Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 07, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS,^ Dtputut af MMaukliw (■< llitatn. rOR KIH TORS. Steamatfip varans, Thursday, September 7, at c.clock. Steamship Pent, Thoridaj, September t, at 10 o'clock. Steamshlp Nevada, Saturday. September Mb, at U o'clock a m. FOR DOCTORTOWK. Steamer Wm. 0. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock. Steamer Comet, Thursday, September 7th, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOB aL'OCSTA. Steamer Li B. May, Thuraaday, September 7th, at 6 o’clock p. m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, Saturday, September sub, at 9 o'clock a- m. Attention la called to the act that the hour of Miiine of the steamship Perlt has been changed to seven o'clock p. m. From acucsta. —The steamer Union anlved at Her wharf lnthl* city last evening, having left Au gusta on Tuesday morUng. She brings a heavy freight, and Is consigned to J. T. Patteraon 4 00. Cargo Salk.—Messrs. Bell, Wylly 4 Christian sold at auction on yesterday the cargo of the schooner W E. Stevenson, direct from Matanzas, Island of Cuba. The following prices were realized : Brown Cuba Sugar, 13c. per pound ; Muscovado Molasses, 451, to 46c. per gallon ; Segars, $44 to S9B per M. From Soutbwsstkrk Gkorqia.—We were pleased yesterday to observe on our streets with tuetr wag ons lad.a heavily with cotton, Hon. James Miller, A G Konaldson, John J. W. Ford, Oliver Foster. Richard and Robert Brown, John Felder, and Wm. Davis, formerly of Savannah. These gentlemen are all from American, Sumter county, Ga. Their train numbered to some twenty odd wagons, all with upland cotton. The distance from Savannah to Americua, by stage road. Is 193 miles. . Brio Fannie-—We are pleased to state that the brig Fannie, from Philadelphia, consigned to Hunter A Gammell, which went ashore on the South Break ers, ofTTybee Island, was on yesterday hauled off. A portion of the cargo of the Fannie was discharged by Capt- Wm. DUon and George Cameron, the former an old and experienced Savannah River Pilot, and Capt. Cameron a flrst-ciasa Stevedore. The brig now lies in Tybee Roads. Her cotton la sound, no mate rial damage having been sustained while lying on the beach, where she had been for several days. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY STORE.—The attention of dealers and families is Invited to the card of James 0. Watts 4 Cos., wholesale and retail deal ers In groceries and provisions, In another column.— The members of this Arm, Mr. Jas. 0. Watts and Mr. Aaron H. Champion, are well known and experi enced merchants, and possess facilities In their busi ness which will enable them to supply all articles In their line on as favorable terms as they can be af forded in this market. Their large stock has been selected with care and Is being constantly replen ished from the best sources. Dealers and those want ing family supplies will do well to give them a call. Civil Government of the Citv.—We learn that C ipt- Lyde Gocd vln has been appointed Chief of the City Police, and that he will enter upon his duties with a most effective police corps. - Capt. Goodwm Is an experienced, able and pru dent officer, eminently qualified for restoring and putting again In operation the civil police of the city, at a time when not only the utmost vigilance and watchfulness Is required for the protection of pro perty and ihc preservation of peace and security, but when Intelligence and administrative ability of s superior order will be requisite In the adaptation of our police system to the new order of things. It will be the duty of all good citizens to render him all the moral support In their power. JUSTICES COURT. BEFORE HON. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, MAGISTRATE 2ND DISTRICT CHATHAM COUNTY. Savannah, Sept, a, 1866. Julia Ann Aaron vs. Robert M. Harris. Writ of possession for a wagon. Judgment in favor of de fendant with cost of suit. Counsel for defendant Thos. M. Norwood, Esq. This Is the first case that has been tried under civil authority. Justice Rus seli will In future hold his courts on the 3d Tuesday In each month. THE COURTS. BEFORE IIECT. COL M. T. HOI.BROOk, PROVOST MAR SHAL. Savannah, Sept, a, 1885. John N. Muller vs. Andrew J. Pollard—Recovery ot premises. It appearing from the record! of the Court, Hon. E. Parsons, Judge, that a suit was Insti tuted against the wife of defendant, which was sub sequently withdrawn. In consequence ot the absence of said defendant; and It appearing from evidence adduced that this said defendant Is Indebted to plaintiff In the sum of $220 tor rent, and that regular notice was served upon him on the 10th day of Aug. 1866, to vacate the premises of plaintiff on or before the Ist day of September, which said amount re mains unpaid, and which said notice has been dis regarded. It is now ordered that the said defendant vacate the premises occupied by him on or before Monday, the 11th Inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., or be forcibly ejected by the Provoat Marshal of the sub district of the Ogeechee, and that the sum of $2 60 costs be collected from the defendant ; P. M. Rus sell, Esq., for plaintiff. Luder Mehrtens vs. C. Crabbe—Recovery of rent and premises. It was ordered that the defendant pay the sum of SSO, principal, and $3 costs of suit, on or before 12 o’clock M., on the 9th Inst., and va cate the premises occupied by nlm, at the corner of Pine and Fahm streets, at tlie same time, and upon failure so to do, that he be forcibly ejected by the Provost Marshal of the Sub-District of the Ogeechee. Mary M. Amorous vs. E. M. M'Donall—lnjunc tion. Upon the petition of M. J. Ford, Esq., Attorney for plaintiff, it appears that certain lands on Whlt marsh Island, held In the name of Edgar M. Mc- Donall, and at present occupied by treedmen, are subject to a mortgage due the estate of Mathias Amorous, deceased, to the amount of $1,500, with interest, and that certain parties are cutting wood thereon for sale, thereby deteriorating the value of said property ; upon motion of counsel It Is hereby ordered that Edgar M. McDonall and all other per sons whatever are prohibited trom cutting wood for sale on said land3: M J. Ford, Esq., for plaintiff. Mrs. Ann Wade vs. George Jones (coloredj—Re covery of rent; claim $25. It Is ordered that the de leudant pay the sum of $25 principal, and $3 costs otsuit ou or before Saturday, the 9th Inst., by 12 o'dtck M., and that he be confined In Chatham county Jail, until, said amount be paid. Mia Rosseau v . Mrs. Mary Ann Smith—Seeping a disorderly house and recovery of premises. It ap pearing from the evidence in the above stated case, that the charge of keeping a disorderly house can not be sustained, but Irouf the admissions of the de fendant, It Is aprar.-nt that her rents are in arrears, aud that she has violated her contract with the plaintiff In renting a portion of the premises to col ored persons. It is ordered that she vacate the pre mises occupied bv her within ten days from date, and upon failure to comply with this order, she and the other Inmates of the house be forcibly elected by jhe Provost Marshal of the Sub-District of the Ogee chee, and that the sum of $3 be collected for costa of suit. Another death is recorded as haring taken §lace in consequence of the bite of what the 'reneh call a v.oucht ckarbonneuse, literally a carbuncular fly—a fly which had doubtless been feeding on some putrefied substance- At St. Maximio, Department of the Isere, a lady of about thirty years of age was bitten on the arm, towards the end of last month. She took no precautions, a pustule appeared, she did not have It cauterized, and on the second day her arm was so swollen, and the venom had made such progress, that it was found impossible to save her, and she died in great suffering on the 6th instant. J, n . P arts of Belgium the wolves, which formerly appeared in the neighbor hood of inhabited districts only in the win ter, are becoming remarkably audacious Lately one of them attacked a number of cows grazing near Virion, and having com menced devouring one of them, was with great difficulty beaten off by the persons who had come to the assistance of the herds man. Every chance of a deficient crop of wine in France this season is gradually disappear ing, and although it is admitted that the pro duce in some vineyards will be less than waa expected, the deficiency will be made good In other districts, so that a reduction in the price ot wins U not only probable bat al most certain. » Hotel Arrivals. PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) SEPT. 5. W F Redding. CSK Lt J Bible. 8 K. I Vois DrLC Hanll,SC B Whelan, savannah K Slattous, Charleston D R Dillon. do J Masson, do J L Leverge, do P J Klckry, do Mias Barker, do J B Mockabee, NYC T Costello, do C Bogert. do P. Goones, Florida T Hethet lngtou, do Lt H C Price, ISO N Y V H H Lay, do J Babbett A lady, Beaufort Lt c W Strout, Maine J Apple, do J E Dayton, S Carolina J Guybee. do R D Bennett, New York J Alslas, do P Dempsey, do J Ives and lady, H Head F E Burgess, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD,} SEPT. 5. B R Conant, New York iD S Arthur, Hilton Head J W Cleasaon, Charleston R Grant, Baltimore Capt A T Ret chum, G W Johnson, St Helena ADC, Savannah! E A Wild, Brig Genus A Mrs Pralner, do J W Lawton, CSV GW Field, do IT Hamilton, Texas Wjsimson, AS.USN J CPeterson 4 wife, N Y J H Hogber, Capt USMC|XH Show, do w A Morgan, Pay US N 10 H Flan, Jacksonville A E Paine, A S, 104 U SCI| Shipping Intelligence. Mlnaturc Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 38|Moon rises 7 46 Sun sets 6 18] High water 8 35 A Card. ON Board Steamer Nevada, 1 September 6, 1885. J The undersigned, passengers on the above Steamer from New York tor Savannah, desiring to give an ex pression ot our appreciation of the vessel and offi cers, state that a stauncher and easier going craft we have seldom sailed on. Her Captain, Purser, and other officers, have been attentive, aud gentlemanly. To Captain Carpenter and Purser Richardson, we wish success In their profession—and may they sail through life as pleasantly as we have on this trip. F A Hixson, Pay USA |J H Mosea, Savannah C W Wlngard do Wm Wolf, do H T Blocker, Florida 'S E BotliwcU, do John Ricker, New York [H Rothschild, do J Hatfield, USA H Roberts, do W c Connelly, Albany Ij S Claghorn, do 0 Freedlander, Brunswick 13 P Bell, do J H Mullarky, Augusta Henry Blun, do D Dunn, Macon Wm Starr, do H Tinsley, Mllledgevtlle H G Ruwe, do D Reynolds, Mass M Lllienthal, do PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Wednesdat, sept, a, 1865. Star Line Steamship Nevada, Carpenter, New York —Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. consignees.—Adams Express, G W Allen, G W Adams. Ames 4 Peabodv, T Brown, Blun 4 Meyer, M Beytagh, BothweU 4 W, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, Brady 4 Smith, T Bateson, Bell, Wylly 4 Christian, C L Colby 4 Cos, F Cerveaq, S D Champ, 0 Cohen, D Duthlll. DeWltt 4 Morgan, Dzyallnskl 4 Slager, F G Dana, J Dovle, S H Eckman, Erwin 4 Hardee, M G Ehrlsh, E Ehrllsh, A Fawcett 4 Cos, M Furst 4 Cos, C L Gilbert, Guckenhelmer 4 Selig. Qaden 4 Cockles, R Habersham 4 Son, H Haync, Henry 4 Hlshfleld, Hess 4 Gutman, G M Heldt, J Hlschback, Mrs M B Hassett, Halsey. Watson 4 Cos, Hilton 4 Randall. A Ives 4 Cos. Hunter 4 Gammell, Keen 4 Cos, Kerlin 4 00, W H Kimble 4 Cos, B Kobn, J Leavy, J D Lsßoche, M Llilienthal, H UlUenthal, LUUenrhul 4 Kohn, R J Lircomb, J G Mehrtens, M H May, D Malletr, John McMahon, J C Maker, Mather 4 West, MS Meytr, H Meinhard, J H Moses, H MoCarinak, G N Nichots, J R Norton, J Nicholson. C R Osgood, R O’Byrne, 11 Pease, J M Prentice. I‘resdee 4 Orff E Robinson J Raines, H Rot! a hlld, C D Rogers, II G Ruwe . |A soootous, W H .Stark, Sisters of Mercy, EDSmytht,. Stem, Chuster 4 Haunches, J C Schreiuer, Capt C E Bmlth, Stuart 4 Cos, L W Stern, D F Thorp, W H Fuller, R II Tatem, G Thrilling, W M Walsh, G Well brook, A Waldron. Warren 4 Platner, H B Waugh 4 Cos, W Wolf, Wilcox 4 Hand. Passenukrs *iaj F A Hixson, O F Reed, CW Wlngard, Wm Wolfe, John Bingham, J AClltton, Mis Fearn, Mrs ZedwUki and child, Mrs T Smith. Mr Tomlinson and lady, J II Mullarky, D Dunn, Mr Lil lentbaf, Mrs D O'Conner and daughter, Miss Marv A Ingraham, Mrs C H Kulchberboeker, Mrs Hoyt. John Ricker, R I.ane, Jr, W Starr, J Rauers, Mrs Pierce, Eliza Pierce, Mrs Ingraham and child, A W Lane, F D Bogart, M McCormick, J Roos, J Hatfield, J I Day, J D Barnes, H Roberts, Mr Frledlander, B F Thing. Wm Wallace, Chalers F Brown, C H Moses, wife and child, H Blun, wife and child, S it Hell, Wm C Con nolly, Mr Rothschild, H Q Ruwe, wife and children, Mr Clighom, E J Jenkins, Mr Peabody. H T Blocker Daniel Beynolds, Dr Hardesty, Col 7. S Main, H Tins ley, L South worth, Peter llansberger, Mrs Smith, Mrs Reynolds, Thomas McManus, Pat McManus, B O Mallet 8 Eesanman, John Murtagh. Mr and Mrs Cook E H Smith, SShullev, Joa Belonton, Francis Wlmoerg, Robt Young, John Grant (colored). WAD Elmar, wife and 2 children. P K Donahue, J B Ray ney. Block, George Cahonn, John Brown, Theo Van Mostrand, J Van Mostrand. Scbr Coquette, Ferguson, Hilton Head. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Palatka, Fla—M A Cohen. Imports.—B2 bales cotton, 3 bbls sugar, 2 coops poultry, 2 bbls potatoes, 1 box eggs. Consignees.—'Tlson 4 Gordon, Edwin 4 Hardee, F G Dana, order, E Koetcheke, Crane, Johnson 4 Gray ollL Stuard, Ac. Passengers—Capt S N Freeman and lady, J M Ar now, lady, child and servant, Mrs Ann Leroy, Miss Mims, Mrs Madden and 2 children, S Agaew, E J Harris, R S Stoughton, T J Long, F J McAll, J O Stew art, M W Sams, L M ShaTer, A Oftllte. E S Chandler, A F Speller, FJ Jenkins, CaptWW Drew, A Mode, H Dudley, T B Catherwood, U Horne. Mrs Colson, 1 H Gilbert, Capt Hancock, J D Parker, J Cavanagh, Dr Raskey, W Turner, W Ferguson, W G Barth, and 2 peck. Steamer U S Grant, Briggs, Hilton Head. Steamer Standtsh, Moore. Up River. Steamer Express, Mulllklen, Augusta—F M Myrrell. iHfORTS.— 7SO bales Upland cotton, and domestics, etc. COJiSIONKES.—C L Colby 4 Cos, Adams Express, W Battersby 4 Cos, and others. Erenson's fiat, from Augusta, with 180 bales Up land cotton, 150 do Sea Island do—to Win Battersby and others. Crandall’s fiat No 2, from Augusta, with 226 bales Upland cotton —to C L Colby 4 Cos. CoNsio.N'Ets.— Ctiariea L Colby 4 Cos, 0 Cohen, M S Cohen. Irbln’a 2 fiats, from Augusta, with 139 bales Sea Island cotton—to order. C L Colby 4 Co’s fiat, from Augusta, with 176 bales Upland cotton—to C L Colby 4 Cos. Cleared. Steamship Constitution, Grecnman, New York— Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. ExroKTS.—sl6 bales Upland cotton, 225 bales Sea Island do, 121 do domestics, 30 packages mdze. Passengers.—J H Reed, C M Leonard, J N Muller and wife, O E Molton, J H ElUott, M P Carroll, wife and child, B C Harrington and son, M L Dunn, Mrs A J Gusthi, Isaac Ney, J Burn?, J Duprny, J J Prior, L J Sedgwick, and sla steerage. Br schr Alice Flora, Knowles, Nassau, N P—Bell, Wylly 4 Christian. Schr Eothean, Murray, Jacksonville—Master. Steamer Standlsh, Moore, Up Elver. Steamer Resolute, Sprlgg, Hilton Head. Steamer Nantasket, Springer, Beaufort. Steamer Oak, Marshall, Augusta. Went to Sea. Bari: Harvest Moon, Staples, New York. PORT OF PORT ROYAL. Arrived. Sept 3.—Steamers McClellan, Samuels, NY; Louis burg. Dale. Jacksonville , schr Marla Phlerson. cham berlain, New York. Sept s.—schr* Lightning, Harks, Jacksonville ; Ber tha, Bailey, do. Cleared. Sept 4.—Steamer McClellan, Samuels N Y. Sept s.—Steamer Louisburg, Dale, Jorksonvllle. list of vessels in the port of SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept, e, iB6O. steamships. Nevada, Carpenter, from Mew York—discharging foot of Abe room street—Brighan, Baldwin A Cos. Perlt, Deianoy, from New York—dlscliarging foot of Abercorn street, Hunter A Gamueii. ACM Steamship Varuna, itiltehurst, 86* tons, from New York—discharging atCentral Cotton Press, 1 R Wilder. BRIGS. Brig Hattie. QUbey, from Hlfon Head, with tee— discharging at Exchange Do*—Cheeamau A .Mar shall. Waltham, Cottrell—Horn Baton—discharging, to Master. SCHOONER* Schr Georgia, Holt, 78 tons from Baltimore—dis charging at Central wharf. Schr Lovett Peacock, Lingo, MB, from Hilton Head —discharging ballast—Master Schr Wm E Stevenson, Thrsdcraft, *6, from Ma tanzas—discharging at dock sot or Barnard Street- Master. Schr E C Howard, Nlckersoi 306—discharging bal last at WUUnk’s Wharf, near ps House—Hill, Mas- T 'wttch Queen, Perclval, lj-from Boston—dis charging, Lower Rice MUl—Rttsrdson A Barnard. Anna Sima, (new) Btevensor*-a waiting completion at QuantocK’s Mill—C L Colb.* Cos. Addle E Barnet, Lawson, I*- waiting cargo, foot of Drayton street—EmU Koeue A Cos. Ruth H Baker, Smith, 378-wdlng for New York, foot of Barnard street—C L Cby A Cos. SLOOPS Br Sloop Spina, Brown, to. Bermuda—dlscharg* lag at wharf foot of Barnard Tett. BIT TOUR COOL 'AYLOR’S ALE TONHNQ'S, IN REAR OP MSt OFF Id, HILTON HEAD. asgM A Strange Rumor from Mexico. J CARER IN PERIL. The Philadelphia Press is responsible for the following from its New York correspon dent : “ Intelligence, upon which I fear full re liance can be placed, impels me to state that the imperialists have forced the army of the republicans from the Rio Grande, and are now occupying the whole country, with the exception of a small portion of Chihuubua, in which Juarez and bis government were at last accounts, attempting to make a last stand. “My informant, who is a Mexican gentle man of high character, has no doubt that the intelligence is correct. The retreat of the Mexicans was ratheT a panic than otherwise. By a vessel which has just arrived from Guaymas I have the statement which, taken in connection with the above, looks as If the movement of the French was a aimulta neous one. Guavmas is a seaport of the State of Sonora, in Lower California, on the gulf of that name, and is now held by the French, who have recently tightened their hold on that important maritime point. Taking advantage of our war with trea son, Louis Napoleon pushed his iorces into that province, and has now quite a naval force In the harbor, which is one of the best on the western coast of Mexico. Whether Juarez will be enabled to recover I cauuot tell. Ido not think he can. And I will not, therefore, be surprised if he should try to obtain entrance iuto the friendly territories of the United States." A man was lately murdered at u funeral in TTppery, Ireland. lie was walking behind the hearse with his wife, when he received from behind three blows of a heavily loaded blackthorn stick, his assailant shouting “Here’s a three-year-old." The wounded man walked into a neighboring house, fell insensible, and died in a few hours alter.— From the expression stated to have been used, the outrage would appear to have re sulted lrom the revival of the factious, “the three-year-olds" and “four-year-olds," the breaking up of which by the Roman Catholic Archbishop attracted so much attention three or four years ago. WM. H. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER l2? GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. THE Subscriber Announces to hi* friends and pa trons that he has iud returned from the Northern Citie*, where he ha* made arrangements with the best Importing House*, with whom he has dealt (or many year*, for supplies of every article in hi* line and now offers for sale, on the most reasonable terms.— His present Stock, selected by himself with great care, comprises; BRANDY. OTARD, DTTPUY 4 CO., PINET, CASTILI.ON * CO., A BEIGNETTE, PELLEVOISIN. GIN. MEDER SWAN AND IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, (in cases J WHISKIES. JOHN GIBSON, SONS 4 CO., MONONGAHELA, X, XX, XXX, CABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, O. K. BOURBON, Very Old. RUM. .JAMAICA AND Sx. CROIX. CH A M P A G N E, OF VARIOUS BRANDS, !n Quarts end Pints. TEAS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON, HYSON, OOLONG, FOWCHO.VG, In Caddies and Half Chests. sugar, goifu, soap, starch, &c., &e. Also, Agent for the sale of Massey, Collins 4 Cos PHILADELPHIA ALE. sepft-tf IV M. DAVIDSON. BOARDING. TEN OR TWELVE GENTLEMEN can be accom modated with Board and Lodging, at moderate rates, corner Jefferson and Bay streets. » e p6-2w J. BISSER. PHOSFB OTTTJS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To V Umei on or about the 16(A of Julu, 1665, Bv J. W. BURKE 4 CO., - MACON, UA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, ass method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor u. with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current of the Markets in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, 4c., and Commercial News of every description that will he of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorial*, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, 4c. It will be a family, as wxli. as a bcsinxss rArxx, and we intend that lt shall visit every City, Town and Village In the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in ibis Circular, not knowing what number of our friends will wait their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will on)y say to all, send your Advertisements to ns immedi ately ; state how space you wish them to occu py, directions, 4c. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and mati i lot for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting in j patronage ajffti approval of all Business Men. As s*on as we arrive at the amount of matter and sire of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the ratee f r advertising, in die first nnmber. Tuxv will uz as low as possuili, to allow co so prnLisH thi faper. Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured lt will meet Its cordial co-onerattou and aup port. Address J. W. BURKE 4 CO., . . Macon, G*. Agent In Savannah: Oao. N. Nigh Oja, Bay Street. JyJB-tf THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the Sonth, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern States. The Proprietors of the New Orleans Daily and Wisely Thus, encouraged by the liberal support given to their Journal, have made ample arrangements for Its Improvement, with a view to making It, in every FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily, sl6 per annum; half yearlv, $8 - Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital Import ance to the Interests of the Gnlf S ates ; contains a carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and eelecteu literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all pans of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, s resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $6 per annum. TO CLUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: * copies $ ( 101 6 copies S2B 00 3 6 14 00 1 7 •• 29 00 * “ 18 00 j 8 •• 38 (10 » “ * » *o|» “ 87 00 10 copies ...S4O. Club e*T«n 00PT will be given to any one getting up a Terms Invariably In advance. Address, WM. a c. KINO A CO., ants-ts Proprietor. w. o Times, No* to comp at AMUBB.IBIBTS. VOX.TEH’ OARTBN, (Congress ft . between Jefferson and Montgomery su„j REGULAR SUMMER SEASON PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY NIGHT. UT Ifll Savannah Orchestra, Prof. E. Rrcerra, Leader, t W~ Refreshments ot the best quality and la every variety lmo sulO SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCHELOR* HAIR BYB i The Original and Best in the World! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and 1 nstan taneous. Produces iramedlate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies tne 111 effects of bad dye,. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEURS. For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair aul«-ty CHARLES BATCHELOR. Nan Yoax. WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIFTY TONS ot Rags and Waste Paper The HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. Also, Got ten Pickings, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Grease, Metals, Bottles, Ac., at the FOREST CITY MILLS, aa4-tf Savannah. , WANTED TO PURCHASE, OR KEEP FOR HIS FEED, a good Horse that will work In single harness. Must be gentle. Apply to sepß N. A. HARDEE A CO. TO HKXT. ~ ~ Offices to Let. \ TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. anl2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf ROOMS TO LET, At Hilton Hoad, S. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Pitted Up, now offem large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartment* or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., ou the prem ises, corner ol Merchant*' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to 0 o'clock p. m ju22 LOST, A SMALL CARPET BAG, marked ,1. R Garten, ft steig, from among the baggage per steamship Varuna from New York. landed at Central Press Wharf and supposed to have been taken away by mistake. Any person having the same In their pos session will be lilterally compensated by leaving It at the office of eeps-2 JOHN R. WILDER. DANIEL MANN, TETHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Tinware, T V toves and Stove Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gut tering aud Repairing done at the shortest notice. Northwest corner of St. Julian street seps-lm and Market Square. A CARD. WILLIAMS, M'INTIRE & CO. HAVING associated Col. Robt. P. York with them In business, under the firm name of York, Wil liams, Mclntire k Cos., are now prepared with ample storage accommodations to receive any and all con signments, with rooms for those who desire to look after sales of their own goods, and will give prompt personal attention to all Interests entrusted to their care. Regular sale days in front of store on Bay street— Tuesdays and Friday*. Night sales at store on Broughton street will com mence ou Ist October. ConsiKUinunts of all kinds are respectfully solicited. sepS-lO YORK, WILLIAMS, MoINTIRE A CO. OXFORD BIBLES AND ENGLISH EDITIONS OF THE U. S. EPISCOPAL PRAYER BOOK. THE undersigned are the Sole Agents In the United States for the Oxford Editions of the Bible, which they constantly keep In stock In every variety of size and binding. They arc the Publishers also of various editions of the U. S. Episcopal Prayer Book, which are all print ed and bound under their own supervision In Eng land. Booksellers and others will find an assortment in their list greater than can be found anywhere else In the country. Catalogues mailed free on application. THOMAS NELSON A SONS, 137 Grand street, New York. 29 Paternoster Row, Loudon. sepl-C Hope Park, Edinburgh. ACADEMY OF ST, VINCENT OF PABLj Savannah, Georgia, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF MERCY THE Fall Term of this Institution will reopen on September 15th and close on Febiuary 16th, 1866. The Spring Term will commence on February 16th and close on July loth. Terms per Session, Including board. Tuition In English, Washing, and one of Bed and Bed dlng... *l5O 00 Tuition In French so 00 do Music on Piano 30 00 do Music on Guitar 30 00 do Crayon, Drawing and Painting in Water Colors 20 00 Tnltlon In oriental Painting, per course 15 00 do Wax Fruit and Flowers 20 00 do Embroidery 10 00 For farther particulars apply to the Superioress at the Institution. au2»-2awlm MDDIERT lURM. M. WM. H. MAY, of the Golden Saddle, CORKER BttYAK A.YD WHITAKER STS. DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And alt kinds of SADDLERY WARE, RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, —an— and Leather Beltinff. ALSO,— A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, such as MARKET BASKETS, CLOTHES BASKETS,CHAIRS large and small; with or without Rockers. DRUMS, DOLLS, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, Ac.. Ac. togetb with a full and complete selection of every article known In thla line of business Thankful for past favors, the advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. angfil ts BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS -AT— TONKING'B, IN BEAR OF TOST OFFICE. HILTON READ. aajrM ts AUCTION SALES. UNDERWRITERS' SALE. OCTAVUS COHEN Will aell THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, at Lamars Press, A Lot of Damaged Cotton, ABOUT 30 BALES. Sold for account of Underwriter* and all concerned. aepT Administrator’s Sale. By York, Williams, Mclntire & Cos, WUI be sold on TUESDAY. 19th In front of Store, IC6 Bryan atieet. Sundry articles of Household ahd Kitchen Furni ture belonging to the estate of the late Thomas J. Sold per order of the Administrator and by permis sion of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county TORS, WILLIAMS, McINTIEE S CO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. Gr A . CONSIGNMENT* OF COTTON ANN IMMIER SOLICITED. Baldwin 4 Co.j Erwin 4 Hardee, Gaden A Cneklcs, Isaac D La. B"ehe> Esq : Hiram Roberts, K.,,. ; Wylly Wood bridge. Esq. j Hooter 4 OammellTl. C. A 4 Brn f " , n C Tt ln ß?M^,i Yo l k ,~ M< ' 88rs ' Samoel T. Knapp A Bro., D. 11, Baldwin 4 Cos. au26.oodlm STATIONERY, 4C. ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, -AND STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. 3NTSIN7SF NOvTHIjS. Jort Received at the above Depot a fnrther supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 60 cent*. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 50 cents. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY', Ac., for September. The usual sssortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer. aug3o BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, sep4 ts cor. Bryan street and Market Square. CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAY TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN. FLOWERS OF PARADISE. POCKET MANUAL For sale by Saville & Leach, Timber Cutters’ Bank. •epf-tf Cor. Bryan afreet and Market Sqnare. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN: Youths’ Pictorial Library, Marla Edeworth's Eariy Lessons. Tale* and Stories Worth Telling, Little Frankie Stories, Young People’s 1 ibrary. Salt Water Tales, Uncle Sam's Library, The Robin Nest Stories, Leila Books, „ Boquets for Children, Mount Vernon Juveniles, Six Plessant Companions, Merry Tales and Stories for Young Folks. The Juvenile Library, The Jewel Case, Sea and Land Stories, The Dog Crusoe's Stories, Molly and Kitty's Juveniles. Saville &, Leach, *ep4*tf cor. Bryan itrect and Market Square. BOOKS. THE POETS IN BLUE AND GOLD. Hood, Borns, Moore, Byron. Milton, Qoldsmlth, Wordsworth, Campbell, Coleridge, Osetan, Hemans, Pope, Scott, Crabbe, Cowper. Saville & Leach, sepi-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS* Spellers, Readers Grammars, Book-Keeping, Copy Books, Dictionaries. Saville & Leach, »cp4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. INK. OE GROSS INK, In stands, at *8 80 per gross. 16 *tJ doten Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per rioacn. For sale by SAVILLE A LEACH. >ul2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. Mule Stolen—s2s Reward. STOLEN from the Stable of the subscriber, between Abercorn and Lincoln, on Broughton street, Mon day night last, one Iron grey Male. The said Mole Is galded on the left sbonlder from the wearing of a col lar. The month of the male Is considerably deep by the wear or the bridle and bit. A reward of $26 will ba paid for the return of the mule or (or Information where it may be obtained T. B. BL IKEWOOD. At Demand's Upper Cotton Press sep6-lw footofWsat Broad street Notice. ;s^iiasisnha' I &«s,r3is host aaia Agents expire sa soon as the cotton la land- JOKN NJtCN Receiver. MH 114 Ear street. PIONEER LINE FOR NEW YORK, The u. 8. Man Suamahip PIRIT, Lie,Capt. Dklabot, will sail for the port on tier regular day, Thursday, Sept. 7th, at 7 O’clock, p. m For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMELL, seps 84 Bay street -A.tla.ntic Coast Mail Steam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, ——— The First Class Steamship VARU NA, will positively sail on THCRB - 7th lust., at 7 o'clock. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to aepl JOHN R. WILDER. FOR NEW YORK STAB LINE. SBMI-WEEKIjY. The first class U. 8. Mail Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt CaarEHTTR. UNITED STATES, - Capt. AMERICA, Capt Cxwt. CONSTITUTION, - - . Capt. usaanti,. The above ships compose the Line, and will tall trom Naw York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. W AXEMAN, GOO KIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, FOR NEW YORK. Merchant’s Line Sailing Vessels. The splendid Clipper Schooner Ijjrfek aUVB S. BAHB&, oJIBKa Capt WM. SMITH, la now looting for the above port, and will have quick despatch. Apply to CHAO. L. COLBY 4 00., naW-tf cor. Bay and Abercom streets. For New York. ~ r fcr%. Th» A1 Schooner Jftjk LOVET PEACOCK, MBSw I.UIGO, Master, Having the greater portion of cargo engaged, will nave despatch for the above port. For height apply "ops HUNTER A GAMMELL. MERCHANTS’ LINE Vessels. Regular Vi ttkly Lise of CLIPPER SCHOONERS FOR NEW YORK. THE undersigned Intend to keep np a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodatioiu for passengers and the rery beat fa dlltlea for delivering freight In good order.atlow rates, with promptness aud despatch. Particular attention given to forwarding goods from New Tork. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., aula cor. Bay and Abercorn street*. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing jg| Vessels FOR NEW YORK. ' The fine Clipper Schooner E. C. Howard, Capt. Nicksrson, Will hays quick despatch for the above Port. For Freight or Paaaage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., aug3l-tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. MERCHANTS’ Line of Sailing 1 Vessels, FOR NEW YORK. mHE SCHOONER GEORGIA, Capt. Holt, win hare A despatch forth* above port. She has room for a small quantity of light freight. Apply to eepc-if C'flAS, I. COLBY A CO. Merchants' Line of Sailing Vessels FOR VEW YORK, THE fine Clipper Bark IDA KEMBALL, Goatling, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. Apply to sep6-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO, FOR FLORIDA The Steamer HELEN GETTY, CAPT. INGRAHAM (Formerly the St. Johns,j Will leave the Old Georgia Steamboat Yard tor Florida, teaching at Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Fernandlna. Jacksonville, Plcoiata and Pa latka. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent Florida Boat. _acp* Coiner Wait Broad ana Bay sts. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA AND POINTS BEYOND, ARE notified that (loads will be received at our Warehouse, on Dillon's Wharf, at anytime du ring the week ERWIN 4 HARDEE ants lmo For Doctortown TOUCHING AT DARIEN. THE well known light draught ateamer COMET, * W,, 1 ? Kl ?*’ been thoroughly over neuled, will leave for the above placet on THURSDAY MORNING, the 7th Inst., at 10 o'clock. Freight payable by shippers on measurement Goods 60 cents per cubic foot by weight; *2 per 100 pounds—Railroad freight added. Cotton will be brought at $0 per bale Cotton Press,*or to******** at Upper BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO., atp6 or to CLAQHORN t CUNNING HAW. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R FOR THOMASVILLE. THE Light Draught Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS Oapt. Phil pot. will leave Dillon's Wharf'on Tuesday morning, 22d insL, at 9 o'clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown, In connection with the Road, leaving at follows - SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Fretgbt receipted for through to any point on Rail road between Doctortown and Thonusville Freights payable here. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, aug2l-lm Agent on Wharf. FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, lad Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Pei STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. Joans on. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Enwaan Hillkb. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon'a Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight as above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each ateamer. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. anlfi lm Agent on Wharf. CHEAP FREIGHT FOB A«A, THIS DAY AND TO-MORROW, SEPT. 6XB AMD 7 th. BRADT, SMITH* CO. J ‘ RAILROADS Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > Savannah, Ou, September 4^B*s.y ON sod after Tteaday, 6th Inst., a dally train Qmn daya excepted; will leave for Augusta at 4 a with * line of Hacks running between S*J ,tral Rat'road, and Waynesboro on the Augusts end Savannah Railroad. Passenger* by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after ieavtng Savannah in time to get SEESItAuS. 1t AuS.“ ,m * ct wlth ** OTOr * la an F d^u RO at t fhe P ra^Xe be By order of GEO. W ADAMS, Assistant Superintendent. .Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. » Pr.i„h. r . H&V,Umah ' Qa " An e“* 1866.1 By order of r t <3BO. W. ADAMS, —— . Assistant Superintendent. Atlantic & Gulfßailroad STEAMER WM. C. CIBBONS sod this Company, by which Passengers and Freight Til b t tr *^* p S , 7® d to an< * ,rom Thomasville smTsa vannsh and all Intermediate points. Good* will be received at any time during the week at the steamer's Warehouse, on Dillon's wharf. „ ~ WILLIAM DUNCAN, Acting President Atlantic A Gulf KsDrotd. GASPER J. FULTON, sng2l-lm Superintendent. DRUGS. "Wholesale Druggists, AM) OBAUBM XXV Perfnmerj, Paw medicines, ic, k ORDiOS WITH RIMITTAHCES PROMPTLY EXE CUTED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. I*l Chambers unit No. 1 Hudson Sta., NEW YORK. Jamea Harral, formerly of Charleston, 8. C. H. YV. Rirlloy, formerly of AnguMa, Ga. Sh29-Sl3t Drugs, Medicines, andThemlcals. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES, X.AHDZD r SOM MSW XOBK. Apothecaries, Planters, and trsdt, rs from the Interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure quality’ qu “ ,lty ot European LKECHES, finest All the Patent Medicine* extant on hand One hundred case* Jacobs' Dysenteric CordhJ. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CAhif, wnOLZSAt* AHD *8 t A 11 . ATAPOTOECABEES’ HALL. Comer Broughton and Barnard street*. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds pffrtnor THE DAILY EXPRESS PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year. In an form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and dally increasing circulation) and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. ONI eqnABX. Two weeks $ 6 oo One month... 6 00 Two months w oo Three months > icm. One Year Ir.^^eoS TWO SQUABIS. ' Two weeks $lO 00 One month oo Two months 15 oo Three months ’...A.’..””"* 18 00 “lx months 30 00 One year. 60 00 Persona desiring a greater quantity of apace than is shove designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed; 6 cts One Month, do 76 Three Months, do *j oo Six Months do 3 60 One Year do 6 00 Aodxiss, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD * CO., PETERSBURG, VA. THE Christian Index. the “CHRISTIAN INDEX" and of the 'CHILrrs ftt DKX" I have been publishing -CHILD'S DB -of “Index," per annum.. as no Price of "Child’s Index,” • ■ WOO (A deduction made for cinba )'' tlon Hat with which to beglnTsnd I Ume thlslSS' It la my Intention to Isaac first class papers, no Thebelt'wSSlSriJi ««ore that end— •nA,7^lJ!l? tc ! sa Si co "**P ondellt » wUl be secured, mid the highest religions and literary talent will be given to the papers The Child's Parer will faaely Must tated and will, in every sense, be made to conform to its new title, THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. Money may be sent by Express or otherwise—ls by Express, at my risk, if the Express receipt Is sent me, on the reenmptlon of maT faculties. ' My connection with the firm of J. W Burke A Cos. is diseolved, bat 1 will establish an office In Macon, Ga.. where communications may be addressed tnic - 2w SAMUEL BOYKIN Just Received, 5 CASKS BACON SHOULDERS, 36 coses Tobacco, * 200 bnshels Salt, 20 boxes English Dairy Cheese.' For sale by sepo-tf q. K. OSGOOD. Paving Bricks. 1/4 ft AA NORTHERN PAVING BRICKS. Jns ItUI/V landed and for sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Bay street, opposite Mariner's Church. BRINCKERHOFF A MILLS, YTTHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS. Orders for TV mil kinds of Tees, in any sized packages da sired, filled St the lowest market prices. Parties or dering will please send remittances. Term* cash Olden solidted. ”• Southern Produce received and told on commia b°rsetrent! r * c ** v * of money for dls- No. 1 77 Pearl street, near Wall, New York, tepi Ha