Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 20, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannan Daily Herald. FRIDAY. OCTOUEW '«■ I*os ■ tirr»l~Flood. in India. TUc Kotre* correspondent of the ScintlrMi give* till- Ini in wing Btcojni of a disastrous storm whica visited Hyderbaad on the .th of August: Ou Saturday m mine the heavens appear ed covered with deep dens - clouds, aud ex hibited signs of rain ; but as the weather had been of laic so uncertain, no reliance could be placed in them. As the day advanced, however, tierce gusts of wind burst forth at short iutervals, while the tiimaineut became by degrees overcast aud dark. A short while after it commenced drizziiug; :t.;.- continued tor some time, and towur.i t Vening a smart shower followed. r-tt'. noun,-, thiu aud steady, seemed daugoious Tor the houses, built as they are of sunburnt bucks, flat rooted, aud otherwise of a weak structure. It continued to pour duwh tnC sanity during the whole of Saturday night, without, however, creating any very great alarm among the people, though many of them eutfered a great deal from leakage and other i .conveniences. But there was ueithcr thun der nor lightning. The following morning (Sunday), as the rain did not cease, it was evident tuat sotue serious crisis was at hand ; ere the day ad vanced the rain water rose everywhere to two, three, and in some places five feet high, rendering every street and lane impassab<e. This water, as mialoriune would have it, mingled with tue rushes ol the hill torreuts, and both Combined, not fiuding a proper passage to the river, flooded the whole station, aud committed a dismal work of desolation. While the rain was still contin uing to beat violently agaiust the roots aud wall- of nouses, and the fl >od cutting away their base, house after house tumbled down, audiu tne course of about turee uours uuu dr da of them were converted into heaps of ruin. xue Consternation and confusion among the whole of the inhabitants may he better itud-ined than descr.bed. Men, women and chi dreu, terror stiiCaen, were scattered over the place, and rushing iu every direction iu quest of shelter. A greater number of them n c»ed to the Dnurrumsalla, where they were crammed to suifocatioD. Iu another account it is stated that nearly 900 houses were destroyed, but, strange to say, only one life was lost. There is not a siugle buildiug in the whole place that has not suffered some damage either from rain or flood. The loss of property aud houses is estimated at about two lacs of rupees. “Greenbacks” in North Carolina.—A litter from North Carolina to the Boston Ad vertiser shys : “I saw trt-day lot ihe first time a man who would not take ‘greenbacks’ in payment for propelty. He C ime in trout the country with a load of wood, hug actual ly hauled it out of town this evening because no one would pay him for it iu gold. Much inquiry iu South Carolina discovered only two or three localities in which there would be probable difficulty in tiavelling w ithout gold ; but one ot our majors whom duty has called through over a dozen of these western counties within the last six weeks, tells me t hat the localities in which paper money would be taken at the exception rather than the rule ; and a surgeon of our army whose home is fifty miles back of this ph ee, and who has been there on two weeks’ leave, said to me this torenoou that lie lost the op lKirtunity to make several good trades while there, because he had onlv legal tender mon ey. The people say, he observes, that hav ing lost so much by one sort of paper money, they don’t propose to take any of the other sort just at present." The Central America Revolutions—Ex citement at Panama. —A letter from Pana ma, dated Oct. Ist, says: ‘‘Panama has beeu Kept iu n stale of nightly excitement bv re port of an anticipated iuvasiou of the city, release Os the rebel prisouers, and seizure ol the President of the State by the rebel party. Matters was quieted by the President put ting the rebels on board a vessel aud sending them back to their homes in the Cauca." The Panama Star, of the Ist iust., says: '’Colonel Vsllarino and his brother, the late Secretary of State, were both arrested as conspirators on last Friday, and sent to As pinwall, together with ex President Calan oha, Colonel Neira and Captain Hernandez, tor transportation to Jamaica. Gen. Olarte with his forces did not arrive iu Panama as expected, having been detained at Santiago. He sent np all the prisouers, except the Ca lamhas, under charge o! Col. G- ttiu.” TheUuited States steamer Jutm-s Adger returned to Aspinwall on the 37th ultimo from a cruiße to Rio Hacha, where it was re ported the United Status consulate had been attacked by rebels and the premises sacked. The report appears to have been a ruse of the government party to induce foreign vessels -of war to go there iu order to frighten the revolutionists; but it did not succeed. Restoration or Confiscated Profbbit.— We understand that the President has or dered the restoration to Mrs. Colonel John H. Sothnron of the valuable property in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, upon which one of the Government farms for the use of tieedmen is located. This estate compri ses 1,500 acres of land, 827 of which is -und r cultiv ti n and Ia - been greatly i - since it has been in the p - session of the Government. The property belonged to Colonel John H. Sothoron, who murdered Lieutenant White, and officer of colored troops, aud was taken possexsisn o i for the use of the Freedraen's Bureau, a abandoned property, So moron, after tin murder of Lieutenaut White, hiving left the country and taken up his alv de iu Can ada, where he is reported to be at the pres ent time. Within the past few days the Freedmeu s Bureau has restored to eleven parties In Loudon C.mnty, Virginia, property valued at over two hundred thousand dollars, here tofore held by the Goyeromcot as aban doned. Orders for the restoration of other property tiiualed in Alexandria and Loudon Counties have been issued, and the Freed men’s Bureau is preparing to make the nec essary transfers.— Washington Star. DELIGHTFUL Si AT r. OF AfFaIKB IN IHfc NA TIONAL Cafiiai..— Stabbing, shooting, gar Toting and killiug are daily pastimes in Washington. A member of the First District of Columbia regiment (colored) shot a color ed woman fatally last night. A squad from ibe same regiment attacked, stabbed and dangerously wounded two or three pri vates of the Fifth United States cavalry two nights ago. Last night a scavenger of the Seventh ward gave a negro u fatal blow with a spade. Every night robbery, garroting and burglary are perpetrated. These little pleas antries, added to the general and widespread unbealthiness of the city at the present time, are likely to Jeter many from locating here at preseut and to drive away others who re gard health and personal satety paramount to all other considerations. No Prosecution or Union Soldi t iis.—Gen. Johnson, in command of the district of Mid die Tennessee, has issued an order, in ac cordance with instructions received from higher authority, in wuich he says: “It i s ordered—That all persons now in arrest or ■ unfinement, against whom proceedings have been instituted by civil authority, for acts • ommitted by them a» soldiers of the United States army, and acting under the orders of their superiors, be released at once, aud that civil action against them be suspended and dismissed.” Thf. Cholera.— The Department of State has been officially informed that the cholera has almost entirely disappeared from Con uantinople. The infection at Pulrna, the 1 upital 01 the Island ot Majorca, appears in a very aggravated lorrn, and seems to baffle human skill. Reports have reached Port 'when that the disease is spreading into the interior of Spain. Intelligence lrorn the < onttul at Marseilles. Fiance, is to the effect that this ten ibis disease is frightfully on the increaso there. Eighty thousand" citizens have left ihe city, aud the deaths now aver age between fifty and tUty par day. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening: [SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT Ho. 11l BAT STREET, - if - S. W. MASON & CO. I THE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERS 18 TO ISSUE A Live Dnily Newspaper ! Which ei .il also be RsiiaLls, regarding Accuracy es being of &J greet Importance as enterprise in procuring Information. The Hibald Staff embrace* a LARGE CORPS OF EDITORS AID REPORTERS, Including several writer* long and popularly known as connected with the Soothers Press, It also has Mpoolul Correspondent* at All Prominent Points, Who ate Instructed to spar* no expense In procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mail, Express, aud Telegraphic Facilities! So that all Newa of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention Is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPAIITMENTB, AND TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICK, As out of Its province at present, the Houlo strives to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true Interest* of the re-united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publisher* to render the* paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OP SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital question* with the dignity they deserve and without which it* opinions oould have bat little weight. THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Metes i com for a Urge quantity of Miscellaneous Heading Matter. Poetry and Artlotes en Liter ary, Sclentlfilc and Commercial sub (sets, so that in all respect* It la a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS -r akd —- Experienced Mail and Delivery l lerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Huald will be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY.. fie. ONE WEEK.., SOc. ONE MONTH $ 1 00 ONE YEAR 10 00 TER HUNDRED.- 8 SO EXTRAS Are lamed whenever Intelligence is received oi suffi cient Importance to warrant it. ADVERTISING TERM: Two Dollars per square, (occupying s space of ten liuee nongnrellj for the flrrt insertion, sod $1 per square lor each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on Lo2*o ADVERTISEMENTS, Or those INSERTED FOR 4 LONG TIME. The ' He&aia, (a UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I Uaving a large circulation in tile dtjr, and throughout the State, lu Florida, Soatb Carolina, tha South Atlantic Bt£iudrou aod the North, cironlatlag more ©r Icm IN EVERY STATE OF TUE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertfymrgnu may ba aent by mail or c-xprtu to s. w. mason a co., PUBLISHERS. No. 11l Street. Savannah. G WKWBPAPKW. JJyVILY JOURNAL & MESSENGER, PnblislieJ Every Morning aud Evenint MACON, GEORGIA, CORNER OF CHERRY ARO THIRD STREETS. LARGEST CIRC CL A TIOX IX MIDDLE AXD SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA. ffUIK old ‘ Journal A Messenger,” Ar*t established A In 1809, und regularly published ever since, has tue Largest Circulation of any paper in this section. We are offering liberal terms to advertiser*, and merchant#, and others deeirousof having their busi ness generally known, will do well to advertise in our columns. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is circulated thioughout the Southern and Northern Mates generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the money will be insured satisfaction Address S. ROSE A CO. hr" «c. H lTuc*v } Pr °P r ‘ e ‘ or *- 8,1,15 THE KEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General New*—Tbe Discus sion of State and National Topic*—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest —The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern State*. The Proprietor* of the New Orleans Daily am* Werxly Times, encouraged by the liberal support given to their Journal, have made ample arrangement* for it* improvement, w ith a view to making It, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Term* of the Daily. $lO per annum: half yearly, $8; quarterly. $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Ip devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf 9tatea; contairs a carefully prepared compendium of the new* ol each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tnJea, poetry, etc., correspondence from ail parts of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, h resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annnm. to oi^ras. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ 9 50 I C copies $25 00 3 *• 14 00 J 7 “ 29 00 4 ** 16 00 j 8 “ 33 00 6 “ 22 001 9 “ 37 00 10 copies s4o. An extra ropy will be given to any one getting np a Club of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address WM. 11. C. KING A CO., aul4-rt Proprietors N. O. Times, No. 7o Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered npon its Fifteenth year. In an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none, ADVERTISING RATES. ONE SO CAR*. Two weeks $ 5 00 One month 0 00 Two months 10 00 Three month# ) 15 00 Six Months 24 00 One Year 40 00 TWO SQUARES. r Two weeks $lO 00 One mouth 12 00 Two months If* <»0 Three months 18 00 Six months 30 00 One year., CO ou Persons desiring a greater quantity ot space than Is above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed; 5 cts. Oue Month, do. 75 ** • Three Mouths, do $2 oO Six Months do. .. 3 60 Oue Year do C uo ADDRESS, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD Jfc CO., PETERSBURG, VA. PKOSMIOTUS OF TUB Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Imied on or about the loth of July , 1866, By J. W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggeHtion of many of the leading merchant# of the country, as a method of extensively advertising their bu#ine#n.— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor m with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices CaiTent of the Market# in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial New# of every description that will be of interest to the aMercantilc Community. Nor will the “ MIRHOU " be exclusively filled with adverti#t ment#; but tbe paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter* Ac. It will be a family, as w ell a# a uiHiNEaa pater, aud wo inteud that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Couutry. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what namber of onr friend# will want their Business Card#, Notice#, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will onlv say to all, #end your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fanc> Type, Cut Band material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval ol all Business Men. A# soon as we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, wc will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, iu the flr»t number. Tuby will uk a» low as PouaiaLs, to allow cs to rcßLisu tue papf.b. Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject w ith it, feeling as sured it will meet it# cordial co-operation aud su}* port. Address J. W. BURKE A CO., Macon, Go. Agentiu Savannah. Gao. N. Nioiiolh, Bay Street. jylß-tf TIIE . DULY EVENING 101(15. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., IB THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE Grand Eight-Hour League of Mass., AND OF THK WORKINSMIKS ASSIMILY OF BOBTON. IT la Independent In Politic?, eschews Sectarian mat ter., contains all the Local and General Newa of the day, 1. especially devoted to the Interests of Work lngmen, and its managers spare no paina to make It THE PEOPLES PAPER. Its facilities for obtaining the latest and moet relia ble intelligence on every subject of interest are unsur passed, and make It a newspaper that will be wel comed by every eon of New England In any section of the country It has a large circulation, and aa an ad vertising medium la unsurpassed by any newspaper in boston. Subscription Price, $5 per year. FREIGHT FOR UGI KTA, RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwar ed mi*Weekly* Per STEAMER AMAZON, ( apt. R. Johnson Per STEAMER LAURA, Oapt. Kbwaku Bturi. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon’• Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight aa above. Due notice will be given of tha day* of departure of each Reamer ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. sspll lm Agent on Wharf. cemmaniON ukhciii'ts, «u. Hue. Whitney & Cos.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - On. Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our House in Philadelpliia. «ep22-lm G.B.&G.W. LAMAR General Commission Merchants. FORWARDING AND SHIPPIXO AGENTS SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. THE Undersigned have this day formed a Co-part nerahlp under the name and atyle of G. B. and G. W Lamar, for the transaction of a General Com mission, Forwarding and Shipping Business and offer their service# to their friends and the public. Office in Jones’ buildings. Bay Street, few doors East of ciaghorn A Cunningham, (tip stairs.) RefertoOeo. W Anderson. Esq, Savannah; John C. Fcrrlll. E#q., Savannah; O B. Lamar, Esq . Sa vannah ; Wm. E. Jackson, Esq., President Augusta Factory; Messrs Joel ah Sibley A Sons, Augusta; J. B. A .1. W. Walker, Augusta. G. B LAMAR Ja. #cp3o-lm G. W. LAMAR Ja. F.M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris' Buildiug*, 8d door west of A. Low A Co.'*. Refer* to Messrs. Hunter & Gammeil, Crme, John *ou A Graybill: Bell. Wylly & Christian : Rotliwell A Whitehead; Miller. Thorn** A Cos. ; M. A. Cohen, Esq. *ep2fltf 1). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. D. n. Bu.owin.l x Y J.F CIMMINOS / ‘ >eW * ork - H. Bbiguam, ) a .,. ari _ fI L I oet4-3in V. M ileus,, f A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 1)2 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf .Alexander Hardee, Stornjfp anti General Commission Merchant CORNER BAY AND JEFFERSON STS., Savannah, Georgin, Dealer In-HAY. FODDER. GRAIN, FLOUR. WOOL, HIDES, BRAN. SHORTS, Ac. *ep22-lm J^iCESHCAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines ami Liquers, 171 BRO A. D STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMercbandizc wiehlng to realize Imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the fame. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, nntl prompt return* made at the most reasonable rates. *ep4-3m TO SHIPPERS OF ( OTTOS AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT <fe BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4n Vfbev Steket, Yoke And Memphis, Term. Thomas Fenner, Henbv Bennett, D. W. Bowk in. jyO on. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MRRCHANTS. JONRB BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND AUEKOORN BTRRET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignment* to the firm of Cuas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friend* In Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agent* at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabnev, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley fidmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. aep 18—tt Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, O and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DBY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advance* made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yarns. jyiß HENRY BRYAN, Bryan StbEkt, nv.xt to Mfrouants’ and Planters’ Bank Duildino, Broker and Commission Agent FOB SALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. uuls Uino JOHN S. SAMIS & HO., Forwarding mul Commission MEBCHAN TN. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALEBS IN Dry floods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. 8. SAMMIS. ED. O. BAMHIS. CHAS. L. UATQEB auli__ ts A. T. CUNNINGIIAM. D. O. PUBSE. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE* Factors, forwarding ani> commission MEKCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’** Lower Stores, Bay stieet, Savannah. Ga. References—Robt. Habersham A Sons, Hunter & Gammull, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. sepAhm E. F. METCALFE & CO., GKIIEUAI, FOHWAHDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Stoddard a Range betweeu Ahercorn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, Ga. References—Hentug, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Bruce A Cos., Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Ksq.. Atlanta, Ga.; Knott a Howes, Macon, Ga.; E M Bruce, Morgan A Cos., Appalachicola, Fl*.; Watts. Crant & Cos., N. V.s Geo. 0. Pearce A Cos , Bt. Louis, Mo.: H. C. Bruce 4 Cos., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. J Cook, Albany, Ga.; Juo. W. O'Connor, Macon, Os. septm im J. SHAFFER, Oommiawion Dealer In all kinds of FORBIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, Was Washington Marut, Opposite 143 Watt it.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sta., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly OB hand, and put up fur the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. wSE T - * DU aodly _ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. T. THOMAS&CO/, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 117 Bay Street. FIRE, NARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Katea as are accepted by any good Company. octU-lm SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTOES, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, aud will give prompt attention to nil ousi nee* entrusted to our care. Intending to e#tabli#h ptirin inently a House in Savannah expect by strict bueine-s principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this prooess They solicit a portion of the busineHS of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, S3T Post Office Address, Lock Box 20. octT-Sm Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, BANKERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. mHK under*l(rnod have this ila.v formed a Cos part -1 nerahip under the firm name of Fordyce. Ander son A Janney, for the transaction of a Banking and General Commission, 1-orwardinu and Slopping Bus iness, and offer their service* to their friends and tile public. Liberal advance* made on ail Consignment* to them for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their correspondent* in New YorK, Philadelphia or Baltimore. Refer to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, G. W_ Ander *on, Esq., G. ii. Lamar, Esq., Robt. Habersham & Sou*. ' Office No. IU Stoiidnrcl’* Range, I'p-Staira S. W. FORDYCE, Hnntsville, Ala. GEO. W. ANDKR-ON, Jr., Savannah, Go. T. B. J ANNEY, octlS2w Nashville, Tenn. BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton anil Tobacco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do enti ely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get tile outside market quotations for our patron*. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and parr al advance* on Cotton ready for shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters'orders Ailed. octl J lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission ana Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Cuas. Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with amp!* and first class Storage Room, we moHt respect fully tender our services for the purchase and sale of all kinds of merchandise. octll-3m L. WARROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. nctll-lm MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, (in. OI PER FOR SALE the following Goods, on thei mo*’ reasonable terms. 260 bids Whiskey, Mountain Dew T 100 44 44 Buckeye l’escrve j 75 44 44 Stag Bourbon * ... - 20 4 4 4 4 7 years old Stag Bourbon i 20 44 44 Pine Apple ni .SFT 1 60 44 44 liurkam’s Bourbon | ARttillatioa 15 4 * 44 Old Family Rye I 16 “ 44 Old Rectified J Togetht r with a large aasortment of Port, Sherrv and Madeira Wines, Heidsick A Cos., and Reymond’s Champagnes, Brandies, Gins, Rum*, German A Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Side*, Shoulders. Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sepS9-tf PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. A. HARDEE & Co=, Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will make liberal Cash Avarice* ou consignments to mir friend., Norton, Slaughter A Cos,, 40 Broad street. New York. octo-lm W. B. & T. E. RYAN, CENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding; Merchant*, Charleston und New "YTorTt, WILL attend to the Shipment and Forwarding of all kind, of Produce, and will keep ou baud an assortment of Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Consignments solicited. W. B. Ryan, j (Tnos. E. Rvan, «8 East Bay, > < ii Beaver street, 1 N.w York. H. Goxvdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1»S BAT STBBBT, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH. GA. ocUMm COMMISSION MERCHANTS. o. a. eooBEL, a. o. B-'BrrL SORREL BROTHERS, Shipping, Commission AMD Forwarding Merchants, S3 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. 8 recast, era: Messrs. U. K. Corning, Bon A Cos., N. Y. Messrs. Peter V. King A Cos., N. Y. Messrs. Usher, Brothers A Cos., Baltimore. Messrs. 8. A W. Welsh. Philadelphia. National Bank, Savannah, Ga. Francis Sorrel, Esq, Savannah. Ga. Chas Green, Esq., Savannah, Ga. T. R. Bloom. Esq, Macon, Ga. octl7 lm BRANCE SOSSTCOT BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AUGUSTA, GA. Office for the present at Georgia Railroad Bank. Thoa. Branch <V Cos,, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 90 Main street, Richmond, Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Bankers ana Commission Merchants, Sycamore street, Petersburg, Ya. DEALERS in Coin, Foreign and Domestic Ex change. Southern Bauk,Notes, Stocks and Bond*. Interest adowed on Deposits. Collections made throughout the United States, and acficlid attention given to the redemption of Southern Bank Notes for Banks' account. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, Tobacco ami other products to their corre-pondpnt* in Baltimore, New York. Liverpool, Bremen and Ant werp. |?V“The undersigned for the last twenty five year* an ofllcr of tbe Bank of Augusta, can now be round at the office of Messrs. Branch, Sons A Cos.. Bankers and Broker*, Augusta. Ga., where he will be pleased to see his friends aud the public generally, pledging his efforts o gire satisfaction to ail who may favor him with their (Vitronage. Money will be received on Deposit, and Checkspsid. net in 15 GEO. W. MORGAN, Cashier. Wm. H. Burroughs & Cos. Forwarding *nu commission merchants. No. 97 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Fur the sale of Cotton and other Prodnce, Lumber, Timber, Plan tations and all kinds of Real Estate. We now offer several Rice Plantation* near the city, a number of Cotton and Provision Plantations, Tiuiber lands. City Property, aud a few lot* in the Mineral or North western part* of the State. sep2Clm JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COT TON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 9d Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octic cm C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 80 Broad Street, New York* Produce and riour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Batter, Cheese, Ac, Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octl7 3m Z. C. WADS. 8. 11. WADK. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savnnnnh, On. octl6 3m Notice to the Public. IN th# y*ar 1846, the writer embarked in the Drug Business in the city of Philadelphia, and while thua engaged, made several experiments in ngard to the ino*t desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extract# ky efforts being successful— the articles being approved and used by the Medical Faculty—l was desirous of placing them before the public, but hesitatvd for sometime before concluding to resort to newspaper advertising, knowing of the prejudice# that existed in the minds of many ngainst lining advertised Medicines or Nostrum# Tiut through the advice of friends and those who bad U9ed them this objection was overcome. After 18 y ars’ xertion#. commencing In a small wav, ahe popularity of my articles ha# extc ded to all parts of the United States, and widely throughout Foreign countries—and this in the face of much opposition. , Every menu# ha# been resorted to bv unprinciph and deal ers since their merit and #ncc« ss have been known , sach a» advei t i#inj{ larger bottles at less price., consur ng all other preparations, and even copying my advertise ments—but I aru happy to State that out of Ihe many wfw) have resorted to this, none have been successful. MY OBJECT In this notice 1. to make facts known to the public and respectable dealers, believing, after so many years’ ex ertions, that the DruggMa will disc untenance such proceedings, and that the reputation of my articles may not be damaged by the use of inferior or spurious ones. Knowing that many may read this article who are unacquainted with me, I append a few remarks from those of my native city, and whose names are known in all parts of the world; "Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm bold, it afford, me pleasure In stating I have been most favorably impressed with his energy aud integri ty, and gratified at his seccess.” WM. WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers A Weighlman. Ninth and Brown Streets. Philadelphia. [Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia.] “When on a visit to the city of New York a few days since, I was induced to call on our old friend and townsman, Mr H.T. Helmbold, Druggist, 394 Broad way, N. Y. His Store is a Model—a perfect Gem-- the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewing, and .o extensive, being 34 feet front five stories in height, and over 200 feet deep.— It Indeed affords us much pleasure to know that he has been so successful, and it Is ample evidence of the merits of his articles-as in our whole business expe rience we have not known of the success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ” [Boston Herald.] “We do not like to advertise worthless wares, or articles calculated to deceive our reader.; and when we sec an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we have known for years, gradually extend his advertising from year to year until ho becomes the largest adver tiser in the United States, we are satwiled that the statement, in regard to his articles must be correct. The writer reluctantly inserts the above, and would not do so were he not a stranger to many; and con cludes by stating the names oi his articles, and the diseases for which they have been used by many thou sands with complete success. Anvt n nsicMFNi. | Helmbold’* Extract of Bucliu will cure oil diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder.— Gurea Pain or Weakness in the Bade, Stricture*, Ac.-. Cures Weak Nerves, Loss of Memory, Trembling, Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLD'B FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHC I. a pare fluid extract, not a weak tea or infusion. Is the one thing needful for all complaint. Incident to Female*. For particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU cures Gravel and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Women, or ChUdreD; In fact ALL DISEASES requir ing the aid of a Diuretic. It Is the greatest Tonic an.l Diuretic known-perfecily ■ fe, pleasant In taste and odor, and immediate iu its action. HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. One bottle equivalent In strength to one gallon of the Syrup of Decoction. It reaches the asst of the disease immediately ex pelling all Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. These articles, being Os such strength, the dose h f? < i e^ 1 S gl 3' , From ,hi 9 fcet, if Is used in the United State* Army Hospital, and public Sanitary In stitution. throughout the land. * Sold by all Druggists everywhere. tr Ask for Helmbold’.. Take no other. . **? Cotont the advertisement end send tor It. and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. These articles, being Os such strength, the dose h f? < i e^ 1 S gl 3' , From ,hi 9 ket, if Is used in the United States Army Hospital, and public Sanitary In stitution. throughout the land. ’ t* 11 Sold by all Druggists everywhere. tr Ask for Helmbold’.. Take no other. . BF* I Cutout tho advertisement and send tor It, and by** mean, avoid Counterfeit. octs im savannah BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMISSION MKKCHANTs" KotUict kt 4 Cos. - • SHIPPING *•>.. COMMISSION MERCHANT* Corner B.y and Whitaker street*. ANTS . Prompt attention given to consignment* of H' r cbandisv and Produce of ail kind* purchased and sold. “P' lm rjß»asMps*ssa ftU24 MA. Cohen, * FOKWARLING anuCOMMTSS'NMERCHANT (Mice Home Ins. Cos , 99 Bay st. A ” T ’ B tU > Wylly dc Christian, AUCTION ntrv rcha^B COMMISS,^ n and mj.RCHA.NTS B a y gt ree t. Savannah, Qa. AM. Scat l>i-o ugh A Cos., GaTcTki ,T7p, • msaiON Mrarmura. 14u Congress and. s-af' Out tan *t* Highest market prices paid for Cotton Wool, Beeswax etc. Liberal Advance on CoUcri.T-’ Erwin <v Hardee, “ ~ % COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * ■gj——Savannah, Ga WINES, LIQUORS, & c . — 2-'--, jc-. AKOHI.KK, NORTHEAST . Broughton and Jefferson street* soi. < F lor the State of Georgia, lor the *. ?.' „ A Ecut Wine* and Brandy, ,he “ le 01 L’aliiornla IA Koethckc A Cos., " _ A WHOLESALE DEALERS Ur Groceries, ,’ines, Liquor* and Seeara n Bay and Whitaker st*., Savaunah, ul Tarael H- Sealy di Cos., A. HOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTPR# nt* Uh. FAR RE CHAMpTgE'Es In the State of Georgia. AE 8 ' - ay ' t - ,lk ' ,^va^r<i* ndj^-' PHY GOODS. " John C. Maker A Cos.. Wbgi w ; ~ Dealkh in DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac GLOVK ». c °f- Congress and Whitaker et*. John Mct'onaghy, . DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. lau Broughton street. Samun M. JLetlerer, Jobber mhl Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boom and s.f ° f CMwmso, Harry wc. 14G 7,r“e'h IVs Fer *t A Cos.. Wholesale DealerffTwiNzl 1 7 IU, QLOKB, Segakb, Fxncv Grockbisa, CanuiS Ac Stuart ck Co.,Wholesale undiietail Dealers inTTrn eerie* and Provision*. Teas, Ale*, Wines and rt E°T r *? ull “' l<i Hroughtou streeti. attention paid to order* so, the country ' SCpSSMf ('ong.lon di Symou, J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS Corner Whitaker aud St. Julian eta Old Stand of W. R. Sytnun*. V. Deyo, Dxalkb rs Ciioroa Fahilv Gsoctßir*, J* . Winss, Liqcor.s, &<•_ ' —Broughton street. BILLIARDS, Ac. Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MKAIiA. ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. S*' (in rear of Poet Office,) bv „A- bTAUi). Wholesale unit Jlctatl. None lint * ut * (-Hjl GHb served. Free Ltiurh. QA# FITTING, &c. Weed 4 Cornwell, Wholesale Dealer* in llaßdwake and Tin Ware. No. 159 and 101-Broughton Btreet. T 7 Cranston, VJ • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan *t„ next to cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO. &c. ■p. Koetheckc 4 Cos., , ■ „ Importers ot Genuine Havana Segar*. Corner Hay and W nltaker streets, Savauuah, Ga 1 m Kolb. ' ~ 1 • . s£ , w ARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, At, _ Barnard street, one door South of the Market PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. wsviffedT Ltaru, kJ UOOKeELLKRs AND STATIONERS, Cor, Bryan sfreet and Market Square. Marking Ink, MANurAoTt axu aud for sale bv DAVID U. GALLOW AY, CJeo. \. Nichols, A BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, B »y et., between Abercoru and Drayton. R j - LITHOGRAPHER STATIONKih AJ. BINDER JOB PRINTER Ac. No. 6 Whitaker street, W. Mason Co*. • HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. Hi BayKreet. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. F“• JorHwia, Dealer.ln W**cm. and JwzTrt', A • L “ E and Platxd IVa**.. Fanot Goons. Ac. tar- Matches and Jewelry Repaired. m Congress st., opposite the Pulaski Iloitse. HAIR DRESSING, Ac. pulnski House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and A Bryan Sts.J Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shsmpooing, Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy Ar tides for sale. druggists! Jos, w. cim, m. u, ' Cor. South Eroad and Ramard-sts ., Omox Hon**—9 to 10 A. M.. and 4t06 P. M., Residence—Mr. Wash's, corner St. Julian nnd Lincoln Streets. WM. Wol,K . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, an!4 Southeast cor. Barnard and Broughton sis. 1 A. Solomon* & Cos., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Orders executed accurately and with deepuuh BOOTa AND SHOES. Ames & Peabody, Jobbers in Men’s, Women’s, and Children's Calf, Serge and Kid BOOTS und SHOES, of ail kinds and qualities. 162 Congress st., 4th door North of the Market. C'eo. T. Nichols, ( RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. llu Broughton at., 2d door irom Bull. QUEENSWARE, &c. Ed. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND * CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. JE, Hernandez, • CONFEt 'I lONEß—Wuolksalk anp Rktail. IAKUFAOTUBXB OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINECONFECTIONEKY /or AI.L KINDS. 140 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. M Fitzgerald, • „ WMOIXSAI.* AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY akd RASPBEBHI • syrups, candies, ao., &o„ 1“ nny quantities, to suit Purchasers. _*l WHITAKER STREET. _ SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ao. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets *'■ -'l T-WT-r-T.- u=^a Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. L. FUNKE. 66 Liberty Street, sepl2-3mo NEW YORK. ITCH I ITCH I ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH Ml Wheaton's Ointment. WILL 6URI THE ITIH IH HBTMIBH I HO#**- Also curst Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblain, and all Eruptions of th* Skin. Price 60 cent*. For »al* hy all Druggists. By sending SO cents to Weeks * ?<>“*- Sol* Agents, 110 Washington street, Boston. MaP ■ 11 will b* forwarded by mail, ftns of pastor* to * M part of the United Staten. nspttl Am