Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 06, 1865, Image 3

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I• «*i ITfrw*. il chjiUT A«Cim».—Oß ft*! night of Se|. .'iD U i, Mr. John J. Season, cf ht-i an rnconncer wHh PrivM* P«iit of the 17YI New York V(j ; Jiltt n An attempt had been nude by Petu to ,from tbe V eMa °f Mr - Seaaoß a gold wnlrh . liaiu. Ur.SeaMW was knocked <town h» petit ur ,ao <>tiu r person, that the robbery might be more ,ur«tuaily accomplished. Mr. Season, upon recover ,ln-w Ins revolver aud flreil at random. A r'toii effect upon Petit, penetrating lire budj lunnc teli above the left breast. At the time, li)s wound , nsiileretl dangerous : he has since recovered. ■it mus assisted by one Morgan, whose character ‘ I ‘, .. ,-oiigU” Is said to !«e well known in Boston.— ", " N> j,„, n was urreated. ami on the Mfl ult. he wrak arraigned tiefore a Military Commission tonveued at „,C court ITouse, and there had a fair and Impartial i-ia! fm the offences of assault with intent to kill, ii! of Having deadly weapons. Uent. Colonel Me MugiUln, 153 Near York Volunteers, was President the court, and Cnpl. Walters, 10.3d C. S. C. TANARUS., ' 1 . tee Advocate. After a careful and patient invci atiuii. on Wednesday morning la»t, at 11 o'clock, £ Reason was honorably discharged by the Com i idon Mr. George WC Mercer, counsel for the de ienilant. made a masterly defense of his client. EGLI' ASP KXTRNSIVE BrnOLAIIIOUS OrritATlONA— on Monday night last one of the most extensive and daring lobberle* wo have recently recorded, was committed upon the Hair Dressing Saloon of Mr. Bernard Stamm, northeast corner cf Bryan anil Bud s l’ re j ;s nie thieves entered hy means of false keys .he"hath door af tire Saloon, and took from the ;hore ‘. aM - uj t„e front store over two hundred dollars worth of goods, consisting of gentleman3’ under " rntontt. perfumery, hair dyes, neckties, etc. What Is surprising In connection with these operations is that Mr. Stamm Keeps on the premises a large and raltuful watchdog: and I low the tldef or thieves c-a l have entered the shop without arousing him i a matter of great mystery. So clue has yet been discovered to the perpetrator of this audacious rob bery. ' . The Wbatheb.—Tbd temperature of the weather for the past forty-eight hours, has been unusually cool for the season. The change has not been ac rcmpauled with the usual quantity of rain, and the dare and bright moonlight nights are delightful. The Kiver.—We understand tbnt the river at Au ga ta is very low, and as the fall season has set In so dry, it is probable we will not have a good boating river for some time. Gov. Clark released.—We lparu that Ex-Gov. nark, of Mississippi, who lias been confined in Fort Pulaski for some time, Is to be released, by an order lroiu President Johnson. He trill probably arrive here to-day. the Theatre. —The Theatre continues to be filled nightly tviilt audiences composed of our best people. To-night Everybody’S Friend," the great comedy which attracted crowded houses night alter night for months m Few York, and which has lately been re vived, and the farce “My Neighbor’s Wife," are to be performed Family Supplies.—^The attention of housekeepers is directed to the advertisement of Stewart 4 Cos. In another column, advertising recent receipts of all manner of good things. We Invite tbe atteutlou of consumers and tire trade to the advertisements of fresh supplies of Scotch Whiskey. Gin and Fiour, Jnst received and for sale bv MacKy, Beattie 4 Cos., Bay street. Asomur. C.vf.go Sale.—Messrs. Bell, Wyny A Christian offers at auction to Jay, the cargo of I lip British schooner Albert, In which are many very desirable articles to suit everybody. Their adver tisement will be found In another column. The sale c muneneea at 10 o’clock tills morning. THE COURTS, prror.r itect. col. it. t. holbrook,” provost mar shal, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 6, 1865. The united Slates vs. Joe Bostick (colored)—Charg ed with murder, lu drowning a colored man on the 2d day of October, 1305, at the wharf of I.amar's Cot ton Press In Savannah. Upon the examination of numerous witnesses, and a carefnl revirion of the evidence adduced in this case, it appeared tiiat the charge of murder against the defendant could not be sustained, but it was also apparent that tlte crime of manslaughter had been committed. It was o•- dcred that the deftndaut bo remanded to Hie eoui nuinjailof Chatham county, there to remain until brought before a Military Commission, to be tried at such time and place as may be appointed hy the Military Commander of the District. It was also or dered that the defendant pay the costs of suit. Coun sel for defendant, Hon. Julian Hartridge, Col. A. IV. fiionc and M. Benedict, Esq. Samuel Smith (colored) vs. E. R. Cox—Recovery of a horse. Upon the examination of witnesses In the above case, it appeared that the plaintiff had failed to establish his claim. It was therefore order that the horse remalu lu possession of the defendant. dm. Swell, Agent, vs. Jimcs Simms (colored)— Recovery of premises. It appearing from the evi dence as well as iroin the admission of the defendant that he received proper and legal notice tit vacate the premises of plaintiff on the Ist day of October, which he had failed to do ; It was ordered that lie give quiet possession of the same on or before the 15th inst., or be forcibly ejected therefrom by the Provost Marshal of the Sub-District of Ogeechte. Daniel Green, (colored 1 vs. Abraham Burke, (col ored!—Recovery of debt; claim, sl6. It was Order ed that Judgment be entered up against the defend ant In the sum of fifteen dollars principal, and three dollars costs of suit; the whole amount to be paid on Monday, the 9th last., at nine o'clock, A. M., into the Registry of the Gourt Maria Black (colored) vs. Catherine (colored)—Re covery of debt; claim, SI so. It was ordered that judgment be entered up agatmt the defendant In the >um of font dollars and fifty tents principal, and three dollars costs of suit; the whole amount to be paid Into the Registry or the office tty 9 o’clock, A. M. Monday, 9th Inst., or lu default thereof, the defend ant lie committed to the common Jail of Chatham •.ountv. * irFOBE OUT. 3AML. COWDIXY, rROVOST JUr.3n.VL, 9fß-DIOTKICr OF OOEECHEE. SAVANNAH, OCt. 5, 1805. Tiie United States vs. Jolin Lufee (colored)—Steal in j cotton. Case dismissed. The United States vs, A Culvo—lnsulting a woman »u the streets. Fined $:0, or two months Imprison ment, The United States vs. Henry Dawson (Colored- Carrying weapons. Weapons confiscated. The United States vs. Ilcnry Davis (colored)—As saulting a woman on the streets. Fined S2O, or be confined in jail two months. The United Statesws. J. Crnlinm (colored)—Carry mg a gun. Ordered that the gnn be confiscated. The L'nlted states vs. G. SlhglctOU (colored;—Sus picious character. Case dismissed. The United states vs. J. White (U. S. Policeman)- l eaving his post while on duty. The accused, upon recommendation of Capt. 11. F. Aiken, Chief of Po lice, was discharged from the Police. The United States vs. J. D. McDonald (U. S. Police) Neglect of duty. Case discharged. The United States vs. 1. Tolly (U. 3. Pdiccinau)— Absent from duty. Discharged h orn Police, having Miled to report lu two weeks. Ms. C. W. TnoHFSott, an old wholesale liquor dealer of Savannah, who a month or so since re turned business at his well known store In the Hek aT-b Culidlhgs, advertises to-day a large stock of wines nml liquors. It includes several celebrated brands of whiskies, which are much commended, some fine old brandies, wines, and everything la his hue. lie Is also a dealer lu apples, onions, potatoes, *c. His previous reputation here Is a sufficient re commendation to the old residents of Savannah. Departure of Steamships and Steamers, FOK NEW TORE. steamship General Sedgwick, Sqturdav, October 'th, at 10 a. m. Steamsiup Nevada, Saturday, October 7th, at 7 o'clock a. m. Steamship Perlt, Saturday, October 7th, at 3 o'clock a. m. FOB paiLADELFOM. Steamship Cambria, Saturday, October 7th at 10 o'clock p. m. FOB FLORIDA. o’clock 1101 ' Fount * in > every Saturday morning, at 9 Change in the llealth Office.—On Wednesday last •tames Swcepey, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Volunteers, was relieved from duty as Health Officer of this city b) John Sweeney Assistant Surgen U. 9. VoK *“lilpttlritr VttU'lligenfrt. Miniature Alnuur Tula Dap, Son rises v 6 OT.Moon rises : » sun sets J Ahjliigli water.. .. US FUItT OF SAVANNAH Arrived. Tiilksiuy, Oct. 5. lktt. Steamship Cambria, French, Philadelphia-Hunter « laanttnci'. Tug BHrtt*ht. Atulfnun, Tybe* Rank Cleaned. Gh S mm"n H " n,er ' “"*•**• N “" York—Hunter A Giunnt(ffi M * If Klo,t ' , • Enmco "' N ‘'"' Vork-Hunter A Schr Red Jacket, , Boston. Brig Fanny, Wicks. Boston—Hunter A Gammed. ttn ßr ' E lmo * e '"'' S *'*dcrs, Philadelphia—l, J Guilmar- Hr Brig Anrora, ,St Johns, N B—F L Cue A Cos. S ?i«unei7 HeICU ''.graliam, l'alatka, Fla—L Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Erailie, Bender. Hilt on Head. Exports. Per Steamsltip Hunter, for New York-one l.ales Upland cotton, 27 do Sen lslanti do, 4do I nigging. 4 barrels, 1 bale rope. Per Schr Lottie Klotts, for New York—st 1 balea Upiand cotton. Per Br Brig Aurora, for St Johns, N B—HO.OOO feet timber. Per Brig Fanny, for Boston—396 bales I'pland cot ton. Per Brig Imogen?, for Philadelphia— 383 hales Up land cotton, 465 tons railroad Iron, 8,30 0 cane reeds. Per Schr Red Jacket, lor Boston—4o,ooo leet tim ber, 40 balc3 Upland cotton. Coniigum. Per Steamship Cambria, from Philadelphia—Hun ter * Gammed, LilieiiUtai * Koim, O B Rogers, Jno Langsdorf ,v Cos, \V * F King, J K Reilly, o Cohen, Erwin A Hardee. N F King, .1 G Thompson A Cos, Ad ams Express Cos, 11 Fuller, Kctn A Cos. B Strauss, J R Wilder, I, I. Guilmartin A Cos, Ben, Wylly A Christian, Gaden A Unckies, Steamer Fountain. W M Stark, J McMahon. Steamer Etullle. F Schuster, Isaac I.ipp man, R J Larcomb, Tlios Uateman, Win Fraley, Weed A Cornwell, Macky, Beattie A Cos. Passengers. Per Steamship Cambria, from Philadelphia—Mrs T S Foster, Miss Annie Poster, Mrs Rappold, W Fralev, John Wagner, A H Simons, C Baker, 11 C Bradley, Mis Mary A Bradley, Mrs C Farlev, YV II Steele, Jno Ruuazy, Patrick Connor, J AlcMuliin, T Farley. Per steamship Hunter, for New Y'ork—s H Ligon, Mrs McEnnatry, Mrs Hewlett, J Martin. J Roseubaud and son, J M Solomon, W Abrahams, Lt Knmvltou. and steerage. PORT OF FERNANDINA, FLA. Arrived. Oct 3—Revenue Cutter Kewanke, Pease, Jackson ville Florida. Hulled. Oct S—Scltr3 L A Edwards, G R Line, for New York ; A T Klugslev. a Vlannelio, lor ftarhadoes. MIST OF VKSSJCIaS IK THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. - Savannah, Oct. 5,1865. STEAMSHIPS. Gen Seugwtck, Sawyer. 691, from New York—dis charging at Central Cotton Press—J R Wilder. Nevada, Carpenter 900, flora New York—dischnrg at wharf tout or Lincclu street—Brighaui, Baldwin A Cos. Peru, Belanoy, 132, from New York—discharging a: wharf loot or Uanersltam street—Hunter A Gam med. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hvdrauflc prere—Brigham, Baldwin * Cos. Wisconsin (Bn Arcus. 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. BRIOS. John R Plater, Post, 200, from Norwich, Conn.— discharging at Union Ferry Wharf—Hunter A Uam luell. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,—wailing, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—C L Colby ACo SCHOONERS. May, Kelly, 330, from New Y'ork—discharging at wharr foot oi Habersham street—Hunter A Gammell. J alia A Crawford, Buckley, »31, from Jacksonville, Fla. in ballast—lying at wharf foot of Bull street— Master. Wide World, Hildreth. 274, from New York—dis charging at wharf foot of Bill! Btreet—Wm Starr. Johu Vance, Smith—waiting—E C Smith. Albert (Br) Riordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging at wharf loot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly A Chris tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Bauiard street —Rogers A Cann. DRUG STORE FOK SALE. In order to arrange the interest of the late J. M. Abrahams, THE ESTABLISHMENT , —rr— • J. M. ABRAHAMS & CO., GIBBONS’ RANGE, IS OFFERED FOR 9AJ.E. This is one of The Oldest and Best Located Stands IN THE CITY, And is vrortlxy tli*» Attention of Parties seeking a Pleasant and Profitable Business APPLY TO A. A. SOLOMONS & CO. OCt5-3 • Lost. *95 REWARD ON the evening of the first instint, while riding In the weptem part of the city and ite suburbs, a Pocket Memorandum Kook contiining about thirty dollars in Green backs * note for about $420, signed by A. N. Miller, also sundry papers of no value only to the owner. Tne finder will please leave it at this office and receive the above reward. octf-EL NOTICEr THE undersigned bavins: returned to the city, begs leave to inform his fellow-citizens of Savannah ami the puolic generally, that he will open in a few ■ days, and will keep constantly on hand at No. 153 Congress Street, A Complete Assortment of Boots, Sliocs, Hnts, Caps, Furnishing and Fancy Goods? Which w ill be offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. CCIS-3 S. M. COLDING. Sundries, BALES GUNNY BAGGING. GV juu pieces Sea Inland Baggirg 10 hales Twine lou bbls Klee. For sale by Vs. B. ADAMS. octs 3 NO. 95 Bay street. MCCULLOUGH LEAD (10., Ho. 64 Diane Street, Hew Tort HAVE constantly on hand, their well known brands of DROP SHOT, LEAD PIPE, BUCK SHOT, SHEET LEAD and BAR LEAD, Which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices. Orders solicited, and shipments promptly attended to. JAMBS MoCULLOran, President, sep 12-lmo < MKRi II 4 AT*. IK D. BALDWIN A ( 0., COMMTWIIOV MmoilWlV •r* Peurl' street, few Turk TV n. Riuiu w.l .. J. F Cireirea} N, ' w '•• ,k 11. lifclUllAV, )j, oett-Coi C. M Hoist. MACKY. BEATTIE & CO, SHIPPIHB AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Btreet, SAVANNAH. GA. OFFER P<)R SALE the following Gnotlm on ihi* reasonahle terms. 250 bhls Whiskey. Mount tin Dew 1 *s® t% " Bncceyc Rp«erve 1 • # “ ifoiirhon i _ “ “ T y»*ars»old ' 20 “ w Pine Applp * ' Vt *,^. rn “ ** J arkam's Bourlmn ; Distinction *•' *’ ** • C)ld FHniHy Rye j 15 4 4 “ Old I« poll tie cl JdT& h « RMg“w. l Uln "' linm ■ , ’ ° 4 In connection with the shore, we offer for saie Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulder., Lard, Liberal advances made on consignment t > MACKY & BEATTIE, PBILADRLPHIA, PA. Wm. H. Burroughs & Co s a*» COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Os Buy street, Savannah, Oa. For the sale ortotton end other Produce, Lumber, Timber, Pltn tations aDd ail kinds or Real Estate We now offer several Rice Plantations near the city, a number of Cotton and Provision Plant itions. Timber land*. City Property, and a few lot. in the Mineral or Northwest ern part of the State. eep26lm H. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY ST ABET, ANDERSONS’ WITARF, FAVANNAH, GA. oct.2-mo* List of VALUABLE PACKAGES, Remaining ia Adam's F.xjireat t'ompa* ny’s Offlec, Oct. 3d, 186.1. . B Budge. Gilbert A Boyse, Ca pt Michael Bussell, HA, ItOti; N Y Baker, Judge i- Berlin, Italph Behn, R U Balkam, Lieut H G C- Cotiey, Chaa r». Davis, Amoa care Q 7 Drake Davis, Mrs J H Davis, C O Dasher. Israel Dante, Wm Dasher, Mrs WII Draper. A G Dodd, Margaret Davis, Mrs ,T D 13. Estes, Albert F. Flinn, Michael I>> ii i . Cor, Grant, Lieut Miller B 11. naiey, Scrgt Peter IHie, H Hart, n L Heery, John H UTis 4 Miller Houston, Col E J, Joy, H M, 17th A C Iverson, Edward Jordan. F .1 Janney, T B .Jones, ,T L K. Kieman, Thos Kirkpatrick, JO King, GF Kavanangh, J P M. Miller, Robb 17th A O Morrias. Mra H Modic, Mrs O Mosher, A, 12Srtt N Y Muller, H H Moode, A ]V. Niven, A, Cos E, loth Me Norwood, Mrs Thoa Nugent, Wm P. Pallet ler, Madam O Powel, S Peiry, Col J S R- Rilley, Alichael Rutledge, Roy N H Rois, Dolf Richardson, J JNJ, Smith, Andren' Stookes. Miss Mary Snow, H C TANARUS, Thornton. Mrs Hannah Trine, N, Cos A, 13th Ind Toole, J Regt V - • Vannaha, Benj C AV. Weslcm. Capt C B Wade. E C Western, Capt C B Whitner. Capt B F IVhe:.‘in. Tnad, care DWilliams. .1 H Wood Wood, Lieut He ary E. P. TUNISON, Agent. ForDoctortown, VIA DARIENT. rfIHE Steamer WAT. O. O-IBBOISTS, I having a heavy engagement of Cotton at Darien, will during the month of October make the following weekly trips to Doetortown LEAVE SAVANNAH, Tuesday Morning, Oct 10. at 6 o'clock. Tuesday Morning, Oct. 17, at 6 o'clock Tuesday Morning. Oct. 24, at C o'clock. LEAVE DOCTORTOWN, Thursday Morning, Oct. 12 Thursday Morning. Cct. 19. Thursday Morning,Oct. 20. Freight received at our Warehouse any dny during the week i.nd forwarded promptly as above, with the privilege of lightering on ttio Altamaha river If necos eary. oett-Jw ERH IN A HARDEE. D. B. CAMP, TAILOR. WOULD inform his former patron, and the public that he has resumed Business at 118 Broughton street, between Bull and Whitaker, where he is now openings Choice Stock, adapted to the present, and will be receiving wpekly, to the coming seasons, con sisting in part of Cloths. Oassimeres and Votings, all of which will he made to order at short notice, trimmed and got up In his usual style* FURNISHING COODS Os every description, requisite to a Gentleman'* Wardrobe, constantly on hand. octl-lw Wanted fiW THOutAMB DOLLARS, MECHNIC BANK OP AUGUSTA AND Eastern Bank of Aiafcarr.a- E. F. METCALFE k CO. ocC-tf Lost Muie. STB ATED or stolen, a moose colored Mule, above the medium sire, long sided and In good condi tion. A liberal reward will be paid for Its deliverv. OCt4-3 HENRY BRYAN. FOR AUGUSTA, STEAMER UNION, Capt. MOODY, Will have qnick despatch rs above. The Boat is of EXCSED. ING LIGHT DRAUGHT Draws Mess Water than any- Boat on the Hirer, And Is tile to navigate It at its lowest stage. For Freight apply to F. M. MYREI.L, Agent; Harris' Building, Bay street. N. B.—Freight received daily and stored In Fire Proof Warehouse,, -foot of Lincoln street oct4 SAYANNAH DAILY HERALD 18 PCBI.IBHED Every Mor aim: and Evening: TSUNDAYS EXCEPTED] - At xto. in nAW snsflT, *» - S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PIBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which ahall alao be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great importance as enterprise in procuring information. Thb Hamann Staff embraces a LARUE CORPS OF EDITORS HD REPORTERS, ■ uul j I I awl alvl a I Including several writers long and popnlarly known as connected with the Soothers Press, It also has Spcolnl Correspondents* at All Prominent Points, Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPOETANT INTELLIGENCE. ‘ . - • ■ - .i ■ • IT HAB THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that aii Ncwa of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Reeord. AVOIDING POLITICS, As ont of its province at present, the Hnutn strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the trite interests of tbo rc-nnitcd na tion. it will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, Ami to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve and withoet which its opinions conid have but little weight THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Make* room for a large quantity of Miacellaneou* Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Ncientlfilc and Commercial anh jects, so that in all respecta it ia a desirable Journal for fbc FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS A!tD Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Hr oxen wil he delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TEn M S : SINGLE COPY EC. ONE WEEK ...30c. ONEMONTH $ 1 00 ONE Y*AH 10 00 PER HUNDRED 3 CO EXTRAS Are tamed whenever intelligence is received of pnffl cient Tin port an ce to warrant if. ADVERTISING TERMS s Tw o Dollars per square, (occupying a space of ten lines nonpareil; for the first Insertion, and $1 per square fur each snbs.aqucnt one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The HtUU> IS UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVEBTLSiNG MEDIUM I Having a large circulation In the city, and throughout the State, In Florida, South Carolina, 'tjse South Atlantic Sqnadron and the North, circulating more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Snbsrriptlons or Advertisements may be sent by mall or express to S. W. MASON & 0., PUBLISHERS, - So. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga AUCTION 3ALE§. By York, Willlaiu, Mclotirc & Cos. kirtHa SUis THIS DAY, in front of Store, at 11 o'tlwl:. 4 hVi* Hams Yu iKixiwMcttaU'sSoan Y’u boxes Coffi * 29 Imxes Dnrkee’s baking Powders "0 boxesßoetiit C'-acker. «» boxes Cooking Bnt'er 15 bhls Kiln Dried Meal •-ft bhls Hour ft caddie* Tea 2 cases B‘tce! Collsrs It* hb!» Onions. With a variety of other articles. Terms Cash. oetO CARGO SALE.~ By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On FRIDAY, the 6th of October. Inst, at In o'clock, will he sold, in front of store, corner of Bay and Whit akor streets, the cargo of the Kr Schr. Albeit, frem Nassan, N. I’.. consisting ot GROCERIES. LIQUORS, CLOTHING, PRY GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES. STATIONERY. POCKET KNIVES, &c., Ac. Sate posil’vc and nrithont re erve. Catalogues may be had at Store on Wednesday morning. Goods ready for inspection on Thursday octt-tt By Bell, Wylly & Christian, FCHNITCBE AT AUCTION, On MONDAY next, 9th inst, at It o'clock a. m.. will he sold, at the honse southwest corner Barnard and i'erry streets, on Orleans Square, the Ftu-niton- of a farailv relinquishing honsekeeping, eonsistlug of Mahogany Sideboard Mahogany Book Cass and Escrutoir Piano Forte and Stool Sofa 1 large Ottoman 2 small do 1 doz Fine Mahogany Chairs lo Maple Chairs •J Mahogany Dining Tables 1 do Breakfast Tables Mahogany Cord Tables Mahogany lae Chest 1 Gi t China Dinner Net 1 do TVa Set Cut Glass Decanters, Wines, &r Plated Cnke Baskets, Branches. 4c. oct4-5 YORK, WILLIAMS. JI’INTIRE & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. Public Sale of Camp and Garrison Equipage AND QUARTERMASTER'S STORES. Y/S7ILL be soid at Public Auction, at the Govcnj- T V ment Storehouse, on Bay street a: the foot of Drayton street, at Savannah, Qi, TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M„ The following named Stores : Several lots of Tenls, Tent Flics and Poles A quantity of Axes, Hutehets, Mosqnito Bars, Kuilpsacks, Camp Kettles, Mess Pans, A , A lot of Stationery, Several Saddles, Bridles, and a variety r.f other Quartermastei’s Stores. To be sold without reserve. Terms cash in U. 8 Currency. E. F. GODDARD, acp23 Cspt. and A. A. Q. M. Executor’s Sale* BV T. J. WALSB On FRIDAY* October 6th, will be soid, at the corner of 801 l and Broujrhton stiecti*. commcndnc at 1° o’clock, A handsome acaortmcnt of Parlor and Bedroom Fnrniturc, Brussels Carpets and M.lton Rugs One CH Octave Piano Forte, Chickeriug maker, in order and complete time. Also, Bedroom Fnmitnro, Bedding, Chairs and Kitrhen Utensils At the same time. One two horae Phaeton, with Harness. Belonging to the estate of Mi j«. R. P. Beattie, and sold by order of the Execntor. Term.-t cash. oct4 Rout. P. York. I / .T. R.Ma^lntibk. M. E. Williams, { \ P. H Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, S A. V A. N N A H , GA. CONBIBNMEMTS OF COTTON AND LUMOiR SOLICITED. References In Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos,; Erwin A Ilardw, Gaden * Unckies, Isaac D. La- Hochc, Esq ; Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq. ; Hunter 4 Gammell-, L. C. Norvell 4 Cos. References in New York—Messrs, Samuel T. Knapp & Bro.; IY. H, Baldwin 4 Cos. sei'26-eodlm NEW BOOK STORE, 147 CONGRESS STREET, 3 Doors West From Whltalror. THE undersigned has opened a New Book Store at 147 Congress street. The public arc respecfnlly invited to call and ex amine Die stock of Miscellaneous bo- ka, school books, jnvenile books, religions books. Sunday School books, blank hooks, stationery, cord phiogragh", photo graph albums, fancy rubber balla, foot balls, lancy paper boxes. Ac., 4c. The leading newnnpers anrl periodicals will be kept constantly on hard, and American and Foreign Monthly and Quarterly Reviews will he furnished to tnhcrlbers at the regular subscription rates. Special attention will be given to Sunday School Literature and Libraries will lie promptly supplied to Sunday-schools in the city and country. School Re quisites of all kinds for teacher, and tcholars kept constantly on hand. • The undersigned Is agent for the American School Aparatn? Companv, and is prepared to fnndrh School Furniture aurl School Apparatus of all kinds, at the shortest notice, and at the lowest rates. H. Million.' OCtg-lW FERGUSON & DIXON, UNDERTAKERS, Cabinet Maler. anil Upbolterers. 12] Broughton Street, between Bull and Whitaker. HAVING this dav associated ottrsclvea together, wc beg to inform our friends nml the pahlic.that we are now prepared to execute all orders entrusted to onr care In the above branches. Personal atten tion given to fnrnlsning Funerals Bell Hanging in all Its branches. Also prepared to renovate Feathers bv steam. net 2-Ct D FERGUSON. V.'. 1). D XON. HAY. OArt BALES PRIME NORTH RIVER HAT— t|l/U For sale to arrive by ,ep93 HUNTER 4 OAMMKLL. BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONKING’S, IN REAR OF TOST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. nnjr/4 ts Coal for Sale. nl7 A TONS CARDIFF STEAM COAL, for sale to *SO" arrive by octi-3 REID k STEWART. CORN AND HAY. TYT ABYLAND WHITE CORN AND HAY. Just re IVI ceived and for sale by c t 5 3 CI. AG HORN A CUNNINGHAM. i _ 'MpjWßi. I P^i*ei^hts IFOR AUGUSTA, trnr undet igned are to receive goods at A their YVsn-hoaise»-.ftVe of rx|wn*« and rov ereii hv Inr nra re-fiw shipment to Auginta anil points beyond by their regular line of light drnreht boats. Apply to CHAS. I. COLIIY', septet*—tf cor. Bay and Aberrant st». FOR PALATKA, Via Doilni, Brun.wirk, St. Mary’s, Frr iinndinn, Jacksonville mud Plcolnta. rfinE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN. Capt. G A YV. c*si.->»,will leave ra above on SATURDAY, the 7th inst. at 9 o'clock a.m. For Freight ur Passage apply on hoard, st Fade]- ford's YVhan near White's Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on Wharf Shipper* will furnish weights and measurement of goods octs FOE NEW YORK STAR 4K LIME. MEMI*WEEH.IiY. The first class U. 8. Mail Steamships , ’ Capt OAurrsTm UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Shark AMERtt'A. - - , Capt Ci.trr caWTITUTION, - - - - Capt. ttmaia. The above shtpa compose the Line, and w* 11 sail from New York and Savannah every YVcdneeday and j Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN * DICKINSON, Agents, Atlnntlo Coast Nlaii ,*itcn m ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, ! efVfr'P*'- Th c new Fast Sailing Steamship : GEN. SEiKIWICK. Bawyer Comniat, ■-tjTUllialvrc der. for New York, will sail on -Jgc-laaalTiiU SATURDAY, the 7th inst., nt lo 1 o'clock, a. m., precisely. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accom modations, apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Ship's Bills of Lading fnrnUhed and signed at the office of Consignee. oct2 For Philadelphia rfjv THE Steamship ** Cambria,’’ Capt. will leave for the above port on Saturday 4s3y J>thc TU| «>f October, at 10 P. M., for freight -——S'• -j r pissage Apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. octC PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. pd--, a The: U. S. Mail Steamship PERIT. l '*“ nn . v * commander, will leave lor the above poit on her regular day SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, AT 9 A. M. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMELL nets 64Buy street. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA A RE notified tMt they ran etore their rood* any -f®- (lav riurlnr the week, to be forwaraed hy the nbavc Boats, which arc the Jighte&t draught running to Augusts, free of extra charge. sepgg KEIN A CO. STAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. THE new and elegant first class U. 8. Mail Steam ship NEVADA, Capt. Cariic.nteb, will positively sail for the above port on Saturday*, Oct, 7th, at 10 o'clock a. m For freignt or passage* haring splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN CO, _ octs Stoddard’s Building, opp. Post Office. FREIGHT FOR PALATKA And Intermediate Landings Will be received DAILY by the undersign ed, FREE OF STORAGE, and forwarded by the first class Steamer Gen. Nhepley. All Goods in Warehouse covered by In surance. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., sepSO cor. Abercorn and Bay sts. COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very F«*t Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and he the first Boat for Augusts alter the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN 4 00. sep29 td 114 Bay street. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE fast sailing brig MARY COBB, 28a tons bur then. 28ii0 bbls. capacity, will receive freight or char ter on reasonable terms. For particulars, ennnireot WM. CANTWELL Agent., sepl9 ts Box 79, Hilton Head. For Liverpool. —£7- THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND. A’Tjg.v Hodge, Master, having a large portion ol - VyW-Plirr cargo engaged will he ready to receive Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th inst. For freight or passage apply to sep!4-tf BHIGIIAM, BALDWIN 4 CO GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after thU date the rate of Freight by onr Lino vill be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Onr li e is composed of the folk wing Steamers, all adapted to the trade, via Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G GIBBONACapt Philpol Steamer LAURA, Capt. lUUcr. The Steamer Gibbons is In every particular a first classPaasenger Boat Insurance can bo effected by onr Line at lowest rates BT Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. sep?aim K RAVIN a HARDFE. INK. Off GROSS INK. In stands, at $8 50 per gross. 15 Ml) dexen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dor.en. For sale by OAVILLE A LEACH. «ul7 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. | I l't» OUUVi Offices to LetT TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE ’OP . OFFICER. Apply st the HERALD OPPICF anl2-tf Booms to Rent. aeifsasi ocirst In,,ulrt a,,hr “Herald • Office. To Rent, T W „'r and d ™ l Tfn b r! 1 < i.& an,: men “ n «large ROOMS TO LET, At Hoad, S. 0.. I FiTtcrt’ iTnow Newly Oso R. Crumv. w v . ut-„ Augueta, Georgia. Latc of h!Jhmiud, V. KEO. G. IMP & CO,, General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars SALTED FISH, See. 209 Broad Augusta, Ga, :w ~ WTllnnrehase and e«U on Commleaion Cottok reriptfom “ and “****«»* « n '° ‘he Morchaut* and Banker* of Auguata, w*.;, i <i f, hmoll ' l ,Y*.- *°d Jno. C. Ferrffi, S„ lu Uadea 4 Lnckle*. A. A. Solomona* Lrergi. ' P ‘ terSOD ‘ tCo ' R, Baq , sivaunah. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. nctl Hen Island 13agging, GUNNY, BAGGING. HOPE, Sugar, Coflee. nroat OCTVAUS COHEN BACON, PORK AND BEEF Bacon kidls. I*i Ime Pork, Bv cf. Ju.**t itcvivtd and for aalc by ' 001 ' 3 CLAGUORN & CUNNINGHAM. T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. iC. 157 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., fNKTT POOR ABOVE REPUBUCAN OFFICE j Wc have the Largest Aseortment ox Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c.» In the South, to which vro invite the att«ffiion of the Trade Cal! and compare mu-good* ami rTicc*. j OCIS ls linvilleTgleasE ag-eivts for MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrflandt street, New Tori, MANUFACTURERS of all kinds OP BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, Bridge, Car, Slit er Band Host, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COICO OR Lifi SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts. ROONO AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuckles, Bolt Ends, Tap** and Dies, Jco. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES ; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. EYCLYEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING ; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, 4c.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, "CREW PUNCHE9,FILES, CHISELS, 4c, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, 4c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. M AS|KTi.-c ! H® D SiSf' H TEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,4c. W ago Freight WANTED For Ala con, Hilledgeviile, Albany, Americas, or HaxvkintvUle, App'y to GEO C. FREEMAN Orl7 a > FREIGHT FOR MACON By Wagons, Wautßd. Apply t. eer-9 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * go. *i