Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 1

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IHE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 261. The Savannah Daily Herald fMOKNINO ANI) KVKNINGJ u niiuani 5T W. MABON A CO.. At 111 U.t Utmjett,, Usomiia. taial: Per Copy.;- Flve Per Year..., *lO «°. i.riiTiaiae: Two Po'.lare per Square of Ten line* for first In sertion • uiie Dollar for each auluwquent one. Ad _ , tis-emeutr inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appoar in the evening without exua charge. JOB PBIWTIMG, In every style, neatly and promptly done. by telegraph TO TUB Daily Herald. THK NORTH CAROLINA KLKITION. Baleioh, Nov. 13.— Five of the Congres sional Districts of this Slate have eleoted the followiug meml>era,of Cougreaa : the Second District, C. H. Clark ; Third District, J. C. Fuller ; Fourth, Josiah Turner ; Fifth, Bed lord Brown; Sixth, S. H. Walkup. Fuller and Turner were both in the Con federate Congress, and Walkup and Clarke were officers in the Confedrate service. COTTON CLAIM DISPOSED OF. hales of Cotton In Insurrectionary Dis trict. not mild. Cincinnati, Nov. 10.—A dispatch from Springfield, 111., says Ihe decision has been rendered in the case of the U. 8. vs. claim ants of 1000 bales of confiscated cotton. It was claimed by parties in New Orleans, Cin cinnati and Havre. The decision of the Court dismissed the claim on the ground of the incapacity of the parlies to purchase cot ton in insurrectionary districts. TIIE INSURRECTION IN JAMAICA CRUSHED OUT. Severn! of the Leader. Condemned to Death. Washington, Nov. 16. —Late advices re ceived Iroin the Island of Jamaica state that the rebellion there has been crushed out.— Several of the prominent rebels have been c rndemned to death, including Gordon, the leader. Amnesty has been offered to those who w li return to their legal al'egfauce, provided t.iey have not been engaged in murder or arson. The Extension of Negro Slavery Forbid-- den In the Spanish Colonies. Naw York, Nov. 16.—A decree from the Queen of Spain has been published, forbid ding the extension of negro slavery in the Spanish colonies. Commercial and Financial. New York, Nov. 26. —Cotton firm. Sales. 3,000 bales at 60c. Gold 147 14. The issue of gold-bearing certificates of indebtedness yesterday and to-day at the Custom Hofise, amounts to $975,000. An Ex-Coufedvrattt Officer on Submarine Vessels. To the Editor of the Wilmington Herald : I notice the following item in the news papers of the day: A Vessel Pkoi'kli.«d by Electricity.— Ureal curiosity has been excited at Cher bourg by a small vessel propelled by elec irioity. The inventor, a French engineer, has shown his discovery to the Marquis de Chasseloup Laubaut, Minister of Marine. — Another scientific question has been subma rine locomotion. Several trials have been made, but without much success. However, an Italiau engineer, Guglielnso Giustiniaua, has presented to the French government the mold of a submarine boat. The French government has directed a special committee to examine and report upon the system. The writer was in the confederate service during the war, and witnessed the experi ments with the submarine boat which des troyed the U. 8. sloop-of-war Housatou'o off Charleston bar. When Charleston was threatened with the secoud attack, General Beauregard, then in command of that mili tary district, labored strenuously to repul e the iron-clad fleet under command of Ad miral Dahlgrcon. Ho was successful io driv ing it back before it reached the iuuer har bor, past the frowning ruins of historic Sum teror Battery Bee, aud Fort Johnson on ajorris Island. Had the fleet succeeded in passing Sumter not a vessel would have re lumed or a man lived to tell the tale of their defeat. In addition to the three confederate uon-clada under command of flag officer fucker, no contemptible foe, there was a fleet of small torpedo boats, which, acting under cover of the smoke, would soon have put an end to those great vessels which per -01 tiled such an important part in crushing he confederacy. Ih addition to the iron lads aud torpedo boats, propelled by steam, tin i Dahlgreen had to con aS»inst there were innumerable auonaiv torpedoes planted throughout the mli r '. A ’ uc * la3t > but uot least, the sub wl)ich had been brought arouud wlHIi obile > t 0 ,l ®sist in the defence, aud linn fbever whs heard of after the destruc lik,.,,® Housatouic. This boat was un “'J’fbmg ever built to float on top or dor the water, aud the appliances for ch»ru<£ aud ,!! 0!ll iug were of tbe most simple ir ? e ’ *" ll >e experiment, one en .... tt,, tW - ost ll ‘eir lives at Mobile, and two never J ‘ n harbor; yet there soon wan ling daring spirits, who, as bodino Ile K oat wa ® raised und the dead uud tr were willing to volunteer dive i?,.r. a^aiD i' * have witnessed the boat ii .dcr wben ln Charleston, pass tue oth,.» e «L? U ? ln ot * ®bip and come out on invariable !!? ,n an un *°oktd for spot—and occaai, y , wl, eu an accideut occured, it was y of son,c iniportaut lor hum?? ducted with tbe pumps or valves eLable li 1 !!? Wulcr *'Ut of which would time ti ° riiu ,0 ‘be surface at the proper “and *at wii!?«W‘ ar#nc ® lb,s bo,t wUcu tldoe hi!* a fu *' c ™ w on board, was sotue- Uio entin, °K,f. bushel measure ospsised— ‘be i.,- wn ® submerged, and only was JSfc* . whioh fc au’ entrance •hell nt .... •*P«sed to tbe shot and by u strew t boat waa propelled lie i,ri,i u ?n V ’i l r Vcn by tbe crew, aud oould an 11,n C i at th ® rHl ® ol "** or ••**» ra' l ®* In ro n I. not designed to have sunk wonui i.,v“ *H*ro«oh or an enemy, whiuli doe. wi.i, h “ destroyed when the torpe ‘om Jandt.Trn l ? Wt ’ d H ®‘® ru ber bel li would i tt,lil urUl ® well know bow difficult J«< l wi,i. “‘ Vo , L ? lt1 ' *° s‘rlke such a small ob wliltb l ® r k ur ‘b»» a musket shot hill u.i.V. b * y " glauced liar lull ssly from «0 tt. -tiS!' # a‘, Urr ®'* * U " ®oUld be suhiueigud w *“> k'»*n dtstauue uudvi ibv suriate aud propellod as rapidly as when afloat. When under the water she had no connection with the surface whatever, the necessary air to keep the men alive and the single light burn lug, by which their course was steered was introduced when afloat by means of force pumps, which admitted aud forced the water out, creating a slight current of air. sufficient to permit the boat, with a full complement of men, to remain under the water at least half an hour. This wonderous boat, I think, was the greatest invention of this terrible war. And as it cannot ho denied that the offioers in the Confederate service showed more talent and ingenuity in the inanufactuie of torpedoes aud other murderous weapons for modern warfare than had hitherto been invented by the whole world, is it not mistaken policy on the part of the government in not pardoning them and giviug them employment where their geuious could be developed, rather thau compel them to seek fame and fortune In other land f In the event of a foreign war the services of these men would be valuable. And as the country is again united, and the citizeus of the late Confederate States have no peculiar love for those who acted so basely to them, holding out inducements of material aid, recognition, Ac., there is hardly a man who ever fired a gun in the southern cause who would not join heart and hand in teaching those nations a lesson which would be remembered for all time to come. lIOW TO RESUME SPECIE PAY MENTS WITHOUT CONTRACTION. This is the subject of a letter addressed to the Secretary ot the Treasury by John D. Van Buren in the New York Evening Post, the Editor of which paper, pronounces him to be an eminent merchant of that city, of much knowledge of financial subjects. The title of the letter is singularly startling. The resumption of specie payments after their suspension for nearly three years without con traction, would be one of the novelties of fi nance. It is due to Mr. Van Buren, that an outline, at least, of his views should be pre sented before comment on them is offered. He sets out with the position, “that there can be no resumption of specie payments until the government redeems its legal-tender notes, or until these notes are made perma nently equivalent to specie.” “For the re demption, (he adds.) of these notes I respect fully suggest this plaß. First.—That the aunual revenue he made sulHcieut to meet all the expenses of govern rneut and to pay all its interest, including the mtercst which is payable iu gold. The in terest uow payable iu gold to bo paid iu pa per, adding the premium ou gold at tho time ot payment. Second—That the whole ot the customs revenue for the next two years, payable as now in gold, bo pledged to the redemption of the legal-tender notes. 'After the two years there may or may not be a small an nual appropriation, say $10,000,000 each year, for the same ultimate purpose of re deeming the notes. Third—That the notes be not actually re deemed as fast as .be gold comes in, but that the gold be simply seaside aud retained by the government or in the bauds of a com mission, pledged exclusively to this oue pur pose of redeeming the notes. Two years of customs revenue would amount to $150,000,000. The bauks of the country have heretofore sustained a circulation of $300,000,000 on an aggregate oi specie in their possession of $30,000,000, a proportion of coiu to notes of less than one-third. This specie of the banks was liuble also for their debts other than cir culation. The bank notes were redeemable at numerous different points, and were, therefore, for the most part, not at par ex cept at their own counters; a condition which tended to send the notes home for re : ' demplion, limiting so much their circulation. On the other hand, the legal tender notes are at par everywhere, because they are a lawful tender for debts everywhere. They are all alike good wherever they may happen to be. The specie to be accumulated by the government, as I propose, will be liable for no debts but the notes themselves. All these characteristics aud conditions tend to keep ing the notes out in general use, aud not to sending them in for redemption. It is plaiu, I think, that when $150,000,000 of coin had accumulated at the central poiut—New York city—pledged exclusively to the redemption of the notes, the govern ment might tiren safely offer to redeem them on demand, but not to cancel them—and that the whole mass of the notes, the whole $450,000,000, would, their legal tender qual ity being still retained, be and remain at par with gold all over the couutry. Such is the plan, in brief, of this novel ex pedient to resume specie payments. It as sumes for its successful accomplishment, that $150,000,000 in gold shall be accumulated iu the treasury for tbo period of two years, from the customs revenue, while the imports are exceeding the exports, the balance of trade or of payments being against the Uni ted Stateß with Europe, aud the tendency of gold is to leave the couutry. The average rate of duty being 50 per cent, under the Morrill tariff, the aggregate annual imports for each of the years that ibis treasure is ac cumulating would be, of course, an increased burden of indirect taxation ou the people, as import duties fall on consumption. Air Van Buren thinks that by a mere fiat of the government the laws of currency may be ehauged. The mare resolution declaring lugal-tendcr notes equivalent to specie can not raise tbeir value to a level with gold, not, in the usual mode, by reducing the supera bundance of paper money,'but by depressing the price of gold. This article is subject to the law of supply and demand like any other commodity. If it is wanted to pay debts abroad no treusury regulation can prevent its bearing u premium when the amount of an Irredeemable paper currency exceeds wh&t would have ciiculaled it only metallic money had been employed. It is thought by Mr. Van Buren that the internal exchanges would absorb 450 millions of legal-tender notes. This omits a very im portant element—tbo various substitutes for mouey in tbeir effi.ct ou prices—such as checks, bills of exchange, &e. The conve nience of legal-tender notes iu the liquida tion ol domestic balances, cannot admit of dispute, but, if even broutfut to the same level of value with gold, the true criterion is , tbeir va’uc is in the adjustment of foreign . balances. . . . Tue Secretary of tbe Treasury is no doubt anxious to resume specie I e is pursuing the only plau that will avoid tbe consequences ao much deprecated by Mr. Van Huron I. e. converting the unfunded into funded debt. This would lead to a qnuhtai resumption of specio payments. There is a probability of a fall iu the rate of interest and the progressive conversion of the legal teu der notes iuto bonds beating S per cent, in terest would lead to a return to ths standard iu lour or flvu years. Thu period of two years is too limited for the purpose as pro posed on Mr. Van Huron's plau. As prices will uot lie reduced, for there would lie no contraction ol thu currency, there would he s constant stimulus to lu.|iorta aud a uheek on exports. Tbe foreign exchange would be uuiavorable as long ax there was this dll'- furenoe of relative prices Irctwecii the United .Status aud foreign vouutiius. Under snub eiicumalauuea bow ceu gold laii Iu IgM Au uuiavorable ugebunga with the lUmsml fur gold to pay Ilia Interest of the public debt abroad, will have a coastaul tendeney Iu advance Us print*, aud theta nould be no SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1865. accumulation of this metal in the Treasury. The import of gold from California, as in timated by Sir. Van Buren, would not tend to lower its price, for it cannot remain in the country while an unfavorable exchange ex ists._ We are now discharging a part of our foreign debt by the gold we receive from California, occupying the place of our former exports of cotton, lice, tobacco &c In short the idea of resumption without contraction, appears to us quite chimerical. The currency can only he brought to the level of specie by the same process by which it was made redundant. [Our Florida Correspondence.] LETTER FROM FERN AN DINA. Persona/—The Florida Railroad—The Sales of Lands by U. S. Tax Commissioners—Xassau County’s Representative—The Lumber Trade. Savannah Steamers. Major Alfred F. Sears who has had charge of the construction of Fort Clinch,dur ingtbe past three years, goes North by the steamer which takes this letter, having been relieved by Cupl. Bartow, Corps JEngineers, U. 8. A. The Major, by faithful devotion to the in terests of the country ; by the urbanity and courtesy of his manuer in Ids intercourse with the people ; his strict integrity in all business transactions, and his willingness to do kind deeds, lias won the regard and es teem ol our citizens. And at u complimen tary dinner to which he was invited on Wed nesday evening, remarks expressive of the high esteem in which he is held, and of the regret felt at the prospect of his leaving the city to take up his residence at the North, were made by several gentlemen. Among whom we may mention Hon. Austin Smith, 8. H. Riddel Esq., Rev. Liberty Billings, J. H. Douneliey, 8 K. Burst, W. B. C Duryee aud others. Among the guests present were Capt. J. W. Baitow, Col. Geo. E, Gouraud, Col. Southard Hoffman, and Mr. William P. Lunt. The people of Fernandina feel that in the departure of Major Sears and Mr. Lunt they are sustaining a loss not soon to be made good. I learn that it is the intention of Major Sears to lake up his residence in Vine land, N. J. Into whatever community he | may go he will add much to its moral and I social character, aud will carry with him the ! sincere and heartfelt wishes of hosts of I friends for his future prosperity and success. THE FLORIDA RAILROAD. j It is said that the work of “ reconstruct ! ing” the Florida Railroad lias been cotn } rnenced on the inland part of the track.— : How much this road is needed has been | manifested during the past week when four | steamers all bound to Jacksonville, the St. j Marys, Helen Getty. Ella, and Fannie, have been detained here four days by weather, which made it unsafe ami imprudent to at L tempt the St. John's Bar. The Helen Getty and Ella ventured out on Monday. Had the ; Railroad been in operation tLeir passengers ! and freight would have, or could have gone | on, to say nottiing of the mails. There is no \ difficulty ou oi r Bar. St. Marys andFernan j dina Bar can be safely crossed with almost ' any tide aud weather by vessels of almost ■ any number tous burthen. And, during the | late gales it has been demonstrated [that no i harbor on the coast can compare for safety with ours. THE TAX COMMISSIONERS. This Board is now in session, and the for mer residents and land owners are pressing ! their claims for redemption. Several have ! succeeded, the property claimed having been proved to belong to minors and widows who ' owned the property iu their own right ante ! rior to the rebellion. Some Freedmen who i purchased snug little estates at the tax sales j here by the decision of the Commissioners become dis seised of their lands, and some I speculators are trembling iu their shoes.— i The first sales were made early in the year I 1863, aud parties who purchased at those 1 sales and now hold the certificates, are apparently more secure in tlieir titles, as the j time allowed for redemption has long since I expired. As to the sales made during the 1 present year, there is some doubt about the ! quieting of the titles. The original owners i will spare no pains, nor omit to take every | advantage of the law, in order to regain their ! property, while the purchasers are deter \ mined to mainlaiu possession at the “bat's i end” ot the law. The Commissioners have a difficult task to perform. NASSAU COUNTY. of which ' Fernandina is the port of entry, lias felt reasonably proud that her delegate, Hon. Erasmus D. Tracy was selected by the Convention to preside over its deliberations, That body has adjourned. Os its action we cannot speak, as we have as yet seen no report of the doiogs. LUMBER MILLS. We shall have soon, as I bear, two lumber mills in operation. One by Messrs. Free man &, Cos., the other by Messrs. Gourand & Hoffman, of New York. Capt. Freeman is : well known as having been the commander of the U. S. brig Perry, which was statioued iu this harbor during the blockade. Audit is to the energetic action of such men that I we look with confidence for the advancement ;of the business interests of the city. With j abundant resources of capital, and, with de i ternrined enterprise, the gentlemen I have named are bound to succeed. j SAVANNAH ANO KERNANDINA. ! Communication with your city is becom ing more frequent. The steamer Finnic, Capt. McNulty, came in on Sunday, being an addition to the line of steamers which now ply regularly on the inland route. Ot the Fount am, Capt. Castuer, the Helen Get ty, Capt. Ingraham, the Etla, Captain Row laud, and the Government steamer St. Marys, Capt. Ward, I have before spoken. Their commanders, and tbeir spiiit ot accommoda tion aud aiteDtion to the comfort of their passengers is patent to all who travel. The Helen Getty, nee St. Johns, has lately added twenty-six state rooms to her deck ; and the Fountain has been undergoing thorough re pairs and renovation. lam pleased to be able to say that these boats nay well. They ought to, for better men than Castner and Ingra ham cannot be found. And Capt. Rowland, of the Ella, in his two trips hither has won the good opinion ot his passengers. And, speaking of these steamers, I ought to say that to Mr. Purser Campbell, of the steamer Fountain, much credit is due tor the care and comfort ot passengers, and for the freight of consignees. Tac steamer Fannie, which arrived here on Sunday, lelt this Tuesday afternoon for Jacksonville. U- I Convention or Colored PtorLK. —The N. Y. State Convention of colored men adjourn ed nt a late hour on the Stb. The proeeed -1 ings throughout were very harmonious, and iof au instructive nature. A Statu Central Committee was appointed to urge the fran chine and other questions affecting the inter ests ol coiujcd Americans. Previous to thu Anal adjournment of the Convention the bil lowing resolfttlon wae unanimously adopted: Kesolvad, That this Convention Is of the opiulon that there should Ist a representation ot colored men iu the city of Washington from the different sections, to lie there dur ing tbe session of Congress, supported by the people, whose duty it should lie to urge Upon thu incmhms of Congress the Impor tsuen of baviug thu status of the colored Americans so fixed Iu the, laud thill bis oolor shall uot he a bar to bis occupvlug any posi tion, or to lb* enjoyment ui ail Ilia rights that appertain to dilxunablp. lj»e Austin papers slate that the Tessa Htatc Convention is to be called about lbs Itr.t of Fvbiuary best RAILROADS. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Oa., October 27, ISGS. f ON and after Monday, 30th tn*t., a daily train will leave for Augusta at 7.15 a. m.. connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 6 Central Railroad, and Waynenboro on the Augueta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by thin line will arrive in Aagnsta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive iu Savannah at 4.45 p. m. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before. By order of . GEO. W ADAMS, oct2> General Superintendent. Ce ntral Rai I road SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Out, totli, 1865. j This Company is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wneons, prepared to receive and Inward to Augusta. Macon, AlfuiHa Ac., daily lrom twenty to thirty thousa and pounds or Freight, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid GEO. W. ADAMS, octll General Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Henry Williams, Attorney at Law, OEFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET. (Oyer the Herald Reading Room,) octl4-tf SAVANNAH, Ga. JOHN KING, Banker and broker, collmbus, Georgia, buys and sell* Guld and silver, Uncunvnt Mon ty mid Ux' hfliige Stockh find Bonds bought and sold on commission. Collections utthi-* and t>:lu*r points Httoiidcd ta. and proceeds remitted promptly. nlO-Kw* Gbo. R. Bi.aok. Rufus E. Lester. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octl4-tf TIIOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, TIIOS WILSON, OP OHIO. LATE OOL. Q.M.D. OK IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (IsHte Johnston, Corwin & Finnell,) ATTORN E YS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. 222 F BTKEKT, near TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL, W A.S II INGI r U ON . D . C . Will practice iu Ihe Supreme Court of the United Stales, the Court, of Claim*, and tho Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o 3m DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Refldence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry streete. lm*-nlti JOHN B.GUIEO & S 3N. STEAMBOAT AGENTS, A 1111 Sit H, Oil. HAVING a long experience in the Agency ol Steamboat Companies for many year*, we will give our persual attention to any consigned to our care. Augusta, Nov. <l—l m C. S. BUNDY, Gr oxxor al A. gon t AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. *4l F Stkbkt, Between 18-bi and 14m Stbfxts, (Near Pay Deportment,! Wa«lii li gton, ID. O. ju3o ti HOUSE TO LET. ON Perry street, second door from Barnard street, cant. Apply at this office. eodlw-nl4 Snuff, Snuff. JUST received, invoice Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, and for sale try M. J. SOLOMONS ft CO., nIT-tf Jones’ Buildings, Bay street^ TO GARDENERS. Onion Sets. JUST received, five bills Choice White Ouion Sets. Will be sold low, to clopi* ron*iKiimeat, by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., 4 nll-tf J ce*’ Buildings, Bay street. SHIRTING. JUST received, 2 cases Hnellsh Bleached Shirting. Will be sold low, to close consignment, by M. J. HOLOMONS & CO., nIT-tf Jones’ Block Bay strcet._ COTTON CARDS. IjMFTY d< zen Cotton Cards, Witemore A. No. 10, in store and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO.. nl7 Jones* Buildings Bay «t. BLANKETS. 100 J 3 airs HEAVY GREY BLANKETS. A t mn p»;r I*lxll'. For sols by Dll t DtWITT A MORGAN Park JNI ill, Park Mill. Qrist and Meal. Mlt. J N MUI.LKR wspsrlfailly srununees to Ui. clUscnu of Hsvsnnsh that bis very Isrifu and «x --tenslve Mill I. agsl.i In opcrelhili. Ilu Is "»* prel*' .<! In huunh the b.a| nrtui sad IS<<li< <1 M«*l In llm rtty, a» toW ns (ha lowesi. as his Mill is known to In* lit. best In Mw city, anil rasped hilly Infornis to. I. iviids sad ad In went nf flrlsl slid Crsckna (J»m piety* klta u i-sll slid Ihsy will be<l IXVIS ■lound on lull nr i tili«im«d for iiilsl, M' .l, 4s , •>**- (nil any di-l.iv lii'ii -i foi sals ui tirui >ud M"«l at bis H-'iu.Bl Jinun .nil 111 fan slim U Msiksl Ni|sars. i urn end ilais akin foi sals Ks<tilus s »Sp ply si ways on Iwnd, r.l. rs will fas SIM IsimsdUlsty bld t* i N, MLI I.XU SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. OHFF, ▲X* THE / Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS. * JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENT’S MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES. A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CABSIMERES. All just opened, with an immense stqck of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and other DRESS GOODS. FOB. PLANTATION USE-DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGB AND BROWN. Hometpnns by (he Yard, Piece or Bale. CT AGENT FOR BRADLEY’S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. Southern Palace Dry Groods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf O|>poetic the Pulaski Honiic. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker Streets, ■\ITILL open to-day, and are prepared to exhibit their ▼ v Stock of floods, bought expressly for the South ern Trade, consisting in part of— Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings Shawls, Ribbons and Buttons Cloaks, Sacques, Mantillas, Ac French Merino and Opera Flannel Fiench and English Cambrics Black Bombazine, Cashmere and Crapes, White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets and Brilliants India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Seta French Wrought Cambric Set* Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves! Ladies’ English White Cotton Hose Ladies' English Brown Cotton Hose Misses’ and Boys’ Cotton Hose Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woolen Glove*. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Llhen Table Damask* Doyles, Napkin* and Towels Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. Black Cloths and Casshneres Fancy Cassimeres and Vestings Satiuets, Tweed*, Ac Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton naif Hose Mixed Merino Hair Hone Fancy Ties, Paper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly additions to oar Stock, and trust In a short time to fully meet the wants ol our fiienda. LATHROP & CO. octll so T# Merchants, VIHITINM tb. I'lw. ws would bs plsuHnl to show our Stock, wfaltfa ws propasv lo nt-ll nt fair prUm ociM 1 ui UtTUMUI* * CO STEELiTa HUIIIUNK, II M.r«kawts Itew, IIIISww llsatl, M. Cm CVAIA Uts niunuon of Wk. lannis sad Rststl pur J chassis lo UuSr supailur Mock at MII.ITAItV ANII NAVAL < MITIIINM, PtniNINttINU "iHNIIMA Wnli fan. Ofaafaa Uunls, Jswslry, and Plstad W«rv Mw*H(Ui HwiniHilfii njilfiMiMlii.KuuUt l'4l |fU'l4 Ki DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Mercliantfcj. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Funoy Goods, t&C., &c\, &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BE FOUND AT A. Heecher db Co’*., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANH, Comprising a gen oral Assortment of Foreign end Domestic Guods, Cjoaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ol White floods and Linens now open. octlD EINSTEIN i ECKMAN, Wo. 151 Contra St. Savannah Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DBALKta IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened a very Urge and select stock of Fancy Drees Goods, Hoese- Keeplng end Domestic floods, Blankets, Cloeks and Bbawlt, Also Hate, Boots and Shoes. And *ll artldee usually found In a first c ass Dry floods House, we would m<«t respectfully Invite our former Mends and customers; also Merchant* and Planters vlsltiug tbe city, to call and aaamiq* oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, novd-tf Ist Oongrcea Street, Savannah, Ga. Blankets i Flannels. CLOTHS AND CASBIHEREB BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MBRINOEB AND A LAP AC AS. Received and for tale cheap by ” H. HATH, oct2* 174 Broighton street. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CIX)AKH AND BBAWIA, the newnet styles, I.AlrlKN' DItKSH GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, 00UNTBRPANK8, HOSIERY, Ac. Just rseslved and for sale si the lowest prises fay U. MATH, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. T»,wiSoritM' faevfasg torwed s dopertaanbtp . »*‘fa Mr. J. 0, Ludlow, and.l Uis mm uniuuof A Ludlow, msMutruny oaliu tfas niisi.noi.of l.ia frisiuis and il.s psUls isumwllyto Uwtf iMNi sksuk of oiuMiiaa, rsnßsWg (, louts ifa.sw end IlnW, wbtei Ilia* art now opvidMf, sod wiu esfl M WbuiwMl. spd lulnll, nlUts ..1.l aland of 11. 1.11. J.U dM A Oil., No. Ist lirynu sod •* St luUsh sOMi, up stews. im»m • m utuut. . PRICE. 5 CENTS nttVKAICB. Fire Insurance * THE Phffifiix Insurance Comp y, OF HARTFORD, OONN. A.WM*ta 0000,000 Fire riak* taken hj the above Company on Buildings m, Ch ‘ Udl “ * * Tar7 description at Ur rates _ H- BRIGHAM, Agent. "newyork FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital attd Surplus $1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplua „$i goo 000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus $200,000 riiu! Apjty to”'*"* corresponding wftbOw No.l»Btodd.rV&n& Bystreet. Boutbern luaurauoe. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL, $900,000 , ■“'foptened begs leave to inform the Insuring public that ho has Been legally appointed Agent (Or* * ni v * “* m ed Company, and Is ready to take Ma- River unit Fire Risks at customary rates. * __ „ O. 0. MYERS, Agent, Office over Hunter A Uammeli, 84 Bay street. v!^} et 2 a xf*7 otiUjaß ° ohßn * Hauler A slammed, Erwin A Hardee. * «m oet2B QOLORED FURNITURR DIMITY BIRD BYE DIAPER IRISH LINEN. Just opened »t LATHROP A 00. BOVI6 , FINANCIAL. ixCHANGir SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by sepis BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange » ON NEW YORK, In sumi to nit purchasers, by aB J2P*|^f^^^^_ s B^F ; METCArFE*CO. LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND HORTICULTURE. THE undersigned are prepared to make every kind or Landscape Gardening : to put In order Arti ficial Water Work* and everything pertaining to Or namental Gardens, and to do all kinds of Trimming Ac., Ac. Orders may be left at the Herald office. * W. A. D. ELMAR A Cos„ novll-lm Landscape Garden^,- FOR SALE. 18 Firkins CHOICEBUTTER ~, „ OH AS. L. COLBT A 00., nld-lw Corner Abereorn and Bay streets. "TmAPES* NiTROCrENIZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Wheat and other Grata Grope. Cot tea, Cera, Tobacco, Grass. tables. Crops, tbe. Composed of Calcined Bones, Sulphuric Acid,Dried lllood, IfCHla, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, and other Amoumi&vrodacing materials, Does not exhaust the land like Peruvian Guano and oi her stimulating manure*, but permanently lm- Inr eflfecU oppllcatlon are vtolWe for more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly appucationof*oolha. per ecre wUJ mSnbui fafer tlllty for any Icuetli of time. It Is packed In barrels of about about *9O lbs. each. •Pamphlets containing oertifleatee from those who •jj® PJfd tWs fertllleer, and full directions for Its *p crop9 ’ h * d bi • ddre " iD * Price reduced to *OO per ton, (2,000 lbay For sale by . CUNNINGHAM A PURSE, Agents, tilo-3m Savannah, Ga. Crockery, China, Glassware. TOBBKBS end Drslera from aIJ parts ot ths country O ars tnvltad to ersmlns luy "WTiolesal© Stock, which Insludst peoksses eontalnln* eumplsta asson msnta, pot up unprsssTy for •> Country Trsde," Osods ro-packed to suit purchsssrt. tjueeiitfware House, so* orssifhtsa 11,, M dstr Ikons Unit St. s»kt If HiW, 8600 TONS S»*f ■» ENGLISH RAILN, Ol but qiisHtv, AHiIA p»r ttml yvi roi HU* Uy fnWI H 0 rp lull