Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 06, 1865, Image 3
LOCAL MATTER S Ocpirtirrof and Steamer*. FOR KIW YOU. Steamship Varuna, Thursday, September ?, at oicloek. Steam-alp Constitution. Wednesday, September Cth, at 9K o'eloclt p. m. Steamship rent, Thursdar, September 7, at 10 o'clock. FOR PHILADELPHIA. steamship Minnetonka. Tuesday, Septemlwr sth, at o'clock. for DOCTORTorrv Steamer Win. O. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. Steamer Comet, Thursday, September 7th, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOB ACOrSTA. Steamer Helen, Wednesday, September Cth, at 7 o'clock a. m. Steamer Oak, Wednesday, September Ctb, at 5 o'clock p- m. THE COURTS. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, StJh-DIVHIO.M OF THI OOEECHEE—BEFORE CAPT. SAM’L COWDRT, PROVOST .uaRSHAL Savai-nah, Sept 4, 1865. C. S. vs. Henry Carter—Disorderly conduct, and creating disturbance ; plea, guilty. It wa3 ordered that the defendant pay a fine of ten dollars. C. s. vs. Mac Dodge, (colored)—Charge : secreting himseif at Fort Pulaski for the space of two weeks, and tar wearing a soldier’s uniform passing hlmseir otr as a soldier of the U. S. Army. It was ordered I'uat the defendant be confined In the City Guard House for one month. Dakinc- attempt at Arson.—On Monday night last the residence of Mr. Emanuel Shefftali, Clerk of the Market, situate on the southwest corner or Tatt nall, Harris and Jefferson streets, was fired by a mu latto man The Are was set In the eaves of the sleep ing room of Mr. Shefftaii’s servants. The fuel used -as hay. Mr. Sapp, residing west of Jefferson street, having occasion to go up on the plazzc of his residence, dis covered the roof of Mr. Shefftall’s residence on Are, and promptly gave his attention to the extinguish ment of the name. The hay which was found Ared was staffed under a portion of the decayed slilngle roof ing. Mr. Aarons and his brother, In going up to their residence, which Is near Mr. Shefftall’s, assisted Mr. Sapp in putting out the Are. A mulatto who Is supposed to have set the Are ran past them. Cnder the front stoop of Mr. ShefftaU’s house, on Tattnall street, was discovered a bundle of hav, evi dently placed there by the Incendiary. Wholesale Grocery store.—We lnvlte(attention to the advertisement of Mr. Tin, M Davidson, whole sale dealer In Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tens, Ac., in another column. Mr. Davidson Is well known to ihe trade as one of our oldest wholesale grocery mer chants, and his many Mends, In town and country, will be pleased to leant that lie has resumed busi ness. He has recently returned from the Northern cities, where he personally selected bis present stock, and made arrangements for future supplies of all ar ticles in Ills line, 'on terms which will enable him to aell goods to any quantity and at lowest rates. Theatre.—There was a very good attendance at the Theatre last night, and the performance of the •• Maid of Croissey" was a very decided Improvement on the previous representation of the amateur troupe. All performed their parts creditably, and were fre quently greeted with demonstrations of applause.— Miss Willett, as the Maid of Croissey, played with spirit and good taste, evincing a very correct con ception of the character. The study was good, and the stage buslneas of the piece being simple, the per formance, as a whole, went oA very satisfactorily. WASHtxoTON Hose Company.—At a meeting of the above Company held on Monday night last, the loilowlng named officers were elected : Flret Foreman—James Reilly. Second Foreman—Geo. Middleton, Treasurer—James F. Daly. Secretary—Wm. Nehoe. The Hero of Fort Sexier.— Coroner Co lau on Wednesday of last week, held an in quest at No. 93 Janies street, in this city, on the body of Michael Cummins, whom it was •opposed died from injuries inflicted by Philip Ciark during a fight between them several days since. Dr. Thomas Robinson made a post mortem examination, and found that the cause of death was congestion of the lungs, and not the result of the injuries re ceived during the difficulty. Among the pa pers of deceased vwere found letters from Gen. Anderson, proving him to have been the man who fired the first and last shot at the rebels during tbe attack on Fort Sumter in April, 18GI. Deceased was a native of ireland, aged 50 years. He leaves a widow and two daughters. —lrish American. A Great Mistake. —ln tbe confusion of the hour many of our planters have deter mined to sell out their lands, and either leave the country or move to town. They believe everything is so confused that it will be im possible to make a crop next year. They arefcacrificingjtheir possessions for a mere song and doing themselves, as well as their coun try, a great injury. A few sharpeis are buy ing up these lands at a very low figure, and will make iortunes out oi it as soon as the tide of emigration turns this way. We would advise every one to be more calm and considerate, and bold on to their lands. This confusion of she times, of disorganized as it is, will not always last.— Macon Gazette. A Reminiscence of the Last Cholera in Italt. —A Florence correspondent writes : “In 1864 Count Cavour was minister; the cholera was carrying off numerous victims at Genoa; the city was in despair; the king and his minister did not hesitate an instant to start for that place, where they visited ail the quarters decimated by the epidemic, which produced an excellent moral effect on the population. At the same period King Ferdinand of Naples fled from his capital, and took refuge in the island of iscbia. This tact alone is sufficient to explain how it was that in iB6O the crown fell from the head oi his sou without an effort—without a combat. The Will of Aaron Burr's Widow. —The country pastor of a small Episcopal church, near Oarmansville, IN. Y., who was very kind to Madame Jurnell Burr, recently de ceased, was appointed by her just before her death, residuary legatee of her estate, worth about $700,000 to SBOO,OOO, from which he will probably realize a very handsome inde pendence. She also left means enough to erect anew church for the rector, who was very kind and devoted to the old lady when she had shut herself out from the world, and had grown so moody and misanthropic as to have few friends. The True Gentleman.— By a gentleman, we mean not to draw a line that would be invidious between the high and low rank and subordination, riches and poverty. The distinction is in the mind. Whoever is open, loyal, and true ; whoever is of humane and affable demeanor ; whoever is honorable to himself, and in judgment to others; and re- Suires no law but his word to make him ful -1 an engagement—such a man is a gentle man. A madman was recently discovered in one of the carriages of a railway train in France. He was secured without injuring either of the passengers, but whilst confined in a room at the railway station he broke a water-bottle /ind thrust one of the pieces into his neck, so %, r as to sever the carotid artery and cause ■♦’.most instant death'. Mathematical Discovert.— Professor Syl w Bster, an English mathematician, has dis .rered the proof of Sir Isaac Newton’s rule be discovery of the imaginary roots of ■ions, which has been a great problem J&g algebraists for the last century and a ijfc-priaa of St. Louis, well known in cer twarters, has just fallen heir to $76,000, j3- by a relative, Col. May, of Brooklyn, Sork. __________ JJJELL & MURDOCK, tfatfoU** 1 * and Retail Dealer* In mA' AND NAVAL STORES, DRY GOODS, Baj»T9 AND SHOES, BATS AND CAPS,. ZtEtNTtiMxi.’* Fcamsanra Goons, do., Merchants’ Bow, Hilton Bead, 5.. C., *“ e ' rut. rjal3-tQ a. /. nraroox. n||| Hhlppln|f Intelligence. ■ißAtara ibatuc ThU Day, Sun rues S SSiMoon rises 7 3 Sun sets « lsjHlgti water 7 «a PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Tl ESDAY. Sept. 6, 1865. Bark Ida Kimball. Qoalln, Hilton Head—to Master. Steamer Emilia, Bender, Doboy, Geo. Steamer Xantaaket, Springer. Beaufort. Steamer Resolute, Sprague, Darien. Oa. Tug Starlight, Andereou, Darien, Ga. Steamer R H May. Jones, Augusta—F M Mrrell Imports.—zoo bales cotton, 450 do varns and do mestics, 75 buwlles puper, and 9undry packages Expr ” s cumvaD7 ’ john l Cleared. Steamship Minnetonka, Balch, Philadelphia—nun ter A Gammell. Extorts.—476 bales Upland cotton, 37 empty Quar ter barrels. Passengers.—E Russell, G H Bramhall, Jno Bond, CL Mather, E C Sitnus, J W Hawkins, A J Hedrick, Thomas Malloy, J A Barron, Miss R Peck, 0 W Belton. E L Hackett. C S Naval Steamer Dafodil. Hamlin, Port Royal. Steamer O M Petit, Smith, Darien, Ga. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, HUton Head. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Phlipot, Doctortown—Er win A Hardee. Steamer EmiUe, Bender, Darien, Geo. LIIT OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept. 5, 1865. steamships. Petit, Deianoy, from New York—discharging foot of Abercorn street, Hunter 4 Gammell. Steamship Mlnnetoka, Balch, I,ooo —discharging from Philadelphia, dock, foot of Abercorn street. Star Line Steamship Constitution. Greenmail, 944 tons, from New York—discharging at Low’s wharf, foot of Lincoln street, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. ACM Steamship Varuna, Whitehurst, 864 tons, from New York—discharging at Central Cotton Press, J R Wilder. BARES. Harvest Moon. Staples, 3«B*-loadlng for New York, Central Cotton Press,—C L Colby A Cos. BRIGS. Brig Hattie. Glltiey, from HUton Head, with Ice— discharging at Exchange Dock—cheesman A Mar shall. Waltham. Cottrell—from Boston—discharging, to Master. schooners. Schr Georgia, Holt. 78 tons, from Baltimore—dis charging at Central wharf. Schr Lovett Peacock, Lingo, 349, from HUton Head —discharging ballast—Master. Schr Wm E Stevenson, Threadcraft, 45, from Ma tanzas—discharging at dock foot of Barnard Street- Master. Schr E C Howard, Nickerson, 306—discharging bal last at WlUlnk’s Wharf, near Gas House—Hill, Mas ter. Witch Queen, Perclval, 115—from Boston—dis charging. Lower Rice Mill—Richardson A Barnard. Alice Flora, (Bn Knowles—from Nassau—discharg ing, Lower Rice Mill—BeU, Wvlly A Christian. Auna Sims, (new) Stevenson—awaiting completion at Quantock’s Mill—C L Colby A Cos. Addle E Barnes, Lawson, 145—waiting cargo, foot of Drayton stntet—Kuril Koetcke A Cos. Ruth H Baker, Smith, 378—loading for New York, foot of Barnard street—C L Colbv A Cos. Eotben, Murray. 102— from New York—discharg ing, foot of Barnard street—Master, sloops. Br Sloop Sylvia, Brown, from Bermuda—discharg ing at wharf foot of Barnard street. LOST, A SMALL CARPET BAG, marked J. S. Garten atelg, from among the baggage per steamship Varuna from New York, landed at Central Press Wharf and supposed to have been taken away by mistake. Any person having the same to their pos session will be liberally compensated by leaving it at the office of sepS-2 JOHN R. WILDER. Notice. ALL persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, deceased, will present them, dnlj attested, and those indebted Will make payment to JAMES L. HADPT, sepeod4 Administrator. NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the estate of J*. Mrs. LIU a Haupt, deceased, will present them, duly attested, and those Indebted will make payment JAMES L. HAUPT, seps-eod4 Executor. NOTICE. MR. JAS. B CAHILL having published in the Herald of this morning that his note to me of 20th July, 1865, for $450 has been paid, he Is Informed that he well knows that his pnblication is false, and that his note Is now in the National Bank of this city for collection, and If not paid at maturity it will be duly protested, and that said note Is now the bona fide property of Messrs. Hess A Gut man of thlsclty. A. C. LOMEUNO. Sept. 4, 1865. sepr>-4 WANTED TO PURCHASE, OR K£EP FOR HIS FEED, a pood Horne that will work In single harness. Must be gentle. Apply to ' seps N. A. HARDEE A CO. DANfELMANN, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer In Tinware, stores and Stove Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gut tering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. Northwest corner of St. Julian street seps-lm and Market Square. Law Notice. I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession In the city ofWashlngton. and trill also attend to business before the Departments. P. PHILLIPS, Washington, D. C, August 28th. sepS-eodtra ~pToneer saw mill. \\J ti most respectfully announce to the citizens of TV Savannah and others requiring LUMBER, that onr new Saw Mill at the foot ofznbly street, near the Savannah and Ogeechee Canal, ts completed. We are now prepared to saw and furaleh Lumber In large or small quantities to suit purchasers, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. We will also pur chase TIMBER as it arrives In this market. Jydl-tf ROSE A ARKWRIGHT. SADDLERY, MISS, kl WM. H. MAY, Sign of the Golden Saddle, CORKER BRYAN AND WHITAKER STS DEALER IN SADDLES, HAENESS, TBUNKS And all kinds of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, Stretched Leather Beltin?. ALSO, A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, such as MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS large and small; with or without Rockers. DRUMS, DOLLS, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, 4c., 4c., togetb wlth a full and complete selection of every article known In this line of business. Thankful for past favors, the advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. augM ts. SUGAR,COFFEE, &C. nn BAGS Rio Coffee DU 36 bbls. Crashed and “C” Sugar 26 bhd>. Bacon, Sides and shoulders $ pairs Dearborn’s Cotton Scale* 100 bales Gunny Cloth. For sale by au29-6 OCTAVUB COHEN. Notice to Stockholders. BY resolution of the Stockholder* of the Steamer Swan, an a sacrament of Filty Dollars per share temb? b Jcst.' l *d so on or before the 9th Sep- M. A. COBEN, Agent, NOTICE. 'TVSftX™ gtfAAig. heendfowdv t * • wiww ITOTOiICOQrtOX SATIS' nab, all persons having claims against said firm will praaenttbem forthwith to the undersigned^^ HARRISON & CO., BANKKKS, No. 19 New Street, Near Wall, NBW YORK. /COLLECTIONS made on all parts of the United VJ States. Canada, West Indies tnd Europe. Coin. Government Securities, State. City and Rail road Bonds, Coupon*, Storks and Southern Bank Note* bought and sold on commission. Deposits received, to be drawn nt will, and 4 per cent interest per annum, allowed thereon, sterling and French Bills of Exchange negotiated. HARRISON A CO., No. 1» New street, opposite the Gold Room.N. Y. HARRISON, GODDIN * APPERSON, Richmond, Va. Reference—Messrs Duncan A Johnston, Savanuah: Barber A Swh, Augusta. seps-lm TO OWNERS -OF COTTON. In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, ca pacity, and experince, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on receipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we receive it until sold and returns are made by our bouses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the especial attention of non residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. _Augusta; August 23, 1865, sep4-lm Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALERS Ilf Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c., &c. ORDERS WITH REMITTANCES PROMPTLY EXE CUTED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. 141 Chambers and No. 1 Hudson Sts., NEW YORK. •Tames Harral, formerly of Charleston, S. C. H. W. RicLley, formerly of Augusts, Ga. au29-Sl3t A. T. CUNNINGHAM. D. O. PUBBF. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores. Bay stieet. Savannah. Ga. References—Robt. Habersham A Pons, Hunter A Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Cos., Erwin & Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. >ep4-3m W. W. PAINE, Attorney at Izaw, SAVANNAH, GA. _aeps 1m MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels, FOR NEW YORK. THE SCHOONER GEORGIA, Cant. Holt, win have despatch for the above port, she has room for a small quantity of light freight. Apply to sepe-tf CHAS. 1. COLBY A CO. A CARD. WILLIAMS, M’INTIRE & CO. HAVING associated Col. Robt. P. York with them in bn.lness- under the firm name of York, Wil liam*, Mclntlre A Cos., are now prepared with ample storage accommodations to receive any and all con signments, with rooms for those who' desire to look after tales of their own goods, and will give prompt personal attention to all interests entrusted to their care. Regular sale dsya in front of store on Bay street— Tuesdays and Fridays. Night sales at store on Broughton street will com mence on Ist October. Consignments of all kind* are respectfully solicited. aeps-10 YORK. WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A CO. Just Received, 5 CASKS BACON SHOULDERS, 36 cases Tobacco, Too bushels Salt. 20 boxes English Dairy Cheese. For sale by seyc-if C. E. OSGOOD. Paving Bricks. IrIHAA NORTHERN PAVING BRICKS. Jus 1 i"UU landed and for sale by RICHARDSON * BARNARD. sep4-tf Bar street opposite Mariner's Church, ~ LUMBER. - WHITE PINE, rough and dreased. Cherry and White Wood. For sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, aep«-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's Chnrch. GUNNY BAGGING. For Halo by | N. A. HARDEE & CO. *ep2-1f BRINCKERHOFF A MILLS, Wholesale dealers in teas, orden for all kind* of Teas, In any sized packages de sired, filled at the lowest market prices. Parties or dering will please send remittances. Terms cash.— Order* solicited. Southern Produce received and sold en commis sion Will also receive deposits of money for dis bursement. No. 177 Pearl street, near Walk New York, sepl lm • LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom It may concern : Whereas John O. Ferrill will applv at the Court of Ordinary for Letters < f Administration on the estate of James Bilbo, deceased— These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Coart to make objection (If any they have; on or beiore the first Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will begranted. Witness my official signature, this 28th day of Au gust, 18*6. D. A. O’BYRNE, aa3l Ordinary. State of oeorgia. uiatuam county.-to O all whom It may concern : Whereas. Endnra S. Abrahams will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob M. Abrahams These are, therefor*, to dte and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear Defor# said Court to make objection. Os any iaij have} on or be fore the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters wm be granted. Witness my official signature this second day of September jA'A-VKOSA •ep« Ordkary. AMMUaiTI. voiiKs ’ aAiiTmj-7 Venerea**, between Jefibrson sad Mont/omer; »t*_; REGULAR SUMMER SEASON PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT, BV TBS Savannah Orchestra, Prof E. Richtsb, Leader, W Refreshments of the beat quality and in every variety. lmo aulO SPB4 IAI. NOTICES. BATCHELOR’* HAIR DYE ! The Original and Best to th* World 1 The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan taneous Produces immediate.y a splendid Black or natoral Brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the 111 effects of had dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Alio, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLKFLEURS, Fur Reetoring and Beautifying the Hair aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nsw You*. WASTED. Wanted, IjVJRTY (40> able-bodied young men tor duty in the city of Savannah. They will receive a liberal salary. They must come well recommended. All applicants will apply at office of Capt. Samuel Cow - d.ey, Provost Marshal. By command of Brv't Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk A. A. A. G. anno TOTED HIUUfILI, “ TE'IFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper. The X 1 HIGHEST CASII PRICES PAID. Also, Cot ton Pickings, Wool, Hides. Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles, Ac ~ at the FOREST CITY MILLS, an4-tf Savannah. TO RKIVT. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMB TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. anl2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE, aul'.’-tf ROOMB TO LET, At HUton Head, S. G., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartment* or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ise#, corner ol Merchants' Bow and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 6 o'clock p. m ju22 OXFORD BIBLES AND ENULISII EDITIONS OF THE U. S. EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK. THE undersigned are the Sole Agents In the United States for the Oxford Editions of tbe Bible, which ihcv conatintly keep to stock to every variety of size ana binding. They are the Publishers also of various editions of the U. S. Episcopal Prayer Book, which are all print ed and bound under their own supervision In Eng land. Booksellers and others will find an assortment In the.r list greater than oan be found anywhere elae iu the country. Catalogues mailed free on application. THOMAS NELSON A SONS, 187 Grand street, New York. 29 Paternoster How, London. eepl-C Hope Park, Edinburgh. ACADEMY OF ST, TIKCEKT OF PiDlj Savannah, Georgia, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY THE Fall Term of this Institution will re-open on September 15th and close on February 15th. Ibe Spring Term will oommence on February 16th and doae on July 15th. Terms per Session, Including Hoard. Taltlon In English, Washing, and use of Bed and Bed ding $l6O 00 Tuition to French 20 00 do Music on Plano 30 00 do Music on Guitar 30 00 do Crayon, Drawing and Painting It. Water Colors 20 00 Tuition to Oriental Painting, per course 15 00 do Wax Fruit and Flowers 20 00 do Embroidery lo 00 For further particulars apply to the Superioress at the Institution auß9-2awlm Notice. CONSIGNEES per steamer Oak, from Doctor Town, will please call at the office of Keln it Cos., pay their frelgnt, and get orders tor their cotton now dis charging at Central Press Wharf All liability of tbe boat and Agents expire as soon as the cotton is land ed. JOHN N.KEIN, Receiver, sep4 114 Bay street. Notice, ALL persons are hereby cautioned against pur chasing a certain Promissory Note, dated July 20th, 1866, for the sum of four hundred and fifty dol lars. drawn by me in favor of A C. Lomellno, as the same has been paid. sep4-2 JAS, B. CAHILL. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered Into Copart nership to carry on Stevadoragc, Draysge, Stor age and Commission business, under the came of H. J. Dickerson & Cos. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low A Cos. H. J. DICKERSON. T. A. GOODWIN. N. B. BROWN. Savsnnsh, Qa.. August 21, 1866. auTl-lm BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS -AT— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE. HII.TON HEAD. aue24 ts UKADCi'KS MUB-IJIbT. OF OUEECUKK. i Savannah, Gh., Aug. 28,1*65. J Gznzeal Obdxb, ) No. 26. f Pursuant to Genera! Order No. 18, Headquarters District of Savannah. Ist Division Department of Georgia, the following Taxes will he collected to de fray ine necessary expenses of lighting streets, clean ing of city, 4c. Ist. Tax of three (3) per cent upon all Incomes of six hundred (600; dollars or upwards from Real Be tate. 2d. Tax on all Sales of Liquor as per General Order No IS, from these Headquarters. 3d. Tax on all Traders. Dealers, Commission Mer chants, and Shippers of one flj per cent, on all sales and commissions. 4th. These Taxes will be paid monthly, commenc ing on the 31st Inst, to the Tax Collector, on account or tales and rents sworn to by partiss. sth. All persons who have received Licenses with out paying the license tea as specified In General Or der No. IS, from these Headquarters, are hereby no tified that their Licenses ere revoked from this date, and that new Licenses will be required before continu ing their business. -trz 6th. All persona coming under the provision* of this order will report Immediately to Tax Collector and register their names and place of business, 4c. Any person neglecting to comply with the requirements of tbi* order will be subject to a fine. Ith. Cspt. Calvin H. Pike, 163d N. Y. Volt., Is here by announced as Tax Collector, City of Savannah. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By command of Brvt Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Inu. A. A. A. G. au23 HEADQ KS SUB-DISTRICT OF OGEECHEE, Savannah, Qa„ August 28, 1*66. GxHxaai Osons) No. 2T. J Hereafter no Commissioned Officers, enlisted men, or civilians will be allowed to drive or ride thhtr hones through the streets of Savannah faster than a troLun lets on official business, and then the envelope wifi be marked gallop. -i The Provoat Marshal is charged wtth the execution ] of tble order. By com mend of \ ' Brevet Brigadier General DAVIS. Wx. g. fetx, A. A- A. GL* »a*29 • AUCTION_SAL.ES. Bell, Wylly &. Christian CARCO SALE. Sugar. Molasses and Segars. Ou WEDNESDAY next 6th Inst., will be sold on board the schooner William H. Steven ton. just ar rived from Matanzas. Cuba, and now lying at the toot of Barnard atreet 39 boxes Sugar, 27 tierces Muscovado Molasses, in M very superior Havana Segars. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. aep4-3 AUCTION! Will be .old at Public Auction, At tlie Goyerumeiit Slaughter House, NEAR HABERSHAM’S RICE MILL, CANAL ST., SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1665, AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M., 125 BEEF HIDES,-Dried. For account of the Subsistence Department U. S. Army. HENRY B. SIBLEY. sep2-td Capt. and C. S„ D. 8. Vols. SYw.ia.l (ms~ YORK, WILLIAMS, McIKTIRE S CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CONSKNMENTB IF BOTTOM AMI IUMISB SOUCITIO. References in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. • Erwin ft Hardee, Gaden A. Luckies. Isaac D La* Roehe, Esq.: Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq.; Banter A uammell; L. C. Nervell ft , Reference New York-Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Pro., D. H, Baldwin A Cos. an2C*eodlin STATIONERY, AC ESTTLL’S Newspaper Depot, STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NHW KTOVBIiS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 60 cent*. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 50 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 36 cents. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY, OODEY'S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY. *c„ for September. The nsual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, ang3o B00KS& STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, aep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAY TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN, FLOWERS OF PARADISE. POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saville & Leach, Timber Cotters' Bank. sep4-tf Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKTfITMIiI Youths' Pictorial Library, Marla Edeworth's Early Lessons, Tale* and Stories Worth Telling, Little Frankie Stories, Yonng People’* Library, Salt Water Tales, Uncle Sam’s Library, The Robin Neat Stone#, Leila Books, Boqnets for Children, Mount Vernon Juveniles, Six Pleasant Companions, Merry Tales and Stories for Young Folks, The Jnvenlle Library, The Jewel Case, Se* and Land Stories The Dog Crusoe's Stories, Molly and Kitty’s Juveniles. Saviiie A Leach, sep4-tf cor. Bryon street and Market Square. TO OKS. THE POETS II BIDE AID SOLD, Hood, Boras, Moore, Byron, . Milton, Goldsmith, Wordsworth, Campbell, Coleridge, Osslan, Remans. Pope, Scott, Crabbe, Cowper. Saville A Leach, sep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS. Spellers, Readers, Gram mars, Book-Keeping, Copy Books, Dictionaries. Saviiie A Leach, aep«-tf cor. Bryta street and Market Square. BUT TOUR COOL TAYLOR'S ALE —A*— TONICING'S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICfi, HILTON wasp angS* P. H. BEHN, iHipmro. for new york: OTAR LINK. Th* new snd elegant first class V. S. Mail Steam ship CONSTITUTION, Capt. Orteumsn. will positively .all lor the above port on Wednesday, September 6tb, at 7 1-9 p.n> For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dationa, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. aepi Stoddard's Building, opposite Post Office. PIONEER LINE FOR NEW YORK, Th * c - 8 M * fl Steamship PERIT, above port oh her regular day, Thursday, Sept. 7th, at 10 O'clock, a. m. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL seps 84 Bay atreet. Atlantic Coast Mail Steam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, The First Claes Steamship VARU xrcxMW! NA, will positively sail on THURS DAY, the 7th wet., at 7 .o’clock. For Freight or Pteesge, having very superior accom modations, apply to sepl JOHN R. WILDER. FOR NEW YORK STAB LINE. BHMI-WHEKLV. The first close U. S. M/ll Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. Caepxkteb. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Shah*. AMERICA, ..... Capt Cum CONSTITUTION, - - - Capt. UKIZUAK. The above ship# compose the Line, and will sail from New York end Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agent*. Savannah. Ga. WAKKMAN, UOOKIN A DICKINSON, Agents, FOR NEW YORK. Merchant’s Line Sailing Vessels. The splendid Clipper Schooner RUTH H. BAXSIR, ■JBhKm Capt. WM. SMITH, Is now loading tor the shove port, snd will have quick despatch. Apply to OHAS. L. COLBY ft CO., au99-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. For New York. The AI Schooner LOVET peacock, LUIGO, JVtantfvr, Having the greater portion of cargo engaged, will hsve despatch for the above port. For freight apply to BUNTRR A QAMMKLL. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. •■f ’HE fine clipper bark HARVEST MOON, Staples, X Master, will commence receiving cargo for the above port on Monday, the 28th Inst. For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO., *n26 ts Cor. Bay and Abercorn sta. FOR FLORIDA The Steamer HELEN GETTY, CAPT. INGRAHAM (Formerly the St. Johns,) Will leave the Old Georgia Steamboat Yard for Florida, touching at Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Fernr.ndlna, Jacksonville, Plcolst* tnd Pa. latka. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent Florida Boat sepH Corner West Broad and Bay its. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing Vessels. Regular Weekly Mat of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned Intend ts keep up a regular week ly line of first clan Sailing Venaels plytog be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior wtth promptness and despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY ft CO., ,n * B cor. Bay and Abercorn streets, MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing* jg| Vessels FOR NEW YORK. The fine Clipper Schooner E. C. Howard, Capt. Nickerson, Will have quick despatch for the above Port. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO, *ng3l-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn at*. For Augusta, The light dranght and stannch STEAMER OAE, GEORGE J. MARSHALL, Master, Will leave Central Press Wharf for Augusta on Wednesday Eye% at 5 o’clock Precisely. For freight or passage apply at the office of KEIN4CO. »«PS 114 Bay street. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that Goods will be received at our Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at anytime du ring the week. ERWIN A HARDEE anis imo For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS. Oapt. Phllpot, will leave Dillon's Whart;m 1-ueaday morning, 2Sd Inst, at 9 o'clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown n connection with the Road, leaving as foUcwjT SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY roM^^^^TSSS’e 0100 R ‘ U - Frelghts payable here. ERWIN 4 HARDEE. . JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, «°gfl-lm Agent on Wharf FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, Aad Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. Joans on. Par STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Eowajto Httnca. Haying a commodloua Warehouse on DlUon's Wharf, wear* prepared to receive freight aa above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of ncd steamer. ERWIN 4 HARDEE. __ JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. | »<U« lm Ageatoa Wharf. FOR DARoTdOCTOR TOWN The swllt. commodious and light draught Steamer Chatham, WIU leave tor th* above potato ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6th, And will take freight In connection with tbe GULP RAILROAD, For Thomisvllle and Intermediate point. Apply to O'FALLON *OO., Corner Bryan and Drayton street,. Over Bank of Commerce RAILROADS. ~~ Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I Savannah, Ga., September 4, 18*5./ * rYN and after Ttesday, sth hut., a dally train (Snn yj days excepted) will leave for Augusta at 4 a m.. connecttog with a line of Hacks running batwem, Station 4 y. Central Rillroad, and Wayneaboroonthe Augusta and Savannah Ralfroad. 3 “ Passenger* by this lute will arriv. in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah In Ornate get breakfast and connect with the Geonria r.iLL.* train for Atlanta. ueorgu Railroad Freight to go by Pasaenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before ” By order of GEO W. ADAMS, Bt, f- Assistant Superintendent Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, > Savannah, G*., August M, 1866. f Freight for Augusta and intermediate Stations ha ow, Y Central Railroad, and between Waynesboro and Augusta, Augusta and Savannah Railroadwlll be received on and after Saturday, the 26th Inst All way freight to he prepaid. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. "AtsSugdem Atlantic&Gulf Railroad JfeaßUPlll . hcro J b? d iven that tn arrangement has Vnuto? toT b ® t ' Vee “ Knrtn 4 STEAMER WM. C. CIBBONB Which Passengers snd Freight will transported to and from ThomasvUle and 8a vaunah and all intermediate points. Goods will be received at auy time during the week at the . tearner’s Warehouse, on Dillon's wharf. , „ WILLIAM DUNCAN. Acting President Atlantic ft Gulf Railroad GASPER J. FULTON, auglfl-lm Hnperintendent. TUGS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, THOS.WILSON, or ohio. i .Tz not- q.n.i>. oriowa. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin ft Finnell,) ATTORNE Yg AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW. And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, ijra* TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON - , D.C. Will practice in the Supreme Court of the United >n3f> 3m THE Christian Index. 13 \ the flrat of October, or u soon aa the mall* ar« the ‘‘C^RISTDfNINnHY.r , the PnbUclllon of m-i H S KT of “* " CHIIJVS °- Price of “Index, "per annum *3 00 Price of “Child's Index,” m (A deduction made for Clubs ) '' so St once, aa mv determination ffiSt'S" 1 ' 1 '™ may htve tim * to *£& It is my intention to issne first class paper,, snd no *The' he " p ' red J to “care thst end— ine D€« writers and correspondents will bo and the highest religions snd literary talent will be given to the papers. The Child's Paper will he mU and will, in every reSi, Ml? to conform to its new title, ■*»»*** THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. wEES&XSWS* « by *?££***» ** a T ridk, if the Expresfl receipt Is sent me. on the reanmption of mti facQitiee, My connection with the Arm of J. W. Burke ACo is dissolved, bat I will establish an office lnlu£n,GA* where communications may be addressed. * nlß - 2w SAMUEL BOYKIN. THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, In an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and dally Increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. onz squaa*. Two weeks $ 6 oo One month a no Two months to m Three months v 16 no Six Months ...... 26 00 One Fear * 40 00 t.vo squaws. Two weeks UOO o One month ' i® nn Two months JSJ Three months 7S U, Six months S2 Persons desiring a greater quantity of space than ts shove designated, will be accommodated on .liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION rates. Stf* *•§?>••• Sr t: •••••'• oo One Year do. V.V.“ !!!!!!!! | £ Aeons*, A. P. CRUTCHFIELD * CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicalse 4 choice selection ot DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, namdan nos hew iois., Planten, and tradi rs from the interi or, can be sapplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article aa being pare. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. , 1 One hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, SSOUIALI AMD SSTAU. ATAPOTHECiBIES* MALI, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seed* W. M. WALSH, jal6-3n Proprietor. Notice. TOURING my aheenr* from the United States Mr