Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 18, 1865, Image 3
LOCAL M LOCAL MlfTtttS. Btyaitst* aritsaaahlptaiA Steamers. ***** Tom . Steamship Varans, Thursday, September ?l*t. at o'clock. Steamship Nevada. Saturday, September 2Sd. at o'clock. Steamship Peru, Tnursday, fioptetober gut, at o'clock. Steamship Constitution. Wednesday. September SMh, at —o’clock. FOB natADCLTHU Steamship Minetonka. Thursday, September list, at o'clock. FOB AttoCSTA- SteamerOsk. Wednaauay. September 9Rt. , ate p. m. Steamer H. M. Cool wm bar* despatch Steamer Hoes. Wednesday. September seta, at 7 a a POE rOCTOETOWIV Steamer Wm. G. Gtbbooa, every Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. POE FLORID*.. Steamer Fountain, every Saturday mjnung, at 9 o’clock. Fob Nfw Tobe.—Saturday afternoon last, at four o'clock, the F-oneer Line Steamship. Zodiac, and the Smz Line Steamship America, cleared far New Turk. Bolt vessels had fall freight; ape a number of pas sengers. A F*ox >'fw Yob*.—Tte aur Uoe Steamsnip Cob tutuiios. Cspt Grwßintn, cmred yesterday morning a half-past sms o'clock, having t henry freight .'-and t of paMengers. We are indebted to Purser Cocbraaßir ftOl files of lye papers. Fes ACBcrLi—The Steamer Oak did not leave for*opa»oo Saturday, lata uaa, «* adrertjed. haring been unavoidably detained os the river, but will Sea-re 'posts ve)r'. on Wednesday next aotfa isau ateP-M- Frti*a»received tta day and umfi Use Lost of bet departure at Ferry WHarf. under Sis Bocae Bill. Trm* 9orr.—The proprietors of Ocr House will serve up to their friends this day, at eleven «'ekx-fc. Turtle soup, with other ehotee dtshe* sot lunch, Foot> Deo wytE.—Yesterday afternoon, UK body dan unknown negro was found ffoattug in toe Sa- Tasaa'n PJrer, opposite the MarterJOct. The body which had been In the water apparently about two weeks, was not identified. The steamer Ta C. Gibbons will leave for Doctor town on Tuesday moaning ate o'clock in the morn leg, Instead of nine as heretofore. AH freight mast be sent down on Monday. Peesosai.—Among the passenger* who arrived last evening by the Weamshlp Vanina, we noticed Senor Louis Casaval of Spain. Her Catholic Ma jesty's Vice Consul for the Port erf savannah Setmr Casaval has taken rooms at the Pulaski House. Wm. C Church, Esq., editor of! the Army and Nary Journal was also a passenger, on the Yanina. He visa Savannah on business connected with his paper, and has taken rooms at the Pulaski House. SIXUtTB Oak.—This maMner. Capt. Geo. Marshsß arrived here on Saturday afternoon last about half past five o'clock from Augusta, having on board the heavy freight of seven hundred bales of upland cot ton. We are indebted to her atienUve and obliging Purser, Ur. Chester A. Stone. Tor a fob report of passengers, consignees, memoranda and Augusta papers. . PEKBOSAI..—We were pleased yesterday to notice among the passengers by the aenurdUp Constitu tion. Ur. Pdmond Sinter, the worthy Sapenutendant of Use Government Marine Shops. Eastern Wharves. Ur. Slater, after a short furlough, returns in excel lent health. FltOH Bosrox —The schooner Red Jacket. Captain A verm, arrived yesterday afternoon from Boston, consigned to Messrs. Richardson A Barnard. The Red Jacket has a very valuable assorted cargo. Fcrsoxai The steamer W. W Chit, Capt. Little, arrived late last evening from Hilton, Hesu. The following distinguished army effects were among her passenger?: “ r Major Geo era. Devnrr Major Wallace. Major Roy. j* Lieutenant Men am Captain Ford. Major A. P. Dulrympk Assistant Medical Director. Department of the South. 1 Major Thomas Is the CUM Quartermaster. Depart mere of South Carolina General Derate Is *o succeed General GGimc-re. They took rooms at the Pulaski House. Lasos Coboo.—Saturday fast Messrs. Hunter A GammeU, cleared for New fork the schooner Lovett Peacock, having the following cargo sic bales upland cotton, 1 iron safe 1 copper stm and outer mer chandise. .This la the largest cargo cleared this sea soninany sailp esseiof the came tonnage | sczxcto Lfocoa so Sonptssa.—From the proceed ings of the Coarts oa Saturday last It wtu be seen that the Police have mode a dr*vent on parties en gaged ta seffiugUquore to soldiers. Cape Cowdrey m each case toileted heavy fiues a Three of toe offenders who could not pay their line? were commiued tdjail PrxsrvTATio.v or a coin Waica to Mr- Em? f. Hawks st ths Ornunvu of xat Mabet aod Esoc-ITB Wont?.—At a tueeaflg held on the 15th Inst- at the Marine and Engineer Works, on motion the meeting was orgunlred by calling to the chair Mr. A- Irvta. Mr. George F. Palmer was requested to act as Secretary The Chairman explained the object of the meeting to be to take some action in regard to giving Mr. Rufus P. Hawes some testimonial to appreciation of the esteem and regard in which, he is held by the employees of the Marins and Engineer Works. Oa motion a committee was appointed consisrfng of the following named gentlemen t Messrs. James J. McKenzie, James Wlttlngton, W. Wallace, Thomas Ballingtyne. M- Hogan, F McAieer, Wm. Burnham, and John Hokes aßtomniail ihHie different depart ments of the Worts. The committee reared and after a few minutes returned and reported the foLovrag Resolution; to the meeting which were unanimously adopted: ■Swoirat That this meeting of the Employees of the Marine and Engineer Works have the highest re gard for Mr. RufusP. Hawke; a? a sklßfirimechanic and a kind gentleman ■Eero-red, That we tender to Mr. Rate P. Hawke; a gold watch, through our Chairman, and ask his acceptance of the same as a mark of our esteem and I? sSj;r*d t That Mr. M. Morris, of Ship Carpenters, he requested b* this meeting to present the watch to Mr. Rufus P.'HaWkes. on such a day aa may salt hi; convenience. Rooted, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Savannah papers. A. litT", Chairman GkO. F- Palmer. Secretary reoßßEsrortpmrr! SataKKaß. Sept. IMh. 1*65. M*. KciTt P. Sir: In compliance with resolution; passed at * meeting or the Employ ees of the Matlne and Works enclosed. I have the pleasure, as their Chairman to ask your cereptanre of a gold watch as a testimonial of their esteem and regard. Please state at whsr davit wtli suit your convenience to receive u. _ Your obedient wrvatiL. ♦ , A-letc- Chairman. Qso. T. Palsxk, Satrettiy a»wAssa*, eepnah/ita. X*. a. tort*. C human of tie Committee— Dsa* 3mTour note of this date is before me, tendering to me a! a resilmoniai. 3 gold eraich, is behalf of the employees of the ID chine and Fngi omt worn. I cannot toyo* my gratttnde for this i unexpected manifestation of kindfre* on the pert of the employees of theMfechme mid Et«i neer Worts, and while thanking them tor the token of rev®*, would name Saturday afternoon as a time that would auttmt to metre it. * ‘ 1 YourJ Respectfully R- P- Bwtnt On Saturday afternoon, at ffse o’docS; ft* open-' Una of the Marin* and Engineer Worts nanmiin] In the Carpentet shop. r—- —--y- Mr. A, trwl* brie* y stated that the operauvei had as sembled to present to Ift. Hawks a gold watch, asa tottn of their regard and esteem tor Ms worth as a gentleman and a mechanic. Mr. Irwin concluded by calHng thetr at»ntlon to the vtaadS which were set, and stated the assembly did not look Qke sThoail Mr. Norris was next introduced, who. on behalf of the oyerattvea. presented the witch. srncs er Kuwaats - 1 v • Ms Hawk—m behalf of the tmptoyaeeor the MaMat and Engineer Department. 1 bate the honor topttwsttorcßtfrß wmtibeaatpten of ow high- j *• *"'*• »*a itwleyoar gentleman:; deport- UtoCLAAd the ever ktad sßentpn that we have is cetvad foe* sou during soar BMMhI with aa-H We have always (bowl ran to bo ktod aid rmpeett* toßlLfor Which we new present you ton token of our stneere frfeadtolp which we hope ton wm ever •ppraetoae. Beeetre u mi. from the givers who wishes yon long hie and happiness. You wuibehoid on it* dtol the fieenng moinetua of tone which should ever teach u» to remember the Groat ArohtMct of toe Calsgme under whose •'’mnliioteai gaud all maw; mortal must decay. See how the moments pass How quiet they flee a war In this instructive glass. Behold how life decays. : ■a. Ha we;' itn v, Fellow-Employees of the Engineer Works i— l have not the gift of oratory nor the power or *ur—wity sa express my fceiiug? of grotuude for tiu- token of your esteem. < - friendship, and as I pas? through life’s tuned semes of joy and sorrow, this will remind me of the minr pleasant day; we Imre spent togethei, which snll be 45 gleams of sunshltK of life. Again I is*ai you and wish ail sucees sad happiness, and long life to enjoy it. The watch, which is from the American Watch Company. Waltata. Mass., is a solid fttud bunting case, handsomely chased, and bears the following Inscription oa the inner case—a Presented by the Employees of the Maxine Engineer Department to Mr. ft- t. Hawke; i« a token of esteem. Savannah. Sept. 14th. IMS." By Invitation the operative; and the invited guest; partook of refreshments bounclfUuj furnished. At a late hour the company separated whh many a ocan pilmeat to Mr. Hawfces. . THE COURTS. c CA*T. COTPBET f COEB7 SATai-v.'Ag, Sepv m, ««- C. S. vs. John Schroder—Selling liquor to C. S. soldier?- Witnesses fa C. S. Cody and Beasley— Fined Jin. " j 'J C l' T. S. vs. O. Hara.—Selling liquor to C. Btodiew. Witnesses for C. &. Cokoa and Lucghiin Fined *lon. ft «.& ws. John. Deyer.—Selling liquor to C. 5. sold iers. and exposng toe saae for sale without license. Wltnesscv for C. a, Oody and Harper. Tined $124. The defendant cottM not pay the Dim and was com mitted to jail for six mouths. .... F. S. va George Powers.—Sealing liquor to C. S. Soldiers. Witness for U. a, Harper. Fined *l*i. In default of the payment of line prisoner was sent to jail six month*. C. S. vs. Patrick Eagan.—Selling Uquor to C S, soldiers. Witness for C. 3., Codr. fined 1 100. The prisoner was sent to jail In default or payment. . V. S. vs. Edward Burke—Disorderly conduct and abusing the Chief of Police.—Plea gnllty. Fined MB. United States va Sidney Prison—disorder;y corn duct and abusing the Chief of Police. Pica guilty. Fined giO. United States vs. Emma beer, Ac.- without llcenie Fined $26. T. P. Blakuwood va Albert Bvaas. (colored)— charge stealing cotton. Sentenceto two r«>nth< tm. prison ment. Tidied State* vi. K. M. Prendergast—yelling liquor to f. S. soldiers. Witness for T. S., Spluldiag.— Fined SIOO. , _ COL. M. T. aOLUBOOE'S COI RT BaTAMXAM. Bept. 18.1866. The C. States va Samuel Harn—breach of the peace. Whereas Samael Han w*s required bV“ an order of this Court paswd on the 4*th day of Sep tember Inst., to enter into bonds In the sum of Fire Hundred Dollars, to keep the peace for six months, and who has frilled and refused td comply with toe order of the Court: On motion of P. JL Russell. Esq.- counsel for the United States. It I? no; ordered - That the raid Samuel Harn be arrested and com* mined to the Common Jail of Chatham County, there to remain until tbe above cited order is complied with. John Boneu vs. Juita Bohen—recovery of premises. Whereas the above stated case was opened for intro duction of testimony on the. part of the defendant;, and It appearing from the examination of the wit nesses os the part of the defence that no new mate rial points have been developed, tt Is ordered, Hut the jodgmeat of this Court, as rendered on the ljth Inst., be re-afflrmed. and that defendant vacate the premise? within forty-eight hours, and that she pay toe costa of anil. Counsel for plaintiff, Col. A. W- Stooe: for defence M. J. Ford. Esq Hotel Arrivals. _fOSI or PORT ROTAI • SEPIEMBFF. Ig UGiOTfßes. THh Ohio RCrane.N Y Vols IP H Morehouse,Lake Cirv Lt L M Cheaebroa. do , C H Alford, Goldsboro P H Gould, Providence 'T rna* Jacksonville U J P Hamau. 104 C S C T J IT Coffnta. Sav P U Sail man. US N IJB CoteE. Hilton Head J Mott, CuariestOß ,M ChOFde, N T H 3 Brown. Lava trash ,M H Dnafcur. WWWlHlatns, do SEPTEMBER 14. <2 Janaey, Ohio PoUirjer, N Y G Joseph. Sewbeny F Benhfthi. Conn T T Darbv. Sav 1C Ward, X Y F. H KuUn. Sav iSung D D Han-om. 3d C S CCSki!ton.Goldsboro t Cl Mrs R A Hudbe. Wli 111 HObte, CSCI C B Add Lion. Burke Mias L Cool. Charteloa R C George. Charleston C H Alford. Goldsboro J Sianganessy. Macon Mte E Lobeu Charleston W J-iones, Marion w S Peabody, Mass H P Rtieg. Cfcarteton !l Burke.-Sav Mrs Lucv, do J B Weltfrls, cS M C - Mi??rtfe. do HJ Farr, cSN S W cay, Gobs H l Macmald. Charietdon SEPTEMBER IS. CB Addison, Dr ABotober.SC . 9 Hatmcoad, Beaufor. R B Gorge, . do GCGlbbe. Fla Read, H L Hart, wife and A Foster, do ter, Fla Manisor: do R Araott, Savannah R Muii-n. do T Miller, do iTCardorr, do SK Abraham. SO , .HHuasy, do BPLoyier. S Y c Waiah. do J Grass, do ißßisby, NY' SEA ISLAND HOTEL, (HILTON HEAD.; SEPT. 13. P H Pitsbuig. sav jCapt H t Wood, 12 M Ys W J Brown, Chariestoa D D Hanson, Fla L A Bodge, Sav • W S Peabody. Sav L M Hobbs, Pta (J Baker, Mas; G Jannev. do E EveißL Poston J Stover. T 5 Ohio Tirf; SEPTTMSrK IJ. Mai GW Wallace, CSS Cap: F. H Hunt. 2fth Or c B Thompson Bra afar: . aad AA Q M F M Page, NY ,A L Turner, Charleston JSPurse,EHa ' * jlCSslimu. do M McKing. Savannah nr P Richardson. Ohio R M Hear? aad svt. Flu OWN Tower. CBS n R| amln sav Mr; C Hancock. Boston HS French. CbaHMton ’ETCuIp. AAG U C Gibbs, Fla BP Loper, N Y Shipping Intelligence. Hlnatare A lane war—Till* Pay! *” Sunrise; 4 4&. Moan tores 4 31 Sun seta 6 A High wiser e 2S PORT OP SAVANNAH 11 Arrived. Scxpat. Sept: Yi. IMS. Bleamor Osrou, Korns. HD ton Head. Steamer Island City. Ketchuii. Paruchucia, SC Tug C T ShctHJiiJ, Biisi, Trtree Roads. Steamer EtrnUe, BenderiHufon Head, steamer Rockland, Batafortl, Doctortown—Onfl lameA Cos. _ Ship New England. Hodges, Hilton Head—Brig ham, Baldwin ft Cos. Staamer Stanulsh. Moore, Fort PulaikL Steamer W W Colt time, Hfiton Head. Star Uiw Steamship Const!:soon. Greenman. Mew York, “tigws"-. Baldwin a Cos. Co.bsiosrrs— Adams Express Od. Owen * Peabo dr. tasga*", Baldwin k Cos, Biun A Meyer, Barry i Batty, fc T Furch. Bulwer A Calvin, Krady. SmCh A CO, 4 Boian. T Brown. L B ft Cos, T ECahen, Octaves ooaen, IJY Cooney, Crane, fohnson * Graytsu, c L CoiDT A Cos, DeWltt A Morgan, Dsyaiinskl k Slayer. Rer P Dufau. Erwtn k Hardee. J Epstein. B P Ein stein, 5 H Eckman. Jl Futst k Cos, 9-nireßy. O Ikied, A Fawcett. JOEHiand 111, CL Gilbert, C Oaenz. L G Ouilraartln. Gackeilhefmer A Sell*, Hun ter k GammeU, Gaden k Cockles, Halsey, Wamorr A 00, G A Hudson. Mrs M HeOrtck, J J Hoot, Ives k Cos. Jones. Smythe k 00, Ktrlln A Burke, 5 V Knspp Rein k Cos. 1 Kahn k Cos. Ldren k La tumor*. J t.iM, s M Lederer, John Cowry k Cos. M Loeathsl a co LBenlhal k Fsbn, k i* trier. J C Maker k 00, AnKVTwHMsTHsTtsm ?ossbautn, GeorgeT NichM*. J w Premiss, i Pepper, Wm Psrker ’J VT naaiTplllett, Jltosenband. f J Kcckert, J K RellK 3 Bewcafttld, A a Solomon! A Cos. J Stardevant, WS Stark. Schuster A Hetasms. C SanteL E Sister. W Tuner A Go. G Votosr A Cos. R H vickatn, MAD Wadley, MrtX KWidt, S w axlebanm A Bro sc A TANARUS, Fong* A Slkou, E Zacharias. Psasxmoxjcs—F a Brake. M Adolph, P Satowan. Mnc R Ring, Miss King, L Rice. J s Horn, J Troatt, IPSt s P Edwards. E YanNess. Bernard © Ae ‘‘ ' Vnrona. waiunuroc tu mm fr» Xew Task—dmchaxuug at centra: Came Prcw. JR Wilder. CexsJSOTgk—Andeiaar. A Hun tv: F ..rtmimcA •Ua* yij A Hir-itiatL Brads, Smith i io.J*rn»- o-Byrne. T Bateson Kun A Merer. Bngtim. ' win A 00, r h ftwu Jtoke * Butn<=. N J Bu**t yjfogvygh-.R. AL Brail, a B»akeiej. : J W RkTkt. L M Bvr. Bwlg - * Calrm. T Ea- sett. ! Orane. J-hnson A GnybiU. oCohen, c L C« - *>v *Ce l Duahmki A clager, t r liayo, DtW itt * iioiwau'. Duncan A John-ten. Mrs Davis. B F Emriem. Adams trojm A Hirjee D Etriegan G Ere.!. W H Fu.ier, M »*rs; A a LJ Caterer— A Cos. J m Oamsun. C»RS Govifac, ABeifc Hunter A oainni-... C v huismaß. Hem A Cos, r H Ktßer.Jamotearr.Litae Atengcry. lureathai a Eohn. J MqMaboa. H C Mthrtcns, o K Oqrood. H Iflatsheks. John TBirv. Ctutrie* Pepper. J K Redlt V BeHly, J LHoaeiiimn. Rodger- A C,jm. CD Ho.;. gtH, Ores tooyer a a sofooiona, W H start *»! Babco k A Cos. BG Dideu, Ha T.iptrem.Jg Waits. IV M Walsh. Yoage A Nixon. Passxxixrs—S Leon, J Gaaabte, M A DrvUnst i A lady, G lesser R Levy, j Simpson .1 inmo, b Joan soa. Ppniilipa IV Arroger A hdy. Mi-r Jacobs. Mu? toeatha: tors H ): Fater A I chlkirea. Mrs Lowm thal. IVvcrs s Louis Cmarv*?. w c churco R Williams, J Diiaimski. Mrs Dans A inend. JM Kfolej, R Smith, E M woou. B F Clot: A mdy. Back- Ljae, A S Eichelbergcr, James McGowan. John Mur phy. Thas HFenar. TII £ too, C Caster, F C Luarer. John Friend, F Alien. H Frana? Ja? Strahan, jL Erie he merger Jame? Hroflr. p M Fnflie G B llark. J H Couneily. B M Neeiv. Bng Burchaqd A Torrey, Haskfll Bath Me. with ISO 1 tens rice to Cheesemau A Marshal: Jacket. Aven!!. Boston, to P.ithardson A iMroßia.—sUWj feet tprase pme :umt>er. i.OOO feet oak. ash sad rolsut hrmber Istaoo -h.udea, gits «**tketeUl6qu*nex bbis do, 2»i onadies wooden ware. 45 citJ? boot; and-shoes. 45 bundle? chair? -« pkg; furniture, tt cases hardware, x bales gunny cloth. 11 crate? and 1 bbl crockerv ware and aundrv maze. Cosncrxy—G L Cbpt MNewnatk WAP. Mein tyre. JAW Rutherford. Bell. Wy.. . a ChrFuan D Falvey, Richard?--.-! 1 Earnsrd CL' GUbert Steamer Oak. Manhati. Aagusu to Ke.n A Cos Report?. Thnrsdav, 2 p n*, passed AtcA-pm's fill No. 1.:5>5 pm. passed «entner Keen, at Demere- Ferry, bound up; passed, 25 miles heiovr Awtnt* Kearner Augusta, tied up. Friday, met above Joke son's Landing, steamer Augu«ti, boutu up: Mk? steamer Falcon aad Gen. Sheplev at sune inaoe Had up. At4pm. met steamer Laura at Briar Creek bound up: 4p m. met steamer Laura at Poor Robin bound up Saturday, 10 am. passed Walker’s tut bound down ; 6p m passed steamer Inland CUjat Owiitotoii R B Bridge ; 4.S D m, below the bridge, passed Wm H Cool bound up : 1 pm, passed -tea met Gen Berry at Miaikto** Bead bonng up also, 'he screw steamer Groat Eastern, to and up. ■ CdrsiGVEß—T» bales upload cotoc-n, to R Haber sham A Sons, Hamer A GammeU. Hilton A Randall. s S Srurr, Q M S W Kronser. Chief CierxiJM Dept Capt Strobhar G Haller, wile and 3 children. G Wilson and son. Steamer Savannah. Eldndge. Augusta, with r bate upland cotton, (do doznesurs, to C s Guirtei master. PassttttßS—Rev T>r Freni*. J S Parker, C Han cock, WC Vincent. A 0 Knapp, J Buike.d. DavH flat from Augusta, with G6O bales upland cotion, 8 do sea island do, t do domestics, to O Co hen, 1 R Wilder, W Banersbv t Cos, Bnghatr.. Bald win A 00. Hunter ft oammeil Goodrich's Eat from Augusta, with 527 bales up land cotton, to E F Metcalf A (jo. Bndvdmlth A Co's flat from Augusts, with 48t bales upland 001 ton to Bra dr a Smith. Tomlunan A Reese's flak from Augusta, with 410 bales upland cotton, to E F Metcalf A Cos. Kreoson's flat, from Augusta, with 352 bales up land cotton, to ii F Metcalf A Cos. — Cleared. Steamahip Zodiac, Bodciey, New York—Hunter A GammeU Exportn.—442 bale; upland cotton. 455 pig; lard. T 2 bag; dried fruit. 1 box. PrsskNUEK?—J Richardson and wife. E Hlrah, E Buieh, X He*, M Chlman, P Shlff, C G Moore, A CTiainploa 1 W Jackron. W B Adams and son. John Lvons, Mr Cohen and iady. Mr? J Sblff. Mrs E J Gro ver, Mis; Rosa M Cook, w W Klncom. C Orff, Mr? W S Bogart and daughter. B Bogart. Star line Steamship America, Lindt. New York— Brigham. Baldwin A vfo. uUi Expoet?,—»9l bale; npland cotton, 2C-; S I do, ill bales domestics. 27 bales wool 13 pk gn maze. Passenger?—J B Jennev, s W Fordvce, Rev W H Harrison, P McGowan. Capt H ii Bolster. H B Fein T X Woolser. M FMlartcn, T B Bland. H Handdto, J Nariess, J MeiaSard. and 4 ste^ra^e. Sohr Lovert Peacock, Lovett, for New York—Hun ten A GammeU. Extorts—«s bale; upland cotton. 1 Iron safe. 1 copper sttli, Ac. Steamer Fauntaln, Ca?tntr, Pltotka. Fla., etc.—bT M A Cohen. Streamer EmDie. Bender. Hilton Head. Steamer H M Cooi, Taylor. Mhgnsta—M A Coheh. Steamer Gen Bern , Henn. Augusta—C L Colbv A Cos. Tue C T Sheppard BIKs, Tybee Heads. Schooner Coquette. Furguson. Saalla River Steamer stand tea, Moore. Fort Pulaski > l PORT OF FORT HDTAL Arrive A. Sept 13—Steamer Ben Defort, Loveland, AsjanwaiL Steamer Loutsburg, Dale. Jacteou-. uie Sept It—Brig Mary Cobb, Duncut: New York. Cleared. Sept 1 —Steamer Loyalist. Hoffman. Savannah Sept 14—Sloop Flora, F.tu, Darien : Barkeniine LumpUghier. New York : trig Model. Tern, George town. Sept li—Ship New England, Hodge. Savannah Sept 15—Steamer Ann Maria. Fiat. S Y : nng Mary C Mariner, Manner, cnariestou. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF HVmAH. SaTaK-ah, Sept. 17,1*65. STEAIESHirS. Constitution. Greenman. d.?:g foot of lanooinst— Brigham. Baldwin ft 00. Madness. Powers, disc'g. New Tort J R Wilder. Taruni; WhPehursi, dSctsiglng at the wharf east of centra. Cotton Ptev?—lota R Wilder SEIFS. - -. New England. Hodges, discharging ballast at Sayle? vrhaif Hutchisons Island—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. FRIG?. Brig Aurora. :Br. 1 . from Halifax. N S. 375 teas —discharging too: of Drayton ?tree—F L Cue * Co.- Fanny, Crooker. Philadelphia—foot of Gas House Hi'l—Hunter ft GammeU. Imogene. Saumieis. 455, loading. Philadelphia. Colon Ferry Wharf—L J Guiimartm A- Cos Barchart ft Toner, Has till aiscg. Iron Steamboat CtPs wharf—Cheeaemsn ft Marshal: i smmer, Doct Eat' cbJ«cn*« Isißnd—Jo? Llppciai: A. f ARtS. Iddo Kimball, Goslin. 525. loading lor New York; Central Oottoo Press— C L Colby ft Cos. ;cHooynt;. *amh JElla 15JJOUS .from Few Tort—ioadrag- New York—Ew2. Koetchke ft Cos. Lottie Koiti 3 masted. Endlcort. dtsc'g. Machine Shop. Eastern Wharfe;. ’ B L Sherman. ;3 in distre??. SctrWmE Stevenwn. threadcralt, 45, watttag, at dock foot erf Barnard street—Master Alice Fiora, <Br, Knowles, from Na^au—writ** at Lower Rice Mill—Ben, Wrllv ft Christian. Mary Ann Rrama Cousin:. i«. dixg. Iron Steam boat Cos ? wharf—Harwood, Gage ft Cos. - I ? LOOPS- • | Brig F.egtita. Stanley—waiUßg—Jci Lippman Br Sloop Sthaa. Bfowit frost Bemrula—uAchsrg-' tog at wharf foot of Barnard street. THE JONES' STREET Select School ! TAUGHT by Mr?. S. S. FUDGE, on the Northeast comer of Jones and Barnard at reels, wit be re opened cn -» i Friday, September 29th« Tne course for the Senior Department, embrace? all toe Kagiiah branches, together with French and Drawing. * In toe Junior Department are taught Reading, Wri titlr. Orthography, and Bemectary Georgraphy, Arithmeti and S ationsl Philosophy The Infant Department, i* taueht Orally, on toe Eh- • ropevu gywem. a method, peculiarly ad .pted to the rapid Improvement of children from th: j* to aevvc years at age. rrsirs rrr srsstor or «t**:m:rrss: Senior Department fsu. Jntdor “ ... so Infant “ 85 Frenchand Drawing, each 85. Fnel 8. Terms strictly cash, payable quarterlr in advance septK-savSw i BOOKS & STATIONERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, aep4-tf cor Brysn street and Market Square. . SCHOOL BOORS. R. 4.. KtfTft GrsintnaJa. >J is , Booa-E e- prag- li 1 Copy Book*. Dkttonare* Savilie & Leach, aep«-U cor. Bryaa Wreet and Mariwt Spctre _ »Notice. 4 Li. parties having claims against the steamer Oak, •fw few stores or repairs, contracted since the Ist Sep tember. 1965. wCI preaent the tame with proper wuncn tia, o£ or better Tuesday, the lath lost., to JoHN N kee*. Reoeften ' sapue 3 • At Rein A CO.. 114 Bay-*t SPECIAL (OTIC** The Original and Baa la the Worii The only true ?ad pc feet Hair Dye, Hprmtea. BMUtu* aadliiacas ticeoiu. P.ounce* iaunedUte y a splendid If*--*- or uaroroi brown, wkhai itjonug Um haw or tod*. Remedir* thefh eftseta Os bad dye* SotdbyaßDrug ciets Tbe ganniiie is togtied William A IntcMor Ate. REGENERATING EXTRACT of MILLWLHTRS. For Rarioring aad BeaatkVmg the Hair aal4 n CHARLES BATCHELOR Ne-r Ywn: WANTED. Wanted, -Beap one domed Addrero SHAW A CLARK. Bi:- oeioed. Maine. - *epl4^Awfm Wanted, I 4:0 A MONTH 1 Ain* f vteted for m'x wtl jtt* out. Adiww O. T. GARBY. \Mx Hidd«r»rA M^nc. riAwdm WANTED TO PURCHASE, OR KSKP FOR HIS FEED, a jrood Hoeee that will work in single harness Must be cento: Apply to seph - ... —. J«. A. HARDEE *CO Wanted, By a Lady, a situation as TEACHER in a school or family I; experienced in the kngite Raacnee and glide A-idres; Teacher, Herald office aepj-lw ■ it ? .1 m*ro BEIT. To Rent, 1 fjtvTO Store; cn Anderson's njqjer * hark So. 126 and A 19* Bay street. Pomenfcm ebm lnimedtatelv. Apply at the Corner of Bay and Barnard afreet seplJ-fit To Rent. A BAKERY with Apparatus complete pertAiainc to the bueneas. Also, rooms amub-e for a with a stable attached latte at .... BTRT S SALOON. Bryan Street. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE acl?if Cellar to Let. ! TO LET. A LARGE CELLAR UCITABLE FOR STORAGE. App.j at the HERALD OFFICE. udW ROOMS TO LET, -A-* Hilton Bead, S. C„ THE Palmetto Herald Building haviag been Newly ~ , DOW offer * and airy room?, Kslta c for Sleeping Apartment; or buainero purocee?. For renn* apply to W. S Sampson, 4t. on thc- prem mro, ourneroi Merchant; Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o'clock to « o'clock p m jn s* LINVILLE& tIEIMN, agents for MERRtTT, WALCOTT A CO., 64 ConrtM! Street. New Tort. MANUFACTURERS of ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, Brii£e, Car, Slip of Band Hoot, — ASD BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OH Lit SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, •MM Ml SfMAIi VAIUH, TumbuclUes, Bolt Ends. Taps and Dies <Sco. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOOOMOTmS. CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES.TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MIXGS of eveij description, and every article usedin constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS STORES COAL OIL. TALLOW. WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, ftc.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description: CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, i . CHIBHM, toa. ; TELEGRAPH MATERIALS, ! WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, Ds- SXRL AIENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Atao Manafacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY. LATHS. PLANERS, DRILLS. PUNCHES AND SHEARS. STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS. Ac SAMLERf, HARNESS, if. WM. H. MAY, Sign of the Golden Saddle, CORSF-R BRYM HD WRIT AS ES STS DEALER IS SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS And all kinds o£ SADDLERY WARE RUBBER BELTING. PACKING. Stretched Leather Belting. atao, A complete amortmest of WILLOW WARE, roch a* market basket* clothes baskets,chairs large and small -with or without Rocker* DHCMS. DOLLS. MARBLES, CARRIAGES, he.. *c . togetb er a roll and nnfchfr wfcurlaa of eveiy article *^han^ l ! b adrertiaer wocld re •pectfnlly nlidt anxsntinaanee of the runa anga ts BRtNCKERHOFF St MILLS, •WHOLESALE DEALERS IS TEAS. Order* for tt all kinds of Teaa.m any **ted packages de sired, Sllsd at the lowest market price*. Part!** or jffef.rJlg.l**—*°d «w»la»»®«- Terms cash.- uiuti* WiidMa. * Southern Prodnoe rues I ied and sold on commia- Moo. Will also receive depute:* of money tor dia bureemem. So. m Peari street, near Waß. Hew Tort. . * sept lm -‘l* AUCT SA SALE ornm combs WOiaeß OB MONDAY. Sept ltth. at laovkxft In front of M S. Qoite'i store next to the Exchanger EIGHT BALES COTTON, Sold oo Bacocat of Underwrites aad all concerned. Term cneh l <epl£ AAviaistrater’s Sale. By Tori, Williams, Mclntire i Cos. Will bo sold on TUESDAY. I2th to front erf Store. l«C Bay etreet, I Sundry arfitte of Hoarohoid and Kitchen Fnrai | fore beJoßginr to the estate of the late Thomas J. . SaW per order of the Admiaittraiot ana by nef»u. «oo oC the nhnorebir- toe Conn erf Ordinar. of Chatham roan tv - - : **»” t {f.vwsr | TORE. WILLIAMS, IrlHflEE S CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bat street I savannah, ga. emiMMfiTt if cittoi ah tmtAil SOLICITED. Baldwin ft Cd.; Enrin A Hardee. Oaden A Unekler, Isaac D La ' Blrem ltobcrii £Uq : Wyily Wood teage. Baq Hunter A GammeU Tt. c. 'Norsefl to . Tork— Mcaar;. bimcel T. Knaan ' X Bra.: D. H. Btodwtn ft 00. saSAeodte STATIONEHV. 4C ESTILT.’S Newspaper Depot, STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bar Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW NOVEXiS. Jaet Hrerirod at the above Depot a further supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel by Annie Thomae Price to cent*. BELIAL, a Novel Price so cenl*. CHRISTIAN’S MISTAKE, by the autbc* of John Hallfat. Gentleman. Price 75 cent*. the Rogues and rogueries c>f new York. Price 3Somt* A I*o HARPER'S MONTHLY. GODET-S LADY'S BOOS’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, ftc., for September. The u*unla»wrtmeni of Northern Dailies and Weeklies 1 Received by Every Steamer. anion CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN. STAR OF BETHLEHEM WAY TO HEAVEN. GATE OF HEAVEN, Item ERS OF PARADISE. POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saville A Leach, Timber Cutter,' Bank. eep«-H On*. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOKS FOR GHILDREN, Youth* Pictorial Library, Marla Edeworth’s Early Leaaone, Tale* and Stories Worth Telling Uuie Frankie Stories, Young People* Library. SaR Water Tales, Unde Sam'; Library, The Robin Nest Star.cs, Leila Boob, Boqnet* for Children, Mount Vernon Juveniles, Six Pleasant Companion?. Merry Tries and Stories for Yoaftg Folia, Tbe Juvenile Library. The Jewel Case, Sea and Land Stories. The Dqg Cruwte Stories Molly and Kitty; .tcrenfle?. Savitle A Leach, rep4-U cor. Bryan etnet aad Market Square. B CT<TK S7 THE POET3 IS BLUE AM GOLD Hood. Bern;. Moore, Byron. Milton, Goldsmith. Wordrworth. Campbell, Coleridge, Oaten. Her. ana, Pop*. SOOUm Crtbbe. . Cowper. Saviiie & Leach; aep4-ti cor Bryan street and Market Square Notice. E 9 JrtrxuaißrvrNu«,Coii*cTo*'*Omc»,) tar Brsmn. G* f A GENTS of vessels 'nipping from the port of Bj fh-rannah, wUroeeire n» goods for shipment tab- Ject to fntcrnsl Dctirr. t itbOTt receipts from Colle> ton that snch tax has been paid. ~ . * a WIL«ON. Collector sept: 6-3 Office over Adam 1 * Express A COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. rIE undersigned, having uaodated thrmeetwa with W H Qniacy. df lAv York, under the style and title of “ Socthern Real Estate and Emi gration Company,” for the pnrpoees of wlting Real Estate and aiding Emlgraton. rger their services to all in Georg's and Florida who may deter* to wdl this kind of property. We Setter ourselves that weoccupva po*lcaaiid enjoy advantage* wM*h enable u* to ash Real Cerate Let all who wt«fc to sell give us a call. Full and fair discretions of land must be given We can J>etoutA f»r the present, at the store oT J. S. MdStenon k Cos., or at the residence of C. P. Jones Those who wish to purchase will do wed to give os • call as we haw several cotton farms and large bodies of tarpon tin* and timber lands now entrusted to our care, e. P. JONES. B. H. LEERE. Thomasvßie. Sept 6.1365 *eptl6-2sw2w FREIGHT FOR ATfifSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, An 4 Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Bet STKAMKB AM.4ZON, Capt JL JoumOk Psr b. EASIER LAL'KA, Capa. Enwaao Htxxnn. Haug a eocmodlons Warehouse on Dilloou Wharf we are ; repared to receive height as above. ' Dee notice win be given of the days of deoartnre of tach .'.earner «pmure ERWIN k HARDER JOHN L. Romrnr at lm AgaßTqaitlyhMt Mercbaats' Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NIW YORK, on HE £ne aipper Burt IDA Itinmr Gomlinv v^ergrtd^S^,^^ •v-t i court «oot STA.E LINE. FOR New YORK. usas •at: for me above part aa 'Satwrdwy, Sept, J 34, at o'eftork p. m . •ft«iote*aK>!Tm I **" g *’ h * rt “* accomu*. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN to 00. aepl® Stoddard'* Builoinv, opp. Pea: Office FOR NEW YORK, STAR LlsvE. The new and elegant first class 11. a Mail Steam ship CONgTITUTION, Capt Ureentaan. Will positively sail tor the above port on B'tdatiday, September MO, at o'clk. For freight or passage, haring splendid Mcsmmc ditifißf Apply to BRTGH UK. BALDWIN to 00. sqilS Stoddard's BcOdiug. opposite PoM Office. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. TheU.A Mall Stoamtodp PERIT. A. Delaney.oommander. win leave foe the above port on her ragnkar day Thursday Sept. f 21st. at --O’clk. For freight or passage, havtng'auperior tyivhto. ippjj tO HUNTBR ft GAMMEU FOR NEW YORK. cpHE clipper arboooer LOTTIE KLOTS. CWpt. Endl- A oott, »u! meet «&h dispatch tor the above poet. For freight apply to nepra 8 HUNTER to GAMMELL. For Charleston Direct, CALLING AT HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT The steamer ROCKLAND. Cape George W Bean fort, will poaluvniy leave Stoddard's Wharf on This IKh tosto .ntgp. m. preetaely. For tretgu cr psaatge, apply to C. L. QCILMARTIN. No. •. Stoddard's Range. No freight received alter Up. m. Shipper; will p!eaae give their own weight asd measurement of goods on shlpmedt. e«pt : 1 FOR JACKSONVILLE. FU ■"I 'HE Mhooner MART to EMMA, will meet with A toepatrk tor above pork For freight ergigr tterto L. A QCILMARTIN to Ce, ■eptl* 1 Agent i. 148 B«v-»* FOB AUGUSTA, The Light Draught Steamer Oak, GEO. S. MARSHALL. Caplrin. will team aa above on WEDNESDAY, 10th Inal, at 6 u. m. Freight received this day an board at Ferry Wharf under toe Gar llonae Hill up to tbs boar of departure. Pur height engagements apply to J. B. PKESDES. Agent. ira Broocbtun street or to P. M MYRL'LL. seplUd Corner Bay and Abercom sis. FORAUCUSTA, The light draught side wberi straaer “ Helpn,” James K. Riley, Oommander. will leave SloddanPa Wharf tm Wednesday Morn’g, at 7, a. m. t Sept. SOto, her regular ra'lfng day. Shipper* are guaranteed the delivery of their good; at the wharf in Augusta, and the Helen insures at toe lowest rata* For Freight or Paastge apply to KgTN to CO, 3 doom east of toe Exchange. »ep 1* S 114 Eft| street FOR AUGUSTA, STEAMER R. H. MAY. Capt Jones, will leave i shore from PeriWnarl under Ga* House am at 3p. in. Freight received op to the boor of depart* tree. J. M KINCHLT seplS Agent on board. For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. .■fcfrJte- The U S. MaU Steamship MINN E TOSKt'l.m tons burthen. J. W. Balch Commander, will l ave for the JHBS. above pon on THURSDAY, SEPT, tort, >1 - O'clock. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia $44 Through Tickets to New kork. via Philadelphia.. 40 For freight or postage, having elegant eroommoda lieos, apply 10 ___ eepU HUNTER to GAMMELL. Atlantic Coast Mail Steam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, scMh, The Pint Clam Steamship VARC- NA - Wnrenrm. Command*r. will positively sail on her regular dav, TTlEiff tt, THCRSDAE. the 31st list, at » o'clock a. m Nor Freight or Paaaage, haring very superior accom modation*, apply to JOHN R. WILDER Ship's Mila of Lading furnished and signed at the o®ce ofCaaaignee. sepll POE NEW YORK STAB LEE. SBMI-WEBHIIiY. The first dam C. 9. Mail Steamahlps NEVADA. - * Capt Cumm »Ss?rs? rAT ® 8 ’ * Capt Steam. AMERICA. - Capt Curt CONSTITUTION, . . . Capt^mv The above Alps compose the tine, and will tail from New Tort and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Agent*, Savannah, Ga. WAKEHAN, GOOKIN A DICKINSON. Agents, li Broedwey, New York, For Liverpool. American Ship NEW ENGLAND, •u3', Hodge. Master, having a large portion of FjyLrber cargo eogaged aTllbe ready to receive -ergo J LowerHydr* uile Prre. am the 13th For freight at pueage apply to aepl4-ti BRIiaHAM. BALDWIN A CO. MERCHANTS’ LINE Sailing 4S& Vessels. iw*een Saranziab and the above port, wttb f^Mrior s«aasggad^^S w«h pnmneas and despatch. Particular attctukoc gitea to torwaittitggood* from New Tort eauoc „ CHARLES L OOLBT A OO^ Balß cor. Bey and Aberrora streeta For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF* K. R POR THOMASVILLR THEJUght DTAjght Steamer WM. 0. GIBBONS. r *‘ ,1 P°*: ■ wtU .»—*• DUton-s WbariS or “j” 11 *- rgd „ lßgt - at • o’clock, ana will savannah every ■ IfceleM e. SVKRY THCRSDAT ‘ eoßsiar a AgrtSon Wharf RAILROARto . Central Railroad (AN uni rite Turntoy. riktaiCotely ten oU day; exceptedj will leave lor Augnau at 4 a jJCTiSSiEEfssewaa Ac b ueta sue Savannah W«i>w.vA PaswJri.enbythtoliaewtllarri*a ta Aunte the next mornxg afterJeavlng Savannah In tone 10 ret breaktetasu connect with toe Oeonrla BaHm; tra;n for Adantb. ammroma F 'MJ* *° f° brFaMsmpm Train must be mi ml I ana celtsered at te Depot the itebt before by order of GEO. W ADAMS. !_ ' « j Atertaat Sqpenntendeat- Central Rai (road »ad Savannah Kaitrosd^K > bb M,h te 'q GHO. W ADAMS. Atlantic & Gulf Railroad STEAMER WM. C. CIBBONS anga.,, HOI KIS. Sea Island HoteL OPEN TO THE PrBLIC* Tuesday, June 20th, 1866. THlSiwvr Hotel, situated on toe teSat desirable 2te* h ” k Hi^' n iSSd^ri e a* u? ?* ?>fW P ort - H. L. and is atfogethet aa heritrial a place to spend the summer foohtbs B bus fine hard smooth beach, seventeen mile; one! acetous a more charming drive than toTSehraSi at Nahaat, Mas> . and a* fine aea hsth i-xu m at tost placeor cape May “* b * ,hu * “ Tht Hoaae has over aejrcnty lam. airy rooms anrf PCiaadaha oo tliiff sides of all the stories • iKa fnm» m tbe tables wilft; Vr^w.^1 xh ? 1 ** here and in the market*. Erery eft>rt wffl be made to der the Hotel ail that tbe most fiwtldir,-“!mm a J*H Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S C. RIDDELL to SIC«, PeorihivOas. ju* , " ACADEIT OF 81. YIHCBHT OF PAUL, Savannah, Oeorgia, CON I> TJC TKD B Y xH E SISTERS OF MERCY ate<te^ ! iffi? 1 *£ Uccu,m « BCeOB Trims per Seiefon, including board. Taftkaic Mashing, and use of Bed and Bed Tuition in Fr&h........ «|J£ % 22 do Crayon, Drawing tad Printing in is NORTH BUM AORJCILTTRAL WORKS. URHTING. BROTHER to 00 . Proeatrroea. N K K *W*° Co *J TLAjn> »***»*. irm t S^2S°rwL°vm?^J UrTOW *’ 'cot- Corn MlHa,Cotton l»ina, Ac d«*yS7mF plailtcr * Atoh. Deuce',CoweWnted Agents fop Stedforrirenlar. , vSO Sm Towage. T-m nndereignei agentafor tbe Savannah Tow RICHARDSON to BARNARD *epl2 B,73UM ' Owtete Mariners Chnreh. I('I<LLOUGI’S LEID (fl,. ><o. 64 Fyeup .% MB TOS£. H A bTteJa°w UI,UT 00 h “ d ’ “■*'•' ***** Drop Shot, Lead Pipe, Buck Shot, Sheet Lead arid Bar Lead, rthkh they offer for sale at the foweat mute prfoee. _je LE Uoo -_i., . WESLEYAN Female College. "*• Dumber ite. Regular Taiuon in CoOeire Omm. .. ** « To be paid m advanea, in cnxrency or it* equivalent Macaw, a, J BON3IBLI* President -•~ 9a anfik-lawtftoct UDOIFBO WOLF B," »* Braver Street,New York. Off eta for sale of hiaown importations, to bond and duty paid, the largest stockof Winro. Liqoom. Ac., of this coontiy, cmnprising in part of OtanL Hennesy. Pina daemon, Martel, Godard Brandy. Rochelle Bran dice m halt; quarter, and ekhth msks: afroOtardand RonyJTJ^X Bandy, in eaaneff on* doaea each “CHn.” Cdolpto Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipe*. Wvh^.r. m Aromatic Schnapja. in bend and dnty paid, in case of one doaea quarts and two dosen pints ‘-Whisk*j- aid Rum, Scotch and Irish Wbkkey, to hbda and case* of emo inbmrel, and emste RtTM. Jamaica” and ''St Crotr mm" in *»«*» sad taneu of ooudoaen each. Mmdilrs, Sherry and Part Wines. More than twenty different grade*, in halves qner ter* and eighth casks, also in cases of one Aw., each. “Bock, Ckampagm. .Moselle tend Clnrua Wine*.” From Peter Arnold Mnmm in <Mocn., propriteor of Jounnisbaig estate . J. H. D. Backer A FDs; vwy. nance.-. Bcnccke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton A GumUn Bordeaux, and from teher wall known house! in Oer many and Fiance. Ous, Coamata Borxas. Mtnrtan, Oirrra. B6ajw».Cpu*vak A,. Tvenfy-five yeat*', Hants ctions with the southen States, with some at the largest and mom Sample* can be- seen, and catalorte of mtoro oh alned, by the “gfc *