Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 29, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. TUKSDAY. AVGUST ISf.J A Tra-Wlvfd Man llontH I'ummtt. Hukidf In Hi* tell |From the Collar Fall* (I«wi) Gazette.) Last fall there appeared in this citv one Frank N. Case, agent for a mutual are in surance compauy. located at Madison, Wis consin He represented himself as a single man, and paid his addresses to the daughter of an esteemed and intelligent family—the name of which w omit by special request. The parents did not favor the suit, Case be- j W almost a stranger, and Ins age, neatly fonv was deemed unsuitable to the young maiden of scarcely twenty years However, he succeeded in winning the girl’s affections, and she viewing him through the roseate hue of her girlish love, with her guileless, unsus pecting nature, believed him all that her fan cy painted him. The parents being deter mined to prevent the match, availed them selves of a temporary’ absence on the part ot Case to send the girl to friends at Strawberry Point, Delaware county', to get her out of the way On his return. Case, by some means, learned her whereabouts, when he immedi ately sought her. The result was that the voun'T girl, awav from home and the loving - care which would have saved her, yielded to the specious pleading of on artful villiac, ana consented to a claudestinelmarriage, which was effected at Delhi, in this State, on the 20th day of Aptil last. , , . Soon after the marriage. Case and she who supposed herself his honored wife returned to her parents atthis place, who, seeing that further opposition would be useless, received them kindly and cordially. So matters pass ed on until a month or six weeks ago, when the lather of the lady was informed by a citizen 01 this place that Case had a wife living in Wisconsin at the time of his mar riage here. As might be expected, this in telligence fell with crushing weight upon a family whose good name was above reproach, and no one of whose members had ever suf fered even the shadow ot dishonor to tall ou their domestic hearth-stone. The father im mediately began investigating the matter, and found the information but too true. Cau tiously' he went to work to collect the evi dence, having obtained which, he had Case arrested the early part of this week, He had his examination yesterday before Justice Crosby .1. B. Powers »ppeanug for the State, and A. F. Brown conducted the de- The facts developed in the examinations, and learned from other reliable sources, prove Case to bit a villain of the darkest dye. It is satisfactorily .ascertained that lie married uot less than five different women in \ er roont, and contiguous States, before com mencing his career in the West. At one time lie was pay ing his addresses to the sis ter of a lady now liviog in this city, and she was about accepting lnm, when at th» advice of friends she wrote down to another part ot the State where he had been living, lor the purpose of inquiring into his character. Ihe answer returned was that he had a wile liv mg there, and two or three children. A happy circumstance it would have been for the unfortunate girl whom be dishonored here had she taken the same precaution.— Since he has been West, Case lias marred no less than four other women, and we under stand that at the time of his arrest, he was intending to marry the fifth one, a young lady residing in this State, not a great dis tance from Cedar Falls. He was arrested of course on the charge of bigamy. The plea of the defendant was a novel one, remarka ble for its barefaced shamefulness, its un qualified acknowledgment of heiaeous crime. The defense was his : In 1800 Case married one Lenora Cady, who, he says, deserted him. Shortly after ward, he married Hannah Sutherland, the only daughter of a wealthy farmer of Green county, Wisconsin. Some time after this marriage he procured a divorce from Lenora Cady. He now claims that he did not com mit bigamy in marrying the lady in this place, because Hannah was not his lawful wife, he having married her before he had procured a divorce from Lenora. He ac knowledged that he had committed bigamy, but it was in Wisconsin and not in Iowa; therefore the court had no jurisdiction in the case, and should discharge him from cus tody. The prosecution offered in evidence a certified copy of the marriage certificate, showing that Case had been married in legal form to Hannah Sutherland, and ns the mar riage with the lady here was also proved, he clearly stood convicted of bigamy, and was held to bail in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for his appearance at the next term of the District Court, in default of which he was committed to Ibe county jail. There is no doubt but that Case was divorced from Lenora, and not until after he had married Haunah, as he had a certified copy of the diverce bill in court, but it being not properly authenticated, it was not admitted as evi dence. was a scene of thrilling interest when Case's last victim came into the court-room. So overcome was she by her sense of the de giading and humiliating position in which the was placed, that her emotions well nigh overcame her, and she had to be supported by her aged mother, Who accompanied her. It was well that she was not obliged to go on the witness-stand, for we do not believe she could have passed the terrible ordeal. As soon as the mother saw Case, she shook her fist at him, and exclaimed. “Oh, you in famous villain! If I had a pistol 1 would shoot you dead on the spot," and the clenched teeth and flashing eyes ot the injured mother were a guarantee that she would not have been slow to execute her threat, had oppor tunity offered. Case sat there with a sneer iug smile on his dark, swarthy face, ap parently the least concerned of any one pre sent The girl is a noble-looking specimen of womanhood, and those who knew her say that she is as good as tair. Young and un experienced, she was unable to look beneath the mask which hid the incarnation of evil, and fell a victim to the wiles of one whose long experience rendered him competent to pursue his nefarious designs with success. P. S. —Just as we go to press, we learn that the prisoner committed suicide this morning. Last evening, Officer Sessions placed Case in charge ol A. F. Brown, who took the prisoner to his room to puss the night. This morning, Brown went to break fast, leaving the men in bed, haudcuffed, as he had been all night. About eight o clock, Officer Sessions got the key and went up to take charge of Case. He entered the outer office and passed to the bedroom, when lie discovered Case hanging in the doorway, he having taken a pair of drawers and tied them over the transom and ab sul his neck. The officer immediately cot him down, and sent Brown, who had in the meantime come in, for a physician.. Life, however, was extinct, and Case had passed beyond all reach of human laws, to appear beiore the tribunal ot the Most High. His sell-destruction was a determined effort, as, when discovered, his feet rested upon the floor. He must have ) drawn up his knees and kept the weight of his body upon iris neck until strangulation took place, and he so far gone that lie could not stand upon his feet. He left a letter to his wile in tnis place saying that he did the deed through love of her, and that htr lather had driven him to the act. Thus igno miniously ended the earthly career of one who has blasted the happiness of many a tainiiy circle ; and as he was detested and abbored while living, no sympathy oi respect will be attached to his memory now that he is dead Fashions is Haik.—Tbe Saratoga carres vesdcnt ol tbe Boston Post writes as fol lows : I have unqualified pleasure in mentioning tbe lah of the waterfall— a monstrous ‘-in vention of tlie enemy” of beauty which should bavc died at its birth. A rather pretty tashion of dressing the hair, which I venture to call the siaple-ahd-ring style, is getting in vogue with tbe dames, while ringlets for tbe girls have quite superseded the ugly h plug abominations which wagged behind them, like a heaver’s tail, a few weeks ago. re »Uy fashionable women you 1 n; - ht w *ll l'>ok lor a cataract m the eye WO* * -it ire back of the head. THE TRIAL OF WIRZ. The Abandonment of the Case by Prisoner’s Counsel**Emotion of Wirz. The withdrawal of Judge Hughes and the . other counsel ol the prisoner Wirz. on VV’td nesdav, in consequence of the dissolution and reorganization of the Military Commis sion, produced the greatest sensation in Court. When Judge Hughes packed up bis books and walked out ot Court, the prisoner looked amazed from his restless, gray eyes, and this merged into consternation, when his only remaining counsel, Mr. Peck, arose aud an- j nounced that he also retired from the case. Wirz called Mr. Peck to him, and with flowing tears expressed his legret at this de termination on the part of his counseL He was assured by his Isle counsel that they could be ot no ’service to him; that he tyould probably fare better in the hands of the Judge Advocate than if defended by special counsel; that it was impossible for them (Messrs. Hughes and Peck) to remain in the case under the circumstances, when it is clearly apparent that the Commission would not be governed by the well known princi ples of law ; and that if the proceedings of Tuesday and Wednesday could be sustained and tolerated as good law, the same proceed ings could be repeated at any stage of the trial hereafter, and as often as the prosecu tion might deem itpioper to revise erroneous action, as the same should occur Irom time lo time. The President of the commission suggested that the prisoner was not without counsel • that the Judge Advocate was, by law, the attorney lor the defendant. Thereupon the commission adjourned un til Thursday, to give the Judge Advocate time to prepare for the defence of the pri soner. Immediately upon the convening of the commission on Wednesday morning, Judge Hughes offered a motion which he said would take precedence ot all other proceedings, and he desired tuat the motion be beard. The Pn sideut replied that the motion could be heard hereafter. The language of the motion is as follows: “Henry W;rz, the prisoner, now present by his counsel, moves and asks this Military Commission to discharge him from furthet peril and proceedings upon the charges here tolore proseuted ugaiust him, and which the said commission, and each member thereof was sworn to try, and to which charges ami specifications, each aud every one of them, he has iii -person, entered his plea of ‘ not guilty,’ for the following reasons : “That after the swearing in of the Presi dent and members of Said commission, and after his plea of not guilty thereto, to wit. on Tuesday, the 22d day of August, 1805, the said commission having met and conven ed in pursuance of previous adjournment, he, the said Henry Wirz, not being present, the said commission did, without his presence or consent, either express or Implied, adjourn not to any time or day certain; and for the further reason, that since the said adjourn ment his counsel have received official no tice from the Judge Advocate of said com mission that muterial changes and alterations have been made in the charges and specifica tions, and that it is proposed to try upon charges and specifications so altered and amended in their altered and amended form, to which he does .not consent. He prays, therefore, that as to said original charges and specifications he may go free and acquitted. (Signed) Henry Wirz. “By his counsel, Hughes, Denver and Peck, and Louis Hcliade.” After the withdrawal of his counsel, Wirz addressed a letter to the commission stating his case in a frank and manly manner, and the commission resolved to see him supplied with able counsel. HORRIBLE OUTRAGE IS MISSOURI. Judge Wright and Four of Hi* Sons Murdered. On Thursday afternoon last Judge Lewis F. Wright and four ot his sons were cruelly and inhumanely murdered by the road side, on the route from Rolla to Houston,some five miles Southwest of the former place. The murders, as we are informed, were committed by a squad of Miller County mil itia, some nine in number, under command of Colonel Babcock, who resides in either Miller or Cole County. It appears that this Colonel and bis squad of militia, on Tuesday last, went to the res idence of Judge Wright, iu Phelps County, about ten miles from Rolla. They remained there until Thursday. ’ On that day they ar rested Judge Wright. aDd five of his sous. Some sort of au investigation was made into accusations brought against the parties, either fancied or real, when it was deter mined to take them to Rolla, as was given out, for further trial. Mrs. Wright, the wife and step-mother of the Judge, and his sons, at first implored Colonel Babcock not to take her family away. Finding that her entreaties were unavail ing she then besought him to permit her to accompany them. This also was refused, but upon her imploring Idm to do something for her protection, i.s she was fearful of be ing murdered if left alone the youngest son. a mere strippling, was released. The Judge was then mounted on a horse by himself, and his four sons upon two other horses, under guard of the squad ot militia, ostensibly to be taken to Rolls. Before reaching that point, as stated above, they were all inhumanly butchered and their bodies lett lying in the brush by the road side. No less than twenty-six shots were fired into the persons of the five ! Twelve ol them took effect iu their heads. Before the bodies were reached by the frantic wife and mother and her remaining son, four of the live were dead, and the fifth iusensiblc and dyiug. About five o'clock Thursday evening word came to Roll* that the murders hud ocen committed, creating intense feelings of sor row and indignation. Nothing, however, was done in the matter that evening. Next morning, a wagon was sent out, and the bodies of the five murdered meu were brought into Rolla. A gentleman who saw them says they pre sented a horrible appearance, their fhces all ghastly with wounds and blood, and black ened with powder. Judge Wright had been shot in the side-lace, the weapon being held so close as to burn it, and leave large blotches of powder slicking in the skin. —Missouri Re jiubhcan, Mwuluy. Fenian Riot in Ireland.—A conflict has occurred between the constabulary and the Fenians, at a place called Daugan, In the county of Cork. The police, seven in num ber, had arrested a di unken and disorderly man during the morning. It being a fair day in the village, and some two hundred people attempted to effect his release by force. The police, however, were successful in resisting this attack, and repaired to a cabin In the vicinity with their prisoner. At this stage a young peasant, Jumping on on elevated part ot the ditch near, addressed the crowd, call ing on them as “true Fenians” not to be afraid of a “handful of police,” but to show “that they were able to fight for the freedom ot Ireland.” The crowd then attacked tbe cottage into which the constabulary had en tered, breaking the doors and windows with stones, and threatening tq set fire to the bouse. On this being attempted the police discharged their rifles, three of them firing two shol9 each, three others one shot, and cnenot firing at all. The result was that three personstn the crowd were seriously and one mortally wounded. There are a great many sworn F, nian9 In tbe county of Cork, hut this is the first occasion on which they have done worse than drill and march by moonlight.— London Pall Mali Gatette. A French peasant has been sentenced to three months' imprisonment for obtaining money by pretending that he had extraordi nary Influence with the salnt9, could and ae curefarm produce from lniury by hall storms, and obtain other benefits for his votaries Chui-eH Director}-. [CoriiijilKt -*/> .»fu fur she snrnKnut. DnP'i Ilrraht.\ catboi ,*» r iirxnra Cathedral of St John th* R,pilot— northeast comer of Pom ol.i I tray tun street*.—Moos 6 1 *a. m„ * is «. Hi. High Mae* 10 1-2 u. m. V wpris 4 p. m. Sunday NChnol . 1-2 p. in.: Station* ol metros.; concluding with the benediction of the Moot Bleseert Sacrament. Friday nnhe 7 o’clock. Clergy—Right Rev. Au gustus Verut. I). U , Bishop of Savannah ; J. F. O'Neil. Sr . Vicar General: Rev. Peter DuiaiL Rev. Henry P. Ctarrenl. St Patrick's Church-eoutheaat ooroar 0( West Broad and IJbetty streets.—Rev. Charles Frendergart. Bav, Ivtrr Whelan.—Mas* 8 1-2 a. in , High Mas* at 10 1-2 a. m. rnorrsTANi sptacoeAi., hl k. ul.-. Christ Church—east side of Johnson Square, comer Bull and Congress streets—Rev. Charles Coley. As sistant Rector. Service at 10 a. m.; Evening Prayer, 5 1,2 p in.: Sunday School4 p. m St. John's Church—west side of Madison Square, comer Bull and Charlton streets—Rev C. F. Mcßae. Rector. Service at to 1-2 a. tn , 4 p. m : Sunday School 0 a. m: Wm S Bogart, Superintendent, prayers Wednesdays aud Friday*. 6pm lefcTUOMBr CUL-BOHIS. Trinity Church—west »ide St James Square, comer Burner 1 and York streets—Rev. A. M. Wtno. Pastor Service 1«>, a. m. and Sp. ui., Sunday; Prayer maet Ing, Tuesday Afternoon at } p m. Sunday School, at £ p. In Sunday Afternoon, >ir. C. lr. Rogers, Stp't IITHFXAN OBCBCIH- Savannah Lutheran Church—East side of Wright Square, corner Bu-1 and State streetV—Rev. D. Al. Gilbert Pastor, services at 10 1-2 a. m.; 5 p m. Sun day School a a. m.. John T. Tnomaa, Superintendent. Service Thursdays. 31-2 p. m PBLBHYTKIUAN CHGRCHEfc Independent Presbyterian Church—Southwest cor ner Bull aud South Bruud street*— Rev. I. S. K. Arson, Pastor, services 10 1-2 a. m., 6p. in. Suuday Bchuol ■Jam. John W. Anderson, Superintendent Service Thursday afternoon. UAP VIST CUCBi-iiAA Savannah baptist Church—West side of Chippewa Square, corner Bull and Hull street*—Rev. Syivaana Landrum. Pas or. Service 10 1-2 A m and 6 I>. m unday school 4 !-2 p. ui.; George W. Os via. Super-, impudent Service Ihuradays at 5 p tt uruarw conobfo atkins. Mlckva Israel—Northeast c mer of Whitaker and Liberty streets—Rev. A. Epstein, Kspder. Service Friday, 3 o’clock p. m ; Saturday, 0 1-2 o’clock a -n. Bnili benth Jacob—Armory Ilall building, West side Wright Square, corner Bull and State streets— Services Friday, 5 o’clock p. m.; Saturday, 9 o'clock a m. colorfd ouccuas. First African Baptist Church— West side Franklin Sqdare, comer Montgomery aud Bryan streets—Rev. M m Campbell, Pastor. Service 10 let a 11, 8 1-2 aud 7pm hauday School 2p. in.; James Sima, Super intendent: Charles L. He LaMotta, Asaistanl. Church servite Thursdays, 7 p. tn,; prayers, Mondays, « Second African Baptist Church—West side Green Square, corner State and Houston streets—Rev. John Cox, Pastor. Service IU 1-2 a. in., 3 1-2 and 7p. in Sunday School 2 1-2 p in.: Herman Eves, Snpenn tandent; Wm. Gorgnn, Assistant. Prayers Tuesdays aud Thursdays, 7ji. ui. „ „ . Third African Baptist Church—Bryan, near fahiu street—Rev. E. Houston, Pastor. Service 10 a. tn , 3 and 7p. in. Prayers Mondays and Thursdays, 7p. m. Fourth African Baptist Church—Liberty, near Mout gotherf idri-eta—Hev. I»aac brown, Pastor: Rev. lleury Taylor, Assistant Pastor. Service 10 1-2 a. til., 3 1 2 and 7 p. m. Prayers Tuesdays and Thursdays, l P 'sl Stephen's Episcopal Church—West side Calhoun Squar-- Rev. James, Lay Reader. Service lo a. m. t 7 p. in. „ _ . L’niou Methodist Episcopal—New street, near Fahm street. North CVntrul Railroad Depot-Rev. William bt'Utley, Pastor. Service 10 aiu . Si **2 aud; Ip. m. Sunday School 12 1-2 p* m , Hetiry Bates, JSflpcriu teudeut i iiußoaas oi.oasD. German Lutheran Church—Comer Drayton and Gordon streets. Wesley cnaptl—Northeast corner of Lincoln and South Broad streets. Peufleld'a Mariners’ Church—B«y street, South side, between Abcrcoru nnd Lincoln streets First Presbyterian Cbnrch—East side of Monterey Square, corner Bull aud Taylor afreets. MASONIC. SoLonot-’a Loivia. No. 1, meets first Thursday in each month. R. X Turner, W AL; John Nicholson, 8. W.; John Foley, F. \V.; J. Holbrook Estltl, S. D.; H. L. Schreiuer, J. D ; James M. Jones, Secretary; James Luehlison. Jr , Treasurer Zbbhcuaull Loros, No. 15, meets second Thursday in each mouth. Wm. Greene, W M.; David'Thomp son, S. W ; Thomas Baliantiue, J W.; M. Reich, S. D.; Stein,J D , .TuhnHousto .Secretary'; Alfred Haywood, Treasurer. Clinton l-oror, No. 54, meets fir*, and third Mon days in each mouth. 8 K. Byck. W. M.: John Ruther ford, S. W., Wm. Gibbons, J W.; P. Heilziouu.; —, ,T. D.i David It. Gallo* ay Secretary; Wm M. Davidson, Treasurer. Anciknt LaNOMAHa I.onos, No. 28, —No regular meetings during the summer months. Edward C. Hough, W. M-; Wm. F. Holland, 8. W\; J. H. Ire mund, J. W.; C-L. Hackett, S. D.t -, J- D. Os.Bota CuvreKK, No. 3.— Closed for the summer. R. T Turner, U. P : Wm. Greene, K.; W. F. Holland, 8.; David H. Gulloway, M. C.; J. Holbrook Estill. P. John Foley, M 88 V ; M. Reich. M. 2d V.; H L. Sehreluer, Al. Ist V.; Xhotnus Bulluntine, C. U. Gsoauta Coc.NOii., No. L—Closed until winter. ODD FELLOWS. OoLiißoai r Lonas. No. 1 meets every Tuesday eve ning, at their hall. Bay street, over Nichol’s Printing Office. Kubt, H. Footman, N. G. ; Charles F, Prest: m, V. G.; Charles Grass, Secretary ; W, J Clemcnce, 'Treasurer. „ Ltvi Oak Lot-or No. 3, meets every Friday evening at the southwest corner of BtUl aid Broughton streets. 4th story. Robt, Al. Bartheliness. N. G.: John lions ton, V. G . David H. Galloway, Secretary: David 'Thompson, Treasurer. DrEat.e Louun. No. 9, meets every Monday eve niug, southwest turner of Bull uud Urmiuhtou streets. 4th story Henry J. quuntuCk, N. G.; John Nell, V. U. ; O. C Millar,’ Secretary, C. p. Landerahlue, Trea suier. . , Maiinoua Esoeantsr, Ko. 1 1, meets 2d and 4tb Wednesday in each month in DcKalb Lodge Room.— Daviu Bailey, C. P.; Robt. Groves, 11. r'.; J. Hol brook Estill, S. W.; chas. Grooves, secretary ; James L. Haupt, Treasurer. HOTELS. Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1865. THIS new Hotul, situated on the molt durable spot on the eastern ban); of lillton Head Island, af fords a flue view of the Pier, Bay, Ocean, and sur rounding ls’ands. The deanery is quite os pleasing and interesting, in every respect, as tbo famous Wa tering place of Newport, R 1., and is altogether as healthful a place to speud the summer months. It has a flue hard stoootn beach, aeveuteeu miles long, affording a more charming drive than the celebrated Beach at Nabaut, Mass., and as flue sea bathiug as at that place or Cape May. The llou.'e hat over seventy large, airy rooms, and veiau.ialm on turee sides oi all the stories; the furai ture is entneiy uew, and the tables will be iumished with the best that can be here and in the Northern markets. Every ctfoit. will be made to ren der the Hotel all that the most fastidious mu desire. Billiard Rooms »Oid »eu Bathing houses will soon be iu readiness tor guests. Jo-3 ts Port Roval House, HILTON HEAD, S C. RID PELL 4 RUGG, PROfBtETOBS. a. a. BH.rii i. it r. hi' tit, W ATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. SAMUEL I*. HAMILTON. (Sncrttiiir to Wlluiot d> Richmond., - KKAI.IB IN WATCHES, SILVERWARE. JtWKLRT, CANES, CUTLERY, Ac, Cornu Wbitazbb, St JpM.N and Onobzbs St» , SAVANNAH, 01. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid tor old Gold sod Silver. aaSS-tf MM KIIH MICILTIRiL WORKS. QRIFFING, BROTHER A 00., Pnorunioi*, 6S and 60 Cocbtlabd Strbbt. NEW YORK, Manotactarera of Plow*. Haweses, dlttvatara. Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mill*. Cotton Gina, Ac Every Implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealer* in Field and Gardes Seeds. Aleo, Agent, tor Bruce". Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for lirenlsr |n?n 3m UEADo'hs » L bJjiolßjtrt' oh’ vavanusn, Ga., Augu***, 186.5 Gentbai. Obkkbs.) No. >5. , \ Cape E. A. Parkinson, 163d Regiment, N. Y. Vole. la hereby annonaoed aa street coiasdaakmer city of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command ot Bvt Brig Gen. DAVIS. Xv. B. Fo;.s, A. A. A. Q. an*3 < OMMIfcSION MERCHANTS. Ate. * Lavt M Carreatcl . J. U- W. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON. Dry Goods, AM) / GENERAL COKMISSKDi MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 233 BKO Al> STRK KT. Opposite Masomo Halo. AUCUSTA, CEORCIA. Will give prompt aud personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE FA YOKED WITH. Consignments Solicited. References lo Savannah—Messrs. DeWitt A Mor gan. Bell. Wy lly A Christian; J, T. Paterson A Cos. ; N. Lyon. Esq. aag24-lm Mordecai & Cos.. COMMISSION R SHIPPING MERCHANTS N E. CORNER OF GAY AND LOMBARD STi , opposite the Custom Horn*. B A Ia T I M O 11 Fa . THE nocterttigopd bavr estabM’hr'l a Uodpf in tbla city, und«r the *»t> le of MDkDKCAI A €*>., for purpose of carrytiig on a Oencml Commluelon and Shipping Biiaiuea*. DAVID MORDECAI, J RANDOLPH MORDECAI. Advances maae on consignment t > the bonne of Mordecui & Cos.. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, AuyQit L ls«is. *a!9-6 JACKSOIV & WAR ROCK, AUCTION AND OENEKAL COMMI99ION MERCHANTS, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. Consign manta solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cottou. auHMm TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vkaav Btkket, Yon* And Memphis. Term. Thomas Fenmko, Hknby Bln-sku, 'D. W. Bowmim. Jt6 an* CUXH. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, OOUNLU HAY AND AUE&COBN STKEET SAVANNAH, OA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Conalgumanta to the Arm of Cu*» L. Conrr, of New York, or to our friends In Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT. Agents at August A Ga. sspvscscri; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York .larivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby. Esq., Boston. all 18—tt Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Quant Street. New York. 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Comdgnmenta, Sheetings, OaLDibkirgri and Yarns. jylb L. J. Giiilmartin A Cos., GENERAL ( OMMInSION and shipping MERCHANTS, 148 Bay Street. (Opposite the City Hotel,; SAVANNAH, GA PARTICULAR r .tention given to procuring Freights. and tilling rdera for Uard Pine Timber and Lum ber, Cotton, Wool, Hides, 4c. n. 1. ULII.ItIBTIN, JOUH ri.ANNSRY. X. W. nSUMUONU. au!7 lm CEO. R. CRUMP &~CO-V AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Strut, Afofsta, Ga. ju2o am Tobins, Hendrick* k Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STB., Wew Y oris.. Refer to Octavos C. hen. »a2S lm EDWARD i. LE6RIEL & CO., Coinmksion Merchant)*, BROKERS, ANDINSURANC'E AGENTS, Maooii, Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. KI>WARI> O. I.KHRLFI., ) GKO. JO FEK4M.VN. j 80g22 lm 2. i James B. Cahill, GROCER and COMMISSION MERCHANT AUGUSTA. GA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTTON Purchased and Shipped. Merchandise bought and sold on Commlwion, Will also take Agencies lor the sale of any Good, and Merchandize required in tbe Southern market. Jyi* am M. J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, YI7ILL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For- V V warding all kinds of Merchandise. Produce, Ac office for the present at the Drug Store of J. M. Abrahams A Cos. aa2l-lm JOBS S. OTIS & (0., Forwarding and Commission MERCIIAN TH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. X AND 2 BAMAHS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. «. SAXMta. ED. O. BAUMIO. <MU£. L. JCATHER auli ts J. SHAFFER, OommlMlon Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS awn PRODUCE, Wkbt Wauiniiton Makkkt, Opposite 143 West at., Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apple, and Onions constantly nn hand, and put up for tbe Southern market All consignment, promptly attenkrd to. tST* Rcl -ra to A L. Brarllev, A. Haywood, T. J Walsh, and 3 U. Parsons. ill* eodly HENRY BRYAN, Bhvajy SxsxiT, skt to Hufrchants' and Planters’ Ban* Broker aad Commissioa Agent ro» lat-t *,nd tv ECUast or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, *c., And for Forwarding Cotton. •nIS 3mo WESLEYAN Female College. THE Twenty-eighth Annual Session open! OCTO BER id. 1806. The Faculty U complete. The rates tor the First Term, which ends December 31st, I are as follows: Regular Tuition in College Classes S3O «0 Regular Tuition In Preparatory Class. it w; French, (-optional; 16 *0 Music, (opi tonal a with use of lnslromsa| 33 00 Board, tnclafilpg Washing, Light*, and Fuel— 80 00 To be peklfnadvance. Is correcey or IU equivalent. J. M BONNELL, President Macon. Ga. an2S-lawtfoct SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening r SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] t 4T , a " au No. 11l SAT HUBS, at S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PIBUSHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Dally Newspaper! Which ahaU also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great important e as enterprise in procuring Information. The Ha«*u» Stag embraces a LiKfiC COBPS OF EDITORS MO REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known a* connected with the Soothers Frees, It alao has Hpcolal Correspondents at All Prominent Point*, Who are Instructed to spare no expense In procuring, suth«itlr*ting and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAB THE BEST Mall, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that, all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPAIITMENTS, AND TO Skipping intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, A* ont of its province at preaent, the Hsuld strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to iupport the true interests of the rev united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA. And to discca all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have but little weight. THE ENLARGEMENT OP THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscallancoua Readme Matter, Poetry and Artlries on Liter ary, Jklentififc and Commercial anb jects, so that hi all respects it is a desirable Journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS ARD Experienced Mall andlteitoery Clerks Are employed, and either Effittonof the Hxa*u> Will 1 be delivered promptly In Savans ah, or for warded to any part ot the world, on the following TERMS : SINGLE COPY 6c. ONE WEEK 30c. ONE MONTH..; + $ 1 00 ONE YEAR. .. x.. 10 00 PER HUNDRED - 360 EXTRAS Are laaped whenever luteUlgenoe 1* received of enfll cleut Importance to warrant IL ADVERTISING TERMS : VJifilli .. dviid ij Two Dollars per aqnare, (occupying a apace of tea dues nonpareil; for the first Insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent on*. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be mad* on LCKtGADVEtgnStatINTS. or those INSEHTEP FOB A LONG VIVE. The Hnar.ii la UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM 1 Having a large circulation In the city, and throughout the Ststa, in Florida, South Carolina, -the South Atlantic Squadhon and the North, drenkitlsg more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may Be seat by mail or enpresa to 8. W. MASON & 00., PUB LI (HERS, No. ill Bay Street, Si isantmb, Ga SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Rue Whittle, A Cos., General Commission Merchants. No. 2«2 Bar street, above Barnard street. sn24 Brody, Smith A Cos., Commission and For warding Merchants and Manufacturer* Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard street. ang24 Junta, heavy, * COMMISSION MERCHANT Sole Agent for James WslUco’s Celebrated Whiskies, Ginn Alcohol, Cologne Spirits, and New England Hum. No. C Stod dard’s Ball ding. Bay street. Savannah. aul» NA. Hardee A Cos., . COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS Kstab!.ishh> in 1836. Office No. 9 Stoddard's Bow. aulC Savannah. Ga. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants' and Planters’ Bank. Building. au It, A. Cohen, a FORWARLING and OOMMISS'N MERCHANT. Office Home lna. Cos , 89 Bay st. Bril, Wyily A Christian, AUCTION, GEN EKAL COMMISSION AND FOBWARDINU MERCHANTS Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM. Srarbrough 6i Cos., Gaocxav and Com • mission Mraoathia, 140 Congreeo and 67 St. Jiuian st. Highest market prices paid forCotum, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Art vaucea on Cotton. Ac Erwin A Hart lee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah, Ha. Wm. H. Stork. Wholesale Urooer and Com mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coln and Bay street. aug22 WINE3, LIQUORS, Ac. HU. Rawr J» Cos., • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian street and Johnaoq square. Israel K. Beoiy A Cos., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPOIITERS OF Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Geotgis. 207 bay -L, between l arrard and Jefferson, sn9 savannah, Ga. Israel R. Scaly A Cos., WHOLESALE dealers in IMPORTED WINES, lORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGAHS. sn9 207 Bay st. between Banutrdand Jefferson JLaius, Importer and Wholeaale Dealer in Spam « tan Seuaes, Fsknou Branmes. Wini.% Waiaasv and other Liqnora. Tosaooo of all kind*. DRYGOODS, John C. Maker A Cos., Whousalr and Retail De.lrbin DRY GOODS, HOSIERY’, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS,KIBBONS, Ac, Ac. Cor. Cough** and Whitaker sta. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dialer in Staple and Fanct Dky Goons, at Cuprece cieofetl Loir /Vices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress street. P reader A Orff. DRY’ GOODS—Wholesale and Retail. UI and 113 Congress at. John McConnghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Samuel SI. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fanov and Staple Dry Goons. Boots anu Shoes, Clothino, Hats. Ac. 146 Congress street. ~ GROCERIES, Ac. O. N. Gragg A Cos., 102 Bryan street, De&l- O era in Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS Agenta for Adieu’s WAHOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer In WINES and LIQUORS. aul» SB. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Floor, Sugar, syrup. Lemons, Hay, Oats, Coin, Cow, Finders, Potatoes, Turnips, Ooious and C»bbag<"L MFerst A Cos., vt i o.cSftU: Dealer in Wines, Li e quoas, Seoars, Fax > Grocebies, Canuies, Ac a(w Congreeß street. AF. Mira, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in . GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Aongdon A Symons, V/ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. B. Symons. Hilton A Kundell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bat Stbeet, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this city. EP. Ueyo, in Choice Family Oboceiues, e Wines, Liquoßs, Ac.. 133 Broughton street. Robert Balfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. DRUGGISTS. _____ WM. Walsh. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, aal4 Sourhcost cor Barnard and Broughton sis Nexv Drag House, Corner Congress and Barnard sts. JACOB LIPPMAN, late Kino A Wabino Thomas M. Turner, DBUQGIST, Southwee’ cor. Barnard and Broughton st*. A A. Solomons A Cos., . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUOGISTS. jy Orders executed accurately and with drspatch. BILLIARDS. &c. The “Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SUGARS at Retail. Dunn A McMahon. Proprietors. an!9 O’Toole A Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. Ac. Broughton et.. third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MEARA. ALE3, WINES, LIQUORS, Ao. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Tmumo* Ncoent, Proprietor. ALES, WINKS, LIQUORS, sEGARS, *c. 65 Ball at., oppoalte PulatklHonae. nt. Charles Saloon, (inrear of Post Office,; by 0 A. SiiMM. Wholesale and Retail. None but CHOICE WINKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. CONFECTIONERY. ~ JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WboIisaIi auk Retail. 1 MAS CKACTUBEE Oi SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY Os ALL ELHK6. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE A3t> RETAIL DEALEB » CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY ask RASPBERRY syrups, candies, «0., Ac., er In any quantities, to anil Purchasers. JU wunAAEE ararET. QAB FITTING, &c. TJlutnblllg and Uaa Fitting, X By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton at., one door We.-t of Barnard. WH. XVUllauis, Gab Fitieb ahu Plcbbes, a and Dealer in Tin Wae*. Hobbe Fcanuunno Good., Ac. 146 Broughton sued. VTTcid A Coin-well, W WholesaleDealera In Haskwajee and Tin WaU No. 16S and 161 Broughton atrreL T T Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER PI Bryan at., next to cor. Whitaker. BEGARB, TOBACCO. Ac. Jacob Laugsdorf di Cos., Wholesale Dealers In tine Havana and Domestic Segues, Chewing sail hmokiug Tobacco, Suoff, Ac. 171 Bay street, be tweeu Wnltaaer aud Barnard it reel s. aut4 FKslh. • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lopez, Szoaa*. Tobacco, Saver, Pipes, • Faaor Abuclxs, Statiohebe, Ac. cor. Bull aud Broughton at*. ia Conatant, lx roar** o» Dommtio asd Bavajia > Sesabs, Mbbesouacm Kras, Ac Also, Wihzb, Cmajoaobub andotbUt Uqoors. 801 l street, cpposlte the Post Office. ARCHITECTURE, Ac. James C. Blanco, Master Carpenter, Architect and Draur human, will attend to all calls on bus iness la the above branches, gar Office No. I*4 Bay susat, next to Stoddard's Range. *uh PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. SavlUe 4 Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan afreet and Market Square A far king Ink, Maxcracnruo and for sale by 1M DAVID H. GALLOWAY, G BOOK AN6 JOB PRINTER. fcyt- between Abercom and Drayton E. No. 6 WhUaket atrpet. Jja W ’ BKRALD*i«B*PRCSyXNQ OFFICE. No. IU Bay atreeL DIRECTORY -- CONTINUED. ~~ CLOTHING ~ H, A. Topham, 138 Congresa street, Satan nab. and > Merc haul.' Row. Port Royal, la C. Dealer in Fine Ready Made Clothing, Gents’ Famish ing Goode, Hate and Capa, Ac. au2l PROFESSIONAL. r. N. M. Sneed, DENTLST. ScocissobtoDb. E. Faesonr, York street, near Court House, Savannah, Ga. auio WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. FD. Jordan, Dealer in Watches sudJxw el ar * SiLvea snd Plated Waoe. Fancr Goods 4c tsr~ Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DRESSING, Ac. Pulaski Mouse Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan sts.; Shaving. Hair Cutting, Shampooing Whiskers Dyed. Ac. Fancy soaps, Cologne. Neck Ties and other Fancy Articles for sale FURNITURE. Palx ey, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE Nr* Woaa Made to Osna. Repairing, Bell Hanging, Ac., at short notice. 138 Broughton st. Ames A Peabody, Jobbers :u Men’s, Womens. and Children’s Call Serge and Kid Boors and SHOES, of ail kinds and qualities. 152 Congress si., 4th door North of the Markot. Cl eo. T. Nichols, 4 RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Ill) Broughton st., 2d door from Bull. scrivenery7 John J. Purtille, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court; will attend to all Wrltli,ga and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon ot Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading A Cos., * PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian sts. Ufiiion’a Photographic Gallery, D Sol'th-rast coENra BaoCGUTON am, W'iutkeb St* ALL KINDS OF PICTURES KNOWN TO THE ART ■micMiii in thk Very Bust Max-nek PAINTS, OILsT&c, John Oliver, House and Sign Painter. Dealer in Painta, Oils. Glass, Ac. No. II Whitaker street. ang22 fllhoiaas W. Shea, 1 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER: Dealer in Paints, Oils. Ac. St. Julian street, old stand of Jno. G. Falligant. aul9 CHINA WARE, &C. ED. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND s CHINA, at Wholesale slid Retail. I0» Broughton street, 2d door from cor, of Bull SODA WATER? ~ John Kyaa, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ac. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In READY MADE CLOTHING, 381 and 333 Bboadway. cob. Wobtb Stbxit, NEW YORK. T. F. Cabbabt, I Hbnby Suafeb, Wk. H. WniTFoao, | A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Waqenen. Office of Payan A Carhart Ih liquidation. jy6 3m RIDDELL & MURDOCK; Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In SUTLERS’ AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Gentlemen's FtmtUßiime Goons, Ac , No. 5 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head, S. C„ W. C. BIPbELL. fjul3-tff u, J. MDRPOOL. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca. CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, snd Plated WaraSwords, Sashes, Beits. Embroideries,Boots,Capa Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. Ac., Ac., Ac. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. A WONDERFUL invention for iadie3. Unquestion ably superior to all other*. Don't fail to read the advertlsemeat in the Savannah Herald containing fnll particulars every Saturday morning. jy« 6tawßm REAL ESTATE. HLIABLE BULUIMi LOTS r o & ia&s. FRONTING ON THE PARK. The Most EUigible Building Lots in the City* CONSTITUTING AN ENTIRE BLOCK. THE undersigned offers for sale seven (') Building Lots, fronting on tbe Park. Bounded as follows . North by Huntingdon street. E.vat by Whitaker street and Forsyth Place. South uy Hall street. West by Barnard street. Lots known In the plan of the city aa Nos. 1,2, 3, 4. 6, 6 and 7, Forsyth Place and Ward. ERWIN A HARDEE. anlT-lw Bay street OHANCS FOR INVESTMENT. WILL be sold at Public Auction, In the city of Savannah, on the 6th day of September next, without reserve: The mill slte.wlth Sawmill thereunto belonging, sit uated In the county of Chatham, state of Georgia, about nine miles bom tbe dty of Savannah on the Ogeecbee Canal, together with all th« machines, fix tures, buildings, outhouses, stable*, Ac., Ac. The site of th« mill contains nine acres of laud with very capacious back water. The Ogeechee canal be ing in the course of reconstruction will be finished In a short time, when lumber can be rafted to and from polnu on the A. A Q. R. R. and the city of Savannah, and will thus afford better facilities for rafting than any other mill In the State of Georgia, For turther particulars apply to M. J. tOLOMoNS.jJ au?B-td STATIONERY, 4tC. SAVILLE & LEACH, STATIONERY. TIMBER CUTTERS’ BANK, CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MAR KET SQUARE, SAVANNA A, GA. Tbe trade supplied at the lowest Cash P rices. Every variety of Stationery for office and general use aul* STATIONERY. Os in REAMS Superfine Commerdsl Note Paper. AW pound* to the ream, at the very low price of *2 60 piw ream. Also, a large variety of other Paper*. Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Ac. For sale by SAVILLE 4 LEACH. aulS cor. Bryan street and Market Square- And Merchants' Row, Hilton Head, S. C. LEGAL NOTICE, ALL persons having claims against the estate of Charlotte Vaader, deceased, will present them, duly attested, and those Indebted will make payment to CHAS. H OLMSTEAD, au2G-eod3 Qualified Executor SMALL FARM FOR SALE. an a O ACRES LAND, mostly first quality and L.O !“■ about one half cleared; miles from tows, close to Ogeecbee road i Improvement* destroyed Bounded Dorih and west of land, of es tate Mini*; oi* by Lawton, and west by Sfoan Price, S6O per acre, cash iu2*r HENRY BRYAN*.