Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 02, 1865, Image 3

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gAV ANN AH. Departure aftlccmtlitpiaiul Itourn. FOJ NEW YOKE. steamship Hunter, Thursday. November 2d, hi o'clock* * Meninslilp Nevada, Saturday November 4th, at S‘, n’clocE a. in. Steamship Zodiac, Saturday, November 4tlr, at o'clock. FOR BALTIMORE. Steamship North Point, Saturday, November 4lh, at 11 o'clock. steamship Fannie, Saturday, November llth, at o'clock. . " \ FOR DOCTOfITOWN. Steamer Gen. Shepley, Friday, November 3d, at l o'clock p. m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. " , Steadier St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at io o'clock. Lecture of S. Yates Levy, Esq, L ctures on historical subjects offer attracioa bota to the lecturer and his audience. History ,n lact presents a great diversity In tbs choice of themes. The lecturer may explore some disputed point of character and clear up the obscurity in waich it is shrouded, of lie may hae m: the histo rian of maauers, illustrStiug the social characteris tics of the period; or blending biography with histo ry, he may present pictures of eminent personage', and if he possess any share of imagination he may give to Ills portraitures the charm of dramatic delln eation. Those who remember Tuaokeray r s Lectures ou the Times of Georgfi the Third need no otUer re minder of tlie attractiveness of these themes, in which manuers, in the description of the lecturer,are blended with biographical sketches and interspersed with anecdote, illustrative of character. The lec turer on subjects of Natural or Moral Science is cou Sued to topics that limit his Held of observation.— His narrative Is dry and often .Jejune—confined to rhe enunciation of general facts or the exposition of principles. His ottlce is more technical, than des crip! ivo, more the result of formal investigation than of picturesque delineation. He is the Interpreter of Nature rather than tho oritii) of art, literature and manners, which the historical lecturer often be comes. s’ • Mr. Levy chose that period of English history iu which the transition from Republicanism to Mon archy, and the contrasts of manners, this antitheses la character or Cavalier ajid Roumihead—afforded a great variety to the lecturer in the blended topics which we have enu iterated, while iu t lie interests of morality, the times of Charles the Second and his Court afford ample materials. The social changes following the fortunes of the “merry” monarch, the d-pravity of manners, the corruptiou, of literature in which that corruption, was reflected,'and the open profligacy of air those connected with theCoait presented a picture, the outlines of which could not be drawn iu colors too dark anil the details presented iu a light more repul3ive to moiata; aud although the lecturer siteceded iu disguising the more, licentious features, the portraiture could scarcely be entirely successful iu masking the moral hidionsneas Mr. Levy commenced his legturC at that period iu Charles' history lit which, flushed with victory over the enemies of the Monarchy, lie enters Loudon in triumph, witli drums beating, cannon firing and all ihe signs of joy arid exultation. His career is then traced from his marriage with the Infanta of,Portu gal, his intringues with women, his pursuit of sensual pleasures, his gambling adventures, until d’ath closes the scene by the simulation of religion. The low state to which he had reduced the fortunes of England,when DeTroiup sailed up the Thames with a in'uomat his masthead, the loss of honor when his necessities formed his sole plea lor robbing the Ex chequer,with all liis other frahtiesand incoqsisrunsies were narart'ed with much spirit and liveliness. The audience were presented with n correct idea of tlie blended wit and profligacy of the coterie that composed the court circio at Whitehall—the brillian cy of Rochester, tlie reckless gaiety of Buckingham. , tin-mot and exquisite oouitiepsliip of Selwyn, from the delineations, though concise, of the lecturer; his uppareut discursiveness*.and rather rapid transitieus finding their apology in the nature if the subject. Mr. bevy at the,close of ins lecture grouped to getlier with much success, the various traits of Hilaries’ character—his good natare. Ins affability aud courtesy, his winning manners and lively con versation, Ins weaknesses, by which he became the slave of women und the devotee of pleasure. The style of Hie lecture was pertinent to the theme, con , ciseaud spirited, wither he delivery was colloquial in stead of being in that strain of declamation that is better adapted to the stage than the rostrum, when the object of the orator is not to kindle enthusiasm, but to win and preserve attention bv a Conversational style cf elocution. Tub Civil Goyeexjiest op Sayankaii. —The City Council upon the restoration of their civil functions yesterday, appointed tlie following officers r Chief of Police, Rout. li. Anderson, salary ; 2d Lieutenant, William Wray, salary ; 2d Lieutenant, Ciias. Bell, salary; City Marshal, Lyde Goodwin, -alary t Clerk of Council, Janies Stewart, salary ; Treasurer, B T. Gibson, salary ; Judge City Court, Walters. Chisholm, salary LCjerk, Philip M. Rus sell, fees ; City Sheriff, Ciias. J. White, lees ; Health Officer. Dr. J. T. McFarland, salary and fees ; Jailer, Waring Russell, salary und fees ; superintendent of streets and Lanes, William Stroll, salary; B iard Pori Wardens, Tlios. Holcninbe, Chairman : Laurence Chnneil, S. P. Bell, R- T. Turner, Levi S. liUAtcll, fees; Clerk Board of Pil'd of Port Wardens, Thomas J. Bulloch, fees'. Weighers of Hay, Andrew Goebel. Patrick Naughton. fees. Measurers and In spectors of Lumber, C. W. Weber, S. F. O'Neal, Jas A. Zittioiicr, John Judes, Nicholas Wolfe, fees. There not being a quorum present last evening at the first meeting of the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen, uo action was taken.' RiVEtt News.—The steamer Helen, which arrived yesterday from Augusta, reports that there was a rise jn tlie river at Augusta of two fleet on the 29th ult, but that it was falling rapidly again on the 31st The Helen left Augusta" at 8 a. m. ou Tuesday.— The steamers Amazon, Union and Express were lying at the wharf there. Coming down the Helen passed at Bugg s liffr the steamers Petit and Euos; Bteamer Caldwell at Lower Silver Bluff, and the Scorpio near Talomiqb Landing. The steamers Oak, Clarion, Berry and O. H. Potter were tied up at Hershman’s Lake, awaiting the rise. Ar.uivAi.oi-vrHE Steamship Chase.—The steam ship Chase arrived in port last eveniug, reaching her wharf at about half past five o’clock. The Chase was roughly dealt with by tlie great storm, ioshig hey lore-topmast, and getting entirely out of coal, which made it necessary to put into Beaufort, N. C. A por tion of her cargo was I brown oveiboard during the c alc. Tlie Chase left Beaufort for Savannah on Mon day last at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, making the re mainder of Iter eventful voyage without accident. A Scarcity op Mile.—Within the past ten days the dealers in milk have gradually been cutting down their supplies to cnitotaers. Nearly all tie milch cows kept in Savannah are going dry. Fanil lies who mainly depend on their milch cattle for support, are now in a distressed condition. It is a paiuful fact that there la at present no secure pas turage near Savannah, in such numbers do the cat ile thieves infest tlie neighborhood. We shall, there fore, all he compelled to resort to condensed milk, or tfiiik pnt up in cans. From Fioßida.—The steamer Helen Getty, from P.ilatka, via Jaeksonville Ac., arrived last evening 'vitli a large number of passengers and a heavy freight, consisting of 1.13 bales Upland Cotton and 15 bales Sea Island, consigned to L. S. Bennett. Purser 1). M. Bennett has-our thanks for favors. Personal. —Capt. John 11. Mars, Chief Marine En gineer, Department of South Carolina, arrived yes terday by the tug Relief, Capt. Morris, from St. He lena, S. C. _ Capt. Mars visits Savannah on official business. • The Courts/' 11EFORE CAPT. CLARE 11. REMICK, PROVOST'MARSHAL, DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH. , Savannah, Nov. Ist; 1885, Andrew Leonard (colored) vs, dames Tatnall (co lored.) Recovery of a stolen mule. From the evi dence in this case it Appeared that tile defendant was In the legal possession ol a mule which had been a olen, but that he was not the thief. The mule was ordered to be restored to the plaintiff, and defendant was discharged. It was further ordered Shat John Johnson (colored) who sold the mule be ordered to' reftutd the sum of lift v-five dollars to defendant and pay the costs of conn ; and in default be closely conflned in Jail until the amount us principal and coats are paid,. Counse fur plaintiff, Hon. P. M. Russell, for defence, J. R. Sulliav. Esq, 1 John Gilliland A Cos. va. Bannister Hootl (colored ) on a ra-hearlng of this cause by order of tint General Commanding, It was ordered that the defendant pay to plaintiff the sum of forty-aeron dolhtrs and ten centa, In twu tnstuilmeats, and pay joMn of suit. The Untied Slums va, K linuud Carter and Spencer Howard (bhth colored.) Larceny of mules Found guilty. It waa ordered that the defendants be bu prtsoaed iu cii.Uiaiu County Jail tor three inoullu wtch, or |«y a aae of twenty Br* dtfihtrs each Hotel Arrivii Im. PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 31. A P Ket. liman, t’apt and M C Novae, union Head A DC, Charleston I Miss s Weotrop do M Taylor, Jersey City I Mina M Fowler, do Capt Rogers. Newark W Pullman. do Cajpt J C OasHC)-, Bed Fort o Mecartv, St Helena Capt t iebl, 138th l Hc T G f* Marlon, s c Capt J C Kundleu,A AWM J Moore. do Bcahiort Ip H Gould, Cuba Capt Rife, dth U 81 'Capt J C Parker, C S Johu Capt Bedell, I2sth CBCT Adams P Carroll, liiltun I ietui HCrowejl do AC Bane s, N Y f*ltii>|rin tf liitellijgouce. Miniature AlaiKUai I'Ll, Day. Sun rises 8 17 Moon rises o it Sun sets 5 10; High water 6 13 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tvesday. Nov. 1,1886. , Arrived. Pioneer Steamship Chase, Roth, New York—Hun ter A Gammell. • L' S Revenue steamer Nausemond, Goldshury, from a cruise. Ship Mont Blanc, Donnell. Philadelphia. Steamer Helen Gettv. Ingraham, I’alatka, etc—L S Bennett. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Rein & Cos. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston, via Hilton Head aud Beaufort—l. S Bennett. Steamer Emitie, Bender, Hilton Head. Tug Itehe l, Norris, St Helen Master. Strober's five fail boats, from Augusta. Peeler's fiat, Augusta—John R.Wilder. Casey’s flat, Augusta. Cleared. Steamship Weybosset, New York—Bilgiiam, Bald* wm A Cos. Steamship Raleigh, Walker, New York—John R Wilde. Schr Anna Sims, Alfred Biota, for Traders’ Hill. Steamer R n May, Jones, Augusta—J M Klnchiey. Imports. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Florida—l2B bales upload cotton, 1C do sea Island do, CO sacks salt, 03 s teks rice, 3 bales wool, 4 boxes oranges, 9 bbls oys t irs, 49 hides, 1 lot furniture. Per Helen, from Augusta— lo boxes tobaceo, 25 bags dried fruit, 133 bales upland cotton, 25 do sea Island do, 87 do domestics. Per steamer Rockland, from Charleston— s bales sea island cotton and mdse. Per Peeler's flat, from Augusta—l 33 bales upland cotton. « ' Per Casey’s flat, from Augusta—43B bales upland coitoil. Per Strober’s five fall boats, from Augusta—2S3 bales cotton. Exports. Fer steamship Weybossett, for New York—Bo7 biles upland cotton, 10 do sea island do, 87 bales merchandise. Per steamship Raleigh, for New York—l,ooo hales upland cotton, 05 bales domestics. PORI’ OF PORT ROYAL. Port Royal, Nov. 1. Arrived. Oct 30—Cutter Kewauee, Pease, Fernandina. " Steamer Edward Everett. Davidson, N Y. “ Schooner ilarper, iguiub.v, Boston. Oct Bt— Steamship Gen J K Barnes, Morion, Sa vannah. Cleared. Oct 28—Steamship Patapsco, Neff. New Y ork. “ “ Guiding Star, Berry, do. “ “ Empire City, Alexander, do. Consignees. Per steamship Chase, from New York—Adams' Ex press Cos, G H ArleUge, Brigham. Baldwin A Cos, T H Balsiiaw A Cos, Brady, Smith A Cos, N K Barnum, J A Baron, Blim A Meier, N K Baum, M A Cotieu, Oe lavus Cohen, F W Cornwell, c L Colby A Cos, Crane, Johnson A Uraybill, O A S Q Camp, A Duocansou, DoWitt A Morgan. J 11 Deppish, M Duggan, i’ M De Leon, Krwiu A Hardee, Einstein A Ecktuau, \V li Fuller & Cos, M Ferst A Cos, G C Freeman A Cos, VV H Grady, C 1, Gilbert, L J Guilmartm and: Cos, Georgia Kailioad altd Banking Cos, Hess x Gutman, Hilton <r llandell, N A Hardee, Halsey. Watson A Cos, Hunter A Gammell, Kein A Co,J H Kincblev. Kirliu A Burke. E U Koike A Cos, Levy <£ Lyon, James Leavy, Liuville A Gleason, ,1 Lama, Loveli & Lattlmore, W W Lin eolu, R J LareomOe. M JicDonahl, M S Meyer, H Melahard A Bro, uarey, l ay <£ Cos, G T Nichols, Juo Oliver, G'W Porter, O L Rogers, Rogers A Cairn, lticiiardson A Barnard, Reseller A Cos, Kaudel! A Cos, P M Handell, Southern Express Cos, W H Sherwood A Cos, Wm H Stark, A A Solomons A Cos, 1 R Sealy A Cos, Schuster A Heiusius, J c Sobrfctner d-Co, Setlb uer a. Whitman, j T Thomas vfe co, 1 Tattnall, B u 'lilden, Tyson A.'Gordon, JL Vilialonga, Wtu Wolf, W 11 Wiltberger A Cos, Weed A Coruwc-ii, A Waldron J it Wilder, C White, York, Williams, Mclutlre A Cos, Yonge <& Nixon, and others. Per steamer Helen Gettv, from Florida—L S Ben nett, crane, Johnson A Uraybill, Heui'v Bryan, .1 L Vilialonga, Stdwart A Cos, H B Mai sum, W U Mc- Gowan, K Solomon, E P Brown, Jacob Ltasner,. Capt J Lucyue. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—Halsey, Watson A Cos, Rein A Cos, John R Wilder, Johu i. Vilialonga, J M Screven, Crane, Johnson A Gra.vblll, J J Uorres. Per steamer Rockland, from Charles on—John R Wilder, L S Bennett, J S Thompson A Cos. Per Strober’s five fad boats from Augusta—John W Anueram, Wm H Burroughs A Cos, R Habersham A Son. Passengers. Per steamship Chase, from New York—B Brown, .1 Rosenband, X Kaltrs and lady, K Richardson, M Weiglierr, II Lawrence, F Dodd, S Crlppen, ladv and three children, W Feldman, Joint Archer, George A McCleskey, J B Guerard, J W Springer, J McNicuols, M<s McMahon aud two children, Miss Gaston, Mrs Hill Gowdy,, two uurses and two children, Mrs O S Gay, Miss M Rawsou, Miss A C Lurks, and six in the steerage. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Florida—Mrs Triay, Mrs Boyle aud iwo children, W H Jones and lady, J G Williams, lady aud fottr children, R G Masters. A S Lee, G W Green, Wm Axson, YV C Burgess, R D Vining, W P Scott, J L Blanchard, S A Knight, G W Fisher, A HoilSees, R Tompkins. Fer steamer Helen, from Augusta—Mrs J P Brooks, Jordan Brooks. Anderson, M Knight, Tharp, Mrs Barnwell, W Blodgett and lady, D Bulloch, H C Cady, B F West, Capt Evason. y Per Bteamer Rockland, Charleston—C Hale, Mrs Hale and family, J M liappold, wife and servant, I. Greenfield, Austin Smith and wife, C S Brice, E Townsend, Mr Jllson, W Van Vorlies, Mr Longhlan, Mr Nye, Mr Dressor, A Cartel', J Goidsmead, 1. A Barnes, A A Lane aud wile, Mr Maulv and wife, Ml'S Hutchings, Mrs Brooks,. Miss E smith. Mis Ware. Per steamship Weybossett, for New York—Major Gen D Weeks, J W Randall, li II Lawrence, J G Ilef rernau. B F Voorhees, Mrs B F Voorhees aud ch ild, C H Morris, J Phillips aud lady, E P lloniick, J V Harrison, 11 Crowell, J H Gould, Capt Parker, aud steerage. Per steamship Raleigh, for Sew York—Mrs S A Cooly, Miss E Clay, Miss West, Miss Louisa Ker. Miss E Ker, 11 Miller and lady, I> C Small, A M Chose,Geo W Itrowu, Mis M F Earle, John II fJogert, D Scuda, Mrs A W Brinson, S B Thomas, T J Stulty, W P Seville, Joseph Eldeu. A Cant. On BoardSteamsbip Chase, i Savannah River, Nov. 1. ’65. ( We, the nnderslgned, passengers from New York anil bound to Savannah, hereby wish to express and acknowledge our appreciation of the noble efforts put forth by Captain Roath aud his officers, of the sieamship Chase, during the storm while off Hat teras, believ lug as we do that it was through their untiring perseverance and energy, and a kind Provi dence, that the vessel and the many lives on board tbe same were saved. We also wish to ex press our thanks to him and|them ror the uniform kindness shown both before and after the storm. Wishing them long life aud success In all nnder .taklugs, we remain, very truly, J. Rosenbuud Paul Crippen C. Richardson Geo McCieskey B. Brown Susie (1. Crippen L Strauss Mrs Hill Gowdy John Archer Mary liawsou Archibald Duucanson Mrs C. S. Gay J alius Feldman Marv Gaston James K. Jordon , Mrs McMahon. M tVeeigert Li IST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OP SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. l, 1885. RTBAMSHIF3. Zodiac, flulkley, 6-30, from Sew York—loading at wharf foot of Abercorn street—Hunter and Uam uielt. Steamship Hunter, Rogers, 515, from New York— loadiug ai wharf foot of Lincoln street—Hamer k Uuniwell. Chase. Booth, from Sew York, at Central Cotton Press—Hunter k Uauunell. sntra. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, waiting. New England, Hodges, 1,100, lor Liverpool—load ing at Lower H) drawls Press-Brigham, Baldwin Ji Cos. Republic (lirein) Smith, 800, discharging ballast at Lower Eastern wliarves- Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 080, loading for Llverpool- John K Wilder. ‘til's. Weeks, law, dtsrhtrglng ballast at Dry Dock wharl, Mutcblaou Island-Ohas L Colby 400. HAHRn. . 1,,r, ' 1t0u *' vsitlug'-Ball, Wjrlly tAHaasTinas. LtJoWiy^kCkJ 1 w6»rf f'Sil if- Abemurn snoot cha# xmioa. Clara Plckena. Rodgers, 450, from New York, db. charging at whirl foot of Whitaker sheet—William Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 393, wailing -limiter A Gant. Writ. Twa Lizzie Batehcliler, FngUsh, 409, from Boston, dts eimrgutg at vrusit loot ot Barnard street—Ruiner A Gammed. miOMH, Electric Spark, Taber, 03, waitiug—Master. Pioneer, Tucker, 394, loading for New York si Welter’s wharf—L J Uui'.marttn A Go. Francis Sain By. Aided, 310, waiting Cargo zt wharf loot of Bull street—Rogers A Cam:. John li Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York-load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf w est of Banian! street —Rogers A Cairn. BmHa, Crook. 150, waiting—Rowe, Wliitnev A Cos. AUCTION SALES! ~ By Bell, WyUy & Christian AT PRIVATE SALK Real E>U’e. IV o first cias* Dwelling Houses, three stories on basements. With nil the modem improvements: situa ted iu a central potion of the city. Also, Avery des*table llou>e on the corner of Chariton aud Tatuall romaining S R -o ns. with fia* und waier. On the fftlie is a Brick Carriage House, Stables, Servants’ Rooms, Ac. Also, 10 Farm Lots, c ntaiuing from 90 to 29 Acres each, near Lover’s Lane, within one mile of the limits of tiie city* A splendid opportunity lor investment. A plot of the above Lots can be seen at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. linprovemints er ntist of a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will bo told at a bargain. o<q24-tt UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold for account of underwriters and all concerned, 1 Case, No. 4201, containing I piece Delaines 10 pieces Ginghams 40 pieces Prints. 1 Case, No. 315, containing 5 due Hosieiy 0 doz Wool Scarfs doz Breaaiust Sontags G doz Nubies II Trunks and 1 ValLse. Damaged on board steamer , lrom New York to this port, aud sold under inspection of the Port War dens. novz By Bell, Wylly & Christian. A Large Lot of New Furniture lor sale at Auciion. On FRIDAY next, 3d mat., at 10 o’clock, in sale mom, N. W. corner Bay aud Whitaker streets, up stahvs will be sold > 4 Cottage Chamber Sets 10 doz Maple Rosewood aud Striped Chairs * do* Floral Wood Chairs 2 dor. Washing Wood Chairs lo doz Quincy Wo<»d Chairs 1 doz Child's High Chairs * a doz cahe Buck Hocking Chairs l 2 do* Wood Rocking Chairs lo doz Common Wood Chairs 4 4‘j feet R. C. Bedsteuu.s. AIOSO, 50 caae9 Ladies’, Gentlemen’s, Misses’ and Boys* Boots. Shoes, Balmorals, Congress Gaiters, &,*. Cata logues at sdio. 2-nov2 By Bell, Wylly A iiirlfitlan. On SATURDAY next, at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, The w> stern tenement Brick House, fronting State street, opposite tho Lutheran Church, containing six rooms, with gas, cold and hot water throushom house, with cooking a good biick building u*r kitchen, servants’ rooms, Ac. 3-nov2 Mules aud Horses at Auctiou. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at lo o’clock, iu front of store, will be Sold, Three fine Mules and two fine Marcs, all young aud well broke. ALSO, One C mule Wagon. nov2 Mules, Mules, Mules. Bv Belli Wylly & Christian. On WEDNESDAY next, 3th inst., at 12 o’clock, m, iu iront Os store, will be sold, TCn prime Mules, Seven Timber Carriages, Lock Chains, Harnesses, and Sixty Club anu Broad Axes. Sale positive to close a concern. Terms cash, nov.-'i By Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SAtE. 123 Share* Central ltailroa 1 Stock la shares Atlantic undGuif Railroad Stock qovS 5 By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Heal Estate at Auctiou. On SATURDAY, 4tli inst., at 11 o'clock, will be sold in trout of store, corner Bay and Whitaker streets, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. The improvements consist of a dwelling house with lour rooms. ALSO, South half of Lot No. 14, Berrien Ward, on Berrien street, and extending through tiora Tatuial to Jefferson streets, 40 by 7o ieet. improveincute consists of a two story house, with four large rooms, f uc largo ciosets aud a store attacned, and good kitchen. The above is well located for a business stand. ALSO, A valuable Lot and improvements, consisting of two tenements of wood, oiro and a half stories, on Duffy street, between Whitaker and Barnard streets, Ogle thorpe Town, tie feet front by 100 ieet deep. The lot is fee simple and titles warranted. ALbO, Two corner tenement houses, in the rear of Rose & Arkwright’s Foundry, and fronting on Indian street. The dwelling contain each lour rooms, with back piazza, and have iurge yards, with suitable outhouses, aud well adapted for residence of small families. Tiie lease of property expires ou theldth day o: June, lt«‘), wneu the Improvements will revert to tho owners of the iand. Any iurtuer information respecting this propex ty can bo had on application to Bell, Wylly & Christian, or to Rose Jt Arkwright, at Pioneer Saw Mill. Salp positive. • 2-nov2 BY BLVN & ULYLK. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, in front of store, will be sold : 10 bbl« Apples 10 bbln Onions *29 boxes Colgate’s No. 1 Soap So gross Smoking Tobacco 1 case Htationery 1 car»e Notions 4 Shoes 9 And buckets, Broome, Tubs, Wasbboaras, 4c. ALSO, 1 Bplcniii»l Mahogany Wardrobe 1 Mahogury Bureau 1 splendid Sola 1 Mahogany Lounge 6 Cane Seat Chairs 2 bedstead) 3 Tables and other at tides. nov2 KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Ride Lamps, with ami without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts- Patent Glass Cones, Burners. Globes, Chimnics aud Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT i GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers' and Confectioners'GLASSWAßE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, M 5 Greenwich 9treet, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. PROFESSOR THEO. MAAS, for the laat ten yearn Teacher of Music iu Charleston, South Carolina, respectfully offers Ills services to the Ladles of Sa vannah. Refers t« Messrs. John 0. Schreiner A Sons, at whose store all communications may be left. novl— 1 • • Dissolution of Copartnership. fTili'. Arm nf C-P. Lopes A Cos. Is this day dissolved * by muluui consent. c. r. lopfz. A. FERNANDEZ. Savannah, Nov. 1,1806. ____ . • » The undersigned win continue the business nf lh« strove ilnn at the old stand, mid and roun-cifuhj so hells a continualton of me pnbllo patronage. „ A. FKKN ANDK/ ■avanpefr, Nay, ijjajj, _ C4KT YOUR DERBY HATS • r i AT COL DI NG’ S. setao u ' < UHOCBHIEB, WHISKEY ! WHISKEY ! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, &c. Peach Vaiicy WuieiCey, Maple Valley Whiakey. Pike’s Am ninlfa, w peucer*» Old Rye, and Fine Bourbon. FOR. SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, Ayhc Old Stand, IU B Y STRICT, (Herald Buddings, j awo, Alscp’s Ale. Mars' Ale. Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cldei and Cider Vinegar oclfi ts G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE CROGER AND Sli i p Chandler. n-A BAY STREET, ■vrow receiving po- steam and sailing vessels icom New York, tile following articles, which will be s J'Fat the Lowest Market Price Itbls. Flour, Potatoes, Uuions, Tornips, Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crashed Sugars, Bbls Beef and Pork, Bbis- Mackerel, K do., do. and kits No. I Cases Olive oil, . ' Sardines. Candles, Soup. KaislLS. Pickles, Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices oi all kinds, Herns. Ac., Ac., Sacks Coffee, Brooms, Pails, Backets, &c. also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, 4c., *c. IF - shji> .Stores put up at the shortest notice, ocill • 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts |AoREI3N *]|mDOMESTIC^g \\ AL£S WiNES^^^gt'OßS 4 SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o E Q. HiltoN, Savannah. F. M. Randeli.* N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wliolosalo G-rooors, 193 BAY STREET. NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Cfa., Are constantly receiving per steamers from New York Tl»c Largest and Most Complete Assort ment of Giocericn In lUe Clty% Orders by Mail, uccompanicd with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Prices. octlG lm G. K. OSGOOD, STORE 186 CONGRESS AND 8 5 ST. .•rVLIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. 15.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Bides, Ac. ts RejitlC Gxo. R. Cr.uwi*. Wm, A. Wbiout, Augustu, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liauors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Will purchase and sell on Cominidsion Cotton, Tokaooo, Produce, anil Mhecuandise of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond. Va . and Jno. c. Ferriil, Esq., De- Wist A Morgan, Uadeu A Luckies, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., R. Molina, Esq , Savanuah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 - KIBLIN,£KO. &BURXE, WHOLESALE HEALERS IN ALES, WINES AM LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY DANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY KILLED A DELIVERED. att2l ts YjGti sale ~ X 1 1000 bushels Liverpool Sait 20tk) sacks Oat-, Ulsck aud white lu sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Hoy. out I (* N. A. H ARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES § LIQUORS, WINES AND SEttARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (PUONTINU PILAIKI UOUSKg tar A guilts for A.LK AND LAGER. Constantly on band, an assortment of nzznzN wins. seat* Liu CHEESE, SOAP. i£\ WXt* t.'IIEHMU, W ' tobaova fcy's Noep. . Me resofvsdmd b» safe in Millt BMIUIUM, HALUWIM « at). UH9«r*..ttiKH. ona. A«'. PIERCE SREHAN, Wliolesalp and Retail Dealer la Fire Groceries, Boots nnd Shim. Clot hire. Foreign and UoMcetic Wmca, Liquor* and Se^re. Also, Sksban's Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE LTSKK, in bottle aud in wood. . 1 London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Jtc. Lib .-cal deductions made to the trade. 17C BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 6i Liberty street, New York. To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, DruvsMs and Soap Manutiictorers. Oils for flavoring and Improving Bran- Xld av, Rum. Port Wine, Bourbon, Ryes Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Nen, traiUim? and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Culor iugs. Syrups and Fruit Juices for Brandy, Whiskey aud Wines, Oil* and ffxtracta Os Oogenic And other Brandies, Holland.and laoudon Gin, Ac. Dr F.’S Treatise ou Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Ply Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drags. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Sdlicate of Soda 'll C;ysta!s, Liquid and Jelly Chin: • Clay and Terra Alba, Soap stone. Ho.ln, Soda, Ash, 36c. JOS. W. FEUOHTKAtaGEK, novl-eod3m No. 65 Cedar st., N. Y. Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot ot l ine Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, - SANTA CRUZ RDM, BOBER’S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE * MURRAY, oeUl-tf No. » Stoddard’s Block. Butter, Cheese, Lard and Crackers. TbECEIVEDper Idaho and for sale by li .SEABORN GOODALL, octSO-lw WiUiamsou’s Building. MORN T CENNINfiRAM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Savannah, BEG leave to inform their former friends aud cua toinurs, anti the public generally, that they have resumed burineea at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full RHaortment of Goods in their line Buituble for Private Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders. lm octl9 T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA„ (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.} We have the Largest Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In the South, to which wo invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare onr goods and prices. octf. ts Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of tho Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will he responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the office™ or crew of said ateamers union made by written permission of ERWIN A HARDEE, For Agents and Owner*. Jno. L. Roumu.lEt, Agent on Wharf, octio ts Notice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,) Uistkiot or Savannah, V Savinnab, Ga., Oct. 3lst, 1885. J r|7HE notice issued from the office of the Provost -• Marshal. Sub-District of Ogeecliee, dated savau mill, Aug. llth, 1885, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are sold to he closed at 10 o'clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KBMICK, Oapt. and Provost Marshal. BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTER. THLS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pare Juice o( the Grape und extracts, distilled from tue Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Bpain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels snd Restaurants, aud valuable to Families, delicate females aud children, for all disarrangement of the stomach. It is unrivalled. A never fuilmg preventive auU Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by loud or water should Uo without lUe Castilllau. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, state Georgia, oc f2-l-3 nt j ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 258 BOWEKY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builder.' snd Locksmiths' Hardware, Nails, PulJieu, Cord, Rim and Knobs, liutt Brass and Iron Keyv and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. AU orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, lens than market price*, arpltf dm DDBYEAS' HAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. *“ TN| w- "jmnm tu HM Sat received a medal and honorable mention from i Royal Commissioner*. thecouipeUou of all prom iuent mannlscturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Cbru Flour" of this and other countries notwithstand ing. MAZZEVA, The (nod and luxury of tha ago, without a single fault. One trial will convtucs the uiM skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cake*, Custards, Blanc Mauge, Ac., without isinglass, with few or ao eggs, at a coat aa tontshlag the most eeonomlcal. ft alight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly laiproves Bread and Cake ft Is also excellent ror thicloenicg sweet sauces, gravies for iWi aud meats. soups, Ac For lea Cream nolhisg tab compare with It A little builtd In milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under tbe trade mark Millions, with directions for nee. A most delicious article of tost lor children aud In valids of all ages. For sale by Uroccr* and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Repot, ltltt Fulton Street. WILLIAM UUHYKyb. qsdMes | Oe««rsl Aessi BOARDING. KUARDING sad l/alg lug saw be nhtatiiafl top an* piling stik«|i.' uuakrtnry brtekhaliiuiu ea tsie sbeeh mrel le WMtaksr u wW IHfPFUB. tor new vork: J|£> ' n > e Schooner . jpA. HATTIi M. MAYO *HI have qoklt dtatpateb for lbs above port. For freight or passage apply to octi6 li rig ii im, Baldwin a co. STAB LINE, FOR NEW THE new and elegant first class IT. S. Mail steam ship NEVADA, Captaiu CARPENTER, Will positively sail for the above port on SATURDAY, KOV.«,ATBI-»O*CUt. A .M. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO, novi Stoddard’s Building, opp. Post Office. FOR NEW YORK. „ The new sad splendid steamship ZODIAC, E. H. Bulkley. Commander, leav« for tbs above port on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2d, at o’clock, M For freight or paaaage, having super lor accommoda tions, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, petit 84 Bay street. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW ,4flgg YORK. The new and splendid steamship HUNTER, Capt M. L. Rodgers, will leave for the above port on Tliuriday, Nov. 3d, at o’clock, p. in. For frelgnt or passage, having splendid accommo dations apply to octal HUNTER * GAMMELL. ANCHORLINE OF PACKET FOR N E WJH^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W. D. VAUGHN 198 tons ISLAND QUEEN, R. H. Conarr, Master mtons ELLIOT, 150 tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis Master. - 98 ton HONEST ABE, W. M. Canary, M*ter, - 80 tons And others, comprise the “Anchor Line" of Packets, and will have quick despatch as abovo. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TCCKBH, Agents, No 15 Stoddard's Baihllug, or la ROGERS A GANN, Savannah, Ua Dai. Banoo A Cakseret, Agents, New York. oct*o , ts For Doctortown, TO CONNECT WITH S.. A. &GULFR R. FOR THOMASVILLE. Tlie Steamer GEN. SHEI'LY, will leave wharf foot of Abcrcorn street, on FRIDAY, 3d inst., at 1 o’clock, p. m. Freight. Railroad and Steamboat, payable by a'nlp giers. For fr eight or passage apply to C'HAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov2 Corner Aberenrn and Bay streets. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA A BE notified that they can store their goods any day durintr the week, to be forwarded by tbo abave Boat*, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. **** KEIN A CO. -bTeigh.t@ FOR AUOUSIA, fItHE undersigned ere prepared to receive goods at A their Warehotmes—free of cxpeune end env ered by Inenrai ce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. !.. COLBY, »ept29—tf cor. Bay and Ahercorp eta, For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for tho above place. Goods receiv ed at all time end stored in fire proof warehouse, foot ot Lincoln etreet, free ot coat. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Clagborn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Augusta from Savannah on laet Friday with her fall freight. ts ocl9 For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING AT 1 St. Thomas, Para, Pernaiubueo ami Baliia X evf>-e-j;x» The United States and Brasil Mall tot fteaulß bip Company will dispatch fxaKSwOa the Killh of every month, ft NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m>, From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to past through the Post Office. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For freight and passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to THOMAS ABENCIO A CO., oet>l-Baa Wo. IT. Broadway. New York. For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. ✓fc/t/Sarw ' T* lß C. B. Mall Steamship MINNK /_K&SfTS.TONKa, I.OOU tons burthen, J. W. Balch Commander, will leave for the • rfr-tca.' above port ou Saturday, Nov. 4th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dalior.s, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, pel3o 84 Bay atreet. For Liverpool THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. O. Kelly, muster, being of email capacity, will nave quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octio BELL. WYU.I A CHRISTIAN, For Liverpool., a THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND. Hodge, Master, having a large portion or her cargo engaged will he ready to receive cargo at Lower Hydraulic Press on the 13lh (ML For freight or passage apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. For Liverpool. The new Ant class clipper ship VIRGINIA, W KICKS, Oomwaudsr. Is now loading rapidly at Uw«r Frdw, and having larffu eiigsgumvats will haw quick despatcli. Fur frdfhi m passage flsksa at lowest rates) apply l» (HAS L <KILBY ACO , MW ovati AWtusu sicl Bs) sis TRY ONE POUND. IHIPPIIU. ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. AieiSTi tl£BfllL\TS' LINE. Lighiesi iiraugbi Boats oa the River. MAKING REGULAR TRIPS A T TIIE LOWEST STAGE OF WATER. ALL GOODS CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FORWARDED WITH OUT DELAY, AT CURRENT RATES OF FREIGHT The new A No. i Light Draught Augusta built ISteamefs R . H . M A. Y AND . UNION, Leave Augusta and Savannah regularly every week. As these Boats were built far tbe Savannah River, ‘■nippers may rely upon having their Goods go through w.tbeur delay, at the very lowest stage of the river, and at low rates. Merchants and Shippers will have their Goods con signed to ✓ . F. M. MYRELL, Agent Steamer Union, or J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Steamer R. H. May. Savannah, 9a., or G. T. JdCKSoN A CD.. Agents Steamer R. H. May, . CHURCHILL A JOHNSTON. Agents Steamer Union, OCtSS-lw , Augusta, Gl. Baltimore and Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. THE Steamship Fannie, CAPTAIN OAGGIN, Will leave Baltimore Jfor Savannah on Saturday, November 4th, at 3 o’clock p. m.; returning, will leave Savannah on Saturday, November llth, at o'clock, . - WEST, BRYAN & CO., * novi—3 ' - Agents,Savannah ’ *' STEAM FOR BALTIMORE. The new and fast sailing clipper steamship NORTH POI3NTT, Capt. R. C. Smith, will leav» this port for Baltimore on Saturday, Nov. 4th, at II o’clock, A. M. The North Point has elegant atnte room ac commodations (or pasrengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to B WEST, BRYAN A CO, Bryan sh, next to Provost Marshal’s Office. N. B - Passengers fbr this ronte, (or New York, will save two hundred miles of sea travel, and wi 1 receive through tickets at same rale as now charged by New York lines. Freight will also bo checked through to New York as !<»w us By any other route. novi TM iiiLTimti. Pendergast’s Line. The feet sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of flier cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight ap ply to LaKOCHB, GADEN A UNCKLE6, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agents iu Baltimore—Pendergast, Fenwick A Cos. octld ESTABLISHED 1826. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. »7 AND 89 BOWERY AND 68 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DEBR.UF di TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PABLOS, CHAMBER, DININGROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be fouDd in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATTS ASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $4 TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOB THE SOUTHERN TRADE. octSl -2m 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x33 per Uoeal yard. For sale by FOWLS * CO, !u»9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1163, Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Blue Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pfrda Light Brown Purple Sunff Brown. Royal Purple Cherry Saloon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab slate Light Drab Solferir.o Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Dmb Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goode, Shaw!*, Bear®,- Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel w A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. J* ' For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Varloes shades can be produced from the same dye. The process Is simple, are! any one can use the Dye with perfect success Direction* in English, French and German, inside of each package. HOWE A STEVENS, _ , - - 260 Broadway, Boston. For sole by druggists and dealers generally. nctlWra Bridgewater Paint Had Color Works Cos. BELL WYLL> & CHRISTIAN, Agent*. Just received and for sale at the manufacturer's Prices! Kegs XX Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Sommerset White Lead Tobs Putty Paint Brushes Premium W hite Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian lt«d Metalic Paldt tin oil) Metsltc Paint /dry) Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors, 1m octet! OR. GORDON HOWARD Bas rvsnuied the Prsclle* of Medlctiis Hpeclsl at lea- Uos to Diseases of tha Kys. offiur and lesldsttrs, Joats rtreei. two daora from Wltilaker. vctlv IswtSf