Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 21, 1865, Image 1

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THE ' SAVANNAS DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 237. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNISG- and KVENINGj Ig PUU.ISHSI* r,v M. \V. M AHO> & CO.. Ai HI Day Steeei, Savannah, Gtx>buia. Tlial: Do, Five Cent*. K&r.:. Per Year 410 ***' ADVEBTIBIWO: Two Dollars per Square or Ten Lines f or Ant in- Aortion; One Dollar tor each subsequent one. Ad vertisements inserted in the morning, will, if desired appear in the evening without extra charge. HI JV r l' IN CJ. In every sty.e, neatly and promptly done. JjT TER FROM NEW YORK. New York, Oct. 13, 1860. A’Mammotti Hotel we are to have, commensurate with the vast demands of this metropolis. It has been a little surprising that some one of our enter prising hosts, who so well know the wants and requirements of our travelling public, has not long before this conceived the idea, which is about to be carried out near the Central Park, of a hotel which would not in a twelvemonth have to he extended by taking in and refitting two or three adjoining build ings. Hardly an hotel has been erected in this city during the past ten years hut has had to be eularged to accommodate increas ing patronage. This is partly owing to the large number of resident New Yorkers who have come to the conclusion that hoarding at a hotel is much cheaper and far less trouble some than keeping up a tashiobahle residence- I know an enterprising and popular gentle man of this city who, a year since, lorsook his magnificent residence in one of the most fashionable up-town neighborhoods and took a suite of rooms at one of our hotels, letting his house (furnished) for an annual rental which exceeds his board bill by over one thousand dollars per annum. By this move he escapes ai! the bother of house servants, and, more than all, does not have to keep a sort of private hotel for hundreds ot country friends and relatives who invariably made it their home for weeks when on business or visiting here. Some of ou.t hotels are exclu sively occupied by families, like the Graraor ey Park hotel, mid uearly all have their best rooms monopolized by .them, but the big, mammoth, and prodigious allair projected, will cover some six acres, and will be of suf ficient capacity to accommodate over five hundred families and a thousaud transient guests. One of the features will be an im mense stable where carriages can be obtained for drives on the Park, at “rates much below those charged by the thieving Jehus who now infest that beauty-spot of New Y >rk. Cran ston, wno is considered one ot the best hotel keepers on this continent, is the projector of this great enterprise. New York is nothing uuless it is b-i-o yon koow, consequently wo must have the biggest hotel as well as the biggest swindlers mat can he procured ! Two millions of dollars is the sum,—the money is ready—the ground is already bought and paid for—and the pick and shovel are already at work getting tne earth ready for the founda lions. * Sew Theatres. While we have a large assortment of theatres, each uew comer si-ems to he greet ed with a warm and rennmerative welcome. New York grows so rapidly that there is al ways ufieid lor uew enterprises of the kiud. o't, ■„ we gave are thronged nightly, and pay. ooinelvaie si true, I mentioned that Sir. Pike pibposed to buiVA -a new opera house up town. The project had advance no further that I can leai but is still contemplated, and the-opening of next Spring will proba bly see tne commencement of the edifice. Other parties are iu the fluid with lueu plans lor new theatres, Mr. Avery Smith, the largest circus proprietor in the United States, has putchused Rev. Mr. Chapiu’s church on Broadway, with the adjoining property on Crosby street, for the purpose of building upon the site, an equestriau theatre on the plan of the Loudon Astieys. It will he much larger than the latter, and it is expected will excel it in other respects. The price paid for the property was §IIO,OOO. -Barney Williams and otiiers have decided to build a new theatre in the vicinity of Union Square, and Barney, who has put §50,000 into the enterprise will, it is supposed,take control of the new establishment. The Hippotlieatron on Eourteenth street, has been sold to Mr. J. B. Lent, the popular circus manager for §56,000. Billiards are not so popular as formerly, at least such appears to be the fact. The game of base ball is at present much more affected, and tbougli our billiard saloons are pretty well patronized, there seems lessiincliuation on the patt of the masses to indulge in caroms, draw shots, etc., than there used to be.— Still once in a while new life is imparted to the biiliardic world by games between the most "famous masters of the ait,” as for instance,a week or so ago, between the New York favorite aud ex-champion Dudley Cav anagh and Mons. Carme, the latest importa tion from France, and a real master of the points of the game. The game was the French three ball carom 250 points up for §I,OOO a side, and the first of three games to he played by the contestants, one of which is the American four ball carom, 1500 points. Carme was the wiuner of the first game by 26 points. He was nervous durjng the evening, and frequently missed -easy counts, hut he often made difficult shots with ease, and his masse and draw shots were of most delicate execution, Cavauagb, who possesses extraordinary nerve, never lost his sell-control), aud played with his usual steadiness. The other games of the series will be wit nessed by as large crowds as that which at tended the first. Dcßovv’i Review is about to be revived in this city. Tbe pro prietor of this once popular Southern finan cial journal drifted into the current of seces sion, and was indeed one of the leaders of that movement. He has been pardoned by the President, and now proposes Hr give the Review a national character, promising *•' to devote all his energies to the development of the great material interests ot the Union— its commerce, agriculture, manufactures, in ternal improvi uitnts and general industry.” Mr. Deßow, I am glad to sec, regards the issues of tbe past as dead, and intends to ac cept the situation in good taith. He will establish offices in New York, Washington, Charleston, Nashville and New Orleans. His Review will be valuable to all sections, and in view ot the publisher’s o.pacily as a sta tistician, will be welcomed to its new field by all classes of the community. Make a good Union journal, Mr. Deßow, and you cannot fail of success. Oar Stsamboat Palace* are nearly through with their trips on the Hudson. The cold weather comes on apace, and if It continue as rspidly, wd shall soon have ice on our noble river. Some of the boats haul off very soon, aud among others the famous “Mary Powell” which makes her last trip this season to West Point, Wen burgh, Poughkeepsie aud Roudont on Sat uiduy. This steamer Is called by many the fastest on the Hudson, and she has literally coined money within the last two or three years. In 1604, with an opposition boat on the track, taking pnssengeia for 25 cents, and with her own rotes down to have the usual tariff, the Powell is said to have clear ed |45,000. Not long since, an offer Os f200,- 000 wui made for one halt ot her, and relus ed. It is an old aayingsthat “every one has his price," and it seems a true one lathis instance. Whether more or less than §400,000 was paid for tier I don’t know, but she has been sold to Major Cornell, who runs a night line on the same route, and wUI be refitted with ample cabin accommodations, and run next season on the night line, in connection with the James W. Baldwin. The Thomas Cornell, ot the latter named line has been sold, and is to be lengthened fifty feet and put on the Troy route. Major Cornell is building anew steamer to take the place of the Powell on the day route next season, which is expected to he even faster than the fleet boat withdrawn from the line. She will have to be fast indeed, for the Powell, with out pushing, easily accomplished 18 miles per hour with the wind and tide against her, and 23 with both iu her favor. I have heard it repeatedly said she could make-28, and have very little doubt of it. The opposition boat carried sixty pounds of steam last year, and then was uuabli to keep up with the Powell, which rarely, if ever, carried over twenty eight pounds to the inch. Capt. Anderson leaves the Powell. He owned nearly half of her, and has, I suppose, accumulated quite a fortune. There is also talk that another new steamer is building for Capt. W. H. Smith, the well known ibriuer Captain of the famous America, and already the proprietor ot several boats on the river, to ruu against the successor .of the Mary Powell. Fares on the Hudson will be cheap next year. Some alteiations are to be made in the last steamer Chaui cey Vibbard, running between here and Albany, which it is expected will in crease her great speed two or three miles an hour. Some of these days the steamers beat the cars, unless they are ruu faster than at present. Sew Market*. We have plenty of old wooden structures, in a horrible state of dilapidation, in place of which the commercial metropolis ought to have magnificent iron or granite edifices. The market houses belong to the city and yield a large sum in rents —sufficient, one would judge, to justify their replacement by handsome aud durable buildings. But I suppose the cily fathers are appalled by the already enormous tax bills tooted annually by the citiens, aud shrink from the great outlay necessary to af ford us good market facilities. Other cities have fine market houses, but New York has none, and awaits the day when some public spirited citizens shall join , their hands together, get a charter from the | Legislature—the source from which we seem to get all our henificent ordinances and build tor us market houses which will be a credit jto New York. Asa speculation it would 1 pay, and as a blessing to the city it would be beyond Compare. THE CHARLESTON FIRE FURTHER PARTICULARS. [From the Charleston Courier, 19th. } The conflagration of yesterday by which the Courier establishment, on Hayne street, with its presses and nearly all its material, was destroyed, has left us in such a condi tion as will be a sufficient apology lor any shortcomings in particulars. Os the origin of the fire nothing is kuowu beyond the fact that between three and four o’clock Wed nesday, flames were discovered issuing from ttie wholesale grocery and liquor establish ment of Mr. W. H. Cbafee No. 41, adjoining the Courier Offlco on the east. Notwith standing the prompt arrival and the most strenuous efforts of our gallant firemen, the devouring element made such r ipic progress especially in the rear buildings, as to raise apprehensions of our danger, but too late for the removal of our presses or machinery.— The only saved were the terms for the Supplement aud one site? l our paper, which had already been worked on, * ,ew cises and our desks, books and papers. T’lo building occupied by the Courier office be longed to Messrs. Johnson, Crews & Co.,and we learn was insured in various New York Insurance Companies f0r§12,500. Ourowu insurance was lor §IO,OOO. Tha building .No. 29, adjoining Mr. Chafee s establishment on the East caught fire and was also in full blaze about the same time as the “Courier.” This was occupied by Messrs. Hastie, Calhoun & Cos., wholesale dealers in shoes, saddlery, Tbeir stock in stores was valued at $20,000. A portion was saved and the insurance it is supposed will about cover their loss. They will probably open tor business in a few days and are in daily expectation of receiving new -arrivals of goods. The building, which also belonged to the firm and was entirely destroyed, was insured in a New York company to the amount of §B,OOO. The building, No. 41 Hayne street, the lower floor occupied by W. H. Chafee, as a wholesale grocery and liquor establishment, aud the upper stories by \V. T- Burge & Cos., dealers in staple and taucy drv goods, also belonged to Messrs. Johnson, Crews & Cos., aud was insured for §12,500. The stock of Mr. Chafee was valued at §30,000, and in sured for §15,000- The stock was entirely destroyed. The large establishment of Messrs. Crane, Boylston & Cos., took Are, and the roof and upper story badly injured. The damage is estimated at §5,000. The building formerlyoccupied and owned by Hyatt, Mcßurney & Cos., 37, and the Ad joining building occupied by Messrs. Jen nings, Thomtinson & Cos., weie but slightly damaged. The Charleston hotel which has withstood the test of several other confla grations in the same locality was agein iu imminent danger but escaped with a slight scorching. Great credit is due to the fire men together with the proprietor Mr. White, and the employees of the hotel for their steady and incessant labors to save this noble building. The total loss by the fire is esti mated by good judges at about §150,000. LOSS OF LIFE. The most unfortunate occurrence resulting from the tire was the terrible accident and loss of life in building 41, caused by the fal lißg of a partition wall upon a- number of persons engaged in removing a safe. It has been impossible to obtain a correct account of the number ot persons killed and wounded. Prom eight to ten were brought out badly wounded, some of whom have since died. A number of bodies are reported still buried beneath the rubbish. Captain E. Q. ilofiman, Chief of Police, had-his right leg broken and a deep gash made in the temple. He was brought ont iusensible and carried to Major Stuber’s residence, where, at last accounts,he was in a most critical condition, and but slight hopes entertained of his re covery. Too much praise cannot be awarded to both officers aud privates of the Military Po lice for their active and efficient assistance. The firemen, also, desire ua to return their thgnks to Mr. H. Badenhnp, of the Meeting-street Restaurant, for refreshments liberally furnished at the fire. THE COURIER. Yesterday morning at about balf-paat three o’clock, as we. bad fiuishedour supple ment and a portion of our paper, a fire burst in a sheet ot flame, through the adjoining wall and rapidly spread, and in its ravages consumed the press and a greater part of the material We have met with a severe loss. We were just about to enlarge the paper, in accordance with the demands of tbe com munity and the progress of events. The only result will be a short delay. We are now in our old quarters on tbe Bay, fri.m which the "Courier" has been issued for many years and whence, with tbe type and material saved, we send tt this raorniug on Its accustomed mission. We are not depressed by tbe recent calami ty. In a few days all will be well again.—- We will then be able to redeem tbe promise SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1865. of the past and the “Courier" will greet our readers, although in a larger dres9, yet we trust with its welcome and familiar face. OFFICE ACTG SUB ASST COM 8., j Bureau Rbfcgee9, F. and A. Lands, District of Savannah, Ga., ) | • Savannah, Ga., Oct., 1865. J Circular) no. 1. i In compliance with Par. 3, of Circular No. 2, from Office Acting Assistant Commis sioner for the State of Georgia, All ptr-ons in thiq District desiring to em ploy Freedmeu, are respectfully requested to make known the fact at this office, to gether with their address, or name ot agent nearest of access, and a full statement ot the number.and the kind of employment, and the compensation offered. It will he horue in mind that in many in stances the Frecdmen have families' lor which to provide. Persons wanting laborers and having the means of furnishing shelter, &c., for families and willing to do it, are particularly requested to state the fact. In furnishing laborers preference will he given ■to the parties offering the most liberal com pensation. HENRY L STONE, Capt. 103d U. S. C. Infantry, Act. Sub. Ass t Coium'r, District of Savannah. octl9-3 Headquarters, } Sub Dist. of Ooeechee, > Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9th, 1865.) CIRCULAR. To facilitate the collection of the tax enumerated in paragraph 6, Special Orders No. 32, dated Headquarters, Sub-District of Ogeeehee, it is hereby ordered : That officers of banks, insurance, express aud other stock companies, manufactures, merchants, professional men, and all others who receive a salary or employ labor for which compensation is paid, amounting to or exceeding eighty-three and one-third dollars per mdntli. will render to Captain Win. T. Easton, Tax Receivei, city of Savannah, Ga., prior to the 20th instant, a certified report for the months of September and Octobei, 1865, stating name, occupation aud amount of compensation received or paid. By command of Bvt. Brig. Gen. DAVIS. Signed: W. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. octlO-15 PREMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph in Mechanical Science. Hf ANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, of All. entirely “orlpnal construction;”does not infringe on any other machine. This cxtracr.Unary achieve ment of mechanical ingenuity works upon a-Table uses the straight Nettle, makp« :1c ..mtftn Han.i Stitch, hi the rule oi It* studies to each evolution of the wheel, will Tuck, Shirr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, &c , with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatness, will sew with Double and Single Thread of all kiuds, U strong, and can not get out of order, and has received the full approval of the princip.d journals and all who have used (item. This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid, livery family require one.”—xV. V. World. “For the Dressmaker it is invaluable, lortlic House hold It supplies a vacant place.”— Qodey's Ludiea' Book. “It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child can use it.”—.V. O. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country pci express, packed in box with printed Instructions on receipt or the price—slo. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted everywhere. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent free. All orders inu*t be addressed to Ten Dollar Sewing Blarhlnr Company, v NEW YORK. octi; “? Paper and RagTitVSlffiP Warren & Platner, WHOLESALE dealers in all kinds of coarse and fine Puper, Envelops Twines and.Paper Boxes Sole Agents in this city for the Batli Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags. Old Rope and Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or small qnantities. octlO-tf 210 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officer* or crew of said steamers unless made by written permission of ERVTIN & HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. Jno. L RocmillEt, Agent on. Wharf. octlOtf Notice. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, ) State of Georgia, Chatham County. / EXECUTORS, Administrators aud Guardians are hereby notified to make their annual returns. The Ordinary feels hlirself obliged to know the statns and condition of each estate, and representatives there of are required to make their returns forthwith. DOMINICK A. O’BYRNF, octlt lw Ordinal*. Notice. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between JACKSON £ WARROCK was, on the 30th Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter l>e conducted by the undersigned, w ho will be happy to receive a continuance ofthe pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson & Warrock. L. WARROCK. octll Horses for Sale. TWO gootl draft HORSES, sound and in fine con dition, with Harnesses and one or more Wagons, If desired Addiesw w. II COHEN, octl6 Pulaski House or Herald Office. ~ THOS. W. BUOOKH MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 224 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mali prompt)/ at tended to. .lySl-tf Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are Invited to examine my Wholesale Stock, which Includes packages containing complete asaoQ ments, put np expressly for Country Trade,” Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. Queensware House, 109 Broughton St., 2d door from Ball St. octlO ts E D. SMYTH. 3500 TONS ~ OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os beat quality, 60xM per lineal yard. For mlc l>w FrtWfJt A CO. lut» to No. 70 Broadway. N. Y. Administrator’s Notice. TWO month* after date application will be made to the Conn of Ordinary of Chatham county for tear* to sat! all the real estate of James Bilbo, tl»- ceed, for the pnrpoae of distribution JOHN O. FHRHUL, ocU-lawlm Administrator MISCELLANEOUS. English Coal. SUITABLE for P*r!or Grate*. Lab-ting and for Site k 5 in loia to suit purchaser*, by oct 12-2 w CLAUHORN A CUNNINGHAM Notice. BOOKS for Subscription lo the Capital Stock of the National Expre** Company at * now open a! the office of the undersigned. n BRIOHAM, One ofthe Commissioner* out 17 for the State of Georgia. Notice. fpilfi firm known as Amee A Peabody, ITS Rrough- A ton street, i- tliD day dissolved by mutual con sent. W. L- Peabody will continue the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Busine s at the above place, and is au thorized to settle all claims and collect all debt* on ac count of business tranaac lona at Savannah. J. M AMES octll 6 WM. L. PEABODY ESTABLISHED ISOfiT. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., sept 9 NEW YORK. 3m DURYEAS’ MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. was the mv; tmm m tm That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and “Prepared Corn Flour’’ of this and other countries nnt withstand lug. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mauge, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, at n cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improves Br-ad and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups. At For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled In milk will produce rich cream lor ooffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Malzena. with directions for use A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocer* and Druggist* everywhere. Wholesale Dp?"!, I SS Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, au2s-3m General Agent, WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilinington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron steamboats. Steam Engine?, Boilers, Machinery for Buw Mil’s, Ac. Raving bud long experience iu bu>ine*B and being provided with very extensive facilities lor doing woik of this class, are preparetßo execute orders with despatch, octl2 Cm LINVILLE & GLEASON. x AGfZIM'TS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlandt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COiCH OR LAO SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, TurnbucUles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, Acer. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. PAGINKEHS’ STORKS. COAL OIL TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, IIRMP, AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ao.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES, FILES, CHISELS, Ac, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. septa ts Notice to Lumbermen. UfSIIE undersigned are prepared to receive Conslgn- A meats of Lumber, or any quantity or quality, for sale In this market or lor shipment North, Oath advances mads when required. Our facilities for procuring suitable vessel# for ahipmeute are un bounded. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MURRAY. A,'mts in Naw York, Messrs. Holyoke A Murray. 41 South street. If octM ink 7 OR GROSS INK, In stands, si *» *0 per greas. 1» #4O doaen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $J per ° U ‘ * SEVILLE St LEACH, aalttt cor. Bryan street and Market square. RAILROADS. Central Railroad Sb^dtamaTsmm, SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > Snvanuah, Ga., October 5, 16C5 f A \N and after Monday, 2nd »n#t., a daily train (&nn ' J days exccptedj will leave for Augusta at 6 s. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 4S Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad Passengers by this line will arrive Iu Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannnh in time to get breakfast and connect With tho Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before. By order of GEO. W ADAMS. Be P" Gcnoriil Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, I Savannah, Oct, luth, ISO*. J This Company Is now, in connection with II J. pick-rson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and onward to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., from twenty t*> dirty thousa-d pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expanses must be paid by Shippers Railroad freight can be paid here or, at des tination. * ’Freight on perishable goods rnuit bo prepaid. , GKO \V. ADAMS, "cm General Superintendent. TRY ONE POUND. STATION BUY, AC. Newspaper Depot, AN J* STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Center of Bay latte. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. tN’tE’OT IVTOVDIsS. Just Received at the above Depots further supply of THK BI’SH-lt iiOER’S, OR, A I*VF.N- Tt'KES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OU CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Leslies’ Ladles Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Demorests’ Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THK ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YOHK, Price S5 cents. also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, •ng3p THE CHARLESTON DAILY HEWS / Can be had at ESTILL’S- News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. sep2o TO TRAVELLERS New and Cheap Publications. Artemas Ward; his Travels, $1.60, The Lost Will-S6O cents. Gna Howard, 76 cents. Yernei's Pride, $1.60. The Curse of Cliiton, $1.60. Swcrd and Gown, 30 cents. . Great Expectations, 76 cents. The Charmings. sl. The Castle’s Heir, $1.50. Guy Livingstone, *1.50. Major Jones’Courtship, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Pincville, sl. Polly Peabloesom's Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, Bull street, back o' Post Office. HOTELS. SEA ISLAM HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. t, NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY * BANCROFT, Proprietor*. Edward L. Jone3, Agent. ts octlO GILMORE HOUSE, monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. 'T'HIH FIRST GLASS HOTEL ha* been newly fur- X niahed throughout, and la low ready for the re ception of guests. oct6-lm . KIRKLAND & CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL It RUO G, PaoraiXTCas x. a. ami tLL. m. r. anaw ju3-tf Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fish . Hooks. ANDREW CLERK Ac CO.. 46 MAIDEN LANE NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality Is alwayi kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A C'o., respectful ly solicit » renewal of the mercantile relations so long aud favorably esteemed by their house. _ aa23 :im Wagon Freight WANTED For Macon, Milledgeville, Albany, a Americas, or Hawklnsville, 4PPI7 to * GEO. C. FREEMAN. oct3 ts Illustrated Price Lists OF FAIRBANKS SCALES AND HERRING'S FIRE PROOF SAFES. Orders for sll sires received by OCtt-lS BELL. WYtW A CHRISTIAN. Blacksmithing. THE undersigned wish to ißform the public that they have commenced business tn SHIP. STEAMBOAT AND GENERAL BLACK SMITHING. HORSE-SHOEING done with nestnsss end despatch. Shop at Uis head of Bay stre«,BaU»r*by 's Building. oct]4 3*wlm H. CHAPMAN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Woodford & Ritcli. ATTORNEYS AM* COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity Building, NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned haring resumed the practice of the Law, I* prepared to toko charge «*f cases be ! Tore the several Courts In New York and at Wash ington. eopSP-SAWlin STEWART L. WOODFORD. Henry Williams, A-ttomoy at Xjm.w, OEEICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over tha Harold Reading Room.) octl4-tf SAVANNAH, a*. Gao. R. Black. Rotes B. Lotos. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson a Loiter, comer of Bay and Barnard streets. oct!4-tf TllO3 CORWIN. WM. H. OWEN, TIIOS.WILSON, or OHIO. LATH OOL. Q.11.D. OX IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnatnn, Corwin A Ftnnellj -A. T TO R E Y 8 AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, M 2 F STREET, arut TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTKI. WASHINGTON, D.C. Will practice In the Supreme Court ot the United State*, the Court, of Claims, and the Court* ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given tn Claims and Depart ment bntlness. Officers Account* adjusted au3l) W. S. BASINGER, Attorney at Law, TJAS resumed practice, and may be found nnttl the AA i»t «f November at the office of T. M. Norwood, Ksu.; after that time at the office formerly occupied by Lawton A Basinger, on Bay »treet, 2d door eaat of the Ct.tyH.del. lw oct2o C. S. BUNDY, Gcaoral A gent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Between I!Jjr aj«> 14tii Rtbfets, (Near Pay Department,; Waaninctoa*]3. O. tniui " I, DUY (lOOUS AND CLOTHING. , DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dl '.v Goods, Fanoy Goods, Ac., Ac., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT A- Renohor fib Go’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE. Compriaing a general Assortment of Foreign and Domestic Quods, Cloaks, Shaw ls, Ac. N. B—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with oar customers, we trtist to merit and receive a liberal ebare of patronage. A lbiV® ike of White Goods and Linen* now open. oetl9 ~ v - . CLOTHim FURNISHING GOODS BO4TS, SHOES AND HATS. THE lubscriber having formed a Co-partnership with Mr. J. c. Ludlow, under the firm name of ueidt 4 Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of h« friends and the public generaliyto their large stock of Clothing, Furnishing Good*, Boots. Shoes and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Vi holeaale and Retail, at the old stand of Hunt, Jau don it Cos., No, 101 Bryan and 08 St. Julian street, up stairs. ¥ octe-fim E. HEIDT. STEELE & BURBANK, II Merchant* Row, Hilton Head, So. fa CALL tho attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chaser* to their superior stock of MiUTARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AMD „ t FURNIBHINO goods. Watches, Clock*, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated WansSworde. flashes, Belt*. Embroideries,Boole,(laps Field Glasses. Gauntlet* Glove*. Ac.. Ac . Ac. NOTICE. 5 THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms without the use of medicine Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address j. m. RUSSELL. octlO 3m Boatou. Miss. R. H. ALLE.\ & Co m ISO At 10l WATER NT, NEW TORE. MICULTUIL* ISIRLEMENTS, An MACHINERY OF AU HINDS, Small Toelt/or the Farm and Garden, such ae Spades, Shovele, licet, Forke, Rukee, Ac., and/or Gram Books, Scythes. Scyth-Stonse. and Agricul tural Hardware tn general. We otter, also, a large amortment of onr own manu facture of Day Cutters, CoYee ondGraln Mila, Sugar Mills for Grocers' use. Store Trucks of various nat terns, Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Jtc. • Fcrtllllzera of all kinds, »uch as Cue's Buperphos phateot Lime, pore Ground Rone, Peruvian Uuano and Pondreite, ' SEEDS. has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly lor our trade. Sales made in hulk, par pound or bushel, or in small packets, for retailiug, by the hundred or thousand replS-ilaw-Smo Brown’s Standard Scales. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ment* for more than thirty years. Adapted to say branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurst© and durable ■aim room* No. 8 Barclay-at. ntar Broadway. Sup 12 ly H. BROWN, Msoufacturpr. PRICE. 5 CENTS INTERNATIONAL ~ INSURANCE MCttfff, OF THE CITY OF HEW TOBK. 8^, Ca ? ital - ' * ‘ *1.000.000 oo Surplus .Fan. 1,1865, yQ-l,IS« 4,0 ’ 51.504.X88 AO 1 otal Liabilities, $lB so. on ul UcD °fj'«>7thT« men 6 per caet KaKHSi* wiiiS, lIK ifinuiw. Authorized Capital~slo,4oo,ooo. take aud Fire feLoSfiFLJES firot Clara New York C< mpanlw JbUow w» ■•aed AT TUB LOWIBT JUTEa COLOMBIAN MARINS INSURANCE • company MORRIS TIRE and INLAND INBCR ANCB COMPANY .«... 4,000,000 O.YIMERCB FIRE INSURANCE COMPY.. *OO,OOO STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPn-.. 500000 moek '< m - Bey and Aberoorn Re onl Vi®' 6 ’ COrnerDfaj ' ,otl “ d ßiWiMrswT ____ FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE On New M-Boston, PkiiaJeipiiia Baltimore i Atipsta, audt RolcL Aleo, Specie, Southern Bonds, Stock* and. Bonk Note*. Lotus 00 short time negotiated. Apply to FOHDYCE, ANDERSON A JANNAY. 0c,14 - 2w No, 10 Stoddard’* Rot** exchange: SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For rale by -£?!! D'GHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON • NEW YORK, In sum* to *uu porchaaen, by _«ep2Btr A CC. Notice. AWESHDR’S OFFICE, ) * Mlt » Rl TO*rr, indefinitely, in c«t .|i puymint* are to be made - Th( * ur"" wo T h to Coufederatemci^nSTu^t Any Information the citizen® miv daS™ Lnl uL me lo,er ”*<* theG ov£,£Eft*U ’ ■SSD&. LAND AGENCY . FOR SOUTHERN GEOBOJA T i *?S? l T er T lM;r ’ Os savannah, and a ** Blflckahenr, Pierce countv Ga ah thfd*i ' tic A Gulf Railroad, nIR the /*%■ rtded attention to the raleaud contiguous to the raid railroad, oncomns*2on*SS? aollcii* the patronage of oil needing *n egent thra?” 4 daypmKi.ln the land, lumber »"d* l ne§* of twebty yean In Georgia and 8ou*& Carollna guarantoee ample qu tJiflcatton. bJnSril ranted in Savtml.h by Mr Henre ioorHrd in &w York by the Greet Braid "V- JOHN DTdELANNOY Refer* to «ny old resident in Savannah, aeple 3m Family Dye Colons. s%*«S»t©d October U, UN. Black Dark Grr«r_ Du l * Blue Maguota Light Blue SuEe French Blur MarOOn Claret Brown orange Dark Brown Jink* 0 Light Brown panfo ?-is£P roWU Royal Purple i.nerry 8a moo Crimson bearlet Dark Drab sues Light Drab Solforino Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Y©Uow. F " ■SHftssws aaittar* H*t«, k tufher*, < hildmi'a Clothing, and ai; kind* oI Wearing JSSSST C4T A SA,V>Jv’G OF 80 PER CENT. For 26 cents you cau color an many goods aa would otherwise cost ave tin es that sum Vartona ahariL. esn be produced irom the suae dya. Ttrmasi is simple, and any one can os< wtthwSfcrt euccesa. Directions in English, French and ClarruxT) inside of each package * ""•man. HOWE* STEVENS, £uMm by Jr ° Kgiil “ * Dd d«alen^?twi&ll? 0 * W>1 ’ “VSOZ.PHO WOltB," ST Bearer Street, New* York. Offers for sale of his own importations, In bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, **., of any oilier house in this country, comprising in Dart of Otard, Hennesy. Pinct Caetillon, Martel. Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in hal& quarter, and Msks. also Otsrd and Houyer, Uferrelere am) Plla Brandy, in cases of one doaen each “oim.’* Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam In plpas, ScUadam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, In case* of •one dozen quart# and two doaen plats. "Whiskey and Boas.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, la hhfe and esses cf one tssAir** . hum. ‘'Jamaica" and “St, Ctots Hum" in hbda and cases of one dozen each. Madeira, Uitiry and Port Wlpei More than twenty different grades is halve* qoar: tereaiid eighth caagS, also in esses .of one dozen each. ‘•Hoik, fhainysgae, Moselle need Claret . . Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mumm la Cologne, proprietor of Jasnnisburg estate; J. H.D. Becker * Flln Escho nsneer, Benecke * Cos.. Bordeaux Barton * QussUa, Bordeaux, and from ether welt known houses in Ger many and France tine. Coanuts, S.vas>ma, Btrreas, Moarsxn, Ou— a*. Rassrr, Pmsatvzs, Ac. ’ Twenty-five yean' boalaess transsettons with the Southern States, with tome of the largest and most respectable dealers,should be ruAlcfent guarantee that every article oHhred by the adverttsar for sals Is pure and genalne. u?eX“vSS^;^r t * ,o «“*