Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 07, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald BY 8. **-" mim! \V. T. TIK _ . *■ ,J :.. -s' - **.ovi mb-.r *• )*•». \ -\ N A • V XII.USOW. WciuH-M .MM.- ,. r ..a full »ynnp sis «f an iinp<* ' : ’ fc tbe owfwl'W* of : 0 ' i Convention, h Oca. Tiibo!». a :c\v U'tys b;iiC , 10 wu'ci ' wt woul.l iuv tc the carnu-t alt iffion cl *ui XQ&CCTs. Wiiiist w.‘ caw.tit '« crib; so a I t |ia wa ‘ ► t*d by tl.e lUM'inauiC.tu speak r, on ibu ‘0 ci-ion refined l wt are free to cuufc** thsi ),!< view > aid s. ntiau !it< are in tbe main «•< ttecl, and evi c . spirit <* c.udoraml *;,«* HlxlaKlt in M.c* i cn-Kdi of mxtUrsoi i, lo bialust moment, must c nnmei and bitn to tbe respect aoJ coti&ieuoc of the peo- ple ot QjorJ i. A c ireful perusal of his interesting re maiks will dt c vet tec f c: that this < fflc.-r is occupying a , os'uion, as Chief of tbe Freed man’s Bureau iu ibis State, of vast ru spoo.ibility, and that, Influenced aa he is by a sincere and nmu y desire t> advance tin weal ..f the State, he is heartily disposed to meet it promptly an j w-y, if the people of Georgia but r> c .vc Ins kind ili 1 1= with tie temper and di-p s lion which be so earnest ly invokes ns e-st mini to ri vive and perpetu ate tbe prosperity atui bappmess they enjoy ed before the war. Weltaveal.v-.v-hv ve.l ted the opera tions of Ibe Bur o.t, as conducted In aome parts of our c .liittrv by agents, i Wexete'seHied cm nutboritv with wfficl. they wire entru ; and, w,r produc ive o! mure liarm than ti ml. As fiiu Goveinm m, however, think-difficult land cb Clines to to remove tills ot j c i arable feature <>f inili tary power, v.e ie. 1 tuut «e are* t» c ur* pen seel in some degree for in presence hy tba as signment ot a el.ii I executive officer amongst ns, remarkable IW inte ligenco m<d much ad ministrative ta'.eut, and who “promises bis heartiest, must earn t ni c ■ .strut co-oper ati *n in ii.dn -ng ui 1 cuinpe ling tile lreed meo to labor 1 eibfnllv, and in restoring the fiiate to ils former p art* an I prosperity.” % thi: sic ;ii *pvt-tniibtcTios. A Public Mct-isag of tits Cliistne 7b tke Ed -t »♦ Dtilij HtruUi There never been a time in the annals of our city, when it was more important that the off! e of M .yor sir.mid be in tbe bands of a m m of sound judgiifeai, of firm netvp, and with a talent for organization, than at the present iuojr.eiit.__ We are egabarking upon a sea of experiment, which may prove a troubled set, and the < l -as ot Savannah should feel c ufidei c.: in Lira to whom they are entrusting (heir property and their wel fare. Our Stat<* will he, It.r a year or two at least, in kpivs'tiou from one condition of things to auot r, and our city will feel the movement v ry s ii.ih . . Wc shall have a vast deal at stake aud we should see to it, that-be whom wo p.c at the head of onr city should be c ,oij>e:<-nt to meet unusual emergencies. I have uo cmdi late to name, but I implore my fehrev citiz ua to take tbs matter into serious consiue-raiiun and not to permit an unfit man to be foisted upon us thro'apntiiy and iud.lLrcnce. Tugre should bo no indifferent! t a time like this. Tm nomination ol it Mny-r and his h.-.aid nf Al dermen should net ba left to tbe die atton eitb* r of iudivi e 1.-, or cliques or parlies Tbe citizens of S tv .naaih, the property-hold era, the uuic r u . ttie trade-ii; n, the uie cbinics, should -:b. no elves make such e j iti >n ;.s wi.i c tbe respect and confl fence of tbo~chy. This is no tune foi trifling The edy n.vJs lor its g >vornuun. our Vo-y b.-st men, aud they should ha offered to tbe voters of S-v inn h Wearo all deep ly inlet 3-ied, a id I therefore suggest that a <sall f>i tbs pai'p i ■} of nomination ho made by a c.rd signed try cur cieiz-ns, and that after they i ave sign, and it, luey t ike the troabiu to attend tbe mooting and see that their intentions be properly carried out. • S. To t’i» Editors of th E.iv.mnalt OaUy Ilera/d •• The fui mvibg nuiiicd -emit mtu are an Bounced, wan.,it; c.uisuli aion, as c ndi dites at the rhe.ion ior Major and Aiderweu: * For Mayor. Gkorok iV. vV jtlly. For Aldermen. John Williamson, Henry Brigham, Martin J Ford, Francis S. Blair, John F. O'iiyrue, George A. Cope, M. 11. Mi-y. ts. Hiiain Roberta, Dr. J. M Satiicy, . at. L ndilison, W. M. Davidson, J itiu McMahon. Te the E litors of tie Eac nnah D utj Utmid: 1 notice in y. ur i.- sue of ti;e 4 ii iust., my name is ineutiini and us u cuididitu fur Aider mau in the ap iioac .i.’.g City E action. You Will oblige mu by oaduu icing ilia' I am not A candidate. Jo in Williamson. Tnif vr.viii elilcTaO.v. Fatlic ricctitig. B'Vi'rik Nov. 7, 18C5. The cirtz.trt ot i am c .anty «re re quested to in -,■! :ie Codit il .use, iu tin city ofSivauu; liiis day. ntta o'cmk, M., for the purpose id . «y»- i delegate* lo the C iDveu-.i utobe l, and .a u, c gih i nb t., to nosaiuatu a Sauatur iro.u tho First Sena torial-Di-ir.ct. Julio W- rv.b . p or,, J.,:. n Willi, nison, Wm. 11. Cdyl.-r, . ;| c mli W. S. c.d ... 1..,. II B 1 Wm ll Bile, I- utssell, i YV,u. b B.mul.i, li AOB me, J R S.lUi-y, I. I J \Vuj.„ Geo. A. M :c ;v.i i\w F.uUev ’ Win. I>. Harden, l (J. Hrv ’’ F L One. nt. J. Clement * 41 it ridge, Lnwn-i c.- Cynuell Josiidi Rock,lt, E. a„efl,all, ’ D lieaduiati, li ry 1 „w, P »mar, W S.vull,' Wicvi S. H n t, J-u., Stew an I B Franklin, li T Gii o’ | Lyde G >.kl#io, L J. ii i a .child, A. N. Miller, i Nog. ut, Jr., Geo. W. NV>!!>», * ■* J Bt'hch, J . L mu, K A Win no, Lovell, Jos ph E ppmao, ~ - A. Bolomo is, LJ. Go hi.artio, Pit/ C B tiler, Jin*. H Deppuft, ’Pe'er Whelan, E J Purse, J C Cool.'hi, H G vcr. Tuwtua* Pepi*w, J McNulty, J. E C niiley. W y. mmt ->vo *r« w. t ilontvd liiaiitnb I H.m Solomon Cohen, fiauim ~i* *'*'y. ' ll ‘ 1 *" ivpreMntih* M4v*i*i C'i 1 4*« *i< ul D <ti ct in titu Congros* , tlie L'ul'id Ml»h*. nt au «i> Chou to bw A «* 110 loth .otU'.U O n. TillMfl'e *ddrfss to tie Male toiiiffliien. T'tr FBEtDMFN'S 1 Ah' NOT SiMT'hV Til it CHAMPION Os TUE FUEEUAAS. THE FR£LFM£N TO BE COMPELLED 'iO LABOU. HOW IT IS TO EE OPSE Gen. Tilson, Sup. rintend nt of the Frecd inen'» Bureau for this St Uo. recently deltv* red before the delegates of the Georgia Convention a highly important ami intere- t mg address in wbjeii are presented clearly ,nd accurately the views and purposes <4 the Bureau la toe discharge ol its legitimate fu. c ions. As its gri n* length ludes i,s million tiou in lull in < ur already crowded columns, we submit iu lien tiicreot the following syn opsis of its < out.its. The General introduces his subject with the remark that the ohj ct ol the Bttrcau to ■vhicli he is attached as one of it3 ex cutive .gents, bad been largely misrepresented niicl misunderstood in Georgia, as elsewhere; ,nd to corn Cl which tc there and then pro posed to make known its lea! purposes aud die policy which is to guide its actions. Too most widely diffused and mischievous error in regard to the B.ireau is the strange oelief among the white people that it is sim ply the champion of the Free!men—night .f wrong. That its agents are represented as pr. f< rring and believing the statement ot the Freedman rather than that of the while inan, as tut' nding to force the whites to ac- C pt fbe blacks on terms of**si oial equality, and having been desigued fi r tbe express purpose of annoying, hutni iating, and > tfen sivelv intermeddling w ith the affairs of the white people of the 5 mth. Another error, not less mischievous, was equal y current among the Freedmen, that the great and only ofj Ct of the Bureau was to furnish them with lood without labor,- lid to assist at tbe close of this or the com mom-ament of the ue.v year, in m iking a distribution among them of the lands aud o her property of their former masters. Ile hancteriz and both of these popular dclu -ions, so prevalent wit h both races, as not only being utterly fallacious, hut m tin highest degree rid cibms aud absurd, and urges with much emphasis tbe ntc.-ssiiy fui .n immediate correction of su< h arrant canards, as offensive to llie''GoVerLUUeut ami latal to themselves. He announces that the first efforts of tin- Bureau iu this State will tie directed to aid ul refugees and freedim-n who nt .y need as istance to obtain homes in tbe country where fair wages and kind treatment w ill he s.cured to them; that they will not he per mitted to remain iu and about towns and dies uuless they are profitably employ ed or pile abie to supply their own wants. Tuose who are helpless, both in country and cities are, b wever, to 1> provided tor by their former owu rs unt 1 such time ai the Slate shall make provi-i. n for their support. It is also de igued, with the aid of tut benevolent societies, to .stall iish schools; butitistioi intended to con fine them to the use of the lrcodtuen alone ; Out schools will he provided for the ti eol white refugees and other poor white children Who desite to avail tbeuiseives of tiie.-e op portunities for ibeit mental improvement. lie alleges that largo uumbers of tie. dmen imagine that freedom means relief iron, nil moor, and to live a life ot idleness, and even of vice; and says tiny must bo admonished of this eiror and that if not abaudomd by a resort to habits of iuuustry they w ill he «r re-ted and treated as vagomts. 11-dvvu!l --upon this point «s one" of great inletest to iiotb races in Hie S utb, as up.m it depends the reliaiiility aud permat) ney of lab r .vithout which it will he impossible. Il speaks iu very disparaging terms of ti iargo propoiti.m of the friediucn who are, to ms persi-ual knowledge, add Ctes! to lying ind stealio— Tu se are disagreeable taC s and he.Wishestht y were otliei wi-e; and hopes with the advantage of fru.doin tiny will gradually heeoiuo h- >uest, industrious aud valuable citiz-ns He says it is the settled policy of the Bureau to compel every Ireed .nan who is r. c. ivmg lair ami just wages fm ms labor to adlieiu to Ids contra, ts; tins is necessaiy for the welfare of tno fr.-i dmeii end to avut a great ouiuniiy In tliu South -Whcthi r this aid can be extended by olhcer nf the Bureau, depends almost whol.y il imt eutireiy, upon a few simple Conditions, wiiicti Uie wuitu people nt the titate c.iu alone fui fill, and which must precede any t ff -rt the Bureau can make, iu fo.C ng tno lreedtneu to labor. « First, They must have fair andfowounble cotiipeusatiou. It is simple folly to exp.c -attsl.iCtoty and pr< li able labor without ibis, as the .xpeiietica of mankind every where has demonstrated. Whilst lie was dot-bed to admit that there were nmuy iu -tat.Ces where the former slave owner was willing to be ju-t, aud even generous to a degree that excited uis admiration, yet be was compelled to say tlmt many of then, were not so were guilty oi if sharp practices in their dealings w ith the colored labor, r. SvC ml, Tb« ireedmen must be sicure In tbei' person, tbi-ir buuies mid their faiuii et, a tlie euj .yuieut ot tlie fruits ut llicir labuie, aud must be tieated jußily and fairly ; ue says is not tlie t.-o iu many put- of tne itate, as tie knows frmn evidence that c m unt bo questioned. There are uut a few in stances where treedom lias been a bitter mockery to llu so people, and where they nave l),en sul j C!ed lo Ciuelty from which ihey would have been pruncied us slaves. He does nut propose to be guilty of tlie in just ct of judeinv 'be whole i-eoplu nf Geor gia by men, brutal aud cowardly eiiotigb to ~raC.lce u.-e.ess, uuuiC.ssaiy c.uelt.v on a race already p.-ur, iguoraut au i suffering. But a coircctiou of these enormities must preede anything Ukc a inaiti.fui and prus ,,er, us state of affairs, lie appeals tutne members ot tlie Convention to se tneir sac. s iguiust all sue . violence and Cruelty tie adverted to the effort, being made tlirougiiout the Scute to iuduco lofeign emi .ri'aul latior, to supersede lab-.r by the Ireed aieu. He guys such a policy, ii suco -sstul, .night drive ihe freed people bcyon-i rue bor der of the Stale, bul be thought such course plainly suicidal, aid did not believe it |,r..c ~cubic; that white laborers will not come aee, for Hie simple reason that other Siate offer much greater iu jucctumts to them. 17 c Uoaerat doe- not propose to give tue freed- j men the lull right ot citizenship, nor all the privileges Cos O ded the laborers ot the North. ! fas fame military fotco the Bureau Uses iu nrottcdag, it will ctu|.loy iret-ly.aud prompt ly in coinpeiiiug them lo petforiu their duties if necesmiy, anil that lie knows from his owu expert noe, it Wol be n,o ssar.y, , I Al uding to tue Uitflcu tie- of obtaining a Unflieivut number ut officers to a«t us ugvuls, j lie suy;; 1 "Auer reading your statues and rifl ctlng Isonitwiiat careluily upon the sul j ct, I l.uve 1 decided to ask tt.e Stale uuthotiii, • to msti u. t Cf the Ju-tice* ol the Feacs ior tlie M.ffUu Dt-ifiets, aud Ordiuurivs of tlie couu “'.‘“““J select, lo act to tt*c exteut of • j i tt ™fl*wh*B as the ugi'Di* of the Bu nvVhh I tell you cundtdly, that sln-u and Vt" hJ* n r *.ited, 1 snail ho guided L°n tIJC OUllslUeri-- il'lohla 6 ! f da. 1 a Uy W ithout U.« siighte-l f. Iweute to u.o |k,IU.CiI onlnions • or Ptul pnlilicai ulil.iiis nt tlit.u officers If , mhe they are honest, c lutetui t out meh, end will uo slutplu Ju.i C! to mi f» r *on« wiiboui refer., tie to color, (hen in'.y wi l » saewer liw purjm* »oi the U .r.iu edmiiw i toy. It ibis eitei g.un ut dm U. IMttb ii t*Ui itmUo tho people to edjus; all mlr.or diff fences and the poms'** of roe country tiirot’/h ! bc conver-ien. chan- I i:ee*to wnieh they hare been accu'Uvned, 1 an-., will, l hope, remove nuicti ol me irrita .hi t u w exists, and which so oiteo . b aks out into’o;«n violenc .” To act -is agents of tne Bureau, it will be | n eessaiy tor them to li. ar the tea iinouy of the freed pe pie in cases where they are tn terested. But this is a vuv difl - r.-nt tiling f out saying that tin y slmlftu ly believe the i t stinmny. Tl.ey are simply a-Ketl to l.e-.r j ii and give it that weight to which tticy cna I seieutiously lieli.-ve il entitled, aud it it be I realty cone ded that these people ar - free, j t ic-n certainly this i* not an unreasonable re- j quest j ;t is not asking tnat tiiey sliouid lie | all .wed to sit upon the jury, but tb it your | own mag'.stra is should hear their testimony and decide upon ils va lie. Tne officer- of tin- Bureau will be held to a stri it i.oeounlabiliiy for impartiality and jits ice between the two ela.-ses. There is no reason wry a master who was kind and humane to ids slaves should not !>u lusted by ti e fu-edmen now ; m> reason why an honest, industrious well meaning fre. iltnan aud a just and honorable wh te .mm, however widely apart their soc id c. n dilioii-, should not he r.-al friends, interested iu each others’ welfare, and ever ready to protect, maintain aud deteud each outer's rights. Tim interests of the people are not antagonistic. It is to the interest of the white man to secure relish e, trustworthy labor; il is equady for the interest of the Irecdnian to In c me au honest, industrious and skillful workm in. miMIAL aSo lU.UAILUUAL. New YoiU Markets., Yo.«, ITbv. 1,1305. COFFEE. —Wo has be. n m.eJerately active, but pri ors, liiougu nnsterate j uacnamcm], .re not very arm. •stock on I'bll i Oct. 3., *s^". —3 ,?J > bags IU >. 403.,ags -t, oomlugo, ,8j baas Jamaica, .0 L .gieijrj. *3 h.l « Savaumlla, 43 b. g< Costa lues-—Total bags, 3v 057. e.'—Adamantias are moderately active, wltitout cliange iu price ; sales at 00@33 c. ; Sperm ui.U . atcut remain steady, wub sale- lo a moderate exia tan -0 . for Hie firmer aud 60 . for tbe latter. Coal.—Tne market ior ri m st.c .a largojy sup.r.ed ■u,. .... . vy. i.ic cuaauoip.iou tua lar uuriug tile Vutarnu law. becu mucli los.- 11. .. fur tbe same time i„. y_ai , and atm-K Inis aocuiuuiated ; sales from yaic •• Siifestv ton. Iu tsu vciy litUe baa jmi, uub.„, ...m t.ic market is nesVy. I Lock x.'U aean—Tne h q iuy ior tbo iow and me iium grades oi w eaten, rail State llour is quite ae ne, a..;l tiiese nave advanced iunj ftnoe per obi., at vvui.ii Uie in,lit...t closes . tlifl dsaiaud Is cc fired clLtfl. io tile liouie a..U eas.cru u*adc; trade aud .aui o’ briiima are if in but not acuce ; we Suva bud r,aid cut), g s iiviae uuulcet uurmg the week, tiiougl. a *olr coiiau.iip.lve deiuauu prevailed. The tket oi lowp.rades being ie.auveiy 50; per barrel lower fa..u v.iuat, Induces able lioiaors to nitbdiaw tiieir •auipics .tom tne market, and the aue.leiuie supply acre ior tlio son son adds fl inut-ss and coi ft fence. il.e a.cs to-dav are 1. 9 9 ols, at $7 Ts.iSosrur su ,c Ma e; $j 26at> 50 ior extra do. $ ■ S5-S U) ur 4 iu.,y do ; $ *m» .v n.r Uie low gra .es of western extra ; 3i*.r...0 ior S:. Louis do. i isu—.daek-rei iu less active demand, tbe oh. icrn.gsnie more liberal, prices nave decliiittl, anu tue close are quite heavy. We quote as follows: Xlaekciel, Ivo 1, mr Ss, sluall, be. bbl, $53 50*53 5j ; _,o 2, snore, per i.obits; do No 3, mass, large aew. pji- bbl, t. 5 COala; fieirtug, scaled, per box, 6 ; do No 1, per box. .6--. ouoats opened steady, but with a more as jv. .t.'iuuiiil, chMe.l better auil Ural ;sales of 34.0'U bu h rt 43 a sjJsc for Uasouad ; r5/,c f r CaU,id> nr a .a loroiu Western lu store, ui.U id u 67; Coiu ts oasier. but nt tbe eoucvssiou a .note active busl.ieas was done, iu part for cxpui t, burieiilody- lor use,elosiug ifriu. riaiiug ibe ,vceg wo nave bad u very lively demand, aud, uot witUstaiuUiig the larger arrivals, prices b. va atea la y tiuprovotri the tuqiiii I }’lias been eliletly .ot VJIUO syeeu dt-uiaud bas pro vailed. We allied iaige.ylo our stock, wiueliis uow abrat x,- a00.0.0 basin Irion- —Tbe market has ruled very quiet dunni (He j aoi w.ek. stock is uibeii r.dbwl, but buy er- co.iUuUe- to bob! Oil. Tbero is uo quotable nr.a,;r ,a pr,eu>; riry Hides—Uucuos Ayr. s, be a to lu., eb a 23e.; M.a.iiJr.du, 20 aXJ ib„ 1J a lU;ic. : Wei hail ;d Ul 1 >-C iUoi-um, 45 a 601, gold; New Jt ie ns, 50 aab it). 12 a 12’*e.; tVeSteru ami CoUUliy ,0 a 70 lb., 9 a lie. liCN.'.v iJxos.-U, ve been in lair demand sad «teauy eiii.-llig at Sea SOe. > l'loXU.—CdUtir.uesfl.'in tvlta a :aU busUltrs at 23 a 23SC. .... Jl.. V.— 1..S supply ts fair and no maiuetls steady, sa.'-a oi 20; iMies Siuppliig a. boa -#c., aud ouiail lot, at ion »».. per 1 o io.— lob jobbing l. t loivaer ra.est .. bear Ot; ly auetlou, loOinids. lies. Portp Rico, at 75 a '... si re. Nov. l, .s•> -M-.4 Imds. .iw.i Nitise., i: 0 i.UJs. Cnoa C yed, 1.f.4 llbds. l’.,i!u lib», 3» bliiis. inirhadoee, 660 Uads. bughsO ialaui.—fetal fl .and- 4 .50. naVsl u.on..c.— p .us of Turpentine is lu less ac i.v. ueaiaud and e sner; sleek 1.002 binfe. Crude . i.rpoutiue Is s r au.i .lull;stock 43 0 bbis. itosius ic.iiab. li.hi nuu a tt.r ou.-l ess was none ; slock ie,- 40 bo.s. Jar lul l ueeu ouiy ill maderata d-uuaad ,nt prices ate Witt.o it c .auge: stack 12 0 übl.-. Ji.y .'iteiiis without ouiiuge. Weqioto as failov.a: f„ p nilbe, Non: Couuiy...per2s. m. $s Oott ~,w gu .jgiouu..U Newoeru..per bo.. 7 aaa 7 5, X f s ,0 50 ali oc i' .c... c.r, Nx. i 00 a a 50 .sill,Coiiuuo.. per xeo ib. 750a 1 .5 3*l it.- Tui-peutiue, .iul PCV gal. 1 10 a l lx i-aaVisio.-,s.—fi.ere bus bee.i less doing .a 1'0... t -liny ;iu iaet tue market was exeeeu.ugly dull; us i.eutand and ofleriugs ai-e alike muderete; tin, cash anuiegulai, are i, 73-bbis. Mess at $2 ■ y; a a*; etiler k.uds are dull, aud, in tae übsa..oe •1 sales, are uoUiinaL iieel lias met wtlli a rail- jul> oaign m„ndin;aiuil iriots; sales oi 375 buis. ai « 2asl)f). ; i’iu3 of 334,5,. a If for listra do.; aud -su 12 ;ol'64a;elieei. . acuu isquitt, itud we nave bi.iy LDiw.eii sale oi 26 boats lee-cured Short Rio-, oedat vie. Laid ts w.uiout essemlal eliaagc lu liwe-; Ol 450 pxgs, at 2S a Z7JJ: for City, *37 a 23.4 c "or Western, auUsmaii lots a: ..iglter ligures. BL-rriiu—l'ne miivu-y for choice buitoi'jbas been very good ior"iio;ue eou.-idupUou ; prices nave , .vaueeu; at the dose sue ..mi, owing to the reduced stock .u.d Uuriied present and prospective aii.valv ; Wisiei uis also iu sruuil supply, aud very lina.y lield uiititr a good demand lor ihe Eastern weal and Souitteru trad.: ifloslilpplug dema .and bis aiueiy Lit eii od'. tbe ear.eut .uga prices oemg far anu.e u.e iimiis ol orutrs. We quote: tiiuugecounty .In pans),, toa6s ooo.i to Western 30a4u CliKßSii lias heou tu goal Uemaud lor Ireuie cub sumi'iiou; pricis nave gradaally w iked up, aud ai .no close are it.ui; uotulug oi moiueut. is doing for export, prists being aijova snippers’ ihuits. We M*H ffick.—Tue Ueiuaud lovali kinds 1s limited, auu prices are more or less uo.uiual. anOAirs,—Raw Sugars are i.u.l and prices Irregu lar ; sale* ui -So bluis, at;2 *, a X44f c lor Cuba ; i3;6e .or Form Rioo tor rcuuuig. Fair it U nug isq.iuica a. i3^ic’aud Good do at 13J6c, but Lues.; rate-are uotumal. Retiflcdts dm; at 20 a2O for Hards.— Htorii NaVemuer. 1. J*k>—K3..&3 uudS Cuba, 8, 03 ~uds Porto rdou, 740 bbits utaer ktii t —l'uLU Uads, ui.332 ; ..e 84 OOXCS, 81,5.9 bags, SO Mcfado. H.,Lt.—there na> be u Uut lUtto doing tu Liver pool, only a retail tr.ule; la prices we Have no Change ; we quote etruumi at a2 2J aud ftue ut £S 75 a-3 6, and S-3j, tbe latter rate lor Asiitou’s; . u -vs fsiaud Is q .oted ai 3; a 62a. Wool—our uturaet lor bolu douiestlc and for. Ig , Ufeces bus Dee., exceedingly dull, tneru being t.o mspo-iiiou to operate beyoT.d small lois suitable to t;ade; New I uiH, Mici.iguU aud Indiana—choice -elected aaxuuy fl eoe, .s.lie; coiuuioi. fleece, 62a 53e;iuii washed, 70u75c. w tuskv—t here lias been only a limited inquiry .or tu.s article to-day. out in prices we liave uo par ticular cu tinge to note; oi z.O bbls. Western al $; 35; Drudge is dull at ii 33. Latt.t Europtau Markets hlVkbPOOL OcL 15, ISIS. CdTTON-aSatcs for two days rS.ouo,* 5,3.4 to speculators aud exporte.s, Tue market is nun, wltu a decline of >j.4a. tne Manchester market <s Inactive aud prices are easier. hakiD.TUrr.'—The market Is fl an. Corn quiet. F.tuvisioNs—The market is buoyant, and supplies mostly exhausted. LoND N, Oct. 19,1855. Cons'ols closed at 38>6aS81( .or mo..ey'. AdnuiC.l v arocks—l. S. ~',vo-l'»Virao.s, 61; Erie lia .aay, *7* TJt: Jkluols Uaffroa eZ4( jtBM. Lt.LnPooL, m.nxv, ucn -u.—cufro.s.— ,he 8.0-ke.s* ke.s* e.r; ~-.r repo.t* ibe salesm Coctou tor Ue week „t .o,n-o ..aha, uie.u .tug 33,00; bates to spjoulators, uju l;, 6i)j to exporters; Tae opened ot.ojautaiui wuu au ud.auetitg teudeucy on tue ~r-t o, uie week, bat receded ana closed dall, will! a me ol .Uliy aid per lu. Tub authorised quo ta', re a- .0u0,,s : oripuas Fair, SoOrleans a* ,p, 3-id,; Mu-jue Minuung, -.M— I Cploitus ~ .6a.; Uplands .ct, oojqu. • stoca ui couon tu port g.-v.oov bates. Including 37,0,0 ales ul American, me sales to-day ti- runty) wete 10.0 M bales, the market wu.iig u.tner but unchanged. PnbVjstdNi— t ..e u.arkei Is qu.ei and bare of stock, tacor ff. s— i be market la Ulmer uua all quail i.uve uuvauoed, exoeptiug corn, vvldcb ts very dull aud decline a Sd per quarter. no.soon, Friday k.cuing, rich 30.—Consuls uosed at 80 a l»,q tor money. t..e we- k.y .etcius of the Hank ot England shows au increase tu flu lluu Ol £54,030. ams, ic*N brocks ns latest sales were made at law quuiuiiuus, Unite* stales Five-l weD. o.q a c.g : trie itaihos i snares, 57if a 33* I I.UUV.S UvUtiul Had. and SltUi'Wv, 83>4- DKMOCUATIC TIUKKr. For Mayor. Juun P W. Hcxu. Vor MdtiUiH. Augn»U)» P. Water. John Ryrm, JouuU. r.ritli. Jsvoh Waltlburgi Hobcri Ldiillsuo, John Oirv.r, John Mi .Hal,on, J.diu W iilli.UllbU, J im Litn.a, Art In N- Millet. W U linilocjt, c C Coney, . Tu« akbVii tiukot ft tv RESE77AL. Gen- L J. Q»r rei, of Atlanta, dec ine-io Leo,me a c indid .te for Congress ir. that : district. Hon. Hugh Buchanan of Coweta coun ty, i- i*inon. cud ns a candidate to represent the Tiiird Congressional District in the next —Mr. A. P. Burr, one of tho editors of j the Macon Journal aud Messenger, died on Wednesday last. “AS cessiimlst,” writing'to the Colum bus Enquirer, proposes the came of Hm. A. H. Stephens as a candidate for Governor of Georgia, wiin, he says, “would the position if c died to the Gniierfcatorial Chair by tite voice of tl.e people.” Tho cotton op; ratiuass at Liverpool during the Inst fortnight represent the large sum of A12,000.000 stc-riing. the brokerage on wl.icii is c impounded at £600,004 —iVsquiirc! slang t.-ri.t Wh uelr ilass , on tbe 2oth, resulted iu tht and ath ofabout 3 O<X) squirrels or their equivalent iu various kinds ot game. The party numbered 22 gunsmen. —Tue Richmond Whig says that parties are in negotiation f .r the put chase of Du:Ca Gap Caual, for the purpose of widening aud deep ening it, and making it available for the pas sage of steamers and vessels, a toll to be eX acted in c .nsideration of the seven miies of travel willed it cuts < ff. —AI Jar Lamb, of Norfolk, v.*iio commanded F .rt Fisiiuf when it was taken by our forces, ha» been iu Providence-, R. I, for some weeks. The min uie ball that lie received io uis hip during the struggle at Fort F.sher has been extracted by a surgeon of that city. —A beautiful bat k of about 370 tous f ,r the Loudon -Missionary Society, was launched at Abordeeu, Scotland, a few weeks ago, called the John Williams, to be employed tualnly among tho South Sea Islands —After a drought which lasted 29 daysqrain began to fali iu Paris on the 9th uit., aud con tinued throughout the day —Beu Hailaday tieuiea that the (.Veiiand conches have o-ased running on account of Indian depredations —Artemus Wat d,showman, is said to have received 440,000 from a ric.i uncle lately do ceased In London, —General Imboden, of Virginians now coo nected with anew express company, to lie called the “National Express Company." It is to operate over the whole country, having its headquarters in Richmond. —Tue new Mexican loan of $30,000,000 meets with a ready sale in New York. —“Alwaysbuy yourchestnuis boiled,” said Mrs. Snow to Ab-mlech, who was about in vesting a penny iu that little brown commo dity, “ 'cause the raw ones waut looking af ter, and tho wormy ones you have to throw away; but with the boiled ones, ii don’t make n > difference—worm's can t hurt nobody vvlieii tlp-y'ie boiled.” —For uinely-flve successive years the Mo ravian missionary ship has made an anuunl vovago from Europe to the shores of Green land and L .btador. Tue pres nt is the ninth vessel employed in this service. —ANow York letter-writer says that “the private dinner given to Messrs. Stephens and Reug'bU nt a Boston hotel was a huge j ike. Nobody was present except the two gentlemen named, and the waiters." —Among the troops mustered out by a late oider' from the War Department are tweuty colored regiments. —The carriage in whio i President L'.r.oiln rode to Ford’s Tima l re on the night of the assa-.-inatioti, is now on uxi.ibiliou on Broad way, New York, and Is visited by crowds of people. —Hou.B. G Humphreys is the only Whig Governor ever elided in Mississippi. Tue Uongra-.'i mal delegation are ail Whig—a rare occurrence. —Surgeon General Barnes is di-posiag ol welve million dollars worth of medical stores, accumulated during the war. fun R iiaau Catholic iu Balti more have Just contributed over eleven thousand dollars for the benefit of the poor at tlic South. —Heurv S. Foote, of Tennessee, may be -ecu daily at the Asior library iu New York, engaged upon his U't-tory of the war. —The Quartermaster's Department has tints tar real a-d between $6,000,000 and $3.000,000 froiu.tbc sale of new useless army uppurtenauC s. * —Alargu numbor of French troops have been sout recently from Algiers to reinforce Maximilian's f irc.i in M.xtoo. —ln a speech at Meadvllle, Pa., Sir Mor ten Poto, one of the English capitalists, said: “We pay in L-n lou f,,r oib hire and omnibus hire yeariy, in that single city, as much as ttie income aud property tax ot our entire kingdom. How CuohkKA ts Scccbssfcilt Tbeated.— It utay lie said that choiura, iu Us first stage, can always be successfully treated, uuic-is the system is weakened by other disease*, by dissipation, or by some sprCial ©.use. Tue Rev. Dr. H unliu's cholera mixture— equal parts by Weight of liquid laudanum, spirits ot cauigkior and tincture of riiuharh - lias beta used here uot only oy him, but by many others, with the greatest success in meet ing the first stages of the disease. If diar ri.cea is carefully kept off liy the use of the mixture the daiigci ot C i dera is very* slight In the s, cond stage of relapse aud cramps, cl. ar brandy taken internally, mustered pias ters; and other means of keeping up external heat by friction, Ac , are very often used with success. There is always hope in chol era until tlie patient is actual,y dead, a&d in seven cases r, covery oiten depends upon the persistency aud energy witu which the disease is met and ultucxed at every stage.— New York Tribune. The Fkekdmkn or Gkougia.—The Bureau at Washington has received a report from tbe medical officer in charge oi' tlie freed tr.en iu Georgia, front which it appears that at the pres- ui time there are only 231 freed men in that slate who are riCeivmg medical attention ul tiiu expense ot tho govetumeut. llospi aU aro now op n at Savannah and Augusta, and others will be established at Macon, Cunumbus and Ariunta. ■'k\v .niVKiiTisi: 'ikvis. Aucieut Land Mark Lodge, X«, 251 A An «rtr» emmuntektion of tb!a Lod.e will i e held at tfleir If all, Tbls Evening, ut TH /V\o*do.k. Mem .crs of the frat-m ty, |n good standlug, »re rr epectfu ly invited to attenJ, liy order. nov7 JAX M. PRENTIfi*. B«cr*t»ry. Co-Partnership Notice* rE omiersigucd fluvlng a>s /.ikU t tin urerivei to gvil.or uii-lrr tlie Fern uame oflla/Mu si t U- Ha be, tor Uie Mariaiticoi jr oi hrlwt, end lor tb<- Axle ... tt oixl and oilier ii.ei'chau'iiMi. Arc now pmpAied iu receive oi'tc a f>r Vt n> . All oibere wilt have pfOlUhl Attenlbin. und bis rev|i»oifi l, *ollclud. Ufli.e At Uui fvß Uwusc, on M- k' *,n te. ALKRBD UA) wood, 0> V’-flt V. LAKoI Uk ■ | Wanted to Hire, A GOLD Ut Gh h r t r»kli kml>y. pur nwtk«. ik Ixfc«yt4y**m» atm •wri-4* Aew rtivenywruv" ! T. I DUflßAii & CO. niPORTEPS AND LS-'.LN S IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS. iC. 14=7 13 ay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (VEXT DOOR Ail )VE OPPICE.} j W 8 taivlte tbe sit &ti a r>t the Trsds ritd thp : lie geaifral yio ocr laigo an d tu**. i- ? meet of Witter, LMon, CordiaU, Cous«rYu, sar>, cUs« wkkh i * not teoeilod by soy sinrlar cst-HVlisbai«Bt io the Ht(r«. • We hr* proprieton f( T>l‘NB.\R N TELE 1 BHATtD WOKUWOOI# CORIMAL. r»*p it x o * o whi bls fuiiy t-.- ahii.-ht;! in lit!« ands r u.- tri 6 ; ULXB Ufa we!l kc nra Sloil U 11 B zi-fd r. r hole! nd fAtnilv n-* ; DC - 1 UAH* >ciih:d.\m s unapp.s r;;n«« i «»f thn « mo*: parity, aD ! pal n.3 exi rc>*’.y for o ir house, < f tvu ch »ve proprictota Him import'TS. Asr n s f.»r Rjl>eil !Smi;h'i C**lv brii.e PUILAi)ELPiiI nAI K i c* e- *:i luac*: ; j -«ti, .'MjuiJi :ind Aoitncxu AiK •*’ •’. FORTH*, !* BifAN V. >©»?ch and Bo irbon WHISKEY end AR RACK Bi N* Hi-S Joruirr.y w «! kuuwn thr* ugh t tlit United ?*tue> put ip by us .n cases wr aud hoaie coocmptioii. T. J. 1). « Oi. re «?:»> aseno f* r H. An W Citiieiw.»odV j Pure KYE X3Z ; brrtud**. guar&uued iu q< aiity au . as- J Cxdlenre CousWutlv on hi .and. h <nd well r*t» I tted stock ol s OL'KI-OX and WtlivAT Wl*xny ti*« atteuuon tii,; uade mid caano aM*urs> An :i» rluient «T SE»»ARa f grades, Manufactured aud ::np* r:**tl cecp e sly f»r thH Eg .se which \y«* off r at very uraat n*_ r c-sh pH e , BKANDIEd, GINA INEA U«i \ MPAQ M A a.,u ewerv description usd ot Fu-igu LitWorfi l.nporfed dire. tiY bj- tii.' uuae , and for oln brini or duty pal I, atwweat m uket GROCERIES & LiQUJRS, ABi L> P »r.uoe-. Pouch Blows aud-Custc*a GO” 73 doa.u Wolie’i Brandy d’-> do W-.iaxey 5> do do Ndiu tpos, aci piuta *6 bbis sol • rluur Wkili cuo'te ■ toil*: Tei 3*» hdf *his :JO t. till Puri 30 ibl* cu -ice Whiawey -0 boxes A htuuMiltuu C.i&dLs Ifu s CiaM WJtiu 16 In f b »ia No 1 M tckerel 16 obi? Ficur and uui Smith aud other braod' SO hide K and On-ona 1 kaga choice Bnitar 10 and -zeu L tud'Hi Ciu>) Sauc»j l<i lirtxiu l Colfca 6 bi»«D cb«»ue Ki » X Cf.s»k choice P. rt W T :u3 Fardinre. Coudeuacd L Porvr. P!l; flauia Baouldera and Flitch, Spices «f ail ic., Ac- Ac Fwc mUo by M. I WiN, PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. That well known, and airably located, and . p puiar a-twb i-huviit situated on Hull atreet, i»etw<»en >outh Br«»:id and •we:a. occupying f* ar entire lots of GO by in f et ede'e, and the lane !o tween them, and containiug about ,forty rooms, U now f fferei f- r rviit. The party i*e«diii<* »hl§ property will be required to make tno ueo<a h -y rep aid and givi Vtt «f .c:ory eo curity for the punctual pa> ment o. re t John v cooP r R novT—}f Ptw’i Union S»»ck»,nr. FOR SALE LOW, To Wind up an Estate A VALUABLE FARM. 5.H miles fiom Angn-t.% couiuioii-g L*ue i.uodrud sad eighty acre*, mcro or It> n; about me hundred acres U'ii iu valnabie woo*!. A good dwelling, with seven r-o ms. stibles, err i ilrtge uousa.*, and «*\en farm b -iitiiuz-*. 'io a p.irty dMriutr a he.d i*y. ermfertab’e home, v.itbiti sis y minmes c.riw ot Au* si* the above pi .ce cv-uperior inuacenieitia. Fur Xunher particular*, enqui.e of CfIAK » . a'LIT & c\, novl- eodlw OuiTt*. r Ateicviuund Bay *uecta. RAN IL THOMAS, Successor to E. C. Leyrttl <£ Cos., and £•• 22. JViOTna*, INSUBANCE Argent & J3roker, MACON, CA. novT—6 Plaster Paris, for sale er Vuu lloi'U, Holyoke k. Murray nov7—« No. 9 STODDARD*-' DL TK. “TOBACCO. RECEIVE > bv 1.-. st New York stsatnor a lot o' 5b boxes, l(i*i Touuceo, v.flicfl wo C»U offer at very low Tonus. novl-6 RAN DELL & CO. SUNDRIES.^ OPA BAI RELS Ft-air flilU 1(4) rases Matches lai box.s -osp 89 esses Sar.mra R.'ceivod by steamship Zodiac, and for ea'e at the lowest market rates by nov7—« RANDELL & CO. White Corn. JPST received per schoonsr AnWlop* a Cargo of Wfllt* Corn; lor sate by RU'WB, u lUTNEY ft CO , nov7—4 2b2 U ■}• street. FOE SALE, N INE A No. 1 new one horse Drays. Apply to lovT—2 ERWIN’ & II TRDL'E. To Bent, ONE-TTALF of a br’ek Dwelling, o f t nr bed oom*. a parlor aud bus*fir.rnt for cooking. This resldf‘DCc located in one if tin* rat»st de*lr~ble situaTl »us *q tbe city. Apply at tbis < fflee nov7 -i Stocks and Bonds Southwestern Railroad sue* JL Atla: t C ucdGa*:f Scccic Centr and Rniln a i Charleston and ravanuah Bonds buiteof Georgia liouds, old C’i • City of v nvhiinali Coupous, past dee For »aie by oov T-S # B!*TAN, HART RIDGE A CO. Lost. ON tbe evening of th • sth »• st. on Dayton or Ferry sti-eets, n bi? ck VEIL- V ih« flnd- r wiil return It to the Utjala thi U 5, he or alic will be liber .by ia warded. . uov7 i Lost or Stolen, TWO fcvO Seven per Cent. Albany and Gulf Railroad boc ia- N •?. and Oil, *.n t«ed by Sjvaxman, payable Awettv yean fruiii Jao-- nary im t endorsed payable to my order. c*m« poiHdrawing interest iruß July 1- IMI. ;*ttached. The* pablie >re cantioned atfstiast ir v! nr for tbe above bonds O’ coupon**, payment having Jx*en ped A H<>crtil rvwurd wiii be giveti lor Ik ir ery. uo'T-0 J l;* RuWl.ano. For Sale, ADE6IBABLE ITOfSI 7 , ecmtutDlng four rooms nt Ibß o| I*.lev (luiTa)'or .1 cbib; w- (llcl I* bi. .xoclltut -1)1.0 tor n—to.-B. Api-ly on tlie a c-.t (fll« id Taiuuii! stiißi. foul tb bo ore I,out L o*l y. Dov T—| stolen; ' IJ'IUIM tb. i’llrecrUar. nrur of bou.fl DrtisA end * flu I Mil, t y.»n rdv ,'x.u 111, u*.lock üb« fl. y Mal<K. without m y wfllre un, b bn 11 .dun Mt •flouidrr. L. M, Bbd Bri-v. t,.•; i.trei. J. c.. with t«gruub«r fl»' kof b vi-ij mt re i,u rnuiniy Iw-iad I ItiUinr « 'lout l*#l Hull tty ‘l b.-iub.b t».- r* i( fI.M, hiu3, .re in «<♦*. A ltfl»i#l ibbbi* « lb ;b , krifl* wigmul 4sld u>biv Ot * tm tk M 4 iMwßgbWfl Moots. ■ • '' '' tossm & MORRI^I THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT Ui REORGANIZED TOR .1 (iRi.VD Sfll'TlßN TOUR For Season of 1835**8. Will Exhibit« Savannah For a short tlmu only, comniwociiiff Thursday, Hov. 9. *sl 'r= T'io ShißascrH wuiiui r,w spsrtfuity s . te that ta the 7 sciio;tt;>u or Artists for .tbe :A 11 Colossal j Ml (ALLIANCE, j G • j ; it nas beea tlie Froprlcio:-*’ j! J ; desire to secure suck a va jj ig li noty uo patron fluff Ste# r - liitue ' l i ‘ u it uiucti tlmt » via tusuuct ilia mini ana n-G eacflalQtfleatteutioa. fj! p i the IT y .ri; Cluster I I ki a JP 1 CELEBRITIES ’{ which .".(torn this Famed Circus t v are nupa .-Ueiaa iu their sev r /) ; •■flispeoiaitlus. Cj /J ; Tae Eja o -L.a.aut Scenes f^f^ARENA I euricheff sue! be-cuul.u ~ Jml'* ®OHGEOOS PAEAfHESNALIA o | SiPEiiß MUSIC. ' [U AK3SU9. STONE, ROSSIOIi&MfiMY " having t aiiished the antique ‘ j "■ hi this organization!, o*Uu* no k 04 p b-tie or ca.u-.u3Ud ucli. |S new Feature* axtlFrcsit never heforo iutroffuceJ to s iue P ul,li ! s t J ” \ —o— ! J? Attacheff to this comblua ■ j ._J. l; -fluuouuia. | *' PROP. Wrnl HUTCHINGSON'S SXtAZKXS M l DOGS, j ji AND * V DEN. STONE’S j\ CORSIC MULES, f J™ EASEAEOEiTE. v> '■n % /. Win show .iow mrch livelier JI / tSeyare than atl ntliercomio fZ P • : Mims, *1 rkk Muii's. Faun; r - Mutes, OaUcißg Mules, or ■Jf'tu.-.. ; any other Quattit Mules Mir—' ' *j known io fsiufl for being t .ri '-- j! queerlc their conduct. fl {. J ; c - I- .--L '- v y*kW< iff / , V -;-- ; - ■ ■ ' ■ - .. ' '•' v o -.f PabJie atten'.iou is caKod to tho GRAND Free Exhibition o? The gymnastic miracle of IRO.YIITIC-OSCILLAIION, Oft F'LYINO ll t TKE AIR, By the intrepid Pan^rblUt, Signor Porclta/mcl, THE WOimrit OF THE TVQP.LD : Thhupleui'ld Oejtn'tom E < i|U|(iou w.|| r, , |W)B adjawbl to the HTOSH i«F“ VH V MERJUV'S Uicus I'avllfoa every Uav. Ml lMocI; p. bl | AriMl ..HCM | . Pt"' «* s «*f» ej o« 11 iitidren, », I CoOlsl 6*fhi/, ,* ,tu I epett *t 2 tut t'A »'6M* v .». * , .vur nr.ttKvvg. Suva tt n it h Tii t a 1 rT TLBSZ7.VV RVEUSOt NOV. 7. ?ond KISM of tt: LA voi lte Aubts, Mi. and >ti-a. \V. li. Crisp, Wi;e. l.'fl mpear in the impairr Piayof * LUCREaIA BORGIA. uennara nr. T ,e... Hamiltw J v|*P a v sU. J. TV B.yaioud To conclude with Somebody IE lye. T.aUy of tits Lako skertly. WASTED. ~wawt'edTT TWO b 0.1,1, to go Iu the country. An. :■ V .o-daystuu. oth e. J 3 i;. J. riiCiitHhON h CO. ~W anted, AGESTLTMaN coo bi wi übevtres boar.) for tho, in a private i:,m y. Wilbost p yaaCo* p ie; f.r anporior ; ceoaKu ab.ituns, Mabqu - for a priro. horsesd;*|rab.e. Address IC., box 47, Post •office, or apply at !:oom JS. Puiatkl 11.. u.-e. Uuv3 j • Board Wanted. c private family, of the highest reap* ctahllltr. hv f * gtnitleßMiHud hto wife, Cr tbe winter. ’AdarMa A. A , Box Ft ttoflife. 2 Uoy3 WANTEb. Offices for Rent, APPLY TO Stoddard Bros., °Ct ! j 12* Bay struct, opp, Alai w. 1 Canrch. Consignees Wanted. FOR £. H. S.— oi b*4a nour SO hair bills Flour 9 bbla crackers 0 bhln A » es 6 bbis Eggs G A W—loo cubs* Lard. If nr.t caned for will :>e sold tor freight end txneQMi r»R >viiAM baTahvi \ V co. Wanted, A MoNTIII Amenta wahreil wanted for ate mww a'Aielyneu ar’kU'i, ;nst out Address O. T. UARBY. vity Builhiug, t,id(lv:ord, Maine. BCl>la dAWam Wagon. Freight WANTED - T * Tor .viacan, iriilieugevUie, Aliiauy, Auitricss, or . . HatvUiusviUe, App’y to oct3 GEO. a FREEMAN. Wanted, J(9>\ A DAY! Agents w .rtedio ell anew Rnd tvobderfni SLWING A< F;IM , the t,n!v ciieap one licensed'. Address SHAW a CLA KK. Bia deford. Maine. nepl4-dAw3ta h olt SAlula «k TO 2412,V1 . Bacon for Safe PRIME BultliDore Sides am! J»houU!ct s, by IBtYAN. H 'KTII'Gi * CO. Steam Mill FOR SALE. "I’HE Salircriticrs rffer their Sieam t'lrciilar Sawand a. (iris. Mnifi.r sale The .Mill Is located five miles east of 3 .udeiev he, Washln.-iou coumy. uad mile from No. li>4 Central Bai road. Th. Engine i« a twenty-flro florae power. Mth two cy iuder boilers, one set mill stones, a good tinning ii he, ail complete aud la suoce.-s.ol open lion. We will Pell tbe Mi l to remain tilnro it is, wlUi stnple supply ol Paio T.matr for saw-lug, or the Mill can be removed. " *’fl the Mill we will sell Oxoo and Leg Carls for hUQIiUV Stocks. We wiU seii On Liberal Terms. App’yto Mess.s. i2r.v*|i A Hardee lor further p f. icslan. ‘■ov -h ERWIN A CARTER. Just Received and for sale on Consignment. .rid * .5 i oxen ii ictl h Dal y (lieera £0 tub.-Ciu-ico N. Y 8 itr btittvr lo firkius Priraa H'e.trrn B liter. ' CUNN N’ril.'AM & PT’RSK, uovS-9 No 4 toddard'p Lower Hotrs. Wood for Sale. O AK. Piue. Light wood constantly <>u hand hurt for "ale. Ht re.iy whaif. under C s llou e lii !, by F. >l. .MUtELL. The Screven House FOE RENT. 'Fills commo'llou'i sud elegant Hotel Is offered for 4 rent- It U.scap u.ity for 100 Hed Rooms, In ad'th tion to Dining Rooms, Parlors, &' It Is Htna'ed in tile bus uers portion of the citv. Fur particular* and term' imply to UoTi-Jiv BRYAN, IIARTHID E & CO. TO RENT A BRICK anil Slate Rout Stable, la a deslrabla loraiiuo. Apply at tbia office. uo\C—3 . FOE BENT. I OFFER for Rent next ye <r, ISC , ir-y Rice Flrtce, la Ceruden com Ry, t*a.« **« the Gnat Satflla l iver, Known as the “VTrnon pkißt.ition," *-cresof a istqnality Rcc land and about 100 acre* of hijih land, all In pi r*tct order. Said Plantation lw* been cultivated dui :i>£ the war. and tt crefore require* no extra work u> prepare U lor a crop the en»uio* year. Ail the liecrotfs formerly belobgiug to me are ftPloft tUe- place and cnxlou « to icraain, to theio would w uo d.fflcti tv in procuring laborers On the place j»J computable dwelling house, together with all tea uecteStry buildings for the accommodation of liboi* its and storing he crop. fceedioi ti:ecoming yoar* Including Rice, Com Pesj* Fug >rC ue, boiglium,.cotton, &c., can be ohUuiW on ihe plnre. For further particulars adtlrew scrilicrat W.iyucfcVille, Wayue coumy «?a. i oc»3«vmt F Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. Tile lighund coramodioos StorA corner Merchant*' flow aud Palmetto Av, uue, to l»co for a Umitad tine, Tesua • aay. AdUrcea w. 8. BAMKON, Jr., Agest, cell 9 ts Lock Bo* E. 11l ton H.<a 8-*V, .TO RE K T . " LASCS Ajrp BAPWCRILT Fnrnislicil Rooms To Lst, AT {AST 00R. Os PBIOE ABO BT. iULIAI STS ROOMSTO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S.O. The -IMmstio DmM Dalltllng •’ baring h*" fllltd »p, now offer larg, and airy RuOma —litbl«*» Biogptuv Apt' uncut# or But tH’S purpu.t*. F* f l “ a W. A. lAMfgOJf, Je . A*'"*’ mui ts u*bt«>auiitoba«^'*' 0 '