Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 21, 1865, Image 3

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g VA N N AH. L»t- J " ayt ***“““”• FOB **» TOKk. . gtramship Gin. Bedgwlck, Saturday, October SUt. ■r ] 4 o'dUCIL Steamed., Nevada, Saturday, October *l»t, at »K °'gteain»h'P Pcrit, Siturduy. October Sirt. at 9 °'steamship Zodiac, Saturday, October Slst, at 9 o'clock. rot FBtt.AOH.PBtA. Steamship Cumbria, Saturday, October Hat, at 9 o’clock *• top. acousta. stsamer Express, wUI have dcepatch. FOB FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, Tuesday morning, October 54th, at 19 o'clock. - ' Death of Judge Forward. We are pained to announce the death of Hon. wau.ui A Forward, of Florida. He died in this p s o’clock iu the eveuiag of the 19th Inst., in the fifty-third year of his age, after a lingering iU- He arrived in Savannah, from hia home at palatka, on his way North, but was taken so much ffor . e that he was unable to proceed farther. Some time in day last, lie was attacked with bilious fever, Horn the effects of which he never recovered. It is t-m he died from home; yet he died not among strangers. During the most of hia severe illness, be ttad uot only tho constant presence aud attention of ms o.dest on, but every care which medical skill sa l friendship could bestow. His cilfcie of acquaint sure IU Savannah was large ; and, during his sick; nets, much solicitude was manifested as the symp. unioor hi, malady became more aud more threateu luv His eud was peaceful. ;, ag e Forward was a native of the State of New York • but, when .bout four years old, he went with tli father to Canada, where he remained until bis removal to Florida about twenty-six years ago, when l-e settled at St. Aitfiutlno as a practitioner of law. Wc are uot Informed, but believe be was admitted to rhe bar la his native State. In Florida, he had the repatailou of a sound lawyer' aud a conscientious and hones', man. Some years ago, Judge Forward removed from St. Augustine to Palatka. For several years, he held the office of Circuit Judge of the East ern Circuit or Florida, which position he tilled with credit to himself and to the approbation or the pub. lie. Iu 1-.59, he was elected one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Florida, for six years, the term of which office would not have expired until the first of January next. In tills position, also, he gave satls laction to the public, and sustained bis reputation as a lawyer. Hia talents were solid rather than sliowy. useful rather than brilliant. To the discharge or al ( his public duties he brought the largest amount Oj industry and probity. In tlie social and religious circle, Judge Forward waa a burning and a shining light. Without osten tation or obtrusion, he did all he could to promote the cause of virtue and religion. For about tea years he was a rilling ekleyof the Presbyterian Church at Palatka, having tleldtlie same office, pic i iously, In the Church at St. Augustine, aurt in the Church and the Sunday School his labors were Inces sant. His philanthropy and piety were sincere and active. We know no man in Florid t whose loss will he more sincerely felt, or whose death will be more deplored. He leaves behind him a wife and two sons, besides an extensive circle of friends,to mourn their loss. To all of them we tender our sincere sympathy. Judge ForwardTras a member of the Masonic fra ternity. Ilia funeral will take place this day at the Pulaski House, accord ng'o the notice In our col* U!i 113, and his remains will, lor tlie present, bod . posited in Laurel drove cemetery, preparatory to their removal to Florida. A soLDiau oa jivsnu.—«’e regret to learn that Horatla Kendall, of Company C, l*;u Mi la a Volun teers, was drowned yesterday morning in Warsaw P.tver. From the statements made, it appears that Kendall was ca route to this city and a passenger ou board of the steamer Win. G. Gibbous, Do> toituwn to Savaunait. Tito deceased, who was in til >ealth, was requested to draw a bucket of water idle the steamer was under heavy speed aud pass ? Bona venture Point. • He threw the bucket over rdf and it la supposed that he had the draw rope tied wound one of Ilia arms, end was drawn overboard. Tue eugineers noticed his falling into the river and immediately stopped the engines, when the small boat Was lowered, but Kcudtl! had disappeared, and search made for btui proved .fruitless. The deceased was quite youug, and was much beloved by comrades for his peculiar and un selfish disposition. Stpamb at Race.—The following particulars of a race between tha SUmliSb, formerly a c»nai-boat, aud the transport savannah, was furnished one of nur reporters. The StaudUh left Hdton Head at nine o'clock yesterday morning, aud the Savannah at ten o'clock. The Siandisn moving flnely, carrying ilfty pounds of steam aud her screw making Bitt y revo lutions to the miur.te, arrived at Fort Pulaski at half past two o'clock, to take on board soldiers relieved from duty and bound heme. The detention was I or abouttwenty 01100163.’ The Savannah, when the Siandlsh left Fort Pul iskl, was crossing Galalooga Sound. At tills stage of the race betting on board tqe Stundlsh became very lively, tbo odds in favor of the “Irish Man of War" which arrived at the wharf in time to wiu a pair of boots. We congratu late Capt. Moore of tire Standish upou his good luck, sad the speed of his "oauawler.” Both of these steamers are to be sold by Government on the Ist day of November. Taz CENTRAL KOAO-CMI'L jrijs OF TUB OOSEOHEE Bridge.—Tlie public will be pleased to learn tUat the great bridge that spans the Ojeechee river on the route of the Central Road is now completed and cars are passing over It. We are informed that the repairs on this road are being prosecuted with renewed vigor and will be com pleted at an early period. The Iron required for the road bed has been purchased at Chattanooga, Teen., one train load of which has been received. We learn also that the traffic on this road Is Increasing. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, OCTOBER 20, 1968. Wm. H. Wiltebekoer A CO., Proprietors. T Tompman, 6th C SI T S Ferreily, H Head J SLtghtsey, Lawton. G# Wm Maxwell and child, S J iaiman, New Yorlc Beaufort C Kennedy, do Mr and Mrs C U Roser, J s tv.'lo, do savannah. J Ruckeubagh, Thomas- G F Adam Augusta vine, oa ' E S Barclay, Clarksville I. T Conner, Macon il S Vandorlere, do TWMaugham do REMeWHUam, do Mrs o Douglass, Albany, W W Smith, Siockton, Ga - Georgia Edw K ilogau, Asst Sing F H Brower, H Head I US V T E Ross. City SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 18. Wm t riuts, H Head (J Clouse, do Jas Horg, Florida Maj G W Beach, Fla D Weeleman, USA Mai General J.P Sctitudle C K Syne, CS 1 | LS 0 T OCTOBER 19. Major Gen J P Scliind.e.J i* Anderson, N York U S C T MB Lovltt, do A Linford, N York !j H Duckett, FhiU C Kennedy, do D Dave, N J H C Nelson, l 3S H H Lt J H retgnsqft 93 XYV J U iligbee, do J B line and- lady, H U Mrs Harper, Charleston | PORT ROYAL HOD3E (HILTON IIE.YD) OCT. 19. Wm Maxwell, Beaufort A R Davis, Charleston, J J Nicholson, 4U- Oueota c K Huple, lus .1 E Ills, Lemon Xsie |C N Bellows, U Head J L Sievene, u pimier, Li 3 S N 11 J 11 Gould, charleston OCTOBER 18. 0 W Qulnby and lady, at W b Rus-cll, Charleston Heiena Jeuorv. do C W Knigh,. CBN 15 k Purple, Til J P Demsir, N York E Guerard, S C F Western, UO If, Savannah V PL F Deßassomplerre, S C Briggs, do . N York I . Ship‘i>i n » liltollip^enoo. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises...... 0 10 Muon ri5e5.......... 0 46 Sun sets S ls| High water........ b 54 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived, Friday, Ocl so isBB. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Pirllpot, Doctortown—Er wlu A Harden. Shivers flat from Augusta, with 842 bales upland cotton to John R Wilder. Howards’ flat. No 2, from Augusta, with 430 bales upland cotton to John it Wilder. Geo R Dnuburs’ flat, No 9, from Augusta, with 358 bales of upland cotton to John B Wilder, W Batters by A Cos, A a Hurtrtdge. Consignees. Per atttunex Wm 0 Uinboas, from Doctortown— Erwin A Hardee, O Fulton * Cos, F L Out, Jones A Passengers. vain. B U The as, J W srwTbmnJ j j u'sATii uim Udy. i'nTcaS^c Hancock, Mr Aoiutesman, Mr Maugham, sj Fatuun, PGHI OF I‘uitT HJVAI I’ort Royal, Oct. is. Arrived. Oct 17—Steamer loulsbuig, Dale, Charleston. Oct 19—Sloop Jeiry Angell, Crane. Sivannah. HIST OF v ®*9Kl,s IN THK PORT OF Savannah, Oct 21,186». STSAMSBIPS. Eodtac.Jhfikley, 520, from New Vork-discharemir « wharf foot of Aberoorn au**c-H uu t« and &m* Pent, Delanoy, 592. from Kew York—waiting to discharge—Hunter A Oainiuell. waiung to Nevada, Carpenter, 990, from New Tork-dlscharo. tag at Low and Co.s wharf—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Gcd Sedgwick, atirkev, 737, from \’nw Ynrlr—ilia charging’ at Central Cotton Press—J K Wilder. SHTPr*. New Englaml, Hodges, 1,100, for Llverpool-load- Cos” * lt k° wer Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Wisconsin (Cr) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press-ljohn R Wilder. brigs. Cobb. Duncan, 195,-loading, wharf at foot of Whittier street—Rogers <fe Cann. SCHOONERS. Pioneer, Tnccfcer, Jacksonville, iu ballast, to Mas ter. Francis Satterby, Allen, St Johns River, in ballast. May, Kelly, 330, from New York—discharging at whart foot of Habersham street—Hunter A (lammell. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fls. in ballast—loading at Wctters wharf for New York—L J Guilmartln A Cos. Albert (Br) Riordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly A curis- Uau. Jotn G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard Btreet —Rogers A Cann. Schr Julia A Crawford, Bu'.kley, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co’s wharf, for New York—L J Cuilmar ton4 Cos. WANTED. HOUSE WANTED, WITH ff’n or twelve rooms, at any price, from S6OO to $3,0 per year, according to location. Ad dress ‘'House, M at Herald < >fflce. lw oetlß Wanted, SOO MONTH 1 Agents wanted wanted for six Vtr \/ entirely new articles just out. Address O. T. GAItKY, City JLic'l ili.g, Uddelord, Maine, septt diw3m Horse & Buggy Wanted. AHORSE, BUGGY and HARNESS wanted. cl her separately or together. A Horse tLat will canter under saddle and trot tn carriage preferred Apply at the Savannah Übbalu Counting Room. h-P*» ts Wanted, ij*l) it A DAY! Agents wanted to sell anew and wonderful SEWING ii A< JUNE, the only cheap qee licensed. Andreas SHAW <fc CLA UK. Bid den <rd. Maine. sepU-dAwSm Wanted Immediately, FOR CASH, nil the Rags. Old Bagging, and Wast Paper iu the city. WARREN A PLAINER, Septl3 ts 210 B.- y-st. Wanted FEW THOUSAND DGLIASS, MECENIO BANK OF AU&USTA AND Eastern Bank of Alabama. E. F. METCALFE 4 CO. oct3-tf FUil SALE & TO REST. Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD. S. C. Tlie light and commodlor.9 Store, corner Merchants’ Raw and Palmetto Avenue, to leaef for a limited time. Terms i aay. Address . W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octlS ts Lock Box E, Hilton Head. S. O. ROOMS TO LET. TWO or three steady Young Gentlemen can be ac commodated with ppluidid Sleeping Rootns. in a central locality, by applying at store corner State and Jefferson street. 3* oct2o “ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The “Palmetto Herald Building,'' having been newly fitted up, now oiler large and airy Rooms suitable for Sleeping Apartments or Business purposes. For terms address W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octlß ts Lock Sox E, Hilton Head, S. C. lOMSTfII’K k fMT MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. 154 Bay Street.Savannali, Ga. \\TE keep on hand and Inrush to order at Manu- V v faciurers' Prices,Em;ine.Foot and Hand Lathes, 'PI inet. Dulls Chucks. Bolt cutters, Gen Cutters. Wood A M >nn “Portable Engines," Hoisting En gines,LV ood Working Machinery of every description. Stationery steam Engines and Boiler., Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills, Klee Mills, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting and Hose. Gearing.- s-hafting. Hangers and Pullies, Hv draulic Jacks and Punches Pumps of all kinds, A’li kinds of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. A.eet. for the West Point Foundry, E. A. Wood's Steam Gorge and Boiler Feeders. Dy SEND FOR A CIHtULAH. jSk COMSTOCK A KINSEY, So. 104 Bay street, oct4-Tu,ThAS2m Savannah, Ga. NOTICE. THE Copartnership heretofore ex sting between Wi'llnk & ChipiLan was, ou the Ist of October, diaolved liy mutual consent. T. M. Willink resumes bus’ness of Ship, Steaiubost and Gemral Biuck smith:rg, on Dillon's wlmrt*. Thanking the public for past p ironage n continuance of the sumo will be gratefully rec- lvrd. eou4w octlo R. MOLINA, Corner Hull and Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Coaler In Havana Se gura. Loaf and Smuk ng Tobacco. also. apt kinds of Vi'ginlaChewn/ and Smoking Tub.icco. Mcr- RChaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipes. aip3o-3m GUNNY BAGGING. For sale toy N. A.HARDEE & CO. *ep2-tf MILINERY GOODS. Jhave just returned from New York, and have brought out one of the beet selected atocki of Milinery Dress Goods AND HOSXSU&Y, Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be told cheap. I will reoelvc weekly the latest styles of Mlllnery under Scriven House, Corner of Buff and Congress Street Lane. ett-Hao MAS. PSA3JS. AUCTION SALES. 1 IIY BLUIV aTmKY KIV. Will be sold on MONDAY, Oct fcl in-t. at 11 oVlock j a. m.. in float of oar r.ore, if aot sold at pri.ato | sale previous. Three two story (Fame Hooks on Stewart street. Two one story frame Houses on Wtloon street. ! Two one story frame Houses on Roberta tiwi. The same can lie treated for at private ado by ap. (liratioa to Mr. O. O-menden, at the Placin'* i'ut 1 ottlk td By Bell, Wylly hi Christian Will be sold on SATURDAY, 21st last., at 11 o’clock. Lot containing (95j ninety five Let ~n Wlmn street by f9o; feet In depth, (fee simple,; oppos.te the Cent at Railroad Depot. The improvements consist of rix Tenemeuta. Term, cash. oct2o By Bill, W ylly k. Ibrlsliaa. ~ TO-MORROW, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tn front of store, A large assortment of German Fancy Uoods, Cut lery, Me. Table Knives and Forks Pocket Knives Hair Broshes Scissors Tooth Bruchee Wallets Clothes Blushes Hair Fins Fine Combs Paste and Liquid Blacking Mi. ru, - Fancy Soaps Pock Pins Writing Paper Flax Thread octUO By Bell, Wylly & Christian. JUIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, am, in front of store, will be sold, A large assortment of German Fancv Goods. Cut lery, Ac-: Table Knives and Forks Hair Brushes Pocket Knives Clothes Brushes Scissors, * Fine Tooth Brushes Wallets Fine Combs Hair Pins, Mirrors Paste and Liquid Blacking Pack Pins Flux Thread. oct2l By Bell, Wylly St Christian. AT AUCTION. THIS DAT, Rt 1» o'clock, a. m., In front ojitore, will be b 'ld, Tbe mua! Msortnxcnt of Groceries Provisions. Drv Goods, Liquors, Clothing, Wooden Ware, Broom*, Ac. Soso Boots and Shoes Cut ales Clothing, assorted Starch Painted Pails aud Tube Tea Brooms Cheese Letter Paper Ale Fancy Soaps Fiour A sorted Dry Goods Liverpool Salt Rodgers' Pen Knives Flax Thread llouk* and Kyes Fancy Clocks Shoe Thread oct’2l Martel Brandy. Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Christian WOULD call the attention of Droagfsta aud otheis to « xty (CO, cases of this well known brand oi fine Biandy, which weoff.r in bond or duty pud, cheaper Lht. a it can be lx ught elsewhere in this city or in New York. We also L ve in store ten (lOj cases of Old Castile Soan; thirty lioxcs Window Ulats, and a lot of l< i‘9 Pen Knives. 3 oct!9 Public Sale OF— Government Vessels. Ey order of ihe Quartermaster General, U. S. A., tho following Government Vessels will be sold -BY- Yoric, Williams, Mclntlre & Cos AT PUBLIC AUCTION, Savaxmali, G- a., Ob the Ist day of Xoveiabcr, 1365, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M., At the wharf Iu rear of tbo Commissary Warehouses Siearn Tug STARLIGHT. Propeller STANDISH. Steamer SAVANNAH. Terms cash in United States Currency. E. B. CARLING. . OCIIB rodtd r.'vt, Lt. Col ,A. Q M. By York, Williams, Mclu tire Ac Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Paeon Shoulders Bacon Sides Canvassed Hams Choice Butter Com Meal Hominy Split Peas Pearl Barley Soap Ground Coffee With a variety of other Groceries. octlT , 6 Robt. P. York, > IJ. RMoTntibx. M. E. Williams, / \ P. H. Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO,, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, Gr /V . • CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON ANO LUMBER SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos.; Erwin A Hardee, Gaden A I'm kies, Isaac I). I.a- Roche, Ksq ; Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq..; Banter A Gammell; L. C. Nurvell & Cos. References In New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.: D. H. Baldwin A Cos. ee;<26-co<Um List of VALUABLE PAGEAOES, Remaining in Adam's Express Compa ny’s Office, Oct. 3d, 1963, B. I Badge, Gilbert A Biy*<\ Ca pt Michael Bn fl sell. 11 A, 176th N Y Baker, Judge B Berlin, Ralph Bebn. R U Halkum, Lieut B G G. Corley, Chas D. Davis, Amoa care QJ DrakeDavD, M'lJB Davi-, C O Dasher. Israel Dante, Wm Dasher. Mrs W H Draper AG Dodd, Margaret Davis, Mrs J D E. Estes, Albert F. Fllnn, Michael G. Grant, Lieut Miller B 11. Haley. Sergt Peler Hiie, H Hart, H L Beery, John H aris A Miller Houston, Col E «J. Joy. B M, ITth A C Iverson Edward Jordan. F J Janney, T B Jones, J L K. Kflernan, Thos Kirkpatrick, J O Ming, G F Kavanangh, J F M. Miller, Robt, ITth A C Mcrriss. Mrs JT Modic, ' rs O Mosher, A, 128th N Y Muller, U U Moode, A N. Niven, A. Cos E, 18th Ms Norwood, M » Thcs Nugent, Wm P. Palletler, Msdam C Pewui, S Porry, Col J 3 It. Rllley, Michael Rutledge, Rev N H Rolf, Dulf Richardson, J Smith, Andraw Stookea. Miss Mary Snow, U C X, Tboraton, Mrs Hannah Trios. N, Cos A, 18th Ind Toole, J Rent V. Vanuatu, BeqJ C w. Wealem, Opt O-B Wade, E C Western, Cant C B Whttner Crpt B F • Whelan. Toad, can DWiUlama.JH Wood Wood.LkatHem7* ocu-tf X. r. TCNISOM, Agent, ORDCRRIK9. LKH'ORI, * C., . WHISKEY r WHISKEY! FINE OLD BEANDY, WINES. Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey. Maple Vslley Whiskey, Pike's ila,nolia, spencer's Old Kve, and Flue Kentucky Bourbon FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPS ON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Building*; ALSO, Alaop’s Ale. Mara' Ale. Apples. Potatoes, Onions Pickles, Mackerel, Cldet aud Cider Vinegar oct« . ts G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship Chandler. 72 BAY STREET, Vols receiving per steam and sailing vessels from it New York, the following articles, which will be Sold at the Lowest Market Price: Btl*. Floor. Potatoes, Guion*. Tnrnips, Beet*, . Apples Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crashed Bngars, Bbl* Reef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, X do., X do. and kits No. 1 Cate* Olive oil, Sardines. Candles, Soap, Baltina, Pickles, Liqnnre Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spice* of all ktnde, , Her os, Ac., AC., Sacks Coffes, Broom*. Pal's, Bucket*, Ac. ALSO Paints. Oil*; Varntshea, Paint Brushes. Ac., Ac. Bk” hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. octl7 3m WM.M.DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IK GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2' ts (*-ORCIGN DOMESIIC^^S^ iKiioutifiS4sta*as Wg/ggL SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. qpao “O. OSGOOD, STORE 180 COHOBESB AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS , SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cath Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. . ts *epti6 Gao. R Ciit'MP. Wa, A. Wmoirr, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &e. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Os Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobaooo, Produce, and Mebcuani>i*x of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Angusta, Ga., Richmond Va.. and Juo. C. Ferrill, E*q, De- Witt A Morgan, Oaden A Cnckles, A. A. bolomon* * Cos., J. T. Pateieon A Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WBOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES. WIVES m LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND DAY DANE. ORDERS PROfIPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. &;i2l ts NEW BUCKWHEAT FLGUR. THE undersigned ff«»r eighteen year* of the firm of * Cromwell & Birdsall}M now prepared to receive order* for his well known brand of cnoico New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrets, half barrels, qua’ter barrels and bags of 49 and 24 jt poun is. Have also on hand Fresh Ground, State aid West ern Flour. Extra, Snmrflne, and No. 2 Superfine, in bids, and bah l,bis., fn lots to suit purchasers RD.iAKD '.'ROMWELL. octl3-2w lrJ and 1 6 Broca street New York. J.AOR SALE - loon bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Oats, black and while 10 sacks best Rio coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Hsy. octlO N. A. HARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO , Wholesale GROCERIES § LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARSy Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Bquare, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE J XW Agents for ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on band, an assortment of . RHEIN WXKTI3. §»i 3m cbeeseTsoar A n BOXES cheese, w n bows Fay e Soap Ju»« reoetvWand tor Mlebv «*>• BALDWIN 4 00. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale amt Retail Dealer In Vino (vroccrte*. Boots and Shoes, ClothilUh Foreiga aad Domestic Wines, Liquors aod Begar&. Also. Skehan't Celebrated GOLDEN ALE'AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, iu bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng. Iwh Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON’ STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York E O. Hilton. SavAnab. t\ M, Ramoll.'N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL 'Wliolosalo O-rooors, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Sarazinah., C3-a., Arc constantly receiving per at:r.m?r»fiom New York j .The Lnrgrif and Meat Complete Assort menl of Groceries in tlie City, Order* by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly FiiUd, at Lowtat Market Pru *. ocil6 lm CLACHORN & Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Savannah, B KG leava to nfom their former friend* and cus tomer*. and the public generally, that they have resumed bu-ines., at their old stand, where they will keep Ciuist.'intly on hind a full »s*nrtment of Good* in heir line suitable for Private Faudiiec Bteame>snnd Sailing Veseel*. Punctual attention given to all coun try order* lm octX9 T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (SEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) SVe have the Largest Assortment ol Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, hitler a, Cordials, &0., In the South, to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our good* and prices. oct; ts ASTEN & THRO KMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, IVs ANUFACTI ItERS and Dealers iu Bnl!det.’and ITJ. Locksmiths' Hardware. Nails. Pulliee, Cord, Rim l.ocks and Knob*, Butt Hinges, Bras* and Iron Koy» and Castings. Gong Bolls, Wire, Silver-Plating, *c AH orders, large or small, furiiiehed promptly at 1* per cent, less than market prices. srp!9 * Cm THE NEW YOEK KEW& DAIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY ADD WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AH) BE!N1-M EEKLY KEW3. GREAT FAMILY NEYVBPAPER9. BF. -. JAYIiY WOOD Editor And Proprietor- Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTSJNTRODUCED immense circulations determined on. { THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST : PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. * | NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Every Wednesday. j Single Copies ! Five Cents One Copy, one year $ 200 Three Cop es one year 6 00 Five Copie*, one ye r 8 76 Ten Copies, one year ........ IT OU —And an ex'ra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 39 00 The Weekly Sew, la Scut to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday aud Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 400 Three Coplea on. yunr io 00 Five Copies, one year 18 00 Ten Coplea one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 85 CO To Clergymen 3 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months Five Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies, of DAILY' end WEEKLY NEWS sent f.eo. Address BENJ. WOOD, Dolly News Building, No. 10 City Ball Square, sept2l New York City. DISSOLUTION. BY mutual consent Mr. JamrsW. tula day withdraws from«. ur Firm. . HILTON & RANI)ELL. Savannah, Oct 16th, 1865. Referring to the above noti'-o the underaigned would state that he Will con mae the Wholesale Grocery Business, Under the firm name of ii AKrrmrjii d> o 0., And have taken the commodious building on s. TV. corner of Bay and Barnard Sts., Id » few d»js will b» prepared to offer ulsrgeand well afsarted stock of Orocerier, to which the atten tion of the trade will be soliched. JAMES W. RANDELL. Referring to the above no Ice, the undersigned wool state that they wl 1 continue the Wholsale Grocery Business, Under the Arm name of 1 Xliltou. tSa HantJ©ll, At the Old Stand, No. 193 Bay street. EDW. O. HILTON, oc(16 Iff F. M RANDELL. Joseph Smith, FIELD, GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ER SEEDS, He. 68 Liberty Street, New York City. ORDERS for Seed, by mall Will be promptly execu ted and forwarded by Erpres*. C. O D N. B.—The Trade enpplied on the must liberal terms. Priced Cataloguer will be sent upon applica tion by tuaU. ecto eodiu j I _ IHIFFWII. STAB LINE’ FOR NEW., fer-. YORK. T HE i n ? W *“**£«“»•«■* ekuw U. H. Mall Steam A. ship .\EVAUA, C*i»la!n CftftMSter u ip positively soil for tbe above r ’ * a Saturday, Oct. *la« s at O 1-2 o’clock, a. m. For frefgut or passage, having splendid sccommo datlous, apply to brigham, Baldwin * co, octl9 Stoddard’s Building, opp. Post Office FORT«EWYOR£ STAR Jgg LINE. SBMI-wBHBIXjV. The first class U. 8. MsU Steamships UNITRIJSTA'rRa ’ * ' G»Pt CamsTO aiitoiH* n-B ’- - - - Capt. Suabx. AM£Kh*As - Csut Cun CONSTITUTION, . . . Capt. gkxemam. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. • BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* COt Agents, Savannah. Ga. WAKEMAN, OOOKIN 4 DICKINSON, Agents, FOR NEW YORK, Atlantic Coast SCail Steamship Cos. „The Very feat sailing new steamship vaA?» l ' K '\ a,tA l-SEDuwi,:K, poelllvely sail on her Saturday, 21at last., at O 1-8 o’clock a. m. For freight or parsage, having very elegant accom modatuitie, apply to ‘ _ _ octl ? JNO R, WILDER. Agent. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK The new * r ' d "plendld U. S. Mail 't+thf-t-x Steamßh lP I’KRIT. K. A. Delanor, -<cJ.llor;J' Commander, will sail for the above pu her rcglnarday, SATURDAY, Octoher 21st, at 9 o'clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid nrcomms datious. apply to HUNIRR * GAMMELL. OCU9 PIONEER LNE. FOR NEIV YORK. The flno Steamship Zodiao, E, M. Bulkley, Commander, will leave for the above port oh Saturday, Oct. »l*t, at 0 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dating e, apply to . HUNTER & GAMMELL, ocll9 84 «ttee‘ FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MAYO •tmSStSi will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to QCtIG BKIGH iM, BALDWIN A CO. For Philadelphia The fine Steamship j CUMBRIA, H. L. Fbrnch, CommHnder, Will sail for the ahore port on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 9 a. m. For freight or pawago, having elegant accotntnOcla- Ilona, «pply to sej.2l HUNTER \ GAMMELL. FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Express, Captain J. W. Morgan, Will have quick despatch a* above, Tnla Steamer 1* entirely new, exceedingly light draft, and is of immense capacity, and was built ex pressly fur the Savannah river trade. Shippers will find It to Ihelr advantage to patronise. She being of each light draft Is able to navigate the river at It* low est stage. For freight engagements apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, oet2o ts Harri.' Buildings, Bay street. FOR BILTIMORF Pcndergaat’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, navlng the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight ap ply to LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLE O , • Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergast, Fenwick A Cos. oct!8 For Liverpool. THE flr»t class British bark THOMAS WfHTNKY J. C. Kelly, master, bein? of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. F-, TnE A1 Amerlran Ship NEW ENGLAND, ~ —' H°iigv, Master, naving a large pdrtlonof Vl9r?“>' her cargo engaged will he reudy to receive cargo at Lower Hydranlic Press on the 18th Inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tf BJtIUUAM, BALDWIN * CO. COMPETITION RETIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant -Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, EODGKR3, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange WharC Snd be the first Boat for Angqstu after the nelen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to ERIN A CO. aep29-td 114 Bay street GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and aftcr.t'ols date the rate of Freight by car Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Onr Line la composed of the following Steamers all adapted to the trade, vlr; • Iron Steamer AM A ZON, Capt. Johnsoh. New Iron Steamer WM. •Q. QIBBONS.Capt. Phllpot Steamer LAURA, Capt. Hiller.* The Steamer Gibbons is In every particular a flrst claaePawsnger Boat rhte« nr * nCe **" ** t,ffocted b Y °° r Due at lowest Sar- Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK mvwa.l m gmy-urmr a. nan r>nn 1 ll ■ aaagfi i ANCHOR Zshra OF PA O K E T 8 FOR N E W^^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch sad Fast Sailing Schooners wD. VAUGHN, . . HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis, Master ' ' HONEST ABE, W. M. £ . ££ And othero, comprise the -Anchor Line” of Packits and WU have quick despatch as above FBr Freight apply to Paterson a tucker. Agents, No. 1( Stoddard’s Building, or lo ROGERS A CANN, . Savannah, Ga. DrißANoo A Caebiext. Agents, New York. foomusta; STEAMER SCORPIO, N F. Roger*, Master. WUI leave Exchange Wharf for the above pUca os Sunday, 88d Inst., at 1 o’Mock, a. m. n[ ply bav,n * fl r,t class accommodations, kbin a ro„ etc , »*—-■* For Augusta. The Steamer General Berry, Will leave for the above port Oa Vbursday, Oct. 19, at 11 o’clock, a. m* For (rclaht or passage, having superior accosuno datlo: t apply to CH’.a L. COLBY A CO., ocll ' i ror Bay and Ahereomsta. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA 4 notified that tiiey cap store their good* any , day Uarlne the week, to be forwarded by thd abave Boa’s* whkh are th« iightoet draught running; u> Augusta, free of ektra charge. * kein t cq Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rfUiE undtr-ignad or*prepared to raesiv* goods*: a their WarchouMs—fra* of axpensS and cov ered by Ineura cc—for ebl.rocut to Anns’* and points beyond by their regular Hue of light draught boats Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept ill—ts ror. By and Ahercom at*. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch f.r :he ftb place. Gooda receiv ed at all time at;d in fire proof ■> arehouse, tbo*. of Lincoln street, nee ot coat. „ . . j M KTNCHLBY, Agent In Claghor: . CHObioghanrs The May arr.vr.: in ;i»rusta from Savannah on last Friday with hre fail freight ts oct9 FOR PALATKA, » Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’*, For nan,Una, Jacksonville and Plcolata. (THE new and fust .learner FOUNTAIN. Capt. G. A W. Cs stnxs, will leave rs above on TUESDAY, the 2-ith inst, at 10 o'clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply <m board, at Padei ford'a H bail near IVhite'a Central Cotton Fnoeorto M. A. COHEN, Agent Freight payable on Wharf. Shippers will furnish weight* and measorament of * oct!9 NTHW SKIRT FOR'OB The Great Invention of the Age Hoop Shirts, J. W. Eradlev’g Sew Patent Dnpex Ellip tic (cr Double) Spring Skirt. r TniS Invention ronsfats of Duplex (or twoi Kllutle Pure Refined Steel Springs, lngrnlonsly brafcUd t ghtlv and flrmlv together, ed.e to edge, making tha toughest, moat flexible, elastic and durable Soring ever used. They seldom oend or break like tha aln gle Springs, and crnoeqnently prt.erve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice aa long as an* Stogie Spring Skirt th t ever haa or can b« made. 1 ™ wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to sny Mdy wen tag lhu Duplex ElllptiC'tlUrt will be experienrrd partirulnrb In all crowded Aiistnn biles. Operas. Carriages Railroad Can, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for P.omcnade »nd Honae Skirt can he folded when in uae to occupy a j>iace aaeually and conveniently aa a 6Uk or MuaUa A lady having . ntoyed the pleastfr*, comfort and great convenience or wearing tha Unoiex Eillutlc Steel Spring Vkirt for a Mr.gto SvJX! warrla wilhngly-dUpen.e with their uae. For children mtoses and young ladies they arc superior toallath The Hoops are covered with 9 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which Is need on all Single Steel Hood Skirts The three bottom rods on every Skirt an aleo P Doable Steel, and twice or donbie covered to prevent tha cov ering from wearing off the rode when iragglng down stabs, stone steps. Ac., which they araomitnutly .uhject to when In me. . j ll ar ® J»*de of the new and elegant Ou.<led Tapes, .and are the best quality in every peri, giving to the wearer the most graoefcl and pensrt a£pe poMibte and are niiquestiouably toe lightest. moetdralrTblt comfortable and economical SlrtWSde WESTS’. BRADLEY A CARY, (lata J. I. A J. O. Wrat.) Proprietors of the InveutlOL, and Bola Mann. “v«k Ch, “ ber "“ >d,9 “ <l 81 K '* d ’' ■Lvets, For sale In all first dam stores in thin dty. and thronghont the United States and Canadas. Havana d?ef“ ba ’ Mexico> 3oate Am ' rlc fo tod the West In for thß Dafln p»ptt c Tlie Partnership lately existing under the name ut Macky, Hogg* & Cos., Having been dissolved by the death of Atoxander Hogg the an beer: acre oeg to snnoaMtbat they will continue the Shipping ami Ge-icr&l lu omission Business IN S V KT NA H , AT If a. 303 AI7B S«S SA7 IT., under the name of Macky, Beattie <fc Cos. SAMUEL MACKY, eept?l-;tn ROBERT H. BEAT*TH. corn! lill if I BUSHELS Choice White Corn, to sacks. lUOU Landing and for sale by CRANE, JOHNSON A anAT*"^ OCtW 4