Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 02, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. I •iil\UAt. W'TOBKH 1. 1563. < cmmtttwr* A correspondent of the Nashville Pre'» aud Timet, who has been recently visiting t batunoogs, fnruisbes the following dot cription ot ihe government cemetery atljnt city : VestcnUv evening 1 accented sn invitation from Chaplain Van Horn, to take a ride over tnc grounds of the National Cemetery under liis charge, and was much delighted with its appearance. As it is a matter of national in terest,and particularly tc those having frii ud» buried there, I will give a hasty skeicli of it The ground was selected by Gen. Thomas, himself, during the battle ot Mission Ridge, and reflects great credit upon the taste and judgment of that excellent officer. It com prises eighty acres, « hiclr aro euclosed by a stone w all. In the centre of the area is a iarge mound, on the lop of which is a platen comprising some four acres or more, upon which is to be erected the grand monument. Surrounding this central mound is a series of elevations and depressions, very like the smaller craters ot a volcanic mouulaiu, each of the elevations being iarge enough for a dis tinct section of the cemetery, aud they aro as perfect as though nature had formed them with an eye to the saertd purpose to w hich they have been consecrated. In making the carriage ways aud paths, the Chaplain had nothing to do but to foilotv the natural indications, and not violate na ture ; and in leaving the trees and shrubs, tu bas displayed most excellent taste, iheie are twelve sections in all, in w hich are burn 1 ■ nearly seven thousand soldiers. Two dis tinct sections, and ap-'rt from the others, are laid off for colored soldiers, and two ot the most beautiful are occupied by the ‘"unknown dead of Obicknmauga With these excep tions, the. identification is perfect the graves being marked with boards, and the grottud being so accurately surveyed that ..without, any other indication the grave ot anyone can be accurately identified. There is on one side of the grand mound a Daturul basin for a miniature iake, and two miles distant, .nr the mount, is a spring, bom which it can he easily filled with water, which will have torce enough to throw a jet from a fountain one hundred feet high. The walks and drives are serpentine, fol lowing as a genera! thing the natural de pressions, aud the chaplain designs carry ing out the Chinese system of landscape gardening, to which the grounds are so beau tifully adapted. As you ride around on the lower or outer track, you are forcibly struck by some of the most curious formation of rock—God’s masonry—which arc in striking contrast to the green casks aud evergreens surrounding them. In their sides are great caves, extending some distance into the hills, forming cool and romantic retreats in warm weather. Chaplain Van Horn is an enthu siast ou the subject of National Cemeteries, and I have no doubt Hint if he is left to carry out aud perfect his ideal cemetery, with the ad v ant ago Nature will render him, there will be no cemetery in the United States to compare with the one at Chattanooga. It is designed to dedicate it some time this fall, and Secretary Chase accepted an invitation to deliver the oration. Such cemeteries speak well for the Nation, and should be en couraged. A Story About Hr. Kane. Wo And the following in the Rochester (N. Y.) Union: “ A book will probably appear within a short time, giving the facts iu the history of Dr. Kami, the Arctic navigator, which have hitherto been shrouded in mystery. (f is true that lie was lor years engaged to Miss MargaretUt Pox, one of the young ladies who first presented the phenomena of ‘spirit rapping.’ Dr. Kane fell In love with the ■young girl while she was sitting as a public medium in Philadelphia, iu 185:;, when she was fifteen years of age. With her mother’s consent he removed her from all association with the spiritualists, and placed her in a private school near Philadelphia, to remain during his absence iu the Arctic regions. On his return in 1855 they were to have been married ; but the opposition of Dr. Kane’s family was such that Miss Fox released bim Irom his engagement. He loved her, how ever, too well to live without her: aud in April, 1856, the engagement was renewed, With the understanding that it should be kept secret till the publication of Dr. Kaue’s great work should realize an independence for him. la October, 1856, his physician having order ed Dr. Kane to England, he was secretly married to Miss Pox, and made his will, leaving five thousand ‘floLars to her in a pri vate trust to his brother. His last letter was addressed to her. “This legacy was not paid, and some in jurious reports having been raised, Mis. Kane’s legal advisers urged a suit for dower as the widow, hnd the publication of u me moir. One was prepared, embodying one hundred and thirty-tour of Dr. Kane’s letters, and Mr. Oarleton had it in press, when the publication and suit were bulb stopped by a compromise with the brothers and executor of Dr. Kane; they agreeing-to pay the lady I lie interest of the" money left her, and a sum down to repay her expenses, provided she would discontinue the suit in the Orphans’ Court, Philadelptiia, and would seal up the letters, with the MS. memoir, and place them in the hands of a trustee, who would sur render them to the Kane family at her death A boDd was signed by the Katies in 1361’, for the observance of the terms they agreed to ; Mrs. Kane being permitted to reclaim her letters, Ac,, in the event of their failure to pay the quarterly instalment of interest. This agreement was violated by their refusal to pay—first, the sum prominent for her ex penses, then ihe quarterly instalments, and •n June last Mrs. Kane reclaimed her letters ot the trustee. She is now at liberty to pub lish the volume which is to establish hot fair fame, and show the world a singular example »f faithful love, enduring through unkind uesi and calumny The death of Sirs. Fox, ill’s. Kane’s mother, has retarded the publi cation, but it will doubtless appear in good time," The Negro Millennium. Ibe following appears as editorial in Par son Brownlow's Knoxville Whig of Aug. 23 : SVGROI.9 IS MEMPHIS. “A census is being taken of the colored people ot Mnrfphis, and enough lias been developed to show that the aggregate nutn- Iter ot blacks will overreach twenty thousand, it is said will reach twenty five thousand. I his congregating in cities and towns of such crowds ol colored folks, to live in idleness, and on rations furnished by the government, is all wrong It is doing the blaeKs an injury that will show itself after awhile. All sorts of depredations are committed by the black?, and difficulties arise between them aud the whites. Instead of being al lowed to congregate at a tew prominent points in such large numbers, to live in idle ness, and to become shamefully demoralized tuey should be distributed upon abandoned tonus, and put to woi k to support themselves. They have tins to do in tue end, and the sooner they arc taught to relv upon their own exertions the better it will be for them aud so • society. The presence of armed negro troops, un less strict discipline is observed, is a ’neat evil, and serves to paralyse the whites—tec-l ing that the military power is on the side of the troops, and most of the troops being ai - lOgant, and feeling that they are armed, while these they insult and brow beat tire unarmed, j The National and State authorities arc uhi- • m&tely to become very much exercised upon the important subject of what is to be done with the negroes of the seceded Slates. (This is a somewhat different tune than the Parson and his friends have heretofore been accustomed to sing.) The Pope proposes to celebrate nest year, at Rome, the eighteenth hundred anniver sary of the -martyrdom of Bt. Peter, who was crucified A. D., June 29, G 6. It is anti cipated that unheard of numbers will flock to the Eternal City oh such a call. H&’nrtolft’s Ffnii Eitract Bncln. F r A\*«knew item lijA-zrUkm. The •*- dp» vert f N*taie wbi lore toroOjpftnied by 11 bust alurtziiD? ermptems im *g *Licb will be i rand, iodipp to Exert kra, Vtm of Jk*mnr ; f Wakefuldf*«. Horror of I> ce<*»e. or Porebodl.ig* l i Lvil; in fact. Un veraal L *'tade, Prottmtior. »nd friability to enter into the «D‘»ymr*nu of eortrtv The nation once affected with Or*:ani< i net*, require me aid o' Medicine to strength* ti and invigorate Up* py-t.ui, «iicb Be Unbolt Tb Extra*t Buchti invariably doer. If no treatment fa aahtiitted , to, CVnftiunf t ou i>r insanity inane*. Maid's Fluid Extract Bncka. I In affections peculiar to-Females.” ia unojii.iled -V any other preparation, as in Chlorosis «r KottiiiSon. P tinfbiners oi Sipprcsriou of Cnsb inan Evar.athw:* | Ulcerated or Srhirros Stale of the Uieru* . and all oonuri&mts iucid« nt t • ihe sex. trhM&ir arfa ng fr>>m j habits of dissipation, Imprudence in. or th»* decline or i dnaga in Hh : mold's Fluid Extract Bnclm, AID DIPROVED HOSE AVASH. Will tauicallv exterminate from the system Diseases | anting tram Halms of Dteigatiouat little exiu.-u.-e, lit tl. or no ch a gc in d;et,no iaconvenicnc. or exgotuii-, cooiii.i t.--lv superseding those unpleasant tn! naugei- I OUS renicLos, Copaiv* ani Jletcu-y iu all there ols i case-. TJtE HIUMBOX.D’3 I-LT'IIJ EXTRACT HITCH IT -5 all Disease* of ihoae org an*, whether enttluj iu ••&]a!e”u •Female,’*from whatever ciuee originating and no matter liovv long rtaiiding It fa pleasant iu ‘ tartc uud odor, *‘lmmediate'* In act on, and mofe strengthening than any of Liu* preparation* of Bark or Thcee suffering from Broken down or Delicate Coubiitulions, procure the luimuiy at once The reader must be nwftretbnt however alight may be the attack of the above d l -coses* !t iaCertain to af fect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers aud Happi ness. All Ihe abort* disease* ropnire the aid of n diuretic. iIELMBOIaD’h EXTRACT lllCHl IS THE GREAT DIURETIC Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND KUiD EXTRACT BARSAPABUU, For purifylug the bio *d, removing ail chronic con*ti tationaJ nisevsee, arfaing from an impure stare of the I blood, ?nd the ouly reliable audeffectual known rem : edy fbr the cure or Scrofula, Head. Salt Rhetini, ' Paius.and SvAeUings of the Uoiiea, Ulceration o the Throat aud Legs, Blotchea, l*itnplra on the Face, Tet ter, and all scaly eruptions of the akin, Bh UTIFYINQ TUK COJIPLEXIO. Not a few of the worst disorders that affect man kind arise from the corruption that accumulates in ihe Mood, ui all the discover!*# that have beeu made to purge it out, none can equal iu effect HELM BOLD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates Uie blood, inati’s the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors j which make disease It stimulates the healthy fonc. j tlorirt ol ttie body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Much a remedy that could be relied on has long been sought for. and now, fur j the AM time, the public have one on which tney can depend. Our epttce here does not admit ol certificates i to bhow its effects, but the tiial of a sinn’e bottle w.ll j sh nv the sick that it has virtues anrpanTug anything ! they have ever taken. I Two tahleapoonfu! of the Extract of Sarsapar.lU ' added to a pint of water fa eqaul to the Lisbon Diet | l)i ink, ana oue bottle is inllv equal to a gallon of I thi-Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or tfie decoction as usually These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also in very general use iu all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, a# well as in private prar ticof, and are considered as invaluable remedies .See MetHml Propertius .of &ktfhu. FROM DISPENSATOm OF THE UNITED STATED. Sen Professor Dewee's valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See remarks made by ihe late celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphraira M’Dowell, ft cel ebrated Physician and Member of the Hoynl r-oHege of Surgeons, Ireland, and published iu the Ti ansau tions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico CnlrUrgical Kevlew, published by Beu smiu Travers, Fellow of Royal Ceuegeuf Surgeons. See most of th<* late Standard Works of Medicine. KXTaATTBUtTIU, ••SARSAPARILLA." *S'o/</ lit/ all iJrutynistti PRINCIPAL DEPOT— BSXiBSBO&D ’ B DRT’Q AND C HEMICAL WAREHOHSE, ecpi-lm &V 4 Broadway, N. V. KBTABLISIIED lftOO. ENOCH MORGAN’S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., «vp 9 NEW TOKK. r.m THE NEW YORK NEWS. daily. SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AID SEBI WEEKLY YEWS. GREAT FAMILY >. UIVtsP.V I*JEX(H. BL.VJV’IiA WOOD Editor And Proprietor- Journals of Politics, Literature, FitsLioop, Market nnd Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! improvementTintroduced. IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS’ DETERMINED OR. THE LARGEST, REST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Fvery Wednesday. Single Copies ..U ..... Five Cents One Copy, one year S SO Three Cope-, one year c po Five Copies, one ye .r 8 Ten Copies, one year .. i a 11 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twen'y Copies, one yeat ....... SOW) The tt eebly Vein Is Sent to Clergymen at Si 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 oo Three Copies, one year 10 ou Five i ( pies, one year 15 jp Ten Copies; one year .to (K) —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year C 5 To Clergymen 3 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subscribe;s ,$lO pof annum si*Months Five Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers Specimen copies, of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent fr*; Address BENJ. WOOD, Dalty .\elYB Building. No. 10 City Hall Square, ’f 'rit New York City. BUY YOUR 600 L DRINKS AT— TONKING’S, IN J2. AK OF roST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD Dissolution of Copartner ship. Alst on tat MAV 4 A ' AnhM ** U ' ctueA ta wptri-taw2w DeWITTBHrYN. muFiMiu. DA ICY JOURNAL & MESSENGER, Published Every Momug amlEveßiu?. MACON GEORGIA, CORNER OF CHIRBY AND THIRD STREETS. la RCwEs t enter la no. \ ix middle axd south westers geougia. TFIIF old '‘Journal & M ftrrt established I in ISC9, and regularly published ever t-lnce, kiH-« tqo I.«r, ei«t Clrcn’stion of »-nr paper in thfa s«*ction. We are oflVlln;_ , lite al tcrmi» to advertfaer*. and merchants, and other* desirous of biwng their busi neee generally known, will do well to advertise in uor colnmns. OUR WKKKLV Contifins the legal advertising of some eight or ten eonnt : es and fa circulated throughout the Southern and Northern State* '*ener»lly. Parties 3ending their «dverti*ements with the money will be injured satfaluction Addreaa S. HOSE A CO. } Proprietor*. er-pIG THE MW ORLEANS TIMES, The Lradiuc Journal of tbc South, I’UBLIriIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and. Genera! News—The DiM ti*. eion of State and National Tup’C*—The Wei fare of the Planting Interest—-The Prorreanof Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the States. The Proprietor* of the New Orlkanb Daily a*o Weakly Tuae*. -encc uraged by the Mbexal support given to their h'Crnal. have made ample ftrn ngeroeiita for its Improvement. *irh a vimv to making it, in every respect, a FIRST CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily. $lO per annum ; half yearlv, SS; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES la devoted to the disenasion of topics of vital import ance to the interest? of the Gulf S’atea; contain* a carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary' and miscellaneous mailer, t ilea, poetry, etc., correspondence from h!1 parts of tue country and abroad, letters from the peo ple a resume dl thi 1 New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, s*> p .r annum TO CLUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to «»ne address: *J copies $ 9 150 1 C copies $25 <lO 3 “ 14 001 7 " 29 00 4 " is oo ik •* ::n oo f» " 22 SO 19 " U 7 00 10 copies .£4O. An extra copy will he given to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address ‘ WM. 11. <*. KING A TO. niil4-tt Proprietors N O. Times. No. TOffampst THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under "tispices highly flattering. It has a large and dally Increasing circulation, and of feis to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Sonthem public, advantages surpassed by none ADVERTISING RATES. ONR RqtTARR. Two weeks. $ r» 00 One month .. 6 00 Two months .. 10 oo Thi*ee months j ... 15 oo Six Months 24 oh One Year 40 00 TWO SQUAB! 8. Two weeks sio 00 fine month 12 00 Two months lr* (mi Three months IS 00 Six month. l * 3D 00 One year. .-i CO 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity ot space than I* above designated, will be accommralatod on liberal terms, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed; r> cts One Month, do. 75 “ Three Mouths, do $2 00 Six Months do 3 50 Oue Year da C <h» Aronkfl, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD 4k CO,, PETERSBURG, VA. PROSPECTUS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weefelv Commercial and Advertising Fheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be hunted an or about the Ifith of Juhf, 1565, Br .7 W. BUUIiK A AT)., MACON. GA This enterprise in undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchant* »»f the country, as a method of extensively ndvwlising their baginess.— While we will pub.ish the udvcrtis» ments Os tdl who may favor ip with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current of the Markets in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange. Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description ihat will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently largo to leave amble room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a fawny, as vfw.i. as a iirwNMb pat*kr, and we intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILE BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friend* will want their Bnsiness Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will onlv say to all, send y<*ur Advertisements lo us immedi ately ; state how much space \on winh them to< occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cnts and material for displaying-them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. As soon as'we arrive at the amount of matter and sire of paper required, wo will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. They will BE as low as roaeinLje, to allow ra to rUHMSH tub HAYSB Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the ndvei - world, we leave the subject with it, feelihg as sured :t will meet its cordinl co-operation aud sup poit. Address J. W BURKE 4 CQ* t Macon, Ga. Agent iu Fuvannah: N Nmiiiis. Bay Street. . iyl' ts JR R \ T I V K D ! A NEW SERIES OF “The Baptist Banner” WAS RBiSTIMKI) ON SATURDAY, THE 9TH INST., I!V AUGCJSTA, OA., If THE lOBMER PROPRIETOK. lAY. happy in beinjj ab’e to make the libovo an nouncement. TUli BANNER will Le published • very <*ATUhDAY. Subscription* are respectfully solicited $3 per an nom Address .JAMES N. ELLS, Proprietor, ts" Each newspaper in Geotgi* and South Caro lina will please copy twice and send bl 1 to J. N. t£. sepjO 2 MIRTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WOB K » . GRIFFINO, BROTHER & CO., PaorßiiToaa, 6S *i«r> CO CorETi.ANJ' Sntan. NEW YORK. Manufacturer* of Plow*, Harrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gin*. Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also, dealers m Field and Gardes Seed*. Also, Agents lor Urucc'x Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for etrealur Ju2o 3 m MCCULLOUGH'S LEAD C(L ]STo. 64 Duane St., new HAVE constantly on hand, (heir well known brands of Drop Shot, brail Pipe, Mack Shot, Sheet bead and Bar Lead, Which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices. Orders solicited, and shipments promptly attended to. JAMES McCCLLOUan. President sep 12-lmo COMIHIOII MERCHANTS, Ac. Rite. Whitire) & Cff.. GF.NEItAL ('mum fast on Mer ch a 111 *, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - (4a. Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our House in Philadelphia. sep22-im G. B. & G. W. LAMAR Ciencral Commission Merchants. FORWARDING AS D SHIPPING AGENTS. I'HR Under ignrd have this day formed a Co-part tierel.ip under the name and rt>le <>f O It and G. W Lamar, for the transaction of a General Com mission, Forwarding and Shipping Biuuue.-s and offer the-ir ice« to their u and the public. Refer to W. An lersan Fa«q , Savann <h; John C. Ktrrill. Savannah; G B. Limar Esq.. Sa vannah; Wtn. K Jaek-HMii. Esq., President Augusta Factory ; Metsru. Jotiuli Sibley A Sons Augusta; J. B. A J. W. Walker, Augusta. G B LAMAR Ja. •epSO-lm G. W L AVI All Ja. F. M. MYRELL, SS STEAMBOAT AGENT, aRA F.HAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANN ATT, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door weft of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers to Mesara. lfnnter A Gamtnell, Crime, John son & Gray hit I; Bell. Wylly A Christian ; Both well £ Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos.; M A. Cohen, E q._ sep29-tf WARREN & PLAINER, Commission JV£erc*liants, And dealers in ail kinds of coarse and fine papers and paper stock. Also, a fine assortment of envel opes ai.ti 1 wines constantly on hand. Cash paid for rags, bagging and waste paper in lnrg*> or small quan tities. sop 13 If 210 Bay street. Savannah. Ga JAMES B. CAHILL, GENEBAI. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liqners, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS of Merchandize wfahing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most e t son able rates. sep4.:’>m TO SHiI*eKK!S OF I’OriOA AMi OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 40 Viskv Stbkft, Aurt Memphis, Term Thomas F’fmksh. Uknky Bcnkrti, D. W. Bowman. Jyc « (HAS. L. COLBY & (0., Shippiny tommtHoinn and Fanvanllng MERCIIASTS. JONES SLOCK, OOKHER BAY AND AUEBCOKN STBYRT SAVANNAH. QA. LIBER Al CASH ADVANCES Made ou Consignments to the Arm of Chas. L. Coley, of New York, or to oiir friends in Boston. MAIiDE & WRIGHT. Agents at. Augusta, Ga. Messrs. Dahney, Morgnn & Co’, New Tork. .larivs Slade, Ks ! )., New York. Hoi.. J VViify Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colhy. E»o„ Boston. sep IS—tt Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 0 nnd 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnabqrgs and Yarns. jyts John Jones, i IC'iicrTOn it. Way, Late Treasurer State of Gu. j (. savannah. Ga •rones’ Wq>V, Have re-o)>ened their office at No C3, Bay Street (Oppot-iu* the old riiund,> Savanmih (fa-, for the trans action of h (IvflAra! (\jn*mfaHl<m aud Factorage bn*!- ne**. Partieufar attention paid to forwarding cotton aud Merchandize to and from the interior. Hrrr.HtKon*—T. W. ( hichester, K-»q.. Augusta. Qa., I. C. Plant Kki , Macon, G-k, .T. \V. Warren. Enq.. Co lumbus, ba., ani any Bank 01 Merchant of Savannah, Oh nep 13 cod lino HENRY BRYAN, Bbyan Street, kxxv to Mkrcuants’ and Planti*»' Bank, Building, Broker aud Commission A^ent for sali *to> rcacusax or STOCKS, RANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac., A And for Forwarding Cotton anls 3nw JOHN 1 Sl* & 10.. Fonvniilins mid Commission MERCHAN TJ*i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c NOS. 1 AND ? SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Biiy Mreet, Jacksonville, Florida. 4MO. 8 BA»M*B. SP. O. HAMMtE. OH A*. L. MATH FI Uill 1 ft a. t. ecsaiiXGHAN. o. rcasc. CUIYNINGUAM & PURSE, fj'ACToH.-, FOh WARDING AND C< -.MMIShION MEIidlANTtk No. 4 rloddard’* Lower Stores, l!a.v street. Savannah. Ga. References—Robr. Habersham 4 forts, Hunter & Qamuu 11, Octavos Cohen. Brigham, Baldwin * Cos.. Erw in & Hardee, ( bighorn * cunnin- hnn <ff>l 3m £. F. METCALFE & CO., GEItERAL , FQttWABnmO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Stoddard's Range between Aheicorn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, ------ Ga. References—netting, Flint ,t Poarre, New Y'ork: F, M. Bruce & Cos., AugHsta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Km.. Allmta, Ga.; Knott 4 Uowes, Macon, Ga; EM. Bruce, Morgan 4 Cos., Appalachicola, Fla.; Watts, Crane 4 Cos , N. Y. ; Geo. C. Pearce 4 Cos . St. I.ouis, Mo IL 0. Bruce 4 Cos., Cincinnati, Q.; Mr n. .1 Cook, Albany, Ga ; Jno. W O'Connor. Macsn, Ga. sept-'t [• ■ 'im J. SHAFFER, Commiisision Coaler In all kind* of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS am. PRODUCE, M kct WmiNums Masicvr, OppoeUe 143 Weet st., bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., N *E W Y O R K. Potatoes Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put np for the Southern mark) t All consignment* promptly attenked to. BT* liefer* to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and 3. H. Parsons. a i?t» . coffly CEO. R. CRUMP & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S(3 Bkoao STKirr. ArocsTi, Ga. Jn >n 3m INK. Q K GROSS INK, In stands, at *8 40 per groas. 18 Ot/ doaen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by - SAVILLE A LEACH I aa!2 tl cor. Ilryan street and Market square. OMCIKIES, Llltt'OlU. Ar. C K. OSGOOD, srorii- ISA toiciUEiii a.\o si scr. JILiAS ST* , HAVANKAI4, U.A. M IIOUCSALK AND R£ I AII. Di.AI.ER IN (irormes mid Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware Aud HarUw.m'c* B.— ' The hlehfvt Caah Prices pah! fur Beeawnx. Tallow, Wool, Ilidee. Ac. ts eeptlC 8. F. BoTiiwiLf- B. m ’i*irFiii!Ai>. BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD Grocery, Coimiou and Forwarding MEROHANTB, KO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. aepS lm Jas. G. Watts. A. H. Cdaupiom. JAS. G. WATTS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries uud Provisions. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Lionors, Wines, Segars, &c., 8$ Bt. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, Wept Fide Market Square, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WE would call the attention of our friends and the public generally to onr new connection, aud solicit a eh ire of their patronage. Mr. A H. Champion, late of the firm of Champion A Freeman, thanks his friends for tfudfbflilt favor* and requests the be towal of the aame on the now firm. Bc*p7- lm Bagging, Rope, SUGAR, COFFEE, BACON. For sale by sep2B-4 OCTAVt’S COHEN. MACKERELHERBING § BACON nyz KITS No. 1 MACKEREL, f tl boxes IlerriuKS, 5 hhda Sides. 5 hhd-4 Shoulders, 40 boxes Russ’ Assorted Liquors. For sale low to dose consignment. sep27-4 CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. MACKEREL. OAA PACKAGE ', Kits to Barrcis. For sal<> liy ivW WM. H. STARK, *ep--‘9 S corner Lincoln and Bay ats. r raREIGN DOMESTIC ( SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auuO NEW GROCERY STORE. Van Newton Sc, Wnrii. YXTOULD reapertfuUy inform their fric.-olt and the * 1 public that they hare opened at No. IJC Brough ton street, formerly occupied by Blun nnd Men r: and will keep constantly on hand a well felected'stock so Family Groceries. Quick Pales and small profits is their motto, and a shnri. of the public patronage is respectfully solicited, J. H. VAN NEWTON. 11. ft WARD. sepl2 0 PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Grocer!ex, Boots and Shoes, Clotliine Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. Loudon and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch aud Eng lish Ales, <fcc. Liberal deductions made to the trade. IT6 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and «2 Liberty street, Nety York GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAt. PRODUCE and COMS’N MERCHANTS, —and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, 4c., Coin** or Bat and Basnard Strfyth, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rate, paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, 4c„ and liberal cash advances made on shipments to onr New York House. septs ¥6O 0 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x5S per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLS * CO, jut9 6m No. TO Broadway, N. Y KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE 1-LA [.Kits IN; i ALES. HIES AMI LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LAKE. ORItERg PROMPTLY TILLED & DELIVERED. an2l if 3E3C- GTnUWE C 0.7 Wholesale Dealt* s in GROCERIES, LIQUORS A\D SEGARS, Corner Jolmmn .Square and St. .Tnlinr. street. 178 Bay Htr»‘ct, Hodgson's Bnfldili'?. Particular nt tent ton paid tolUlrng conntiy orders. AGENTS FOR TIIE SALE Or ALE & LAGEH-BEER, vepll 1m IIRGIMA mm% AGIiMV, George A. Crump & Cos., 209 Hen an Street, Augusta, Oa , HAVE ou hand a large and well selected stock Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco. Samples sent by Express when desired. 3m Ju2© Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES —AT TONKING’S, IN RKAR OF POST OFFICE. lULTON HEAD. «nc2t tr A\ r liolesale and Pfcetail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. VV M SHERWOOD & 00., Sivannab, Georgia, ▼ southwest corner of Bronghton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew’s Hall. Wc are receiving by every steamer fresh. Rrticleaef Grocencs of ererv description. Liquor* imported and direct from manufactures are offered at prions to suit the trade. *ept2n-lm MACKEREL. lit |A KITS new lust received and for \nnj aaiehy RICHARDSON & BARNARD, ecpt2l ts Bay street, opp. Mariner’s Church. MAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. L' Aulhuki A. Cos. r . sHlPriNrj am !X3MMIS-IONMERCHANTS, •'ornet B y and Whuaker ,tr.-eU. . SivantiKh. Git. Piompt atieulam given to coiutguiucul.. ot Mer chandli-e and Troducc of all kinds | un h .«•<! and sold. sen? Ira YToratio Pitfhrr. XI COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ixuler in Ship Stores and ChaudWry. Harris 1 wharf, foot of Lino In street, under the hlulf. eejil Tlson (V (Cordon, COTTON FAC TORS. Ccrainission aud Forwarding Merchants, auSo pc Bay street, Rue Mill t lie j' A. Cos., General Commission Merchants, No. 20*2 Bay street, above Barnard street. au24 Drndy, Smith A l'o., Commission and For JJ wa ding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay sired, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard stiect auget MA. Cohen, . FOKWARLINQ and COMMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos , R 9 Bay st. Bell, WyUy ot ChrUUan, AUCTION, GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah. Ga. Ail. Scarbrough o. Cos., Geoolky and Coh . mission Mmu u'ms, 140 Congress and 67 St. Juiian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool. Beeswax, etc. Liberal Ad,'ances on Cotton. Ac. Ij'rnin <St Harder, 'J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay st.’eet. Savannah, Ga. WINKS, LIQUORS,~&cT AKOHLKB, NORTHEAST CORNER OF « Broughton and Jeflersou streets. Sole Agent for the State of Georgia, for the sale ol Chliiornia Wines and Brandy, ts E. Korthrlte & Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS In Groceries, "Vines, Liquors and Sugars. Corner of Bay ami Whitaker sts, Savannah, Ga. sey-2-lm Israel K. Scaly <S i Cos., .SOLE AON NTS AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES, In tire State of Georgia. 207 liay st., between Barnard aud Jeffeieon, autf Savannah Ga. Israel H. Scaly- A Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, t ORDIaLS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS an 9 207 Bay h twe. n Barnard and Jefferson JLuma, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Stan . isu Sioaro. Fe*nou Bhantufs. Wines, Wuidriy and other Jjqnors. Tobacco of all kinds. IDI Day street. Savannah. Ga. DRY GOODS. John C. Maker A Cos., Wholesale and Retail Dk.i.ek in DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, IUBLONS, Ac, Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, \Vuocjuulk and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dby Goods, at Vnprece, avnteit Lott irlcnt. ONE PRICE ONLY. John nirt'oiiagliy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS. Ac. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dp.y Goods Boots and Shoes, Clotbino, Hats. Ac; 14(5 Congress street. GROCERIES, Jcc. Stuai t Cos. 9 \Vholes»lc andKctail Dealers in Grc ccries and Provisions, Teas, Ah*s, Wines and Li quors. Corner Bull and Broughton streets. Special attention paid to orders for the country trade. Epp2¥-tf C. K. Osgood, Store 18C Congress and 85 Bt. Julian streets. Savannah, Vt.\ Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B. —The highest rash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Bides. & c. scpl J Feist At Cos.. v\ J r.csal Dealer In Winer, Lt ltl• qv ork, SroAßs, bin Canmes, Ac. .* Congrees street. AF. Mira, Wiioi.ksm.e and Ketau. in • (4tiQCBRI£o, FBLIT3, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress «t. Lane Congdon At Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEIJS, Corner W hitakcr ami Bt. Julian sts., Old btand of W. it yynmna. Hilton At Katulcll, WHOLESALE liROCERS, 193 Bat Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest ana most complete assortment of GROCERIES in this cit}’. Ij' !*• Dtyo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, J* Wines, Liquors, Ar. Robert lialforc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Bronghton street. MLLIARDri&cT ( A’Toolc & Cos., A-E BILLIARDS, LIQUORS. WINES. &o. Brmighton st., third door from Bull. Billiard Saloon. By WALTER O'MEARA. AI.E-, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades, Isbe-nce. Nvoent, Proprietor. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, sEGAKS, 4c. •it; (is ttulj st„ opposite Pulaski House. S~». Chart** Saloon, (in rear of Post Office J by A. Stamm. Wholesale and Hetdil. None but (.'HOICK WINKS and LIQUORS served. Frco Lunch. SCRIVENERY. ’ John Jl. Pm-tllle, (late Recorder of the Secoud Provost Court j will attend to all Writiigs and Business entrusted to his c.ire, at Saloon of IVreuce Nugent, Jr., opyajsite Pulaski House. GAS FITTING, &c. T)lumbing nnd Ga* Flltiag, A By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton st., one door We t of Barnard. WH. Williams, (Jab Fittks and Pi cm her, • and Dealer iu Tin Ware, House Oo iDa, <fec. 145 Broughton street. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware anflTtN Ware. No. 159 and 101 Broughton street. TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, M Bryan st., next to cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TQBACCOr&c. p- Koethoflw Cos., -i Importers of Genuine Havana Segars, Cuinerßayana Wiiitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. sep* 1 ui Kolb. r • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNLTF, PIPES, Ac. Bam nd street, one door Smith of the Market. C\ 1». Lopez, StoAßs, TooAopa SNcrr, Pipes. ’• F+slit Artm.ks, St.ytiontrv, Ac. J Cor. Bull and Broughton sts. F Constant, Importfe or Dowkstio and Havana Seoars, MmiboiACii Pipab. Ac. Alto, Wines, u u.ympaonxb and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. HUNTING, STATIONEHV, &(. Savillc & Lrnch, UOOKfELLEUS AND STATIONBHS, Our. Bryan afreet and Mnrkct Square. Yfnrkinpt Ink, M anvF*crr*zn nnd for sale by Itl DAVID H. GALLOtVAY, Cl eo. »T. MrhoU, Y BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, 1/ l-arae, b. iHouKAPHEK, "bTATJONER, J l /. UNDER. JOd PRINTER, 4c. Ni». Ci Whitaker street. VV. Mason A Cos., •- . HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 1H 11, ly niwt, WATCH Ao. FD. Jordan, Dealer in WATdurs and Jewelry, • Silver and Pi. Aim Ware FancyGooim Ac. IF* Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress at., opposhe the Pulaski House. HAIR DRKSSINQ,~Acr Pnla.kt Home Barber Shop, (cor. Ball and Bryan Shaving, Ilalr Cutting, Shampooing, Whisker* Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soap*, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fine* Aitlcle* for sale. ~ I'ljltNlTlMß. 1 ' ' * F alv !7’ FCRNITfTRE WAREHOUSE Nrw Mo UK Made to OkdXz. HepairliiL' Bell Ganging. Ac., at abort notice. 138 Broughton st ..I."--—-?. ' ' Jfi'i I' ' CHINA WARE, &c. ~ ~ e. ___^^£9giton»tre6 t , 2ddoor Cbm cor. of Bnll Photographs. JT. Hearting A Cos., " ” " " • FIIOTOGH 4PHER9, t Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian e'a. DIRECTORY -. CONTINUE? PHLGOLSTh. J . WHO 1 AND RFtnt „n _ sal4 Bon.h*»«t cor. Banar^lj; V*w Urug Ht,u.f>, Uoi.grc* and Barnard eg JA< , I »FPMAN, GUKiso i W.t, Thoinn. M. Tarim, „ . DHUGGIST. ■». Baud and 1 A. Solomons A 4 ~ “• WHOLESALE ANd’rltaii nnr., „ t *’-Ort«*Mc«ucd*ccurat BOOTo ’ SHOES, of all kinds Wl d ljUl / Go. T. Nichols, —‘ ” YJ RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK CON F ECTIONEnv ~ T E. Iltrnandri, " : o . CONFECTIONf|R—Wboi.xbali and Rt^ SYRUPS, riOnntAI|ANDFTNK n <"ONiri : rTloN f:Hv Broughton street, two door, f rom Ran , arJ M Fitzgerald, • WIIOI EBKI.E AM) RETAIL I>EAI r» ™ CIDERS, LEMON. STRAWBERRY am IUSPPFdd SYRUPS, CANDIES, PBERRt CSC Iu any quanuties, to suit Purchasers WHITAKER BTKEET. ‘ SODA WATER. Cor. Bay and West Broad etreen DRY GOODS AND CLOTHIVG. Carhart, H hitfonUUo., Mannfhctai-rrs and Wholesale Dealer, j, READY MADE CLOTHING. SRI and 333 Bboadway. oor. Wortu STarpr ’ NEW YORK ’ w F I Hik « SHAEta, Wm. H. WnirroßD, j A. T. Hamu tot. J- B. Van Waobnbn. OfficeofPayanA Carhart In liquidation. M 3m STEELE & BUKBAYIiT^ 11 Merchants Roxv, Hilton Head, So. c a CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retv; chase re to their superior stock of 1 Fr ' MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clock* Fancy Good*, Jewelry, and Pl&tPrf DANIEL MANN, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Tinware Moves and SttffePipe*. Alpo, Roofin - Gu taring and Repairing done at the shortest noUcc Northwest corner of St Julfan street sepo-1 m and Market Square Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest aud I>est renowned. fuxkr, 66 Liberty Street, sfpl2,3mo ' NEW YORK. COPARTNEKSHIP NOTICE TUK undersigned have this day entered intoCoiisn uership to carry on Stevadorage. Lrayagc, stot ago and Commission business, under the nnmccfß J. Dickerson A- • o. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew I.w I Cos. H. J. DICKERSON, T. A. QOOIiWIN „ . N. B. BROWN. Savannah. Ga.. August 21, ISfla an2l -1 m Warren’s Uelehrated Needles and Fisi Hooks. ANDREW CLERK Ac CO, 4- MAIDKN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLK AGENTS AND IMPORTERS, OUR former customers will Bpd a reduction in go’: prices of ;he Needles, while the quality!; alwat kept up to the highest standard known to Edclis maim fact ui crs. A. C. A Cos., respectfully rolicit a renewal of th mercantile relations so long anil favorably estcemu by their house. f . a 26 Stu K. Hr ALLEI\ & sot, 181* Sc 10l WATER ST., NEW YORK. MißlClilTlßit IPIEMEffi AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Toote/ar the I'm tn ami Garden, such at f'paie Shovel*, lloes. Forks, Rakes, ,t c„ and/or Grass Hooks, Sri/rhes. Scath-Slones, and Atnievl fttral Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own man: facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Grain Mills, Sngi Mills lor Grocers 1 use. Store Trucks of various na terns. Road Scrspeis, Wheelbarrows. Ac. ‘Fertiliirers ol all kinds, such ss C *’s Super],h« phato ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian (man and Poudrcite, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety Vegetable, Flower andGi nf-t* Seed anft Field Grain ih, has proved worthy of cnltivailon, grown ami telectt expressly lor our trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or bußhel. or in wn« packets.for retailing, by tnc hundred or thouenud. sepl2-2aw-3mo Advances Made ON COT T 0 X AND OTHER PRODUCE Tito New York Warehouse aud Security Company Ko. 33 Pine Street, Kew York/ With a Cnsh Capital of ONE MILLION DOLLAR! will receive consignments of COTTON, &c.. arid accept time or?*lght drafta for two-thirda mtrit value, at -hipping port, whe* accomponled by bill* lading. Competent persona will receive the propet on arrival. Any other lntormation can be bad by* dressing the Company. This Institution la owned and managed by act* bngiiiesa men. which, added to the capital i. vtits guarantee entire futety and experience in ihc diapo* of mcrohan, ise consigned to them. , References In New York—National Bank of the m public; Bank of America. THEODJRK CRANE, Treat F. J. Oonxn, Scc’ry. sep22—2at*3ff aUNNY^AGGINft For Hale by scpvtf A - HARDEE &CO ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! .SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH' Wheaton’s Ointment- Will OUSE THE ITCH 1H fOBTY-EIBHT Also cures Salt Rlienm, tjicera. Chilblains, a»i“ u Krnption* of the Skin. Price 80 cout*. For *“ ie y all Druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks A Wt.' Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston. ' will lie forwarded by mall, free of postage, to *0 part of the L'nited States. septJl-3® lumbeeT WHITE PINE, rough and dressed. ChrW M White Wood. Fur sale by _ n RICHARDSON 4 BARN/RR *ep4-tf Bay street, rvpimsite Mannci s __ ASTEN & THROCKMORTON NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK. MANUFACTUEEHB and Deafer. In BnWjJ Locksmiths' Maidware. Nstls Pullls*. Com Locks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brs*s MV sndCssttngs Gong Bells, Wire, BilrerFl*t ; ' ‘p) All r rders, large or small, furnished piomr' 1 per cent, less then market prices. srplO Dm