Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 25, 1865, Image 4

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The Savahnah Daily Herald. MOfcOAY. SfePTKMHEK M, l»*l We INDIAN COUNCIL Amicable Adja.imenl of Ikt Dlffrrtttiri Between the Lo>«! mid Dl.loy at Creek. —Th< Treaty Signed by the Rebel Dele gation*—De.tltule Condition of a Por tion of the Cherokee., if. Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. 19, 1863. The differences between the loyal and dis loyal Creeks arc amicably adjusted. The rebels' delegates of the various tribes repre sented have signed a treaty with the govern ment with a note appended, claiming non f orfeiture of lands, annuities, <fcc. A committee was appointed to confer with the Choctaws and Cbickasaws, relative to the treaty. The Southern Cherokee* submitted to the report, stating that the committee had waited upon the Xorthern Cbetokees to arrange the differences, and asking them to recommend the Cherokee Council to repeal their confiscation laws, who agreed to lay the matter before the Council The same delegation reported that about six thousand Cherokees are in the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation, on the Red river, in a destitute condition, and asked the Council for relief. The commissioners have refused to re cognize John Ross as chief of the Cherokee nation, ou account of his duplicity and bad faith with the government, and a paper has lieen submitted by the loyal Cherokee dele cation asking the eoommissioners to rescind : tOeir action. Tin (oltertiou of Ttici in the Southern States. Thkasurt Department, Sept. 18, 1865. in the circular issued by this Department ou June 21, 1865, reference was made to the provision contained in section 46, of the In ternal Revenue Act of June 30, 1864, con ferring upon the Secretary of the Treasury discretionary power in regard to the assess ment, levy, time and manner of collection of taxes in the State lately in insurrection. Under the authoiity given by that section it was then stated that the Department, with out waiving in any degree the rights of the government ia regard to taxes hereunto ac cruing, would not insist at present upon their payment, so far as they were payable prior to the establishment of a collection district embracing the territory in which the tax payer resided. It was further provided that manufactured articles found in the hands of a purchaser, which were satisfactorily shown u> have passed from the manufacturer before the establishment of the district, should not he subject to tax, unless transported beyond the limits of the State lately in insurrection, i N T o exception was then made in favor of ar \ tides which had remained in the possession j of the manufacturer, and thns become lia ble to the tax imposed by the existing law. ! The Department, preferring to test the j practical workings of the regulation before cxercisiug its power of modification in this mportant particular, representations since made relative to the hardships of this dis •rimination between manufacturer and pur chaser have been corroborated by careful in quiry, and induce the conviction that a far mer exemption is justifiable and advisnblo. It is found that considerable quantities of manufactured products have been retained by the manufacturer in his own bands as the safest mode of investing his property until the return of peace; that this retention was determined on and carried out without the knowledge or opportunity of knowledge of the law’ subjecting this property to heavy taxation on sale, and that a large part of the manufactures so retained, having been much deteriorated in value bv the lapse of time and want pf proper attention, would not now sell tor a sum equal to the tax. A state of things so destructive to the use lullness of property and to the prosperity of the manufacturing classes is as adverse to the integrity of the government as to that of the community. For these reasons it is here by ordered that all articles, ia whatsoever bands found, which can be shown to the satisfaction of the assessor to have been manufactured before the establishment of the distiiet, shrill be held free from the pres ent assessment or collection of tax, unless transported beyond the limits of the States lately in insurrection. Manufacturers of Articles liable to seizure lor want oi inspection marks will present to the assessor evidence that such articles were prior t 0 the establishment of the district, and the assessor, if satisfied, Will Cause such articles to be so marked as to tie identified and sold without liability to seizure. All articles transported beyond the limits of the States lately in insurrection will be Hubject to the tux due under the law in force at the time they were manufactured. H. McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury. The 4irent Klre at Auguata, Mr. FCRTHKH I'AItTIL t'LAKS —THI: PRINCIPAL LOSERS —INSURANCE, ETC. | Augusts (Sept. IT.) correspondence of Boston Adver- The following is a list of the principal losers:—The Stanley and Franklin Houses, Harrott & Bradbury, C. H. Mulliken & Cos,, Deering & Holway," corn and flour dealers; John McArthur, F, & H. Hamlen, John Wheeler, George Hunt, Joseph Piper, J. H. Edge & Cos., G. T. Wells, B. Libby & Cos., Longfellow & Dearborn, D Woodward, groceries; Nason, Hamlen & Cos. Kilborn & Barton, Wheeler* Hobson, Hauilen & Smith, G. F. Potter & Cos., O. O. Whltchouse & Cos., Barton & Merrill, dry goode • C. K. Par tridge, J, W. Coffin, Eben Fuller, apotheca ries; C. A. Stantvood, E. Fenno, C. A. Pierce, books and stationery; W. F. Cbesam Dean Pray, Deliver Brothers, S. Caldwell, Huntington J. Cushman, 8. C. Noble, cloth ing ,C. W. Salford, hardware; A. D. Locke. £ Haskell, J. Tibbets, E- Varney, boots and shoes; E. Rouse, Jr., M. M. Swan, 8. W. Fail-field, watches and jewelry; fifteen or twenty rum shops; W. H. Emery, Cony & Farrar, provisions ; Kling * Potter, bankers and brokers; W. Hendenbnrg, musical in struments and nicknaclts ; J. 8. Hendce, C. H. Starbird, N. R. Rideout, photographers; J. Anthony, C. G. Hunt, bats; Cony’s livery stable, ana many others, among whom are ail the lawyers and claim agents, the United States quartermasters, commissary and pen sion offices, Post Office, banks, depot, East ern Express office, American Telegraph office and six dwelling houses. Several casualties have been reported, but 1 am unable to trace any of them to a trust worthy source. The insurance on Ihe buildings and stocks destroyed has not been added up, but from conversation with many of the losers 1 finct that most of ihem are well insured, and all the insurance agents tell me the losses lo their companies are heavy. Among the com panics which lose are the Home, of New York; Etma and Hartford, of Hard’ford and the Maine, of Portland The fire ia a terrible blow to the business prospects of Augusta, but none seem des pondent. All are filled with a determination that the disaster shall not lie death blow to onr growing business. Many have already secured temporary accomodation®, and high rents are offered for small rooms. The steam fire engine, which has been here but a month, saved tens of thousands of dol lars worth of property, working to the satis faction of every one. The flames are now entirely subdued. The Colored Troops.-—The whole num ber of negro troops mustered into the ser vice since the commencement of the war is, in round numbers, one hundred and eighty thousand The deaths and casuities among them greatly exceeded the proportion amopg the whites, and amounted to over fifty thou sand. Sixty thousand of the remaining one hundred and thirty thousand have lately been ordered mustered out in the severs! depart ments. HERALD JOB MINIM OFFICE. !So, 111 llay Street, SAVANNAH,-GEORGIA. We respectfully aril the utteutou of the public to rhe facilities which we have for d< log all kinds of JOB PRINTING. We hare THE BEST PHEHHEH For doing ali kinds of work, and we keep them in I good repair We employ only FIRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY. We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to whl-h we art ronstanrly making addition* We are prepared to execute order* for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, PROGRAMMES, PLAYBILLS, CIRCULARS BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES TICKETS BUSINESS CARDS LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS PASSES, LABELS CONSTITUTIONS BYLAWS, BALLADS PAMPHLETS. CALENDARS LEGAL BLANKS SHIPPING BLANKS Or any other kind of PRINTING—tu any stti.e a Fine Assortment of inks ros PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY HAIL OB CIFftESS Will receive piompt and careftal attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do ail onr work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customers OUR RRICBS Are ns low as the present, high cost of stock, mate rial, lalior and living will admit of, and ate below the increased rates which rale In other lines of business S. W. MASON & CO., lit Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia. ESTABLISHED INOD. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St„ rep 9 NEW YORK. 2m THE NEW YORK NEWS. D AIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY A ; ND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AND BEHI WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT FAMII.Y NEWHPA PEIiH, BENJAMIN WOOD Editor And Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! improvementTintroouced iMMIHII eidCuiATIONAi liYlßMilil OH. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED;IN NEW YORK NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday, Single Copies Five cent* One Copy, one year $2 06 Three Copie®, one year . 5 (Hi Five Copies, one year 8 75 Ten Copies, one year 17 oo —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Coplee, one year 30 00 Tile Weekly News 1* Bent to Clergymen nt tl 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Coplea, one year to oo Five Copies, one year is no Ten Copies, one year .. ;o 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten T wenty Copies, one year *5 CO To Clergymen 300 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subscribers SlO per annum Six Months Kve Dollar* For aale by all Ncwadealar*. Specimen copies; ot DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent tree. Addresa BENJ. WOOD, Dally News BnUding, No. 10 City Hail Square, »y>t2l New York City. W anted. A BOOK-KEEPER. ZNone need apply except thoae who have had ex- P 4 rlence aud can lamlih unexceptionable sefereacea. Apply to CHA9. t COLBY * CO, Corner of BAY AND ABERCORN STREETS. *ep23 ts l).\ I Lv JOURNAL & MESSENGER, j PiMsM Every Moruiue auiLEreuiujt. MACON GEORGIA, GOMfR OF CHINNY AND YHINO STNEITS. LARGEST CIRCL'LA TIOS IX MIDDLE AXD SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA. fTIHE old‘ Journal A Messenger,” flr»l established • in 1 Soft, and regularly published ever since, ha, tqe Largest Circulation of any paper in this seetlon. We are offering liberal terms to advertiser., and merchant*, and others desirous of having their bu«|. ness generally known, will do well to advertise in our columns. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and h cirrnialed throughout iht Southern and Northern States generally. Parties sending their advertisements with ihe money will he insured satisfaction Address 8. HOSR A CO. SSLiaßw. \ Pr, ' l ' ri, ' ,<,r ’ i T’' THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News -The Disc na tion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration oi Prosperity In the Southern States. The Proprietors of the New Orlsat e Daii.y us Wiip-v Tim re, encouraged by the liberal support ?;!vCi, to their journal, have made ample arrangements or its improvement, with a viewtomakingit, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASB SOUTH URN FAMILY AND NEWS TAPER. Terms of the Daily, sl6 per annum; half yearlv, $s ; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Ip devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf States; contains u carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary and miscelluneoti* matter, Ulus, poetry, etc., correspondence from nil parts of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $3 per annum. TO OUUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ 0 go I C copies $25 no 3 “ 14 I*ol T ** ««mm 4 “ IS 00 I S “ 33 00 5 “ 22 SO 10 “ 37 00 lo copies S4O. An extra copy will he given to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terras invariably in advance. Addresa WM. LI. KING X CO, anl4-tf Proprietors N O. Hmes, No. 70 C inip at THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. lias entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none ADVERTISING HATES. (OH 6QI.VRF Two weeks $ 6 00 One month C on Two months 10 00 Three months ). 15 on Six Months 24 One Year 40 00. TWO BQCAP.FB. Two weeks $lO (Hi* One month Vi 00- Two months l.*» 00* Three months . is 00» Six months 30 IM> One year 00 <K» Persons desiring a greater quantity a»1 space than i* above designated, will be accommodated on liber a terms SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, fmailedj 6 eta.. One Mouth, do 75 *• Three Months, do $2 « 0 Six Mouths do 3 50 One Year do. C 00 Animas, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD CO., PETERSBURG, VA. PROSPECTUS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertiping Sheet, with an Edition of 10.000 copies, for gra tuitous CIRCULATION. To he Issued on or about the 15/A of July, !s€&, By J. W. BURKE * CO , MACON, QA This enterprise undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, as a. method of extensively advertising their Lupines*.— While we will publish the advertisements of nU who may favor u< with their patronage, the paper will also contain Price* Current of the Markets in ali the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description that will be or interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR ” be exclusively filled with advertisements; hut the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence* Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as. wit.i, as a urstNFSa papkr, and we intend that it suall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of onr friends win want their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Pablic through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to na Immedi ately ; state how r much space yon wish them to occu py, directions, &c. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at tnc amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. They wii*l bf. as low ab Ehtble, to ALLOW C 6 TO PUBLISH THE PAPER- Deeming it bUpCPflU oua to argue the benetii of thfc*enterprise to the ndver tlaing world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. Bi RKE X CO., Macon, Ga. Agent in Savannah: Ofo. N. Ninnoi A Bay Sireet. iyl^-tf WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES. LIUUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts TfiEJONESSTKEET Select School ! rpAUGHT byvMr*. S. P. FUDGE, on the Northeast X corner of Jones nnd Barnard streets, will he re opened on Friday, September 29th. . The conrse for tbe Senior Department, embraces ■ll the English branches, together with French and Drawing. In th« Innlor Department are taught Reading, Wri ting, Orthography, and Elementary Georgraphy, Arithmetic, fil’d .National philosophy The Infant Department, ia tanpht Oraiiy. on the En ropean System, a method peculiarly adapted to the rapid improvement of children from three to seven years of age. rsftns peh session op kiss months : Senior Department ♦SO. Jnnlor “ 40. Infant •* »6. French and Drawing, each 2S. Fnel 2. Terms strictly cash, payable quarterly In adyauce. •epll6-*aw2w BRINCKERHOFF A MILLS, \\7 HOLES ALE DEALERS IN TEAS. Order, for "» all kind* of Teas, ln any alzed packages de sired, filled at the lowest market prices. Fartlea or dering will please scud remittances. Terms caah.— Orders solicited. Southern Produce received and sold on* commis sion. Will also receive deposits of money for dia haraemonL No. ITT Pearl street, near Wall, New Yoik. at?l lm Misnilllto* Mif.atmAßTß.Ar. WARREN & PLATNER, CoinmbSion MerehuntH, And dealer* in all kind* of coarse and flue p ,p*r» »u*d pajM-r Mock. Also a fine *-j*ortmci,t of «®vcW »'p**» Hi,d twint* constantly on hand. C adi oa*d for rnea, bagging and waste paper in isrg** or small quan lilies. M-pIS ts *lo Bay übiet, Savannah. Ga JAMES 6. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Pro v isions, W i lies and Liqners, 17 i BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS nfMcrchanriizc sifhir.g torealiic imme diately will consult their interm. by consigning the same. Strict attention will lip given to all bn»ine=s en -1 mated to them, and prompt return® made at the moat reasonable rate®. ®ep4-3m Let, M. CatmeniLi.. J. IL W. JoiraaTojt. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON. Dry Groocls, ANI» UENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 333 BROAD 9TRK ET , Orr.BiTt Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Will give prompt and perrons I attention to ali (UXSIGXMFATH THEY MAY BE FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. Reference* in Savannah—Messrs. DeWitt A Mor gan, Bell, Wylly A Christian; J. T. Paterson k Cos. ; N Lyon, Etq. aug24-lm TO SHU’I'LHS OFCOTTON AM) OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss. Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vrasr Stbket, *.kw Yohk. And Memphis, Ter.ti. Thomas FtvMn Buoin, D. W.Bowmam. jyli tin. CILiS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission anti Farwartliu; MERCHANTS. JONra HIAIOK, i'OUNCE BAY AND ABKBOOEN BTKCCT SAVANNAH. GA. I. I II K I) A l CASH ADVANCES Made on Coattynmeitai to the Arm of Cuas. L. Colcv, of New York, or to onr friend* in Boaton. MAUDE A WRiGHT. Agent® at Angtiilft. (ii nrltucEt: Messrs. la,hney. Morgan A Vo., New York. Jarive Slade, E* p, New York. Hon. J Wiley Ldtuanda, Boston. Gardner Coiliy, K®q„ Boston. sep 19—tl A. S. HAKTKIDGK, Factor and Commissiou Merchaut. RAF STREET, SAVANNAH. To be found, at present, at office of Messrs. J. T. Thomas X Cos,, nexi to Central Railroad Bank. sep!4 2w Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 1141 Du a ate Strut, New York, D nusi 11 Hanover >'t., Baltimore* DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Libera) advances made on Consign merits. Sheetings, Cfonabiirgs and Yarns. jylS Johs Jokfr, (CnAirroN 11. Way, Late Treasurer State of Ga. j ( savannah, Ga . Jones Way, Have re opened their office at No. 98. Bay .Street. (Opposite the old stand, j Savannah. Ga-, for the trans action of a General Cnn»mta>inn and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Colton and Merchandise to and from the interior. RxrrasMOM—T. W. Chichester, Khq.. Augusta. Ga., I. C® Plant- Ksq., Macon, Ga., J. \Y. Warren, Ksq.. Co lumbus, ua„ and any Bank or Me*chant of Savannah, Ga sep 13 eod lmo HENRY BRYAN, Bryan Street, kxxt t<» Mfboiianti* and Planters’ Bam; lirii.mao. Broker and Commissiou Agent for hai.k and cußriiAsr or BTOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton, an 15 ::mn DURYEAS MAIZENA try one found. tmi mnv« fßo ° That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of ‘Corn Starch” and “Prepared Com Flour'* of this and other countries notwithstand ing. KAZXSHA, The food and luxury of tbe age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a coatas lonishinj the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, eoups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream tor «'oflee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Muizena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all «pc ». For »de by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, ltiti Fulton Street. YYIIjLIAM IIUBY'EA, ■q»2.i-3ni General Agent. GUNNY BAGGING. 'F’ox* sole lr»- N. A. HARDEE & CO, «ep2-tf Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES TONICING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, TIiLTON HEAD. ang24 ts ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, SO. 253 BOWERY", NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS ami Dral-rs in Builders' and Locksmiths’ Hfttdware, Nulls. Pnllies, Cord, Rim lucks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Bran aud Iron Key* and Castings, Gong Bell®. Wire, Stlrer-Plating, Ac. AU order®, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srplO 6m HEADQ US. SUB-DIST. OFOGEECHEE, T Savannah, <3a., Sept. 16, 1865. >’ ( CimAir. ) Any soldier or citizen ot this post found watering any nnimal or animals “within thirty feet of any pnblic pump (except un der the bluff) shall ho arrested and fined not less than thirty dollars ts JO.) and on failing I to pay the fine imposed, will be imprisoned I in the city jaii of Bavannah. By command of Brv’t Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN Epw’d A. Parkinson, Capt. and Street Commissioner. Bt sept 18 gbihKniKk. 1.1141 i»u® G. K. OSGOOD, 'TUBE 140 roso HESS AMI Hr, ST. JII.IM sis .s H AWAII, (.A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries iinil Provisions. Tin, Crockery, Glassware Hardwares N. B —The highest Cash Price* paid for Beeswax. Tallow. Wool, Hides. Ac ts septlG 8. E. Botuwfly- B. Wbitsbead. BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD GrooEry, Commission anil Forwarding MERCHANTS, BfO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVAWAII, GA. ■epS lui Ja*. G. Watts. A. H. Champion-. JAS. G. WATTS & CO., WHOUBAIt AND RETAIL DIALERS IR Groceriosi nn«l Provisionis. ALSO, IMPORTK.IiS OF Foreign Lipors, Wines, -Segars, &c., 89 St. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, West aide Market Square, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WE woold call the attention of our friends and the public generally to onr new connection, and solicit a share of their patronaee. Mr. A H. Champion, late of the firm of Champion & Freeman, thanks his friends for their past favors and requests the bestowal of the same on the new firm sep?- lrn HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GBOGEES, 103 JAay st„ Near Barnard, SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamers from New York the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries IN THK CITY. N. B.—Order* by Mnil. accompanied with Remit tance. frowtlt Filled at Lo,veßt Market Pilcea. ausi lmo DOMESTIC^ l Al£3 WINES )RIH}MnSASU/MiS jhfaggpi SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOH THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an:ni _ NEW GROCERY STORL Van Noivton & Ward. WOULD reapectfnlly inform their fric.-da nnd the public that they have opened at No. IS.I Brough ton atreet, formerly occupied hy Blmi and Meyer; and will keep conetautly on hand a well eelected ®tock so Family Groceries. Quick sales nnd smnil profits is their motto, and a share of the public pationage is respectfully solicited, *T. 11. VAN NEWTON. H. G. WARD. s.*pl2 u PIE RCE SKEH AN Wholesale and- Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, .Scotch and Eug liih Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON .STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street. New York. GADEIM & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE and COMS'N MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, &c„ Cohneb or Bay ani» Barnard Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rntes paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c„ and liberal cash advuuces made on shipments to onr New York House. seplS KIRLIN & KIENZLE, Wholosalo acl Retail DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LAGER BIER. o u it HOUSE, tfls BAY STREET, au?l ts 3500 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x59 per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLE A CO. *uT9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. TRY ONE POUND, KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE LKALERS IN ALES, WK AND LlipilS. C'Oll\K ft WHITAKER STREET ANO BAY LANE, ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. _ AU2I _ _ tf^ a. utrwß i 607 Wholes de Deal cue m QIiOCEHIES, IsIQI T ORB AND SEGARS. Corner Johnson Squ ire and St. Julian street and. No. 17S Buy street, Hodgsou’u Building. Particular »it tcmicui paid to filling country orders AGENTS FOR TIIE SALE Oi' ALE A LAGER-BEER, eepil lia VIRBIIt miECO ffliv, George A. Grump & Cos., 209 Bboad Street, Augusta, Gi , HAVE on hand a targe nnd well selected stock of Manufactured andSmoking Tobacco. Sample® sent by Express when desired. 3m jn2o DANffiLMANN, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Tinware, ttovea and Stknvc Pipes. AI9O, Roofing. Gut tering and Repairing done at the shortest notice Northwest corner of St Jnli »n street wepS-lm and Market Square. Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. L. FINKE, 60 Liberty Street, sepi2-3mo NEW Y’ORK. BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD augS4 ts SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. F' huiihii kr AI o. • SHIPPING ami < GMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner B y and Whitaker fired*. Haxannah. tit. Prompt attention given to atnaignmenta of Mcr chandbe and Produce of all kind* purchased and sold. *ep2 lrn Horiatio PlUlirr. COMMISSION M KUCHA NT. dealer in Ship Stores and Chandl«*ry. Harris’ u harf, foot of Lincoln street, under the bluif. aepl T iso ii A Gordon, COTTON FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, au3b S G Bay street, Rue Whttiiey Ai Cos., General Commiasiou Merchanta, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. au24 Brady, Nmltki Cos., Commission and For WHTiing Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, bay street, north side, betweeu Whitaker and Bar nard street. aug2l _ MA. Colieu, • FOR WAULING and COMMISS’N NIERCHANT, Office ilome ins. Cos , 80 Bay Ft. B~7il7Wyny ATcihriatlai*7~AUcTION, GEN KKAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah. Ga. AM. Scarbrough & Cos., Grocery and Com • Mishio.. MmojnNTS. 14) Congress and 57 St. Julian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. Erwin & Harder, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah, Ga. inesV liququs, &c 7 AKUIiLEd, NORTHEAST CORNER OF « Broughton and Jefl'enon streets. Agent for the State of Georgia, for the sale ol Caliiornia Wines and Brandy. E. ILcctlickc A Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS In Groceries, Tines, Liquors and Segars® Corner of Bay and Whitaker sts , Savannah, Ga. Pep2-lm Israel K. Sealy Cos., 130 LE AGENTS AND llf FOSTERS OF Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, lu the State of G«*Orgia. 207 Lay st., between barcard and Jeflorson. auD savannah. Ga. I gruel U. .Sealy Cos., WIIUI.KSAIJE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, t OUDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGA US. au9 207 Bay st., butweun Barnard and Jefferson JLamu, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Span • isii Sycakb. Fbrncu Branhiks. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tobacco of all kinds. 191 Lay street. Savannah. Ga. ~ PRY GOODS. John C. Maker <Sk Cos., Whole*.i.a .no Retail Dkilkbim DRY GOODS. HOSIERY’, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Sc. Sc. Cor. Cougnas and Whitaker ata. Thomas Pepper, Wuoi.esale ani> Retail De-iler in Staple and Fancy Dry Gooob. «l I’nprece or/ifetl low Juices. ONE PRICE ONLY’. 115 Consrcsa atreet. John Motonajjhy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, So. Samuel 31. Dedercr, Jobber and Re.ailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goons, Boots ami Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Sc. 146 Congress street. ~ GROCERIES, &c. C. K. Osgood, Store 186 Congress and So St Jnliau ftreeta. Savannah, Gt Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B. —The highest cash prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, hides, Ac. *epls MFerat A Cos.. v\ I OaCsale Dealer in Wines, Lt • qioßs, Seoars FaM) Groceries, Candies, Ac. if*Congrees street. Al«\ Miru, WuoLESii.E and Ketail Dealer in • GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Cungregg at. Lane Congdon A Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian Pts., Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton Kh mleil, WIIgLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay Street, are constantly receiving per etettraere from N. York, the largest and most complete a.-iNjrtraent of GROCERIES in thia city. IT' P. Deyo, Dealer ln Choice Family (Jeo erils, j» Wines, Liquoas, A* . 133 Broughton street. Robert Balfore, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. BILLIARDS, &c. O’Toole 4k < o„ BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES, *e. Broughton at., third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Br WALTER O'MEARA. ALE®, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. Bay atreet, over Lx pit-® Office. Union Shade*, Tehpnoi Ndoint, Proprietor. ALES, WINKS, LIQUORS, sKGAKS, ac. 65 Ball at., opposite Pnlaaki House. SI. Clini le* Saloon, (in rear of Post Office.) hy A. Stamm. Wholesale ana Ketail. None but CHOICE \\ INKS nnd LIQUORS served. Free Lnneh. SCRIVENERY. John J. Purtillr, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court ) will attend to ail Writlnea and Bttainesa entrusted to hia cure, at Saloon of IVrence Nugent, Jr., yppositc Pulaski House. GAS FITTING, &c. IJliimbing and Gn<t Fitting, A By JOHN h. CULLEN, Broughton »r.. one door We-.t of Barnard. WH. William*, Gas Fitter and Plumuer, • and Dealer in Tin Ware, House FußNiaaiNG Goods, Ac. 145 Broughton street. Weed A Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin Ware, No. 159 and 101 Broughton atreet. TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st., next to cor. Whitaker. SJUGARS, TOBACCO, Ac. ~ Kocthecke & Cos., ’ J Import era of Genuine Havana Segars, Coiner Bay and Whitaker streets. Suvannuh, Ga sep't lm FKolb. • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard stieet, one door South of the Market. CP. I.opcz, Sro.vKs, Touacco, Sncff, Ptpra, • Fanot Ahticles, Statxosehv, Ac. Cot. Bull and Broughton ata. F t'Oll lt Itllt. iMrOBTFR OP Do.MFSTIO AND HAVANA • Seoahs, MtkCSoiiAUH Pirra, &c. Also, Wines, Champagne® and other Liquor®. Bull atreet, opposite ihe Foat Office. PmNTINGrSTATIONERY, Ac. Saville & Leach, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cur. Bryan afreet and Marker Square. If arising Ink, Manufactured and for 6ale by ltl DAVID H. GALLOWAY, Geo. aY. Nichols, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay Bt., between Abercoru and Drayton. j. Purnc, lithographer, stationkr, J ld* BINDER JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. 6 Whitaker atreet. u W. Miuoii Cos., IIRRALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE No. 1 tl Bay aireet. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ; FD. >7olxloll, Dealer in Watches ar i Txwrlbx, • Silver and Pi atei» Ware Fancy Goods, Ac. Watchegand Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., oppusiie the Pulaski nouse. HAIR DRESSING, &i. Pnlaaki Home Barber Shop, (.cor. Bull and Bryan at?.) Shaving. Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Whiakere Dyefl, Ac. Fancy Soap®, Cologne, Neck Tie* and other Fancy At tide* for Pale. Wrnitukl. Dennis Falvej-, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. New Woks Made ro Ordek. Repairing, Bel) Hanging. Ac., M abort notice. IBS Broughton et. ~’~CHINA WARE, &c. IX O. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND a. CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. WO Bronghton street, ild door from cot. at 801 l DRUOGHBTS. TTT M. Walsh, W . W HOLKSALE AND RETA IL DRUGGIST hoi4 Sonrbfaat cor. Pkrnard and Bronghton aia. New Drag Hongs, Comer Congreaa nnd Barnard at®. JACOB LiPPMAN, late King A Waking. Thomas X. Turner, DRUGGIST, Sonthvre* 1 cor. Barnard and Bronghton eta DIHICTORV .. CONTIN^ 4 *• holomon. *Ca ' —^ *• WHOLESALE AND HKTlli i.g. . | - eaacuted aceorau-l, «nd_,,ta a. SOOTH and shots. Ame. cW Peabody, Joblien in itafTi'.® 5 : and Children k I’alf, ?*«*rge and Kid • bUOES, of all k nda and Qoalitic* w iC j IKUungre*. 4tl door North of n,. v r| Gt to. T. Kichola, - - » RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORt CONFECTIONERY, JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WboIzoah am. p.t MANUFACTTREa OF 411 SYRUPS. CORDIALS .AND FINKCONPECTIoxeo, !46 Bronghton street, two door* from Barr ... VI Fitigerald, ... 1 _ WHOIkSALB «* BZTAtL DtALEB I* CIDERS. LEMON, STRAWBERRY* ami RASPRr»• SYRUPS, CANDIES, EX - In any quantities, to suit Purchasers V. HITAKFR BIEFEr -*• ! _ PHOTOURAPHS~ ' ~ JT. Heading & Cos., • PHOTOGRAPHERS, , 1 Cor. Whit iker and St. Juh ar , SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER - RraTT, and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ac! ’ ftllt Cor. Bay and Weet Broad streeu DRY GOODS AXD CI,OTHIXg7 ~~ Carhart, Wliitlord A: Cos., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealer* i* READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 anii 333 Bsoadwat. oo*. Worth Steeft NEW YORK. T P. Caehabt, I Hxkbt Shafik, Wh. H. Wunroitn, 1 A. T. Hamilton, J. B. Van W aGcken. Office of Payan A Carhart in Hqnldation. STEELE & BUBBANkT' 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail r m ' chaser® to their superior stock of pm MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Good®, Jewelry, and Plats® Ware,Swords, Saahea, Belt*. Embroideries,Boole,Cars Field Glasses. Gauntlets Glove®. Ac.. Ac., Ac THE NEW SKIRT FOR lS«i ~ A WONDERFUL invention for ladle®. Cnauraiion ably superior to all other®. Don’t fail to read the advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing lull particulars every Saturdaj A. T. CUNNINGHAM. |> 0 f ESI CUNNINGHAM & PURsE, Factors, forwarding and cgmmissiox MERCHANTS, No 4 Stoddard’s Lower Store* Bay stieet, Savannah. Ga. Reference®—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter 4 Oammell, Octavn® f ’ohcn. Brigham, Baldwin ft Cos Erwin & Hardee, Clnghom & Cunningham. eep4-8m > COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE? THE unders'gned have this day entered into Copart- * nership to carry on Stevadoragc, Drayage, stor age and Commission business, under the name of H J. Dickerson & Cos. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Low a Cos. H. J. DICKERSON T. A. GOODWIN N. B. BROWN. Savanna li. Ga,. August 81,1865. an2l-iia Warren's Celebrated Needles and Fisi Hoots. ANDREW CLERK & CO.,' 4S MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTER®, OUR former customers will find ft reduction in goli prices of the Needles, while the quality is alwrji keptnp to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the' mercantile relations so iongaud favorably esteemc-c by their house. au2s Sm Real Estate for Sale- BUILDING LOT suitable for Retail Stores or Ware house, corner Broughton and Montgomery, streets. Terms cash. Eligible Lit, southeast corner of Whitaker and Gordon streets. Term* cash. Garden Lot No. 8 Gaston Ward, ICOx6O ; has to small houses. Price low for ca.-h. Mi sepl4-lw HENRY BRY’AjI. I. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YOR& For sale by aepl* BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO K. 11. ALLE.V & Cos., l«tt At 10l WATER ts*T„ NEW YORK. A(. R HHiTli RALI )TP LEMEN AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Tool* fur the Farm and Garden, svch as Fpodefi, , Shovels, Hoes , Forks , Itokes, AC. % and for Grass llooks, Scythes, Scyth-Stones, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, alFo, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Grain hmlle. Sugar Mills tor Grocers’ n»e. Store Trucks of various pat turns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Ac. Fertilisers ol ail kinds, such os Cue’s Superphos phate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian <jm«iDo, and Poudreite, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass .Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for onr trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or btiahel, or in small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thou®and sepl2-2aw-3mo Advances Made ON COTTON AND r OTHER PRODUCE. Tlic New York Warehouse aud Security Company) ' No. 33 Pine Street, New York, With a Cash Capital of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, will receive consignments of COTTON, &c., and accept time or|sight draft® for two-thirds market vulue, at shipping port, wh*n accompanied by bill ol lading. Competent persons will receive the property on arrival. Any other inionnation can be had by ad dressing the Company. This Institution is owned and managed hr active business men. which, added to the capital invested, guarantee entire safety and experience in the disposal of merchandise consigned to them. References in New York—National Bank of the Re pnblic; Bank of America. , THEODORE CRANE, Pre3't ' F. J. Ogdin, Scc’ry. sep’22—2»w3w E. F. METCALFE & CO., GF.RERAL | FOBWABDOG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Lower Stoddard's Range between Abercorn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, - - - * - * Ga. References—Hening, Flint X Pearce, New York. E. M. Bruce A Cos., Augusta, Qa.; R. C. Robson, EsjL* Atlanta, G«.; Knott A Howes, Macon, 0».; »• Bruce, Morgan A Cos., Appaluchicola, Fla*; V 8 u Crane A Cos , N. Y.; Geo. V. Pearce A Cos , Bt- Mo.: H. C. Bruce A Cos.. Cincinnati, O.; Mr ri J Cook, Albany, Ga.; Jno. W O'Connor; Mocun, Ga sept2t lm lumberT WHITE PINE, rough and dragged. Cherry ati White Wood. For sale by RICHARDSON * BARNARD. erp: -t i Bay street, Mariner'® C h otco-