Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 07, 1865, Image 3
SAVA yAAII. Bifartun o((t«aiu>lii|iiaua luauari. FOB M 7 YOBK. Steamship Arlauae, Wednaeday, November Bth, at U o'ClOCk in. FOB BALTiMOBE. ' steamship Fauuio, Saturday, November HUi, at _ o’clock. FOB ACaCOTI. a'.oamer Caldwell, Tuesday, November Tin, at o'clock. steamer Falcon, Tuesday, November TtU, at # o'clock a- to- FOB FLORID*.. Steamer Fannie, Thursday, November ttu, at IX o'clock a. m. steamei Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at jo o'clock. Steamer 9t. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lQo'oiock. OobLtstoK Barvrsss Tvro Rrvstt srsikKas—Loss OF TUB SAVANNAH WITH A VALUABLE CAUOo.—TiIO SicAuiei' Savannah recently p '.r.'.uaed of the Gov. eruureut, while making Iter and at trip for lior new owners. between tala city and Augusta, colli,lol on aftaraoou wita tae stehuur Mtyfijwer aud suok tu half an Hour. Tae aavaaaah left lure oa Saturday morning for Augusta, with a freight valued at about »iis,oXt. and eighteen yassoiigers. When four miles above Puys- Uarg, at a poim about forty tu.les front Savauaah aa i wade turning a bead of the river, she waa rm! Into by the at- jam >r Mv.fljwor, bound down, and ou: down to the water's edge. Sue sunk iu about t t.rcy iniuutea. Captain S.-.oer, of the Savaun Hi, nu lo every etfort to run uUsteamer upou (lie shore, where site now lies submerged, her pilot house ouly shewing above the water. The passengers were Hu tu.uately landed, and remained ou the banics of th« river, about three miles from any habitation anti this morning, when they wet's taken up aud brought to tilts city .by the steamer OUriou, Captain Morse. Capt, Spicer, with tlio officers of the Savaunab, re main by the wreck, and is endeavoring to save all tun proper y posslule. The caigo was a very large an 1 valuable one, aud was consigned to parties in the interior. Tue prospects for saving either steam er or ourgo are thought to be extremely sum. Tho savannah was an iron cia 1 steamer, and wi g haul by the Q iverijns it for a river transport. Site was originally clad wall shout iron, and pteroed with loop holes for oharpshootera, aud jnoun • • 1 two b -witters. This armor had been taken a out three months ago tu order to lighten fce r a .at. S.te was sol i at pu Uo auction at the late ails of Cos vent hint vessels hors to if. J. Diokersou A 00., for $s wo. Fa n Auocsia.—fne steamer Clarion, Captain Morse, from Augusta, arrived yesterday morning. Capt. Morse reports that he left Augusta oa Satur day afternoon at four o’clock. Passed on Saturday evening, two miles below Augusta, steamer Oak, Capt. ILinleilsbound up; steamer I-. Enos, Satur day evening tied up at blue House bar. Saturday 9 p. in., passed at Old Point Comfori, Steamer Laura, bound tip. Sanifpy morning passed atGriflln’s Laud ing, steamers Great Eastern aud Rebel tied up. Sun day to a. in. passed at the cbstrectlons bound up, Steamer Helen; Sunday 19 tu. passed steamer Ama zon at Hager Slager bound down with jhli lie glih Passed oa Sunday 2 p. m steamer Win. G. Glbb.rn.-i between Poor Roblu nad Upper Sisters Ferry,bound BJ>- ____________ The THKAras.—vlr an t Mrs. W H. Crisp were we.cumed upon the Savannah boards with a largo and fashionable audit nee last cveuiug. Tlte house was filed throughout; the dress-circle being aJmusi entirely oacupled by ladies. Tits reception accorded to these old favorite-;, was warm and hearty, and must have been ex.rcme y gratifying to themselves and the munagem at. i’ae ••stars" sustain xi well the rtpjta’.lou ’hey have ever borne, aud elicited fre quent tkp.essioas of approval ’during the perform ance. Tue sutire company seconded tho efforts of Mr. aud Mrs. Crisp Iu a fatt..fal and palnstakii g ma • Sir, and the initial performance es their engagement passed oh' with oousiderabia eclat. To-night the Theatre will be crowded again. The great tragic play, Lucre tin Borgia, is presented. Toe Circus.—if tlte circus, waich arrives iu Savan. nnii ou Thursday, turns out to be a thing of as big dimeusions os the olli.board on Congress street, it wilt he a’‘big thing” and uo mist sky; and if tlte in terest which w s inauifcsted by the public In the huge posters, in high c lors, which blossomed out evoarwhere yesterday, ,ba uu index of the l.v .iy an. limitations with whloh our prop's await the arrival oi the heroes of the saw.dust a.ena, their reception will oe equal; immeuse. It is beyou.t dispute, that a due circus uow and iheii is tuai>ucd oy the best of Uieo. Corro» at AL’Ofio*.— -v’o call th3 atWuUou of cot ron buyers to the advertisement of Messrs. licii i Wylly A Christian, offering at auction to-day, a large lot of cottou, damaged on board tile steamer L mra, oa her ptssaga it'orn Augusta. The sale will take pLtol at otov.-u o’clock. THE StsaUER AdAkoN.Vi'he steamer Amazon ar. lived at her wgp i U bavaunah yesterday with the a* uedlugly largo freight of 1, ,»0 bales cotton and a conUderable quantity of otlur stuff.- She b u-ivoi- It# i to lea # ior an tutu dispatch. Tbs Robber’s CaveatJlaihviUs, Grout iutciost i* it pro o it mauitosted by fie c tile us of Nashville, Teuo., in regard to tie •Hobher's C.-Vt-,” wliicu has recently been discovered beneath tue city. The Nash -Vilie Union of the lik'd instant, says : VVe yesterday vis’ted the Cive recently dis covered, Wuicu enters tlie rocks iu the Gnat tauooga Railroad cut, uud which is supposed by many, not only to be the den of robbers, but to omtain a number of tho villains uow. The entrance is at a point opposite the junc tion ol the two branches of the road, and but little beyond Steifelis Brewery. Tue cut is there some thirty fe. t deep, aud there is a • am iu the rucks which looks as if the layers o: limestone had once been broken by s-on-- tumble Convulsion of nature. The mouth of .tile cavern barely admits a man, crawling oa his bauds and knees ; but ashort di.-tai.Cc iu it becomes larger, being some three feet broad aud three aud a half or four feet in height. At the flout there is a large pile of ' dirt, apparently loose, aud but recently de posited there, cum I ’lately blocking it up, and It is iu removing TTis the workmen are en gaged. The progress marie, however, i3 very slow, on account of the difficulty iu gelling the dill out ot the mouth of the Give —it being necessary to Oouvcy it all iu a small box, the men lilting U foot by foot, and crawling after it. There are those who beiit-vo that there are robbers in it uow, aud that they have learned tnat they are disCuv ' cred, and have purpo-ely blocked it up. If such is the case, they can pile in the dirt much faster than it can be taken out, and thtjy have more room to work. As yet, noth ing has beeq fouud but oue or two playiug ouds ; but this must not be taken us evi dence that robbers—or- eveu men have been in it. While conversing wi ll a citizen—a g‘ nth-men who resides in the vicinity—we learned Unit the cave has long been known. Strong guards are posted at the entrance ol the Cave, and unless there is tome other out let lo the Cave, if there are robliers in it, they Will ultimately he compelled to C hue out. The Atlantic Telkoraph —At tin extra ordinary meeting of the stockholders of tbe Atlantic Telegraph Company, tal l in Lnn uou on the 12th lust., the resolutions adopted at the ineetiug in August were rescinded, and it was unanimously resolved to increase the oapital to two millions sterling by the Qt'euUon of oue hundred and sixty thousand new shares r.t V3 each, such Plmres having a preterentiul dividend of 5 per cent. In the terms of this resolution the board of dinctors of the company forthwith issued a pro-pet tun, inviting sub.-crlntlons for one huudred and twenty thou utul of the above new shares. It was suited a' the meeting that the cable on board ti l( , Great Eistrrn, and also the •übmurgi'd portion, baa lately been teated, and toitnd to be In perfect condition. Unabated confidence win evinced In the prospects of the Hndcriahlnf. Tho shipment of the Marquette (Like Su perior) Iron trade for the piveent year to the Sutli of July, wa re I/#,B3d tom of ore and 4 B*>S tone of pig Iron t and »!•«♦ product* lot tue remainder ot the year will tie about Ihn smiie—tusking In n uud numls r tOO.UGO loos <H oru, isud Ui.UOO MM of pi| hvu. Hotel Arrival*. FORT KOVAL UOi.SE (HILTON IlhAb; NOV . 8. M S Littlefield, Gen CSVBW Barnwell, S 0 T J Eppes .mil lady, Ha s W Myers, Fin E Laniard. and lady do : tv Gregor. Cehli ■DC Wilson, do jo b Pectin do Rev J llrowii, do ,J Ujuar.savii N C Outlet., do tV Trial,y, do .vlrs lacker and sei vnut, tv s Rogers, N y Florida jc E Lee, Va VV C Hawictt, SC ,E Buck, X 0 Miss WaTick, Pernaadloa K T bavls, ThomasvllJe Br J l Bij thewood, Fla jj W siiedidd, Fia SEA HOTEL (tIILTOX HEAD) NOV. S. kt J tV Alien, -a US C TIT H buuglise, sir Cosmo -4-1 *AI miner, do j poiitau , uo H E Merriam, Charleston M b Wlssick, Savh F Kma su V h J B tt mg, SavU . I * Sliippiiijv liiteliiweunn. Xliuiulme Alinuusc—This Day, Sun rises 6*4 MootrrUes 9 32 Snusets 6 S atrii water H 3< PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tuesday, Nov. 8, U<)3. Arrived. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Pslatka, Fia—L S Uemiett. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Augusta—Chas L Colby t Cos. , Lrenson’s art, from Augusta, to F F Ere-axon. Cleared. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Imports- Per steamer Clarion, irom Augusta—S3 bales up land cotton, 2 boxes dried halt. Per&euson’s flat, from Augusta—6pi bales op land cottou. Consignees. Per steamer Clarion, from Augosta—Eein & 00, C L Colby & Cos. Passengers, Per steamer Helen Getty, from Matka, Fla—J M Aruau, Mrs Ai uau, Mrs Hernandez, vt P Reuihert and lady. Misses Rcmbert, Master Rembert, Miss Ada Brooks, Judge KaudtUl, Dr J A Craig, K Hous ton, J M C ’ltnant' wile aud chl.d, L 0 liarues, F Goldsmith, W L Rohlason, K T Masters, AMltebeU and son, EM nuiltti, Mrs 9 Uutciims, uud many others, LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 8, 1863. STEAMSHIPS. Chase, Roatii, 84’. from New York, discharging at Central Cotton Ft ess—Hunter A GauuneU. " SHIPS. Moot Blanc, Donnell, 700, wafting—Laßoche, Ga deu & Cackles. Ndw Engtaud, Hodges, 1,100, ioAdlug for Liverpool —Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. * Republic (Brem) Smith, 800, loading for Ltvar pool—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Ur), Arens. 9so, loadrng tor Liverpool— Joint R Wilder. Virginia, \V<-eks, 1014, loading at Lamar's Press for Liverpool—citas L Colby & Cos. BABES. Thomas Fletobcr, Pendleton, 735, loading for Liv erpool at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder, Thomas Whitney (Brj, Kelly, walUug—Bell, Wylly 3c curistian, BRIGS. Ciaia Pickens, Rodgars, 450, from New Tort, dis charging at wharf toot of Whitaker street— William Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 398, waltihg—Hunter & Gam mell. . terns. , Lizzie Bttcholder, English, 409, loading for Boston at foot of Barnard street—Hunter A Gammed. SCHOONERS. Pioneer, Tucker, 394, loading for New York at Wetter's wharf—L J Gullmartiu A Cos. Francis Satterby, Altlen, 310, waiting cargo at wharf root of Bull street—aogets & Caon. Do Sola, Crook, 150, waiting—Ruwe, Whitney A 00. Witch Queen, ParcJval, l'j tons, from Boston, dis charging at wharf foot of Bail street.—Richardson A BAiuud. , , Wm E Stevenson, Barton, faun Mat czas—Order. Trade Wind, Lawrence, Philadelphia—cisghoru A Ciiuningham. Election Notice. An elec tic u will be held at the Court House in the citynf Savastnab, on Wednesday, litft of November, lust., fora Governor of the State of Georgia, fora Senator of the First Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Chatham, Bry -n and Eillngham, and for two Representatives from Chatha m county in the General Assembly of G ioi'gla ; aloo, for a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of tlte United States, to represent the First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State Con vuiUoi’. To euut’a a citizen to vote he must be qualified as proscribed by tho constitution and 1 i,vs of the State of Georgia tu frroe immediately before the 19ih of January, A D. 18C1, (the date of the Ordl nance of Secession,) and also he must have taken and saiisorlb, and the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President’s Proclamation of May 29th, A. D. 1363. Polls will be opened at seven o’clock, a. ul, and be closed at six o’clock, p. m. Tite Sheriff of the cianty. or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who UaV3 oomplied with the Proclamation of the Pre»ldeut aforesaid, arerequU?- cd to attend said el'Clou nd p cserved order. WM. H. CCJLER, J. I. a C. a GEO. P. HARRISJN. J. 1. a a C. JOHN SCREVEN, J. I. C. C. 0. John Williamson, j. t. a c. c. nov 0 td Turks island Salt on a, andfor sale by UO S BELL, WYLLT A CHRISTIAN. : NEW Select Music, For Sals at oar Store* at Savauab, Augusta and Macon- DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIECES* Illustrations (It Trovatore), Jacl F.mtasie (Soiuuiuabula/, , Lyrbaeb Tarantelle, Wallace Marc A tie la Garde Imperials LjdtUaril Premier Aveu Nocturne uo. Lea hells da New York, VaUe * Batter La Belle Aujerlcalue, do Os Medium DlfEoulty. II Bacclo (1 he KiasjeValse, Ketterer. Uontc-Kn Train. Galop de Conart, K. ttcrer. Satis Soucl. Galop, Archer Le lieve D’amour. Marche. Abbott. EASY PIECES. Pretty Litf!e*ranes for LltUe Fo ks, Bell»k. Musical Photographs («.’ different pieces), Angelo Popular Songs. “I am Dying. Eg) pt. Dying." Sledle Tls but a little Faded Flower. Thomas. Mother klsued Me in iiy Dream. <lo. My Bud in Heaven Mas,el U Zu!a Zoast, Webster. I'm lamely Since My Mother Died, Thonipsou. Katies’ Secret, Ambuhl. Evangeline, • tlay. s. Tenting on tbe Ob'. Camp Ground, . Kettilujre. Tell Jlc Little TwlnKliug Star, Urlffii. novtl JOHN c. SCIiREINER & s<)Nn. COTTON. COTTON. /COTTON carol ally picked and rebaled. J. C. ROWLAND, Battle Row, covi-lw Foot of Montgomery street. To the Merchants of Savannah. rftHE und-rsUm and, Committee Metropolitan Fire A >on pany. wl 1 writ upon <h Merchants and Du P mas M<u o uio ciiy This . ay, 10 soiled enbsciiptUna for the pu Cb<se ,fa M-m Fire hnglus, Tb y bop > f-r a prompt -cd g.uur tu response from their fcliow eUlawa. JNO. It. DILLON, OK' ’. U. JOHNSTON, As., WM N. VALLSAU, nor* Committee. Undgewuti'r Faint aud Color Works Cos. BELL, WTLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Piine?) r ® c,lTe<l ÜBj for * l the manafacturefs Kegs XX Dr dgewatcr Loud he** XX Snow White fine Keg* cygnet whit- Le ,and Paint Hniphte l'n ml urn W hite Lead , i Ohrn»n Ysllnw , lau Ued * Mstaiie Paint tin otii M.'t.iik Paint (dry. Ptie Drool Palm tvti-ifs uoiwro. m gem AUCTION SALES.' By Bell, Wylly & Clnistiayi aT PiaVAi£ S£LE. Deti..iS!o Heal Eftati*. cia*s Dwrding bvaniti..! n uilajmll U e mcct rii ia.piL»\cu: uw, m-UT icd la a ccairuJ |>ortlou i>f tho c*tjr. Alto, Avery Hones on tlie comer of Charlton and Tamiiii streets, conipiuiug H Roo.-ia, w to ami u att r. ua the itu.a la a Duck carriage iiouac, otahlea, SumuiU' ate. Al*\ 1C F.irui Loin, c ctaiulng fi ora 20 to 2d Acres each, near Lovor’e Laue, witmn one mils ot rue limiiact the city. AsiJi<aulido|)poituuity tor A pivjtU the i.buve Lola cau be «%<u at our store. • Ali»o» Wet half of Lot No. W. Washlrg'ou Ward, Brough, ton street. Improvem nta c< u->iat of a LweUlug. duitaoic for a auiau iauu y. WU> be old at a bargatu. O Uii-u _____ By Belli Wflly & (biiaifio. REAL ESTaLTS AT AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY, Wi tuat., nl H o’c.jck. will bo 'Old to lroat ot store, corner Bay #ud Whitaker streets, West ha sos Lot No. 39. Washington Waul, oa birect, betweeu Frloo and Hersh.fiau ets* The lmprovemetito coupLsl of a citvclliug boasa with four room:. ALSO, Soathhalf ol Lot No. 14, Berrien Ward, on Borrieu street, aud ezteDdiug through from Tatu.ili to Jefl'er Sou street.-', iOii'u eat. luiprovdiaeuts cou<4h of a two story house with four large ro* ms, fiur iiirgc closets and a Store attached, auu good kiicheD. Tue above u well located tor a bu dneas sund. 4*30, A valuablo Lot and I m proven on t*, c nsUttaf of two tonemeuts of wued, ono and a 1 alt stories on Uafly street hatwoea V ? hi taker uud Baruard Oglethorpe Town, 00 feet frout by 105 toet d.-ap. Tlie lJt is lea simple aud titles warranted. ALSO, Two corner tenement houses In the rear of Ho*»« & Arkwright's Foundry, and fronting ou in lau street The dwellings contain each four rooms with back pi* ttsaaafid have laiga yards withnuitab'e oui'houoee, and well adapted tor iveido C« of soiali families. The lease of property expires on the lath day of June, H», when'the linprovenimts will revert to the owu* era of tue land, atny lu.tuer iuformaUon r»p cling this property cau be nadoa appiicaiiou to Bed, Wyi y m Cnrlßtlan, or to Hose 6 Arkwright at Bioueor t*aw Mill Sato positive. l 0 UNDEKWRITEK and SALE. ~ > By Bell, Wylly & Christian. ON TDE3DAY. 7th inst., at 11 a.m Georgia Steam boat Co.’a Yard, will be ild 151>s BALES COTTUN, ioracC' Uutof Underwitera ouil all concerned, damag ed cn bargo bysreaner L.tura on the i B.sage fr.,ia Augusni. i,a: to ih.a pti and .old under iu:-pectiou ofToit Wordous. n0 By Bell, Wyily & Cbrtitian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 123 Shares Central Kuilrca l Stock to >barvß AtUUolc andDuit Railroad Stock. nov*2 9 UNDERWIiIrEUb SALE By B ll# Wylly & Clirk ia i. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, In front of atoro. will be sold for account of Underwriter* und &.1 qou ceraed: 1 CHse, coutatotog 16 pieces Delators, 19 pieces Prints. 1 ca?e assoited Dry Gor ds and Stationery, damaged on boa*dsteamersß.lui.h aud Leo, on their p from New Yoik to t da port, and sold uutkr in.*pec* lion of tho Port w ardeLS nov7 t By Beil* Wyily & Cbmiiau AT IRIVATE SALE. .Lots No. 5, on the corner ot Broughton and West Broad st'Cet*. *uidN<' 5 g» the corner of Broughton and Moingoumv atrecte. above p opor.y la well located for erecting stores, as Uroughlou street will soon become the buisincPb thoroughfare of Savannah, ALSO, West half of Lot No. 43 L ifayette Ward, fronting on Charlton Btreet, tae impiovemeuta c- -nsisting of a brick house, con’nintng ten rooms, well tincl, with g&» mrouhout the house uud a pump of excellent watoi lu the yard. ttovT*—tf * By Bell, Wylly &. Ctirigitm. VALUABLE CITY iituFERTY AT AUCTION. At 11 g’clock ou WEDNESDAY next, S h, evil! be 6->l t in trout of siotv, cocuer o. Whitaker uud li*»y si reels t L<»t No 9 Gat»ton Ward, set front on Gastcn, street {between Jeffeuou and MoutgoU' ry (treat*;, having a depth of Id ' feet. The lot is iee simple and tae improveiucc s consist o, fl e tenement houses, which urc rented ai yoojper tinuum. Term-- ca--di JLT AUCTION. ON NLXP WEDNKSBAY, at t 2 o’clock 4 , by Boll* Wyily Jfc Christian, one very and llgut nut little us and, wuh Harness. one Barouche, a iapiod ior one or two ho ses. York, WilUiiiiis, Mclniiio & to. Will »vU at uuc'-ion, THIS DAY, in froat of store, at li o’clock. T 6 cases fins old Fcctch Wbl*key. in bond 15 c, aes Clniinpuene Coj'noc Bi ..ucly, iu ookd lu dos it oid no u-iun iVclskvy lu cases Port W lua , IU cast s sherry lu c.i»is Claret, St. Juiicn 46 k«z« Ni- 1 Mackerel 2o boxes Cheese 3 bugs -(lack Pepper 5 bbls Vinegar A i assortment of Boots, Shoes, Lad!»’ Gaiters, Sea. 10 M assorted Segal'S An assortment of Cbdeishirts, Stock lugs. Sock-. Ac 18 English Walnuts i bbl 8- -da Crackers 1 bbl Lu ter do 4 crates Cabbaces and stber articles lu cases Muirs Cbumpague lo cos- s Clicquot do nov7 By Blun & Meyer. UNDE LiVVRITER'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD Tills Day, Cth Inst., at in < 'clock, a. m.. In trout of -t -re, under In psc bin of Port Wardens, fur ibe b.ncdiof Gnuac write.* sail all con cerned : lCase 60 prs Balmorals, damaged on board the steamer Nevada on her voyage from New York to SaVunuah , D ® BY WILL BE SOLD This D'y, met, ut I'X o’clock, »f a. m., In flout of store: 10 Cases Boots and bhoea g do- Dim iged Ur ydooda aud Hosiery 68 D; z Smoking Pipe- SSo do do Tobacco An invoke of Steel Watch Keys, Watch Guards, Chains, Kings, &c. ALSO, 1 Fine Wardrobe, 3 Tables, 3 Belsteuds i Bureaus, i Carpets, 1- cnalm AISO, J Young Mule, warranted s-UDd . Good Family Horses and 1 Buggy. ' C 8 —«ee i»iia.a w—r.—o-rtf DR J. S. SULLIVAN HAS resumed the p'artlcoof Medicine in this city. < ffice and reeid<#uc« curlier of A.ijerc >rn and S *uili Broad *ireci«. nov4 Storage Wanted THE bulk of One \houiand Dalai of Cotton wanted cu ■storage. J. C. ROWLAND, Bit.le E iW, nnv4lw Foot of Monts utety etreet. H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT AIL UGCES OF TUB DAY t/o. 1 Harris* BdUdUnro. : SAVANNAH, OA\ “ n«v4 1m Havana Segars* A FEW C mice Brands of flentiliui Havana S- gars, for sale by SORREL BHOTIIKItST uovKl ' 8: Biy street Convention of tho First Sonato* riai District. THE Cltl*em of thcoounlles of Chslham. Dryan and Klllngb tin ate risjueetcd toappnJut Dvlegniri loaConvtuucu to ’m held os Wudueeday, Hie (ib November lam., at No K, i entrul R flrond, for me purpose of nominating a candldatu for Senator o( raid Suoutoilal D.strict. novtl Savannah Medical College rhllß ftmtlar ro tree of leeturt* will boglo <>n Mob- 1 A day, the fOili oi Novfuner. and will c eitnue for lourmouilie. Tb* •eteloii hiab en delayed for two wivfc* by Dio ou uimllon of the Cnll.-ge fuiililiost for bospitsl pul poos# by 111* fori *, nf ibe rnli. u mhim. JAMB; 0 It LAD, M. 0. DMA Jacksonville. fPif> Ihluii, t tfUaikia y 0 <U*lt Ad* r Hit i. Muc«h-m*-i «uU JuttJL*«, oji / ona eaiiMtdbUl WUtlswttwi, ’ bd-lw (UtGLfc RIKB, LiRIOIIf, 4( „ WHISKEY! WHiSKEY! rim OLD BRANDY, WINES, Sc. i PMd« Valley Whtokev, Maple Valley Whkkty, Pike’• j Mu. noli A, bptucer'* old I»*} c, aui Piut* , Bunrboi.. FOR S A L is BY C, W. THOMPSON,! At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET. (Herald Bmldingsff also, * Ison's A!a, Mars' Ala- Aid>!ea. Potatora Onions, ll.klas, Jlackt-rel, Cidci and Cider Vinegar. octS ’ U G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship Chandler. 7* BAY STREET, Tyovv receiving in:’’ steam anil sailing vessels from IN New York, too loHowing articles, uhicli wIU be - Id a; the Lowest Market Piico i Bols. F! ur, Potatoes, UoIOES, iuraips, Beets, Apples, vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crushed Sugars, . Bids Beef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, *4 do., jq do. andkits No 1 . Cases ulivo jjl, Sardines. Candles, Soap. Raisins, PtChleS, Liquors. Cheap Tea, Peserved Meat, Bptcss of all kinds, Haros, Ac., &A, 4 Sacks Coffee, Brooms, PaflS,' ' Backets, &c. —ALSO F,(lnts. Oils, Varnishes, Faint Brushes, 4c., Ac. C” hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. vqill 8m VM. SL DAVISSON. WHOLESALE DEALER l2l GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 * ts ll FCREION & f.l DOMESTIC ] I aus wires MuawHsattata faE&nSiJ \ 207 Mf*. BAV ST. xfßSg&jm SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF*- Qi. Farre Champagnes FOR TOE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3*J Apples and Fish. til BBI.d Choice Aoplos cecr 60 kits No. 1 Mackerel. dovS-4 "cRANfi, JOHNSON & GRAYBILL. E <?. HictoS, Savannah. F M. KAncitLt . N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL WUolosalo Grocoi’E, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, O-a^ Arc coustautly rccelvdig per atcamcm from New York The I.nitres* nml most (omplrts Assort* luciu ot Groceries in tire City, ■ Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, al Lowest Market Prices. octlO ” ltu 0, K. OSffOOD, STORE iSS CONGRESS AND 8J ST. JULIAN STS , SAVANNAH, GA. W IIOLEBALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. highest Cw*h Price* paid lorßceewfii. Tallow, Wool, lilties, &c. ts 'm;pUC Gao. R Crcmi* Wm, Wriout, AugUhU, Georgia. Late ot hichrnoud, Va. GEO. 11. CRIMP & CO, General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Toliacco, Segars, , SIALTED EISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Ear* Will purchase »nd eel! on Commission Corron, T.iuaooo, Puoncos, and McaouAriidan Ot every de scription. iteiers to the Merchants and Daubers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond Va.. and Juo. C Ferrill, Esq- De vi iu A Morgan, Gaddi A Ducks-s, A. A. So!o<nous A Cos., J. T. Palcraou A C*.. K. Molina, Htq , Savannah, Georgia. • CONSIGNJIENTS SOLICITED. oct4 ‘ KlEllKjlEO. &BUIIKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, W« m LiQIORS, CORNRIt WIUTAKEII STKI6KT AND DAY LAND. OHOEBS PIIO3PTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. null u H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Square, f FRONTING PUL ASHA UUCIBj ' HrAgiOUfor ALE AND LAGER. tXivbieiitly on l.»uJ, ah DAatmtitf of n.ZXSDXM’ WINtB. « S»i 31 |M> | ’ m ~ <> l>l CHEESE, SOAP. J A BOXBB CIIIGiSI, TANARUS" ft b so* F-V's goap. nwelvedabd F*r an., by bsUtl bUWUAM, DAUftVUI 4 00. ..... t e.uift'. i.rt ii b' v* “PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In Fiae Orocsi va, foots and baocs, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic W tues, Liquors and Osgara Also, Skehan’a CVebratM GOLDEN AJ.K AND CHAMPAGNE CID Lit, in lKittle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown htout, Scotch and Er.g. !i.h Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 170 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street. New York- To Wholesale Grocers, . Liquor Dealers, Distaiors, and Soap Hanufaetitrers. Ij'SSENTfAL oils for flsvoritiff and Improving Bran* J dy. Kara Mori Wlr.u Djuioob Rye, bcotch aud Irlfth Whlskl fs age aim body {ireporationa for Neu* traUdiirauu Mtoiityiug Whiskey and Spirit. Color incri.Mvrup.-i and I ruit Juices tor Bran< y, WhiiKey ami \N lata. Oil-* and Cxiracta of»Cognuc and other Brauuied, liol.aud ai.d L<»udoQ Giu, »tc. Di T.’a Treati<*e on Ftrmvutea Liquors with i00i» Uccipoa. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Pet*lau Insect Powder, Kly Paper, LoadHtuue, Fluor-ij ar and Fluoric Add, MangunebC nud all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, SllUcateof Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly ChlEd Clay aud Terra Albi. .-u .p stone, Itnsin, Soda, Asia Ac. JOS W. FhCOHTKANOKK. uovl-eoddia No. 08 Cedar at., N. f. Just Received, AM in Store on Cousigmucnt, BUGGIES A3ID CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fiae Uqiioi s, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ BUM. BOiiEK’S BITTERS, 4c. Wkich we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 M CUR AY, Petit-tl' No. 9 Stoddard’S Block. eufiaoM & traiiiljl, Grocers anti Ship C’liaudlei*s, ✓ CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, SavaunaU, B VO leave to nfor.-n their former friends aud cus toiT.ern, tttul tho public generally, that they have* at tbeir*»!d tuand, where they will keep conataxilly ou band a full HSaortiucht of Go<»ds L. * heir line euitabla for Private Fauiiliee, Sreamcte and 'uiilng Vcaecla. IMnciuul attenlou gheu to all conu try i»r»lcra lm <>ci 19 Coal Yard, TITE uur'o a'gned leave to aziuounce to the citl* sens oi Suvauuab that th y h ive reopeued h ir Coal Yard at their wharf, former y kuowu na iho Charleston wharf, whera they p'opoae keeping oh bund a full supply of coni for Family. Siciuilmat uud B &cKsm;th ua.*. Thcv are uow landing per schooner Vnpor and Trade Wind from BulumoieHnd Pbila dclpuia, sCKJ tons B Coal, ‘.’76 tons Loibur> Ked A h LoJ, which they oiler for sale in lou to suit purchaser*. CLAGRORN & CUNNINCIIAM. W7THORNE williams, IN bia office, over bis foitner utore, two doors irom the Republican, a general assortment oi 13 lank s, For Lawyers, Merchants, the Cu-totn House, nud alt other kinds of Commercial aud Noiaiiul BlaDks. PO'« ? Mules Stolen.’ STOLEN at Gen. Harrison 1 * plantation ou the night oi the 2d liiat., two bay mules. One may be iden tified by a letter “J” aud a figure “ ■}” ou the right shoulder, and the other by a auddia mark-ca the points of the left shoulder. Fifty dollnra reward for cither, or one hundred doHara for both, will be paid upou their delivery to P. J. MALONG, tk>v. 4-S C’.r, B’M’oi ■» G tHinn iN'otice. CONSIGNEES per Steamer Lnioii, film ler & Qatar me!J. OcbiV'JS Cohen, l>. B&fhr<»p. W. 11. Starke and S. Famawortln will rcc Ive their cons'gumeru this day, at F«ny Wuarf, under G*« Hon-»e Hid. F. M. AIYKBBLL, AgeoL ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORE, Manufacturers and Denier* in ami Locksmiths' Hardware, Nails PulUea, Cord. It!in i.uck* and Kuoba, liutt Hinges, Urn« 9 and Iron Koye and Casttoics. Gong Hella, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac All ordcre, large or sinall, Ihrnlihed promptly at 10 per cent, lean than market prices. arpl9 Cm Notice IS hereby given that neither the owtivrs or agents ot the Steamers AMAZON. GiDUONS and LAUKa will be responaiblo fir any debt, bill or Contract in.idc by any of th* oilicer* or c ew of s.iid estoatucra unicae made by written permission of ERWIN .fc HARDEE, Fur Amenta Owners. JNo. L. RoctjillCt, Agent ou Wharf. OCtlOjf ISTotiee. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,) DIHTBIOT O, SWAaNaH, >■ Savannah, Us., Oct, 3 1st, 1684. J rpBE notice issued from the office of the Provost A Marshal, Sub-District of dated buvan uati, Auz. IttU, 1383, ordering all Drinking or uil- Hard Saloons 4c., where liquor are sold to he closed at 10 o’clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. Msj. Gen. J. M. BHANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE li- itEMICK. Capt. and Provo-st Marshal. nosff BROWN’S C ASTI LLI ASM BITTER. YmiS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure X Juice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from tue Choicest Vegetable products of Hie South oi I rauce, Italy ami the Province of Castile <Oid Spain.) front which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, ludspeusable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate iciuales aud children, lor ah disanaugeuien’. of the stomach. It is unrivalled. A never taking preventive aud cure for Sea Sickness. None tvho travel by laud or water should be without the Castllhan. For Saic by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE 4 Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hanger*, Mde Backs, Side Lamps, with snl without R- Hectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Basis, Pegs add Fouutr- Patmt Gla*. Cones, Burners, Globes, Chlmnles and Wick, DRCGGISTV FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock, cry Dealers' and Confectioners' GLASSWARE. Guods of al. kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMBS T. WRXQHT, St'S Gref nwlch Street, Two doom below Barclay, N. Y novlMlm BOARDING. A FEW Gentleman cm be accommodated with Board and Uodglur, In a prliute bouse, on Lib erty street. For particulars esquire at this office. DuV4' S - China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealer* from all paitsof Uwcountry ur« luvlted to taamlue my Wholesale Stock, wbirb Include* package* onnulolng complete assort mem*, piq up *spre**ly for u'uuuiry 'Had*," Wood* r»packed to suti por-b-net*. Quoouwwaro House, Mfi*b|bl*u 41.. 44 4*o« fieui MMil 4L mm ts a a wnit. ANCHOE LINE OP j P A. C K E T S FOR N E W_ i|^,YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. Tag Staunch aud Fast Kiulkg Schooner* W. D. VAUGHN, . . - . 19S tons ISLAND QUEL'N, I! H. Couary, Master ITS tous ELLIOT. uo tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B Curti!*, JTasler. . 98 ton HONEST ABE, W. M conary, Master, - S3 turn Aud Others, comprise iho “Anchor Line” of Packets, and will have quick despatch as above. Fur Freight apply to FATEBSON i TUCKER, Agents, No. IS Stoddard's Building, or to ROGERS & CANN, , Savannah, Ga, Dri, A C*s»£aKT, Agents, New York. QCI2U ' ts FOR NEW YORKT AtluutioOoastMallSti am. Miiip Ooiupuuy. The v ry f. st sal] lug stcnmaMp AKIaDNB G. 13. Ciary, commnitder. poeliivdly sail on her re^ulai Wodmmluy, Nov. 6ih, at 15 o'clock m. For freight or p’lreage, having very elugant pccoro. modatluiiH, apply to novß JNO It. WILDER, Agor.t. FOR AUGUSTA. STEAMER EXP R E S S, CM‘T J. W. MOUC, \N, Will have quirk de»i atrh „» above. The Boat is entire y neiv. bt ing of immenae cap'tcl y. ehlppeis heed hut lour having tue r ord n> leit Parties having goo,!* consigned to them from the North nr elsewhere for Angus, a and points beyond ran eolwc' forwuriing - liarvea on none byaendin/ their freight to th s line. A 1 bills paid prompt l ; Freight ro.eive,! ami etered lu Fire 11.l 1 . Oj( Ware Uou.f n tree of expense. novO F. M MYRELL Agent. FOR AUGUSTA. The Faat Sailing .mall steamer C ALD WE LL.. MCRttAY, MASTER, Will sail on Tuesdy, November 7th. For Freight or Passage apply on hoard at Monglu’a Ci'rac Wharf or to Bfi JNO. It. WJI.DER. -Freights FOR AUGUSTA, ■V HE andeHgued ire prepared to receive goods at A their Wu.rcbouce-i—five of expeutfo and,guv »*red by ce—for rid; went to Atnrua'u and points beyond by tbolr regular line of light dr laght boats. Apply to CHAR. L. COLBY, rfpl>j-ti cor. B V nml Abercorn FOR AUGUSTA, Tho Steamer Caldwell, MURRAY, MASTER, Will receive freight all and y, aid sail This Night. Fot freight, aiiply on board or to noiß—l JOHN J?. WILDEP, For Augusta, The Favorite Steamer • AMAZON, Capt. RICHARD JOHNSON, Is now receiving fre'ght at Dillor.’s Wharf, for Au quota, and will have quick dispatch- LRWIN 4 HARDEE- Joe -' L. Ropeii.t.AT, Agent at wharf. nT—2 FOR AUGUSTA, Steamer Falcon Will leave her wharf foot of Abci corn Street, on Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 10 o‘c!’k.a.rrT For freffhc or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY 4 CO., novG Cor. Abercorcand Bay Sts. For Augusta, THE STEAMER K. EL >IyVY, Will have dispatch for the above piece. Goode receiv ed at nil time and stored in firo i<rool v nrehoUse, fool ; of LiiiCOiU street, free of c<>Bt. J M. KINCTII.BY, Agent Office in Claghorn & The May un ved in Arurusta from Savaauah on last Fufday with her full frcl*fat ts oct‘J STEAM lu 31 MUM tATiOA BETWEEN SAVANNAH & BALTIMORE. Tho cntatrx’dlnne nrd f-St sailing % r, •t'- .m-bip FANNIE, can <ia«gln will lc* vc u.r u LiIMO.U on SATURDAY next, lllh Inst, at o’clock. T"a Fannie has elegaut room uccommoda tlons for pss-or gers. For Freight or Passars. app'y to WEST, bRYAN A CO, •loros' Bi-ick. N. B - Passenger, for this route, for N w 1 ~ik, v ! 1 save two Imndred miles f « a travel, mid wi 1 recein through ticaots, via Philacelphla, at siitne r.uo as uov charg. and iiy New York lints. Freight Mil! niso bi • hi-caed through to New Turk as luvv as by any other route. u.,vl FOR BALTIMORE. l’cudcrgast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the grsator portion of hev cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For halanc* of freight «p l>lJ 10 LaROCHE, OADEN A VSCKLF.*, Coruer B-iy and B.irnard street*. Agent* In Baltlmoie— Pcnd*ig«*t, 1 snwick A Cos. oct IS •• , For Liverpool. The new arK Otoss clipper ship VIRGINIA, YUCKjb, Commander. U now teeffing rapidly at Lower Pie'a sad paving larjf* engagement* wIU have quick daepateb. For freight 4f parnig* (i»u<n%t tawest ,*i»m apply (<* CMA* l Votin' A Vo., emu mm Abweoa ami V*/ fta immio, Baltimore and Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. jM-jf.,. The steamship NORTII POINT, / t ‘ Ca,.t. Soilth, will lent ba.tunme on -<■ i, hi-. . N,' tier ivgular trip lor Savannah on % -wafesdi—baturday, tlie UUi lostau:; return ing, will leave Savanna,i ou Sat urday, Uio lath fust. WLST, BRYAN 4 CO., Agents, lIOVB * B 1-o.n.n, FUU DAiiiE.V AMI IMIbMMfJI IIIATE FOISTS. IF Freight to and ftoin Darien U offered for the fine rnd lost saiilnv Mae wi,eel steamer FLOKA 1 478(1*010, We wdi put her uj,. F L. GCK 4 CO , Agents, •No. * Drayton street, lux. door ui Bank of Bommeree . LQVti.* l ! »il JUKSO.WILLE, FLA., . VIA DARIEN, BRLNsWICK, ST. MARY'A GA« AND iEitNANDINA. FLA. Steamer Fannie, C«P W. T. '‘hNvtij, will leave as above ou PUUR3- DAY next,9th In t. atf, a. ra . This boat hat hcen th ,r,,u.,h1; overhnu’ed, newl; fu uithe*.* throughout ;,U , 11 .; ,;,1 euo i;,l,y for lh '. routo. Having line st.ite room acc-nntu ,(!a iont, nud eoi.iaaodnd by ageuUrm.n of expeilence, and one w.-.o Is personally known >u the mate, ofiur superior inducem<nts to ih. traveling mhlc. Fielitht r. c, Ived daily uud «Lr and in fire-proof nn houses, ttenet ex,, For itoight or r.asa.-e sm>i v to F. M. JIIRULt. " t 0 4 ItorrU' Bui' ding. fobTpalatkaT Via Darlet, Brunswick, St. lUry’t, Ftn uaudiuu, Jacksonville aud Picolata. ’jIHE now and fast steamer KOUNTAIN. Cant. G. A w. (Js.TMta,will leave rs noove oo iCiAdAY, the stu lust, at to o'clock a. m. F, r Freight >a-Parsage »ppl; on hoard, at PadeL f.rd'a Uhu,., near White’sGeiitral Colton Press, 31. A. OUHEN. Agent. During theabsencaof tho host all coud’ will lie ra ce.v, tl at the u-urei ouceea ihe « hair,by Mr. W. It, H. Umen Fq-l jht payahlo on Wnaif. Shippers will furiiieh weight* and measurement of good, u,v 7 For Freight or Charter a uorthsrn pul tyaSelioouer of 1311 tone Rug. later. Ayp'y to MILLER, THOMAS A f O. -a »■(. Hay Bfret For Liverpool. Tin: a, St cl I*s El l Ish bark -TH > *AS WtUTNKY J. < Jy-lly. master, humj of small capacity, »lu oaf* lUlrk dispatch, Fm- fietghr. apply to <>Ct 10 HELL, WYLt.Y & CHRISTIAN. Regular Line. • FOR BOSTON. Schooner Witch Queen, aKMV Now loading at Exch.ago Wharf. n v, -ts • B y gt., oppo-lie M irUiera 1 < hnreh. Lost—slo Reward. e A Puli Te rfor DOO, white, with brio- h a t and br m'.ie rp„t wi back, fra-nr- A< y permn glvi v rtit'll ln<,,rtnntlon to k.j „uuu lecoveiy. wil, reoolve the above reward. WILL AM t.REKNE. nnvT—i Corner JciK-rr,in ami Congiegs eta. For.Liverpo o. • THE Al Ameri- JLI» Ship KW ENGL A NO, spy npcfeci Matter, having a larut portion of HEep*''* c*'*B° W'Cagod will be re; ay to recoiv* cargo at Lower Hydraulic Prvl« on tho 16th For fMght or pnsta?o apply to evt>«4l» Bnigllam. BAtrmny A CO. for llio Be Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Tliomas, rain, Pornambnoo aad Bahia Syr- . The United Stntra and Brnxil Mail y'.i’. Ir , . c U«B,«hip C0mp,.1./ will dispatch hT ragulaily, " 1 - <Ju tn. of every mouth. A NEW AND FIRSC CLAfS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o'clock, p. ui„ Front Pier 41, North River, Al! letters h ivo to pass through the Post Office. An experience,! Surgeon will ha in attendance off board. For freight and passage, having splendid accommo dation... apply t, THOMAS A3ENCIO 4 00.. o tSI-Sa No. 17, Broadway, New Yoik. ESTABLISHED 1826. 'lhe NT jA.lbion. I'U E oldest Literary and Foreign Weekly la Americ.i. Is published at No. 39 Park Row, New York. ■ TERMS, 8S PER ANNUM. New 8 1 Overt hers f r :SJC retaining direct to the Si e by F G. order, m ill l,e entitled to a choice irusa uc tv ei tv n vo aunuol Albion Engravings, tree. \ Addi caa TOCNG A MORRELL, ncv?-'w Pi' fi let. r«. l-'iuutution aiul weii i imueieU Land for Lease. I LARGE Plantation, nesrSi-tei*. Ferry. Savannah LV luvcr with about one thousand acre* of clear and u.d. comfortiiblu anil out htiu-eH, uu nlmn. 'Lmce oi prime timber, with tbe remains of a steam .a* mill. The planting land and timber land could be leased wparatcly. ui.b tetes-ary bullulngs foreneb For t articulars enquire ol WM. H. BCRUOjr.ns A CO., noe3-6 ,t .treat, Pfj. Wholesale Boots and Shoes! Fellner and !Pollak, 1»7 Bruughivn Street. Savaunvb, Ca.. ARK enabled, through tbelr permanent Hme la l!o*ton, to furnish Jab er. and j rains in this ltj as well as those In the countn, wi ll mole aU. vantages und convenience* in the'Loot and Shoe Tra.b- ill in any house lu said line. novl-Cm NOTICE. SAV.GihAU, CCL. 27, 18Co. The Municipal authutitics having appoint ed Port Wardens for the Port of tiavttnnab, the Board asiumblvd this day unci elected TIIOS. HOLCOMBE. Cha rman, aad THOS. J. BULLOCH. Clerk. Patties interested will m ike applioutlon to ' the uuduT'kikned, at tliu fixdiange. TIiOS. J BULLOCH, r ‘ net 5.1-3 Vwtw Chile, mtuto uutl Comity lux Col* loutor. 3i HR Subscriber l» a Caiulld«t« for rc- lectWo. «0d i«.-p«vutiilv *»k* the suftlsg* of the ciiitvna us ath iu County. » w >r Arnnjfrf>AnATLJiyl> ‘ JN O X XL/iii. A u h«ijirMWi •ad *vui*m* • -me st the via viaaU, ui •Haiti. 1., UI ll«f. M4-U4 W. 4. JAbfrdtfl