Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 22, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HEKALD. VOL. 1-NO. 212. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING! is rcßLuaxn hv a W. MASON A CO.. At U 1 Bat Stbixt, Savamkao, Gboboia. TIIHI: ___ Five Cents. Per Copy..-a $3 50. per Hundred ..*lO 00, per V ear A DVEBTie I No: IWI Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in • ° U nrn Dollar for each Fub&equent one. Ad '"“‘oenf inserted In the morning, will, if desired, m “he evening without extra charge. P .JOB PRINTING. In every style, neatly and promptly done. MASSACHUSETTS POLITICS* Sheeting of the Republicans in Con vention. SPEECH or SENATOR SUMNER. His Tirade Against the South and feriorlfi cation of the Negro. THECOURSETOBEPURSUED by the radicals in the NEXT CONGRESS FORE SHADOWED. THE president lectured and the determination manifested TO DEFEAT HIS POLICY. Worcesteb, September 14, 18G5. The Massachusetts Republican State Con vention assembled here to day and is largely attended. The Convention permaijtly organized by electing Charles Sumner president, and two vice presidents from each Congressional dis trict, and a large number from tbe State at largo. Among the latter is Major General Benjamin F. Butler. The several committees ou tesolutions, finance, &c., were appointed. SENATOR SUMNERS SPEECH. Senator Sumner, on taking the chair, de livered a long, prepared and printed speech, commencing at the very outset by denounc ing the policy of the administration, declar ing that tbe ship of State was drifting upon the lee shore, and that apologies or round about phrases were out ot place when danger threatens. The following are extracts from his speech : EMANCIPATION NOT COMPLETE SO LONG AS THE BLACK CODE EXISTS. When last I addressed my fellow citizens on public affairs, at the close of the late Presidential election, as we were about to vote for Abraham Liucoln and Andrew John son, I undertook to show the absolute iden tity between slavery and the rebellion, so that one could not end without the other. As I finished that address I said to ti lends near me, that it was ‘my last anti-slavery speech.’ X so thought at the time ; for I anticipated the speedy downfall of the rebellion, carry ing with it slavery. I was mistaken. Neither the rebellion nor slavery is yet ended. The rebellion has been disarmed : but that is all. Slavery has been abolished in name; but that is all. As there is still a quasi rebellion so is there still a quasi slavery. The work ot i- liberation is not yet completed. Nor can it l be completed. Nor can it be completed until the equal rights of every person once claimed as a slave are placed under the saleguard of hyeversible guarantees. It is not enough to strike down tbe master ; you must also lift uu-tiie slave. It is not enough to declare that slavery is abolished The whole black code which is the supplement of slavery, must give place to that equality before tue law which is ibe very essence ot liberty. It is an old principle of the common law, re cognized by all our courts, as announced by Lord Coke, that “where the law grantelh anything to any one, that also is gianted without which the thing itself cannot he. So also where A piece of laud is granted, which is shut in by the possessions ot the grautoi, a right of way is implied from common justice and the necessity of tbe Lntiiallis done in every particulai and beyond possi bility of question, it is in vain to say that emancipation has been secured. The good work is only half doue. It must he contmued to its assured consummation. He dwell to some extent on Russian emancipation, and then turned to the PU'l v OF MASSACHUSETTS. In asking that we shall do likewise, I fol low the plain suggestions of reason, whether we regard the interest of the lreedman or our own. But justice to the freedinan is now intimately linked with the national security'. Be just and the republic will be strong. Be just and you will erect a barrier against the rebellion. On this question Massachusetts has a duty to perform. Now, as m times past, her place is in the front, ion will not, i trust, be disturbed by criticism, even if it become invective. Throughout the long conflict with slavery and the earlier conflict with the mother country, Massachusetts has become accustomed to hard words, find, even at a more ancient day, as lar bacU in coloniel history as 1691, we find an ill tem pered critic, with a strange iumb e ot metaphors, crying out against our tatneis, “All the frame of heaven moves upon one axis, and the whole of New England interest seems designed to be loaden on one bottom and her particular motion to be concentric to the Massachusetts tropic. You know who are wont to trot after the hay horse. If others trot after the bay horse, it is simp ly because Massachusetts means always to keep on the right road, and, by unerring in stinct, knows the way. Error proceeds oftener from ignorance than from malice. Obviously, at this moment, the great Ulffl culty is that people do not see clearly what ought to be done. . From this he passed on to national secuii to, then gave an exposition according to the radical creed of NATIONAL FAITH. There is another object, kindred to securi -ty, or, perhaps, embraced in security ; and that is the national faith. This, too, must be placed beyoud cavil, or even “suspicion.” No nation cau be powerful enough to disre gard this sacred bond. Character, fame and prosperity itself are all dependent npon its observance. But the national faith is solemn ly engaged, first to the national freedmen, and secondly, to the national creditors. No undertaking can be more complete and in violable, because it constituted the considera tion for those services and supplies by which the life of the republic has been preserved. The national faith is pledged to the national freedmen, not only by the act of emancipa tion, which, in its very essence and from the very nature of the case, is a “warranty of title ” but also by the plain and posiiive promises of the proclamation, that “the executive government of the U nited States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the free dom of such persons.” Words could not be more binding, and the history of tMr intro duction testifies to their significance and efficacy. ‘ ’ 1 They were not in the original draft by Pre aident Lincoln, but were inserted at the sug gestion ol Mr. Seward, when the proclama tion was read to the Cabinet; acd there they stand without any limitation of place or time, binding this republic in its national character, through its Executive, including the military and naval authority, not only to recogDizc, but to maintain the freedom of the emancipated slave; and this is to be done, not in any special locality, but everywhere, and not tor a day or a year, but for all time. Our obliga tion to the national creditors is of the same validity, approved by successive acts of Con gress, ratified by tbe popular will, and fixed beyond recall by the actual enjoyment of those precious huits for which the debt was incurred. Repudiation of our bonds, whether to the national creditors or to tbe national treeumen would be a home and a crime ; and the national faith is irrevocably plighted to the two alike. Here is the proclamation and here is the Treasury note. Look at the signatures and look at the terms. Tbe former is signed by the President himself, Abraham Lincoln ; the latter is signed by an unknown clerk, whose name I cannot decipher. The former is stronger and more positive in its terms than tbe latter. Tbe Treasury note simply says that it is “ redeemable after a certain date,” and that “this debt is author ized by act of Congress. ” The binding terms ot the proclamation, which I have already read, are solemnly enforced by that memor able invocation at the close: “And upon this act, sincerely believed to beau act of justice warranted by tbe constititution upon military necessity, I invoke the consi derate judgment of mankind and tbe gracious favor of Almighty God,” Thus religion comes to confirm the pledge with sanctions of its own. That pledge is as enduring as the republicitself. Passing from this poiut he dwelt a short time on tbe dikes of Holland, dikes in general, the condition oft be rebel States —in which lie gave tiie position ot affairs just as the rebel armies were surrendering—and ignored re cent developments; charged tbe South with a determination to repudiate the national debt, accompanied with an argument against the assumption of the rebel debt. Then came a chapter on guarantees of all kinds, then laid down what may be termed the real creed of his radical Jacobin faction, under the head of WAVS TO OBTAIN GUARANTIES. He asserted that time is necessary. There •must be no precipitation. 'Hrae is the gent lest, but most powerful, revolutionist. Time is the surest reformer. Time is a peacema ker. Time is necessary to growth, and it is an element of change. For thirty years and more this wickedness was maturing. Who can say that the same time will not be need ed now to mature the conditions of perma nent peace ? Who can say that a generation must not elapse before these rebel communi ties have been so far changed as to become sate associates in a common government ? Plainly, this cannot be done at one. Wel lington exclaimed, “Would that night or Blucher had come!” Time alone was a sub stitute for a powerful ally. It was more through time than battle that La Vendee was changed into loyalty. Time, therefore, we must have. Through time all other guaran tees may be obtained ; but time itself is a guarantee. PRESENT EXCLUSION OF REBELS FROM POLITI CAL POWER. Meantime we must follow Congress in the present exclusion of all rebels from political power. They must not be voted for and they must not vote. On this principle I take my stand. Let them buy and sell, let them till tlse giound—and may they be industrious and successful. These things they may do; but they must not be admitted at once into the co-partnership ot our government. As well might tbe respectable Mr. Ketchum re instate his son at once in the firm which he lms betrayed, and invest him again with all the powers of co-partner. The father re ceived his son with parental affection, and forgave him, but he did not invite the crimi nal to resume his former desk in Wall street. And yet Edward Ketchum, who had robbed and forged on uu unprecedented scale, is as worthy of trust in the old banking bouse ai our rebels in tbe government of the country, long probation will be needed before either can be admitted to his former fellowship.— The state of outlawry is the present condi tion of each, and this condition must not be hastily relaxed. Congress has already set the example by excluding from “any office of honor or profit under the government of United States,” and also by excluding as counsellor at law, from any court of the United states, every person who has given “aid or countenance” to the rebellion, or who has “sought or accepted any office whatever” under it, or who has yielded to it any “voluntary support." This exclusion, thus sanctioned by Congress, must be the pole-star of our national policy. If rebels cannot be officers under our gov ernment, they ought not to be voters. They should be politically disfranchised, purely and simply as a measure of self-defence, and in order to prepare the way tor those guarantees which w'e seek. “Vipers cannot use their venom in the cold.” These are words of political wisdom as well as of scientific truth, and a great Italian writer did not hesitate to inculcate from them the same lesson that Ido now. Still further, in ob taining guarantees we must look confidently to Congress, which has plenary powers over the whole subject. Congress can do every thing needful. It has already begun by ex cluding rebels from office. It must con tinue its jurisdiction ; whether, through the war powers, or the duty to guarantee *t re publican form of government, or the neces sity of the case, as in territories, as a matter of little importance. It is of less importance under which of its powers this is done, than that it is done. Contineing its jurisdiction, Congress musts upervise aud fix the condi tions of order, so that the national security and national faith shall not suffer. Here is a sacred obligation which cannot be post poned. All mese guarantees should be com pleted and crowned by au amendment of the constitution of the United States, especially providing that heiealter there shall be no de nial ot the electoral franchise or any exclu- sion of any kind on account of color or race, but all persons shall be equal before the law. At Ibis moment, under a just interpretation of tr.e constitution, three-fourths ot the States actually co-operating in the national government are sufficient for this change.— The words of the constitution are that amendments shall be valid to all intents and purposes “when ratified by three-fourths of the Legislatures of the several states,” or, to practical sense, by three-fourths of the States that have Legislatures. If a State has no Legislature it caunot be counted in determining this quorum, as it is not counted in determining the quorum of either house of Congress, where precisely the same question occurs. Aty other interpreta tion recognizes the rebellion and plays into its bands by conceding its power, through re bellious contrivance, to preveot an amend ment df the constitution, essential to the general welfare. He then urged the President to follow the sentiment ot Massachusetts and Congress, and concluded as follows: . For myself, fellow citizens, pardon me if I say that my course is fixed. Others may hesitate; others may turn away from those great truths which make the far-reaching brightness of the republic; others may seek a temporary favor by a temporary surrender. I shall not. Tbe victory of blood, which has been so painfully won, must be confirmed by a greater victory of Ideas, so that the re nowned words of Abraham Lincoln may be fulfilled, and “tbls nation uaOat God shall have anew birth of freedom, aud govern-' roent of the people, by the people, and for SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1865. the people, shall not perish from tbe earth.” To this end I seek no merely formal Union, seething with smothered curses, but a prac tical, moral and political unity, founded on common rights, knit together by common interests and inspired by a common faith, wbeie our constitution, interpreted anew, shall lie a covenant with life and a league with Heaven, and liberty shall be every where not only a right but a duty. John Brown, on his way to the scaffold, where lie was to atone with life for a deed of self-sac rifice, stooped to take up a slave child. That closing act was the legacy of the dying man to his country. That benediction we must continue and fulfil. The last shall be first; and so, in this new order, equality, long post poned, shall become tbe master principle of our system and tbe very frontispiece of our constitution. The rebellion was to beat down this principle by founding a government on the alleged “inferiority ot a race.” Taking up the gauntlet I now insist that the insolent assumption of the conspirators shall not pre vail. This is not the first time that I have battled with the barbarism of slavery. 1 battle still as the bloody monster retreats to its lost citadel, and, God willing, I meau “to fight it out on this line if it takes” what re mains to me of life. Mr. Sumner spoke about one hour and a half, and was listened to with marked atten tion and applause. Photography as a Drawing-Room Amusement. HIE LATEST PARISIAN FASHION. The Paris correspondent of the London Morning Star writes : “Dubroni is the name of a young and most promising engineer, a pupil of the Ecole Polyteclmique. Laid up for several years with bad health, his mind remained as active as ever. Amidst the most intense bodily sufferings he applied himself, night and day, to the study and perfection of photography, hoping to initiatc the masses into its mysteries by symplify ing tbe manipulations and turning photo graphy into a drawing-room amusement within the reach of every purse. In this, Dubioni appears to have been quite suc cessful, inasmuch ns his ingenious appara'us entirely does away with the necessity of an operating chamber. You have no longer to dread any stains or spots on your dress or hands, as the chemical operations are all ac complished with tne pipette, a small instru ment by means of which you can introduce into the camera obscura, through a little orifice, the different chemical batb9 which the plate must undergo previous to its bear ing a picture. Dubroni, after having pursued bis experiments with unabated ardor, is certainly entitled to the honor of attaching his name to the scieoce of photography. Another distinguishing feature of his lillipu tian apparatus is the readiness with which it can be set up for use and repacked in a box which does not exceed in size a lady’s writ ing desk. Among the notabilities who are amusing themselves during their summer vacations with the a/ipercil Dubroni are the well-known diplomatists, Marquis de la Valette and M. de Persigny,, and no less a personage than Prince Napoleon him self.” HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, No, ill Bay Street, GEORGIA. Wo respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of JOB PRINTING. We have THE BEST PRESSES For doing all kinda of work, and we keep them in good repair. We employ only FIRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY. W e have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to which we are constanrly making additions. We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES. PLAY BILLS. CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, TICKETS, BUSINESS CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, LABELS. CONSTITUTIONS BY-LAWB, BALLADS, PAMPHLETS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, SHIPPING BL ANKS Or any other kind of PRINTING—in any styli Wejhave a Fine Assortment of Inks FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY RAIL OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all onr work well, and to give complete satisfaction to onr custom era. OUR PRICES Are ns low as the present high cost of stock, mate rial, labor and living will admit oi, and are below the Increased rate* which rule in other lines of business. S. W. MASON & CO., 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. Garden Lot for Sale. 27 good on WnitMToffltoadT with lands of Hover on the north, C Strothers hot. and StUea Math. PrMe SOOO. See plat at my HENRY BRYAN. DR VOS. Wholesale Druggists, AND 9ISA&B&S XN Perfumery, Patent Medicines, k, k OKDfHS WITH REMITTANCES IPROMRTLY EXE CUTED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES.’ HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. I*l Chamber* and No. 1 Hudson Wi., NEW YORK. James Harral, formerly ot Charleston, & C. H. W. Ridley, formerly of Augusta, Ga. au29-Bl3t Drags, Medicines, and Chemicals. A choice selection ol DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, > PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES LAHCin rBOM NEW TOES. ApoUieua .es, Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ATAPOTHECABIEB’ HALL, Comer Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.— Fresh Garden Seeds. W. M. WALSH, }ul6-3m Proprietor. Helm Mil’s Flnid Extract Biichn. For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex hausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found. Indisposition so Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil; in fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, snd inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected witli Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen anti invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Buchn invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. HclinMd’s Flnid - Extract Buchu, In affections peculiar to ■•Females,” is uueqnaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Ptinfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus; and sll complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, Imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. Helinliold’s Flnid Extract Buclm, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically exterminate from the pyetem Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipations! little expense, lit ! tie or no change in inconvenience or exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and danger ous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury In all these dis eases. USE HELMBOLD'S FI.IJID EXTRACT BTTCHTJ. In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing in “Mule” or “Female," from whatever cause originating and no matter how long standing It Is pleasant In taste and odor, “immediate" in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must 1m? aware that however slight mav be the attack of the above it is certain to af fect his Bodily Health, Mental Power* and Happi ness. All the above diseases repmre the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOIiD’S extract buchu is THE GREAT DIURETIC. Helmbold's Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic consti tutional diseases, ari.-iug from an impure state of the blood, snd tbe only reliable and effectual known rem edy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rhenm, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter. Erysipelas, snd all sesly eruptions of the skin, AND BBaUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst disorders that affect man kind arise from the corruption that nccnmnlates in the blood. Os all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can eqnol iu effect HELMBOLD’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovate, the blood, instils the vigor of health Into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy func tions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle m the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on. has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle wll show the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is lully equal to a gallon of the Syrnp of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as nsually made. These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general nse in all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in private prac tices. and are considered as invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu. FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES. See Professor Dewee's valuable works on the Prac tice of Pnysic . Sec remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. Sec remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M'Doweli. n cel ebrated Physician and Member ol tbe Itoyal College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published in the Transac tions of the King and Queen's Jonmal. See Medico Oiiirnrgical Review, published by Ben arnln Travers, Fellow of Royal Coliegeof Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Medicine. EXTRACT BUCHU, ••SARSAPARILLA.” Sold by all Druggists PRINCIPAL DEPOT BBLMBOLD'S DRUOAND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, sepT-lm S'J* Broadway, N. Y. INK. o C GROSS INK, in stands, at $8 50 per gross. 15 doaen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale bv __ SAVILLE A LEACH «nl2 ts cor. Brysn street and Market square. BITT YOUR COOL TAYLOR’S ALE —AT— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. ang24 JOHN S. SIMMS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JHO. ft. SAMMIS. ID. O. SAMMIS. CIIAS. L, MAHIEB set; l s YARNS YARNS. TEN BALES COT ION YARNS, to store and for 6 L J. GUILMARTTN * CO. ESTABLISHED 1809, ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Sofitps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., 1 tepl» N„W TORE Sm PROFESSIONAL CARPS. . HARTR'DCE & CHISHOLM, 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE CORNER BRYAN AND DRAYTON STS., I SA.VA.NfN-A.TI, 04 a. PPpl.-» lw HARDEN 4 LEVI, Attorneys at _L.awv, OFFICE, 09 BAY STREET, Throe doors East of Drayton. aepl‘2 iu THOS CORWIN, WM. 11. OWEN, TIIOS.WILSON, CF OIUO- I.ATE OOL. Q-M.P- OF IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin & Finneli,! ATTORNF.YB COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. 222 F STREET, »r»» TREASURY BUILD IN O, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL. WASHINGTON, X).C. Will practice in the Supreme Court ol the United Stales, the Conrt cf Cairn,, and the Courts ot the District of Colombia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment busloes*. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o 2m Law Notice. I HAVE resumed the practice.of my profesaion in the city of Washington, and will also attend to business before the Departments. P. PHILLIPS. Washington, D. C, August 28th. sepß-eodtm W. W. PAINE, Attorney At Ixaw, SAVANNAH, GA. seps l m O. 11. BROWNING,) (THOS. EWING, Jr., or iLtixois. J .1 or sambas. BROWNING AND EWING, Attorneys ANI» COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Office No. 14 North A Street, Capitol Hill, WASHINGTON, I>. C. Practice in the Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, and in the Departments. aug24 ts WYNTON & BANKSTON, Itl'll-DCRS AM* CONTRACTORS. YXTILL also give strict attention to Superintending V ? Buildings, und to all work intrusted to their charge. All kindsjobblng work clone at the shortest notice. Shop on Broughton street lane, between Whitaker and Barnard streets. I. C. FEATHER, M. D„ Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Ju2s 2m C. S. BUNDY, Or euornl A gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 241 F Street, Betwees 13th A.NIS 14tu Streets, (Near Pay Department,! "W asUlngton, XJ. O. .ju3o ts COTTON, AC. TO OWNERS OF— COTTON. In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States ol Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, ca pacity, and experince, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on receipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we receive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the especial attention of non residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. Augusta; August 23, 1805. sep4-lm BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CALL AT SAVILLE 8l LEACH, «ep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS. Spellers, Readers. Grammars, Book-Keeping, Copy Bonks, Dictionaries. Saville & Leach, sep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. Merchants’ Line of Sailing Vessels FOR NEW YORK. THE fine Clipper Bark IDA KEMBALL, Gossllng, Master, will hsve quick despatch for the above wort Apply to aepC-tf CHA9. L. COLBY * CO, Jo SHAFFER, Commission Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS am> PRODUCE, Wist Wasbimotoh Mabxxt, opposite 143 West st,, Bulkhead between Barclay and . Veeey st*., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and pot up Hot the Southern market j AU consignments promptly attenked to. tar - Retort tojCb. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. £ Welsh, and J & Parson*. JyW eodly FINANCIAL,. QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE OF— MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. VIRGINIA. KATE Bank of Berkeley 70 •• Commerce, Fredericksburg 20 Charleston, charleston 10 “ the Commonwealth “ Howardsville 12 “ Old Dominion 26 " Philippi 12 “ Rockbridge 1...20 “ Rockingham 20 •• 800 Worths 12 the Valley 25 “ Virginia 25 •• Winchester 16 Central Bank of Virginia 12 Corporation of Alexandria 60 Danville Bank, Danville 20 Exchange Bank of Vn., Norfolk 20 Fanners’ Bank of Fincostie 12 “ “ Richmond 20 Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg 20 Monticello Bank Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville 90 Southwestern Bank, Wythearihe is Traders’ Bank, Richmond 20 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear so ” Charlotte 25 “ Clarendon 15 “ Commerce 20 “ Fayetteville is “ Lexington 26 “ North Carolina 30 ” Wades boro ugh 20 “ Washington 12 “ Wilmington 20 “ Yancevfiie 15 Commercial Bank. Wilmington 20 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina 26 Merchants’ Bank, Newbcm 25 Bank of Bogboro' 25 Miners and Planters' Bank. 25 Bank of Thomasville 26 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 10 ” Charleston , to “ Chester 20 “ Georgetown 16 “ Hamburg is ’’ Newbury .22 “ South Carolina .20 •• State of South Carolina 15 Commercial Bank. Columbia -. 16 Exchange “ ” 20 Farmers' and Exchange 14 Merchants', Cheraw 20 People's Bank 30 Planters' " 15 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank 20 South W. R. R 26 State Bank Union Bank GEORGIA . Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 13 Bank of Augusta 1$ " Athens 22 “ Columbus to • Commerce 1 10 •* Fulton 15 “ Empire State 12 “ Middle Georgia... 50 “ Savannah 32 Bank of Slate of Georgia 26 Central lialiroad Banking Company 06 City Bankof Augusta 20 Farmers' and Mechanics 16 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 70 Marine Bank 45 Mechanics' Bank 10 Merchant" and Planters' Bank 10 Planters' Bank 15 Timber Cutters’ Bank _ Union “ 10 ALABAMA. Bankof Mobile 06 “ Montgomery 05 •* Selma : 2b Commercial Bank 26 Central •' 25 Eastern Bank 40 Northern “ 30 Southern “ 05 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 15 '* Jliddlc Tennessee 60 •• Tennessee 20 “ West Tennessee 15 City Bank of Nashville 25 Merchants' ■' : 15 Ococc “ 25 Planters’ “ 40 Southern “ so Skelbyville “ 20 Traders' “ 15 Union “ 45 LOU I SI ANA Bank of America par. “ Louisiana 25 “ New Orleans 45 Canal Bank 95 Citixens' Bank 95 Crescent City 40 Lonlslana State Bank 60 Mechanics'and Traders' Bank 9o Merchants' •' 60 Southern “ par. Union “ 40 New Orleans City Scrip 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds N. Carolina “ S Carolina Georgia ”... .1 —• Tennessee Memphis City “ 70 Augueta,Oa. “ 65 Savannah,Ga. “ .66 The above Bonds are bought with Coupons included from 1861 Included. North Carolina Coupons ■ —4O Memphis City •• 76 Tennessee “ 38@40 Georgia " . 45@60 These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. au26 EINSTEIN ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, No. 8 Broad Street, New Youk. We draw at stg?i’, and at sixty days on London, Paris, Frankfort, and a! other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, ma) deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, ant 1 will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the raw of four per cent, per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commission HARRISON & CO., BANKERS, No. 19 New Street, Near Wall, NHW YORK. COLLECTIONS made on ell parte of the United States, Canada, Weat Indies and Enrope. Colo. Government Securities, State, City and R»i road Bonds. Coupons. Stocks and Southern Bank Notes bought and sold on commission. Deposits received, to be drawn at will, and 4 per cent interest per annum, allowed thereon, Sterling ana French Bills of Exchange uegotiatt u HARRISON A CO., No. 19 New street, opposite the Gold Room.N. Y. . HARRISON, GODDIN A APPERSON, Richmond, Va. Reference—Messrs. DnncanA Johnston, Savannah; Barber A Sin, Augusta. aepMm PRICE, 5 CENTS INBLRAICB. J. T. THOMAS 4 CO., J nsurance A_gent»s, 117 BAY STREET. BfPBESFNT THE MARYLAND LIFE INSIJRANCH'CO. BALTIMORE MARINE INSURANCE CO. MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS' FIRE INSU RANCE CO. MARYLAND FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Baltimore, <>-T> TBk GERMANIA CO. HANOVER CO. NIAGARA CO. REPUBLIC CO. NORTH AMERICAN AND CROTON FIRE INSU RANCE CO'S, and the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. CM) THE SELMA INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. OF SELMA, ALABAMA. sepl9 The HVlaryland Life Insurance Company, OF BALTIMORE. J. T. THOMAS & CO., Agents, eep!9 I “ Bay-st. THE Underwriters’ Agency Op New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire 8c Marine Insurance Made payable ill GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE sal issum by this amociation. J. T. THOMAS & CO., sepl9 117 Bay street INSURANCE. Authorized Capital—slo,4oo,ooo. CHARLES L. COLBY & CO. are prepared to take Marine ßleki to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks in thi» city In the following named first class New York Companies * at THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS fIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000 OMMEROE FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y 200,000 j STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y.. 200,000 i office in Jones’ Block, cor. Bay and Abercom eta. , Brandi Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets. eeplS ts « IS YGIJR LIFE INSURED ? THIS is an important question for every man and important also for every wife and mother, as It affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Life Insurance" of Nef York will maur<- you st the nsnal rates in any snm from sloo SIO,OOO. Thi-y also Issue the favorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE Policies, and will after two yearn payment give a full paid np i'olicy for Two Tenths the whole snm, and Three Years Three Tenths, and on. Thus a Policy or $lu,00«. Two Premiums pat npon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,000, and five years five-tenths for every additional year. For further information apply to A, WILBUR, Agent, At tbe office of tbe Home Insurance Cos., ]n2T 89 Bay at., Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIF» INSURANCE COMPANY, O F ROST ON* PURELY MUTUAL. THIS is one of the oldest and beat Companies in America Policies on Lives for any amount np to $16,000 are taken by them. The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled during the war until heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to bejnst and honor able in all cases. Apply to Ju27 A. WILBUR, Agent. THOS. XV. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 334 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at tended to- jySPtt FOR RIO JDE JANEIRO, CALLING AT . * St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia# THE United States and Brazil Mail Steamship Com pany will dispatch regularly, on the 28th of every month, a “first class steamship," commencing with tbe fine steamship Costa ftica, (2,500 tons,} to leave on the 28th of September, at S p m„ from Pier No. 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Post Office. An experienced snrgeon will be in attendance on board. For freight or passage, having splendid accommodations, apply to THOMAS ASBNCIO A CO., *epl9 10 No. II Broadway, New York. CEO. R.CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 200 Bboad Stick zt. AttattlTA, Qa. ja2o 9m ~J7p. WHITE & MARIN, GUN MAKERS & MACHINISTS. ARE now prepared to make and repair small Ma chinery of all kinds, snch as Locks, Keys, Brats Models, Sewing Machines, Ac. Safes and Plat-form Scales repaired carefully. Also, Fire-arms, when ac companied by an order from the Provost Marshal. At S. D. Rice A Cos., West side Market Square, cor. Barnard and St. Ju lian streets, Savannah Ga. septic iw ISf otic©. nPHB discharged Uniop Soldier who put a notics at X the Post Office yesterdsy. can have a situation. bj eept P l6 lnf: “ ° DCe ,0 _ C. L. COLBY AOO. Manning & DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Walt Street. New York, Dealers in Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities# GIVE special attention to tbe purchase and sale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama. New Oilcans and Tennessee Bark Sotea Southern States Bonds end Coupons, Railroad Bond, and Coupon* interest allowed on deposits. Jyls-3i^