Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 23, 1865, Image 2

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    The Savannah Daily Herald.
hami kl \v. MASON *r'*' or
Our advertising patrons are reminded that adver
tisements inserted in the Morning Edition of tin
Heea,-i> will appear in the Evening without extra
«barge. Advertisements should be handed in as early
as possible, but will be received at late "a 12 o'ciort
at night. We adhere to our advertised except
lor long advertisements, or those inserted tor a lon,
time, on which a reasonable discount will be made.
We often have complaints from residents of Savar,
i,ah and Hilton Head that they are not able always t
obta.n the Ftaaim. The demand is sometimes s;
preat as to exhaust an Edition very soon at*er its issue,
and those who wish to have the Hnaann regularly,
should subscribe for it. We have faithful carriers in
Par annah and at Hilton Head, and through them we
siwsys serve regular subscribers first
In our issue of yesterday morning, under
our local head, it was announced that here
after all colored persons found in the streets
after the hour of nine o’clock at night, with
out written passes, would be arrested and
taken to the guard house. This information
was furnished us by our regular reporter,
who received it from what he believed to be
good authority.
We learn from Gen. Brannan's Head Quar
ters, that no such order has been issued by
him. and that the regulation is entirely un
authorized and disapproved by the Command
ing General.
We sincerely regret the appearance iu
the Herald of the paragraph alluded to, as
it is calculated to misrepresent the official
conduct of Major General Brannan, who, iu
liis administration of civil affairs in this com
munitj', has been considerate of the rights
and feelings of all classes of our population ;
and who will only be induced to resort to ar
bitrary restrictions when, in his judgment,
.such a course becomes necessary for tbe
preservation of law and order.
Tile South Carolina Convention.
We have published a synopsis of the pro
ceedings of this body day by dny and in our
present issue iusert the proceedings
of Wednesday and Thursday. They
have been characterized through
out by the utmost harmony with un
important exceptions, and indeed on one or
two points with almost unexampled unan
imity. The report and ordinance made by
P. W. Pickens, the Governor of South Caro
lina when she seceded, to repeal the ordi
nance of Secession, was adopted by a vote
oj 105 yeas to 3 nays. The ordinance intro
duced by Mr. Lessesne, abolishing slavery in
South Carolina, and prohibiting its re-estab
iishment. will no doubt, be adopted.
These votes show that Soutli Carolina has
entirely reversed her position in less than six
months to that assumed by Mr. Calhoun and
some of her most popular and cherished
statesmen—her Haynes, Hamiltons, Le
gares, ets., for the last half century. To the
writer of this article, who is conversant
with the politics of South Carolina, it ap
pears like the product of the most, improba
ble dream. The result would evince the
mutations of opinion, if it did not show the
effect of necessity.
The State ot South Carolina has always
been the most advanced of the Southern
States in the doctrines of State rights or
State sovereignty. She was on the perilous
edge of revoluton in 1832 when she was de
feated in her attempt to carry out her
Ordinance of Nullification adopted by a con
vention of the people. The same party was
defeated subsequently iu the endeavour to
effect separate State sovereignty, which failed
through the opposition of the co-operation
party founded under the auspices of the latt
Judge Butler, Magrath, Porter and others
Now in running our eye down the list ot
names that voted in the affirmative on the
question of the repeal of the Ordinance ot
Secession, we find many names, the bearers
of which, were among the foremost, first of
the Nullifiers, and then of the Separate Se
cessionists, and now of those who carried the
State into civil war.
These parties find their excuse in the irre
sistible force of public opinion in South
Carolina. Mr. Calhoun had indoctrinated the
public mind of that State with his peculiar
views of constitutional interpretation. The
principles of the Virginia and Kentucky
resolutions were the gospel of his political
faith. Such was the force ot bis intellect and
the extent of his influence, that State sov
ereignty, without qualification or limitation,
became so popular that there were few dis
sentient opinions among those who possess
ed any influence among the people- This
accounts for the almost universal popularity
of Mr Calhoun’s doctrines in South Caro
lina, as his personal popularity is explained
by the combined influence of his purity of
moral character, his disinterestedness and
acknowledged ability.
It is curious to trace the changes of opinion
in South Carolina on Constitutional questions.
Judge \\ illiam Smith who represented the
State in the Senate of the United States,
when acting with Win, 11. Crawford and
Governor Troup ot this Stale, they formed
the phalanx of the State right party in the
South. Mr. Calhoun was an aspiiring young
inau when these statesmen were in the me
ridian of their reputation. His friends were
determined to elevate him to a seat in the
Senate of the United States, having served
with signal ability in the House of Represen
tatives. Mr. Smith, who had aiso served
the State with equal fidelity, if not equal
ability iu the U. S. Senate, having become,
obnoxious to Mr. Calhouns friends, they did
not re-elect him to that body but sent Mr.
Calhoun ns his successor.
At that time the State of Soutli Carolina
manifested a decided proclivity towards con
solidation doctrines as was partly shown !>v
electing Mr. Calhoun to supersede a strenu
ous advocate of the opposite or state rights
The cause and motives for Mr. Calhoun's
change of opinion from doctrines verging on
consolidation to the very opposite, it is for
the historian to investigate, but if lie could
revisit the earth and behold the friends and
associates with whom he acted in the zenith
of his popularity and when his doctrines
were greatly in the ascendants in South Car
olina, he would be little less astonished than
■kaa been the inditer of this article at the ex
wT ° f thfe < ban^s lhßt a,e passing before
I’mirlli nml Fifth Day's
Coi-Lmuia, S C., Sept. 21, 18E5.
Mr. Boiling offered the following resolu
tion, which was ordered to be laid ou the
Resulted , That a Committee of twelve,
composed of two from each Congressional
District, be appointed by the President of
his Convention to inquire into and report to
this Convention what number of represents
iives it will be proper, according to the
.resent law of the United States, that this
state shall tender to the approaching Con
gress of the United States,
Mr. Dawkins, lr,,m the Committee on Or
dnances and Resolutions made a report on a
resolution to restore political relations with
ike State.
On motion ot Mr. Dawkins, the Committee
was discharged, and the same was referred
to the Committee on Amendments to the
Constitution ; also made a report on
An Ordinance to declare siaveiv abolished
in this State, and on other papers referred ou
the same subject, which was ordered for con
fide ration ou Monday next; also made a
report on
A resolution in relation to Electors of
President and Vice President of the United
States, which was ordered for consideration
on Monday next.
Mr. Frost introduced tire following resolu
tion, which was referred to the Committee
on Ordinances and Resolutions :
Resolved, That the Provisional Governor be
authorized and requested to appoint an agin'
to proceed to Washington, and remain there,
whose duty it shall be to represent, with the
President and the Departments, the interests
of the State, and give aid to the citizens of
the State in advancing, with tho proper au
thorities, the relief that may be sought in ap
,dications for pardon and for the restitution
of their real and personal property-
Mr. Macbeth introduced the following res
o uiion, which was referred to the Commit
tee on the Judiciary Depariment :
Resolved, That hereafter colored persons
and negroes shall be permitted to testify in
all the Courts of this State in air cases where
the rights of persons, or of property of such
persons, may he concerned.
Mr. Hammond introduced the following
resolutions, which were reierred to the Com
mittee on Ordinances and Resolutions:
Inasmuch as a fundamental difference of
opinion iu leferencejto the character, powers
and policy of the Government of the United
States and of the State Governments, which
existed iu the Convention which framed the
Constitution, and, after more than three
quarters of a century of political contest, re
sulted in a bloody and exhausting war; and
whereas, when a people draw the sword, ap
pealing to the last and highest tribunal known
to man, they should abide by its decisions in
good faith ; and, whereas, it is neither wise
nor politic in the people of the South to con
tinue any longer a contest in which they
have been twice defeated—once by political
majorities and once by the sword ; "therefore,
we, the people of South Carolina, in Con
vention assembled, accept, as the results ot
the war, the principles embraced iu the fol
lowing resolutions, and will sustain them
fully and laithfuily as a national policy :
1. Resolved, That the Union is the first
and paramount consideration of the Ameri
can people.
Resolved, That sovereignty, a unit ab
solute and indivisible, which, in all nations,
must exist somewhere, resides in the Ameri
can people, and its authorized representative
Within the limits of the organic law—the
Constitution—is the Federal Government.
3. Resolved, That it is an incontrovertible
fact that slavery has ceased to exist through
the exercise of the military power of the
Federal Government, and that any attempt
by us to revive it would be impolitic, unwise
and not only futile, but disastrous.
4. Resolved, That it is the true policy of
the American people to confine the General
Government strictly within the limits of the
Constitution, and to acknowledge the ina
lienable right of each State to regulate its
own affairs in its own way.
0. Resolved, That the late war was not one
of an oppressed people against tyranny, but
arose troiu an apprehension, on the part ol
the weaker section, of oppression and tyrnn
ay in the future, and was carried on under
an honest conviction, 00-existeutxamong
statesmen in every part of the country, with
the adoplion of the Constitution itselt, that a
otate had the reserved light to revoke the
powers it had delegated to the General Gov
ernment, whenever, in the judgment of such
state, there might be danger that those pow
ers would be used to its disadvantage. The
ivar, therefore, not having been strictly in
the nature of rebellion or insurrection, we
most respectfully suggest to his Excelleucy,
ihe President, the justice and wisdom of not
enforcing the pains and penalties affixed to
those crimes by the laws of the United
6. Resolved, That we endorse the acts of
President Johnson’s Administration, and will
cordially support its wise and patriotic ef
forts to restore to the whole country the bles
sings of peace.
Mr. F. W. Pickens introduced a Bill of
Rights, which was referred to the Commit
tee on Amendments to the Constitution.
Mr. Smart introduced the following reso
lutions, which were referred to the Com
mittee on Ordinances and Resolutions :
Resolved, 1. That we earnestly recommend
to the citizens of this State the immediate
lOrmation, in each District, of a force of citi
zen militia, to act in concert with the United
States troops, as a general police for the Dis
trict in which they are raised, to the end that
order and civil authority may be restored
and enforced.
Resolved, 2. That the forces thus raised,
shall, as soon as their organization is com
pleted, report through the proper channel
to the officer commanding tlie United States
troops garrisoning their Disirict, and be
subject to his order and direction.
Resolved, 3. That His Excellency the Gov
ernor be requested to preseribe such organi
zation and adopt such measures as in his
judgment shall be necessary to carry out the
above, and to urge on the United States au
thorities the acceptance of such) organiza
tions in lieu of the colored garrisons now on
Mr. Lesesne, from the Committee on tlie
Judiciary Department, made a report on
Au Ordinance to declare iu present force
ihe Constitution and laws heretofore in force
in this State, and tho acts—official, public
aud private—done, and the appointments
and elections made under authority of the
same; also on sundry resolutions on the
same subject; which was ordered for con
sideration on .Monday next.
Mr. F \Y. Pickens introduced the follow
ing sections to the Bill of Rights, which was
reierred to the Committee on Amendments
to the Constitution :
Tire tree exercise and enjoyment of re
ligious profession and worship, without dis
crimination or preference, shaft forever
hereafter be allowed within this State to aft
mankind - Provided, That the liberty of
conscience thereby declared shaft not be so
construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness
or justify practices inconsistent with the
peace aud safety of the State.
The rights, privileges, immunities aud
estates, both of civil and religious socities,
aud of corporate bodies, shaft remain as il
the Constitution of this State had not been
altered or amended.
We, the lle/er/ates of the People of the State of
isnith Carolina, in Ceneral Convention met , do
ordain mid establish this Constitution for its
Sec. 1. Aft power is inherent in the people,
and all tree governments are founded in their
authority and instituted for their benefit.
The people therefore, have an inalienable
and indefeasible right to institute govarn
meat, and to alter, reform or totally change
1 the e mu' when lhair wit! ty and happiness
i reciiirc it.
| Sec. 2. AH uien have •nu urn and inalie i
■ a! !e right to worship Almighty God arcnr.l
- ir.g to the diruitcs of their own consciences,
; and no one’shall be hurt, molested or re
sitained iu bis person, liberty or estate, for
worshiping God in the manner and season
most agreeable to the dictates of bis own
conscience, nor for Ins religious professions
or sentiments, provided he does not disturb
the public peace, nor obstruct others in their
! religious w orship.
Sec 3. No laws shall be passed respecting
j an establishment of religion, or abridging
| the freedom of speech or of the press, ot the
j rigid of the people peaceably to assemble
J aud to petition the Legislature for a redress
of grievances.
j Sec. 4 The people shall be secure in their
j persons, houses, papers and possessions,
from unreasonable searches and seizures; and
| no warrants shall issue but upon probable
! cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
j particularly describing the place to be search
j ed. and the person or things to be seized.
Sec. 5. No person shall be held to answer
I lor a capital or otherwise infamous crime,
| unless on a present meat or indictment of a
j Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the
I land or naval forces, or in the militia when
j in actual service in time of war or public
j danger, or in cases of impeachment or in
such cases of offence as are usually cogniza
ble by a justice of the peace.
Sec. 6. No person shall be subject for tbe
same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of
life or limb; nor shail be compelled in any
j criminal case be a witness against himself,
nor to be deprived of life, liberty or property,
without due process of law, nor shnll private
property be taken for public use without just
Sec. 7. Iu all criminal prosecutions, the
accused shaft enjoy tho right In a speedy and
pub ic trial, by an impartial jury of the Dis
trict wherein the crime shall have been com
mitted, and to be informed of the nature and
cause of the accusation, and have a copy
thereof ; to be confronted with the witnesses
against him, to have compulsory process for
obtaining witnesses in his favor, anil to have
! the assistance of counsel for his defence.
Sec. 8. No person shaft be taken or im
prisoned, or deprived of his freehold liberties
or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in
any manner destroyed or deprived of his
life, liberty or property, but by the judg
ment of his peers, or by the laws ot the
land ; nor shall any bill of attainder, ex post
facto law, or law impairing the obligation of
contracts, ever be passed by the Legislature
of the State.
Sec. 9. The trial by jury, as heretofore
used in this State, and the liberty of the
press, shaft be forever inviolably preserved.
Sec. 10. Excessive bail shall not be re
required ; nor excessive fines imposed ; nor
cruel and unusual punishment inflicted ; nor
the writ of habeas corpus suspended, except
in cases of rebellion or invasion, when the
public safety may require it.
See. 11. The Legislature shall not grant
any title of nobility nr hereditary distinction,
nor create any office the appointment ot
which shaft be for auy longer term than dur
ing good behavior.
Sec. 12. The military shaft be subordinate
to the civil power, and every citizen lias a
right to keep and bear arms for the common
defence, and this right shall never he
See. 13. No soldier shall, in time of peace,
be quartered in any house without the con
sent of the owner or occupant; nor in time
of war but. in a manner to be prescribed by
See. It. Every person for an injury done
him in his person, reputation, property, or
immunities, shall have remedy by due
course of law, aud right and justice shall be
administered freely and without sale, com
pletely and without , promptly and
without delay.
See. 15. In all civil suits, and in all con
troversies concerning property, the parties
shall have a right to trial by jury, except in
eases where it lias been heretofore otherwise
practiced, the parlies may be heard by them
selves and counsel, or either, at their elec
Sec. 111. No tax or duty shaft be imposed
without the consent of the people, or their
Representatives in the Legislature.
Sec. 17. Slavery and involuntary servi
tude are hereby abolished in South Caro
lina, and shall not again exist in tho State,
except as a punishment for crime, where
of the party shall have been duly con
Sec. 18 The enumeration of certain rights
shall not impair nor deuy others retained by
Mr. Winsmith introduced the following
resolutions, which were referred to the Com
mittee on the Legislative Department •
Resolved, That the General Assembly of
South Carolina, consisting of a Senate and
House of Representatives, shnll be consti
tuted as follows :
lst. Each Judicial District of the State, as
now constituted, shaft be an Election Dis
trict, aud that each such Election District
shall be entitled to one Senator in tlie Gen
eral Assembly of South Carolina.
2d. The House of Representatives shall
consist oi One hundred and twenty-four
members, to be apportioned among the
eral Election Districts of the State, accord
ing to the number of white inhabitants, and
the amount, ot all taxes raised by tlie Legis
ture ; one Representative to be "allowed for
every sixty-second part of the whole num
ber of white inhabitants, and one Represen
tative for every sixty-second part of the
whole taxes raised by Ihe State ; Provided,
That each Election District shall be entitled
to at least one Representative ; And provid
ed further, Tnat no Election District shall
ever be entitled to more than one-twelfth
part of the whole number ol Representa
Mr. Reed introduced tlie following reso
lution, which was referred to the Committee
to the Constitution
Resolved, That so much of Section two,
Article nine, of the Constitution of the State
as provides that, no ex post facto law or laws
impairing the obligation of contracts shall
ever be passed by the Legislature of the
State, be so altered and amended that it
shall not lie understood to affect the validity
of any law heretofore passed, or now of force
in this State
Mr. Perry introduced the following decla
ration of tlie rights to be incorporated iu the
Constitution, which was referred to the Com
mittee on Amendments to the Constitu
tion :
1. All power is originally vested in the peo
ple, ami all free governments are founded on
their consent and authority, and are insti
tuted for their peace, safety and happiness.
2. No tree citizen of this state shall lie
lakeu, or imprisoned, or deseized of liis free
hold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed, or
exalted, or exiled, or iu any manner de
prived of liis life, liberty or property, but
by the judgment of his peers, or by tiie law
of the land ; nor shall any bill of attainde,
ex post facto law or law impairing the obli-
Ertion of contracts, ever tie passed by the
egislature of this State.
3. The military shaft be subordinate to the
civil power.
4. Excessive bail shall not be
excessive fines imposed, nor cruel punish
ment inflicted.
5. The trial by jury of free citizens, as
heretofore used in this State, and the liberty
of the press, shall be forever inviolably
Observed.— Charleston Courier.
FlftU Day'll Proceeding**
The Committee on ordinance and Resolu
tions reported favorably as to the appoint
ment of an agent at Wasbiugton to atteud
to the matter of abandoned lands, to obtain
pardons, and to act as agent of tbe Provi
sional Governor. Also, that the Uovernor
be requested to advance (500) five hundred
dollars to pay the expeuse of the agent. The
matter was considered immediately, aud af
ter discussion was passed, with the addition
of another resolution introduced by Judge
Frost, to the effect that the office should con
tinue until the meeting ot the next Legisla
ture, which should provide compensation
and fix the further duties of the oJde
The committee on the legislative 1) 'part
mi nt r« |«>rt« and on that part of the Governor.'
Message relating to the ijUnlitiealioU ot vo
ters. and introduced an Article ot the Couali
tut ion, to the effect that voters shall be
while citizens, two years in the State, and
six moms in the Eleeiion District; also, an
Article of the Constitution, that the Legisla
ture shall consist of a Senate and House ot
Representatives. The House to be elected
every two years. E ich judicial District to
elect one Senator, except Charleston, which
elect two; one for the city, undone for the
other part of the District.
The House of Representatives to consist of
124 members, apportioned according to the
‘ white population and taxation. The census
and apportionment to be made every ten
years, and until next census, the number to
remain as under the last apportionment.
All taxes to be laid on the actual value of
the property.
A Representative must be a white citizen,
21 pears old, and three years in the State.
A Senator must be 30 years old, and ten
years in the State, aud own a freehold ot
$2,000 in value.
Every Act shall relate to but one subject.
Members shaft vote viva voce.
Members are to receive $5 00 per day,
and 20 cents per miie. Made the order for
The Committee on the Executive Depart
ment reported a clause to the Constitution,
giving the election of Governor to the peo
ple, making the term of office four years;
must be 30 years old. If two candidates re
ceive the same vote, the two 'houses of the
Legislature shaft elect. The Governor shall
have power to appoint certain State and
District officers, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate.
The Lieutenant Governor to be elected in
the same way, and to be ex-officio President
of the Senate. In case of the death or disa
bility of the Gevernor and Lieutenant Gov
ernor, the President pro tempore of the
Senate to be the successor. Older for to
Messrs. Aldrich, Conner and Simonton
made a minority report, arguing that the
Convention is not a Constitutional Conven
tion, aud can only do such acts as are neces
sary to bring the State back into the Union.
The Committee on Ordinances and Reso
lutions reported that elections for members
of the Legislature shall be held on the se
cond Wednesday in October, every second
Also, a resolution fixing the per diem of
members at $5 per day, and mileage at 20
cents per mile ; which was agreed to and
referred to the Committee ol Ways and
Means. Also, fixing the paj r of the Clerk and
otlict officers at the rate fixed by the Legis
lature. This last was referred back for the
compensation to be fixed.
The Committee on Amendments reported
a clause of the Constitution declaring slavery
abolished, and forbidding it in the State.
They asked to be discharged from the con
sideration ot the resolution of members vot
ing viva voce.
Tlie Committee report favorably in regard
to internal improvements. Order for to-mor
The Committee ou Ordinances aud Reso
lutions ask to be discharged from the con
sideration of certain matters not properly be
fore them.
The Committee report unfavorably with
regard to dividing Pickens into two dis
The Committee on Amendments report as
an amendment to the Constitution, that tax
ation shall lie outlie actual value of proper
ty, real and personal. Ordered for to-mor
Mr Tillman moved that the Legislature
have power to divide a Judicial District, each
Judicial District to contain 500 square miles.
Mr. Dudley offered a resolution that no
nionyy shall be appropriated to internal im
provements without a two-thirds vote. Re
Tue Committee on the Legislative De
partment asked to be discharged from the
consideration of certain matters.
Mr. Norwood offered a resolution that the
Legislature be instructed to devise some
scheme to promote emigration from the
North and from Europe. Referred.
Resumption ok Civ it. Authority in Char
leston. —Oar readers will be pleased to learn
that civil authority is now a fact accom
plished. Gen. Bennett nnd John E. Carew,
Esq., Sheriff of the District, visited the jail
together yesterday, when the charge thereof,
together with the prisoners, was turned over
to the civii officers. Possession of the Court
House lias also been delivered, and the
Sheriff, Clerk and Magistrates enter on their
several offices, as we mentioned in our no
tice of Gen. Gillmore's orders. It is not
piobable there be will Judges to preside in the
Courts for some lime yet, but the Clerk
will issue writs end" the Sheriff will
execute them as of yore, and all the enter
tainment to be touud in the light literature
of initiatory Judicial proceedings is now open
to the public. In conversation with Col.
Carew yesterday, ire remarked, and we are
pleased to record it, that Gen. Bennett
has acted towards him, in his official
capacity, with a courtesy and consideration
which was exceedingly grateful, and he en
tertains the hope that he will find in the au
thority under that officer relief from many
of the embarrassments which he is likely to
experience in entering so unprepared, and
with such deficiency of means, upon the dis
charge of his official duties. The number of
prisoners is large, and it will not be an easy
matter at once to take charge of them. —
Charleston News. 21*1.
A Republican Soldier cm Segvo Suffrage
Letter from tlte Soldier*’ candidate for
the Governorship of lowa.
General Thomas H. Barton, Jr., in his let
ter of acceptance of his nomination by the
Soldiers’ Convention, for governor, says ;
The extension of the elective franchise to
the colored race is the only issue involved
in this contest. Believing that the period
hns not arrived for so radical a change in
our political organization, and that such
change, under existing circumstances, would
prove detrimental rather than beneficial to
the race. lam opposed to the measure. My
opposition is not the result ot prejudice, but
is founded on principle. Were I satisfied
that it would promote their best interests,
afford material aid in re-organizing civil gov
ernment on a permanent aud equitable ba
sis in the States recently in rebellion, and in
restoring peace and tranquility to the couu
try, i should not hesitate to advocate its im
mediate adoption. But honestly believing
that it will impede the consumation of these
great ends, I cannot consistently do other
uisu than cast my vote aginst it.
To extend the right of suffrage trt the
freedmen oi the South at this particular pe
riod, and in the manner, proposed, would
create deadly hostility between the white
and black, races, and lead to continued acts
of violence and barbarity against each other,
which nothing but the presence of an armed
force could prevent. But recently released
from bondage, they are as yet intants, so far
as freedom and the elective franchise ate
concerned ; and, while they should be pro
tected in tire enjoyment of the former, I do
not cousider them qualified for the
exercise of the latter. To bring the matter
directly home, should the four hundred and
fifty thousand freedmen of Georgia be trans
ferred to lowa in their present condition,
would we invest them with the right of suf
frage? I think I hazard nothing in asserting
that the most radical friends of the measure
would say no. Why, then force upou other
States that which we would ignore for our
Reports received at the Freedman’s
Bureru show that most of the property held
as abandoned at Harper’s Ferry by the Gov
ernment, has been restored to its owners,
and that applications have been made for
the restoration of the remainder.
The colored folks ot Fortress Monroe,
Norfolk, Portsmouth and Richmond, are
getting up, by subscriptions, a “magnificent
sword" for Gen. Butler, to be presented as a
testimony of their high appreciaticn of his
distinguished services in the field.
Bogu* Mm-rlKgr and Horrible Nutllation
ol a Tixiiix AVoiiih■> in lowu
tltuvrlipurt Uasettc, Stti.J
A man giving his name as \\ ilii im B own.
1 who was tormerly a lieutenant in the Third
lowa Cavalry, and a young w< man, arrived
in this city a week ago last Monday, and
took lodgings at the New York House, on
the corner of Third and lowa street.—
They represented that they had just arrived
from lowa city, where they had been mar
ried the previous evening. On Sunday last
the pretended w ife was suddenly taken sick.
Her actions and the syptoms of her disease
were such as to cause much suspicion. On
Monday her illness increased, on Tuesday
she was still worse at 8 o'clock. Wednesday
evening she became quite speechless, in
which state she has remained ever since.
It was at first supposed that she had been
poisoned, but the physicians who have visit
ed her do not altogether agree upon that
point. She showed the greatest aversion and
fear of Browu when he came into the room.
All day yesterday she was making signs as
though trying to reveal some terrible secret.
She would open her mouth and try to clutch
her tongue, and then pull, apparently signi
fying that Brown had pulled her tongua out,
aud as the roots of that member are swelled,
it is presumable that Brown did pull it, as he
had threatened to do so. The woman also
makes motions to indicate that either an at
tempt or a threat was made to cdt her throat.
Previous to losing her speech she expressed
the conviction that she had been made the
victim of a sham marriage. She said that
Brown had boldly declared to her that such
was the case.
She gave her name as Nellie Baker, said
she was engaged to Brown before the war ;
that when he came home she met him, went
with him to lowa City, put up at a hotel,
and in tbe evening he brought in a may
whom he introduced as a minister. Then
j ined hands, went through the marriage
ceremony and came here next day, but she
had never seen any license or "certificate.
The man Brown was yesterday arrested and
placed in jail to await further developments.
He denies her statement, and that she is his
wife. He is about twenty-nine years old,
she is twenty-four. When asked to write
her statement, she siguified her inability
to do so, on account of her fingers being too
A stage driver stopping at the same house
showed symptoms a few days ago of having
been poisoned, and it was supposed that a
glass of whiskey, which was prepared for
him hv Brown, had contained the drug.
Brown boasted to the officers who arrested
him, that “they'd have a good time proving
that be poisoned the woman,” and his general
demeanor in connection with the circum
stances goes to show that he cares but little
about the woman.
The Denver papers are filled with news of
Indiau depredations. Some of the most bra -
tal and fiendish outrages upon men, women
and children are still perpetrated day
after day, with an increase instead of any
cessation of their inhuman hostilities. In
nocent women are butchered and carried
away captives, emigrants and freighters are
robbed and shot, ranches are burned, and
mail coaches are stopped and sacked of their
contents, the stock run off, aud iu many in
stances passengers arid.driver murdered.
We have before us some accounts of the
most atrocious murders we have ever had
pictured to us in the most thrilling novels of
ancient days.
One poor innocent man, au emigrant, was
stopped by a band of red devils, and told
that they would not harm him. As soon as
he had checked his team, and the Indians
had advanced near enough, they pierced the
poor fellow through the heart with an arrow,
killing him instantly. They then shot liis
wife and two children, and the body oi the
wife was than taken, the skull drove in, her
limbs torn to pieces, the feet cut off, and af
ter stripping off her clothing cut her open
fiom the stomach down. Three other fe
males, who were in the wagon, were then
taken captive. They were aged respectively
eleven, eighteen and twenty-five years. Af
ter travelling several miles the youngest girl,
who continued to make an outcry, was shot
with seven arrows and left to die where she
This is only one of the many outrages, the
details of which would fill our entire paper.
Not only terrible retribution, but total anni
hilation is indispensible. There* lia3 been
enough talk of amicable treaties with
these cut-thioats. The only answer they
have made to peaceful interrogatories has
been the use of tbe scalping knife, the tom
ahawk, and the arrow.
Tlie Indians say they want no peace. No
white man shaft live in that country, nor
travel the road. If such is their determina
tion, it is the duty of the Government, with
the troops now at her command, to make a
common and total sweep of destruction in
their ranks. The ordinary warfare must be
übaudoued, too. The white man'e mode ot
fighting is futile. They must bo rushed on
to bravely, on good animals,and made forfeit
their lives without a sigh of pity or com
passion ! Prcification, leniency, and conri
passion ! Bril ! — Marysville Arhansis En
terprise, Sept. 2d.
Adventures of Trunk Containing $40,000
(From the Cincinnati ;Gazette ]
Some weeks since Mr. E. B. Long, of Au
gusta, Ga , started North carrying with him
a large trunk, iu which he had the sum of
$40,000, one half of which was in gold and
silver. After considerable annoyance and
vexatious detention and several attempts by
others to get possession of the valuable con
tents, Mr. Long finally reached Chattanooga
in safety. At the Chattanooga depot the
the trunk was dispatched to the Crutchfield
On his wuy thither it was forcibly taken
possession of by some soldiers and carried
to an out-of-the-way place and broken open,
and the contents with the money appropria
ted. The trunk was then secreted and so
was ihe money. Days passed, and nothing
was heard of the missing trunk. At length,
a couple of boys overheard two soldiers
talking about a trunk containing a large
amount of money. They reported the cir
cumstance, and this led to the arrest of the
soldiers and the recovery of the trunk and
the $40,000, the entire amount being found.
Trio soldiers are now kept under guard, with
abaft and chain to their ankles.
Yesterday morning Mr. Long reached this
city and stopped at the Spencer House. He
stepped oul and ou returning to liis room,
discovered that a part of the gold was scat
tered upon the floor. Alarmed lest he had
again been robbed, the trunk was quickly
examined, when it was found that the gold
had become loosened from trie package in
Which it had been placed, and had slipped
through some ot tiie cracks iu the trunk,
which had been made at the time of tire
Caattanooga robbery. Mr. Long finally
concluded to put his money in the safe, and
at last the identical S4D,OOd is locked up in
the Spencer House safe, wriere it is supposed
to be secured from harm, at least till Mr.
L. again resumes his travels. The trunk
looks as though it had some right rougb
The local papers in New England are pub
lishing the item that “Col. Chas. G. Green,
•f the Boston Post is eighty-t\yo years old,
and well preserved.” Upon which the Bos
ton Courier remark;—“Well preserved" he
is, God bless trim ! and long may he remain
so, but he has not seen sixty-five years yet.
Mr. Beals of the Post is eighty-two years
The capitalists oi the Atlantic and Great
Western Railroad, who have obtained the
controlling slock iu the New York and Erie,
and lOhio and Mississippi Save
declared their intention of double tracking
the whole line from New York to St. Louis.
This will be a work of great magnitude, and
when completed will have due effect on
travel and transportation east and west.
On Uir 14tli Nflmtier. t>jr the Kev. Charles Colecjr,
Mr. .1 IS. Mclntosh of Th'iinas county, to MINS AN
NIE M BOND, oj hiiv.nnah, G.r.
Augusta, Ua., Sept. 20, lSjfi. /
General Oedfb, 1
No. 15. /
All orders issued by military authority, in
this Department, relating to contracts lie
tween individuals (except those which in
terest Freedmen) or determining the right,
title or possession of property of any descrip
tion whatever, except property owned or
claimed by tiie Government, are hereby
suspended ; and all officers on duty in this
Department are prohibited irom adjudicating
questions of contracts or conflicting claims
to property, real or personal, except when
necessary to protect the rights and interests
of the Government.
Bz command of
S B. Moe, Bvt. Col. & Asst, Adj't Gen’l.
Official :
Will A. Coulter, A. A. G.
sept 23 2t
, Thifl establishment will be opened to the public,
after undergoing a thorough
Renovation and Improvement,
We have secured a Full
Selected from all the available
Talent of* tlie Country,
A celebrated Scenic Artist
Has been employed sometime in restoring aud painting
New Scenery
For all the New Sensation Dramas
Will alt appear during the Season.
sep24tf Leasees and Managers.
A good competent Jobbing Carpenter, r Apply at the
office of the Pulaski House. sep23 It
will be sold at the
-ON- >
On Monday, the 2d Day of October Next,
All (he surplus
At this Post, consisting of
Sale to continue from day to day, until all are solp.
Terms, Cash, in Government Fund.
sep23-td Lieut, and A. A. A. Q M.
Take Notice,
Will perform at
St. Andrew’s Hall,
Iu their inimitable Burle qne
ifjv Admission 50 Cents.
The undersigned having rented the School building
on the comer of
Charlton, aud Drayton Streets.
Wonld respectfully announce to the public, that he,
assisted by Mrs. Alethea S. Burroughs, will open a
select Female School in said bnilding, on the first
Monday in October.
Tuition per Term of three months; one half pay
able the middle of each quarter, as follows :
Senior Department, per Quarter *2IOO
Junior. do do 18 00
Primary. do. do 15 00
eep23 3 JAMES S. COZBY.
Coffee, Sugar, Whiskey,
100 Hi! bbis Crashed Sugar,
60 Bags Rio Coffee,
10 Bbls Rye Whiskey,
Just received per Nightingale and for sale low
-114 Bay street,
sep23-3t Opposite Custom House.
Freight for Macon by Wgaons.
Apply to
Grold. W^anted.
sr>23 2t HF' BY twvsw.
W anted
None i.eed apply except those who have had ex
perienca and can lurntsh unexceptionable references.
Apply to
Corner of
®ep23 ts
JUST receiv. ;d, ROO tons first quality
Kennebec River Ice,
which we relll always sell as low as any ether concern
in this city.
Particular attention paid to Packing and Shipping
for the interior.
Ice delivered at the Depot or on board Stea raer
Free of Charge.
A liberal share of patronage is respectlufty solicit,td.
Cheeaeman & Marshall,
■treet Lane' C ° n “' r Dr « non*^^Broughton
An electUm will be herd at the Court House i:; >■„.
City of Savannah, on Wednesday, the fouith da, of
October next, for three Delegate* to represent Cis
ham County in the Convention of tbe Peop'e of Geor
gia, whose Delegates are required to meet a ; Mi"
edgevtlle at IS o’clock, meridian, on the 4th Wedne>
day of October, A. D., 1805.
To entitle a citizen to vote he must be -qualified as
prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State
of Georgia, in force immediately before the 19th oj
January, A. D., 1801, (the date of the Ordinance of
Secession,} and also he must have taken and snb
scribed the Oath of Amnesty, as set forth in the p r ,, R
ident’s Proclamation of May 29th, A. D., 1805.
The election will be held in obedience to the Proe
lamation of the Provisional Goveraor of Georgia, pub
lished on the 13th day of J niy, 1865.
Polls will be opened at .even o'clock a. m., and be
closed at six o'clock p. m.
The Sheriff of the County, or his Deputy, with the
Constables thereof, who have complied with Ic,
Proclamation of tUe President aforesaid, are require
to attend said election and preserve order
WM. H- CTJYLKR, j. i. c. c. c
GEO. P. HARRISON, j. r. c. c. c.
JOHN WILLIAMSON, a r. c. r c
The Great Invention of the Age
Hoop Skirts,
J. W. Bradley’s Sew Patent Dupex Ellin,
tic (or Double) Spring Skirt.
THIS Invention consists of Duplex (ortwoj Ellntic'
Pare Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braidfd
tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the
toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring
ever used. They seldom bend or break like the sip
gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect
and beautiful shape more than twice as long ss an?
Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can he made
The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and
pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt
will be experienced particularly in all crowded Asaem
blies, Operas. Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pews,
Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the-
Skirt can he folded when iu use to occupy a small
place as easily and conveniently as a Silk orMusliu
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and
great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic
Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after
wards willingly dispi nse with their use. For children,
misses and young lai.ies ihey are superior to ail oth
The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted
thread and will wear twice as long as the single yam
covering w hich is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts.
The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double
Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov
ering from wearing off the rods when dragging down
stairs, stone steps, &c„ which they are constantly
subject to when in use.
AII are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes,
and are the best quality in every part, giving to the
wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible
and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable,
comfortable and economical Skirt ever made.
WESTS', BRADLEY & CARY, (late J. I. & J 0.
West,) Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu
fart anus. 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Read,, streets,
New York.
For sale in all first class stores in this city, and
throughout the United States and Canadas. Uavan.
de Cuba, Mextco. South America, and the West In
iST" Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double)
Spring Skirt. jyß Stf
EITHER Transient or Permanent, to be obt lined
in a pleasant situation, and very accessible to
business, in Broughton street, No. 181,
septic Sim
Garden Lot (dr Sale.
Qty ACRES first quality land, wooded, with good
* building site, 4.’d miles from town, fronts west
on Whttebluff Road, with lands of Hover on the
north, Carrnthers east, and Stiles south. Price SOOO
See plat at my office.
eeplß lw HENRY BRYAN.
Wheaton’s Ointment.
Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all
Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents For sale by
all Druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks i Potter,
Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass.. It
will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any
part of tbe United States. sept2l-3ra
U. S. Internal Revenue,
Collector’s Office.
AFTER rhis date, I will weigh and brand all Cot
ton paying Internal Duties in the Frsl District ol
Georgia. All cotton must be reported to this office
to be weighed for payment of Duties on its arrival in
the city.
Cotton from other Districts, not weighed nrd
branded, will be weighed and branded when reported
with certificates from Collectors and Deputy Collect
ors. A. N. WILSON, Col
aep2o G
203 Bay Street,
Have Just Received,
100 boxes F. It. Cheese
60 boxes N. Y. State Cheese
100 bags Oats
100 bogs Corn.
For sale at lowest market rates. sep.2l-3
ttT shares Central Railroad Stock.
8 shares Southwestern Railroad Stock.
In lots to suit purchasers. By
sep22-2 HENRY BRYAN.
Rue, Whitney & Cos,,
Commission Merchant*?
Savannah, - - - - Ga,
Particular Atientlon Paid io
Shipments to our House in PWlaflelpi.
.Alexander Hardee,
Storage and General Commission Merchant
Savannah, Georgia,
HIDES, BRAN, SHOHTS, Ac. sep22-lm
Four Horse Wagon
NEW and in complete order, with harness and lud‘*
Rubber cover. Apply at
aept2l-3 Zubly Street-
Horses and M/ules
OA HEAD line young Mules and Horses will be of
wv fervd for five days Cali and examine t9lastoc*>
aep 21-3 Zubly street.