Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 11, 1865, Image 3
A V A N S r. j>, piirtwre ot Steamships anti BUwmh. KOK NRW YOIIK. steamship I.eo, Saturday, November 11th. at th " Ariadne, Saturday. November nth, at * o'clock p. m. -u oLU'.tilp America, Saturday, November 11th, 3 0 dock P FOB BALTIMOKK. a Steamship Fannie, Saturday, November 11th, at _ o'clock. FOB ACOCSTA. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbona, Saturday, November 11, at a a. nt. steamer Volunteer, Saturday, Noveml>er 11th, at o'clock. FOB DOCTOBTOWN. Steamer Orient, Tuesday, No/ember 14th, at 9 o'clock a. m. fob Florida. Steamer Fannie, Thursday, November bill, at 11 o'clock a. m. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at m o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Savannah Prices CritiussT.—Our Letter Sheet Prices Curreat Is Issued tills morning. Copies may bo tbtalncd at the Herald Counting Boom. Kiveb News. —The steamer Gen. Berry, Captain Henry, arrived yesterday afternoon from Augusta.— tve are indebted to Purser J. A. Lewis, for the follow ing memoranda : Left steamer oak in Augusta ; Wednesday. Nov. 8, passed steamer L. Enos at Bugg's Bar, bound up : same day passed steamer Staudisb at Hayuc’s Cut, pound up: Thursday, 9th, passed steamer May be low Grirtlii's Lauding, bound up ; same day passed steamer Falcon at Red Bluff Beach, bound up ; same day passed at Poor Robin, during the night, Btearn ers Union and Scorpio, bound up: Friday, 10th, passed steamer Caldwell above Goldwire’s Landing, bound up : same'day passed steamer Laura at Mul berry Grove, bound up. I-AHCkNY FBOII THE House.—On Thursday last the house ol Mr. Michael O'Brieu, ou Lover’s Lane, about two miles from the city, was broken open by one John Lynch, ol Brooklyn, New York, wno stole therefrom the greater part of the wearing apparel oi O’Briea. The thief was tracked nine miles on the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad, and finally caught by 0 Biien and two of his friends.. They secured Lyuch and brought him to the city. A portion of the cloth ing was recovered. Justice Levi S. Hal t, upon com plaint entered, I salted a warrant, and Lynch, Iti de limit of ball, was committed to jail for examination. Nos Ai.riValok the Baltimore Steamer.—The steamer Fannie, of the Baltimore ami Savah. steam ship Co’s Lino,was last night twftdays over due. We tire glad to be able to aunouimce that no accident has befallen this steamer further than gettiug aground in Baltimore harbor. Messrs West, Bryan A Cos., the agents of the Line in Savannah, received a telegram last evening informing them that such was the state of affairs, and the Fannie had sailed lot this port on the lilt. She will probably arrive to-day. The Fannie will sail again for Baltimore on Monday. Q ARRIVALS FllOfr DOCTOBTOWN—Rise IN THE OCU- Mi'LOEE and Altajiaha Rivebs.— I The steamer Ori ent, Capt. Goldtliwait, arrived last evening from Dm tortown, having a very fair freight and a large number of passengers. Capt. Gold!hwait reports the o umulgee and Altamaha rivers on a heavy rise. Kil l the Aitamalia river very full at Doetortown. He also reports that the Gen. Shepley arrived at lot/tut iii,,a on the bill iust. Passed the Clarion fifteen, miles below Darien, and yesterday, the Fannie pas sing out of Romney Marsh, bound lo Paintka, Fla. ARRIVAL OF FRKEDMEN FROM THE SEA ISLANDS.— The steamer St. Heleua, Capt. Cercopely, arrived yesterday afteraoen from St. Simons, St. Catherine's a id Oasahaw Islands, having ou board about eighty need people who have left the Islands on teaming that they have been surrendered lo their ow ners. These people brought up all llieir household furni ture, together with their crops- The CißCCe.—The Circus wai crowded with a de lighted jtlnoug .again last evening. Two perfor mances are given to-day, that in the afternoon eom im-nciug at 2 o’clock. The “gymanustic miracle of a.-ronautlc-oseillatiou or flyiug iu the air,” is given gratuitously, outskls the paviliion at 2 o'clock. Let file children go ibis afternoon. Tiie Theatre —All excellent Saturday night bill is presented at tile Theatre, comprising “Rob Roy,” with Mr. Crisp in his most affecting and powerful delineation of the Outlaw. The glorious farce, “The Liiueiick Boy” concludes the evening’s entertain, mint. Larue Arrival of Rail Road Iron fob the Central U. R —By the arrivals yesterday ateruoou of the lltig Olive Francis, capt. Small, and the schooner Jos. W. Webster, Capt. Beltswork, from New York, the Georgia Central Rail-Road received 702 tous rail road iron. Quick Voyage.Jfrlie schooner Oliver Cromwell, Capt, Delano, with an assum'd cargo arrived yester day from Newport R. 1., having made the voyage in eight days. Tae schooner Webster arrived [yesterday afternoon in five days from New York. City Hotel.—The work of altering the lower sto ries or this building Into two stores is rapidly pro gressing. The workmen are now engaged in pull ing down the lioui porch, and in three weeks'time the work will be completed. DtUYAQE.-Qreal complaint Is being made of the high rates oi drayage charged l>y wagoners and draymen, rue city lias established legal rates lor drayage, and printed copies can he obtained on application to Mr. lames Stewart, Clerk of Council. Mayor's Court.—Since the first inst. His Honor Mayor Arnold lias had only ten ollenders oi the ordi nances arraigned before him. They were charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Fan Florida.—The steamer Fannie, Capt. itc- Nelty, departed yesterday fur Pulutka witli a very heavy- freight and a very large number of passen gers. THE COURTS. I'KOVOST COURT, DISTRICT OK SATAfINAH,BEFORE CART. CI.AUK H. ItEMICK, PROVOST MARSHAL, savannah, November loth, 1803. The United States by Detective 1. Buunell vs. J. ItelUy, (!. Walton, R. Hunter, CL Scott, J. Gibbons, J. Foreman, C. Mclilrnofe, J. Fowler and A Bland, (all colored)—Larceny of two bales 6f cotton. From the evidence adduced In the foregoing case, the U. S. failed to substantiate the charges against the defend ants, they were discharged from custody, prosecu tor paying costs. Caroline Cooper vs. Anna Jones, (colored)—Judg ment for $9, obtained Before Judge Parsons, June nth, 1803. it was sliown from the evidence in this ease that Mrs. Caroline Coopot obtained a judgment against the defendant for the sum of nine dollars on Die J4th day of June last, which is still due aud re man,-' unpaid. It w„soldered that (he al.uve Speci fied amount of mue dollars, as well as the additional sum of three dollars for costs, be pilid on or beiore Monday, the 13th Inst., at 9 o'clock, a. m., and in de lault thereof she he commuted to jail until the same Is paid. Counsel for plaintiff, lion. p. M. Russell. The United States vs. Rebecca Monroe, (colored.) Using abusive language tending towards a breach of Die peace'. Pica nor guilty. The United Stales hav ing failed to make out a case, and the attorney for the piosei ution lnvlng abandoned the case, the de fin lant was discharged from custody, Hie ptoaecu tor paying coats of suit. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon. lb A. O'Uyrue, for defence, lion. P. M. Kussell. The fulled States vj. Mary E. Campbell. UaUig abashe language •ending towards a breai hos the peace. By comumt of the uttorueys In tlu> ease, the defendant was dismissed, it being a cross prosecu tion.. The limed Sialotv i. Peter Morrill (colored.) Re c.lvlup stolen goods. Found gnllijr nud sent to jail tor three months nr pay n line ol S3O mid costs. Upon mullah o( lion lb A. U'llyUie, uitmucy tui de isudklil. the foregoing aeulciicu was suspcinled un til the following nwanhig, lot tho Introduction at newly discovered evidence on ladiall ol uie dataml ant, iMtdllUi pi Isabel allowfcl to goal large Utilß mat tune upon fiouu In m« ouc ihouamid ilo|j«u for Ins appraiam »• conorinoi C'IPITOM aaratwny pua- 4 and tcnsh»i * i C KtIWUNIB NtiWi **** iw Pimm at Haaifimmi mm. Hhlppinff Intcllijfeuce. •Tuu rises t> 2s Moon rises u Sun sets i UolHtgl, water PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday, Nov. 10, 15®. Arrived. Steamer O F Potter. Cessar, Augusta, with two flats—Cbas L Colby A Cos. Scir Oliver Cromwell, Deland. Xewort, R I with assorted cargo, to (.’has L Colby 4 Cos, T J Guilmar liu A Cos, ami other*. Steamer Eutiße, Bender. Hilton Head. Steamer St. Heleua, Cereopuly , st. Simons. Seamer Catherines,.supelo aud Ossabaw Islands. Inzer’s flit from Augusta. .steamer orient, Goldtliwait, Doetortown—Clias L Colby A Cos. Brig Olive, Francis, Small. New York. steamer Uen Berry. Henry, Augusta—Chas L Col by if Cos. Schr Jos W Webster, Bettsworth, from New York —General cargo to Charles L Colby a Cos. Grady, Smith Jr Co's fiat from Augusta witUJoo bates upland cotton, lotßrady, .Smith A Cos. Clearril. Steamer Laura, Barnett, Augusta—Erwin 4 Har dee. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston, via Bean fort and liiltou Head—l, » Bennett. Steamer Laliuie, McNelly, Palatha, Ac—f M Mvr rell. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Amazon; Johnson. Augusta. Erwin A Hardee. Imports. Per Steamer O F Potter, from Augusta—23o bales upland roiton. Per Fraser’s flat, from Augusta—with 322 bales upiaud cotton, Per steamer Orient, from Doetortown—l4* bales upland cotton, is sea island do, 27 sks wool. 7 bags beeswax and indze. Per Brig Olive, from New York—6o2 tous railroad Iron. Per Steamer Gen Berry, from Augusta—246 bales upland cotton, 6 boxes tobacco, 5 boxes aud 1 bbi dried fruit. Consignees* Per Prazer's Hat, from Augusta—Wm. Battersby A Cos. Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. l’er Brig Olive, from New York—Chas L Colby 4 Cos, Georgia Central Railroad. Per Steamer Gen Berry, from Augusta—C S Colby 4 Cos, K F Metcalf 4 Cos, aud Blua A- Myer. Passenger). Per Steamer Orient, from Doetortown—W E Bentley, J W Slallinger, Capt. E D Heudry, Joshua Taylor, L B Mprse, David Biny, L Cook, Dr Ohmler, Samuel Ham, 8 R Jenkins, Col Bogert, J H Miller, Thos H Tliens, Mr Mclntosh, C Fulton, L A Wiitttier and lady, Maj Manning, Mrs. Gray and 2 children, Mrs Mongin aud 3 children, Mrs J, M Cooperand family. J M Cooper aud 5 on deck. Wilder’s Patent SALAMANDER SAFES, With Wilder's Patent Powder and Burglar-proof Locks. 80. WILDER A CO., Patentees and Manufactur • ers of t»»e best fire-proof Safe in the world! J Weller** and Bankers’ make to order, lined with hardened ste?l. Hou.-kj au»l Plate Safes. To thin ccl«l>ihU'(\ Safe was awarded the gold medal at the World’s Fair, in London, 1851. Notice.—This celebrated fire proof Safe is no lunger m ule and sold by Silas C. 11m ring, his license lo make and sell them having expired. Lists couUinimr pru es and fu 11 descript ion of differ em sues and styles of Safe, cun be had on application lo the ygent tor flit* Stale, at Savannah, or any of the special agents. Agents wanted in every city and town of the Slate. For paiticulars, addresetbe undersigned. We have constantly on hand a good assortment, lor sale at manuiacrurers’ New York prices. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Sole Agents for the State of Georgia, nlo-2m Savannah, G i Notice. THE steamship LEO is now discharging at Mongin’s whan. Coi signees ure notified. that jiill goods not removed before dark will be stored at their ex pense and risk, nln OCTAVUS COHEN. DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor [Formerly Cutter for Wm. R Symons] BE»is most respectfully to inform his frit-nds and the public gem rally, that he has removed from ihe Blore of Mi A. li. Ives to • No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Between Bryan and Bay,^ where he will be glad to meet his old customers and as many nc-wones as will favor him wilh-their orders. Always on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHS, C'ASSIMERLS, VEST! N<; <1 \Uii h h« is pre pared to muke up at the shortest notice and in the most fashionable style. Remember No. lvs—it you want what is good and reasonable. iiD-lio Bio «ii’F stiiiiilit'ii Scales, USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than Tl£l RT Y YEAXtS. Adapted to any branch of business for loreigu or home markets Warranted accurate and durable Sales rooms No. 3 Barciuy-st, near broutiway. N. Y. sepl9 ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. Grits and Meal. CA ILI.EM'S MILL RE-OPENED. Iluving purclias- J ,and the entire interest from Mr. H. Gillem in bis large and < xtensivc Mills, on the corner ol' Habersham street and Perry street lane, we are now prepared to furnish Grist and Meal at favorable rates. Corn will be sold reasonable. All orders promptly filled, octll-lm LDDINGTON & HARRISON. Dissolution 8 Copartnership riVHE firm oi Dunbirs 4 Franz is this day dissolved X by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of T. J. Dunbar, lleroaiter the business will be conducted by Peter Dunbar and John Franz, under the linn of Dun bar* Franz, who will collect till debts and settle all Claims of the old firm of Dunbars 4 Franz. Hilton Head. 8. o.i Nov. Ist, 1866. Iw-m»v4 FOR SALE LOW, To AVind up an JSstate A VALUABLE FARM, B>< mile!* from Augnstn, containing one hundred *md eighty acres, more t>r Iofb; about one hundred acres of it in valuable wood. A good dwelling, with seven roonma, stables, car riage house, and seven farm building* fi/lo a purty doiiing a good, healthy, comfortable tome, within fifty minutes drive oi Augusta, the above place oiTcis superior Inducements. For tart her paiticulars, enquire of CM AS L COLBY * CO, nov7- ecdl w Corner Abeivoi n and Bay street*. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, bSHOES AND HATS. riiUE subsenber having formed a Co-partnership JL with Mr. J. C. Lftuovv, under the firm name of lieidt A Ludlow, respeciiully culls the attention ol his friends and the public generally to their large .stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots. Shoes and Hilts, which they are now opening, aud w ill sell at Wholesale and Retail, at the old stand of Heidt, Jau dou & Cos., No, 101 Bryan and CS St. Julian street, up stairs. octe sm E. HEIDT. MAPES’ VITRhkEMZEI) Wll-PIIOSPIIITE OF LIRE. Fur AY lie itt mid otlicr Grain Craps, Col ton, Corn, Tobacco, brass, Vc- t - tallies, Crops, Ac Composed of Calcined Boacs, Sulphuric Aetd,Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, and other AjuiDoma-ntoduuug materials, Docs not exhaust the land like Permian Cuano ami other stimulating nunmrm, but permanently im proves It. The effects ofoue Application arc visible lor more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly application of »0 lin. J>er acre will maintain Its fer tility for ativ length ol time. It la packed hi barrels ol about about ■-".(> lbs. each. Pamphlets • .mt ilulng certificates bom those who have used this fu slitter, and full dlrtUlon. lor Its «p --plimiion to diflkraut crips, can lie had by addressing the undersigned. Price reduced to SOO per lou, HUM* lbs.) For hale by CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Amenta, nlii.Sm Kuvammb, Ha. FRENCH BRUSH HAT. mTlie finest article over bruuglil to (hit mar kot. Pm Mle by H. M Ct i Mil Nil, P l * l * . |io. m omt(wp t*wE ( To the Merchants of Savannah. fltHlt itiidir.ljoc(l,Columnlo.- fioai M< uopolltoi fils » (Wb.jny, will ib- M' bli.oi. ..bdjtud low Men otlhi- riiy This May, tq mllrh »ah*.vip«b<ii* i., lb. pu.cbaa- „r. bt .ui are Eng,,... *' **“ “* '“•*“•** <,,m \ * eotf c. os tit 111 • AUCTION SALES. B) 8011, W yllv k ChrMttaii AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Rata'*-. Twotiist clus.' Dwelling Homos, three stories on bascmtids, with all the modern iiirpiovtineuia. silua leu i a a ceTitrrfl portion of the cit> Also, Avery dee* ruble House ou the corner of Char icon and Tfltaall streets con raining 8 Rooms, with gas aud water. Onth*lane is a Brick Carriage House, fettities, Servant-’ Rooms, Ac. Also, 10 Farm Lots, containing from 20 to 20 Acres each, near lever’s Lane, within one mile of the limits of the eiiy. A splendid opportunity for investment. A plotol the above Lots Cfiu be s»-eu at our store. Also, Ws?t half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. lmprorem« nts ci.n»ist “1 a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will be .-old at a bargain (* t24-tf By BeH, ibrisilun. AY PRIVATE SALE. Lots No 8. on th» corner *it Broughton and West Broad streets, and No. 5,.0n the corner of Broughton and Montgomery strer-ts. Th»abt»ve property is well Incited for erecting stores, aa Broughton street will soon become the business thoroughfare of Savannah also, West half of Lot No 41 L ifayettc Ward, firm ting on Charlton street, the improvements insisting of a bri< k house, contaiuing ten rooms, well fim*h< and, with ggb throuhont the house and a pump of excellent water in the yard. novT—if UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Cliristiau. On WEDNESDAY, 15th iustaut, at 11 o'clock a. m , at the landing in the city of Darien, will be sold for account of Underwriters «n<i all concerned, apor ' lion of the cargo of the scooner Island Queen, con sisting of— A general assortment of Groceries Djy Goods Bagging Boots and Shoes Clothing Wooden Ware Corn and Salt Nails and Hardware Molasses and Sugar Ac., &c., Ac.; damaged on board said schooner on her passage irom New York to this port, and put into iho port of Daiien in distress. J. M P. EPPING, Consignee. N. B.—A steamer will leave this city on Tuesday morning, 1 Uh iust., and will accommodate purchasers and all cone*-rued. * n3 6 UNDERWRITER S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On SATURDAY, 11th inst . at 10 o'clock, in front of Btore, will be sold for accoum of and all concerned: 1 case assorted Dry Goods 1 case assorted Cloihmg 13 i>oxes Cheese r» boxe3 Cuee9e * 3 boxes Soap 2 boxes Sod i and Yeast ‘J boxes Starch \ 2 bags Coffee 3 bun els Matkend 1 bbl Syrup 5 bids Sugars 1 case containing 100 quarter boxes Sardines 10 boxes Layer Raisins 23 bbls crushed and clarified Sugar 5 bblsSali 30 bbl 9 Crackers 10 kegs Butter 5 kegs Lard 2 cases, containing drums Figs 20 bbls Apples 20 bbls Onions 1C sacks Coffee Dan-aged on board of the steamship Chase on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens for account of Under writers and all concerned. nUMi By Bell, Wylly & Cliristiau. THIS MORNING, at 11 o’clock, in front of store will be sold: ABOUT BVI POUNDS SWEDE IRON, from six to twelve inches wide, suitable lor plows. nil-1 UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bi 11, Wylly & ( brlstian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, iu boat of store, will be sold lor accouut of Underwriters and all con cerned : 9 barrels Flour 14 bbls Hour, Extra Ohio 5 ca9cs. fe boxes each, Tobacco 2 cases, r» gross each, MutcUei 2 boxio, 2ft lbs c tch, Maccuroiii 1 case, containing 4mi hull lbs each, papers Smok ing Tobacco 1 bbl i rackers, Butter Damaged en board of steamer Chase on her passage from New York to this poit, aud sold under inspection of Port Wardens. °ll-1 UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Beil, U yily & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, will be sold iu front of fetore, for account of Under writers and all con corned: 1 case assorted Millinery Goods Damaged on board of s-teamer Vai una on her pas sage from New Yolk to this port, and sold under in spection of Port Wat dens lor account of Underwriters and all concerned. nil UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By BHI, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAl\ at HP j o’clock iu front of store will be sold ;or account of Underwriters and all con: cerned: 1 box 1 cask Hoes * 19 kegs nails 30 bdls Slieet Iron 41 bdls Spades i bdl Plated Dash Frames l>* dozen Figged fepoke Shaves 4*2 dozen Claw Hammers l dozen Butchers' ste els 1 dozen Putty Knives 3 dozen Coffin Handles 2 dozen Latches Hull dozen Drawing Knives 120 gi osh Screws Damaged on board of steamship Chase on her pas sage tri-'m New Y*»ik to this port, and sold under in spection of Pi» t Wardens lor acroant of Under wribTH and all concerned. him UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAT, at 10 o’clock, iu front of store, will be sold for account of Underwriters and all con cerned, 1 BALE COLORED BLANKETS, Damaged on board steamer Ariadne, on her passage from New Turk to this port, and sold nuder inspec tion of the Port Wardens. novll By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On Saturday, mb inst., ut u o'clock, m front ot store, willbe sold: , 3 barrels Gin 1 eighth cask Cognac Brandy niO-l Wholesale f|j Boots and Shoes ! Fellner and Poliak, 157 Broughton Street, Savannah, G»., ARK enabled, through tbeir permanent House in BoPtoii, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in this city as well as those in the country, with more a«l --vantages and conveniences in the Boot and Shoe Trade, than any h«;use in said line. novl-Gm __ / H7J. DICKERSON, H arbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY No. 1 Harris’ Building*. SAVANNAH, GA. novi _ 1 m Convention of the First Senato rial District. HPHB CttjMM of the counties of Chilham, Bryan I atld RlHtlgh'im me requested to app.lht Delegates to t Conveiiilou to'ic held on Wcducaday, Hu- Btb November in»l„ at No. 9, Ontr.l Railroad. for the pnrpasv of Humiliating a candidate Cut Eeualur ol raid Hwidtoilnl Dial riel. novS Liverpool Salt. ACAIOG ofaffALT, U> «»ck» lo Ihr lug, la.t aiflvrit l«-r Brni-di hoik Crot-.mi biualjvwpo >l, tor Nil* b| lUIIuUAM. UAUitflN 4UO I .hi , -nt l'rom Kgvpt! Bnmlkvlihb I CbMpaM* «<jlt Uu UlilJM of Ik* pf*** M( d.y bilug III* »»«•• p*itom* "tTOWfaffc..- MiMMUatfirMl tgrf ‘“J, 9ataß! , T‘ •Mai It riiM wMlj y. t>B<H EHIES. iiUil OIU, 4l l' h WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, J». FvacU Valiev WltUket, Maple Valley Wliultc;, Fine’. Magnolia, hpeacer'a Old liye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOB SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, fHerald Bolldings.J AT..O, AfeoßM Ale, Mare’ Ala, Apple*, Potato,'*. Oniona, I t.kle.t, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vtnepar. Ol'tfi ts G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship Chandler. 99 BAY STREET, ■\7 otv reoeivin? per ateam anil sailing vessels from 1> New York, tit* tollowiitj articles, tvhiclt will fie sold at the Lowest Jlarket Price : Bbls. Fionr. I’.itatoe*, Unions, Turnips, beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crashed Sugars, Bills He ft and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, y. do., if do and kits No. 1 Cases olive Oil, Sardines. Candles, Soap, Raisins, Pickles, Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Heat, Spices of all kinds, Herbs, &c., 4c., Sacks Coffee, • Brooms, Pail*, Bucket*, &c. also — Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paiut Brashes, 4c., &c. CW~ ship Stores put up at the shortest notice. ' octl7 Jin WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN x GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, A Lira and. Cider. *ep2 tl Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, Santa crcz rhm, BORER’S BITTERS, 4c. Which we offer on the most liberal term*. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, FLOUR, CORN AND OATS. onnn BUSHELS White Com io«M) and». Oats 50 bui rel:- Flour Landing from Baltimore steamer and for *nlo hv lib-4 l HANK, JOHNSON & U\ AYBILju. E G. HiltoV, Savannah. F. M. Ranuki.l, I>. Y. HILTON&RANDELL W liolosalo Grocers, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Gra., Are constantly receiving per steamers from Now York The Largest and Most Complete Assort ment of Groct'i’ies in the City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Prices, octlfi lm Gso. R. Cbumf. Wm, A. Wiugut, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 2(H) Ilroad St., Augusta, Ga, ffl T" Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Touacoo, Pkoiu’ck, and Mkhciianhise of every de- Hcriptiou. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Angnsta, (la., Richmond, Va.. and Jiio. (J. Ferrill, Ksq., Dc- Witt & Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. So’oruous Jc C 6., J. T. Paterson tfc Cos . R. Molina, Rsq , Huvannah, Georgia. # CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED oct4 KIBLIK,£HO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, ULMS AND LIQUORS, CORNER WIIITAIvKii STREET AND BAY DANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. auSl If To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, aud Soap Maunfaetiurrs. J ESSENTIAL Uil« for flavoring and improving Bran li dy. Hum, Port Wine, Duirhoiv Bye, Bcoich and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and spirit, Color ings. Byrups and Fruit Juices for Branoy, Whiskey mid Wines, Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Add, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOB SOAP MANUFACTURERS, BIIIIcjUj- of Sodu ill (’ryiUK Liquid and Jelly China Cl ly und Terra Alba, Soap atom-, Uoain, Sada, Aou, Ac JOS. W. nCCCBTKANGEIt, novl -codSm No. 63 Cedar at., N. Y. H. G. BUWE & CO., ’Wholesale GROCERIES S LIQUORS, WINKS AND MEG ARM, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, jntONTINU Rl I.AMKI HIM Ml,( nr Afiviit. lot ALU AND LAOKIL kaiMantly on btinl, an oimoilui.hi or ***** ix»r wxw*. CHEESE, SOAP. Ml# MNIHUAM, fAMtMfIN 4 OH. T. J. DUNBAR & CO' IMPORTERH AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, IC. 14-7- Hay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., fNEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBUCAN OFFICE.) \JV S invite the attention ol the Trade and the Pnb li<* generally to our large and elegant a&k»rt raent of \\ lues, Llqnor*, Cordials* Conserves, Sc- Rars, etc,, etf. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the Staten. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, Ihe reputation of which is fitllv established in this and foreign Coun tries ; DUN BAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed exprcFtdy for hotel and family use, DUN BARS SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most purity, and put up elpreaMy for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors and importer*. Sole Agents for Robert Width's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. In and barrel*; English, Scotch and American ALT] wnd PORTER, BKANi'Y. fecotrh and Bourbon WHISKEY' and AR RACK BUNCHES, lonnerly Wrll ku,-vvn tbiougb *et the United Sta Jes, put op by us in eases for export and home consumption. T. «T. D A Cos. sole agents for H. A H. W. Catberwood’s Pure ItYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brands, guaranteed mis. passed in quality aud ex cellence. Constantly ou i. old, a large ancl well at lotted stock of iiOUKbON and WHEAT WHISKIES, wortlry the atteutiou of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment ol bEGABfe “I fiuosi grades, manufactured and imported axptcesly fur tbit house, which we offer at the very lowest net cssli price-'. BRANDIES, GINS, W INKS, CHAMPAGNES, uiid every description and grade ot Foreign Liauors iiupoited directly by this hous», aud for sale in t>oud or duty pain, at lowest market rates nov7-lm PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer Id Fine Oroceries, Boots and Shoe*, Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wine*, Liquor* and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEK, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, 4c. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 170 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, New York. mm k iiiiiM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Ha vannali, BEG leave to inform their former friends and cua toir.ers, and the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goods lit their line suitable for Private Families, gteumeis and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to ail conn try orders. lm octlQ “notice:^ Savannah, Oct. 27, 18Ci”. The Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for the Port of Savannah, the Board assembled this day and elected THOS. HOLCOMBE, Chnirmmi, and TIIOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the undersigned, at the Exchange. THOS. J BULLOCH, OCI2S-3aw4w * Clerk. Cooper, tilioil jt rurreliy. Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, UA. r rMIE undersigned have formed a Copartnership -L undtrfi the name und style of Cooper, Ol cotta and Farrelly, foi the transaction of u Wholesale and Re tail Book und Stationery Business at the old stand of John M f\>opt*r<fc (to., ninth-west cornel of Whitaker and St. JuiiuU Streets, JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM II OLCOTT. DANIEL G OLCOTT. ocm eodlm STEPHEN FARRELLY. State and County Tax C-’ol leetor. T TIE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-election, and respectfully aska the suffrage of the citizens ol Chatham County. QhtSO SEABORN GOOD ALL. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 2r.S BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in BuildeiV and Locksmiths' Hardware, Nulla. Pullies, Cord, Rim l.ocks und Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, wire, Silver-Plating, Ac All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent less than market prices, srpl® Cm Notice IS hereby given lhal neither Ihe ow ners or agents ol the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of tho officers or crew of said stoamers unless made by written permission of ERWIN Ac HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. JSo. L. RoumillEt, Agent ou Wharf, octio ts Notice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL, ) Distsiot or Savannah, >■ Savanuah, Ga., Oct. glut, lino. ) mHE notice uwued from the office of the Provosr I Mai-lial. Sub-District of Ogeechce, daiud srvhii liali, Aug. lltli, ISBS, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, 4c., where liquor arc Hold to be closed at to o’clock, P. M., Is hereby revoked. By command or Bvi. Ma). Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE 11. KEMRJK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl BROWN’S CASTILLI AN HITTER THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from tlie Pure Juice oi the Grape and extracts, Uisftked lrom the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy ami the Province of Castile (Old Spain.) from which latter seetlou they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels aud Restaurants, and valuable to Families, deilcnle females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, it is unrivalled. A never tailing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who navel lay land or water should he without the Custllliau. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS,-MeINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia, octal 3m KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs. Side Lumps, with and without R,-Hectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Founts Patent Glass Cones, llorners. Globes, Chlmnles aud Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Doalera’ and' GLASSWARE. Goods ol all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, fr.’S Greenwich Street, Two doom below Barclay, M. T novt am Crockery, China, Glassware. JuHMEMI and D»aUm from ail paiMuf the cualilry are united toraamlns my WholuHolu Htoclc', • lilt h InUwlas paekavua cunlaiUlllg eoiHpl.l* asaoM, pot up nspiuasly lot t'ouiitry Tiade." Uuud. i. pMbod pt .ult pun tjojH'i s. lioilNO, tint M.otMitttow M>, Mfiaw fisis Nall M, at IP M ft, 1), m#k‘l'U. XIIIPFIIIIfr. „ „ for" new yoriU T H1 IZZ,B Etncn uiri. r*»t buylirii, will h.v.> li, -( hfi fa,- ,bo ic ~,„ | For freight eugißemeßN. *' 4 , rt ’ JE BLNlhal 4 GVMMELfr. POE NEW YORK have quirk desp itch as above. u J For freight, applv to U 8 6 ( HAKE, IOIJNSON 4 GR.4YBILL. j Murray’s Line, Fota NEW jfffe YORK. The *plendld steamship LKO, F. A. Merrcl, mine will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 11th, at » 1-U o’clork. p m For freight or tiull.-s apply to »i” orTAvrs <’i>Hß\. FOR NEW. YORK, Atlnntlf* Con s i i<rn 1 f Nf «‘h in nliip Oompuny. /i The vt-rv fast aaillno .teamtblp KIADNK «• It. frail, e.,11 linn,tl.-TT »HI positively .all ou Uer re^ulm Saturday, NavAfrlt, »t 4 a’rlurlt |>. m. For freight or having very elegant ar. on, - moitut ions, apply to liovlu , JNU R WILDER. AgeU. STAE LINE, FYIR NE W^^ Y °EK. The new and elegant first class U 8. Mall Steam ship AMERICA, Captain Lindt, will positively sail for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 3 o’clock; p. m. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO, nio Stoddard’s Building, opp. Post Office. FOR NEW YORK. THE A 1 elippei schooner JOSEPH W. WEBSTER Beiawortli, master. 460 ton* burthen, will have quick despatch for the above port. Freight taken at the lowest rate*. For freight engagements, apply to CHARLES L COLBY * CO , nil Corner Bay and Abercorn it*. For Augusta, The New Iron Sloamer YVM. Gr. GIBBQNB, Capt. T. N. Pihlpot, Will leave as above on Saturday, 11th, at 9 o’clock, a. iu. For freight or passage, having superior ccommoda lions, apply to ERWIN A HARDEE JFobnL, Rovmillat, Agent at wharf. nlu— 2 FOR AUCUSTA. STEAMER EXPRESS, CAPT. J. W. MORG AN, Will have quick despatch above. The Boat is entirely new. being of immense cspaci ty, shippers need not leur having their ordns left over. Parties having goods consigned to them ftotn the North or elsewhere for Angnsta and points lieyoud. cau collect forwarding cliaiges on same hy Mfiidlug their freight to this line. All bills paid promptly. Freight received ami stored in Ure Ptout \\are Houses free of expense. wove F. M MY RE LI.. Agent. Freights FOR AURUSTA, rrflE undernigiied n re prepared to receive goods at X their Wurehouses—free ol expense and cov ered by Insuraice—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular Hue of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay mid Abercorn sts. For Augusta, THE STEAMER 11. HE. MAY, Will have dltpatch ft>r the ttl'tv, place. Good* receiv ed at all time and stored in fire prooi w.treltotMe, fo>J of Lincoln street, free of Cost. • J. M. KINCHI.ET, Ageut. Office in Claghorn 4 Canulnghtim’s. Tho May arrived In Angnata from Savanuah on lan Friday with her Inti frolyltt ts nct’.i FOR AUCUSTA, i . Steamer Oak MMT ILL have quick despatch as above For height "" apply tw J. B PREBDRE, # No. 1»»9 Urongbton «treet. F. M. M TRILL, Harris’ Building..Bayjitreet. nil FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LAN»INOS THK. Steamer Volunteer ' AND CO\ ERED BARGER, now receiving freleht at the Central Press, will leave tor Augusta und landings on the river on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER U. For freight engagements, apply to O'FALLON 4 CO„ nIO Corner Bay and Lincoln streets. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brun«wirk, St. Mary’s, Fer naudina, Jacksonville anti Ficolata. Connecting Utth steamer Flora Temple for Kino's Fen% (X> uteri'Wage, and alt landings on the st, Marys Mirer. rpIIE new nod fast iteamcr FOUNTAIN, Cunt. G. A W. (astnkr* will leave rs above ou IF LSD AY, the 14th lust., nt 10 o'clock a. in. For Freight or Passage apply ou board, at Padel ford’s Whai t, near While’s Centralit’otton Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Daring tho absence of the l»oat all goods will be re ceived at the warehouse on ihe wbarbby Mr. W It. H. Brusn. Freight payable on Wharf. Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of goods uovJO I"or I'redgiTt or (Charter IjVißa nurt barn part, a Schooner of 13a ton* Reg ister. Apply to MILLER, THOMAS A CO nfi 2n.j Bay Street FOR BALTIMORE. f|Mli: aihiHJiiei ANTELOPE, June., master, wll J have qok V dcpoti ha. übdfp. For dec# Idad. upulv to i. -j, t RVS I JOll'.’ JON A OjtATBILI NTKAM (OMMUAiK ATIO.\ n BETWEEN ... SAVANNAH it BALTIMORE. Sfamzhw&i H v Voaul* ImA elegaut Mala nine. aecmnuu>da in in- lui |iaaa*'bger» 9m Frvlgbt <•« Tasoage, aniii y iu wm\ uiiVak » co, „ JblM.’ It'-ak, I l> fare* nti.ia for till. tuub», fw N> »S oiii, win Mint two hu»#t<d mlloH # | tea iia*<A ami '.I I '*■ 1“' llH'Jtak lb aula, vU rljll.uelphia, .1 eaMe tti* 3* •"!* iJjataGl by haw »Ml, Mini Cl Or hi Will iMn 1 m ■ im eaq Uuuugb Yorl at MM# b» am For Doetortown, AND STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC St GULF RAILROAD. : The steamer ORIKVT vlii leave her wharf \oo’ of Aiie.rraTt street, tor the above place, an TriADAT. Kev. 14, at • u. taUiff Freight fer ffimlonsmi uhtutic Afrulf Railroad FuY Frelghl or Passage apply lo CHAS. L. COLBY I OO . nopi cor. Aljercorn end Bey Me. For Philadelphia raVet The schooner TRADE WIND. Cuufc. wix mosier, having moot of hec cargo *o- ITjTBa g»gC'j. win have quick deapeteh so For hulk of Ifly bales cotton arid deck kmd, apply to i pß * CKAN'E, JOHNSON 4 ORAYBILL. Baliiinflre aHd Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. sieanuihlp NORTH POINT. I 'JSW lec “mull. *IU leave Balumor* oa •y ra-.2lfr, S T ffflulei' trip for .Savanuah oa “ Saturday, utc nth luataiM return | tny loli leave Savannah on Saturday, the lMidnet. WKST, BRYAN 4 oo„ n<l ' li q, - e Savannah. FOR Bli/TIMOREi Line. Tlt« laet sailing regular padtet* SCHOONER DE SOTO, t Cmok, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo —figr wtll have quick despatch. For balance of frelghl oj>- Pl> U LaROCME, GADEN 4 CNCELKa, Comer Bay end Barnard streets. Agents In Baltimore—Peadergast, Fan wick A Go. ostlß For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship V I R GINIA, WEEKS. CommanSer, L« now loading rapidly at Lower Prana, and having large engagements will hhvegulck despatch. For freight nr paaoege ftslran at lowest rotesj apply *° CHAS. L COLBY AOO., ? c t y confer Ahereorh end Bey eta For Liverpool. r cl “** Bdll,h Mrtt THOMAS WHITNEY J. O Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will hevw quick dispatch. For freight, apply to o<tU> BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN Ufcegalar Line. FOR BOSTON. Schooner Witch Queen, Now *°» din E Exchange Wharf. -affiSsS RICHARDSON « BARNARD, npvl—tf B y at., oppoAtte Mariners'Church. For Liverpool. THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND. .fLHp Hmlee, Master, having a large portion of her cargo engaged will rte ready to receive cargo »t Lower Hydraulic Frees on the 18th lea. For freight or passage apply to . won ts Brigham. Baldwin a co For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING at St; ThoimiK, rum, Pernambuco and BaUa , fra-;-. , The United State* and Brazil Mall p tcanwhlp Company will dispatch fee On the SBth of every most*, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. • For freight aud passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to THOMAS ASENCIO A OO , oct«l.Bm No. 17, Broadway, Hew Toth. BavannalTiMedio&f "Colleger* THE regular course of Lectures will begin on Mon day, the 201 U of Novemiier, and will continue for four months. The session has been delayed fur two nveks. by tbe occupation ot the College BoUdlng for hospital purposes by the forces of tbe United States. JAMES B HEAD, m. D. Dana. Jackaotivllle, fFla.j Union, ConatltuUonaUiit, An Maeon Meeeeuger and Journal, copy one weak ,nd .end bill to this office, nfi—lw • NEW Select Music, Fur flair at our SIMM at fiavanah, Augusta and Maeon. DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIECES. Illustrations <ll Trovatnre), JMI Faniasie tSomnuuibula), Lay bach ‘ Tarantene, Wallace Marclie de la Garde Imperlale, Kggharrl Premier Aveu Nocturne liens de New York. Value Saiter l ji Belle Amerlealne, do Os Medium Difficulty. II Bacclo (The Klta), Volte, KatUzer. Ihmtc-Kn Train. Galop de Conan, If.tteror SansPuacl. Galop, Aacfear. Le Reve D’amour. Marche, Abbott. EASY PIECES. Pretty Little Tunea for Little Foiko, Beliak. Musical Photographs |4ii different pieces), Angelo, Popular Songs. “I am Dying. Egypt. Dying,” Stadia Tib bat a little Faded Flower, Thomas. Mother Kissed Me In My Dream, do. * Mv Bud in Heaven Mnmtili Zulu Zong. Weboter. I'm Lonely Since My Mother Died, Thompson. Katies' Secret, Ambuhl Evangeline. Bayes. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, Kettrtdge Tell Me Little Twinkling Star, Griffin. JOHN 0. HCHBBINffR | SONS. Lost or Stolen’ TWO ssno Seven per Cent. Savannah, Albany and Ualf Railroad bond. Not. 118 and Ml, guaran teed by Savannah, payable twenty years fro m Jao uaiy l.t, 1569; endorsed payable to my order, aoa pen* drawing Interest from Jtily l, 18*4, uttached. The public are cautioned against trading far the above bonds or coupon*, payment having bean stop pl'd A liberal i eward will be given for their recovery, not T— G j. c. ROWLAND. STOVES, &c. COOKING AND Heating Stoves, Round Pots, Ovens, Hollow Ware, <fce. Whitaker above Froofktoi St#* J. 0. THOMPSON A 00. in i HI "awi'm tui The Fisheries. I “iJ '.b.T tiiire‘tttrtre n*i ~ Am«rio«n Not »nd Twin# Cu„ (3 OONMKRCUI vmm KMTfiN | a. 10