Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 09, 1865, Image 4
The Savannah Daily Herald, fcATVItD \Y, IKPTEXUICR Ihb.». (toiu| •«> Sift p. Tilt light l< lading down ilit* Kky, ; The shadows grow and multiply, 1 hear the thrushes’ evening tarn* ; iiui i have borne with toll ami wrong sk» long. ;u long ! Dtui dream* my Uroirav senses drown— So, darling, my ejtiid down ’ Mr lffeV> brief apring wetrt wasted b\. M> summer ctmed fruitiest v j learned 10 Imager, strive and wait— -1 found yon, love—oh ’ li.innv rate— So late, &o late : ail lay fields are turn in j brown— . So. darling, ki** my eyeli i. down’ * uli. biesj#.! -lecp. oh * period rest ** Thus pillowed < n your nitliful breast. Nor life nor death is wholly drear, O, tender head - wee you arc here, . so deal , so dear 1 Sweet love, n».* sour* summit crown ! Now, darling, ki- im eyelids down ’ [Atlantic MiMthhj. Km in? off oiaiahin, A correspondent of the Cindunati Daily Gazette, writing from Colmnhia, South Caro lina. gives the followiug melancholy account of the condition of things there: the burnt district. Here was stramonium and rag weed, poke whu?’ ail( l thistles, growing thickly . lh crape myrtle, and box, mock orange ) e j 3amiae : Many squares were thus angled, until it was difficult to find a way through which smooth and nicely bordered walks had been Then in the midst of nil these, among the scorched and withered »uado. trees, were the chimneys ol the old mansion house. Hundreds of these yards *>i V e011 Pl°wed up, the choice shrubbery all destroyed, and corn planted to guard against starvation. From some directions the town seemed a great coin lielil filled with nnnj. In many places roads and ibotpuths nave been opened, where none but the proud est find the wealthiest ever had set their leet until Sherman passed tiiat way. Stand ing at the State House, and looking North, it is difficult in number up a dozen houses standing, though many more are there, the position and the trees both aiding to conceal them. In the midst of it ail is a cemetery, with its tenees destroyed, its shrubbery ragged and broken, and its walks and yards oveigroryn with briars and weeds. the state not se. I his was in course of construction at the opening ot the war and was nearly ready to receive the root. The building itself was un urjureu except as it bears the marks of a few fehei.s which struck it when our gnus opened on the city Horn Lexington Heights, oppo site and across the river. It was designed to far l ! ie •," 1 . iesl l )uWit: building in the > outh, and will ti ever finished on the origi- Nfnrri, ?" S, " pa^J h ->’ few if “uy in the «w. ,1 . 111 Sot J 'giit marble with extensive Corinthian porches. But although the build , “}' eJ ’ a . vast amount of prepared mat bk and granite coping was destroyed by workshop i Ol U ‘- e Sltm, unding sheds and Workshops where it was stored. mar lm nf hodS c V u,aincd fQnnre blocks of the fihv StVt ', r! ' colors for the flooring of work r •? n ?’' Vhldl !iai! ; engaged the of suvfnw ?| tC ‘ UII “J' 11 ' croc,! 'd lot die purpose chofee f m'" 1 fhc,v also panels of ASM" omlleßs I’rofusion; railings same l, btece J*> a « d ballisters of the ta'k' „■ ° T ,lh , ‘'boif e marble with capi ' if Ol, obi m Italy, and mnui| carved tbeihH m ’ ' these, the ■sheds covered a large sumily ot hum’ burniiV' l( i K th 9 l r -f,^ ps oi'ficea. The burning ot the buildings ruined every foot of '■ po *' «'' uc limit. It would-take had die .n l ' ply " , ,‘ s i<Wi: > f ven it the dtate the work °Ve? a 11 ' 1 the Will 1„ go on with the a, coiints nr SCC “‘ S all< a ' ivirily to mind east In In i''!' ~l, ‘ l 1 ! cm l’i®S in the fat huildim ; rou f 0( le main entrnuco to the memory r f i!' 9 creeled to the “l“ a oni "‘ "ftireis and men of the Dal mato Regiment who felt in Mexico. f our open columns of iron inclose the. plmtt. These, are connected with arches, and the shaft within is square, and vmr luounted with a representation of a palmetto tree, in full leaf, some fifteen ieet, higfi. tp on the brass panels are the. names ot fortv iour officers and four hundred and four tu lisled men who fell in battle under the Stars and Stripes, BUSINESS. The old business men,-who have lived a partially active life, are. managing in one way or another » get along, and tue change fali3 most heavily upon those who were once the wealthy. Aral this is true through out, the South. They have lived in ease and idleness all their lives, and have, no knowledge whatever of business or labor. They are at au utter loss to know how to start in any matter that will afford them a support. Some are keeping boarders— where Yankees can* be found to board— some are teaching school—the wives and daughters of many are giving music lesson's all right and proper, and honorable enough, - —but yet a great change for them. The’ universal lack of currency would of itself cause utter stagnation in business mat ters, even il the people possessed unbounded activity and enterprise. Except the few in the State who have cotton to sell, there is nothtug on hand to turn iuto money. The banks are dead, their assets being almost wholly absorbed .in Contederate bonds There is far less specie in the hands *of the people than has been supposed, and so far ns the wants ot society are concerned, it is not worth mentioning. A few, along or near the lines of railways, manage to dispose of a little fruit to passengers, or to sell the small amount ot produce they can spare, by the strictest economy to the company. But even this is not common, for everywhere the pro blem is how to save enough produce, which, when all told, will carry the owner through the coining winter. Tneu, hut few' of the roads have unbroken communication'with a market, and very little is done in purchasing produce of any kind. Those who live at a distance from the iabroad* have no means whatever of obtaining currency. And tor a year to come, i.uke v , ; rv len.t this state of things must continue } . 1’ crop now maturing will all i K food : there will he no surplus whatever * TUE REIGN OF DULLNESS. While everything moves slow i„ ,u e , the rate of motion here i. below that <V ,1 land at largo. Tlt.-t,, is no life, lftbe corpses «,t some ot u u . yard could daily walk around among t ‘ tombs, speaking no word, but moving ~,, there would be as much animation in o,’. scene. A few sutlers do most of the buri ness of the town. Some of the citizens have opened little retail establishment in'thoh dwellings, such as one sees among ti„. , KKir in the by-6treets of the city. ” 1 A few wagons stop in the wide Greets and that is the only market. The butchers come in two or thice little earl?, cut up u leir meats, and hang it up for display on the shade trees, l'rices are very high, and f„ w can afford anything but the plainest article of food or dress, there is no ire to he find in the place. Wood comes in loads that hardly make an armful for a stout man. it piled on a small wagon only one length to the load, ihe whoie containing about twenty sticks. There is no money nor any means (ft getting it for the majority. Those who ear, command any can only afford to live j IOIU hand to mouth. Tbt: Wiff. or Ltvn is Washington 1 iii or tonfr tub Phksidknt. —The wife of Lewis Washington, of Btiair, Va., is now in this wy imporluniog.for the restoration of theit cf nl v, IK . ,va:i confiscated in consequence W„X;„ r, ; )cl !‘ 01 ' of ilor »‘"sbaud. Lewis iclative 0 f George Wasli- PjßoSir 5 n", lU hf was taken isrewn 1 UaI ‘ ,el 9 Perry by old John T*CZIS SAVANNAH DAILY HEKALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and tfveniim |SUNDAYS EXCEPTED ] AT No. ill bav serasiST, ♦ BT S. W. M SON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PI BLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall also !»e Reliable, regarding Accuracy a* being ut as great impqfrjhncr as enterprise in procuring information. The Herald Staff embraces a j LARGE CORPS OF EDITORS AaD REPORTERS, Including several writers ieng and popularly known os connected with the Soul hers Tress, It also has gpeoial Correßpondents at A. 11 Prominent Points, Who are instructed to spare no flepense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding ail IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT IIAf) THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities S SO that ah News of Importance will be heralded ut the earliest possible moment. Especial , attention is paid to the LOCAL AND CGMMIERCIAL DCP A It T M KM'H, AND TO % Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Annuls, and the Court Record. AVOI DING POLITICS, Aa oril in ita province at present, the Hcbai.ii strives to t>e a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, . And to support the true interests of the re-united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO TIIE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, Aud t.* discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, an i without which its opinions could have but little weight. THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Misceilanecfas Rending Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Scientifiic and Commercial sub jects, so that in all respects it » is a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS aNI) Experienced Mall and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the will be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: Single copy sc . one week ...; noc. ONE MONTH $ 1 OO one year 10 on PER hundred 3 50 EXTRAS Are issued whenever ioteiligence* is received of snffi cient importance to warrant it. advertising terms : • t r uare * (° ccn PJ* u E a space of ten 1 14 J nou P ftrei o for ihe first insertion, and $1 per subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS • ‘ N 1 ' Vl!i ~p made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, lhoße Verted for a long time The i*«r.ui i> is AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! IRamg a iar; circulation in the* itty, and throughout th( St! ,te, In Florida, South Carolina, the fk)Ulh Atlantic SquwArmi and Ihe North, circrßating more or less EN- E'/EHY STATE OF THE UNION. i mm 1 ! or Adv,rt ' <eracntß “»y * ent *>y 9. W, M 4 SON & CO., PUBLISHERS, No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga MEWIFAFtRSi I == Christian Index. ■ i ) t liK-fi- t‘-flVt-rbc, or . .hs ihf* m.ii.. aft -1 ' m <• tv. hnl I Will lhr r-uUlcitinn of ih.--VHHIhTIAM IKI#::X- and of Ut ‘VIIILD* IN i DEX"I have lx>cn poblkhin''. I* 1 • “I Uilcx." nor ■liuiibt. V,i.. of I 'hiKfs loiir i,” a,, (A ik-duction maifi- for Clnlia j Mou. v may l»- P'miiro.l atonre. aa my dcU‘rmitiation ;ii *.'ivr. My Jifirc bto avrure a large .iiliaaip liou II I o:tli wlii. ii io Ix-fiii. and I Wue thin Prof pia I in. that fubacribets may have time to forward ; Tlieir ri'iLitt lllaa lr if my iatent'oti to it.-ue firat chiw papery awduo pain... or txpevao i :l! be spired u> aenin- fhaf end.— TI i belt writers and roirespondents will be secured, 1 and the highest religious and literary talent wiil he , oiven to ihe p.ipci>. 'lhei'hjldv I’.i’ar will he pro fuselj illnstoiled nr and will, in cveiy sense, la' made to conform to ils new title. THE CHILD’S DELIGHT. M. nfi may he Mnl by Vipress or otherwise—if hv ExprC's, at mv risk, if the Express red ipt is sent me, on the re nirption of nni ianlitie.. My connection with thelirm of.l W liurbe & CJo. is and -oniveil, hm i w ill establish an ollice in Macon, Oa., where I'ornmiiiiicntlons may lie addressed. OuiCnv hAMUKL BOYKIN. THE JJAJI.Y EXPRESS, PEi'ERSBUKG, VA. fins entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form; w ith new type, under auspices highly flattering. 1 1 has a large and daily increasing circulation, and nf leis In merchants and others desiring to comipunleate with the .Southern public, advantages surpassed by none ADYERTIMK6 HATES. . ONE SQV.ISE. Two weeks $ s no One month e w TTwo months m no Three months ; 15.00 Six Months 1:4 no One Year 4>j 00 TWO SOCAEdS, Two weeks $lO 00 0r.9 month 12 00 Two months 15 (,o Three month? ’ is 00 Six months CO 00 One year fft. 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity of space tiiaa is above designated, wiil be accommodated on liberal terms. • SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Cop}-, (mailed} 5 cte. One, do ta Three do .s2rf) • Six Months do 35© One Year do c 00 Address, •A. F. C RFTdIFIELD & CO., PETERSBCRG, VA. PROSPECTUS OF TIIK Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OK in.liuo COPIES, FOB GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. Tn be lamed on or about Hie loth of .lulu, ISGS, Hv I W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, ns a method of extensively advertising their business:— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor in wffetheir patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Wrrent of the Markets in all the ptjnci p.;l Cities, Rates of Exchange. Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description that will he of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently largo to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as ween as a m siNKss iMm it, and we intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village ill the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertisin''in a paper of ibis description. OUR TERMS Wild, BE LI BEHAI... We arc unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friends will want their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to ns immedi ately; slat., hinv mi eh 'pace you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stoci; of Fancy Type, Cuts and ninti iial for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting ihe patronage affil approval of alt Business Men. As si-oil asw >* .uiiveat theamount of matter and size of paper retjbired,- we wilt make an estimate, and publish the rule i r advertising, In the first number. Tmcv win nr a., i.mi as possiiu.k, to allow ns TO emn.isii r,o ;.m Deeming it superflu ous to argue the bench ut this enterprise to the adver tising world, we lea-,, ihe.subject with it, feeling as cured ti will tin..: 11s cordial co-operation and sup port. Address- J, W. BURKE A CO., Macon, Ga. Agc.u in Savannah - CW N. Nionons, Bay Street iylS-t.f THE MEW ORLEMIS TIMES, Tile i.e-adiiif; Jhiiiiid-i of the South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting luiccest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern States. The Proprieties of the New Orleans Daii.y am, Wrzklv Times, encouraged by the liberal support given to their journal, have made ample arrangements for its improvement, with n view to malting it, in every respect, a FIKRT-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY* AND NEWS PAPER. * Terms of the Daily, $lO per annum ; half yearly, $8: Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the disenorton of topics of jrital import ance to the interest* of the Gulf Sratee; conlnir* a carefully prepared compendium of the iiowh of each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parts of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resnme-of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $-1 per annum. TO 01kD*SS. The Weekly will be furnished ns follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $9 50 I C copies $26 00 S “ 14 no | 7 “ 29 00 4 “ *. IS DO | 8 “ 33 00 5 “ ... 22 501 9 “ 37 00 10 copies S4O. An extra copy .will be given to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address WM. 11. <\ KING <V CO, anl4-tf Proprietors N. O. Time a No. 70 Camp st WESLEYAN Female College. THE Twenty-eighth Annual Session opens OCTO BER 2d.- 1805. The Faculty i< complete. The rates for the First Term, whicli ends December 51st, are as follows : Regular Tuition in Colkge*Cl asses S3O 00 Regular Tuition in Preparatory Class 22 00 French, (optional) 15 50 Music, (optional r with use of instrument 33 to Board, including Wtu-hing, Lights, and Fuel— 90 00 To be paid in advance, in currency or its equivalent. J. M. BJNNELL. President Macon, Ga. au23-lawtooct QUEENSW AllE HOUSE, 100 ’Broughton Street, 57.00 N L 1)0 OR FROM CORN F. K BULL STREET. A large and elegant Stock of tlihia« QllttllsWAiV, Glass, &€., Just received fiom the manufacturers, and for sale at LOWEST NEW YORK PRICKS. JOBBERS AN 6 DEALERS Prom sit parts of the Country are invited to examine my WHOLESALE STOCK, Which includes packages containing complete assort merits, put up expressly for country trade. a- sorted Crates nf WIIITE GRANITE WARE, •• • COMMON WARE, a•• WHITE GRANITE and COMMON WARE. Good »re packed to suit purchasers. anl-ltt> E. D. SMYTH. University of Virginia. THE next Session of this Institution (which was never discontinued during the war) will com mence, as usual, October 1. late, and end July 4 1560. . • The Institution id organized into eleven distinct Schools, with »s many rrolesaors. Six of the Schools are Academic (besides that of Chemistry, which is 1 also Medicinal;, four belong to the Medical and ouc to the Law Department. The College expenses, for the session of nine months will be from $320 to $330, exclusive of text book*: oi which *iim about $216 will be required on admiseion, and the balance between that time and th. let of April. * For farther information address the snbß#lber. gar Poet Office, • ‘University of Virginia.” 8. MAUPIN, • aug23-eod2w Chairman of Faculty. COMMISSION MKHCHASTfe, do* JAMES B. CAHILL, GENEHAI. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND HEALER IN G roeeries, Pro visions, Wines aud Liquors, 171 BROAD STIiE EX , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDSRs <*fMerchandize* wishing torfalizo imme diately wiil cooralt their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be riven to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made nt the most reiMinahle rates. ?ep4-Sm j JAMES SEYMOUR, j LATE OF THE FIRM OF ROSS i SEYMOUR, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS I AKU OFFKIIS, HIS SERVICES TO THE PIBLIf AS A II 0 MNINN 10-\ MEK C HANT. j Will give special attention to the purchase of Cotton, ! Who], or any other Produce, and respectfully eolicita | orders aud consignments. j Refers to Messrs. Crane, Johnson & GrayblU, Savan nali, Ga. ; MACON, GA , A ll gnat *25, 16t>5. eepl-lw 1 Leti M. CnuumiLL, J. R. W. Jounston*. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, .Ui*y Groods, AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 233 BROAD STREET, OrrosiTr Masoxic Hall, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Will give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE FA VORED WITH. Consignments solicited. References in Savannah—Messrs. DeWitt A Mor gan, Bell, Wylly & Cliristian; J. T. Paterson A Cos. ; •N. Lyon, Bsq. aug24-1m .1 AC KSON 'sl warrockJ AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION * MERCHANTS, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. anlft-lm TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. KENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vusey Steeut, i.iw Yoke. Aud Memphis, Tens. Tuojias Fessee, Hkkby Bckhett, D. W.Bowhyn. jyO oti, . ( HAS. L. COLBY & CO., Snipping.CoMtinission unit Foruanlinig MERCHANTS. JON P'S BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND A BEP.CORN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the Arm of Cuas. L., of Nww York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE At WRIGHT. Agcntwnt Augusta, Ga. Messrs. Dabnej-, Morgan & CoL New Y'otk. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New Y’otk. lion .T Wiley Edmands, Boston. Guiduer Colby, Esq,, Boston. au!B—■tt Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duauc Street, New York, 0 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRV UOOD3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnnburgs and Yarns, - jyis L. J. (ini i mart in & Cos., GENERAL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 148 Bay Street. (Opposite the City Hotel j SAVANNAH, « A PARTICULAR e #tentlon given to procuring Freights, and filling orders for Hard Pint- Timber and Lum ber, Cotton, wool. Hides, Ac. 1.. J. GUILafARTIN, JOHN FLANNERY. E. W. DRUMMOND. aulT - . lm CEO. H. CRUMP <k CO., auction' and commission merchants, 209 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. Ju’2o 3m Tobias, Headricks & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 86 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STS., KTow Voris.. Refer to Octavos Cohen. au23 lm EDWARD f. LEGKIEL & CO., Commission Merchants, BTlOvvßTigl, ANDINSURANCE AGENTS, Macon, Grcoi-g'ia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. EDVARD O. LE'tIUSX*, ) ob>. c r rkiman. ) aug22 lm M. J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, VXTH-L attend to the Selling: or Receiving and For v » warding ali kinds of Merchandise. Produce, &c Office for the present at the Drug Store of J. M. Abrahams & Cos. au2l-lm i JOHN S. SAMIS & tO. ( Forwanling and Commission MEBCHAIS T«. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Ooods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND L> SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Struct, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. 8. SAM.MIS. Kl». «. SAMMIS. CUAR. L. MATHER anti ts J. SHAFFER, Commission 33oaler In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ani> PRODUCE, I West Washington Mark ft, Opposite 143 West Rt., Bulkhead between Barclay and , Vesey ?»ts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignment* promptly attenked to. Reb-rs to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Wal*U, and J. H. Parsous. jyl2 eodly HENRY BRYAN, ! Bryan Strut, next to Merchant*' and Pi antebs’ Bank Huiiding, Broker aud Commisatico Agent FOB SALE AND PURUiARt OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Fonyarding Cotton. Anls 3mo GRiKEHItb, LlfttUKl, At. b. K. RorllWtLG li WuiTESCAtk. BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD. Grocery. Cimiimimi anil Porwanliui MERCHANTS, NO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. eep3 1m Ja*. G. Watts. A. n. Cinnriox. JAS. (i. WATTS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GroctTios mid l*i-<»-isiioii!S. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Lipin's, Wines, -Sugars, in., S3 Sr. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, • West side Market Square, • SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. VITE would cal! the attention of our friends and the ▼ ? public generally to onr new connection, aud solicit a share of their patronage. Mr. A 11. Ouunpion. lab* of the firm of Champion & Freeman, thanks his friends for their past favors and requests the bestowal of the same on the new firm. sept- lm M. LAVIN, WHOLESALE AND.RETAIL DEALEII IN Groceries, Wiuea, Liiiuors, Ale and Porter. •IK CASES BRANDY, warranted Pure 15 cases Wolfe’s Schnapps 15 cases Choice Whiskey 20 bbls Whiskey, various brarAds 60 boxes Fay Brothers Family Soap 10 ca“ 08 London Club Sauce 5 casks Byuss’ London Porter 6 bags Java Coffee cases Sardines 6 bbii Seif-Raising Flour casks Cape Fioyd Hams rig Sid cs, Shor.kfers Pork Fulton Market Beef. And various other Reticles. All of the above will be sold cheap, as my expenses are light, net having to pay storeorhonso rent. Any article bought from me not giving satisfaction the money will be refunded. M. LAVIN, ®cp*-2 • Ea*t Broad street. HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 103 Hay st.. Near Barnard, SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamers from New York the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries I-V THE CITY. N. B.—Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remit tance, luioiuwLY filled at Lowest Market Prices. , aufll lmo /j roREiQN /W* OOMESTIC^%t^^ a RSI St BARS ■ SOLS AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an3o PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Detail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEH, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, &c. Liberal deductions made to the trade. ITC BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and C>2 Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE Aim COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &r. t Corner op Bav and Barnard Streets, t? SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rales paid for Cotton Woo!. Hides, Ac., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York House. an 13 KIRLIN & KIENZLE, Wholosalo and Hctail DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAfiER BIER. our house, *65 BAY STREET. «u2l ts 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard. Tor sale by FOWLE & CO. jul9 Cm No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN; BE 0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES. WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORIIKHS PROMPTLY FILLED & OELiVF.RED. «u2l if DEPOT. fTUIE dnlißoribcr lma rnaumed Ilia old bnsinpss In 1 Williamson's Bnildijisr, opver end, north side Buy street, where he is now receiving fresh supplies of Butter and Cheese, at fair prices, and respectfully solicits a liberal share of trade from his old customers and patrons. sepl-lw SEABORN GOODALL. FOE SALE, BY RECENT ARRIVALS. CIDER VINEGAR, • DRIED APPLES. PRUNES, MUSTARD, CURRAN TANARUS& HERRINGS. INDIGO, BEGARS. • PAINTS AND OILS, AXLE GREASE. BAGGING, ROPE. In'jnire of CHAS. L. COLBY A 00., i _ gISAf Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. VIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENCY, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Bboap Stbist, Augusta* Ga., HAVE on hand a large and wel] selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. ’ S#mFi«B sent by Etprea# when deeirfcd. Sa Ju2o . »AIVAIVIMA.M BUSINESS DIRECTORY. oomoasloK mobchaKtb. 13 Knrthrokr A t'o. - • BHIPPING and i GMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer B *y aud Whiiakca streets. " Savannah. Ga. Prompt attention given to consignments of Mer chandise and Produce of all kinds purchased and sold. lm Horatio Pitcher. COMMISSION MERCHANT, healer in Ship Stores and Chandlery. Harris' wharf, foot of Lincoln street, under the bluff, tepl flM*oai & Gnrtlon, A. COTTON FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, au -° 00 Bay itreet, R u *‘ Bhitaty A Cos., General Commission Merchants, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. aU 24 T>rady, Smith ek Cos., Commission and For warding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker* and Bar nard street. aug24 J a tires heavy, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for James Wallace's Celebrated Whiskies, Gins, Alcohol, Cologne Spirits, and New Eligland Ruin. No. C, Stod dard’s Building, Bay street, Savannah. aulD NA. Haidee A Cos., .COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS EhTAIU.ISiIEP IN IS3G. Office No. 0 Stoddard’s Row, OHI6 Sjvannnh, Ga. Henry Uryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Brv iu street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’Bunk. Building. an 10 MA. Cohen, * • FORWARDING and COMM ISSN MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos., 80 Bay et. Bell, Wylly & Christian, AUCTION, GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street, Savannah,* Ga. A 31. Scarbrough it Cos., Grog EOT and Com • mission Merojuntb, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian sts. Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. Erwin Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah. Ga. YITm. 11. Stork. Wholesale Grocer and Cora > t mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coln and B*y street. aug22 WINES, LIQUQRsT&cT K-cetlicke & Cos., 'J WHOLESALE DEALERS In Groceries, Tines, Liquors aud Segars. Corner of Bay and Whitaker sis., Savannah, Ga. scp2-luj HG. ltiivve iW Cos., * WHOI.RBALX DEALERS IN' LIQUORS. ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor. St. Julian street and Johnson square. Israel R. Scaly «!w Cos., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF Ch. FARRE CHAM P.A ONES, In the State of Georgia. 207 Lay st., between Barnard and Jefferson, auft .. bavanuah Ga, Israel R. Scaly ek Cos., WHOLESALE HEALERS IN* IMPORTED WINES, i OR DIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay st., lxtween liarnard iind Jefferson JLarna, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Span • isii Segars, French Brandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Touaooo of all kinds. 101 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. . DRY GOODS. John C. 31 akcr I'ii Cos., Winy am. Retail Dealeu-in DRY GOODS, HOjVLRY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, A c , Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at Unityw (Wntea Low Prices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 1) resdec & OrlF. DRV GOODS—Wholesale and Retail. ill aud 113 Congress st. John 3lcCoiiag!iy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Am Samuel 31. Ledercr,* Jobber and Retailer of Fancy anP Staple Dry Goods Coots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, sc. 140 Congress street. GROCERIES, <fcc. S. 3i. Gragg & Cos., 102 Bryan street, Deal ers in Fine GROCERIES and J’ROVISIONS— Agents for Allen’s WAIIOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer in WINES and IIQUORS. a"ni‘» SS. 3llller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay. Oats, Coin, Cow I\-as, l’indcit,, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. auft M Feral kV. Cos., w) o.csale Dealer in Wixrs, Li • quoRS, Segars, Fak ' Groceries, C’anpieh, &c. A F. Midi, Wiioi.Esu.E and Retail Dealer in Ai GhOCERiES. FRUITS, cVe Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Congiion Synioia, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton & Kamlcll, WHOLESALE ORQCERS, 103 Bay Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this city. P. Deyo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, j* Wines, Liquors, Ac.. Robert Ilalfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, ' 151 Broughton street. BILLIARDS,- Ac. fjilic “Live On U,” corner of Drayton street and * Bay Lane. CHOICE VVHNES, ALES and SEGAKS at Retail. Dunn & McMahon, Proprietors. an 19 O’Toole & Cos., BILLIAKDS, LIQUORS, WINES, &a Broughton at., third door from Bull. I?UUavrt Saloon. Bv WALTER O’MEARA. J ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, &o. Bay street, over Express Office. TJnion Shades* Tf.benoe Muoent, Proprietor. KJ ALE3, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, Ac. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A. Stamm. Wholesale and-Retail. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER~Wiioi.esaIe and Retail. , MANUI'AOTUEUJI OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY OF ALT KINDS. 14G Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. M Fitzgerald, • wholesale and retail dealer in CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY am> RASPBERRY syrups, Dandies, ate., &<?., In any quantities, to suit Pur chasers. } WHITAKER STREET. GAS FITTING, &c. plumbing and Gag Fitting, A By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton at., one door Wc-.t of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gas Fitter add Plumueb, • and Dealer in To. Wake, House Fuanisiung Goods, &c. 145 Broughton street. Weed Cornwell, M’hoiesaleDealers iir Ha riV.vaiu' andTiK Ware. No 139 and 161 Jliought-on street. TT Crnuaton, • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st., ntfx* to cor. Whitaker. S. ICoethi eke & Co.* Importers of Genuine Havana Segars, Corner Bay and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. sop 2 lm * Jaeoh Langsilorf ct Cos., Wholesale Dealers in fine Havana and Domestic Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. 171 Bay street, be tween Whitaker and Barnard streets. au24 IT* Kolh. 1 • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Segars, Touagco, Snuff, Pipes, • Fancy Articles, Stationery, Ac. Cor. Bull and Broughton sta. F Const ant, Imfortfr of Domestic and Havana • Segars, Meerschaum Pipes, Ac. Also, Winks, Champagnes and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. piuntingT STATIONERY "&cT~ Saville & Lrath, liOOK.'ELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan sfreet and Market Square. TYT avfclt.g Ink, MANijF.cTunri) and for sale b? m DAVID H. GALLOWAY, Geo. if. Mrliola, ’ “ book and job printer, Bay st., between Abet corn and Drayton E. — ' No. 6 Whitaker stj-eet. W» Us a son <& Cd., Os HERALD JQB PRINTING OFFICE. No, 111 Bay street. D 1 RE OT OR Y --C ON TtN UE D CLOT] i7n(L " H. A Topham, L« Ccngrcs, ' nab. and 7 Merchant.' Row I'm-.iL '. ’ ■ Dealer in Fine Ready Mudr cuSSL 1 8. < tog Goode, 0 ' nta ' Furniah! - professional. ~ IV* A. 31. Siic-fd, " i DENTIST _ WATCHUS. JEVVKLRILa-,! I^-*8 FUy,mian, Dealer in W*i^7TCrT7*~ :==: * P and Ware. fTnc^Tv. CoB P*" ot-. opposite the Pnl. cL -, HAIR DRESSING, andc = ~ =?i^ ' ==!Sl p""- Hanging, Ac., ai short notici; ° ,s??P airin & Bi ll **"' ia° Broughion at. - CHINA U r ARE, «sec. ' J 0 B P IU^ A .’st Q VVhola4h^n^ i< S L _. ina Broni-htyn street, M d0,,,. fl? cl . ail - ofE - " " to Stoddard's tog ofllce Ko Hi Bay DRLWsrf- M - 'V.-tish, N c " iWons^ sr — m«onias 31. Turner, Brought' ’ 4. ifi —2Sii r — — BOOTS ~ A. and < cimaren> d c’alf r serle 3:u il? nv ’ w °niui^ SHOES of all kinds and f 4uallfi e c 9 aUd K,d m VJf RB < TAIL . f AND SHOE STORE lb' Broughton at,, gd doorjrnn, B ulli - _ SC 1 RIVEXEJ i Business entrusted to his care“at VlLo " U| l Hugest, Jr,, opposite PniaskiHouse °‘ * <!Ka to IUPRsT T T. Rending . f J • FHOTOGK 4PHERS, ~ •_Cor L U hit,ker l n l d st. JuUan sts. Ww""’’ Pho, °S*»plifc Gnllcra- " ' RHiantns ~ r, i . DOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Dealer in Paints oil* a-.. g» i h u ' stand of Jno. G. Fallignnt. * ’ U ,Inliau _ SODA WATER. .—~ , , Car. Bay ana West Broad streets. A;RY GOODS AA~D CLOTHING. Carhart, WiiiihirjuTco^" Manufarinm-s nn.l AYHolesnfe Renlers in RIADV MADE etOTHINa 331 AMI) 333 BKOAiwAV. con. Worth Street, * NEW YOR K. LTS I Henbt Shafkb, MM. 11. Wnirroßn, ( A. T. HahietoW Office of Payan * Carhart in^ffiation. STLKLL^I]tmLNii,~ , yl^ e , rrh " , “’ Row Hilton Head, So. Cn. t ; „- the ? tte , nt . lon of Wholesale and Retail imr chasers to their superior stock of -and naval clothing, • AND FURNISHING goods* THE -\EW skirt FOR 18G.5. A aRSSS fcrl *' HoVnil/ T cad the advertisement iu the Savannah Hwjfl MBUwtag fu „ partieffiars every “ay jyC ui aw.'im CUNNINGHAM A. PURSE, E A< MK f irr ;S ti and commission nayM^ivanS^cJ, 4 ttod(lnrtl ' B Lower Stores, G«mm| C l| C n,7 Rn,) r Hob-rshßm & Pons, Hunter* Eririn * H«rt™ U n? oh . en ’ B "s ham ' Baldwin * Cos., lee * Cia *Tborn & Cunningham. sep43m COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. fT'HE have this day entered into Copart fPtPhtp to carry on DrayagS, Stor age and Commission business, tinder the haute of H Dickerson i- t o. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low A La 11. J. DICKERSON. T. A. GOODWIN „ N. B. BROWN. Bavannwh, Ga.. August 21,13C5. au£l-lro P. H. BEHN, Factor and general commission mer chant. Near old stand, Bay street, Savtut n«h, Ga. sep4-5 Warren’s Celebrated Needles and risk Hooks. ANDREW CLERK Ac CO., 4S MAIDFN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is alwnys kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. & Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long aud favorably esteemed by their holts". au2s-3m Large Importation OF— HAVANA SEGARS, LEAF AND SMOKING TOBACCO. 125,000 Superior Havana Sugars, (Jenny Lind; 30 bales Spanish Leaf Tobacco 2,000 lbs. choice Spanish Smoking Tobacco 3,000 bunches Spanish Cigarettas Just received Street from Havana. I have also in Store a large lot of the best brands Virginia Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Anderson's slut Ltllenthai’s Fine Cut Chewing To bacco. * Merchants, Brier Root and other Pipes. All of which I am prepared to seil-at Wholesale or Retail. R. MOLINA, Comer Bull and Congress streets, atig'.fi ts Under Screven House. SHADES, SHADES. JUST RECEIVED, YVYndow Shades, PAPER HANGINGS, OILTCOHNICES, BANDS ART) FIXI URES The snbscriVer having purcha ed a Stock of the 'above articles, he Is now prepared to attend to alt or ders with despatch. All w irk warrants. W- H. H. TURNER. eepl-15 18 St, -lullah street.