Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 27, 1865, Image 3
s A VANN AH. J>, ;,»rt ur c of tMMiktpi and «t*»aurt. FOR FEW TORE. r ßt .t.a mill Ip lUloigh, Saturday, October 28th, at l o'doct |>. in. . FOB CU4KLKBTOS. _ Steamer H. M. Coo!, Friday, Oetober i7th, at I o'clock a. m. FOB DOCTOItTOWN. -■vainer Orient, Friday, October -7th, at 8 o'clock ‘ ia ' FOK PLOBID*. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at jo o'clock. ' jjieauier St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at It) O’clock. Arrival of lira Italelgh—Peril, of the hate Storm. »h« t» Threatened with Destruciion ky F'tre. and narrowly eaeajrea Found, ring. Thu steamship Raleigh, Capt. Geo. M. Walker,from jiew York on the 21st, arrived at mid lujtht lu3t night. The late gale which the Leo experienced ao severely, was even mote r.oleat with, the Raleigh, and It seems almost a mi racle that the steamship and her precious Ireight of ul .,re thanahundr.d souls did not flud their graves it the bottom of the ocean. The Idaho and the Chase which sailed with the Raleigh uro still unheard from, and every heart will grow heavy at the reflection that they must havo battled with the same storm. The Raleigh sailed from New Turk on the afternoon o! Saturday, uud experienced throughout the neit.s din delightful weather with fair winds. On Monday mursldg about S o’clocl. Are broke out be tweeu decks, caused by the over heating of the smokestack; but It was discovered l,v the Captain Just* as It waar auned Into a alamo, and the hose, which fortunately happened just lheu to be attached to the pumps for washing the decks, be lug turned upon It, it was soon extinguish. e,i. li was, however, a hair-breadth escape from the mist terrible of sea disasters, and great credit it due to Captain Walker for tue coolnesa uud prompt ness of Ills measures in the tryiug moment. The gale sprung up at about three o'clock In the sltoruooa of the saute day, and by nighuall had risen Into a hurricane. At two o’clock that night the storm was at Its height, and continued to rago with terrifls vloleuce jor forty hours. At 2 a. m. oa Tuesday a heavy sea en uck the ship on the port quarter,when she broach ed to with her he head to the southward, aud all the exertions of the Captain could nut make her pay off before the wind and sea. He was, therefore, com pelled to lay her to. At this lime the ship was only about twenty miles off Frying Pan Shoals. Tuesday night the sea ran mountains high and It found that there was fully a foot of water lu the elup. Th: fearful lurohtug of tno ship seut the wa ter into tue flre-room up to tho grate bars and even tually extinguished the Urea For some time after ward tire engineers kept up a Are, burn ing wood and lard, tl.ty kegs ol which, a part of the cargo, were consumed. But all was in vain, aud In spite ofevery exertion the flics went out. iiy this time the passengers were in a state of utter consternation, uul ad those sceues which attcud im pending shipwreck were painfully realized. The water from the overwhelming seas penetrated every pnrtcf the ship, and made rest impossible. The shrieks of the ladies aud the agonized groans of all oa board, the uinult and confusion of the (vholo ship, will never be effaced from the memory of the participants in that ordeal of danger. Tue long tried aenmausbip of Captain Walker, to wiium all looked, and not In vnii>, for deliver ance, hud suggested the expedient of a "drag" to l,ecp tiie ship's head to the sea, when the engine would not wotk, aud ous was hurriedly prepared corn two spars and an anchor. By this and other means, with the unwearied exerilonsofUie odicers and tie aid of divine Providence, the noble ship,hour aft' er hour, withstood the violence of the sea, aud a‘ last weathered the storm, though lu a damaged con hiuOU. ' Cue wheel-house was stove In, and when the ship arrived there was “not a dry thread" in her. The "fleers and men were completely worn out, having had no rest for lorty-eight hours. Owing to the lateness of the hobr at which tho ltaicigu reached the wharf, we are obliged to defer the publication of lists of passengers and .consignees and a card of acknowledgements from the passen gers to the oalcers of the vessel, until our next issue. I'ssTßcenoN op ST. Paul’s O’uukch by Fisa.— ife sre putued to reoord the destruction by Ore yes terday afternoon, of St. Paul’* (Episcopal) Church, fas nftlia finest church edifices to the city, situated on Gordon street,east of Calhoun Square. The fiamea when first discovered, by P. Hcanlau anil elame* Welsh, were Issuing from the choir of the chnrch on fits north side. There being no means at hand for extinguishing the flames, and the Interior being nearly all of wood, the flames soon spread and en veloped the building in one sheet of ate. The de struction was complete In less than thirty minutes. The history of the church is as follows;; Upon the death of Mrs. Abrahams about ton or twelve years since, site bequeathtd all her property, having no heirs, to the building of a •Home forWldowa” and a Free Church. The “Heme’’ which was completed and now stands as a monu ment of ner munificence, is situated on the north' west corner of Broughton and East Broad streets. The remainder of the funds, after the completion of the Home, was expended upon the construction of St. Pauls Church, and with the aid of liberal dona tions from our citizens, the original design of the building was carried forward to completion, with the exception of the spire, st. Paul's Church was a Gothic building, capable of seating over two hun dred persons, it was constructed In the form of the Greek L'ros3. When the United States forces Savannah, the church was taken possession of by them ror a Hospital. Boys living in the neighborhood of the church have had Ingress to it through the windows, and it Is sup posed some of them set the building on Are. The doors were found securely locked. There was no insurance on the building. amhvjl op tue Steamship LEo.r-The steamship Leo lett Sew York at 3 o’clock p. m., on Saturday, Get. a. In company with the steamer Geo. Cromwell, tor Sew Orleans ; steamer Quaker City, for Charles ton, and steamers Baleigh, Idaho and Chase for Sa vannah. After two days very speedy run, the Leo outstripped all her companions, except the Quaker City.wiih whom she parted company about opposite Charleston harbor, shortly alter which, and while In U fathoms of water, she encountered a very severe ••donn from the northeast, and Immediately stood out to sea. After two days and nights of exceeding ly severe weather, in which her machinery became injured, her sails torn and skylights lost, she nobly outrode the storm, reaching the port of Savannah in safety. Her soa-toaaed pusseugers speak In high terms of the behavior of the vessel and the conduct • r tue office;, throughout the trying period of the storm. A Card more lully expressing their sdntl tnents, appears among the shipping Intelligence. The Steamship Nevada. Her Male Arrival. .Messrs. Hrtgham A Baldwin. Agents of the steamer Nevada, received last evening a telegraphic dispatch announcing the safe "arrival of that steamer at New lorkyesterday, This timely confutation of the idle i umors respecting a terrible disaster to the Nevada, current y esterday, should be a caution against en tertaining canards of the same sort whtoU are ah tao3t Invariably circulated whenever one or the *teamerg is a day or so overdue. THE QCABANTI.NE OP THE PORT OF SAVANNA* Raised—The senr. Electric Spark, Quarantine veaael lying opposite Tybee, came up to the city yeaterdav, the quarantine having been raised. The tug Bland ish, Capt. Moore, has ptoceeded to Tybee, and wilt hi mg to the city all the furniture, bads, bedding, and mediciucs used at the Lazaretto. Vessels can now enter h um all parts without belug Inspected or anar. autiUed. Beactifcl Billiard cue.—We were shown laat 'veiling, at ilie MarsUatrMouse, a beautituf Billiard Cue, made of hickory and Inlaid with pearl, Ivory and rosewood. Tlie due Is a present to Mr. A. B. Luce, one or the proprietors of the Marshall House, irom his Mend. Win. H. Grimms, No. i«e Fulton Street, New York city. It can be soen at the Mar shau House til.Hard Saloon. RarAiuixo wa ah via.—The work of impairing the wharves Item the foot of Weil Broad street to the L ppet Wee Mills la progressing vary rapidly. Tho want ot a pUe driver here la now felt, and parties »f oMorprlM who ahould furnish one. to ha worked by steam, Mould reap a tic lyre ward out of their is- VcaUniDL Bkewrkt at Uii.TOR Ham Maaara. T. i. Dunbar * Cos er* about continuing operation* lu the brew lag business at iiutun Head. Than establishment Is a Urge on* and win no doubt be a strong competi tor for a portion of tbe trade hereabouts Situ so or TUi Abisdrz.—l he steamship Ariadne, *Capt- entry, was yesterday cleared tor Sew York by John It Wilder. The Arusdee had a fall freight and a Urge number of passengers. Hotel Arrivals, PULASKI HOUSE, OCTOBER *B. IB*s. Wm. H. WiLTEgRK,i£i» 4 Cos., Proprietor*. O O Howard, Major Oeu, L L Lee and ladr, N * WasUiU)s»n, DO All Collins. Boston OH Howard,Bvt BdgGen. Aaa H King NT .. etortaatou. A l*> A Lawrence. Alb’/. N T It h Howard, Va ,J H Burgess v-„ v,,., J WAlvord, Washington, E F Womlbury, do ~,9 _ „ . (ill's (J w Caster and child E L Jones. Hilton Head | X Y Q S Wadsworth, St Johns.: W Lee Hay. Fernandlna ,*.* _ I 8 S Freeman do |N Noliei Mia family. Fla ??, Nor !, on ’ * Y ! r Epptuger, Mo' » 5° I l '. 11 Mauguaud, Macon A White, Haahv ille Wm Alsup, Xew York Miss Bradley, # c Jaa Mcbleusey. do ' I'JllEtthj, do 1 John Mclkiuald, do A do . > T u Hanford, Conn t W Xlct-aa aud tw u ilic L G Hall, Augusta daughters [Gram Taggart, Pliiia ® H riall> La 1A J Xlchois, Bavanuak L Wcleaghuu. 8 C Col D Sharpe, Augusta Cl’ Uorutca, M Y E F Uargau, do Wm Uuvly and lafl, Phlla Wm T Quliny, oity Wm II Jordan aud Lady Porter Fleming, Augusta L B Lord, X Y R \V Scales and lady, Ga . 8 t Or Byers, Ga Mrs Carter and daughter, Ursa Colclough, 8 C Ga Mrs U F Tam, St Helena Mrs E F Lawson, Ga Miss M H Vena do Miss Lawson, do R Trombley, do J P Thomas and lady, do T W Gray, wile aud child J J Reynolds aud lauy. do Mrs Thayer Miss Anderson, Ga 8 H Hansliom, X J * Oscni Carley, do It M McClellan, Ga i» Ana way, do B L Curtis, X V Gen P Sami, Fort Pulaski J K Bradford and family, J li Muuneriyn, Augusta Tallahassee, Fla J K Mucueriyu, jr, Burks J A Cram, wile aud aervt, on, Gat iailahassee, Ms Thus Duucan, No a C It K J n Kelly, Capt and A (J M D creeuheld. Savannah SEA ISLAND HOTEL (UILTOX HEAD) OCT. 2* F E SaHuaa, Charleston children, 8 G C Hasted, 8 C R Ricker, N Y J D Barnweil, 8 0 Capt W G Godfry, Boston lira Barnwell and two PORT ROYAL HOUSE UiLLTON HEADI OCT. 2*. J T Brady, Churiasloa Capt Lambert, atr Plate J Roach, do 8 L IVoodfort, N Y W Blake, do 8 U Martin, 3 <J 8 J Fmgeragugu, XT |S \V Anson, US3If H J W Collins, Beaufort |J McCabe, Hilton Head Mliippinje lutcllijfoncti. tliui.lar* Aliusuuc—This Day. Sun rises • 12 Moon rises 11 «4 Sun seta 6 lfljHigh water o R FORT OF SAVANNAH. THunanxV Oou 26 I8d«. Arrived. Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York—Hunter 4 Gnmmell. Steamship Raleigh, WalkeV, New York—Jolm R Wilder. Steamship Wubasli, Melville, Philadelphia, bound to New Orleuul; put In for rlfcalrs. Schooner Electric Spark, Taber, Tybee Roads— Master. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort PnlaakL Steamer St Helena, Cercopnly, Beaufort. ■tearaer Emilia, Bander, lEltoa Head. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien—Keia 4 Cos. Emery’s two flats, from Augusta, McDonald’s flats, from Augusts. Davis 4 Caswell’s flat, from Augusta. Cleared. Steamship Ariadne, Ccary, New York—Joha R Wilder. Steamer Canonlcus, Tilton, Fernandlna, with Maj O. O. Howard and Staff. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Staudlah, Moore, Tybee Roads. Imports. Per Kmer’s two flats, from Augusta—67o bales up laud cotton. Per McDonald's two flats, from Augusta—6o7 bales ootton. Per Davis 4 Caswell’s flat, from Augusta—2*4 bales uplahd cotton. , Per steamer Ella, from Darien—274 bales upland cotton. Exports. Per steamship Ariadne, for New York—B44 bales upland cotton, 18 do sea Island do, no bales domes tic!), 22 bags fruit, 44 packages merchandise, aud one horse. Consignees. Per steamship Leo, from New York—J W Ander son 4 Cos, Brady, Smith 4 Cos, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, Bell, Wylly 4 Christian, Bothivell 4 Whitehead, Both well 4 Cos, Blun 4 Meyer, Mrs W K Baum, J Ducky, Uuurdall Bros, Claghorn 4 Cunningham, C L Colby 4 Cos, M A Cohen, Ootavus Cohen, A Coster, Crane, Johnson 4 Graybill, E P DeyO, Erwin 4 Har dee, E Ehrlich, Kiueteiu 4 Eckman, W 11 Fuller 4 Cos, Goo C Freeman, Jolm Glllllaud 4 Cos, Gaden 4 Unckles, R E Grauss 4 Cos, J W Grant, Hunter 4 Gaimnell, Kendall 4 00, Wm U Stark, Wm Starke, Scranton, Smith 4 Cos, Schuster 4 lleinsiubi, A Stamm, StiiiiwuU 4 lteck, P Skehan. Tlson 4 Gor don, U H Tatum, B G Ttldeu, Tlsdell 4 Reed, J L VlUalougß, W M VVntsh, A Waldron, J G Watte 4 Cos, Mrs K Weil, J K Wilder, 'l Richards 4 Bro, Peck, Kilts 4 Cos, CL Gilbert, A F Harris 4 Cos, M Ferst 4 Cos, Mclntosh 4 Mclntire, J G 4 Cos, J E Turner 4 Cos, J M Freeman, Ali Ires, R M Hunt, Habersham <* Cos, J Hart, J E Hernandez, Uausman, Alsberg 4 Cos, Hess 4 Guttuiau, C V Hutchins, N A Hardee, C 11 Wil.lauis, Kola 4 00, Lovell 4 LatUmore, J Lama, W W Lincoln, J Llppuian, P Laughlm, J M McMahon, Macky, Beattie 4 Cu,M S Meyer, B Mellon, C George, o' Usgood, 11 Pitcher, T Pepper, A H Pease, P* H Petuinan, J L lloanuilat, C D Rogers, G F Plult, J O geek, W G K, J M, A, O, P, M, J H, W Davenport. Passengers. Per steamship Leo, from New York—J R Radford and iamtly, J A Craig and raiully, J M H 11 Hull aud wife, Miss M A Ferguson and servant, O H Klug,‘ Benjamin D Yates, A B Joel and daughter, T VV Gray, wile, servant and child, John Ferguson, sen aud Jun, A Herrick, J P Willis, James Reed, A B Luce, Mr Uruden, Jlr Usher. L L Lee aud wife, T 11 Ligon, G W Hancock, G Crew, J A Drew, A Usher/ W L Hay, T N Fieeiuan, John McDonald, J McGleu ey. S H Hartshorn, Mr Aisop. Mrs S G Hall, J U llolst. C Wafer, B B Curtis, R McClellan, A U Collins, J U Burgess, M Duwhey, Col Taggart, Mr Epptuger, and 31 In the steerage. Per steamer Ariadne, for New York—U Palmer, 1 C Uoglaud, C Itlghney, L C McCUesney, George W (hit, A G Maxwell, J Peuflsld, B u Peuheld, O Jones, F A Hoyt, J D Wilson and lady, S E Foote, 8 U Kir by, U R Hess, V Barrett, J S Bergen aud servant, J K Haywood, Col U D Wallen, O L Frieble, U D Law aud lady, J W ainreboru, C H Wilcox, Feter Ran som, T‘ Sprague, S Baker, G W Lewis, X T Conway, John Burns, A Harden, M W Fayue, C Hassler, lady uud two clilldreu, H M Jordon, E Sprague, U Red mond, E A Adamson, J syke, J D MaUiesou, John Fitzgerald, John Walah. A Cwra. The uudertdgued, passengers Horn New York to Savannah by Uis steamship Leo, take great pleasure lu tendering to Cspt. P. A. Morrill, and the officers of the steamship Leo, our sincere and grateful tliauks for the very able manner in which they car ried us through one of the most severe storms it has ever been our chance to pass, lasting tor two days and nights. We most cordially and cheerfully re* commend the Leo to the travellmg community ; the Captain as a thorough geullemau and very aide sea man, and ills vessel as one of the most staunch and thoroughly seaworthy steamers on tho Atlantic sea board. Our thanks' art also due, and are hereby tendered, Individually, to Flret Mate Thomas Elsie, as a " Sea Hog” of the first water, also to the Stew ard, I. H. Conover, os a prince of good follows ; also to Henry Medea (a New York Pilot), as a brick of the first magnitude t Grant Taggart Thomas IV. dray Bonj. D. \ ales J. K. 11 ray tom Asa H. King A. B. Ives John McHonally Thomas McOleusev Georgs Huueuiry M. Eppinger James A. lirsw Matthew Downey John Ferguson Albert Harlg Alex. M. Collins L. L. Lee Nathaniel Usher K. M. McClellan Bwight A. Lawrenoa Benjamin Curtis Win. Lea H-y K. F. Woodbury b. N. Froomaa J. U. Burgess And all others, unanimously. LIST OF VkSSEht IN THE PORT OF SAVANKAH. Savannah. Oct M, ism. RgUIIIM Steamship Lee, Merrill, 1,000, (Tom New York, fit*, charging at wharf toot of Lincoln street—Hunter A GanuneU. ■HIPS. New England, Bodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load mg at Lower Hydraulic Preos—Brigham, Baldwin A Republic (Breoi) Smith, too, discharging ballast at Lower Eastern waarvas-Weber Bros. jeSTSriuk ™ f< * uv.n>ooi wud£; *<s2Ssh r (Br) ’ *** "**»-«* w w Clara lichens. Rodgers, 46*. from New York, dis charging at wharf foot of U hiiaher street— ttuinuu McLeod- Cook, (M, waiting—Hunter 4 Cain- TMtN*. Lizzie Biti holder. English. K», iron Boston, dls charging at wharf foot of Boxuard street—Uuuter 4 GsnunaiL actIOOXEK*. Electric Spark, Taber, «J, watting—Master. Pioneer. Tucker, hat, loading lor New York at the Iron Steamboat Yard. Francis Satterhy, Alden, 310, watrlug cargo al whail root of Bull street—anger* 4 Csnu. John G Whipple. Biui!>son, 80. tor New York-lowd lug at Iron Steumlioat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers 4 Canu. Honest Abe, Connery, 100, loading for Mew Toil at wbart foot of Hull street—Rogers 4 Canu. Sodia, Croak, low waiting—Ruwe, Whitney 4 Cos. H M Mayo. Curtis, 70, loading for Baltimore at De muud'a Press—Brigham. Baldwin 4 00. MARRIED, On Tuesday evening Oct. ?«th, 19C3, at the Cathe. drsl of Ft. John the BaptuL Savannah, Ga., by tbs Roy. Peter Dofau. Mr. THOMAS, GILHOOLY asd Miss MAKOARET DOWD, all of Savannah, GbOtgla. New Tork patters please copy AUCTION SALES.' ' Messrs. Beil, Wylly & Mina On SATUDAY next, at II i.'alock, a. m., la tram, at store, will be sold. Two story Brlek House, on one. quarter lot. corner of leffersou si.d Perry streets. Has ga* throughout the house, and good wster in the yard. Possession given on the Ist November. Terms cash. oct li 6 Carriages, Horaew. By Bell, Wylly t Chrlitiai. Will be soft, on SATURDAY next, at 11 o'clock, In front of store. One pair Fine Cairlage Howes. oct2* By Bell, WyUy & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Seal Estate. Two first class Dw.-lllug Houses, three stories on baremeuta, with all the modern Improvements; situa ted in a central portion of the city. Alto, ■ Avery desirable House on the corner of Charlton and Tatuall street*, containing 2 Booms, with gsa aud water, on the lane is a Buck Carriage House, stables, Servants' Booms, Jtc. Also, D Farm Lots, containing from 20 to 22 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within »ue mile ol the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for Investment. A plot ol the above Lots esu he seen at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 12. Washington Waid, Brough ton street. Improvements c n*uit of a Dwelling, suitable for a a mail family. Will be ■ old at a bargain. 0.124-ts By Bell, Wylly & Christian. 0» SATURDAY next, 2sth Inst, will be sold at pobllc Auction, iu trout of aioret A Valuable Lot and Improvements, on Duffy street, between Bull and Whitaker aireets. Oglethorpe Town, having 6o leet irout and 10ft Ret deep. Ibe Improve tueuia consist of two teuriuents of wood one and a ha»fa oileß. The lot D fee .simple. Titles warranted, occift 4 BY BLUN & MEYER. On FRIDAY, 2Tth lust., at lu o'clock on the preraiaes. bouth >ide Broughton street, between Jefferson aud Montgomery streets, three doors east of bt. Andrew's Hall will be sold: ft Bedsteads and Msttregftes 1 Sprtng Mattress 1 Sofa 6 So.a Bottom Chairs ft Sota Bottom Rocking Chairs ft Centre Tables 6 Cane Seat Ch*lrs 1 Cone Seat Rocking Chair 1 Wardrobe 1 Carpet I Corner Stand 1 largo Clock 1 Bureau aud Looking Olass Wasnstands, Books Kitchen Chairs, Dining Tables, Salas 1 Stove and Utcnalis ola>B and Crockery Ware* And a great many other Household Articles, oct xi ft ByT. J. Walsh. On SATURDAY, Oct. M, wIU b« sold at ths Georgia Steamboat Yard, at IU o'clock, 44 bales Cotton, Damaged on Carswell's Flat, No. 3, from August*. Sold nuiier luspectlou and for account of all eouceru ed. Terms each. oci27 Ily Y o v lc. VVi 11 iiiiiisi, Vlolu tix-e & 00. Will evil at suction, THIS DAY. iu traat or stora, at XI uviock. 04 kits Mackerel No. 1 20 boxes Soap 20 kegs Butter I bbls Hams 40 boxes Chess. ISCO Segura 6 cases Chamnagne 4 cases Port Whie 8 cases cherry 18 cases Claret 10 boxes t'raekers 1 flue Buggy or Saddle Horae 2 Moles, W.'gou ami Harness oomplele I foui-mule Wagon, good. octtt By York, Williams, Moln tire di 00. AT PRIVATE SALE Bbls Hominy Bbla Meal Kits Mackerel Canvass' and Hams Kegs Butter Half kegs Butter Boxes Cheese Bbls Split Peas Hiilf-bbls Pearl Barley, *c. » oct2T Stoves, &c. COOKING AND Heating Stoves, Round Rots, Ovens, Hollow Ware, <fcc. Whitaker abov Broughton Sts. J. G. THOMPSON & CO., oetlG-2aw2m DR. GORDON HOWARD Hm resumed the Practice of Medicine. Special atten tion to Disease, of the Eye. Officii, and rail deuce. Jones street, two doors from Wa .teker. octl> lews a GRINDSTONES. < A A GRIND STONES, fur sale by I UU HUNTER & GAMMELL. oc» s NOTICE. OFFICE TAX RECEIVER. > Savannah, Gs.. Oct. H.h, i805./ CIWVLAS This office will I># open on the 2Tth and Jah.lnstu, for the receipt of Taxes from such persons as have not mado their returns tor the month of Sept.. 18#S. WM. T EASTON. oet» 4 Capt and Tax Receiver. MrKRAUSS, MANUFACTURER OF Bools, Shoes and Gaiters. DAB A Fresh Supply and Ample Assort ment, or ALL GRADES. Aad It to he round at Masers. Blun A Meyer’* Sato* Booms, where b« Is desirous to serve Dealer* In the article* A.t ]NTew York Prices, At Whelamlt Only, OK ACCOMMODATING TERMS dive m* • eaU Mat naavlsee yoorestf. «» *" ■ROCEBIU, LiqlUß*. * Ch I WHISKEY r WHISKEY] FINE OLD BRAHBT, WINES, to. Peach Valley Whlsksv, Maple Valley Whiskey. Piks-a Magnolia, hpeurer’s Old Ilya and Pine Kenui dry Bourbon. FOR HALE BY C. W. THOMPS ON, At tbe Old StasiL 111 BAY BTRKET, (Herald Buildings} AXSO, A loop's Ale, Mars' Ale. Apples. Potatoes. Onions, Pieties, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfl ' it ~G. H. ARLEDGE7 WHOLESALE CROCER AKD Ship Chandler. , " TANARUS« BAY STREET, V OW receiving pc- steam and sailing vessels from li New York, the following articles, which will he add at the Lowest Market Price i Bbls. PI sir, futatoes, Oulbnij Turnips, Beets, , Apples, Vinegar, Hams Drown and Crushed Sugars, Bbla Beet and Fork, Bbia. Mackerel, X do., It do. tndktta No. 1 Olive' 'll. Sardines. Candles Sosp, Raisins Pickles Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds, Her os, 4c., Jtc., Sacks Coffee, Brooms Pails Buckets 4c. —ALSO— Paints Oils Varnishes Pnlnt Broshes. 4c., 4c. tV - hip Stores puLup ml the shortest notice. octlT Sin WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER f. J 9 L >'/«.' . UI GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts DOMESTIC* l t SOLE AGENTS AND. IMPORTERS —■ OF Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF QEORQIA. an 30 G. K. OSGOOD, STORE 136 CONGRESS AND 39 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, OA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware A.i>d Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, 4c. ts septl6 Qao. R. Cscnr, Wm, A. Wnioor, Augusts, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Vs. GEO. R. CRIMP & CO., Oeneral Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lienors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &o. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, W Will purchase and tall on Commission Corron, Touacoo, Pson dok, aud MuonsaiUss of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond. Va. and duo. C. FerrlU, Esq., De vVltt 4 Morgan, Qadsn 4 Unckles, A. A. Solomons 4 Cos., J. T. Paterson 4(J0., K. Molina, Esq., Savannah. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ocM KIBLIN.BBO. & BUEKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WHS 11 LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND HAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. mn«l U SYRUP. !A BBLS. Beellive Syrup, for enle by «U HUNfKit A GAMMELL. ocikS 3 SUGARS—Crushed, Powdered, Coffee, Yellow eud O Brown SYRUP—W. S. Golden labbls o.tKD—in tubs—C. and F Leaf CMKESK—State Ulrica, in small boxes tOUACCO—Navy Pounds, UaJi P.uuds. Ten* and Natural Leaf vi ACKERKL— Half Bhls and Kits Nos 1 and 4 SHOT—Eagle Brand nil sixes For sale by RaNDKLL & CO., acral Iw 8. W. cor. Bavand Barnard at*. LX) R ~SALE - ’ * F ' 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 3000 lacks Gets, black and white 10 sacks best Rio coffee To arrive, 100 Bale* Hay. oclio N. A HARDEE A 00. H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Bquare, tntOMTWO PULASKI HOCSXg gr*Ac«nfev ALIO AND LAGER. CWtautly on baud, an aaaortmeul of ' XLBBXM WXMTB. »»!*« . *■_ CHEESE, SOAP. 40“S!2tK«. dan MoHwd Mid fcraata by •ISIS SEMI MAM, BALDWIN and CO, PIfcKCE SKEHAN, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, boots end Shoes. Clothia* Foreign and DomssOc Wines, Liqnors and Sager*. Also. Sketan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, la bottle and in st ood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, BooL2l and Eng lish Ales, Ac. liberal deductions made to the trade. 174 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. B G. Hilton, Savannah. F. M. Ramdull. N. T. HILTON &RANDELL Wlioleaalo OVrooers, 1113 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Oa, Are constantly receiving per steamers from Now York The Largest and Host Complete Assort ment of Groceries In Use City, Orders by MaP, accompanied with Rsmlttaaca Promptly Filled, el Lowest Market Pr.ces. oclld . lm Randell & Cos., South Want Oos-nsr Bay and Bac naurd StreeUg Are now prepared to offer At Lowest Market Ratesi 200 bbls Ex. Ohio Flour 100 halt bbla Family Flour 100 bbls No. 4 ltomiuy So half bbls Hominy 86 bbls Soda Cracker* 30 bbls Sugar Cracker* 100 boxes Crackers—Fancy, Lemon, Egg and Desert 16" cad,ties Black and Green Teas—Oolong, English Breakfast and Imp. 106 bags Coffee—St. Domingo and Rio 40 mutts O. G .Tara Coffee 60 mat* sin*. Coffee *< 6 boxes aud xuarters Layer Robing, new crop 160 boxes Ad. Candle*, 8s 16) tuxes Mould Candles 1 0 boxes F imlly Soap 5 > boxes Colgate’s Starch M tches Spices of all kind* Almonds, Walnuts and etc. Wrapping Paper and Twin* Backers. Broom*, 4c, To which tbe attention of the Trad# li tolMted. octtl lw Per Ariadne. 1A A TrBS Kxtr,i N - TT- Statft Dutter IVV TANARUS:» kegs* Extra Western Bauer 100 lul* Extra Leaf UnJ 126 boxes Kugl ah Dairy Cheese 60 bbls end half bbls New Mackerel 20" I sixes Codfl-h aud Herring T 5 bbls Coro Meal 100 boxes Clay Pipes, etc. For aula, nt lowest market prices, by RANDELL 4 00., K W. corner Bay and Barnard streets, octft t Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fin* Liquor*, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BOKER'S BITTER3, 4c. Which we offer on the moat libsral terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 MURRAY, octll-tf No. 8 Stoddard's Block. I'Llliliim & HiNMMAM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS* Sarannah, BFG leare to inforei their former friends and cna* ton,era, and the public generally, that they have regained bufineiw at (heir old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goods in their line suitable for Private Families, Sieuineis and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders. lm octlft T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS. &C. 14:7 Bay Street, BAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFIOB.j We hare thq Largest Assortment of Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &0., In tha South, to which we tuvlte the attention of th* Trade, Call and compare ou goods and pries*. oct6 ts Notice 18 hereby given that neither the owuare or agents of the Steamera AMAZON, GIBBONS and LA UR A, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officers or crew of said steamer* units* made by written permission of ERWIN 4 HARDEE. For Agent* and Owners. Jno. L. Bocmillßt, Agent ou \t half, oct 10 ts BROWN’S : CASTILLI AN BITTERS. THIS umlvalled Tonic prepared Irota the Pure Juice of Ibe <;rape and extract*, distilled from tho Choicest Vegetable products of the South of Prance, Italy auu the pruvuice ui Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, ludispeusable to Hotels and Restaurants, nud valuuhie to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the atoniaeh, it is unrivalled. A never falling preventive and cure tor Sea Slctnesa. None who travel by laud or water should be wiluout the Caatilllau. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRJ? A Ca Sole Agents, State Georgia. ocill-flm ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 233 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Denton In Builder.’ and Locksmiths’ Uardwsrs. Nails Pullleo, Cord. Kim Lock* and Km-ba, Halt 11 luges. Brass and Iron Key. and Castings, Goug Bella, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All order*, luge or email, famished promptly at 10 per ceat. less than market puces. srplO *m Scholars Attention rVCACKENBOBH’S Ist Unas la Onmposition V Qasckenbosh’s United States History y lackenboah's Rhetoric. Qaackeuiwnh’s Natural Pblloaophv. Ann all other Books used In the arxnnah Dehobts. octS3 JOHN C. SCHKKINEIt A SO NR Hay, Hay. .T/»0 BALES Prime Northern Ray, per Schr (Bara 4 O lt FlcketU For «ale to arrive uetSS BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A <». GET YOUR DERBY HATS coldTng’s. atm * If „ IBIFPIgG. __ POBNEWYOEK Yb* Schooner I o N K K It, ol h « r faf go engn-ed aJIHK. • Ibic frekgbt apply to FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIES. MAYO MiSaßfc will have quick dmpatch tor th, shore i port. For freight <* P*»»«e apply to octl* BRIGII 4CO. 1 PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. re_— Thn new and splendid TT. 3. Mall gtsamahlp LEU, PA. Merilll, li.-’J, jl.-.j, K- Commander, will aall (br the above - —sß*l -.3 P'»l ou her rogl nar day, SATURDAY, Oetober tsth, at 1 o'clock, p in. For freight or passage, haring splendid accommo dation*. apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. ectxr ANCHORLINE OF PACKETS FOR N E W^VORK. AND ALL NORTHERN IND EASTERN PORTS. The Stnnnch and Fast Sailing Schooner* W. D. VAUGHN, - / . - - IBS ton* LSIJtND QUBEN. R. n. Conary, Master ITS tons ELLIOT I*o tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Oar tie, Master. - 86 ton HONEST ABB, W. M. conary, Muster, - 86 tons Aud others, com prise th# “Anchor Line" al Packsta, and will have quick despatch as above. FOr Freight apply to . ’ ■ J PATERSON 4 TUCKBR, Agents, No. 1* Stoddard's Bnildlng, or to ROGERS 4 CANN. Savannah, Ua. Dm. Bus so 4 Oarwcrex, Agents, New York. OCt 20 ts SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA 4 RE notlfled that they can store their woods any z* day daring tbe we, k to he loruaraed by tbe absve Boaia which are the lightest draught running u> Augusta, free of extra charge, y 'v KFTN 4 00. For Augusta, THE STEAMER H. H. MAY, Will have dispatch fur tbe above place. Good* receiv ed at all time and stored in Are proof warehouse, foot of Liuoolu street, free of Cost. J M. KINCHLBY, Agent Offloe In Clnghorn ft Cuunlugham * The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah oa last Friday with her fnll freight ts octtl Change of iDay. U. 8. MAIL LINE ForPalatka,Fla., VIA DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, BT.MARYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE ANDPICOLATA. The well known Steamer St. Jolfins, But now tho 13ELBV GETTY. Capt. Ingrah&m, will leave the wharf, foot of West Broad street, Every Saturday, at 10 o*oloolk. m. m* precisely, for the ibove landing. For freight or ptudiure apply on board or to L. ti. BENNETT. oct2» 4 For Liverpool. The new flret das* clipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander. b new loading rapidly at Lower Prow,’and haring luge engagement* will have quick despatch, For bright «r passage (takso at lowaM rates] apply to CHAM la COLBY * CO., oct2S qorner Abereorn and Bay at*. loft BIX fno al. Penderg&st’s Line. The last sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master. Haring tks greater porttoa of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight ap- IV f U ROCHE. GADEN 4 GNCKLE3, Conor by end Barnard atreeu. Agent* tn Baltimore—Pendorgut, Fenwick 4 Cos. octl 8 For Liverpool. THE first dam British bark TH .MAS WHITNEY J. C Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. , THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, iajK'Hodgft Master, having a large portion of /rEßpher cargo engaged will be ready to receive •mSBCi cargo st Lower Hydraulic Press on the 13th Inst. For freight or passage apply to sspU-tf BHIGU AM, BALDWIN A CO. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rfIHE nnder-Igned n're prepared to receive goods at l their Warehouses—free of expeuse and cov ered bv Insure ce—tor shipment to Augnaia and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats Apply te CHAB. L. UOLBY, scplli— If cor. B y and Abercorn its, GREAT REDUCTION -mis-. FREIGHT TO AUBUSTI AS aad after this date the rata of Wright by our U Lise win be redaoed 50 Per Cent ! Our Una Is composed of the IbßoWtag Steamers, all Idsptsd to the treJs, via. Iron Steamer AM «ffOM. Capt. Johnson. Mew boa Steamer WM. Q. GIBBONS,Cspt. FUlpou Steamer LAURA, Capt HlUer. . The Steamer QihhcMtefc every pefUcutor * flret clsaeFaseeagur Boat. eaa be effhetad by our Use at lowest 0T Wright reosfvsd DA ILY end Iwwerdad o: JfWIWIA WWCK. eg OMt Wwu * NfMOl laimiQ. For Darieri AND DOCTORTOWN. Ihr floe new Steamer ,*■ O R I E 3ST TANARUS, Will leave for the above port Om Friday, Get. *7, at 9o'clock, a, 18. T For freight or pnwtgc. having superior state room icewmourUi uti, aptly to UH AS L. OOLBY ft CO., nc ' iis cor. Bay and Ahercorn ste. For Charleston. The new Steamer H. M. COOL, Capt. Samuel Taylor, Will have dmpatch far the above place, leaving on Friday, o«t. »y, at t o'clock, a. an. Notice to the Public. Seed by tlie m (Lea Ch ty—i v u of Dlxctng tbre> L-fort th, but h-aiut and for before concluding >o r. ,011 to u-avparx-r sdrertiaing, knowing of th pr- jndic. a that , xlateflu the mlndiSt m.iiyagainet os n».ulv*nl,rd Mwliclnm or Nosirnm*. but through th »dv a- of tileuds *nd those who bad used thru, this objec loa was ov. i com. After 18 yrai*' x*. tioas. commencing In a emelt way tbe lxjpularlt.. of my aiflc'es bus rxto drd to alt parts of the United St k-a and widely througjiout Fonign i- nntrii b—ant* this iu the face of oppoaitton. Krrry means baa b*eu reeorted to by unpriucipl. and deal er* slniie their merit uud slice- sa have b ien known— nich a* HifrertMng larger bottles at leas price, censor ng all other preiiarethivs, aud even copying my aeverttoT meut*—but I am happy to state that out of the many who have resorted to Util, none have been ancceaxtul. MY OBJECT u this notice Is to moke facts known to tbs public and respectable dealers, believing, after so many year*’ ex ertions, that the Drnggteta will disc untenance auqb proceedings, and that ths reputation of my articles may not b* damaged by the nee of Inferior or spurious one*. Knowing that many may read this article who are unacquainted with me, I append a few remarks from those of my native etiy, ana whose names are know* In uli parts of the world: “Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. TANARUS, Helm bold, it affords id* pleasure lu stating I bare been moil favorably impreeeed with his energy and intceri ty, and grntlflcd at his seccees " WM. WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Power* Jfc Welghtman, Ninth Brown Street*. Phfladelphl*. (Eveelrg Bulletin, Philadelphia.] “Whc-n on a vlelt to the city of New York a few day* since. I was induced to call on onrold friend and . townsman, Mr. II.T Helmbold. Druggist 5M Broad way, N. Y. His Store U a Model—a perfect Gem-- the handßomen of any kind we havff ever had the* ple<*-ure of vie wine, w A so exteneivo, being 34 feet iront, five ftorio- iu height, aud over 200 feet deep.— it ludeed Affords ns much pieaaure to know that he hu been go tvccottfah ami It In ample evidence of the merits of his article#in our whole bueii»ees expe rience we have not known of iho aucceae of any erti cltH without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ” . iB.-iton Herald.] “We do not like to Advertise worthleaa waroe, or urMclee CAlcuUted to deceive onr reader*: and when we tee an advertiser like Mr. lielmbold, wl>om we nave known for yeaW, graduaHy extend bis adveitlQinc; irom year to year untif be bocomea the iargeat adver tiaer Iu the Called Mate*, we are eatwfled that, the statement* In regard to hla article* must be correct. The writer reSctantly inserts the above, and would not do »o were lie nut a mranger to many: and oon- • cmdea by aiatuit; the tiMinea o bis articles, and the dl-eases for which they have i»epti used by many thou< ■and* with complete aucces*. fAnVULTISKMSdiT-] Helmbold’s Extract of Buchu will cure all fflscaaes of tho Kidney, and Bladder.— Cure* Pain or Weakness' iu tho Back, Strictures, Ac.; Cure* Weak Sense, Lore of Memory, Trembling, Dimness of Yitlon. lIEIMBOLI. :, FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU l« a pore fluid evlra' t. not a weak tea or Infusion, to the on* thing nsudliil tot all complaint* Incident t« Females, her particulars scud for Clr'-ular. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU cure* Gravol and Droprical bwelUngs existing iu Men, Women, or Children; iu lari, ALL DISEASES requir ing the uid of a Diuretic. It la she gieateat Tonic and Dfnreilc known— perfactly a iV, pjcaasnt iu taetc rnd odor, and immediate In lu action. HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of tha Syrup of Decoctlun It reaches the w>»t of the dlscape Immediately, ex pelling all Homo;* of the BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Theee articles, being of «nch strength the doact* exceedingly email. From ihla lact, li is need 1 In the United States Army Hospital* and r.nbUc Sahltarv In .tltutlon* throughout the lead. 7 W Sold by al! Druggists everywhere. IV Ask for Helmbidd’s. Take noothor. W Cutout tho advertleement and send for It, and by this mean* avoid Countorielt. oct» lm THE NEW YORK NEWS. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY A_ND WEELLL THE NEW YORK WECRLY iXD SE.HI-W EEMLV MEW 9. GREAT FAMILY N HWHPAPERH. BESJAIUM WOOD E4ttsr And Proprietor Journals of Politics, Literature, Fssbiens, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ' ALL PARTb OF THE WORLD! IHPROVEHENTSJNTRODUCED IMMENSE SiICBLATIONS DETERMINED 01. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Publishsd Bveiry Wednesdar. Slagle Copto*. Five Cents One Copy, one year. $ 4 tlfr ThreeCoplo-. ona year 6 00 Five Copies, oaa ye-ir 8 IS Ten Copies, one year IT 80 —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Tea Twenty Coplea, one year. SO SO The Weekly News Is lent to Clergy mess at SI 30. BEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ * 00 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year Utk Ten Copies, oae year *• 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year ® 6 00 To Clergymen 340 NEW YORK DAILY NEWB. To Hall Subscribers .810 per annum Six Months Ftre Deflate fhr sale by all Newsdealer*. SpedaMß eoplaa of JJJILY sod WEEKLY NKWff •cut free. *’ ' Addrahi t BENJ. WOOD, Dally Row* BulMlng. v Mo. luiiaty Man Square. •guff Msw Yeib-Urv.