Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 03, 1865, Image 3

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8 -A- V -A-_g[ IST AIT. Departure of Steamship* a ltd Steamer*. FOB NEW YORK. Steam-thip Nevada, Saturday, November 4th, at IS o'clock a. m. Steamship Zodiac, Saturday, November 4th, at V o'clock a. in. FOR BALTIMORE. Steamship North Point, Saturday, November 4tb, at 11 o'clock. Steamship Fannie, Saturday, November lltb, at o'clock. FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Saturday. November 4tb, at 1 o'clock a. m. FOR DOOTOBTOWN. Steamer Gen. Shepiey, Friday, November 3d, at 1 o'clock p. in. FOR AVGUSTA. Steamer Helen, Saturday, November 4tlv at 7 o’clock a. m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Social Gathering at the Female Orph n Asy* llm.—The rooms of the Female Orphan Asylum on Cuariton streei.corner of Bull,were wellfllled on Wed nesday evening by a gathering of the friends of the nstitntion. The rooms had been tastefully fitted up with tables for the sale of refreshments, aud articles of use and ornament of all kinds. The feature < f the evening, however, was the elegant supper. Tt e tallies were loaded with every heard-of delicacy, in tempting onr overflowing abundance, and decorated witli a profusion of fresh flowers. The walls were also beautifully decorated with evergreen, mottoes, etc. The uffair was gotten up by young ladies, friends of the institution, and was a most gratifying success, being attended Isy many of our best people, who passed the evening in the most agreeable social in tercourse. Maj. Gen. Brannan, accompanied by members of his stair, honored the gathering, with his presence. “ Books That Are Books."—Mr. B. Mallon adver tises in andther column a list of new books received at liis store, Congress street, between Rarnard and Wliitaker streets, which cannot fail to attract the at tention of cultivated readers. Mr. Mallon should be well sustained in his endeavor to furnish all that Is new and good in the higher walks of literature, to oar people. The Weather.—The delightful and bracing weather of the last three or fpnt weeks was abruptly terminated Bight before last by the commencement of a heavy fail of rain, which continued to descend without intermission all of yesterday, so flooding the streets with water as to render locomotion almost impracticable in many parts of the city. The ex haustion of the clouds will doubtless be succeeded by clear and frosty weather. A Steam Mud. for Sajj; Attention is called to the advertisement of Messrs. Erwin 4 Carter, who offer for sale their Steam Saw aud Grist Mill, San dersville, Washington county, one mile from the Central BaHroad. A rare chance is unquestionably offered here for a paying' investment, and we com mend the ofl'er of Messrs. Erwin ft Carter to those contemplating embarking in the lumber trade, the (to be) great trade of this State. The SnirriNG of the Port of Savannah. —A re port from Capt. Silas Spicer, late Harbor Master, gives the following statistics of the shipping of this port: Arrivals at Savannah since llcc. 22d, 1864 ;of steamers, 1,120; Ships, 48 ; Brigs, 41; Schooners, Sale of GOVernmenf Vessels.—Messrs. York, Williams ft-Mclntiro, auctioneers, sold at public auc tion yesterday the Propeller Standish, the tug Star light and the steamer Savannah,' Well Known Gov ernment steamers on the river. Tlte steamers went at very low figures,—Gie Standish bringing only $3,600; the Starlight $5,100; the Savannah $5,200. Tloi'.sK at Auction Messrs. Bell, Wyllv A Chris tian, auctioneers, advertise for sale, at auction, house on State street, opposite the Lutheran Church. The tenement is neat, comfortable, convenient and loca ted in an excellent neighborhood. The sale takes place at 11 o’clock, Saturday. Gen. Banks on the Question of his Citi zenship.—-In a recent si>eecli in tlie District by which he has been nominated, Geueral Banks dwelt at some length upon the ques tion that had been raised touching his rights of citizenship in Massachusetts, because he was not sure whether the people of his dis trict were satisfied iu their own minds whe there he was a citizen or not. His explana tion covered his whole course of fife since he left the State five years ago. In explanation of liis connection with the New Orleans bar, he said he was admitted by virtue of his be ing a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. The only oath he was culled upon to take was that he bad never taken up arms against the authority of the Federal Government. In allusion to the aspersions of Phillips in reference to his course in Louisiana, who asserted that he was followed by the curses of every loyal man in Louisiana, Gen. Banks said that liis administration in that State was in direct and religious conformity to the orders of Mr. Lincoln. The Colored Troops’ Bounties-'. —The Sec retary of War has prohibited the payment ot bounties to such ot the colored troops as were not free on. the 18th ot April, 1801, thus settintr aside the decision of thb Secofid Comptroller, which was based on the opin ion of the Attorney General. The law pro vides that colored volunteers shall be placed on the same footing with white volunteers in regard to pay, clothing aud subsistence, but not as to bounties. The Norfolk Post regrets that General Banks, recently nominated to Congress in Massachusetts, is not a citizen of the state, and .therefore not eligible' there: “He left Massachusetts before the war to tnke the presidency of >t railroad in Illinois. He moved his family to Chicago, and virtually, and voluntarily surrendered his Massachu setts citizenship. He was appointed a gen eral of from Illinois. To that state he belongs.”. Reputation Established. —Mrs- S. A. Allen for twenty years past has been mann taeturing her World's Hair Restorer and Zylobalsamum, or Hair Dressing, and the millions of bottles sold every year in the United States, Great Britain and Pranee (each year largely' increased sales over the previous) is a guarantee that the articles are unequalled. We know they wil restore grey hair to its youthlul color, producing the same vitality and luxurious quantity as in youth. Yon can procure them at any Druggists. oct 30 eod—lw Convention of the First Senato* rial District. THm fftir-ens of the counties of Chatham, Bryan and fiftyngham are r< quc*s , ted to appoint Delegates m a Convention to be hefil on Wednesday, the Bth November mst*, at No. ti, Central Itailroud* for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Senator of said Senatorial District. nov2 R» lit ALLEN & Cos., ISO At 10l W TEIi .*4 x ~ NEW YORK. AGRIdHIiTIIRtT IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Stnnll Tools foron Fttl'm and fiuehOs Sttatfes, Shovel*, ll'H% Fyrks, lOtkeu, dec., and,for Graee Hooks, Scythes, S cut Stunts, and A>jricul tural iiardUHtrc in general We offer, also, a lar pa aMprtnirutof our own manu. lact um of I!«y ColnM ami Grain Mile, Sugar MUU lor Grocera* u**\ Store 'lVui'k* of various pat* toriiH, Hoad Scraper*, Wln elbarrowa, Ac. KerHllixHrM ot all kind*, »u*h aa r«m*a Kuperptoe plmte ot Lime, puro ((round Done, Peruvian Uuaim, and l oudrelU), skStob. Every vMunlila Ammlran *tnl Foreign variety ot V< gci.iil#, Flower end Grass Mod end Field Grain that proved Hoidty of uilUvailou grown and selected «l|,ree>ly |or our ii arfr , Helm wade In hulk, |wr pound or bush. I, or lu .null packets,for reialllnu, by Ihe bandied of Uuiaeaud. s*pU J#W hum Nhippiug Intelli^eupe. Miniature Almanac —Tills Day. Son rises.... 6 la Mood rises. rise* San sets 6 eilllgh water 3 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday. Nov. 2, 1866. Arrived, Steamship Minnetonka, Balch, Philadelphia—Hun ter ft Gammell. Steamer Canonicus, TUton, St Augustine—C S Quartermaster. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Richardson, Charleston, via Hilton Heail aud Beaufort—Claghorn <f Cun ningham. Cleared. Steamship Hunter, M I. Rearers, New York,—Hun ter A Gammell. Export*. Per steamship Hunter, for New York—642 bales upland cotton, 17 bales domestics, 34 packages mer chandise. Consignees. Per steamship Minuet,mka, frbmPhiladelphia—L 8 Bennett, Brady, Smith * Cos, Bothwell A Whitehead, Brigham, Baldwell A Cos, V Hassler, Mrs Cuss, Ciag horu A Cunningham, o Cohen, M A Cohen, 1) David son, Erwin A Hardee, A Fernandez, A Flatley, Ti Gemendeu, L J Guilmarlin, Jos Gross, J G Gilbert, Halsey A Watson, C V Hutchins, R M Hunt, J E Hernandez, Woodhridge A Bros, J R Wilder. S K Wilder, Hunter A Gammell, Lilienthal A Kotin, W J Lareombe, J Lansdorf A Cos, M Laviu, Lachlon A Mc- Intosh, H Lovell A Lattimorc, Meiuhurd A Bro, J McMahon, c McKea, A Mayer A Cos, McKibben A Al len, Macky, Beattie A Cos, Order, Perry A Cos, Rogers A Cann, H Rothschild, J Rvan, Ruwe, Whitney A Cos, B Stn u-s, Mrs Simmons. D T Scranton, Scran ton, Smith A Go, J G Thompson A Cos, J J Waring, Q Walteis, Weed A Cornwell, William Wolf, M H M illiama. Per steamship Nevada, from New Y’ork—James Leary, li Balfore, Bothwell A Whitehead, George Ge meudeu, N Wolf, N Newmark, J Buckey, Heidt A Ludlow, S G Walsh, L S Beuliett, O Grtdot, John R Wilder, C Sanvestre, F Magiier, N A N, J H Deppish, C Wyatt, F Scliuster, Miller A Wadly, James East man, M S Meyer, L Christie, W M Walsh, J L Villa longs, Crane, Johnson A Cos, WAR Mclntire A Cos, York, Williams A Cos, J M Coleman, M A Chohen, A M Coheu, A Cohen, O Cohen, U A Slager, G C Free man, M Feist A Cos, A Stamm, U A Richmond, J J P.uckert, Schuster A Heiusius, M Lavin, T Marshall, W McGuire, E U Van Wel l A Cos, F Pollock, 11 Mein hard A Bro. M Krauss, Bell, Wylly <t Christian, F Constant, F Hermaller, J Lama, J [V], E O'Byrne, A B Luce, B G Tlklen, Itandell A Go J II Balshaw A Cos, C D Rogers, G Freid, T Brown, J C Maker A Cos, C L Colby A Cos, N B Knapp, W W Linuoln, Brady, Smith A Cos, John M Mahon a Cos, Tlson A Gordon, Hess A Gutman, L J Guilmart.n, S M Golding. S M Lederer, C Mac Wold. J Kelt, lleWiit A Morgan, N A Hardee A Cos, Thomas Bateson, Luurant A Cos, J Vised, Dan can A J, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Wm 11 Stark, M G Enrligh, K Habersham A Son, P Skeltau, H C Uanly, Halsey, Watson A Cos, J L Kouraillat, J W La loop A Cos. Keiu A Cos. Mathers A West, C L Gilbert, J Lipp man, Adams' Express, Einstein A Eckman, John R Norton, Erwin A Hardee, Rogers tt Cann, Mrs La- Koche, H J W'ade, M Beytagli, J H Klncliley, Clag horn A Cunningham, R Erwin. 1! Krauffneau, Geo C Freeman. F M Myrell, T W Cooney, F' Cooke, W H N A Cos, Julius Kox, George A Hudson, J II Moses, A S Patrick A Cos, S H Eckmuu, A Shaw, A liurke, i'isou tt Gordon, IV H Wlltberger, D J Jones, J G Baily A Bro, Gray A Cos, Laltochc.Gaden A Luckies,li Strauss, J Burk, W GR, J Scheiff, Weed ft Cornwell, A Dex ter, A Bushier, E D Sinyttr, Lovell A I.attimore,Camp A Chiistie, Y A N. [o], R A- C, J C Thomas A Cos, G a- L, John Nicholson, J [V], H A A Cos, Mrs Hall. F W aims A Cos,. Muller, Thomas A Cos, N B lirown. w J S, U A Robinson. Scull A Shoals, [W G G], Stew art A Cos, W H May, SAG Gardner, chas Cordell, Savan nah Gas Lipin Cos, C Orfl', E H Kirbn, W G Robinson, P Ford, G M smith Van Horn, llolyoke A Murray, D Hallahar A Cos, L K Smith, Kerlin <f- Burk, Itigbv tt ltnott, S in a circle, W H lienhurst, U Daily, [K|, John Klltiland A Cos. Passengers. Per steamship Minnetonka, front Philadelphia— Mrs M Augusta, 0 H Brennaman, wife and child, D T Serumon, wile ami daughters, Miss Peudegrust, D Davidson, Dr J L Large and daughter, Mr Thomas Lynch aud son, Miss H B Lynch, Mrs E J Moses, child and servant, Mrs Cass and son, R M Hunt, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Brown, Mr il Frederick, Wm Gallo way, D C Cary, John Parker, A Lightaey, K M Hunt, Ft Be Hold, P J Hughes, A P Meets, John Head, ami six on deck. Per stdamer Canonicus, from St. Augujtine—Brig Gen Howard. ■ Per steamship H nnier, for New York—W H Jonas, A J Lee, W P Scoit, W Axer, W G Burges, A Hotfree, W J A Morris, R Morgan, E c Woodruff, 5 6 Cabell aud lady, and steerage. HIST OF VESSELS IN THE POUT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 2,1865. steamships. . Zodiac, Bulkley, 620, from New York—loading at wharf foot of Abercorn street—Hunter and Gam mell. Chase, Roath, from- New York, at .Central Cotton Press—Hunter A Gammull. surra. Mont Blanc, Donnell, Too, waiting. New llodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Republic (Brem) Smith, SOO. discharging nallast at Lower Ea-tenl wharves—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 060, loading for Liverpool— John R Wilder. Virginia, Weeks, 1044, discharging ballast at Dry Dock wharf, Hutchison Island—Chas I, Colby A Cos. BARKS. Thomas Fletcher, Peudleton. 738, loading for Liv erpool at Lower Hydraulic Press—John K Wilder, Thus Whitney. Thomas Whitney (Br), Kelly, waiting—Ball, Wylly A Christian, IIAHKENTIN K 9. Horace Beals, Blankenship, 260, from New York, discharging at wharf foot of Abercorn street—Chas L Colby ft Cos. BRIQS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, from New York, dis charging at wharl foot of Whitaker street—William Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 395, waiting—Hunter ft Gam melk TERNS. , Lizzie BatcheUler, English, 409, from Boston, dis charging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Hunter A Gammell. SCHOONERS. Electric Spark, Taber, 63, waiting—Master. Pioneer, Tucker, 394, loading for New York at Welter’s wharf—L J Guilrnartin ft Cos. Francis Satterby, Alden, 310, waiting cargo at wharf foot of Bull street—Regers ft Cann. John G Whipple. Simpson, so, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers & Cann.' Sodia, Crook, 150, waiting—Ruwe, Whitney ft Cos. BALTIMORE COLLEGE, OF ’ DENTAL SURGERY. The regular Leetures of the Twenty-sixth Anna a Session will commence November Ist. The Infirmary will open October 16th. Faculty : THOMAS E. BOND, A. M., M, D. Pathology and Therapeutics. PHILIP H. AUSTIN, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., Dental Science and Mechanism. A. SNOWDEN PIGGOT, A. M., M. D., Anatomy and Physiology. F. J. S. GORGAS, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., Dental Surgery. RUSSELL MURDOCH, A. M., M. D., Chemistry. HENRY HOBART KEECH, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Operative Dentistry. THOMAS SOLLERS WATERS, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Mechanical Dentistry. For information address F. J. 8. GORGAS. I. D. 43 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md oct2 1 aw-4w To the Destitute. A COMMITTEE of Ladies will soon visit the homes of the poor, and, in eases of extreme Want, will issue Free Clothing Tickets, while there, and only then. No calls at the home, of the Committee by applicants will he of any avail. Fer order of Committee. novd-S" Dissolution of Copartnership. rrUF. Arm es C. P. Lopez * Cos. Is this day dissolved * by mutual consent. _ . C, P. LOPEZ. A. V'EItNAVbEZ. Savannah, Nov. I,IBM. The undersigned will coutinue the business of the above drill nt the old stand, and and respoeifully so licit* a contiuuaiiou of the pubilo patronaM. A. FKBNANDKjL Savannah, Nov. 1, iwis. » Copartnership Notice. TIC iimUrelgnud have this day associated them •idles topi.llo'i fill the purpose "1 trSlMMHtlllit a usnvrul tirocety, Fur wanting mid Couiuilaaloa Hast “S' 1 of Uolrnnihe * 00., at the old .land. Mo. laiilgy atnmt. T. HOLCOMB* i If. Hffi, Vavuihab, Nav, tat, is*| t ■ llor , AUCTION SALES. By Bell, WyUy & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Estate. T»o first class Dwelling Houses, three abates on basements, with all the modern improvements; situa ted iu a central portion of the city. . Also, Avery desirable House on Ihe corner of Charlton and Tatuull streets, containing 8 Rooms, with gne and water, on the lane is a brick Carriage House, Stablea, Servants' Rooms, Ac. Also, 16 Farm Lots, containing from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within one mile of the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for investment. A plot of the above Lots cau be seen at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvements rennet of a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will be i-old at a bargain. oct24-tf By Bell, Wylly & Christian. A Large Lot of New Furniture ior sale at Auction. On FRIDAY next, 3d inst., at 10 o'clock, in sales n-om, N. W. corner Bay auil Whitaker streets, up stairs, will be sold 4 Cottage Chamber Sets 1C do* Maple Rosewood and Stripe 1 Chairs •J doz Floral Wood Chairs 2 doz Washing Wood Chairs 10 doz Quincy Wood ChiL'is 1 doz Child’s High Chairs doz Cane Back Rocking Chairs >* doz Wood Rocking Chairs lo doz Common Wood Chairs 4 4>£ feet R. C. Bedsteads. AlsSO, 60 cases Ladies’, Gentlemen's, Misses' and Boys* Boots, Shoes, Balmorals, Congress Gaiters, Ac. Cata logues at sale. ✓ 2-nov2 By Bell, Wylly It Christian. On SATURDAY next, at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, The western tenement Brick House, fronting State street, opposite the Lutheran Church, containing six rooms, with gas, cold and hot water throughout the house, with cooking ratine, a good back building tor kitchen, servants’ rooms, &c. 3-uuv2 Mules, Mules, Mules. By Bi 11, Wylly It Christian. On WEDNESDAY next, Bth in-t, at 12 o'clock, m, in trout of store, will be sold, Ten prime Mules, Seven Timber Carriages, Ixick Chains, Harnesses, and Sixty Club aud Broad Axes. Sale positive to close a concern. Terms cash. UOVaMi By Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 123 Shares Central Railroad Stock 13 Shares Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Stock. nov2 6 By Bell, Wylly & Ciiristian, Real Estate at Auction. On SATURDAY, 4tSi inst., at 11 o’clock, will be sold in front ofstore, corner Bay and Whitaker streets Wot half of Lot No. 33, Washington Ward, on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. The improvements consist ox a dwelling house with four rooms. ALSO, South half of Lot No. 14, Berrien Ward, on Berrien street, aud exl ending thii ugh ti ora Tattnal to Jefferson streets, 40 by 70 feet. Improvements consists of a two story house, with four large sooms, fur large ctosels and a store attached, and good kitchen. The above i» well located for a business stand. ALSU, Available Lot and improvements, consisting of two tenements of wood, one and a half stories, on Duffy street, between Whitaker and Barnard streets, Ogle thorpe Town, 00 feet front by 1051'eet deep. The lot is fee simple and titles warranted. ALSO, Two corner tenement houses, in the rear of Rose & Arkwright’s Ifoundry, and fronting on Indian street. The dwelling contain each four rooms, with back piazza, and have large yards, with suitable outhouses, and w ell adapted for residence of small families. The lease of properly expires on the loth day of June, when the improvemci.ts wil! revert to the owners of the land. Any further information respecting ihis proper ty can be bad on application to Bell, Wylly A Cliristian, or to Rose A Arkwright, at Pioneer Saw Mill. Sale positive. 2-UOV2 BY BLUM it MBYEIt. THIS DAY, 3d inst., at 11 o’clock, at the Medical Col lege, on Taylor street, 6,000 feet Scantling, Joyce and Board, well season ed. ' I>’ j . uov3 By York, Williams, Mclu tii-o «V Cos. Will sell at auction, THIS DAY, iu front of store, at 11 o’clock. 2ft boxes Soap to boxes liontou crackers 10 bbls Vinegar 30 boxes Cheese 20 bbls Flour 10 c tees fine Bourbon Whiskey 1 case Ladles’ Gaiters, fine 2ft bbls M**al 20 bbls Hominy A lot of Dry Goods, Print?, Woolen Shawls, Ac., Stockings, Ac. Invoice of Perfumery, Cologne, Hair Oil, Ac. nov3 , ___ KEROSENE Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and withont Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs aud Euuuts- Patcnt Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimnies aud Wick, DRUGGISTS' FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers' and Confectioners' GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. PROFESSOR THEO. MAAS, for the last ten years Teacher of Music in Charleston, South Carolina, respectfully offers his services to the Ladles of Sa vannah. Refers to Messrs. John C. Sehreiner & Sons, at whose store all communications iiiay lie left. novl—3 , KTEW SKIRT FOR 'QB The Great Invention of the Age The Gr Hoop Skirts, J. W. Bradley’s few Patent Bnpex Ellip tic (or Double) Spring Skirt. rTiHIS Invention consists of Duplex (or twoj Ellntic A Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously bracket tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom trend or break, like the sin gle Springs, and consequently present, their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt Ih;,t ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort nnd pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas. Carriages, Railroad Cara, Church Pews, Arm Cbaira, for Promenade and-Houae Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in Me to occupy a -me.! place as easily and conveniently aa a Silk or Muslin A lady having en)oyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for n single day will never after wards willingly dispense withtheir use. For children, mteses aud young ladies they are superior to all eth ers. The Hoope are covered with 8 ply double twisted thread and will wesr-twtee as long us the single yarn covering which Is used oii all Single Rtedl Hoop Skirts. The throe bottom rods on every Skirt ere also Double Steel, slid twice or double covered to preveut the cov ering from wearing off the rods wheu dragging down attorn, ytuue steps, Ac., which they nr. eoustaiitly •object to when in u>e. All are marie of the new and elegant ft,..(led Tapes, aud are the best quality tn every Mrt, giving to the wearer the most fraetoiri and permit shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and wmnomlr«l Skirt ever made. jSpjsr Jbiqufce tor Um Duplet Jtlliptis fordunhjn) OaOCBRIK*, U4IOHI, a Cl WHISKEY! WHISKEY!’ FINE OLD BRANDY, WIRES, Sc. Peach Valley Win? Key, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike'* Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, * (Herald Buildings } ALSO, Alsou’s Ale, Mur* 1 Ale. Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, oet* * ts G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND Ship Chandler. 7 4 BAY STREET, ’V’ OW receiving pc* steam and sailing vessels from lx New York, tile following articles, which will bo s. ,1.1 at the Lowest Market Price : Bbls. Flour, Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crushed Sugars, Bbls Beef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, a do., \ do. and kits No. 1 Case. Olive oil, Sardines. Caudles, Soap. Raisins, Pickles, Liquors. Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds, Herns, Sec., &e.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms, Pails, Buckets, &c. also—- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brashes, Ac., Ac. JSf-Shtp Stores put up at the shortest notice. octlT 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. Bep2 ts / FtKEreNAjIpDOMESTIC I ALES JWINES 6SKAIIS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. jiu’iO E. G. HjltoN, Bav iunali. F. M. Sanuklu N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL 'Wlxolosalo 6-rooers, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Ga., Are constantly receiving per steamors from New York The Largest and Most Complete Assort* ment off Groceries in tl&e City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Fiiled, al Lowest Market Prices. octlG lm “C. K. OSGOOD, STORE 186 CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries.and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. ts eeptlG Gao. R. Crfmp, Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. fRIIP & tO. T General Commission Merchants * AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tofacco, Sugars, SALTED FISH, Ace. 209 Broail St., Augusta, Ga, CW Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Puoducg, and Mlibchandibe of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond, Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Cockles, A. A. bolomoua A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., K. Molina, Esq , Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. octt KIRLIN.BBO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WIK All LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au2l ts IDO K SALK - I 1 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Outs, black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Bale* Hay. octlO N. A. HARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., AVliolesale GROCERIES'? LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARK, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Square, (FEOtiTIKU k*I'L.ASKI HUDIBj gW Agent* tor ALE AND LAQKR. f < (Donamotly OO baud, as assortment of mreaaxvr wx»ra. septa Dm CHEESE, SOAP? A A HOXMI OMMMR, HtnwlKv Heap, » Jut received aud hi sale bv _ weU* MfUtULM. BALDWIN * 00. URnckitiUCH, URtiuM. 4te. pierceskehXn^ Wholesale anti Be tall Dealer In Rue Groceries, hoot* and Shoe*. Clothing Foreign aad Domestic Wine*. Liquor* and Began. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales. Ac. Liberal deduction* made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacture's. T?SBENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran aa dy. Rum. Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye. Scotch and Irish Whi>kies, age and body preparations for Neu traiieimr and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit. Color ings, Svrups aud Fruit Juices for Branny. Whiskey and Wines, Oils and Rxtracta of Cognac aud other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.l Treatise ou Fermented Liquors with 1000 Redpes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese and all rare Chemical* and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Sdiieateof Soda re Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay aud Tartu Alba, soap stone. Kotin, Soda.Aab, Ac. JOS W. FEUCHTRANGER, novl-eod3m No. 66 Cedar st., N. Y. Just Received, ini in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liquor*, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER’S BITTERS, Ao. Which we offer on the moat liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block. Butter, Cheese, Lard and Crackers. T> ECEIVED per Idaho and for sale by AU SEABORN GOODALL, oct3o-lw Williamson's Building. MORN & (UNNIIHMI, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, S a Van. n a It, BEG leave to inform their former friends aud cus tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goods in their line suitable for Private Families, Steamets and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all couh try orders. lm octl9 T. J. DUNBAR & CO". IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS, IC. 147 Lay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) We have the Largest Assortment ol Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &e., In the South, to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare onr goods and prioes. octs ts Notice IS hereby given that noitlier the owners or Agents of the Steamer.* AMAZON, GIBBONS aq4 LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officers or crew of said steamers unless made by written permission of ERWIN A HARDEE, For Agent* aud Owners. Jno. L. RoumillEt, Agent on Wharf. octlO ts N otic©. OFFICE OF PRO VOST MARSHAL,) District of Savannah, V Savannah, Ga., Oct. Slut, 1885. J rfUIE notice issued from tile office of the Provost A Marshal, Sub-District of dated Savan nah, Aug. nth, 186f>, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are cold to be clotted at 10 o'clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. MaJ. Gen. J. M. BBANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. REMICK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl BROWN’S CASTI LLI AN BITTER. THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure J nice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy anil the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, it is unrivalled. A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should be without the CastUllan. For Sal* by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, M ANUFACTURERS and Dealer* in Builders’ and Locksmiths* Hardware. Nail*. Pnllies, Cord, Rim Locks and Knobs, llutt Hinges, Braes and Iron Key* and Casting, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or email, furnished promptly at 10 per cent. Ice* than market price*. erp!9 Gin DURTEAS MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. wa# the mv; m\m m nn That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commiaaloncrs. the eompetion of all prom inent manufacturer* of "Com Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of tbla and other countries notwithstand ing. MAIZBir A, The food and luxury of the age, without a single halt. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mango, Ac., without isinglass, with lew or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A alight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improve* Bread and Cake It Is also exccllentfor thickening sweet sauces, gravies for flsh and meats, soup*. Ac. For Ice Cream hbtliiugcan compare with U. A little boiled In milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up In one pound packages, under tho trade mark Mulaeiuk with directions lor use. A most llvllclous article us food for cbUdrou and In vaHriMofall age*. For sale by Grocers and Druggist* everywhere, \\ liuli-mle lfo|M»t, HMJ Fulton Mtrcwt, WILLIAM dubyka, au'Mta General Agent, BOARDING. lItiAIIDIMU and l.stging can be obtained by ap- I* plying at Ik* Mn l»» x»ry brick building mi tatr su***, bear vat hi Wldlshei. ■ wiM SHIPPING. star line; FOR NEW^gpYORK. ESBSSBSF*e* SATURDAY, NOV. 4, AT BV3 o’CLK A .M. novl StodSd^BmJdm^o^yj^^ FOR NEW YORK. The new and aplendid steamship ZODIAC! E. M. Uulkley. tommander, will leave for the above port on SATURDAY, NOV. 4, at 9 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, octlg 84 Bay street. ANCHOR LINE OF PACKETS FOR N E wJH^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W. D. VAUGHN, - - - - 198 ton# ISLAND QUEEN, R. H. Conary, Master 178 tons ELLIOT. 160 tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtte, Matter, . 98 ton HONEST ABE, W. M. Conary, Master, - 85 tons And others, compile* the “Anchor Line" of Packets, and will have quick despatch aa abovo. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKER, Agents, No. 16 Stoddard's Building, or to ROGERS St CANN, **■ v Savannah, Ga. Dn. Baxoo St Caxbiuit, Agents, New York. OCI2O ts For Doctortown, TO CONNECT WITH 8.. A. &GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. The Steamer GEN. HHKPLY. will leave *harf foot of Abercorn street, on FRIDAY, 3d Inat., at 1 o’clock, p. m. Freight, Railroad and Steamboat, payable by ship pers, For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CQ„ nov2 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARE notified that they can their goods any day during the week, D* be forwarded by the abave Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free ofexira charge. #ep‘/e KEIN Freights FOR AUOUSTA, mHE undersigned ore prepared to receive goods at a their W r arohousea—free of expense aud cov ered by Ineurai ce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of llgnt draught Doutn. Apply to CUAB. L. UOLBY, scptgtt-—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sta, For Augusta, TOE STEAMER 11. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in Are proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J. M. KINCHLKY, Ageut Office in Claghorn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts octff FOR AUGUSTA, Steamer Helen, Capt. J. K. Reilly, Will leave for Augusta, on SATURDAY MORNING, Nov. 4tb, at 7 o'clock. For Ireightor passage apply to KEIN ft CO, uov3-2 114 Bay st. Line. For Charleston, STOPPING AT HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. I. K. Richardson, Will leave Claghorn 4 Cunningham's wharf, TO-MOR ROW MORNING, at 7 o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply on hoard nr to CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, nov3-2 Agents. For Rio lie Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Kahia -Rcf-aa-sm The United States and Brazil Mall IffS Steamship Company will dispatch < TjfßMwUa the 29th off evary month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m., . From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass throngh the Post Office. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For freight aad passage, having splendid accommo dations. apply to THOMAS ASENCIO A CO., oct3l-Sm No. IT, Broadway. New York. For Philadelphia Philadclplila and Savannah (Steamship Line. *.u-i- The C. S. Mail Steamship MlXNE sv£'-A:( ft TONKA-, 1,800 tons burthen, J. W. .‘ liiMf.i Butch Commander, will leave for the iFTofeaß-j above port on Satarday, Nov. 4th, art 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having eplendkl accommo dations, apply to _ ' HTTNTER A GAMMELL, oct9B 84 Bay street. TRY ONE POUND. For Liverpool. THE first data BHtlsh bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. The new flnt class clipper ship Vlßfi I NIA, , weeks, commander. Is now leading rapidly it (him Frew, and having luffe engagement*will bars quick despatch Ibf fratght or passage fiaban at lewsst ietee» apply to ciAS. L. OOLMY * <*» . ttW su»aer AbMwrn and Bay fttiprno. For Liverpool. THE Al American Ship NSW ENGLAND. Hodge, Master, having a lone portion of ■£Mj* beT car N° engaged will be ready to receive 111 1 11 cargo at Lower Hydraulic Pres# on the 18tb mat. aepl4-tf ght ‘’“Tk® BALDWIN 4 CO. ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. mm iWIHIVTS’ LIKE. Lightest Draught Boats oa the River. MAKING REGULAR TRIPS AT THE LOWEST STAGE OF WATER. CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT savannah™ BE FORWARDED WITH OUT DELAY. AT CURRENT KATES OF FREIGHT. Steamed* K No- 1 Li * bt Dran S ht Augusts built K.H . Y AND UNION, and st low rates. , * Merchants and Shippers will have their Good* con signed to F. M. MYRELL, Agent Steamer Union, or J. M. KINCSLET, , . Agent Steamer H. H. May. Savannah, Ga.,or G. T. JACKSON 4 CO., Agents Steamer R. H. May, CHURCHILL St JOHNSTON, Agents Steamer Union, oct2B-lw Angoata,Ga. Baltimore and Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. THE Steamsiiip Fannie, CAPTAIN GAGGIN, Will leave Baltimore tor Savannah on Saturday, November 4th, at 3 o’clock p. m. : returning, wIH leave Savannah on Saturday, November lltli, at o'clock. WEST, BRYAN & CO., novl—3 Agents, savannah STEAM FOR BALTIMORE. The new and fast sailing clipper steamship NORTH POINT, Capt. tt C. Smith, will leave this port for Baltimore on Saturday, Nov.4th, at 10o’clock, A. M. The North Point has elegant state room ac commodations for passengers. For Freight or Passage, apply to WEST, BRYAN & CO. Biyan st., next to FYovost Marshal’s office. N. B —PuMengers for this rente, for New York, will save two hundre L mites of sea travel, and wi l receive through tickets at same rate as now charged by New York lines. Freight will also be checked through to New York as low as by any other rente. novl TOR BALTIMORE. Peudergast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, (Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo algaged. will have quick despatch. Forbalanceof freight ap ply to • , LaKOOHE, GADEN ft UNCKLKB, Corucr Bay and Barnard streets. Agents In Baltimore—Peadcrgast, Fenwick ft 00. Oct 18 ESTABLISHED *1826. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DEGRAAP At TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY. PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found In this city, and at the lowest prices. M ATTRASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $5 TO ST. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. octal-ton Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1803. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Bine Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Brab Solferlno Fawn Drab Vfolet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. <&■ A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT..» For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shade* can be produced from the same dy». The process ie simple, anil any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German, inside of each package. HOWE & BTEVENB, . r 280 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealer* generally, •ctlo-flm DR. GORDONHOWA RD Has resumed the Practice of Medicine. Special ot ten don to Disoases of the Eye. Office, and residence, Jones street, two doom from Whitaker, octlh law4w Bridgewater Mil »«* Col«r Work* Cos. BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agent*. Just reoelved and for sale at the manufacturer'* ****»«* XX Bridgewater Lead Keen XX Him* While Zinc Kiws Cygnet White Lesd It ( I'* Komrueroi't WUlte Lba<! Tub* J»utt¥ j'llutilniMM premium WbltfljUid i'hrotutf Yellow Vtiuollin lied MeUlir Pulut (111 o|b Meldjlc P»i»»t (dm Fire Proof Paiul LulUgM f'olur*. lu ihH'4