Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 12, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. Departure of flteum.htp* nnd Steamer*. FOR Jtttr vo*r Steamship Leo, Thursday, October 12th at 2K o clock. . * steamship Raleigh. Saturday. Ortniw-r 14th, at 8 o'clock l> m. roe poermtrowt. Steamer Scorpio, Thursday, October iatu, at » „i- 'clock a. in. FOB FLOBIDa. steamer Fountain, every Saturday morning, at 9 c. clock. iSrOBIAi'T lUFkOVItMSSTS—Two NKB SAW MILXA 70 BE EBECTSD OX THE LOWER EASTERS WHARVES.— xte work of erecting two extensive saw mUls on the Lower Eastern Wharves has fairly commenced. Both of these mills are being bnllt under the auspices of a lock company of capitalists from the North. Tlie first mill trill have two upright gangs of afteen „ aw ; each, and two mulay saws ;in total, thirty-two 9a w: The power of the engine employed to drive this mill will be equal to,sixty horses. The second mill will have an engine of fifty horse power, to run a circular saw of sixty-two inches, the laigestsaw manufactured luese nulls wdl be able to turn out for each day of twelve hours work, fifty thousand feet of mcrchanta oie lumber, scantUng. etc On the site of the old Ouantocß mill Messrs. Richardson * Barnard have already in successful operation a neat saw mill of thirty horse power, driving a fifty-four iuch circular >aw capable of cutting ten thousand feet of lumber per day ; and also of plaining, tongning and groov ing one thousand feet of boards per hour. Miller’s Foundry.—One of our reporters yester day. while in the Eastern end of the city, visited the large and extensive machine works of Mr. Alvin A. Miller. From every part of these works was heard the busy hum of industry. The two finishing shops, the boiler-makers’ shop, blacksmiths' shop, and pattern makers' shop, were all in full blast, and a targe amount of work is being done daily. The iron work lor me Ogeechee bridges, destroyed on the line of the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, Is being rapidly pushed. M . Mlscall.v, who, for several, years, was the master mechanic in the employ of Mr. Miller, continues in tills capacity. Mr. Thomas Cessar, master moulder, anu well known as a skilful! mechanic, is in the moulding shop as its foreman. the Cotton Stealing Bcsiness.—We are Informed that within the past few weeks over one bnndred junk shops, so-called, have sprung up in the city, i wiiefe the best grades of cotton are quoted in the neighborhood of ten cents per pound. It Is asserted mat most of the fiats from up the river, from the time they reach McAlpin’c until they arrive at Demand’s Pi ess, have of late been systematically plundered, and large quantities of cotton brought ashore in boats. Unless some more active effort is made than hitherto, to put a stop to the cotton stealing business, Augusta merchants ill be justified in demanding a margin to cover lo3sfrom pillage of their shipments while in transitu. We would call the attention of dealers in tobacco, to the sale of Chewing Tabacco, advertised to take place at 10 o'clock this morning, by Messrs. Blun A Meyer, in front of their 3tore, on Bay street. The article Is pronounced by connoisseurs equal to any thlng brought to this market since the war. Those in want of an extra fine article should not neglect attending the sale. Besides the tobacco other arti cles will be offered recoterY of the Body of the Watchman at Debund's Press —The body of Jame3 Mahony, the night watchman at Demund’s Cotton Press, who nr. iteriouslv disappeared, as: was supposed the vic tim of fonl play, was found boating in the river yes terday morning, near the wharf of the Press. The body was readily identified by means of papers, etc., found upon it. ' ", ACCIDENT TO THE STEAMSHIP IDAHO.-“-The steam ship Idaho, which was to sail for New York yester day afternoon, met with an accident to her ma chinery before Uie had proceeded a great distance down the river, and was obliged to put back. The breaking of a steam-pipe was all the damage sus tained. Freights to Augusta, Macon and Atlanta.— Tue attention of shippers is directed to the adver tisement of Sup’t Geo. W. Adams, of the Central Railroad, giving notice that the Company is prepared to receive and forward freights per Railroad and Dickerson A Co-'s. Wagons toAugusta, Macon and At lanta. From Florida.—The steamer Fountain, Captain Caaiuer, arrived here yesterday afternoon from Pa lmira, Fia., with freight and a good list of passen gers. ! Removal.—as will be seen by a notice elsewhere, Hi. X. M. Sneed ha3 removed Ills office and residence to the corner of Ball and Brojglitou streets. Friends i and patrons will take notice accordingly. £ The Health of Jacksoxvillb.— We bear | that reports are in circulation at various ■ places in the interior, that the yellow fever is |P prevalent in town. Nothing could be further S' from the truth ; there is not at present, nor I has there been this season, a single case ol I yellow fever in Jacksonville. Take the entire | season, and our city has been unusually i, healthy. This seems the more remarkable, f when we take into account the fact that this e has been the hottest summer ever experienc | ed in Florida, by that veracious and reliable I individual, the “oldest inhabitant.” j And that everything in the shape of a tene- I ment has been crowded to its utmost capa ■ city, with little regard to cleanliness or com- I fort, and that our streets, yards and alleys, 'have not been so thoroughly policed as they ■ ought, and yet we kuow from our owu ob- I seivation and the testimony of physicians, 5 that Jacksonville, is at present comparative -1 ly healthy and entirely free from any epi , demic disease. Such reports, therefore, are . entirely unfounded, and are made by inter ested and designing parties with a view to C diverting the trade and business of the place , through other channels and to other points. I Jacksonville Union, Oct. 7th. ULMIMBLE mWMM. YVE offer for sale,on reasonable terms,three quarter ” Lot No. 14 lierrien Ward, corner Tattnal and Berrien streets, with Improvements thereon, consist ing of a Store and two two-story wooden dwellings, ... with cmt-bnilding. al nearly new and in good repair. j The btore U an excellent stand lor a Retail business. For further particulars apply to L .T. uriLMARTIN & CO., - s«p29-tf No. 148 Bay htreet. NOTICE. - THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal "YV T eakness lin all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Rl'iease send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for ■pontage. Address *T. M. KOS6ELL, I octio-3m Boston. Masv. I ESTABI.I!giHIf;D 1809. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., fco. 211 Washington-St., 1 -°P» NBW YORK. -,m | TO TRAVELLERSr Hew ani Cheap fiitlicatw. Artemas Ward; hi. Travel,, $1.60, | The Lost Will- S6O cents. : Gu, Howard, 75 cents. , Venter's Pride, $1.60. The Curse of clirton, $1.60. Bword and Gown, 30 cents. Great. Expectations, 76 cents. The Chanmnes. sl. The Castle’s Heir, $1.60. Guy Livingstone. $1.50. Major Jones’ Courtship, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Plncville, sl. Polly Pea blossom’s Wedding. sl. And other Novels. at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER artS PERIODICAL STORE, octT- Bull street, back o, Fust Office. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. It. B.—All ORDERS sent I>7 Mail promptly at tended to. JjrSl-tl Shipping Intelligcntw. Miniature Almanac—TltU Dai. Sun rises 6 1 Moon rises morn Bun sera 6 S3! High water ...... i PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Wednesday. Oct. 10. mi. Steamship Raleigh. Walker. Sew York—John It Wilder. Steamer Fountain. Castner, Palatka Fla etc -bv M A Cohen. Cleared. Steamship Idaho, Craw, for New York -Brigham Baldwin A Cos. Imports Per steamer Fountain, from Paiatka—26 bales SI cotton, 6 bbls oranges, 2 boxes and 1 bbl potatoes Exports. Per steamship Idaho, for New York—47B bales up land cotton, 28 do sea island do, 40 pkgs mure POP.! OF FEP.NANDINA, FLA. Febnandixa, Fia., Oct 8. Arrived. Oct B—Sciir John Lenthali, Tathiil. from New 'Fork on 2d lust. Consignee*. Per steamship Raleigu, from New Fork—Atlantic A Gulf K R Cos, Adams Express Cos, J W Anderson A Sons, Ames A Peabody, E B Adams. Bell, Wylly A- Chrlstlan, Brady, Smith A Cos, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, John Bowles, Blun A Meyer, Bulger A Colvet, N K Barnutn, T Bateson, Crane, Johnson A Gravbill, Claghorn A Cunningham. C L Colby A Cos, O Cohen, A M Cohen A Bro, c Cohen. Duncan A" Johnson, W II H Deerhurst, Drvlinski A Slager. Dewitt A Mor gan, J if DeppLsh ‘Darlington A Cos, T J Dunbar A Cos, H Dinners, Erwin A Hardee, J Epstein A Bro. Einstein A Eckman, J C Emmerson, b F Einstein, M Ferst A Cos, M C Fntten, G C Freeman, Thos C Free man, L J Guilmaitin A Cos, SAG Gardner, S Goodall, 8 Gustiuan, c 1. Gilbert, Huat A Ludlow, Hertz A Huslleld, Hunter A Gammell, N A Hardee A Cos, G M Heidr, J H Hickey, J K Hays, H D Hawley, N B Knapp, Kenney A O’Brien, Rein A Cos, J J Kelly, Lovell A Lattiiuore, Lathrop A Cos, Lilieuthal A Kohu, S M Lederer, W W Lincoln, Linville A Gleason, Lau rant A Cos, J Llppmau. M Bavin, Miller, Thomas A Cos, H Mienbard & Bro, tv A R Mclntire, Mitchell A Smith, J C Maker, J U Moses, B Mallou, i> Maliett A Cos, E M Myrell, <3 Miller, AN Miller, J McMahon, J Meyers, GOMarcy, J Nicholson, T Nugent, C R Osgood, C Orff, H Pitcher, Thos Pepper, E I’adelford, Quacken helmer A Seltg, Richardson A Barnard, Rogers A Crane, H G Ruwe A Cos, E Robinson, Reid A Cos, F J Ruckert, J L Koumillat, J K Reilly, A A Solomons A Cos, B Strauss, W H Stark, Tison A Gordon, W H Tid ier, B G Tilden, C W Thompson, R H Tatum, Union Steamboat Cos, Bishop Verot, J R Wilder, E C Wade, R D Walker, M H Williams, M A Wadleigh, S P Wi ley, W H Wlltberger A 00, Young A Nixon, E Zacke rlas, and others. Per steamer Fountain, rrom Palatka—J L Villalon ga. R Habersham A Sous, M Lowenthal A Cos, Hon D D Yulee, and order. Passengers. Per steamship Raleigh, from New York—N K Bar■- uum, wife and child, Mrs Amram and daughter, F J Ruckert, wife and child Jno R Bartels and lady, D F landers and wife, H w Hollelter and lady, J i tm ineirson, wife, daughter and 2 children, Mrs A J Lotze, Mrs Sera, E P Bowdry, J M Sorrei. R Baldwin, John Screven. Geoge P Screven,C Valker. T Walker, Mr Al len, Mr Simonson, C Clapp. H 1. Hlzzerous, C Morse, S B Palmer, M Hamilton, W W Lincoln, wile and two children and nurse, W Druham, L liilmau, H.Meyer. Mrs E Stone and child, Miss Miller, Mrs Bnrfewellet and chili!, Mis 1- P Seals, servant and infant, D C Roseuveli and mi, C' H Roser, Capt J W Barlow and wife, T G James, W S Chesholm, J H Hunter, W King, J H Sclirieuer, Wm Birue, W S Baseuger, 0 P Lundy, Mrs James Norswick, Mrs W H Tison and child, Mr Wise, Aiiss Lllenthai, H M Hill, C Orff, Mr O'Toole, Mr Buckner, K J Brown, G K Fortune, A Gregor. A Y Hurt wick, II Bloheu, J E Hicks, Thus Share, Mrs Ijiiberiiard and child. Major J W Rogers, R Zudinas, JP Dora, W A Chester, H Wertheimer Jos Joseph, and 123 on deck. per steamer Fouutaiil, from Palatka—A B Day, W B Watson, C H Brock, J H Brock, J Mcßae, w R Funston, C Turner, B H Bradley, Col A H McCor mack, M G Joseph, E Bray, J N Smith, W A Lovell, J H Newcomb, 1’ Murphy, J Magalne, P Roberts, L McCalre, F Linton, James Thomas, O Lynch, A Clark son, M Turner. A Johnson, 0 Colly. Per steamship Idaho, for New York—D B Camp, S S Parker, E J Davis, Miss J Rogers, E O'Donnell, r u Galvin, Col Harris, L Fried, Mrs L Fried, H H Bets, and 14 steerage. MIST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT OP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 9, 1865. , SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cu. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950r-dtscharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. BRIGS. John R Plater, Post, 290, from Norwich, Conn - discharging at Union Kerry Wharf—Hunter A Gam mell. Marv Cobb, Duncan, 195,—loading, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—Rogers A Cann. SCHOONEIiS. May, Kelly, 330, from New York—discharging at wharf fool oi Habersham street—Hunter A Gammell. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fla. in ballast—lying at wharf foot of Bull Street- Master. Wide World, Hildreth, 274, from New York—dis charging at wharf foot of Bull street—Wm Starr. Albert (Br) RlorUan, 105, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly A Curis tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing a: Iron Steamboat Wharf we3t of Barnard street —Rogers A Cann. Sciir Julia A Crawford, Bulkley, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co's wharf, for New York—l. J Oullmar ton A Cos. MARRIED, On Tuesday evening, the 10th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Wynn, DAVID J. JUDAH, of Savannah, Ga.. and Mi s, E. B. HOLDEN, of Washington, D.C. Florida and Washington papers please copy. Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are invited to examine my Wholesale Stock, which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put up expressly for •‘Country Trade," Goods re-packed to suit purchasers Queensware House, 100 Broughton St., 3d door from Bull St. octlO , * ts E. D. SMYTH. The Steam Flour Mill TO HE3MT. THIS large Mill, adapted to Flour, Meal and Grit?, will be rented to un approved tenant for one or more years. Also, The lands east of the Mill, down to Jones'Canal well adapted to Gardening, Grass. <fcc. Also, The Race Track, two miles from the city, on the Augusta Koad* including the Goodal land Also, A tract of land on the south side of the same road opposite to the Race Track. For terms apply to G. B. Lamar or George 8. Owens, Ksqrs. C. A. Lamar, Administratrix of C. A. L. Lamar’s Estate sep3o 2awlm MILINEEY GOODS. Xhave Juat returned Bom New York, and have brought out one of the best selected stocks ol Miiinery Dress Goods AND HOSIER*", Ever brougUi to this market. The Goods will be sold cheap. I will receive weekly the latest styles of MElnery tinder Scrlven House, Comer ol BuU and Congress Street Lane. oct6-lmo MRS. PEASE. Joseph Smith, FIELD, GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ER SEEDS, No. 65 Liberty Street, Sevr 1 ork City. ORDERS for Seeds by mail will be promptly execu ted and forwarded by Exprese. O. O. D. ®- B.—The Trade snpplied on the moet liberal terms Priced Catalogues will be sent upon appllca tlon by mall, octAcodlff .Notice. by mutuAi consent. The business & BBS?!: sr? aaassrssfc^ on the late arm OCtll GROCERIES, LHHORS. A C, Perkins, Stern & Co.’s CALIFORNIA WINES. THE popularity of our brand* of tb*9e tine Winch has induced their esteuaira imitation. All desiring genuine- nnd pure Win** should tiiat our copy-righted label, bearing our name, place of busines* and the state Sent <d California, i* upon each bottie. The following Wines are now offered by us, with cur guarantee cf their entire purity • WHITE, OR HOCK WINE, cf a light strew color, very delicate, £uc flavored, and superior as a dinner wine to Hock or Rhine ANGELICA. A rich and naturally sweet wine, much admired by ladies, and valuable in the sick chamber, as it make* hue wheys ana jellies. It is a fine dessert wine, ana vreii adapted for Communion purposes. MUSCATEL. This superb wine is made from selected grapes, r i3 very uelicat**. and will rank with the vaiy highest sweet wines of Europe FOnTa This is a deep red color of good body and fine flavor. It is becoming very popular where a sightly astringent and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirely a nat uml wine, i. wiH agree with the most delicate orgmfca tiou. WINE B ITTERS. These are mad« in our own cellars, from onr own wines, and wiil be found agreeable and pleiismt GRAPE BRANDY, Distilled from t e second prossincr of the grapes, and is a pure and desirable article. J. K. Barnoa, the Surgeon General of the United States, assisted by Assis ant burg, on Woodward, after a searching and careful analysis of our wines, pro ne unces them all pure, and admirably adapted for the use of the sick and debilitated. Dr. Jackson the well known Chemist of Boston, co incides with thi opinion. The Boston Journal, Transcript, Traveller, Saturday Gazette, N. Y. Evening Post, Tribun*-, and a large por tion of the press throughout the country, have, in lead ing articles upon American Wines, extolled the supe rior merits of these wines. The Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio, where onr wines came in competition with all the leading brands of Western Wines, awarded five premiums, out of six, to onr wines. lhe Indiana State Fair, endorsing the opinion ex pressed at Cleveland, awarded us a Diploma and Silver Medal. LET AMERICANS SUPPORT AMERI CAN INDUSTRY, A. KOHLER, cor. Broughton and Jefferson sts.. Savannah. Soie Agent lor the State of Georgia- oct*-1 w WHERE ARE YOU GOING, MR. BAKER ? Going to R : Balfore’s. 157 Broughton Bt. WHAT FOR: WHY, FOR FLOUR BBLS CHOICE FLOUR ■ 200 bbls Potatoes 100 bbls Onions 50,000 lbs Bacon Fresh Crackers 20 bbls Brown Sugar 8 tierces English Crushed Sugar Switzerland Cheese. octl 1-1 w FLOUR. O Ai| BBLS BKLLEF-)NTAINE FLOUR, £ W 100 bbls “Antietam” Flour For sale by W. H STARK octll-3 cor. Lincoln and Bay at 4. GKO. R. CruMT. Wit, A. WRIGHT, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Ya. GEO. R. CRUMP A CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liuuors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &o. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, fy Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tohacco, Produce, and Merchandise of every de scription. Refers to the Merchant* and Bankers of Augusta, Ga , Richmond. Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt & Morgan, Gaden & Cnckloo, A. A. So'omona & Cos., J. T. Paterson Si Cos.. R. Molina, Esq , Savannah, Georgia CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, &c, Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE 3 Y C, W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, Ui BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings.; Also, Alsop’s Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octC ts Butter, Butter, Butter. LARD, LARD, LARD. JUST received by A. M. SCARBROUGH A CO., 140 Congress street, 63 tubs extra State Butter. 100 kegs extra Leaf Lard. octlO-3 For sale -1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Oats, black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Hay. octlO N. A. HARDEE A CO. FLOUR. 9*:|| BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, landing ntlv per steamer Cambria, and for sale by MACKY. BEATTIE & CO., octG lw 203 and 205 Bay street. 'mackerel. lit ,A KITS new Mackerel, jest received and for OUU sale by RICHARDSON 4 BERNARD, sept2l-tf Bay street, opp. Mariner's Church. Personal. IF Mr. William Trenholm will call or send his ad dress to the Herald Office, he will hear of some thing to his advantage. Any information concerning him will be gratefully received. Address oct9 ts ‘ H. K. S. Photographs, Ambrotypes, &c., -A.t YYilson’s Cornet Whitaker and Brouge.ton Sts. oct9 C Rope and Bagging 1 fid COILS Richardson’s **Oreen Leal” ROPE, * Uv 62 b.ilei Gunny Bagging, For sale by H. GOWDY, octG-eod«J 19G Bay street, Anderson's wharf. CO-PARTNERSHIP YoTICET npHE undersigned having associated themselves to‘ A getber under the firm name of LaHOCHK, GADEN A LNCKLES, for th« purpose of transacting a Gene* ral Grocery, atd Commission Business, and haring secured the large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Barnard streets, are now prepared to receive any and all consignments made to them. They also have extra room* suitable for Dry Goods andF„ncy Articles, which, ts accompanied by owners or agents, are the beet in the city; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the bndneea, they hope t° th " 5 entire s * t ' Bfortlon to all making consignments Liberal advances made on Cotton Lumber, Ac. con signed to them foe sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their Mends la Near York, Boston or Baltimore LaROCHK, QADEN A cnckLba Isaac D. Lakooue, Bsxs. G. Oadsw, David 8. Unokizs. lm DCtlO B. CUTINO, BRYAN STREET, ’* under .Plsntsrw Hotel, and northeast corner of HuU and Jefferson streets. Lanie* Bair Drittr. AH Sanded to, Ladiea waited m,d 'o^ rk7 AUCTION SALES. By Blun A Meyer. THIS DAY, lrth just., at to o’clock, will be sold in front of Store, 14 boxes GoH Leaf Chewing Tob uv • ]" !>oreF Orrta Chewing To»*arco. • l»ox» - Pepper 8 *uce 75 Ihjxcs Auutuantine Candles octl*' By Blun A Meyer. Ou THURSDAY, 13th inst, at lOo’cloek. in front of Eton*, we will Sell -» basket* Piper Heid.dck 23 cases Mum'.s Verzenay Arrived in damaged condition, and sold for benefit of whom it may concern, 5 cases Brandy l" cases Old Bourbon Whiskey •5 cuaes Stomach Bitters 1: case* Ladifte' and Childrens' Shoes 15 boxes German Soap luu Hair Pillows -<> doz Hats and Caps ICQ Blue Jackets lOi Ruiti-jd Woolen C,ac.a 1 buggy 1 Jersey Spring Wagon 2 Horses l Mule An assortment of Kitchen and Household Furni ture octll 2 Billiard Cloths and Balls AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian, THIS DAY, at 11 O clock, in front of store, 2 sets Billiard Table Cloths 2 s*ets Balls octll Rout. P. York, > j J. R.Mclntike. M. E. Williams, | \ P. H Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO,, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. Reference, in Savannah—Bripham. Baldwin A Cos,: Erwin <t Hardee, Gaden A Uncklcs, Isaac D. La- Roche, Esq ; Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq.; Hunter & Gammell; L. C. Norvcll & Cos. Referencea in New Y'ork—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp Jb Bro.: D. H, Baldwin <fc Cos. scp26-eodlm COMMISSION MKRCIIAKTS. J.T.THOMAS&CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 11T Bay Street. FIRE. MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates as are accepted by any good Company. octtl-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Ciua. Van Hoen, Holyoke A Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Encaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with amplo and Hrst class Storage Room, we mod reepert fully tender our services for the purchase and sale of all kinds of merchandise. L.WARIIOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Consignments solicited. Fcr.-onal attention given to forwarding Merchandise Rud Cotton. octU-lm MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AND GENEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 305 Say Street, SAVANNAH. GA. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods- on the most reasonable terms. 250 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew 100 “ 4 Bucaeye Reserve i ‘6 “ “ Stag Bourbon All 20 “ “ 7 years old Stag Bourbon ' n A 20 “ 44 Pine Apple ! o 0 “ “ Bnrkam’s Bourbon i Uistilation 15 “ “ Old Fam’ly Bye | 15 “ ** Old Rectified J Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Win. s, Hcidsick k Cos., and Reymond’s Chaiupaignes Brandies, Gins. Rums, German «fc Rldgev ay Bitters, &e. In connection the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour. Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac- Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY & BEATTIE, rcp29-tf PHILADELPHIA. PA N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WIH make liberal Cash Advances on consignments to onr friends, Norton, Slaughter A Cos. 40 Broad street, New York. octfi Ira r •—...» —fiHi. Wm. H. Burroughs & Co s *>u> commission merchants. No. 97 Bay street, savannah. Ga. For the sale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, Timber, Plan rations and all kinds ol Real Estate We now offer several Riv Plantations near the city, a number of Cotton -ad Provision Plantations,Timhai lands. City Propc ly, and a lew lot. in the Mineral or Northwest ern pa t • the State. eep26-lm ti. G-owdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 2A.V STREET, ANDERSOJTS' WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-mo@ B. W. Tilton, Agt., JVrAWUTACTXnUEK. T7IORMERLY Tilton, Worrall A Mscy, Southern I 1 Carriage Warcrooms, No. 616 Broadwav, New York. Manufactory—Mount Vernon, N. Y. oetC-lm FREIGHT FOR MACON By Wagons, Wanted. Apply to sep29 HAM, BALDWIN A CO SOUTHEBN Exjjorting and Importing COMP^-isTY, OF FLORIDA. association is prepared to make advances in A currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. A . Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all oiders however small, for goods ffom England, France or Germany. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular of details R. P. FWm President, Aouwiut—*. T. Paine, *R* E. Screven, Charleston, S C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah, Oa sines , sepia THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PIBI-ISHEII Every Morning and Evening [SUNDAY EXCEPTED] AT No. 11l SAIT STREET Bl , S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PI'BLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of aa great Importance a* enterprise in procuring information. The HtRAt n Staff embraces a ur«e r ones of editors ayd reporters, Including several writer* long and popularly known as connected with the Southern Prees, It also has Rpeolal Correapondents at A.ll Prominent Point's, Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that ail New# of Importance will be heralded at the eariteat possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping Intellisrenee, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, As out of its province at present, the Hxrai.d strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true interests of the re-united na tion It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OP SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have but little weight THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Scientifiic and Commercial sub jects, so that In all respects it is a desirable Journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS aim Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the HxßAi.n wil be delivered promptly in Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY sc. ONE WEEK 30c. ONE MONTH $ t 00 ONE YEAR 10 00 PER HUNDRED 3 6b EXTRAS Are iMucd whenever intelligence lJ recolved of euffi cient Importance to warrant it ADVERTISING TERMS : Two Dollars per square, (occupying a spare of ten lines nonparellj for the first Insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Bnarn is ’ UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! Hating a large circulation In the city, and throughout the State, In Florida, SoutbSCarollna, the South Atlantic Squadron and the North, circulating more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UMION. Subscription* or Advertisements may be lent by mall or express to S. W. MASON & 0., * PUBLISHERS. No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga SHIPPING. Freights FOE AUGUSTA, undersigned are prepared to receive goods »t a their Warehouses—free of expense and cov send bv Insura ce—fo. shipment to Amtnsia and Kbits beyond by their regular line of light draught at*. Apply to CHAB. L. t OLBY, septic—Ls cor. Bay and Abercorn st», POE NEW YORK STAB JiE LISE. SHMI-WEBICIjT. The first daaa C P Mali Sluatnehlp, NEVADA, .... rapt Gabp.kteb UNITED STATES, • Cspt. Su..*z AMERIi'A. ..... Capt. Ci.ikt. CONSTITUTION, - - • Capt. grzcmxn. The above ships compose the Line, and will (ail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN A DICKINSON, Agents, For Liverpool. rjIHE A1 British ship WISCONSIN, Drews, master, A and the A 1 Am bark THOs. FLETCHER. Pen dleton, master, having a large portion of their cargoes engsqt-d will haw immediate dispatch. For freight of 500 bales cotton, apply to Qft9 fi JNO. R WILDER. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MATO JlafivijZ will have qnick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply ;to octll BRIGH IM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR PALATKA Via Darien. Brunswick, St. Mnry’s, Fer linmlinn, Jacksonville and Picolata. rriHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN- Capt. G. A W. O.htn’ir, will leave rs above ou SATURDAY, the 14th Inst., at 8 o'clock a.m. Fm Freight or Passage apply on board, at Padel ford's Wharf near White's Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight psvable on Wharf. Shippers will fnrrteh weights and measurement of goods octll! For Liverpool. THE first Class British bark THOMAB WHITNEY J. ('. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARE notified that they can store their goods any day durine the week, to be forwarded by the abave Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, tree of extra charge. sep'js KEIN A CO. PIONEER LINE. FOR NTFW YORK The new and aplendid U. S. Mall y/ZKHNjjf'? , Steamship I-KO, F. A. Merrill, Commander, will Rail for the above - port ou her regular day, THURSDAY’, October 12th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having Rplendid accommo dation? apply to HUNTER & GAMMELL. oct# For Aug usta THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the abova place. Goods receiv e 1 *t all time and stored in fire prbol warehouse, loot us Lioeoin street, free ol cost. 7 J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Claghorn A Cunningham s The May arrived in Augusta from fiavanuah on last Friday with her full freight. ts ocl'J Atlantic Coast Mail Nteaia ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, The new nnd elegant Side-Wheel At. Steuinship RALEIGH. G. M. Walker, •■a-oj; fiziW'y Commander, will positively sail on her regular day, SATURDAY', 14th inst., at 3 o’clock, p. m For Freight or Passage, having very large and airy state-room accommodations, fitted up with all there cent improvements, apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Ship's Bills of Lading furnished and signed in the office oct9 For Doctortown VIA Darien. THE light draught Side-Wheel Steamer SCORPIO. Capt. Rogers, will ply regularly between Savan nah every Saturday and Doctorwwn every Tuesday, commencing her regularly tripe on the 21st inst. Freight intended for this boat will be stored free of charge. For passage or freight (which will be taken at rs duced rates; apply to KEIN A CO-, Agents, Savannah, or - - - Doctort»-?n. N. B —The Bcorplo will leave for Doctortown on her flrat trip on THURSDAY, 12th in,t., at Bo’clock, a. m and return, leaving Doctortown Tuesday, 17th Inst. oct9 4 COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, liODQrKRS, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and be the first Boat for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, ajiply to KEIN A CO. sep29-td 114 Bay street. For Liverpool. THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, tvTSK Hodge, Master, having a large portion of ,jf£XJ?h er cargo engaged will be ready to receive .X3-iJh»cargo at Lower Hydraulic Press on the l«tb Inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tl BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A 00. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight bv our Line will be reduced ISO Per Cent ! Oat Lite la imposed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, viz ■ Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson, New bon Steamer WM. Q. GIBBONS, Capt. Philpot Steamer LAURA, Capt Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons is in every particular a first claasPawenger Boat. Insurance can be effected by our Line at lowest rttM. ear Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. aepmm ERWIN * HARDFC. I SHIPPING. For Doctortown, VIA PAPIIEIST. T H S Ntesni r WM. O. C I-iJQTN'co i V avl!l F “ heav >' r,1 *:»t-eme'* f Cotton at Darien, .it ! r ‘F the mmi.h <» vct-ioer inakc the following w ’ kly trips to D zctoi ow^i: LtAVE SAVANNAH, Tuesday Morning- Oct 10. at 6 o'clock I ij'' J»y >iitrn'ng, Oct 17, at 6 o'clock rittsaav Morn: g Oct H ste o'clock. LEAVE DOCTORTOWN. Ti ? ■‘Bing, oct i*. ! tnursQai Morning, c et. 19 , itarsuay Morn ug, Oct. tt. the wtek Warehouse any day daring P-,.geofl l^rnfo d n?WmX^^ FRWIN i HARDEE TO RENT. Offices to Let, TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. atri*4f' ** th " HERALD OFFICE. COTTON, fie. SOUTHEKs"" COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, CA. O’FALLON & CO., factors, Forwarding A Commission merchants, R ,^r?SJ rULI 'L! l:Tit * *«*"«<>" *0 onr faculties for tlie purchase or movement of Southern rroducts. and win give prompt sttentlon to *ll ouci nes« entrusted to our cure. Intending to estabUsh •ei tfeinently a H JU-e in Savannah expert bv strict the Trade rlnC es ‘ 8 merit >nd «>»i7e a portion of Hiving a commodious Warehoane for Cotton, we are nrepwvd to bnr. or receive on consignment to our friends in riew Y,.rk or Europe, nnd will make ad i, : I'BtAlng, re-ballug or mending all Cotton berore shipping, thereby saving the enormous expei'.o Incurred In Northern cilia, by this process.— Y ) ct ? P ort ' >n of thebusineaaof tne people of Georgia sad of adjoining States. ' OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN .STREETS, CW~ Post Office Address, Lock Box 26. oct7-3m LINVILLE & GLEASON. S-A.-W-A-NTSTAH. AGBNTB FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT A CO,, 64 CmtlaMt Slreel, New Yark. MANUFACTURERS ' F ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERB Britee, Car, SUp or Band Hut, —a::C BOILER BOLTS, SUIT eoICH OR UG SCREWs, Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, RU3NO AND SQUARE WASHERS, TurnbuSkles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Bice, Sea. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIR? SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRW MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS' STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VABNISH, Ac.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Alto Manufacturer* of the- BES? OAK TANNED BELTING. M DRna?PUNCHESAND SHEAR? 8 ' ST Hv E A :N TP r STATION^** ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS.&c. B « pts ts —™ • - - Family Dye Colors; Patented October IS, m3, for Silk SS&& Dark Blue Magenta * Light Blue Make French Blue Maroon Drown Orange Dark Brown Pink* Light Brown Pnrnle ,S-,uffßrown Rordftr?:, cJwL 8* men crimson bcarlet Lark Drab Slate i®‘Drab Solftrlao Fawn Drab Violet light Fawn Drab yellow. For Dyeing 811 k, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Kibbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, i bildren’a Clothing, and all lend* of Wearing Apparel. <sr a Saving of so per cent, .© For 2S cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five tin es that sum. various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process Is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Direcams in English, French and German, inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, fSO ttroadwav, Boston For sale by druggists and dealers generally. , octUMjc: . /' . 1 Paper and Bag Warehouse Warren & Platner, Sols Agents to thrs city for the Bath PuptrMllle The highest cash prices naitl lor Rag* old Ron.- ocUo4f $lO Bay street, Savannah, Ga. t>