Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 21, 1865, Image 3

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L OCAL Mi TTERB. Departure of Steamship* and Sir «nirn. FOR VETV TOM steams'nip Varans. Thuredar, September 21st. at _ O'clock <teara;hlp Nevada, Saturday, September 2nd, at tYlock. steamship I‘crit, Friday, September 22d, at 7>j siieamslup Nevada, Saturday, September 23d, at jo o’clock. -teamsmp Nightingale, Saturday, September 23d, 11 o'clock. FOB miLAPELPHIA steamship Minetonka, Friday, September 22d at PV4 o'clock. FOR DOCTORTOW.V steamer Wm. O. Gibbons, every Tuesday morning pro o'clock. 81 * FOR FLORID*. Steamer Fountain, every Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. t Subscriber” ought to be aware that our rules require that the names of correspondents he ram isueJ to the editor to secure the publication of com munications. Oar Advertisement and Letter Box. Fersons sending advertisements or letters to the Herald, after seven o’clock, will find a letter box in the door of our Counting Room. All advertisements trom responsible parties, deposited in the letter box belore eleven o'clock, will appear on the following morning. From New York.—We are Indebted to Purser Car penter. of the steamship Nevada, from New York, for late papers. New York Weekly News.—Attention Is Invited to the advertisement of the New York Weekly News, In an ther column. Those who desire an able, reliable att comprehensive newspaper from New Tork, will Uni the News ail that they desire. iUREET Hoots.—By reference to General Order N 0 .31, published In another column, It will be 3een th .t the Market hours have beeu changed as follows; Open dally at 4 o’clock, a. m., to 11, a. m., except Sundays, and on Saturdays from 4 to 7 o’clock In the veiling. ' On account of the inclement and threatening weather, the steamer Perit, for new York, and the jiinnetomKa, for Philadelphia, did not leave port yes terday. They both leave to-morrow, Friday. See advertisement. Ice.—We take pleasure lu calling the attention of consumers to the advertisement of Messrs. F. L. due 4 Cos., lu another column, announcing that they ere prepared to furnish Ice at one and a half cents per pound. Messrs. Gue & Cos. deserves the patron age of the public for bringing this Indispensable luxu ry within the reach of all. Recovery.—The numerous friends of Mr. Barlotu rutino, who was recently cut in the back near the market, will be pleased to learn that his Surgeon, lh-. J. B. Read, considers him out of danger. Mr. t'utluowaa yesterday, when one of our reporters < ailed on him, quite lively. About Monday next his mends may expect to see him on the streets. Oglethorpe Fire Company No. 1., of the City of Savannah. To the interest of Insurance Companies aud the security of our citizens In case of fire, it will lie seen by the judication of L‘.eut.Col.M.T.Holbrook, Provost Marshal, District of Savannah, that he has restored m the old and new chartered members of Oglethorpe to? 00. No. 1, their Rodgers' double decked engine, hose carriage, and the furniture of the Company. The decision of Judge Holbrook Is as follows : ■ln the matter of Oglethorpe Fire Cos. No. 1, It ap- pearing tc the court upon the memorial of the Ogle thorpe Fire Cos., No. 1. that they have been newly chartered for fourteen years, and are ready and willing for duty, and that they are kept from their engine, hose carriage and furniture under some pretended claim by Samuel S. Miller. And It ap pealing tnat said engine is In working order, and that Is all Important that It should be placed In the hands of proper persons for the protection of the property of the City of Savannah. And It appearing riiat Connell has granted and recognized the present newly chartered Oglethorpe Fire Company No. 1, all the privlHges and rights of the old Oglethorpe Fire Company and have confirmed tho "Ulcers of the same as ex-officio members of the Savannah Fire Department In the year 1862. And It further appearing that the present organ • Ization have in all things carried out and complied m the Act of Incorporation. And it further appearing that there Is no just or good cause whatsoever why the present Oglethorpe Fire Company should be kept out of their Engine, Hose Carriage at so Important time as the present. It Is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the Chief -Firemaa,Christopher C. Casey, Esq . be and is hereby commanded to deliver immediately to Henry F. Wll ilnk, Jr., Esq., President, of Oglethorpe Fire Cos. No. l, the Engine. Hose Carriage and such other prop erty as he may have In his possession. Aud that the said Henry F. WilUuk, Jr., Engine, President, within five days after the re ceipt of said Engine, Hose Carrlgc aud such other property, be required to report for duty to Chief Fire man, c. C. Casey, subject to the rules and regulations ol the Savannah Fire Department. And it Is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that Samuel 8. Miller be, and is lierqby commanded to deliver immediately all the lamps, furniture, fix tures, books and papers belonging to said Oglethorpe Fire Comprny, to Ileury F- Willlnk, Jr., President. It Is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that upon the failure of said Chief Fireman, Christopher C. Casey, Esq., or of Samuel 9. Mililer, to comply fully with this order, that they be brought up and dealt fully with for contempt of court. And It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that nothing hereincontained shall be so construed as to prevent Samuel 9. Miller or other party from bringing any action upon the resumption of the Civil Authority for any Interest or claim they may have in said Oglethorpe Fire Company. THE COCiITS. ; N OrriCE PROVOST .mar-kai , SUS-DiVLUON of THE OOEECnEE— DEroRE C-JIT SAM’L COWDRY, PROVOST .marshal. Savannah, Sept, 10, 1865. C. 9. vs. Sarah Williams—Stealing—Plea, guilty. Toe prisoner was ordered to be confined In th e coun ty jail for three months. C. 3, vs. Joseph Rochford—Drunkenness—Plea, guilty: Fined $lO. r. S. vs. James Roberts—Stealing yaiu—Plea, guil ty. Sentenced to confinement In the city guard house, subject to orders of Capt. Jno. F. McGuire and Provost Marshal. F 8. vs. Saviile A Leach—Violation of General Or ders Nos. 26 and 29, by not paying taxes of one per vent on sales. Fined to. U- 9- VS. John Murray—Same OiTcnce. Findcd James G. Patterson, Agent for the estate of James Potter vs. Wm. H. Weeks. On motion of Levi 9. .Russell, Esq., Attorney, It Is ordered that the case lie dismissed. United States vs. Joseph Bryan—Abusing a negro, riea, not guilty. Pined United States vs. M. iieytagh—Violating General Orde/3 Nos. 28 and 2J, by not paying tire tax oi one per cent, on sales. Fined |no. United States vs. c. Mahoney—Violating Ceneral Orders NoS. 28 anti S9, byilot'piying tares of one per cent, on sales. Fined United States vs. Mrs. Morrison—Violating General Orders Nos 26 and 29, by not paying taxes of one per cent. Fined $5. United States vs. J. J. McMcMahon—Xlolatlng Gen eral Orders Nos. 28 and 29, by not paying tax of one per cent, on sales. Fined $ to. United States vs-. Mary A. Eagan-Violatlng Gener al Orders Nos. 28 and 29, by not paying the tax of one per cent. Fined $lO. United States vs. Mis. Walker-Violating General Orders Nos.-2« and 29, by aol paying the tax of one per cent. Fined Jio. United States vs. J. Blackwood-Vtolattag General Orders Nos. 28 and 29, by not paying the tax of one percent. Fined $lO. United States va McMahon A Co—violating General Orders Nos. 26 and 29, by not paying the tax of one per cent. Fined $lO, United States vs. Jolra McConaghy—Violating Gen eral Orders Nos. 28 and 29, by not paying the tax of one per cent on sales. Fined *io. United States va. Eliza Grumbles—Assault with in tent to murder, with a knife. It was, after a careful examination of witnesses ordered that the said Eliza Grumbles be fined SIOO, or be confined In the county Jail six months The defendant failing to pay the fine was committed to Jail. oof- *. r. ■OLmoMW ooear. BAVARNAB, Sept. 20, into. Uaac vtiltberger v*. theeeeman A Marshall. On the hearing of the evidence In the above case. It Is ordered that the said Ghceseman A Mamhall pay to said Isaac Wlltberger, or his Attorney, the sum of $250 for the rent of the Ice House on Drayton street. In the city of Savannah, known as "WUtherger's lee House," from May 25. lS«i to SepL 25, 1865. lesa the amount of $149 40, allowed the said Cheeseman A Marshall for repairs done by them on said premises. And It Is further ordered that said Cheeseman A Marshall pay to said Isaac Wlltberger. or his Attor ney, rent for said Ice House from the 2ith day of Sep tember, 1865, to the Ist day of January, 1866, at the rate of SI,OOO per annum, payment to be monthly on the last day of each month. Mary Johnson and Sarah Bashler, vs. Edward Car ter (colored! and A. G. Whittle—Recovery of a cer tain stall and stand In the market of Savannah. It appearing from the evidence adduced,that the com plainants vacated the stall claimed by them, on or about the 2lst day of December, 1864, and that de fendants came In possession; thereof by assignment by the military authorities, and that they have paid rents for the same. It is ordered that the possession of the stall remain with the defendant. John School vs. A. G. Whittle—lllegally retaining possession of a stall In the market of Savannah. Thp nature of this case resembling the foregoing, and the evidence being embraced in the investigation or the other case. Judgment Is ordered In favor of defen dant. plaintiff paying costs of suit. J. F. Skipper vs. Rosser.—Recovery of a buggy. It appearing from the statement under oath, that the defendant was regularly summoned to appear and answer tn the premises, and has failed so to do, In contempt of tlUs court, aud It being sufficiently es tablished that the property In his possession Is plaintiff’s ; On motion of plaintiff's attorney. It ts ordered that the defendant deliver the buggy to complainant, orpay to him the sum of SSO, being the value thereof. And It is further ordered that de fendant pay the costs of suit and such other ex pense as may be accrued in bringing the buggy from Mclntosh county, and upon failure to comply with the above order that he be arrested and kept In custody until the same Is complied with. Henry F. Willlnk, Sr., vs. Isaac Brown (colored.)— It appearing Itom the evidence that the defendant has had legal and sufficient notice to vacate the premises occupied by him: It Is ordered that he va cate the same within five days from this date, and upon failure so to do, that he be forcibly ejected therefrom by the Provost Marshal of the Sub-District of the Ogeechee. Shipping Intolligence. Minature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 5 47|Moon rises 6 56 Sun sets 6 o|Htgh water 8 20 POUT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Wednesday, SepL 20, 1865. Steamship Nevada, Carpenter, New York—Hunter A Gammell. Steamship Nightingale, Breaker. New Y'ork—John R Wilder. Steamer Volunteer, Duunel, Augusta. Consignees. Per Steamship Nevada, from New York—S S Wyley, Molter A West, R E Graves A Cos. Lovell A Lattlmore, Hess A Gutman, Stewart A Cos, T IV Corney, A M, Cohen A Bro, Catncr A Sllvcrhill, J N Lewis, M Lavln, Heldt A Ludlow, Kerllu A Burke, H B Waugh A Cos, W Wolfe, A I. Bradley, I) Finegan, A Dovle, steamer Resolute, C Slager, J K Seely A Cos, J Kahn A Cos, F 11 Straas, 8 In a diamond, E E H, U H Johnson, W T Swift, J H Dumond, W H Stark, Mrs Meyers, steamer C T Shepard, M 8 Myers, L J GnilmarUn A Cos, C L Gilbert, CraHe. Johnson A GrayblU, Blun A Meyer, Lllienthal A Kohu, Dewitt A Morgan, John McMahon, W G Robinson, J 1, Romllat, Halsey, Watson A Cos. Mrs Prentice, Mrr S Pease, Thomas Pepper, Duncan A Johnson, J C Schreiner A Son, s Farrelly, H Gow dy, J Epstein A Bro, Bothwell A Whitehead, Claghorn A Cunningham. S H Eckuian, B Strauss, R T Burch, G Mehrtens, M Beytagh, II Rascover, A Leffler, A A Solomons A Cos. Hunter A Gammell, Weed A Corn well, A J Miller, J R Norton, N A Hardee A Cos, P Skehan, Guckenhelmer A Sellg. H M Davidson, R O Byrue, Erwin A Hardee. B F Einstein, S B Robbins, E D Smnhe, J Padberry, D R Wright A Cos, H W Reuse, T Von Kamp, George Welbrook. A Stamm, J E Hayes, Ames A Peabody, Gaden A Cnckles, M New mark", H G Ruwe A Cos, U C Mehrtens, C K Osgood, M Furst A Cos, J M, Brady, Smith A Cos, J Llppman, Kein A Cos, Charles White, E P Turrlson, E Enrlich, C Cohen, tv U May A Cos, G A Hudson. Per Steamship Nightingale, from New Y'ork—G W Allen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, W H Stark, HathevlUe A Whitehead, J T Thomas A CO, Hunt A Lucklow, F HUey, J R Riley, J Leavy, Brady A Smith, J K Wilder, i:uej Wnltney A Cos, M Furst A Cos, W Fowler. Bell, Wvlly A Ctuisian, Crane, Johnson A GrayblU, J L Vlilaionga, Kelu A Cos. A Qomm. W A G Kobidson, Tvson A Gordon, A A Solomons, W H May, W H W A Cos, Blun A Mever, J Meyer, Erwin A Hardee, A H Powell, J S Cohen, Mrs M B Hassett, J L Gannon, G K Barker, 31 Lllienthal, Lllienthal A Holm, L J Uutl ■ Llppman, Adams Express Cos, H A A Cos, J Nichol son, E E Hertz, L Levi, Lovelt A Lattlmore, M Hill A Cos, B G TUden, T M Myrrell, H Meinhard A Bro, Gil bert Butler, B Maltou A co. Llntou A Doughty B M Neely, o Owens, A Williams, C B Rogers, S A J Gant ner, W A Beard, J G Whitedeld, Corner A Sllvcrhill, J T Howland, Einstein A Eckermau, J Sullivan, H W Kobmsou, J W Bacon, Liven A Meyer, M S Meyer, T -VI Turner, J M’Matiou, W A Daniels, J W Coouev, JI. Komllut, T Pepper, D Falvej-, Uuntet A Gammell, S M Prentice, Junes A Way, Dzyaliusk A Slager, S H Eektnau, E p Deyo, G Fried. Per Steamer Volunteer, from Augnstn—R Haber sham A Sons, J J O’Falloii, and order. Passenger*. Per Steamship Nevada, from New Tork—W C Ken nedy, sou aud Daughter, J C Maker, F S llaaloch, R s freeman, H Weil, u W Ayuiar, ueorge H Adams, James Kerr, Thomas Kerr, James U Boyd, wife and child, J Fodbury, wife and child, H F Dutton and wile, W Middleton, lssac Lewis, A Freedenborg, L Whitehead, A V Laitoche, M Cranston, Mr O bowed, Mr Parsons, Dr T G Jenkins, TUomas GiUiooiv, John D Nichols, F 0, Barrett, Miss Martha Harlan, Mrs Sa rah Preutiee, Mrs Hettilch—steerage, 16. Per Steamship Nightingale, from New Y'ork—E B Chlpman, M Duggan, T tv Topham, Mr Dayton, O R Barker, K Keyuoids, K Sterch, R Herscuneld, T A Potter, T B Jenkins, E Heidt. T Somekalt, M Gordon and lady, Lt C Wuiutuis aud lady, John Duggan. D W Topunm, A H Powell, J H Valentine, lady and child, M Kubinsou, E J Potter, W B Carperson, G T Dortlc pu l la ly, tv li Beers. I* A Stratton, W G Robinson— -13 steerage. * , Imports. Per Steamer Volunteer, from Augusta—mo bales Upland cotton, 40 do domestics. I.IST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. v Savannah, Sept. 20,1865. STEAMSHjrS. Pent, DcUanoy—dischardlng, loot of Abercorn st. —lluuter A uommell. Constitution, Ureenman, dlscg, foot of Lincoln st— BrigUaib, Baldwin A Cos. Varuna, Whitehurst, discharging at the wharf east of Central Cotton press—John it Wilder. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, discharging ballast at Sayles wharf, Hutchisons Island—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. BRIO?. Brig Aurora, (Br.) , from Halifax, N 9, 378 tons —discharging toot of Drayton stree—F L Gue A Cos. Fanny, Crooker, Philadelphia—foot of Gas House Hill—Hunter A Gammell. Imogene, Saunders, 450, loading, Philadelphia, Union Ferry Wharf—L 3 Uuilmartln A Cos. Burchard A Torrey, Hasklll, dlscg, Iron Steamboat Co's wharf—Cheeseman A Marshall. Regetta, Stanley, walling, Dry Dock wharf, Hut chison's Island—Jos Lippman. BAKES. Iddo Kimball, Goslln, 026, loading for New York, t entral Cotton Press—C L Colby A Cos. SCHOONERS. Sarah Mills, 103 tons, Jfrom New York—loading— Neiv York—Kwli, Koetchke A Cos. Lottie Kolts (3 masted) Endlcott, dtse’g., Machine Shop, Eastern Wharves. B L Sherman, (3 masted) in distress. Schr Wm E Stevenson. Threadcrait, 40, waiting, at dock foot of Barnard street—Master. Alice Flora, (Bn Knowles, from Nassau—watting at Lower Klee Mill—Bell, Wyily k Christian. Mary Ann Emma. Cousins, 160, dtacg, Iron Steam boat Co’s wharf—Haywood, Gage k Co.- SLOOPS. Brig Regatta, Stanley—w»lUng—Jos Lippman. Br Sloop Sylvia, Brown, from Bermuda—load ing at wharf foot of Barnard street. FOB SALE. i ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE. •“J 100 Goebitn do do 10 bbls. Lard. 10 Jrkina Lard. 10 tab* do MILLER, THOMAS A CO, »opl9 ts cor. Bay and Drayton-at. Garden Lot for Sale. 27.{gjg gi&na.'aaja ks bUeolaff Hoad, with land* of timer on u»c ®®vth. Carmthevs eaat, and StUaTsouth. Price S6OO. sw plat at my ofßca. •eplS lw HENRY BRYAN SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening [SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT Mo. 11l BAT BTXLQUT, FT S. W. MASON & CO. THE MM OF THE PFBLISHEBS 19 TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great importance aa enterprise in procuring information. The Htiuld Staff embraces a LARGE CORPS OF EDITORS AlfD REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known as connected with the Soothers Press, lt also has Special Correspondents at AJU Prominent Points, Who are instructed to spare no expense In procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping Intelligence. Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, As ont of Its province at present, the Humid strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true Interests of the re united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to disease all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have but little weight THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miacellaneohs Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Scientillie and Commercial enb Jeets, ao that in all respects It is a desirable Journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Hium will be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY SC. ONE WEEK 30c. ONE MONTH $ I 00 ONE Y'ISAR 10 00 PER HUNDRED 360 EXTRAS Are Iwned whenever intelligence is received at ftnfl dent importance to warrant it. ADVERTISING TERMS i Two Dollars per square, (occupying a space of tea lines nonpsrellj for the first insertion, and $1 per eqnare for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be mode on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Herald is !.« |l Lullnf (1 ORIVALtED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I ‘ s Having a large circulation In the city, and throughout the State, In Florida, Sooth Carolina, the 6 rry r 8o»th Atlantic Squadron «jgt rfe North, drcnlatlxg more or lcaa ’ IN EVERT STATE OF TEE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may he sent by mall or exp re* to 8. W. MASON & CO., . PUBLISHERS. No 111 Bay,-Street, Savannah, On SPECIAL. NOTICKS. BATOBS&OAT HAUL STS 1 The Original and Beet In the World t The only true sod perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and laetan tmneons. Produces immediate y a splendid Black or natural Brown, wit hunt injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dye* Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OP MILLRFLKCRS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. Nxw Y'ork WANTED. Wanted, df.J ,*7 A DAY I Agents wanted to sell anew and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheep one deensed. Addrese SHAW A CLARK. Bld deford, Maine. sepl4 dAw3m Wanted Immediately, FOR CASH, all the Bags, Old Bagging, And Waste Paper In the dtv- WARREN A FLATNER, aeptlS ts 210 Bay-st. Wanted, SQA A MONTH 1 Agents wanted wanted for «'r •To'' entirely nni articled lust ont. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Blddeford. Maine. sep!s d*w3m WANTED TO PURCHASE, OR KEEP FOR HIS FEED, a good Horse that will work la single harness. Must be gentle Apply to tseps 'N. A. HARDEE A CO. TO RENT. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf , ROOMS TO LET, ■iA-t Hilton Bead, S. 0., THE Palmetto Ifrrald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offers large aud airy rooms, suita ble for Sleeping Apartments or busluess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ises, corner of Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, from 4 o’clock to 0 o’clock p. m jn22 LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOB. MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlaadt Street, Mew Tort, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, Bridge, Car, Slug or Baud Hoot AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAO SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND BQHARE WASHERS, Turnbuckles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, Sen. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS' STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, nEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ao.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ao. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY. LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. eepts ts BOARD I PERMANENT or Transient Board can be obtained In Broughton st., one door west Marshall House, formerly known aa Florida House. sep!9 6t THE JONES' STREET Select School ! TAUGHT by Mrs. S. 9. FUDGE, on the Northeast comer of Jones .ar.d Barnard streets, will lie re optned on Friday, September 29th. The course for the Senior Department, embraces all the English branches, togeth-r with French and Drawing. In the Jnnlor Department are taught Reading, Wrl tlug. Orthography, and Elementary Ueorgrapfay, Arithmetic, and .National Philosophy. The Infant Department, Is taught Orally, ou the Eu ropean System, a method peculiarly adapted to the rapid Improvement of children from three to seven years of age. Trims rta sasion or mini Moms* Senior Department S6O. Junior " *O. Infant " 85. French and Drawing, each 25. Fuel 2. Terms strictly cash, payable quarterly in advance. aeptlC-*aw2w SOUTH ESN Exporting and Importing THIS association I* pi epared to make advances in cnrrency Os Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Suaw, Umber, «c . to thaiy agent in Liver- solicited for goods from merchant* and plan ten. The itricteat attention wilhbe paid to all orders S&res being aalafted. make no ebargo for forwarding either wayand vrtß tarnish drenlhr of details. Ts B. F. FLOk D, President Jacksonville, Fla. Aotmar—E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England: H. E. Screven, CkarWmoe. A ft; Henry Bryan. Savannah, G* , Smos «ep!B AUCTION SALES. Bell, Wylly A Christian Will sell at Pnrate Sale. 25 .hare* C R. R Stock 30share. 9. W.R. R. stock 50 shares A. A U. R. R. Stock. oop 121-2 By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Steam Engines, Boiler, and Shafting. AT PRIVATE NALE. We are offering for a few days TW O STEAM EN GINES. each cylinder being twelve inches In diameter and three feet stroke, with force pumps and shafting : together with large flue boiler capable of generating steam for both engines. All of which is Tn perfect order and may be nought cheap if applied for imme dUtely. septSl-4 bell, wylly a ghsistian Will sell at private sale. 100 bale* N. R Hay HO *acks Oats 5 hhds brown Sugar 10 bbls Coffee, B Sugar 50 boxes March. 60 boxes Candles. 50 boxes Fancy soap. 20 dozen Buckets. 20 do Brooms. 10 do Cocoa Dippers, 100 Reams IVrapping Paper, 10i* do Letter Paper 40 sacks Salt. ls» casks Canvassed Hams 20 do Bacon Sides 2o do do Shoulders 50 boxes Black Tea. 6 bales Dundee Bagging. 200 sacks White Corn 60 kitfa Mackerel 25 half bbls Mackerel 4 eep!9 YorK ' \ i J R Molntibx. M. E. Williams, f \ p # h. Warp. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS . BAY STREET, SA.VjYIsrN'jY.H:, OA . CONSIGNMENTS OF 80TT0N ANO LUMSER SOLICITED. Rcforencea In Bavannah-Brigham, Baldwin A Cos.: Erwin A Harden, Gaden A Uncklca, Isaac D La ~Ksq ; „ Hir ? m Roberta, Ken.; Wylly Wood bridge. Eaq.; Hunter A Gammell; L C. Noryell A Reference* In New York-Messra, Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.; D. H, Baldwin A Cos. an2C-codlni STATIONERY, AC. EST3 1.1.'S Newspaper Depot, ANI» STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Comer of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. CTXTVCr NOVELS. Juet Rereived at the above Depot a further supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 50 cents. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 50 cents. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE by the author of John Halifax, Gentleman. Price 76 centa. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cent*. *1,50 HARPER’S MONTHLY', GODEY'S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for September. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, AUg3O CATHOLIC BOOKS. KEY OF HEAVEN, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, WAY TO HEAVEN, GATE OF HEAVEN, FLOWERS OF PARADISE, POCKET MANUAL. For sale by Saviile & Leach, Timber Cutters' Bank. eepe-tf Cor. Bryan etrecl and Market Square. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Youths' Pictorial Library, Maria Edeworth's Early Lesson*, Tales and Stories Worth Telling, Little Frankie Stories, Young People’s library. Salt Water Tales, Uncle Sam'A Library, The Robin Neet Stones, * „„, Leila Books, Boqueta for Children, • Mount Vernon Juveniles, Six Pleasant Companions, Merry Tales and Stories for Young Folks, The Juvenile Library, The Jewel Case, Ssa and Land Stories, The Dog Crusoe’s Stories, Molly and Kitty's Juveniles. Saviile A Leach, *ep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. BOOK S 7 THE POETS IN BLUE AND BOLD. Hood, , ~ Burn*, - M <W”, ,te Bpm. ~i i{i Milton, Goldsmith, Wordneortb, Coleridge, Uatnpbel], Osslan, Hemana. Pope, Scott, Cmbhe. | uowper. Saviile A Leach, sep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES —AT TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. sng24 ts ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 25S BOWERY, NEW YORK, ANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders' and ITA Locksmiths' Hardware. Nails Fullies, Cord. Rim Looks and Knobs, Bntt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Goog Bells, Wire, Silrer-Plating, 4c All order*. large or ainall, famished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prises. srpl9 Cm HEADQ’BS. SUB-DIST. OFOGEECHEEif Savannah, Qa., Sept. 16, 1865. y (Circular.) Any soldier or citizen, at ibis port fonnd watering auy animal or animals “ witbin tbirtv feet ot any public pump (except un der the bluff) shall he arrested and fined not less than thirty dollars ($30,) and on failing to pay the fine imposed, will "be imprisoned in the city Jail of Savannah- By command of u, . 7 * Brv’t Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN Bow’d A. Parkinson, Ctopt. and Street Commissioner Cl sept!B ■Hippiaro. x [M FREIGHT OB CHIRTFR T‘ “Un* brig MARY COBB. 285 ton. bur then. .W bM*. capacity, will receive freight ..rcher ter on reasonable term*, rot particulars, enquire ol WM. CANTWALL. Agvit, sepl 1 ts Box 79, Hilton Ilrad. A.tli ifftlcCoast l>r nil Mr on ni ,*hip Company. FOR NEW YORK, /CVp-J lEr" First Claes Steamship VARU- J'd t < NA, WuiTviii kßt. Commander, will ■. -TYIU.ri V. r positively sail on ber regular dav. r3sw!tt» NL.THURSDAY, the 21at lust, at 9 o'clock >. mi. . For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, ajrply to JOHN R. WILDER. Ship's BUIe of Lading famished and signed at the office of Consignee. »epl 5 FOR NEW YORK STAB Mte LINE. SEMI-WEEKLY. The first elasa U. S. Mail Steamships * Capt. Cabpintzb. * ii 1 !??, 0 J iTATE3 ' - Capt. Sn*«*. AM fa.ltU A, .... Cant. Cult CONSTITUTION, ... Capt The above ship* compose the Line, and will Mil frtffnNew Tork and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* CO, Agents, * Savannah, Ga, WAKEMAN, GOOKIN * DICKINSON, Agents, - 'I Broadway, New York. For Liverpool. 4* American Ship N KW ENGLAND. jJOgv Hodge, Maater, having a large portion of -JSBEyhcr enrgo engaged will M ready to receive cargo at Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th For freight or passage apply to Sepl4-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN * CO MERCHANTS’ LINE ■ Vessels. THE nnderelgned intend to keep up a regular week ly Une of first class SaUing tween Savannah and the above port, with superior accommodations for paasengera and the very beat fa duties for deUvering freight In good order, at low ratca, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention jlven to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY * CO., 81,18 cor. Bay and Abercorn street*. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. T H S Branght Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. Phil pot. win leave Dillon’s Wharf, on Tuesday morning, 22d Inet., at 9 o'clock, and will ply regularly between Savannah and Doctortown, in connection with the Road, lenving as follows • SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. „ . ~ DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. Freight rccelnted for through to any point on Rail road between Doctortown and Thomasvillc Freight* payable here. __ ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT] «ug2l-lm Agent on Wharf. FREIG HTWRIITOTI RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwarded Semi-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. JeatfSOM. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt- Epwaro Hiiier Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharl we are prepared to receive freight us above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. r ERWIN * HARDEE , JOHN L ROUMILLAT sepis lm Agent on Wharf. “UDOLPBO WOLF E," »» Bemver Street,New York. Offcrsforsaleof hie own Importation*, In bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wiuea, Liquor*, Ac., of any other bouse in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Henneey, Pinet Castlllon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarti-r.and eighth cask*: also Otard and Ronyer, Laferrelere and File Brandy, in cases of one dozen each. Udolpho Wolfe’* Schiedam in pipes, Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen q:i*rtaand two doaen pint*. “Whiskey and Ram.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, In hhdu. and case* of one dozen each. Bonrixm Whiskey In barrels and cases ol one dozen each. RTJM. “ Jamaica " and". St. Croix lhim " in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. .Madeira, Sherry and Part Wines. , More than twenty different grades, in halves, qnar ters and eighth casks, also In cases of one dozen each. “Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mnmm in Cologne, proprietor ol Joannisburgestate; J. H. D. Becker A Fils; Entire nancer, Bcneckc * Cos., Bordeaux Barton * Gneslin Bordeaux, and from other well known house* In Get many and France. Oil*, Coamais, S*Bnn™*, Birrias, Mcstaeu, Olives, Bxamdt, Csrsravxs, 4c. Twenty-five years' business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the aud inoet respectable dealers,ehonld be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser foreale is pure and genuine. Samples can be aeen, and catalogue of prices ob tamed, by addressing the above ftm.'B-iim BOOKS&STATiONERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, sep4-tf cor. Bryan streetand Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS! . »1» .. . 1 ' Spellers, Readers. Grammar*. Book-Keeping. Copy Books, Dictionaries. Saviile A. Leach, sep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market 3quarc. Merchants’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NETVV YORK, THE fine Clipper Bark IDA KEMBALL, Gossllng. A Maeter, wHI have quick despatch for the above port. Apply to sep6-tf CHA3. L. COLBY A CO, - JOHN S. SMS k CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac,, NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIB' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. Oho. a. saumis. TO. a. bawmii. cbas, a, uathes *«n . ts J. SHAFFER, In all loads of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ato PRODUCE. Wist Wasbinqtot, Market, Opposite 143 West at.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vetey ata., NEW YORK. Potato* Apple* and Onion* constantly on hand, and pat up for the Southern market All consignment* promptly attenked to. i W g zssl£s33^ A - H,ywood ' T - J ijM , eodly railroads. A. 8c G. B, U. wld' " e “ mer Gibbon*, and this Company rami "SMS? be dlsrontinnert WM DUNCAN. Act. Preet. A A <J. R. R, CO ERWIN & HARDEE, Agent* for Steamer. NO-HCE^ On and after Friday, the 29th inst. the Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS "ergM Route - Inst!: andTTKtiliflPy ll °° »- Dd >«tore the Nth will benrrniio tortown on or before the 28th hut wm he promptly removed, as heretofore sapl J 4 _ ERWIN A HARDER 1 , ‘ w Agent* for Steamer Central Railroad *J days exceptedj will 5 tejSffc? train fttan m., connecting with a line ofH«/b Au 2 QBta at la. , Station Central Railroad andu-? 11111 ? 8 between Angosu and Savannah RaiS-oS? Way “ esboTO on the «" Auguet. the J^sa> , Ss(B.ta!SL w '«‘ „ GEO. ■ W ADAhib, fiencr*! Superintended . G. W. SCATTEKGOOD, Bcp ~ Assistant Superintenden Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > j7t!h.fr4wss»aidagMg.L «*jpsas!»LsiissMsaifE recen ed on and after Saturday, the “tlth in«t All way freight to be prepaid. Br nrdc- cf GEO. W. ADAMS, ~ General Superintendent aue ° W. SCaTTKRGOOD, u Aeeiatant Superintendent. Atlantic & Gulf Railroad XTOTICE Is hereby given that an arrangement baa STEAMER WM. C. CIBBONS h „ U .i;° mpa, ? y -, b y Which Passenger* and Freight will he transported to and from Thomasville Mnrl 4.1 vannah and all intermediate points m,d S "' Goods ivit! be received at any time during the week at the r learner's Warehouse, on Di lon's Wharf *„,.„„ D .. 'VILLIAM DUNCAN,' Acting President Atlantic * Gulf Kailroad anoO. GASPER J. FULTON, Superhttendent. _ HOTELS. Sea Island Hotel OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20th, 1805^ .T. HIS . n , e ' T UobJ, Mtuated on the most desirablrt spot on the eastern bank of Hilton Head Island, at ford* a fine view or the Pier. Bav, Ocean, and anr ™“, n , andi “S Tlu; tttnciy la quite as pleasing and interesting In every respect, as the fatuous i aCC . c "’ p ” rt ’ E I - al!d >' “together as healthful a place to spend the summer months. It has a flno hard .moot h beach, seventeen miles lone. » mure clnirmiug drive than the celebrated Beach,ut. Nahant, Mas*., and as fine m-e bathing as nt that place or Cape May. « e Tho House has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandah* on three sides of nil the rtoriea; the fund ‘Jdo ,V n l ' r, i J '.L CW ’ ftnd lhc tables will be furnished with the best that can be procured here and in the Northern markets. Every effoi t will bo mode to ren sSf, the llrrtei all that the moat fastidious ran desire fn rcadltmss for gnest!; ttBathlDC h ° U ' ,C ' i Wi ]‘^ Port Roval House, HILTON HEAD, S C. IDDELL A J? UG O , PROPRiCTOaa x s amnar.l M r |C6a juS-tf ACADEMY Or STThNCENTItABL, Savannah, Georgia,. CONDUCTED BY TH HI SISTERS OF MERCY T ANARUS!1 E Pall T«rm of thia Institution will re-open on lsik; St ‘t >temoer lolh an< l dose on Febtuary 15th» and 1 commencc on dreary 15th ' r 9“ ls l l» r SesMon, including Board, tuiUon in English, It ashing, aud use of Bed and Bed- Tuition in Fiench ~ . do Music on Piano ... ” jo 00 do Music on Guitar 3 o no do Crayon, Drawing and Painting in Water Colors on 00 Tuition in Oriental Painting, per coarse 15 (Mi do Wax Fruit and Flowers... 20 00 do Embroidery 10 Oo ~ F ' ,r* apply to the .Superior ea« at the Institution. au2»-*awlm Mill RIVER MRIMBiL WORKS. GRirFTNG, BROTHER 4 CO., Profrixtobs, „ _65 Ann 00 COCBTI.ANI) Struct 8 w YORK, Manufacturers of Plows, narrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, *c. Every Implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers in Field end Garden Seed? Also, Agents fox Brace’* Concentrated Manure, Bone, 4c. t Send for circular. 3 m flftlLLOECirs LEJDtO., NSW TOILS. H A bmnda°of" ÜBtly 0 " hanrt ’ ,heir weU tnowu Drop Shot, Lend Pipe, Bock Shot, Sheet T.end and Bar Lead, Which they offer for Rate st the lowest market prices Cm™ For Sale Low. OAA KEGS CUT NAILS. dW jo do do. Spikes. .eoia j. MILLER, THOMAS 4 CO, septs mtw Cor, Bay ad Drayton sta. WESLEYAN Female College. TP**® Annual Session opens OCTO t 8b.R2d.18C5. Tllfc p acn j ty i 3 com piete. 'fba rates for the First Term, which ends December 31*t, are as follows: Hegular Tuition In College Classes S3O on Regular Tuition in Preparatory Class 22 oa French, (optional) 15 60 (optional), with use of instrument 33 ou Board, including Washing, Lights, and Fuel— 90 00 To be paid in advance, in cnrrency or its equivalent. J. M. BcNNBLL. President. Macon, Qa. au23-lawt6occ LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. rriHE anbacrlber, formerly of Savannah, and resident 1 at Bncbehear, Pierce county, Ga.. on the Atlan tic 4 Golf Kailrnad. willgiva his personal and undi vided attention to the sale and purchase of Lauds contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. As expeiienee In the land, lumber sad umber bun ness of twenty years In Georgia and. South Carolina, guarantees ample qtullficatlon. He '.fill bo repre sented in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, and in New Tor): br the Great Southern Land Agency, 71 Broad. way JOHN D. DEL ANNOY. Refers to any old resident In Savannah aeplS 9m