Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 08, 1865, Image 4

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No .:j ’ ‘o the Public. • 7 X t il* ■•* ‘ -«i* in r-g-ord lo th« , ■ ;i iuM lUUXtt. «*» 3P*JT v- t . ..rt>cl ib uj. piyveUnd **• w- •“ , «■ - J ill of placing ST* *1 V t h alt t a for some Hme b fc '' “I 1 o , ton «9piptT »Jv. nising. " c /' ' ~, ■ jt; x alo tbo mind. ol know-, tr of lh <i v did.*, or vo» rtuu, "**••> .„• ■ • , . j uit aß j tbow who bad . .ov .corn-. . i 1 ia ; na..(tin »email war. ,r " t .. x e .led t« all pvrU tlrapv- . w:d ly tLoaghon - Forigu th ! of m.i. b oppnaitloa. £ j . 4to by unprincq.i and and al * "? i ♦ -i>uce«s have b-Mknowa „ . . ... . h, ti a .tle»sp lev cmiur n* ‘ , .and v t cnpjri- * mj adv«tha “ nta-butl o ti .t. th -t ont o. theMl wi.o h n and ■' th.--, non have been 'U.caaanU. MV OBJECT o this notice mike :e known to iho pobßcaud wapvrtub e -. : . b-- *”v... - ... tv. so tunny years ex «Xa«. Ui t-. nc . •• will dlae omonaoe* aocb procaediiur, an ! 4i . , ■ , i.... -ii,m ol my artidee may not toed m * • tue aaaof m snor or apunoue i\nowiTi/ ilit -V m y read this article who are an .rq-'iuirt i.> ■ .' 1 q>, end a tew-remartafrom those of -y ' • in whoeu i.ume* arc known ***Bie. ■ i-.rr-, i nted witAi Mr. H. T. Holm bold itiitf r,i i.- i -ite In Statius I have beet, ■uat fnv..ra .. i pc > .w: b Ul» energy and lntegr, tj, grauded at at access* ' Wit. WEIGHTMAN. Firm of Powers Jt V. tigmuiaa, Ninth and B u dtr.els. Philadelphia. g=a [Even g Bain . Philadelphia J "ITh'n on u visit ciiyxifNew York a tew day- viuce I ,vjn, Lilac-d to c4l on ourold irieod ana t..w -m a. 1 it •; .U -id Druc-iIA»M w.,y N / lirS lodet-a !>«'*<* ««»- the bon ■- , Ln .- uy i; and ~u ham ever had the pie more of v,i . - ***'•' front live ii hi i.nd .. oi 3DO •etdeep It loaned iid Lu- are*- “ oW Hue htvk - -i: ii ii - amnlet'-idanoeofihv merits in til? i our whole buen-eaaejjoe ritatce wo. . ho cc-.'of joy a.u e!«* wtbmi M 1: -.. . : .-nid brhniin* the same before the people.” CB eroß Herald. 1 ••We do not ■■it: votihiem wyaa or artl-le'C our leaner-: and when iljt, It.. M ucttnhold, wrbom we Km, .ally i' slidhlaadvortlalnif fr.,-, » • ■ th I««v«e4 tuiwt llstr i». H.e c ™ “ ie batLiflo<s lhe eUii.-Uae:: p “ *• hifice lutlrl Oti correct, Tk-t fnicr ft*' * interl--beabnvik and wwild n.tnio - to rainy, and c»»0 f adtr '■ f— it> o iis » tii-lee. and th di tiipx-f i'.vi been bim&> th««. faflU- With C Hip • lv * iCiCoi. fAitv ST.SEMaatl] Ilelm'.oi • Extract of Bnchi frHI curt* U*rii-- - f*; E'e KMnt*ya and B adder.• < «rea n • rv\ v , •• -si i:ie Bhi k mrlctuiea* At'-'. * a.einm), Treo bl njt llimfittes- v t Vi i HE M -i !• > FL. 1 !D i XT® ACT OF BCCHC la apn* fl 1.1 y. v • n weal: U-m or intnr on |r tbeotjiui v ii<* »■■ ui i al c n.j-laiHn iseideot •< Females rpa l<« u sir *t 0 for Circular HEI3IUULI 1-La .* . XTKACT 1 bUCtiU (Ure (»ihvi i! ! i fc|) i v w>-lUnpf tiiatlrgla Mcii Wt.niin hi ;i. ; m*. -« r- ALL reqnii kou the v i ti .. H-Uui: c«lt**-t Toiiicaii i iurt Ui Kinu;: * t in Uelcanti , ouor. anu m is HELMUOLD'B Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, liIt.HLV i. ..vtNTKATEi). Otoe bottle «):ih ’hit l '.ri u. th to ire gallon of lhe Syrup of Itet nil It re». lie ii. t f . cisca. o iuunedialflly, ex pellmu th Hum t i ,in ii nod null BE.VUTIFViKOr I UE COMPLEXION. Til fe an Ii . r.; of Mich air&i.gth. (he d«)sel> e*c. f in-. mi . 1\c..l nla it is u*cd in tb« Cnded bm Ar y t :tu.» unci public Sanitary lu aU.&iioiift Chiotiab* ut tho nd gas* bi ijl hit.giia'a uverywhortn %v~ .• rk f- r lie np « id'.-. T. ke no other. tiF* v.nt otr Vil- 'i:»etneni and baud lor if, and thia u.6:ui9 t.- Ii Couiiwricit. oct3 1 in lie S ILLE.\ &, Cos., ISO & iOl WTKK IST KL.W lOhli. JUBKCLK iilL nrUHBB, - AiiO totWmiM bf All KINDS, BtnaU Took for Itc /’t iri (ind Garten, MchaMfyadl, Sf OvdU. U ~ li ktS, 4iC. % und for Oram o V hoc ,s > hrs w #l u „d Jpiirul turn Liurz.oj.ft t/« y% eruL. We offe r . a-.pi), a Urge assortment of our orvx tuautn faemre of ii *y c ihlc:>. > otft* MOlls, Sugar Mills .ur OrotYr-’ i r store 'iruckaot various uat- U rn*. It'iad 8. i.p ih, Wheeiburrows Jfc. i orrilitKi • • k ad«, nuch as O t'n Superphoa oi mac o'rouiiU Lone, I'eruvian Huaou, anu i'ouureiie, SEEDS. Every vain bit A i icnu ami roredgn variety ol Vtgeti»!.le, Fb;) >, Seed and Fiaid Grain that bus proved .iay ct cultiva.ion grown and balcctßc exprrs- i> Joi < u iiad . Balw raadi* in bulk per pound or busnd. or In small packets tor ivtuning, by tiie Landred or ihouwmd. hepl2*jaw diu THE HEW JAM HEWS. daily ISMI-iEiKLYiID WEEKLY. TIIENIiiW YORK WBEELk Ati/ ht H 1-W EEELV HEWS. GRtAT • FAMILY ALYVisFAPEB*. . BEIMAUM WtiOß LilUor And Prsprlctor. Journalii of Politicj, Liierature, Fasliions, Market and Financial Ri ports, IntertrsUcg Mieoeliuny, and Nuwa from ALL HALTS OF THE WORLD! MGffiHTTINTRODUCED IMMENSE ClfidduATidNS DETERMINED ON. THfc. LARUE-jT, 11-t and cheapest PAFhtiS IUBU-5H1..D IP; KSW YORK. NE\M YORK Vi/£EKLY NEWS, Kvery \Vednellav. *’ivev«m. Tine* ~v , „ m *r ' Klvvtopic.-, ... ,• !?? tc8uip,.......... r ; ; * a7 « ,e * Tk, * oO S’ * u *' iVV * N to Utirgyascti ui bi 50, SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. aud Friday. •¥hft* Cui»«. ' , " 4mi Ft** •*.«». >.i) , 10 ot. lT*n<upUt ou 1 H 00 -A*d MOO Twenty i:.... . ~ l . !lU T Ulub of Too. Xo Gi**cg< man.... o • ' • - A; l-Y news. Ma kluntti:.. -ba'* p r Annum t . . Ftv* Dollar, IW, IW , . *' * , ' uw Xov! r,. W** 1 l DAILY ami wits*-,,, *kt£LY NEWS Addr..r *■* f "’ m - WOOD, a ‘ u -' N ««r BuLllng. Su. Ift Oty Hull Knau^ ■' * t.m-v ci»» Paper aiidilag Warehouse Warrtft & Platner. Wis, ’ 1 1 o,r " ,t,a sir -■■GW'arai Hay, Hay. 702 Pu*J«u ;;; ■*•» *•“ “« 14 1 1 ' ■ « LC, HOTBLR. SEA ISLAND HOTEL lIILTON HEAD, 8. €., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUhlKliY U BAXCROKT, Proprlcion'. KDw iito L. JoMts, Agent. ts octlu Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RID DELL A HUGG, BioreitTOe. s. e. bowzu. “■ Sr * t n<, ‘ lnk« GREAT GUft Diatritoutioa, 250,000 WATCH EB. Cluing* Diamond King*, etc., worth over One Million Dollara. all to b»* aoJd for Oue aacb, wJUiout regard to value. Not to be • aid , for until you know what yon ar to receive. During the mouth ending Marcti 31, T. & li. | aaugkan A Cos. have had the honor of distributing Amoiir Jheir patrona. i* Hunrlied and :»iu :ty Oo:d una Silver Watchee, at the price ot Olio Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OP ARTICLES! iLll to ba Sold for Out Dollar oiioh. *6O Solid hllver Diking Seta, $ 5 to 300 600 silver Salvers »n ‘ Urns. •»*» L> ’Axi SO holid Sliver Tea Seta, complete, 6 * to 3* o 16u Rosewood Musical Boxcts ;2 airs, 70 to -«o •iO-.i M .hicany Musical is->xe>, 24 -its, 6® to 2o 260 (i<>ld Hunting W atches, 75 to <6u Ladloe* Enamelled bifid Waiches, 60 .o vw 600 Genu' Uun.ii.g Silver Watcues, 35 lo 1-0 6“0 o,»en-:ace Sliver Wuicnee, »o to rO 2io D amond Kiugs, 60 io lOU 60«Kj Photo. Album* all sices 6 *>o 2000 Q -Id Votot nud Neck Chains. 16 to 3o 30(»0 #oid Oval Band Bracelets, 6 to lo ftOOir Chased Gold Bracelet's tt t° 20u0Chatelaine and Guard Chains & to *^o 7.MK) >o itaireitrid Revolving brooches, 6 to 10 9000 LaVu and Florentine do 4to 10 . Oou Ov-rai. Gi.rti and ninerald o -i to >0 SilOO M‘»e .lc. a«t Aiid Lava Eaid r ops 4 lo 10 .60 - Oorai and Enicr-du Lardioi*s, 3to 3 6- 00 California Diani* p«l J'iiis 6 *0 600 California i lu-ter Dlaiuou i Pina, bto 10 Souo net xdithire Buiioiifc and Muds, Hto lo 300 Gol.M hiinblefl Peiidlr* Ac, 3io S loouo Locket* double-glass, 3to 5 6000 i.o keis or Miniature*. 6to 10 3000 Ei<nd louDipica , Crosse?, £c, 3to 3 5000 plain Ooid uniats , ** u 6000 chased Gold Kings. * to 10000 bield and Pignot t.lngi, 3U» 10 iooehe cmlifo ma Diamond Kings. 3to 10 7uOo sets»ee’ Jewelry, »et 6to 10 i4M)O sets UrtbV Jewelry wraL Sto U 6foo t#eis La«-W'’ onyx. lo to 12 > 6tioo *tt4 Ladles’ jewe iy. lava. 12 io 20 *3600 net** tadies* Jv w lr>. in 4alc, 20 to 30 iuoui»Gom Perns w.ih6d. ho and is. 5 to 10 6000 Gild Pena witu ooid uoldera 6to 12 30 o i»oiU Pols anu i.Oiders. superior, Id to 15 6v>uo S iiorG^i-ots ana i-riukiug Lfipa 6to 10 3' <JU silver Ca tor? and Wine Holders, I*> t" 00 jtmO Shver Fruit ana Cato Basket-, 20 to 60 Messrs. TA H. Gaoghun & Cos, No. 116 Br« sdway, w York, extensive niuuufatturere aud importers ol 4.1 n,e and most lasoiouabie styles of ,V rttch sand Jewelry, nesiring ro increase their buei uess to an unit ited ext ut, have r* solved uiou u Gift Distribution, cubjoct to the regulallous fol tow ua: Cvi Tificftti-s nam ug each article ana Upvalue, ait placed in pealed Envelopes and woli mixed. Guoot ihfeo envelope* w:ii be scut ny mail to any address ot of twenty-live cents. jfl ArUdea sold, at One Dollar each, without reyard to Value, On receipt of the cortideate you will sec what you are going to hav - aud then It Is at your option to send the dollar aud taku tin- article or not. Purchasers may tuus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set df Jeweiry on our li>t for one Dollar, »,n<l In no caso can tiicv get lo«* tii.iu one dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. Th. price of Certificates is as follows: One for 26 ceuts ; five lor $ > ; »leven for $2; thirty lor $6 ; sixty-five tor $lO ; out hundred for sl6. .a cents will bo allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by tficki providing their remittancA amounts to one dollar. Ageuts, will collect *6 cents lor every’ certificate, aud remit 16 tenie to us either In cash or postage stamps. T. A H GAUOHAN & CO., octL'l lm* No. 110 Broadway, New York. “U D O LFHO WOL rS” Ji/i Ueavei Street, New York. Offers Inr sale of bis owu Imporutions, in bond aud duty paid, the largest stock of Wine*, Liquors, &c., of any other house in this country, comprising in part ol Otard, Henne-y. Pluet Cast! 11 on, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter.and eighth casks: ai-o Otard aud Rooyor, Laferrelerc aud FUt Brandy, In caees of one doson each. 0 M CM*u w Udolpho Wolfe’s JSchiedam iu pipes. Schiedam Aromatb* Schnapps, In bond and duty paid, in oi one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. 4 "Whiskey and Hum.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhda and canes of on* dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey In barrels aud cases oi one dozen each. RUM. “Jamaica” and “it. CVof* Rum” In htads. and cases of one docen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, More limn twenty different grauet*, lit halves, qoar tors and ulghth casks, also in casee of one dozen each. M llock. Champagne, Nloselle and Clarei Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mumm Cologne, proprietor ot Joannisbu*g estate; J. H. D. Becker & Fils: Eschc nancer, Bsuecke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton & Gucstin Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Gcr many and Franca Oiuh CoaoiALM, Sardines, Bittkbs, Mrs* aud, Olivkn, Bsakdy. riursKuvKs, dto. Twei»ty-flTo years' bu*moea transactions with Jit Soutbera SUittes with some of the largest aud most respectable dealers,should bo builkieut guarantee that every article ottered by the advertiser lor sale la pure and genuine. Samples can be seen, aud catalogue of prices oh tatned. by Hddresslue the above auy h-Stt Family Dye Colors. PatcuUil October 13, lbo3. Block • Dork Green Black for Silk l ight Grccu Dark Bine Magenta Light biae MtiUe French blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brovvu Pink < Llglit Brow 8 Purple Souir Brown Hoy a Purple * Cherry Sa ruou Crimson hcanot Dark Drat* slate Llglit Drab Solferlno Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing silk. Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scurfa, JTreaae,. RibtKins, Gloves, Bouucte, Bate, Feathers, blldreu's Clothing, end all kinds of Wearing Apparel. «T A SAVING OF 80 FEK CENT. J£> For do cents *ou cau color aa many good* as would otherwise oott five tinea that earn. Vcrioua shade? j>e prodoced iTom the ratno dye. The proeeaa is simple- and any cue can nsu ti'.o Dye with perfect »«' ass. Directions in linglieh, French nud Gorman, inside ot each package UOWK & STEVENS, MO hroadwav, Boston. For • by druggists and dealers goner ally. eotPMhn r. mounaT Corner Bull and tongmi Streets, under Screven House, TMPC RTER« and \rhoie**.il« healer In Huvantt&e* . r L ®\ r Sidulplr Tobacco, Abo, a:] kinds of Virginia Chewing aud Smoking Tobacco Mcr schau&i, Drier Root, and all other kluci of Fancy scpSOim iwotromr MACHINERY DEPOT, Qfflce No. 151 Bay Strcsl.Sawii Ga. ko»p on hand and furn ab to ordnr at Mann. J i ',V. rrw ’ Prlßnglne,Foot and U»ud Uifaa* Chncka if.,lt i tiUern, Gan t utMr*. «*S?&* M-lib "Pi.ruble Bugliro.," Hoisting Fn *taMoM.“l d i.l* Ba'-hluery of *vrry d«> audFirewa * IM ’ B*ilior., Colton O n, lar id i'n J?r . I(, ce Mills. Grist MtHs, Cireu. Uoou Uciri!!! 1 t'l 1 *! 1 I ’‘* l ® l “ l Ik'ulhar Belting and hMdaV ww aun.llaa *'" l lf, * n ". Alng M»cbinary and •tSiOMnau **• *• Wuo < , • fh| A CIRt CIAH jg| UiMMtH lt 4 lUhiK¥, ‘Vuarju. MIICELLAXEOCR. Warren’s OMnfel SeeUlet* aud Flsli Hull. : ANDREW UIiKRK Ar CO.. 46 M.MDI.N LANK. NEW TCHK, nolk agent, anu UIPUUTEH.. OL'li former custoincrs will find a reduction iu gold prices of the Nfedies w hile the quality Is always j kepluji to the hifrhe«t standard kno/n to English 1 manufacturers.' A. f A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the 1 men untile relations so long and favorul jy esteemed I by tUeir hoa»-. aa26-am ESTABLIHHED 1900. ENOCH MORGANS SON'S Soaps, <fec., Xo. 211 Wiishiiigton-St., cepld * NEW YoRK. 3m WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmiug-ton, Delaware. M ANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats otsain Engines, Boilers. Machinery for Saw MiV-s. Ac. Having b id bug experience in iiunlnesfl and being providno with very extensive faciHUca for doing work of tbi* data, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl2 dm LINYILLE & GLEASON. SAV^NAII. AGENTS FOH MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Coartlauflt Street, New Tort MANITACTYREKS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, snip or Baud M, — B OILER II OLT S , SETT SCREWS, CO.ICH OR LAO jjCHEH'S. Hot and Cold Prassed Nuts, ROUNIf AKD SQUARE WASHERS, Tarnbuokles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies. Sea. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TIUM MLN'GS of every description, aud every article used iu constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORKS. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, FAINTS, VARNISH, &c.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, &o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. *. Also Manufacturers of tba BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE . SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. •eptl ts PREMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph in Mechanical Science. V| under two diatinct patents, of aa entirely “oripnal construclion;'|does not iufringi on any other machine. This extraordinary achieve memos mechanicul iDgeuuity w orks upou a Table, uses ihe s Haig hi Needle, makes ibe useful Hand Stitch, at the rare of Id Stitches to each evolution oi lie, wheel, will Tuck, Sh.rr, Crimp, Hem. Ruffle, die , with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatness, will sew wilh Double and Single Thread of all hiuds, Is strong, anu can not get out of order, uud has received the full approval ol the principal journals aud all w ho have used them. v This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every family requhea one."—.V. y. iron'd. •'For the Dressmaker it is iuvniuablo, for ilia ho rt itsuppiisa a vacaut place.”—Godev'a Liulios' Book . •Ti uses a coninion needle, sews very rapidly, and i’ so easily understood that a child cau use it."—jV. o. Delta. Single machines sent to uny part of th« country per express, packed iu box with printed instructions on receipt of the price—$10. Sale delivery guarautocu. Agents wanted everywhere. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent bee. All orders must be addressed to Tcu Dollar. Sew Tug llacbius Company, 3D, 33 ana do Ann street, NEW YORK. ocilf Sm INSOTICE. THE umlcrsigned promises t«j varo Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms without the u e of medicine Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address J. 31. RUSSELL, octUVcm Bosiou Mass. Notice.- TUIS Co-p.4Vluet*liip beirfoiore bct^fc-n JACKSON A WgiHHOClv >vaa, ou the 30tii Scp tomlHir tlk-solvec! by mutttfcl t unscot. The busincs.- w>ii hereafter l»e cunHuctcU by the undersigned, whu \v\\[ be happy t., receive a eoutimiuncA of the pa tronage bestcaed on tho iatc Him of Jackson A Wanock. l. WAR ROCK. Notice to Lumbermen. THE undersign*] ate prepared to receive Con>ifra uicute of Lumber, ot iiuy quantity or quality, lor s*le in this nurku or lor ehipiiK'iit Noi tb, Cash .liiviinccw ma-l.t when required. Our facilities for procuring »uituble vei*sel» lor shipmi uta arc uu bouoded. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH van Horn, holvoke & murhat. AR«nt» In Nmw York, Holyoke »i Murray 47 South street. ts ocllC INK. Q K OBOHH INK. n tlanda, at ,s 80 uc* grow U GiU doteii Arnold's Writing Fluid, pmla, at IT per duaen. For vale by hAULUC A LRACU. ™'» " >or. Jlrvsn Kiw aid Mnrkst square. J3okor*fe Uitters, Thu Uldrat and bs*t rsuownwl. I*. VINK It, 60 Liberty Btroot, MplUttv MVWNfUKJL COIIiniRION iHKHCHAWTto. 4m. F M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, OEKEHAL COMMISSION ANB FOK IVARDING MKHCHAKT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. Uurli' Building*, Sddoorweft of A. Low A Co.'*. Refer* to Mewrs. Hunter A Galomeli, Crane, Joho aeiii A Uraybill; BcU, W>ll) A Ctirwtian ; BothweU A Whitehead; Miller. Thom** A Cos.; M A. Cohen, Esq. - e'h-V-tf TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Ooimu is sion Me i* ehau ts, New York. OCTAVT’S COIIUN will make liberal advan;es on any consigumeuta made to the abov® bouse. octt'U io Wm. H. Trsoa. W* W. Gosnoa. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. IK) BAY STREET, Savannah, Geoboja., N|VNdal attention will be given to the sale of Lumber, Ho9iu, Turpentine, A., f ?4.3m r u. X. bOREEL *• n - 80UEXJ SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Commi.-*i"ii ami FoiTvarcttag Merchant*, oJ Buy ztreeL Bavanuah, G». Referencwfi Mcssre. 1!. K. C'Tuiog, Son A Cos« N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King & Cos.. N. Y.; MaNTs. Fish er, Brothersil Cos., Halt’.more.; Messrs. N. W. Welsh, Philad'.ilphisi National Bnuk, 8 ivannah, Oa.; Francis Sorrel, Lsq . Bav .nnah. Ua ;Cbas. Gloen, Ksq., Savan nah, ua.; T. K. Bloom, FsqMacon, Go. oct!7 im* 1). H. BALDWIN & CO., 005LMI8SI0N MERC IIhYIsTT'«, 178 Pearl Slreel, New York. * V. H. B ldwih,! n y k J. F CnnUMas. / INew *OTit -11. Buiuiim, ) oct4-Bni (J. M Houny f Sl>vai)nah - A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING SSGRCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. octl4-tf . JAMEeS B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN j Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liqners, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandizo wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by con6iguiug the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most reasonable rate?. » sep4-Bm JOHNITT VIL LA L O NGA7 COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AM) CGAIAIISSIOX MER CHANT. ' No. 94 Hay Btreet, SAVANNAH, GA. octlS 6m C. H. Bc.NED.CT & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New. York, Produce and Floor Commission Xtterchants, Dealers iu Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Spacini attention to **>utiK?rn Orders Consignments on General Mercbaiuib>e soUcitwl. _ ocllT 3m TO SUiri'ERS Oi ('OTTON A>D OTHEU bOLTIIEkiX riIODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, _ Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vsscy SiiucET, *,ew Tons. Aud Memphis, Tens Tuomas Fknnuu, llkxuv Brwne'rT, D. W. jyc ou, CIiAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping t-oinmission and Forwurdiiig M E It t II A STS. JONES U LOCK, COKNEB BAV AND ABF.ROOBN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Ciiab. L. Colby, of Now Yurk. or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. net kbenceb; MeFsrs. Dabney, Morgau A Cos., New York. .larivs Slade, Es<p, New York. Hojl. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. tvp 18—t! Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duane Street, New Yorti, 9 aud 11 Hanover St;, Baltimore. DRY GOOD;* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made ou Consignments, Sheetings, Oenaburgsond Yarns. jyiß SCRANTON & MACUIRE, SlUppiiifl: M Commission Merchants. EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. uJ-'FICE 18. Lib-rai advances made on Consignments of Cotton, Tobacco,and other Somheru Produtx*. Orders for the purchase of Gwoda Lu Nc w York promptly attended to. KRrckfcwocs: Scranton, Smith A Cos. Crane, Johnson GraybilL A. Champion. lw* nov4 “WEST, BRYAN l CO. rHK undersigned have formed a co-partnership for the transaction of Commission. Shipping and For warding business, under the name oi WEST, BRY AN’ & CJ. strict attention given to consignments. This flrtq desire to confine themselves to Commit-sion Business alone. As agents for Baltimore and fcavauuah &team ship Cos., we solicit freight lor same, und request or ders lor Baltimore ami Western produce, JAS. B. WEST, of Baltimore, HENRY BUYAN.of savannah, ALFRED L. HAItTRIDGE, of SavanuaU. w Ji)ll.\ S. SHUIIS (Si to., Forwarding and ('oimiiis,ioii MEKCIIANm WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c.„ NOS. 1 AND 2 SAAIMIS' BLOCK, Buy Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. tt. DAJIUIS. i'l>. Q. SAMAJI9. CUAk. L, LUll A. T. CI'NMsOUAJf " - U. «. YVtL%E. CUNINIINGIIAM & PURSE, IAAUTORS, FORWARDING AND DoMMISSIoN T MKHCUANTS. No 4 Stoddard'. LowJ Buy sticei, Savuiumh. Ou RcfiToiiau-K.ihu lluls.i .hum Jt soda Hunter A OamraiU. Uctuvuu fohen, Urlqham, Baldwin * Go., Eiwtu A lliirdc , Clagliorn ,t Cuuutngbum. >, l >4ltw J. SHAFFER, OoiuutiMiuu Dealer Jn all kludu oi I‘OIIKiGN AN D Domestic fiilitb »m, rRODL'CK, "(« IV AlUitsuioN Maun, IM MmK *t., hulkhnatl btfiwwu iWtUr and V«Hiy ala, NEW T O K K F.Ultita Appli i* uud Oalout couaunl ly uu band, aud put up fur Hi* uiark.l Ailw.Mignißum. pmoiMly »lt«nk.d in. wKE3"J''a2F I ** *■ “•>—•»' l»l» tu4ly | commission merchants. J.T. THOMAS&c6., lOMAIISSIOV MERVIIAMS, 11T lAaj’ Street. FIEE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates us are accepted by any good Company. octll4m SOUTHERN* COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RKSI'ECT FULLY Invite attention*to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Product*, and will give prompt attention to all oust lies* cntniHteil to our care. Intending to ertabli.-b penn inontly a Hou-e in Savannah expor t by strict business principles to merit and receive u portion of the Trade. % Haviug a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, W'C are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our frieuds iu New Yc-rk or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending rJI Cottou before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense Incurred in Isoithem cities by this oruc» hS.— They solloit a portion of tho business of the people oj Georgia ?nd of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, gjr* Post Office Address, Lock Box 3*. octT-3m BACON, i LARDY &CO. Colton and Totacco Factors, NEW YORIC, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY '* % HENRY BRYAN. WE do enti ©ly a Business, exerting ourselves to get tlicouitldo maiket quotations for our patrons. Liberal advances made ou Cotton at Savannah, and part a! advance* on Cotton ready for shipment ul Au gusta. Atlanta and Ma- on. Plauter*’ orders filled. octl2-ltn Van Horn, ilolyoke & Murray, General Commission ana Forwarding MERCHANTS. IYo. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cuas. Van Horn, Holyoke Sl Mubrat, bavaunah, (la. Mew York. Engaged exclusively iu a Commission Business.with ample and first class fctorage Uuotn, we most rcsjiect fullv render our services for the purchusu aud sale of all klmia of merchandise. uctll-3m B. C. WAI>E. 8. li. WADE. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, GJu.. octlS sm L. WAHROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Mertfiiandise aodiottra. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AUD GEKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. / \FFEJt FOR SALE the following Goods, on the V / mos reasonable terms. •260 bbla Whiskey, Mountain Dew 100 ** •* Buckeye l'cserve | 76 •• 44 Stag Bourbon ... c 5«0 44 •• 7 years old Stag Bourbon «. UOl •20 •• •• Piue Apple /, 40 “ •• Burkurn’e Bourlxtn j Disuilullon li ” “ Old Family Rye 16 “ ” Old Recoiled J Toeetbtr with a large aseortment of Fort, Sherry aud Madeira Wines. Ueidrick Jb Cos., aud RevmouU’s Champagneu, Brandies, Oius, Rums, (iermau & Ridgeway Bitters, <fec. In cennectlou with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Fkaur, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made oa consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sep'29-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. H. Oowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT. 196 BAV STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, ' SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m 1. W. STARBUCK & CO.. GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 North Water Street, P lixlnclclpliia. Careful eHcicctions made ou all oidcrs fur tho Pun* chusc ol Goods, aud Contiguincuti respccuuliy sonc ited. tm octal OEO. I>. IUWLf. HM. E. UOY. * liutill BICE I'OWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission 31 crchants. linpuricrs of Hailrouil Iron and Dealers in Rail loud Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEAV YORK, octss _ dm w7b. & T. E. RYAN, GENERAL COMMISSION AND ForwHi dl a $ m o re lt ant ,, Chui'lMton uud IVon* Vortc. VV'tiViuJil' 1 1*0—. I ***lu , "*,i tam I Fmw.nua* of ▼ V all kind* of Prodiio . m,,| will „ u i—nq , u asauflia.hl of Grueerii *, IS,u*. „,,| i.iuuur. CuuahriiHMUl. au|icil«j. U l mKHrtni t (Tv* K f1«.% S 5 *-' „. i —WKk COMMISSION MKRCIIASTS. LIVINGSTON, FOX 4 Cb., 14 1 Broadwd y, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Atlantic Coasi .ifail Sicaia toliip lioDipauy, Advances made on OJUsijcmcnts by j:;o. r. wiLDEn, Savannah. WMI. R. SYMONS, General Commission Merchant, NO. 3 WALDBDRG’a RANGE. Ou iho Bay, Iu the l.uildlne c- 'nided by Messrs Guer r;»rd & Fcrriil. Agent for the New Eut iaud Fire Insurance Com pauy. Also Agent for Hewitt's Patent Screw Wrench, References in Savannah-Henry Bricham, H-„ a Porter, Lj-q., A. CJamjilon, Esq., W. C. O’Dneeol!, ksq., \v. Dui.can, Iswj. In New York—Sam'1 L. Mitchell, E-q„ Chas. A. Par- i Ml • U ' Ua . , '* w h>, Req . Wm. Hackee, Esq., at I Hank .'> rtli Antertca. ’ , Consign solicited. Iw-uov* j *. r. fATtasott. . TTionm. | PATERSOiJ & TUCKER,; (Formorly J T Paterson A Cos, of Augusta. Ga.) | General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, | Sioddard'd Lower Range, OPPOSITE MARINEK’B CHURCH, BAY STRBET, ' Savannali, G-a« TTAVL made arrangviuonts for Shippiug Ootton, Tim bor Ru e, to fljbi clasd houava .u kurope und New York VMii make liberal advances on nil consign monta Also, will buy aud tell Timber or Lumber ou Cotuan?- I sion. V. e have facilities for obtaining Charters far Vessel* a moderate rates. Personal a t_ ntion will be givsu to the receiving, to* warding and f* * the sau-eof all lueiehuudlzceutruit eubj our care. \x e have n coinuiodious warehouse for storage. * Kefereiues—Dow.iug A Cx, &Uo , Liverpool; lirudfuid & Renick, New York ; J. L. Bay’ey 34 Co.MPhiisdclphia ; Jaiuca Oakes, Losiou; E. Liultlti, tlii.rlisiou. S. c.; U ii. .May, f May or.) Au gUMa©.i ; Geo. K. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Gu.; llal a* y. Watson «fc < o , SuVannah, Cfu.; i>. li. Thomson, Uoiumbus, Ou.; James Guun & Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton. Adair A-Puree Atlanta, Ua. uov3 JOUN B. GUILD. JOBN A. ODtCU, JOHN B. GUIEU & SON, Couiuiissiou 31orchaui8, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving and Forwarding and to the bales aud Purchase of Lot ton and ad Produce. References to the principal Merchants of Au gusta and Savannah. Augusta, Ga , Uct. 1. i !n oct2T BR YA N, hi ARTRIDG E &T Co7. BbYAN bTUXET, NEXT TO MERCHANTS’ AND PkANTEKS’ Bane Bcildxno, Srokcr and CommiSAion Agents ron SAM and rrucuAßE or STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, *Sic., And for Forwarding Cottou. nov*! 3mo Fordyce, Audevsou & Janney, Brokers sud General rosuffilssion.llercSiauls, NO. 10 STODDABD’S RANGE, SavaixnAb, Gla. Dealers in Specie, South- rn Bank Note.-, Bond* and Stock?, Exchange ou iht; Norlhern ci ties'Augusta and vhiricsu.i.. iKiught und 801 U fltlv nct-8 made on cousigumenta to • ur correspondents at the North. Refer to Third National Bunk, Messrs, kcebc Kecch & Cos., Messrs. Merchant Carman, Me?«r« hall Ut Racked, New York; Mraoix Cirmau, Merchant He ttliaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping & Cos., Yitssrs. G. H. noesc & Bro*., Baltimore; Messrs. It. Habutsliam & Sous, Meiers. Hunter Gnmoicll, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B Lamar, bavauuoli. nov2-lm ' G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merc ii ants. Forwarding aud Shipping Ag.nts, NO. dAV TnEEi, Rcfi*rtoGe* . W. 'udosmi, Jno c. Perrei and G. P. Lunar, Savannah; W. K Jackson Joi ah Sibley & Sous, J. R. &j. W. W r «iker, Augusta Cos solicited. fitn-uovfi FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 8!) BOWERY AND G 5 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. DEGIUAF & TAVkOU Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT . AJfD MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FHRNIITHE, to be found In this city, and at the lowest yilces. MATTRASSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $5 TO *T. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oetSl-9m ddlyeTs' maizena TRY ONE POUND. "*• ,Hi m ,m That received a medal anu iiouoi'ablo mention froci the Royal C’ominiseloucrs Ihe ron.peliou of ail prorrv inent munmacUir, ra of "Corn Starcii”and -‘P,epared Corn Flour’* of this aud oilier countries uotwUhalWid iug. i AZAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a eirglt fault. Oho trial will cunvmee the mor't slieptical.— Makejißuddings, (kaStardu, Blojjc Mange, Ac., " dlioiir w ivh Sow or no egy.K, nt. a cost a**- Die xno?t. erenomkal. A elighi addiii. n to ordiijaiy \w at Flour greatly improves lb* ad and Cuke It ip ai«o e::cellelii for ihlckoaing nweet eaucyn* gravlee for ttrti' and iuwhj, roup's. ,tc. F<ht Ice nut hi up can ctitnpare with if. A little v<>ikd in ikiJk will produce ri%h cream lor coffee, chocolate. tt;a. .vr. l*ut up in one pound, pack under the trade mark Mniaena, wiih dircciionß tor uae. A most dtltcVku£ article of food for children and in valids oi all Mgce. Fur salo by t.Jro«vrs and Druggists everywhere. Whvitssalo l)cp4i« Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYICiY, au?s-Sm • % General Agent. Dunn & Brown, BHIPPING JVXAtsi'i'KRS, HAVING opeurd an uffler at No. SS ISny Ilraet, la. twevn lluu*»"ham and Price *tnu t wc arc pre pared 1 1 fiiruiab catwa at *ku •bortoat notice. I,rt 11-1 m ' ORNAMENTAL HAIR. t urli. Ilruid*. Walei-fuU., Iluwt., Win-. Half Wlk*. Ami., WbolwAh, fat ib* |o.-|li|* price 0! Iwporu tlon, for Owb. W, IV. Ciiiiioron At Cos., liupnrtcr. of ll,dr and Mauufarlifrcri, NO. *UI Ft LTON utT . ÜBdiittLVN, N**r F.w fork, LafvT* and mmII ardor* puei iuAliy .imixM uv o*tl» lu wavaasau BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COM MI a*!i )X M = ~ ■ ■ au24 VT A. Cohm, 1 ' - I*l. IGKWARLING *M>vGMMISb-N MERCHANT l>Uic« (ion e li.B. Cos ~9 B*y B t WwAßegmaxy. I,'rwiii <v Hard.,', ■—— COJJAUoBIuN MKKCHaNM, DRY GOODE Tohu t . .Hnkrr <c Cos. \\ uoj.rjii., ; Tofan UtCona|hy, “ 1 —— W DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ao. ltfn Br .mrirtion GROCERIES. A-^ \f F *«* Cos.. M Uol, l n w.v«T ' 1 80 toiitfre.-a btr*ot. St unit .S; audllctall Du,'ei» in n t«nea aud t„». , 2 '* ln °f<- qnor, Comer DmT 1 UUe “ tk,li P aid wdew lor toe annmr, K pUAUiii ur Cuoroto F*«u.t -*-*• n Liyuona, &o. mu.uuDa,~Zc. * s^jp-wuiu- Duy aaeot, over Eipre»t Gffic. r l''eu pin Aliej-T ’ ’ ' A TEN PIN ALLEY, by YALKNTiNS BASI.mi 10 ,„o „ Ai«l V\ rnoa unit Llquow. No. 138 Biyau street, Maun Square Uooee, oplooii. mo Al -rke„ Inr-oaa S' - touloon, (rn rear of Poai Ollrco,) r,v A. Siaalm. Bho it bate ana MttaiL Nmu’i..» viiOKL ULNEe uVul LIyCWRb served Free Lni.u., MURPHY & CLARK, ' House, Sign, &bip and otoumboutPuintvr Oposiui the Pulaski liouse, over buunni’d iiarber Shop All orders IhuukfuU received and laituiu Uy ituiLuid tr> Ita ecu ~ W«ul u» Cornwell, V\ holesoie Dealers in iiardwakl arul Tin Ware. .fro. ldH and Xtil lirmighton street. Utiuiuton, • PLUMBER AND GAS LITTER, 01 Bryan st., next o cor. Whitaker. SEGAIiS, TOBACCO, Ate. L 1 ivoio. c X • SELLARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES,ac. Barnard eti net, one uoor South of the Market. PRINI'IN(L, i?f ATIUNEIiY, &c. uavilk iw Heutn, " ==a * Bfc O BOOii.'KLLEUS AJS T D STATIONERS, Cor. liryau sfreet and Market Square. \f arising Ink, Jl.vni- viOTcui.o nn.l for sale lit DA DAVID U. GALLOWAY. ; A 3j Drayton atreet. G*°‘ ''/iSpu [}) JOP PRINTER, Bay at., ( between Aboicorn and Drayton. EJ. Purse, 1 i THOGR APIIER, STATION fill, • BINDER, JOL PRINTER, «fcc. No. c Whitaker stmt. tg/ \V. Muwn iV t 0., * • HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 11l Bay street VVATCHEb, JEWKLUY, Ac. FH» •fonluii, Dealer in Watguu* und Jkwicut, • SiLViu und Platei) Wahl. Fancy Goore Ac. tST* Watches ami Jewelry Repaired. l-'9 Congrefeji at., the Tulaski Hon»f Jos, W. Clift, m. i>, Cor. OouUi Broad and Barnard-sU., Urnoc Hod; s—9 to 10 A. M.. and tto 5 P. M„ , jay Kemdcnco— tlf. Week’s,. Brouahton Street, Llklm one (!oor cast ilasou.o Dull. DRUGGISTS. \tr 91. Walak, W . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGOISI, anil SourktaeL cor. Buruard and Brougktcaait l A. Solomon, At Cos., % MDOLtSALE AND RETAIL DKUGGCT. t«V* Orders executed accmajciy und with deepaut DUO I S AND SiiOLS. Ames cv Peabody, Jobbers in Men’s, Woment ami E hiidren's (Jail, fccige und liid BOOiS anc bilUKb, of all kinds uml qualities. 162 CongiceeaU, 4th door Iforth of the Market G 1 co. T. \icholfi, t RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. lit) Broughton dour ironr BaL QUEENSWARB, &c. I>. Smyth. QCERNSWARE, GLASS 3KI Jm CHINA, at \S holesale ana Retail. 100 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bn* CONFECTIONERY JK. IlernuiKlex. . CONFFCTK iNFß—Wbolbsam and Rrr*u M iNtr a, U'l’.iil or . SYRUPS, CORMALB AND FI X E CONFECTiONFi- OP ALU KIM*. , 110 Broughton street, two doors from Ilmw MFKxgcralil, . WIIOLPSALI! AND RETAIL nrALIB rn CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY ash UASFBO!” SYRLTS, UANDIES, Ao., a*’.., t3T In auy quantities, to sail Puichaserr. JX wntTA&KR STREET. ‘" r aODA WATER. x J~oim UyiwJ Bolder of SODA WATER, PORTU and AI.E, CORDIALS SYRUPS, Ac. Cor Bay MiJ Weal. Broad >ln^ lTFitTag e n c y FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA THE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, and nt iWnckshcar, Pierce county, Ga..on tne* tic & Gulf bail road, will give hia personal anaw vided attention to the sale and purchase oU n contigeons to the said railroad, on oomnupw* **■ BoliciUthc patronage of ail needing an nge«t am experience iu the land, lumber and rlnmrrr uess of twenty years in Georgia and Sooth i;iro : t guarantees ample qn dification. Ue will r SJ pouted iu Savannah tiy Mr. Henry Bryan, ard • j Y ork by the Great Southern Land Agency* *] | p . wav. JOHN I). DELANO Refers to ftDy old resident iu Savannah. sep!B . 3m -^*> IrTGORDON HOWARD Has resumed the Practice of Medldn*. Special m® lion to Dis use, of the Eye. OlHea. and residence, Jones «?r*et, two door* Wh’taker, • octii* J - SODTHERK Exporting and linportiit' COMPANYi OF FLORIDA. , THIS nsuwlailon la jircpaiud to mid*'’ ,* ent'rimcy >f «iui(r on cOß*igw**‘ lßl *. l.i* Naral HUyrre, Lumber, Ac . lu tholr »g*»* lu pool . .mir l '* Order* sullritrd fur tfoial, Iforo nuirkM"** si tela. The trlriv.t atMlilluti will lm |"‘l" 7° ■' lluwavcr auial I Iter **"«!» ffuK lugapil'J ...» Germany our M,vati|iah VVijh-J* , ,i*< being aalarlrd wake lit) rhurgu hw way aud will mrnMl TRY ONE POUND*