Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 14, 1865, Image 3

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s A. V A A N All. Depart arc of Mlcamafeip* aatl Mleansaia. FOB Nrw YOHX. Steamship Weytioaartt, Wetlac- day, NovcmU-r 15, at 4 o'clock p. iu FOK BALTIMORE. Steamship Fannie, Wednesday, Koran,liar IMP, at * o'clock a. m. steamship North Point. Saturday, November If, at o'clock. FOB HOCTORTOWM. Steamer Orient, Tuesday, No/ember 14th, at 9 o'clock a. m. FOB aCOI'STA. St earner Wm. O. Gibbon*, every Saturday morning at V a. m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at to o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. IsisiNEa. activity—Tuk WHARVES.—Savannah to day is probably one ol the most prosperous cltlep in America. She has suddenly awoke from the lethargy which the past terrible civil war had plung ed her in, and Is now In the liigliway of commercial prosperity. No longer are the terrible engines of uar rolling on her streets with a sullen roonil, but m their stead ihe diu and buzz of business activity can be heard. Our wharves are crowded with tie -tuple and our lauding presents a scene of life aid prosperity. Our streets are no longer Jeserted, but on the contrary our principal thoroughfares are crowded with pedestrians, who are seeking the channels of trade. these are but a few of the many signs of the pro-', perity of our city, demonstrating the fact that she is making rapid strides In the road of gieatues which the future has In store for her. lint we most not omit to mention tn this connec ts i, that the present condition of many of the wharves is really discreditable to the city. Malting full allowances for the scarcity of money and building materials; wc do not find in them ade quate cause orexeuse for the present state of the most valuable property fronting the river—that up on which, of all others, the prosperty and well being of the city depend, in many places a heavy cargo cannot be landed in safety, without indeed immi nent peril to life .and property, and even persons much less animals and vehicles,; cannot approach the sides of vessels without great risk of falling into the river. This is truely an unpleasant State of affairs—fi great damage and drawback, upon our commerce, Tile most important interests of our city are thus seriously affected. Is Savannah without trade and commerce ? A mere earavansera, and encamp ment, which must dissolve and disappear, if not kept alive and nourished by trade. At any sacrifice, we must support and promote our commerce. Everything else will parish if that be neglected. Such a great stake must not be en dangered by tile neglect of the authorities or the people and we fervently hope that there will be no further delay in placing our wharves in a condition that will render them serviceable for the uses of commerce. Tiie Circus.—This enteusive establishment, under the management of Messrs. Stone, Itosston & Mur ray, entertained at least three thousand people ou Satuiday afternoon and evening, notwithstanding the bad state of the weather. The artists of this Company are unexcelled, and embrace professionals that are acknowledged to be at the head of their profession.. The Deuzou Broth "cm, among the most graceful acrobats and gymnasts that have ever touched the horizontal bar; Lejeune Hurt, the celebrated equestrian; the famous Sagriine Family, Mons. I’enneile, Mile Sophia, Mona. Ferdi. mod, and Master Uenree Sagriiue, Joliu II Murray, riiif. G. i’. Hutchinson aud his trained Hogs, F. Kos sion (the H. Orsay oi the King.) Messrs. Stone and l'oweil, the gentlemanly Clowns, and many others two numerous to mention in a brief notice, are at tached to this enterprise. The company remain with as but three days more, finishing on Friday evening, Nov. ITtli, opening at Augusta on or about the gzd iust. Ou Wednesday afternoon a grand tnatinee will be given, commenc ing at half past 2 o’clock P. M. The benefit generously tendered by the manage ment of the Circus to the F< male Orphan Asylums of tiiis city, takes place to-morrow afternoon. The benefit is given under the auspices of the City An ; tlioritics, and as the entire proceeds are devoted to a noble and charitable purpose, the whole people should turn out and make the benefit a rich yield to our chariiabla institutions. Til SO COURTS. Pit ,VO9TCOIT.T, DISTRICT OF SaVANN.UI,BEI- , OBE CA?T. CLAKK H. KE.4ICK, FKOVOST MAKSIIAL, Savannmu, November Iltli, 1303. The United States, by 11. Borger, City Police, vs. M. Reynolds (colored)— Larceny of eight dollars. From the evidence submitted in tiie foregoing case, the de fendant tvas found guilty, and will be imprisoned in flic county jail for ten days. The United States, by A. S- Zettler. City Tolice, vs. E lgar Lewis (colored)—Riotous conduct iu tbe streets. Piea, uot guilty. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to pay a line of live dollars and costs, and in default thereof lie committed to jail for tiie term of ten days. Tiie United States, bv Detective J. S. Allen, vs. Edgar Lewis (colored)—Riotous conduct in the tracts, idea, not guilty. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of five dollara and costs, auu in default to be committed to jail for the term of five days. The United states, by Detective J. S. Alien, vs. Sarah Williams (colored)— Receiving money from Su san Williams (colored), knowing tiie same to be stolen. Prosecutor, Charles Cordall; plea, not guilty. It appeared that Susan Williams confessed the crime under threats made by tiie arresting officer, which evidence was ruled out of the case, and the balance of testimony being insufficient to convict, she was discharged upon payment ol costs. The United States, by Detective J. S. Ailen, vs. Susan Williams (colored) -Larceny from the person. Plea, not guilty. There being no evidence against the accused, she was discharged on payment of costs. Uncalled iob TEleueapuic Messages.—List o r messages remaining uncalled for at the Telegraph Office, Nov. 13,1855 : F. L. Apen, Rev. W. Houston, J. F. Stone, Geo ratton, Capt. C. Gorman, R. 11. Dockevhie, J. A. Weill, Mrs. M. Given, Chas. Grant, K. M. Shaffer, Gordon A Cos, Lieut. Malloiy, J. McKnlgiit, Mr. Shaf fer, J. J. Stow, K. Harrison, Mrs. Anna W de, C. B. Ash, Sivage & Hoitt, C. A. Wilbur A Cos. Paioieks’ and Planteus' Agency.—Tile attention of farmers, planters and others, is directed to the advertisement of John ilerryman A Cos. It will be seen that Messrs. John Merryman aud B. H. Waring, well known as being among the most successful agrieu Jurists of the country, have formed a connec tion for the purpose of conducting a general agricul tural agency business. Messrs. E. C. \t ade & Cos., and P H. Beim are their Savannah references. Plastering, White Washing, Ac.—We would in vite attention to the crad of Mr. Isaac Brenner in another column. Mr. B. is an old and worthy citi zen, and iu resuming the business which lie Im* so long and successfully pursued, will we doubt not, secure a liberal share of the patronage of his old patrons and friend*. . Shingles.—The uucmiou of shingle cutters is call ed to the advertisement of Mr. James C. Bhince, of fering an excellent opportunity for men of industry to make money. Mr. Hlance will need more than tiie icO,ooo shingle* lie advertises for to meet tiie de mands of this market. The Sunken Steameii Savannah.—The tug Star light, with ttvo barges Iu tow, went up the river yesterday morning to Purysburg Landing, to lighten rite kiearner Savannah, which recently collided with tiie steamer May Dower ami sunk at that point. Capt. Spicer, of the Savannah, Inns charge of tlm work of removing ihe damaged cargo. Fikst Cuss Taii.osino BsrAHi.iauMKNT.asTli* at tention of geiillenian is directed to Ihe advertise, mentor Mr. IHmclua In simila r eotomiL With mi fulavgcd stoic ami anew stock of goods, he is pro. pared to furnish the best quailHe# of tasiilousbla clutliiug, ' 1 A <)t'icfi Kin.—A dispatch to Messrs. Erwin t Mitidee, Agents lot the slaamsr Win. U. Ulhhoua, ■tales that sh« an read fit Augusta on Sunday altar noon at t o'clock, making the run in twenty BUu> hours, including stoppages ti the various landings. AdMuuaM TfikfidkfiPM CokrkhV.-A dispatch Hum g nisi i a mils house of this city in perm’s la hew York, was Hswmuitrd yesterday, urn this t’utttpfiny’g wires, ami a y*pl| delimsd bars a Efim stye* and a had hewn. The Datcixu mftis.-Wi would invite alteaui ■ to tluadveruarmeat <W Mr. Ward, m another c.i.mi, • luounctng that fee will < ouiinue his dan-lug ciei • cotes at lit. Andrews' Hail. We ha>l the pleasure of alieuduig, last Friday evening, one o( the popular soiree* occasionally held at tiie Hall under the skillful direction of this accom plished master at it* terpse nyrluu ait. which proved to be one of Hie inual agreeable re uniona of the kind we have ever witnessed. It U universally concedes thattoorreii knowledge of this art, coniilhuum gvtaily to the improvement of the mauuers aud general bearing of the young of tsotli sexes, ft leaiis also to the full development of social feeling ami that rtfinemeni of intercourse which distinguishes tiie perfect gentleman and the accomplished lady. Mr. Ward is an fait iu all that pertains to a wel conducted dancing school, aud mi deserving of the most liberal patronage. A Hat for the Si-. aSo.v.—Those of our friends who would select a liat from the greatest variety of new stiles and qualities, can indulge their taste at Col ding s on Congress street, where, among other beau tiful hats adopted to the season, they will find the "Paris Brush Hat,’’ tiie isles! thing out. He has also on hand an attractive assortment of gentlemen and ladies boots, gaiters aud slippers, with a variety or oilier articles in the furnishing line. The Fenian National Flag.—At the establish ment of Messrs. Huggan A Black, corner of Bay and Habersham streets, may be seen a beautiful new en graving of tiie Natiouai Flag of the Fenian organiza tion. JHtutel Ai'i'ivulis. ■ PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) NOV. 10. J Veacock, Pinla !H B Built, South Reading P G Botlicher, l S V |Lt W U Hairing, Beaufort NOVEMBER 11. S P Chambers, N York JII Baker, Savannah \V B Bai tou, do IO P Crosby, do C F .smith, Lawton Plan- W L Palmer, U S S N H tation j \V Velleoott. do A Montugreffs and lady, :K Short, do Savannah j Mliippiugc Intelligence. Miniutiive Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 0 ‘<9 Moon rises 2 59 Sun sets 5 oijlligh water 4 34 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, Nov. 13, 1305. Arrived* Steainpship Fannie, Capt Cator, Baltimore—West, Bryan & Cos. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Richardson, Charleston— Ciaghorn <f Cunningham. Steamer Lehr, Cortsell, Darien—M A Cohen. Imports. Per steamer Robt Lehr, from Darien—34s bales up land cotton to order. Passengers. Per steamship Fannie, from Baltimore—John C Chamberlin, c PTateni, Mr Meldrew, Mr Turner. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Charleston, etc— Dy llart, Col Farnsworth and lady, G H Arleilge ami lailv, J S Hicks and lady, A P Fowler, 1) I) Finley, J L Cross T C Hoiehi-s. 0 H McGinnis, M C Lee.’J C Lee, J J Ivey, J Herrig, F Poiig, Jao C Kinney, Capt Usiua, lady and sen t, T W Dorman and lady, L E Snttau, Miss Wagner and servt, G S Roux, lady and sen t, F D Scarlett, W Williams, H H Norton, J Ma itone, F Jeffreys, E T Robinson, C F Smith, and 2on deck. Notice—The Consignees per steamer Fannie, from Baltimore, will please call tins morning at tiie office of West, Bry an & Cos., for the purpose of signing average bond. 'Vest, Bryan <£• Cos., Jones’ Block. rousiguee*. Per steamship Faiinic, from Baltimore—Erwin & ill! dee, Hunter A Gammell, J Hour, Brigham, Bald win A Cos, W M Davidson. O Cohen, Crane. Johnson A Graybill, Unckles A Son, Express Agent, West, B A Cos, Botliwell aud Whitehead, Lußoche,. Gaden A Duckies, J D Volanga, .1 H Barrow, J L Kotunella, YV Starr, Rt Rev Veroli, 1) D, S G Hay nes, E E Hertz, J li West. Lewis, Jones A Cos, cranton, Smith A Cos, B, Hatridge <£ Cos, York, Williams, Mclntire A Cos. Eli Mustiu. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Charleston, etc— Mi* i VV H Wagner, J L Potter, Adam s Express Cos. U S (quartermaster. BIST OF VESSELS IN THE rOBT OF SAVANNAH. . Savannah, Nov. 14, ISOS. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship Euterpe, Eldridge, from New York, dis cliarging—l R Wilder. Steamship Weybossct, Parish, from New York, dis charging—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, TOO, waiting—Laßoche, Ga- Uen A Unckles. New England, Hodges, 1,100, loading for Liverpool —Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Republic (lire nil Smith. S9O. loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 900, loading for Liverpool— John K Wilder. Virginia, Weeks, 1044, loading at Lamar’s Press for Liverpool—Chas L Colby A Cos. BAltkS. Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton, 730, loading for Liv erpool— John It Wilder, Thomas YVhitney ißr), Kelly—Beil, Wyliy A Chris tian, Craesco (Dry, tons discharging—Brigham, Bald win A Cos. terns. Lizzie Batchelder, English, 409, loading for New York—Hunter A Gammell. BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, waiting—William Starr. lila McLeod, Cook, 393, loading from New York— Hunter A Ganunell. ' Redwood, Boyle, discharging—Rogers A Conn. SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading for Philadelphia—C, Johnson A Graybill. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, discli’g— Hunter A Gammell. Francis Satterly, Alden, 310. loading for New York—Rogers A C'snn. Do Sofa, Crook, 130, loading for Baltimore—La Roche, Gaden A Lucies. YVitcli iqueeu, Percivak 116 tons.waiting, lor Boston —Richardson A Barnard. Wm E Stevenson, Burton, 158, discharging—Crane, Johnson A Gray bill. Vapor, Bogart, 300 tons, discharging—La Roche, Gaden A Uncles. Antiiope, j dries,’io tons, discharging, for Baltimore —Craue, Johnson A Graybill. James L Bewley, Loveland, 123 tons, discharging— New York—Crane, Johnston A Graybill. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. JUST opeued a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted dhawls. Son tags. Cloaks aud iluoffg, Children’.* Cups, Boot* and Gaiters. Aieo, Irish Linens. Table l)am »ek. Linen Tmvele, Tublo Napkins and Doylee, an.l a variety of Fulicy Ar ticle* too numerous to mention. All of which we offer ut very i.iw price*. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, nl3-tf 151 Collare** .Street NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. PHI I Box<w, yit l j and caddies Tobacco, which we arc now offering ut prices lower than it can be bought lor in Northern cities. MILLEff, THOMAS St CO, nil if No 2(6 Baystnj ■«t B R O VV N ’ S C ASTI LLI AN BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from ike Pure Juice of tiie ('.rape and extract*, distilled Horn the Choicest. Vegetable product* of tiie South of France. Italy and the Province of Cu.-tilc (Old Spain.) from which latier section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic. Indlspei,<abh- to Hotel* and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate female* and children, for ull disnrw ngement of the stomach. It 1* unrivalled. A never failing preventive mtd Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel bv land or water should la* without the Castiilian. _ , , For Sal* by YORK, WILLIAMS. MrIXTIRE A Cos. Bole Agents, State Georgia. oetfiJ-gm N o tice. OFFICE OF PRUVOST M ARSHAL,) Direaior or Havasasu. > Saysnnali, Ga, Get. 31*t, I*o4. ) (run Uotu« Issued from III* office of the ProvoM ■ Marshal, Sun Dtetrtet of Ogesriise, dated Havan uah, Aug. Iltli, ISM, orderiiig all Diinkliig or Hil liard MuTuoim, fie., a here liquor are aoM to ba oloail at I« o'clock, F. M la hereby I evoked By . a murid of . „ „ Bvl. Maj, flsil i. M. HR ANNAN AHgwfij QLABU |L HKMILki. IMpi aim Fcovust novi Sloouig and Boaixl WadU4. ▲ OKNTfiMMAN and to WUa fifian*M**lf fare .n •g 1t0..w» »«S It ..Ol a Ilk a private 1 sadly Ad BNH pofi tgfi r< 01, Batamito G# all I tuoitikm. Savannah Theatre. TtKaU.VY EVENING. NOV. »4. Eighth Big Id of 7 i Mr. anil Mrs. W. H. Criap. Who will appear in the Popular Play of THE STHANGKR Mrs. Haller Mrs. W. H. Crisp To conclude with * PA/LTL; PRY. Pau’ Pry Mr. J. T. Raymond PnuP>e Mlsb M. K Gordon WednenJay—TilK MMAMfI AUCTION SALES. By Bell, Wyliy & Chrlstiau AT PRIVATE SALE Desirable Real Estate. Two first cliiss Dwelling Douses, three stories r>n bacemcni**, with t«ll the modern iiuprc Yemenis: euua leu iu a cehiMi] p a-ttouol the euy. Also, Avery deau able House o!l the cortcr of Charlton and Tatuall streets, coniuiniu" .s Rooma, with gas and water, on the lane is a brick Carriage House, Stables, Servants' Rooms, Ac. Also, 10 Farm Lots, Ci niaining from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover’s L ure, within one mile ol the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity lor investment. A plotoi the above Lois can be seen at our store. Also, We*t half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward. Brough ton street. Improve nr ntn cc n.-ist of a Dwelling, suitable for u small faml'y. Wiii be told at a bargain, o. I-4-U • By Ucl!, Wyliy k ihrislluu- AT PRIVATE SALE. Lota No. 8, on the corner oi Broughton and West Broud streets, and No 5. m the corner oi lironghton and Montgomery streets. The above property id well located for erecting stores, as Broughton street will soon become the business thoroughfare of Savannah. ALSO, West half of Lot No. 4 i Lafayette Ward, fronting on ChVrlton street, the improvements consisting of a bri<|k house, containing ten rooms, well fimuhtd, with ga y throuhout the house and a puifp of excellent w-iter in the yard.* n«>V4—tf UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. On WEDNESDAY, 15th instant, At 11 o'clock a. in, at the landing in the city of Darien, will bo sold for account of Underwriters »«nd all coucerned, a por tion of the cargo of the scooner Island Queen, con sisting of— A general assortment of Groceries Diy Gi»odß Bagging Boots and Shoes Clotting Wooden Ware Corn and Salt Nails and Hardware Moluae- and Sugar Ac., Ac., Ac.; damaged on board schooner on her lr»iu New York to this port, aiKi put into tha port of Darien in distress.** J. M P. EPPING, consignee. N. lb—A steamer will leave this city on Tuesday morning, 14th inst., and will accommodate purchasers and a II concerned ___ nBC UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. Will be sold at ihe Upper Hydraulic Press, on TUES DAY, 14th inst., at 11 o'clock, underj inspection of Port Wardens, 102 Bales Cotton Damaged on the voyage of transportation from Au gusta to Savannah per Bingham's flat boat. Sold lor benefit of underwriters and ail concerned. Terms before Delivery. nbi UNDERWRITERS SALE. By B. 11, Wyliy k I hrhiian. TO-MORROW, Tuesday, 14th inst, at 10 o'clock, at M. R Beaufort’s Sail Loft, learoi the Exchange, w ill be sold for account of underwriters and all con cerned, Pait of Fore Sal! Part of Main Sail LoreGafl Top Sail Damaged ou board Sch(. . put into this port in d♦tress, and sold under Inspection of the Poit War dens. nIS UNDERWRITERS 7 SALE By Bull, Wyliy & Christian. " On WEDNESDAY 15th inst* at 1« o’clock in front ©f stoic will be sold ;or accouht of Undcrwi iters and all concerned: One case Dry Goods, containing— -1 piece Alienda'e Shcoiing, yds wide 11 *• I3leacbon Shirting 10 Long Cloth . 1 “ Crash 3 *• Manhattan Long Cloth IT Priuts 5 “ Tichlng 3 *• Check 1 “ Mudder Trint Damaged on Iniard of steamer on her pas sage from New York to this port, and sold under in spection of Port Wardens. nJ4 By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. On WEDNESDAY. 15th ifistat 10 o'clock, will be sold iu front of store, 5 bales Bagging Twine 7 coils tpun Yarn -1 case 500 pair Cotton Cards 1 case 300 pair Woolen Cards 12 cases Imported Dark Biaudy 12 boxes Brown Havana Sugar 42 bales Gunny bags. Sale positive 2 ul4 By Beil, IVylly k Christian. TO-MORRONV, 13lh inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, 69 demijohns Holland Gin, in bond. Impurted per 91oop Sylvia from Bermuda. ALSO, 100 s ;cks Turks Island Salt, duty paid. 2-nl4 By Bell, Wyliy & Christian. On WEDNESDAY, 15th inst.. at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, 6 Coffee 14 boxea Tea 51 boxes Soho 1 box Farina 26 boxes Hurrch 4 boxes Coffee 1 keg Mustard. Sale positive, to close consignment 2-nl4 BV BLIHV A TIEYEB. Closing Oat of Fine Furniture without re serve. TO MORROW, 14th inst.. a' 11 o’clock, a. m., at the residence of Mr. Kooeafeld, on Charlton street, near Barnard, 1 Seven-Octave Piano mid Stool. 1 Marble Top Rose wood Centre Talile, 1 French .Mirror, 1 Mahogany Sofa, 2 Mahogany Tetc-a-Trtce. 0 Cushioned Chairs, 1 Mahogany Arm Chair, 1 Mahogany Sklebomru, 1 Mai hie Top Bureau. 1 Mahogany Wardrobe, 2 Mahogany French Bedsteads, 0 lllack.Walunt Reception Chairs, Cane Seal Rockers, Chair*, Couches, Toilet Tables, Sewing Tallies, Matti asses and Pillows, Carpets aud other articles. 2-nl3 By York, Williams*, Mein tire Ac Cos. THIS DAY, 14th inst ~ at lu o'clock, in front of store, will be sold, 20 cases assorted Tin Ware 20 cases Boots and Shoes An invoice of assorted Dry G 10 casks fine Bourbon Whiskey 19 cases St. Juilen Claret 4 cases Mumms’ Champagne 2“ Iw.xes Pyles' O K Seay 40 bbls Meal 30 bb s Hominy U. bills Flour r. bbl i Vinegar 15 cases Scotch Whiskey 5 grass No. 1 Blacking, flae article 5 gioss No. 2 Blacking 0 grots No. 3 Blacking 4‘ 4 gross No. 4 Blacking 1 fine Buggy 19 cases Borden’s Condensed Milk. n!4 Yurlt, Williams*, >Xeliitire di Cos. UNDERWRITERS SALE. THIS DAY. 1 Ith InsL, at 10 o'clock, a. m. will be sold under Inspection of Fort Warden*, and ou account of Underwriter* and all concerned, ( bbls Pig Shoulder*. Damage 1 on hoard the steamer Chtifio from New York to tbi* port. ill 4 DAVID BAILEYj Merchant Tailor [Formerly Cutter for Wm. It Symons] Ik BOS rnual rrepwilully to inf irm Ilia frMifia aatllh* 1 * pulilir gen. tally, that ho kite iwnovrit from Hit ■tore of Mr. A B lv«s to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Between lliy.n tad Hay,) wtoa* ha will h* glad in maal to old mateawsaasd ue many new outs a* will ftreehtui with their ordei* ♦<F* Aiw.y* on h.ud ■ jtwod amiflateHl al ciAITRd, I'AHalMhlthM, tala me pared to hwka ap at Ih* deirtael ituthe and u» th<' Hinet fs.l.i. uslil.' St) i. nripilfilr- ha. IS—ts y s trial what le gaud and taaMteMd. total UHoi lbHiLh, LUilUKfl. 4b < h Uj. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARUC. 14/7 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE } \\ R invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub * * lie gt uerally to our large aud elegant i mmt <.f Vt ium, Lii|uur», Conliali, loniici vet, Sr gara, etc., etc. which in not excelled by buy similar establishment in the state®. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR'S 4’RLE BRATKD Wt»RMV\ OOD <’ORDiAL. th« reputation of which ia fully establUhtHl in this and foreigu ooan tri. s : DUNHAIi’S well known STdMA( II BITTLJRS guai ißteed itrperior t© any article of the fciud. de signeit rrprewlv for hotel and family use: DUr<- BAIt’S M liIKDAM CORDIAL St-'IINAPFa, war ranted «,f the u most purity, and put ap for our house, of w nich w c are sole proprietors and iniportirs. Sole Agents for Robert Smiths cele brated PHILADELPHI A ALE. iu eases and barren: English. .Scotch and American AI.F. and PORTER, BKANI»Y. Mcotch and lbiurbon WIIISKKY aud AR KACK BUNCHRH, tonnerly W'> U known throughout the United Mato put up by at in cases lor txport and home consumption. T. J. D « 00. i.rc aide agents for 11 & 11 W. Catherwood's Pure KYK WHISKIES. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constant!v on hand, a large and well m>- worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An ass .itment of SEUARS of finest grades, manufactured aud imported expteysly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices BRANDIES, GINS, WINES. CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liauo* s imported directly by thi* bous., and for sale in bond or duly pain, at lowest market rates Dovl-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiakey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bouibou. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY ST REK 1' , fHerald Buildings, j ALSO, Alsou’s Ale, Mara’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octC * ts WM.M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER J— i*r-f GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, and Cider. sep2 ts Just Received, And in Store on Consipinent, BUGGIES 4JVD CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, cotiiisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER'SPITTERB, Ac. Which we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN HOLYOKE A MURRAY, petti -ts No. 9 Stod,lard’s Block. FLOUR, CORN AND OATS. OilAf I BUSHELS White Com sJYMHJ ],sa, do Oats 60 barrels Flour Lauding from Baltimore slcaincrand for sale In n 9-4 CRANE; JOHNSON & GYAYBILL. E. Q. HtcioN, Savaunali. F. M. R into-li., N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wliolo«ale G-rocors, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, <«ra., Are conetantly receding per ateamere from New York The Largest nmt Mo,t Complete Aaaort nient of Groceries in tbe City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Prices. octlß im Gao. R. Cacue, Ws, A. Wbiout, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. CEO. it. CRIIP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, Afcc. •209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, W Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, T.uiacco, PnonuoE, and MErcbanulse of every de scription. Refers to the Merehanti and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond. Va.. and Jeo. C. Ferrllfi Esq, De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A liurkli*, A. A. So'oinous A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., If. Molina, Beq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oet4 KIRLIN,£RO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ILEX, Wl.® i\ll LIQUORS, f'OKNRU WHITAKER STHEkT AND, BAY LANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED fit DELIVERED. aa2l ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, and Noaji Manufacturers. IpSSENTIAL Oils for and ivoriug uml improving Bran *J dy, Knm Port Wine, Bourbon, Ryt*. Mcoi«h and Iritsh Whbtkiets age aud body pieparationtt fur Nuu traii int r and Mo li {firing Whu*key and Spirit, Oothr ings. Syrups and Fruit Juli es for Brandy, Whiskey and \\ lues, Oils and Kxlract* of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Br i.s Treutise cn Ftrmente«l Liquor* with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ fcSE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loa Utenc, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese aud all rare ChcmiUai* and Dreg*. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Silicate of Soda in Crystals Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, rioap atone, Koaln. B,lda. Ash, Jtc. JOS. W. PJAJCHTKA NUKK. uovl-eod3m No. .’i6 Cedar »t., N. Y. H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS, WINKS AND ftEGARH, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnaon Square, fraUNTINO PlfbAlKl MOIIKj UT Afirilta fur ALB AND LAUEIt. | t i. r hiaten Hi im hand, aa a«aoi tai*m of nsasN wzwa. wpw »• *.»■'* Wales, ■ 14,14111*, mm. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wk*lml« h««I K*(ail ttultr la Fine Mroreviea, Boats aaff Mm. IVthfi Foretan isd UwaMk Wiam. Uqaors aad Bagms. Also Bkekaa's 4)siabrateal * GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAUNC CIDER. In bottle and la wood. Hondo* aud DuMiu Brown Stoat, Scutch ask bff lish Ales. Mr. Libaral deductiaaa aaade to the trade. llfi BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. and •» Liberty street. New York. MORN & IHi; Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DKAYTON STREETS, Havannah, BKG leave to nh*rra their former frleuds and cus lomora, runt the public generally, that th«y have renamed biwinea# at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full nsaortmom of Goods in their line Miitable for Private Families StcuLieis and . Paiiing Vessels. Punctual altcntiou given to ail coqu try orders im octto CHOICE WINES. t)4.\ Baaketn Pure HeidMck Champagne, 10 ,lozeu vetv < s h e Shent Wiue, 6 do/etr I. »ntl» .»• *Mu a Part, o casks Hap Pah .ue, 5 casks Lyaaa’ J.oiniou Porter, 10cases Drake’s Piantatlurr Bitters. Landing, and for sale bv nm 113 CLAbHORN k CU.NMN JHAVI. BUCKWHEAT" ~&c. H,.. *) C Boxes New Buckwlieat, *»t» Mqiiaru-r b irels and liags Buckwheat, 20 barrels very choice Family Flour, 25 barrels Extra Baltimore Floor. Landing, amt for sale by Itovu 3 Cl. At. HORN A CUNNINGHAM. Family Groceries. JUST RKUEIVED, Prime Leaf Lard, in small tuba, for Family ase. Goshen Butter, and Goshen and English Dairy Cheese Buckwheat Flour Cranberries Family and Extra Flour (choke brands) Stuart's Refined Sugar* Self Raising Flour Prime Breakfast Bacon Java aud Rio Coffees Fine Imperial, Hyson, Young Hy*on, Oolong and Souchong Teas, Ac , by STUART A CO., Family Grocers, corner Bull and Brounhlou sis. Agents lor Redhead’s celebrated Baking Powders the cheapest and best used. Goods delivered to all parts of the city Free. S-nIS Just Received, A LARGE assortment of Fancy Groceries, among which are Figs and Raisins—new' Cracker*—Boston and Butter (hand made). Extra Soda, Egg, Lemon, Fancy, Arrow Root, Almond, An ilia Seed, and Oyster, Ginger and Lemon Suups, and Pilot Bread. Pickles, Sauces and Catsups Canned Frnits and Vegetables Assorted Jellies Guava Jelly Sago Cheese Pearl Barley, Sago, Arrow Root and Tapioca Corn Starch and Farina Pure Spices whole and ground, Ac. STUART A CO., Fumily Greeks, comer Ball and Broughtou ats. Goods delivered to all parts of the ci*y Fee. nl3-3 * CHEESE, SOAP. J A BOXES CHEESE, 15 b.xe? Fay’s Soap. Just received and for sale by ocU« RRTGIIAM. BALDWIN ft C(V ASTEN & THEOCKMORTON, NO. 25S BOWERY, NEW YORK, \f ANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Buildciv and lvk Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails Pulliex, Cord. Him Locks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass aud Iron Key* and Castiniia, Goug Bells, wire, Bilver-Platiug, Ac. All orders, large ur small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent. Icm than market prices. srpl9 Cm AVilder’s Patent SALAMANDER SAFES, Wtih Wilder's Patent Powder ami Bitrglar-proo/ Locks. T3 O. WILDER «% CO., Patonteea and M&nufactur era of tl.e l>est llro-proof Safe in the world! J welkra’ and Rtnkers’ Siifes make to order, lined with hardened stag]. Uouh‘ aud Plate Safes. To this celebrated JSafo was awarded the gold medal at the World’s Fair, In London, 1851. Notiob — This celebrated fire-proof Safe is no longer m »de and sold by ttdasC. Herring, his license to make and s< 11 them having expired. L'Sta contoinlnu prices and fall description of differ ent sises and styles of Safe, can be had on application to the agent tor the State, at Savannah, or any of the special agents Agents wanted in every city and town of the State. For paititulars, uddreacthe undersigned. We have distantly oh hand a good assortment, for, sale at manufacturer*' New York prices. CUNNINGHAM A PURSE. Sole Agents for the State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga. WIPES’ MTROfiEMZED SI'PER-PIIOSPDiTE OP LINE, For IVhtal and other Grain Crops, Cot ton, Corn, Tobarro, Grass, Vege ta lile,, Crops, Jt< Composed of Calcined Bones, Sulphuric Acid,Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, and other Ammonia-piodociug materials, Does not exhanst the land like Peruvian Guano and other stimulating manures, hut permanently Im proves It. The effects of one opplicatlou are risible for mure than ten years. To ordinary soils u yearly application of 200 lbs. per acre will maintain Its fer tility for any length of time. It is packed iu barrels of about about 2 id lbs. each. Pamphlets containing certillc.iles from those who have need this nxliliiur, and full directions tor Its ap plication to different crops, can Ire bad by uddreesiug lire underslgued. Price reduced to gOO per ton, (2.000 ibs.j For sale by CUNNINGHAM & PUR3E, Agents, n!0-3m 1 tfavunnab, Ga H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT AI.L HOURS OF„THE DAY No. 1 Harris’ Buildings. BAVANNAH, GA. nov4 1 in Convention of the First Senato rial District. THE Clttsens of the counllpt of Chatham, Bryau and Ktniu'bam »re requested to appoint Delegates to a Convention to be beld on Wednesday, the 3th November iust., ut No. 2, Central Railroad, for the purpose of nomiuatuig a candidate tar (Seuatur ol said Senatorial District. uov2 KEROSENE WARE, Lamp,. Chandelier*. Bracket,, Harp Hanger,, Side Back*, Side Lamps, with and without Reflector, ; Fan cy Hall Lamp# Lanterns, Bues. Tigs and Funuts- Patont Gla,, Cenes, Burner*. Globes, Chimtflea and Wick, DRUGGIHTB’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS. Crock erjr Dealer,' and Confectioners' GLASSWARE. Good, of all kind, made to -irder. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 926 Greenwich Street, Two doore bslow Barclay, N. Y novl-3M ' , , J Crockery, China, Glassware, rOHAEKH tail Dealer* from Ml ptiUof to country (V am Invited to examln, ui) AVholesale Stock, which H* ludto pa.'kaga, nuhtalnWg complete aaort Htehte, pal up vipreariy for •'t'ouniry Trade " G-sid* re pfirhad to fiult purehanara Houm;, low Mraafililitn «i„ H ten from Mali fit, ta W ri R A A SMYTH, FOR NEW YORK. T H !S!! l^r r i^ 2Z,E ch* WnTr Uf' A«ve do piirh for the «No eta rt. J UI NIKK A GAMMELL. FOB NEW YORK T“!L* , !!!J»tTU^? ASCI * BATTIRLY, bow lead- Mn wii ' For freight, apply to nS4 CRANK. JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. fornewyork:. The a 1 dipper acboonrr JOSEPH W WEBSTER Betaworth, maater, 460 tom butbeu. wi I have quick despatch for the above porL Freight taken at tbe l-.ereat late* Far freight engagements, apply to CHARLES L. UILOV A CO.. Ell Corner Bay aud A ivercum at. STAR LINE, FOR NEW^fpsYORK. The new and eleguvl first . Lisa U p Mail Steam ship WEYBOSbICrr, Capulu Paiieh, will (vositively tail for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. IS, at 4 o’clock p. m. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A IXI, nil Stoddard's Building, opp. Post Office FOR NEW YORK, e-£-rv Brig REDWOOD, having a portion i'* her cargo engaged, wtll have quick de.patck lor lh>i above port Far freight engagements apply lo 014-3 ROGERS A CANN. FOR AUGUSTA. NTEAMEB EXP R E SS, CAPT. J. W. MORGAN, Will have quick despatch as above. The Boat ia entirely new. being ol Immense raped ty, shippers need uot tear having tfieix orders lert over. Parties having good* consigned to them iron the North nr elsewhere for Augusta and points beyond, can collect forward lug charges ou <taiae by sesdin, their freight to this line. All bills paid promptly Prelght received ami atnred iu Fire Froof Ware Houses free of expense. nov6 F. M MYRELL. Agent. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rjIHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses-Tree of expeuse and coy ered by Insure; ce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light dranpht boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, J sept’ I )—tf cor. Bay and Abercoru sts. For Augusta, THE STEAMER H. R. MAY, Will have diapatch for the above pt*ee. G<>od» rerelv-, ed at *U time ami atnred i* fire proui Uk i of Llocolu aireet, free Qf cost. J. M. KINCHLKY, Agent. Office iu Claghoru A Cunninghum'H. The May arrived in Anguita from Savanuah on I*6l Friday with her full freight u octy FOR AUGUSTA, Steamer Oak WILL have quick despatch as above For freight "* apply to J. B. PBESDFE. M No. 109 Broughton street. P. M. Mtkcli.v Harliu’ Building. Buy ull Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. Gr. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. PiunroT, Having superior accommodation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly botwsou the above cities. Leaving Savannah eveiy Saturday Morning, at 9 o’clock. Leaving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 7 o'clock. Laying at Mathew’s Bluff every Wednesday Night. It Is the desire of the Agentsol the Gibbon, to her a permanent Accommi dation Boat f.r the Mer chants of Augusta and Mavauhsli and the Planter, along tbe line of the river, aud with thi. object in view, no effort will be lpared on ihe pnrt of her owners, agents and officers to meet the wants oi Hie traveling and freighting public. ERWIN * HARDEE. John L., Agent at wharf im nl3 “FOR PALATKA,' Via Darien, Branawlek, St, Mary’s, Kcr nandina, Jaclcaonville and t’lcolata. Connecting trim steamer Flora Triple fin- King's Ferry, Centeixillage, and all landings on the st. Marys hirer. TIHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, rapt G A W. OasTsamwill leave rs above on lUESDAY, the 14th (net, at 10 o’clock a. m For Freight or Passage apply ou board, at Padcl ford’s Wharl, near White’s Centi al Cotton Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. During the absence of the boat all goods will be re ceived at the warehouse on Ihe wharf, by Mr. W.R H. Brucu Freight payable on Wharf. Stoppers will furnish weights and measurement of goods ___ novtO For Freight or Charter TX)R a northern port, a Schooner of ISO tons Reg -T ister. Apply to 6 MILLER, THOMAS A CO. ufi 205 Bay Street Regular Line. FOR BOSTON. Schooner Witch Q,ueea, -jyji'OMfr Now loading at Exchange Wharf. ASnSSf RICHARDSON A BARNARD, FOR BALTIMORE. flllfE schooner ANTELOPE, Jones, master, wil A have quick despatch at ul»ove. For deck load, apply to. , JuSC CRANK, JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC & GULF RAILROAD. The steamer ORlfi.Vf will leave her wharf foot of Abercorn afreet, for the above place, on TUESDAY, Nov. 14, at 9 a. m.. taking Freight for Station* on Atlantic A Gulf Railroad. For Freight or Passage apply to » CHAS. L. COLBY A 00., novll cor. Abercorn and P.ay at*. For Philadelphia The schooner TRADE W IND, Clark, tigkT. master, having most of her cargo en ) 111 wA gagcl, will iiav* qnlck despatch a* Fbr bulk of fifty bale* cotton and drek toad, apply lo »»-« CHAXIt. JOHNSON A GRAYBILL FOK BALTIMORE. PemlerffMt’* Line. The fart (tiling regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having to grn*i«r portion of her cargo stgtysil. •IU hfiv*qnlck dtoltotc*. Fv, halto*sol freight *p ply lo UKOCHS, OADBN * UNl'SI.F’*, Corner Say tad IhMWurfi rirert. AgwiU u< InlMtoiirt Fa»irignri, SwMuk fi (At <MI unmro. For Riteboro’. . The compact sad tot salliag Sooo -Cr fL FLEET, CspC Charles ThotapwxTwiH ! h” ’’ despatch for the above p'ser IA. iVh Nh’ppeis will famsdi weight and uieaa >’. .lent of Goods. Freight psrebte on SSmLm* ’S’ “! *rf For particular. apply to the Capcain us L.-aru, al L .war Kies Mills, nr totfaeageaT. ' M. J. DOYLE . No. lie Bryan Mreet. Particular. The Mere has been purchased expressly for the cuskling trade; Mieis aeram* goad capacity, a fast milrr and peif.-ctiy tight, and may be relied on a* a tiermm.yit iir-dUinioß. Mveryhisly knows -Capraiai- Ckwuwy,’’ M J. DOYLE Steamship North Point For Baltimore. Taa steamship NORTH POINT., Smith, will leave for Baltimore iAATUKDAY, the ldth instant, at 'Stpcih Poiui •• has elegant stateroom accostmo .istiou- fc.r ga-* ngers. F..r freight or gas-age spoly to WLSI’, BRYAN A CO., wY n Jooea’ Bio< k. JL * hT ‘'“fi ront « ror New York wIU sure two hundred inure of sew travel, and wIU re ceive Uioaigu li. kcle, via Philadelphia, at same retea as now ,*arged by New York lines. PrMght will rise «he^re. Urou<! '* ,u Vork - »«■“ «VP» Steam Baltimore. j Tbe flne steamship FANNIE Cant. Will leave fir Baltimore, oa l UjJ4 Wednesday, the 15th inat., at 9 o’clock Pn»s«r,gevs by tifia mate lor New York will racelrs through tickets, via Philadelphia, at same rates now charged by New York line*, and will save two hun dred miles sea Irevel. Freight will also be checked through to New York as low aa by any other route. Fui freight or paarageappiy to WEST. BRYAN * CO., Dl4 Jones’ Black. For Liverpool. The new first clam clipper ship VIRGINIA, * - WEEKS. Commander, Is now loading rapidly, at Lower Presa. and having Urge engagy meuts will hayaqaick deapalch. For freight or passage (taken at lowaat rates) apply to CHAS. L COLBY A CO., ect JS •_ _ corner Aliereora and Bay ala. For Liverpool. TH4c first dam British bark THAMES WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of aniall capacity, will hay# quick dispatch. For freight, apply lo ocue BELL, WYLIY A (MBHa. For Liverpool. -rr. THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge, Master, having a large portioaof J YfiTVr her c irgo engaged will be ready to receive at Lower Hydraulic Press on the ldth lari. For freight or peerage apply to sepl4tr BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. For Ilio De Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Thomas Para, Pernambuco and BahU fyfdr, The United States and Brasil Mall ?t*A ,W I"’ Steamship Company will dispatch i>Tv?l. LIS regularly, ; :.i £ —r- On the 39th of every month, A NEW AND FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock. p. m., From Pier 43, North River. Ail li tiers h ive to pass through the Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on loan! l'ot freighi and paeaage, having splendid acoommo ilaLion?. apply to THOMAS ASENCIO A 00.. | oct3l-3m No. IT, Broadway, New York. ESTABLISHED 1826. aa*. Election Notice. An election will he held at the Court House In the city of Savannah, on Wednesday, 16th of November, in9t, fora Governor of the State of Georgia, fora Senator of tiie First Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Chatham, Bryan and Effingham, and for two Representatives from Chatham county in tha General Assembly of Georgia ; also, for a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to represent the First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State Con vention. To entitle a citizen to vote he must ha qualified as prescribed by the Ist Section of the 6th Article of tiie uew Constitution of the State of Geor gia, recently adopted by the Convention of said State; aud also be must have taken and subset had the oatli of amnesty, as set forth to the President’# Proclamation of Msy 2»th, A. D. 1865. Polls will be opened at seven o'clock, a. m., and ba Closed at six o’clock, p. m. The Sheriff of the county, or his Deputy, with tha Constables thereof, who have complied with tha Proclamation of the President aforesaid, are requir ed to attend said election and preserved order. WM. H. CUYLER, 1. I. a. C. C. GEO. P. HARRISON, j. i. c. c. C JOHN SCREVEN, J. I. o. e . c. JOHN WILLIAMSON, 1. J. c. C. C. nov 6 * tj hidm H sStaudard Scales. TJSgPJy, OI * United States and Foreign Govern ment(* for more than THIRTY years. Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and dufsbl" S iT!!,o 001U * ?"■ 3 u » rcla y-rt., near Broadway. N. Y. *°P l>> *y a. BROWN. Manufacturer Bridgewater p a j m and Color Works Cos. RELL, w YLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. PH received and for sals at the manufacturer's S' BB 5? Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Summerset White Lead Tails Puity Psint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrohie Yellow - Venetian Red » Metalic l’aiut (in oil! a Mctallc Paint (dry) Fire l’roor Paint (.' Color* im octM LIME. ROCK LIME JUST RECEIVED —AT— MAOKY, BEATTIE A IM 203 A 204 Bay meat. The Fisheries.” FVOR HALE—Enalhh and Huanl-h Cut Netfi Cut N<4 Leads, Thimbles, Hand fool l aud Lines. Pi.b l.ises, Colton and Hemp Mato* Twins, Cotton and Hemp Heines. Psi Gil ling Twin* tag tnaßeta aud shad Tikes. T urtle Nets. Ousil N«ta, Minnow Heinrs and Dl(i Nets, Cork sud Cedar Floats, Elgbl slid Lelt-lald Net and Hsliia Mops, fivery hind of Nat and fiatos mads to ordsr American Nat and Twin* Cos., ta COMMXRUAL WtWVt, BOTTOM, at 19