Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 07, 1865, Image 4
Notice to the Public, I jgatf . - ua* U *> '• J5K4*T •* - 1 ' n^;.; s !^i J®? . " Me; * or >os mm. Ct rirouch • " - ... : Uwse who bud Medtiu-u, I ;:s - t * »' - v i Ass . rl c...-’t" afcmaJl rir, the DODQ .i. t r/ ' - s * lo .il! pH: U of th Vnit .1 * '* T t ought* • lor igu enntri*- 1 r : « an o o|>p * tiou. B*> rv q. - Lr • d:c! y u n>n: c and «*- *i> rh r. -u.c: *s mvc b u known— such «*»dva tOig • & ->t t* t <p : e- oc-tu w all ot-irr p rl "and v n copjrl g n jr.» v itl** ®. tt hut in; vo r „ iu lout o He mailt Wlo hdVu !Ufco.t U.U Jj non hav„ )>*•& eUC<N*»iUi. MV QWEUT H this r nt*rv n ‘ r •*■-'■ o vr» to thn patitfec md .«u*' ex wrtj - < o »nco sued ari h *n u! my articles .aay uoi bcd.uug* Jto: in eriotrer spurious i-a«. * Knowing tin? m rsy 7 r . 4 this anlplc who arc vii<f-qu linfu- 1 \ i ppo'ij u sow tcmuiUs from mo-eof mj- p • *vi: •£<; a:« known in a I part* o r ••Bern/ fK-Teo : • •’€ 1 with Mr. II T. H im bod it uff rd rv? u . t.. I buvu bci-tj ID tat fav .-a *i. * p . .. v h di* aua integri ty, WLI gratified al hi *cC -s * WM. WivIOHTMAN, Finn of I’outtte, Ninth u.i P Su»cii l kuddCipbla. £3 [Ereni-.gß un i bila'ophl.ij ‘•When ~>n a vi* t t. <l . <. ;r w a law ; dayc riuca, 1 va* i..t< r ■■ to t n i,uri'!d uk-nd nud I •Wntnian, Mr. ~ ~ , . 3 4 Urus.l --N. \. bp* 8 I*. - 1 r»a Ucm-- tbe huudmiiEi-t • l : uy v t !: iviw Mm! tMe v.e Mi.g . it-..: r i<wDrfS4 leet from, flve .air u 1: ■■ „ M. ctd.vp,— It iuaevcl affardt u* ’ 1- ■■ v/>v ibai nc fauMtt'n m q of It** Merit*Ol bi* i -nrt.expo rteocewehuv r. tK k a : •. • of »y «<li •le* w thont Mvi it— sib* Uuucf uie Hni balur* tin. pu p i." CE <h>u birniu-i “Wo danot’iao ; : •• ivarthlefs ware*, or Attic]*. C 1...... . O wd Wheu W* .ee till .■ -r is« %tr . :a! olil, u tiom we biv* koim’u ! a s w nit. iLi» !; «i!ciidljl.*ilvertl»lui{ from yr e - . . tile ! tree** tidver tUer in Hie L'niu-d i we ere 6.,tubed Uiai tie •tetomsß.* in re; a.-a to las article* must Me correct. Ths writor re’n■■l.-rt’c it!«<’i ts tlioabove, and woald out do :o weie in i a to tr: uy; and coi,- •inde* by ca> -, .: o ,is a> tick-*, and tlit fur which ih- y I .: rjiJ L‘> uiani thou tend* wild complete auntcm. ijaimT ] HelinloM 5 Extract of Bnehu will enre all dis- aee- ' tbo K.'.hoys and B'adder.— Cure* Pain,a U- an; ; 1:1 tu* Biulc, Stricture*, &c.; Cum Weak *.i rvea, t of memory, TrcirMing. Wmnoss of Virion. HE. MBOLD-S FLCHV EXTRACT OF BCCHC fr a pan fluid extra r. tnv ■■- ti<» cr Infusion I* •he one tideg noeabtl f. .; uni.lnir.l* incident to Females. For pa, licniaisi (i tor Circular. HBJ-MCOLD'S FLt il) EXTRACT FUCHU «W Grave' ,i e Dir p ical hwalllr-' * r-ijtin(!ib Wen, Women, • r • 1. a'v-r. \'!£d requli lujt tie el,! tit * lint. ■ 11 .. it toe ..iceto-st Tonic ai*' l MHedc known ... le tli . !a**nt la tmtesund Odor, und iiumedUtc c l. n. * IIELiIioOLD'3 Jluid Extract < f Sarsaparilla, lli(.iILV CO:;3uKTUsVJ’JUa. ©n* bottle eqntv. . at! *iren. ta to one gallon of tbe Vop of JLleo icu Itreeche* ■!:•: - ,, e*. peilina *ll iiuiuoie of tin: iiiood and ' BEAUTIFYING TIIE CGMPj.LXION. . Thi-*« artlclef, bein '< ■' h rn-ei.yili, the doeei, *«eeeuini;-i tin t. it .* used in tit CniteObieic'Ar y sua ; atblc Sanltnry lu •Uiutluns tbtiH ■ i . nil UT Sold by *ll D. * 5 averyvhere. OT“ Asi; lor lie u .. u i te no other. W Cbtout the : e . . mb send for it, and by till* infc-.iu. a, 1; < ,t- >U. octo l, . • lilt b AiiCiasS & ' and ISO At 10l WTEU HT ■ KltW 'lOl.ii IGRIffiLT; ijUiMIEMS, Aiiß KAIT.!',t.«Y 0? AU fe!l?98, Small TfiaLfor - h '• S>'omU, U <i- 4” a•> i. i. ,d'. i'■ i*d Jo ' Qrmu tiooti S ini a. Harm w.»; i . y*; crai- We offe r , a’fOj n Irige n*. i tra :nt •»f oar otvq manu faciure t-f 11.iy « i* . ..iVt c unci t r.iijj \ruiy, Sogni Mills ior « tr >.ere* . n 1 1 -., l:*s ui various pat terns. Koad S wg &c, (•■ i; . j. nU , n u a C ptu itt. ot lime, pure OroUt.u iiocw, Fcfuvtsn Ouanf>, ami i'uuurciie, SEEDS. Erery valu b A t cu u . Fo: »n rarletf ol JjfrtA t I i.-tuuihul lims pft -VteCMYOi 1; Yl : L . j luli £W\VU uUll WiCCti'O lor <,p f. Kale.- inau.fin L •iii, per? u id or bnehcl orluem&l pack< t? tor n . I. iuv >. : ied or thousand.' aepU*2a\v 2:;. . THE SEW JOBS HEWS. DAILY SJII-WIEKU AA'D WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK fUKU A.,*) bE.fll-W’ LtlkiT SEWS. - ffASIIT.Y :vj AVSPAPEEB. SE.ULEI.! WOOD t:.r j.ud Proprietor. Journals of FoliaLiterature, Fashions, Market and Financial E pons, Lit&reMiag Misci :i any, and Mows from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IIIMDHOTRODUCED IMMERSE 6!RC'JLATIO£S~ DETERMINED OH. THE LARGEST, Dl_oi AND CHEAPEST PAPLIta rCßUshr.n IN YEW YORK. KEW YORK VtfEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wedneeday, SKSftw. i™ •Ml! , . ” w W.y,. : ...30UO *k» Weekly (Sewi is Svut to ( Icisymtn * ■ CLi Ctl 60. news. • y ® ud Friday. JhTDtCo p.fcF 4 00 live c-pie*. -nc • .i SO oo t*«a OpJe* out* j . , J 5 of» an extra c« Twenty Cos; : ui.« v ‘ 3fr Clwgytnca 6* NEYJ YC!? r~~.n v iir Ul( . ®o Mail Subscribe * ~ Sit Monti. *. , c r iininun • For ;>•• • ’ jstw 'i' '.i'r*'" 8 k «*« « «.Y 'euu WEEIU.T SCW. I MSm. T t ~ B£NJ. WOOD, D iiic Now* Jno. 10 C*iy Cull - Ymfc C v Paper aii.lllag Warehouse Warren & Platner, TrrnoLKM.ll! ; ' •• <|) r . simli of iiir«e »nd Vie “a - I ‘'TA Mill* «eA a ' 1 ,'"" ' 1 ■"(' Mud*. Old Ilnur tsiiml, **““• UuJ " * l ‘ J ’*i* r ' tu ,u ‘i« or rtsnii ...M” 1 "- 11 11 r ?'i r «it-w K-ienrsuh, tip. Hay, Hay. 702 AI IL it t lll ;, , ,‘M'«»*»«ws »** lu 1. , 11 J 1 V !J» « VQ, I QOO'PATXOIV# For Houtlicru Haul* IVot*> BANKING HOUSE • or MANNING & DE FOREST 18 WALL STBKET, SEW YOEK. CORRECTED OCT. 21, 1!(^ VIRGINIA e*.: r Bank oi *, - Oomimrce. Fredieiduharg “ Cliatlesto:,. i " theOmiinoDKcal “ llowrnr -(.ville, eecnied - J “ old Dominion * ’ •• PhiMppi. secured .cu »• Kncknridice £ - Ruckinpliaia •* Scutiaii e. eecn.ed •* the Volley- • • • Virxini* • • Windi«"< r ’ 1 centra) B,ia. o; Vitgiuia. enecred » I Corporation of Alexandria &> i UinvUle Bank. Danville ••? Kxciiaugt Iliiik o< Va.e mNouolk 'o Firttnnn' Bauk of Fincjip»le % I•• ** iticlimond * Merdhsuts* Bank, J ynchbuig, secured. t Momicilo C*bk, sui.ured...v : >or‘fawestern Jiauk at JoffursoovlUe 8 Soutliwestfti n Bank, \V> ihesrlile X Ti*ul«re’ Bank. KicLmond Bank *4 IticKuiOnU 0 NORTH CAROLINA Bank of Cape Fear 4S " CKarlotie T “ Vi rendon H •• Comuie.ce "iit •* Fayetteville 14 “ l4SllUgt'*U M North carotin 45 •• Wade* borough 3o •• Withhiligtoii 43 •* Wilmiuguin 7 “ TttJJCi'ViUe U Ootamerciul B«n-*. WilmirgioD ‘V Fa nteib* Baukot North Carolina &.» Morchaiits' B.>nk, New bcin L3 Bank of Kuxooro* 24 Mir eiy and Fiamore' Bank 25 Bauk ofTuoma*viii« —: 1 25 SOUTH CAROLINA. Banlt of Camdon * —sd “ Charleston M Chester *2 •* Geo getown 20 *• Hamburg 2<> “ Newbury. SO •* South C«rt»miU 15 •* State of South Carolina % Oommcrcial Bunk. Columbia IV Exchange •* “ ..VC” Fai'mera' and Bxcbangc 12 Merchants', Cheraw W Bank W* Planters' “ Fulrfleld ‘A* Plahters’ and Mecbaidca' Bank 25 jsouth W. K. It 25 1 State Bank 12 ; Union Buuk 03 GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 1- I Bunu ol Augnst.i. ■ '-7 “ Athens 20 *' C’okimbus 15 ‘ Commerce I'- “ Fulton 23 ** Empire Scute 15 “ IVLdiie Georgia 05 '* savaunah 45 Bank ot Slate ol Georgia 25 Central Kailr ad Baiikinu Company Vo City Bank of Augusta 25 Farmers' and Mechanics 17 Georg! i Baiiroud anu Company 0>) Marine Bam; O i Me<hanics’ Bunk : 1* Merchant- uid Planters' Bank 12 Piunters' Bunk lb Timber Cutter*' Bunk 10 ualcn *• Manufacturer*' *» Macon 16 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile To “ Moutgouieiy 9ti “ Selma Si Commercial U.-n.k an Central “ S's Eaetemßauk r.t* Northern “ 40 ! Boatheiu “ , To j TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga v 2 '* Middle i'eiaiofrsoe 76 " TeiJiessee *_T “ Weal Ti nnessec 20 City Bank ol Nashville *ii Merchants’ " 4i Ocoee “ Planters' " I-l Sfcelby ville " 7^ Trauere’ " * 2o Union •* ~«4 LOUISIANA. Baakof Ameilon ISO “ louisiutia -,.0 •• New Orleans r>o Canal Bank ‘jß Citieeu.' Bank '.S C'ri'flceut City Cos bouisiaua 8t.,1c Bank 05 Mechanics' and Traders' Buuk ' 5 Merchants* " 50 fbmUiern •• l'.’O Colon “ ci) New Orleans City Scrip to STATE BONDS AND COUPON*. Vlrgiuirt Buiidi t j N Carolina *• Nulth Carolina Fioyd Bonds 00 3 Carolina “ .* 70670 Georgia •* *. &j(£ko ronnpssce “ The above Bonds are with Coupons ior City of Savannah Bonds GulOA *• •‘Augusta, •* 3'»«od Charleston c'gy Stock..., 4vu46 Now oricans C.ty K. K. Bonds 03 0 *• 4 * Consolidated 76.. od City Memplils ond. by 3u Tea -#>467 •» Khllroud •• Municipal..., ~..60u02 Savannah Cocpons .o>a7o Augusta •* 05u70 Memphis •* fcOaSS S Carolina •* 6uui*6 Tennessee *' 56a6» Georgia M W> Virginia ** 4o South Carolina R. R Bends 60 Savannah a*~d Coal I* eicu, 1 >t inortg t » •• •• 2d “ 2,iSO Montgomory and W Point K. R Bonds fit*, to Nash, and tba*. end ), it K. Bonds lb Me nip. and Char. end. R. i< Ucudi 6 6u(iu MoUie undciuo It. R B -bda 45066 •* * " Coupons 6Ua56 TVe arc dealing extensively lu oil kinds of Southern Securities, and pay particular attention to patch;:sea and Sales on Commisaion, 4!ling oxders for Batiks tiiiu those lu«iebt«*d to the Banks. Parties sending us packages by mail or express wdl receive the beneiit of any advance iu the market. Xhese quotations are not likely to decline, a* South ern money end are In grebt wquest at present. Refer to the Banking and Business Housob general ly of tula city. YVo lefer to A. Champion, Esq., Pres ident, and Ueuiy Bryan, Esq , Banker. Familv Dye Colors. Patented October IS, lsG3. Black Dark Green Black fer Silk fight Green Dark Blue Magent-r Light Blue Maize N Fi'ench Bme Maroon Claret Brow a Orange D irk Browii Pmk Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Parple Cherry ba mon Crimson scarlet Bark Drab Slate Light Drab Soifertno Pawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For DMiirf Silk, Woolen and M<xcd Goodr, Shawl*, Uuia, Feathers,« hildren's Clothing, and ail kinds of Weuiiug Apparel. cr A SAVING OF 80 PEU CENT. lor‘ls ctots yon can color u« many po9iU as v.LU. I •therm,c Cnsi live times that sum. Various shades •an be produced from tho same dye. Tile hr.woa is .Imyiio, uud any oue can use the Uyc with perhet «uece»s. Directlone lu liajlUU, French aud (derma.. Ui.tde of «.;d package. noWE i STEVEN A j Sdrt broud.vav, Boston. For t ile by druaglsus and dealers generally. ; wftMa • SOUTHERN i Exporting and Importing company, , ru ,s. , OF FLORIDA. 1 iurre“'v"*ui'''!‘a l Y.'’" l '“ , ' J ,U Naval Slue. tL vo »lc-ununH of l.Mteli, •savin «wm, Lumber, ce, tuiuetr agent in Elver l«r»lJThmtrtcm.l"rif merchant# and jil»n- SurMiuA ? «m he (add to all on'..* oTiSITr On. , » >‘d »«8 IV.nns er (Manually Inn jt.vunimi, ehVnlMti n Aui-uUI Mug aalarl-il luaka 1.0 tliai,-. k.r I Vwiidln?S.ih« wgf ml will fumJ.h dn idar oi dJt,‘l|F‘ *“ U,f R r, li, Pr#«itduitt, T. PUitt Lwuj.L k Li'7»nd, *H t. %_i#»W>, U I rivury brysu U.vaiTu.h. u* mm H».i« Wa« 11 ..*> «4 isai.i Ats ti Srtfrif' and FMi Hooka. ANDREW OLFRK Ar CO., MAID* N LASH. NtW YOltK. Nl-r.r AGEJfTB AND IMPOItTER*. / vi a iormvr onstoneC will find r. nMu- lion in told i. / .cmf t! N« i J’fcf. wh;V IhOfpj'ilityb? ?:whv« r .tup is# the highest wtanditrd Known lo En^liah ~ : CIbTQCe. A. C a Cos., solicit a r«*i evvcl c*f Uif i-ieru.nfih* reiatioi.'*»-» long anu favor#tl* v | in fheiv KSTADLISHED ISOS). ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c.. Xo. 211 Wnshijigtoii-St., .01 111 ,inv YORK. 3m MIL3ID.GTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., 'Wilmington. Delawarn. MANUFACTURE Iron Stenranoats steara fi -iiers. M chinerviorßaw Ml 's. ii.*v nv h »ti !« ng experience in bueineiti m and being p. ovhl and with v« ry cxtei hive ißCil'tiff* icr h g ;*, ik . 1 :hb* cl a, ue piipared to ordera with deapgtch, Oft 12 Gui LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. A.G33 2JTS FOR iVSERKSTT, WALCOTT & CO., 04 Conrllandt Street. New York. MAKDPACTURKKS OF ALL KIND^OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridie, Car, Ship cr Band Hook, —• A*D BOIL E fi ‘BOLTS, SKTT SdtCMS, CO.WO ©lt LA© SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts. fiOUHO AMD SQUARE WASHES, Turnbuddas, Holt TCnda, Taps anil Dies, 6zct. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every dcscriptiou, and every article u-e-i in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KNGINEERS’ STOKES. COAL OIL, TAI-LOW, WASTE rELTINO, nEMP, AND P.UBBEIt PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, A’o.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PCNCUEM'TLKS, CH!-ELS, fio. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE,- INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Monafactarers of ths BEST Oi TUNNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS. PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS.&O saptS if PKEMIUM TM DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph in Mechanical Seicnco. MA NUFACTURED under two dMinet patents, of cutirely “origiml construction;”doe* not Infringe on any ether machine. r ihb exirn* rdlnajv ftchievsj incffi of mechanical ingenuity wo ks upon' a T-bie, uses the *t: Needle, makes the reetui liana 3titcli, at tiio rate of Id Stitches to each evolution of .h** w heel, will Tack* Mvr, Crimp, Hem. Ruffle, Ac , with wonderful speed, nccuiacy and neat mss, will * w with Double uml 'Single Thread of nil kinds, is >troiig, an<l can net get out of order, and has received ih€ luil anprovii] oi the principal Journals aud all who nave used ih<*m. This mac hine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every familv require e one.V—.V. P. World. “For theDre-ismakei it f$ luvAluabla, for the House* bod Itsupp.tas a vucaut place.”— Godry's Ludm* DooK •Ti uses and common noodle. f?Fwrs very rapidly, and is po easily uuderacod that a child can use it.”—A r . O. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country pci express, packed In box with pruitod instrucyons on receipt oi the pilce— ? 10. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted everywhere. Circular containing lib eral indacemenrs sent free. All orders must he addressed to _ j Ten Dollar Sewing McUhine Company, 83, 88 ans 40 Ann street, NEW YORK. OCtIT Cm a NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst tonus without the u-e of medicine Flease send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address * J. M. ItI'SSELL, octlo-:3m Boston. Mass. Notice. THE er-par: '.er iap heretofw'a existing between JACKSON .v WaHFUX’K was, on the 80th fsep umber dhsoivod i-v nudual Ci’*. -cut. The builut *.-. will heieaitvi bu comlucted by the undersign ad, who w iii be happy to receive u couiuuaiice oi the p;)- ii ullage bcst-jwcU on the late tinu of Jacksou A Uarrock. L. WAKUOCK. oclll Notice to Lumbermen. THE SLQdcrnifmftd ftre prepared to receive Consign* uivnts oi Lumber, of any quantity or quality, for palc m this marketer ior shipment North, Cash advance* m ulo when required. Our facilities for procuilug suitable vcAiels k.r ahipmeuts are un bounded. AGENTS V* SAVANNAH VA.\ HORN. HOl lOKK A 9ICRRAY. Agents hi New York, hK»rtr». HclvoLo A Murray 4? South htreet. tl pc! 1C INKL OK ÜBoSSINK, at 60 p#r groa#. It Kit) Oy«;ii Aumlil 1 , Wilting FJuIU, fujU, at <Tp<r lujmH'. Furaalcby 6AVHJ.It * I.EAC'Q. «UIV t< in, I lyan mu < i ,i.<l tli ,krt aqaarr Boker’a Bitters, Thu Oidkal ttliU twit ,i’Hiiwu«4. 1. FVIKBi 08 Llb«rty Street, • t littuui Ntw kQIUL • -- -i.»« w j f«Nnt«»:n% MfaKt'MANl-*. *»». F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AO EXT, | OB3ERAL COlllJflSS/l'A *M> fOR- W.MIUIN4I merchant, bay street, savannah, ox. narris* PalldiPfTi, Cddoorwpet of A. i.ow and Co.'a nKcff to Mfwrr Hntiter A Garr.mel!, Cr »ne, Jobo* aot. »\ tiiuybii. Beil. Wylly <*' Chrtetwn ; BothweS! & Vhi teh cod; Millet* Tk»/ii«/ea A Cos.; M A., Cokon, F.-q, pepSMl TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Commission Morohauts, New Y o rU. OCTAYt’S COHF.N ivi." puke liberal edtsoce* pn any ciGignaents made tot';u a'~r.9 bcitie, octkO lui Wa. 11. Ti*n». W. Goedoh. Tison & Gordon. COTTOA FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, > o(i BAY STREET, .a, Oeoroia.. ur« :.iion » t*i txj given to tbe saie of timber, ] hV-ir, Tmpeutliie, & , _ is. u. M>unrt- a. c. boiuuix. SORREi. BROTHERS, a RIPM VO, LVmmiSdlon nud ForwanUxuf Met chants, i ft U y strceL Savoanth, Gn. Beiereuoji Mestra. 11. K C >rnlcg, Son A Cos., 14. Y.; Mcwtrs. Peter V. Kin.? x Cos . N Y.; Messrs. Fish er. Brothers A Cos , ‘Mtt.tixao'v ' Mi*o-ra. s. x W. Welsh. Philndelpbis; Natioual BmU, sj .vannah. <#a.; Franc ol Borrel, Lsq , Hav cnah <*u ;t'hap. Ore n, Esq., Sa?ua nah, t.a.i V# R. Bloom, Lsq, Macon, Ga. c*ctl7 iw 9 I>. 11. liALBWIX & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 17S Pearl Street, Hew York. 01-H-Sm aT, ! Savannah. A. 8. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING m. UK C iiia. K , 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf JAMES~B. CAHILL, . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IS G roceries. Provisions, Wi ues • and Liquors, 17 1 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. > HOLDFRS of Merchandize wL-hing to realize Imme diately will Col suit their interests by consigning tin- siime. Strict attention will be **!veu to all buslneaa ec trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the meet re .t ton able rate.**. sepi-Sm TohN LTV iLL ALONG A, COTTON FACTOR, FimWAUDUG AND COMMISSION H£K CHANT. No. 04 Bay Stroet. SAVANNAH, GA. o-.uc 6m C. H. SENED.Cr & CO., No. SO Broxul Street, New Turk, Produce aud Flour Commission DZerebants, Dvaleva in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Orders Coosljjnmeins on Genual Altrehanolso solicited. octlT 2m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER ; SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fennel &, Bcsanett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Visr.v Stkeet, ..):w Ychfc. A_;..i AiempUls, Tr-.;, TnosiAS Feskeo, Uenev Bek-nkt, D IV.Bov.mvs j y G on. CIiAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping aud Foiwardiug Oi fi ii t li A K T S . JONS-3 SLOGS, CORKER BAV AND ABZBGOBN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Chas. L. Coxjsy, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WtUGIIT, Agents at Augusta. Ga. JtErEBBKGES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jurlvs Slade, Esq., New York. Uol. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, K*q.. Boston. sep 19—ti Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 £*uaut Struct, Sew Ywk f 0 aud 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Osmihnrgs and Yams. jylS SCRANTON & MAGUIRE, Striping M Commission Merchants, 4H EXCHANGE FEACE, W JS "W YORK OFFICE 18, Lll>*ral advances made on Consignments of Cotton, Tobacco,and other Southern Produce. Orders for the purchase of Goods lu New York promptly attended to. KEFERsbCre: Scranton, Smith * Cos. Crane, Johnson A Cray Mil. A. nbamplon. lw* novl WEST. BRIAN & CO. THE undersigned have formed a eo partnership for the transaction of Cotumlssiou, Shipping and For warding business, under the name of WEST, BRY AN A C i. btrict attention given to consignments. This firm ib sue to condne tnemselves to Commission Business aloue. As agents for Baltimore aud Savannah Steam ship Cos., we solicit freight for same, uud request or ders sot isaltlmore .anil Western produce, JAS. B WEST, ot Baltimore, HENRY BRYAN, <tr savaunab, ALFRED L. 11AKTR1DGK, of Savannah, nor.l-tv ml s. suns & i«., Fonvanliu; mid Commission „ MERCHANTS!). WUOIJSSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NO3. l AND 2 SAiIMLa 1 DLOCIL, Duy Street, Jacksonville, Florida. J-NO. B. SAMMifi. RX>. G- BAXKiO. CUAO. L. MATUXB aul; _ v u a. t. o. q. rcusF. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, OACTORS, roKWARDING ANl> COMMISSION JL MfiKCiiANTS, No 4 Stoddard’* ’Lower Bay Btieat, Bavanuah. Ga. Kefereticc*—Hobu iiabi*r»ham Jt Bona, Quolerdt 11, Octii\ua *'uhcn, Brigham, Baidwin dt Cu., luiwlo A Hard##, ('laghoru A CuimiuMkom. o»p4-3pi ____________________ jTshaffee, OomHalwwton Doalor • In all It unlr of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC KHCITS iwnFRODLCE, Wut WaaiiiaoToN M tsan, •* I*3 Weal #t, liuUthv td between Barclay and Vwaey »U, NSW YORK. Futato«a Apnlua aiidOolotia coimUntly on hand, and p it up for the Houuivru uouk.t AU tonslgiiinesu ptomnll, attanked to m±. snv&Sr* 7 '*'*«• *■ r in* *mu, ..J*.,, —i ie —k_- CO.*f.4#«**tOfr ntatfli MA-TA. I J. T. THOMAS & GO., €OhXISSIOX UERCHAMS, 117 J3ay Street. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at ag Low Ratt*4 as are accepted by any good Company. octlMm SCTJTiTEItSr COTTON WAREHOUSE, OCySN-ER Oir BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVAN N AH, G A. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANT*, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to cur facilities fior the pU!chano or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt Rtt ution to nil onsi ness entruntetl to our cure. Intending to e#*tabii>h perm mentiya Haase iu Savannah expert by strict business principle* to merit and receive a portion of I the Trade. Having a coxnmodion9 Warehouse for Cotton, we are prej>aredto buy, or receive on consignment to our friends iu New York or Europe, and will inuke ad vances on same; lacking, re-baliug ormeudingali Cotion before shipping, thereby giving the enormous expense incurred In Noithem ciiie.s by this oroceiis.—» They solicit a portion of the burducas of the people j of Georgia ?jud oi adjoining states, OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN' STREETS, gg* Post Oflice Addres*. Lock Bt>s 85. octT-Sm BACON, tLARDY &CO. Cotton and Totiacso Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH DY HENRY BRYAN. WE do ciiti ely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to gel the outride maiket quotations for our patrons. Libers] advances made or, OoUou at Savannah, and part al advances on Ooiton ready lor shipment at Au gusta. Atlanta and Mm on. Planters' orders filled. octlS-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission ana Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OLOItOU CflAfl. VAJ* H'OEIf, IIvLVOXE &. MGERAT, Savannah, Oa. . 2sew York. Engaged excla-ively in m Cotnmisaiou Business,with umpu aud fiiat clow blorage Rutin, we inoat iet*|*oct fuiiv UfUdur our seivicig for the i UiChusj au-i sui«of all kimls of raercuaudisc. ocill-2iu Z C. WADE- 6. 11. WADK. E. C. WADE & C0 5> COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savunnah, Ga. cctlO Sea L. WAIIKOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F, Canslguments soPtitod. Firsonal atu-ntion given to forwarding Mereiiandisy and Cotton. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & 00. . SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and SOS Hay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. / \FFER FOR SALE the followlrig Goode, on the V * moe reasonable tt-ims. iStl bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew "| 100 “ “ Buckeye Reserve IS “ •' Sttg Bourbon . , SO «» “ 1 years old blag Bourbon 1 *0 •• Pine Apple 60 “ “ Burkam's Bourbon ] DL,Uilalloc 15“ “ Old Family Rye I 1# “ “ Old Rectidcd j Together with a large assortment oi Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines. IRltLitk Ot Cos., aud Revtnoud's i hatnpagues, Brandies, Gius, Rtttus, German & Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. In counectlon w.tii the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, BaconeSiUes, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to M AC KY&BEATTIE, SepS9-Sm PHILADELPHIA. Pa, ti. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 186 SAYf SSHEEII, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. cct2-3m TW. STARBUCK l CO.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 Vorth Water Street, P Uilacielpikia* Corvlal selccUona made on all ordtori for the Pur ,chasi.* of Goods, olid Consignments respectfully ooilo lled. Ini oct'il Oto, O. FOWLKw WM. £. UOf. UVtfU UOL FOWLE & C 0„ FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron nud Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NJtS-W YORK, _oct!t Otn W. b; & T. E. RYANT CENERAL COMMISSION *»» Forwunllu; Mcrehnute, Cbwieitou and New York* \\7 ILL atteail to th»* ttuiptnent uud ForwanUnff of " Ml kind* of Produc", uu>l»lU kiwp on hana an aaoirtmeut ul Urnevriua, Wln.-a and Liuuun. OunMonunata (uliUted. man, ii Tans. E R»*".. "Kaf -“-wii. MBf * in TOMWfWIW Ws*tlMW*. LIVINCSfON, FoO cOm j 1 * 1 Ut'oud way, • New York, com mission merchants AND Agouti Atlantic Coast Mail 3i4>atn. ship Company. Advances made on Consignment : by JNO. K WILDER, oct2® 2rr. " SAv&nnah. WM. k’, symcns, ” General Ccmmisslon aiercbsnt, NO. 3 WALDBCIiU'S RANGE, Ou the Bay, ia the building oc -cpiedby Aieasrs. Gaev rsn!& FtrrU. A-if n; lot tie New England Fire Ininraoct Com pany. A' -o Agent foe Ilswitt's Patent Screw Wrench, References in Savannah— Lnry Brisham, e q. A Porter, Esq., A. Champion, Eso., W. C. O'Dtiacoll. 1 Esq., W. Lui caa, £-q. In \'ew York—Sam l L. Mitcbeb, E-q.. Chas. A. Par- ! Vis, Esq., D. H Bulcwiu, liq., Wm. Batkeo, L q , at Bank North a meric u j Consignments solicited. lw-nov3 j r. r. patkcso.v. j. 8 , xc , EIJL j PATERSON & TUCKER,! (Formerly J T Paterson & Cr, of Augusta, Ge.y ; General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, Wo. 0 StoddarU's hover Haugr, OPPOSITE MARINER'S CUCRCU, BAY STREET, ©avauiiali, Gr/v, IJAVK made fti rangemeuis for Shipping Cotton, Tiul “ l»er Rice, Ac., io liijt class houovs iii huropu aaitl New York. Will nuke liberal advances ou all cousiffnmo’its- Also, wul Ony am soil iUiibsror Lumber uucumml*- siou. We h .ve facilities for obtaiulug Charters for VeflMls a' moderni# ra:ca. Fersopal u tuntion will be given to the receiving, so warding and to the sales of nil meichandixeentrust ed to our care. We have a commodious warehouse lor storage. References—DowlI iif? J? Cos., London : Gibl'S, Bright & Cos., Liverpool; Briidfuid <fc Reulck, Now York j J. E. Bay ley & Cos.» Philadelphia ; James Oakes, Bos ion; E. L-iiUtc, e burli-stou. S.L.; R R. May, /Mayoro Au gu-iaOi ; Uc-o. If. iTURip & Cos., Augusta, Oa.; iLd »<y. Watson & * o , Savannah, Qu.; it. B. Thomson, Columbus, Ua.; James Gunn A Son, Richmond, Va.; Ciayiou. Adair <fc Purse Atlamq. (pi. novj JOHN ii. OGII.C. JOHN A. QCIEU, JOHN B. GUIEU & SON, Conuuissiou Moi'chaut^, Will attend to q ' Ganeral Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to tbe Receiving and Forwarding and lo the Bnlos and P.irchase t«i Lot.on and ail Produce. References to the principal Merchants of Au gnsia and i-uvannan. Augusta. Oa., Oct. 1. 18 Co. lin octSf BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & c6T^ RSYAZI Sx&KkT, KEXT TO MKU(;UANTS , AND PLANTEB3* Bank, jCroucr and Oommissicn Agents rou sals and fukoiasu or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c. 9 And Rr Cotton* DOT? iJiiio Pordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brobns aud ©entral ConuaiislunJict tbaiiis, NO. IU oTODDAKD’d RANGE, Savaim. b, Oa. De.dvre In Stocks Exchange oil the Northern clii«3S, Auguste und L U rlesiou. bongbt and sold Ltbc-rdi udv uui .e t»u to « ur correspondents at tho N«cth. liefer to lhiid National Bank, McnSis. beebu & Cos., Mvflnrs, MflCtmut X CarmiD, Mews Hall A Ruckell, New Y’crk; Measifl. Curuian, Merchant & yiiaw, Phil idelphiu ; Messrs. Wa. Lamping & Cos., Mcaar-i. C. 11. IvClrj & Bioe., B’liimorc; Messrs. It. llabu>fihjuu <t Sous, Mc-narH. tiuntei <k (iarnui 11, Mr. CK O. W. iVndei«on, Mr. C. B Lunar, bavannaii. uuv2 lm ’ g7b. & C W. UMAR,” General Commission Mercliants, I'ortrardlbg and Shipping NO. UC LAV Ti.LL i, (up-siaira ) RpfertoGeia W. andereou, Jno C. FutreiandG, F. L-.Uiur, Saviiiiiihb; \V E Juda-oa Jostah hdaky & Sons, j. li. &J. W. Valaer, Auqasta. C’ondgnniema solivitvd. 6in-aovS FUKJiITUKE! FURNITURE ! WHOLESALE AND RET AH., No». 87 AND 80 BOWERY AND C 5 CHRISTY STREET, ». Y. * BEORAAP A TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNCT AND MAHOGANY. PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found in thl# city aud at the lowest prices. MATT PASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $o TO sf. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDS I EADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. Oft3l -2m DURYEAB MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. ,BI m‘«asm»* ,M That received a medal and honorable mention from tho Royal Commissioners the rnnipetion of ail prom ihent manufacturers of •‘Corn Starch" and •‘Prepared Corn Flour'’ of this and otucr count Ties iii?. MAIS 2 W A , The food and luxury of tho age, without a single fault. Cue trial will convince Lie most akopticul.—*, Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custardd, Blanc Maoge, *s:e., w ithout isiTiglaiw, wiih lew or no ut a costae loni-hing the most economical. A alight addition ti> ordinary V\ heat Flour greatlv improves Bread and Cfiko It h also excellent for ihickeuiug ewedt sauces, gravios for Csli hu<l incuts, soups Ac, For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream ior coffee, chocolate, tea, At. Put up in oue pound pucLaiu*. under tho trade mark Maizena. with directions’ lor use*. A most delicious article of food for children and ui valida of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 1«« Fulton SU eet. wii.t.iaM XJTIKYEaA. »u2o-8m General Agent. Dunn & Brown, MASTERS, HAVING t pea- dan ocaep at No. S3 Bay Struet twet n Hularfbnm uua rrlco >tniet-, we are pre P»b-tl tl fnrnlab crews at the nherteat u«.;!ce. octil liu . ORNAMENTAL HAIR. Coils, Braids, Waterfalls, Buna,, Wigs, Hair Wig,. As,, V\hul«silc, fat the bnv,-t po> Ibis priced Uupurta. tI«U, for Cash. • *W. B. Cnmerou As. Cos., liupurfei-* of Hair and Munufoctaiwrs, NU. 8» rCLTuN |T„ BROOKLYN, Nftr Ntw York L»r*s to a smau oruw, punctually liWftdud to •c*lk la | Ml AV A j>i is BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WMMhSIOS Mr.nctl.LN l". ' L (SMicral Cosamii-a.u H No. . i, a) street, above Ifarnarj . tr, j,'.u Yr A. «>ohm, * **- * U * f ' ul; WAH ±J* n t ' L'DM-MiSS'N MERCHANT. * mice Uoinc IDS. C'O , * j Buy IJcU, Wyiiy A Christian, AtXTION (UK. iuTuc iAvrs*' 011 ' JISSI ','- S f ,u rouwSowStt HA.N 1.-' Lay ~ bavazaiat. (J». .. Cos., • Hiseiov Miini ii* 14>i Vont-resa auu *; -q' ZnTSZ “V** »>**> pa!fl ““vJuSt V oaLßefliae*. etc LluricJ Advaoc.--ou u>Unu.7n Kivtlu A Hardee, COM MERCHANTS, i t , Day street. Savac:.ab, Ga. _ WINKS, UQUOILS, ic. rsltlvi U, Cos,, ™ ‘ ~ T>l ni ■ 4 3ULL AdfcNTa AM) f-KFOKTBBS OF Ch. FARRK <. *HAMP AGN B S in tho SL;t" of tivOrgi-i. ,ftT Uay *■- **"*■ u f »-£ .and aiiddef&raoa, * »uvsumah, (i.;. ■J I .! iLlSLlL^il^ - -*- PHY GOODS. .I Uunuou Jwkma ©or! I on grta and \v hi taker sta. Joitu ylrtuuugUy, '* DLALLK IN 11RY GOODS *.• l in Itr u.-h!.->n «trret. C»“»»vvl SI. hederer, J.a.w and tioutua Jf C 5 laser asu Sxahj; Dby Goore, Boots Avkhm.^f OltocLUlKri, drc. MFcrst a, < c. \Vhik die Dealer la" Wise* L,. • wgobu, SuoAUb Ca^intxa, 150 CongroHS sueut. S 1 ®* 1 * * ©•»■.Whale*-,laandllctaU Da.lera la Gro. ceite.a and Provisions. Tera Ai. a, uiaee uaU Li. quors. C-oraer Hull --; u iir oghtea stro*. t »rSi’- a * to orders lor the eouatry ade ‘ sepfc,-tf ip I*. Ut y-o, f'iou.uj-. m Cuoiot reiinv oao J . Wises, do toss, 4.0. - , j-. eiioaabiua sirest mmAHDa, Ac. - " 1 BUliani Saiouu. liv WAL'iHH t,'Mh.Aoy "* ALE., WINES, UyoußS, £a Day sir set, over Express OUice, niVu Pin Alley. A TEN Fin Ai.I.F.V, by VALENTINE bami pr Aiwa, tv iuoa auu Liquors*. No. 133 Biyuu curoct, Aiuikti Uouse, oppositt tue Miii'kvi. Im-uvi2s Ot * lieu ie. Saloon, (iu rear of I'oat Clbe.-J by U A. „ta>ui. BV-ohooie auu Ar-r<a(. Noai- but > iiOl'-’E »I.NLS liud UyLuio-j served Free Llinta. I'ai.Ml.VU. Murphy & llauh,” ~ Honse, Slyu, ship and stcauibeet Painter Oposile tbe t'uiaski Uoa,u. overat-imui’s'EaiberSfiop ait oruei j tuanalui) ivte.Vwi uuu tatleiuny ulleausil lV _ IU! OUA GAs> Fli iLNG, A;c. Wetu and. LiaavtcU, tv lidiesa.e Dealers at ii aud waive and Tu, Waks, UC lUUsIOU, • i'UJMßiilt AND GA S FITTER, »A jbiyaiiuk, ucal ,u cor. Whitahor. * _ SUGARS, TOBACCO: Ac. L' AhOAM. ’ • X • aJJUAKB, TOBACCO, BNUFF, PIPES, AO. llarrmru tt oci, ©uc ol (lie Market. PRIMING, BTA'I IONEUY, &c. kViut iv Aiiatu, O ocoK-tLLLLS AND STATIONERS, Cor. myaa meet ami alorket -iquare. Mavicing luk, Mintru-Trutn and forsalu by ILIVi u i». GALLO iVaY, Si LHuyiua sti-eet. /'to. A. iVilliale VI BCOA AND JOR I'RINTEK, Day St., between AbeiOuru aud DrnytOß. EJ. Purse, L THoWKaPHLit, STATIONLU, • DlMi.Cii, aOo ITUNTEU, 4c. No. and Whitaker atrcot, v VV. fUasun t, Cos., k** lii.IiALD Jon PRINTING OFFICE. No. 11l liny JEWELKY, &c. Fh. •loitinn. Dealer in W atch js and Jswsr.Kt ( • bn.vlb iOid Platli* Wahl lanui yc. 62/* Wutcaea und w«v\uiry Itepairyo. liy (JiMDgrtfi sCj oppobiic iho Pulaski House, Jos, w. cim, M. D. L«?'. Sunili Broad and Bai nard-tte., DUkt liotnas—B to 20 A. M„ Bud 4to j P. 4L, iSF—Mr. Wash's, Diacahton SLcek i one door east Slaaonfc UteU. lent— -tr 1- - ri't ~"1 DRUGGISTS. Wai. uai.n, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, aul* Sotuhtast cur. Buruara uud bruughuin ets. l A. Soloui&jts ik Cos., VUIOLi-JJAI E AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. IST - Orticit t_i.ct.uu-t! accurately ana wilU ueeputUi. ■I i ■ 11, - ■ • .. - .Ml n BOUT and iVND bllUKb. Ames oe Peabody-, Jobbers lu Mep’s, Women’s, , and ChUdreu’3 Calf, Serge aud Kid 800 id uiia sliUEti, of alt kinds and tjuuluies. 182 Congress uu, 4th dod North of the M-iiket, GJ eo, T. kichola, M RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. llu Broughton at., 2d door irom Bali. —arairftitr.T- - ,v_-oiok QUEENS WAKE, Ac. ED. Smyth, QUEENS W A RF, GLASS ANT) • CHINA, ftt WhoitMale ana Retail. 109 Broughton street, *<i dour from cor. of ball CONFECTIONERY. JK. licrnundez, • CONFBCTIoNICR—WaoLEfIAijE aki> RttaH MANCFACTUKEB of STRUTS, CORDIALS AND FI :>E CONFECTIONEFr OF ALL KINDS. . 140 Broughton street two door? from Bamarfl. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER »N nnnt CIDRRS, LEMON, STRAWBEKRY a.nd RASPBERR* fcYitUPs, candies, ac., &0., Hl?* In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. J& WIIITAKFR BTKgrT. UUIJA WATER. _ TRY ONE POUND. JoStn Bytin, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ADE, CORDIALS SYRUPS, Ac. .. Cur un i West Broad strPJ* LAND AGENCY . FOB SOUTHERN GEORGIA. lUIE subscriber, formerly of savannah, and rNjJjjjJ at B 1 fCkshenr, Pieico county, On., on tbe An tic A Gulf Luilroad, v. ill give ii’ia personal vided aUtintion to the sale and purchase , L \nd contiguous to the said rail road, on commis«^ n sollcita tbc patronage of nil needing nn flgeoi a m experience in the land, lumber usd ilmOcf J new of twenty years in Geonmi atid South guarantees ample qu diflentiou. lie will h®. - seated iu Sttvanu&h hv Mr. Henry Bryan, *»rd iJJ York by thu Gi _*at bouthern Land Agency* TJ *•- way. JOHN 1). DEtAIw 1 Refers to any old resident lu Savannah. aopl? 3m DR, GORDON HOWARD Q»i ra*atuc‘l tlia Praeilcc of M*dldno. Sp*d*l * ,l<f tlou to Di»«iw. oi lb* 6y«. Offloc. and re*tdc»oe, Jcd*» »tr**f, t>»o toot* w,-r “ ,, i | * —AA ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH! , SCRATCH 1 SCRATCH 11 SCRATCH Wlieuton’K OlntnfM<'. J Will COfcl THE ITCH II fO*n-IIBHT ADocurv* B ill Klimub*. LTc*r». Cbl bW** ts Bruptlou* of lb* SUn »« «Wt* r<* •»U Dru||i»u Bf msdlsg to c»ru u> Ww-IK • , Mol. A,vela IT® W«*ldnrton .tiart, will b* foi«*rd*d by BUllk OM •»>««'* pul of tho GutVfM Mt«W». min--