Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 08, 1865, Image 2

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i e savannah Daily Herald P V y~w L r~M A SON & cO -■■ r II ■ ""VT. 1 Editor, I HOM PWO '..'. Editor. as lurmiAXf doui»k*t. Wtsutrrenuer a large portion of our rp >e« tbit n.orniog lo an interesting and WW wbat lengthy correspondonce to regard t 0 H Urg* amount of cotww bald by toe State ot Georgia at'tbo period of Gan. S ftrmao s ad vance through tbe S ale to tbe military oouu pn'ion of Georgia. I. came 10 light ot tbe instance of tlic Convention at Milledgevil e, w cu o iled upon Piovisional Governor J 'bntoa lor in formation r'la'ing to >ott«n p.ucd taed, muU est-ets < f tbe State belli abroad. T'bc o'- ernor repies that tbe large amount ot Bute cotton In Sivaimab at toe line of its surren der to G u. S lerutan and captured, bad ben previously • Id by the agent of toe .Siaw without authority to Mr H Brigham .ml others, on certsgu terms unuatisiactorv t<* G iveroor Brown, who, on receivs g n«t!re from tbe agent, reluaetl to ratify tbe >a e, l -ut j this wag not communioatuii to tbe agent un til fter captured. . Ou tb 16 b August last Provisional Gov ernor Johnson notifld the Tiea sl,r J ! ull nteut that a certain number ui hales ot cotto.i Captured by Gao. Snermao may be claimed by tbe State of Georgia, as belonging to her. Mr. Brigham c uU-w «>* State c.airns and bases tbe validity of bis rig dto tbe co'tou on tbe b a t tile l«n-te.lm between the State agent and bims If, tonified as lie con oeives by curia n equitable propositions made by him to G .veiuor Blown as to the ebaracur m the payments to b; made tu dis charge of Ids piomUaory übliga ions amount ing to nearly a million of debar, in Coufod erate money. Tite rein oka of oue or two members of tbe C invention Would see-m to indicate Hia» tbe trau, cin bad both a decidedly “luufev" odor and needed ventilaliou. Ot this, however, we km.w nothing, and refer those interested to Ibo Correspondence foi the particulars. . ACTION OF tan lONVkINTTON. In the speech of Mr. Cohen, delegate from Cuatbmn county to tbe C invention, he opposed tbe resolution of the Committee oi Seveu to whom the subject of the sale ol cott niu Sivaunali bad lieen referred. Mi. c pronounced it an anomaly in legislation. Iu tipi, designating it be was comer. Wc have remarked many such auo turtles in the action i t bit- Conventions that have assent bled in the South at the call of Provisional Governor". We had ourselves pointed out the same departure from tbe true ortko ot a Convention iu the South Carolina Conven tion. In this departure, the real distinction is lost sight of between the functions of a Con veniiou and those of a Legislature. 1 lie ot flea of the first is to effect changes in tbe or g'aiiic law. The duty of the last is to give effect to thus 1 changes' if of a fundamental character. Tue first represents tbe people directly— tbe last indirectly. Tbe acts ol tbe toriuer are coiled ordinances—those ol tbe latter Laws. Iu a period of trausitiou like the preseut the distinction is apt to be disiegarUed. 1 T!)E CHOLERA. . Although not patiie-sirii'k n—' by the start ling tel graphic unnou earnout in our issue of the sth iu tant, that thu cholera had cer tainly eff cted its pa sme hcmsj the broad Atlantic, aud wa< ho u.tily doim it* fearful work in, or ub u , the city <*t iSow York, we frankly onfo-s to a slight i i-turtiunce oft ha healthful equanimity which we hail been en Joying opou itie assurance of tlie fr .terti'ny, tint, owing to present ntmospherir iuflaaiic.'s, i's appe irand ou this 6 do «f tin water could nut transpire until the C urdut . 'Spring- It turns out, however, tint the caprices o this remarkable pestilence dude even tin prophet C vision of the most en.ighieneu tiled eh fCleiiCi, a fact pregnant with warn ing to our people to set their houses in order H iving c mmenced its ravages iu the city nl New York, i ! is not uureasonahle to suppost that it will etfyot a 1 >dgment in the atmos phere of the eastern slope of the America' Ciulinent. Its appeufauce in our city mat thereto e be regarded us aim -st inevitable It is nit probable howler tliat we slid have any severe attack of the pestilence tbit season, on account of tire increasing coir Went hr. It istru-, says tiro New Tori Word. that the cholera lias rag'd in wiuh time, tiut this occurred only me;—iu Rn sia ; bu> its n-ud course ie to sie donatin' during cid weather, aud reappear "D the ap proachiug summer. If this hypothesis b correct, we have four mouths at ienst. ir when to make all necessary preparation, and if we omit to do i nrjltil v in this regard wre shall be u deserving ot sympathy iu tin hour ot distress if, pi the order oi Providence, it c lines. Tin; rap'd and stea'itby advances of tl e ent-my Khou.d serve to admonish the peoplt of BavauDah, iadivlduuily at.d coli, ciiveiy. to lose not a moment of time in purifying the ei y thoroughly aud to keep it clenu. Even this precaution may not ns from the visitation, hut it will stay i ts ravages mid save ns many lives, as Well us the mortl fio it ion ot & ttenaefaas panic. We beg lo emmeud tiiis sahj-ct to lh epeciul C insidt ration of the skilful and in tetiig. nt p y-icitosin „ ar mid( . t ... POegessiun thill ttuy i,„lq ' U,t wit.,, win, a view t„ tno nro “ orl ‘ ljubSio.ilio , of a tew simple v ~\ larH ' lon , " m ' be oUseived \>v tna l*ioule ru 111 “ pr Oir o .1" . »»v 'sure*.. in ormatioi-or advice that may lUe laeuny. hem JUSIC.I'iI, BLKCTiO.v, To the Isidore of t/bi Suttiniia'i L/ i./y llerui ? K I see uiy name mentioned in your /ape ms n oaodidatefor Aldertaau at tbe am.i' ing city eh ction. rl Me give notice tiiut lam not u enn.u date and oblige Yours respooi fully, W. G, Bulloch. Tub Ciuiiots aoAiker Guu. Hatch, i*Te C 'N't ixiu r or CiuMusT'm, Dism(slip_a Wa.Ulogmn diwpau h of Nov. M, si»y* ; Bilff. U'n. EtiuiniuJ 8> r \er, In iieelor- Gttoer tl, win w'u. illr en and .. biv<-Migali<t<-r --*ota c<iin|,l il»i. by i|,„cilln n unit rus- M-iIU oi Cli’ir i-skin, SA} , Ima lnm| |,|. pc. r-.n, Inllyi* "A. r.iinpOmi. Unc i ln,m ull BCt» ol ihmloilihl’ l.iruib'u wid ii in e , l0l | ml „i klllmt (v,*i. IS i repi fl« Hull 1,, ipfji yv . a-" H'l ll In Im » 1 H|i iblu mil) .111-,Hive i nle r, | i.i In hi. d' e .ion., gubici tn m irntliim *** * ** THE CONVENTION. [Tbe Question ot Reducing tbe Gen eral Assembly. The University of Georgia—Elo quent Speech in Us ZJohalf by XlCr. Chandler of UeSalb THE MuVEMfST IB AID Os CJM. TATNAU. THE SEW CCN'STXTt'TIOT— ITS 9UU ptATt’BES. THE RIGTIT9 AND HONOR Op THE fcTATL NOT COMPROMISED. ETC., ITC-. ETC. fFromonr Fpscui C .rrespondent.J Milu-oscville. Nov. 3d, ISC.I. i The quetiitn of. redaction of tbe General I Assembly which"had occupied much of tff -1 :.i en'.oD of members for the pa-t two days, was finally settled last evening by a final vote by which it was determined to leave the matter as it was fixed by the Constitution of 1861. So there will be no reduction of tbe num erofß presents!ives in either House. Mr. Ctiandl r of D K ilo, moved to amend tbe o institution by tbe insertion of a clause, di elating it -o be the duty of tbe Legislature to provide lot tbe i-p. edy resumption of the exercises of the University of Ge >rgia by an adequate endowment of that institution In support of Ids motion Mr Chandler, who is one of tbe youngest members of ibis hotly, made a very eloquent and forcible address, maintaining that it was among the fi st duties of the Convention to provide for tbe maintenance of our institutions of learning The endowment of the University, which consist-d of certain stocks and bonds, which bad been taken possession of by tbe State in tbe condition that the State would pay an nually to the Trustees of the Codege was SB,- 000. A 1 hud been swept away in the general tuin incident to the war,and tbe doors of the College with its valuable library, scientific apparatus &c, were closed, and could not tie ro-opened lor purposes of education with out assistance from tbe Stato. Mr. Jenkins, one of the Trustees of the College, made tome explanatory remarks showing tin' present Condition ot the institu tion tind that what was asked in its behalf was that tbe State should make good its pledge of SB,OOO for which it had received the property of thn University, valued at ii,ore than oue hundred thousand dollars The amendment ol Mr. Chandler was pass* and, but this morning a strong effort Was made to reconsider by these opposed, on economical grounds, to any preseut appropriation ot money to the College. The motion to re conside-r was, however, after an animated debate lost by a close yea and nay vole. Mr. Lloyd of Chatham, introduced the following resolution, which be supported iu a brief sper ch. Cos!. Chas. Hopkins of Pierce, also addressed the Convention in support of the resolution, which was passed, I am gratified to say, with only two dissenting voices. Resolved by tire people of Georgia, in Con vention Assembled : That we, the member of this Convention, in behalf of the whole people oi Georgia, do Invoke tbe kind con sideration of His Exc Henry, Andrew John son President of tlie United States, in behail -d Josiab Tattual, a eftiz nos the Stab ■i Georgia, who has done bis cou try good service. and earnestly pray that His Excel will remove the disabilities under wide i be now lab >rs, and grant to him a ful pardon, with restoration of the small prop per y which he h Id at the time of bis resig uution from the navy of tbe tliiitecl Stnt"B. fiesu/jid, That thu so eg-ling rosidution tie igned by the Pr sident of thi-i Convention, iitcsted by the 6' civtary and forwarded to His Exc, llency, the President of tbe Uuiteii Slates. Tile Convention concluded its labors on be Constitution this ni'>ruing with ihe ex ii'ption ol a single paragraph of tho last ar tele which was recommitted to the Com nittec ol sixteen for Addition of some eliglii unendment. This paragraph will be re ported by the Committee this afternoon viion it wi I be pa-sed bv the Convention. Tue main matures of t ie N 'tv Constitntion. ait h the cxeeption of such aiterati.ins as tave been fund necessary to adapt .it tn the renewed relations of the State to the Gov-rnmei t of the Uuiti and 8 ates, are similar u thost' of file Constitution adopted by the Jmveniion whirli took the State out of tho Union ill 1861. Some ot tll*ae alterations I inve Kent v<>u. Tho fol-owing 6th section of Article IVth was d yesterday aiter ionn : It shall be the duty of Ihe General As -ernbiy at ils next session uud thereafter as ■ne public welfare'may r< quire, to provide bv •'.w lor the Government of liee persons ol color; for tbo prote iiou at ands cur ty of'the r oer-ons aid property; guarding them and the State against any evil that m y arise from tueirsudden emancqia ioii.aiid prescribing in vhat erses their icstiuiony shall he admitted in ihe Courts; for the regulation of their transaction with Citizen?; lor the legalizing of their existing aru the contracting and soft crania iti. n ol their marital relations, and C iimccted therewith, tin ir rights of inheri ■ moo and testamentary capacity; and for 'he regulation or prohibition of tueir immi rutii n into Ini'6m<e from other Stab-g ot the Union, or elecw.o ie And further, it ah ill be the duly of the General Assembly o enter juri-dictiun upon Courts now ex’ -ting, or tn cieate County Courts with iu rlsdietii.n in criin'm il e 'ses, excepted from ■ lie exc usive juris-'lictiou of the Superior Oort nn I in Civil cases w.iereto tree per sons of color may bq parties. The i,mowing paragraph of Article IV w as unanimously adopted thU morning: The marriage relation between white per sons and persons of African descent is tor v*r prohibited, and sueli inarriaeos shall be null and void ; and it shall b" Die elut v ot i e Legiamiure to enact laws tm- the pan'sh \aent of such officers ns shall knowii gly , s . I -ue licenses for such lnurriageg, and ui all I 'tti is and ministers of the Gospel w in, 1 11 maize Ihe umcringe ol such persons 1 together. lhesu clauses, with I hut docinring slavery i | ‘b"U»hed in the tjtale, are tho principal l , of the Constitution affecting Um j stains o| Di o headmen or colored pop'daii li. important niter iu.l -mi iii A, 1 v ' tl * ,M! approvwl by ihe -Sf Jrt “* T**7 ““ v*(tui • Mil?,. f[ ''' ul 4iur -*‘ n ■#r»-.ii or Ji.iin rof lie Bum, . *, l "' Tit* new Oo^inti 't jgyj s-tv hi B \tt THE STATE ELECTION. Letter f.-ora Col. Carey TV Style*. To th? Ed tors of the Saeruutah thily llerahl : In your issue ol Monday my name is pre sented to the people of the Fir-t Cmgre*- I sional District, for their suffrage at the ap i preaching election for a representative in the I National Congress. j The action of tbe State Convention fixes* ■ the day for the election on the 15th inst. It ! is therefore impossible to consult the views and wishes of those whoso sole right it fs to ■nomrmte candidates to represent them. If the time permitted, I should decline tbe position so kindly rendered by my friends, and as-ist them in selecting and piecing before tbe voters a more suitable man end more acceptable candidate; but theye i= no time for parley or consultation, and I must either accept tbe position and run the gonntler, or ing'orinntiy abandon the flildt-i penth-men whose views I hare not and cannot endorse. Fearing neither tbe consequences of succes, n-’-r the Etintrs of defeat I accept the firti alternative, and an nounce to my friend* that I will serve the District if they so determine at tbe ballot box. Carey W. Styles. Tlse Gortmorthip-lilltr from lion. A • H. Slcplienri. Tbo positive declination of Mr. Stephens o become a oandidato for Governor, as ex pressed In tlie following letter, addressed to tbe editors of the Augusta Constitutionalist, will be received with feelings of regret and disappointment throughout tbe State. His acknowledged ability and high experience in matters of State, commended him to popu lar favor as pre-eminently fitted for tbe posi ttOD, and bis unwillingness to accept it at a time when be could render such valuable service to the State, Is to us incomprehen sible : Cratv-foudviile. Ga., Nov. 4th, 1865. Messrs. Stockton & Cos —Gents : I see in your pnp* r of to-day a reference to a late article in tbe Macon Telegraph expressing a preference for me as between candidates Tot Governor I drop you this line to request you to state that I don't wish my uamo used in connection with that office in any way. I nave so written to the editor of that paper md to others who have expiessed them elves in favor of my being a candidate for Governor. I wish it generally and imtne di itely known that I positively decline to allow tbo umo of my name in that connec tipn, and trust that no one under the circum stances who rcgaids my feelings will disre gard my wishes in this particular. Yours, truly, Alexander H. Siefhexs. Tin: Rkucasr of Jons Mitchkel.—The teleaso of John Mitchell was granted by the President on an application of the Fenian Congress at Philadelphia. A delegation of the Congress proceeded to Washington to give expression of tiro thanks of the organi zation. Tbe President of the Fenian Senate, Col. W. R. Roberts, of New York, addressed President Johnson, thanking him for “re storing to freedom a man whom all Irish American citizens love and vooerate for his self sacrificing devotion to this native land. They remember nothing of John Mitchell's American career. They can never forget that be risked all a pa riot should for Ireland. lam sure, your Excellency, the American people will have no cause to regret tbe sym pathy they feel, and the friendship we be lieve they entertain for their fellow-citizens of Irish birth. W<*, Sir, are not uneoneioin of the fact, that we have found in America liberty, justice, and an asylum ” President Johnson replied in substance as follows lam glad to learn that the steps which hsve hgen taken in the matter referred to have met the approval of tlie gen tlemen who have sent you hero. As you, Sir. delicately remarked, we could not re-* member ilir. John Mitchel's American ca reer ; but w* were anxious, as a mark of resnect • and compliment to the lursrer '> ction of onr countrymen, with whom Mr Jliicliid was p-eviousiy identified, to yield to their wishes in that regard. After some fartln r conversation of a 'tieivily cUarAOter, the delegation wiib drew, mail contr acts w anted. IteEstabltalimriit of Matt Facilities In Georgia. The Post Office Department - desires to famish the State of Georgia with pisdal i-ivice, at Ihe earliest practicable day, until July Ist, IBG6. when the regular C"Utract proposals for which are now advertised for, will go into effect. Tue Department invites proposals for con veying tiie mails until June 20, 186 G. to aii country seats and other important points pot reached by Railroad communication, at rates ot to exceed $8 per mile per'annum ft weekly’ seivict;; s>ls for semi-weekly, and 821 for tri-weekly; und where the importance of tbe case requires, sto for daily service; counting the distance one way only in al! cases. service will he furnished on routes, where, before the war, it was dqily, three times a week ; where it was tri- weekly twine a Aiei k; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon Geo. YV. McLeiian, 2d A®st. P. M Washing ton, D C.. and should state they are for service to end June 2d 1866. nov 4 ts —"**.•■* IT—’IT-" 111 In- m ■ 1 1| ?|| W holes ale Boots aad Shoes! Fellner and Poliak, 157 Di'uughton Simt, Savaimuk, Ga„ • A RB enabled, throngh tbeir pormaueut Home in j-% pDFtoli, tof .rnisn Jobbers and J enlir* in this city s.h well ms those in ihe conntiy, \v\ h mnread vautnjjee anti convcn>cn.-» in tiie Rout anti Slice Tnuh* th*ni any hOnse iu p. <i line. novl*6m TOBACCO RECEIVED by l**t. Now York *t*amer a hit of »() boxeN, 10**. Tobacco, whwlj we cui offer at very low term aw 7-6 HAND ELL A CO. Stocks and Bonds wOrTI I WESTERN id Stock Atiaotic autiOnlf Stock u» anti s vuuijttli ItftUJtoad bond*. Onir tl KNihoA'i Stock * nuti .‘uvMntmh Bond* .smteol tfaorgia boiuK old G'a C’Uy of KaTtiiiunU C’viipouis past due , For »nU' i'V nuv 7 ? VN. nARTRIDHR A CO. Co-Pavtnerahip Notice* TIIK uuili i>fgtiei| Imvlilg a.i iciateil lliMii.elves lo * K' i .>-r 'Hull i ii.- Firm nn ki|,vli ,H" '• i" M' M'lnnf'irtiii'jr iii Hrii t, nml inrthi'.:il» ‘ ■ a»'l uliii’i i ■ i liuiniiaix Ar. imw laviMied in reei'tv. ill'll* >1 fli tViMii. All "iilfr. will lllttti proiiift .I'l'iui'iu, Hint mu ii'M» vif"l y>olirii«'l, i llli'e ul the Jtii li'jitsc, uu M'" W i-i H ii..m, „. , , AU r l(E'> |IA t WOOD. STOLEN, LMtliM 'le -ii., us Hull lli Hni.i| ami I Bn liin i l J, I ill , mii, I, i, . Vji n|| nM •wy "“t HZ laul'l'ii ui , ul.. a i.,i ig. in, ,i ui mu |«u .lumlilcf, In, ai"i «ii" Vii i,u ivtnrK, j,. «nri *•»' !• I'V lM>k Ia v»'i Miiirr tn, l,u> null, kS"i*ili iupHfiM'i • in ' 'ill Ui t aii Htl, ’ JTIl* ■'»'» JJt !"'»• ItkaMfia illkii fi w‘W U»k A übviiil f, i*aid *"l a.* | .Ui in, Ik* i* i.iii ol Mid Mtsl* “* '*■ **** $ tun!• DIED. On the l»th day of October, 15ds, at Amcrt.-ns Sumter county, Ga., MELINDA IIE.VIH EDi-N. ttie consort of Thomaa U. EJeu. farmery of Savannah. At Oreensboro’, X. C., a’-ont the Ist of June. ROBERT W. CAMPBELL. 211 Georgia Battalion, aged ss years. Georgia Chapter, So. 3, U. A. M. ® A regular romnsnni a’P>t> °f Ji will be held at Masonic Hall This (Wed «S36!Sa» needayj Evoubic, at 7 o’clock. Companions ot other Chapters r,ro invited to at land. By order of E T. TCKN’EE, D *• J. TTatmtooK Esrn.L. Pec n; ITCH ! ITCH ! ITChTi SCRATCH ! SCRATCH 11 SCRATCH! 11 AVhoatmi’s Ointment, WIU CiSBE THI ITCH IS FORTY-EJ6HT HOURS A lao curia 8 It Rhenns, Cicero. Chi ld lias, and a! Eruption* of. the Ski" Pri-e id rent a F r *>.ls t' all Drn&dete By e nding CD rente to Weeks A V ttc-r Sole A-ret*. 170 Wiahinrrton street. B 'Sion, M"‘4. t' will be forwarded by mail free of postota. to an part of the nutted yow. SKW ADVKRTTSEiyiEATfi. HEWITT’S GLOBE HOTEL, Augusta, G-a. rHE OLD OLOBE HOTEL, eorner Broad and Jark A eon street*, having pae°ed into ttte hands o! \N C ItrwiTT. late of the ‘-liewirtH use,” Va., has beet thoroughly retiovated. and U aj? w ' ir- 11 f UT ice recep tion ot visitor" to the city He will be most happy to see b!a old Mentis and the travelling public gen erally at the I'W’tte where they will receive (very st tenti-m and meet with the ve v best acteonunodatio! the bouttiera country tain eff <rd. W. t_. 111. WITT, Proprietor. Co] O TT Jon-ek C'e-lt. tia.'m The Fisheries. FOR BALE—English »cd Epinish Cast Nets. Cast Met 1 e:td», Tlilmblt'S. list'd an t l ead Lines. Fish Lines, Cotton and Hemp Seiti" Twme. Cottoi and tiemp Seines F-sr Gtlling Twine for niuttct -.nd shall. Tikes. Turtle Nets. Quail Net*, Minnow Seines and Ptp Nets. Cork r.nd Ce- ar Floats, Bight nrd Left-laid Net snd Beilin Rope. Every hhid of Net and Seine made to order. American Net and Twine Cos., 43 COMMERCIAL STREET, BOSTON. nS 10 ' CANVASSERS WANTED. TO take orders for Victor's HISTORY OF Tilt REBELLION, Endorsed by the President, catii net, Members or Congress, Governors, Generals, Bancroft, the Historian, and by the Press generally. This work still is the CONCEDED STANDARD. All who have compared ttie different Histories of he War, (even the authors themselves) acknowledge the snpertoritv of Victor's. Also, to t ike orders lot Victor’s niStORY of AMERICAN CONSPIRACIES from 1700 to R6O (the only work of the kind pub lished}. for anew illustrated edition of the Incidents and Anecdotes of ttie war, amt for portraits of gen erals, Ac. These works are all superbly illustrated and sell very rapidly, by canvassers ontv. Liberal terms and exclusive territory given. Send lor circu tars. Addre-s TOUREY & lIOVEY, Publishers, No. 13 Spruce street, New York : novs-lt On Consignment. K A KEGS Horse and Mute Shoes, a first-rate article, Oil jn favorable use at tbe Noith—manufactured by tbe Rhode Island Horse Shoe Cos. 6h hbls Beehive Syrup, from Philadelphia Sugar H"iiae 6 hbl* superior Whiskey 00 case, excellent table Clarot. The above will be sold low to close consignment*. ,8 3 HUNT! R GO! V ELL. JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale on Coiisignmciil, 1,. BARRELS Old Virginia Mountain lVw Whiskey ‘i j go i Vil -B. Rohrer pure old Rye Whiskey 10 firkins prime Western Butter go tub- New York State Butter 10 bexo. Dairy Cheese 1-0 bnsheie White Corn r.O bnstn-le peas 10 bushel* Ground Nuts • nB-3 CUNNINGHAM & PURSE For Sale, 1 'Ji |A BUSHELS rjrime White Corn 1 OvU 2000 buslieta Prime White Oats 1,3 N. A. HARDEE A CO. eveMTnstrucW. BOOK-KEEPING tan -lit practically; riain and Or. namehtal Pcnmnnship. German and Old Eng. i-h Text Block Le taring, &c.. in alt their moderr styles and lirish, written and taught. In a -hot' dm I ehnl he prepared to ree-iveday Mi l ever.iug seh "!- ire in virions hrauch.’S. Private lessons given in Pi n m ins! ip atreosormt'te rates. For lurther particulars address W. B. K. JOHNSON, ” n3-2 Herald Oißce, Savaun h. Georgia. LARD. OKE THOUSAND TOUNDS GEORGIA LARD, For sale by nS.3 GEORGE C. FREEMAN/' CRACKERS. •)C BARRELS Sofia. Sngar, Batter, Lemon Ginger. •*> O and Fancy. For sala by nB-3 GEORGE C FREEMAN. PRSMECORN FOR SALS IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT C. V. HUTOHIXS, , * novg 3 ica Bay street. PIAJSO WANTED.. A GOOD PIANO wonted to rent. Address X Y. Z., Herald office. novß FOR SALE' Two FINE FIVE KEY CLARIONETS. "B find C.” Enquire at THIS OFFICE. ■ i»m m - ■ o* ■' ■ ?i.jwwii»w ESTABLISHED 1526. Tlie ]N. Y. .Albion. 'I'HE oldest Literary imd Foreign Weekly in A Amerlrn 1 J* publish! and ul Ao. !W Park Row, Sole York . TERMS. ....#» PER ANNUM. New Bntmcrtbera for )VA remitting direct to i| ie iillfie by l*. o. Order, will Uu untitled rliolee the twinitj Hve atiDllul Albion En l :ra\iiu-*.lr'"' Aduiiiii* Yot’Nii A MOWRKI.L Povi'L"' i J i"|n li'turi. Coal Yard. rlKDnr'f .a'gnrel ben leave O' iinnoiuue to (1)1 lilt acn» ol liiiHiinali that in. y nave rmuennl le ir Goal T»rd ul their wharf, Imini iy khiiirii ' * Hi " Chaileainn wharf, wlu-ra lli.-y 1"M1,,'.,' kerniig oh hand a full anppl, of r ial fm Fiuii.l,. Min ilnh m und Him kanuth n» The. i, mow iiii'illuu |m m le "Tn r , Vapiir and Trade ilimi tnmi hainruoie m,,| | till.. | deluhla,' ou ton. Ilia. 1,.mi1l! 1 . I'-iei;ii, {mu. |,,,i hnrv Wed Atii t'uNi »liuh luey off.-r |or • dun lm. p, ,mj I (Utii h»oi |» U.AGIIoUN * 01 NNlVi.jiaM Miulu tuttl Owunly 'l'ua Cvk aSllf ti.iiw ida i It a t.unat.Ui. I t n 111 i.n, nod , mi. firib tali, >ufii yaiil he ("Uewo, taitMiagtwul,. •htl* IMfMtf •ftiTi'filji j SPECIIb NOTICE!*. EATCHBLOR’S HAIR DYE ! The Original and Best In tlie World! The only trn. - .md perfect II air Dye. HarntJeM. It .liable and Install. 1 1 neons. Produce's immediate y a splendid Black or ' natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. I Remedies the ill effect, of bad dyss. Sold by all Drug gist*. The genuine is .ignod VViiliam A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF StILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair, anl t-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. Nr.w Yorat. A PHY SIOLOGICAL View of MABIUAUE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fino Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of ti e I!uatau Or gans In a slate of Health and Disease, with a lYca- Uso on Early Errors, its Deplorable Con ofincnces upon the mind and Body, with the Author s ri.;n ol Tii'-.'inenT— ho only rational and suceee.-.ful mods oi uie, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those centcut .dating marriage, who entertain doubts.of titeir phys ral condition, bent free of postage to any addres on receipt of 20 cents, in stamps or po-tage carrency, bv odd''•’.•lug Dr. LA CROIX, No. Si .Maiden Albany, N. Y. r i ne ..aiaor may tm consulted upon ary of tlie dis ease* upon which his book treat* either personally oi by moil, and medicine.* sent to any part of ttie world, octio 6m ' # MAUfdaU;*: and cmiuiw An Essay ot A T Mrntns iir.d Instruction for loung men, .jyst pnMishcd I»y the Howard Association, and sent in sealed letter envelope* frea of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Howard vssociation. Philadelphia, Pa. a octl‘^-3m Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight i The ludkv treasure and gcntln area’s boon I The k thing*’ and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Maguolia Used for bathing the face and per*ou, to render the •kiu soft nta fresh, to prevent eruptions, to pci fume clothing, &c. it overcome* the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches. &c. It core* nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cool*, tofteiis and adds delicacy to the skin. It fields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqneto bites and --‘Jugs of insee*B. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try ihe Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. HAMAS BAUXKS & CO., oct?7-eodly Props* Kxcliisive Agents, N. Y. S. T.—lßßo—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. Tbry are an antidote to change of water and diet. Tney overcome effect* of dibsipsti n and late hours. They strengthen tlie system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fever*. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach They cure l)y**pep*ia and Const’pu'fon. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera ur.d cholera Morbus They cure Liver Complain* mid Nervous fie and ‘Cht*. They arc tbe bc.-t Hit ere in Ihe world They make • he VtQaK strong, ana arc exhansted nature*-? grout r»*- storer They are made of piueSt. Crc-ix Rum, the elebrated Calisaya Bui k, root.-? and herbs and aie tnkvn With the pleasure of • b verage without regard o age or timo of ifc»y. Purticulaily recommended t ielicth* persons requiring a gentle stimulant. >oM b; •11 Groc»rs, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only g< n* 'uine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. Stump, beware ot counterfeits and refilled bottles. 1\ II DRAKE & CO., oet2fl-codly £1 P.;rk Row* New York. We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years oi I'xperieuce and a correspondence exten ling whroughout all nationalities of the habitable globe huve turned theories into facts and established n bas.? rom wni' h we need not err. We are not surprise and tt such facts as the following -although the person? viio write them are. \\ e know the persons und cm uoißtucce*. hence feel at liberty to iad-jrso their 4tute:iicuts: ‘•Nf.w Bedford, Mass., Nov. ‘24, 1863. Dear Sir,—l ba.nbeou aißicted many years v\jtb severe pro*tiatii<g cramps tn my limbs, cuiu feet and ; .nd*. and a general <tis i dered system, i’nysici-.iis >bd mot. Lines faded to relieve me. While visiting < me frieiK.s m New York who were using Piuntution Bit tern, they \ icvaiied Ui on me to tr} them. I com menced with a smail wine-glatslui alter amner. Peel ing better by degree-, i«» a lew days I was astonished I'nid thu coldness and cramps had entirely left inc. nd I c*aiWsleep the night tmough, winch 1 have not done for years. I leelhke another being. Aly appo* i»le utid eireugth have also greatly improved by me use of the i'lat t-itiou Bitiets. Respeetfuliy, JuDiin Rcseix.*’ BbeiiSbukt, Wig., Sept 10* J 863. • * • I have been in the array hospita.s far four teen months—speoi bless and ntaily dead. At Alton, ill., they bottle oi I luuiution Bitters. * * t hree bullies resLoieU my speech and cured me. * • C. A. Placik.” The following is from tne Manager of the Union Home School tor the Children of Volunteers: ‘•Havkmlyeu Ma.nsiu>% 67th St, \ New York, August % 18&L / Dr. Deak":—Your Dondenul liuntati u Bitter* have been gi'.onto some of our little children suns h.g rom \#aau*:rs and weak luDi'B witu most happy effect. One little girl iu particular, with pains m tier ut'ad. loss of app- iite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom ail medical skill had been>ieu* has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a twiipuontul oi Bhte.s » day. Her appuite and sLrcugtb rapidly increased, and the is now well. RespettiulJy* Alia O. Ai. D.- vot.” “* " * I owe much to you, for I verily beliun: th« Plantation DiLtorß have saved my life. lkv. W. ii. Wagoonxb. Madrid, N. Y. • • • • Thou wilt fenc me two bottlcg more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wile has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Aba Cirrus . Philadelphia, Pa.” »*• • • I have been a great sufferer horn Dyspep- Hg. and had to akfaudon preaching. * * The Plan tation Biituis have curud mu. Rev. J. 8. Catboxn, Rochester, N. i," ” 1 have given tiie Plantation Bitter* to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. 0 W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers* IL me, Cincinnati, O.'* “• * ** The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver C<implai.iL of which 1 was »aid up pres irate, and bnd to afl.inron my business. H. B. Kisosuiv, Cleveland, Ohio.” “ The Plantation Bitters have enred me of a derangement of the Kidney* and Organs that ha* nit'insced me tor years It act- like a cm*, in. C. C. M >°ae, No. tfc, Broadway.” Ac.; Kc. % Ac., Ac., “ Ac. The Plantation liitters make the weak strong, the , languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature s great re- Btorcr. They are composed of tue celebrated Calisaya Hark, Wiuteigit <jii, Wushanas, Itoots, Uctbs, Ac., all preserved »u perfeutly pure bL Croix Hum. *. Tt—lHtiO X 9 P» rM>n- of iM dontary babltv, troubled with wetk* ii*'M*. luml'ui! ', puipiUHou of thu heart, luck of uppe titi', UlfcireiH ufier eating, torpid liver, coiMipatiun, /tu, tlc-eni: n> *uflVr if liny win not try them They are recommended by ihe bightst uudirsl uu •le ill ii a, amt are warniitsu to proJaur an immediate tHmefleisl rOeet. They are txtiedlugiy agreeable, riel ferity pure, and Ifln mires. Novii'i.—Auy |Nir«nii pvrftndiug to mi Piantatkm ( ItiUere ut bulk m i»> iheguiioiiiH * , «*ml tm* | iM-ioi His pui i-p only \u our fag robin home. He | war** <4 hQlilv* refitted wiUi uiiU i'oi>p- vuirlmie eiug, 'l* whUdi eeverel imreoilenrc wireaiiy m me ih'ii veiyUdilw hue mir I loie l t»'a*etamp over Uih I reikiinmuliteUMt, mm uui on eieet-puni |..Ud. | ilold hr fv'p-Veble «i4e*lvre ihreughout the habllah l * l^wM. I M liHAHC A , Raaixik bLV , 'lHb LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT. IN Tfais Country! REORGANIZED FOR 1 GRIND SOUTHERN TOUR For Season of 1865-6. Will Exhibit s Savannah For a abort time only, commencing Thursday, Hoy. 9. ■ ~ - q Tite ManageYtt would r«- sjx-otfully stale that in tlie selection of Ariista for the 11 J, j Colossal [ALLIANCE, I y ; jit has iiesn the Froprietors’ j ‘ T ,! 2«tre to soiure such a ta- I rit-ty that no patron siiall ft. full to find in it much that will iiigtrnct the mind and jp | '-S * neli,uu the attention. 7 1 and |f« the brilliant || f Cluster | f CELEBRITIES [ || which adorn this ITtiiiietl Clroqs Jf Vi are unpui-.ilk-ied iu theirsev % ::\ ei ' ai specialties. bv/ ifj | Ttie cut f-: Scenes P»j . ARENA I re L-nrienoU aud Ueaat.fl J “ GORGEOUS fsppz, PARAPHERNALIA f $ | SUPERB HUSK. h l! MESSUS. STONE, ROSSTOH&IURRAT r having Banished the autique Lyle, ullil tvaclied perlt-CUou :i -——v j iu this organization, oißr no st-.tic or CAM*tutted nets. • !' Feafurrs «ml Fresh Xenkto fa never inttaducod to % Attached to this comhina- j nation are HUTCHINGSON'S '' jM, DOGS, | J 3ES - STONE’S ‘WF/? c OIVI SC W;if ! MULBS, Ana hue. T !f Will shew how much livelier It f ij they are than all other Comic jlf !/ /»: y 7 lil nice. Trick Mules. Fanny F ,j Mules, Duneiun Jl"itv. or i "crtYcS.iS.h-.'vh, ii any othci’ t'uaint Main lIJ ' known to fame tor being / dvT—atSli-tJ'-ar j tn their conduct ' :■ .•'''"Tb B*s ' .5 " 1 fa I'-’-, y- J a { Public aitontlon Is calleil tu tho GRAND Free Exhibition OK TUB Gi MNASTIO MIRACLE OF mWIWMILLWIOX, OR FLYING IN TI7E AIK, * Hr ilia iniiepld ratiai, »Unop tllnond, TUB WONDER n| IIIR UONLIII I This ■liieinlhl UlHlniioii. KOiUiiiiimi win In, vl.cii ahj.i an i" Hi« fi.OM. i,i)ia.<..v , tliMiurn I Clnu. PafMUni " 'ii .ii |u■ hs |i. in. I Hi»t cunfiaaiH <i no *■ i " CmiuH'l O.iWlj fji | J'uvt* W aHMM*,", iPMMt ~m. AMPAF.HfiVW. % S#Vtt ii ii u Ii T It c itVrtiT WEDNESDAY EYFUHM;. iv ov . g. Third Night of the Favorite Artl-t*. IMc. ana Mrs. W. IL Cri.p. Hr Walter Scots. gruud poetical Ploy of IHE LADY OF THE LAKE! teM?”:;:;"; Kile., liunglus MiZwv f." 1 ' 1 ! 00 Blanche Devon ...VT To conclude with the popular Comply of Simsasou oj cc. M r M ilS:-.:::::: *■» «a | 11 ' J T. Rnyino,, j WANTED. Consignees Wanted?* FoR E. H. S-— w> l)Mt Hour xo hab b ;a Flour 9 bblg Cracker* C bbl* A p e* 5 bl-ls fiyg* C & W- 100 tubs Lard. Ktiia?sr- Wanted to Hire, A < ', OOIJ << OK f V r a ’mall family. For particu. ■it lurw, app.y ; t this noy.. Wanted, QAUEY, oily BuTldiug, biddemru, Maiao. * 6epls dAwSm W agon Freight WANTED „ For Macon, Milled jgeviile, Albany, A merle uk. or Apply to Haw kin,rill,, _oet»__tf GKf). C. FREEMAN. Wanted, A DA T ‘ Apcnts Wanted to -ell anew and Vjs-J wonderful bEtMAO At HIM;, the only cheap one licensed. Atiuiesg SHAW & CLAI.K. BA uefi.rd. Mimic. aeplA-diw3, a . _ I'uli SALE &.TO KENT. Steam Mill FOR SALE. < ffer their Steam Circular Paw and "Ui ,T' ritt . M, l 1 o r c ?, h 0 J! 111 is located mhojt fie miles S iudnrsv-llc. Washington county, and one mile ffcm No. C.ntral Bii road. 7 Th. Engine is a tweuty.five horse power, with two cylinder boilers, one tot mill stones, a pood mmiiia Uiha ad cmplme and iusuoeersiul upemion. * We will sell the SIP! to remain where It I. trtth ample supply of Fine Tim-'er for sawing, nr the xh can he removed. m ‘ hr'nl'nV.mckfc * W S * M oxoU 4211 Log Carts for We wiU eel] On Liberal Terms. Apply to ilefaia. Erwin & Hardee lor further D.r tKUrnrS. K °" v; - a BBWIiY & CARTER. The Screven Honse fob keistt. T'iis Commodious and elec art Hotd isrff red far rent It h Heap ». tty for 100 Red Room* tn ad-lk tlon Hi Dini*>jr Kooms, Purion*, &c It -Itnafed In in min ne--a portion of ibo citv. For partlcalars aud terms apply to bov2-2w BRYAN. HAR ( RID E k CO. ~ FO K ~BALir A No. 1 new one-hor e Dray*. Apply to nov7—2 ERWIN & HARDEE. PAVILION HOTEL For IRent. THAT nrell-lrnown, and rlrnblv lojatdd, and popular fc?t.«b i-hnient, iitm.ted «»n Bull surer, Dutv/eeu Broad and Hull street*, oi'cnpying fur rutirc lots of 60 Pv ro fact onrb, nml the lane ixs iween the m, and containing al'out forty -rooniH, is now rff erC fi f,,r rent. The party retiUn? this property ndll be required to make fke ueccs-h"? rep and sand give But.*factorj6o ciuity for the punctual payment oi ro t ‘ JOHN M COOPFR.. nov7—tf Prev’r UuP»n Society. TO BENT ABRK’K and Slnto Roof Stable, in a desirable ioi * : ion. Apply at tliie office, novfi—3 “foe mC I OFFER for Rent next year. 165*, my Rice Plflfe, in Caioden county, on tho Great Sat Ula River, Mi own i.B the “V. rnon Plantation. *• containing 4-t) • cres».f fi .si quality Rce Land and about 100 new* oi bfah land, nil In per;* ct order. Said Plantation b«t* been cultivated during the war. and therefore requires no extra work to prepare it for.a crop the ensuing year All the negroes formerly belonging to me are stfll on the place and anxious to >emain, so there would be no diflicu tv in procuring laborer* On the place 1f» comirrtable dwelling house, together with ell tlie neca-s.iry building* for the Accommodation of. labor ore and storing he crop. Seed lor tne coming year, including Rico, Com Pea*. SngarC-ne, soighura, » otton, Jkc., can be obtained on the place. lor further particulars address the sub scriber at TTuynesvil)*, Wayne county JAg F g? VG* _ Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and commodious Store, corner Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited time. TCrmfl cany. Addi'Cs* W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr.,A««llt, octlS ts Lock Box G. illltoo Mead 8. 0. .TO RENT. usee a.M) haSpsomely Furnished Rooms To Lei, AT EABT 00R. OF PRIOC AND ST. iULIAI STS. ROOMS TOTetT AT HILTON HEAD, S.O. The "Pulnu-ttO UcrAld Building." having been n.* , 'f fitted up, now offer large aud airy Rooms inltahK 1 01 Sleeping Apartments or llu.ino*. pnrpoaes. Fort.'®* add rex W. B. SAMPSON, Jr„Age»t. "eIIS tl l," |. fox I H' ' Plaster Paris, Foil SAL! HY Vim Horn. Holyoke fc Murray «o»f .<J No fl ■TIIHIMIHV. Vti-' W-'K' SUNDRIES. •JIIO “SSfK.lS'fc. tHira-.k' o'liw# |i.r«i*> Iby .Hiditp 4w4i.''i .i'll H l **' **