Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 28, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY 8. W. MASON & CO. «i!ItKL W. ***** Edlter. w , <r. THOMI'M*. AuoclaW KUltor. TaYAKSAH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. !»«• HOW lo'oBTAISi THK HERALD KKO ilahly. We often have coiapluiiit* from resident* of Savan nah »tai Hilton Head that they are not able always to obtain the Hra*t.t>- The demand is aomeUmee eo fre t as to exbanst an Edition very aoon al*er it* tame, tno those *ho wi-h to have the Hmi.t regularly, should 6ub«cribe for it. We have faithfn! carriers in Savannah and at Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular subscribers first. THE MILLEDGEVILLE CO-WEXTIO*. As far- as we have been informed of th pp ceedings of the Convention, as reported hy our attentive telegraphic correspondent at Milledgeville, it is progressing in the dis charge of its important duties both rapidly and harmoniously. On the 25tb the Convention was orgau iied by the almost unanimous election ol the Hon H. V. Johnson as President, whose high qualifications for the position give a9- cnrar.ce of harmony and despatch in the dis position of all matters that may be brought before it. On the 25th a committee of sixteen was appointed to report business for the Conven tion, which was succeeded by the reception and reading ot the Governor's Message. On the 86th the President announced the names of the committee appointed to prepare the business of the Convention, and of which the Hon. Thos. E Lloyd, of this city, is a member. This important committee, with its talented and experienc and chairman, Mr. Jenkins, of Augusta, commenced its work in earnest, and lorthwith reported a variety of measures for consideration, the most im portant of which is the ordinance repealing al* the ordinances and resolutions by which the State was dissevered from the old Union and united to the Confederacy, which was Immediately passed by the unanimous vote of the Convention. Among the interesting proceedings of the second day was a resolution introduced by Mr. Anderson, of this city, for the appoint ment of a committee to prepare a memorial to President Johnson, asking for the pardon of Mr. Davis, and other promiuent prisoners, and was passed by a large majority. We are pleased to see that the Chatham delegates are usefully prominent in the Con vention, and tha' the members generally are animated by a patriotic spirit, and a desire to act for the best interests of the State. In Monday’s issue we expect to present the proceedings of yesterday and to-day. MAXIMILIAN AM) IMMIGRATION. A late number of the Washington Chroni cle, contains an important paper issued at Chepultepec by the Emperor of Mexico, in viting immigration to that country. The great and pervading demand for labor, owing to the sparseness of the population, has in duced this call upon foreign nations for help. Like the Southern States, Mexico has a vast domain yet unsettled, and much arable land uncultivated, owing to the want of effective labor which c m only be supplied to both countries by inducements sufficient to bring about an influx of the redundant population of Europe. The Emperor’s policy seems to be to en courage immigration at all points, aud agents are to be appointed, whoso duty it shall he to receive thosl moving into the couutry and locate them on such lands as shall he designated. Each immigrant shall have de livered him “au autbeutic anJ indefeasible deed of ownersnip," together with a certifi cate freeing his property from hypothecation. The property is also to be free of imposts lor the first year, and be exempt from payment of duty on exchange. Those who desire to take with them working men, of whatever race, are authorized to do so. All immi grants, effects, of whatever kind, are to be free from Custom House duties, aud the im migrants themselves are exempted from military duty for five years, which is cer tainly au encouraging feature, considering theuusettled coudition of public affairs iu Mexico. They shall, however, form a “Sedentary” Militia for the defence of their estates aud the neighboring country. Particular regulations aro created to pro tect the “working man.” The “patron” must bind himself to feed, cloth, and care for the employer, as well as to ' remunerate him for his labor ; while the the latter must biud hitmelf to work for his patron, at least for five years, and ten years at most. Each working man is to keep a book in which are recorded a personal description of himself, his place of employment, aud a certificate of “good life and eonduct;” and this book is to be kept open for the inspection of local au thority. We agree with the , Chronicle that the term ‘'Working Man” is not cleiffiy signifi cant of the meaning of the Emperor, hut it looks to ns as very much like he had the negro in contemplation, and anticipates a strong influx of black men into his dominions. The trammels which he throws about this mysterious working man will not answer for the tjeo white men. It may be however that the scheme was prepared for those peo ple in the South, who are dissatisfied with the result of the great contest, and who have been talking of leaving _the country. If so, we hope it will not succeed. From all we can learn the projected scheme of emigra tion from the Southern States to foreign countries has been abandoned, and we re joice to know it. When hearing a higb-temed, honorable and correct business man talk about expatriating himself, we can but feel emotions of the deepest sadness, a D d we have fears that he wiilnot only injure the prospects of his native land by abandoning it, but that after having tom himself away from all the loved scenes of bis boy-hood and riper years he will forget those sacred ties and associations which make men of us all, and fall from that high sphere in whioh he moved when amongst us. The Southern States now afford the richest fields for labor, capital and Intelligence to operate In, on the face of the globe. Oer Mutual Friend—T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, will publish from advance ®heti* »u November Ulh, “Our Muiual Friend," Chailes Dickens' New Nov- W.Cumpi,,, , lld uu(lbri( , ged| wilb t „ tbe ration, to mamu the previous edition* al ' PopulM Author's Writings. We ore- SSSLSLT""*'*«•* ,M *PUon, as it is oue of bis best hooka MU. UKAHAM or XOHTB ( AHULIXA ON THE TEST OATH. Our *tte*iion has been directed by a friend to an elaborate argument by this diatiugnisli ed statesman of North Carolina, on the sub ject of the Test Oath ol 14*62. Hi* view* are presented at great length and with the marked ability always characteristic of liis public utterances. Ills argument* against the measure are bold, clear and unanswerable ; aud we regrej that our available space is too limited to pfcbUsb it in full for the lieoctit ol oar readers. He says if the provisions of flic test oath act be literally interpreted and enforeeJ, it wiU operate as a disfranchisement of tour fifth* of the voting population of North Carolina, to tbo extent of excluding them from seats in Congress, or holding auy, the least, neutral office. When consequences are so highly penal and derogatory, and me thU3 to be visited on whole oommuuiJes; when obviously the remnant excepted may not in many localities afford persons fitted for representatives in Congress, or to per form usefully official functions ; whan thou sands of individuals who never thought of canvassing for office or pretermeut, will teel themselves aggrieved in being made sub jects of exclusion, it becomes a matter of serious concern whether the policy of this set should not be abandoned by a repeal, and 1f not, whether it can bear the test of 'constitutional scrutiny. His argument upon its unconstUutienality is masterly and convincing, and he passes over a* not woitby of refutation the remarks sometimes heard, that you are under the power of the North, and must submit to whatever appears to be demanded, or jyouv uon-compl*ahce will be considered as contumacy. This U to sup pose that other motives than reason, justice, and kindness wiil sway the judgment of a majority of Cougress, in which he slid not agree. Iu the course of his remarks he ad verted to the views of Mr. Bolts, of Vir ginia, in support of the test oath, and de monstrated the fallacy ot the arguments used in his address the people of that State. The very party says that whilst far from advising auy opposition to a compliance with the necessities of our situation, or desiring to thwart the policy ot the administration in the re-establishment of our relations 1o the Federal Government on a constitutional footing, he would not have the people to act under a misapprehension in a matter of of so much importance, and voluntarily to resume their just rights, under the delusive representation that if they insist on them, they will be denied a participation in The de liberations of Congress ; and perhaps receive other wrongs for their supposed temerity. He hopes that the people of his Stale will not lose their self-possession or their sense ot dignity of the State and the constitution al rights of her citizens, by a willing acquies cence in a general proscription, such as is contemplated hy the test oath. It will be recollected that Governor Gra ham never was an extremist, but an.wdent Union man, and favored an accommodation with the United States Government at differ ent periods during tue war; and therefore what he says u]>ou the topic under e msidcr uti< n will-command the attention of every class of our people North aud South. IK GENERAL. Gen. Gartrell lias been pardoned by the President. Both the Ocmulgee and the Alabama continue too low to float the lightest draught flat-boat. Such long and continued dry weather at this season of the year has not been known lor six or seven years. The M-icon M. D.’s have been holding a meeting at which they agreed henceforth to present their bills on the very day their pa tients wete discharged. The Episcopal 'Churches In Alabama still continue closed, under to older of Gen eral Woods. j * f ' I —lion. H. V. Johnson bas assoaiateJ him self with Judge Starnes, of Augusta, in the practice of law. —lls bags of cotton were destroyed by fire ou the cars of the Alabama and Florida Railroad, at cfa, —The University of Alabama has suspend ed cxurcisos from a lack of students. —Hon. (i. A. Henry, tbo “eagle orator” of Tennessee, and late a member of the C. S. Senate, has engaged in the practice of law, ai Ppver, Tcuuqsaee. —liostoqifnl Hfe the rccc^pi^t sous hundred bases of Cotton direct from Memphis, Tenu., aud om> hundred barrels of Hour through from Chicago without change of cars. —Hon. James E. Saunders, of Lawrence, declines beiug a candidate for Governor of Alabama. —Two children of Mr. Killingsworth, re siding near Augusta, were poisoned the other day by strychnine,a dose of which was given them by mistake instead of quiuiue. —The first rebel Secretary of War, L. Pope Walker, says the Louisville Journal, has been pardoned. The third and last Mr. Scdtloo, has been pardoned. Why, then, should not the second, Jobu C. Breckinridge, tie pardoned ? —A uegro dealer iu sausages, at Norfolk, Va., was arrested not long since for not having sufficiently Cjncoalud the claw of a kitten iu.i.tie at tbetn. —W. E. Quilliau has been appointed Post master at Milledgevilie and entered upo» his duties. ‘ —A committee, qf the “United Service Society,’' - have been in Washington to obtain a recognition of the military interest in the distribution of federal patronage in New Xork. THE STATE ELECTIO-V. •(co.MMO.VTCAtnn. ■' f. ■' To the Citizens of Chuthain County : Fellow Citizens We read by the tele gram received and published yesterday; that the Slate Convention now in assembly, bus appointed the 15th day ot November pros:, for tbo elcciion of members of tbe Ueneral Assembly of the State of Georgia. Iu look >og over the antecedents of the former Legis latures, there is much to respect; but dur mgthe last ten yeais wc have had one who bus beau a faithful watchman and Guardian “I our interest, and who has looked out lor the poor as well as the rich—a sentinel who guarded our citadel with a jealous eye, and witu a desire to help assist and benefit our distressed and unfortunate city and h«r dis tressed cititens. That one is the Uon, Pump M. Uuisoll j and we cheerfully present bis ss a candidate lor rs-electlon as a Rapresentlrs Irom Chatham County, at tbe sieeUoa on the 15th November. % Vos Ctvtutt. FlSimtL AMD rOJNKKfIiL. HriMtk.. Tlx* m-ii'-ra! msiLet price since our last |sme on 1 tkc •.*l.-’ hist., tins not ou’erUUy cOauael- au wl- I v .m-xm «*m*- mr*rn~t «• (reaeral .-oH-ma.-iHna ha* t:i**‘ii place. Tit* cotton laark.-i lias l>e«u t lull, and !i:ut r\.-< nmi-pd * enii.-..!**c*t>> .Irciilie. run re- U cotton have lam-si to a tor amount, amt uii*t liolriers have withdrawn their stocks. Tiie molar tram- lias not I*cu very active. in con sequence n: the wan: of supply. A nuuilier »f ves j cj» liaf»4jflwi ImnhU ami leave utueu liurunf lit* j Tli* <li-} trotxH iii irket continue* very lirisk anil tinu at the quotation*of the past we V. Avery h-oort item and was manifested by Interior buyers, who purchase very h'jerall.v. We quote prints at 29 to pei yard, and sliming, unlleacheil, 4-i, Kii j to ::•> per y ard, bleached slilrrtuf 34 to ile per yard ; j Delatn.s 4oc par yard; ituorgi* niaiiafaciurcd goods arc advancing. We quote isms at 2-1 tos3 64)per bunch; Georgia SliifUAS* 33 t° 38c per yard; shfriiugs 14 • to $1 35 per yard. Cloths continue in demand anil prices are un changed. Casstmeres are setting at $2 to $3 per yard. Jeans Bsc to Si per yard. j -jii* money market is quire active. All specie otler ■cl is readily purchased. In stocks very little ia ! doing. Coupon* of the eity of Savannah are iu de -1 mand. Very little business is doing in time bills.— There I* a slight Inquiry for Foreign Exchange and sales are reported at rates given in our table. Cori-dx —Notwithstanding the lair receipts or cot ! ton during the past week, the transactions have been limited. This was principally caused hy tltc greater portion of the stapie placed on the market, being of an inferior quality, and holders demanding the fill! rate* of our last quotations. Purchasers declined to pay the rates of the previous week, when we quoted Strict Middlings at to, and Good Middlings at 62 cents, and demanded a concession, which holdeis generally refused to submit to In the early part of the week, hut for the past two days accepted the terms, and now a decline lias been established oy from four to six cents per pound, on last week’s quo tations. It is proper to remark, that, some holders havo withdrawn their fttoeka, and demand higher rate*. We quote now, as the selling rate of yester day, duty paid: Ordinary. Nominal I,ow Middling 50 Middling i -. 52 Strict Middling .65 Good Middling 56 COTTON STATEMENT. •J' HECptr-M SIN-C-8 OCT. 21st, 1865. Upland. Sea Island. Dom. ]ly River 6,861 33 lz* by Central RaUroldix lsfl 61 v— by wagons 570 41 Total Receipts, 7,017 135 125 J-XPOR-fS SINCE OOTOUE* 21st, 1855: VplanO, Ufa /. l)o’i\esVs. This week 2,933 75 141 Previously * 29,061 1,9*24 2,986 Total.. 32,474 1,999 3,181 STOCK ON HAND, 1365. Upland. Sea l. Dornest's. Stock, Sept. 1 3,694 94 "236 Received this week 7,61 T 135 125 Previously 28,127 1.998 2,947 Total 39,43s 3,227 3,303 Exports 32,474 1.599 3,133 Stofk on hand, Oct. 20, 1865.,,,., f 6,964 228 IT*. Sea Island.—The markets continue very light, and hut few hales of the finer qualities are placed 1 on the market. Only a lew fifties have changed hands j at prices unchanged from our last quotations. These rates wef« from 85e td,sl 25. The principal transac tions since our last, have been at 71 60 to $1 05 per pound. Avery superior quality or strict Sea Island grown, would bring a higher price. Whiskey—The market is well supplied with ail the various brands of liquors. During the week quite an active business has bfien done, and the ad vance noticed In our last has been fully maintained. We quote Gibson & Son's Whiskey—Choice old Mo ucm indicia rye, $3 b0u370 per gallon do XX, atJ3 40 ; do XXX. at $i 65 ; do Old Bourbon,' f3 30; old Nec tar, 1840, *3 90: old 1-aimiy Nectar, $4 13 ; pure old rve, $4 35 ; pure old wheat, $4 40 ; oid cabinet, s4*s ; Medar Swan gin, 46 50; isullet’s Imperial do., *5 to; Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s Cognac lira Tidy. In quar ter casks and half pipes, sll to sls per gallon. Sher ry Wines, $2 50 to $4 50 per gallon, according to quality ; Imported Champagnes, lie St. Msreesnx A Up.; Reims, S2B per case of quarts ; Due lie Moute brella, S2B per case. Wallack’s Brands as follows : Rectified $2 70 ; Imperial Nectar at $3 50. Bourbon $3 60 ; Columbus Gin at $4 03 ; M. Leavy ,v Co’ft genuine Kentucky, llourhon, hr cases, sli ; NTcuo lus Selumpps sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; Cognac bran dy S2O, Ale, per dozen, $J ; Porter, pel- doz., $.; ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey $2 70 pel- gallon ; Old Plantation Hnurbofi Whiskey $3; Ftfiler’s Old Stets 4 60tu $0; old Santa CTq/. Ruin, warranted genuine, its to to; b. H. Godard's Brandy sia per gafion; Beignette sls; Crown {sherry, per gal lon, $4; St. Martin’s Port, $4 pergallou; Ske , ban’s uolden Ale, per case of two dozen, $5 50: Porter do s"> 50; Ales lu bids sls; Cham pagne Cider per case of one doz qts $6, pts, of two dozen $o: Kentucky bourbon Whisky $1 60 per gallon : old Rye $5 pel- gallon ; Old bourbon $3 to 350 tier gallon, imported BUi-n-y $125 ; aud Port at $4 25 per gallon. Imported Champagne $25 to3o per cast*. Pure Holland Ulu Id 0 per gallon ; Cognac Brandy to $lO per gallon, by case, to 36. Kgg Nog sio per case. Rise errs.—All quulUiesof biscuits have advauced during the week. We quote Sugar at 16c.; Boston at 14e., and Soda Crackers at 13c. The do maud is very good. Raisins.— *\ further decline has been experienced in the pnc* es raisins dml!ig the week. We quote New Crop at $7 pox; $3 f*o half i»o.\, and $1 75 qafirter box. Old stock ai r l . box ; half box, and $1 50 quarter box. The slock on the market is equal to ihe demand. t ßEluhts. —Although the rivers continue nnnsually low for this season of me year, the receipts of cotton timing the week have been to a tuir amount, freight k have undergone no change, and we quote cotton to New York as follows : le. per pounu for square bales by steamships to New York ; Wool and round hales tn Cotton at IM<\ jh*v lb.: Domestics, ftO per hale : measurement goods at l.»c. per loot. A ship is tilling up lor Liverpool at H<l. To i’luladelpiuaveuUau lu.pei lb M compressed; 1.25 c. con-compressed. To boston, cotton *.<•. for com pressed. To Northern ports, tinm#f sli(ad2c. per in. Coastwise.—Cotton, irom Florida, $3 per bale.— Fijotn Tlumiasviile, ii!is. From Doetortown. sj. Fivun lfarieu, $2. From Augusta, no sijeclrti mces. to Angusia, $2 pcx hiuidit’d {ncjkiure lueat goods a» 60c. per cubit foot. t * Oils.—our market is well su plied with oils and t fie demand Is fair. o‘>n side ruble saKi are reportot to interior merchants. Wo quote Linseed at $1 *5 per gallon ; whale at $2, go ; Sperm :U $2 75: NeatK luftOL at $2 35; Lard at. $200; Kerosene, sllO ; Train at $1 75 ; Turpentine at $1 40. lliues.—in consequence of the inclement weather, the receipts were light. We notice a good demand with an improved market in consequence of tpiar atliiiie restrict ions having been raised at Northern ports. Wc quote aa f<4io\vs { ? f Green Hid os —to 4e. per lb. Dry SalUtd....i to fie. perky. Dry —to toe. perfl>. Dry Hint 10 to l/o, per io. l>»er Skins to Uo. pir Jr». Mat—During the week several cargoes have been received. Wo hoar ut sales from the wharf Os Nor tlK'in—at f 1 pel-hundred pounds. A cargo sbln at misquotation. Thereto very little Eastern on sale, Saui-j-l'lraatoek of Llvjh»*il H Very gtnsl. anti ttie heniaiiJ UHaiiteil to the retail trail" in srna'l quantities. Sales have been made at $4 a42 S per sabk. For esastsuit the inquiry j ontmuos very limit ed,. • Soaps— Tito market ts well supplied with all the various brands of snap. Durnigtlie last lortaiglu an advance of lc V* it has taken place. tVe now quote COlgates’ Ko 1, ai We : Tale, lie : and Hull’s at Sir 1 Id tt, bv the box. Fancy soaps have also experienced tile same advance. Starch— The stork on sate Is very abundant, and rates remain unqimiigivt! We quote Kingsrows at and‘Colgate's at lie 13 ifc by tlienox.' SHJNtit.Ks.—There is a very good demand for this nrtieie for home consumption. The supply contin ues limited, and we qnote cellar shingles at $7 per. M.. and spruce pine at $4 per M. The supply is not equal to the demand, and all fair aud good iota meet ready gale. Timrkr.—The receipts of Timber continue very fair, bat not sufllotgut to meet the demand. We no tice that a number of vessels are loading for North ern porta. All lots of good timber upon arrival, are quickly purchased, at slS@22 for l'auging, amt $23 aid for choice. Wont.—During the receipts Jigvc been unusually light, and all lair lots bring from 36 'to 40 cents per pound, VaßSlßtl.—The maket ts now well supplied with this article. W’e qnote bright per gallon, at $110; black do., atS.Ve. Tlteli p. p. at $5,00. per hid. Lemon's—The stock Is very light, aud no good fresh article is on sale. We quote inferior at $n a 713 box. A good quality would bring $s a 10 V box. 7.mK.~jNo uhaHge bus taken place iu l lie rales ot tins article lbr some weeks pasi. Tit* demand i C comlned tjitle retail.trada, at *i per bbl. ' . Oats.— Die demand mostly for small lots. Last week it sold in bulk at 77 \,c. From store the rate is 8i a 90c. Ltubkr—The demand continues active, but the supply Is very limited. We quote as follows ; White Tine, rough S4O; do dressed, #;><ia66 ; Spruce Pine scantling, s3,ti>:’,s ; yellow I* ue Boards, sao tft M. Yellow Fine, for the West India trade, ffio. Molasses,—We nolieo bo change In lids article. We quote New York Itcflued at jac'j* gallon, and Holden Syrup ut so a uoe., Onions.—The Mock on the maket l* good. but Uie demand for the week has been cinchy lor tint home trade at ft per Borne inferior lots have aold a <1 toper obi.—A good demand continues for Rlt iM- Sciiptimis ot 1 umle',, Wooer's lieurgm ixll.w are 111 gresi request by retail dealers, vie quote Ada mail oue at lo sag, „ je,.; Bub* .ibHtht Tuilov Ha. p Its.; linner s Ueorgli Tallow She. |t 1t,.: c. 11. (hauls' nom inal,<l •:vi,i Hue, Ntoah,. During the week the advance noticed 111 our last circular lira be,a maintained, aud holders coiilllitie flrui, ulid tiul disponed io press sales. Vi * ftp Browns IdtdHUc; H lints,, alci A KHlira !Uu; Crashed MMa'Jtc; Towdi 1. 1 e j... 1 p.,1,11,1 i ~<t II ' In, ad tale, 1,1,11,,,| lias previously heuu hill/ maintained The atovb oa sale u ample tor ah pnrpnASC and to the arrival of ese*t Meaner from pi* Xor« adftional supplies are received. A* lan index of the market, we quote good Ohio at *uiV*Ath .*) ; and uuiiiy at »il .(*#l2 C* pmopai <1» maud during the week lias 'wen lor low | er gtedcs. aud we quote them at *9<®l<) per bid- S.iine extra family have fiecu sold at sl4, aud fancy brands us high as sl4 50. Btrotf.—«tnr martrrt h*« been tnaetlre rtnring the | past week, and the sales have chiefly been confined to|fie.rcta:l trade, tlw e*nti*u#it Jow-Siale of On river lias prevented the e.mpmvut of bacon ami other articles to the mienur, in large quantities. We quote prime Sides at 24»2.ic.; Shoulder* at 22a25c., and U-*:n- at 25 1 30 c. 4m tue twtter qnslltie* the iat- I ter quotation is received. Tliere is a moilerate de mand for i-.ckl. J Meat.- without, however, any alte- I ration m pnc. s. Family big Pork is quoted at sl6 I (£*> V iialrbhl ; Peel 17‘,(445. We hear of Kales of l Siiles and Shoulders fit -22 c.—^There is a moderate supply of Bagging I on the market, suffi. ieur, however, to meet the | limited demand whiPli afprescnt exists. We quote Gunny, e ; Sea Islands, 27@2ae. I Colts.—During the week the and -mand has been on i moderate. Lite stock ponltuiu-s equal to the tie ! mand. and w» tpiotc Mai-yianfi Woite ut $1.45a1.5U, laud Prune Western at $1.40»1.45 per bushel. , QdPeek—There lias hceu no diaugc in prices asuce our last report. Tin-market contfim,-* b, is- amply supplied, and we quote Java at 40a42c ; St. Domingo at 34c : and Rio at 34aSae 7* ib. C'akbaoks—The stock 1* very light, sufficient for the demand. We quote frum s2(l to 30 V hundred, according to quality. seres—During tiie last fortnight we notice an Im portant advance in all kinds of spices, acd now we quote Crouud Pepper, 33c ; Ginger, 3iic : Cinnamon, 65c: Cloves. 45 ; Allspice. 35C ; Mace, $1 35 111. I-ifiii—Tfic market continnes to be abundantly supplied with nil kind- of sa ited fish. A small qitan tity of new mackerel have been received, and have luet With ready sale. We quote new J4o, 1, iu fibia, at $-20 ; half bhls, $10,75; Kits, $2.76; old in kits $2.25 a2Jo. , , Potatoes—The market continues to lie well sup plied, and Hum store ilis rate is $3.50*4.00 perbbl. The lituerprioe tor a superior article. Rope—Prices continue unchanged. The demand is eteadv ot the previous rates of 18 to 19c -R lb. Bbaswaa,—The supply eontmuos limited, and Southern Yellow is aelliugnt 40c. Nails.—The demand is gohd, and assorted quali ties sell at B\a9c t l . fi>. The market Ishiirly sup plieii srpEf Win. Jessce A Son’s Eugiish Cast Steel eefisiat 28c. currency. Hit l.—The stock (if Georgia and Sonth Carolina Rice on tiie market is very limited, aud tin* sates are iu small lots at retail. We quote Georgia and Caro lina at 12a14 cents per lb„ aud East ludia at loal2 cents. During the week an additional supply of East India has been received. Thin lot was of a su perior quality and has been selling at P2c. perlfi. No shipments of rice have been nude this season to anv port, TKa—During the week the market lias remained wkljoitt change, and we quote Imperial at $1 40(si2 ; Oolong al $1 2t%l GO ; and Puuctioug at *1@110; Young ltyson at $1 50@2 60 lb. Ikon and steli The demand for iron and steel continues very good, tiie demand being to till orders of country meicb.inu and farmer*. We quote Ainon csn ireirat 7c. per Hi*;Swede* loc. ; Plow-steel 121f ; Cast steel Sue. The last is firm and sales very light. Cotton and Wool Cahus.—The market Is very firm, aud with an advancing tendency. We quote cot on cards per dozen sl|; wool cards $9 per dozen. Hitter.—There has been no change in this article during the week. The market is fairly supplied, hut the demand has been only moderate. We quote Prime Western iu firkins at 60 a 63e ri fir, an i New York Goshen at 53 a 6(S cents, I.akil—l,ard has again advauced. We now quote Prime Leaf at 31 a 83c in tubs ; and Pressed at 2T a 30 cents. CRlesE.—There is a large stock on the market, hnt (ho greater poitmt} of It is of Inferior quality. We quote Prime Goshen at Jo a 2Se, the latter quo tation for the better quality. KngluiH Dairy at $4 aud Piue Apple at 30 cents, Exchange. Paying rate. Selling rate. Sterling nom. li)9@l62gold, aloft cur, Boston sight 1 per cf dig. Par to per c. New York Sight lperet. di*. do. }| do. 30 days.... ~.l to 1M " do, uo day*,......1 per of. dls. Par to % perc. Philadelphia Sight lperct. dis. do. % Baltimore Sight.. 1 per fit, tit*- do. % Specie* American. Gold 1 laving 1 4fia47 Gold selling 45a49 Silver baying 1 35a36 Silver jjpUiug , f ....... v 37a38 Financial. , 1 Latest quotations fob Uncubr*nt Money anb Securities, corrected by Henry Bryau, Broker, Ac. [Prepared expressly for the Savannah Dally Herald. OEOttOIA. Augusta Ins. and Banking C 0...,, lft Bank of Augusta 7.. .81 do Athens t—.....a 24 do Columbus ISM do Cotiinierce lb do Kultiin : ..28 do Empire Slate..,, * 16 batik of Middle Georgia.'..... j 69 do Savannah 42 do State ol i.aoigia 22 Central Railroad aud Banking Cos 85 City Bank of Augusta 22 Farmers’ and Mechanics’ - ; 14 Georgia Railroad and Banking C 0... .. , 87 Marine Bank 67 Mcehanics’ Bank • 16 Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank 16 Planters’ Bank 18 Union do 16 Timber Cutters’ V 6 SOUTH CAROLINA.. Bank of Camden 22 do Charleston 17 do Chester.. 20 do Georgetown ,i 17 da Hamburg 18 do Newberry .24 do South Carolina 17 do State of So, ca 17 Commercial Bank, Columbia .....15 Exchange do do 16 Farmers’ and Exchange ~U| Mfrchants’ Cheraw j IP pf-optes’Bank -j 42 P!;tnteis’ it ink, Fairfield 16 Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 20 S.illttl W. R. it 24 Union Bank ..6y State Bank ; IQ ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile , 6S do Montgomery 85 do Selma 22 Commercial Bank .25 Central do 28 E.istern do 45 NdrtUern do .36 Southern »lo 67 Bonds. Old Georgia C’s i . . «lo 7’a City of Savannah 65 Augusta 7©f«Ts Central Railroad, past due, 75 offered. Memphis and Charleston Railroad 50 COUPONS. Oily of SAvannah .62(^64 stocks. Central Railroad 65(^66 S<mthwesr«rn Railroad 6i^76 Atlantic and Gulf Railroad 54(5155 <>t*orgia Railroad : 60 Notes to i»e $6 and upwards. These rates will be re-< duevd 10 h> on per cent, on smaller notes. Large lot* cipnetimes sell 1 cent better. These quotations are liable to fluctuate, aud can not be relied on for auy length of time. Savannah, Oct. 28th, 1865. SAVARRAH WHOLESALE PRISES CURRENT. Article*. " ' peit Elton to Bagging,Ounny....' yd 2"@28 Sea Island vd 27<#2ii iUi.K Korn... a lb lstst* Bkvr, New York Mess —.... bbl 1 rq4l7 Prime bbl 17‘i(»tS Bacon', Hams lb liamxs ! Shoulders. .‘/.ft. J..... A.. lb 28,3,24 1 Sides •>... lb 24<43« tIaKATi, Navy lb no. Pilot i.w. lb i»c. BrTTßit.Ttoshen, Prime... ..... lb sS®j« Prime Western, Firkins—.... lb 60,^53 -CiXni Ks. Adamantin , lb 2U@*» Hull's tt.... lb 24 ,#23 c’beesk, Hosi.en. lb . ingot Kngtish Datry.; . lb 53@24 Pine App1e....—..... ; lb beg— CoPERb, SL Domitigo.... lb 34g Kio tb 24g» Java..../—, lb 40g42 COkivagr. Hemp lb iiagao Manilla , lb 30^34 DOMksric (rtstns.l bhirtmgs, yd 1 Sheetings, 8r0wn...... ytl Brown Drills yd CoUtm Osnatiurgs • • FISU. Mackerel, Nb. X, ql.llt 310 M •to. No. 1 bW 20(9 do kits 2 7cg— Fioiii.Hood Ohio bhl foatglubo Hood Family Ivlil U sug 12 *0 ordinary hbl oocgtooo OBAiN, Corn, Mary laud While tmslil 1 40,q, l 00 Prime Western..?.; niisli 1 istbgi 40 ‘h't'V bnshl stgvS) GI.ASS, Amerieau Window a— ■jOiiNi’owoitK keg —a— •Xlav, Prime Northern.,, cat voa‘J6 do. F'.astem...., J u *t -a— Hides. Dry m Deerskins Jr TOON. Swedes ton —a— I’hf ton —a— Hoop —a— Sheet _g_ Salli’ods __ Lari>; Prime Lear jb «n,i lfcased lb «ia» J.llfi:. RockTaurt t,fil *4a— LraekH, White i'ine. ruuHU mil sw»- do ITno dressed mft Jd*bA Spruce Pine Scanning mft lOiM Yellow Pine Boards ui ft Aug— MoLASsg*. New Yolk, leliuud gul toyf— (mini'll Syrup gal keg so nails lb uhmith NAVAL SVOR»s, Tar hbl —g— spun* T urpt Mine , —to~- Vandsli —(J— oil s, LlOseed g«| 1 leg— wlu.le gal 2 isstg— Sperm gal 27.1a, Neal stool ; gul |pn Urd, gal a no,*- iMtmM Ski 1 log - Train gal | Jtnm lurpeuiins gal ?«<*£- UeaIOAHNOjOILa I ft pi arils Oil. ....... ml 1 »•» Eugllic Oil. gal 1 3554 %• iLooiK-uting gal **<•— i o*N**t hu... Ftax. :. y I Pong, KoiUilv Pig olil 16 Oufc WOO I I-OKTSL. l-oo.i n. quart* Raiwns Malaga box 7 oofttl— •• v,lk'X 3 octal— I Halt, Liverpool sack 4 00.31-1 it Coast sack —*4— Boat. .unericafiTy elioa lb 1-B*l6 *aar, *ll sue* m <<*— SCI KIT- Brandy, Cognac in cases ga! 20 00®— Otard, Dupov A Cos, A4, cks., gal 11 eocids4K) Giu. tioilaiid gal 5 IM&— Whisky, rectified gal 2 75ffl— »• Dill Kentucky gal sotkac— ” iuipcna! Neel.,r gal 328<i- —• Scoau, Brmvu tb lteftll,** B. Cotree lb 21(81 — Crushed tb "23(8.24 Powdered ib -23«ii-24 Talujw lb 12*^(<4— Tomoco Teas Imperial lb 1 4U@2 00 Oolong , lb 1 -20(8(1 6J Pouching ........... .lbimkqillft Twine, Seine «» — q»— Baling ib —W— Wines, Ctanei-. case 9 ao@l2 60 Puri gal 4 UO(4ys 00 Shorn gal 2 25(fii4 so Catawba case —#B 00 Wool, Southern un washed lb Sftut’.T •* Clean lb 4o«ti4‘2 Augusta Market. [Front J. O. Mathewson’s Report.) Augusta, Oct. 25,1865.—Business is generally brisk. Cotton—Has been up largely. We made sales of fine at 53c. It lias since receded nuiler a scarcity of money, with a decline in New York, aud to-day is otiered freely a: 4fte for Middling, 45c for good Mid dling, with few buyers. Sales from Wagons at 4lc. Cotton Goods—Advanced 4-4 Sheetings, SBe; 7-8 Shilling* 28c; temahuigs 23a30c; Yarns, assorted $3.66. Gram—New Corn comes in slowly and lias sold at $1.40. Flour—ls quiet at $13.50*14.50 for Super; Extras $15a16. Bacon—The supply in market is very small. Should ers mostly closed at 30c. No Sides 111 market; they would bring, B. B. 82c; Clear 83*34c; 8. C. Bagged Hams 84*367. Lard—Entirely out. The small parcels here have Changed hands at 42%c. Liquor*—Are more m demand, chipfly for common Whiskey at $2.75*3,25. Bagging—(Juite scarce, sales of Gnnnv at 40a45c. Rope—Gieenleaf 20ai2c; Manilla 35a37e. Sugars— Light Stock anil fair demand. Common brown 20a2Sc; “C” ?sc; Crushed 2-te Molasses—ln demand. Cofiee—Rio S6a3sc. Candles—3sc. Butter—Quite scarce at 45a70c according to quality. Cheese—ln good demand. Western Reserve-28a 30c. English Dairy 32»35c. Mackerel—Kits No. I $4.50, No. 2, $4.25; half barrels No, 2, sl6; barrels s*2su3o. Soap—lßc. Starch—lßc. Soda—2oe. Rica—l7alßc. Salt—Liverpool in demand at slßal2. Nalls-12a16c. Money—la tight. Gold has been scarce and sold up to lt)6. Under more liberal receipts we quote to day 150. Good enquiry tor bank bills. Freights—Our river has Aieen up, but is to-day quite low, but weather proinXiiug rain. On steamers ‘Jo per pound. JEW AIIVEKTI6EiUK.Yt'B. Savannah Typographical Union. A Regular Monthly Meeting of this Union will be held THIS EVENING, 29th inst, at their rooms, at IX o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual, as business of importance will be before the meeting. By order, H. J. MIDDLETON, President. W. G. Puss, Secretary. NOTICE. “ Savannah, Oct. 27, 186T>. The Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for the Port of Savannah, the Board assembled this day amTelected THOS. HOLCOMBE, Chairman, and x THOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the uadersigued, at the Exchange. THOS. J BULLOCH, oct2B-3aw4w Clerk. ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. AVGUSTA MtMHINTS' LINE. Lightest Draught Boats o*l the Kiver. MAKING REGULAR TRIPS AT TIIE LOWEST STAGE OF WATER. ALL GOODS CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FORWARDED WITH OUT DELAY. AT CURRENT RATES OF FREIGHT. Thv new A No. 1 Light Draught Augnita built Steamers R . H. MAY AND U^IONy Leave Augusta and Savannah regularly every week. A* these Boats were built for the Savannah River, hliipper* may rely upon having their Goods go through without delay, nt the very lowest stage of the river and at low rates. Merchant* anil Shippers will have their Goods con signed to F. M. MYRELL, Agent Steamer Union, or J. M. KINCIILEY, Agent Steamer K. U. May. Savannah, da., or O. T. JACKSON A CO., Agent* Steamer R. H. May, CHUKCUILL & JOHNSTON, Agents Steamer Union, OCt-23-tf Augusta, Ga. Reliable SouthoriL liiHurnnoc. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. , i — 4"N?j ’ ’ 1 CAPITAIj, a- $560,000 | ’■ ... > : yu" | .j The uuderaigned begn lcav.e to inform th« insuring public that he lia« been legally appointed Agent for the Above named Company, and is ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYKRH, Agent, Office at Octavu- Cohen, 84 Bay street. Reference*—Octavos Cohen, Huuter A Gammell, Erwin A Hardee. Cm octet* TO Xi K N T . I.ARUE AND HANDSOMELY Furnished Rooms To Let, AT EAST COR. OF MICE ARD BT. JULIAN STS. Buckwheat Flour, JUBT KBCMVBD and Tor sale by STUAItT « CO., 0 ulcers, oet23-3 Corner Bull and Broughton etreete. BOARDING. BOAKDI.SU and Lodging can lw oblatucd by ap. plying at the (list tin ve-at„ry brick hull,ling ~u btste ttrei t, ucurvst to Whitaker. ts uctSS Paper and Rag Warehouse Wan en & Platner, W«MPALSd#*kr.l* m kinds of ooanu. and Vi *! 1 •‘»*' , lu i*n t«in«e end Pefur Hmm Sc* .Vi*** lu 4“" ,0 ' ‘Os He'll Papsr Mill. rhs.hlAett rash jwiers paid |,„ Hags. Old Mops *“ U U ‘"d" M • Mg Bay Mreet, Havauuak, U* MncifAt. mnwma. lATCHZIIOA'S HAH. DTE I The Original and Bert tn«be World 1 The only tru* and perfect HsirVtye. Harmless. Reliable and 1 netan tanuoua. Produce* iinniediate.y a splendid Black or nataral brown, without injanwg the u*tr or skin. Remedies the ill effect* of bad dye*. Sold by all Drug gists. The geeuioe is signed Wibbuu A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLBURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. s»l4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nr.w Yoe*. A PHYMULOOICAfi View of MAKHIAUE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state (if Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Emu*, It* Deplorable Consequences upon the mind aud Body, witli the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report ol' cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubt* of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamp.* or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may he consulted upon any of the dis eaacs upon which hi* book treat* either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO . cm MAIiRUGK ANli CELIBACY. An Kssay of Warning ami Instruction for Young men, just published by the Howard Association* iuid sent in sealed letter envelope* free of charge. Address Dr. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Aeaociation, Philadelphia, Pa. n<# octl2-3m ■ s»v • j- .;*i>» i.- .. , J■. . • S. T.— lß6o —X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters* They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the miud. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent ibvere. They purify the breath aud acidity of the stomach. They care Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhiea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headuche. They are the best Bitler* in the world. They make the weak strong, an* are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are made of pure SL Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya JBark, roots and herb*, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle sUmnlaul Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels andSaloons. Only gen uine when Cork is covered by our private U. 8. Stamp. Beware of counterfeit* and refilled bottle*. V. H DRAKE A CO., oct2B-codly 21 Park Row, Net, York. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight 1 TheladlcV treasure ami gentle men’s boon l The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, &c. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of parspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c. It cures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Maguolia Water once aud you will use no other Cologne, Perfamery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAMAS BARNLS A CO, oct2t-oodly Props, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience aud a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into lacts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following—although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements ; “Naw BedFobo, Mass., Nov. ‘24, 1803, Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and luinds, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medicines tailed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small win*-gl*ssful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, iu a few days 1 was astonished to tiud the coldness and crumps horl entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I have not done for years. I feel hue another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by tno use of the Plantation Bitters. KespecUully, Judith Russej..” Rkkdsbi'CY, Wis., Sept. 16, 1863. * •• * I have been iu the army hospitals for tour teen months—speechle-ss and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me it bottle of Plantation Bitter*. * * Three hollies restored my speecn and cured me. * * C. A. Pjlau IK.” The following Is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: “Haveuetek Mansion, r>Tlh St, > Now York* August 2,1863. j Dr. I)bake Your wouderlul Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl iu particular, with pains ui her head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, bus been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoonlul ot Bitters a day. Uer appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, Mrs. O. M. Devoe." “* * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. *W. XI. Waguonkb,, N. Y. 1 » • * Thoa wilt send me two bottles more of tliy Plantation Bitters. My wile has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend. As* Ccp.kin, ,: Philadelphia, Pa." •“ * * I have been u grcal sufferer front Dyspep sia. aud had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tatiou Bitters have Cured me. Kev, J. S. Cathobn, Hocjxester, N. Y." “• * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the moat as tonishing effect. 0. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O." “• • • The Piautatmu Bitters have cured me of Liver Complamt, of wulcb I was laid up prostrate, and had to shannon my business. H. B. Kinosmsy, Cleveland, Ohio." “* • * The Plantation Bitters have cared me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs that Iras distressed me for yeuis. It acts like u cl,arm. C. 0. Moobk, Ne. 264 Broadway.." Ac.; 4c., *c„ Ac., *c. The l’lantatiqn Bitters make the strong, tho languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are composed of tbe celebrated C'alisaya Bark, Wmtergrceu, Baasigros, Root*, Herba, *c., ah preserved in perfectly pure SL Croix Hum. S. T.-MMMk-*. Persona of atdeulary habita, troubled with weak nese, laesitude, palpitation of the beait, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, toridd llm. conatlpaUon, 4c., deserve to suffer If they *l|l not 7ry them. They Rre recotamOßde,! by the highest medical au thorities, and are warmuted to produc* an immediate beneficial effect. They ale sxcsedlngly agreeable, perfectly pure, and barinkies. N.moa—Any person preb ndlog to tell Plantation Biller* in bn Ik or by the gallon is a awlndler slid Im postor. It la put up only lu bur log cabin bottle. He Wars of bottles rehllad with luiitstlgll deleter!, ,u« stuff, for wbkJi several peremie are already In prison. Heo that .very bottle bus our Failed males sump over ihe ra,rb onmulileted, and our llgaalure oil st«ul-pl*W aide label. Hold br re. peel able dealrra Ikroughoul tb* habitable world. P N HNAKC * 00,, ueMH-Mn M Mroadway, N Y AMt’fttUEvrs. Nava nn ah Th i-atrc. ■ATUHIIAV k¥kaisG. oc T . Zi, The Foj.ular (Joined(Tot PAL T L PHY And Hie Go-at Dram* of the Wick of the Woods: OK. TIUC JIB if KN AIN ()8 AY ’ MoLaajr—-Green Bushes: or, 10. Year* ago. WASTED. iSFWiiOTrwiiEr \fY Hnshan.l, James 8. Ashmore, Cos. H, 2cth o. r*A Ktgimet'L Jackson-, Brigade, Bate-* Division wasleftaickat a private house, between MuiL-ees horo’ and Nashville, r.bont the 10th of Deeerobe? 1864 s nee which time I have tret he»rd fre£r, n ' A “, v inlonuation ounce ruin- and James 8. A»lun re Tn 1 ! O- thankfully received by hi* fondly r.nd foetid*, and especially a distressed i orapanion. Address. EMMA 8. ASHMORE. . Care of Joseph Lippman, ou!! ‘'* Savshtiah, Gn WANTED. Offices for Rent, APPLY TO Stoddard Bros., _ ***** l 2 * Bay streefi opp. Mariners’ Church. Wanted Immediately. A FIRST Class Baer Bren er, to go a short distance a months cuy. To a competent man good wages will be given. Apply to T. J. DUNBAR & CO. 147 Bay street JGeo wiah to purenase a quantity of Malt and Hops. anted., \ COMPETENT colored Servant to do House-work XI. Tor a small family. Apply to the undersigned, SO-6 A L S * HAUTRIDGE, Jones at.. oct24-tf tietwoen Bull and Whitaker sts. Consignees Wanted T7OR KH. a—36 bids Flonr -Ar 2ft half bids Flour 9 bbls Crackers (i 6 bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs „ G & IV—ls 10 tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses _ oci’-’J BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO Wanted, djOG A MONTH ] Agents wanted wanted for si* ftp wV entirely nao articU-i, Just ont. Address O. T. GAHEY, City Building, Biddelord, Maine. seplft dJtw3m Wanted, df O \ A DAY 1 Agents wanted to sell anew mid 'P-d wonderful SEWING .MACHINE, the only cheap qne licensed. Address SHAW & CLARE. Bid delord. Maine. sepl4-dftw3in Wanted Immediately, FOR CABIL all the Rage, Old Bagging, and Wast Paper in the city. WARREN * PLATNER, «ept!B ts 210 Bay-st. W agon Freight WANTED For Macon, MUfiedgevUle, Albany, Americas, or Hnwkinivillc, Apply to GEO. O FREEMAN Octß ts Wanted FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS, MECHNIC BANK OP AUGUSTA AND Eastern Bank of Alabama. E. % METCALFE * CO. oct3-tf FOR SALt A TO HUNT. FOR SALE. ACOMPORTAE T.E Brick Tenement, of six rooms, with servants.‘corns and stables attached, situa ted in an unexcepti onahle locality near the busiut»» part of the city Th e kitchen is provided with an ex cel lent range and tb e rooms furnished with hot and cold water, and gas will be furnished. There is also a hydrant in the yard. Poeaession given Ist November. Any person desirous of purchasing this property will do well to cul’ at onoe on oetVSlw HENRY BRYAN. FOR SALE. Fiß Simple Lot and Improvameuts, corner Mont gomery and South Br ad streute. Improvements are p three and a half story brick hoiisf. upon a handsome bascaient—having an aggre gate of 16 rooms, room, pantry, modi closet and coal cellar. Outbuilt ling ot brick, contain ing kitchen, wash room, water closet, stable and two nice servants'rooms. Wash rc.omhas every modern convenience and kitchen has a ounce. Handsome fix tures for u library in one room. Has a small garden attached. Terms liberal. Apply to ; oct23 lw HENRY BRYAN. __ House for Sale. A SPLENDID brick Dwelling Honse, No, 6 Qordoa Block. XVrssessioD given ou Nov. let. The bouse is well arranged, and is provided with water and gas and all the modern improvements. Apply to oct23 fi XL HAYM, 174 Brough ton street. Horses for Sale. TWO good dnsft HORSES, sound »nd in fine con dition, with Harnesses and one or more \Vagonß, li desired. Address W. H. COHEN, octl6 Pufcl»ki Houee or Herald Office. Store to Let, AT H(LTON HEAD, S. C. The light and ooanmodioas Store, corner Merchants' How and Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited tiua. Term* easy. Address W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, .. ocUS ts Lock Box E. Hillon Head. 8. C. -! ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The “Palmetto Herald Building," having been newly fitted up, now offer large and airy Rooms suitable for Seeping Apart»iootsor JJusineee purposes. Forteim 3 address ' , W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octfß ts Lock Pox B, Hilton Rend, S L C 1 _ Stoves, &c. COOKING AND Heating Stoves, XXoiand Pots, Ovens, HollowWarej&c. Whitaker above rough ton Sts* J. G.|THOMPSON & CO., octl6-2aw2m > French MllMonn and Barr Block* ROGER, FILIS A CO., rffgtabllahed iaot.J TJHOPIIIBTOPM of tbe largest and rrnrat celebrate 1 I quarries, la ffertc Tou* Jouarel, Pram" Pearl street, New Y„,k. _ . ... .. u lu tbe expw utiua <q a Urge trad* w lb *..P. 4l'<> have juat rawiv'id ot 3SSR3Sttm«Br;:“* ■with »•••"