Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 14, 1865, Image 4
Ofrf''- .1..*.) iflHf ip rh<S*vim.iii D«%Hfrgidi | TMI USD* V. BPTlcW*® ! .••A* lh< U«t ' . The following beautiful poem *ppc|Xt.l j originanv in written pawage “Mangoeih forth unto.hia worlAgp and to his labor until evetung •. _ The stream is calmest when it nears eveutflH ; A ’Pi nPP'- musical at close of luui aaiuts diviuest when they M-Thing : t,otholier cU*rafll|llßflK 'old-! ■ 111 evening's robes , A Hp jgb w ji ''iTr! I(PP " ■ 1 aMfe&rfyjfeSllSllslp a;:’lungs are Bushed -■■'■■"■■ ' H er fartli and skv her o i There Is a calm, a (M\sun sie'e* 1M' 1 smm That Morning ••t’ntit ttia fveslitlt wemnstand m Plow life * stKn furrow, dig the weedy soil. < iveart n-itti sad feet our rough anti thornv war, i t And bear the heat and burden of the Day. Oh i when our sun is setting, may we glide, j « Like Sommer Evening, down the golden tide ; a | tna wave behind us, as we pass away. BgBLo safer . starry twilight round our- sleeping >i..y^H^ Earbartila in Russia The Macon Telegraph translates the lowing article from the Courier des Etna t Crus the accredited organ of the Emperor 1( Napoleon in this country, and enjoying a n widespread circulation. ii Letters from Russia announce that the sales of landed estate, and freehold estate at Sublic auction, have increased to an alarm >g extent. The financial embarrassments of landed proprietors, hare resulted in mate rially diminishing the -aloe of property, depriving the ancient nobility ot theii taryjight of being theAolely privileged ties competent to purchase estates. The reason is obvious, as tbe nobility are impov erished they are no looger able to buy, and consequently any party possessing means, though hot belonging to the aristocracy, is allowed to bid in competition. On the other hand, drunkenness has so fearfully increased, that it absorbes public attention, to the exclusion of all minor con siderations. This vice has assumed such alarming proportions, that in the town of Penza, from the 17th to. 25th May, six violent deaths have taken place in consequence of the immoderate use of brandy. The Russian newspaper Le Jour publishes the lamenta tions and homilies on this subject uttered by the priest of the parish. The picture lie draws of existing debauchery is shuddering. Finding dram shops in every direction, the amateurs go into ascertain for themselves where the best liquor is kept, and never leave until-they are no longer able to walk. In the small town of Rasinoff, on holidays, so many meu are met in tiie most beastty state of drunkenness, that the police is uot nume rous enough to pick them up. Formerly, Rasinoff could boast of twelve drinking shops; at present the number is swelled to one hundred and sixty-six. In St. Petersburg, of every house, ten devote themselves to the ennobling pursuit of selling vile braudy.- The weakness of character ot the present emperor, reluctant to inflict punishment, has perhaps contributed-more to briug about this deplorable state of things than if he had em ployed the merciless severity his father Nich olas would have used in checking this gigan tic evil. Wretchedly as the working class is oared for in Russia, yet can it lie called pros perity itself when compared to ilio extreme of human suffering and privation they are compelled to endure in St. Petersburg. The Gazette de St. Petersburg draws the doleful picture in these, terms -. The moment a workman is hired his em ployer advances him a yeante wages. As these mCn, generally speaking, are of rather doubtful character, and profligate to a de gree, this money as soon as received, is squandered with the most reckless extrava gance, and the most wanton excesses are in dulged in. Brandy, gambliug, and other dissipations soon consume nil tlieii funds, eo that when they commence- work, they are utterly destitute'. In order to live, the work man-is obliged to ask for fresh advances. These advances incessantly renewed leave him at the end of the year penniless, and another year in debt, so that he is obliged to work on. The following year is a repetition of the same story, and- the master furnishes the workman with clothes, braudy, and the indulgence of degrading passions, all at ex orbitant prices, he contrives to keep the man always one year ahead in debt. Workmen are frequently transferred from the Original to some other employer, on condition of the 1 atter paving to the former the sum of money advanced to thd workman. The law requires the hours of working not to exceed fifteen out of 21 from five o'clock iri the morning till eight o’clock at'night. These regulations are constantly violated however. Often the unfortunate wretches are compelled to work incessautly from'two o'clock in the morning till eleven o’clock at night, the body Waist deep in the frozen water, and the same exposed to the rays of the sun The work is generally undertaken ♦hy the job, and tha employer regulates the price ; and imbued as he is with a burning desire to accumulate riches, he leaves the poor workman no rest. The mortality is fearful among these unfortunates. When he falls seriously sick, his employer to get rid of annoyance him his liberty, in other words, the broken down wretch is dismissed with no prospect but starvation before him. Tbe political exiles fare as hard, and the only consolation they have is the prospect of an early grave.. The Radical War Agaiuot the President. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Ledger.] Washington, Sept. 7. I bear from authoritative sources that the radicals are.arming their batteries heavily for the great contest they are determined to wage at the next session of Congress. President Johnson, they assert, is not casrying out the principles upon which he was elected, and it is the determination of these gentlemen that no other principles shall govern, if thev can help it. One of the most' radical of the old Senators has even gone so far as to de clare his intention of offering a bill of im peachment soon after the meeting of Con gress, and advocating it with all his accus tomed energy and determination. The President, it 's well known, is not unmind ful ot the fanatical war-cloud that is rising, but he has cast his anchors upon a sure bot tom, and no apprehension need he felt for the safety of either ship or pilot The Late Blowing up ox a ttailro„ a Train Near Nashville. " xralu Nashville, Sept. 8, The explosion yesterday on the N„i h western Railroad was a terrible affair C train consisted of Sight cars and passent,, r coaches, and there wete nearly two hundred persons on board. Tbe two foremost cars contained powder, shot and shell, and it i»' supposed, sparks from the locomotive com municated with the powder through crocks in the car, causing the axplosion Seven persons were killed outright, and nearly all received more or less injury The.ioreman was killed, the engineer bad ly injured and the conductor slighly • Among the slightly injured was Mr. Van Yaikenburg, Assistant Superintendent of Telegraph. All the cars were blown to pieces, except the two in the rear. The engine was totally wrecked. The concussion was terriffc, and shook the buildings in town like au earth quake. A country fellow, anxious to see the Queen, left his native village and went to London to gratify his curiosity. Upon his return his wife asked Sim what the Queen was like. “Loike!’, cried Hodge, “why,’ I ne’er so cheated in my loife. What doo’t think, Mar '■ .Her arms are like thoine and mine, although I have heard our exciseman say a of tunes, her arms were ‘a lion and a ft its td'Uu q/(it Jf. f tomng Pssi I presume W tend you /ot publication, if you sball deem fit, a few thoughts on the source of the Gulf Stream and some of its peeuliariiies. The theory presented may not be new, but allow me to say I have nev er seen it advanced, nor any satisfactory so lution of the origin of that mighty current of Bater in the midst of waters. Wl send be submitted to the fYrtt. l-11l I* body ‘ teat HBr ilu 'hid Ibe I?, j, - (111 hm.; body were lor i^^tei'-^^^BhMflucnri’S. there to a limited extern from west to * east produce gathering waters a cur rent flowing from east to west, The central portion of the current would evince these characteristics the most fully. * Capt. St. Roque cuts off the southern mar ►gin of current. The formation of the Arne |rican coast is such as not to materially in terfere with the momentum of the current, Brough it turns it to a course nearly west nWthwest. The body of water rolling down tße Amazon, of an equal temperature and less density, maffrke the upper stratum ana make the oceaHVFcnt submarine. Pass ing alohg the South Amerida, the northern current is cut off by the and the central por tion, the temperature and ddbsiiy passedCarribbeau Sen, and thence into tbeWhilf of Mexico. It still remains a submarine current, being over spread by the waters of Mississippi, Rio kGrande, Ac. The current can have no out let except the Straits ot Florida. These straits are current is forcc ed to the surfaceijAflKLus passes into tbe Atlantic, its and greater destiny render its specific gravity nearlyas the other sea water, and yet to keep it ti om mingling Arctic currents the Atlarrar. This is t current of the ocean. This form a continuous belt around there no conti nents to barriers to its flow, and it is con»ivable that were it not for the cflntinents thfere w ould be a continu ally increasing accumulation of waters here until the remote parts of the earth became destitute of this great necessity. We may fairly assume the western coast of America as the starting point of the equa torial current. Flowing thence through the Pacific ocean it reaches and passes through the East India islands and the Indian ocean, and strikes the southeastern coast of Africa. The formation of this coast is such as to cotn- Eel the current to take a southeasterly course. loubling the Cape of Good Hope it passes up by St. Helena and resumes its natural po sition on the Equator, on which it strikes the eastern coast, ot South America,baying per formed nearly a circuit of the earth. The waters of this vast ocean current, from long continuance under the almost vertical rays of the sun, have attained a higher tem perature and greater density than the other waters of the ocean, both of which conditions we find in tbo Gulf Stream. Dependent on these vast ocean currents, the waters of a continent flowing from the Mississippi, the Amazon, and the rivers be tween, carry their impurities to that shore less sea in the midst'of the Atlantic which seems to be filling with the immense amount of .debris, perhaps forming a vast coal field for the use of future ages, when a continent shall have reared its head in those waters. Who may not say the vast coal fields of America were not formed in this w ay ? H. E. Babcock. Adams Centre, September 1, 1865. Prince Albert** Monument at CoAney;. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES. The unveiling of the Prince Albert statue at Coburg was to take place on the 26th ultimo. The programme of the ceremony is as follows: Tin the afternoon the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg wili receive Queen Yictoria before the commencement of the ceremony upon a platform erected close to the monu ment. Immediately upon her arrival the English National Anthem will be played and the Burgomaster of the town will deliver an address. The monument will then be un veiled, an anthem will be sung, and the cere mony will terminate with the ringing of bells and the discharge of cannon from tbe lot tress of Coburg, white young girls will deposit garlands at tbe foot of tbe monument.” Mubder at a Picnic.— Last Sunday after noon a rowdy attack and murder took place at Racine, Wisconsin. Tbe particulars are thus given by a local paper: “During the afternoon a party of four young men came up to the picnic! and after strolling around awhile, they commenced stealing apples from the trees on tbe south side or the house. Mr. Schultz drove them away several times, and higb words ensued between the patties. “About three the lour started off, and as they went along they commenced tearing down the fence in front of the house. Mr. Schultz went down to stop them, and thoy struck him with a club on the arm. About this time Hutter came along with his wife and children. He stepped iu and tried to assist Schultz, when Michael Moriarty struck him with a club across the forehead, smashing his skull. As the unfortunate man fell, another one of the rowdies kicked him in the face, inflicting a terrible gash. There were at least a hundred men standing around, yet strange to say, no effort was made to capture the murderer. Hutter was taken home and died the next morning. He has served in the array four years, and leaves a wife and three children in destitute circum stances.” A Famous Lady.—G. A. Sala, in Temple Bar, speaks thus of the repudiated American wife of Joseph Bonaparte : ■ “ There was living a year ago, and that there may be living still, in the fair city of Baltimore, an old lady, ordinarily designated ‘the madam her age prodigious, her form bent double, her attire curiously antiquated in its fashions; yet still retaining in her faded leatures something of the sparkle of by-gone comeliness, still in her tottering gait a trace of the elasticity of youth. This was once the beautiful Miss Patterson, the fair'Ameri can who became the bride of the heartless, worthless and dissolute scamp, Jerome Bona parte! sometime King of Westphalia ; and’ who, but for the selfish poltroonery of her husband, and the ruthless ambition oi her imperial brother-in-law, might have been at tins day mistress of the Palais Royal. En • eloped in a black silk arlasb, put together t>y some mantau maker of the year one, and jtanmg on a crutch stick, the old lady might menu? n ? Vf* Streets of Honu wsv r ; a P d , tl l e P ec P lp would make Ground a i* d doff ‘> eir hat *’ as ri'oogh at decrepit form there still hune P?‘, Cume imperial purple to which she had been transitorily allied.’' -i^°» I t R i? H0 ® SASt> Wanted. -There dV'd Ume applications on file at the of Planters G(m ' T iUson ’ responsible M ’fn b ?v. r<?qu,re aud des,re to employ *m rt v hou - and laborers. A knowl of S Gen TilUon’’ t£° and ° f the f deterwin ation .1, 11U80D > *o remove from the citv is in?i " afe P au P*i* or unwilling to worlf trv m B eaera l desire to go to the coun guaramwT !h in their contracts it is fittle n«.u4, tbat Qt®y may have their own raise their*,,!? to grow their corn and Drobabiv nw < ? en u' who go first will { THE Ditty EXPMIS, PETERSBURG, VA. Jla* entered upon it* Fifteenth year, in an enlarged ti>nn. with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of- Ceia to merchant* and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVEKIYSIN& RATES. ONE SOCARr. Two weeks $ a t*» One month ... c 00 Two months « .. .. 10 00 Thtee months ;. . 15 00 Six Months «4 00 One Year 40 00 TWO ftyi ABFS. Two week® fin on One month 12 00 Two months ir> on Three months 18 00 Six months 30 00 One year •.. go 00 Person* desiring a erreater quantity of space than is above designated, will he acoommodated ou liberal terms: SUBSCRIPTION RATES, Single Copy, (mailed; sets. One Month, do 7s “ Three Months, do $2 on Six Months do s 60 One Year no. o 00 * Address, A. F. (RI Tt HFiELD 4k CO., * PETERSBURG, VA OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA- Tt'ITOrS CIRCULATION. To be Tmied on or about the 15 th of Julu, 1865, Bt J. W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, OA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the eotintry, as a method of extensively advertising their business.— While Vre will publish the advertisemei.ts of all who may favor m with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current of the Markets in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange. Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. • Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; hut the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence. Select Reading Matter, &c. It will be a family, as wei.i. AS A nrsiNKss i afek, and wc intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All cap perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to pnblisfi them in this Circular, upt knowing what number of our friends will want their Business Cards. Notices, &c„ brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, &c. W» have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cute and material for displaying them, and feel confident ol meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at the amount of matter and sise of paper required, wc will make au estimate, and publish ihe rates t- r advertising, in the first nntalier. They will he as low as possible, to am.o\v rs to FCHLifeii TiiK paper. Deeming it Buperflu -OU9 lo argue the lieneUt of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject witli it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation iind sup port. Address ,1. W. BURKE A CO., . ». D . Macon, Ga. Agent iu Savannah: G*o. N. Numois, Bay Street. iylS-tf THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration i>f Prosperity in tile ‘ Southern States. The Proprietors of the New Orleans Daily am. W iMft.v Times, encouraged by the liberal' support given to their journal, have made ample arrangements lor its ilhprovement, with a view to making it, iu every respect, a ' PIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER Terms of the Daily, .$lO per annum; half yearly, SB-; ' quarterly, $L THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital Imp srt aucc to the interests of the (inlf States; contains a carefully prepared compendium of the news of i ach week, original and selected literary and miscellam ioub matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parte of the country and abroad, letters from the j teo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $3 per annum. »4L=Q olubs. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when went to one address: 2 copies $ 9 50 i 6 copies $26 00 3 “ 14 IK) | 7 “ 29 00 4 “ 18 001 8 •* 33 00 5 ” 22 50 1 9 “ 37 00 10 copies .$49. An extra copy will he given to any one gettli ig up a Chib of TetW Terms invariably in advance. Address ' WM. H. C. KING * CO., mtl4-tf Proprietors N. O. Times, No. 70 f'unpst. Win. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER • - IN GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Cider.' ♦ THE Subscriber Announces to his friends and pa trons that he has i 11st returned from the Northern Git Jes, where he has made arrangements with the best Importing Houses, with whom he has dealt for many years, for supplies of every article In his line and now offers for sale, on the most reasonable terms.— His present Stock, selected by himseif vrirh' great care, comprises; BBANDY. OTARD, DUPUY * CO., PiNET, CASTILLON * CO., , . A. SEIGNETTK, PELLEVOISIN. GIN. MERER SWAN AND IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, (in rases.; W 111 NIC IGS. JOHN GIBSON, SONS A CO., MONONGAHELA, X, XX, XXX, CABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, O. K. BOURBON, Very Old. RUM. JAMAICA AND Bt. CROIX. CIIAMPAGN K , OF VARIOUS BRANDS, in Quarts and Pints, ~TE A N . IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON, HYSON, OOLONG, POtVCHONO, in Cad-dies and Half Chests. suGail eorm, soap, svarch, xe., xe. Also, Agent for the sale of Massey, Collins * Cos ,e nO .,r PHIL ADEI.PHIA A‘LE. t * p P°-tf W. M. DAVIDSON. queenware house, 109 Eronghtan Street, SECOND DOOR FROM CORNER RULt STREET. Alar {*• and elegant Stock Os China, Q lemaware, Glass, Xc., Just received fio m the manufacturers, and for sale at LOW iST NEW YORK PRICES. JOBBE RS AND DEALERS From all parte #f the Country arc invited to rxamiuc my WHiiUfiUK STOCK, Which include » packages containing complote assort ments, put up expressly for c O u I t T R Y TRAD K. Assorted Cra- ** o ( WHITE GRANITE WARE, COMMON WARE. WARE. “ WRITS GRANITE and COMMON JSt.”’ to salt purchasenc p fiMyTn Notice. TO 1 *t? forwani all persons against crediting my uVv,. ? Elixsbeih on tny secoput, as I will pay no arms of her contracting. **P * ALTKED KENNEDY. j * i* _ | “JAMES BTCABUir GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liqners, 17 1 BKOA-D STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandiic wirtilng tore*live imme dlately will commit their imereat* hy consigning I the same. Strict attention will he given to all business en trusted to them, nnd prompt returns made at the most reisonable rates. *ep4-3m Rue, Whitney & Cos., GEEERAJ. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 202 BAY STREET. H*ve in Store for sale, OATS, BRAN, SOAPS, SU OAR, SYRUPS, <fte , &e. Sole agent, for Annear*' Blacking. aepß-3 P, M^Nightiiigale-— T. P. Huger, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DyvBIK N , G A . send ' eodlm Levi M. Chitrouiix, J, R. W. Joasaxos. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON. Dry GPoods, AiTp GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 833 STRKKT. OrnsiTF Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Will give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS* THEY MAY BF. FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. References in Savannah—Messrs. DeWitt A Mor gan, Bell, Wylly * Christian; J. T. Paterson A Cos. ; N. Lyon, Esq. aug24-lm JACKSON & WARROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MEIiTTfANTS, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. aul9-lm TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AM) OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Funner <t Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vksev Steeet, Yora. And Memphis, Tens., Henbv Blnnitx, D. W. Bowman. jyd On. (HAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping I'ominiuion and Forwarding , M K R ( HANTS. JONSS I!LOOK, OORNKS lIAV ANI> AnERCOkN STRICT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the lira of Chab. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. RFFF.RKNOCS; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New Ydrk. non. ,1 Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby. Egq„ Boston. qulß—tt Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, iVew York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore* DRY GOODS COMMISSION aMERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnabuigs and Yams., _______ jy!B L. J. Guilmartin & Cos., UENER AL COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, 148 Bay Street. (Opposite the City Hotel,; SAVANNAH, GA PARTICULAR retention given to procuring Freights, and filling orders for Hard Pine Timber and Liun ber. Cotton, wool, Hides, Ac. 1.. J. GTILMARTIN, JOHN FI<ANNERT. *. W. DRITNMOND. aiilY lm GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 200 Baoxt) Strsit, Augusta, Ga. Ju2Q • 8m Tobias, Hendricks & Cos., COMMISSION -MERCHANTS, HO. 88 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STS., JNTovi-v York.. Refer to Octavns Cohen. au23 lm EDWARD C. LECvRIEL & CO., Commission Merchants, BROIXSIZXO, ANDINSURANCE AGENTS, Macon, Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. XDWARD O. LEGRIXI. ) Din. u. ruvrsiN. J nng22 lm M. J. SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, \\JTLL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For- T V warding all kinds of Merchandise. Produce, Ac. Office for the present at the Drug Store of J. M. Ahrahams & Cos. . aa2l-lm JOHN S. SiMHIN & (!0„ and Commission MERCHAN TB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Wry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND. 2 SAMMLS’.BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida, JNO. 8. SAM MIB. IP. Q. BAM UlB. OHAB. L, .VATiiig HUll J. SHAFFER, Ooxamlsslou Sealer FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRtJITS snd PRODUCE, _ „ , WiSBtNOTON MxKXIT, Opposite 143 West st., Bulkhead between Barclay and • • Vesey sts.. N* E W Y O R K. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for thp Southern market 1 All conaignmeuts promptly attenked to. ~*sr Refers to A. L. Bradley, A Haywood T J Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. ’ ’ ’ iyG eodly HENRY BRYAN, Bryan SmEtT, kiyt to Mkrobantb* and Planters' Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agent fob sals and pubc&asi or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac., And for Forwarding Cotton, ault Smo 1 *^gyg_ 6. E. BoAiw rtL. B. W.maiAfi, BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD, Grocery. Commisslou ani Forwarding MSECS A VTI, NO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. eep9 lm Jab. G. Watts. A. H. Chari ion. JAS. G. WATTS t CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ID GroeerieN nnd Provigiona ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Liquors, Wines, -Segars, &c., 88 St. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, West side Market Square, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WE would call the attention of our friends and the public generally to onr new connection, and solicit a share of their patronage. Mr. A H. Champion, late of the firm of Champion & Freeman, thanks his friends for their paqt favor* and requests the bestowal of the same on the new* firm. lm , HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay st., Nsar Barnard, SAVANNAH, GA., Arc constantly receiving per Steamers from New York the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries IN THE CITY. N. B.—Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remit tance, fromftlt fillkd at Lowest Market Prices. au3l imo r FOREIGN DQMESTIC|jB3|| I ALES WINES JMIHIWBSBEGARsI|B§fIBff SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE 0$ GEORGIA. au3ii - ~ • PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Retuil Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boot? and Shoes, Clothing; Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skeban's Celebrated . GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stont, Scotch and Eng- Ush Ales, &c. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE ani> COMS'N MERCHANTS, ANT) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO ✓ VISIONS, &c. t * Corner of Bat and Barnard SmiTd, * • SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c., and liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York House. anlS ■ t KiRLiN & K4ENZLE, Wlioiosaio and Retail * DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR HOUSE, 103 BAY STREET. an2l ts 3500 TONS~ or ENGLISH RAILS, OI best quality, 80x58 per lineal yard. For sate by FOWLE A CO, jul9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN .. ALES. WHS MU LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LAVE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. au2l ts Just Received, K CASKS BACON SHOULDERS. *» 35 cases Tobacco, 200 bn9hels Salt, 20 boxes English Dairy Cheese. For sale hy •eps-tf c. K. OSGOOD. «. O.' RfrwE sffi 00.7 Wholesale Dealers m GROCERIES, LIQUORS AMO SEGARS, Comer Johnson Square anjl St. Julian street, andJNo, 178 Bay street, nodgson's Building. Particular at t< ntlon pq|d to filling country orders. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF ALE A LAGER-BEER, sepll lm . POE SALE, ~ BY RECENT ARRIVALS. CIDER VINEGAR, DRIED APPLES, ' PRITNES, MUSTARD, • CURRANTS, INDIGO, HERRINGS. SEGARS. . PAINTS AND OILS - AXLE GREASE. j BAGGING, , . , . ROPE. * Inquire of CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., and gl3 ts i'orurr Lay and Abercorn streets. VIRGINIA mifl liiv, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Broad Stbsst, Acokrta, Ga., Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Jn2o BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONICING’S, IN REAR OF POSY’ OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. *ug24 - ' y ts HEADQ’RS SDB-DIST. Of'oGEECHEE, » 1 _ Ssvinash, Ga., Bept. 10, 1866. f Gerxeai. Order,) ’ No. 29. / j All taxes called for ia General Order No. 20 dated Headquarters, ftab-Dtstrioi of Ogeechee. Savannah, wfll bvPHfi hi to Capt. C.uT Kke, ***!,?• JC; yi*-, Tax Collector, on tbe first day of teach tM D r?eomSte s?h^i P ”3 adl,W ’ “ and *•* P«"otw fall l°the 15th 0f the Bv Coiuuujd of Wm H FOLK. °t D J - U - BfiANAN, lat Light. *Bd A. A. A. O. ••pn •? BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' F. ** COMMISSION*!! ERCHANTS, Comer B.y and Whitaker streets. , Savannah. Gn. Prompt attention given to consignments of Mer chandise and Produce’of all kinds purchased and sold. aepg lm Horatio Pitelier. • COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer in Ship Stores and Chandlery. Harris' wharf, foot of Lincoln atreet, under the blutf. sepl Tiaon dt Gordon, o COTTON - FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, au3o 96 Bay street, Rue Whitney A Cos., General Commission Merchants, No. 202 Bay atreet, above Barnard street. au24 Brody, Smith dk Cos., Commission nnd For warding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nsrd street. . * aug2l James l-cavy, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for James Wallace's Celebrated Whiskies, Gins. Alrohol, Cologne Spirits, and New England Rum. No. C Stod dard's Building. Bay street. Savannah. aul9 NA. Hardee dk Cos., .COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANTS EsTAltt.lSiiKl> 1M IS3G. Office No. 9 Stoddsrtl's Row, aul6 Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT." Bryaq street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bunk. Bnilding, anl6 MA. Cohen, • FORWARDING and COMMISS'N MERCHANT, ■_ Office Home Ins. Cos., 89 Bay st, 'Dell, Wylly & Christian, AUCTION, GEN A> KRAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah. Ga. AM. Scarbrough dk Cos., Grocery and Com • MISSION MFRrniNTS, 14d Congress and 57 St. Julian sts. Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. Erwin di Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wm. H. Stark, Wholesale Grocer and Com mission and-Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin colnandßajretrcCL^^^^^^^^^^^^jiuga^^^ WINEsT UQUOKS, &c. E. Korthcke A Cos,, WHOLESALE DEALERS in Groceries, "Vines, Liquors and Segars. Comer of Bay and Whitaker sts,, Savannah, Ga. sepx-lm. HG. Rune di Cos., • WHOLES ADR DEALERS IN LIQUORS, ALES AND LAGER BEER, Cor, St. Julian street and Johnson square. Israel R. Senly di Cos., SOLS AUENTH ANI) IMPORTERS OK Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, Iu the State of Georgia. 207 Bay et., between Harvard and Jefferson, au9 , Savannah, Ga, Tsrugl It. Senly dt Cos., X WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay st., between Barnard and Jefferson Jhamn, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Si-Yn • isu Sxoars, French Brandies, Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. 191 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. DRY” GOODS! John C. Maker dt Cos., Wiiolfsalf. and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, Ac. , ■ Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Rctail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at Pnprece- Otmtea Low J‘rices. ONE PRICE ONLY. Presdee dt Orff. DRY GOODS—Wholesale and Retail. John MrConagliy, ’ DEALER IN DRY GOODS 100 Broughton sfroot. Samuel HI. Lcdrrer, Jobber and Ketailer of Fancy and Staple Put Goona. Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Ac. 140 Congress street. GROCERIES, etc. O. N. Gragg & Cos„ 192 Bryan street, Deal- O era In Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS.— Agents for Allen’s WAIIOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer in WINES and LIQUORS. aul9 SS. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap. Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats, Corn, Cow Peas, Pindars, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. au9 MFerst di Cos., w l.o.esale Dealer in Wines, Li • quoßß, Segars, Fam i Groceries, Candies, Ac. • 159 Congress street. AF- Mira, Wholesale and Retail llealer in • Groceries, fruits, ac. j Cor, Whituker and Congress st. Lane Congdon dt Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian sts., ' Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton di Itandell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 199 Bat Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this city. 13 P.De/o, Dealer tft Choice Fahilt Groceries,' Ut Wines, Liqrons, Ac. 133 Broughton street. jlobert Balforc, XV WHOLESALB AND RETAIL GROCER, 15i Broughton street. BILLIARDS, Th e “Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and * Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES, ALES and SEGARS at Retail. Dunn A McMahon. Proprietors. an 19 O’Toole di Cos., * ' • BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES, Ao. Bronghton st., third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O’MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Terence Ndoknt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, Ac. St. Charles Saloon, (In rear of Post Office,!’by A. Stamu. Wholesale ami Hetail. None but CHOICE WINES and UQUORS served. Free Lnnch. CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WhoIesaIe and Retail, manufactures of SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERY | OF ALL HINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from garaard. If Fitzgerald, J)G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN . CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY . SYRUPS, CANDIES, At., Ac., Iff" In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. W lIITARER STREET. GAS FITTING, &*. ' T>lambing and Gas Fitting, XT Bv JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st., one door Wc-t of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gas Fitteb and Pedairer, * and Dealer in Tin War*, House FußNianiNa Roods, Ac. 143 Brnitghton street, Weed di Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin Ware, No. 159 and 161 Broughton street. TT Cranston, • U « PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st„ next to cor. Whitaker. SEGA ItS, TOBACCO. &c. ji. Koethecke di Cos., U Importers of Genuine Havana Segant, ■Corner Bay and Whitaker streets. Savannah, Ga B«p2 lm Jacob Langsdarf Cos., Wholesale Dealers In £nc Havana and Domestic Scgnrs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. 171 Bay street, lie tween Wutoker ami Barnurd streets. au‘.'4 IJB Kalb. 1 • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South ol the Market. CP. Lopez, Sxoars, Tosaoco, SNUrr, Pirrs, s Fancy Articles, Stationery, Ac. ■ . . • Cor. Bull and Bronghton st*. P Constant, In coster or Domebtio and Havana * Seoars, Mxkrscuadu Pipes, Ac. Also, Winer, Cuampaonks and other Liquors. Hull street, opposite the Post Office. " PRINT! N G,~ST ATI ONERY &o. Ssvlllc dt Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONEBS, CQr. Bryan street and Market Square. Marking Ink, Manufactured and forsalc bv DAVID H. GALLOWAY, • 35 Drayton street CjE*. S. Nichols, ~~ U BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, ■ * Jjl * t " betweea Abercorn and Drayton. E. ■'■teE&WiSSJSgV™®: C~wTmV.T. a 0... ■ ■feATT.-'-- O* HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Ho. 11l Bay street. ggi3td»r¥oO»<f>NM<o - ~ clotlung II nsh. sed Dealer in Fine Read; Made t ioiiiiu ' GsmJv' * ■ lug Goods, lUteaud CapsTAc *“"■ Fu ,‘“(‘ 1 - ’_ PHOFESSIONAL. | Ir. S. M. Sneed, ' ~’ r ' " DENTIST. York street, near Court _ WATCHES, JKWECRV Fs »* Watches and Jewelry Repaired^ CTGoon »' *c 129 congress st,, oppe.-ne the PulaEkl House HAIR DRESSING, &o. PH^ a * ,t, ,lou4t Barber Shop rj Bryan ste.j Shaving, Hair Cutting ull * ild mskeri* Dyed, drit. Fancy hoina and other Fancy Article? ior safe. J gne - Weeklies FURNITI'RP • Mang;ng, Ac., at short notice I .?^p irl “k- Beil CHINA WARE At. & ErO U ‘:hIUD 2d door n _.ARCHITECTURE, &c. SSSisSSSiE atreet, next to Stoddard’j Range °® ce No Bay ~ ,AUS _ druggists * W **• D'alsh, N' ew Dru FTlhomas M. Turner, —— * DRUGGIST, BOOTS AND SHOEsT~ ~ 4th door North of the Market ft™. T. N’lchoU, VJT RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE n» Broughton at,, 2a door irom Bun. SCRIVENER) 7 Hoiifef U ° n 01 Terence , PHOTOGRAPHS. “ T T. Reß4lngACor ;== ~ ===== ” * PHOTOGRAPHERS, ' Cortjy hi taker and St. Julian sts. Wil', 0 ' 1 ’ 8 Photographic Galiei v, — : : aug‘22 -Thoma* w. Shcn, • HOl iSE AND .SIGN PAINTFR . SODA WATER. * Droad streets. OHY GOODS AXD CLOTKOG. Carliart, Whitibrd&iio^ Vonnfacturers anil Wholesale Dealers la REA&Y MADE CkOTHINO, 331 and 333 Broadway, coir. Worth Street T NK 'V YORK. Wl. if A v,J ART ’ I Henry Shafer, Wm. H. W hitford, [ at. Hamilton, u J 'a n Wagenen. Office of Payan k Carhart in liqnldatioif. -3 m STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca C A rhJ»™tNrt ntIOD ' 0f W’bolesale and Retail pur w chasers to their superior etock of i v MILITARY and XAVA}. clothing ANT w _. FURNISHING GOODS, ariSfcSSSSSSSsW THE NHW SKIRT FOR 1865. A Unquestion- Herald 1 'con'taimn?,"llj « rlvor tl e cmetU in (he Savannah fc lull par,lculars every Saturday -» ■ —-v- 1 -' -T-iL- JL *9- A. T. CtJNNINOnAAI. D . r^iZ , CUJVPfINGHAM. & PURSE, F A M T E °R E r S rt AND COMMISSION B«yst“eef, Sa™Mah Ga dar<i ' B L °" er 9toreS ’ Gammp e n C rw Eob o Habersham & sons. Hunter* EnWn * VnS r.? oh L en ’ Bri B httm . Baldwin & Cos, ’ septffin dM> C " ghorn * Cunningham. COPARTNE BSHIP N OTICE. nndersigued have this day entered into Copart „„„ „ D f r ® hl P h) carry on Stevadoragc, Drayage, Stor and Commission business, under the name of H. J. Dickerson & Cos. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low A lo ’ H. J. DICKERSON T. A. GOODWIN Savannah, Ga.. August 21, 1365. W arren’s Celebrated Jfeedles and Fish Hooks, ANDREW CLICRII & CO, 4S MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction In gold prices of the Needles; while the quality is always Kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. * Cos, respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long aud fuvotably esteemed by their honsp, .» aq2o 3m Large Importation -o*V HAVANA SEGARS, LEAF AND SMOKING TOBACCO, 125,000 Superior Havana Segars, (Jenny Ltndj 30 hales Spanish Leaf Tobacco . 2.000 lbs. choice Spanish Smoking Tobacco 3,000 ounches Spanish Clgarettas Just received direct from Havana. I have also in store a large lot of the best brand* Virginia Smoking and Chewing Tobaiflh Anderson's and Lilienthal’s Fine CaWrhev.lng To bacco. v Mercbaum, Brier Root and other Pipes R AU of which I am prepared to sell at Wholesale or _ R. MOLINA, .. L-oraer Bull and Uoncressstreet#, auglC-tf Under Screveu House- SHADES, SHADES ‘JUST RECEIVED, W indo w Shades PAPER HANCINCB, GILTCORNICES, BANDS AND FIXTURE 8 The subscriber having purchased a Stock of above articles, he Is now prepared to attend to all den with despatch. All wotk warranted. W. B. 11. TURNER. x sepl-15 . ■ St. Julian street^. Notice. IfR. GFO. C. FREEMAN, corner Bay and Draft* -ITI .streets, will represent me a tiring a few day* £t ' tence. - sepT-tT .. HENRY BRYAR-