Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 30, 1865, Image 4
vCser -a* ThfiSavJnnah Dally Herald, SKm.MHKB SO, ISGS Beyond thr ArMlramfßl at War. A false impression prevails with some Northerners in regard to the obligations of the Southern people. An enlightened com lnunity. having deteimined a political issue by supremacy in arms, would exhibit a most ulieeuerous and impolitic spirit in demand ing iront their prostrate foe the violation of the plainest laws that govern human nature. Vet there are some in the North who demand that the people of the Sou'll, in token of their submission, shall surrender their con x ictions, their instinets, their right of thought, their emotions and ever}' moral attribute that constitutes manhood Thus the New York Times is indignant because Bishop Elliott of Georgia preached “a sermon over the body of his beloved friend and brother, Polk.”— Would out cotemporary have had the body of that distinguish' and divine and soldier cast to the dogs without Christian burial, without u tribute’of respect from bis friends and comrades. Elliott bas written a letter in which he says: *• I think it is our duty to .maid the memory of our de ceased Bishops. \teadc, Otey and especially our beloved Polk. They have lived and died for us, and, however wrong others may think of them, we revere their memory and weep over their graves.” We appeal to the decorum of the Northern public to judge if that is not a proper senti ment for Southerners to entertain toward their countrymen, who have tought and pet ished in the cause ot the Confederacy. Meade, Otey and Polk may have err< and in their views upon the political questions involved in the war, but none have a right to assert that they were not sincere in their opinions, nor actua ted by a conscientious belief that they were in the' discharge of a patriotic duty. To in sist that the South shall consign such names to infamy is to stand in antagonism with the hrst principles that govern human natu-e in its loftiest and purest essence. A people of uoble and generous instincts cannot be ex pected to stigmatize a cause for which they have suffered so much, in which they perilled their lives and fortunes, and that, in their es timation, is consecrated by the blood of their best and bravest. The world would cry shame if. in the hearts and on the lips of the men. the women, and the children of the South, the memory of Stouewail Jackson lived with other sentiments than those of rev erence, gratitude and affection. We cannot hush the voice of uature nor combat the in stincts of humanity with the arbitrary law of political supremacy, nor is it decent or expe dient that we should attempt it. The graves of those who have fallen, though in vain, for Southern independence, will be hallowed by all generations of the Southern people, anil their soldiers will be forever honored as he iocs and patriots. It is in vain that such journals as the Times shall rebuke a Christian tribute to such a man as Polk, and point to his urn as that of one “who went to his grave, his iawn crim soned with fratricidal blood, and his sword tarnished in the work of treason.” It is in vain that our cotemporary calls upon the South to detest and denounce the action of their fallen chiefs, as a “dark deed,” which trut h w orld call crime, and for which,jus tice would have demanded condign punish ment. Vindictiveness may persecute the living and insult the dead, hut history will accord to them their weed of glory for valor and devotion iu a cause that they held sa cred. The Southern people are fulfilling, with dignity and sincerity, their obligations, so far as they are permitted, to the political system that has beeu forced upon them. All that Government has the right to claim, all that it has the power to enforce front a con- quered race, is subordination to the laws.— It is not possible to couirol their sympathies, their opiuious, their hatred or their affections. Can the might of England blacken the mem ory ol Emmet in the estimation of Irishmen ? Just so surely will the names of the Confed erate cliiels he a pride and a glory to their countrymen; and, the time will come when the North will join with the South to keep the laurels green upon ther tombs. —.Vo, York World I'riTitir Toa-iiarto in Mfnacsotn, srvnUl. PERSONS INJURED—GREAT DAMAGE TO TROPERTT. [prom the S!. Paul Pioneer, Sept, u ] On Tuesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a terrible tornado passed over "Typo Lake" settlement, near the middle branch ot Sun nse river, about forty miles north of ttiis city, doing a great amount of damage and seri ously injuring several persons. | We.learn from an eye-w itness who saw ti e tvrnado, that the day had beeu hot aud sul try, and threatened a storm. About four o'clock black, angry clouds gathered in the southwest, and apparently came together Imm different points as if impelled by coun ter currents of air, and an angry contest ap peared to lake place between them, the clouds being whirled around, and the eddy ing currents of air sinking towards the earth. When the whirlwind struck tne latter—which it did in a timbered locality—it made a fear ful roaring noise, and the air actually grew black. Leaves, dust, brush, branches ot trees and (our informant states this on his honor) even large pine trees, torn up by the roots, were whirled around in the air, earned to an immense height, and borne oil in the path of the tornado, looking at a distance like birds. The hurricane took a northeast direction, leaying a swath of desolation in its course. Several house's were blown down in the immediate vicinity of Typo Luke. Fortunately the tornado passed over a por tion of the country not very thickly settled Had it struck a more populous settlement the loss w ould have been immense. As it is v?e fear much damage has been done and many persons injured” We have oniy heard of three so far. One of these, Wm. Hobba, late of the Sixth regiment, is a resident of this city, and was out hunting, with a man named Orville Grant, who lives near Typo Lake, and another party, whose name we did not learn. They had’ taken refuge from the storm in a school house, which was at terwards destroyed by the hurricane, when one ot them going to the door saw the tor nado coming and gave the warning. Know ing the house to be an unsafe place, they ian ituo the thin timber near by, and two of them laid down behind a log, while Hobbs •dung to n small tree Finding he could not retain hold of this he made for the log Just then a large pine tree, hurled through the air, fell on tne group Hobbs aud Graut were seriously hurt. Their companion but slightly. Sharp —We have in our voportorial corDa nu out end out Jenkins, whose lucubrations in the way ot describing female apparel ac cidents to wuterlalU, etc., have undoubtedly attracted altention with out lady readers Unlike some oi the New York Jenkinses he is distinguished lor his veracity, and we have never had occasion to doubt any of hi ß stale ments until yesterday when he sent in the following questiouiule report of a conversa tion, which he says lie overheard : Army Chaplain— • 'ily young colored ftieml can you react? Contraband ‘'Yes, say !" Army Chaplain- I 'Glad to hear it. Shall I give you a paper ?” Contraband —“Sartin, Massa. if you please.” 3 Amu Chaplain - I ' Very good. What pa per would you eboose v Contraband—“ Well, Mafr.a, if you chews I’ll take a paper of terbackcr. The chaplain looked at the contraband and the contraband at the Chaplain, then thu latter Sighed. —Raleigh AVtnyco.s*. The aggregate valuation ot real estate in Ho«- ton for the present year is $201,628,900; g H i U q in five years, $19,556,600. Present valuation ot personal estate, $177,263,875 ; gain in five years, $19,886,275. The Stale tax in 1864 was $2 36 per SIOOO, and this year it ia $4 44 per 1,000, being an increase ot $2 09 per SI,OOO. The city and county tax iu 1864 s!?? y;i -P 1 * 1 and this year it Is stl .ft, per $1 000, showing an increase of 41 * l ’2°° I' ll ® to*»l amount of tax *s sls 80 per SI,OCO. HM'i FISH EftfUt BUM t'at Weaken* fc* ♦r<Pscfef'**t; The n hausted powers of N»*dic which ar« ttccoinpuuied l»y m. many alarming symptoms among which will bo fonnd, Indisposition to Exerti *n, L*»aa of Mcmoi > Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings l Kvil: In fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter into the t iticym* uts of society The Con*ii utio*. once affected *ilh Organic Weak new. requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and inrUroraie the cythn, wLicit HelmboM’s Extract Huchu invariably does. If no treatment iu submitted to, Centum} ttou or insanity ensues. Helm Ma’s Fluid Extract Bnclin, In affectionspecaUar to -Females,” is uueqimled b> any other preparation, as in Ciiloiosi* or Retention. l'liofnlliCMi or {suppression of Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrus Slate of the Uteras : and nil comilsint* incident, to the sex. whether arising ffoin habits of dissipation, imprudence iu, or the decline or change in life. Hclmljolirs ?M Extract Buck, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically exterminate from the system Disease!; arising from Habits of Distipatiouat little expend-, lit tle or no rh *ngc in diet,no inconvenience or ex pop lire, completely superseding those unpleasant and danger ous remedies, Copaiva an! Mercia*? in all these dis eases. Van HULMBOIiS’S F' EXTRACT B tJt.’H ( . ii all Discaaes of these organs, whether existing hi ••Slale" or "female," from whatever cHhse originating and no matter liow long standing It la pleasant in taste un(l odor, "immediate" la act<on, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or Iron. Those suffering from Brokea down or Delicate Constitntlons, procure the remedy t.t once. The reader must be aware that however alight limy be the attack of the above and! oaaee. It ia certain to ai fect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers, aud Happi ne4a. All the above diseases rcpnlro the aid of a diuretic. HEL.MBOI.D’* EXTRACT Bi tHI IS THE GREA T DIURETIC. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUIO EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For parlffiiJgthe blood, removing all chronic con-il tutional diseases, aritUig from an Impure Mate of th - blood, ?nd the only r.liaole and effectual known rem edy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum. Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration o the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter, Erysipelas, and all scalv eruption* ol the skin, AND BE UTIFYLNG THE COMPLEXION Not a few of the worst nlsorders that affect man kind arise from the corruption that Accumulate* In the blood, of all the discoveries that have beeu made to purge it out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD’d compound extract OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses an l renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease It stimulates the healthy func tions of the body, aud expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the hlood. Such a remedy that could be relied on has long been sought for. and now. for the flrn time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show' the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tab!* spoonful of ihe Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the LUlkhi Diet Drink, and one bottle is lully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general use in all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in private prat tices- and arc considered as invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu. FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATE* See Protessor Dewee’s valuable works on the Prac tice of Poyric. Sec remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. See rcmaiks made by Dr. rphraim M’Dowell, a cel ebrated Physician and Member ot the Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published in the Transac tion nos th» King and Queen’s Journal. Sl t Medico Ctiiruiglcal Review, nuolishcd by Hen amiti Travers, Fellow of Royal College of burgeons. See most of the late Stan lard Works of Medicine. EXTRACT Bl t’IIU. “SARSAPARILLA." Sold l>i/ all Druggists PRINCIPAL DEPOT— XI r L XbZ BOLD’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL, WAREHOUSE. sep7-tm 604 Broadway, N. Y. ESTA BEINIIED 1800. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, Arc*., No. 211 Washiiigton-St., «cp 9 NEW YORK dm m NEW YORK NEWS. D AIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY A'ND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AXD SEMI WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT family newspapers. BEYiAiilk H Wii Editor And FroytteiAr. Jonnmls of Polities, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News frora ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTS INTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS' DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST TAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every “vy*ednosuxiy. Single Copies. Fife Cents One Copy, one year $ % qo Three Copies on? year 5 00 Fire Copies, one ye tr % 75 Ten Copi(<s, one year IT 00 — an extra copy to any Club *>f Ten Twenty Copies, one yenr . ...... 30 00 The Wciklp .Yews U Sent ta Ciergymcn at $1 -50. StIVii’VvEEKLY NEWS. Publislicd every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year. loon Five f < pies, one year 15 on Ten Copies, one year "0 00 —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 65 <0 To Clergymen .. 3 op NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Snbscubera $lO per annum Six Months Five Dollars For sale 'ny ait Newsdealers. Spec.msn copies, DAILY «*ud WEEKLY NEWS sent free. Address siidj. WOOD, Dally News Building, No. 10 City Hall Bqnare. “T l2l New York City. BUY f OUR COOL DRINKS AT TONKING’S, IN BKJ R OF TOST OFFICE, 1111-TON HEAD ans 24 ls I>lssf i lution of Copartner- ship. CVaarlnerthlp heretofore existing between * WWt Mtnrtt »0d T. W SAVAUF, under the naineai JtHLYN A SAVAGE, Architect*, ceased to exist on Ist January IW4 •ep* *l-taw2w DzWITT BRCTN. H v TT .V~“** JOURNAL & MESSENGER, PDiilisheil Every Morning nmt Evening. MACON , GEORGIA, COMER OF CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS. LARGEST CIIiCULA TIOS IS MIDDLE ASD SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA. rpUK old ‘•Journal A Messenger," Art ust.thlislipd * In 18ti9, rind regularly published ever since, ha-» tip* Largest Circulation of «ny paper in this section We are offering libeial terms to advertiser*. and merchant*, and others desirous of having their bn*i ness generally known, will d<> well to advertise iu our columns. OUR W EEKLY Contains the legal advertising of soni? t ight 01 ten counties and i.- circulated thioaghout the Southern ami Northern States generally. Parties sending their Advertisements with the money will he insured satisfaction Address S. HOSl£ A CO. 'triirKß.} Pr,, l' ruto,P _ " I' l ' THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, the Lending Journal of (he South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus slon of State and National Topics--The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—'The Progress of Southern Commerce, and ihe Regeneration of Prosperity iu the Southern State*. The Proprietors of the Nr a Orleans D .n.r am> Wkski.y Taunt. encouraged bv the liberal support given to their journal, have m me ample arrangements for its Improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily. SIG per annum; hail yearlr, ; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TiWitS Ip devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf States; contain* a carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, Mies, poetry, etc., correspondence* from nil parts of the couutry and abroad, letters from the peo ple, u resume ol the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annum. TO OIUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when s»«t to one addnss: 2 copies $ 0 fft t 0 copies $2:» 00 •°» *• 14 no j v *• 2*.* ot* 4 “ IS 00 j 8 •* 3k 00 5 “ 22 50 J U “ 31 00 10 copies s4o. An extra copy will be given to any one getting up a Chib of Ten. Terms invariably In advance. Address * WM. 11. C. KING * CO.. «nl4-tf Proprietor-. N. (). Time*. No. To < «.oij. Pt THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon itH Fifteenth year, in an eftilarged form, with new type, under suspices highly flattering. It liae a large and daily increasing circulation, and of feia to merchants aud others desiring to conic tunicate with the Southern public, advantaged surptadded by none. ADVEimSINU KATES. ONK BQI'AP.F. Two weeks $ r> 00 One month a o*» Two mon t lip io ot> Thive months j ... l j f*o bix Months 24 oo One Year -jo Ot* TWO bQI Ar.FB, Two weeks slo 00 Oue month 12 00 Two months ir» (*0 Three mouths ... fn* •Six months :to oo Oue year : ao Oo PersonsdtisiringH greater ol space than h above designated, will be Hcoonuriodatcd on li!»o. and terms. SIBMHIPTitt\ RATES. Single Copy, (mailed; f> eta. One Month, do. . T'» •• Three Months, do $2 «(» Six Months do. 3 60 One Year du t, ot* AItPRFHA, A. F. t RITCUFIEhD *fc CO., PETERSBURG, YA. FH.OSFECTTJS OF TilF. Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet. WITH AN EDITION OF 10,(MX* COPIES, FOR GR/ • TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Tssum on or about the 15th of Juh/, 1605, By J. W. BURKE & CO., MACON, QA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion »>f many of the’leading merchants of the country, a* a method of extensively advertising their business. —- While we will publish the advertisements of all vito may favor \u with their patronage, the paper will aU o contain Prices Current of the Markets in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, &c., aid Commercial News of every description that will be of interept to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR ” he exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large tj leave amide room for Editorials, Concspoiidence. Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as. well as a m hinfss r.irFK, and we intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable* to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friends will wuat their Business Cards, Notices, &c., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to ub immedi ately ; BtaL. how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, nnd feel confident of meriting the patronage und approval of all Business Men. As soon as wo arrive at tne nmoiuit of matter and size of paper required, wc will make :uu estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. Tuxr will re as low as wsbusle, no allow rs to FUitLXSii tux paver. Deeming it superflu ous to aigne the benefit of this enterprise To the adver tising world, we leave the subject with It, feeling as sured It will meet it? cordial co-cperation nnd sup port. Address J. W. BLRKE A CO., Macon, Go. Agent In Savannah: <4«>. N. Nioiioia, Ray Street. iyl 3 :tf WM. E DA WON, WHOLESALE DEALER UROCtfiltS, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, A_jLE and Cider. *ep2 a BRINCKERHOFF <fc MILLS, TiriIOLRSALK DEALERS IN TEAS. Orders for f ? all kinds of Tens, in any sized package* de sired, at tht* lowest nv»rkct prices. Parties or dering will please send remittance*. Terms cash.— Order* solicited. Southern Produce received and sold on coin mis sion. Will also receive deposits of money for dis bmsemont. No. ITT Pearl street, near Wall, New Yo»k. sepl lm BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, cor. Bryan- street and Market Square. SCHOOLBOOKS. Spellers, Readers. Omuiitf, Book-Keeping, Copy Book*. Diction arise. Saville & Leach, •cpt-tf cor. Brr-n street and Market Square. iwtMfWui niUWAtrn.v line. WlmtiiT & Cos.. GENKHAL (bu* oii 31 1* re* li alit s, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - Ga. Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our House iu Philadelphia. sep22-lin WARREN & PLATNER, CoininUsion Meri*hn nt h. And dealers in all kinds of coarse and fine papers mid paper stock. Also a fine assortment of envel opes aud twines constantiy on hand. Cash naid for rags bagging and waste paper in larg** or small quan tities. seplS ts 21t* Bay street. Savannah, Ga JAMES B. CAHILL, ». I. Ni:l:a i. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquers, 17 1 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, HOLDERS ofMerchandize wl-hlng to realize imme diately will consult their interests hy consigning the same. Strict attention will he given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most .e isonable rates. sepl-?.m Lrvi M. Chcscuim., J. R. W. Johnston. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, Dry Groods, AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OP STEAMER UNION, J 33 .3 H R O A. T> STREET, Oi l’ mtt Masonic llai.l, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Wit! give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE EA YOHEO WITH. Consignments Solicited. Keferences in Savannah—Messrs. DeWitt A Mor gan, lit 11, Wylly h Christian; J, T. Paterson 4 Cos. ; N Lyon, Evq. aug24-1m TO rsITII’FEKN OI * UTTU!TaM) Ol iiER southkrx product:. FENNEIt, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No.* - 40 VttiF.Y STRFW. i.KVV And Memphis, Tens. Tuomas Fenneb, Hinky Bokhett, D. W. jyO On. < HAS. L. COLBY A UO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding M E It V II A NTS. JONKb BLOCK, COENEK BAT AND ADECCOBN BTKEKT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm ol L. C’, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE *fc WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REPFRENCFS; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. If 01. J Wiley Edmunds. Boston. Gardner Colby, K>q., Boston. sep 18—tt A. S. lIAHTRIDGE, Factor aud Conissiou Merchant. UAI STUF.ET, SAVANNAH. To be found, at present, at office of Messrs. J. T. Thomas A Cos,, next to Central Railroad Bank sep 14 2w 3Yoodwai*(l, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Unniif Street, New York, Hand 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgsand Yarns. jyis John Jon rs, ) ICii.vbton 11. Wav, Late Treasurer State of Ga. / ( Savannah, Ga. Jones Way, Have re opened their office at No. 93. Bay Street. (OpjiOtite the old stand.) Savannah, Ga-, for the trans action of a General Commission and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Col ten and Merchandize to and from the interior. Rfferenoes—T- \V. Chichester, Esq.. Augusta. Ga , I. C. Plan Esq . Macon, Gi„ J. W. Warren, Esq.. Co lumbus, iia., ai.d nuy Bank or Merchant of Savannah, Oil scplfi eod Imp HENRY BRYAN, Bryav Stp.eft. nfxt to M from ants’ ant» Pi.anteeh’ Bank Bvilmnu, Urokcr and Commission Agent FOB SALE AND ITBCIIAKF OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &0., And fur Forwarding Colton an 15 3aio joi I mm l «).. Foiwanlius anti Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NO!'. 1 AND ? ?AMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. •JNO. 9. SAM Ul3. Cl>. C. SAYMIS. CUAB. I*, MaTXXEB ual its CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, foi: war hi no and commission MERCHANTS. No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stores, Day attest, Savannah, Ga. IfeJbrrncee—Rohr, Habersham A J-ons, Hunter A »Oaramdl* Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin it Hardee, Ciaghom A sep t Sm , eTfT METCALFE & CO~~ yINU HAL 5 FOinVAHDING AND CUiflftiiSblON MERCHANTS Lower Stoddard s Range between Abereorn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, - Ga. JJofpronce*—llening, Flint Jr. Prorre, New York; P". M. Uruoe A Cos., Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Hobson, Esq , jMLiiitn, (in.; Knott ifc Howes, Macon, Ga.; li. M. Bruce, Morgan A Cos.. Appalachlcola, Fla.; Watts, Gram* A. Cos, N. Y.; Geo. C. Pearce ACo , St. Louis, M-o.: 11. C. Bruce A Cos.. Cincinnati, O.; Mr. IT. J. Cawok, Aibauy. Ga.; Jno. W. O'Connor Macon, Ga. sep«i lm J. SHAFFER, CommiMaiou Uoaler In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ant> produce, Wfst \Yasuinoton Market, Opposite 143 West st., bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., E W Y O R K Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put np for the Southern market All consignments promptly att'enked to. CST" Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, au<l 1 11. Parson*. ivlE eodly CEO. R. CRUMP a CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 209 Broad Street. ArowTA, Ga. HM 3m INK. nr GRCGBINK, In,lands, at $8 60 per gross. 16 toO dozen Arnold's Writing Flnid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAVILLE A LEACH sn!2- u cor. Bryan street and Market square. (.MbiAttlfcl, i tutiou*, At: C. K. OSGOOD. KTOItF. 1«U HESS AYD B.» ST. JULIAN STS , SAVAWAM, OA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries mid Proiisitms. Tin, Crockery, Glassware Hardwiirc, N. B. The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. ts »eptlO 8. F. BoTHwn.i.. B. Whitbiead. BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD Sricery, CommlssiM anil Forvarling MERCHANTS, NO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, CJA. sepS 1 in Jas. G. Watts. A, 11. Champion. JAS. G. WATTS & CO., WHOLISAU AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groeerips and Provisions. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Liuuors, Wines, tiegars, &c., SS St. JULIAN and 14'. BRYAN STREET, West aide Maiket Square, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. \TU T E would call the attention of our friends and the v v public generally to our new connection, and solicit a share of their patronage. Mr. A H. Chamuion, late of the firm of Champion <&; Freeman, thanks nis friends for their past favors and requesrs the be-towal of the same on tne new firm. sejiT- lin Bagging, Rope, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON. For sale by *ep2S 4 OCTAVES COHEN. HiLTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 103 Hay st.. Is ear Barnard., SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamers from New York the Largest aud xuost Complete Assortment of Groceries THE CITY. N. 11.—Orders hy Mail, accompanied with Remit tance. i*ko.mi*ti.v* a! Lowest Maiket Prices, an 31 lmo jFOREIGN DOMESTIC I J^tgUORS&SEGARS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. nu3o NEW GROCERY STORE; Vmi Noivton Ward. WOULD respettfuHy inform their frier dp nnd Ihe public that they have opened at No. 153 Brough ton street, formerly oeeuniodoy Bliin r.nd Meyer; and will keep constantly on hand a well selected stock so Family Groceries. Quirk sale? and small profits is their motto, and a share- of th? public pstionage is respectfully solicited, J. 11. VAN NEWTuN. ii. G. WAKD. sepl2 U P lERCE SK EH AN TV It olps n1 e nnd Retail Denier In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Foreign ani Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segais. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEK, in bottle and in wood. liondon aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng iieli Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. I*o BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Lilx*rty street. New York. GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE anu COMS’N MERCHANTS, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Ac., Cornks op Bat ani> Barnaro Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, if., and liberal each advances made on shipments to onr New York House. eepis 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x6S per iiueai yard. For sale by FOWLE & CO, Ju'.S Cm No TO Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN,BBO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES INI) LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND HAT LAKE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED U DELIVERED. anil if H. O. TIAJXA/Xl ei) 00.. Wholes,le Dealers in GROCERIES, I.KVTTGRS AND SEGA RE, Corner Johnson Square and Ft. Julian street, and No. 178 Bay street, Ilodgson's Building. Partk iiiui teniion paid to filling country orders. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF ALE & EAGER BEER, iin TMlf MiY, George A. Crump & Cos., 20 9 Bkoati Rtbrkt, Aiidbu, Ga, HAVE on hand a large and well selected stock of Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m ju2o Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES —AT TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, IIILTON HEAD. aqg24 ts AYholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM. 11. snERWOOD A CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest corner or Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew’s Hail. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Grocenea or every description. Liquors imported and direct from manui'actnres are offered at prices tn suit the trade. «ept2o-lm MACKEREL. 4i| |A KITS n<*w Mackerel, just received and for \IV\J sale by RICHARDSON 1 BARNARD, •cpt2l-tf Bay street opp. Mariner's Chuich. CgAfrAflrftAU fIUSINESS DIRECT uftY ( i >MMIx-lt *N MEHtHANTS. hocllifi Lt- iv Cos. r • SHIPPING and COM MIS-ION MERCHANTS, Corner B y and Whitaker meet*. S-ivannah, Ga. Prompt Attention given to consignment* of Mer chandise and Produce of all kind* purchased and sold. t*ep2 lm Hoi at iu Pin tier. COMMISSION MERCHANT, healer hi Ship Stores and Chandlery. Harris* v barf, fool of Lincoln street, under the bluff, tcpl TUou A Gordon, COTTON FACTORS. Commission and Forwarding M«*rc hante, aur.u IHS Bay street, Kwe Wliitney 6i Cos., General Commi*>»ion Merchants, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street. au24 Brady, Smith A Cos., Commission and For warding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard street aug24 MA. Cohen, • FORWARDING andCOMMJSS’N MERCHANT, Oltiee Home Ins. Cos , KD Bay st. Bell, Wylly yW « hriatian, AUCTION, GEN EHAh COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM. Scarbrough A Cos., Grocery and Com • mission MrarmNifi, 14) Congress and 6* St. Julian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Iheswax. etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton, Ac. li'rwiu & Hardee, li CO3I MISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah, Ga. WINES, LIQUORS, &c. AKOIILEU, NORTHEAST CORNER OF a Broughton and Jefferson streets. Sol»* Agent for the Slate of Georgia, lor the sale ol Caliiornia Wines and Brandy, ts E. Koetlirkc & Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS in Groceries, 'Vines, Liquors and Sugars. Corner of Bay and Whitakersts , Savannah, Ga. sep2-lm loael 11. Sealy Cos., SOJ.E AOESTS AND IMPORTERS OF Ch FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In the State of Georgia. 20* Bay st., butwom l aixaia and Jefferson, uii9 bavannah Cm. Israel R. Scaly 6i Cos., WHOIXSALE DEALERS IN DIPORTED WINES, v ORDIALS, BRANDIES AND . SEGARS. an 9 20* Bay st, between Barnard and JcfiVxson Jin ion. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SrAN • ir.u Skgars, French Brandifs. Wines, Whiskzy and other Liquors. Touacoo of all kinds. 101 Pay street. Savannah, Ga. DRY GOODS! John C. Maker Cos., Wiioijsalr anu lirrAii. I)f.\ in DRY GOODS HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, KIBLONS, Ac. Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale ani» Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goons, at Uupi'ect- Ui-ntcd lajw I’rices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress street. Jolia MeConagliy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS Ac. lfiO Broughton street. Samuel M. Ltnitrer, Jobber aud Retailer of Fanc y and Staple Dry Gooijb Boots anu Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Ac. 14G Congress street. GROCERIES, &c. Stuart A C’o.,Whol«*BHle andßetail Dealers in Gro ceries and Piovisions, Teas, AU*s, Wines and Li quors. Coiner Bull and Broughton streets. Special attentiou paid to orders for the country trade. sep2i»-tf Cl. K. Orgooil, Store 18C Cougruss and So St. ' Julian streets, Savannah, Ga Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B. —The highest cash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. sepls MFcrat A Cos.. ? o.cfgl Dealer in Wines, Li • quoits, Seoaks ]>•’<'GRoomsiKS, Candies, Ac. .• CongfegS ttieet. AF. Mira, Wholes >i.v and Retail Dealer m • GROCERIES, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. s. hitaker and Congrecs at. Lane Congilnn A lymoiu, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner \vhitaker and St. Jinian sts.. Old Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton ft RamUU, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 193 Bay Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete a ailment of GROCERIES in the city. 17* I'. Deyo, in Cfioion Family URoc£irrn;, J* Wines, Liquors, A* . 133 Broughton street. Robert Hultbre, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. BILLIARDS, Ac. 0-Toot, 1 Cos., BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES. &c. st., third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O’MEARA. ALE ■, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Erpreva Otllrc. Union Shades, TsaF.rca Noosnt, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, sEGARS, ac. 08 Bull st., opposite Pulaski House. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,J by A. Stasi-m. Wholesale nnd Retail. None but t-ROICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. SCRIVENERY. John J. Puvtillc, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court) will attend to all Writhes and Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon ot Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. ~ GAS FITTING, &c. Fumhing anil Gan Fitting, Bv JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton sr„ one door We t of Barnard. W1I« Williams. Gas Fittfb and Pi.umheh, • and DeAler in Tin Ware, House Fuumsuing Goods, Ac. 145 Broughton street. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Habdware and Tin Ware. No. 159 and 101 Broughton stieet. TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st., next io cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCOr&c. E. Kocthiik«r & Cos., Importers of Genuine Havana Segnrs, Coiner Hay and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. aepL' lm FKoFo. " ' • SC GABS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Doper§ boars, Touaccq, Sncfk, Pipes. • Fancy Aui icles, Stationery, ,vc. Cor. Bull ami Broughton sts. F i-Mroumi or Dotnvnc and Havana • SEGARS, MEKRSCIIaIiM PiPFQ io. AleO, \\ IN Kb, cnAMi’ACNrs ai.d«ther Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. St7xTIONERy7&c~ ~ Saville A Heath, BGOKpELLEHS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. Manning Ink, Manc; actcre!* and for sale by DAVID ’ll. GALLOWAY, 35 Drayton street. I ttu. h . Nichoh, VOT BOOK AM) JOB PRINTER. Bay st., between Abereorn and Drayton. ,i, Piu<r, LiTIiOUKAPHKiL ST'ATiONKR, Idm bINDMK JOB PRINTER, Ac. _ No. 6 Whitaker street. u W. Mason tW Cos., C*. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 11l Bay street. WATCIIES, TEWELHY, ~ FD. Jordan, Dealer in Watcucs and Jewelry, • Silver and Plated Warr Fanot Goons Ac. g3T* Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pnlaski House. _ HAIII DRESSING, &c. Pnluaki House Barber Sliop, (cor. Bull and Bryan fts.J Shaving, Hair Catting, Shampooing, Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Tie*, and other Unncy Aiticles for sale. ~ FukNmjkii. TV>>■»•* Falreh FURNITURE WARIIIOUSE New Work M*nr. to Onnr.a. Repairing, Beli Hanging, Ac., at short notice. 138 Broughton st. CHINA WARE, & c .~ E u ' W' W A AND • CHINA, at U holssale ana Retail, in? Broughton street, 2d dour pom cor. of Bull photographs. JT. Readlne A Cos., " • PHOTOGRAPHERS, Ccr Whitaker and St Julian .ts. OIMfiTgPIV *' CQUTiHutfc WM. Whhl.7* ~ • ROLESALE AND RETAIL DRfeo, aal 4 Rmrht ant cor Butnanl nnd llri Drug House, I' tViiiiTfw. and Barnard efs JACOB LIPPMAN. late Kino & VFau , Tltoma. M. Turner, DRUGGIST, e... Barnard nnd Bromu,.-, r|| t A. Solomons *k Cos., " * * wholesale and retail druggist . twipnler. executed ac-curqtel, and wt,h and, ,^, BOOTS AN D ¥i!OkT Ames & Pea bod Jobbers in MenvTu . E. Chilthen's Calf, jm*rge and Kid B' >(i i^ ei MIOEtt, of all kinds nnd qualities <J 1:> ! u - Congress st., 4th door North of the Marr - Oro, T. Nichols, VJ RETAIL boot and shoe storf CON fectioneryT JK. Hernandez, —■- . CONFECTIONER-WnoTTssr.r xno R F t„ UANCFACTt’Kim or All SIRUPS, CORDIALS AND FI>ECONFECTION vw ' OF ALL i.lM'B, 140 Broughton street, tun doors from B truant \f Plt*Bcrald, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lIFAI F» t-- CIDERS, LEMON, STBAWBE RY A 4 R.yspprp-. SYIUTPS, GANDIES, 4 o; *, EERRi ear In any quantities, to sail Purchasers WHITAKER BTKEET. '' '** soda water. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER PonTr,, and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, i c . ' Wa or - B fl 3~ un i tYest Broad atreets PHY GOODS AND CLOTHING. Carhart, WhitfordTco^ Alnnufacturers and Wholesale Dealers I t READY MADE CLOTHING, 331 and 333 Bboadwav. cob. Worth Street ’ NEW YORK T P. Carhart, j He.vrt Srafrr, Wm. H. W aiTTORD. | A. T. Hamilton J. B. Van Wagxnen. Office of Pay an 4 Carhart in liquidation ■D" 6 ' 3 m STEELE & BUBBANK, 11 Merchants Rotr, Hilton Head, So. fa CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail mr chasers to their superior stock of pw ' MILITARY AND NAVAI, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Cloclta, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated DANIEL MANN, "YVTHOLESALE nnd Retail Dealer in Tinware T T f tores and Stove Pipes, Also, Roothi,,, Gut' tenng and Repairing dotie at the shortest notice Northwest corner of St Julim street sep->-1 m and Market Square. Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. L . FUIV KE , 66 Liberty Street, seplg,3mo NEW YORK. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into Copart nership to carry on Stevadorugc, Dravage, s-tor age and Commission business, under the naineolH J. Dickerson A- 1 o. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Law) Cos. It. ,1. DICKERSON T. A. GOODW IN N. B. BROWN. Savannah, Ga.. August 21. 18f.r>. arfMir, Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fi-i Hooks. ANDREW CLERK & CO, 4S MAIDI N’ LANE NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OUR former customers will find a reduction Id got prices of the Needles, while the quality is nlwi:, kept up to the highest standard known to Englii manufacturers. A. C. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of ts mercantile relations so long aud fttvorahiy estreat!: by their house. nn26 3m H» Ht ALLEH A. so,, 1«» & lOi WATER fsT NEW YORK. MIiLTDR.IL IMPLEMEI AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Tools .for the Farm and Guidon, such as SpadA Shovels, lines. Forks , Hakes, <u(\, and for Grn< Hooks, Scythes. Scyth‘S:vn r s, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offe*\ also, a large assortment of our own mat facture of n«y ( utters, (’offee and Groin Mils, Sup Mills lor Grocers’ use. {Store Trucks of various p< terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. «Src. Fcrtillizers ol all kinds, sneb us C«e v 8 Snpcrphi phateol Lime, pur? Ground Bone, I'eravian Uuti and Poudreite, SEEDS. Every valmible American and Foreign variety: Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grain it has proved worthy of cultivaiion, grown and tried expressly for our trade. Sales made in bulk, perpound or bushel, or intirl packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. sepl2-2aw 3mo Advances IVtade ON C 0 T T 0 i\ AND OTHER PRODUCi Llto New York Warehouse and Security Company, No 28 Pino Street, tier.’ Tork, With a Cash Capital of ONE MILLION DOLLAR will receive consignments of COTTOIST, &c, and accept time orjsight drafts for two-thirds and' l value, at shipping port, when accompanied by bb“ lading. Competent persons will receive the props), on arrival. Any other lnlormation can be had by “• dressing the Company. M This Inslitntlon is owned and managed by ac™ business men. which, added to the capital Inyo* guarantee entire sa tety and experience In the disp* l of merchanolee consigned to tbem. - - References In New York—National Bank of the is publie; Bank of America. THEODORE CRANE, Fred i\ J. Ooi'EN Sec’ry. eep22—2*«3 ff GUNNY MGGII For sale by >tf N. A. HARDEE & CO. sep2-tf ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCfI' Wheaton’s Ointment' WtU CURE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EI3HT HM* 51 Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, ChllhlalßS, and » Erqptiona of the Skin. Price 60 cents. For •11 Druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks i Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston. M a?l ' will he forwarded by mall, free of postage. t» ,n part of the United States. scpt2l ; ® lumbeeT WHITE PINK, rongh and dressed. Cb ( ' rr ) «' White Wood. For sale by „„ „ n RICHARDSON & BABS»«o. sepl-tf Bay street, npposile Manner ' L _ ABTEN & THBOCKMOKTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK- and M'StfflKSLiS! SarrMSs; Locka and Knobs, Itntt Hinges, Brass *c. and Castings. Goug Bells, Wirc, BUver-Pl» ,1 '4' jj All orders, large or small, furnished prompt') per cent, less than market prices. srpl» dm