Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 28, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. SATURDAY. OCTOHKU 4». lIM V fade* flower, *loc» of hair, A tittle ring, a small white glove, A portrait oa a maiden fair; Some crumpled notes, "Al'kiha Lkjoh,*’ With pencil marks ami Inseritied name. A favorite song oft sung to me ; A ribbon blue, with golden clasp ; A scarlet hood, with faint perfume ; A waist belt small, with broken hasp. What foolish things are those to keep ; So very small, so worthless, too— What folly over them to weep ! The laded dower, the small while glove. Tile tittle ling, the lHjrtrait fair, Are relies ofa long lost love ; And whispering soft and whispering low, A storv or a little grave. They cause these bitter tears to flow LETTKH KUDM NEW IOKK. Uttv Yowk, Oct. 20, MWfi. fu the Editors o/the Savannah Daily Herald Although the peculiar linumstdncex under which 1 agreed to write you, would almost absolve me from the performance of my promise, and justify me in forgetting it, 1 find my conscience will not let me off; so 1 devote the first spare moment since my return home,to iuditing you a tew hasty paragraphs. And first, let me say a word about my voyage. I have had some little experience ol the sea, having crossed the Atlantic twice, and braved the proverbially vexed Mediterranean in mid winter, but I must confess 1 never knew until now, what going to sea meant. The first twenty hours out of Savannah, was all that the must timid spoil or sensitive stomach could wish lor, but Fiiday noon it commenced blow ing hard and by nightfall the wind %ad risen to a gale, and the sea was running mountaius high, to use a well worn hut very truthiul simile, lhe gale, accompanied by heavy showers ol rain at intervals,, lasted for lull three days with out abatement, during which period tve were rolling and tossing about in the liveliest manner imaginable, smashing up the furni ture and crockery, spilling the good things the “doctor" had been so much pains to pre pare for our comfort, and damaging persons and things generally. But the Into passed the ordeal splendidly, and has tully estab lished for herself the reputation of a sate, good and staunch sea boat, as well as the fastest one plying between the two cities.— After my experience of her good qualities, 1 cannot recommend the Leo too highly to the traveling public, who will find in her all that can be asked for in a ship. Capt. Merrill is not only a thorough and experienced sail or, hut an urbane, polite aud accomplished gentleman. His attentions to the wants of his sea-sick passengers on this voyage were unremittiflg- Every moment that could be spared from his duties on deck was devoted to promoting their comfort. How and when he slept—it he did sleep—l kou’t know, for he appeared to he übiquitous, and always just where he was wanted. I felt like part ing with an old friend when 1 shook his hand at leaving. The great topic of discussion here at this moment is the act of President Johnson, which has opened the prison doors of Mr. Alexander H. Stephens aud his associates io the government of the late Confederacy, im prisoned with him at Port Warren. This act of magnanimity meets with almost uni versal commendation. None but a few radi cals with hearts moulded alter the pattern of the Jacobins of the worst period of the French revolution breathe a word against it, and -the opposition of these men, to a mea sure, is the best evidence of its wisdom and justice. The people hail it as the longest stride the President has yet made towards the accomplishment of Iho complete aud lasting fe-uuiou of the two sections, and they will uphold hint, let the little faction of his opponents howl aud rant as they may. The curiosity to see the distinguished strangers was intense, aud the Astor House was thronged with eager callers all the while they remained in town. It must have been most gratifying to Mr. Stephens to find that the warmth of old friendships had not died out, and tlial the same hands were stretched out to him now iu brotherly atfeciion that he used to grasp years ago. These inter views between him and his old friends can only result in good to both him aud them, and the country at large. The convention of the Fenian brotherhood now in session in Philapelplfia, is attracting a good deal of attention, although their Uu' liberations being strictly secret, but little ot their doings are known. VVild and chimerical as must at first sight appear the idea of a suc cessful rising of the Irish people, the prepara tions made for it must be on a much grander scale than any of the uninitiated have sup posed in order to inspire the tone oE confi dence in which it is talked of here. If the movement is of the magnitude its friends claim for it, it may well inspire uneasiness and alarm in the English Government. Business continues brisk, and our mer chants have no cause to complain. The only branch that appears to languish is thut of stocks. The public are timid about specu lating and the transactions are confined al most exclusively to the brokers. Every stock in the market is inflated beyond its actual value, and a fall, sooner or later is certain. Tbe wise see this and hold them selves aloof. Winter bids fair to be on us early tins sea son. It has been so cold for the past fort night that most of the time uu overcoat has been indispensable mornings ami evenings, and often is not a burdeu through, the day. 1 cannot think of the next four mouths with out a shiver or without envying you, with whom the word winter meaua jdile else than a certain portion of a year, instead ot beium as with us, a synonyme for all that is disa greeable aud uupleasaul- \V. The Legislature. —Mr. Grice, in a com muuication to the Griffin Uuion, urges a re duction of the number of members in the Legislature. His proposition is: Lay off the State into 21 Senatorial Districts, as near in point of population as the case will admit of, without a division of any county. In each of these districts elect one Senator. Divide these senators into three classes, one of which to go out of office every year those elected at the first election t<7 determine hv lot to which class they shall belougTd Z a l subsequent elections, a Senator “o £ elected for a term oi three years Nn to be eligible to a seat iu the under 30 years of age, and without post ing the other qualifications defined i S constitution, tn each Senatorial distfiln these elections totehSw imnually! B A Cow that has sken Service— m ti agricultural fair at Charlestown, a cow, decorated with blue and red was the observed of all observers she T captured from the rebels by Sherman’s armv aear Corinth, Miss., in the summer of ißC'< aad has accompanied the army in all iu marches, countermarches, raids and expedi tious from that time up to the Anal disband ment of tbe army at Washington She is tbe property of Gen. Clark, of New York who, expecting to go on duty at New Or leans, had this noted cow sent westward J.,“ * V ' LW hiking her to his uew field of n? * V 145 General being ordered baek uml ' ?7’ the cow W,U bo seul thither iD ,V“' * ru Kl Central l‘ark This all her journeys through Missis- **»«* North Virginia period of three auC CuMt ' d 'iL “ iv ‘ ! “Wc. »vcr -385 KU .* Which site still wests her, <sisr t*l“ly auoblu auiniai, aud n» jj^suowii. A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H. There are an many roads !o fame and fortune as i there were gateways to ancient Tliebus. Youi am bitious warrior in for currying lib waj * ,!il sabre f rotor at*(tiring politician lor scheming Hfci way by iuirigue and consummate art. But there ie "tie grand broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It I* the path set apart lor the march of latent, energy, and noble purpose and though lull of obstacles, it contain* none that a brave man cannot surmount. This f*<* l «* n exempted In Innumerable instance*, but hi few iht-re forcibly than iu the rise and progress of l>K. HIKJFI.ANIFs LEHMAN BIITEKA Kor over tilteeu years its. our*, bur been onward and upward, scattering blessings at every btep, until it now eta mis on the topmost lotiuds of the ladder of fame. «tb the gbea! 1 TON IV. o Hoofland’s German Bitters Is a positive) remedy for dyspepsia, ... AMI Diseases Resulting tiom OISOftDER OF THE LIVES » » DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Ami fa the only certain and eale RESTOBER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By tlio uso of thla Bitters Weakened and Debilitated Frames lie eome Renewed with all the Vigor of Health. Impaired constitutions arc rebuilt, and the patient inn short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust for Food. Fullness or Weight in the stomach. Soar Eructations. Sink in&or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried aud Difficult Breath ing, FlutU ring at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lyiug Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever ami Dull Pain iu the Head, Defi ciency of Tempi atiou, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain iu tile Side, Back. Chest, Limbs Ac., Sudden Flushes of Ilcat, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Kvii, and great Depression of Spirits. Remember i hat these Bitters coiitafu no Hum or Whiskey. An<l can’t make Drunkaids Ih not a Bar Koom Drink, But a Highly C'oueeuUatod Vegetable Extract* Fh*e from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drug* ' It t ftiiuot ini*i(iiou«ity introduce the viee of B» vuufoM iuto flic boßoui Ot your iamiliea- to ytm* wife, your chlhtreu, or yonr fticiids. L soiimsne Or others, whose systems have become Mil pat red tty hardahips or disease, wld find iu this Bitters a tome thill will restore them to .all their lull vigor. A 'riieso Bitters have perlormed more cures I Given Better Satisfaction t Have mere Testimony t Have more respectable people to rough for them 1 Thau any oilier article ill the Market We defy any one lo contradict this assertion, AND WILL FAY $1,96i» To any one that will produce a Cam lint to published by ns that is not GENUINE. N HEAD who SAYS so. FROM TUB HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January 1, I Mil. Guntle'nenHaving stated it vaertwlly to you, I liavu no hesitation lu writing the (tact. Unit 1 experi enced marked beuelt Trum par Il ooftanil's German Mil b ra. During a lung and tsillu us session of-Alon gres*. pressing and onerous duties nearly pjwt rated tne. A kind Irieud suggested the use of the prepaia tion I have named. 1 look Ids advice, and the result Was improvement of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtained. Others may he similarly if they desire to he, Truly yonr Irieud, THOM \S B. FLORENCE D From Rev. W. D. Soigfriod, Factor of Twelfth Baptist Church. Philadelphia, Dece* ib«r *26, IMJB. M ke°kh. Jiinf.r A Evans, t .entlt-men 1 have recently been Laboring under the uisUeaauig * tb-cts of imiigrplioii, ha coiup»me<i by a prostration of ihe nervous sjntem. N u men. us rjin edits jrfent rvtxmuueudet! by n minis ami nook- of them tested, but Without relief. Your lloofllHiid** Qeriitsii Billet o were recommended by peisous who haii trie*! them, aud whose favorable mention of the Hitler* in duced m«' also to try them. 1 must confess that 1 iiud au aversion to patent medicines, trora uue “thousand ami out*” quack “Bitters," wliose only aim seems to oe to palm unsweetened aud drugged tiqaoi upon the community, in a sly way; and the teudencyuf which, 1 fear, m to make many a coil firmed drunkard, i-pon icarnuig that yours was really a medicitial preparation. ltook it with happy effect, its action vv ** uot only upon the stomach, but upon the ju?r --v«»uB prompt and gratifying. 1 feel that 1 ueitved great ana permsuenl UMiellt iroin the u * ! ol a t cW buttliß. Very respectfully your» W. H. HkIUIRKIB, No. ‘264 bhackauutxon oireut, LEW ARE OF COUNTERFEITS. s-« 1 b»r the- slgnutur. of •U. M. JACKSON" is un the Vi "appn ~f usd, IsAtk L'IUNeiFAL OFFICE A MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS. MHJCEMOHH TO 0. M. JACMM *«oi „ r “' Lmggtsh. and Dstlun ,Sm,, lu I MW UHWI »l. octu WAM NUCELUXRorf). XlllilT. Bocks tor §ob*mp<too 10 the Capital Stock ol Ihr National Kspna* < inpauy ar* u. wopu a*. llie office ol the under*lulled. U BRIGHAM, One of the C«*miiib»u>Men ucti: - tw for the State of Georgia. Warren's (Vleliratiil Nisnlles aud Fisk Hooks. A.NDHEW CIiUHK Sc CO., 48 MAIDKN LANK. NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS till MIPtHtfKRH. OCR former tu-b'iueia will find a r«*d»u tb>u io gold prices of rb< Needles, while the tjualtty b always kepi up to the Uighofai standard known to Ktoglfch manufacturers. A. c. .v Go., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relation* so king and favorably esteemed by ihetr hotipe. an‘2s-Mm 10STA 15I.ISHKD ISOO. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soa}>s, tSbc., No. 211 Washiiigton-St., «ep}» NEW YORK. 3m WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron steamboats Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery lor Saw Mills, ttc. Having had long experience in miMneSH and fieing pioviih-d with very extensive facilities lor doing work of this class, are ju epared to execute orders with despatch, oc ll 2 Tui LINVILLE & GLEASON. u:r r Jo il/yu ojrm SLA. V JkN JN AGEKTTS POn MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlanflt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Slug or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LACi SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuckles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, Sea. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES^ LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS' STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HKMI', AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, *O.: ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, &o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. septs ts PK bLMI UM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triimiph In Mi’chntih-nl Science. MANDFAfTl’IiEDtiUiicr two distinct fMtsnde, of entirely “orignal onsti notion : M does not infringe ou any other machine. This extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical ingenuity works upon' a Table, uses the straight Needle, makes the iweftd Han.l Stitch, al the rale of 10 Stitches to each evolution of tin wheel, will Tuck, Shirr, Crimp, Bern, Knfitc. &<•, with wonderful sp< ed, accinaey and neatness, will sew with Double ami Single 'nin ml of 1 wil kinds, is sQoug. aud can not get out of oidert «dd has received (lie full approval of the principal journals and all who hare u>ed tie im I § Cf 'l'his maehiuc works like a cjiai m aud sews neat and rapid, lively laUiilv IftJunes uMs."—*V, l\ HafUt. *‘Kor the Bn*ssmakor it is in* aluabl.-. for the House hold it supplies and Yiichllt place.*’ -UtWPlhf Laities' hook. -It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and in so easily understood that a child can use iL n —A. O. Lk‘ila. Single machines sent to any pari of the country per express, packed in box with printed instructions oil receipt oi the price—si(V Sale AleliVtTy guaranteed. Agents wuuted every where. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent free. AU orders must be addressed to Ten Dollar Moc-lilne Company, ad, 3H and 40 Ann Street, NEW YORK octlT 3m Notice to Lumbermen. THKundersifljipd are prepared to receive Constfu-, oi any quantify of quality, lor »;*!« in this market or lor shipment North, Cash advances nude wlieu required. Our facilities for procuring suitable vessels tor shipments are un bounded. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH TAN HOB ft. HOI.VOK K A Ml T HII.\Y. A pouts in Nw» York, Mews. Holyoke A Murray. 47 South street. ts octlC THE STEAM PLOUB ' MILL TO RENTT. large Mill, adapted to Flour, Meal and Grits. will he rented to an approved tenant tor ouu or more years. Also, The land, cast or th • MJIt, down to ones’ Canal well adapted to Gardening, Grass, dfcc Also, I The Race Track, two miles from the cltr, on tbe ! Auaastu Road, Including the Goodal land. Also, A tract of land on tits siaith side of tin.’ same road opposite to the Race Track For terms apply to U* B Lamar or Georgeß. Owens, Karps. <’ a. Lamar, Adnilnislratrli of t. A. L. Lamar’s Eslule. ••p' ll vawlm GUNNY BAGGING: For ssitle, |,jr ku N. A. HARDEE A CO. COMMISSION NKKrHAWTM, Jke. G.B.&G.W. LAMAR Geatrai Cimissioi Kerctauls. FORWARDING AMU SHIPPING AGENTS. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE Under-igned have thi* day farmed aCo parfa net-ship under the name aud style of G. B. ana G. Vi Lunar, for the transaction of a General Oora miwii. .11, Fnrwanlist; and .shipping Bfl.taesa and otter their .ervicea lo their friend, and dm pohlic. Office iu Jones - Buildings, Bay Street, few doors East of ulaghorn A Cunningham. (up stairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson. Esq. Savanuah; John C. Ferrill, Bsq , Savannah : 6 B. Lamar, Esq. Sa vannah ; Win. K. Jackson. E»q.. President Auguata Ka< u,ry ; Messrs. Jutiab SiUey A Sous,Aun’oala; J. B. *■ J W. Walker, August a 0. B LAMAR. la *ep3o- 1 m G. W. LAMAR Ja. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, hKXEH A L COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, UA. Harris* Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs*. Hauler <fc Gammell, CriDA. John son A Uruybill : Dell. Wvlly & Christum ; BothweH A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos.; M A. Cohen, Biq aop29-tf TOBIAS HENDRICKS & CO., Comm isatsion Mervhantti, 5 -V w Yor k. OCTAVUS COHEN will make liberal advances on any eoneigi,meets made to the above house. oct2C 1 m Wm. H. TiaoM. Wv W. Gordon. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FOBWARDINfi MERCHANTS, INO. 90 BAY STREET, Savaksah, GkOEOIA.j Special attention wilt be given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Tarpeiitiue, 4., «H‘t24-3in J>. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. 11. H. BiLPwiit.Y « y J.F CiMJiisoi,/ New 'ork _oct4 :;m } Savannah. A. S. Ilartiidge, - * ' COMMISSION AND FORWARDING ME&CBAVT, * 112 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, " GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, W ines and Liquors, 171 BBPA9 STREK r A', AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. j Strict attention will be given to an business en trusted to tiiem, and prompt returns made at the nn >st re ison able rat es. ri*p4-3m JOHN L. VILLA LONG A, COTTON FACTOR, POKWAKUING A\l> C OMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 1_)-1 I3ay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlO 6m C. H. BENEDICT fit CO., No. Mi Uioiul Nfretf, New Vmk, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, • l Dt;alci4 in I*rnvisions, Butter, Cheese, &Ce Special atteutfow to Sonth«>ru Order* Cuiisigmiieiitß on General Merchandise solicited. octlT 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNRIti :BEiTNSTT & BOWMAN, Successor to Hotchkisa, Pennor <& Bunnett.' COMMISSION MERCHANTS* No. 40 Vwey Strhet, i«rw York. And Memphis, Thomas Fenner, Urnry Bttnnktt, %D. \V. Bowman Jyd om FUAS. Jr. COLBY A CO., Slupping Cmil litis.inn anil . Forwarding HI E It < II A It T S . , JON*B BUM*, UOKNHU KAV AND AaVKOOkt. eTRSWr SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments p the firm of Cuab. h Coluy. pf New York, or to our friends iu Boitim. **■'***■’ MAUDE A W EIGHT, Ageute at Augueta. Ga. Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Co', Now York J ariva Slade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18— tt Woodward, Baldwin A €o., 110 Iluaae Street, New York, Dana 11 Hanover B*., Baltimore. DRY GUUDd COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consfguments, SheutiDgs, Osnaburgs and Yarns. jyis bRYAN, Bryan Street, «kxt to Mkbouants' ani> Planters* Bank lirnmiie, Broker and Commission Agent for sale and fukchask of STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, Ac., ~ Aud for Forwarding Cotton, fttflfi '. :tmo jiiiiv i smls I io., Fonvai tliiiff and Coin mission merchan ts. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN.. Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND L> SAAIMIS’ BLOCK, Buy Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. HAMMIS. ■>. o. 6AMMIB. DBAS. U MATUEB ttUll . ts A. T. CUNNINi.IIAV. D U. FURSK. CUNNINGHAM & PURHE, fj'ACTOIIS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION A M KItdIANTS. No. 4 Stoddard'* Lower*. Bay street, SavannAh. Ga. lh’l'erences -HoUL Hab-isham A Pons. II mi tor St tlunimeli, Octavus Coheu, Brigham, Baldwlu A Cos., Erw In A Hardee, Claghom A t’unntughuni. sepl ihu J. SHAFFER, / OomxulMlon Coaler In ktt Winds of FOIUCIUN AND DOME-TIC KHtIITH ani.I'HODIM*. Wmv WssuiNUTiii) Masker, Opposite 144 W«»t et.Jlulkhsad Intween Rno lsy end '• Vusvy Ms., new York Futstoi s, Apples and onions i unsuntly on hand, kail put up lor llie Motilherii market all cousigmui uG pmuiptly stteuked to. wSCOTs-Aif 1^’4 »• 4 1 COMIMIOR HMCHUm. _ J. T. THOMAS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 13 7 liny St reet. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Tafceu at as Low Rates as are accepted by any good Company. octll-lui SOIJT'Ff EH NT COTTON WAREHOUSE, COKNEH OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to oar facilities for the purchase l>f movement of Southern l>d|Ctl, and Wil| give prompt attention to all busi ness entru>icd to our onv. liitviulrng to establish iMirinaiienlly a Housa in Havannah. expect by strict business pnpuipics to merit and receive :i portion of tbe'rr«l£ Having a conuno<lions Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive *>u consigiouent to our friends i» New York or Europe, uud will make ad vances on same; picking, ie baling or mending all Cotlou before slipping, thereby swing the cnvrmoqa expense incurred in N()rtberißCities by ttiis prt»ceMs.— They solicit a portion of thebusiuesa of the people of Georgia aud of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, W Piwt Office Address, Luck Box J ). oct7-3m NOTICE. IST HI W FIRM. r r , HE undersigned have thin day formed a Copartner- X ship, for ttie transaction ol a General Commission aud Brokerage Business, under the style of BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO. We respeotfully solicit the fivers of our friends and the public. Strict invention will be given to sules or purchase of Cotton, Timber, G.ocevies, Re.l Estatei Stocks .nd Securities or all kinds. We trust that onr varied experience will enable as to give satisfaction. HENRY BRYAN, Successor to J Bryan * Son. ALFRED L. HARTHIDGE, Late of Bank of Commerce. S W 8 NKFF oct2o-lw Late with W. Clifford Neff, Cincinnati. BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton ani Tobacco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do enti cly a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside market quotations for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, aud part al advances on Cotton ready lor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters’orders filled. OCtl2-lm Van horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. !» Stoddard’s Block, UAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ('ll as. Van Horn, Holyoke A Menu ay, JSavunnali, Ga. Mew York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with ample and first class storage Hooui, we mod respect fully ‘euder our services fur the purchase and sale of all kinds of merchandise. octl l-3m E. C. WADE. 8. U. WADK. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stirimnah, Git. octl6 Hm L. WAIIItOCK, AUCTION AND GBNfcKAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F . Consignment* solicited. Peraouarattention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octl 1-lm' MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPIJIff AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Oil. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goode, on the most reasonable terms. ~i»u bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew Y 1«M» “ •* Buckeye Reserve j Yd “ “ Stax B<»urbon .. •20 “ “ 7 years old Stag Bourbon | Jf 11 . 0 * *2O “ “ Piue Apple /h2?«rt!L 50 « “ Burk uni’s Bourbon I 15 “ u Okl Family Rye I 15 “ “ Old Rectilied Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Heidsick Jk Cos., and Reymoud’a I'hampatrues, Brandies, Gins, Rums, Germau & Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. In connection with the above, wc offer for sale Chufde Family Flour, Baton Bides, Shoulders. Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consign ment to MACKY&BEATTIE, scp'2S-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cueh Avnneesoii cnnaignnicnta to liur Iriviida, Norton,SUeghtur A Cos,, 4i> Broad street. New York. .. .. g i . J octtvtm w. b. a tTe/ryan, GENERAL COMMISSION ANP Forwarding Merchants, Charleston ana New York, \\7 ILL attend to tin* Shipment aud Fc rwardiug of TT nii kind* of Produce, and win keep on band an assortment o( lirocerica, Wines and Liquor." Consign men In solicited. w. B. Uvau, i tT«o». K. Kvan, (iUKnaiitay. V - 44 Heavier atreut, Cha,le,um. I ( New York, octii im IT. Clowcly, ( OMMIMMON MKK< If/YNT, ISS SAT STXLBBT, ▲NDSHSDNS WHARF, urtg*, HAVANWAS. fIAM COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ""“sorrel brothers' Shipping, Commission AMD . -v Forwarding Merchants, ©S Hay Street", SAVANNAH, GA. nsrißENon: Messrs. 11. K. Corning, Sou 4 Cos.. N. Y. Messrs. Peter V. King A Cos , N. Y. Messrs. Fisher, Brothers A Co s, Baltimore. Messrs. S. & W. Welsh, Philadelphia. National Bank, Savannah. Ga. Francis Sorrel, Esq , Savanuah. Ga. Chas. Green, Esq., Savannah, Ga. T. R Bloom, Esq. , Macon, Ga. ectl I i m R. M. LOCKWOOD & GO., Merchandize Brokers, No. 113 Wall Street, - NEW YORK, Will give their best attenTTon to the sale of Cotton ami Produce received oil consignment, and totbopur cha-e of ail kinds of Groceries. Refer to N. A. Hardee Jfc CO., Savannah. octvfi 6 LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 14X It roa U m a’y. New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Agcnlt Atlantic Coait Mall Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by JNO. R. WILDEK, oct'io 2m a. Savannah. BRANCH, SONS 4C0., BANKERS . AKD .; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Office for the present at Georgia Railroad Bank. Thos. Brauclt Ad Cos., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 90 Main street, Richmond, Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. DEALERS in Coin, Foreign and Domestic Ex change, Southern Bank Notes, Stocks and Bonds. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made throughout the United States, and special attention given to the redemption of Soatlieni Bank Notes for banks’ account. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, Tobacco and other products to their correspondents in Baltimore, New York, Liverpool, Bremen and Ant- Wfp. £SF~The undersigned for the last twenty five yearn an officer of the Bank of Augusta, can now be found, at tht: office of Messrs. Branch. Hons 4 Cos.. Banker* and Brokers, Augusta, Ga., where he will be pleased to s*e hU friends and the public generally, pledging his efforts i o give eatistuctiou to all who may favor him wilk their patronage. Money will be received on Deposit, aud Checks paid. octl9 15 GKO. W. MORGAN, Cashier. OKU. D. FOWLS. WM. E. HOY. UITGU EIOE FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA , Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers ia Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, Oct2s tim A. W. STARBUCK & CO.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 North Water Stbeet, Philadelplxia. Careful selections made on all orders for the Pur chase of bloods, and Consignments respectfully solic ited. Ira oct«l •JOHN IJ. OUIEIi. JOHN A. OUIKU, JOHN B. OUIEU & SON, Cfoiiiin i ssiou M ere* Jinn ts, Will attenj to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will he g ! ven to the Receiving and Forwarding and to the Sale, and Purchase of Cotton and all Produce. tir References to the principal Merchants of Au gusta aud.Bavaanah. Accosts, Ga„ Oct. 1. 1535. lm oct2T ITCH ! ITCH 1 ITCH 1 SCRATCH ! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH !!! Whcaton’B Ointment WILL CURE THE ITCH IH EBRTY-EIBHT HOURS. Also cores Salt Kheam, Ulcers, CbiibUins, and ali Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents. For sale by all Druggists. By sending 00 cents to Weeks k Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Maas., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part ot the United States. sept2l-3m THOM. W. BROOKS " MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All GKDKRH aant by Moil promptly at ended to. Iy3l-tf B. W. Tilton, Agt., 7 axAxnrr acvusjba. I FORMERLY Tilton, Worrell & Macy, Southern ' Carriage Warerooma, No. 61* Broadway, New York. • i Manufactory—Mount Vernon. N. Y. octd-lm R. MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se gur* Leaf and Smoking Tobacco, Also, ail kinds of Virginia Chewing and smoking Tobacco.. Mer- Hchaum, Brier Root, and all other kinds o( ¥*ncy Pipes. „ eei*4Lßm SOU THERN Ex|iortiiig and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. TIUH aaeoclatlou fa prepared lo make advance, in carreury of Gold on cmndgiiiqenla of cntloii. Naval Mtorea, Lumlwr, Ac., to their agent In IJver '"o’rdera eoflclled far good, from inerrhnufa and plan tera. The .trlcteet oltonllou will hr paid to all onlera however aiuall, for Ifnm Engkiml, Frouce or Germany Our Navauuah and CharleaUin Anuta, be log aalarled. make no .imrge for fnrwardlag either wav aud wtll furidab rin ular id detelle. It. F. FLOYD, PrcwUleuL AukNve: K. T. Palue, Uveri.iopßugluldf. *RJI. Hciuvuh, Chalk.ton. H C„ Uiagy Bryan, MTMinafe, UA Irnoe eepll savannah BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMM WHI(»NM«CHANTH Tf* Kwtbnlw 4 to. ' ' £, CT;:ruSS ,,iisaiim ' - r &U 24 \f A. Cohen, IU. FORWAHLINQ and (X>MMIBB'N MERCHANT » Home inn. Cos . 8a Bay st AM. Seatßrough eh Cos., Gboosev <v. u • Hiaaion M*ia m.Mb, 440 Congreae and 57 st ouiuuieta. Higheat market prices paid for Cotion" V* 001, Beeawax. etc. Liberal Advance* on Cotton, 4c' Erwin <Sk Hordee, = ~ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aavap nah. Ga. WINKa, LIQUORiS, &c. J U- Koetbeke 4 to., " —- ", . WUOIJ2SALE DEAIJiRs Taroel K. Seoly 4i Cos., ra. . A ARB IMPOSTERS OP Ch. FARRE CHAMPAGNES «nv u lu us Gfanrgia. ' .02 m “** ** bet 'r«n bareai and and Jefferaon, Savannah, Ga. ’ DRY GOODS. Tobn C. M.k.ri Co-7 r - Congreas and Whiuker etg. Jolam Hctoaafky, “ ‘ —— DEALER in dry GOODS, *O. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber and Retailer of Fahot an» Stavle Dev Goona, Boots and Suovh oxornrao. Hate. 4c. I*6 si?m * _ GROCKRIEii, &c. \f FVr,t * Cos.. Wholt-sal 11 Dealer in Wines, Li- XTI. yuoas bcoAEs, Fancy Gbooebies, Cani.ies Ac : ,wfaifa | iM*amlKetaH Bealew inOro curies and Provisiuna, Teas, Al«a. win«M nn<i t « quors. Corner Bull aud Broughton streets. >r?i7 Cll ‘ attelltloa P ald orders for the country 1 ade ’ . sep‘2j-tl if' **• ®*F°i Dkalee in Choice Fs mil i ceo -*• Wines, Liquone, Ac. Lw Broughton street BiUlurd Saloon. By WALTEK O'MKARA. ALEs, WINKS, LiyUOKS, &o. Bay street, over Express Office. rr*eu Pin Alley. A TEN FIN ALLEY, by VALENTINE BASLER. .. „ Alee, Wines and Liquors. «o. lIS Bryan street, Market Hquaro House, opposite the Market. Ua-outb (In rear of Poet Office,) by A. fibAMM. Wholesale and Retail. None but PAINTING. MURPHY & CLARK, ~ House, Sign, Ship uiul flti-aiubout Painter Oposlte the Fulaski House, over StaminV Barber Shop All orders thauklull received und laiUilully atteudid lm oetif GAS FITTING, &c. Weed A Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Haodwabe and Tin W’abe. No. 159 and let Broughton street. UC'runston, • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, ill Bryan at., next 10 cor. Whitaker. E. Koctliri-kv <b. Co*. Importers of Gonniiic Havana Segars, Corner Hay and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. septi lm Kolb. • BEGARB, TOBACCO, SNUFF, FIFES, Ac. Barnard etreet, one door South of the Market. PRINTING, BTA.TIONEKY, &c. Seville & Leach, * BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan street and Market Square. M arising Ink, Manuvaotuukd and for sale by if x DAVID H. GALLOWAY, n— jte street. Al. Nicbois. * BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st., between Abercom and Drayton. la' Pureo, LITHOGRAPHER, STATION Eli, Alfa BINDER, JOB PRINTER, &c. _ Wo. i» Whitaker street, C W. Blason and Cos., Oe HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 111 Bay street. watchesTjewelry, &c. Fl>. eVordan, Dealer in VVati iihs and Jewklby, # ,?, ILVJiR Platld Wakjc, FancyUoodb, Ac. f3T Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 12U Congress st. r opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DttBSSLN«7&c. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (eor. Bull and Bryan sts.) Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing. Whiekere Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soapa, Ooiogne, Neck Tim aud other Fancy Aiticlee lor sole ‘ DtUJOtiIBTS. Jim, W . Clift, M. D, Cor. South Broad and Uamani-stt)., Orrici Hooßß—9 to 10 A. M„ and 4to 6 P. M.. Residence—Mr. Waßh’e, corner St. Julian and Lincoln Streets. WM. Walah, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, aull Southeast cur. Barnard and Broughton Ms. I A. Solomon. & Cos., ■*- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Ik - Unions executed accurately and w ith despatch. Bool’S and shoes. Arne. A Peabody, Jobbers In Men's Women's and Children’s Calf, Serge aud Kid BOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 161 Congress SL, 4th door North of the Market. Guo. T. Nichols, KETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. 110 Broughton st., 'lll door Iruna hill'. qUKKNSWAIUi, D. Smyvb, QUKENSWARE, GLASS AND • CHINA, at wholesale atul Retail. 10b Broughton street, Id door from eor. ol hall CONFECTIONERY. JB. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WuoImaui Ann Rrrii' uan ur AiTCum or . SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE COI^ECTIONBK> or ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, two doors from Bamaru. Vs Fitzgerald, LvX* WMOLeaALZ and uetait. dbalzp. in ___ CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBEBIU SYRUPS, CANDIES, *o., Ao„ or In any quantities, to suit Purchaser*. -Al wariAUa nmcar. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTKK aud ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ac. Bitterft The Oldest and best renowned. L. FUNKS' 66 Liberty Street, eepll-dmo NEW YORK* notice. a fsr.wttiW and eifOeth. Lu* »t the old SUnd. *•.»«>»