Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 19, 1865, Image 4
The Savannah Daily Herald. TTKimv, ffiPTEnr-l WMKHD. (from the New lurk E' euaig l ost! Two View*. Mr. Thaddeus Stevens made a speech to his coustiiuintsal LaucMler last WcdriftUav, in which he made public bis ideao upoL tue important question of reconstruetioa i r res toration. Fresideut Johnsonyesterday uade •an address to certain southern men, giving his ideas upon the same subject. ~ The two addresses are not much alike, ex cept in the fraukuess in which both deal with their subjects. Mr. Stevens does not trust the Southern men. and believes we are not sale unless we exercise all the rights and privileges of conquerors, by despoiling those ■we have conquered ; President Johnson, on the other hand, believes that kindness may be even more effective than violence, and that we ate strong enough to accept the pro fessions ol the Southern meiv and trust them to reconstruct their local governments under the Inion. Mr. Stevens is for confiscation of Southern estates, the disiranciscntent of Southern men the total suppression of the class which has no doubt been the leading class in the rebel lion—namely, the former slaveholders. The Pi eSident, on the other hand, addressing a number of persons of that very class, told i Tbein that he would trust their professions of conversion, their assurances that they had i aeen the error<M their ways; that he wou.d j help them, and the Southern people in gen- i eral to re establish law, order, society, Indus tr.& 1 *l* UQ fier the Constitution. , The Preaident’s ideas of reconstruction, nr * reorganization, as be prefers, we believe i f all it, seem to us those of a statesman, r r : n . to work with the means placed in his. j wise enough to see that his place if ‘ B i machinery of government, to p» ' _ *Ltbe tion, and thus to get the pond' " u jt fric portant engine to more with • " uu * and un its former smoothness. A' • more than nothing for friction; he b* .li-v ' teveD * cares men caii “main sireng' h ' r esiu wtiat Best Mr. Johnson would r< , ->d stupidness. " gear; Mr. Stevens or ' e fe- a,eess ‘ ost possible a ropeyarn over a na ;| ‘ s P:idJ y 8 purchase, Mr. Sleveps tells wbat are our t ; c(u , us ’ Wlth 90me deta,1 > peals to tjq e to “ as con( J ue ror». He ap other nations and t 0 practice of examined the s e have no doubt that he has Willing to thoroughly, and we are power and do ,ttlial we raay eler cise all the we may do ' ad tlle hcts heclaims ; but wbat wise to dc ,s ODe rhihg, "’hat we would be coufono ' is another. Mr. Stevens appears to posipv J two, arid asserts, with all the sr' .eness of a very opinionated man— ofj once imagined that he cou and bring down tf’.e price of gold,by a resolution in Congress —-that we ought to do all we may do; that we ought to exercise all the rights and pow ers of conquerors. It does not even matter to him that his scheme of confiscation is to- j tally impracticable; and that the flattering billions which be promises as the sure avails would no more be secured than was the mil lenium of gold at par and cheap provisions, which be once, with equal confidence, pro mised us, as the fruits of one of his pet reso- i lutions in Congtess. We are in the condition of a man and wife who have had a quarrel, to whom a divorce has been refused, who cannot live apart.— The President says, Tsue, we quarrelled, but let ns bow act sensibly; let us join hands in friendship; we have destroyed that which bred discord between us ; we have reason to hope for many peaceful and prosperous yeare; let us forgive offences, and try if by mutual andjoint efforts we caunot do better and live more happily than ever before. No, cries Mr. Stevens, that’s not the way; we are the stronger, and we ought to keep our partner's hands tied, we ought to beat her dai.v with new stripes, we ought to disable her entire ly-—no other course can make us safe. Now, if yve were not gomg to live with this partner again, if our interests weie not identical, if her health and beauty and pros perity were not amongst our most vital in terests. Mr. Stevens might be right. Or again, if she were not helpless, and loudly asking for kind treatment, but on the con trary mulish, perverse, obstinate, determined to make furtpA trouble, then it might be prudent in us to use certain-' precautionary measures; especially if we bad a d«ubl of our awn strength and of her Weakness.' But this is not the case: the leading men of the southern States, with a very few exceptions, promise to he good citizens; they accept frankly, and. as they assure the authorities most solemnly, in good faiih, the aituation; many of the most eminent of them have al ready committed Iheinielves publicly to use ali their influence and energyand authority towards the establishment and maintenance of freedom and equal rights in their States Others, like General Lee and General John ston, who nave nqt made any such promises, yet have quietly entered upon useful indus tries; with the open decUxatioi that while they’fio not like of the war, vet they moan hereafter, while they stay in ihe country, to bSiaw-abiding ciijzens. Now, iu tte State of Jve think;it the part of wisdom iu u's, the stronger side, to eschew all mere measures of revenge. \Ve „ are conquerors by arms, but we can afford to be conquerors also by kindness. Southern men profess publicly their readiness to do ngpt—how can we spurn these professions ? Even it we dp not altogether believe in them ; even if warbefleve that limits of tem per and wrong theories of social life may so far embarrass them that they will not at bnce come up altogether to our hopes and expectations—can we not do more with them by trusting them, by throwing the responsi bility upon them, by bolding them to their profnises. than by embittering them ? Speak ing as himself a southern mad, the President said.- , “The issue t>as been made and decided; then, as wise men—as men who aee right and are determined to follow it, as fathers and brothers, and as men who love ther country in this nour of trial and suffering—why can not we come 1 up and help to settle the ques tions of the hour and adjust them according to the principles of honor and of justice? The institution oi slavery is gone, The tor mer status oi the negro had to be changed, and we, as wise men, must recnghize so pa tent a fact and adapt ourselves to circum stances as they surround us. [Voices —We ulf". o DgU)dO , K<K Y «*. sir, we are wil ling to do so. ] I believe you are. I believe when your faun « pledged, when your corf srot has been given, as 1 have already said I beheve it will be maintained in good faith’ and every pledge or promise fully canitc i out [Cries —It will. J All l ask or desire of the South or the Morin, the East or the West is to be sustained io carrying om t u. •’ pies of the Constitution. V g ° UI the pnnc ‘- Are not these words of true wisdom ? _ And Wherever we fiud them cordX re JjjJK* *o to the South, is it not wise togirc a trial to those who proleis their readineSlo be good Citizens? Some day or oUieVthew t 0 b “-'*UBted—is not now a beUer time than any other likely to come in the ,u ture Is u for the public benefit that should under Mr. Ptev,- h s’ideas maintain a state of war in the South V Will not return mg prosperity, renewed intercourse X voice-of a tree press, have their influent, all potent for good r And if South Carolina does not become Massachusetts in six months need We be discouraged ? Our work dour, there is not that of months but of vears -it is not to be completed by armies bin bv the spread of knowledge, the dissimulation of correct principles: by convincing the ueo pleohat justice and liberty are profitable Raising the Wind out of the Rrbelll, n . (Fromlne Tribune.] A Southern correspondent writes from Huntsville, .Via., that the District Attorney lor the Northern District of Alabama is mak ing preparations for the “prosecution oi such rebels as fail to obtain pardon from the Presi dent.” This snows an eye to business on the part of the District Attorney, who is evi ’ deotly much in went ot a job and wants his being a pardon-broker in Washington, we presume that Ibe best thing now to make a living at is the arose of rebels in a Southern State. P | The Fiiiuh of Georg iu. 1 From preseal ipp. urance, it is evident that \ Geotcw is noi mindjess of her great inter- J csts, and dot ; n-u iirteud to injure li» politi- i I ral and commercial prospects hr uoncces- j ] sary delays The people of that State arc ; >"'■« <o their advantage* au I cridectiy in I tend to hful off iu the w .rk of recousUuciii.h, Georgians as.-ert that thcirjrate never vol i Uuutrny j«: .re ret Confederacy, and that the ! warning V. ieu <>t Alexander H Stephens, iu 1 j his mani !.»—e speech in behalf of tin. Union, ! was but 'be e.ciio ol public opinion .tbr< ugh- I oqt tiie State. But now that Geofgu tan tsSer, and maintain her privileges, sue will lose no time m doing so. The acting authorities of the State ex- j press themseives awake la their opportuni ties, and they will not neglect them Propo- - sals for au Atlanta “loau” are in the mar ket ; the interior railroads are in process of ' reconstruction; preparations for tecumic * | the usual connections between Maaort aD § I ihe seaports have begun ; the old rail roads I from Savannah will soon be iu full oiy.ration aud the proposed naval station Os Bvnuswick I City will presently form its Connections with j Macon, with Florida, W»d wThttogreat Southwest, which, but ,or U'e breaking 0 out ; ;;‘ u^ e rebeUlon . WOuld uvc achieved so L '“. idea ttlese <-'omtr.erclal movements, the ! ring place. f, ncr, p ort Royal, as lately | ;‘ a Sfe' e = led by the Fuelling Post, will attract ' a a'iS* 0 TF eeive support lrom northern n »*5“ !>s so, ‘.thtrn tourists, thus lending to tie aa ,&uee - 0 j- tlle ,q oU tn social as well as raatr.rial e ad _ • are not mistaken, the State of Geor y,a > in giving this early evidence of her in ! ,w> .tiotf to reinstate herself and recover her r omiuercial* advantages, i6 laying the foun dation for a condition of prosperity and strength far beyond what she ever enjoyed liefore, or could ever reasonably have hoped for under the oid system, eve* had not war temporarily thrown her back. These ap pearances indicate, also, great commercial changes in the direction of Southern trade, and we shall not be surprised to find that a |»rt of the immense productions of the Weßt md Southwest will be diverted from the out lets of New Orleans and Mobile, to passover the more direct communications which ter minate in the seaports of Georgia. It one hall the contemplated railroads in Georgia are completed, it is already shown oy careful estimates that the great balk of tue cotton ahd other southern products ship ped formerly by way of the Gulf of Mexico, will be landed on the Georgia seaboard at a great saving in time and expense. When to this is added the pine lumber trade, belong ing exclusively to that may be easily Ibreseen that many months need not elapse Defore Georgia will assume a commercial im portaflfe which cannot tall to awaken-com petition iu those southwestern States which are now idly regretting their misfortunes in - stead til aruusiug themselves to the work of restoration. Georgia has, therefore, done well iu placing herself at once and openly in connection with northern capitalists, and the latter, we believe, are fully alive to the ad vantages presented in aiding in the develop ment of a State and sea coast which ar# aiu guliriy eligible for the purposes of internal and foreign commerce. The result of this foresight and sagacity will be soon apparent. -V. Y. Evening Post. The Indian Council—Proposed ( oitMolida tion of all the Tribe*. Fort Smith, Ark, Sept. 10. The Indian Council yesterday was taken up in reading tho stipulations to be imposed by the Government upon all treaties in the southwest. The stipulations propose a grand consoli dation of all the Indian tribes into one na tion, the territory of which shall to the pres ent Indian Territory, and such other as the government may decide upou. The tribes now living in Kansas are to be removed south, aud the Southwestern tribes are ex pected to compel the Indians of the Plains to observe the treaties. The Indians now here say they understand they were called to meet the late rebel tribes ! a ad renew friendly relations with them, aud not to make new treaties, which, they say, they are unwilling and unathorized to do. But few of the largest tribes are now here, but others, are expected soon. Seer 11.—Kepiiea were made to-day. by delegations present, to tho propositions pre sented them on Saturday. Ait speak favor ably of the policy of the government, and ap pear anxious to renew friendly relations w ith it. Many ol them premise their aid iu bring-1 ing the hostile ludians of the Plaina to terms. A messenger arrived to-day ffom the Coun cil in session at Armstrong s Academy, held by the Cherokees aud Choctaws, sta'ing that their delegations will arrive on Saturday. , , Sr Lorrs, Sept. 12, The plans poposed to the Indians in coun cil at Fort Smith farther stipulate that slavery must be immediately abolished, and freed'- men have the right of being incorporated luto tho tribes on an equal tooting with the other members thereof. Encouraging. —With his knapsack, upon his shoulder, an interesting youth from South western Georgia, presented himself at this office on Saturday evening last, with a letter ol introduction to the proprietor of this of fice. His object was work—work in a ma chine shop, or ioundry, on a railroad, in a brick yard, any where, but work to gain an honest livelihood, and to become indepen dent ot family connections, and of the work! as far as in his power, he could maintain Bitch a position. He was introduced to us and his wishes made known. Mark you this young gentleman of Georgia-this youth who was born to an inheritance many of you would have envied—whom war has left to his own resources—his intellect: and labor his only dependence—does he hesitate ?—does he indulge in vain repinings? No! The hull by the horns” he seizes, and we con gratulate him, that ere we had known him a Uay, he has accomplished the object of his iqission here. Now for the moral of our story. This young man was born in the affluence of his parents—he was affluent, if not rich—he is the peer of any youth in Georgia, come from what family he may. lie goes to work to. morrow. With a resolute will, Uq is deter u r to Work his own future, as his father did before him. We honor the lad, for he is nothing elae m man's estate; and we shall share our last crust with him in his laudable efforts to make himself a man.— Atlanta In leltigtncer. Ihe London News correspondent states that: “Returning to Europe lately, I hap pened to be one hot morning in the Rue St Ferreol, Marseilles. I happened to see in a shop window a photograph which I instant ly recognized as that of Edwin Booth, tho American tragedian. It is a beautiful face and one belonging to a most virtuous and upright man, with whom I am proud to have been on terms of friendship. I stepped into the shop, and asked the gentleman behind tile counter whose portrait it was. “Main,” Vff^tXf 1 X • Boot, the aßSaasiu. Vilk Boot, le miserable, le lalache. La dod uktion Marseillaise en mffole. I havewfd lundreds within tho past four weeks. • I ex pla ned to the shopkeeper the error into which he had fallen; but he shrugged hk shouldei-s and said it did not much miner - He had plenty more orders lor ‘Vilk Boot» <md they must be executed.” 00 * > thatT*K 8 - 0r ? eN ? AMBJ *’ —wTare informed that the I euiau Society is largely eugayed in j wagon manufacture up town The vehicles a ready built are marked as the pfoperw of the Or,for, and they have very much Urn .J? pearance of the conveyances which is to wake up an army train. It is quite ni,asV* owexer. that they may be nterel/covefed (carnage to for pic-nic excXTons [ supposition tbe enterprise of the resolves itself into aw? halm! :md ao diplomatic compflS -ItXr in oul of 11 SD-much the fcSt iftewiPArens. DALLY | JOURNAL & MESSENGER, PnMisM Etery Morning aid Etening. MACON, GEORGIA, fiORNER OF CHERRY AND THIRD STRUTS. LARGEST CIRCULATIOS IN MIDDLE AND SOI 111 WESTERN GEORGIA. HHHK old ‘ Journal A Messenger,” first ef*tab!tsbed A in lSt*9, and regularly published ever aincr, hiu tqo Largest Circulation of any paper in this section. We arc; offering liberal terma to advertisers, and merchant*. aDdoiiiera desirous of having their busi ness generally kfiovm, will do well to advertise in cur coin ran*. OUR WEEKLY Contain* the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is circulated thioughout the Southern and Northern States generally. Parties sending their advertisement* with the money will be injured satisfaction Addrcsfc S. ROSE & CO. SKNrx iVr Rchf. } Proprietors. THE SEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the Sooth, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature aud General New*—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare or the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Kegeneration of Prosperity in the Southern States. The Proprietors of the N*w OtLiAva Daily am. Weeki.y Tints, encouraged by the Itberal support given to their journal, have made ample arrangements for its improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS' SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terraftof the Daily, SIG per annum; half yearlv, SR; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gttlf S'atee: con tains a carefully prepared compendium of the news ol each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parts of the cquutry and abroad, letters from the peo ple, arresnme or the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per anntun. * TO OLTJBB. The Woekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ 9 80 I 6 copies/. $25 00 3 “ 14 00 1 7 “ 29 00 4 “ IS 00 | 8 “ 33 00 6 “ 22 50 I 9 “ 3f 00 10 copies S4O. An extra copy will tie given to any one get'lng op a Club ol Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address ' WM. H. 0. KING A CO., an!4-tf Proprietors N O. Times. No. 10 Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under «uspices highly flattering. It has a large and daiJ.v increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages snrpassed by none. ADVF.UTISINO RATES. onk sricaae. Twowecks $ 5 00 One month 6 Oo Two months lo 00 Three months ; 15 00 Six Months 24 00 One Year. 40 00 TWO SQUAKIS. Twowecks $lO 00 one month 12 on Two months is 00 Three month? is 00 t>:x months 30 0O One year 60 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity ot space than is above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Singl4«Copy, fmailed; 5 cts. One Monih, do ID “ Three Months, do $2 00 Six Months do 3 50 One Year do 0 00 Addbess, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO., PKTPRBBroO VV PROSPBOTX7S OP THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,0*0 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Issued oil or about fAe 15fA of July, ISCS, By J. W. BURKE A CO., - MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the conntj y, as a method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor u- wnh their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Chrrent of the Msrkets in all the princi pal Cities Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, &(:„ and Commet ciai News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR ” be exclusively filled with advertisements: but the paper will he sufficiently large to leave ample mom for Editorials. Correspondence, Select Heading Matter, Ac. It will be a yamh .y, as wf.i.l AS A BißLsrss PAVRa, and we intend that It shall visit every City, Tewn and Tillage in the Country. Ail can perceive the advantage of advortlsing in a paper of this deacription. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We aro unable lo publish them in this Circular,not knowing what number of our friends Will waat their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought ibe fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately: state bow much space yon wish them to occu py. directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates i t advertising. In the first number. They will nr as low as pobsikle, to allow us to publish tu* papir. Deeming it superflu ous to argne the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with It, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address .1. W. BURKE A CO., Macon, Gn. Agent in Savannah: Oko. N. Nicnoia. Bay Street.' jylS-tf WE M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Cider. THE Subscriber announce* to hit, friends and pa trons tbit be has iu*t returned irom the Northern Cities, where he has made arrangements with the best Importing Houses, with whom he has dealt lor many years, tor supplies of every article in his line and now offers for sale, on the most reasonable terms.— His present Stock, selected by himself with great care, comprises; BRANDY. OTARD, DCPtIY A CO., ptK’KT.'cAsrriitoNit co„ A. SEIGNETTE, PELLEVOISIN. GIN. MEOER SWAN AN D IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, (in cases. 4 WHI SKIES. JOHN GIBSON, SONS A CO., MONONGAHELA, X, XX, XXX, CABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, O. K. LOURBON, Very Old. BUM. JAMAICA AND 81. CROIX. CHAMPAGNE , OF VARIOUS BRANDS, in Quart* and Pints. T *l7l A. K IMPERIAL, YOLN6* HYSON, BSSON, OOLONG, POWcaG'NG, In Cajdlss and Half Chests. SUIAt, COFFEE, «OAP, ITAICH, AC., AC. Also, Agent (br tha sale of Massey, Collins A Cos PHILAfi ELPHIA ALE. W. M. DAVIDSON. roMigiMimi tmcKraCuiT*, 4ke. * I W ARREN & PLATNER, Comini*»Hion Mei’C’bnntu, And rtesler* In ail kmds of c<*r«e and fine paiwr* aud ntjxfr frock. .Also h fine ope* it i.<l inline* roLrtaiji]) on h.NDtL Caen pu’d lor r.'tga, and viable paper in l*rgw or pmaii qnan- | title*. . _ aeplS ts 210 Bay street. Savannah. 43a. JAMES B. CAHILL, i OEMTRAL COMMISSION MERCHANT and dbaler in Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquors, 171 BROAB STREET, | AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMercbaEiPxc wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interest* by consigning the same. ~ . Strict attention will be given to all busiuess en i trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the j most .eisonable rates. sep4-3m I Lrvi M. Chcrchill, J- K. W. Johnstom. CHURCHILL 4 JOHNSTON. Dry Groods, ANT) GEHERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 33 3 BROAD STRKKT, Opposite Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, CEORCIA. Will give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. Reference? in Savannah—Messrs. DcWitt A Mor gan, Bell, Wylly A Christian; J. T. Paterson A Cos. ; N I.yon, Esq. aug24-lm TO SHIPPERS OF iOTTOY AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner Jt, Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesey Stbeet, i.PW York. Ami Memphis, Term. Thomas Finnib, Henry Bznkitt, D. W. Bowm ah. jy6 biu CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONEB BLOCK, CORNER HAY ANT> ABUROORN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. references; Messrs. Dabnev, Morgan <fc Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, l£sq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edinands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq.. Boston. sop 18—tt A. S. HABTBIDGE, Factor and Commission Merchant. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. To be found, at present, at office of Messrs. ,1. T. Thomas & Cos„ next to Central Railroad Bank. sepl4 2w Woodwind, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Dunne Street, New York, 0 and 11 Hanover St*, Baltimore, DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, OsnaburgH and Yarne. jylS John Jones, ) (Chakton 11. Way, Late Treasurer State of Ga. j \ savannah, Ga. Jones & AVay, Have re-opened their office at No. 98, Bav Street, (Opposite the old stand,) isavannah, Ga-, for the trans action of a General Commission and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Colton and Merchandise to and from the interior. RefzrkNor*— T. W. Chichester, Esq.. Augusta, Ga., I. C. Plant, Esq., Macon, Ga,, J. W. Warren, Esq.. Co lumbus, Ga., ai.d any Bank or Merchant of Savannah, Ga. seplit eod lmo CEO. R. CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Stsiby. Afgubta, Qa. fry . !»l_ Tobias, Hendricks & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAVER AND 135 PEARL STS., New Yorli. Refer to Octavns Cuhen. au23 lm EDWARD C 7 LEGRIEL & CO.', Commission Merchants, EROKEnS, ANIHNSURANCE AGENTS, Marion, (iriorjfia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. EDWARD C, LEGRIEL, ) qko, c rEEFMAN. f aug22 lm M. J SOLOMONS, Commission Merchant, WILL attend to the Selling or Receiving and For warding all kind* of Merchandise. Produce, Ac Office for the present at the Drag Store of J. M. Abrahams A Cos. an2l-lm juhn s. nwm & to., Forwarding and Commission M EBCHAN TS. WHOI.ESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. l AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. 8. BAM.YOH. Kl>. O. BAMMIB. CIIAB. L, MATIIEB aul 1 _ if JT SHAFFER, CommisMioa Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AN D DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, Vlest Washington Market, Opposite 143 West et„ Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes Apt Jes and Onions constantly on hand, snd put up for the i-oulhern market All consignments promptly attenked to. fcvF“ Refers Cos A, L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. jy!2 eodly HENRY~ BRYAN, Bbtan Street, nsxy to Mfbohants’ and Plantebb* Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agent for Bale and purchase or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Foi'warding Cottoiw RUIS Umn * GUHNY BAGGING. For sale by N. A. HARDEE & CO. sepg-tf U. 8. iNiraNAi Revekt-e, Coll Herron's Omot) Ist Disikiot, Ga. I 4 GENTS of vsesele shipping Irom the port of Sa -fft-vannab, will receive no goods so.- shipment sub- Ject to InteraalDutiee, without receipts front Collec tors that such tax has been paid. A. KT WILSON, Collector, septum Office over Adam's Express. OROCgRUCH. U4IQM, At. C. K. 986000, STORE IST, CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. W HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries aml Provisions. Tin, Crockery, Glassware Aiul Hardwtire, N. B.—The highest C»ph Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, &c. ts septlS S. E. Botiiwell. B. Whitzukau. BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD Grocery, CommissM and Forwarding MERCHANTS, NO. 101 BAY STREET! SAVANNAH, GA. sepß lm Ja«. G. Watts. A. H. Champion. JAS. G. MATTS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN (iroccrips ntirl T»i*ovi»ioms. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Lipors, fines, -Segars, &c.. 8S St. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, West side Market Square, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WE would call the attention of oar friends and the public generally to onr new connection, and solicit a share <ff their patronaee. Mr. A U. Champion, late of the firm of Champion tk Freeman, thanks his frrend* for their past favctra and requests the bestowal of the same on the new firm. sepT- lm HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay st.. Near Barnard, SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamers from NewY'ork the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries INT THE CITY. N. B—Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remit tance, promptly Filusd at Lowest Market Prices. au3i imo I S 4 StSMS JmBD SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au:<o NEW GROCERY STORE. Van Newton & Ward. WOULD respectfully inform their frierds and the pnbiic that they have opened at No. 153 Brough ton street, formerly occupied by Btun and Meyer; uad will keep constantly on hand a well selected stock so Family Groceries. Quick sales and small profits is their motto, and a share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited, ,J. H. VAN NEWTON. H. G. WARD. »epl2 « PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boot* and Shoes, Clothing* Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan*s Celebrated GOLDUN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, &c. Libera] deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. GADEN &. UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE add COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESAIJS DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, 4c., Coenee or Bay and Baenabd Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rate? paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c., and liberal cash advances made on ahipments to onr New York House. anlß KIRLIN & KIENZLE, WKolosalo and Hetall DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. OUR HOUSE, 165 BAY STRKKT. an2l ts 3500 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best qualUy, 50x6S per lineal yard. FOWLE A CO, jol9 6m No. ;o Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN.BR 0 & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, M IXES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND 1 BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. an ill * g. O. HPWISdb CO., Wholes Ale Dealers in GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, Corner Johnson Square and St. Julian street, and'No. 17S Bay street, Hodgson's Building. Particular at tenth m paid to filling country orders. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OK ALE A LAGER-BEER, lilxiA TOBACCO Wm, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Broad Strut, Augusta, Ga, Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m JntO DANIEL MANN, YV HOT.FBALK and Retail Dealer In Tinware TV Stoves and BtovePipea. Also. Roofing, Gut tering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. Northwest corner of St. Julian street seps-l m and Market Square. Bitters^ The Oldest and best renowned. t. PI’NKe, 66 Liberty Street, aJS“- 3,n0 NEW YORK. BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONKING’S, IN BEAR OF POST OFFICE. HILTON HEAD sugM t s SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FKoetltcrk. 4 to. • SHIPPING am> COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner B«y and Whitaker streets. • Savannah, G». Prompt attention given to conatgnments of Mer chandise and Produce of all kinds purchased and sold. sep2 lm TTorntto Pitcher. XI COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer In Ship Stores and Chandlery. Harris' wharf, foot of Lincoln street, under the biutf. sepl Tlxon & Gordon, COTTON FACTORS. Conmisaion and Forwarding Merchant*, au3o 96 Bay street, Rue Whitney Cos., General Commission Merchants, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. au24 TYradjr, Smith 4k Cos., Commission and For JD warding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard street, ang24 James heavy, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for James Wallace's Celebrated Whiskies, Gins, Alcohol, Cologne Spirits, and New England Rum. No. 6 Stod dard'? Building. Bay street. Savannah. anW NA. Hardee 4k Cos., .COMMISSION A- FORWARDING MERCHANTS Establlsubd in 1636. Office No. 9 Stoddard's Row, anlC Savannah, Ga._ Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants' and Planters’ Bank. Building. anl6 MA. Cohen, • FORWARDING and COMMISS'N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos., 39 Bay at. "Dell, Wylly & Christian, AUCTION, GKN- Jj ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Hay attest. Savannah, Qa. AM. Scarbrough 4c Cos., Gsocest and Com s MISSION Mr.aruu.TS, 140 Congress and 67 St. Juiijuisls Highest market price* paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. Erwin 4 Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Win. H. Stark. Wholesale Grocer and Com mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Lin coiii aad Bay street. aug*2 WINES, LIQUOILsT &c. AIKUIILEH, NORTHEAST CORNER OF a Broughton and Jefferson streets. Sole Agent for the State of Georgia, for the sale ot Caliluruia W.nca and Brandy, ts E. Koethcke A Cos., WHOLESALE dealers In Groceries, 'Vines, Liquors aud Segars. Comer of Bay and Whuaher at*., Savannah, Ga. sep2-lm Israel R. Scaly At Cos., sou; AGENTS AND IMPORTEKS OP . Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Georgia. 207 Bay st., between harvard and Jefferson, au9 Savannah, Ga, Israel R. Scaly 4 Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, CORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay at., between Barnard and Jefferson JLatna, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Span • tan SiOAUS, Fbxnou Brandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tosacco of ail kinds. 191 Bay street. Savannah. Qa, DRY GOODS. John C. Maker <fc Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dealeb in DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac , Ac. Cor Cougrea* and Whitaker sta. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dlaleb in Staple and Fancy Dby Goods, fIC Unprece dented Low Trices. ONE PRICE ONLY. Presdee & Orff. DRY GOODS— Wholesale and Retvil. John HcConaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Samuel M. foederer. Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dev Qoodb, Boots and Shoes, Clothinc, Hats, Ac. 146 Congress street. GROCERIES, tfcc. C. K. Osgood, Store IS6 Congress and 35 St. 1 Julian streets. Savannah, Ga Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B.—The highest cash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, tildes 4c. septs O. X. Gragg & Cos., 102 Brysn street, Deal k3 ers in Fine GROCERIES and PROVISIONS Agents for Allen’s WAHOE BITTERS. Licensed Dealer In WINES and LIQUORS. aul9 SS. Miller, 157 Broughton etreet, has for sale, . cheap, Flour, Sugar, Syrup, Lemons, Hay, Oats, Corn, Cow P as, Pindars, Potatoes, Tnrulps, Onions and Cabbages, au9 MPerst 4 Cos.. »l.o.esale Dealer in Wines, Li ■ tiloas, Sxoabs, Fam vGkooeeies, Candies, Ac. a6a Congress street. AF. Mira, Wholesale and Retail Dealeb in • GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Coagras* st. Lane Congdon & Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Comer Whitaker and St. Julian sts„ Old Stand QfW. R. Symons. Hilton & Randell, WHOLESALE UROCERS, 193 Bav Stbkkt, sre constantly receiving per steamers from N. Yerk. the largest and most complete amtortment of GROCERIES iu this city. EP. Deyo, Dealeb in Choice Family Ohocsbies, • Wines, LiqvObs, Ac. Robert Balforc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 161 Bronghton street . BILLIARDS, &c. The “Live Oak,” corner of Drayton street and * Bay Lane. CHOICE WINES,' ALES and SEGARS at Retail. Dnnn A McMahon, Proprietors. anlb O’Toole A Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. Broughton st,, third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Br WALTER O'MEARA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Expreis Office. Union Shades, Txbence Ndoxst, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. «. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A. StiHM. Wholesale ami Retail. None but CHOICE \\ INKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. SCRIVENERY. John J. PnrtiUe, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court) will attend to all Writings and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon of Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. GAS FITTING, &c. T)lumbing and Gas Fitting, A Bv JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st„ One door We.t of Barsard. WH. Williams, Gas Fxttxx amd Plumssb, • and Dealer iu Tin Wake, House FuaNisutas Goons, Ac. 146 Broughton street. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers In Habdwabe and Tin Waxe. No. 169 and 161 Broughton street. TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER 91 Bryan st„ next to cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO. Ac. jt. KoetheclEO A Cos., J Importers of Genuine Havana Began, Corner Bay and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga sep2 lm ■ ■ Jacob Langsdorf A Cos., Wholesale Dealers in fine Havana and Domestic Segura, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, AC. 171 Bay street, be tween Whitaker and Barnard streets. au24 Iri Kolb. 1 • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lope*, Ssoajte, Toaaooo, 8m err, Vast, • Fancy Article*. Htatiohest, Ac. cor. Bull mud Broughton eta. F Constant, Imtoutkb or Doanno and Havana • S boars, Mekbsohavm Pites, Ao. Also, Wish, Cuaxr aonxs and other Liqnon. PRINTING, STATIONERY, Ac. Seville Leach, BOOKbELLBHS aHD STATIONERS Cor. Bryan eftetfrand Market Squere. M ar ““* , " >C ’ M S7fl^ r ’ ■ 3i Drayton street, Geo. N. Nichole, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER Bey »t., between Abercom and Drayton. E. j -b p isS . No. fi Whitaker street. So W ‘ HKtSiAwihaOTiMropnc*. No. ui Bay atrett. DIRECTORY -- CONTINUE^ OLOTHIKO, He A - Topham, 133 Coegma. nrmL XlT'' ra*h, and » Merchant*' How, Port Vnwai U«ler in Fine Keadj Made Clothing, OentJ FniLi* lug Good*, Uau and Capa, Ac. nt9 professional ' " Dr. X. 91. Sneed, DENTIST. ne»r Coortllo^ o^.^;^ WATCHES, JEWELRY. &1.. Fl>. Jordan, Dealer in Watch rs and • Sxlve* and PLATtD Wake FancvGoai^ 11 ”' OT Watches and Jewelry Repaired 6 129 Congreaa at,, oppoene the Pulaski R ou , HAIR DRESSING, &c. furniture. -rxennl* Palvey, FURNITTRE WAHKHor^ New Woek Made to Okdee. RenaWne iiangmg, Ac,, at short notice. 188^,0%,^ CHINA WARE, &c. e. "■ s.racS Broughton strait. 2d from corns p.v _ ARCHITECTURE, &c. - Blance, Master Carpenter, il,. and Draughtsman, wilt attend toall rviu? 1 ? 0 ineas in the above branche*. gjr Office No^tin 1 * Street, next to Stoddard’* Range. ' °' DRUGGISTS. " M. Walsh. “ • W BOLES ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST aul4 Southeast cor, 'Samara and Broughton New Drug Haase, ’ " ~ Corner Congress and Barnard st* JACOB iuPPMAM, late Kino i Waring Ttioma* Ale Turner, o DUUGOIST, Sootnwes cor. Barnard and Bronghton gt* 1 A. Solomon* & Cos., “ • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS tW Orders executed accnrateiv and with despaui BOOTS AND SHOES. ~ A TOM j^L?iA ab ! >d /’./ ot>bera •“ Men's, Wumeu. and Childrens Calf, Serge and Kid BoOis ans SHOES, of alt kinds and qualities. M 1M Congress tL, 4th door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nichols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE ___ ll» Broughton st., 2d door trom Bulb CONFECTIONERY. JK. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—Y uoLtSALE and Retail KANrr AOTT'KTK OP SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINIS CONFECTIONER! OP ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. M Fitzgerald, * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY a«d RASPBERRY syrups, candies, sic., ac., W In any quantities, to suit Pui chasers, ft WHITAKER STBEfcT. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading 4 Cos., e PHOTOGRAPHERS. Cor. Whitaker and Bt. Julian tti Wilson’* Photographic Gallery, South-east cozNick Baucomton and Wuiim Sn ALL aJLNDS OF PICTUKtb KNOWN 9 0 THE AE —^■affair l .Fmw* PAINTS, OILS, &c. John Oliver, House sad sign Paiater. Deale in Paints, Oil*. Glass, 4c. No. 11 Whitest street. augti tl'homa* W. Shea, * HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER: Dealer in Paints, Oils. 4c. St. Julian street, ok stand of Jno. G. Pnlligunt. aul9 SUP A WATER. John Ryan, BotUer of SODA WATER, POBTEI and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, 4c. Cor. Bay and West Broad strati PRY GOODS AMD CEOTHIMO. Carhart, Whitford & Cos., Itlanufactarers and Wholesale Dealen li READY MADE CLOTHINC, 331 and 333 Bsoadwat. ook. Woeth Stbeet, NEW YORK. T. F. Cabhaet, 1 Henbv Shapes, Wm. H. WarrroßD, | A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van Wasexen. Office of Payan 4 Carhart in liquidation. jy6 3m STEELE &BURBMK, It Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. C* CALL the attention of Wholesale and "Retail pit: chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, ~ AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goode, Jewelry, and Plate Ware, Swords, Sashes, Belt*. Embroideries, Boole, Cap Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. Ac., 4c., 4c. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1860 A WONDERFUL invention for ladies. Unaueetioi- Ably superior to fell others. Don't fail to read the advertisement in the Herald containing foil particulars every Saturdij A. T. CUNNINGHAM. D. O. FT Ml CUNNINGHAM & PURfcE Factors, forwarding and coMMissor MERCHANTS. No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stem Bay stieet. Savannah. Ga. References—Robt. Habersham A lone, Hunter 1 Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A 00. Erwin A Hardee, Clagborn A Cunnimham. aep4 3m COPABTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into Cos pvt nership to carry on Stevadoragc, Dfeysge, age and Commission business, under the name of 1 J. Dickerson A co. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low! Cos. H. J. DICKERSON T. A. GOOOWIN. N. B. BROWN. Savannah. Ga.. August 21,1566, antl-la Warren’s Celebrated Needles and fid Hooks. ANDREW CLERK * CO., 4S MAIDEN LANE, NEW YOKE, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OUR former cnstoiqera will find a reduction la go> ■ prices of the Needles, while the quality is «.*;■’ ■ kept up to the highest standard known to Ecji> ■ manufacturers. ■ A. C. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of uj I mercantile relations so long aud favorably esteeu" 1 ■ by their house. au2s 3m__ ■ Real Estate for Sale* I BUILDING LOT suitable for Retail Stores or W«ff M house, corner Broughton and Montgomc 5 1 streets. Terms cash, 9 Eligible Lot, southeast corner of Whitaker a>‘ | Goraon streets. Term., cash- Garden Lot No 8 Gaston Ward, 169x60; has 1 small houses. Price low for ca.h, eepl4-lw HENRY BBYi?L 1 EXCHANGE! SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK For Sale by fpis' BRIGHAM, BALDWIN' A R. H. ALLEN & to., ISO & lOi WATER SI NEW YORK. AGRMMIf IMPLEMENTS AND MASHIIIIRV OF ALL «I>M, . , Small Tools far the Fai m and Garden, such as SftUe Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, AC., and/or Ora* Hooks, Scythes. Scvih-S ones, and J/rteul ferxti Hardware in gtnsral _ . We offer, also, a large assortment of our own ® ,: ‘; facturs of Hay Cutter*, CoSes and Grata Mill". Sop Mills for Grocers' use. Store Trucks of various I*' terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Ac. .. FertiUlaers of all Jtinde, such »a O.e’s Superpt* phate ol Lime, pure Gronnd Bone, Peruvian Outt» and Poudrelte, SEEDS. . , Every valuable American and Foreign variety “ Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grata has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and Ml*-* j