Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 09, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 253. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING ANI) BVBNINGj IS PriJI.IMIKTI B¥ \V. MASON A CO., it ill Hat Stuett, Grouuia. TEEMS: Ft=: v jj,y Five Ceuta. par Hundred— $3 bo. Per Year .... #lO Op, APVERTIBINO: Tv.«» Dollaiv i»« k r Square of Ton Lines for fir?t ix. sirtion: One Dollar lor each one. A(l --virtWeiue- irsertett in the morning, will, it desired, appear in tin evening witliom-rxtia charge. ,J Oii l* It INTI IN In every style, lieat'y and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE Daily Herald. Mobile Colton Maikt t. Mobile, Nov. 4 —TUn sales of cotton to day have been oue hundred bales of Mid dlings at 51c. Tlie Martin's Industry I.iglit Ki|»lured. Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 7.—Mariner., wid lake notice that the lisrlit vessel Martin's In dustry, off Port Royal entrance, which was carried away from her moorings in the re cent storm, has been replaced at her station. New England Correspondence. Ir. which ear Correspondent Discourses u/1 >. the Bigoted Legislation in Regard to the sate of Liquor, and the Heinous O/Tenre of Shaving in Massachusetts—A Despotism Tempered with a Joke, and the Probabilities of a Rebellion in Boston. Boston, Oct. 3. Sorry am I, Mr. Editor, to he obliged to say anything agaiust the section of our coun try from which I write. I should be better pleased to note in my correspondence the advance of liberal ideas and the match of progress in every material and moral form, than to dip my pen in the gall of criticism to denounce the bigotry which still rules us, and threateus to drive away all the pros perity and popularity that enterprise and ingeuuity have aclicived. W e must have a new definition of republicanism,—l mean to use that word in its present political signify cation, or else we must be counted out. The right of the . people to govern themselves ii .cd to he the great and inherent right ol American citizens; hut now-a-days the right ot the people to govern other people is the claim put forward, and the city charter is no shield lrom the fanatical legislation of the State. Boston, and all the cities in the com monweaith of Massachusetts of any note, •are now in a state ot excitement occasional by the idio'ic orders and regulations oft lie Constabulary Department—a sort of machine invented at the last session of the Legislature to drill the uuwilliug denizens of the cities into obedience to obnoxious State laws. Much has been said for years about increasing the commercial facilities of Boston.mammoth hotels, new and extensive steamship lines, railroads to make the sur face of the State like a gridiron, the Hoosac Tunnel, and eveiything that could tempt to our streets the trade of the East, the West and the South—have been advocated with real Yankee energy, and now tanatieal laws threaten to kick over all these nice arrange ments aud to doom us to he the workshop of the country without the more remunerative attachment ot the salesroom. Boston used to he laughed at for it s narrow notions and laws. At one time an ordinance was maintained on the city books, and enforced, prohibiting smoking on the street. But this narrow ness seemed to wear away. The ordinance against smoking in the street after remaining a dead letter tor some years, was finally repealed for very shame. The Maine Law was theu foisted upon the State; but it was disregarded in Boston as it is to day. Everywhere outside the limits of Boston and perhaps oue or two other cities, sellers of the “ardent" were treated without mercy; and the traveller who totted himself in any country place, and wanted a drink was obliged to travel thiougU mysterious underground passages to some hidden chambers whereot the “Ramrods”(as the Maine Law men were called ), knew not. The strangest and cunnlugest ways were re sorted to to get liquor from Boston into these secret receptacles. 11 was packed in pork,beef, flour, rye, corn, cider, vinegar, oil —in short, all the tri. ks of the smugglers and many new ones were devised and practiced ordi narily with success ; so that, notwithstand ing the occasional mulcting or imprisonment I of a detected law-breaker, the traffic contin- ued. Indeed, many believed that it inereas etl.'the character of intrigue given to it be ing nn active incentive to adventurous boys, who always ta ,c p easarc iu stolen fruit.— Huston was .dtvays in open defiance of the law. Tlie drinking places steadily increased with the progress of prohibitory enactments, and rustics \vdo could easily accommo date their tastes in their rural houses came l here periodically for their regular “sprees,” j thus increasing the business of our Police | and furnishing valuable statistics for the Total Abstinence agitators aud legislators. As things went on wo cared littio about these enactments. Boston could look out for itself, and if the country people who sent fanatical deleg ties to the General Court preferred to take their bitters in suoterranean j fastnesses aud damp and mouldy retreat®, why should we complain But l ist winter a step in advance was taken by tiie Probib I itionists. They were determined to crarn ! tiie Maine Law’ down the throats of the peo- J pie oi Boston. They made a strenuous es- 1 fort to impair the great right ot trial by jury, J but in this they were checkmated by the i Governor s veto. They next tried to estab- I lish a Metropolitan Police for Boston and ! the surrounding sisterhood of cities but in j lieu ot that they were constraiued to accept a sort ot halt-way measure—the Constabu lary Police, under the chargu ofa High Con- | stable appointed by the Governor, with | twenty deputies in Suffolk county (which includes Boston, and one in each of the other counties of the Commonwealth. The latv provides that the chief duty of their auxiliary police force shall be to enforce the laws, particularly the Maine Liquor Law. I have written you of some ot the doings of their police force; but the last idiotic order which has been promul gated peremptorily commands the closing "t fill barbershops at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Sunday morning, for the rust of lire Uuy, and the closing ol all eating houses flour ten un til live at Bight—Ulus providing a rather long last oi seven hours fir the large num ber ol people who depend upon the eating bouses lot their daily radons. Tiie drinking saloons had been previously dosed on Sun day—l, e driven to Inner or under rooms, to cellars, garrets, and dark interiors. The name ol the High Constable is King. Mo the tlrst Sunday that the order was euffireutl many o| i| u barber shops were placarded as follows t •'Closed by order or the King, ' t»ud lire g« m « spirit of which are rend In tire history ot the Revolutiou was manifested.— Att- we to have a despotism tempered with a joke ? I don't know what the trouble will come to. 1 hardly believe that the people |°| Boston will stand it a great while. Such bigotry must ISt disastrous to our business. Talk about martial law 1 Did it ever hear I harder upon loyal men than this fanatical enactment ? V> <- are informed suh-rosa that High Constable Kiug—whose mtvnc and of : rice furnish many jokes for the wits, and es ! pecially for the brilliant-*-“AllSorts”column |ot the Boston Post—is making the law as obnoxious as possible so as to disgust the people. We are tapidly approaching the point of utter disgust, if that is what he is 1 aiming at; hut eo tar as I can judge by the nominations made in the rural districts the next Legislature will be as narrow as that which preceded it. lota. Convention of the First Senatorial District. NOMINATION OF GEO. 9. OWEN'S FSqR, OF SAVANNAH. A Convention of delegates from the coun ties composing the First Senatorial District was held yesterday at No. 2, Central Raii Road tor the purpose of nominating a can didate for senator, from the District of Chat ham County, was represented by the follow ing deligation, elected at the public meeting on Tursday ; Capt. Geo. A. Mercer, Gen. Geo P., Hon. Julian Ilartridge- Capt Clias J. White, Hon. D. A. O’Byrue- The following is the official report of the Convention. No. 2. Central Rail Roap, • Novembers, lssbo, 12 1-2 o'clock P. M. I A Committee of Delegates from Chatham and Effingham Counties met this day. Ou motion of C. J. White, the Convention organized by the election of Gen. Geo. P. Harrison as Chairman, and on motion of Capt. Geo. A. Mercer. Charles J". White was elected Secretary. j Tiie delegation from Chatham and Effing | ham were fully represented. Bryan County being absent. Tiie Effingham Delegation at first opposed the organization, whereupon they were per mitted to withdraw it they should desire it, Hon. D. A. O'Burne nominated for the Senate for the Ist. Senatorial District, Geo. I S. Owens, Esqr. lrom Chatham. | The Convention was addressed by lion. '■ D. A. O’Byrne, lion. P. M. Russell, Capt. | Geo. A. Meicer, Gen. G. P. Harrison, and i Stephen Keller, Esqr.. whereupon the Effing ! ham Delegation came in as members of the ! Convention. A ballot was then had, and the vote was I equally divided between Gen. G. P. Harrison i and Geo. S Owens Esq., whereupon the tiprmer gentleman withdrew his name from the nomination and gave his unqualified ap probation to, and a pledge of hearty co op eration to the nomination and election of Mr. G. S. Owens. Up m motion oi Hon. D. A. O'Byrne, the | above nomination was then made unanimous. I On motion of Capt. O. A. Mercer, the Con i vention adjourned with thanks to the presi ding officer, for the dignified and courteous ! manner in which lie discharged the duties of liis position, and also with the thanks of the i Convention to Mis. Fred, lireiison, for her | kindness in allowing this body the use of her I rooms. GEO. P. HARRISON, Ch'm. Charles J. White, Secretary. [Correspondence of the Savannah Herald.) Letter from the Altaumha. Low Stage of the A/tamaha. — The Repairs on the A. .j- G. R. R—The Little Opeechee Ridge. To the Lditor of the Savannah Daily Herald ■ In the Woods, Nov. 1, 18(>5. The AUamaha river is very low at the present writing, and even the Gibbons, under the masterly handling of Capt. Piiilpot, scraped cm a log to-day. I learn that Mr. Spratt, oue of the contrac tors, is pushing on his end, in the repairs c* the Atlantic <fc Gulf Railroad, with energy, and lias put up an immense amount of ex cellent trestle work over the AUamaha swamps His construction train will prob ably reach No. 4 1-2, (Johnson’s,.) on or be fore next Wednesday, and No. 4, (Walthour ville,) about eight days after. The Little Ogeechec river bridge is very nearly finished, and its completion will eu able cars to rnu from Savannah to No. 1, (MiLer’s I. With tiie recent addition of white labor, it is to he hoped that these repairs will make fair progress and enable our people in Savan nah to get their Christmas dinner at a decent price. B. N. H. Tub Gre it Twksty Mii.e Hack Near Bos ton.—The greatest twenty mile race against lime recorded, took place at the Riverside Park, near tnis city, Oct. 31st. The condi tions being that the Kentucky thoroughbred gelding, Capt. M’Gowau, should trot twenty miles within tiie hour—a feat never belore accomplished, except by Trustee and Lady Fulton, aud by both of these the trotting was on a mile track, whereas in this match the horse had to trot on a full half-mile course. Tue weather was gloomy, nnd the track somewhat heavy. As rain threatened, the horse was started a few seconds before the advertised time. There was an immense as semblage of spectators, and the greatest ex citement prevailed, the belting being slightly in favor of the horse. To the astonishment of the larger portion of those who had in vested money, the horse won, accomplish ing the feat in the unprecedented time of 56 minutes aud 2:i seconds, having made but one slight ship in the twenty miles. After accomplishing tiie task the horse was but very little distressed I Further from the Shenandoah.—A tel- I egraphio despatch from Han Francisco, dated Oct. thilli, says : | On the arrival of Col. Buikley and the | Russian-American Telegraph party thevi ! ciniiy ot Plover J3.ty, the Indians were ex i tremely #iiy, and hesitated about coming on ■ board. Wucu they did come on board, they reported that they had seen a steamer buru- I ing ships in the viciuity hut a few days be fore, aud some of the crews belonging to tbe | slaps had been sent ashore by the steamer, The Indians did not understand the burning of tliuso vessels, and therefore hesitated about coruiug ou board, borne two or three ol the sailor,, set ashore by the Shenandoah, are reported to have been taken off' by tbe telegraph party, by a young nmn wbo re turuid by the Palmetto, though Col. Bnlkli-y doea not mentism the tael in his letters, and nothing is kuuwn of the prescul whereabouts ol the pirate.,a or PuiMomcas or Wa* A special despatch to the New York Evcniug Post, dated Get. HI, says for tuo im* im uuiu Nliiko of t largu uumlfer of portooi who were sentenced during tbe wer to Im prisonment In forts and fienlteutiarles. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER a. 186T>. EIKOPEAV NEWS. Additional news by the Java, which arriv ed at New York on the 3d inst., with b.vrr pool dates of the 21st, is as follows : According to the Loudon Spectator, there is likely to he a December session of the British Parliament. The royal commission on the rattle* plague will report very strongly on the prospects of the wide and serious loss to the community, and advocate tiie early summoning of Par liament to advise suitable measures of reme dy aud prevention. W. H. Gregory, M. P. ($20,0001, writes from i.ishon to the Loudon Times; “Pray oblige me by stating that 1 never held one shilling of the C onfederate Loan. 1 see my name among the subscribers. The latest American advices received had little or no effect upon our markets. Paris medical papers state that the cholera remains stationary. (filler accounts put the number of cases at five hundred daily. The Emperor Napoleon visited the Hotel"Dieu to satisfy himself that proper care and attention was bestowed on the cholera patients. Severe storms on the northeast coast of England had caused the destruction of a deal of property and the sacrifice of many lives. The last of the Feuian cases in the city of Dublin had beeu disposed of by the commit tal of the prisoners lor trial on the charge of complicity in the Fenian conspiracy. The evidence given was in many respects similar to what the Crown tendered in tormer cases; but an important letter lrom Stephens, in which lie planned the establishment of the Irish People, was first allowed to see the light. A strange rumor comes from Constantino ple. It is that the great tire in Coustantina ple was the work of an incendiary, and tuat, as in the quarter burned down were sold the second-hand garments of such Turks as had talleu victims to the cholera, the philanthro pic object was aimed at of destroying the place, so as to prevent the choleraic inlection contained in the old clothes from spreading. THF.CUOL.KHA IN NEW YORK The New Y ork papers of the 4th, received last evening, contain part'n ulars of tiie ar rival of the cholera—infected steamship Ata lauta at that port. The Herald says •. “The steamship Atalanta, from London on the 10th and Brest on the 13th alt., arrived at Quarantine in our harbor on Thursday night, having had on hoard during the pas sage lrom titty to sixty eases of cholera and fifteen deaths from the disease. Tiie Atalanta had altogether five hundred and fifty-six passengers, over five hundred of them being in the steerage, and among these latter the cholera was entirely confined. Yesterday the Atalanta was sent to the lower bay,about fifteen miles from the city, and the hospital ship Florence Nightingale was despatched to ner relief. These tacts, however, need cause no alarm among our people, as no communication between the infected vessel aud the shore is permitted, and the etiiciest quarantine arrangements have been made to meet any similar cases that may occur. A meeting of the Health Commissioners was held yesterday, at which a memorial to President Johnson asking for the temporary appropriation of a piece of government land on Saudy Hook on whies to establsih a hos pital of detention for cholera cases was adopted. Toe Commissioners inform the citizens that there is no cause for alarm, warn them against sensation rumors, say that ail proper precautionary measures are being taken, and promise to issue from time to time true statements in regard to tiie disease, if it should manage to effect an entry among us. It is stated that good medical authority upon this subject lias decided that “vessels may have the choiera on board, aud may land the sick upon our docks ; but the dis ease will never become an epidemic nor spread among the people until that myster ious atmospheric condition favorable to its development shall he present." This state of the atmosphere is probably not developed now.” The Explosion of the Boiler of the Steamer Sr. John. —Another of those shock ing and frightful catastrophes that every now and then send a thrill of horror through tiie community occurred on the 29th nit.,on North river, opposite New York city. The lar board boiler of the large river steamer St. John, which left Albany on Saturday even ing about eight o’clock, when the vessel was within a mile or two of her landing, ex ploded, killing nine persons almost instantly, injuring two others so badly that they died during the afternoon, and seriously, it not fatally, injuring fifteen others. The Hoboken ferry boat Morristown, which was at the lime ot the dreadful occurrence crossing to N«v York, was immediately headed h r the scene of disaster, aud rendered valuable service, taking off a large number of tiie passengers of the St. John and landing them safely in this city. Coroner Wildey empanuelleU a jury, who made a survey of the vessel and viewed the bodies of tiie dead. They will hold an inquest on Wednesday, the dth of November. “ Pianos ” for Juarez —There have late ly beeu considerable shipments of arms, marked “Pianos,” from San Francisco for President Juarez's government, aud anew order, orgauiz and for the special purpose of assisting him iu his contest with the invaders, and known as the Sons of Columbia, is said to be rapidly spreading aud increasing in numbers in California and other Pacific re gions. Miss Anua Dickinson delivered her lecture, “ Fiond Tide,” on tiie evening of October Hist, at the Cooper Institute, before a large aud attentive audience. She took ttie ground that the present was the flood in the tide of public sentiment, and that if the Republican party took advantage of it, the success of the party would be permanent. In other words she wanted universal suffrage. Promotion of Capt. A. Q M.— The Port Royal New South of the 4th inst, says The numerous friend® of our late popular ami efficient Assistant Quartermaster, Capt. J. L. Kelly, will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted to Brevet Lieutenant Colonel for his uutiring faitlifulnss in the discharge of his duties while at this post. Election Notice. An election will be held at the Court ll„u®e la the city of 3avannali, on Wednesday, loth of November, Inst., tor a Governor of the State of Georgia, fir a Senator of the First Senatorial District, composed of the Counties of Chatham, ltry an and Etlinghatn, and for two Representatives from Chatham county in the General Assembly of Georgia ; also, for a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to represent the First Congressional District oiGeorgla, as established by tiie auto Con vention. To entitle a citizen to vote he must be qualified as prescribed by tiie ConMUutuxi and laws of the State of Georgia in force immediately before the 19th of January, A. D. twit, (the dale of tbe Ordi nance of .Secession,) and also lie must have taken and auhscrllxd the oath of amnesty, us not fun It in the President's Proclamation ot llav fcSOi, A. D. laiii. Polls will be opened at seven o'duck, a. in., and tie closed at six o'clock, p. m. The Hherlir of tiie conuty, or bis Doputy, with die Constables thereof, who hare complied with ibe Proclamation of the President storewitd, are r»|uli ad to attend said election sad preserved order. WM. H. OIYLKH.j. l.c. o. c. tmi. P. HAHKIBOk, j. i, c. C. C. JOHN M.'RbVRX, J. I, c. c. C, JOHN WIU.IA VJON, #, I c. e c. I n«v* Id QDOTATIOHTa For Southern Haul. Notts. BANKING HOUSE or MANNING & DE FOREST, lit WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED NOV. 1, l-.r., VIRGINIA RATC Bank of Berkeley. *.... vj *• Commerce, FrctU* ricksha rg .. us “ ('harKiston, ihurlocton a‘o •* the Common we.tlib “ IlnwnlwHki. iccwd.. is ** Old Dominion 40 •• Philippi, secured.. . M “ Rocknridt*e 55 “ Rockingham 35 •* Scottaville, secured I*s “ the Valley 33 “ Virginia 34 “ Winchester 4: j Central Bank of Virginia, secured v3 I Corporation of Alexandria 55 Danville Bank, Danville *.3 I Kxchxnge Bank of Vs., Norfolk tB 1 Fanners’ Bank of Fincae’lc .35 I ” “ Rs< hnu'iut— . . Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg, secured 35 1 Mont icello Bank, secured vo Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville S» Southwestern Bank, Wythoaville .3* 1 Traders* Bank. Richmond 7 3«» J Bank of Richmond *3O NORTH CAROLINA j Bank of Cape Fear 4c ** Charlotte M ” Clarendon— 14 j “ Commeice j *• Fayetteville .. .14 j “ Lexington 3s " North Carolina ,0 “ Wadesl>orough >1 “ Washington j “ Wilmington “ Yanoeville u Commercial Bank. Wilmington 1 Farmers’ Bankol North Carolina 37 Merchants’ Bank. Newborn. .37 Bank of Hoxboro'.... 34 Miners and Planters’ Bank 35 . Bank of Thomasville.. .. ‘.>s SOUTH CAROLINA Bank of Camden.. .. 34 j “ Charleston ... .21 “ Chester... *>4 • Geoi getown ,ti ! •• Hamburg “ Newbury . ..... ** Booth Carolina.. j ' State of Sooth Carolina id Commercial Bank. Columbia 20 Exchange “ f| Farmers’and Exchange.. ..15 I Merchants’, Cheraw .... .*.**.• People's Bank m Planters' Fairfield W Planters’and Mechanics' Bank 30 ! iMYurh W. R. R ui i State Bank 14 i Union Bunk .*,« I GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company . .. .12 Bank of Augusta *1 “ Athens 30 “ Columbus. ] ‘ Commerce.. ....... . .12 “ Fulton 30 *’ Kin pi re State \j *• Middle Georgia 70 " Savaunalu. in Bank of Slate of Georgia .27 Central Railroad Hanking Company y_» Gity Bank of Augusta ..25 Fanners' and Mechanics 1. Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. . .. .22 ! Man. e Bank \ 70 i Mechanics’ Bank v u ! Mercnant' t.nd Planter- Bank i*_* Planters'Bank I Timber Cutters’ Bank 10 I Union ** 12 Manufacturers' ** Macon lb ALABAMA Bank »>f Mobile .76 Montgomery 90 “ Selma 30 j Commercial Bank .. 32 j Central “ 34 Eastern Bank f.*' Northern *• 1. Southern *• 76 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga V 2 ” Middle Tenuessee “ Tennessee . So “ West Tennessee So City Bank of Nashville 46 Merchants’ *• 46 Ococc “ 40 Planters' “ 64 Shelby ville “ 75 Traders’ “ so Luton “ 64 LOUISIANA. Bank of America ISO “ irouisi.'tuu ;to “ Now Orleans 50 Can’ll Bank OS Citizens' Bank va Crescent City .(’*) Louisiana State Bunk .55 Mechanic* and Traders’ Bank '.*s Merchants’ “ 60 Southern " .120 Union “ CO New Orleans City Scrip v»0 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds 7 N Carolina '* Ss(«j>*7 North Carolina Floyd Bonds . . S Carolina “ 7<V&T« Georgia •* SVaWO Tennessee “ Fs<a9i‘ The aliove Bonds are bought with Coupons for l*fll. City of Savannah Bond® 62aC3 *• "Augustas “ S'-a vo Charleston City Stock 4<>a4s New Orleans City R. R. Bonds 65a65 " u Consolidated .. 7;»m30 City Memphis end. by St. Tcu 67aGu “ Railroad. 65a67 “ Municipal Savaninth (.’oupons AuguM i »• BtaW Memphis " v oa^6 N Carolina " 65at;o Tennessee “ ..67a<D Georgia “ TOaSJ Virginia “ 40546 South Carolina H R Bonds 50 Savannah and Cham atou, Ist motlg s'» 41 44 2d 44 2 ajto Montgolfier? and W Point R. R. Bonds SUafei Nash, wild Chat. ondo. R R. Bonds 7 r * Memp. aud Char. end. R. K. Bond* Ooatto Mobile and Ohio K. R. stg. Ronds 46056 • 4 " Coupons Aoas6 Wo arc dealing extensively in all kinds of Southern Securities, aud pay particular attention to purchases and Sales on Commission, tilling orders for Banks and those indebted to the Banks. Parties sending us packages by mail or express will receive the benefit «>f any advance in the market. These quotations tuciiot likely to decline, a* South ern money aud securities are in great lequest at present. Refer to the Banking and Business Houses general )y of tali; city. Wc u?| rto A Champion. K*q., Pres ident, aud Reilly Divan, Esq., Biinker. novS Wholesale Boots and Shoes ! Fellnei* and Poliak, 157 ltroughtnn Street, Savannah, tia„ A RE enabled, through their permanent Don if in Boston, to furnish .lobbers and Dcalcis in this cit.v as well as thovo in the country, wish more ad vantages and conveniences iu the Bout and Shoe Trade than any house in said line bovl-Cm TOBACCO. RECEIVED by la«t New York ntsamer a lot of 60 boxes, lo’s. Tobacco, whlub we can offer at very low term 4 *. uov7 -6 RAN PELL k CO. Co-Partnership Notice- Tilt. undersigned having associated thenm lv*a to gether under tiie Firm name of Haywood A L» Roche, for the Manufactory of llrlctc, amt for lb*- sale of Wood and other men liawJite. Are ooar prepared to receive order* fm Wood. All order® will have prompt alteuUon. and am respectfully aaUcih-d. office at the Ice Mouse, ou Market ALFKEtIIfAIWOOI). tiny I—M ADRIAN V. LA Hot Ilk Hay, Hays '7<a Kts f ;r srsssp- IhAJhAU tkUimiH k Ou RAILROADS Central Railroad Mj&er- 77; t ***** >|V *MU * SUPER]NTKNDENT’S OFFICE. ) Savannah, tit., Oct her xT, iStfi » 4\N and a;tei Monday, .-eth inst., * u*«.\ ' " G.iiu will leave for Augusta »r 7.15 s«. m . (Mnnw ting *i:h a line of Hacks running between Station 6 Central Kaiiroad. and Wayne-boro on the AngiiriU audsavanuah .lll fN**MUger* by this liuo witl arrive in Augu*** the next morning after leaving Savannah in tiure to connect wit.r the Georgia Railroad traiu f,«: Atlanta Keuirufng arrive m savanoahat 4.46 p. m Freight It* giY by Passenger Train must be piepxdd aud delivered at the lkjot the night l*ehwe By order of GKO W ADAMS. ocp-s General Supei iuteiutei.t. Centra! Railroad l U’ -V- ; * * 4iat#w i aM« .iiv; »» SI'Pi.RINTKNUKNT’S OFUCI t Savanoah, Or', L-lli, 1 0.".. j This C,im|>ar.vis i,„w. in coumstHm with 11 .1 Dick«‘raon A Co.’s \\ agotia. prvpaivd to receive ami f.rward io a tignsta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily louu twenty tv> Uurty thr>u>a and pournla »>! Fiehrut, and go through in fixuu tlnve ».* ->xday<. ship Freight and oU.ex expiaiaes must lie t*a:d bv ShiplH-ia K.din‘ad freight uan Im |Rud lute or.a: de* tination Freight ou periahabk gotxisiuuat U» prefaud GKO W. ADAMS. Gene«a; Sup.-ilntoi«d< in. PKOPKBBIUW IL 41U>S. Henry Williams, Attoruoy At Ijaw, OKFICE SiO. 113 BAY STKKKT. (Over the Hrratd Rea.Unx K,v>m,) oetH-if SAVANNAH. Oa Oro It Buc k. RcrtS K l.usree BLACK & LESTER. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVAV NA II , U A Office .it old stand of Norwood. Wils«m A Last or, corner of Ba\ and Barnard atreata. ocll4-lf THUS CORWIN. WM.Ii.GWBN, THUS WILSON, CF OHIO. I.&TC Y4.M.D. Or t*»V% a CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin Jf PinnelLj ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFIr'K. SJ.'K sTKKhT, TREASURY Itt' INO. IN REAR OF WILLARIi’B IIOTKU AY' -fV.S II lX it f O N", IV . c . Will practice in ihe Supreme Court of the United State*, the Court of C aims, and th.- Courts ot the District ot Columbia. Particular atU-ntion given to Claims and I): port nient bii-iness. Gllicers Accounts udiusttai aw » 3m JOHN B. GUIED& SON, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Aug'UNt :t. Gn. HAVING a long experience In th** Agency c.r Steamboat lor many y»*ara. wc wilt giv e our pursnal aUiiiinm to axiy consigned to our »axe Augusta. \o\. -l m C. S. BUNDY, O o a o r n 1 A. gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street. Bktw ken Mui and I4ru Sirutk, (Near Pay Dejiartmeiit.; W asliiiitftoii, Hi. C. i two » tt fO-PAKT**:itSHIP NOTICE* undersigned having associated Hiem**!ve* to * gelher under the firm name of LaROCHE, <)ADEN it uKcKLKS, for the purpvsv of transacting a Gene ral Grocery, ar.d Commission Business, and having secured the Urge aud commodious siore, corner of Bay and Barnard streets, die now prepared to receive Htij and all consignment's made to them. They also have extra rooms, suitable for Dry Good* and F»nty Articles, whkh, u ac .•nqktnied by owners or agents, are the best iu the city : from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with tho baslaew, they hope to give entire sstisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal advances made an Colton. Lumber, Ac. con signed to them fur sale in Savannah, or for slu.-ment to their lrieuds in New York, Boston or Baltimore Laroche, gadkn * lnceles. Isaac D. La ho. at, BaNJ. G. Gaors, DavlnS.UNcK.LBa. Ini nrill) 3500 TONS or K N (.LIS II RAILS, Os bx'st qualitv, 60x6S per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLE & ('<». Jn?9 f»tn No. 70 Broadway, NV. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE AND EMI GRATION All) EOMRAM. "117 HO wants Timber and Turpentine Lami*? ▼ f Who wants Cotton and Corn Fai in*® K We have them for sal**, In Uiflen<nt Stai. s Who want-* to sell Lands ? Wt* can sell them. Put them In our hands. W. II OUTNOY, 52 Wall Street, New York. C. F. .TONES, B, If. LKK, Th«»raasville, ii*. octC4-1m RICHARD F. PLOY Fla. Grits and Meal. MILL l(E OPENED Having purelia*- " T *d the entire interest from Mr 11. GilDm in his large aud * Mills, on the i .u ik t of lialH*raha>;t street and Perry street lane, we mv now pn pare.i to furnish t.ri-t irrd M tl at favorable rate* c« rn will be i' ld rea-oimtde. All oniers pi«impiiv ri11« and. octu lm i.ri)iN(jTON m Harrison. l;i< wii sSiiDiiiani Sfuivts. ITSED by the United States and Foreign Govern > mi nts for more than thlvt t v vr: a 11 «. Adapted to any branch of Easiness lor foreiirn or home markets. Warranted accurate and duiable. Sales room® No. 8 Uurclny-st , m&* Broadway, scpl'i ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. Dissolution l Copartnership rpHU fil m of Dnnlwrs * Fnn® i. tills rtav <liMo| v 7d JL by mnttial couaent, by the willuirawa! of T. ,1 Danber. llemalNr the LusinoMa-ili he condacteii b, l’oter Dnnbar amt .lobii Frau®. un<t.;r the lirm ..I Du., bar A Franv. who will collect all debts and settle all claim® of the old fir m of Dunbar- A Franz. Hilton U-ad, 8.0,. t,ov. let, liao. lw nov4 NOTICE. ALL peraona are hereby forbtddeii either to cat wood on the laud of the e-tale of Jarnee Potter or to poreluue wood rut on tbe aforesaid land, as they will be proeoculed to the lulleet e* lent ol the law UOV4 6 JAH. a. PATTLIteON, Agent. Architectnre and Engmeering. VfTI.LBR A BRI \N. Architect* and Eny;r..-ii, IVI are II ,w onpared to furn eti D(»wliiea. Forcifl>a tlou® aad Faina®!®, lor liuddm®. Alao bi an ktud. of Mwliloeiy. tub at Haw Mdlt and other Mill®, fan, ilea. Ac., and to aupetU.tend the ttuldine of tua alia, Oat-veylux done in all It. brtechee Iwv* dnf.Ve Offiyaia Owral'i Building, loruevoi Bull and Ray alt. •eixad Bunt. M P MUM.EH, fi >M and M«cbankal Knglaaar. Davurr jmn-K. M 4 111 AlAl|n.(, i>i»\ o«KiT)< A\i> ( Uii|||\(- DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Comer Ceagrrss niitl Whicaker Street s, \V ILI - “fi ll *-> «h 1 aro tarxhibii thfir ’ ’ or ern Trade, cunslaltng lu p»i t of— Ladies* Dies?Good* and w Shaw la, Ribbons and Buttons Cloaka, SactjueA, Mantillas. Ac French Menno aud Opera Fla'anH Fiench and ICn Jiah (Mrabrtca Black Ik'mt ariua, Cashmere and Crapes. White Goods. Jaconet and Namsook Muslui Bishop and Victoria la «nn Plaid JtCtoKta and Brilliant* ludeaTwill* and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Mnalin Set 4 Preach Wrought Cambric Sen Real Lace Sets Kmhroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. lawn and Cambric Handkerchief*. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies* English White Cotton Hose Ladas’ English ilrowuCotton Uo*o Missel’ and Boys’ Cotton Hone Kid, Silk, I dale and Woolen Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. I. Tnlile Damask. HoylPs, Na(>kii>a ami Tomb Ltn -u Oiapor, Crash aud Towels (ounl.rparu's Bloschcd bM C ’ttou Stu'eUuga ltc.l Hnlik-H Irish Llncu. A i;ei\tlejien-s veu. lUa. k Cloths and Oaaa'juere.s f'alK , Cassluiarsi* atal 'aim.;- Twctsts, Ac ! Merino Situ la j brown Kittflish Cotton Ball il.-rc ! Mirexl Merit!,. Hall'Hose Fancy Tics. Taper (’..liars, i. | Ue«,u make weekly additions to our Stock. «t>,t truai iu a ahoiltuuato fully meet th«r wanta ol our fi lands. LATHHOP & CO. ocUi Ini To Merchant, VISITING tho ciw, we would be pleased to ahow oar Stock, which we propose to «•!! at fair prices ocm lm LATUROP A CO. DRY GOODS. H.CHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Mercliants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dr fc Y Good«, Fuuoy Goods* Jtc., Ae., Ac., Hemavkably Chtap Ibr Cuvb, CAN BE FOUND AT A.® Ttottoliei* <4? Co'«., 18 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANS. (’omprlaißg a geuuial Aiaortiiiant of aud iVimeaTl'Garuts. ('rnaks. ShawN. Ac. N. B.—By air let attention io l*usiu»'s.«, conrteons and honorable doaling with onr customers, we trust To merit aud receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ol Whito Goods aud Llncus now open, ocm EINSTEIN £ ECKMAN, Ko. ISI Coiijms SI. Savaonah da. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened a vary I area and select at.** of Fancy Dies® Good* House- Keeping aud Dome-tic Good®. Blanket'Cloak® and Mh »" 18 ’. „ . AJao Hat., iioou am) Sbo*L Aud all arildes iiauaity found in a Aral c as, Dry Goods House we would m *t reapactfully Invite our former tilenda and cuatontera; auto Merchant® and Planters visiting the t Itv. to call and examine our Stoo. Indore putrbaalng elsewhere. ... , W-NSTKIN* EOKMAN, not* tr I*l Congress Street, Snvaonab. Oa CLOAKS CLOAKS, IADIIhP AND MllldKß' CLOAKB. Jnat opened J aad US eata at BINWftCiM M Ki.KMAN'a 'KM 111 Utfgteat Btrral PRICE. 5 CENTS KSTRASC*. Fire Insurance TH* Piitfiiix Insurance Comp y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. A«7 U . al #BOO,OOO t! ” #1,000,000 Fire ri-ka taken in the above Company on Bulidlrms n ' ° ( evary deacrlpiion at tatr rates. ' 15 H, BRIGHAM, Agent. I>AN H. THOMAS, Vuaoetwor- to £. # /.<v>iat <t co. arat D. S. Thotnai, insurance -Agent & Broker, MACON, CA. nov7— neliablo SoxitUern Itifcuranoe. THB National .Marine and Fire INSURANCE GOHPANT, OF NE'y ORLEANS (APITAI-. |9to,lMii I , .InT. bega leave tniorm the Insuring J ut.lic that he lias been legally appointed Agent for tin. above named Company, and la ready to take H>< nne. liner and Fire Itfaks at cuatoma^raws rem . ° a '‘YBR'k Agent, Offire at Ortavns Cohen, 84 Bay atreei k/sst* , s e .rt^' u ™ Col “ n ' nuuur 4 ' 1 ■ - Jl J" BS KI\A M IAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For salt* by Stocks and Bonds COUTH WESTERN Railroad Stock o Atlantic and Gulf Stock Augusta and Savannah Rat! Road Bond.* Central Railroad Stock Charleston and ravanuali Bondi state of Georgia Bonds, old «'s City ol savannah Coupon*, past due For sale by pnv ‘~4 BRYAN. HARTRIDGE A OO Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In suras to suit purchaser*, by se|‘33-lt E. F. METCALFE A OO It HI 1100118 A U.OTHISC, liiankcls I Flannels. CLOTns AND CAftSIMERES ISLEAt 'll ED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOE3 AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by M. HAYVI o<t ~ B I’t Broughton *tr«ei H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Sti eet. 174 CLOA K.S AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, INDIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS. COUNTERPANES. HOSIERY, .1 list received and for sale at the lowest prices by _ H. HATM. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. ' T ll I J*TS« ,orme<l a Co-partnerabip i,". , 1 ' J - l - Eudlow, under tbe flrrn name of Held A Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of Ilia ir lends aud tiie puldtc generally to Uietr large stock of Clothtiijr, Furutshtug Goods, Boots. Shoe* and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and ftotall. at the old "tancforHeldL Jai ®i in* C °'' N °' ,U 1 Brvall Bll ' l 08 St - Julian street, np- oetaam E. HEIDT. TO PLANTERS* \\ 7E * rpec .''? twelve In the conrae of ten days, a ’’ »"se s*fek of PLANTATION GOODS, such as v\« nuTT kept in former yean—ln London Duftil Blunkets, Kerseys and ILtm^apuns, White and Red Flannels, Plaid Linvys, Ac. * Ilk LATHROPA4?Q uovi4o cor. rongreas and Whitaktr at® STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants How, Hilton Head, »o. ta CIALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur ch&fture to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, AND cvv . A _ furnishing goods, H atches. Clocks, Fancy Good)*, Jewelry, and Plated v\ are,Swords, Sashe®, Belt?. Krabn»ld«rie«,Boohs*Capa Field Olahoh*. Gauutleta Giovea. Ac, Ac., Ac. STOLEN, FROM the Si,b«cr!ber, corner of South Broad Aad Bull street-, reaterdey. almnt tea o'clock, ona bav MARE, without any white maik. branded on left shoulder, V. S.. and above tbeee littara, J. C., with -car on her back cl a very sever* acre, bat recantly benled : lnttifer. a In iront feet elghtlv. The inarc N about IS huuda high, low ta flesh. A liberal reward will he paid forth# retara of said aaara st the corner of Halliard and Brapghlon street®. noW-, _a! ~ Losl or Stolen, rpwo *',r« Saver, percent. Savsnnsh Albany aad I Gulf Railroad Huuda. Noe 111 aad 941, (uarau toad by Bavaanah, payable twa*ty yaait from Ja„ uary 1.1, I*6* i andovaad payable to mv order, sue pon<drawing Iniaivat horn July 1.1*44, attached The public at* cautioned against iradio < for U.v abuvu ''unda or < cupuiia. aayraant bating u«m> atoi ped A ittwral win ha (Ivan fur uau^ry,