Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 02, 1865, Image 3

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MAL MATTERS. jtiur<of suamihipi »and Steamer*. f FOB NXW YOBK- L ,m»hip Varuufl, Thursday, September?, at /ock. iteamsldp America, Saturday, Septemta-r 2d. at - o'clock. . steamship Constitution, Wednesday, Septemlaa itu. at -oVlock. FOB FHII.AD6I.PHIA. Steamship Minnetonka, Tuesday, September 6th, Jt o’clock. FOB IXX'TORTOWV Steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning 6 - 9 o’clock. FOB ACOCST*. steamer Laura. Saturday, September 2d, at 6p. m. FOR FLOBIDA. Steamer Fountain. Saturday, September 26, at s o'clock, a. m. Bio THING.”—On Thursday evening last some thief entered the Shoe-Shop of Mr. C. Hass, south corner of Drayton and State streets, and stole merefrom one pair of boot-flouts. If the rogue rushes his enterprise he will In the course of time set the material for a pair of boots. He must, how * „ b e cautious how he projects about Mr. Hass' establishment, as It Is possible he might get treed, 'vhleh would be the last of him. Dabjno BOP.BEBY-S3BO STOLIN.-On Thursday e-enlng last, Mr. Patrick Wisely, grocer, corner of Montgomery and Bay streets, having closed his gro „ anii being very tired, seared himself on the notch near his store, Intending to rest himself for a f w minutes. While thus seated he fell Into a dflse, -w"i which he awoke to And himself robbed of S3BO, lifth'e money he possessed. He has reason to sus . {tat t be thief applied chloroform to render him unconscious while he perpetrated the robbery. Pjofessof. Gorkies’ Concert.—The Concert for -he benefit of the Widows at Abrahams’ Home, given at jTasonic Hail on Thursday evening, was a most decided success, In every respect gratifying to the audience, and highly creditable to Professor Gorres aid his talented Amateur assistants. The pieces comprised In the programme were selected with excellent taste and Judgment, and the admirable rendition of the music, both Instrumental and Placed not only the supeilor talent and cultivation cl the performers, but the pains and care which had seen bestowed by Professor Gorres, In the general direction of the necessary preparations for such an entertainment. He is too well known and apprecia ted In this community, as a thorough musician, to need commendation from us. It Is only necessary to sav that lie acquitted himself In his usual satlsfac torv manner. Messrs. Ehrlich, Ward and Pierpont pn v and themselves valuable assistants In the parts assigned to them respectively. Os the young lady amateurs, who contributed so much to the enjoy ment of the occasion, it would be out of place liere t, speak more particularly. They deserved what they received without stint, the hearty applause of ineiarge and discriminating audience. We have heard the wish very generally expressed, that the concert may be repeated at an early day. Recovery of a Stolen Watch. On the night of the 18th of February, 1863, Mr. Geo. King and several other gentlemen went to the bar of h .Mrs. Mary Wallace, on East Broad street. After remaining in the bar for a short time, two women, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Fowler, went up to King and got Into n conversation with him; Mrs. Wallace took hold of King's watch chain, apparently playing with it; on King’s going to the door, one of his friends drew his attention to the fact that the chain or his watch was broken. On examination, he found his gold watch was stolen. That night the police ar rested the two females, and on the next morning they were turned over to Justice P. M. Russeii for prosecution. At the Instance of King, a warrant wa? issued against them for larceny horn the person. Previous to the examination. King, who was a pilot, had to leave the city, and the parties, we believe, were accordingly discharged for want of evidence. About ten days ago Mrs. Wallace, now Mrs. Avnell, brought an action against a Mr. Maher In the Pro vost Marshal’s Court for the recovery of a gold watch she had pa wned to the defendant for $26. After an examination of the case, the Court ordered the watch to be given to Mrs. Avnell upon her paying to ihr defendant the $25 she had borrowed. Justice Russell notified Mr. King, and advised him to find out who had the watch In possession and take a look at the same, as he (Russell) thought the watch was King’s. Accordingly, Mr- King called upon the at torney of Mia. Avnell, who showed him the watch, which was identified by Mr. King as his property which was stolen. Upon application to the Provost Marshal, the watch was returned to the Registrar of his Court under his order for further Investigation. Oa yesterday the case came up for trial. The de fendant appeared by her counsel. Mr. King proved to the Court that the watch was stolen from him and proved the name and maker of the watch. AU the witnesses in this case were respectable persons. This same Mrs. Wallace, now Mrs. Avnell. a short ume after her discharge brought an action against King for defamation of character, and alleged her damages at SIO,OOO. Mr. Russell deserves much credit in thi3 case, as fie represented Mr. King us his attorney, and refused to receive any fee for his services, as he originally Is sued the writ. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. Philip M. Russeii; for defendant. Judge Benedict. Change of Weather. Our city has been visited, dally, for more than a week past, with frequent and copious showers of rain, which, whUe they have greatly Improved the tsmperature of the atmosphere for comfort, have made the streets quite muddy and walking decidedly unpleasant. The continuous Inclemency of the weather and frequent changes in the temperature of the atmos « phere combining may render the season, for a time, not only uncomfortable but unwholesome. There are times in this month, In every latitude and lo cality, when every one should be especially careful of health. A slight Indiscretion In eating or physical action, may produce the most unpleasant, If not painful results. All should, therefore, refrain from eating fruit, of any kind, that is not ripe and fresh, or from consuming vegetables that are not mature, and such as are over ripe. Sitting 01 walking In the sunshine, or sitting In the dew after nightfall, may tend to bring on and con firm such complaints as cholera, diarrhoea, dysen tery, fever and ague, and kindred affections. Above all, keep your premia* clean, have your food prepared with care, your bed room well aired and dry maintain a clear conscience, and all will be well. THE COURTS. BEFORE LIE'S. COL. M. T. HOLBROOK. Savannah, Sept. 1,1805. il. o. lia3stck vs. Robert VolKland—Unlawfully re taining possession of premises. In the above case, after hearing the testimony. It was ordered that the defendant vacate the premises now occupied by him oi or before the sth day of September Inst.; and on failure to comply with this order, he be forcibly ejected by the Provost Marshall of the Sub-district of the Ogeechee. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. W. S. Chisholm; for defendant, Hon. Solomon Cohen. Henry Blun, Agent, vs. Mrs. Patten. Upon the ap plication of M. Benedict, Esq., Counsel fur petitioner, showing that a judgment was obtained agalust the defendant on the Bth day of August, 1865, before Lt. Col. R. p. York, Provost Marshal, District of Savan nah, ordering that the defendant pay the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars, on or before the Ist day of September, 1865, or vacate the premises occupied by her, at the comer of Whitaker and Taylor streets And it appearing that the above order has not been compiled with, lt Is ordered that the said defendant vacate the above premise* by 12 o’clock in. on the ins*.; and on failure so to do, that she be forcibly ejected by the Provost Marshal of the Sub-Dlstriot of the Ogeechee. OFFICE FROVO3T MARSHAL. SCB-DITISIOb OF THE OOEECHEE—BEFORE CAFI. SAiIL. COWOHIT, FEO - MARSHAL. SAVARSAH, AUg. 1, 1866. United States va. A. A. Stokes, assault—plea guilty, it was ordered that the defendant be Imprisoned three months. United States va. John Walsh, Drunk and Disor derly. It was ordered that the defendant pay a fine of |ls or be confined one month. Blacksmithing. r pHK undersigned wish to inform the public that X they have commenced business la Ship, Steam boat and general Blacksmithing. Also Morse Shoeing done with neatness and de spatch. Shopat the heal of Biy stre-t, Battersbwe building. , „„ . F. K. WILLTNK . sepl-MSlia© K CHAP MAh Financial and Commercial. HERALD OFFICE, I Savannah, September 2, 1865.) Remarks. The Cotton market, since our last report, Friday eveulug, 25tb ult„ has been, owing to the inclement weather, very quiet. Outdoor operations were pre vented by the heavy and continued rams. We are enabled this morning to give a statement of the Cot ton market, which we believe may lie relied upon as correct, as our Reporter has taken great paws to ob tain fall and correct information. UPLANDS. There Is a very limited stock of Uplands ofiei mg, and the larger portion ol the stock on hand is for im mediate shipment North. The Savannah and other rivers being exceedingly low, the receipts of the past few days have been very light. We give the follow. Ing as fair quotations : Ordinary 27@28c. Middling 3t@36c. Good Middling 39@40c. Fair 41@42c. SEA ISLANDS. Avery limited stock of fine Cotton are offering, and we arc therefore without quotatious. STATEMENT OF COTTON AND DOMESTICS. Receipts from July Ist to July 31st, 1866 : Upland cotton 5,718 Sea Islands 19 Domestics 14 Exports from July Ist to J uiy 3lst, 1865 : Uplands 6,360 Sea Islands 32 Domestics 10 Receipts from August Ist to Aug. 31st, 1866 : Uplands 13,174 Sea Islands 6TC Domestics 1,521 Receipts from Saturday last, 26th alt., to 31st uit.: Upland Cotton 1,464 Sea Islands lfi Domestics 49 Exports from Saturday last, 26th ult., Aug. 31st.: Upland Cotton 2,342 Sea Islands 133 Domestics 277 Stock on band Sept. Ist. 1865: Upland Cotton 3,724 Sea Islands 291 Domestics 236 Received, Sept. Ist. 1865: Upland Cotton 670 Sea Islands 48 Domestics 137 Somb Hideous Plats on Names.— What lady is good to eat ? Sal Ladd. What lady is good to eat with her ? Olive Oil. What lady do we love to see at dessert? Charlotte Ruse. What lady is made to carry burdens? Ella Paant. W hat lady preaches in the pulpit ? Minnie Stir. What lady has to fight the Indians ? Emma Grant. What lady helps her ? Minnie Rifle v What lady does everybody desire ? ' Ann Ultv. What lady is acquainted with surgery? Ann Atomy. What lady lived in Noah's time ? Ann T. Diluvium What lady Is fond of debate ? Polly Tishun. What lady votes? Della Gate. What lady paints portraits? Minnie A. Choor. What lady paints comic ones? Carrie K. Clk or. Wuat lady is fond of giving? Jennie Rosity. What lady is much talked ot now ? Amelia Ration. What lady la used to war ? MillyTairy. What ladies are voracious! Allie Gaiter and Anny Condor. What lady is lively and gay ? Annie Ela tion. What lady do we hear oftenest of in court, now-a-days? Polly Gamy What lady is the greatest annoyance to newspaper readers. Miss Print. What lady is the greatest disgrace to her sex and race ? Miss Cegination. Still thet Come. —The New York Jour nal of Commerce of the 24th ult., says: Over 17,000 passengers have landed at Castle Garden since the Ist iost. Os this great num ber several hundred immediately departed for Richmond and other cities in the South ern States, where they intend engaging in farming. Among these were 200 Swedes ut teily ignorant ot our language, they can still render essential service in tilling the soil. About 200 Swiss and Polish passengers have recently arrived, and thousands more are ex pected. These persons leave their native land, maDy of them in exile for political offences, and they seek our hospitable shores to escape the tyranny under which they have long bowed. They have, as a general thing, no money, but seem to show a laudable spirit .in at once seeking employment. In this tliey very seldom fail, lor if they are net needed here, there are plenty ot avenues already opened and yet to open in the South and West. No man need be long idle if be diligently seeks employment. A letter dated Constantinople. August 2, mentions that Stephen Effendi, the civil head of the Protestant community in Turkey’, was living with his son in Stambool. He was suddenly attacked with cholera on the 31st ult., ana died in a few hours. Influenced by a panic of fear, the sou that night set fire to the house in which his father’s body remain ed, and then hung himself. The letter adds : Half the physicians appointed by Govern ment on fabulous salaries have fled from their posts in dismay, or deserted them on plea of sickness. Business is at a stand still. The Government offices are almost all closed. The Pasha of Egypt, who fled to this city to escape the cholera there has now fled trom us and gone back to Alexandria, where the crisis of the epidemic has passed. The latest invention of India rubber, in Paris, is “a false bust and neck" for female’, a perfect imitation of flesh and blood, and (as they say of good counterfeits) “well calcu lated to deceive.” At the circle where the true and false neck are connected, is worn a band ol ribbon, or a white necklace, which completely conceals the junction. t The Italian prisoners, who took part some two years ago in the Polish insurrection, and sent to Siberia, are about to experience a special act of clemency on the part of the Emperor of Russia. John Mitchell, by permission of the War Department, is now allowed to promenade tlie grounds of Fortress Monroe. He took his first walk ou Wednesday morning, aud is said to have enjoyed it hugely. A Boston reporter was publicly eowhided by an indignant female, on Thursday, who, having been cruelly deserted by her tuithless husband, had been referred to by the knight of the quill as “a poor abandoned creature!” Just now, tbe working classes of Canada, chiefly the French population of tbe Lower Provinces, are flocking to the New England Stites. Employment in the factories at high wages is the principal Inducement. Notice. OFFICE TOST PROVOST MARSHAL. 1 Savannah, Qa , August 31, 1865./ Tbe Amnesty Oath will now be administered to all who were Officer* of the “ao-called Confederate Ar my" below the rank of Brigadier General, whether paroled or not; lt not being necessary to make special application for pardon. W. 8. NORTON, sepl Lieut, and Assistant Provost Marshal. Intimation wanted, OF JOHN WINN, a Private In Capt McClung’s „T* anM *fs Battery, houtbern Army, la suppos vftlf JJptnred In McClaasiand’s raft In ‘““‘•winter of 18(3 or ’64. Since »**P«»<ms I North wo^droll^rette MarTWiNN, care K. H. gESSToi" Tennessee paper/ please copy. sepl llotl‘l Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, SEPTEMBEB 1. 186.4 J D Wilson. Florida . |AW Kelsey, Vuttnaui, Ua W J c.nnn, ik> J C ay, Bryan co, da T E Gregg, S Carolina J Macdouald, Savannah - W Gregg, do JJ T Blain, Glvun co, Cla A B Hawkins and lady, J D Smith, W are co, Gu Tallahassee, FlalW Wilson. do Mrs FarkhtU & 2 children, JOeorge Patten 'Tallahassee, Flai Miss M u Patten A sen t Mr Parkhlll, Richmond Master E B Patten. A Parkhlll, do J W Patteu, *irs Mook, Petersburg |M J Atkins, Cuthbert. Ga D L Oakley and ladv, |K Trembly, It, Charleston Monticello Fla E F'on ler, do Rev W E Hamilton, do tW H Cronk, P(J M. J Grass and 3 childree, j Ft Pulaski F' Sheffield, |T H Gray, sir Gibbons G A Peck, Jacksonville W Hornet. Mdledgevllle J P Wilkes, Beaufort 1 PORT ROVAI. HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) AUG. 29. H C West, LtkAQM, Capt C W Hooper, 104 V 8 C T 33 C S C T I.t L Hall, 128 do Capt R Clton, 12s CS C T Lt .1 Upple, 128 do Capt J C Trnse, 104 do Lt J Hannan. 104 do 11 F Hunter, CaptE J Serauton,l2B do H B Ferguson, 1V R C Lt L Waters, 128 do P G etts, do Lt J Van Tort, 128 do L C Rice, Lemon Isle J Pitts, Bay Point it Speaning. Charleston I) H Rice, Hilton Head iPShorne, do AUGUST 30. Maj E 0 Calp, 25 OV I |Capt W Lawdor, Lt (1 B Chamberlin, and A E Taylor, Lt and ROM faintly)surg \vitker, ca U SC T G Reed, Savannah |L J P Hannan, iO4 do Lt A J Salsburv, Beaufort jK L Miller, Lt 26 do G A Lambert, St Helena |j Burns, USS N H Capt A B Eldridge, do iR Short, do J Pitts, Bay Point AUGUST 31. Lt E L Muter, 28U8CI iCapt A Runaieit, AA Q M J P Hanning, 104 do OF Lambert, St Helena Lt A Whyte, 128 do o Morman, Hiltou Head Dr Whitken, 26 do W uuselln, USN J L Coac, Beaufort j J B Wilkins, do G Fancy, do ID H Rice, Lemon Isle H G Judd. do iLCRIce, do G Gilbert, London, Eng |Lt A S Salisbury, Adjt W H Garnett i 104 C S C T Lt G Keef, Grahamviiie j R Shuit, no place SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) AUO. 29. Capt Lenahan, Charleston L G P Barnes, 4 G V C J Lanahau, do leapt J T Reynolds, do Mr & Mrs A G Burnett, iA Pawbe, Hilton Head Providence J Sauders, do J E Jacobs, New York IR W Vincent, do E P Hutchinson, Beaufort |v Little, do AUGUST 31. Lt A Gardner, 26 US C T H G Judd, Beaufort A E Paine, A SlO4 do H F Thornton, U Head H G Nlms, P M, U S A TAJenckes, do G W Smith. Savannah | A Linford, do Capt G D Hart, 3 U S C U H J Salsbury, Aujt OWBallard, PM, USA 194USCT Col W B Gueruev. 26 do lCol D Frazar, do do Shipping Intelligence. Ml nature Almanac -This Day. Sun rises 5 35jMoon sets 2 20 Sun sets 6 24|High water 4 19 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Friday, Sept. 1,1865. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Palatka, etc, to M A Cohen, Imports.—lo bales cotton, 12 do yarn, to Erwin A Hardee, Brigham. Baldwin A Cos, J L Villalonga. Passrnoeks.—S E Conyers, T R Canty and lady, D L yaklev and lady, Miss Ceskrey, Miss Oliver, J S Turner, James E Grady, lady, clUld and servant, L Sherfesee, Mrs Moak, Mis Pai khtll and 2 children, Dr A B Hawkins and lady, T E Gregg, Francis Trlay, W Gregg, Thomas Buskett, P Sheffield, U A Peck,’ JC Howard, M Cooper, L M Folsom, W J Gunn, J Grass aud 3 children, J D W ilson, and 3 deck. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Ela, to L S Bennett. Imports—l 63 bales cotton, and sundry merchan dize, to J D Purse, Erwin A Hardee, Stewart A Cos, C L Colbv A Cos, and others. Passengers.—Miss Hinton. Miss Llluban. Mr Hin ton, Geo Damon, A B Noyes, John K Gregory, John McDougal. William P Slusser, John Pratring, Mr Gare;.. Mr Halstou, S O House, liramball. J D Hop kins, Capt Johnston, A M Cohen, J D Purse, L Y Stuart, H P Maston, M S Finney, WII McDonald J M Tyson, J T Ho wart, and 6 steerage. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, HUtou Head. Steamer Laura, , Augusta, with 127 bales do mestics, 64 boxes Glass. Walker A Campbell’s ilat, from Augusta—26l bales Upland cotton, to lluuttr A Gammed. Brigham, Bald w lu A Cos. Stallion's flat, from Augusta, with 410 bales Upland cotton. Cleared. Steamer Samson, Dennette, HUton Head. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort Sulaski. At Quarantine. Sloop Sjirina, from Bermuda, with an assorted cargo. PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Cleared. Aug 28—Steamer Louisburg, Dale, Jacksonville. LIST OF VESSELS IST THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Aug. 31,1565. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship America, Clift—loading for New York, wharf foot of Lincoln street—Brigham, Baldwin A Co s Mlnnetoka, Balch, I,ooo—discharging from Philadelphia, dock, foot of Abercorn street. BABES. Harvest Moon- Staples, 398—loading for New York, Central Cotton Press,—C L Colby 4 Cos. BKICS. Brig Hattie. Gllhey, from Hilton Head, with Ice discharging at Exchange Dock—Cheesman 4 Mar shall. Martha Eggleso, Clifford, 338—loading for New York—Richardson 4 Barnard. Waltham, Cottrell—from Boston—discharging, to Master. SCHOONERS. Schr Georgia, Holt, 78 tons, from Baltimore—dis charging at Central Wharf. Sclir Lovett Peacock, Lingo, 319, from Hilton Head —discharging ballast—Master. Schr Wm E Stevenson, Threadcraft, 45, from Ma tanzas —discharging at dock foot of Barnard Street- Master. Schr E C Howard, Nickerson, 306—discharging bal last at WUUnfc’s Wharf, near Gas House—Hill. Mas ter. Witch Queen, Percival, 115—from Boston—dis charging, Lower Rice MlU—Richardson 4 Barnard. Alice Flora, (Br) Knowles—from Nassau—discharg ing, Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wylly 4 Christian. Anna Sims, (new) Stevenson—awaiting completion at Quantock’s Mill—c L Colby 4 Cos. Addle E Barnes, Lawson, 145—waiting cargo, foot of Drayton street—Emil KoetcKe 4 Cos. Ruth H Baker, Smith, 378—loading for New Y'ork, foot of Barnard street—C L Colby 4 Cos. Eothen, Murray, 102—from New York—discharg ing, foot of Barnard street—Master, LEGAL NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Charlotte Veader, deceased, will present them, dnly attested, and those indebted will make payment to C’HAS. H OLM STEAD, au2C-eod3 Qualified Executor. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : Whereas John O. Ferrlll will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters > f Administration on the estate of James Bilbo, deeeafed— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all w hom lt may concern, to be and appear before ; d Court to make objection (If any they have) on oi I|F e the first Monday In October next, otherwise si u| .ters will be granted. Witness my official signature, this 2Sfh day of Au gust, 1865. D. A. O’BYRNE, au3l Ordinary. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, from my yard on the cor ner of Bull and Broughton streets, on the night of the 30th August, Four Llvw Colored and White I*OINTER PUPS. A liberal reward will bs given If returned to me B. STAMM. Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloon, sepl-2 Opposite Pulaski House. ACADEMY OF ST. VINCENT OF PAUL, Savannah, Georgia, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY THE Fall Term of this Institution will re-open on September 15th tod clou on February 15th, 1866. The Spring Term will commence on February 15th and clow on July 15th Terms per Session, Including board. Tuition In English, Washing, and use of Bed and Bed ding $l6O 00 Tuition In French v 20 00 do Music an Plano 30 00 do Music on Gaiter.,.. 3000 Tuition In Oriental Painting, per course. 15 00 do Wax Frnlt and Flower* *0 00 do Embroidery. '~T'. 10 00 For further particulars apply to the Superioress at the Institution. , an2o-2awlm AMUSRMBNT!*. VOXjKS’ o arton, (Congress at., between Jefferson and Montgomery SU-J REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, ST IDS Savannah Orchestra, Prof. B. Rk htk, Leader. twr Refreshment* of the heat quality and in every variety. lmo main SPECIAL NOTICKS. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE Internal Revenue Tax must be paid on Cotton and all Msnnlacturrd Goods before shipment from this Port, after this date. Office at Savannah National Bank. ALEX. N. WILSON, Collector Internal Revenue, lat District Ga. aug24-lw BATCHELOR’S HAXR DTB I The Original and Best In the World! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediately a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes.' Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed Wlliiam A. Batchelor Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS. For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. au!4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nr.v Tons. OFFICE COLLECTOR MILITARY TAXES, ) Excuanob Bcildino. V Savannah, Ga., 1865. ) CIRCULAR. I am instructed by General order, No. 26. Head quarter Sub-District of the Ogeechee, Aug. 28, 1805, to collect a Tax of Three per cent, upon all Incomes of Six Hundred Dollars (s<o6j and upwards, from Real Estate. And, alao, a Tax of One per cent. (1J on Gross Sales of all Merchandise, except Cotton sold on Commis sion : One per cent, on all Commissions derived from the transaction of an Auction, Commission. Shipping, Forwarding, and Brokerage business, except upon the sale ot Merchandise, upon which a Tax of One per cent, is levied. All persona coming within the reqnirementa of these instructions will Immediately make a return of all Incomes. Salea and Commissions, for the mouth of August, 1865. Blank returna for this purpose may be had on appli cation at this office. Office in the Exchange. Office hours, from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. C. H. PIKE. au3t-2 Captain and Collector Taxes. TO RENT. Offices to Bent. ONE Single and two Double Offices In the second story, conveniently located on Bay street Suita ble for Merchants and Lawyers, or for batchelors’ apartments. Apply to aug22 ts HENRY BRYAN. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET. A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At ZXlXtoxa. Heart, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offer* laige and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or busiuess purpose*. For terms apply to W. S. Sumpaon, Jr, Box No. 25, Hilton Head Post Office, or on the premises, corner of .Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to C o’clock p. m Ju22 _____ - Drags, Medicines, and Chemicals* A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, LAND ID FROM HIW T OIS . Apothecares, Planters, and tradi rs from the Interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordiai. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, wbolzsali ahd retail. ATAPOTBECABIEB’ HALL, Corner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B. —Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, jul6-3m Proprietor. CAUTION. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE C. R. R ,\ ,-avaansh, 27th August. / THE ticket office of the Central Railroad havinx been broken open and a number of tickets stolen, all persons are cautioned against purchasing tickets fr.rn any person except tbe ticket agent st tbe Depot Q. W SCATTERUOOD, su23-4 Assistant Snp’t. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into Copart nership to carry on Stevadorage, Drsyage, Stor age and Commission business, under the name of H. J. Dickerson A Cos. Office, second door west of .Messrs. Andrew Low 4 Cos. H. J. DICKERSON. T. A. GOODWIN. N. B. BROWN. Savannah, Ga., August 21,1865. au2l-lm BUYWCiriINKS —AT— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. aup24 If Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fish Hooks. ANDREW CLERK <fc CO.. 48 MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction In gold prices of the Needles, while the quality Is alwsyi kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. * Cos., respectfully solldt a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their honse. «026-3 m PIONEER SAW MILL. TXTE most respectfully announce to the citizens of if Savannah and other*requiring LUMBER, that our new Saw Mill at the foot ofzubly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, is completed. We *re now prepared to saw and furnish Lumber in large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respect!oily solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase TIMBER as lt arrives In this market. Jy3l-tf ROSE 4 ARKWRIGHT. NORTH RIVER MWVLUUL WORKS. GROTTNG, BROTHER A CO , Psonision, IS A«t> 60 Goubtlaud SraaxT. NEW Y O T K . Manufacturers of Plows. Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Cora Mills, Cotton litas, tee. Every Implement wanted by Uw Planter, Also, dealer* m Field and Gardes Seeds. Also, Agents for Brace's Concentrated Manure, Bone, tee. Send for areolar luSO 3m BACON SIDES. HHDS. CHOICE SIDES, landing and for sale i u3 oi CRANE. JOHNSON te GR4YBILL AUCTION, SALES., _ UNDERWRITERS' SALE. OCTAVOS COHEN Will rell THIS DAY, at lOu’dock. at the store of M. H. William*, comer of Bryan street and Market Square, 7 BALKS YARNS, 3 BALES DOMESTICS. D.waged on board of steamer Laura on her voyage from Augusta to Savannah Sold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. sepY ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE By Williams, Mclntlrc 1 C'o. WILL be sold on Wednesday, . 13th mat., at the residence of the late Thomaa J. Pitt, on Mil ledge atict. between the Parade Ground and Lovers’ Lsue, all the Household aud Kitchen Furniture be liinams to the estate of the late Tho» J Pitt. Sold by order ot the Administiator, sad by permis sion of the Court of Ordinary. aep2 AUCTION! Will be told at Public Auiction, At tiie &Q7eriiment Slaughter House, NEAR HABERSHAM'S RICE MILL, CANAL ST., SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1865, AT U O’CLOCK A. M„ 125 BEEF HIDES-Dried. For account of the Subsistence Department U. 8: Army. HENRY R SIBLEY. sep2-td Capt. and C. S,, U. 8. Vola. By Bell, Wyily & Christian. Will *ell at Private Sale 160 bbl*. Choice Petatoe* 60 do Onion* 2o boxes Lemon*. LamHngjfrom steamer this day. au29 M. E. Williams, J. R. MclxTiar. P. H. Waad. WILLIAMS, M’INTIRE & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, G A.. Reference* In Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. : Krwln St Hardee, Oaden ft Unckles, Isaac D La- Roche, Esq ; Hiram Roberta, Esq., Wyily Wood bridge, Eaq. References In New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp 4 Bro.; D. H, Baldwin A Cos. au2C-codlm STATIONERY, AC, ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, ANI» STATIONERY STORE, Bill Street, Coner of Bay Laoe, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW NOVEIjS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomaa. Price 50 centa. BELIAL, a Novel Price 60 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 76 cent*. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cent*. A tOO HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for September. The naual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, so(30 SAVILLE & LEACH, BTATIQNEBY. TIMBER CUTTERS’ BANK, CORNER BRYAN STREET AND MAR KET SQUARE, SAVANNAA, QA. The trade supplied at the lowest Canh P rices. Every variety of Stationery for office and general use an!9 STATIONERY. Ot iA REAMS Superfine Commercial Note Paper, icjyj pound* to the ream, at the very low price of $2 50 per ream. Alao, a large variety of other Papers, Envelope*, Pena, ink, Pencil*, Ac. For aale by SAVILLE A LEACH, anl2 cor. Bryan afreet and Market Square. And Merchants’ Row, HUton Head, S. C. OFFICIAL-SUB-PIgT. OF OQEECfIEE. HEADQ’RS SUB-DIST OF OGEECHEE) Savannah, Ga., Aug. 28,1865. j GsxtKAL Ouora, 1 ' No. 26. j Pursuant to General Order No. 13, Headquarters District of Savannah Ist Division Department of Georgia, the following Taxes will be collected to de fray the necessary expenses of lighting streets, clean ing of citv, tec. Ist. Tax of three (3) per cent upon all Incomes of six hundred (660) dollars or upwards from Real El ute. 2d. Tax on all Sales of Liquor as per General Order No. is, from these headquarters. 3d. Tax on all Traders, Dealers, Commission Mer chants, and Shippers of one (1) per cent, on all sales and commissions. 4th. These Taxes will be paid monthly, commenc ing on the 31st Inst., to the lax Collector, ou account of tales and rente sworn to by parties. 6th. All persons who have received Licenses with out paying the license lee ss specified in General Or der No. 13, from these Headquarters, are hereby no tified that tbclr Licenses are revoked from this date, and that new Licenses will be required before continu ing their business. 6th. All persons coming under the provisions of this order win report Immediately to Tax Collector and register their names and place of business, tec. Any person neglecting to comply with tbe requirements of this order will be subject to a fine. •tb. Capt. Calvin H. Pike, 163d N. Y. Vais., is here by announced as Tax Collector, City of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brv’t Brig. Gen E P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Eoi.k. A. A A. G. an2B HEADQ’RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah. Ga., August 28,1866. Gckibal Owns) No. 27. / Hereafter no Commissioned Officers, enlisted men. or civilians will be allowed to drive or ride their horses through the streets of kavannah faster than a trot.un less on official business, and then the envelope will lie marked gallop. The Provost Msrshal Is charged with the execution of this order. By command of Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk, A. A. A. G. ang29 HEADQ'RS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Ga., August 24, ISCS. Glxxxal Owns,) No. 26. 1 Capt. E. A. Parkinson, 153d Regiment, N. 7. Vois., Is hereby announced as Street Commissioner city of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Bri Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk, A. A. A Q. au2s Wholesale Druggists, AND PfIAMBRI US » Perftiery, Patent Medicines, k, &c, OidiiS WITH ISMITTANGES IMIMPTIY SU CUTiD AT LOWEST MARKET PiiCIG. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. 141 Chamber# ante No, 1 Hudson Sts., NEW YORK. James Harrad, formerly of Charleston, s. C. H. W. Ridley, formerly of Augusta, Os. aaJMISt SHIPPING. ""28 War m OF l N. VESSELS. WILL BE SOLD AT BAY POINT, PORT ROTAL, 8. A.t Publio Auction, OK Saturday, Sept. 2, at 10a>m. The fallowing named D. A Vessels, via.: Steamers CHATHAM and O. M. PETTIT, aide wheel light draught, well adapted for ahallon river*. Schooner* MAIL and SWIFT. Bark VALPARAISO. Sloop PERCY DRAYTON. Hull of Ferry Boat ELLEN, and three Newport SaU Boats. TERMS—Cash In Government fond*; onc-aixth of the purchaae money on the day of talc; and the re mainder In fix days. The vessels to be removed Im mediately after the foil payment la made. Tugs will be at Hilton Head, at 9 o’clock a. m„ of Sept. 2d, to transport to Bay Point persons who wish to purchaae these vessel*. aull’-S STAR LINE FOR NEW YORK. THE new and elegant first class MitU Steamship AMERICA, —t— U-Jlv-AfeTTr Capt. Clift, will positively tail for the - .J-mßfesAmr above port on- Saturday, September Id, at o'clock, For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO., au3l Stoddard's Building, opposite Post Office. FOR NEW YORK. STAR LINE. The new and elegant first class U. 8. Mall Steam ship CONSTITUTION, Capt. Greenmail, will positively sail for the above port on Wednesday, September fith, at-*o’clock. For freight or passage, haring splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A (XX au3l Stoddard's Building, opposite Post Office. A.tlantio Coast Mail Hteam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, Ayfb'bThe Firat Clan Staamahip VARU NA, wUI positively (all on THURS DAT, the 7th but., at o'clock. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to sepl JOHN R. WILDER FOR NEW YORK STAR ME LINE. SBMXsWBESXiY. The first clan U. 8. Mall Steamihlps NEVADA, .... Capt. CAtTzicriß. UNITED STATES, ... Capt. Suaaa. AMERICA, ..... Capt. Ciirr. CONSTITUTION, - - - Capt. Gasman. The above ship* compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN t CO, Agents Savannah, Ga. WAKKMAN, GOO KIN A DICKINSON, Agents, 17 Broadway, New York. ~FOR NEW YORK. Merchant's Line Sailing Vessels. The splendid Clipper Schooner Jfjfk RUTH H. BAKER, ndHGnßm Ctpt. WM. SMITH, la now loading for the above port, and will have qnlck despatch. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., au29-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. Merchant’s Line Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. The eplendld new extreme Clipper ARTiin; eggi.eso, CLIFFORD, matter, lt ready to receive cargo and will have qnlck dispatch. For freight or paaaage, having superior accommodations, apply to antt-tf C. L. COLBY A CO , Agents. MERCHANTS* Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. r | ’HE fine dipper bark HARVEST MOON, Staples. A Master, will commence receiving cargo for the above port ou Monday, tbe 28tb Inst. For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., au26 ts Cor. Day and Abercorn ste. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels. mHE fine Clipper Bark R. B. WALKER, Capt. L. R A Laraau. will be ready to receive cargo for New York on FRIDAY, the 18th Inst., and will have quick dispatch. Has accommodation for a few first-dass passengers Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO? aul9 ts Oor. Bay and Abercorn sta MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailings Vessels. Regular Wee kip Line off CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. T'HE undersigned Intend to keep up s regular week -X ly line of first class Sailing Vends plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and tbe very best fa cl title* for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY te CO., ants cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Schooner t. C. Howard, Capt. Nickerson, Will have quick despatch for the above Port. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., »°g 3l ' t( cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received it our *4 Warehouse, on DlHon’s Wharf, at any time du ring the week! ERWIN 4 HARDEE, anis lmo "I'OK SALE, 50,000 GRAY BRICKS. i $l» PBS THOUSAND. Apply at sepl-2 DILLON’S WHARF. ■HIPPING. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick. St. Mary’s, Fer nandtna, Jacksonville nnd Pieolata. (THE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. •f oYI C ** TN '**’ will leave ra above on SATURDAY, the 2d Inat , at» o'clock a. m. u hl‘lr Frelg^t or PM*»ge apply on board, at Dtllon'a " h * rf ’ opposite the Gts Works, or to M. A. COHEN. Agent. Freight payable on Wharf. g(Md. PP * T 1 Wltl fnraWl we, E*>t» and measnrement^of For Doctortown, i.u VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS *’ ,pt Fhllpot. will leave DlUon’s Wharf; on xuesday rooming, 22d inat., at » o’clock, and win ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown in connection with the Road, leaving** SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN KVEI . 40R8DAY Freight* payable here. vme. ERWIN A HARDEE annm im JOHN L ROUMILLAT, P og?1 ~ lm Agent on Wharf FREIGHT FOR MGIISTI RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt R. Jotraao*. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Edwsbc Httixs. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon'a Whan we are prepared to receive freight as above * ofeaehatearaer ° fth ' 0f ERWIN A HARDEE. * JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. * “* Agent on Wharf. RAILROADS. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, * Savannah, Ga., August $4, 1865. J Freight for Augusts and intermediate Stations be- IV Co P tra * Railroad, and between Waynesboro and Augusta, Augusta and Savannah Railroad will be received on and after Saturday, the 26th inst All way freight to be prepaid. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS. aSTWgSS“ t augAl Assistant Superintendent. Atlantic &Gulfßailroad Hardee, Agents for the m * STEAMER WM. C. CIBBONB iSu,!i!l£ onl,^s r l by whlc *> Passengers and Freight will be transported to and from ThomaavlUe and Sa aofl *ll intermediate points. ** *ny time during the week at the steamer's Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf. . WILLIAM DUNCAN, Acting President Atlantic A Golf Railroad. lm OASPER.T. FULTON, *ng2l-lm Superintendent. THOS CORWIN, WMJB.OWBN, THOR WILSON. e» onto. late cot. q.u.D. or iow*. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Flnnell) ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT UW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. 222 F STREET, wram TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL, YV A9HINGTON, D . C lo U'e Supreme Court of the United Dlatrict'orOrtum biit * nd ,h " Con ™°* «“> Dep*rt aa3° 3m THE Christian Index. BY the firstpfOctober.or as soon as the malls are re-wtabllabed, I will renew the publication of nrvn??®?* 8 INDEX" and of the "CHILD’S IN DEX” I bare been publishing. Price of "Index," per annum.. .300 Price of “Child's Index," ' 60 (A deduction made for ciaba j £ remitted at once, aa my determination t^l t r a remi?uncSr lb ' r * m ‘ y h ‘ V * to It Is my intention to Issue first dai- per*, and no wdn. or expense will be ap«r.d to ae- .:, tbit end.- The beat writers and correapondeuus will be secured, and the highest religion* and literary talent will he j)y*n to the papers. The Child's Paper will be pro fusely Ulustiated and will, In every sente, be made to conform to lu new title, THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. Money may be rent by Express or otherwise—ls by Krprewß, at my riik, If the Express receipt Is sent on the resumption of msl faculties. My connectton with the firm of J. W. BnrketeCo. is dissolved, but I will establish an office In Maoon. Ga. where communications may be addressed. » nl6 -- w SAMUEL BOYKIN. THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flittering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fer# to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. <«* equals. Two weeks $6 00 One month 600 Two months 10 00 Three month* V is on Six Months ' SiJS) One Year 111'' 11M r?* '4O 00 TWO SQUIUS, Two weeks. *lO 00 One month . ” tunn Two month* is 00 Three months ,« Six months 30 00 Persona desiring a greater quantity of space than la above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. 1 SUBSCRIPTION rates. Single Copy, (mailed) 6 cts One Month, do 7» «r Three Months, do 1, no Six Months do 3 60 One Year do !"!!!!! 6 00 Assuss, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD * CO., PETERSBURG, VA. BUY YOBB COOL TAYLOR’S ALE —A*— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFHCE, HILTON BEAD. aug24 CENTRAL R. R. * AND SAYANRAH, ALBANY & GULF R. 8. STOCK®, FOR SALK. APPLY AT THIS OFFICK. SUGAR, COFFEE, &C. I»n BAGS Rio Coffee DU 36 bbls. Crashed snd “C’ Sugar 26 hhds- Bacon, bides and Shoulders * Cotton Scale# au29-6