.—No regular meetings daring the hm miner months. Edward C. llongb, W. M i Wm. F. Holland, 1 8. W.; J. H. De mand, J. W.. C. L. Hackett, ,3. D.t ,J. D Ua BoiACHArreiL No. 3 Closed for the summer. R T Turner, U, P Wm. Green*, K.; W. F Holland, 3 : David 11. Galloway. M. C.; J. Hotbrook EStill. P. q. John eolcy, M so V.; M. netrb, M. ed V.: U I, .Vhreiucr. -M. Ist V.; Thomas Ballantine. C. H- GeoeoiA Council, No. I.—Closed until winter q>DD FELLOWS. OsLUrucEre Lobov. No, 1 meets every Tuesday rvo nlng. at their hall. Bay street, over Nichol’a Printing OtUce Kobt, H. Footman, N II.: Charles F, Preston, V. G. Charles Gross, (secretary 4 ; W, J CUnjeuce, Treasurer. ilj,v . Live Oak Lonqs, No. 3, meets every Friday evening nt the soutnwest comer of Bull ar4 Broughton e tree to, 4th story. Robt M. Bnrthtlraess, N. G.; JohuHous ton, V. G David H. Galloway, Secretary; David Thompson, Truaeuier. l)Eh*t.u Lor.'-c No. », meets every Monday eve. ning, southwest comer ot Butt anil Broughton aireets, 4tu story. Henry J. Qaantock, N. G.; John Nell, V. G. ;C. C. Millar, river stary, C. p. l.auderahlne, Trea eurcr. Maonol ia Knoami kent, No.’ 1. meets 2d and 4th Wednesday in each mouth in DeKalh Lodge Room.— Davlu Bajley, C. P.; Kobi. Groves, H. p. i J. Hol brook list]ll, H- W. i Cha*. Grooves, riecretary ; James L. Uaupt. Trvasuier. HOTEL*. Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC', Tuesday. June 20th, 1865. THIS oc* HoW, situated on tbe most desirable spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, at liuda a fine view of tbe, Bay, Ocean, and sur rounding la'anile. Tbe scenery Is quite as ideasing and Interesting, in every respect, as tbo faxnou- \Va icnng place of Newport. R. 1., and Is altogether a* health ml a plar«* to the fuoftnuyr mouths, it has a tine bard rraoom beach, seventeen miies ioua, aflordiutf a more charm’og iirlv«* than the c<*tebriit«*d Beach ut Nahaut, Mass., and as fine ana bathing aa at that place or t ape May. The House baa over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sidea of uli the stories; the furni ture is entire:}' new, and the tables will be furnished with the treat that can be procured here and lu thu Northern mar kets. Every effo:t will be made to ren der the Hotel aU thatrbe most fastidious can desire. Billiard Room* and Sea Bathiug houaea will soon be ru readme** for guest? jc23 ts Port Royal House, HILTOJV HEAD, H V. RIDDELL A EVOG, PaomuTCsa. a. s. Mirnsii ss. r. ass«. W ATCHES, JEWELRY, kr. SAMUEL I\ HAMILTON. Attcresaor to Wilo&ot & Rkbmood., nr-iLiB sn '.*ATCUEe, SILVER'Vr ARE. iKWEtBY. CAKES. ctmxnT. Cofirm WstTAXts. Sr. Jcult *jsp Orsonas St* , SAVANNAH, QA Watrhes anil Jewelry repaired Chronometer* rated by transit. Cub paid for old Gold and Silver. auSS-tf MTU RIVER iURtCDLIURiL WORKS. QEiFFINQ, BBOTHER A CO- PaovarlTOl*. 6$ *»r> CO Corfinanv Brasov. NCW YOKE. Manufacturer* of Flows, Harrows, Cultivators. Cot ton Sweep*, Corn Mill*, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every Implement wanted by the Planter, Alao, dealers in Field and Gardes Seed*. Also, Agent* for Braun's Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for rtrenlar InWl 3m HEADER* SUu-t>B>TKK.‘i' OS’ uttaAtSitus..' favanuoU. Ua,, August *4, 15*5. OanaasL Obcqs,) c*pt. it. A Parkinson, jsSd Regiment, N.?■ VoU i* hereby announced a* Street Commissioner city of 3a v aim all Ha will be obeyed and rr*petted accordingly By command of Bn Brig. Gan. DAVIS. ■Ta H. Feu, A A. A. O. aust comnmow mcHAm, o. Lavi M Chprcuili. J. K. W. Joassio®. CHURCHILL I JOHNSTON. Dry Groods, ANTI GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTiI AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, *23 3 BROAD STRKKT, OveratTE Moaovio Hall. AUCUSTA, CEORCiA. Will give prompt aud personal attention to all CON SI GAM HATS THEY MAI BF. FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. References in Hsvtnnah—Mt*esr«. IfeWftt & Mor srsa, Beil, Wylly A : J. T. * €o. j N Lyocu E*q. *' Mordecai & Co commission a shipping jikrchants N. £. CORNER OF GAY AND LOMBARD BTS , Oppsrite the Custom House, nATXM O 11 E . THE undersigned have established a Honee In this eity, under the style of MORDKCAI * CO., fct tb<- purpose oi mrrying on a General Coarafisaton and Shipping Bqitnaas DAVID MORDECAI J. RANDOLPH MORDECAI. Advances made on eocalgnm uit to the honse of Mordecai <2 Cos.. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, August I,lS<>s, _ anlll-fl JACKSOJV Jk WARROUK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. Consiganjerits eollcitei Personal attention glvut to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. x aulh-lm TO SHIPPERS OF 10T1ON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BO W MAN, Snoceasore to Hotchkiss, Pentter 4 Bennett. COMMISSION MSB CHANTS, No. 40 Veatv Rrarirr, „n> Yowl And Memphis, Thru. Tsomas Fkknfe, Hilnsv BiuNrrr, D. W. Bow* vs. Jy« on* CHAjS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission amt Forwardtug MKRCK A W T K . AONVa SLOCK, CORMKB H.VV ANL AijESOr-UN BTSKXT SAVANNAH. f5 A. LIBERAL CA $ H ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Courr, of New York, or to our friend* in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. RKKEBENUKS; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A <!(>., Kew York. Jarlve Blade, Ksq„ New York. Hon. .1 W'Qey Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby. Ksq.. Boston. an 18—U Low is* L. Jones, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. A’o 17 Broadicav, Kao York Liberaladvanoea on Shipments to above Conalgn ment. made by HUNTER * GAMMELL. Agents Pioneer Line Bicamohips, *S Bay Stri’.’f. Savannah Raferenreln New Y ork— Mesdrs. Sporroao, Tiijhton & Cos. Kyvc :m« Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Dnaae, New York, 3 slut 11 Hanover St., Baltimore, DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Libera: advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Oanaburgs and Y'arns._ jyls L. J. ditllmartiii & Cos., GENFRU COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 148 Flay Js»treot. (Oppoulto the Cltjr Hotel./ SAVANNAH, G a PARTICULAR e.teutlongiven to procuring and filling ,rder« for Hard pint Timber andLum ber, Cotton, wool. uid,-«. ac. i. j. oon.vtßTis. John g, w. naeMMan. aul: Im CEO. R, CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bbosd SrassT. Avansr*. Ga. JuSO sm Tobias, ilendii k» & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STS., Now York: Refer to Octavns C-ben. fttt 23 lm EDWARD C. LLT.RIEL A CO., . Btl s . Commission Merchants, BHoaxms, ANDINSITRANCE AGENT’S, Macon, Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. EJ*WARD C. LKOfUtL, > oe«. o PBsiMkM. f tng2s lm James B. Cahill, GROCER and COXMMSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA, Q\. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTToN Purchased and Bhipped. bought and sold on Qo’aml.alon. Will also take Agencies for tie sale of any Garda and Merchandize required In the Southern market J}tl2 8m , NI. J, SOLOMONS, “ Commission Merchant, VITILL attend to tic Selling or Receiving and For- V t warding all kinds of Merchaadiee. i'rodn*.-, Ac office for the present at the Dreg Store of J. M. Abrahams 4 Cos. aoR-lm Mi S. SUHIHIS & DO., Forwarding and Commfesion MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL fUMTJHN IN Dry Goods* Groceries, Ac., SOS 1 AND ? SAMMIS- BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. »0. 6. &A.XYIB- ED. G SAMMIg. CUES i., X'.THSB |f J. SHAFFER, Oonun 1 —lon XleaaXer Ktoßocs - Oppoaite 143 West at- Bulkhead between Barclay and VT Vaeey ata, NSW I o B X Potatoes, Apples and Onlona constantly on hand, and pat ap for the Southern market All consignment. promptly attanked to. pr Ref-ra to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. .1, Walsh. and 3. Q. Parson*. JH- ■' t ». —siy HENRY BRYAN, Bcvis Smart, xtxr to Mmobaxt*' arm PiAVtam* Baat Uvuoaxo, Srokor and Ciwnmtirioo Afoot ro* aaj.a asm iwadunnor STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac, And for Forwarding Cotton tnu Sme - ■ ■■ ■ — — SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening rSUNDAYS EXCEPTED] A'/ wo. in bat mm, BY S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PI BLISHER.S IS TO ISSUE A Live Dally Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy a* being of a* great Importance a* enterprise In promring information The Baasi-n Staff embrace* a MMC CORPS or EDITORS AMD REPORTERS, Including several writer* long and popularly known «a connected with the Soothers Press, It also hat Speoial Correspondents at All Prominent Point**, Who are Instructed to spare no expense In pttxuring, authenticating and forwarding all IHPOBTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mail, Eipress, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the carlhwt possible moment Es.bedal attention Is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DKPARTMENTB, -s AJVtI TO Shipping inteHiffenre, Hotel Arrival*, and the Coart Record. AVOimNO POLITICO, Aa ont of It* province at present, the Hxut n strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to supptwt the true Interests of the re united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA. And to discus* all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which Its opinion, rotdd have but little weight TBE ENLARGEMENT OP THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity es Miscellaneous RerAing Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary. SclrntUUc and Commercial sub jects, so that In all respects 1 1 la a desirable Journal for tbe FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS *VT> Bspec ienred Mall and Delivery Clerks Are empioj ed, and either Bdltlon of the Hkeadd will be deli vered promptly In Savannah, or for wrrded to any part of the world, on the following T £ B M li» : SINGLE COMf-w «c- ONE WEBS 30c. ONE MONTH. $ 1 W ONBTK4B 10 00 PER UUBIDRED . 360 EXTRAS Axe tssnod 1 . whenever Intelligence 1* received of nffl •lcnt Importance to warrant It. ADVERTISING TERMS > Two Doilßrapav tqiiM (occupying • apace of ten lump. Vellj for tb* Br*t IbWWRB. —* » P*T square for Hack subsequent on a A LIBERAL DIS COUNT Win for wade on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or tbaaa CSSMSTSD FOB A LONG flKl The HkmatnU , & J tMTAIXBD AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM t Haring a feu-gc ett culattoa in tba city, and Uuoagbnnt the State, for Florid*, South Carolina, the South Atlantic Squadron wad thi > North, drculatteg more or leaf IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. SabacriptooMAf Advartlaeiaents may be *t by matter rtpraaa to 8. W. .SEASON ft 00., PUBLISHERS, So- 11l Bar Btreat. Savannah. G* SAVANNAH^ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION liar Whltury <k Cos., General Commi-sion . X Merchants, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. un-f Drady, Smith A Cos., Commission and For j -Ls warding Merchants and Manufacturer* Agents, Bay street, north aide, between Whitaker and Bar- j Hard street. ang2l i James Lravy, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent Cor Jamea Wallace’s Celebrated Whiskies, Gins. Ahoho:, Cologne Spirits, and New England Rum. No. 6 Stod dard’s Building. Bay street. Savannah. auth NA. Hardee A Cos., • COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS Established id 1536. Office No. 9 Stoddard’s Row, an Hi Savannah. Oa. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank. Building! aufi MA. Cohen, • FORWARLINO and COMMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Rome Ins. Cos , 59 Bay nt. Bell, Wrlly A Christian, AUoTION, GEN KRAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM. Scarbrough A Cos., Gaeocßt axd Com • mission Mi bohvnts. 14>> Congrets and 57 »t. dorian si:- Highest market prices paid for Uottoc, Wool, Beeswax, etr. liberal Advanceson Cotiou. Ac Erwin A Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street Savannah, Oa Wm. H. Stark, Wholesale Grocer and Com mlselon and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coin street. \\TnEB, LIQUORS, &c. HO. Rawe A Cos., • WHOLSSALK DEALERS IN LIQUORS, ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian struct and Johnson square. Israel R. Scaly A Cos., SOLE AOENTS AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Georgia. 207 Bay su, between Larxaid and Jefferson, an 9 Savannah, Ga, Israel H. Scaly A Cos., WHOLESALE DE ALERS IN’ IMPORTED WINEB, A OBOIALri, BRANDIES AND SEOAHB. sn9 207 Bay at., between Barnard ;ind Jefferson Jlaaia, im[«jrter and Wholesale Dealer In Svan • isu ritoAGs, Fbkscii BaANiuiA Winks, Wuiskev and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker A Cos., Waouwi add Retail Dk.iubin DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac , Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale anpßitailDcaicb in Staclb ano Fanct DavGoontt, at L'trpifce- Uf/itm /ot o J T/oea. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress street. P reader A Orff. DRY GOODS—Wholesale ano Retail. John NeConoghy, ~ DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ad. ICO Briuighton street. Samuel M. Ledrrer, Jobber and Retailer of Fanot and Stasi.f Det Goods Boots and SnoES, Clothing, Rats, Ac. 14C Congress street. GROCERIES. &c. O. W. Gragg dk Cos., 102 Bryan street. Deal (s era In Fine uROCERIKS and I’HOVISIONS— Agents for Allen’s WAIiOE BITTERS Licensed Dealer tn WINES and LIQUORS. aal» SB. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for gate, . cheap, Flour, Sugar, syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats. Cm n. Cow P.-aa, Pindars, Potatoes, Turnips, Oulons and Cabbages. *u9 MFcrst A Cos., vt I O.esalf Dealer in Wist* Lt a qioas, Seqark, Fam ' Groobuks, Candies, Ac. if, a Cougrees street. " AF. Mira, Wuolesaic and Hetail Dialkx In a GKOCERIEri, FRUITS. Ac, Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane pongdon A Symons, L W HOLESALK AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Jnllan sts., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton A Ruudell, WUuLESALK GROCERS, 193 Bat STaitr, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of QROCERIEB In this city. EP. Deyo, in Choios Familv Gbocksies, * Winck Liquoiis, A- 1 . l»a Broughton street, Robert Balfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 101 Bronghton street. DRUGGISm ~ WM. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, •at 4 Sourheast cor. Barnard and Broughton a:«, New Drag House, Comer Congress and Barnard sts. JACOB LIPPMAN. late Kino A Wabino ffthsmss I*l. Turner, 1 DKUQGIST, South we. cor Barnard and Broughton sta. A A. Solomons A Cos., - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. GP* Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BILLIARDS, Ac. The Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SKGAKo at Retail. Dunn A McMahon. Proprietor*. »n!9 O’Toole A Cos.. . BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINKS. Ao. Bronghtou at., third (fijorfrom Bull. Billiard Saloon. By WALTER O'MEARA. ALE?, WINES, LIQUORS, Ao. Bay street, uver Express Office. Union Shades. Tranuca Ncgknt, Proprietor. ALBS, WINES, LIQUORS, sEOAKS, ac. (13 Bull st., opposite Pulaski Honsc. Qt. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by O A. Bta.v.v. Wholesale and Hetail. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lnncb. CONFECTIONERY. JK, Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WuoIesaIz asd Rktab.. MAStTAOTtmra or SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND PINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KtriW. 14C Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. Fitzgerald^ • WBOIESALa A!*U tXXAtI. iwaleb m CIDERS. LEMON, STRAWBERRY a»» RASPBERRY sykups, candies, ao., ao., gar in guy quantities, to suit Pm chasers. z*n VUItUIB STKFVT. GAS FITTING, &c, niumblag a rut Gar Pittlag, A Br JOHN 11. CULLEN, Broughton su, one door We t of Barnard. WH. Wllllama, u.s fimi art Pistuwrt, • and Dealer lu Tin Watt. Hoes* Fv*.iisbxmo Goon*. Ac. I*B Broughton street. ttTMd dr Cornwell, W Wholesale Dealers In Hannwans and Ti? Wear No. 16* and 151 Brougliton street, T 7 Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. •J 1 Bryan at- nest to cor. Whitaker. SEQABS, TOBACCO, &c. Jacob Laugrdorf dr Cos,, Wholesale Dealer* In fine Havana and Domestic Segura, Chewing and smoking Tobacco, Snuff. Ac. lit Bay street, be tween VValtaker aud Barnard atreeta. au’l4 Kolb. • SEQABS, TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market CP. Lopes,, Tosaooo, Susvr, PSMS, # P’*3«T Aat tours STATtOHIBT, AC. Coe, Bull and Broughtoa ate. IN Constant, I*r as era or Doxaano aho Bat ax* ' ■ Baoaas, MaaanoKac.a Ptrta, Ac. Also, Wins*, cuanraoira* aadotker-Uquora. Ball street, oppoaite the Poet Office. ARCHITECTURE, &c. James C. Blanc*, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draughtsman, will attend to all call* ob bus iness la the above branches. BT Office No. li* Bay street, next to Stoddard's Usage. sub PRINTING/STATIONERY, &c. Sarfllr dr bsck, BOOfiaKLLEKS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Wyan street and Market Square Marking Ink, StanfiracTCaan and toraale by DAVID H. GALtOWAV, • » Drayton street. /Veol fi. Nichols. “ UT BOOE AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st„ between Abercorn and Drayton. E. No. 6 Whltakor atreet, S* W HSRAitfj ob 'Printing office No. lit Bay atreet. DIRECTORY - CONTINUED, CLOTHING, H* A ; Topham, 13S Congress street, SwrarT nob, and I Merchant.’ Row, Port Koval, S. C Dealer In Fine Ready Made Clothing, Gent*’ Furnish’ ing Goods, Rats and Caps, Ac. an .jj PROFESSIONAL. ——v:.~ „ -A- Dr. X. M. rin eevl, DENTIST. , _ SlcokssobtoDb. E. Fabsons. York street, near Conn House, .Savannah, Ga. uulu WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FU. Jordan, Dealer in Watch a BDd v, • Bliva and Platkd W*ni FancvGooS af 1 Watches and Jewelry Repaired. C " 129 Congress et„ opposite the Pulaski Honse. HAIR DRESSING, &c. ' PaUaski House Barber Shop, (cor. Ba’l and Bryan st*.j Shasteg. Hair CutuSg. tJha mowing vvnlakere Dyed, Ac- Fancy wmpa, Cologno, WeGsTi« and other Fancy A, ticJec tor sale. 4 furniture hanging, Ac., at sho.t notice 0 1^ BOOTH AND ,SHOEa ~ A’^ndthUdren?*,?•, In Men’s, Wenim’^ FE^7w'.i C “ C ber e e *“d Eld 800 1 a and .faWKS, of an kjads aud (iUttliuea. la - Congress bl, 4th dour North of the M-i,.. Geo. TeNiehola, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE Uu Bronghton at., 2d door irom Bull. bciuvenery. 1 **’ FovtUle, Hate Recorder of the Second Provost Court; Will attend to alt Writ: „ ?rT Nnl U nTf t ‘ ,r,l " ted Nugent, Jr„ oppos.te Pulaski House. 1 __ photographs. ~ JT. Reading A Cos., • PMOTuuR iPUKRS, Cur Wh,t.:k r and Bt. Julian sta. W^i son, * ** hoto graphlc Gallery, ’ * T Soctu-xast COBNanßaui'c-HTON and WiinrrE 8r« A^',k INUS o OF MCTURkS known lO TH “/St T »> V. itt> Bmt Mannkr PAINTS, OILS, <fcc. Tohh Oliver, House and sign Pajnter Dealer in Paints, Oils, (lisa-, Ac. No. 11 WbUatw l!Ueet - augie Thomas W. Shea, * , HOoriE AND SIGN PAINTER: Dealer u Paint:, o,U. Ao. 9t. Jaihm street, old stand ot Juo. U. Falllgant. nv.iy UJiiiNA. WAKE, &c. Ij> U. Smvt*. QUEENSWARE, GtAbS aSw CHINA, at Wdolevale unu Retail. SODA WATER John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE. CORDIALS SYRUPri, Ao Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. HEAL RSTATK. ULIIBLE efue LOTS ro&sa it a . FRONTING ON THE PARK, The Most Elligible Building Lets in the City. CONSTITUTING AN ENTIRE BLOCK. THE undersigned offers for sale seven fl) Building Lots, fronting on the Park. Bounded aa follows North by Huntingdon street. East by Whltsker street snd Forsvth Piaor South oy Hall street. W**t by Barnard street Lots known in the plan of the city as Nos 1, 2 3 4 5, b anil 7, Forsyth Place and Ward. . ERWTN * HARDEE, Hay «orec:_ A RARB OXk'AWOll' FOR INVESTMENT. YEriU, be sold at Public Auction, in the city of ▼ V Savannah, on the sth day of September next, without reserve: The mill nite with Sawmill thereunto belonging, sit uated in the county of Chatham, Mate of Georgia, about nine miles the city of Savannah cm the Ogeecbee Canal, together with all the m., chines, fix tures, building* onthouses. stables, Ac- Ac. The site of the mill contains nine acres of land with very capacious back water. Ibe Ogeechee canal be mg In the course of reconstruction will be finlsbedlua abort time, when lumber tan be rafted to and from points on the A. A G. K. It, and the city of Savannah, and will thus afford better facilities for rafting than any other mill In the State of Georgia. For lurther particulars apply to M. J. cOLOMoNS. auijS-ta SAVILLE & LEACH, STATIONEny. TIMBER CUTTERS* BANK, CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MAR KET SQUARE SAVANNAA, GA. The trade supplied at the lowest Cash P rice*. Every variety of Stationery for office And general nße - an 19 STATIONERY. Os |A REAMS Superfine Gommc-rcl U Note Paper, wC-cYx pounds to the ream, at the very low price ottst 60 per ream. Also, a large variety of other Papers, Envelope*. Pens, Ink, Pencils, Ac. For gale by % 3AVILLK A LEACH, «ul? cor. Bryan street and Market Square. And Merchants' Row. Illituc Head. S. C. OFFICIAL—SI B-DIST. OF OGEECHEE. HEADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECBEE, Savannah, Gs- August it, 1308. Gccxnu. Oactssl No. 2S. J Hereafter no Cart*, Wagon a or conveyance* of any kind will be allowed to assemble In the vicinity cf the Public Market except during Market hours. No goods of any kind will be exposed for sale la the vicinity ol the Public Market except durlug Mar ket hours. All persons found violating this order will be snm marlly dealt with. The Provost Marshal Is charged with the execution of this order. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. JWm. H. Folk, A. A. A. U. anglt HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, > Savanaaff. Ga„ Aug. », 15(16. J The following order Is republlabed for the Informa tion of all concerned - GfiNEBAL OBDEfi, > No. ?0. } Hereafter and nntil further orders all Commission ed Officers of the United State* Army visiting this city will be required to register tbelr name* at these Head quarter*, stating antnorlty and length of absence. By command of Bvt Brig. Gen. DAVIS. (Signed} J. MULiI.N , a. A. A. G. Ail Commissioned Officers not on doty at this Post will report at these Headquarter, and show by what authority they are In the city. By Command of _ „ _ , Brevet Brig. General E. P. DAVIS Wx. H. Foix, A. A. A- G 7 anSS - - I ■■ |,| HEADQ’RS DISTRICT OF SAVaNNAH, I _ Ist Division, DE?*BTJIE*T OF GtOMIA, r _ . v Savannah, u»„ Ang. *6,18«8. t Or poo, | In compliance with orders from the Major General Commanding Department, all United state* arms or accoutrements In possession of white or col >red per sons In the District, not United State* soWie.e, will be turned over at once te the nearest Provost Mar shal of the respective Sub-District*. Vho will forwaM such arms with report to the Ordnance Officer District of Savannah, at Savannah, Oa„ on the last day of each month. All peraons having such arms or accoutrements In tbelr possession, foiling to comply with this order be fore the Ist. day of September, 1805, will be arrested B, Qonerlll j M bBANNON Witt. A Cotn tra, A. A Gen. ao?6-t COPARTNERSHIP NOTION. THE undersigned have this day entered Into Copart nership to Carry on Stevadersgc, Drsyage, Stor age aud Commission busts***, under the some of n w.-A'S,-,* Affjgteia* T. A. QOODWW N. B BBOWN- Saraanph. G*.. Angtat 21.19*1. shSUffi