Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
BV 8. W. MASON & CO.
Id - . T. THOMPSON, AMOfittlr K.lltor.
hatankah. fkipat, novi.vwk to. i»>.
The northern political hoards are present
ing just now many surprising teats which
are both amusing aud instruclive to the pub
The sudden shifting of positions by lead
ing actors and tiieir frequent appearance on
the stage in the characterization of new roles,
> ave afforded a fine lield for newspaper
t -itics who are celebrating with much rest
; is season of rare political festivity.
The Reverend Mr. Beecher has uncere
i 'hiously abandoned bis political associates
c: the extreme radical school, undin a recent
conciliating sermon aonounced his approval
ofthe reconstructive policy ot President
Johnson. The Independent, to which he
has been an able eoulribulor lor many years,
comes out roundly against Mr. Beecher and
says his language “at this stage sounds mope
like the Democratic resolutions of New
Jersey than the good old ring of Plymouth
Church bell.”
Senator Jim Lane oi Kansas, made a
speech in Washington on the 30th ultima
in which he severely denounced President
Johnson and his southern policy. Mr. Van
Buren, Judge Edmonds, General Sickles aud
other prominent Republicans, lrave aposta
tized from Black Republicanism, and have
returned to tboir Hist love, the IX moeratic
It is curious also as well as agreeable, to
observe the progress of the chauge iu the
Northern public mind ■ A few mouths ago (
says a Northern paper, confiscation was the
ciy of the masses. Confiscate all lauded
properly of Hi/ South, and substitute the
negro and the emigrant iu the place of old
American cilizens. That idea aud that cry,
thank God, is now obsolete. Wo have uot
sceu or heard ot it for mouths. Again, a few
mouths ago everybody wanted the Southern
ers tried for treason and punished. “Every
traitor ought to be hung," was the almost
universal acclaim. Affairs have gone on.
About the only person left to be tried or
hung is Mr. Davis, aud the public mind is
rapidly changing with regard to him.
Tiu-.ii the masses shouted Hint of course
Southern rebels could have nothing to do in
the Government of their own Stales, or of
the Union. Already tvdiuve got past that.
Even Beecher welcomes such tucu to the
management of aflairs. Negro sntlrage, e«
n.assL, so fearfully shouted tor is last bt coni
log aby gone cry. All the bouth has to do
is to keep calm and the great excitement
dies away.
On the other hand, it is paiufui to observe
the efforts of some ot the foremost papers of
the North to ridicule, oppose, and deleat
the measures of the Government; aud most
of them are the papers that were tne loud
est in making the support of President John
son a test of loyalty—papers that denounced
every man as a traitor who opposed the
measures which the Government wishes to
Carry through. We hope these papers will
yet become convinced of their great error
and unite with the masses of the Ante tie an
people in supporting the Government iu its
patriotic aud noble efforts to bring about the
reigu of peace, union and traternai regard.
— Great distress is stated to exist among
the blaeks in tlie district of Columbia, S. 0.
The mortality among cbildic* is i rightful,
many of whom it is reported by the Quarter
master’s Department have starved to death
during the last three weeks.
The Government is still furnishing food
to a number of destitute families in Rich
mond, Va., the average amount ot rations
distributed each day being from 3,000 to
Queen Victoria has bad spinning wheels
made for all her palaces.
F<*ty persons were lately poisoned in
Si. Louis by adulterated calomel.
General McClellan is soou expected iu
England, where he will make a short stay,
and then return to the United States.
Capt. S. S. Lee, formerly of the Navy,
and brother to Gen. Lee, is about to take up
his residence on the Potomac, in Maryland,
and engage in agricultural pursuits. Capt.
Lee entered the navy in 1820, and is about
65 years of age.
The state of affairs back of Matamoras
may be imagined by an advertisement from
the Ranchero:
Ambulance for Sale —Ballet proof, in
good order, with seats t<>r six persons. Ap
ply to R. Gauci, A Bitci.
The fifteenth day of November—first
anniversary of the day ou which Shersnau
began his march to tlie sett —will b# Celebra
ted in Chicago by a Union Conveuliou of ol
ficere from the army which accompanied
him. General John A. Logntt is to pro
nounce an oration ou the occasion.
A collision occurred on tlie Georgia
Railroad on the 4th inst. betweenjlhe Picay
une train and a wood train at or about the
fitteen mile post, damaging tlie locomotives
aud breaking '.lie leg of a negro matt.
A fearlal alarm concerning the Fenians
still exists in Canada.
A tiial has l>ecn iu progress at Law
rence, Mass., which was concluded nu the
t!Bth uit., of several parties for riding John
VN heeler, ot Gloucester, on a rail, April 19
•tor thanking God that President Lincoln w as
shot. All the accused, except Austin D.
Bray, were acquitted.
-Funeral service, were held i„ Havana
on the !Slh of October, the day 0 l the
eclipse, over the remains of Francis,.,, Dl a
who died recently in New York. He W as a
friend to all liberal and progressive meaßurcg
for the good of Cuba, and his loss
greatly deplored.
cholera has yol made it, appearance
H Havana, but all vessels from Spai,, are!
PPtt into close quarantine.
- The Griffin (Ua.) .Star announce* *
Fenian organization iu that town, which
transacts its business in secret.
Gen. “Tige" Anderson, of Atlanta, has
been pardoned by the President.
We learn from the Atlaiita aud Angus
ta papers that the late heavy ruin* were
geuersl throughout the Mute, aud the Savan
nah river Is rising rapidly.
A change ho* Ijwd made hi the edito
rial wsuageineut of the ('olumhus Hun aud
limes, )luJor V. W Wynn sueceediug Will.
L Ntruggs, Esq,, as editor.
The I'lusldiut parti out >1 Pierre Houle
»it Utv MM lilk
| (Correspondence of the Savannah Herald.]
New Voek, Nov. 4, IRC.’,.
To the Editors of the Savannah IleraU .
During the whole period of a ten years
residence iu New York, l cannot recall a
political campaign that exhibited so few ex
ternal evidences ot interest as the present
ous. The oveiflowing mass meetings, with
their accessories of music, transparencies, j
torches, cannon and pyrotechnics that need I
to arouse the masses arid give vent to their
enthusiasm are wholly wanting N'» huge ,
banners are stretched across Broadway and ,
Hie Bowery, emblazoning the name* ot n- j
val candidates, as in previous years, nor is j
every dead wall covered w ith the same names
staring out of giganic posters in letters ot as
many colors as Jacob's coat Indeed from
Ihe little be hears oi sees of it, “Uts'de lie
newspapers, a stranger in New kork would
hardly realize that we were on the eve ot the
most important election ever held.
Yet all this apathy is only steuang Ac
tiiallv an interest so deep as to he almost
painful is h it in the result by the mass oi
he ireonle, only h f«‘‘a to manifest ttsel in :
the usual boisterous manner. It is tell that ;
liie contest now in progress, audio be de
<-iHi with the setting "I next luesdays
!,•« something more than a mere stnig-
Vl",i i »nver a lid place Everybody- feels
tirit the President and bis policy are on trial
before Ihe people of this Btate, and that the
result of this election will have a most im
portant influence! for good or ill on tiic lu
tnre of the whole country. The deomcructs
are sincere, earnest and h?arty in their sup
pot t ofthe President's policy of reconstruc
tion, while the republicans give it, at the
most, but a lukewarm support, mid tbe ac
knowledged leaders of the party, the men!
to whom its existence as a party is due, who
have shaped its policy, and given it its prin
ciplea—the Wilsons, the Sumners and the
Phillipses, are unsparing in their denuncia
tions of both. The success ofthe demo-.
<Tata will atreujftheu tbe bands of Ihe I ies
ident and smooth the way before him m the
path he has so wisely marked out, while
on the other hand the triuuipb of the re
publicans at this time, by giving to their
views the appurfent sanction oi the peo
ple of this great State, would put
it in their power to embarrass him greatly,
if it did not lend to the re-opeuing ot the
whole question of reconstruction, ana
plunge the country into anarchy, ltns is
well understood by ail parties, and few ate
deceived by the hollow professions of
lird support occasionally to be found iu the
i csolutious adopted at the republican meet
ings Those who wisli to see the Luion
really restored, and peace, harmony and
good feeling exist between the two sections,
lately coufrouling each other on tbe bat
tie field, will vote with the democrats.—
Those, on the contrary, who from motives
of passion or personal gain, desire to see the
ill-feeling ami animosity of the past revived,
and the political and social rights ot the
Southern Stales denied, will vote with the
republicans. 1 will not, at this time, in
dulge in any speculations as to the result,
siuc& it will doubtless he knowu to you
through the medium ot the telegraph by the
time this letter readies you.
' The occurrence ot a well defined case ot
Asiatic cholera in Brooklyn has awakened
our authorities to tire importance ot provi
ding proper sanitary measures to protect us
against tin; ravages of the scourge, which it
is almost certain will be with us as an epi
demic the coming summer. Although it is
not to he expected that any preventive steps
that can be taken will suffice to keep it away
entirely, all experience has demonstrated
that proper measures adopted iu time will do
much to moderate its intensity and prevent
its extension. Amongst these preventive
measures cleanliness stands at the head. New
Yolk, in view ot its location so near the sea,
aud the facility ot its drainage, surrounded
as it is by high grounds on every side,
washed by two large rivers, and tanned by
ihe pure breezes of tbe ocean, ought to be
the cleanest and healthiest city in the world.
That it is not so is to be attributed solely to
defect iu its administration—not to the lack
of money expended to accomplish tho ob
ject. With a proper application of the mo
nies devoted to this end we could be put in
a condition to regard the approach oi the
dreaded epidemic without alarm. It re
maiusto lie seen whether the cupidity of
street contractors or considerations for the
health and lives of our citizens shall prevail.
I have another instance of executive clem
ency to chronicle in the unconditional release
from his imprisonment in Fortress Monroe,
ot John Mitchell, ordered a lew days since
by tiic President. This action was taken iu
response to a petition signed and presented
by some of tbe leading members of ttie
Fenian Congress recently held at Phil
adelphia. The motives that swayed him iu
the affair are well set forth by the President
iu his speech to the committee, in announc
ing his action in the case, aud it Ims gained
hirn a large and influential acccßsiou to the
ranks of his supporters. No Irishman, no
inau, indeed, who remembers the courage
and devotion displayed by Mitchell, iu he
lm!! ot his wronged aud oppressed country
iu the noble but abortive attempt of ’43, but
sympathized with him in his misfortunes,
and will rejoice in his restoration to liberty.
There is oi course a little cotorie of narrow
minded bigots who condemn this, as they
have every previous act ot grace on the part
of tiic President, and who employ them
selves in tilling the columns ot certain so
culled religious sheets with their gloomy
and sinister prognostications of coming ruin;
hut as the evils they predict are ail ia tho
luture, and exist only iu their imagination-,
while the wisdom of the President’s course
is every day being proved by events, it is
well lor the country that their counsels are
unloaded at the White House. Thus tar the
action ol the southern people bus vindicated
the sagacity of the President, and swelled
the rauks of his supporters iu the Norths
Late news lrom England represent the
English people as a good deal excited on
the subject of the threatening aspect of the
relations between tbe two governments, us
manifested iu the Uusscll-Adams correspou
poadeuce on tbe subject ot reclamations for
injuries iufficlcd by Hie Alabama aud other
Confederate cruisers. After spilling a deal
of ink ou both sides,itlie two diplomats ap
pear to have agreed to disagree, and this is
all that will probably come of it. It would
certainly tie very unwise (uot to say fooligli)
on the putt ot both nations to go io war
about the matter in dispute, which after all,
is simply a question of money, in which
neither principle uor national honor is in
volved ; and when it is considered that the
whole amount in controversy, would uotsuf
ticu U> put ail army of ten thousand men iu
the tie Id, and maintain them during a single
campaign, the tolly of drawing the sword
io setlin the wordy quarrel of txvo ministers,
is 100 patent to merit a moment's grave con
sideration, or inspire tiic slighest tear ou the
part of the most timid.
The jnurez Mexican loan put ou the mar
ket here some ten days sine -, with a gland
flourish of trumpets, appeals to have met
with as little success as u similar attempt to
raise money, made at San Francisco, some
months ago. The bunds themselves are
very pretty to look at, being got up iu the
1 highest stylo ol the hank note engraver's art,
I and regaidless ol expense, aud the iuduce
-1 menu m subscribe offered by the agents
| p‘e, are of Hie most magnificent character,
hut h» their tultiUmeiil ail uepeuds oua stub
”"n} “IfV the capitalists of Wall street re
gard them ankaucc,)aud|uutil their voice pio
iiuunee* trie loan u desirable iuvestmeut the
1 people will have uonu of It. Theie are
with Juarez here—
W . *P' Bui when it comes to
I o the aee!m,u T UU ‘ y lUe » ru lelV out
ol the a*count iu romiug to a decision. The
sole question to he considerud Is— will It payV
aud us the answer refuruiri m HU* Viie is
uugsllve, the present to ibeTtb.
proceeds of the oslr of ths bonds will fall to
P*y ‘he coil ol priu'lng. The total mlii ol
the Juarlsts txdure Maiaiooras, anaouuoud a
tew days since, will serve as uu addilloßal
W«l hlaukel to the hopes of Uioiu lute ested
Iu having the loan taken up
Yh« JhOvUio forgery affaii, wbivk wealed
such an excitement at the time of its dis
cover v. was very quietlv 4iipofc-d ofthe
other day in the Superior Court, before which
tile young financier was arraigned aud plead
guilty to oue of numerous indictments lound
against biin. Sentence was suspended to
iihow him to appear as a witness in some of |
Ihe suits that have grown out of his little!
transactions, so he still inhabits the Egyptian
j Palate in Centre street. Os course he will
jbe let oil as easy as possible. It is not to be
i expected that the thief of millions will lie
j visited with tbe same severity as a poor de
I vil who only steals a loaf of bread, worth a
I few cents, to keep his wife and children
r from s arvitlion I Besides, whatever the sen
tence of the Court may be, a cmnplacant
Governor will doubtless be found to relieve
him from it, and restore him to tbe society
of bis sorrowing friends. Let the members
of tbe Loyal League Club iu Union Square
take him out. Their most brilliaut ornament
will soou ire with them again, with more
! money than ever !
| The theatres, with little or nothing in the
| way of novelties, are ail doing a good liusi
! ness, spite of the state of chronic warfare to
I which they seem to lie doomed this season.
• | Scarcely has their rumpus with your name
I sake ol tills city ceased to agitato the public,
| when now they are in conflict with the
! musicians of their orchestras, who have
; struck for an increase of salary. Wednesday
i night last the usual mnsio was dispensed
I with at all hut two houses, where the clnir
j acter ofthe entertainments made itahsolute
-1 ly necessary to have a musicial accompany
ment. Since then some of the tinea Ires have
succeeded in getting together a few tiddlers,
while others still depend ou a piano to keep
the audience iu good humour during the
eutre-fic-ts. The difficulty is one likely to he
ventilated iu the law courts, when the real
merits of tlie controversy will doubtless be
made plain. In the meanwhile the public
must content itself with what it can get, aud
wait patiently for the end.
The markets for general merchandise re
mains unchanged. The demand has fully
equalled the supply during ttie season, and
prices are well sustained. The price ot cot
ton has varied but little during the week.
The stock of the higher grades in the mar
ket is smali, and it is firmly held. Middlings
■is more plenty, but tbe demand keeps pace
with Hie supply, and the prospects of a short
crop the coming season tends to inaiutain
the price. In the stock market this week a
sharp ris* in railways stocks is the ieadiug
event to notice. The upward movemeut
was most decided on nearly tbe whole list
tbe earlier part of the week, but was not
maintained. At this writing there are no
signs ot a reaetion. In tbe present con
dition ol affairs no great or pennaneut
change can be looked for before the meeting
of Congress. Yours,
A Row at Dartmouth.
The Manchester, (N. H.) Daily Union ol
the 28th ult., contains an account of a lively
temp us which rtcently occurred at Dart
mouth College.
It appears that in the course of the regu
lar Annual festivities denominated “liaziug, 1 '
a number ofthe Sophomores entered the re
citation room of the Freshman class, threw
the stove out of the winJow, took the black
boards, chairs, desk and platform, removed
tbe window sashes and blinds, carried them
out of the building, and made a bon fire of
Tiic next morning there was a grand
“rush,” so called, between the belligerents:
iu other words, one side makes a deperate
rash at the other, with a view of foreiug
them out of doors. During the melee Pio
tessors Sanborn and Aiken endeavored to
separate them. This was a drawn battle
At tlie following noon recitation, tbe battle
was resinned. An eye witness, in describ
ing tlie affair says: “There was tbe best
work I ever saw. One stalwart Sophomore
went around with ft big billet ot wood,crack
ing liis opponents on the skull until n Fresh
man knocked him heels over head into his
room. The Freshman whipped li—l out of
the Sophs, and drove all but three of them
into their room. There the fight continued,
ami the Professors called on the Seniors and
Juniors to separate them. We were all on
the stairs at the time looking on, and when
the word was given down' we came and
rushed them out of doors iu less than no
The writer, who is a student, concludes
his graphic account by stating that the con
test resulted iu thc“ suspension of ten of tlie
Sophomore class. This leaves but about
twentv in the class. The damage to tlie
room and furniture amounted to about. SIOO.
The faculty used every effort to quell the
riot, aud promptly punished the offender.”
Gun. Bitlkk's Mission to Washington.—
Gen. Butler is here ostensibly on private
business, but really hi order to iurther the
views of the radical Republicans. There is
nothing to occasion surprise, iu Hie fucltlmt
he had a loug interview with llie President
Mr. Johnsou feels that it ueeds all the light
that he eau obtain from every quarter iu re
gard to the views and intentions of the Re
publican patty. Gen. Butler was full of the
subject. Out of the abundance of the heart,
tbe mouth speaketh ; and tlie hero of Big
Bethel made a dean breast of it. He wanted
Jell. Davis hung; he wanted Geu. Lee ar
rested, tried by court martial, and severely
dealt with ; he wauted the whole ol the
present generation of white people at the
Soul It disfrauchaised ; pardoned, but treated
as panjoned convicts, aud torever excluded
lrom the participation in the government ol
the country ; ami he wattled ihe right of
suffrage extended to the loyal people of the
South, namely tlie negroes. 1 need not add
that such sentiments as these found no re
pose in the heart of the President.
Mr. John E. Owens, tbe distinguished
cornmcdian, has returned to New York from
his European trip, greatly beuefited io
Messrs. Editors ;
Ptease annouuce the Hon. R. D. Arnold
as a Candidate tor re-election to the office rs
Mayor. He has served this community
honestly and faithfully for the last two years,
and we want no other man at a time like this.
And he will be supported hy a largo number
of the Workingmen of Savannah. He knows
our wants and we are determined to support
uov. 10-3 L
mailuiviumts wanted.
Ro E>tabii«|nncnt or Mall Facilities in
The Post Office Departnn-ut desires to
tarnish the State ot Ucorgia with Postal
service, at the earliest practicable day, until
July Ist, 18d*5, when the regular contract
proposals for which are now advertised for,
will go into effect.
The Department Invites proposals for con
veying the mails until June 20, laijn, to all
couutry seals aud other important points not
reached by Railroad communication, at rates
not to exceed $8 per mile per annum for
weekly setvice ; *ls tor senri-weekly, aud
*2l lor tri- weekly, and where the Importance
of the ease requires, *4O for dally service :
counting the distauce one way ouly iu all
Service will be turnlahcd on routes, where,
before the war, it was dally, three times a
week; where It was tri-weekly twice a Meek;
and where It was semi weekly, weekly
service will bo allowed.
Proposals should be addressed to “Ho*
Geo W. MeLelUn, 2d Asst. P. M. IVashlu*-
lou, D. ( aud should state they ore lor
service to end June ud l sun.
m* * ts
KtP IIVBU Ur lasi Naw Voik tauaxi . let Ui tu
Uoajw, low, relisteu, «ala* we I*ll oftei al
viry low 1*1144.
mn-4 NANMU. « «o.
[ We are authorized to annouuce
! Col. C. H. HOPKINS, of Pierce County,
as a candidate for Representative to Con
i' gross, from tlie First District.
! uov 9 *f
1 We are authorized to nunouuce
! Hod. SOLOMON COHEN, of Chatham Cos.
as a candidate for Representative to Con
gress, from the First District,
novo If
WJwuton'* Oisitinfiit.
Also cures Halt Rheum, liters, (’hllblains, an«t all
Cmptions of the Skin. Price &0 cents F«>r sale by
u!! Druggists By sending 60 certs to Weeks * Potter,
Stile Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, Mass., it
will be forwarded by m til, bee of postage, to any
part ol the United States.
AKW A_pVKUTIS«-:>slS*T*.
Great Eastern, Western & Souttieru
THE Adams' Hxpre** Company are now prepared
to receive and forward freight and monies to
lJortorcown. Thoinasville and all way stations. Aiso,
to Augusta by Stiver or Railroad, and to all points
West aud Southwest.
nlo-2w K. P. TUNISON. Agent.
With Wilder's Patent Powder and iivrnlar-proof
80. WILDER Si CO., Patentees and Mann fact nr*
• era of the lK*Bt%re-proof Safe in tbe world l
.1-wellers* and Bankers* Safes make to order, lined
with hardened steel.
House and Plate Safes.
To this celebrated hale was awarded the gold medal
at ihe* World’s Fair, in London, 1851.
Norms —This celebrated fire-proof Safe is no longer
in ole and sold by Silas C. Herring, bis license to make
and 9*»ll them having expiied.
Lints coritiininc prices and fair description ot differ
ent sixes and styles of Safe, can be had on application
to the agent or the State, at Savannah, or any of tlie
special ugeuta
Agents wanted in every city nnd town of the State.
For paitieulen*, address the undersigned.
We have coin taiitly ou hand a good assortment, lor
sale at mamilocturura* New York piicc?.
Sole Agents for the State of Georgia,
nio i 2m Savannah, Oa.
Pur Wheat nod other Grain Crops, Cot
ton, Corn, Tobacco, Ur««, Vege
table*, Crop., &c
Composed of Calcined Bones, .Sulphuric Acid,Dried
Blood, Soda. Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, aud other
Ammonia-producing materials.
Docs not exhaust the land like Peruvian Guano
and oilier silmulatlng manures, hut permanently im
proves it. The effects of one opplicatron are visible
ior more tlmu ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly
application of 200 lbs. per acre will maintain its fer
tility for any lengt h of time,
it is packed in barrels of about about 250 lbs. each.
Pamph'ets containing certificates from those who
have used this fertiliser, and full directions i»r its ap
plication to different crops, can be had by addressing
tbe uudoisigned.
Price reduced to $l5O per ton. (2,000 lbs.}
For sale bv
nlo Sm Savannah. Ga.
a Tiic finest article ever brought to this
For sale try
i,rAf, No. 1M Congress street.
ON the second Mouday ;iu January next,application
will be made to the Ordinaly of Chatham county
jot leave to pell all the real estate belonging to the ee
» p.te of Peter stuck, late of said county, deceased, lor
distribution among the heirs of said estate.
Admiuistrator de bonis non, cum
nlo-2am teat amen to annexe*.
Banker and broker, columbus, Georgia,
buys and sells Gold and reiver, Uucurrent Mon
ey and Kxthunge
Mtorks >uui liouds bought and sold on commission.
Collections at this anil other points attended to, anil
proceeds remitted promptly. nlO-T.w v
t-MFTY barrels choice A Miles, landing per steamer
1 Luo, aud lor sale by
I*l k TONS best store Coal
tlv vSO bales best Northern Huy
Tito barrels Lime
2r 0 bands Bakers' Flour.
,aS t otice.
THE steamship LEO is iic»w <)l?ctiargiOfr at Mongin’s
whan. Culsigner are notified ihAt all good*
uot removed before dark will he ktored at their ex
pense and risk,
IN otice.
CtONSIGNEES per ting REDWOOD will attend to
J the reception Os taeir zoods, lancing UIU day
at Harris’ wtturf, foot ot Abei'com sti ear.
nlu-1 ROGERS A CANN, Agents
Booms Wanted.
TWO Gentlemen wish to obtain r* Parlor and Bed*
room a a neat th« I’ulauui House ae possible.
Address, for two days, **G,”
a io *2 Rot 992, Post Office.
Merchant Tailor
|F,n merly Oneter for Wm. K. Synjousl
BEDS rrest rtkfippgtfully to Inform hks fri. nd* and tbe
public generally, that he has vetnuved lTwm the
store of Mr. A. B. Ives to »
(■Between Bryan and Buy,}
where be will Ik- glad to meet his old customers and
as many new ones as will favor him w itb their orders.
Always on hand, a good assortment of
pared to make up at the shortest notice and in the
most fashionable style.
Remember No. 12—If yon want what is good and
reasonable. ue Ink
The Fisheries.
IT'OK SALK—Engli-h and SpdbUh Cast Nits, rant
JP Net L»**»l*. Thimbles. Hand and Lead Lino*,
fclah l ines, i'ottou and ileum Seine Twine, I‘otton
and Hemp Seinets Flux Hilling Twine lor mullet*
ftnd Hhad. Tike®, Turtle Nete, Net*, Minnow
Heine* wild Dip N«t% Cork and Cedar 1-’lords, Kiptu
un<i Lett lakt Net Hint Seine hope.
Every kkid n| Nc< uud Seme uutde to ordel .
American Net and Twine Cos.,
ns in
CrrrON carefully picked and lehalcd.
Buttle huw,
liovllw Foot of Montgomery street.
Dunn & Brown,
HAVING opeaad an office 111 No. Sft llay *tloai, be
twi-t'U «ud I’ll*'' >lr«rt.. we Ole pfu
■mml to larnUa cr«w* al th* ahorlaal uullc*.
octll lm
Hay, Hay.
17/11) UAI.IM Prime Norltiarli Hay, pw Rohr Olara
4 \)Z Plchalk Far *alt- to airlva.
| kUS Kim mud* N»w, atiboul SparlacJas, OoOvr
ui Mailnlua Pampldtt wail.d Iras uu rweaUd
ol lau <aut* Aiflbaa* th, Foots, M 0 , N.J. I lid
Itivadwsy. hsw t»ri. al toy
The Original and !k«t iu the World ! The only true
and perfect n*lr Dye. flflifbkw, Reliable aud Instan
taneous. Produces immediate.y a splendid Black or
natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin.
Remedy- the ill effect* of bad dye«. Bold by all Drug
gists. The gcuuifie i- signed William A. Batchelor.
Al«), *
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair
anl4 ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, N*w Yohk.
Containing nearly uoO page-* aud IJO line Plate**
and Engravings ol ttie Anatomy of the Human Or
gans in a slate or Health and Disease, with a Trea
tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences
upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of
Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A
truthful adviser to the married, and those content
plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys
ical condition. Bent free of postago to any address,
on receipt of \io cents, in stamps or postage currency,
by 11 ddresting Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
'i he author may be consulted upon any of the dis
eases upon which his nook treats either personally or
by mail, and medicine- sent to any puit of the world.
octlO 6m
An Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young
men, just published by the Howard Association, and
9ent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge.
Address Dr. »T. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, noward
Association. Philadelphia, Pa. oct!2-3m
Kalhahon Is from the Greek word ‘‘Kathro,” or
“Kathairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate aud re
store. This atticle Is what its name signifies. For
preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair,
it is tlie most remarkable preparation In tlie world.
It ia again owned and pm op by ihe original proprie
tor, and is now made with the same rale, skill and at
tention which gave it a sale of over on« million bot
tlos per annum.
ll is a most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keeps tlie head cool and ’lean.
It makes tlie hair rich, soft aud glossy.
It prevents the hair from falling off and tnrnii.g
It restores hair upon bald heads.
Any lady or gentleman who values a hea.nfnl head
of hair should use I.yon’s Kathuimn. It is known
and used throughout tlie civilized world. Sold by al
respectable dealers.
DE.MA9 Barnes & co.,
ocl2T-eodly New York.
Hagan’s Magnolia Balm.
This is the most delightful and extraordinary article
vver discovereil. It changes the sun-burnt fare and
hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing l>eanty,
Imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distin
gue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion.
It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from
the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent
and smooth. It contains no material injurious to
tho skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera
Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold
everywhere. Retail price, 50 cents.
l*repared by W, E. HAGAN,Troy, N, Y.
Address all orders to
oct"27-eodly New York.
We have iaarned uot to be astonished at anything.
Years ot experience and a correspondence extending
throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe
have turned theories Into facts and established a basis
lrom which we need not err. We are not surprised
at such facts as the following—although the persons
who write them are. We know the persons and dr
eu in stances, hcuce feel at liberty to indorse their
“Xtw BjcdFobd, Mass., Nov. 24,1863.
Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many vears with
severe prostrating cramps in ray limbs, cold feet and
hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians
und medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting
home friends in New York who were using Plantation
Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com
menced with a small wlne-glasstul alter dinner. Feel
lug better by degrees, iu a tew days I was astonished
to hud the coldness and cramps had entirely loft me,
and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have uot
done for years. I leel like auother being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly lmpr<iVed by the
use of the Plantation Bitters.
Respectfully, JtrniTO RrssEJ..’*
Reeiawubz, W»., Sept 16, 18G3.
• * * I have been in the army hospitals for four
teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton,
111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * *
Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * *
C. A. FnaciX.”
The following is from the Manager of the Union
Home School lor the Children of Volunteers:
‘ Uavemeyuu Mansion, 57th St, )
New York, August 2,1863. )
D*. Drake Your wonderinl Plantation Bitters
have been given to some of our little children suiteriug
lrom weakness and weak lungs with most happy
effect. One little girl iu particular, with puius in her
head, loss of appetite, ana*daily wasting consumption,
on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has
been entirely restored. We commenced with but a
listspoonlul ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and
strength rapidly increased, and she is now well.
Respecttully, Mrs. O. M. Drvoe.”
**• • • I owe much to you, for 1 verily believe
the Plantation Bitters have saved my life.
Rev. \Y. H. Waggoner,
Madrid, N. Y.
»• * * Thou wilt scud ine two bottles more of
thy Plantation Bitters. My wile has been greatly
benefited by their use.
Thy friend, Asa Cure in,
Philadelphia, Pa.”
“•» * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep
sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * Th<» Plan
tation Bitters have cured me.
Rev. J. S. Cathorn.
Rochester, N. Y.**
****** 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to
hundreds of our disabled soldiers with most as
tonishing effect.
U W. D. Andrews,
Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, O.’’
“• - » The Plantation Bitters hove cured me of
Liver Cempl'llct, ot which I was laid up prostrate,
and had u> uhaimon my business.
11. U. Kn.osi.kv, Cleveland, Ohio."
. - -I’n piwiuartou Bitters havo cured me of
a deruugernoiii of the Kidneys and ITrinury Organs
that has dlmresscd me lor years It aets like u charm.
O. 0. Moose, Ne. Broadway.”
Ae.; Ac., Ac., <Sc., Ac.
ThcPlantlition Bitters make the weak strong, the
languid hilllir nt, aud are exhausted uulure's great re
storer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya
Bark, Wmtergreeu. Sassafras, Roots, Hobs, Ac., all
preserved iu perfectly pure St. Cioix Bum.
». T.- ISIIO—X.
Persons of sedentary habits, trouhlod with weak
nesa, Isaslinde. palpitation of thu hear t, lack of appe
tite, distress alter eating, torpid liver, constipation,
Ac., deserve to amfl'er If they will not try them.
They are reeasnmendsd by the highest medical an
thorltlea, aud are warranted to produce an Immediate
beneficial eltsvi. They are oxcMdingly agrteahlo,
perfectly pure, aud harmless.
Nomoa. - Auy person preluudlug to tsll Plautollou
Bitten In hulkwr by tha gallon la a awindler and im
poslor. It Is put up ouly La our log cabin untie, lie
wars of tmtllaa refilled with imllatlou dslvtorluus aiufl,
(or which sdvsral paraonaaro already Iu prlaou. Ha*
that svary bottle has our Uuilsd htatss stamp ovar the
cork aimiulilatsd, aud out slguaiurs oh .tssl plats
SidS label.
Hold by raspsitsble dsalsra throoghoui ths hahllahls
v. u niuKc * 00 ,
wsttMtm soy Broadway,M I,
This Country!
reorganized for
For Season of 1865-6.
Will Exhibit * Savannah
For a short time only, commencing
Thursday, Nov. 9.
fnrner ABercora an<i Liberty Street*.
' *g The Managers tvonld re
sPeetfullJ state that In the
It Ji st ' in ’ tlori of A,tut, for the
M/A 1 1 Colossal
I . Q jj it has been the FroprieMts*
j v desire to secure such a va
- ; jgcrii riety that no tuiron shall
- J. fail to Unit in it lnurli that
1 ihe mind aud
(Gp* 3 enchain the attention.
| jjr n Cluster*
• which adorn this
a: Fantwl Cirotis
I are unparalleled in their sev
eral specialties.
The magnificent
II j are enriched and heautifled
©r m'perb music.
— l having banished the antique
, ~ style, and reached perfection
ft V 1,1 tllis okgaidzatloii, otter no
at stale or exhausted acts.
i 1 F«atarcs and Fresh
1 Maxeltles
~ J9S> never before introduced to
'he public.
i \
; ’ Attached to this comblna
| jM 1 DOGS,
'pjfttf MULES.
1 fF. Will show how much livelier
fi / If they are than all other C'ondc
IIX. // Mules, Trick Mules. Funny
Mules, Darning Mules, or
I “»)' other Quaint Mules
’ known to fame for being
/ queer In their conduct.
Public nttenttou Is called to the
Free Exhibition
By the Intrepid Pan. rails!,
■ lgnor TordinAud,
Tina sphtudld Urntultniia Ethlhlllnu will lm given
adiaosul 10 the tli'ONß, Kosmto.n a MlKkav'w
Clous Pavilion every day, si 1 o'clock p. m
Finn Clast Heats *| IK)
Mscoiid do ~, u
Child ran r,o
Colored Osilaiy t " sp
SRF" Doors upon si I sod fiQ o tiiovk s m.
Na vuiia a li Theatre.
Filth night of
Mr. and Mrs. XV. it. Crisp.
The great Play of
Don Caesar De Bazan.
Hon Or*M He Barm Mr, W. H Crisp
To conclude with
Slxupaou ip 00.
Mr,. Simpson Mrs. W. H. Crtso
H" Miss M. E Gordon
M™-_Fit*allau .Miss Isadore Cameron
Mr. Mn t .«on M.-J. T. Raymond
.Mr. T. Hauiiitrm
Consignees Wanted!^
FOR E. H. S.—J5 t)bls Flour
20 halt ht.js Flour
9 bblr* Crackers
C bbls Ajiples
5 bi>ls JUjnre
G & W—loo tubs Laid.
If not called for will be sold for freight and expense,
A GOOI) PIANO wanted to rent. Address X V
Herald office. nov r 8
SOrt A • Agents wanted wanted for «\e
4 . . cntordU article just out Address O T
GAREY, City Building, biddeford, Maine,
seplo dAw3m
W agon Freight
Americas, or
. , . Hswkinsvtlle,
Apply to
octS ts
* Wanted,
A HAY’! Agents wanted to sell anew and
'Vn*V wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only
cheap one ileeused. Address SHAW A CLARK. Bid
deford. Maine. sepl4-dAwßtn
For Sale,
1 lA BUSHELS Prime White Com
I >ll‘u gooo bushels Prime White Oats
A Valuable Garden Spot,
Located about Tea Niles from Savannah,
And within 11-2 miles of'the River.
A Acres, of which some Thirty Acres are ele- red
and the rest heavily wo -ded wtth pine and some
Oak W od. Any one wishing to make' money out of
Wood, will make applicallom immediately at she
n«rv and ti’ •
Tlie Screven House
THIS commodious and elegant Hotel is offered for
M rent. It h tscapacity for lint Hed Roomo, in addi
tion to Dining Room*, Parlors, Ac It is situated in
the business portion of the city. For particulars and
terms apply to
For* Pteirt.
THAT well-known, d«etrably located, and highly
popular establishment, situated oil Bull street,
between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying
four entire lots of 60 by *»o feet each, and the lane be
tween them, and containing about forty room*, ia
now offered for rent.
The party renting this property will be required to
make the necesahry repairs and give satisfactory se
curity for the punctual payment of reut.
novl—tf Prea’t Union Society.
I OFFER for Rent next year, 1866, my Rice Place, in
Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satilla River,
known os the “Vernon Plantation,” containing 4- , 0
acres of first quality Rice Land, and about 100 acres
of high land, all in perfect order. Said Plantation bus
been cultivated dining tbe war, nnd therefore requites
J»o extra work to pre pure it for a crop the ensuing
All the neuroes formerly belonging to me are still on
the place and anxious to letnain, so there would be
u* difficulty in procuriug laborers. Ou the place Is a
comfortable dwelling house, together with all tlie
uececsary buildings for the accommodation ol labor
ers and storing he crop.
Seed for the coming year, including Rice, Corn. Peas,
Sugar Cane, Sorghum, Cotton, &c., call be obtained
on the place. For further paTticular9 address the sub
scriber at Wayneevllle, Wayne couuty, Ga.
oct3(l2m JAS F. K|NQ.
Store to Let,
Tho light and commodious Store, corner Merchants'
Row and Palmetto Avenns, to lease for a limited time.
Terms easy. Address
W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent,
octlS ts Lock Box K, Hilton Head, S. C.
Euqnire at THIS OFFICE.
Furnished Rooms To Let.
The “Palmetto Herald Budding.'' having been nevrl?
fitted up, now offer large and airy Rooms suitable lot
Sleeping Apartments or Buslne.s purposes. For term*
ad'trees w 8 SAMTsON, Jr., Agent,
octlß ts Lock Box K, Hilton Head, 8. C.^
Plaster Paris,
Van HoTn, Holyoke & Murr#)
novT—« No. 0 HTOIIDARtIG BLOL’K' _
White Corn.
lit r r eccivcd per schooner Anlslope, a c»rg‘> 1
«*•••■ *•'
W.ulm.M. Ikl ASW. |Sr. o' UosS*
lion, for Cash. ; .
W. R. C»»ineron Me < ®*'
11nportal* of Hair and MaiiafaclarsT*.
NO, 111 riWOH in , BROOILTN,
N«w Yurk
Ijiff # Hid mbU yßdvft 1