Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 05, 1865, Image 3

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OCA L M ATTBKB. Lrtureof Steamship* and Steamers. rent «> vosx. Lg:p Vanina. Thursday, September:, at - f snlp constitution, Wednesday. September FLo'clock p. m. L ,iiip rent, Thursday, September 7, at rOR rHILACELfHU. I ~ jimuetoDka, Tuesday, September sth, | :H. rou doctortown. I f , Wm . o. Gibbons, even Tuesday morning f roR aoorsTA. L er Helen, Wednesday, September 6th, at 7 [Lei'o.ih, Wednesday, September 6th. at 6 Up, m- I FOR HAWHNSVILLE. l mer comet, Thursday, September 7th, at 10 L a- ® I XUe attention of merchants and others Liw'to the card of Harrison * Cos., New York r Tblctl wul ue found In our advertising col- I this morning. I S£W York.— The steamship Perlt, Captain L arr jved yesterday afternoon from the above titii a good freight and quite a number of pas rs we are luuebted to Purser Haskell and [cKee, Steward of the Peril, for favors. nt'Zui the announcement in another col it will be'seen that an entertainment will be ,at the Theatre this evening, when Miss WUlett Ue her second appearance. This young lady Us histrionic taient, and with favorable op- Ues and encouragement would attain position e sage- -veuid ceil attention to the notice of P. Philips c'o- as-iior at Law, who offers to attend to any jsltU business in his line In the city of Wast- C Mr. Philips Is a distinguished member ■ Bar and has had much practice and expert n the Supreme Court and Court of Claims of alien States. r Sivai.n H inuL—The business card of Cun 8u i Parse, Factors, and Commls gerchants, will be found In our advertising col- These young gentlemeu are both long and U Known ta rehable *nd competent business Cnoroughly acquainted with the business rela lacd interests of Savannah. They merit,and we |ucy will receive, a liberal share of business Lage and encouragement. |:he announcement in our advertising columns 11 be seen that Jno. Huguenln Thomas, Esq., leaver an address at the Methodist Episcopal eh to-morrow evening for the benefit of a dls soldier of the late Confederate army. Mr. ias is an eloquent and pleasing speaker, and his ess, while it will offer a literary treat, will also and au opportunity of aiding a meritorious and rtimate young man, whose wounds have Inca atvu nun from obtaining a livelihood. ath or an oi.o Citizen.—lt becomes our duty Imi the death of James M. Jones, an old and respected citizen, which took place at his nee In this city, on Sunday last. The deceased, as in the 69th year of his age, was a native of are, but had been a resident of Savannah up of thirty years, during which time he filled sltlon of secretary of various Masonic bodies, cb order he was a bright member. r copartnership.—By their card. It will be hat coL Robert York, late of the United States tee* Army, has become associated with j. Williams A Mclntlre, in the auction and isslon business. Col. York, as well by his manly social intercourse with our citizens as e Impartial and Intelligent discharge of his i duties as Provost Marshal, has won the re alm esteem of onr public. He will be a valua ■ccesslon to the new firm. I rival of the Helen.— The popular steamer E'apt. Reilly, arrived from Augusta last evei • a full freight and list of passengers, id, passed steamer Amazon at 4 p. m. near n's Round, bound up. 4th, 6a. m., passed aer Gen-Berry tied up at Rlngfaw Cut; y, past 3n, steamer r'. H. May, bound down, and Laura ugusta ; Ip. m., passed Express Boat tied up; it 3 p. m., steamer Falcon tied up near Flat i Prendergast, the obliging Purser, will accept hanks for late Augusta papers. I Lie or Thohas O. McClssxet.—We regret to Lnce tie death of Thomaa 0. McCleskey, who [a; tie residence of his brother, George A. Mc gev, yesterday morning, In the 36th year of his Tie deceased was at the time of his death em eu In tie U. 8. service as Engineer of the steamer bivis. He was taken sick while at Hilton Head, only reached bis home In time to be taken to his hei's house to die. He was for many years a iber of tie Savannah Volunteer Guards, with Ci corps he served In the late war until about a : belore Its close, when be was appointed Engi :ln tie Confederate States Navy. He was of a l-hearted, generous disposition, and had In this munlty many warm Mends who will deeply sym ilse with ils relatives lu their sorrow for his on ly death. It will be gratifying to them to know , he died In the full possession of his faculties, i calmness and reslhnatlon. KjmTAL KY THE MILITARY COMMISSION.—Some veeks since,Alexander Intelligent free i of color, well known In this city, where he has iys sustained a good character for honesty and ect deportment, was arrested by the military au ltles, charged, first, with stealing, or cansing to lolen, four bales of cotton from tie Government ehouse at I.amar’s Press; and, 2d, with purchas ed receiving four bales of cotton, which had I stolen, Ac. The case having come up for lnves lion (we quote from the official report), the Corns- Mon, after maturely considering the evidence ad rd, tnd me prisoner, Alexander Hardee, as fol- G. tie Specification, Ist Charge, Not Qullty; of the UF Charge, Not Guilty -, of the Specification, 2d jfcuge, Guilty ; of the 2d Charge, Guilty, but attach B criminality thereto. And the Commission do Brelore acquit him, the said Alexander Hardee,” ■bo was accordingly released from arrest. It la only Jfoes.-arv to add that the above finding waa duly ap jfeved by Maj. Gen. Brannan, commanding this Oe-'. THE COURTS. FEFORE LIECT. COL. M. T. HOLBROOK. Savannah, Sept *, 1865. 'jprs. B. Zlttrour vs. Lawrence Dunn—unlawfully Iltniug possession of premises. Judgment—ln the ive case It is ordered that the defendant having I ample and sufficient notice to vacate the prem i occupied by him, at the expiration of his lease, i now ordered that he vacate the premises on or are the uth day of September instant, and upon ure so to do, that he be forcibly ejected therefrom, l that he pay costs of suit. [erven Hirt vs. August John, recovery of debt— m $l5O. It appearing from the petition of plain that the defendant Is removing from the limits of i Military District. It Is ordered that he euter Into id aud sufficient security for the payment of the ive claim, within sixty days from this date, and reafter be discharged /rom custody upon pay at of costs. Ira. Sarah Herscb vs. Wm. H. Hausman—holding session of premises contrary to orders. It sp iring from the records of the Provost Marshal’s ce, that Mrs. Sarah Hersch obtained permission occupy and control at Guyton, Effingham County, >video the same was not In the use tft the C. S. Gov irnent. And It appearing from the petition of Mre. ah Hersch that Mr. Wm. H. Hausman was no th on the 19th day of August 1865, under order m this office to vacate the premises owned by s. Hersch, on or before the Ist day of September, 6, or be forcibly ejected, If the said order was not yea, and it further appearing that the said w. Hausman has failed to give possession In obsdl tto the order Issued. It Is now ordered that the • defendant vacate the premises occupied by I within five days, from the receipt of this order, failure to comply with fills order at the time Killed the officers or non-commissioned officers In Bftge of the troops at the village of Guyton will ex late the above order by resorting to a forcible ejec- RAe United States vs. Joseph Smallwood, Henry lasting, F Matron Tidwell, Samuel 9. Besslnger— Beating cattle untie value of SIOO and violating den ial Order No. *s, dated Headquarters, c. 9. Forces, Iniannah, Qa., March JSth. 1865-Geo. M. Powers, IroKtutor. Pies, not guilty. After hearing test)- bony In the above- Mated case, ft is apparent that the gist charge against the defendant* baa mol been made oat, therefore It is ordered : That a Nolle Pro* equi be entered against each of them. The defend ant Joseph Smallwood having been proved guilty of buying cattle, the same having been ktoleo, and hav ing been proved guilty or violating General order No. 26, ft is ordered : That he pay ta George M. Pow ers the amount or money realized from the sale of one ateer In the market of Savannah, on Saturday last, said steer having been shown to be the property of the Prosecutor. And It la further ordered that he pay a One of ten dollars for violation of the Order above cited, and also the costs of sulL And it la fur tber ordered that the defendant J. Smallwood be dis charged from custody alter complying with the fore going order. The other defendants are discharged instanter. OFFICE PROVOST HAXSJLSL. SUB-DIVISION OF 7HE OOIECMSI—BEFORE CAPT. 9AML. COWDRT, PRO VOST MARSHAL. Savannah, Sept. 4. 1166. United States vs. James Mack—Concealing a quail* tlty of whiskey. Ordered that the wnlskey In ques tlon be confiscated for the benefit of the Post Hos pital. A. Stokeley vaWm. G -aham-Charge ; In this, that A. Stokeiey gave Into pcaaessslon of Wm. Qraham about the stb of July, 1866, certain articles to keep un til called for by the said Stokeley ; Graham having delivered up the articles to other parties, without any order from the rightful owner, It Is ordered that Wm. Graham pay to the plaintiff the snm of twenty dollars, which Is considered as the equivalent value in money of the articles so given up. Mrs. Eliza Callahan vs. A. J. Carroll—Claim for possession of stolen mule. It Is ordered that defend ant pay the sum of seventy-five dollars to Mrs. Calla han, which Is considered the equivalent value In money of the mule In question. Carroll having sold the property, and there being no way to recover its possession, the sum of S7B to be paid by 10 o’clock a. m. September Bth, 1868. J. M. Harrison vs. Thomas Me geever—Claim for rent. Ordered that defendant pay $7.88, being bal ance due for one month's rent, ending July 26,1865. V. 8. vs. Robert Phlnizey—Petit Larceny. Ordered that defendant pay a fine or SXO. C. 3. vs. Henry Johnson, (colored)—Charge: having possession of Government property. Ordered that the pusouer be discharged, there being no evidence. LIST OF DEATHS, REPORTED AT THE OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER, FOR TOE MONTH ENPING ACOC3T 31, 1865. Diseases. Whites. Blacks. Typhoid Fever 2 2 Intermittent Fever 7 Remittent Fever 2 3 Bilious Fever 4 2 Congestive Fever 1 6 Congestion of Brain 1 Perforation of Bowels 1 Gastro Enteritis 8 Pneumonia 5 Consumption X 4 Diarrhoea 3 10 Dysentery 1* Acute Gastritis 1 Pemphigus 1 Peritonitis I Apoplexy 2 l Hemorrhage., I Dropsy 5 Menlngetls 2 l Atrophy 1 Diseases of Heart 2 Trismus Nascenttum l Lycocytbema 1 Hepatitis 1 Phthisis Pulmoualis 1 1 Scrofola l Menorrhagia l Dlptheria l Rubeola 1 Convulsions 6 8 Pertussis 14 Cholera lulhntum 2 Croup l Alcoholism 1 Childbirth 1 2 Stillborn l Teething 3 Old Age and General Debility 3 4 Gunshot Wound l Injuries sustained on Central Rail road l Suicide by taking Laudanum 2 Unknown 7 Total M :e Cases of Small Pox removed from the city during the month 10 Number of cases burled at Government expense : - White 10 Colored 23 Total 33 CEMETERY REPORtT REPORT OF INTERMENTS IN CATHEDRAL CEMETERY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. Aug. 4—Mary Buckley, 3 weeks, Savannah ; Peter Scully, 35 years, gastritis, Ireland. Aug. 6—Ann Symons, ll months, Savannah. Aug. 7—James R. Mahan, 1 year, cholera lnrantum, Savannah. Aug. 9—Sylvester Ford, 18 months, croup, Savan nah ; Ellen Fortune, 70 years, old age. Aug. 12— Margaret Hanlon, 75 years; Francis 0. O'Byrne, 10 months, gastro enteritis. Savannah. Aug. 14-John Sheridan, 41 years, congestive fever, Ireland; Elizabeth Ortmn, 9 months, convulsions, Brooklyn, N. T. Aug. li—Mary Elizabeth, 6 days, spasms, Savan nah. Aug. 17—James M. Daly, 3 days, spasms. Savan nah. Aug. 19-Oeorge Farmer, (colored) 5 years, dropsy, Georgia. Aug. 22—Eliza Flood, 66 years, old age, Ireland. Aug. 25—Mary Jane Furlong, 10 months, diptherla, Savannah. Aug. 26—Susanna Larose (colored), 12 years, whoop lug cough, 9avaunab. Aug. 24—Ann O’Reilly, 52 yts, remittent fever, Ire land. Aug- 30—Patrick Cavanaugh. 10 years, bilious fe ver, belaud. Total, 19. P. MCCROHAN, Keeper Cathedral Cemetery. Notice to Stockholders. BT resolution of the Stockholders of the Steamer Swan, an assessment of Fifty Dollars per share la hereby called for, payable on or before the 9th Sep tember Inst. M. A. COHEN, sep4-5 Agent. CAUTION. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE C. H. R,\ savannah, 27th August ( rpHE ticket office of the Central Railroad havlnz X been broken open and a number of tickets stolen, all persona are cautioned against purchasing tickets flrera any person except the udtrtj^^t^the^Depot. au29-4 Assistant Snp't. Notice. CONSIGNEES per steamer Oak, from Doctor Town, will please call at the office of Keln A Cos., pay their freight, and get orders lor their cotton now dis charging at Central Pres. Wharf All liability of the boat and Agents expire as toon as the cotton Is land *d - JOHN N.KEIN, Receiver. K p4 114 Bay street. ' Notice. ss 20th. 1866. for th« turn of four bunarod and fifty dol lar!, draws by m« in favor of A. C. LomeUno, as the oamehaa been paid. JA9 , „. CAHILL. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered Intp Copart- X ntrsblp to carry on Stevadorage, Drayage, 3tor age and Commission business, under the name of H. J- Dickerson A co. . Office, second door weet of Messrs. Andrew Low A Cos. H. J. DICKERSON. T. X GOODWIN. . N. B. BROWN. Savannah, Go.. Auaget «l, 1866. eu2l-lm BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS TONKING’B, m hub op ro«r omc*. baton head *»«** ti Hotel Arrival*. PULASKI HOUSE, SKITEMBKK 4. 1565. A McMillan, |Mr Kauffer, New York J L Savage, Augusta ij J Tinlev. Florida JII Fowler. Chaplain 33d Jno T Mvrtrk do _ uS C T Wm BuriaiarOMo Pat Dempsev. New York iPrank Lanier, West Point, H ATophani, Hilton H j Ga Wm S Easton, It Pulaski]H C Harrington and sou, H J Murdock, Hilton Head | Mass Luther R Bostick, S c James J Pryor, Macon W Uwton, SC Tnos O Millet, Savannah JWManer.SC Edw A Wild, do E P Martin, str Vanina J W Lawton C B Smith, do |J S Clark, wife and child, N Eggleston, do i New York J E Munger. Augusta |J Lawton Singleton, Ga A P Bignou. do !C.eo P Gates. Macon Jno Fellass, do N E Vanslckle, 4K c It R A Waldron, jr, do i fhos Duncan. do JH Saunders, do M P Carrot and lady, Ga W J Farr, do Geo Patten, Ga Mrs J Torkeowskl, Colum- J D Jones, lath Regt Inf bus c E Trompblv, u asmng'n Miss E TorkeowskJ.Colum- M J McMuilan.Oglettiorpe bus j R Sneed, Savannah Mrs Hery, Augusta | Shipping Intelligence. All nature Almanac-This Day. Sun rises s 37:M00n rises Sun rets 6 20) High water 6 67 TORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived, Monoat, Sept. 4, 1868. Pioneer Line Steamship Perlt, Delaaoy, New York, Hunter 4 Gummed. Passengers—l Ives, Mrs Ives, J J Finlay, Mr Ma tare, J M Haywood, J Garlee, J T Myrick.C Burg haul E F Lanier, J Rorneker. Capl C Smith, A Waldron, H H Linvllle and son, John Bobbitt, Mrs,Joseph Lauder, John Muliss, A P Bignor, J E Munger, Mrs Henry and infant, Mrs C Mathews, Mrs ourtls, Mrs Powell and child. Mis J Zorkowzkl, Miss Zorkowtkl, and 15 In second cabin. consignees—Adams Ex Cos, Ames and Peabody, Bell A Christian, Brady, Smith A Cos, C L Colby A Cos, O Cohen. Claghorn A Cunningham, J De Laßoche. W H Darlington, Erwin A Hardee, C L Gilbert, Hill Gowdy, str C S Grant, Hess A Guttman, Halsey, Wat son A Cos, John B Howell, J HerTtach, U iiavrn, J Hammell, Hilton A Randell, Hunter A Gammed, A B Ives, Johnson 4 Craybdt, Berlin A Bnrke. B Kohn, Jno N Kem A Cos, Lovell A Latlimore, H B Waugh A Cos, J Llppmen, Lilienthai A Kohn, J Lama, D McAl lister, R J Lorcomb, A J Mliler. H Meinhar: A Bro, J McMahon, J H Finsbury, Presdee A Orff, C Rodgers, Richardson A Barnard, A A Solomons A Co.JasSkee ban, 1 R Sealey A Cos, Stuart A Cos. A M Scarbrough, W H Stark, A Vroom, Wm Wolf, P Waters, Weed A Corn wed. C 3 steamer Savaunab, Eldridge, Savanuab. Steamer Staudtsh, Moore, Hdton Head. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hdton Head. Steamer Helen, lleUlv, Augusta, to Keln A Cos. 30 mdes above Savannah passed str Falcon with loss of rudder, passed at Herschman’s Lake U S str Augusta tied up to landing. The str Gen Shepley Is at Augusta waiting a rise In the river. The Helen brings 1100 lbs. weight of gold and sdver to U S Quar termaster. Passengers— J S Clark, Mrs Clark, Miss Clark, C E Tomblv, Capt G E Jones, J C Harrington and sou, Gen Wild, Lawton Surgeon. Jas J Pryor, Thomas G Miller and 1 steerage. Consignees— Keln A Cos, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Schuster A Uelnsieus, A A Soloms, clias Colbv A Cos, 0 Epstelu. Capt Reilly, F. J Farnum. Cleared. Steamer Emlde, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Volunteer, , Augusta, T J Patterson A Cos. Exports. Philadelpaia—Per schr J H Williams. 228 bales domestics. Below. A bark bound up. LIST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT OP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept. 4, 1865. STEAMSHIPS. Perlt, Delanoy, from New York—discharging foot of Aberuorn street, Hunter A Gammed. Steamship Mlnnetoka, Balch, I,ooo—discharging from Philadelphia, dock, foot of Abercorn street. Star Line Steamship Constitution, Greenman, M tons, from New Y'ork—discharging at Low’s wharf, loot of Lincoln street, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. ACM Steamship Varuna, Whitehurst, 864 tons, from New York—discharging at Central Cotton Press, J R Wdder. eases. Harvest Moon. Staples, 398—loading for New York, Central Cotton Press,—C L Colby A Cos. BRIGS. Brig Hattie, Gllbey, from Hilton Head, with Ice— discharging at Exchange Dock—Cheesman A Mar shall. Waltham, Cottrell—from Boston—discharging, to Master. SCHOONERS. Schr Georgia, Holt, 78 tons, from Baltimore—dis charging at Central wharf. Schr Lovett Peacock, Lingo, 349. from Hdton Head —discharging ballast—Master. Schr Wm E Stevenson, Tbreadcraft, 48, from Ma lanias—discharging at dock foot or Barnard Street- Master. Schr E C Howard, Nickerson, 306—discharging bal last at Wlldnk’s Wharf, near Gas House—Hdi, Mas ter. Witch Queen, Percival, US—from Boston—dis charging. Lower Rice Mill—Richardson A Barnard. AllceFlora, (Br) Knowlc3—from Nassau—discharg ing, Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wylly A Christian. Auna Suns, (new) Stevenson—awaiting completion at Quantock’s Mid—C L Colby A Cos. Addle E Barnes, Lawson, 145—waiting cargo, foot of Drayton street —Emil Koetcke A Cos. Ruth H Baker, Smith, 378—loading for New York, foot of Barnard street—C L Colby A Cos. Eothen, Murray, 102— from New York—discharg ing, foot of Barnard street—Master, SLOOPS. Br Sloop Svlvia, Brown, from Bermuda—discharg ing at wharf foot of Barnard street. OXFORD BIBLES AND ENGLISH EDITIONS OF the U. S. EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK, THE undersigned are the Sole Agent* In the United States for the Oxford Editions of the Bible, which they constantly keep In stock In every variety of else and binding. They ore the Publishers slso of various editions of the U. S. Episcopal Prayer Book, which are all print ed and bound under their own supervision in Eng land. Booksellers and others will find an assortment in their list greater than can be found anywhere else In the country. Catalogues mailed free on application. THOMAS NELSON A SONS, 137 Graad street, New York 29 Paternoster now, London. sepl.G Hope Park. Edinburgh. GUNNY BAGGING. For sale by N. A. HARDEE & CO. *ep2-tf BRINCKERHOFF A MILLS, UTTHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS. Orders for W all kinds or Tens, In any sired packages de sired, filled at the lowest market prices. Parties or dering will please send remittances. Term* cash Orders solicited. Southern Produce received and Bold on commis sion. Will slso receive deposits of money for dis bursement. No. 177 Pearl street, near Wall, New York. sepl 1m PHOSFEOTt, tS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet with an Edition of 10,000 copies, for gra tuitous CIRCULATION. To be luiied on or about the 15 th of July, 1866, Bx 3. W. BCKiiE A GO., • MACON, QA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, as a method of extensively advertising tbelr baalnesa.— While we will publish the advertisement* of *ll who may favor n. with their patronage, the paper will also cofitain Prices Current of the Markets In all the princi pal Cltlca, Rate* of Exchange. Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every de»criptlon that will be of Interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; hut the paper will De sufficiently lsrgs to leave ample room sot Editorials, Correspondence, Select ReadfogMatter, Ac It will be* family, as wxll as a ursiMFss papeo. and we Intend that It shall vteil every City, Town aud Village In the Couutry. All can perceive the advantage of advertiiing In s paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friends will want their Business Cards. Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to ns Immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and fleel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. A» soon saw* arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will nuke An estimate, end publish the rates f r advertising, In file first number. Tun wai os os now os roes isle, to allow cs to pdzxjs* r*x paps*. Deeming it superflu ous to arras the benefit of this enterprise to the Adver tising world, we leave the subject with It, feeling aa -5?“ r&sr 1M ***§o* SftCuU Bay Street I iy!B-tf AiniKireiy. SAVANNAH THEATRE. IT All MAHAttR ADIMITOI, 11)001 Tnesaay Evening, Sent. 5,1865. The Performance will commence with the Drama of THE TEST OF LOVE 5 OR, Theresa’s Vow. Theresa.. Second Appearance) Miss A. Willett Francis Mr. Phil. MUton A lister lit r Mr. G. C. Brydon Water . . ,'r Mr. H. Becney Nannrtte (First Appearance; Mias Sefton SOK»8, DAIrOBB, tfcC., By the Pollan Minstrels. DIRECTOR BILLY BOYCE. COMIC SINGING, - • by - - Mr.H. BENNY To conclude with GRANDcombat CFaoa Maoura.; S) ami HARXINB AMO SiBNSV WIUiAMI. ST For full particulars we smaU bills. it;i AN ADDRESS #IU SC DXLXTXU9 At the Lecture Room or m METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wednesday Evening Sept. 6,1865, AT S O'CLOCK, BY J. HUGUENIN THOMAS, ESQ., FOR THE BENEFIT or a— DISABLED SOLDIEB OF THE LATE C. S. ARMY. Subject,- “MORAL HEROISM.” CV Admis-ion, so cents. Tickets for sale at Mr. Lincoln and Hldsman’s Drugstores. seps VOLKS' GARTEKr, (Congress st., bet ween Jefferson and Montgomery sts.,; REGULAR SUMMER SEASON. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERT NIGHT, »r rax Savannah Orchestra, Prof E. Ricans, Leader, rr Refreshments of the best quality and la every variety. lmo auld SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCHELOR 3 HAXH SYS ! The Original and Best In the World! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Inetan taneous. Produces immediate., a aplendld Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the U 1 effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is algned William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Bair. au!4-ty CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Youx. WANTED. Wanted, FORTY (40> able-bodied young men for duty In the of kavannah. They will receive a liberal salary They must come well recommended. All applicants will apply at office of Capt. Samuel Cow cLey, Provost Marshal. By command of . Brv't Brig. Geu. E. P. DAVIS. Ws. H. Fout A. A. A. G. S U3O WED IMDUTir FIFTY TONS ol Rags and Waste Paper The HIGHEST cash Prices paid. liio, rnn Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles, Ac., at the „ , FOREST CITY MILLS, ani-tf Savannah. TO REST. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. tnl24f Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOB STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE tnl2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At EUlton Koad, 0. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and ally rooms, suita ble for Sleeplug Apartments or business purposes. For terms apply to W. 9. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ises, corner ol Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o’clock p. m jn22 DRUGS. Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals* A choice selection ol DRUGb, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, LAUDin nos new rose, Apothecar.cq Planter*, and trad, re from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article ee being pore: A Urge quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred casea Jacobs’ Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, wnoisiaii aim asxalL. ATAPOTIECABIEV Hill, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, jn!6-3m Proprietor. P. H. BEHN, T?ACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MKR- X CHANT. Near old stood. Bay street, Savan nah, Go. sept 6 Notice. TYURiNG my abssaos from the United States Mr. U John L. Villa)onga will act se Attorney lor the firm of Wm. Be Hereby A Cos., and for myself. jep*-3 WILLIAM BATTERiSBT NOTICE. \fT too Lawrence Lippmen u my duly authorised JXI Attorney during »y absence from the sum. «»P*-1 JOSEPH LIFTMAN AUCTION SALES. UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. OCTAVUS COHEN Will sell THIS DAY, At 10 o’clock, at the store of Heaara. J. W, Anderson’s A Sons, corner of Bryan and Drayton streets, 4 Bales Montour Yarns, Damaged on board steamer Laura on her voyage from Augnata to Savannah. Sold for account of Underwriter* and all concerned. Bell, Wylly & Christian CARGO SALE. Sugar. Molasses and Segars. On WEDN ESDAY naxt, 6tb lnat., will be sold on hoard the schooner William H. Stevenson, just ar rived from Mstsszas. Cubs, and now ijdng at the foot of Barnard street, * 39 boxes Sugsr, 27 tierce. Muscovsdo Molasses. 10 M very superior Havana Segars Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. aep4-3 XucTIOIM! Will be aold at JPublic .Auction, At the Goyernment Slaughter House, NEAR HABERSHAM’S RICE MILL. CAN AL ST-, SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 6, 1365, AT U O’CLOCK A. M -125 BEEF HIDES,-Dried. For account of the Subalstence Department C. S. Amy. HENRY R SIBLEY. rep2-td Capt and C. S., U. 8. Vola. 5 0 U ,S Yo “' \ }J- R-Mcbma*. M. E. WiLLiana, ( ( P. H. Wans. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO,, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY BTREET, SAVANNAH, G A. . CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos,; Erwin A Hardee, Gaden A Uncklrs, Isaac D La- Roche, Esq ; Hiram Roberta, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge. Esq.: Hunter A Gammell; 1,. C. Norvell A Cos. References In New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.; D. H, Baldwin & Cos. au26-eodlm ESTILIL’S Newspaper Depot, —Am* STATIONERY STORE, BUI Street, Career of Bar Late. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. KTBIW 770VHuS. Just Received at the above Depot a farther supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas Price 60 cents. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 60 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 78 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 36 cents. also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’B LADY'S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for September. The usual sasortmcnl of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer. ang3o BOOKS & STATIONERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, eep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAT TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN. rLOWERS OF PARADISE. POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saviiie A Leach, Timber Cutters’ Bank sepl ts Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS FOR GHILDREN. Youths’ Pictorial Library, Maria Edsworth’s Early Lessons, Tales and Stories Worth Telling, Little Frankie Stories, Young People’s Library, Salt Water Tales Uncle Sam’s Library, The Robin Nest Stories, Leila Books, Boqnets for Children, Mount Vernon Juveniles, Six Pleasant Companion*, Merry Tales and Stories for Young Folks, The Juvenile Library, The Jewel Case, Sea and Land Stories, The Dog Crusoe’s Stories, Molly tnd Kitty’s Juveniles. Saville A Leach, sept-ts cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS . THE POETS IK BLUE AND SOLD. Hood. Burnt, Moore, Byron, Milton. Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Campbell, Coleridge, OSiltD, „ ■earns, Pope, Scott, Crabbe, Cowper. Saville A Leach, eep4-tf cor. Bryan street end Market Square. SCHOOLBOOKS. Spellers. Readers, Grammars, Book-Keep lag. Copy Books, Dictionaries. •avilla A Leach, **p4-if cot Bryaastreet asdXtrket Square. __ SHIPPING. Atlantic Const Mull Htcnm ahip Company. FOR NEW YORK, z , The First Class Steamship VARU /'/jjrjpf iJt,. NA, will positively sallonTHLßS the 7th hist., at 7 For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to sepi JOHN R. WILDER FOR NKW TQRK STAR LINE. BUMI-WaBZCZiV'. The first class U S. MeH Steamships - - - - Capt CxtrxrrrXß. UNITEDi STATES, . . . Cspt. 3«a« AMERICA. ----- Capt Clift CONSTITUTION, - . . Capt. uanjair. The above ship* compose the Line, and will sail from New York end Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agents, Savanuab, Qa. WAKEHAN, GOOKtN A DICKINSON, Agents, II Brosdwsy, New York. FOR NEW YORK. Merchant’s Line Sailing Vessels. Tbs splendid dipper Schooner jJjUk *WB B. BAKER, anflmMW Ospk WM. SMITH. Is now loading for the above port, and will haw quick despatch. Apply to CUAS. L. COLBY ft CO., au29-tf cor. Bay end Abercorn streets, For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. The U. 8. Mali Steamship MINNE- X/idHS. TONK 4,1,006 tons bnrthen, J. W. ~£2!wlUmTj Bslch Commander, will leave for the .-.ilartuA fWU above port on TUESDAY, SEPT. Sth, at O’clock. Cablh Passage to Pbllsdelphls *4O Through Tickets to New York, vis Philadelphia.. 40 For freight or passage, having elegant accommoda tions. apply to »u3« HUNTER ft GAMMELL. For New York. The A1 Schooner Jgk LOVET E ACOCK, LITIGO, Master, Having the greater portion of cargo engaged, will have despatch for the above port. For freight apply sep2 HUNTER ft; GAMMELL. MERCHAIVTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. r |*Hl fine dipper bark HARVEST MOON, Staples, A Master, will commence receiving cargo for the abort port on Monday, the *Bth Inst For freight or passage apply to CHAB. L. COLBY ft CO., •uS* ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. FOR FLORIDA The Steamer HELEN GETTY, CAPT. INGRAHAM (Formerly the St. Johns,; Will leave the Old Georg’s Steamboat Yard for Florida, touching st Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Femandlna, Jacksonville, Plcolata tnd Pa. latke. For Fretght or Passage apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent Florida Boat tep2 Coiner West Broad and Bay sts. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing V essels. Regular Weekly Line of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned intend to keep np a regular week* ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for passengers and the very beat ft dimes for delivering freight In good order, at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY ft CO., SIIIB cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing jg| Vessels FOE NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Schooner E. C. Howard, Capt. Nickerson, Will have quick despatch for the above Fort. For Freight or Passage apply to CHA9. L COLBY A CO., sug3l-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn st*. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, A RE notified that Goode will be received at our XI Warehouse, on Dillon’s Wharf, at any ttm* du ring the week. ERWIN A HARDEE, ante lmo For Doetortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMABVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, A Oapt. Philpot, will leave Dillon's Wharf; on Tneedsy morning, 22d Inst, at 9 o’clock, end will ply reguUrly between Savannah and Doetortown, In connection with the Road, leaving as follows r SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Freight receipted tor through to any point on Rail, rood between Doetortown and ThomatvilJe. Freights payable here. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. HOUMILLAT, aug2l-lm Agent on Wharf. FREIGHT FOR AUGBSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, Aid Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Cept. R. Joans On. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Edwaoo Blurs Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight se above. Due notice will be gtven of the days of departure of eecb steamer ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. HOUMILLAT. aalß lm Agent on Wharf. Paving’ Bricks. 14000 KKL p iK?“ laß RICHARDSON A BARNARD, sepf-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. Humber. VET HITE PINE, rough and dressed. Cherry and m White Wood. tV>r sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, sept-ts Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. BACON SIDES. IK HHD6. CHOICE SIDES, lauding and for cole «»4 CRANK JOHNSON * GRAYBILL railroads. _w Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > Savannah, Ga., September 4,1885./ ON and after Tteaday, sth inat., a daily train CSnn excepted; will leave for Augusta at 4 a m.. connecting with a line of Hacks het»LS,' Station 4* Central Railroad, and Augusta and Savannah Railroad "‘ ,yneeooro on Passengers by this hne will arrive in » n ™». b£Sr l £ 0 f nUI J? * lle ‘' le * Tln « Savannah in w Sffo? A*^,r npct with the Freight to go by Pasrenger Train moßt be nr...;, and delivered at the Depot the night before P d By order of GEO. W. ADAMS n g e ° er ‘ u ,.. Snp » f in t end«;,t -tfE jjsgggsa*.,'. Central Railroad SPP^.I [^? : ? D J :NT, S OFFICE, ) SaAannah, Qa., Auerußt 34. IBfts r SMrariSS: All way freight to be propi3d init - By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, - 5 Are leant Superintendent. Atlantic & Gulfßailroad STEAMER WM. C. GIBBONS a. the W ” k WILLIAM DUNCAN. A.ting President Atlantic ft Gulf Kailroad anc2l-lm OASPERJ. FULTON, angzi-im Superintendent. TH °oromo WlN ’ WM H OW *N’ TIIOS. WILSON. . 01110 - I*l*ool. oj«.d. or row*. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin ft Finnell,; ATTOKKEYB AM* COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, nfak TREASURY RTTTT n INO. IN REAR OF’ WASHINGTON, D. C. Will practice in the Supreme Court of the United THE Christian Index. RY the first of October, or as soon as the matt. ... the • ‘CHHlotlan'indeY’' r !nd W Potion of Mr C ’ HILD ' S ® e dVi p n , d r .r um * % (A deduction made for Chibs ; ’'. Money may be remitted at once, as toy determination »e^ , n^ CTlber ’ bfiv. l It Is my intention lo Issue flret class paDers. and no pains or expense will be spared to secure thS US *br beat writers and correspondents will be secured tnd the highest religion. aSd Ut«*re given to the papers. The Child’s Paper will b 2 ni? fueely illnstiated and will, in every senae hrmVdS'. conform to Its new title, ’ “® ““** to THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. Ex“^ y S a 4 b teTlf b . y h. E S^ r r^ i r^ , II S on the resumption or mal Scuttles. P Dl me ’ My connection with theflrm of J. tv BurkeftCo dissolved, but 1 will establish an office In Macon Ga W^l^“ nnlC * tiOM ““F * “to™**. anl6 ~ 2w SAMUEL BOYKIN. THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered npon Its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and dally increasing circulation, and of er« to merchant* and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages snrpaaaed bv none. ADVERTISING RATES. oni squeal. Two week* . B SSZISSSL ...v..:::::: w SS WX Month*.. 24 0 0 One Year « oo two eqc*«i*. Two week* am on Two months. JJ 2, Three month* is an One year !.. "i” IS SS Psrson* desiring s greater quantity of space than is above designated, wiU be accommodated on liberal Unni. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. VZZ*™?"- do ...$9 00 vnt x«tr do 6 oo ADDtttt, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD A CO., PETERSBURG, VA. BET roan COOL TAYLOR’S ALE —AT— TONKIN<rS, • IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. *ug24 ACADEMY OF ST. YINCEHT OFPAUL, Savannah, Georgia, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY T B SsS!arfiS I ”«r i s SB.syr,s «dd^oK‘™tt ucotpmenceon Febra » r yisth Tl bSdisA wShEL to^ dta * MPt rd ’ Taltioll ln din*" 0 ’ ” asulng. and use of Bed and Bed- Tultlon In' French <*} SS S» “, ***'- Tuition In Oriental Pointing, uer cimVse' "V " ?S t §8 sss~ “ LEGAL noticks. S T^lTthL Q ,! ;ORGIA - eHATHAM COUNTY.-To kj an wnom It may concern : ° Kerrill wUI »Pply at the Court of rfims * f Administration on the estate c f Jame* Bilbo, deceued— i. „ *** ***• therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before sold Court to make objection (if any they neve) on or belore the first Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature, this 28th day of Au gust, 1865. D. A. O'BYRNE, au3l Ordinary. OTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To Cl all whom It may concern : Whereas. Eudora s Abrahams will apply st the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration oo the estate of Jacob M. Abrahams, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before laid Court to moke objection, (It any they hart) on or be fore the first Monday ln October next, otherwise oeid letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this second davof September, 1866. D. A O'BYRNE, ■*l*4 ’ Ordlrary,