Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 07, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 225. l he Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND KVENINGj IS FUIILISBED BY y. W. MASON & CO.. iT m Bay St*mt, Savannah. Uk.iu.ia. YI1SI: „ . Five Cents. gSf?Siv ** ißvmmsuj . Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines'or first in ’. (me Boltar for each subsequent one. Ad- inerted in tbe morning. wtlL if desired, r m the evening witfiont extra charge P ‘ JO XI PRINTING. In every siy.c. neatly and promptly done. SEW EItGLAND CORRESPOMHCE. In which our Correspondent Laments the Bud Mananement of the Democratic -Party, be iies how the Bum Issue was Skipped and the L-.d or Movement was Slurred Over, Brief I Alludes to Gen. Banlts, uho is after his Odl Congressional Seat, and wives Some Lo cal Matters of Interest. Boston, Sept. 29. j 0 the Savanuah Herald ■■ The Democratic State Convention of Mas sachusetts, assembled yesterday in Worces ter, but the Democtatic party is of small ac count in this Commonwealth. It is even smaller thau it would be if it was properly managed. The old leade rs, accustomed to being beaten at home, and to sharing the of fices when the party has been successful in other States, don’t seem to care about in creasing the vote here as long as it is pretty sure that they cannot elect their candidates. They understand lrow to keep the party •‘conveniently small,” so that the cherry of patronage will not be divided between too many when it comes. The Convention was run this year by the lightweights of the party. The “heavies” did uot turn out though elected delegates. The speakers were men of small influence and no prest tege. The platform was shaped to the pres out order of things, according to Johnson, so far as national politics are concerned, but local questions were slurred over, as they bad becu done by the Repub licans. The only issue of interest in the State is that in regard to the sale of intoxic ating liquors. The Republicans declined to take sides on it, but tbe Inhibitory Law men profess to be satisfied with the assurances ot the Republican candidate, who is himselt a generous liver, and personally liberal man in such matters. An attempt was made to en graft on tbe Democratic platform a plank in favor of a License Law, as opposed to tbe Prohibitory Law, but it tailed. The Demo crats ought to have taken that issue. Many Republicans, especially among those who will support President Johnsou's reconstruc tion plau, are opposed to the recent fanatical legislation about the rum traffic. If the Democrats had spoken out upon the subject, tbe Republicans would have been obliged to carry the burden of tbe Maine Law. The Democrats did as well as they could in the selection of a candidate, having taken a general, who though by no means a hero of the late war. was about as good an one as there went from Masaebusett* —‘Gen- Dariu t N. Coueb, of Taunton. The remainder of the ticketxontains no names requiring com ment. The greatest thing iu connection with our State politics is the maimer in which the claims of the working men—ou the eight hours a day movement —have been slurred over by bolb parlies. Both resolutions de vote a resolution to the subject, neither ot which means any more than the proposition that a quart pot holds two pints. Speaking about generals, Geu. Banks ar rived here very quietly tbe other (lay, rather late, but perhaps not too late to be brought forwarded as a candidate for Congressman from tlm district formerly represented by him, and since his time bv Mr. Gooch. Mr. Gooch has been provided for by the appoint ment us Naval Officer at this point To fill his place various contestants have appeared, by their next friends. ’ The Most prominent of these are J. Q A. Griffin, an original Abolitionist, one of the most theoretical of the faction, and James M. Stone, recently editor of the Commonwealth, and also a radi cal. Thu w ire pulling has been going on for some time, aud now that Gen. Banks has come home, evidently with an eye to his old seat, there is a chance for confusion in the ranks. The General has already been “in vited” to speak in Charlestown where the workingmen have been pledged to go for Stone, who promises to use his influence in favor of the eight hour system. But Griffin says he is in favor of only six hours work a day; and Geu. Banks has the host record of all’, for it is well known that when he was a mechanic, as his adherents delighted to call him, he was not in favor of work at all! Ueu. Banks is a practical man, and lam inclined to believe t hat he stands on the same plat form with President Johnson. Be has seen cnugli of the reconstruction question to take out of him any pet theories he might have entertaiued betore the war, nud bis early schooling was in the Democratic school. — He is by far the best man named by the Re publicans for the place, and of course the Republican candidate will be elected. A delegation of the St. Louis City Council is now visiting this city to observe our Insti tutions, which means to try our champagne and segars. They express themselves pleased with numy things, which they say they mean to adopt iu their city. They have just visit ed Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. We are htivjag beautiful weather —bright, cool days and moonlight nights—but no rain to speak of yet. The country north of us has been visited by copious rains, however, and our base of supplies is therefore in good con dition. , | »ff si t An engagement of the Keans, at th» Bos ton and the Bateman Concerts, are the events of the week in MoMCat and Dramatic mat ters. The theatres and opera house* un well patronized. -The streets are crowded, and people stem disposed to be “gay and happy still ” lota. The moral atmosphere of Louisville we should judge to be unhealthy from what the Journal says. It announces "three more murders,” "and dismisses them by saying “eVery exeition is being used by the au thorities to abolish the reign of crime which terrifies our populace and shocks the moral sense of the country,TJut human means seem to he employed jir vain, and we Shall have to commit blood-sfaified \wtfcbes to the etrtain retribution of an avenging God." — Atlanta In telligencer. *•' -LT.FX *. "jl. The Commissioner of the General Land Offjce has decided, in regard to the right. recently assumed by State officials to tax public land settled under the Homestead Htw, that the taxing power does nut lie in the States in so far as assessing the land is concerned, what ever lawfulness there may be in taxfng im provements upon such premises. The St. L uis' Democrat says mechanics are now receiving iu that city the highest wages ever kuown, and gives the folio wing list of prices: 'Stonemasons are paid from $4 to $4 25 per day; stonecutters $4 to $4 30 ; bricklayers $4 .TO to ftrr carpenters $3 50; plasterers ft; painters =sß 26 t</$4 i nfuin her3 $3 SO to-f 4; Todrers !|sflo °>ber trades in like proportion: laborers V 2 50t0f3 50. BY TELEGRAPH. Arrival of an Embassy from the Bey of p Tonis. New York, Oct. 4, 1865. An Embassy from the Bey of Tunis ar rived to day ou the way to Washington. One ot the patty beats a letter of condolence to Mrs. Lincoln. They also bring au address congratulating President Johnson on the re storation of peace in the United States. Gold closed at 146. The Episcopal Convention at Philadelphia, New York, Oct. 5, 1865. The Episcopal Convention at Philadelphia assembled this morning. All the Bishops of the Northern Diocese, except two, were pre sent. Bishop Atkinson of North Carolina, at tended, and having seated himself iu tbe body of ihe church, was immediately invited into the eliabcel. He was cordially received. PRONHNENT APPLICANTS TON PANDON. New York, Oct. 6, 1865. General Peck, Robt. Ould, and Watts, late Attorney General for the Confederacy are among Jhe late applicants tor pardon at Wash ington. EXCITEMENT IN THE COTTON MANKET. New York, Oct. 4, 1805. Tbe cotton market is excited. Sales tfc day, six thousand bales, middlings at 48 a 49. Gold closed at 1 40 1 2. SECOND DISPATCH. New Y r ORK, Oct. 5, 1805. Cotton Is still rising. Sales six tbousaud bales, middlings at 49 a 50, Gold cold closed at 1 47 1-4. Hon. Alexander H. Stcpheui. From the boston Traveller. We cbcerfully give room to the following communication irmn a merchant of this city. Tlie writer speaks truly ot the character of Hou. A. 11. Stephens, who is really one of the least ohjecionable ot the prominent men engaged in the rebellion, and if favor is ex tended to any of them, it should be to him. We are assured that UDder no circumstances will he leave the country, and that he would rather be executed here, than live and die an exile in a foreign land. A petition asking for him the privileges suggested by our cor respondent. would receive tue signatures of mauy of our most prominent ciiizens : To Thi Editors of the Travel er: - Phe pardoniug power exercised hy our Chief Magistrate goes on slowly, nud no doubt discriniinately, with an eye single to tbe policy which lie has adopted, of re-con struction. But it is remarkable that the very men who have first come forward success fully to claim Executive paidon are those who were the movers and leaders in the doctrine of secession ; while ihe petitions of some of l hose who stood out and did battle for the Union, so long as there was a hope left, remain unacted upr.n. A paragraph from a Georgia paper, allud ing t.) the pardon of Yancey and others who tonk so prominent a part against Stephens at the inception of the rebellion, even threaten ing him with personal violence for his advo cacy of the tiuion on the soil of Georgia, questions the motives of the President in his partial discrimination And to us the wonder is natural enough. If these rabid secessionists are pardoned to demonstrate the liberal policy of the admin istration toward the people of the South, it would certainly he more gratifying to the true Uuion people of both sections to see those men who were opposed to secession, and who maintained an untarnished loyalty, of sentiment up to the disruption, have, if uot a prelerence, at least an equality of clemency at the bands of the executive. And in this connection the position of Alexander H. Stephens suggests itself promi nently. All his efforts were for his whole country —undivided. Hisjprophetic warnings at the Milledgeville Convention, in the very teeth of an overpowering majority—his im ploring appeals to the people of Georgia, made iu almost every city and town of liis State, have been rend and applauded by every true lover of his country In Massachu setts, aud throughout the whole North—and yet he remains, almost tbe only prisoner in our midst. While we condemn him for allowiug him self in any way to. be connected with Jeff Davia nr his party, yet it is due him for bis grout efforts;to prevent tbe deplorable acts of secession, and for his policy in seekiog a convention of the people to wrest thc power from Davis, and stay bloodshed and ruin by conciliatory negotiation, that some Executive clemency be shown him. The quality of merits la not Strained ; It droppetuas me gentle rain trum heaven, It Is twice blessed. it blesseth hint that gives, and Him that takes : Us mightiest iu the mightiest. It is true that the President ba9 allowed to Mr. Stephens uli the indulgence that can pe fXteSMte! him as a prisoupr, but it is equally true, tbtit he is a man of extreme deiicaey ot f>hfiiq»e and constitution, aud in capable obviously of sustaining tbe rigor of bleak winter in our harbor. While we cannot advocate the pardon of any rebel, yet it would be magnanimous and noble in us ip be qualified to say that Massa chusetts—that' Boston—against whom the venom of the agitators of secession has been cast, was the first in the North to move in favor of Mr. Stephens. And it would re dound |p our benefit as well as credit, for Georgia, the Empire State of the South, idolizes -him,- and the favor of Georgia in a commercial poiut ol view, is worth securing. New York has four lines of steamers run ning toSavaunah laden with goods, and re turning with the products of her rich soil— cotton, rice, timber, &c. Bolton bus none. Besides, Charleston iking almost blotted out commercially, Savannah is bound to be the leading business point for us to regard : and Georgia to-day has probably more of tbe staplts of recuperative wealth and entei piise left than any three of the other South ern States. The exireme animosity manifested by kb# people aflht Suutli ff> wards Massachusetts, sfid vice versa, pas turned the channel of trade to New York, and we notice tba» tlje ‘press of this city, having her interest* at heart, within the post Week, have beta preaching charity, beuevoleuce, and the cul tivation ot a fraternal teeiing, which if rc- J&oulg, >nit<pthe eommerfcial interests of Boston with the South, aud re douod to the benefit of our large mannfacto >rie»? aad,‘to< effect this practically, we be lieve there is nothing that would better tend to heal the breach, thau a recommendation his borne, and trial of Jeff. Davis, subject to tbe otuer uftbe Chief ExCCPtive. Tills would not only serve to coociHate the pcopte frf the Wbofe South, whose desire* and hopes turn to their great conservative statesman, now in captivity ; but It' would spare Mm the suffering which SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1865. awaits him during the winter at Fort War ren and thereby incur a debt of gratitude to Boston, which lie could not fail to ap preciate. A Nsrouucw. An Engllili Detective in New York. CnASK AFTER AND SCRTRISE Or FRAUDULENT BRITISH BANKRUPTS. [From the Leeds ( Fng.) Mercury, Sept. H.j It will be remembered that about three months ago two manufacturer in Gomersal, named Blackburn, absconded to America with goods and money to the amount of 4.-50,000. Tlie creditors were naturally deep ly incensed at his conduct, and Superinten dent Iluut, of the Leeds detective police, was sent after tlie men, to endeavor, if pos sible, to recover put of the property. On arriving at New York Sir. Hunt ascertained that part of the property, consisting of forty six bales of cloth, was stored in one of tbe Custom House warehouses ; but as no trace could be tbund ot the Blackburns it was quite evident that they had gone, accompanied by a younger brother, into tue interior ot the country, with the view of avoiding the result ot any mission such as that engaging the at tention of tbe Leeds superintendent. About a week after Mr. Hunt's arrival he heard by accident that a fourth brother had come out, aud having by this time considerably changed his personal appearance, he obtained an in troduction to ine younger Blackburn. Not only did the latter tail to recognize Mr. Hunt, but actually told him in confidence that a Leeds detective was coming out in search of his brothers, and that he intended to warn them of the pursuit. As might tie expected, Mr. Hunt entered heartily into his scheme for communicating with his brothers, and assisted him iu oveihauling the passengers of all the steamers arriving out, with the view ot gaining information regarding the probable arrival of tbe expected detective. After a few days Mr. Blackburn went to New Jersey, and sending a man to watch his movements, Mr. Huui remained in New York, where he entertaiued strong hopes of meeting with the elder brothers. A bill of tadiug, addressed to the Messrs. Blackburn, for twenty bales of cloth, had been inter cepted at Liverpool, and as its possession was necessary before the goods could be ob tained, it amounted to almost a certainty that the embezzlers would call at Inmans stopping office on Broadway to ask alter the bill. Mr. Hunt bung about this office for some time, and at last Ins patience was re warded by tbe appearance one morning of tlie elder Blackburn and Mr. Walter Black burn. Mr. Hunt was silting in the office at the time, bnt quickly adopting his plans, be hustled up to tbe visitors and requested to know their business. Mr. Blackburn stated that they had called respecting a bill of lad ing for twenty bales of cloth which had come by tbe Edinburg. Mr. Hunt replied that all the questions in regard to the bill would he answered at the branch office at Exchange place, aud that as he was going in that direction he would show them the place. The Blackburns at once complied, evidently having no suspicion of wlidie hands they had lallen into. Ou the way Mr. Blackburn remarked that Mr. Huut did not speak like an American. “ No,’’replied the wily superintendent; “strangely enough, every body can tell the Irisu longue. He was then asked how loug he had been in the country, and evasively le plied that he had not been there six years yet. In his turn Mr. Huut a-ked the Black burns wliai part of tlie country they belong ed to, and was told that they came from n -a- Huddersfield. It is Decdless to detail the conversation that took piace on arriving at Exchange place. Suffice it to say that by mean* of keeping up a conversation with some persou supposed to be in nn empty room there, he induced the Blackburns to endorse the bill of lading which had been in tercepted, and also to give up aud endorse another bill and invoice for twenty-six ad additional bales. Alter the bills were safely deposited in his pocketbook lie proclaimed his calling, and, much to the astonishment of Mr. Blackburn, produced a warrant for his arrest on a charge of embezzlement. Blackburn, however, knew that the warrant was of little avail under the circumstances, and after blustering a good deal he departed with his brother, declaring that he should have Mr Hunt arrested for deceiving him in the manner he had done of tlie bills of sale. Although that gentleman remained some time in America this threat was never ra Tied into execution, und after exchanging the bills of sale and the invoices for Custom House permits, aud handing them over to the solicitor appointed to act in New York for the creditors of the Blackburns, Mr. Hunt returned to this country, arriving in Leeds in the beginning of this week. The value ot the property recovered is between five and six thousand pounds. [From tlie Richmond Commercial Bulletin ] A Southern Flunkey. Major Calhoun writes North to borrow qtofiey for the restoration of Atlanta He seems to think that be strengthens his claims to assistance by stigmatising his fellow-suf forers of the South, and by proposing extra ordinary devotion to those whom, we sup pose, be has iu times past denounced. Hear him: “Atlanta might almost be saifi to be the offspring of New York. M-iny antigreat ate the favors we have received ifom bur in the past, now kindly remembered by ©unpeople; aud though'-':-he help t*> punish.-us for our lolly, we will go to her for favors agitn, and that with confidence. “Os course, you know our city w»s de stroyed to a great extent, and our ptople were sent everywhere in exile, attended vith great expense and loss of property «and, though we lost aud suffered thus in a com mon cause, (and in t. poor one,) not a South ern sister city has helped us to the amouit of one cent.” Why does the Mayor make this fling at the cities of the South ( Have one of them a cent to give? Can Richmond, destryed by conflagration, or Charleston ravaged by fire and sword, or indeed, any Southern city which has itsowu misery to maintain and its own damages to repair ? The Mayor W At lanta is mistaken in supposing lie recom mends his application uy affected admira tionb us Northern meu or contemptuous con cessions in the name of the Sotun. Ail true Northern men appreciate the brire who have suffered in a cause w blelr was leal’ to them. They believe that men who hare suffered for their opinions, arc sincere iu heir purposes, and that when they take tie oatu of alle giance they mean in good filth to imiinuin and abide by it. These intelse professions of Southern loyalty by men vlio were silent partners of the Union durinvtbe wkiyare bps m neither North or s/utb. Northern ad rather lake the k ord of General Lee who has fought, than and Mayor Calhoun who has not helped them' Richard Crom well is reported to have did in expressing his contempt of hypocriti/al pretenders W piety. *• Here is Dick Ingfldsby who neither p eaches loi prays, yet woffd I truat bun be fore you all.” ,ii i ~r-,-i ct " HEADERS DI9T. GfBAVANNAH,) 1st 1 DivtStos Dkf’iof Georgia, > Savannah, Gs, Oct. 5, 1805.) General Orders,! No. 32. ; Pursuant to Special firder No. r,l, Par. 11., dated Head 'Musfers Department of Georgia, Augusta, Qa./Sjp«mber 30, 1865, t jiu t iuisll command of the District William H. Folk, it Lieutenant anti tM HEADQ RS SUB-DIS. OF OGEECfIEE > Savannah, Ga., Sept, 80, 1865. General Ohdxr, 1 No. 3.1. { . The Free Public Schools for the education ot white children of thia city, viz: Two Giammer, and ouc Frimary School, will re opeii on the 2d Wednesday in October. . The Board of Education will be composed of the following named persons, and sub divided into the KiHpwing committees • Rev. S. Landrum, Rev. A. M. Wynn, Boys Grammer. Rev. C. F. Mcßae. Anthony Porter, Girls Grammer. R. D.. Arnold, E. C. Anderson, Primary Schools. Mr. Janies F. Cann is appointed Superin tendent of the Free Schools as provided for in first paragraph The Massie School building is designated for use of the Girls Grammer and Primnrv School. i The School building corner of Barnard and Taylor, U designated for the Boys Grammer School. The Committee will visit the schools as signed them twice a month, and make writ ten reports monthly to the Gen. Command ing. They will be particular iu giving ail de tails. The Superintendent will also make a monthly report to the Gen Commanding, of tlie condition of the several schools under their charge. i All Teachers will be appointed by the Gen Commanding on tlie recountendaliou of the Superintendent. Their salaries to be fixed in the like man ner, and paid by the Post Treasurer, on certificates of service rendered, signed by the Superintendent, and approved by the Gen. Commanding. Tbe Committee iu conjunction with the Superintendent, will establish such rules and regulations lor Ihe government and discip line of the schools as shall be deemed ad visable, nud all children will be admitted free, subject to such rules and rcgulntious. By Command of BT BRIG GEN. E. P. DAVIS. Wit. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. oct 3 at WAR DEPARTMENT, Bureau or Reguoees, Fbeedmkn, V and Auandonkd Lands, | Washington, Sept. 19, 1865. Circular, > No. 16. ) The following named officers are aniiouneccl as Assistant Commissioners of the Bureau for the States respectively set opposite their names: Breyet Major General R. Saxton, for Geor gia aud South Carolina, at Charleston, S. C. Brigadier General Davis Tillson, Acting Assistant Commissioner for Georgia, (report ing to Brevet Major General R Saxton) nt Augusta, Ga. Brig. Gen. C. B. Fisk, for Kentucky and Tenuessee, at Nashville, Tenn. Brig. Gen. J. W. Sprague, for Missouri and At Kansas, at St. Louis, Mo. Brig. Gen Wager Swayne, for Alabama, at Montgomery, Ala. Brevet Brig. General E. M. Gregory, for Texas, at Galveston, Texas. Col. O. Brown, for Virginia, at Richmond, Va. Col. E. Whittlesey, for North Carolina, at Raleigh, N. C. Col. Samuel Thomas, for Mississippi, fit Vicksburg, Miss. Brevet Col. T. W. Osborn, for Florida, nt Tallahassee, Fla. Rev. T..W. Conway, for Louisiana, at New Orleans, La. O. O. HOWARD, oct3 5t Maj. Gen. Commissioner. HEADQ’RS DIS. OF SAVANNAH,) IstDiv., Dk’pt. of Georgia, v Savanuah, Ga., Oct. sth, 1865. ) Genlrai. Obder, ) No. 35. f In pursuance with Special Order No. 51, Par. 11, dated Headquarters Department of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, September 80, 1865, I hereby assume command of tho Dis trict of Savannah, Ist Division Department of Georgia. Brevet Major Will A. Coulter, Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Vols., is hereby an nounced as Assist Adit. General of the District of Savannah, Ist Division Department of Georgia, to whom nil reports and returns re quired by existing Orders and Army Ilegula tions will be made. J. M. BRANNAN, B vt Maj. Gen’l U. S. Vols. (Official:) W ill A. Coulter, Assist. Adj t Geu'l. oct6-2t lIkADQCAHTKKS Sen DISTRICT OF OCCTCBEB Savannah,Ga., Sept. 20, 1865. Circular, 1 No. 22. | On and after this date articles in the Public Market of this city will be sold at the following prices. Persons violat’ng this order, will be reported to this office and summarily dealt with. By command of Bvt. Major Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. Wm. 11. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. Fresh Beef, Ist cut, per lb 20 Fresh Beet, 2d cut, per lb 15 Country Dried Beef 15 Country Cured Beef 15 Jerked Beef. 10 to 15 Veal, per lb 20 Mutton, per*lb at) Liver, per lb ’.... 15 Fresh Pork, per lb 25 Bass, per lb 45 Drum per lb ; 15 Fresh Water Trout 15 Salt “ “ 15 Shcepbead 20 Mullet, large size, per bunch .i 40 Mullet, smnli size, per bunch 25 Brim, per bunch of five 25 Perelk per bunch of five 40 Sucker*.. w..U i.J. s 25 Whiting 40 Codfish, per lb lo Shrimp, per quart, . 13 Crabs, each rl 7 Sturgeon, per lb r. * 5 Sausages, Fresh pork 40 Baeon, per lb., from 20 to 25 Butter, per lb.. % 40 to 50 Clams per hush el.. 2 00 Cabbages, each, irom 10 to 30 Turnips, per bunch 10 Tomatoes per quart 20 Okra, per quart io Sweet Potatoes, per bushel 3 00 Irfsh Potatoes, per bushel 7. I 50 Green Com, each : 2 Water from 15 to r.o Apples per bushel w, *ygo reachesf»rbushel. 3 00 Honey, per IB ,1 . M Docks, per pair 2 00 Half Grown Fowls 73 Spring Chickens, perpair 50 Spring Chickens, 2d size.... 40 Eggs, per do7.eni.„.. v 50 Turkeys, per 1h..18 Geese, per lb ~t 18 Fowl, grown, per Tb....,.,7...? U Rice Bitds, per doz Cos sef«o-tf LUMBER. «p4-U BayftSffoppojtt.M^rv^reli. RAILROADS. Central Railroad .NFFERINTEN DENT'S OFFICE, l 0 Savannah, Ga . October teCj.f N and .tier Mond.y. Snd tart, ■ daily tnhi fflun naj. t-xcrpfedj will leave (br Augusta at Si m.. connecting with « line of Hacks tunning between ‘ ei'tnh Hail load, and Waynesboro on the Augusta and Savannah Ratlroid. Passengers by this line will arrive In Augusta the next morning after ieavliig Savannah In time to get train for Atlant l ' omUrt with lhc Georgia Railroad Flight by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before By order of „ o „ GEO. W ADAMS. - General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. \ . Savannah, Ga , Augustas, 1865 ( Wae n IDd intermediate Station* be low 4>, Central Railroad, and between Wayneaboro and Augn-ta, Augusta and Savannah Railroad will ho received on and after Saturday, the ioth inn. All way freight to be prepaid By virile- of GEO. W. ADAMS, Ueneral Superintendent. G. W. SCATTERGOOD, Assistant Superintendent. STATION Kit Y, ~dfcc7 J LS I’LUI/s Newspaper Depot, ANI» STATIONERY STORE, Ball street, Corner of Bay lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. JNTJECrW NOVKCiS. 4it«t Rerelved nt the above Depot a further supply of MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT. Price r,j cts. Leslies’ Ladles Magazine. Eclivttr Magazine. Mad, Pemorests’ Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. TUE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 86 cento. —a 140 HARPER'S MONTIIIT, GOOEY'S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual asßortmcnl of Northern Dailies and Weeklios Received by Every Steamer. ang-to THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had nt ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF inE POST OFFICE. pep 2(» BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AT SAVILLE 8l LEACH, sep4-tf ror. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOLBOOKS. Spellers, Readers. Grammars, Bool:-Keeping, Copy Book*. Dictionaries. Saville & Leach, ** p4-tf cor. Brytui street and Market Square. HOTELS. GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been newly fur nished thnmghont, snd is now ready for thc re ception of guests. octC-1 m KIRKLAND & CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S C. DELL & RUGO, FhoprietOks E. 8. BIDDELI.. M. F, JIDGP |u3-tt FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale hy septs BRIOHAM. BALDWIN* CO. Maiming St DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Wo. 10 Wall Street, Nt'w York, Dealers iu Gold, Silrer, Foreign Exchange and iiorernment Securities, GIVB special attention to the pnrehase and sale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notea .Southern stated Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. jyls-3m Sight Exchange .... ran iql 'M YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sopCS-tf It. F. METCALFE & CO. thosTw. brooks - MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, »»* Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Matt promptly at tended to. jySl-tl ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wlioaton’K Ointment. WILL CURE THE ITCH IH FORTY-ElfiHT HOUKC. Also cures Salt Hhenm, Timers, Cliilblalus, and all Eruptions of tbe Skin. Price so cents For sale by all Druggists. By sending on cents to Weeks A Potter. Sole Agents, 110 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it wilt be forwarded t> y mail, feee at postage, to any part ot the United States. septJl.3m dbhubu; i\mmvf. wrE off" Jof'itiSgi, r.-v nn,|.. i.rDi-.ihr,, lag of a Store *nd two two-story wooden dwellings with out building, *l’ nearly new andln good renalr’ The More lean, excellent stand lor aHetaii fmslaess ' For further particulars apply to L J. itUIi.MARTIN & CO , •*P»-tf No-14* Buy street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Woodford & Hitch. ATTORNEYS -AH) COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity Building, NEW YORK CITY. TflE undersigned haring resumed the practice of the Law, 1* prepared to utke charge of ewes be fore the several Courts in New Yoik and at Wash ington. *ep3o-SAWIm STEWART L. WOODFORD. TilOS CORWIN, WM II OWEN, THOS.WILSON, tF OHIO. LATK COL. Q.X D. OF IOWA. touwix, OWEN & WILSON, (Latr Johnaton, Corwin * FfnnelL} ATTORNEYS. AND ~ COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, nr** TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OK WILLARD'S HOrEL, WASHINGTON, X> . C . Will practice in Ihe Snprvmr Court ot the United .State*, the Court, of C.alm.-, and the Court, ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment bti-lneas. Officers Accounts sdfnsted. snao sm C. S. BtJNDY, C3* o xa oral jSI. q* © ml t AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Srarrr, Bitwkn 13tu and 14m St* cits. (Near Pay Department,! Waalilnctou,X}. O. JnOO ts R. MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congress Streets, it inter Screven Honae, TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se- A k or »-Lea( «nd Smoking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing snd Smoking Tqbacco. Mer erhanm, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes- sepso-3m The Partnership lately existing under the name of Macky, Hogg & Cos., HAVING been dissolved by the diJAth of Alexander iV** * he »üb*criber» beg to announce that xney will continue the Shipping and General Commission Business ITST SAVANNAH, AT Wo. 203 AND 90S BAY BY., under the uame of Macky, & Cos. „ SAMUEL MACKT, eept2l ,m ROBERT H. BEATTIE. DDRT EASM AIZENA try one pound, *“ m WiMP '» That received a medal aod honorable mention from the Royal ComraiMrtonerß, thc corapetion of all prom inent mannfacturvrs of “Corn Starch** and ‘Prepared Corn Flour'’ of this and other countries notwithptund lug. M AIZEN A, The food and luxury of the ase, wltl.oqt a single f»*u t. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonWiing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and < nke It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for flsh and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in inilfc W ri pl ' l " UC€ ‘ crealtt ,or coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Muixena, with directions for use A most delicious article of food for children aud iu valids of ail ague. For «aie by Grocers and Druggists everywhere Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DUHYKA, au2s-3m General Agent, “VDOLFBO WOlrD,” MU Beaver Street, Mew York. Offers for sale of his own Importations, In bond snd duty paid, the largest stoi kof Wines, Liquor*, Ac., of any other house in this country, comprising in pai t of Otard, Hennesy, Pinet Castltlon, Martel. Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies In half, quarter, and eighth casks: also Otard and Rouyer, lafcrrclcre snd Fils Brandy, In cases of one dozen each. “Ota.” Uilolpho Wolfe's Schiedam In pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, iu bond «nd duty paid, in casesoi one dozen quarts and two dosen pints. “Whiskey and Rom.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhda, and cases ot one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and coses ol one dozen each. ntrM. •‘Jamaica" and "St. Croix Sum" In hhdi. and cases ot one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. More than twenty different grades, in halves, ijnar ters aud eighth caska, also in cases of one dozen each. "Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mutnm in Cologne, proprietor of Joanntsbn'g estate; J. U.D. Becker Jt Fils: Esthe nancer, Bcnrcke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton A Guestln Bordeaux, and from other well known houses In Gcr many and France. Oita, Corom s, Ssimnris, Burn*, Merman. Olives. Beancv, Pncsrarzs, Ac. Twcnty-fivo years’ business transactions with the Sonthem States, with eome of the largest and niosl respectable dealers.shonld be enfliclcnt guarantee that. every article offered by the advertiser for sale is pure and genuine. Samples can tie seen, and catalogue of prices oh ttlned. try add. easing the shove. aV-s :im Utotrated Price Lists OP FAIRBANKS SORES AND BERRIHG’S FIRE PROOF SAFES. Orders for all Fixes received by octfr l s BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN NOTK'E. and settlethe came at the old stand, ap-stalr« E. HEIDT. <xtß ' J ° l \V. A. IALDON. 1 PRICE. 5 CENTS WSIHASCB. INSURANCE. Authorized Capital-f10, 400^00. flr.t claw N, w York "v.mjLntel follOH ,n * r,sra «l AT THE LOWEST RATES. MARLNE trance OMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPY STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP*Y tOtMXM Office in Jones' Ulock, cor Bav Branch Office, corner Draytw and IriyanTtlLS’ IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? nfiects their fcture wclfa,e. mother, as it T^-Vn^ Whotesnm, and Three Tears Tfiree Trotha aid * on. Thus a PsJlcy of SIO,OOO. Two PiwnlmLTn.- upon It will bo entitled to a paid up Policy of ju27 At thc °® c « of toe JuiT 80 Bay et., Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ° F BOSTON. PURELY MUTUAL. T‘Am«i,.r ° f - the ~lde® t SDII kvst C'ompanlee in taken by the ny V8 * amoant up *° *«•«»•"> wffich'tdiews IKW m 0” iOTt an<l honor iu?l A. WILBUR, Ageut. WASTED. House Wanted. Address H , Herald office. eep39 Horse & Buggy Wanted. A HORSE, BUGGY and HARNESS wanted, -TA I-Ilher separately or together. A Hone that, "IU Crater under saddle and trot in carriage preferred Sayan Sail Uebald Counting Room, Wanted, Si 6 SSyaSS"* 1 Ad<,r “" SHAW Wanted Immediately, RoPhOMßngginF, and Was-e sodHS WARREN & PLATNER, Fcptl -ts 210 Bay-st Wanted, 35BSWf¥ GARBY, City Building, Blddelont, Maine aepH d&wSm TRY ONE POUND. HERALD JOB PRmm OFFICE, IVo. ill Bay Street, sA VA IVTVAH,-GEORGIA. We respectfully call the attention of tbe public to the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of JOB PRINTING. We have THE BEST PRESSES For doing all kinds of work, and we keep them !n repair. We employ only j •isu 0 ,emm>dT .1,/J ao c v FIRST CLASB PRINTERS OF LONQ EXPERIENCE AND THIRD ABILITT, We have New Printing Materials From the Best Northern Foundries, to wbieb w« *r* constanrly making additions We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, HANDBILLS, I ... PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS, LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, . r LABELS, CONSTTPimONS BY-LAWS, I’AMPHI.ETS, BALLADS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, . SHIPPING BLANKS Or any other kind of PRINTING—in xwr rrr.x Wc.have a Pine Assortment of Inks FOB PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY Hill. AR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and careful attention, and the work will he forwarded FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. 1 We endeavor to do all onr work nail, amt In plve complete catiafacnou to our cuaUnoere. otm PHtcßa Are a§ low aa the present high coat of atpek, mate- ■ > rial, labor and living will admit nf, and am below the increased rates which rule in other linos el huriaeoa 6. W. MASON 4t GO., * HfßiKStmet. Savannah, Georgia